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History of India
Ancient India
Pre-Historic Period Indus Valley Civilisation
l Palaeolithic Period In this period, man barely managed to
l Indus valley civilisation was the first major
gather his food and lived on hunting. Paleolithic period is civilisation in South Asia, which spread across a vast
divided into three phases. They are area of present day India and Pakistan.
(i) Lower Palaeolithic l Town Planning Systematic town planning was
(ii) Middle Palaeolithic based on grid system; burnt bricks made houses; well
(iii) Upper Palaeolithic managed drainage system; fortified citadel; highly
l Mesolithic Period Domestication of animals (dogs) began urbanized; absence of iron implements.
and characteristic tools used were called microliths. l The towns were divided into 2 parts; Upper Part or
l Neolithic Period Neolithic people knew about making fire. Citadel and Lower Part.
An important site of this age is Burzahom, which means ‘the l Boundaries North-Manda (J&K); South-Daimabad
place of birth’. (Maharashtra); East-Alamgirpur (UP);
l Chalcolithic Period Use of copper and stone made tools. West-Sutkagendor (Baluchistan).
According to radiocarbon dating, Indus Valley Civilization
spread from the year 2500-1750 BC.
Indus Valley : Important Sites and Their Importance

Site Discovery/Finding
Harappa Situated on river Ravi in Montgomery district of Punjab (Pakistan). It was excavated by Daya Ram Sahni in 1921-23.

Mohenjodaro Situated on river Indus in Larkana district of Sind (Pak). It was excavated by R D Bannerji in 1922. The main building includes
(Mound of Dead) the Great Bath, the Great Granary, the Collegiate Building and the Assembly Hall.

Kalibangan Disovered by BB Lal (1953); situated on Ghaggar river, a ploughed field; a wooden furrow; seven fire-altars; bones of camel; and
(Black Bangles) evidence of two types of burials namely circular grave and rectangular grave.
Lothal (Gujarat) Discovered by SR Rao (1954); situated on river Bhagava A part town was divided into citadel, lower town and dockyard.
Evidence of rice has been found here.

Chanhudaro On river Indus; discovered by M J Mazumdar (1931); only Indus site without citadel; bronze fugurines of bullock cart and
ekkas; a small pot suggesting a kinkwell.

Banawali (Haryana) On river Saraswati; discovered by R S Bisht (1973); evidence of both pre-Harappan and Harappan culture; lacked
systematic drainage system; evidence of good quality barley.

Surkotada (Gujarat) Discovered by J P Joshi in 1972; evidence of horse found; oval grave; Pot burials; and seemingly a port city.

Rojdi (Gujarat) It possesses structure of pre-Harappan, Harappan and post-Harappan Period.

Bhimbetka A world heritage site, is known for ancient caves depicting pictures of birds, animals and humans.

Dholavira It is found on river Luni of Kutch district in Gujarat. largest and latest site, discovered by JP Joshi (1967-68).
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Important Facts
l Soma was considered to be the god of plants.
n Meluha is the ancient name given to Indus region by
l People worshipped mainly for Praja (children), Pashu
Mesopotamians. Harappans were ruled by a class of (cattle), food, health and wealth. No temple or idol worship.
merchants as no evidence of weapons found there. No Economy
evidence of Harappans being matriarchal people.
l No regular revenue system, kingdom maintained by
n Indus people sowed their seed in November and reaped
their harvest in April because of risk of flood. They produced voluntary tribute called bali and booty won in battles.
wheat, barley, rai, peas, sesamum, rice, mustard. Indus people l Cow was standard unit of exchange. Gold coins-Nishka,
first produced cotton as Greeks called it Sindon (derived from Krishnal and Satmana. The staple crop was yava (barley).
Rigvedic Name of Rivers
n Animals known were oxen, sheep, buffaloes, goats, pigs,
elephants, dogs, cats, asses and camels. Well-Knit external River Name in Rigveda
and internal trade. Barter system was prevalent. A very Indus Sindhu
interesting feature of this civilization was that iron was not Jhelum Vitasta
known to the people.
Chenab Asikni
n Many trees (pipal), animals (bull), birds (dove, pigeon) and stones
too were worshipped though no evidence of temple found. Ravi Parushni
n Dead bodies were placed in North-South orientation. The seal Beas Vipasa
of Pashupati depicts elephant, tiger, rhinoceros and buffalo. Sutlej Sutudri
Two deers appear at the feet of Pashupati.
Gomati Gomal
n Harappan script is pictographic but not deciphered yet. The
Saraswati Sarasvati
script was written from right to left in the first line and left to
right in the second line. This style is called Bonstrophedas. Ghaggar Prishadavati

Later Vedic Period (1000-500 BC)

Vedic Period In this period, Aryans expanded from Punjab over the
whole of Western Uttar Pardesh covered by the
Rig/Early Vedic Period (1500-1000 BC)
Ganga-Yamuna Doab.
Political Organization
l The Aryans were semi-nomadic pastoral people and King (Samrat) became more powerful and tribal authority
originally believed to live somewhere in the Steppes tended to become territorial. King position strengthened
stretching from Southern Russia to Central Asia. by rituals like Ashwamedha and Vajapeya Yajnas.
l The whole region in which the Aryans were first settled Society
in India, called the Land of 7 Rivers or Sapta Sindhawa. Society clearly divided into four varnas—Brahmana,
Political Organisation Kshatriya, Vaishya and Shudra. Position of women
l The Dasrajan War Battle of ten kings against Sudas deteriorated. The institution of Gotra (descent from
(Bharata king of Tritsus) on the bank of river Parushni. common ancestors) appeared for the first time.
Sudas emerged victorious. It was mainly tribal system of Economy
government in which the military element was strong. l Beginning of town and settled life.
l Tribe was known as Jan and its king as Rajan. l Agriculture was the main livelihood. Wheat and rice
l Traces of election of the King by the assembly, called Samiti. (called vrihi in later Vedic text) became the staple crop.
l Villages were headed by Gramini. l Occupations like ironsmith, coppersmith, jewel workers
l In day-to-day administration, King was assisted by and weaving (reserved for women).
Purohita (most important), a Senani and Vrata, Gana, Religion
Grama and Sardha (tribal groups performing various l Prajapati became the supreme God followed by Rudra
military functions). (animal God), Vishnu (preserver and protector of people).
Society l Pushan who looked after cattles was ‘God of Shudras’.
l People were loyal to tribe, called Jana (mentioned 275 l Sacrifices rather than prayers became more important.
times in Rigveda) as kingdom/ territory was not yet
Vedic Literature
established patriarchal family.
The Vedas
l Rigveda oldest Indo-European language text is a
l Worshipped Nature, Indra (also called Purandara-breaker
collection of hymns.
of forts) was the most important divinity.
Indian History 5

l Contains 1028 hymns and 10 mandalas. 10th Mandala Upavedas

contains four varnas or Purushukta whereas 3rd There are four Upavedas
Mandala contains Gayatri mantra dedicated to
Sun God. Upavedas Deals with Associated Vedas
l Samaveda Collection of melodies : contains Dhrupad Dhanurveda art of warfare Yajurveda
raga. Gandharva-veda art and music Samaveda
l Yajurveda Contains hymns and rituals/sacrifices. Shilpaveda architecture Atharvaveda
l Atharvaveda Charms and spells to ward-off evils and Ayurveda medicine Rigveda
The Brahmanas l The Mahabharata by Vyasa is also called Jaya Samhita and
l Contains ritualistic formulae and explains the social Satasahasri Samhita.
and religious meaning of rituals. l It has 100000 verses and is older than the Ramayana,
l Each veda has several Brahmanas attached to it. written by Valmiki which has 24000 verses.
Rigveda Kaushitaki and Aitreya Jainism and Buddhism
Yajurveda Taitriya and Shatpatha
Came into existence around 600 BC. The main cause was the
Samaveda Panchvish and Jemineya reaction against domination of Brahmins and spread of
Atharvaveda Gopath agricultural economy in North-East.
The Aranyakas
The word Aranya means the forest work called
Aranyakas because they were written mainly for the
l Founded by Rishabhadeva (Emblem : Bull) born in
hermits and students living in jungle. Ayodhya. There were 24 tirthankaras (great teachers), the
23rd being Parshvanath and the 24th being the Vardhamana
The Upanishads (to sit down near someone) Mahavira. Mahavira was born in 540 BC in Kundagram near
Philosophical texts emphasising value of right belief Vaishali.
and knowledge; criticized rituals/sacrifices; and are 108 l Father Siddhartha of Jnatrika Kshatriya Clan.
in number. Vribadaranyaka is the oldest upanishads.
l Mother Trishala—sister of Lichchhavi Chief Chetaka, married to
Smritis Yashoda and had a daughter named Priyadarshini, whose
Explains rules and regulations in Vedic life. These are husband Jamali became his first disciple.
Manusmriti (the first law book); Naradsmriti, l Mahavira became ascetic at the age of 30, attained Kaivalya
Yagyavalkyasmriti and Parasharsmriti. (Jina) outside the town of Jimbhikgrama at the age of 42 and
Vedangas died at the age of 72 in 468 BC in Pavapuri.
Limbs of Vedas and are six in number. These are l Five doctrines of Jainism
(i) Do not commit violence (Ahimsa)
Vedanga Meaning Vedanga Meaning
(ii) Do not steal (Asteya)
Shiksha pronun- ciation Nirukta etymology
(iii) Do not acquire property (Aparigraha)
Kalpa rituals Chandha matrix (iv) Do not speak lie (Satya)
Vyakarna grammar Jyotisha astronomy (v) Observe continence (Brahmacharya)
l Triratnas of Jainism Kaivalya can be attained through right
knowledge, right faith and right conduct.
There are six schools of Indian philosophy called Shad-
Darshana. These are as follows :
l Jainism recognized existence of God but lower than Jina.
l It didn’t condemn varna system unlike Buddhism.
Darshanas Given by
l Jainism could not delink clearly from brahmanical religion,
1. Nyaya Darshana Gautam
hence failed to attract masses; admitted both men and
2. Vaisheshika Darshana Kanada Rishi women.
3. Sankhya Darshana Kapila l Jain monastic establishment were called basadis.
4. Yoga Darshana Patanjali l Jainism was patronized by Kharavela the king of Kalinga;
5. Purva Mimansa Jaimini Chandragupta Maurya (became disciple of Bhadrabahu and
6. Uttar Mimansa Badrayna or Vyasa spread Jainism in South).
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Councils Belief in Ahimsa One should not cause injury to any

n First Council (300 BC) of Patliputra Under Sthulbhadra living being, animal or man.
(Patliputra) Jain canons compiled. Law of Karma Man reaps the fruits of his past deeds.
n Second Council at Vallabhi (AD 5th century) Under
Kshamasramana (Vallabhi) 12 Angas and 12 Upangas Buddhist Literature
compiled in Ardh Magadhi language. l In Pali language commonly referred to as Tripitakas, i.e.,
‘three fold basket’.
l Jainism was divided into two sects after Vallabhi Council,
(i) Vinaya Pitaka Rules of discipline in Buddhist
namely Svetambaras (wearing white dresses) under
Sthulbhadra and Digambaras (naked) under Bhadraba.
(ii) Sutta Pitaka Largest, contains collection of
l Jain texts were written in Prakrit language. Ex 14 Purvas;
Buddha’s sermons.
12 Angas.
(iii) Abhidhamma Pitaka Explanation of the
philosophical principles of the Buddhist religion.
Buddhism l Mahavamsha and Dipavamsa are the other Buddhist
l Also known as Gautam Buddha or Siddhartha or texts of Sri Lanka.
Sakyamuni or Tathagata. Description of Buddhist Councils
l Buddhism stands on 3 pillars: Triratnas Buddhist
l Buddha Its founder Councils Time Place Chairman Patron
l Dhamma His teachings First 483 BC Rajagriha Mahakashyapa Ajatshatru
l Sangha Order of Buddhist monks and nuns Second 383 BC Vaishali Sabakami Kalashoka

The Buddha Third 250 BC Patliputra Mogaliputta Tissa Ashoka

l Born in 563 BC in Lumbini in Nepal in Shakya Kshatriya Fourth AD 72 Kundalvana Vasumitra, Kanishka
l His father Sudhodana was a Saka ruler and his mother
Causes of Decline of Buddhism
Mahamaya of Kosalan dynasty died early. Brought
up by step mother Gautami. Use of Sanskrit, the language of intellectuals, in place of Pali,
the language of the common people was the main cause.
l Married to Yashodhara and had a son Rahul.
Revival of Hinduism was also responsible.
The Dhamma
Mahajanapadas and Its Capital
The Four Great Truths
l The world is full of sorrow and misery. Mahajanapada Capital
l The cause of all pain and misery is desire. Kashi Varanasi
l Pain and misery can be ended by killing or controlling desire. Anga Champanagri
l Desire can be controlled by following the Eight Fold Path. Vajji Vaishali

(i) Right Understanding (v) Right Efforts Chedi Shuktimati

Kuru Hastinapur
(ii) Right Thought (vi) Right Speech
Matoya Viratnagar
(iii) Right Action (vii) Right Mindfullness
Assaka Budanya
(iv) Right Livelihood (viii) Right Concentration
Gandhara Taxila
Belief in Nirvana Kosala Shravasti
l When desire ceases, rebirth ceases and nirvana is Magadh Rajagriha
attained i.e., freedom from the cycle of birth, death and Malla Kushinagar
rebirth is gained by following 8 fold path.
Vatsa Kaushambi
Phases of Buddha’s Life Known as Panchala Ahichhatra
Left home at the age of 29 Mahabhinishkramana
Surasena Mathura
Under Peepal tree at Bodh Gaya at attained knowledge/
the age of 35 enlightment/Nirvana Avanti Ujjain
First Sermon Dharmachakra- parivartana Kamshaja Rajpur
Death Mahaparinirvana
Indian History 7

Dynasties of Ancient India l Kalinga War (261 BC) mentioned in 13th Major Rock
Edict—converted Ashoka to Buddhism under Upagupta.
Haryanka Dynasty l Sanchi Stupa was built by Ashoka.
l Bimbisara was the founder, who expanded the Magadha l Sri Lanka is called Tamrapani in Ashokan inscription.
kingdom by annexing Anga and entering into The Indo-Greeks
matrimonial alliances with Kosala and Vaishali. He was
contemporary of Buddha. Capital-Rajgir (Girivraja).
l The most famous Indo- Greeks was Menander (165-145
BC) also called Milinda, his capital was Sakala (modern
l Ajatshatru, came to power by killing his father. Sialkot) in Punjab.
Annexed Vaishali, Kosala and Lichchhavi kingdom.
l Converted to Buddhism by Nagasena as per
l Udayin founded the new capital, Patliputra. Milindapanho—a pali text.
Shishunaga Dynasty l Greeks were first to issue coins attributable to king, and
Founded by Shishunaga; Kalashoka or Kakavarin also the first to issue gold coins in India; introduced
convened 2nd Buddhist council. Their greatest Helenistic art.
achievement was destruction of Avanti. The Shakas
Nanda Dynastry l The most famous ruler was Rudradaman I (AD 130-150),
who repaired Sudarshana lake in Kathiawar region,
l Considered non-Kshatriyan dynasty, founded by issued first ever inscription in Chaste Sanskrit (Junagarh
Mahapadma Nanda. Alexander attacked during Dhana inscription). He defeated Satvahanas twice.
Nanda reign.
l Vikramaditya, the king of Ujjain, was the only one who
l Cyrus was the first foreign invader of India. defeated the Shakas. To commemorate the victory, he
l Alexander, the king of Macedonia, invaded India in 326 started Vikram Samvat in 57 BC.
BC and fought the Battle of Hydapses (Jhelum) with l The Parthians The most famous king was Gondophernes
Porus (Purushottam) of Paurava dynasty. (AD 19-45), in whose reign St Thomas visited India to
Mauryan Dynasty Propagate Christianity.
Chandragupta Maurya The first ruler who overthrew The Kushans
Nanda dynasty with the help of Chanakya. Also called Yeuchi or Tocharians were nomadic people
l He has been called Sandrocottus by Greek scholars. from the Steppes.
l Chandragupta defeated Seleucus Nikator, the general of l Kanishka was the greatest of the Kushans, who started
Alexander (30 BC), who later sent Megasthenese the the Saka Era in AD 78.
author of ‘Indica’—to Chandra- gupta’s court. l Kushans were the first rulers to issue gold coins on wide
l Mother was Mura—a Shudra woman in Nanda’s court. scale known for metallic purity.
l Mudrarakshasa was written by Vishakhadatta, describes l In the royal court of Kanishka, a host of scholars found
about machinations of Chanakya against Chandragupta's patronage, like Parsva, Vasumitra, Asvaghosha,
enemy. Nagarjuna, Charak (Physician) and Mathara.
l Chandragupta maintained six wings of armed forces.
l He adopted jainism and went to Sravanabelagola with Native States
Bhadrabahu. Bindusara was called Amitraghat (i.e., slayer The Sunga Dynasty (185 BC-73 BC)
of foes) by Greek writers; Greek ambassador, Deimachos
visited his court; said to conquer the ‘land between the Sunga Dynasty was established by Pushyamitra Sunga.
two seas’—The Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal. l They were basically Brahmins. This period saw the
revival of Bhagvatism.
Ashoka l Patanjali, wrote ‘Mahabhasya’, at this time.
l Ashoka was appointed the Viceroy of Taxila and Ujjain l In arts, the Bharhut stupa is the most famous monument
by his father Bindusara. He was called of the Sunga period.
Devanamapriya—dear to Gods.
l The name Ashoka occurs only in copies of Minor Rock The Kanva Dynasty (73 BC-28 BC)
Edict I. Languages (scripts) used on In 73 BC, Devabhuti, the last ruler of the Sunga dynasty,
inscriptions—Brahmi (sub-continent, deciphered by was murdered by his minister Vasudeva, who usurped the
James Princep in AD 1837), Aramic and Kharosti throne and founded the Kanva dynasty. Replaced by
(North-Western India), and Greek (Afghanistan). Satvahanas.
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The Satavahanas (or Andhras) l Meghavarman the ruler of Sri Lanka, sent a missionary to
l Simuka (60 BC-37 BC) was the founder of the his court for permission to built a Buddhist temple at
Satavahana dynasty. Satavahanas were finally succeeded Gaya.
by the Ikshvakus in AD 3rd century. l Harisena the author of Allahabad Pillar inscription was
l Under the Satavahanas, many chaityas (worship halls) his courtpoet. He assumed the titles of Kaviraj and
and viharas (monastries) were cut out from rocks mainly Vikrama.
in North-West Deccan or Maharashtra the famous
Chandragupta II (AD 380-414)
examples were Nasik, Kanheri and Karle.
l Mehrauli inscription on iron pillar near Qutub Minar is
l The official language of the Satavahanas was Prakrit.
related to him.
l The Satavahanas issued coins of lead (mainly), copper, l His court was adorned by Navratnas, the chief being
bronze and potin.
Kalidasa and Amarsimha, Fa-hien, Chinese Pilgrim (AD
l Gautamiputra Satakarni was an important king. 399-414) visited during his reign.
l Defeated Saka Kshatrap Rudrasimha III
Sangam Age l Chandragupta II aslo succeeded in killing Rangupta, and
l Sangam Age corresponds to the post-Maurya and not only seized his kingdom but also married to his
pre-Gupta period. Sangam was a college or assembly of widow Dhruvdevi. He was the first Gupta ruler to
Tamil poets held under Royal Patronage. issued the silver coins in the memory of victory over
Three Sangams were held Sakas and adopted the titles Sakari and Vikramaditya.
(i) at Madurai chaired by Agastya. The Gupta age is called golden age of Indian history and
(ii) at Kapatpuram, chaired by Tolkappiyar. issued largest number of gold coins.
(iii) at Madurai, chaired by Nakkirar. Kumargupta I ( AD 415-455)
l Kural by Tiruvalluvar is called the ‘fifth Veda’ or The l Chandragupta II was succeeded by his son Kumargupta I.
Bible of Tamil Land. l Kumargupta was the worshipper of God Kartikeya.
Three dynasties of the Sangam Age are
l He founded the ‘Nalanda University’ which developed
into a great centre of learning.
The Pandyas Skandagupta (AD 455-467)
Their capital was Madurai. The Pandyas were first l Skandagupta, the last great ruler of the Gupta dynasty.
mentioned by Megasthanese, famous for pearls. Trade with During his reign the Gupta empire was invaded by the
Roman empire, sent embassies to emperor Augustus. Huns.
The Cholas l Success in repelling the Huns seems to have been
l The Chola kingdom called as Cholamandalam was celebrated by the assumption of the title ‘Vikramaditya’
situated to the North-East of Pandya Kingdom between (Bhitari Pillar Inscription.)
Pennar and Vellar rivers. Pushyabhuti Dynasty (AD 606-647)
l Capital was Kaveripattanam/puhar. l The greatest king was Harshavardhana, son of
The Cheras Prabhakar Vardhana of Thaneshwar.
Their capital was Vanji (also called Kerala country). It
l Harshavardhana shifted the capital to Kannauj.
owed its important trade with Romans. l Defeated by Pulakesin II, the great Chalukyan king of
Vatapi in AD 620.
Gupta Period
l Hieun Tsang visited during his reign. He established a
Chandragupta I (AD 319-334) large monastery at Nalanda. Banabhata adorned his court
Married Lichchhavi princess who strengthened his position wrote Harshacharita and Kadambari. Harsha himself
and enhanced Gupta's prestige. wrote three plays—Priyadarshika, Ratnawali and
l He was the first Gupta ruler to acquire the title of Nagananda.
Maharajadhiraja. Rashtrakutas
l Chandragupta I was able to establish his authority over
Founded by Dantidurg; Krishna I built Kailasha temple at
Magadha, Prayaga and Saketa.
Ellora. Amoghavarsha, who is compared to Vikramaditya,
Samudragupta (AD 335-380) wrote the first Kannada poetry Kaviraj Marg. Rashtrakutas
l He is called the Napoleon of India (by VA Smith) on credited for building cave shrine Elephanta dedicated to
account of his violence and conquest. Shiva.
Indian History 9

