The Specific Gravity of Solids Is Also Known As

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The specific gravity of solids is also known as ‘absolute specific gravity’ and more popularly as ‘grain

specific gravity’. For a given soil mass since specific gravity of solids has a relatively constant value it
is commonly used in the field of soil mechanics. For most of the natural soils the specific gravity of
solids falls in the range of 2.65 to 2.80, the smaller values being for coarse-grained soils. Table 2.1
gives the average values of G for different soils. Table 2.1. Typical values of G for Different Soils S.
No. Type of soil Value of G 1. Gravel 2.65 to 2.68 2. Sand 2.65 to 2.68 3. Silty Sand 2.66 to 2.70 4. Silt
2.66 to 2.70 5. Clay 2.68 to 2.80 6. Organic soils Variable, may fall below 2.00 18 Soil Mechanics and
Foundation Engineering In view of the foregoing definitions of the various quantities or ratios,
additional equivalents may be indicated on the weight and the mass side of the phase diagram of a
soil mass as shown in Fig. 2.3. Volum e Weight W a ≈ 0 W =V = VG γ m γw W =V =V G γ γ s ss s w W
=V γ w ww V a A ir Water Solid particles or soil grains V s V V v V w Volum e M ass (a) V a V v V w V s
V M =V =V G ρ ρ s ss s w Solid particles or soil grains Water A ir M a≈ 0 M =V ρ w ww M =V = VG ρ m
w ρ (b) Fig. 2.3. Soil phase diagram showing additional equivalents on the (a) weight side; (b) mass
side. Composition of Soils, Basic Definitions and Relationships 19 2.3 USEFUL RELATIONSHIPS A
numbers of useful relationships as indicated below may be derived based on the foregoing
definitions and phase diagrams for different soil conditions. 2.3.1 Relation between Porosity n and
Void Ratio e From Eq. 2.1, we have Porosity = Vv n V = + v v s V V V or 1 n = = 1 + + vs s v v VV V V V
(i) From Eq. 2.2, we have Void ratio e = v s V V or 1 e = s v V V (ii) From Eqs (i) and (ii), we obtain 1 n =
1 1+ e or n = (1 ) + e e (2.26) and e = (1 ) − n n (2.

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