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td eres Data SUTTTE te d aaaitional Functionality 8 ct 18 144 rays anid Series Object 14s Operations on S as Difference bene" 15 pataFrame Data Structure 16 reatingana Displaying DataFranne wv attributes 1g. Selectingor Accessing Data 181 ‘selecting/Accessing @ Column 41 182 _Seleting/Accessing Multiple Columns 41 Selecting! Accessing a Subset from a DataF: ‘electing Rowes/Colunnns from a DataF rare “4 Selectng/Accessing Individual Value 46 19 ‘adding/Modifying Rows'/Columns ‘Values in DataFrames : 1191 Adding/Modifying a Column 46 192 Adding/Modifying a Row 48 193. Modifying a Single Cell 49 Deleting/Renaming Columns/Rows "Deleting Rows/Columns ina DataFrame 50 ms 51 exing — Boolean Indexing 1s 26 same using Row/Column Names 27 29 38 aL 50 53 244 Functions quantile ), stat )and-var( ) 94 245° The describel ) Function 99 25 Some Other Essential Functions and Functionality 4 25.1 Inspection Function infor ) 101 322 DataFrame’s Top end Bottom Rows using hendl) and ail) 102 2.5.3 Cumulative Calculations Functions 103 254 Applying Functions on a Subset of Dataframe 105 >&6 Advanced Operations on DataFrame 261 Pivoting 108 2.62. Sorting Dataframe Values 118 * 2.6.3 Aggregation 121 ‘Handling Missing Data 27.1 Detecting/Filtering Missing Data 123 27.2 Handling Missing Data ~ Dropping Missing Values 124 Filling missing values from another DataFrame 126 ‘Combining DataFrames 28.1 Combining Dataframes using conent( ) 127 282 Combining Dataframes using join() 128 : 283 Combining Dataframes using mergel ) 134 Function groupby() _ Plotting with PyPlot 3.1 Whats Data Visualization? _ 3.2. Using Pyplot of Matplotlib Library 2.7.3 Handling Missing Data~ Filling Missing Values 124 101 108 122 127 137 161 sta from a DataFrame 7 staFrame’s Dat 1's Data using 3.9. Plotting Da 3.9.1. Plotting # Det 3.9.2. Plotting a DataFrame ma using PyPiot’s OP DataFrame’s il id Pandas csv Files/MySQL an: i ing Data between Importing/Exporting % ies ind DataFrames 5 42 Transferring Data between cov MET Us 4.2.1 Loadir Ce e 25: 422. Storing Dataframe’s Data t0 CSV FI a ‘Transferring Data Between Datal % Data from MySQL Datal Framing Flexible SQL Queries with User Data 261 4 Exportinga Dataframe’s Data as a Table in MySQL Database 64 MySQL SQL Revision Tour 5 5.1 Introduction 29 og 5.2. Relational Data Model a) bro — 303) 53 MySQL~A Popular Relational DataBase Management System aa 53.1 MySQL and SQL 281 53.2 Common MySQL Data Types 282 54 Accessing Database in MySQL mm 55 Creating Tables in MySQL 283 5.6 Inserting Data into Table 283 57 Making Simple Queries through Select Command 284 5.7.1 Selecting All Data 284 57.2. Selecting Particular Rows 284 5.73 Selecting Particular Columns 285 ee aeeaatins: Redundant Data (with Keyword DISTINCT) 285 575 Selecting From All the Rows ~ ALL Keyword 285 ing Structure of a Table 285 287 292 293 293 293 294 MySQL Functions 64 Introduction 62. Text Functions 6.3 Numeric Functions a 64 Date/Time Functions. Querying Using SQL 7A Introduction 7.2 Ordering Records in Result Order by Clause 7.2.1 Recalling SQL SELECT ORDER BY Clause 333 7.2.2 Ordering Data on Multiple Columns 335. 7.2.3. Ordering Data on the Basis of an Expression 335 7.3. Aggregate Functions 7 Types of SQL Functions 75 Grouping Result- GROUP BY 751 Nested Groups ~ Grouping on Multiple Columns 341 752. Placing Conditions on Groups ~ HAVING Clause 343 753 Non-Group Expressions with GROUP BY 344 , x and Set Operations 8.1 Introduction i 82 Joining Tables : 8.2.1 Unrestricted Join (Cartesian Product) 364 8.2.2 Restricted Join (Join) 364 8.23. Using Table Aliases 368 8.24 Additional Search Conditions in Joins 369 825 Joining More Than Two Tables 370 8.2.6 Equiloin 371 8.2.7 Non-Equi-Joins 371 828 Natural join 371 9 Joining Tables using JOIN Clauses of SQL SELECT 372 305 306 31s 319 333 333 337 340 340 363 364 419 Introduction to Internet and Web 8 25 102 Introduction to Internet os 10.3. World Wide Web (WWW) = 10.3.1 History of World Wide Web 427 ce between WWW and Internet 428 Provided by a Server 429 429 of URL 430 Societal Impacts JY] 111 invroduction . 11.2. Digital Footprint 4 ‘455 — 482 11.2.1 Managing Digital Footprint 456 11.3 Netand Communications Etiquettes F 113.1 Email Etiquettes 458 114 Ethical Essues 4 114.1 Intellectual Property Rights. 459 124.2 Plagiarism 460 115 OpenSource Philosophy ‘ 115.1 Terminology 461 1152 Philosophy of Open Source 462 1153 Definitions 463 11.6 Copyrightand other Licenses 11.6.1 Licenses and Domains of Open Source Technology 465 117 CyberCrime 11.8 Cyber Lawand IT Act 11.9. E-Waste Management 11.9.1 E-Waste Disposal Process 472 11.9.2 Benefits of -Waste Recyeling 472 | 11.10 Health Concerns with Technology Usage ae Data Protection 12.1 Introduction 122 Threatsto Data 12.2.1 Computer Viruses 484 122.2 Spywoare 485 1223 Adware 485 1224

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