Gangas l Aditya I Chola wiped out Pallavas and weakened

Ruled Orissa; Narsimhadeva constructed Sun Temple at
Konark; Anantvarman built the Jagannath Temple at Puri;
l Parantaka I captured Madurai but defeated by
and Kesaris who used to rule before Gangas built the Rashtrakuta ruler Krishna III at the Battle of Takkolam.
Lingaraja Temple at Bhubaneshwar. l Rajaraja I (AD 985-1014) led a naval expedition against
Shailendra empire (Malaya Peninsula) and conquered
Pallavas Northern Sri Lanka; constructed Rajarajeshwari (or
Founder–Simhavishnu; capital–Kanchi; greatest king Brihadeshvara) Shiva temple at Tanjore.
Narsimhavarman who founded the town of l Rajendra I (AD 1014-1044) annexed whole Sri Lanka;
Mamallapurams (Mahabalipuram) and built rock-cut raths took the title of Gangaikonda and founded Gangaikonda
or even agodas. Cholapuram.
The Cholas l Dancing Figure of Shiva (Nataraja) belong to Chola
period and local self government existed.
l Founder Vijayalaya, Capital Tanjore.

Medieval Period
Mohammad Bin Qasim invaded India in AD 712 and l She disregarded Purdah, married with Altumia, the
conquered Sindh. Sultan Mahmud of Ghazni led about Governor of Bhatinda. Bahram Shah, son of Iltutmish
17 expeditions of India. In 1025, he attacked and raided the killed her.
most celebrated Hindu temple of Somnath, situated on the l Raziya was succeeded by Nasirudin in Mahmud who
sea coast of Kathiawar. ruled till 1265.

Balban (AD 1266-1286)

Foundation of Delhi Sultanate Separated Military Department (Diwan-e-Ariz) and Finance
l Mohammad Ghori invaded India and was defeated by Department (Diwan-e- Wazarat). He declared that king was
Prithviraj Chauhan in 1st Battle of Tarain (1191). deputy of God (Niyabat-e-Khudai) and shadow of God
l Ghori defeated the Rajput king in 2nd Battle of Tarain (Zil-e-Illahi) and introduced Sijdah or Paibos practice.
(1192) and laid the foundation of the Muslim dominion
in India. He may be considered the ‘founder of Muslim Khilji Dynasty (AD 1290-1320)
rule’ in India. l Jalaluddin Firuz Khilji was the first ruler who review
that India cannot be a totally Islamic state.
Ilbari Dynasty (AD 1206-1210) l Alauddin Khilji His conquests were that of Gujarat
ruled by Vaghela king; Ranthambhor, Chittor, and
Qutub-ud-in Aibak Malwa and later to South (mainly by Malik Kafur). He
l Capital-Lahore (initial); Delhi (later) abolished Zamindari in Khaliza land. No iqta was
allotted in doab area.
l The founder of slave dynasty also called Lakh Baksh
because of his generosity. l Alauddin adopted policy of Blood and Iron in tackling
Mongols. He built Khizrabad, Alai Darwaja and his
l Qutub-ud-din Aibak laid the foundation of Qutub Minar
capital city Siri also built Hauz Khas in Delhi and added
after the name of famous Sufi saint Khwaja Qutubuddin
entrance door to Qutub Minar, introduced market reforms.
Bakhtiyar Kaki; built Quwwat-ul-Islam (first mosque in
India) and Adhai Din ka Jhopra (Ajmer). l Adopted the title of Sikandar-i-Sani.
l Died in 1210 AD while playing Chaungan (polo).
l His court poets were Amir Khusrau and Mir Hassan Dehlvi.

Iltutmish (AD 1210-1236) Tughlaq Dynasty (AD 1320-1413)

l Attack of Mongols; formed Turkan-e-Chahalgani or
l Founded by Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq, who built the
Chalisa (a group of 40 powerful Turkish nobles). fortified city of Tughlaqabad and made his capital.
l Divided his empire into Iqtas (assignment of land in lieu
l He was the first sultan to start irrigation works.
of salary). l Muhammed-bin-Tughlaq (also called the wise fool
l Introduced 2 coins-silver tanka and copper jital. king) on account of five experiments, namely (a)
Transfer of capital to Daultabad (b) taxation in Doab (c)
Raziya (AD 1236-1240) Quarachil expedition (d) Khurasan expedition (e) Token
First and last Muslim woman ruler of Medieval India
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l The Sultan set up a separate department Diwan-i-kohi. Vijayanagar Kingdom (AD 1336-1580)
He gave Sondhar loans to farmers. l Founded by Harihara I and Bukka I in 1336 AD.
l Firoz Shah Tughlaq built new towns of Hissar, l Devaraya I built a dam across Tungabhadra river and
Firozpur, Fatehabad, Jaunpur and Firozabad (his
Italian traveller Nicolo de Conti visited his court
capital); during his reign two Ashokan pillars, one from
followed by Russian merchant Nikitin.
Topara in Ambala and the other from Meerut were
brought built canals was fond of slaves; and wrote a
l Devaraya II, the greatest ruler, who was seen as
book Fatuhat Firozshahi. incarnation of Indra by Commoners; He was also called
‘Gajabetekara’ (the elephant hunter) and wrote
l He repaired Qutub Minar when it was struck by lightening.
Mahanataka Sudanidhi and commentary on the Brahma
l He introduced the following coins— Aadha, Bikh, Sutras in Sanskrit; Persian Ambassador Abdur Razzaq
Shashgani, Hasthragani. visited his court.
l Timur Mongol leader of Central Asia, ordered general l Krishnadeva Raya (AD 1509-29) was the greatest ruler.
massacre in Delhi (AD 1398) at the time of Nasiruddin
Mehmud. (later Tughlaq king)
l He was known as Abhinava Bhoja, Andhra Pitamah and
Andhra Bhoja because of being a great patron of
Sayyid and Lodhis literature.
l Sayyid dynasty was founded by Khizr Khan l Battle of Talikota (AD 1565) Sadasiva, the last ruler of
l Successors included Mubarak Shah, Muhammad Shah Tuluva dynasty was defeated by alliance of
and Alauddin Alam Shah. Ahmadnagar, Bijapur, Golconda and Bidar.
l The Lodhis were the first Afghans to rule India. Bahamani Kingdom
l Bahlol Lodhi (AD 1451-1481) founded the dynasty. l Alauddin Hasan Bahman Shah (AD 1347-58) also
l Sikander Lodhi (AD 1418-1517) introduced known as Hasan Gangu founded it with capital at
Gaz-i-Sikandari. (unit for measuring cultivated field). He Gulbarga.
founded Agra in 1504. He wrote Persian verse l Ahmad Shah Wali transferred the capital from Gulbarga
‘‘Gulrukhi’’. to Bidar.
l He was succeeded by Ibrahim Lodhi (1517-1526), who l Bahmani kingdom broke up into
was defeated by Rana Sanga of Mewar. He was also Nizamsahis of Ahmadnagar Founder Malik Ahmad Bahri
defeated by Babur in April, 1526 and led to
Adilsahis of Bijapur Founder Yusuf Adil Shah
establishment of Mughal rule in India.
Imadsahis of Berar Founder Fatullah Khan Imad-ul- Mulk
Qutubsahis of Golconda Founder Quli Qutub Shah
Provincial Kingdoms Baridsahis of Bidar Founder Ali Barid
Gujarat l The Gol Gumbaz (a tomb with World's second largest
l Broke away from Delhi in AD 1397 under Zafar Khan, dome) was built by Muhammad Adil Shah at Bijapur.
who assumed the title of Sultan Muzaffar Shah.
l His grandson Ahmed Shah I built a new city Ahmedabad Mughal Empire (AD 1526-1707)
l The next prominent ruler was Mahmud Beghra. During
his rule Portuguese set up a factory at Diu. Babur (AD 1526-1530)
l Founder of Mughal empire, he introduced gunpowder in
Kashmir India; defeated Ibrahim Lodhi in the First Battle of
l Kashmir was ruled by Hindu rulers until Shamsuddin Panipat (AD 1526); Rana Sanga (Sangram Singh) at Battle
Shah asserted himself in AD 1339. of Khanwa (AD 1527); Medini Rai of Chanderi at Battle
l The greatest ruler was Zain-ul-Abedin (AD 1420-70), of Chanderi (AD 1528) and Mahmud Lodi at Battle of
who is called the Akbar of Kashmir, built Zaina lake and Ghagra (AD 1529); he wrote Tuzuk-i-Baburi in Turkish
artificial island in Wular lake. language. Babar declared Jehad and adopted the title
Mewar l Died in 1530 and was buried at Aram Bagh (Agra). Later
l Rajput ruled restored by Rana Hamir after Alauddin his body was taken to Aram Bagh (Kabul).
Khilji captured Chittor in AD 1303.
l The greatest was Rana Khumba who built Vijay Stambh
Humayun (AD 1530-1556)
at Chittor to commemorate his victory over Mahmud l Built Dinpanah at Delhi as his second capital.
Khilji of Malwa.
Indian History 11

l Sher Shah Suri gradually gained power who fought two l He built Biwi ka Makbara on the tomb of his queen
battles with Humayun, one at Battle of Chausa (AD Rabaud-Durani at Aurangabad; Moti Masjid within
1539) and another Battle of Kannauj (AD 1540) Red Fort, Delhi and the Jami or Badshahi Mosque
culminating into Humayun's defeat. Passed 15 years in at Lahore.
exile; again invaded Indian in 1555 with the help of his
Sur Dynasty
officer Bairam Khan. Died in AD 1556 due to a fall from
his library building’s stairs; Gulbadan Begum,
l The founder of Sur dynasty was Farid. Afghan ruler of
Humayun's half-sister wrote Humayun-nama. Bihar, Bahar Khan Lohani gave the title of Sher Shah to
Akbar (AD 1556-1605) l Introduced silver coin called ‘Rupaya’ and copper coin
l Coronated at the young age of 14 by Bairam Khan; Dam.
defeated Hemu at the Second Battle of Panipat (AD 1556) l Built his tomb at Sasaram and built a new city on the
with the help of Bairam Khan; conquered Malwa (AD bank of Yamuna river (present day Purana Qila).
1561) defeating Baz Bahadur followed by Garh-Katanga
(ruled by Rani Durgawati), Chittor (AD 1568), Later Mughals : At a glance
Ranthambhor and Kalinjar (AD 1569), Gujarat (AD 1572), n Bahadur Saha I (1707-1712) Original name was Muazzam;
Mewar (Battle of Haldighati, AD 1576 Akbar and Rana Title-Shah Alam I.
Pratap), Kashmir (AD 1586), Sindh (AD 1593) and n Jahandar Shah (1712-1713) He ascended the throne with the
Asirgarh (AD 1603). help of Zulfikar Khan; abolished Jaziya.
l Buland Darwaza was constructed at Fatehpur Sikri after n Farrukhsiyar (1713-1719)
Gujarat victory in AD 1572. n Muhammad Shah (1719-1748) Nadir Shah invaded India and
l Married to Harkha Bai, daughter of Rajput ruler Bharmal. took away Peacock thrown and Kohinoor diamond.
n Ahmed Shah (1748-1754) Ahmad Shah Abdali (General of
Jahangir (AD 1605-1627) Nadir Shah) marched towards Delhi and the Mughals ceded
l Executed the fifth Sikh guru, Guru Arjan Dev. Punjab and Multan.
l Greatest failure was loss of Kandahar to Persia in AD
n Alamgir (1754-1759) Ahmad shah occupied Delhi. Later, Delhi
was plundered by Marathas.
n Shah Alam II (1759-1806) could not enter Delhi for 12 years.
l Married Mehr-un-Nisa in AD 1611 and conferred the n Akbar II (1806-1837) pensioner of East India Company.
title of Nurjahan on her; had a chain of justice outside his
Bahadur Shah II (1837-1857) Last Mughal Emperor who was
palace in Agra (called Zanzir-i-Adil);
made premier during the 1857 Revolt.
l Captain Hawkins and Sir Thomas Roe visited his court.
l Famous Painters in his court were– Abdul Hassan, Ustad
Mansur and Bishandas. Marathas (AD 1674-1818)
Shahjahan (AD 1628-1658) Shivaji (AD 1627-1680)
l Annexed Ahmadnagar while Bijapur and Golconda l Born at Shivner to Shahji Bhonsle and Jijabai. His
accepted his overlord- ship. Secured Kandahar religious teacher was Samarth Ramdas and guardian was
(AD 1639). Dadaji Kondadev.
l Two Frenchmen, Bernier and Tavernier and an Italian l Coronation at Raigarh (AD 1674) and assumed the
adventurer Manucci visited his court; title of Haindava Dharmadharak (Protector of
l Built Moti Masjid and Taj Mahal at Agra, Jama Masjid Hinduism).
and Red Fort at Delhi; his reign is considered the Golden l Treaty of Purandar (AD 1665) between Shivaji and
Age of the Mughal empire. Mughals.
Aurangzeb Alamgir (AD 1658-1707) l Ashtapradhan (eight ministers) helped in
administration. These were Peshwas, Sar-i-Naubat
l Aurangzeb became victorious after the brutal war of
(Military), Mazumdar or Amatya (Accounts); Waqenavis
succession among his brother Dara, Shuja and Murad.
(Intelligence); Surunavis (Correspondence); Dabir or
l Rebellions during his rule—Jat Peasantry at Mathura, Sumanta (Ceremonies); Nyayadhish (Justice); and
Satnami peasantry in Punjab and Bundelas in Panditrao (Charity).
Bundelkhand. Ninth Sikh Guru, Guru Tegh Bahadur
executed in AD 1675.
l Successors of Shivaji were Shambhaji, Rajaram, and
Shahu (fought at Battle of Khed in AD 1708).
l He was called ‘Darvesh’ or a ‘Zinda Pir’. He forbade Sati.
12 Self Study Guide SSC Constable (GD) Recruitment Exam

Peshwas (AD 1718-1818) Modern India

Founded by Balaji Vishwanath, who
concluded an agreement with the
Sayyid Brothers (the king makers in Advent of Europeans
history) by which Mughal emperor Portuguese
Farukh Siyyar recognized Shahu as the l Vasco-da-Gama reached the port of Calicut in 1498 during the reign of king
king of Swarajya. Zamorin. (Hindu ruler of Calicut).
Maratha‘s Peshwas l Alfonso de Albuquerque, the second Governor of India (first being Fransisco
Peshwa Duration de Almeida) arrived in 1509 and captured Goa in AD 1510.
Balaji Vishwanath 1713-20 l Settlements Daman, Salsette, Chaul and Bombay (West coast), San Thome
Balaji Baji Rao I 1720-40 (near Madras) and at Hooghly.
Balaji Baji Rao 1740-61 Dutch
Madhav Rao 1761-72 l Dutch East India Company was formed in AD 1602.
Narayan Rao 1772-73 l Dutch was defeated by English at the Battle of Bedera in AD 1759 and as
Madhav Rao 1773-95 per agreement, the Dutch gained the control over Indonesia and the
Baji Rao II 1795-1818 British over India, Sri Lanka and Malaya.
l Settlements They set-up their first factory at Masulipatnam in 1605. Their other
l Baji Rao considered as the “greatest factories were at Pulicat, Chinsura, Patna, Balasore, Nagapattanam, Cochin,
exponent of guerilla tactics after Surat, Karikal, Kasimbazar.
Shivaji”; Maratha power reached English
its zenith and system of confederacy
l The English East India Company was formed in 1599 under a charter granted
begun; defeated Siddis of Janjira;
by Queen Elizabeth in 1600.
conquest of Bassein and Salsette
from Portuguese. l Jahangir granted a farman to Captain William Hawkins permitting the
English to erect a factory at Surat (1613). In 1615, Sir Thomas Roe succeeded
l Balaji Baji Rao known as Nana
in getting an imperial farman to trade and establish factory in all parts of the
Sahib; Third Battle of Panipat (AD
Mughal Empire by ruler Jahangir.
1761) between Marathas and
Ahmad Shah Abdali gave a big jolt l Battle of Plassey (1757) English defeated Sirajuddaula, the nawab of Bengal.
to Marathas empire. l Battle of Buxar (1764) Captain Munro defeated joint forces of Mir Qasim
(Bengal), Shujauddaula (Awadh) and Shah Alam II (Mughal).
Sikh Gurus : In Brief
Nanak (1469-1539) founded Sikh Danes
religion. l The Danish East India Company was formed in 1616.
Angad (1538-1552) invented Gurmukhi. l Settlements Serampur (Bengal) and Tranquebar (Tamil Nadu) sold their
Amardas (1552-1574) struggled settlements to the English in 1845.
against sati system and purdah system
and established 22 Gadiyans to French
propagate religion.
Ramdas (1574-1581) founded
l The French East India Company was formed by Colbert under state
Amritsar in 1577. Akbar granted the patronage in 1664. The First French factory was established at Surat by
land. Francois Caron in 1668. A factory at Masulipatanam was set up in 1669.
Arjan (1581-1606) founded Swaran l French were defeated by English in Battle of Wandiwash (1760).
Mandir Golden Temple and composed
Adi Granth.
Hargobind Singh (1606-1645) The Revolt of 1857
established Akal Takht and fortified
Amritsar. Causes of the Revolt
Har Rai (1645-1666) Political Causes The policy of Doctrine of Lapse, introduced by Lord Dalhousie.
Harkishan (1661-1664)
Economic Causes Heavy taxation, evictions, discriminatory tariff policy against
Tegh Bahadur (1664-75) Indian products and destruction of traditional handicrafts that hit peasants,
Gobind Singh (1675-1708) was the artisans and small zamindars .
last Guru who founded the Khalsa.
After him Sikh guruship ended. Military Discrimination Indian soldiers were paid low salaries, they could not
rise above the rank of subedar and were racially insulted.
Indian History 13

Religious Discrimination The introduction of Enfield rifle, the cartridge of which was geased with animal fat, provided the
spark. British social reforms (widow remarriage, abolition of sati, education for girls, Christians missionaries).

Centres of Revolt Leaders British Suppressor

Delhi Bahadur Shah II, Bakht Khan John Nicholson, Hudson
Banaras Liyaqat Ali James Neill
Kanpur Nana Saheb, Tantia Tope, Azimullah Khan Campbell, Havelock
Lucknow Hazrat Mahal (Begum of Awadh) Havelock, James Neill, Campbell
Jhansi Rani Laxmi Bai Sir Hugh Rose
Bareilly Khan Bahadur Khan Sir Colin Campbell
Awadh (Bihar) Veer Kunwar Singh William Taylor and Vincent Eyer

Impact of the Revolt

l The control of Indian administration was passed on to the British Crown by the Government of India Act, 1858.
l Reorganisation of army. After the revolt, the British pursued the Policy of Divide and Rule.
Socio-Religious Reform Movements
Socio/Religious Institutions Founders Ideas
Brahmo Samaj was founded in Raja Ram Mohan Roy Author of Gift Propagated monotheism, opposed sacrifices idollatary, superstition and
1828 at Calcutta to Monotheists and Percepts of Jesus sati.
and the Journals Sambad Kaumudi
and Mirat-ul Akbar
Young Bengal Movement Henry Louis Vivian Derozio-probably Opposed the vices in society and believed in truth, freedom and right.
(1826-1831) the first modern nationalist poet
and brought out journal Jananresan
Brahmo Samaj of India Keshab Chandra Sen, his journal Same as that of Brahmo Samaj.
(1865)-Secessionist from this group Indian mirror
from Sadharn Brahmo Samaj (1878)
Namdhari (or Kuka Movement) Bhai Balak Singh and Baba Ram For political and social reforms among Sikhs.
1841-71 Singh
Rahnumai Mazdayasan SS Bengali, Dadabhai Naoroji and To improve the social conditions of Parsis and restore the purity of
Sabha (1851) others Zorastrianism. Their journal was Rast Goftar.
Deoband School of Islamic Theology Muhammad Qasim Nanatavi and Revivalist Movement emphasising liberal interpretation of Islam, and
(1866) - Saharanpur, UP Rashid Ahmad Gangohi welcomed the formation of INC.
Prarthana Samaj (1867), Bombay Atmaram Pandurang Monotheism, upliftment of women, abolition of caste discrimination.
Indian Reform Association (1870), Keshab Chandra Sen Opposed child marriage, to legalise Brahmo type of marriage.
Arya Samaj (1875), Bombay Dayanand Saraswati Gave the slogan “go back to the Vedas’ and within a revivalist frame
(original name Mulshankar) work denounced rites, idolatoary Brahmins supremacy etc.
The Theosophical Society (1875) Madam HP Blavatsky and Drew inspiration from upanishads, philosophy of the Vedanta and
New York (later shifted to Adyar) Col HS Olcott transmigration of the souls.

Deccan Education Society (1884), MG Ranade, VG Chiplinkar and To contribute to education and culture in Western India established
Pune GG Agarkar Fergutson College, Pune (1885).
Seva Sadan (1885), Bombay Behramji M Malabari Against child marriages and forced widowhood.
Deva Samaj (1887), Lahore Shiv Narain Agnihotri Favoured a code of conduct against bribe- taking, gambling, etc.
Madras Hindu Association (1892) Verisialingam Pantah Social purity movement and against devadasi system.
Ramkrishna Mission (1897), Belur Vivekananda Revive Hinduism, against caste restrictions, superstition in Hinduism and
(original name Narendranath Dutta) overhaul of education system.
Servants of India Society (1905), Gopal Krishna Gokhale Famine relief and improving tribal conditions, in particular.
Bharat Stri Mandal (1910), Calcutta Sarlabai Devi Choudhrani Women’s education and emancipation.
Social Service League (1911) NM Joshi Improving the masses condition.
Indian Women Association (1917), Annie Besant Upliftment of Indian women.
14 Self Study Guide SSC Constable (GD) Recruitment Exam

Governor Generals of Bengal

Warren Hastings (AD 1772-1785) Sir John Shore (AD 1793-98)
l Brought the dual government to an end by the Played an important role in the introduction of Permanent
Regulating Act, 1773. Settlement and Battle of Kharda between the Nizams and
l The Act of 1781 was the clear demarcation between the the Marathas (1795).
jurisdiction of the Governor General-in-Council and Lord Wellesley (AD 1798-1805)
Supreme Court at Calcutta. l Introduction of the Subsidiary Alliance (1798), first
l Pitt’s India Act (1784), Rohilla War (1774), First alliance with Nizam of Hyderabad followed by Mysore,
Maratha War (1775-1782) and Treaty of Salbai with Tanjore, Awadh, the Peshwa, the Bhonsle and the Scindia.
Marathas (1782); Second Mysore War (1780- 84). l Treaty of Bassein (1802) and the Second Maratha War.
l Foundation of Asiatic Society of Bengal (1784) in
Calcutta by Sir William Jones. Lord Minto I (AD 1807-1813)
l The translator of Abhigyan- shakuntlam in English in
l Concluded the Treaty of Amritsar with Maharaja Ranjit
1789 and wrote introduction to the English translations Singh (1809). Charter Act of 1813 was passed.
of Bhagvadgita by Charles Wilkins. Lord Hasting (AD 1813-23)
Lord Cornwallis (AD 1786-93) Anglo Nepal War (1814-1816) and Treaty of Sagauli (1816).
l Third Mysore War (1790-92) and Treaty of Third Maratha War (1817-18) dissolution of Maratha
Seringapatnam (1792). Introduced permanent confederacy and creation of Bombay Presidency.
settlement in Bengal and Bihar (1793). Pindari War and establishment of Ryotwari System by
l Is called the Father of Civil Services in India, Thomas Munro (1820).
introduced judicial reforms by separating revenue Lord Amherst (AD 1823-1828)
administration from judicial administration, and l First Burmese War (1824-26), Treaty of Yandaboo (1826)
established a system of circles (thanas) headed by a and capture of Bharatpur (1826).
Daroga (an Indian).

Governor Generals of India

Lord William Bentinck (AD 1828-35) l On Macaulays recommedation, English was made as the
l Charter Act of 1833 was passed and he was made the medium of higher education.
first Governor General of India. Before him, the l Suppressed female infanticide and child sacrifice.
designation was Governor General of Bengal.
Lord Dalhousie (AD 1848-56)
Lord Metcalfe (AD 1835-36) Known as liberator of l Introduction of Doctrine of Lapse and annexation of
press in India. Satara (1848), Jaipur and Sambhalpur (1849), Udaipur
Lord Auckland (AD 1836-1842) (1852), Jhansi (1853), Nagpur (1854) and Awadh
First Afghan War (1838-42), a disaster for the (annexed in 1856 on account of maladministration).
English. l Laying down of first railway line between Bombay
Lord Ellenborough (AD 1842-44)
and Thane (1853), Telegraph line between Calcutta and
Brought an end to Afghan war. Agra
War with Gwalior (1843) Annexation of Sind by l and Postal reforms (first issue of Indian stamp in
Charles Napier (1843).
Karachi in 1854) with Post Office Act. Widow
Lord Hardinge (AD 1844-48)
Remarriage Act, 1856 (the main force being Ishwar
First Anglo-Sikh War (1845-46) and Treaty of Lahore
Chand Vidyasagar).
Give preference to English educated persons in l Charter Act, 1853-selection to Civil Service
employment. through competitive examination. Started
Engineering College at Roorkee; made Shimla, the
l Carried out the social reforms like prohibition of sati summer capital.
(1829) and elimination of thugs (1830).
Indian History 15

Viceroys of India
Lord Canning (AD 1858-62) Lord Lansdowne (AD 1888-94)
l The last Governor General and the first Viceroy. l Factory Act of 1891 granted weekly holiday and
l Withdraw Doctrine of Lapse. Revolt of 1857 took place during stipulated working hours for women and children.
his reign. l Civil Services were divided into Imperial, Provincial and
l Passed the Act, 1858 which ended the rule of East India Subordinate Services. Indian Councils Act of 1892.
Company. The Universities of Calcutta, Bombay and l The Durand Commission defined the Durand Line between
Madras were established in 1857. Indian Penal Code 1859 British India and Afghanistan (now between Pakistan and
was passed. Indian Council Act was passed in 1861. Afghanistan) in 1893.
Lord Elgin (AD 1862) Lord Elgin II (AD 1894-99)
Wahabi Movement. Southern uprisings of 1899. Great famine of 1896-1897 and
Lord John Lawrence (AD 1864-69) Lyall Commission on famine was established.
l Established the High Courts at Calcutta, Bombay and Lord Curzon (AD 1899-1905)
Madras in 1865. l A commission was appointed under Sir Thomas Raleigh
l Telegraphic communication was opened with Europe. in 1902, to suggest reforms regarding universities, the
Indian Universities Act of 1904 was passed on the basis
l Created the Indian Forest Department.
of its recommendations.
Lord Mayo (AD 1869-72) l Agricultural Research Institute was established at Pusa
l Organised the statistical survey of India and for the first in Delhi. Partition of Bengal in 1905.
time in Indian history, a Census was held in 1871. l Colonel Young Husband’s Expedition to Tibet in 1904.
l Started the process of financial decentralization in India.
Lord Minto (AD 1905-1910)
l Established the Department of Agriculture and Commerce.
l Swadeshi Movement (1905-08); foundation of Muslim
l Established the Rajkot college at Kathiarwar and Mayo League (1906); Surat Session and split in the
College at Ajmer for the Indian princes. He was the only Congress (1907).
viceroy to be murdered in office by a Pathan convict in the
l Morley-Minto Reforms (1909).
Andamans in 1872.
Lord Hardinge (AD 1910-16)
Lord Lytton (AD 1876-80)
Capital shifted from Calcutta to Delhi (1911); Delhi Durbar;
l Known as the Viceroy of reverse character.
Partition of Bengal was cancelled. The Hindu Mahasabha
l Royal Titles Act of 1876 and the assumption of the title was founded in 1915 by Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya.
of ‘Empress of India’ by Queen Victoria, the Delhi
Durbar in January 1877. Lord Chelmsford (AD 1916-21)
l Vernacular Press Act and the Arms Act (made it l Gandhi returned to India (1915) and founded the
mandatory for Indians to acquires license in arms) of 1878. Sabarmati Ashram (1916), Champaran Satyagraha,
Satyagraha at Ahmedabad (1917), Kheda
Lord Ripon (AD 1880-84) Satyagraha (1918).
l First Factory Act of 1881. (prohibited labour) l Rowlatt Act (March, 1919) and the Jallianwala Bagh
l Local Self-Government was introduced in 1882. Massacre (April 13, 1919).
l Repealed the Vernacular Press Act in 1882. l Khilafat Committee was formed and Khilafat
l Finances of the centre were divided. Movement started, (1919-20).
l An Education Commission was appointed under Sir l Non-cooperation Movement started (1920-22).
William Hunter in 1882 to improve primary and l Women’s University was founded at Poona (1916).
secondary education.
Lord Reading (AD 1921-26)
l The llbert Bill Controversy (1883). It enabled Indian l Repeal of Rowlatt Act. Chaura-Chauri Incident.
district magistrates to try European criminals.
l RSS, founded in 1925. Suppressed Non-cooperation
Lord Dufferin (AD 1884-88) Movement.
l Third Burmese War (AD 1885-86). l Formation of Swaraj Party.
l Establishment of the Indian National Congress in 1885. l Kakory Train Robbery on August 1, 1925.
16 Self Study Guide SSC Constable (GD) Recruitment Exam

Lord Irwin (AD 1926-31) Lahore Resolution (March 23, II 1940) of the Muslim
l Simon Commission visited India in 1927. League demanded separate state for the Muslims. (It was
at this session that Jinnah propounded his Two-Nation
l Congress passed the Indian Resolution in 1929. Dandi Theory).
March (March 12, 1930).
l Outbreak of World War II in 1939. Cripps Mission in
l Civil Disobedience Movement (1930).
1942, Quit India Movement (August 8, 1942).
l First Round Table Conference was held in England in
1930, Gandhi-Irwin Pact. Lord Wavell (AD 1943-47)
l Lahore Session of Congress and Poorna Swaraj l Cabinet Mission Plan (May 16, 1946).
Declaration (1925). l First meeting of the Constituent Assembly was held on
Lord Willingdon (AD 1931-36) December 9, 1946. Arranged the Shimla Conference on
June 25, 1945 with Indian National Congress and Muslim
l Second Round Table Conference in London in 1931 and League failed.
third in 1932.
l Government of India Act, (1935) was passed. Lord Mountbatten
(AD March 1947-August 1947)
l Communal Awards (August 16, 1932) assigned seats to
different religious communities. Gandhiji went on a epic l Last viceroy of British India and the first Governor
fast to protest against this division. General of free India. Partition of India decided by the
June 3 Plan or Mountbatten Plan.
Lord Linlithgow (AD 1936-43) l Retired in June 1948 and was succeeded by C
l Congress Ministries resignation was celebrated as Rajagopalachari the first and the last Indian Governor
‘Deliverance Day’ by the Muslim League (1939), the General of Free India.

Main Events of the Indian National Movement

The Indian National Congress l Extremists were led by Bal, Lal, Pal while the moderates
l It was formed in 1885 by AO Hume. by GK Gokhale.
l The first session was held in Bombay under WC Banerjee Minto Morley Reforms (1909)
in 1885, attended by 72 delegates from all over India. The reforms envisaged a separate electorate for Muslims
l Moderate leaders Dada Bhai Naoroji, Badruddin besides other Constitutional measures.
Tayabji, Gopal Krishna Gokhale, Surendranath Banerjee,
Ghadar Party (1913)
Anand Mohan Bose.
Formed by Lala Hardayal, Taraknath Das and Sohan Singh
Partition of Bengal (1905) Bhakna. Head Quarter—San Francisco.
By Lord Curzon on 16 October, 1905 through a royal The name was taken from a weekly paper, Ghadar, which
proclamation, reducing the old province of Bengal in size had been started on November 1, 1913 to commemorate the
by creating East Bengal and Assam out of the rest of Bengal. 1857 Revolt.
Swadeshi Movement (1905) Home Rule Movement (1916)
Had its origin in the anti-partition movement of Bengal. l Started by BG Tilak (April, 1916) at Poona and Annie
Lal, Bal, Pal and Aurobindo Ghosh played an important
Besant and S Subramania Iyer at Adyar, near Madras
role. INC took the swadeshi call first at the Banaras
Session, 1905 presided over by GK Gokhale. (September, 1916).
l Objective Self-government for India in the British
Muslim League (1906)
Setup in 1906 by Aga Khan, Nawab Salimullah of Dhaka l Tilak supported the movement and joined Annie Besant.
and Nawab Mohsin-ul-Mulk. The League supported the
partition of Bengal and opposed the Swadeshi Movement, He raised the slogan: Swaraj is my Birth right and I will
demanded special safeguards to its community and a have it.
separate electorate for Muslims. This led to communal Lucknow Pact (1916)
differences between Hindus and Muslims.
Pact between INC and Muslim league following a war
Surat Session (1907) between Britain and Turkey leading to anti-British feelings
l The INC split into two groups— The extremists and the among Muslims. Both organisations jointly demand
moderates, due to the debate on nature of Swadeshi dominion status for the country.
Indian History 17

Rowlatt Act (March 18, 1919) The Nehru Report (1928)

l This gave unbridled powers to the government to arrest After boycotting the Simon Commission, all political
and imprison suspects without trail. This law enabled parties constituted a committee under the chairmanship of
the Government to suspend the right of Habeas Corpus, Motilal Nehru and Tej Bahadur Sapru to evolve and
which had been the foundation of civil liberties in Britain. determine the principles for the Constitution of India. The
l Rowlatt Satyagrah was started against the act. This was report failed.
the first country wide agitation by Gandhiji. Lahore Session (1929)
Jallianwala Bagh Massacre (April 13, 1919) l On December 19, 1929, under the presidentship of J L
Nehru, the INC, at its Lahore Session, declared Poorna
n People were agitated over the arrest of Dr Kitchlu and Dr
Satyapal on April 10, 1919.
Swaraj (Complete Independence) as its ultimate goal.
n General O’ Dyer fired at people who assembled in the l The tri-colour flag adopted on December 31, 1929, was
Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar. Hunter Commission was appointed unfurled, and January 26, 1930 was fixed as the First
to enquire into it. Sardar Udham Singh killed General Dyer in Independence Day, to be celebrated every year. Later
Caxton Hall, London. this day was chosen as the Republic Day of India.
Dandi March (1930)
Khilafat Movement (1920) l Also called the Salt Satyagraha.
l Muslims were agitated by the treatment done with l Gandhiji started his march from Sabarmati Ashram on
Turkey by the British in the treaty that followed the First March 12, 1930 for the small village Dandi to break the
World War. salt law.
l Ali brothers, Mohd Ali and Shaukat Ali started this l He picked a handful of salt and inaugurated the Civil
movement. It was jointly led by the Khilafat leaders and Disobedience Movement on 6th April, 1930.
the Congress.
First Round Table Conference (1930)
Non-Cooperation Movement (1920) l It was the first conference arranged between the British
l Congress passed the resolution in its Calcutta Session in and Indians as equals. It was held on November 12, 1930
September, 1920.
in London to discuss Simon Commission.
l It was the first mass-based political movement under
Gandhiji. l Hindu Mahasabha and Muslim League participated in it.
l Refusal to attend government durbars and boycott of The Conference failed due to absence of INC.
British courts by the lawyers.
Gandhi Irwin Pact (1931)
Chauri-Chaura Incident (1922) n
The government represented by Lord Irwin and INC by
l The Congress Session at Allahabad in December 1921, Gandhiji signed a pact on March 5, 1931.
decided to launch a Civil Disobedience Movement.
In this the INC called off the Civil Disobedience Movement and
agreed to join the Second Round Table Conference.
Gandhiji was appointed its leader.
The government allowed the villagers on the coast to make
But before it could be launched, a mob of people at
salt for consumption and released the political prisoners.
Chauri-Chaura (near Gorakhpur) clashed with the police n
The Karachi Session of 1931 endorsed the Gandhi Irwin Pact.
and burnt 22 police men on February 5, 1922.
l This compelled Gandhiji to withdraw the Second Round Table Conference (1931)
Non-Cooperation Movement on February 12, 1922.
Gandhiji represented the INC and went to London to meet
Swaraj Party (1923) British Prime Minister Ramsay MacDonald. The
Motilal Nehru, CR Das and NC Kelkar (called conference however failed as Gandhiji could not agree with
Pro-changers) demanded that the nationalist should end British Prime Minister on his Policy of communal
the boycott of the Legislative Councils, enter them and representation and refusal of the British Government on
expose them. the basic Indian demand for freedom.

Simon Commission (1927) Poona Pact (September 25, 1932)/

Gandhi-Ambedkar Pact
l Constituted by John Simon, to review the political
situation in India and to introduce further reforms and The idea of separate electorate for the depressed classes was
extension of parliamentary democracy. abandoned, but seats reserved for them in the provincial
l Indian leaders opposed the Commission, as there were no legislature were increased. Thus, Poona Pact agreed upon a
Indians in it they cried Simon Go Back. joint electorate for upper and lower castes.
l The Government used brutal repression and at Lahore, Third Round Table Conference (1932)
Lala Lajpat Rai was severely beaten in lathi-charge. Proved fruitless as most of the national leaders were in prison.
18 Self Study Guide SSC Constable (GD) Recruitment Exam

August Offer (8 August, 1940) Formation of Interim Government

It offered (i) Dominion status in the unspecified future, (ii) (September 2, 1946)
A post-war body to enact the Constitution (iii) to expand l It came into existence on 2 September, 1946 in
the Governor-General’s Executive Council to give full accordance with Cabinet Mission proposals and was
weightage to minority opinion. This was rejected by INC headed by J L Nehru. Muslim League refused to join it
but was accepted by the Muslim League. initially.
l Prime Minister Atlee on 20th February, 1947 announced
The Cripps Mission (1942)
that British would withraw from India by 30 June, 1948.
l The British government with a view to get co-operation
from Indians in 2nd World War, sent Sir Stafford Cripps Formation of Constituent Assembly
to settle with Indian leaders. (December, 1946)
l He offerred dominion status to be grated after war. The Constituent Assembly met on December 9, 1946 and
Dr Rajendra Prasad was elected as its President.
l Congress rejected it. Gandhiji termed it as post dated
cheque on a crashing bank. Jinnah’s-Direct Action Resolution (August 16, 1946)
l The election result did not favour ML, so Jinnah withdrew
The Revolt of 1942 and The Quit India his acceptance to Cabinet Mission Plan.
Movement l ML passed a ‘Direct Action’ resolution, which
l Called the Vardha Proposal and Leaderless Revolt. condemned both the British Government and the
Congress (August 16, 1946). It resulted in heavy
l The resolution was passed on August 8, 1942, at Bombay communal riots.
Gandhiji gave the slogan ‘Do or Die’.
l Jinnah celeberated Pakistan Day on March 27, 1947.
l On August 1, the congress was banned and its important
leaders were arrested. Gandhiji was kept at the Aga Mountbatten Plan (June 3, 1947)
Khan Palace, Pune. n The Plan formulated by Lord Mountbatten outlined that
l The people became violent. The movement was, n India to be divided into India and Pakistan.
however, crushed by the government. n
There would be a separate Consitutional Assembly for
Pakistan to frame its Constitution.
Indian National Army (INA) n The Princely states would enjoy the liberty to join either India or
Pakistan or even remain independent.
l Subhash Chandra Bose has escaped to Berlin in 1941
Bengal and Punjab will be partitioned and a referendum in
and set up an Indian League there. In July 1943, he
NEFP and Sylhet disrict of Assam would be held.
joined the INA at Singapore. Ras Bihari Bose handed n
A separate state of Pakistan would be erected.
over the leadership to him. n
Boundary Commission was to be headed by Radcliffe.
l INA had three fighting brigades names after Gandhi,
Azad and Nehru. Rani of Jhansi Brigade was an Partition and Independence (August 1947)
exclusive women force.
l Indian Independence Act, 1947 implemented on 15th
l INA headquarters at Rangoon and Singapore. August 1947, abolished the sovereignty of British
The Cabinet Mission Plan (1946) Parliament.
l Members Wavell, Patrick Lawrence, Alexander, Stafford l Dominions of India and Pakistan were created. Each
Cripps. dominion was to have a Governor-General.
l Main proposals l Pakistan was to comprise Sind, British Baluchistan,
1. Rejection of demand for full fledge Pakistan. NWFP, West Punjab and East Bengal. At the time of
2. Loose union under a centre with centres control over independence there were 562 big and small pricely states
defence and foreign affairs. in India.
3. Provinces were to have full autonomy and residual l Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, the first home minister,
powers. integrated all the states by 15 August 1947. Kashmir,
4. Provincial legislatures would elect a Constituent Hyderabad, Junagarh, Goa (with Portuguese) and
Assembly. Pondicherry (with French) later acceded to Indian
l Both Congress and Muslim league accepted it. federation.
Practice Exercise
Pre Historic Period Indus Valley Civilization 24. The largest numbers of ‘Seals’ have
1. Palaeolithic people were 12. The evidences of Indus Valley been found at
(a) Harappa (b) Mohenjodaro
(a) pastoralists Civilization were first discovered at
(c) Lothal (d) Kalibanga
(b) cultivators (a) Lothal (b) Harappa
(c) food gatherers and hunters (c) Mohenjodaro (d) Chanhudaro 25. Who lived in the Citadel area of the
(d) cultivators and pastoralists Harappan cities?
13. Indus Valley Civilization or
2. Palaeolithic men lived in (a) Ruler (b) Merchants
Harappan Civilization was
(a) caves (b) thatched houses (c) Labourers (d) Cultivators
(a) Urban (b) Pastoral
(c) on trees (d) mud houses (c) Rural (d) Nomadic 26. The main crops of Harappan
3. Who of the following belonged to 14. The ‘Great Bath’ has been found at civilization were
Negrito race? (a) wheat and barley
(a) Harappa (b) Lothal
(a) Palaeolithic men (b) Mesolithic men (b) wheat and maize
(c) Mohenjodaro (d) Kalibanga
(c) Chalcolithic men (d) Neolithic men (c) maize and barley
15. Most of the Harappan pottery were (d) rice and wheat
4. ‘Microliths’ were characteristic tools of 27. Which was the most important
of (a) red colour (b) black colour
(a) Palaeolithic age (b) Neolithic age
feature of the Harappan towns?
(c) white colour (d) All of these
(c) Harappan age (d) Mesolithic age (a) Granaries
16. Which metal seems to be first used (b) Large bathrooms
5. Domestication of animal started by the Harappan? (c) Grid planning
during (a) Gold (b) Copper (d) Drainage
(a) late Palaeolithic age (b) Neolithic age (c) Silver (d) Bronze
(c) Harappan age (d) Rigvedic age Vedic Period
17. Which was the port city of Indus
6. Who of the following are called Valley Civilization? 28. According to whom ‘Central Asia’
‘Quartzite Men’? (a) Kalibanga (b) Kot Diji was the original home of Aryan?
(a) Palaeolithic people (c) Lothal (d) Mohenjodaro (a) Prof Max Mueller
(b) Harappan people (b) B G Tilak
(c) Chalcolithic people 18. The greatest artistic creation of (c) Dayanand Saraswati
(d) Neolithic people Harappan culture are (d) Prof Penka
(a) gold jewellery (b) seals
7. Chalcolithic people worshipped (c) bronze jewellery (d) All of these 29. The use of iron was started in India
(a) Indra around
(b) Pashupati 19. ‘Seals’ were perhaps used by (a) 1000 BC (b) 600 BC
(c) Mother Goddess and Bull (a) cultivator (c) 1000 AD (d) 600 AD
(d) Agni (b) rulers
(c) merchants and traders 30. ‘Aitareya Brahmana’ is related to
8. Black and Red pottery was most (d) All of these (a) Rigveda (b) Yajurveda
popular during (c) Atharvaveda (d) Samaveda
(a) Chalcolithic period 20. Harappan tools and implements
were made of 31. Which was the most important
(b) Neolithic period
(c) Mesolithic period (a) copper animal during Vedic age?
(d) Harappan period (b) iron (a) Bull (b) Ox
(c) bronze (c) Cow (d) Elephant
9. Which metal was known to (d) copper and bronze 32. Battle of ten kings was fought on
Neolithic people?
(a) Silver (b) Gold 21. The group of six granaries in a row the bank of
(c) Copper (d) Bronze have been found at (a) Sindhu (b) Ravi
(a) Harappa (b) Lothal (c) Beas (d) Satluj
10. At which place evidence of all the (c) Mohenjodaro (d) Kalibanga 33. Which was the most important
three phases Palaeolithic,
22. Which of the following Harappan deity during later vedic age?
Mesolithic and Neolithic have been
sites was located on the bank of (a) Indra (b) Rudra
found in sequence (c) Prajapati (d) Varun
(a) Sohan valley Hindon river?
(b) Belan valley (a) Alamgirpur (b) Lothal 34. Which of the following was staple
(c) Chhota Nagpur (c) Kalibanga (d) Ropar crop of Rigvedic people?
(d) Narmada valley 23. The largest building of Harappan (a) Rice (b) Wheat
Civilization, that has been (c) Maize (d) Barley
11. The earliest period of human
existence was found is 35. Which was the most important
(a) Chalcolithic period (a) Great Bath at Mohenjodaro Rigvedic river?
(b) Mesolithic period (b) Granary at Harappa (a) Yamuna (b) Saraswati
(c) Palaeolithic period (c) Granary at Mohenjodaro (c) Ganga (d) Sindhu
(d) Neolithic period (d) Religious building
20 Self Study Guide SSC Constable (GD) Recruitment Exam

36. Rigveda is divided into how many 49. The capital of Chedi Mahajanapada 62. ‘Odantpuri’ was founded by
mandals? was (a) Gopala (b) Dharmapala
(a) X (b) XII (c) IX (d) XV (a) Hastinapur (b) Shravasti (c) Devapala (d) Mahipal
(c) Suktimati (d) Ujjain
37. During Vedic period, who was the 63. Which dynasty followed the Pala
sky-god? Dynasties of Ancient India (a) Sena dynasty
(a) Indra (b) Dyauspitar
(c) Surya (d) Agni 50. Who was known as ‘Amitraghat’? (b) Kanva dynasty
(a) Bindusara (c) Shishunag dynasty
38. The main occupation of the Vedic (b) Bimbisara (d) None of the above
people was (c) Ajatshatru
(a) industry 64. Who has been called Napolean of
(d) Chandragupta Maurya
(b) cattle breeding India?
(c) trade and commerce 51. Megasthenes was the ambassador of (a) Samudragupta
(d) agriculture (a) Alexander (b) Seleucus Nicator (b) Skandagupta
(c) Menander (d) None of these (c) Chandragupta
Buddhism, Jainism and 52. Arrange the following Magadhan
(d) Vikramaditya
Mahajanapadas dynasties in chronological order 65. Who founded the Pala dynasty?
I. Nandas (a) Devapala (b) Gopala
39. Which of the following was the (c) Dharmapala (d) Mahipal
birth place of Gautam Buddha? II. Sisunagas
(a) Bodh Gaya (b) Vaishali III. Mauryas 66. Which of the kings is represented
(c) Lumbini (d) Patliputra IV. Haryankas on his coins playing lute (veena)?
(a) IV, II, III and I (b) II, I, IV and III (a) Samudragupta
40. Buddhist texts are written in the (b) Chandragupta I
language of (c) IV, II, I and III (d) III, I, IV and II
(c) Chandragupta II
(a) Prakrit (b) Pali 53. Lion capital of Ashokan pillar has (d) Chandragupta Maurya
(c) Magadhi (d) Saursaini been found at
(a) Sarnath (b) Prayaga 67. Two well-known scientists,
41. First Buddhist Council was held at Aryabhatta and Varahamihira
(a) Rajagrih (b) Lumbini (c) Patliputra (d) Vaishali
belonged to
(c) Vaishali (d) Patliputra 54. Most of the Ashoka’s edicts are (a) Mauryan period
42. Who was converted to Buddhism by written in the script of (b) Kushana period
Nagarjuna? (a) Brahmi (b) Kharoshthi (c) Satavahana period
(a) Milinda (b) Bimbisara (c) Devanagri (d) Prakrit (d) Gupta period
(c) Udayana (d) Ajatshatru 55. Bull capital of Ashokan pillar has 68. Allahabad inscription, written by
43. Fourth Buddhist Council was been found at Harisena, describes about
chaired by (a) Sanchi (b) Sarnath (a) Samudragupta
(a) Vasumitra (b) Mahakassap (c) Amravati (d) Rampurva (b) Chandragupta II
(c) Sabakami (d) All of these (c) Ashoka
56. Which of the following came from
(d) Bimbisara
44. Which of the following are beliefs Central Asia to India?
of Buddhism? (a) Parthians (b) Shakas 69. The Iron Pillar at Mehrauli (near
(a) People suffer on account of desires. (c) Kushanas (d) All of these Delhi) belongs to
(b) If desires are conquered, nirvana will (a) Gupta period (b) Sultanate period
57. The third Sangam assembly was
be attained. (c) Mauryan period (d) Mughal period
held at
(c) The existence of God and Soul must (a) Tanjore (b) Madurai 70. Who issued the largest number of
be recognised. (c) Malabar (d) Nasik gold coins?
(d) All of the above
58. Which Kingdom acted as a bridge (a) Gupta (b) Maurya
45. Fourth Buddhist Council was held (c) Kushana (d) Satavahana
between North India and South
during the reign of 71. ‘Harshacharita’ was written by
(a) Ashoka
(a) Shakas (b) Chola (a) Banabhatta (b) Kalidasa
(b) Chandragupta Maurya
(c) Pandya (d) Satavahanas (c) Hiuen-Tsang (d) Ravikirti
(c) Ajatshatru
(d) Kanishka 59. Who of the following were ruling in 72. Who was called ‘Sangam Tavritta’
46. Who was the first Jain Tirthankar? Saurashtra? (abolisher to tolls)?
(a) Satavahanas (b) Shakas (a) Rajendra I (b) Vijayalaya
(a) Mahavir (b) Rishabhdeva
(c) Pandyas (d) Kushanas (c) Kullotunga I (d) Raja Raja I
(c) Gosala (d) Parsvanath
60. Who at first issued the gold coins in 73. Who among the following founded
47. Mahavir got Kaivalya under the tree
India? the ‘Vikramshila University’?
(a) Kanishka (b) Menander (a) Gopala (b) Devapala
(a) Sal (b) Pipal
(c) Ajatshatru (d) Bimbisara (b) Dharmapala (d) Mahipal
(c) Banyan (d) Neem
61. Hiuen-Tsang came into the court of 74. Paratihara and the Rashtrakatas for
48. Sarthavaha was a
(a) Bimbisara (b) Chandragupta II fought for
(a) caravan leader (b) merchant
(c) Ashoka (d) Harshavardhana (a) Kannauj (b) Mathura
(c) banker (d) artisan
(c) Rajgriha (d) Patliputra
Indian History 21

75. Sangam literatures are written in 89. The Ratha temples at 101. Who of the following desecrated
(a) Sanskrit (b) Telugu Mahabalipuram were built by the Jwalamukhi temple and
(c) Tamil (d) Kannada (a) Chalukyas (b) Pallavas destroyed the Jagannath Puri
(c) Cholas (d) Satavahanas temple?
76. ‘Sena dynasty’ was founded by
(a) Firozshah Tughlaq
(a) Vasudeva Sena (b) Vijay Sena Delhi Sultanate (b) Mohammad-bin-Tughlaq
(c) Dharma Sena (d) None of these
90. Taimur invaded India in (c) Balban
77. Who attacked Bihar and destroyed (a) AD 1298 (b) AD 1398 (d) Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq
the universities of Nalanda and (c) AD 1498 (d) AD 1392
Vikramshila? 102. The saviour of the Delhi Sultanate
(a) Qutubuddin Aibak 91. Taimur invaded India during the was
(b) Bakhtiar Khalji reign of (a) Qutub-ud-din Aibak
(c) Mohammad Ghori (a) Nasiruddin Mahmud (b) Minas-us-Siraj
(d) Mahmud Ghazni (b) Alauddin Khalji (c) Iltutmish
(c) Mohammad-bin-Tughlaq (d) Ghias-ud-din Balban
78. Who was the last ruler of Chola (d) Firozshah Tughlaq
kingdom? 103. Who was known as ‘Lakhbaksh’ for
(a) Adhirajendra (b) Rajendra II 92. During which dynasty Taimur his magnanimity?
(c) Rajadhiraja (d) Raja Raja invaded India? (a) Iltutmish
(a) Tughlaq (b) Slave (b) Alauddin Khalji
79. Who was the most famous (c) Lodi (d) Khalji
(c) Qutubuddin Aibak
Chalukyan King?
(a) Pulkesin I 93. Who adopted the title of (d) Mohammad-bin-Tughlaq
(b) Pulkesin II ‘Sikandar-I-Sani? 104. ‘Quwat-ul-Islam’ mosque, which is
(c) Dantidurga (a) Alauddin Khalji (b) Balban
considered as the first mosque built
(d) Narasimhavarman (c) Mohammad-bin-Tughlaq
(d) Iltutmish
in India, was built by
80. Brihadeshwar Shiva temple in (a) Iltutmish
Tanjore was built by 94. Who is known as ‘Tuti-I-Hind’? (b) Qutubuddin Aibak
(a) Rajendra I (b) Raja Raja I (a) Amir Khusrau (b) Khizr Khan (c) Firozshah Tughlaq
(c) Parantaka I (d) Parantaka II (c) Malik Kafur (d) Hasan Nizami (d) Jalaluddin Khalji
81. ‘Rashtrakuta dynasty’ was founded 95. ‘Dagh and Chehera’ system in the 105. ‘Chahalgani’ (group of 40 nobles)
by military was introduced by was founded by
(a) Dantidurga (b) Dhruv (a) Iltutmish (b) Alauddin Khalji (a) Balban
(c) Govind (d) Amoghvarsha (c) Balban (b) Iltutmish
(d) Mohammad-bin-Tughlaq (c) Nasiruddin Mahmud
82. Who called the Pala kingdom as
96. Who was the first sultan in Delhi to (d) Qutubuddin Aibak
(a) Al Masudi (b) Al-beruni fix land revenue in cash? 106. The power of ‘Chahalgani’ was
(c) Suleiman (d) None of these (a) Alauddin Khalji destroyed by
(b) Mohammad-bin-Tughlaq (a) Iltutmish
83. The most famous Rashtrakuta King (c) Firozshah Tughlaq
(b) Alauddin Khalji
was (d) Iltutmish
(c) Balban
(a) Amoghvarsha (b) Dantidurga
(c) Krishna I (d) Krishna II
97. Who assumed the title of (d) Nasiruddin Mahmud
84. Who assumed the title of 107. Who called himself ‘Zil-i-illahi’?
(a) Mubarak Khalji (b) Iltutmish
‘Gangaikonda? (a) Mohammad-bin-Tughlaq
(c) Alauddin Khalji (d) None of these
(a) Rajendra I (b) Parantaka I (b) Firozshah Tughlaq
(c) Rajadhiraja I (d) Raja Raja I
98. ‘Tughlaq dynasty’ was founded by (c) Balban
(a) Ghyasuddin Tughlaq (d) Iltutmish
85. The temple of Angkor Vat is in (b) Mohammad-bin-Tughlaq
(a) Myanmar (b) Malay (c) Firozshah Tughlaq Vijaya Nagar Empire and
(c) Indonesia (d) Combodia (d) None of the above
Bhakti Movement
86. Kailash temple at Ellora was built by 99. A separate department of
108. Vijaynagar Empire was founded in
(a) Krishna III (b) Govind III agriculture ‘Diwan-I-amir-Kohi’
(c) Amoghvarsha (d) Krishna I (a) AD 1336 (b) AD 1347
was set-up by (c) AD 1446 (d) AD 1447
87. The title of ‘Pandit Chola’ was (a) Alauddin Khalji
(b) Firozshah Tughlaq 109. Who founded the Vijaynagar Empire?
adopted by
(c) Mohammad-bin-Tughlaq (a) Abul Muzzafar
(a) Raja Raja I (b) Parantaka II
(d) Nasiruddin Mahmud (b) Harihar and Bukka
(c) Rajendra I (d) Parantaka I
(c) Alauddin Hasan
88. ‘Battle of Takkolam’ took place 100. ‘Diwan-I-Bandgani’, a separate (d) None of the above
between department of slave, was founded by
(a) Firozshah Tughlaq 110. Who said, "Ram and Rahim are the two
(a) Rashtrakutas and Cholas
(b) Mohammad-bin-Tughlaq different names of the same God"?
(b) Cholas and Pratiharas
(c) Palas and Cholas (c) Sikandar Lodi (a) Kabir (b) Ramdas
(d) Pratiharas and Rashtrakutas (d) Iltutmish (c) Chaitanya (d) Ramanuja
22 Self Study Guide SSC Constable (GD) Recruitment Exam

111. Whose philosophy is called the 123. Humayun recaptured Delhi and 138. Who was known as the ‘Plato of
Advaita? re-established Mughal power in Jat’?
(a) Ramanujacharya(b) Shankaracharya India in (a) Surajmal (b) Gopala
(c) Nagarjuna (d) Vasumitra (a) AD 1556 (b) AD 1550 (c) Churaman (d) None of these
(c) AD 1552 (d) AD 1555
112. The term Sufi is derived from 139. Aurangzeb died in
(a) a type of poetry 124. ‘Farid’ was the real name of (a) AD 1607 (b) AD 1807
(b) a type of garment (a) Akbar (b) Sher Shah (c) AD 1705 (d) AD 1707
(c) a language (c) Humayun (d) Babur 140. Grand Trunk Road was built by
(d) the name of a place 125. Sher Shah died in AD 1545 at (a) Sher Shah (b) Akbar
113. Who among the following was (a) Sasaram (b) Delhi (c) Auranzeb (d) Shah Jahan
contemporary of Namadev? (c) Kalinjar (d) Agra
(a) Madhav (b) Nimbark 126. Who built the city of ‘Dinpanah’?
(c) Sena (d) Ramdas (a) Babur (b) Shah Jahan 141. Two importance taxes, ‘Chauth’ and
114. The Bhakti Movement was first (c) Akbar (d) Humayun ‘Sardeshmukhi’ were levied by
organised by (a) Mughal (b) Khalji
127. ‘Akbaranama’ was written by (c) Tughlaq (d) Maratha
(a) Ramanuja (b) Kabir (a) Abul Fazal (b) Faizi
(c) Ramananda (d) Nanak (c) Birbal (d) Rahim 142. ‘Ashtapradhan’, the council of eight
115. Who among the following Bhakti ministers, adorned the court of
128. ‘Ain-i-Akbari’ was written by
(a) Shivaji (b) Krishnadeva Raya
saints wrote the commentary on (a) Faizi (b) Rahim
(c) Akbar (d) Aurangzeb
Vedanta Sutras in Sanskrit? (c) Abdul Fazal (d) None of these
(a) Ramananda (b) Tulsidas 143. The Guerrila warfare pioneered by
129. In how many Subas Mughal empire
(c) Lalleshwari (d) Vallabhacharya (a) Aurangzeb (b) Akbar
was divided during the reign of (c) Shivaji (d) Balaji Rao
116. The pioneer in preaching Nirguna Akbar?
Bhakti in medieval India was (a) 12 (b) 15 (c) 11 (d) 14 144. The Peshwaship was abolished by
(a) Namadeva (b) Vallabhacharya the British at the time of Peshwa
130. Which of the following Mughal (a) Reghunath Rao (b) Narayan Rao
(c) Ramananda (d) Sri Chaitanya
officer was in charge of town (c) Madhav Rao II (d) Baji Rao II
117. Who among the following saints administration?
wrote 'Bijak'´? (a) Diwan (b) Bakshi 145. After death of Rajaram in AD 1700,
(a) Ramdas (b) Tulsidas (c) Kotwal (d) Subadar Marathas continued the war against
(c) Guru Arjun (d) Kabir Mughals under his brave wife
131. Akbar’s tomb at Sikandra near Agra (a) Tarabai (b) Lakshmibai
118. Which Sikh Guru was born at was built by (c) Rama bai (d) Jijabai
Patna? (a) Aurangzeb (b) Shah Jahan
(a) Nanak (b) Teg Bahadur (c) Akbar (d) None of these Advent of Europeans
(c) Hargobind (d) Gobind Singh 132. Akbar died in 146. Name the Indian King who warmly
119. What was Ziyarat in the language (a) AD 1607 (b) AD 1611 received the Portuguese traveller
of the Sufis? (c) AD 1600 (d) AD 1605
Vasco-di-Gama when he landed at
(a) Pilgrimage to the tombs of Sufi Saints 133. Sir Thomas Roe, the ambassador of Calicut.
for seeking barkat (spiritual grace) English King, came to the Mughal (a) Asaf Jah Ismail Mulk
(b) Reciting divine name court at Agra during the reign of (b) Devaraya
(c) Offering free kitchens run on futuh
(a) Akbar (b) Jahangir (c) Zamorin
(unasked for charity)
(c) Aurangzeb (d) Humayun (d) Krishnadevaraya
(d) Setting up of auqaf (charitable trusts)
120. Which one of the following 134. Court language of the Mughals was 147. Who discovered the sea route to
(a) Urdu (b) Turki India?
sequences indicates the correct
(c) Persian (d) All of these (a) Magellen
chronological order?
(b) Barto-lomev-Dias
(a) Shankaracharya, Ramanuja, Chaitanya 135. Who translated the Upanishads
(c) Vasco-da-gama
(b) Ramanuja, Shankaracharya, Chaitanya into Persian? (d) Columbus
(c) Ramanuja, Chaitanya, Shankaracharya (a) Aurangzeb (b) Akbar
(d) Shankaracharya, Chaitanya, Ramanuja (c) Dara (d) Jahangir 148. The earliest of the Europeans to
settle down in India were
136. Who constructed the famous Sikh
Mughal Empire temple at ‘Amritsar’?
(a) Portuguese (b) English
(c) Dutch (d) French
121. Babur wrote his memoir (a) Guru Ramdas
‘Tuzuki-i-Babri’ or ‘Babarnama’, in (b) Guru Amardas 149. The first Mysore War fought
(a) Turki (b) Mongol (c) Guru Govind Singh between the British and Hyder Ali in
(c) Afghani (d) Persian (d) Guru Arjundev AD 1767-69, come to an end by the
(a) Treaty of Pondicherry
122. ‘Battle of Chausa’ between Sher 137. Which of the following Sikh Guru
(b) Treaty of Madras
Shah and Humayun took place in compiled the ‘Adigranth’? (c) Treaty of Mysore
(a) AD 1539 (b) AD 1540 (a) Guru Nanak (b) Guru Angad (d) Treaty of Aix la chapelle
(c) AD 1546 (d) AD 1549 (c) Guru Arjundev (d) Guru Govind Singh
Indian History 23

150. Which was earliest settlement of Main Events of the Indian (b) Chandrashekhar Azad
(c) Lala Hardayal
the Dutch in India?
(a) Masulipatnam (b) Pulicat
National Movement (d) Batukeshwar Dutt
(c) Surat (d) Ahmedabad 161. What was the name of the 171. In which year did Gandhiji
newspaper edited by Gandhiji till undertake the famous Dandi
The Revolt of 1875 1933? March?
151. Who was the leader of the 1857 (a) Sarvodya (b) Arya (a) 1925 (b) 1935 (c) 1920 (d) 1930
revolt at Delhi? (c) Times of India (d) Young India
172. Who gave the slogan ‘Jai Hind’?
(a) Bahadur Khan 162. Who started the ‘Servants of India (a) Motilal Nehru
(b) General Bakht Khan Society’? (b) Mahatma Gandhi
(c) Azimullah (a) Bal Gangadhar Tilak (c) Subash Chandra Bose
(d) All of the above (b) Gopalkrishna Gokhale (d) Rajendra Prasad
152. Which among the following places, (c) Surendranath Banerjee
(d) Dadabhai Naoroji 173. Who led salt satyagraha movement
was not an important centre of the
with Gandhi?
Revolt of 1857? 163. Who among the following revolution (a) Sarojini Naidu (b) Muthu Laxmi
(a) Agra (b) Kanpur aries was executed by the British? (c) Annie Besant (d) Rajendra Prasad
(c) Jhansi (d) Lucknow (a) Jatin Das
(b) Chandrashekhar Azad 174. The communal Award of 1932, gave
153. Who was the Governor General of
(c) Rajguru separate representation to
India during the Revolt of 1857? (a) Harijans (b) Sikhs
(d) Kalpana Dutt
(a) Lord Dalhousie (c) Christians (d) Muslims
(b) Lord Canning 164. Name the ‘Political Guru’ of
(c) Lord Mayo Mahatma Gandhi. 175. Who was the first Indian woman
(d) Lord Ripon (a) Gopalakrishna Gokhale President of the Indian National
154. Who among the following British (b) Bal Gangadhar Tilak Congress?
(c) Aurobindo Ghosh (a) Vijaylaxmi Pandit
persons admitted the Revolt of 1857
(d) Lala Lajpat Rai (b) Kasturba Gandhi
as a National Revolt? (c) Annie Besant
(a) Lord Dalhousie 165. On 12th April, 1994 Subhash (d) Sarojini Naidu
(b) Lord Canning Chandra Bose hoisted the INA Flag
(c) Lord Ellen borough in a town. In which State/Union 176. The idea of Pakistan was first
(d) Disraeli Territory is that town now? conceived by
(a) Andaman and Nicobar Islands (a) M.A. Jinnah (b) Shaukat Ali
155. Maulan Ahmadullah led the 1857
(b) Tripura (c) Muhammed Iqbal (d) Aga Khan
Revolt from
(a) Lucknow (b) Kanpur (c) Manipur 177. Bal Gangadhar Tilak was given the
(c) Faizabad (d) Delhi (d) Mizoram epithet of Lokmanya during
166. Gandhi wanted to realise ‘truth’ (a) Home Rule Movement
Governor-Generals/ through (b) Revolutionary Movement
Viceroys (a) Karma (Service) (c) His imprisonment in 1908
(b) Dhyana (Meditation) (d) Swadeshi Movement
156. Who passed the Indian Universities (c) Ahimsa (Non-violence)
Act? 178. In which year, Gandhiji established
(d) Dharma (Religion) Sabarmati Ashram in Gujarat?
(a) Lord Lytton (b) Lord Curzon
(c) Lord Minto (d) Lord Ripon 167. Who among the following organised (a) 1916 (b) 1917 (c) 1918 (d) 1929
the ‘All India Depressed Classes 179. Gandhiji participated in which of
157. The sepoy mutiny of 1857 occurred Association’. in colonial India?
during the Governor Generalship of the following Round Table
(a) Pandita Ramabai
(a) Lord William Bentinck Conferences?
(b) BR Ambedkar
(b) Lord Canning (a) First Round Table Conference
(c) MK Gandhi (d) Jyotiba Phule
(c) Lord Dalhousie (b) Second Round Table Conference
(d) Lord Lytton 168. The national anthem was first sung (c) Third Round Table Conference
in the year 1911 at the Annual (d) None of the above
158. Ceruacular Press Act of 1878 was
session of the Indian National 180. Kheda Satyagraha of 1918 was
proposed by
Congress held at related to
(a) Lord Lyton (b) Lord Canning
(a) Kolkata (b) Lucknow (a) Indigo plantation
(c) Lord Ripon (d) Lord Duffrin
(c) Pune (d) Mumbai (b) Textile mill workers
159. Who was the Governor-General (c) Remission of land revenue
169. Mahatma Gandhi began his first
immediately before lord (d) Plague
Satyagraha at which of the
following places? 181. What did the hunter commission
(a) Lord Willingdon (b) Lord Linlith
(a) Kheda (b) Bardoli appointed by the Viceroy Probe?
(c) Lord Wavell (d) Lord Dufferin
(c) Champaran (d) Sabarmati (a) Bardoli Satyagraha
160. Who is generally called the ‘Father (b) Khilafat agitation
170. Who was the founder of ‘Ghadar
of Local Self Government in India? (c) Jallianwala Bagh massacre
(a) Lord Mayo (b) Lord Ripon (d) Chauri Chaura Incident
(a) Sachindranath Sanyal
(c) Lord Curzon (d) Lord Clive
24 Self Study Guide SSC Constable (GD) Recruitment Exam

182. The Swadeshi movement was 189. The first President of independent 196. Tansen, a famous musician, was in
launched against India was [SSC Constable, 2015] the court of [SSC Constable, 2012]
(a) Partition of Bengal (a) Dr. Rajendra Prasad (a) Babar (b) Humayun
(b) Khilafat Issue (b) JL Nehru (c) Akbar (d) Jahangir
(c) Arrest of Balgangadhar Tilak (c) Sardar Patel
(d) Rowlatt Act (d) Dr. S. Radhakrishnan 197. Who introduced the Doctrine of
Lapse? [SSC Constable, 2012]
183. Cabinet Mission came to India in 190. Dadabhai Naoroji has described his (a) Lord Hardinge
the year theory of ‘Drain of Wealth’ is the (b) Robert Clive
(a) 1946 (b) 1945 (c) 1942 (d) 1940 book [SSC Constable, 2015] (c) William Bentinck
(a) British Rule and its Consequences (d) Lord Dalhousie
184. Who propounded ‘The theoy of (b) Poverty and Un-British Rule in India
Drain’? (c) Nature of British Colonial Rule 198. The oldest era is
(a) Dadabhai Naoroji (b) Tilak (d) Exploitative Nature of British Rule in [SSC Constable, 2012]
(c) Gokhale India (a) Saka era
(d) Govinda Ranade (b) Buddhist era
191. Who established the ‘Sharda Sadan, a (c) Mohammadan era
185. The Headquarters of the Ghadar school for Indian widows in colonial (d) Vikrama era
Party was at India? [SSC Constable, 2015]
(a) Karachi (b) Moscow (a) Pandita Ramabai 199. Sikh army was called
(c) Berlin (d) San Francisco (b) Dayanand Saraswati [SSC Constable, 2012]
(c) Sarojini Naidu (a) Akali (b) Singh Dal
Previous Years’ Questions (d) MG Ranade (c) Khalsa (d) Gurudwara

186. Who of the Delhi sultans pursued 192. Who was the 23rd Tirthankara of 200. The historic Ellora Caves are located
the policy of ‘Blood and Iron’? Jainism? [SSC Constable, 2013] near [SSC Constable, 2012]
[SSC Constable, 2015] (a) Rishabhdeva (b) Parsavanath (a) Delhi (b) Agra
(a) Balban (c) Neminath (d) Mahavira (c) Ahmedabad (d) Aurangabad
(b) Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq
(c) Iltutmish 193. Which of the following was not a
centre of learning in ancient India? 201. Which of the following is not the
(d) Alauddin Khilji
[SSC Constable, 2013] “Tri Ratna” of Jainism?
187. When was the office of District (a) Taxila (b) Nalanda [SSC Constable, 2011]
Collector created? (c) Koshambi (d) Vikramshila (a) Right faith
[SSC Constable, 2015] (b) Right knowledge
(a) 1786 (b) 1773
194. The famous Bourbon dynasty ruled (c) Right view
(c) 1772 (d) 1771 over [SSC Constable, 2013] (d) Right conduct
(a) England (b) Austria
188. The greatness of Sher Shah lies in (c) France (d) Prussia 202. Who among the following was the
his [SSC Constable, 2015] pioneer of Yoga?
195. Mohenjo-daro is situated in the
(a) superior generalship [SSC Constable, 2011]
(b) secular attitude
district of [SSC Constable, 2013]
(a) Patanjali (b) Vagbhata
(c) victories against Humayun (a) Larkana (b) Montgomery (c) Atreya (d) Vrudukanta
(d) administrative reforms (c) Sind (d) Udhampur

1 (c) 2 (a) 3 (a) 4 (d) 5 (a) 6 (a) 7 (c) 8 (a) 9 (c) 10 (a)
11 (c) 12 (b) 13 (a) 14 (c) 15 (a) 16 (c) 17 (c) 18 (b) 19 (c) 20 (d)
21 (a) 22 (a) 23 (c) 24 (b) 25 (a) 26 (a) 27 (c) 28 (a) 29 (a) 30 (a)
31 (c) 32 (b) 33 (c) 34 (d) 35 (d) 36 (a) 37 (c) 38 (b) 39 (c) 40 (b)
41 (a) 42 (a) 43 (a) 44 (d) 45 (d) 46 (b) 47 (a) 48 (b) 49 (c) 50 (a)
51 (b) 52 (c) 53 (a) 54 (a) 55 (d) 56 (d) 57 (b) 58 (d) 59 (b) 60 (b)
61 (d) 62 (a) 63 (a) 64 (a) 65 (b) 66 (a) 67 (d) 68 (a) 69 (a) 70 (a)
71 (a) 72 (c) 73 (c) 74 (a) 75 (c) 76 (b) 77 (b) 78 (a) 79 (b) 80 (b)
81 (a) 82 (c) 83 (a) 84 (a) 85 (d) 86 (d) 87 (c) 88 (a) 89 (b) 90 (b)
91 (a) 92 (a) 93 (a) 94 (a) 95 (b) 96 (a) 97 (a) 98 (a) 99 (c) 100 (a)
101 (a) 102 (c) 103 (c) 104 (b) 105 (b) 106 (c) 107 (c) 108 (a) 109 (b) 110 (a)
111 (b) 112 (b) 113 (c) 114 (c) 115 (d) 116 (c) 117 (d) 118 (d) 119 (a) 120 (a)
121 (a) 122 (a) 123 (d) 124 (b) 125 (c) 126 (d) 127 (a) 128 (c) 129 (b) 130 (c)
131 (c) 132 (d) 133 (b) 134 (c) 135 (c) 136 (a) 137 (c) 138 (a) 139 (d) 140 (a)
141 (d) 142 (a) 143 (c) 144 (d) 145 (a) 146 (c) 147 (c) 148 (a) 149 (b) 150 (b)
151 (b) 152 (a) 153 (b) 154 (d) 155 (c) 156 (b) 157 (b) 158 (a) 159 (c) 160 (b)
161 (d) 162 (b) 163 (c) 164 (a) 165 (a) 166 (c) 167 (b) 168 (a) 169 (c) 170 (a)
171 (d) 172 (c) 173 (a) 174 (a) 175 (c) 176 (c) 177 (a) 178 (b) 179 (b) 180 (c)
181 (c) 182 (a) 183 (a) 184 (b) 185 (d) 186 (a) 187 (c) 188 (d) 189 (a) 190 (b)
191 (a) 192 (b) 193 (c) 194 (c) 195 (a) 196 (c) 197 (d) 198 (b) 199 (c) 200 (d)
201 (c) 202 (a)
Geography 25


Universe l The Sun is at the centre of the solar system and all these bodies
revolve around it. It is the nearest star to the Earth.
l The study of universe is known as Cosmology.
l The universe is commonly defined as the totality of Neptune
everything that exists including all physical matter
and energy, the planets, stars, galaxies and the
contents of intergalactic space. Saturn
l Galaxy A galaxy is a vast system of billions of stars, Uranus
dust and light gases bound by their own gravity. Venus
There are 100 billion galaxies in the universe and Jupiter
each galaxy has, on average, 100 billion stars. Mercury Earth
l Our galaxy is Milky Way Galaxy (or the Akash
Ganga) formed after the Big Bang. Andromeda is Facts about Sun
the nearest galaxy to the Milky Way.
Average distance from the Earth 149,597,870 km
l The Big Bang Theory Big Bang was an explosion
Diameter 1391980 km
of concentrated matter in the universe that occurred
15 billion years ago, leading to the formation of Temperature of the Core 15000000°C
galaxies of stars and other heavenly bodies. Rotation Speed 25.38 days (with respect to equator);
l Stars are the heavenly bodies made up of hot 33 days (with respect to poles)
burning gases and they shine by emitting their own Time taken by Sunlight to reach 8 min and 16.6 sec
light. the Earth
l Black Hole Stars having mass greater than three Facts about Planets
times that of the sun, have very high gravitational
Biggest Planet Jupiter
power, so that not even light can escape from its
gravity and hence called black hole. Biggest Satellite Ganymede (Jupiter)
Blue Planet Earth
l Comets Made up of frozen gases. They move
Green Planet Uranus
around the Sun in elongated elliptical orbit with the
tail always pointing away from the Sun. Brightest Planet Venus
Brightest Planet outside Solar System Sirius (Dog Star)
l Constellations The sky is divided into units to
Closest Star of Solar System Proxima Centauri
enable the astronomers to identify the position of the
Coldest Planet Neptune
stars. These units are called constellations. There are
88 known constellations. Evening Star Venus
Farthest Planet from Sun Neptune
l Satellites are the heavenly bodies that revolve
Planet with maximum number of satellites Saturn
around the planets. Moon is the natural satellite of
the Earth. Fastest revolution in Solar System Mercury
Hottest Planet Venus
Solar System Densest Planet Earth
l The solar system consists of the Sun, the eight Fastest rotation in Solar System Jupiter
planets and their satellites (or moons) and Morning Star Venus
thousands of other smaller heavenly bodies such as Nearest Planet to Earth Venus
asteroids, comets and meteors. Nearest Planet to Sun Mercury
26 Self Study Guide SSC Constable (GD) Recruitment Exam

Red Planet Mars l NIFE (Nickel-Iron) Outer part of the core.

Slowest Revolution in Solar System Neptune l Rotation of the Earth Earth spins on its imaginary axis
Slowest Rotation in Solar System Venus from West to East in one day. Result Causation of day
Smallest Planet Mercury and night, tides.
Smallest Satellite Deimos (Mars) l Revolution of the Earth Earth’s motion in elliptical
Earth’s Twin Venus orbit around the Sun in one year. Result Change of
Only Satellite with an atmosphere like Earth Titan seasons.
Asteroids Statistical Data of the Earth
These are small planetary bodies that revolve around the Age 4550 million years
Sun and found in between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. Mass 5.976 × 10 24 kg
They are also known as mknor planets. Volume .
1083 × 10 24
Meteors and Meteorites Mean Density 5.518 kg/lt
l They are also called as shooting stars. Meteors are Total Surface Area 510 million sq km
fragments of rocks comings towards the Earth. Land Area 29.2% of the total surface area
l They are formed due to collision among the asteroids. Water Area 70.8% of the total surface area
l Meteors that do not burn up completely in Earth’s Rotation Speed 23 hr, 56 min and 4.100 sec
atmosphere and land on the Earth, are called meteorites. Revolution Speed 365 days, 5 hr and 45.51 sec
l Meteorites are composed of various proportions of a Dates when days and nights March 21 ( Vernal Equinox);
nickel-Iron alloy (10% nickel and 90% iron) and silicate are equal 23rd September, (Autumnal Equinox)
minerals. Longest day 21st June, (Summer Solstice) Sun is
vertically overhead at Tropic of Cancer
Classification of Planets
Longest night 22nd December, (Winter Solstice) Sun is
Inner Planets Include Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars. vertically overhead at Tropic of Capricorn
Outer Planets Include Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. Escape velocity 11.2 km/sec

Inner Planet Outer Planet Mean surface temperature 15°C

They are called as Terrestrial or They are called as Jovian or Gaseous Latitudes
Rocky planets. planets.
Imaginary lines drawn on the Earth’s surface parallel to the
They are nearer to the Sun. They are far away from the Sun. equator. Equator (0°) is the biggest latitude that divides
Earth in two equal hemispheres (North and South).
Dwarf Planet According to IAU, it is a celestial body in Tropic of Cancer 23.5°N
direct orbit of the Sun, that is massive enough that its shape
Tropic of Capricorn 23.5°S
is controlled by gravitational forces, but has no clear
Arctic Circle 66.5°N
neighbourhood. e.g., Pluto, Ceres, Eris Makemake and
Haumea. Antarctic Circle 66.5°S
l Each degree of latitude equals 111 km.
n A light year is the distance light travels in one year at the speed
of 3 × 108 m/s. l The most important line of latitude is the Equator.
n Astronomical unit It is the average distance between Earth and Longitudes (Meridians)
the Sun. 1 AU = 93 million miles
l Meridians are a series of semicircles that run from pole
Earth to pole passing through the equator.
l The Earth is an oblate spheroid. It is almost spherical, l Prime Meridian passes through Greenwich near
flattened a little at the poles with a slight bulge at the London, divides the Earth in Eastern and Western
centre (equator). hemisphere. Its value is 0°.
l Perihelion Nearest position of the Earth to the Sun. l Longitude has very important function i.e., it determines
local time in relation to Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).
l Aphelion Farthest position of the Earth from Sun.
l The Earth’s interior is composed of three major layers: International Date Line
the crust, the mantle and the core. l It is the longitudinal line at 180° East or 180° West
l SIAL (Silicon-Aluminium) Upper part of the crust. meridian, which when crossed, the date changes by
exactly one day.
l SIMA (Silicon-Magnesium) Lower part of the crust.
Geography 27

Indian Standard Time (IST) Volcanism

n The Earth takes approximately 24 hours to complete one Volcanism is the phenomenon of sudden eruption of hot
rotation i.e. it takes 24 hours to complete 360° of its rotation. magma (molten rock), gases, ash and other material from
n 1° change of longitude corresponds to 4 minutes difference in time. inside the Earth to its surface.
Towards East — addition Towards West — subtraction
n Indian Standard Time is calculated on the basis of 82.5°E Types of Volcanoes
longitude which passes through Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Active Which erupts frequently, e.g., Mauna Loa
Pradesh Odisha, Chattisgarh and Andhra Pradesh.
(Hawaii), Etna (Sicily), Vesuvius (Italy), Stromboli
n IST is 5 hr 30 min ahead of GMT.
(Mediterranean Sea).
Eclipses Dormant Not erupted for quite sometime, e.g., Fujiyama
(Japan), Krakatoa (Indonesia), Barren Island (Andamans).
When the light of the Sun or the Moon is blocked by
another body, the Sun or the Moon is said to be in eclipse. Extinct Not erupted for several centuries. e.g., Arthur’s
Seat, Edinburgh, Scotland.
Solar Eclipse It is caused, when the Moon revolving
Ring of Fire Hundreds of active volcanoes found on the
around the Earth comes in between the Earth and the Sun,
land near the edges of the Pacific Ocean.
thus making a part or whole of the Sun invisible from a
particular part of the Earth. Thus, the eclipse can be partial Tsunami Large ocean wave that is caused by sudden
or complete. motion on the ocean floor. Motion could be an
earthquake, volcanic eruption or underwater landslide.
Lunar Eclipse When the Earth comes between the Moon
and the Sun, the shadow cast by the Earth on the Moon Landforms
results in a lunar eclipse.
There are three major landforms mountains, plateaus and plains.
Rocks Mountains
Rocks are made up of individual substances, called minerals, An uplifted portion of the Earth’s surface is called a hill or
found mostly in solid state. Rocks are classified into three major types a mountain. Mountains are classified into following four types
Igneous Rocks are formed by the solidification of the Fold Mountains are formed by folding of crustal rocks by
molten magma, e.g., Mica, Granite etc. compressive forces. e.g., Himalayas (Asia), Alps (Europe).
Sedimentary Rocks are formed due to accumulation of Block Mountains When great blocks of the Earth’s
rock particles and organic matter in layers, under crust are raised or lowered during the last stage of
tremendous pressure, e.g., Gravel, Peat, Gypsum etc. mountain building, block mountains are formed, e.g.,
Metamorphic Rocks These rocks were originally igneous Vosges in France, Black Forest mountains in Germany.
or sedimentary but later changed due to pressure, heat or Volcanic Mountains These are formed by the matter
action of water, e.g., Gneiss, Marble, Quartzite etc. thrown out from the volcanoes, and are also known as
mountains of accumulation, e.g., Mt Mauna Loa in Hawaii,
Types of RockOriginal Rock Metamorphic Rock Mt Popa in Myanmar.
Igneous Granite Gneiss
Residual or Dissected Mountains They are known as relict
Igneous Basalt Homblend mountains or mountains of circum-denudation. They owe
Sedimentary Limestone Marble their present form to erosion by different agencies,
Sedimentary Coal Graphite, Coal e.g. Nilgiris, Girnar and Rajmahal.
Sedimentary Sandstone Quartzite Plateaus
Sedimentary Shale/Clay Slate, Mica Schist Plateaus are flat, table like, upland areas with rough top
surface and steep side walls.
l Any sudden disturbance below the Earth’s surface may
produce vibrations or shaking in Earth’s crust and some A relatively low-lying and flat land surface with least
of these vibrations, when reach the surface, are known as difference between its highest and lowest points is called
earthquakes. a Plain.
l The intensity of earthquake waves is recorded by Atmosphere
Seismograph. l The vast expanse of air, which envelops the earth all
l Focus is the point beneath the Earth where earthquake around is called the atmosphere. It extends to thousands
originates. of kilometers.
l Epicentre is the point just above the focus on the Earth’s l It protects the Earth’s surface from the Sun’s harmful,
surface. ultraviolet rays.
28 Self Study Guide SSC Constable (GD) Recruitment Exam

Structure of Atmosphere Minerals of the World

Layer Height (km) Feature Mineral Leading Leading
Troposphere 0-18 km Contains 75% of the gases in the atmosphere. Producer Producer
As height increases, temperature decreases Gold China Tungsten China
(about 6.5°C per 1 km ascent). Bauxite Australia Phosphate Morocco
Stratosphere 18-50 km This layer contains the ozone layer. The Copper Chile Manganese South Africa
temperature remains fairly constant. At upper
layer temperature is almost 0°C Platinum South Africa Diamond Russia
Chromium South Africa Iron ore China
Mesosphere 50-80 km This is the coldest region of the atmosphere.
The temperature drops to about – 100°C. Vanadium South Africa Petroleum Russia
Ionosphere 80-400 km Radio waves are bounced off the ions and Antimony China
reflect waves back to the Earth. This generally
helps radio communication.
Exosphere Above Upper part of exosphere is called
Agricultural Leading Agricultural Leading
400 km Magnetosphere. The temperature keeps on Produce Producer Produce Producer
rising constantly at high rate. Coffee Brazil Cotton China
Rubber Thialand Wheat China
List of Local Winds
Tea China Maize USA
Name Nature of Wind Indonesia Oil Palm Indonesia Fruits, vegetables China
Chinook Hot, dry wind in Rockies, also called ‘Snow Eater’. Cocoa Ghana Wool Australia
Fohn Hot, dry wind in the Alps. Coconut Indonesia Rice China
Khamsin Hot, dry wind in Egypt. Date Palm Egypt Cloves Zanzibar
Sirocco Hot, moist wind from Sahara to Mediterranean Sea.
Industrial Cities
Solano Hot, moist wind from Sahara towards Iberian Peninsula.
Anshan (China) Iron and Steel
Harmattan Hot, dry wind blowing outwards from the interior of Western
Africa, also called Guinea Doctor. Baku (Azerbaijan) Petroleum

Bora Cold, dry wind blowing out- wards from Hungary to the North Belfast (Ireland) Ship-building
of Italy (near Adriatic Sea). Birmingham (UK) Iron and Steel
Mistral Very cold wind, which blows from the Alps over France. Chicago (USA) Meat Packing
Punas Cold, dry wind blowing down towards the Western side of Andes. Detroit (USA) Automobile
Blizzard Very cold winds in Tundra region. Havana (Cuba) Cigars
Purga Cold wind in Russian Tundra. Hollywood (USA) Films
Levanter Cold wind in Spain. Johannesburg (South Africa) Gold Mining
Norwester Hot wind over India and Bangladesh Kansas City (USA) Meat Packing
Santa Ana Hot wind in South California in USA. Kawasaki (Japan) Iron and Steel
Kimberley (South Africa) Diamond Mining
Cyclones Krivoi Rog (Ukraine) Iron and Steel
Typhoons China Sea Leeds (UK) Woollen Textiles
Tropical Cyclones Indian Ocean Leningrad (Russia) Ship-building
Hurricanes Caribbean Sea Los Angeles (USA) Petroleum
Tornadoes USA Lyon (France) Silk Textiles
Willy Willies Northern Australia Magnitogorsk (Russia) Iron and Steel
Important Canals of the World Manchester (UK) Cotton Textile
Milan (Italy) Silk Textile
Panama Pacific Ocean with Caribbean Sea
Multan (Pakistan) Pottery
Suez Mediterranean Sea to Red Sea
Munich (Germany) Lenses
Erie Atlantic Ocean to Great Lakes
Nagoya (Japan) Automobiles
Kiel North Sea to Baltic Sea
Philadelphia (USA) Locomotives
Deepest Point of Oceans Pittsburg (USA) Iron and Steel
Oceans Deepest Point Plymouth (USA) Ship-building
Pacific Mariana-Trench Rourkela (India) Iron and Steel
Atlantic Puerto Rico Trench Sheffield (UK) Cutlery
Indian Java Trench Vladivostok (Russia) Ship-building
Arctic Eurasian Basin Wellington (New Zealand) Dairy Products
Geography 29

Indian Geography

India Indian States Situated on the Border

l India is the seventh largest country in the world with an Country Border
area of 3287263 sq km, which is 2.42% of world’s area.
Pakistan (4) Gujarat, Rajasthan, Punjab, Jammu and Kashmir
l India is the second most populous country in the world
with a population of 1.21 billion, which is 17.44% of the Afghanistan (1) Jammu and Kashmir
world. China (5) Jammu and Kashmir, Uttarakhand, Himachal Pradesh,
l Indian subcontinent is located in the Northern and Sikkim, Arunachal Pradesh
Eastern hemisphere. Nepal (5) Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Bihar, West Bengal, Sikkim
l India shares longest boundary with Bangladesh (4053 Bhutan (4) Sikkim, Paschim Banga, Asom, Arunachal Pradesh
km), followed by China (3380 km), Pakistan (2912 km),
Bangladesh (5) West Bengal, Assam, Meghalaya, Tripura, Mizoram
Nepal (1690 km), Myanmar (1463 km), Bhutan (605 km)
and Afghanistan (88 km). Myanmar Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland, Manipur, Mizoram
l In India, the Tropic of Cancer (23.5° N latitude) passes Eastern and Western Ghats
through 8 states (Gujarat, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh,
Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, West Bengal, Tripura and Eastern Ghat Western Ghat
Located East to Deccan Plateau. Located West to Deccan Plateau.
l Islands Andaman and Nicobar Islands in the Bay of
They are parallel to Eastern Coast, They are parallel to Western Coast,
Bengal; Lakshadweep, Amindive and Minicoy in the i.e., Coromandal, Northern Circar, i.e., Konkan, Kannad, Malabar etc.
Arabian Sea. etc.
l Indian Standard Time (IST) The 82°30' E longitude is Mahanadi, Cauveri, Godavari, Narmada, Tapi, Sabarmati and
taken as the Standard Time Meridian of India, as it Krishna etc rivers are drawn in this Mahi etc rivers are drawn in this
passes through middle of India (from Naini, near land form. land.
Allahabad). The 82° 30′ E Meridian also dictates time in
Mahendragiri with an altitude of Anaimudi with an altitude of 2695 m
Sri Lanka and Nepal. In the South, on the Eastern side, 1501 m is the highest peak. is the highest peak.
the Gulf of Mannar and the Palk Strait separate India
from Sri Lanka. Important Lakes of India
Name of Lake State Important Fact
Important Facts : India
Latitudinal extent 8°4' North to 37° 6' North Chilka Lake Odisha It is a saline and lagoon lake (largest
lake of India).
Longitudinal extent 68°7' East to 97° 25' East
Kolleru Lake Andhra Pradesh It is a freshwater lake, a bird
North-South extent 3214 km
sanctuary and a wetland.
East-West extent 2933 km
Loktak Lake Manipur It is a freshwater lake having inland
Land Frontiers 15200 km
drainage in Manipur.
Total Coastline 7516.6 km
Lonar Lake Maharashtra It is a meteorite crater lake in
Number of States 28 Buldhana area of Maharashtra. The
Union Territories 8 water is highly charged with Sodium
Land Neighbours Pakistan, Afghanistan, China, carbonates and Sodium chloride.
Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh and Pangong Lake Jammu and It is a salty lake.
Myanmar Kashmir
Longest Coastline Gujarat Pulicat Lake Tamil Nadu & It is a saline and lagoon lake.
Active volcano Barren Island in Andaman Andhra Pradesh
and Nicobar Islands border

Southern most point Indira Point or Pigmallion point in Sambhar Lake Rajasthan It is a shallow lake which is saline,
located near Jaipur, listed as a wetland.
Great Nicobar
Southern most tip Kanyakumari Tso Moriri Lake Jammu & KashmirIt is a salty lake.
Northern most point Indira Col Vembanad Lake Kerala It is a lagoon lake.
Western most point West of Ghaur Mota in Gujarat Wular & Dal Lakes Jammu and Wular lake was created due to
Eastern most point Kibithu (Arunachal Pradesh) Kashmir tectonic activities.
30 Self Study Guide SSC Constable (GD) Recruitment Exam

Important River Projects and their Beneficiary States

Project River Purpose Beneficiary States
Bhakra Nangal Project Sutlej Power and irrigation Punjab, Himachal Pradesh, Haryana and Rajasthan
Damodar Valley Damodar Power, irrigation and flood control Bihar and Paschim Banga, shared by Madhya Pradesh
Hirakud Mahanadi Power and irrigation Odisha
Tungabhadra Project Tungabhadra Power and irrigation Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka
Nagarjunasagar Project Krishna Power and irrigation Andhra Pradesh
Gandak River Project Gandak Power and irrigation Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Nepal
(joint venture of India and Nepal)
Kosi Project Kosi Flood control, Power and irrigation Bihar
Farakka Project Ganga, Bhagirathi Power, irrigation, avoid accumulation Paschim Banga
of 3slit to improve navigation
Beas Project Beas Irrigation and power Rajasthan, Haryana, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh
Rajasthan Canal Project Sutlej, Beas and Ravi Irrigation Rajasthan, Punjab and Haryana
Chambal Project Chambal Power and irrigation Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan
Kakrapara Project Tapti Irrigation Gujarat
Ukai Project Tapti Power and irrigation Gujarat
Tawa Project Tawa (Narmada) Irrigation Madhya Pradesh
Poochampad Project Godavari Irrigation Andhra Pradesh
Malaprabha Project Malaprabha Irrigation Karnataka
Durgapur Barrage Damodar Irrigation and navigation Karnataka, Paschim Banga and Jharkhand
Mahanadi Delta Project Mahanadi Irrigation Odisha
Iddukki Project Periyar Hydroelectricity Kerala
Koyna Project Koyna Hydroelectricity Maharashtra
Ramganga Multipurpose Project Chisot stream near Kala Power and irrigation Uttar Pradesh
Matatilla Project Betwa Multipurpose power and irrigation Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh
Tehri Dam Project Bhilangana, Bhagirathi Hydroelectricity Uttarakhand
Rihand Scheme Rihand Hydroelectricity Uttar Pradesh
Kundah Project Kundah Hydroelectricity and irrigation Tamil Nadu
Tulbul Project Helum Hydroelectricity and irrigation Jammu-Kashmir

Some of the Important Waterfalls of India

Waterfall Height (km) River State
Kunchikal 455 Varani Karnataka
Jog/Gersoppa 260 Sharavati Karnataka
Rakim Kund 168 Gaighat Bihar
Chachai 127 Bihad Madhya Pradesh
Kevti 98 Mahanadi Madhya Pradesh
Sivasamudram 90 Cauveri Karnataka

Forests of India
Forest Type Distribution Climatic Conditions Characteristics Species
Tropical n
Rainy slopes of Western Ghats. n
Rainfall > 200 cm n
Height of trees is 40 to n
Mahogany, Mahua,
Evergreen n
NE India except Arunachal Pradesh. n
Relative Humidity > 70% 60 m. Bamboo, Cones,
Forests n
Eastern part of Paschim Banga and Odisha. n
Temperature range is n
Leaves are dark green Ironwood, Kadam,
Andaman and Nicobar Islands. about 22-27° C. and broad. Irul, Jamun, Hopea,
Hot and humid climate. Rubber tree, Toon,
Telsur etc.
Tropical Moist n
Eastern parts of Sahyadris (Western Ghats). n
100 to 200 cm rainfall per n
30 to 40 m high trees. n
Sal, Teak, Arjun,
Deciduous n
North Eastern part of Peninsula. annum. n
Due to deficiency of Mulberry, Kusum,
Forests n
Middle and lower Ganga valley. n
Moderate temperature. water, they shed their Sandalwood, Siris,
leaves in spring (onset of Haldi, Khair, Mango,
Foothills of Himalayas in Bhabar and Tarai Banyan tree etc.
These cover about 20% India’s forest area.
Geography 31

Forest Type Distribution Climatic Conditions Characteristics Species

Tropical Dry n Large parts of Maharashtra and Andhra n 50 to 100 cm rainfall. n 6 to 15 m high. n Teak, Sal, Bamboo,
Deciduous Pradesh. n Moderate humidity. n Roots are thick and long. Mango, Acacia,
Forests n Parts of Punjab, Haryana and Eastern parts Neem, Shisham etc.
of Rajasthan.
n Northern and Western parts of Madhya
n Tamil Nadu.
n Southern parts of Uttar Pradesh.
Dry Forests or n Rajasthan and adjoining areas of Haryana, n Low rainfall (less than 50 n Thorny vegetation. n Cactus, Thorny
Arid Forests Gujarat and Punjab. cm per annum). n Roots are very long. bushes, Kikar,
n Rainshadow area of peninsular India. n Relative humidity is less. n Leaves are small. Babool, Date palm,
Acacia, Khair,
Euphorbias etc.

Chief Crops and Producing State

Type Name Major Producers Type Name Major Producers
Cereals Wheat Uttar Pradesh, Punjab and Haryana Sunflower Maharashtra and Karnataka
Rice Paschim Banga and Tamil Nadu Fibre Crops Cotton Maharashtra and Gujarat
Gram Madhya Pradesh and Tamil Nadu Jute Paschim Banga and Bihar
Barley Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh and Rajasthan Silk Karnataka and Kerala
Bajra Maharashtra, Gujarat and Rajasthan Hemp Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh
Plantations Coffee Karnataka and Kerala
Cash Crops Sugarcane Uttar Pradesh and Maharashtra
Rubber Kerala and Karnataka
Poppy Uttar Pradesh and Himachal Pradesh
Tea Asom and Kerala
Oil Seeds Coconut Kerala and Tamil Nadu
Tobacco Gujarat, Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh
Linseed Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh
Spices Pepper Kerala, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu
Groundnut Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat and Tamil Nadu
Cashewnuts Kerala, Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh
Rape and Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh
mustard Ginger Kerala and Uttar Pradesh
Sesame Uttar Pradesh and Rajasthan Turmeric Andhra Pradesh and Odisha

Mineral Resources Mineral Resources of India

Types of Minerals Mineral States

Minerals are divided into the Coal Chhattisgarh, Odisha, Jharkhand and Madhya Pradesh
following three categories: Copper Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Jharkhand, Karnataka
Metallic Iron ore, copper, aluminium, Gold Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh
tin, lead, gold and silver. Iron Odisha, Karnataka, Goa and Chhattisgarh.
Non-metallic Coal, mica, manganese, Bauxite Chhattisgarh, Andhra Pradesh, Odisha and Gujarat
petroleum and sulphur. Mica Andhra Pradesh, Rajasthan, Jharkhand and Bihar
Radioactive Uranium and thorium Petroleum Mumbai High,Gujarat, Assam, Bassein (South of Mumbai High)
Gondwana rocks (Chhotanagpur Uranium Jharkhand, Rajasthan, Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka
Plateau) are the richest mineral Thorium Kerala Coast, Rocks of Aravalli in Rajasthan
deposits in India.
Silver, Zinc and Lead Rajasthan, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka (Kolar mines)
Diamond Panna (Madhya Pradesh) Banda (Uttar Pradesh)
32 Self Study Guide SSC Constable (GD) Recruitment Exam

Soils in India
Type States where Found (Occurence) Composition Crops Grow
Alluvial Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and Rich in potash and lime but deficient Large variety of rabi and kharif crops such as
Jharkhand in nitrogen and phosphorus. wheat, rice, sugarcane, cotton and jute etc
Black Deccan Plateau, Valleys of Krishna and Godavari, Rich in iron, lime, aluminium, Cotton sugarcane, jowar, tobacco, wheat
(or Regur soil) Andhra Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh and Tamil magnesium, calcium, but lacks in and rice.
Nadu. nitrogen, phosphorus and humus.
Red Eastern parts of Deccan Plateau, Tamil Nadu, Rich in iron and potash, but deficient Wheat, rice, cotton, sugarcane and pulses.
Goa, Odisha and Meghalaya. in lime, nitrogen, phosphorus and
Laterite Summits of Eastern and Western Ghats, Asom Rich in iron but poor in silica, lime, Tea, coffee, rubber, cashew and millets.
hills, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Paschim Banga phosphorus, potash and humus.
and Odisha.
Desert West and North-West India, Rajasthan, North Rich in soluble salts, but deficient in Generally unsuitable for cultivation, but with
Gujarat and Southern Punjab. organic matter. irrigation useful for cultivation of drought-
resistant lime, millets, barley, cotton, maize
and pulses.
Mountain Hills of Jammu and Kashmir Uttarakhand and Rich in iron and humus, but deficient with fertilizers, tea, fruits and medicinal
Asom hills. in lime. plants can be grown.
Saline and Drier parts of Bihar, Jharkhand, Uttar Pradesh, Many salts such as sodium, Unfit for agriculture.
Alkaline Haryana, Punjab, Rajasthan and Maharashtra. magnesium and calcium.
Peaty and Kerala, coastal regions of Odisha, Tamil Nadu Contain large amount of soluble salts Useful for rice and jute cultivation.
Marshy and Suderbans of Paschim Banga. and organic matter, but lack in potash
and phosphates.

Transportation in India Road Transport

l India has one of the largest road networks in the world
(33 lakh km approx). It consists of National highways,
Indian Railway system is the largest in Asia and the fourth State highways; major/other district roads and rural roads.
largest in the world.
l NH 44 is the longest highway of India.
l The Indian Railways operate in three different gauges namely.
Broad Gauge (Distance between rails is 1.676 m)
l NH 548 & 118 is the smallest highway of India.
Metre Gauge (Distance between rails is 1.00 m) l Maharashtra has the maximum length of surfaced roads
Narrow Gauge (Distance between rails is 0.762 or 0.610 m) in India.
l The longest railway platform in India is now Gorakhpur n The Golden Quadrilateral project has connected the four
with a stretch of around 1.3 km metropolitan cities of Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai and Kolkata
covering a total distance of 5952 km, is currently under
Railway Zone Headquarter construction. It is the first phase of the National Highways
Central Mumbai VT Development Project (NHDP).
Eastern Kolkata
Important National Highways
Northern New Delhi
North-Eastern Gorakhpur NH Connects
North-East Frontier Maligaon-Guwahati NH 1 New Delhi-Ambala-Jalandhar- Amritsar
Southern Chennai NH 2 Delhi-Mathura-Agra-Kanpur-Allahabad-Varanasi-Kolkata
South Central Secunderabad NH 3 Agra-Gwalior-Nasik-Mumbai
South Eastern Kolkata NH 4 Thane and Chennai via Puneand Belgaum
Western Mumbai Churchgate NH 5 Kolkata-Chennai
East Coast Bhubaneshwar NH 6 Kolkata-Dhule
East Central Hajipur NH 7 Varanasi-Kanyakumari (2369 km)
North Central Allahabad
NH 8 Delhi-Mumbai (via Jaipur, Baroda and Ahmedabad)
North Western Jaipur
NH 9 Mumbai-Vijaywada
South Western Bengaluru (Hubli)
NH 10 Delhi-Fazilka
West Central Jabalpur
South- East Central Bilaspur NH 24 Delhi-Lucknow
Kolkata Metro Kolkata NH 26 Lucknow-Varanasi
South Central Visakhapatnam NH 44 Srinagar-Kanyakumari (3745km)
Geography 33

Water Transport Important Sanctuaries and National Parks

The government has recognised the following Name Location Reserve For
National Waterways of India
Kaziranga National Assam One-horned rhinoceros, gaur, elephant,
NW1 Allahabad to Haldia 1629 km Park leopard and wild buffalo
NW2 Sadia to Dhubri on Brahmaputra river 819 km Sonai Rupai Wildlife Assam Elephant, sambhar, wild boar and
NW3 Kollam to Kottapuram 186 km Sanctuary one-horned rhinoceros

NW4 Kakinada to Marak- kanam along 1110 km Namdapha National Arunachal Elephant, panther, sambhar, tiger, cheetal
Godavari and Krishna river Park Pradesh and king cobra
NW5 Mangalgarhi to Paradeep and Talcher to 1623 km Gautam Buddha Bihar Tiger, leopard, sambhar, cheetal and
Dhamara Mahanadiand Brahmini Sanctuary barking deer (Indian Muntgac)
NW6 Lakhipur to Bhanga Barak river 121 km Achanakmar Chhattisgarh Tiger, boar, cheetal, sambhar and bison
13 Major Ports in India
Velvadore National Gujarat Wolf and black buck
Western Coast Eastern Coast Park
Tidal Port Kandla Paradip (exports raw iron to Wild Ass Sanctuary Gujarat Wild ass, wolf, nilgai and chinkara
(child of partition) Gujarat Japan) Odisha
Gir Forest Gujarat India’s biggest wildlife sanctuary famous for
Mumbai (busiest and biggest) Vishakhapatnam (deepest Gir lions
Maharashtra port) Andhra Pradesh
Dachigam National Jammu and Kashmiri stag, Long tailed marmot,
JL Nehru (fastest growing) Chennai (oldest and artificial) Park Kashmir Himalayan serow
Maharashtra Tamil Nadu
Banerghatta Karnataka Elephant, cheetal, deer and grey partridge
Marmugao (naval base also) Goa Ennore (most modern in National Park and green pigeon
private hands) Tamil Nadu
Bhadra Sanctuary Karnataka Elephant, cheetal, panther, sambhar and
Mangalore (exports Kudremukh Tuticorin (Southernmost) wild boar
Iro-ore) Karnataka Tamil Nadu
Bandipur National Karnataka Elephant, tiger, panther, sambhar, deer and
Cochin (natural harbour) Kerala Port Blair (strategically
Park Dandeli and birds
important) Andaman and
Sanctuary Tamil Nadu
Nicobar Islands
Tungabhadra Karnataka Tiger, panther, elephant, cheetal, sambhar
Enayam near Colachel in Tamil Nadu is the 13th Sanctuary and wild boar
major part of India. Nagarhole National Karnataka Panther, cheetal, sloth bear and
Air Transport Park four-horned antelope
l JRD Tata was the first person to take a solo flight Pachmarhi Madhya Tiger, leopard, wild bear, cheetal, sambhar
from Mumbai to Karachi in 1931. Sanctuary Pradesh reshus maccaque
l In 1935, the ‘Tata Air Lines’ started its operation Gandhi Sagar Madhya Tiger, panther, boar, sambar, nilgai and
between Mumbai and Thiruananthapuram and in Sanctuary Pradesh barking deer
1937 between Mumbai and Delhi. Bandhavgarh Madhya Cheetal, sambhar, chinkara and wild birds
National Park Pradesh
There are major international airports in India
Simlipal Sanctuary Odisha Tiger, panther, cheetal, nilgai and wild boar
International Airports City
Ghana Bird Rajasthan Water birds, black buck, cheetal and
Rajiv Gandhi International Airport Hyderabad Sanctuary sambar
Calicut International Airport Calicut
Khangchendzonga Sikkim Snow leopard, musk deer and Himalayan
Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport Mumbai National Park boar
Bangalore International Airport Bengaluru Vedanthangal Bird Tamil Nadu Important bird sanctuary
Goa Airport in Vasco di Gama City Goa Sanctuary
Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose International Airport Kolkata Chandraprabha Uttar Gir lions, cheetal and sambhar
Thriuvananthapuram International Airport Thiruvanant Sanctuary Pradesh
hapuram Dudhwa National Uttar Pradesh Tiger, panther, sambar, cheetal, nilgai and
Lokpriya Gopinath Bordoloi International Airport Guwahati Park barking deer
Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel International Airport Ahmedabad Corbett National Uttarakhand Tiger, leopard, elephant and sambhar
Indira Gandhi International Airport Delhi Park (named in memory of Jim Corbett)
Chennai International Airport Chennai Jaldapara Sanctuary West Bengal Rhinoceros, Elephant
Raja Sansi International Airport Amritsar Sunderban Tiger West Bengal Tiger, deer, wild boar, crocodile and
Reserve Gangetic dolphin
Davi Ahilya Bai Holkar International Airport Indore
34 Self Study Guide SSC Constable (GD) Recruitment Exam

Biosphere Reserves of India Environment related Important International Agreement/Conference

Area UN Conference on the Human Environment Stockholm (1972)
Name States Type
(km2 )
Convention on Migratory Species Bonn (1979)
Manas Assam East Himalayas 2837 Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Vienna (1985)
Dibru- Assam East Himalayas 765 Layer
Saikhowa Pototocol on Substances that Deplete the Montreal (1987)
Ozone Layer
Seshchalam Andhra Pradesh Eastern Ghats 4755.997
Hills Convention on the Transboundary Movement Basel (1989)
of Hazardous Wastes
Great Nicobar Andaman and Islands 885
(UNESCO) Nicobar Islands Earth Summit (UN Conference on Rio-de-Janeiro (1992)
Environment and Development)
Dihang-Dibang Arunachal East Himalayas 5112
Pradesh Convention on Prior Informed Consent Rotterdam (1998)
UN Conference on Sustainable Development Rio-de-Janeiro (2012)
Great Rann of Gujarat Desert 12454
Kachchh Nagoya Protocol on Genetic Resources Nagoya (2010)
(Nagoya Protocol)
Cold Desert Himachal Pradesh Western 7770
Himalayas Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD-CoP-11) Hyderabad (2012)

Agasthyamalai Kerala, Western Ghats 1828 Lima Climate Change Conference (CoP-20) Lima (2014)
Tamil Nadu Paris agreement (CoP-21) Paris (2015)
Pachmarhi Madhya Pradesh Semi-Arid 4926 Marrakech Conference (CoP-22) Marrakech Morocco (2016)
Bonn Conference (CoP-23) Bonn (2017)
Achanakamar- Madhya Pradesh, Maikala Range 3835
Poland Conference (CoP-23) Varsho (2018)
Amarkantak Chhattisgarh
(UNESCO) Meddric Conference (CoP-25) Meddric (2019)
Nokrek Meghalaya East Himalayas 820 Glosgow Conference (CoP-26) Glassgow (2021)
Wildlife Conservation in India
Simlipal Odisha Deccan 4374
(UNESCO) Peninsula Project Year
Khangchend- Sikkim East Himalayas 2620 Project Hangul 1970
zonga Project Gir 1972

Nilgiri Tamil Nadu, Kerala Western Ghats 5520 Project Tiger 1973
(UNESCO) and Karnataka Project Olive Riddey Turtles 1975

Gulf of Manner Tamil Nadu Coasts 10500 Crocodile Breeding Scheme 1975
(UNESCO) Project Manipur Thamin 1977

Nanda Devi Uttarakhand West Himalayas 5860 Project Rhino 1987

(UNESCO) Project Elephant 1992

Sunderbans West Bengal Gangetic Delta 9630 Project Red Panda 1996
(UNESCO) Project Vulture 2006

Panna Madhya Pradesh Semi-Arid 2998 Project Snow Leopard 2009

(UNESCO) Great Indian Busturd Project 2014
Practice Exercise
Universe & Solar System 14. In how many angle Earth is 24. Molten matter, inside the earth is
1. Which is the International Date inclined to its axis? known as
1° 1° (a) coarse grained material
Line? (a) 66 (b) 23
2 2 (b) magma
(a) Equator (b) 0° longitude
(c) 90° (d) 47 ° (c) liquid material
(c) 90° East longitude (d) 180° longitude (d) volcanic matter
15. Which is the largest planet ?
2. The planet nearest to the Sun is 25. Quartzite is a
(a) Neptune (b) Jupiter
(a) Earth (b) Mercury (a) metamorphic rock
(c) Earth (d) Venus
(c) Mars (d) Venus (b) igneous rock
16. Solar eclipse occurs when (c) sedimentary rock
3. The time difference between IST
(a) Earth comes between Sun and Moon (d) None of the above
and GMT is (b) Moon is at right angle to the Earth
(a) 5 hours (b) 5 hours 15 min (c) Moon comes between Sun and Earth 26. Coral reefs are landforms produced by
(c) 5 hours 30 min (d) 5 hours 45 min (d) Sun comes between Moon and Earth (a) rivers (b) organisms
(c) winds (d) waves
4. When the Earth reach its 17. Tides are compiled and they vary
perihelion, then from place to place because of [IAS 2003]
27. Fossils are commonly found in
(a) nearest to Moon (a) the movement of Moon in relation to (a) igneous rocks
(b) nearest to Sun and Moon both Earth (b) metamorphic rocks
(c) farthest to Sun (b) uneven distribution of water over the (c) sedimentary rocks
(d) nearest to Sun globe (d) volcanic rocks
(c) irregularities in the configuration of
5. Tides are primarily a result of the Atmosphere
(a) attraction of the moon
(d) All of the above
(b) Farrel’s law 28. The highest volume of gases in
(c) ocean currents
(d) pressure system of the Earth
Landforms lower atmosphere is comprised of
(a) hydrogen
18. What name is given to the soil (b) carbon dioxide
6. In how many years Half Meteoroid
brought down by the rivers? (c) oxygen
appears? (a) Alluvial soil (d) nitrogen
(a) 24 yr (b) 32 yr (c) 76 yr (d) 84 yr (b) Black soil
(c) Laterite soil 29. Clouds float in the atmosphere
7. Which planet is known as red
planet (d) Red soil because of their
(a) low pressure (b) low density
(a) Saturn (b) Uranus 19. Batholiths and laccoliths are (c) low viscosity (d) low temperature
(c) Mars (d) Jupiter formations of
8. Seismograph is used to measure (a) sedimentary rocks [NDA 2003]
30. Breeding and management of bees
(a) earthquake waves (b) tidal waves (b) igneous rocks is known as
(c) cyclonic waves (d) sea waves (c) metamorphic rocks (a) Sericulture (b) Silviculture
(d) polymetamorphosed rocks (c) Pisciculture (d) Apiculture
9. A knowledge of the Earth interior is
20. The most abundant power 31. Meteorology is the science of
obtained from
(a) volcanic eruption resources occur in (a) metals (b) earthquakes
(b) study of the seismic waves (a) metamorphic rocks (c) weather (d) mateors
(c) ocean floor (b) igneous rock 32. The word ‘monsoon’ is derived
(d) study of deep bores (c) sedimentary rock
from the
(d) volcanic rock
10. Which of the planet is nearest to (a) Latin word (b) Sanskrit word
the Sun? 21. Lithosphere is the (c) Urdu word (d) Arabic word
(a) Jupiter (b) Uranus (a) upper most part of the Earth 33. Monson wind country have, dense
(c) Mars (d) Mercury (b) middle part of the Earth (a) temporary tropical forest
11. Which of the following is a cold planet ? (c) top most layer of the Earth (b) desert trees
(a) Uranus (b) Mars (d) inner part of the Earth (c) kymi tropical green forest
(c) Venus (d) Jupiter (d) None of the above
22. Igneous rocks are characterised by
12. What is the reason behind the day (a) stratification 34. High speed and cold storm wind
and night occur? (b) full of fossils and fauna which flows in polar areas?
(a) Earth’s rotation (c) without fossils (a) Typhoon (b) Tornado
(b) Earth revolution (d) None of the above (c) Blizard (d) Polar wind
(c) Earth rotates with revolution 23. Sedimentary rocks are consisted of 35. Whih of the following country
(d) None of the above (a) sand known as ‘Land of Thunder Bolt’?
13. International Date line is situated on (b) plants and animals (a) Taiwan (b) Tibet
(a) 180°, West (b) 180°, East, West (c) lime (c) Bhutan (d) Japan
(c) 90°, East (d) 90°, West (d) clay
36 Self Study Guide SSC Constable (GD) Recruitment Exam

Minerals, Agriculture, 49. The highest waterfall of India is

(a) Shimsha falls (b) Hogenakkal falls
Industrial Cities in the (c) Courtallam falls (d) Jog falls
63. Banihal is an important mountain
pass of which State?
World 50. In which State is ‘Silent Valley’ (a) Jammu and kashmir
36. In a poultry unit, the factor most located? (b) Himachal Pradesh
influencing the cost is the cost of (a) Tamil Nadu (c) Uttarakhand
(a) fodder (b) transportation (b) Kerala (d) Sikkim
(c) chicks (d) medicines (c) Asom 64. Which country is separated from
(d) Arunachal Pradesh
37. Which of the following is not a British India by the Durand Line?
notable industrial city? 51. Which one of the following rivers (a) Pakistan (b) Afghanistan
(a) Kanpur (b) Mumbai flows between Vindhya-Satpura (c) China (d) Nepal
(c) Jamshedpur (d) Allahabad ranges? 65. The highest town (from sea level)
(a) Chambal (b) Ken of India is
38. Taiga means
(c) Godavari (d) Narmada (a) Srinagar (b) Lahul and Spiti
(a) Grass lands (b) Deserts
(c) Decidious forests 52. Which of the following is referred (c) Shimla (d) Jammu
(d) Coniferous forests to as ‘Young Fold Moutains’? 66. Which of the following Valley is
39. Major plantations of rubber are (a) Himalayas (b) Vindhyas known as ‘Paradise on Earth’?
(c) Aravallis (d) Nilgiris (a) Kashmir Valley (b) Kangra Valley
found in
53. Nasik is situated on the bank of the (c) Kullu Valley (d) Doon Valley
(a) Malaysia (b) Canada
(c) Alaska (d) Mexico river 67. Which is the capital of Andaman
(a) Mahanadi (b) Tapti and Nicobar Island?
40. In which forest both Softwood and (c) Krishna (d) Godavari (a) Port mindas (b) Vendor
Hardwood trees are found? (c) Port blair (d) Bamboo flate
(a) Temperate evergreen forest 54. How many Union Territories are in
(b) Decidious forest India? 68. Match the following
(c) Tropical grassland forest (a) Eight (b) Seven
1. Hazaribagh (a) Coal
(d) None of the above (c) Six (d) Five
2. Neyveli (b) Iron
41. The largest producer of aluminium 55. India shares land border with how
in the world is many countries? 3. Jharia (c) Lignite
(a) France (b) India (a) 7 (b) 5 4. Rourkela (d) Mica
(c) USA (d) Italy (c) 4 (d) 3 (a) 1c, 2d, 3a, 4b
42. Which of the following is the 56. Which one of the following Indian (b) 1d, 2c, 3a, 4b
(c) 1a, 2b, 3c, 4d
largest producer of wool in world? State does not lie on the coast?
(d) 1d, 2c, 3b, 4a
(a) India (b) Russia (a) Chhattisgarh (b) Maharashtra
(c) USA (d) Australia (c) Gujarat (d) Karnataka 69. Which one of the following agency
43. Praires grassland is found in 57. The Southern stretch of the Western markets, steel for the public sector
(a) USA (b) Eurasia plants?
coastal strip is referred to as
(c) China (d) South Africa (a) HNCC (b) HAIL
(a) Kannad
(c) SAIL (d) Tata Steel
44. Which of the following river is the (b) Konkan
longest river in the world? (c) Southern Government 70. The Central Drug Research Institute
(a) Nile (d) Malabar of India is located at
(b) Ganga 58. Lakshadweep Island lies in the (a) Delhi (b) Bengaluru
(c) Amazon (a) Bay of Bengal (b) Arabian Sea (c) Chennai (d) Lucknow
(d) Mississippi-Missouri
(c) Palk Strait (d) Gulf of Mannar 71. Jharia coal field is situated in ........
Indian Geography 59. The river Narmada has its source at district of Jharkhand.
(a) Satpura (b) Brahmagiri (a) Ranchi (b) Dhanbad
45. The Easternmost peak of the (c) Amarkantak (d) Gangotri (c) Hazaribagh (d) Chaibasa
Himalayas is
(a) Namcha Barwa (b) Annapurna 60. Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, 72. Which state is rich in jute?
(c) Kanchenjunga (d) Mount Everest West Bengal and Sikkim have (a) West Bengal (b) Tamil Nadu
common frontiers with (c) Kerala (d) Odisha
46. Density of population shows
(a) China (b) Bhutan 73. India accounts for how many
(a) land labour ratio (b) man land ratio (c) Nepal (d) Myanmar percentage of the total geographical
(c) land capital ratio (d) land product ratio
61. Dehradun is a part of the land of the world?
47. The highly populated city in India is (a) 16% (b) 2.4%
(a) Himadri (b) Himachal
(a) Mumbai (b) Kolkata (c) Shiwalik (d) Garhwal Mountain (c) 4.2% (d) 24%
(c) Chennai (d) Delhi
62. Which of the following cities does 74. Sardar Sarovar Dam is bult on
48. Which of the following country not which river?
having common border with India? not lie on the banks of yamuna?
(a) Delhi (b) Agra (a) Yamuna (b) Narmada
(a) Bhutan (b) China (c) Sutlej (d) Bhagirathi
(c) Mathura (d) Lucknow
(c) Pakistan (d) Russia
Geography 37

75. Which among the following states Environment and 91. Which one of the following is not a
is the major producer of woollen biosphere reserve?
Biosphere Reserves (SSC Constable 2013)
goods in India?
(a) Punjab (b) Haryana 84. Shivpuri National Park of Madhya (a) Great Nicobar 1989
(c) Gujarat (d) Uttar Pradesh Pradesh is important for (b) Sunderbans, 1989
(a) Tiger and Elephant (b) Wild Buffalo (c) Nanda Devi, 1988
76. The largest producer of saffron in (c) Birds (d) Gulf of Kachchh 2008
India is (d) Leopard and Chital 92. The most common cause of
(a) Uttar Pradesh
(b) Tamil Nadu 85. In which state are lions found in pollution of air is
(c) Jammu &Kashmir (SSS Constable, 2012)
large numbers?
(d) Haryana (a) carbon dioxide
(a) Gujarat (b) Tamil Nadu
(b) carbon monoxide
77. Which State has the highest (c) Asom (d) Madhya Pradesh
(c) sulphur dioxide
population in India? 86. Jim Corbett National Park is (d) smoke
(a) Himachal Pradesh situated in
(b) Uttar Pradesh
93. Rubber plantations are found in
(a) Uttarakhand (SSS Constable, 2012)
(c) Haryana (b) Andhra Pradesh (a) temperate forests
(d) Bihar (c) Madhya Pradesh (b) mountain regions
78. Which is the largest freshwater lake (d) Himachal Pradesh (c) polar regions
in India? (d) equatorial regions
(a) Wular (b) Chilka
Previous Years’ Questions
94. The sea which existed in the place
(c) Loktak (d) Sambhar 87. How does agriculture promote the of the Himalayas was
79. Which of the following place India’s Indian Industrial development? (SSS Constable, 2011)
(SSS Constable, 2015) (a) Red sea (b) Arabian sea
oldest oil refinery is situated?
(a) By supplying raw materials (c) Tethys sea (d) Dead sea
(a) Haldia
(b) By opening u market for industrial
(b) Digboi 95. Tides in the sea are caused by
(c) Baroda (SSS constable, 2012)
(c) By providing food and clothing to
(d) Mumbai (a) effect of Sun
80. Which of the following countries (d) All of the given options (b) effect of Moon
are conected by the Palk Strait? (c) combined effect of Moon and Sun
88. The presence of pollutants in the (d) gravitational force of Earth and Sun
(a) India and Sri Lanka environment is usually expressed in
(b) North Korea and South Korea 96. Tundras are (SSS Constable, 2012)
ppm, where ppm stands for
(c) Pakistan and China (SSS Constable, 2015) (a) deciduous forests
(d) Britain and France (a) particles per mole (b) tropical rain forests
81. In which place ‘Rail Coach’ factory (b) pollutant prevent measures (c) cold deserts
is situated? (c) purity per microgram (d) hot deserts
(a) Perambur (b) Yelhanka (d) parts per million 97. The second largest producer of
(c) Patiala (d) Kapurthala 89. Oxide of sulphur present in the cotton textiles in India is
82. Which of the following is the atmosphere are washed down by (SSS Constable, 2012)
rains to cause (SSS Constable, 2015) (a) Maharashtra
highest Airport in India?
(a) eutrophication in lakes (b) Tamil Nadu
(a) Bhuntar (b) Pant Nagar
(b) depletion of fossil fuel reserves (c) Andhra Pradesh
(c) Chusul (d) Parapani
(c) lowering of pH or soil (d) Gujarat
83. Which of the following city wheels (d) industrial smog formation 98. An instrument that records
and axles are manufactured for
90. Which one of the following earthquakes is (SSS constable, 2012)
Indian Railway? (a) Ergograph
(a) Bengaluru languages belongs to the Austric
(b) Edlograph
(b) Chennai group? (SSC Constable 2013)
(c) Thermograph
(c) Varanasi (a) Marathi (b) Ladakhi
(d) Seismograph
(d) None of the above (c) Khasi (d) Tamil

1. (d) 2. (b) 3. (c) 4. (d) 5. (a) 6. (c) 7. (c) 8. (a) 9. (b) 10. (d)
11. (a) 12. (a) 13. (b) 14. (b) 15. (b) 16. (c) 17. (d) 18. (a) 19. (a) 20. (c)
21. (a) 22. (c) 23. (b) 24. (b) 25. (a) 26. (b) 27. (c) 28. (d) 29. (b) 30. (d)
31. (c) 32. (d) 33. (c) 34. (c) 35. (c) 36. (a) 37. (d) 38. (d) 39. (a) 40. (a)
41. (c) 42. (d) 43. (a) 44. (a) 45. (a) 46. (b) 47. (a) 48. (d) 49. (d) 50. (d)
51. (d) 52. (a) 53. (d) 54. (b) 55. (a) 56. (a) 57. (d) 58. (b) 59. (c) 60. (c)
61. (c) 62. (d) 63. (a) 64. (b) 65. (a) 66. (a) 67. (c) 68. (b) 69. (c) 70. (d)
71. (b) 72. (a) 73. (b) 74. (b) 75. (a) 76. (c) 77. (b) 78. (a) 79. (b) 80. (a)
81. (d) 82. (c) 83. (a) 84. (a) 85. (a) 86. (a) 87. (a) 88. (d) 89. (c) 90. (c)
91. (d) 92. (a) 93. (d) 94. (c) 95. (c) 96. (c) 97. (d) 98. (d)

Indian Polity
Framing of the Indian Constitution l The idea of the Preamble was borrowed from the
Constitution of USA. The words, Socialist, Secular and
l The idea to have a Constitution was given by MN Roy
Integrity were added by the 42nd Amendment in 1976.
(Political Philosopher). The Constitution was framed by
the Constituent Assembly of India, set up in December The Preamble States
1946, in accordance with the Cabinet Mission Plan. n “WE, THE PEOPLE OF INDIA, have solemnly resolved
l Dr. Sachidanad Sinha in 1946 became the interim to constitute India into a SOVEREIGN, SOCIALIST, SECULAR,
chairman (temporary) of the assembly, later Dr. DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC and to secure to
Rajendra Prasad was elected as it permanent chairman all its citizens:
and BN Rao was appointed as the Constitutional n JUSTICE social, economic and political; LIBERTY of thought,
Advisor. expression, belief, faith and worship; EQUALITY of status and of
opportunity; and to promote among them all; FRATERNITY
l The total membership of Constituent Assembly was 389, assuring the dignity of the individual and the unity and integrity
when 93 were representatives from the Princely States of the nation; IN OUR CONSTITUENT ASSEMBLY, this
and others from British India. The Chairman of the twenty–sixth day of November, 1949, do HEREBY ADOPT,

Sources of the Indian Constitution

Enactment of the Constitution
Country Constitution
l The Constitution, adopted on 26th, November 1949,
contained 395 Articles, 22 Parts, and 8 Schedules. UK Nominal Head – President (like Queen)
Presently, it has 25 parts, 12 schedules and approximate Cabinet System of Ministers
Post of Prime Minister
489 Articles. However, the number of the articles in Parliamentary Type of Government
original constitution is not changed but their subclauses Bicameral Parliament
are increased. The Constituent Assembly took 2 years, Lower House more Powerful
11 months and 18 days to complete the Constitution. Council of Ministers responsible to the Lower House
Speaker in Lok Sabha
l Some of the provisions as those related to citizenship,
Single Citizenship
elections, provisional parliament etc, were given Law making procedures
immediate effect.
USA Written Constitution
l The Constitution came into force on 26 January, 1950, Vice-President Post
known as Republic Day of India. Fundamental Rights
l The Constitution was delayed till 26 January because, in Supreme Court
1929, on this day Indian National Congress demanded Impeachment of President
Poorna Swaraj in Lahore Session under J L Nehru. Independence of Judiciary and Judicial Review
l The Constituent Assembly adopted our National Flag on Preamble
July 22, 1947. It was designed by Pingali Venkiah. Removal of Supreme Court and High Court Judges
Erstwhile Fundamental Duties
Preamble USSR Ideal of Justice in Preamble
Five Year Plan
l It is the preface or the introduction of the Constitution.
It is not an integral part of the Constitution. The Australia Concurrent List
interpretation of the Constitution is based on the spirit Joint sitting of two Houses of Parliament.
Provisions regarding trade, commerce and intercourse
of the Preamble.
Japan Proceduse established by law
Indian Polity 39

Germany Suspension of Fundamental Rights during the Emergency l Equality of opportunity in matters of public
Canada Scheme of federation with a strong Centre
employment. (Article 16)
Distribution of powers between the Centre and the States and
l Abolition of untouchability. (Article 17)
placing Residuary Powers with the Centre l Abolition of titles. (Article 18)
Ireland Concept of Directive Principles of State Policy (Ireland (ii) Right to Freedom (Articles 19-22)
borrowed it from Spain) Protection of certain rights regarding freedom of

Method of election of the President speech and expression, freedom to assemble

peacefully, etc. (Article 19)
nomination of members in Rajya Sabha
Protection in respect of conviction for offences.

(Article 20)
Union and its Territory Protection of life and personal liberty. (Article 21)

Right to elementary education (added by 86th

Articles 1 to 4 under Part I of the constitution of India deal
Amendment Act, 2002, Article-21A)
with the union and its territory.
Protection against arrest and detention in certain
l Article 1 provides name and territory of the union and
cases. (Article 22)
says India, that is bharat as a union of states rather than
a Federation of states. Right to Education
l Article 2 related to the admission or establishment of n Article 21A states that the State shall provide free and
new states that are not part of the union of India. compulsory education to all children belonging to age group of
6-14 years in such a manner at the state may determine.
l Article 3 is related to the formation of new states and
alteration of areas,boundaries or names of existing states. (iii) Right against Exploitation (Article 23-24)
l Article 4 is related to the laws made under article 2 and 3 l Prohibition of trafficking in human beings and forced
to provide for the amendment of the first and the fourth labour (Article 23).
schedules and supplemental,incidental and
consequential matters.
l Prohibition of employment of children in factories, etc
(Article 24).
(iv) Right to Freedom of Religion (Articles 25-28)
Citizenship l Freedom of conscience and free profession, practice and
The Constitution of India deals with the citizenship from propagation of religion. (Article 25)
Articles 5 to 11 under Part II. However, it empowers the
Parliament to enact a law to provide the matters relating to
l Freedom to manage religious affairs.(Article 26)
the citizenship. l Freedom as to payment of taxes for promotion of any
Acquisition of citizenship is prescribed by “The citizenship particular religion. (Article 27)
Act, 1955’’ in five ways that is By birth, by Descent, by l Freedom as to attendance at religious instructions or
Registration, by Naturalisation and by Incorporation of religious worship in certain educational institutions.
territory. (Article 28)
Loss of citizenship is also prescribed by “The Citizenship (v) Cultural and Educational Right (Article 29-30)
Act, 1955” in three ways viz., renunciation, termination l Protection of interest of minorities (Article 29).
and deprivation. l Right of minorities to establish and administer
The Constitution of India provides for only a single educational institutions (Article 30).
citizenship that is Indian Citizenship.
n Freedom of Press is implicit in the Article 19, 20 and 21 cannot
1. Fundamental Rights be suspended during National Emergency.
The Fundamental rights are enshrined in Part III of the n Originaly, the constitution provided 7 Fundamental Rights, but
Right to Property (under Article 31) was repealed by the 44th
constitution from Articles 12 to 35. This part is considered
Amendment Act, 1978, and was made a legal right under
as the Magna Carta of India. Article 300A.
Following are the rights which are guaranteed by the
Constitution (vi) Right to Constitutional Remedies (Article 32)
(i) Right to Equality (Articles 14-18) l Right to move to the Supreme Court and the High
l Equality before Law. (Article 14) Courts (under Article 226) in case of their violation of
l Prohibition of discrimination on grounds of religion, Fundamental Rights, It was termed by BR Ambedkar as
race, caste, sex or place of birth. (Article 15) the Heart and Soul of the Constitution.
40 Self Study Guide SSC Constable (GD) Recruitment Exam

l The Supreme Court and High Courts have the power to Article 48 Organization of agriculture and animal
issue writs, if fundamental rights are violated under husbandry.
Article 32 and 226 respectivey. Article 48 A Protection and improvement of environment
and safeguarding of forest and wildlife.
Types of Writs
Article 49 To protect all monuments of historic interest
Writ Meaning Intended Purpose and national importance.
Article 50 To bring about the separation of the judiciary
Habeas You may have the To release a person who has been from the executive.
Corpus body detained unlawfully whether in prison or
in private custody. Article 51 Promotion of international peace and
Mandamus We Command To secure the performance of public
duties by lower court, tribunal or public
authority. Fundamental Duties
Certiorari To be certified To quash the order already passed by an In 1976, Sardar Swaran Singh committee recommended the
inferior court, tribunal or quasi judicial
Fundamental Duties and by 42nd Constitutional
Amendment Act, 1976, these duties are added to the
Prohibition To forbid To prohibit an inferior court from Constitution under new part, Part IV-A and a new Article,
continuing the proceedings in a particular
Article 51A.
case where it has no jurisdiction to try.
Quo By what authority To restrain a person from holding a
Warranto or warrent public office to which he is not entitled. Union
The Constitution of India deals the Union Government in
Part V under Articles 52 to 151. It consists of the Executive,
Directive Principles of State Policy Parliament, Supreme Court and Comptroller and Auditor
The DPSP are enumerated in Part IV of the Constitution of General of India (CAG).
India from Articles 36 to 51. The Directive Principles are The President
non-justiciable in nature. Followings are Directive
l Executive head of the State and the first citizen of India.
Principles of State Policy
Articles 36-37 Definition and application of the principles
l The 42nd Amendment of the Constitution has made it
contained in this part. obligatory on the part of the President to accept the advice
Article 38 To secure and protect a social order which of the Council of Ministers. However, 44th Amendment
stands for the welfare of the people. Act amended the word ‘obligatory’ and added that
Article 39 Certain principles of policy to be followed by ‘President can send the advice for reconsideration’.
the State. l Qualifications Must be a citizen of India; of 35 years in
Article 39 A Equal justic and free legal Aid. age; eligible to be a member of the Lok Sabha and must
Article 40 To organize village panchayats as units of not hold any government post.
self-government. l Election Indirectly elected through Electoral College
Article 41 Right to work, to education and to public consisting of elected members of both the Houses of the
assistance in certain cases. Parliament and elected members of the Legislative
Article 42 To secure just and humane conditions of work Assemblies of the States and Union Territories (Delhi
and maternity relief. and Puducherry).
Article 43 Living wage, etc for workers.
l Members of the Legislative Councils have no right to
Article 43 A Participation of workers in management of
vote in the Presidential election. Supreme Court decides
all disputes regarding President’s election.
Article 43 B Promotion of Co-operative society.
l Impeachment Procedure It is a quasi-judicial procedure.
Article 44 Uniform Civil Code for the citizens.
President can be impeached only on the grounds of
Article 45 Provision of early childhood care and
violation of the Constitution. The impeachment
education to children below the age of 6
procedure can be initiated in either House of the
Parliament. (Article 61)
Article 46 To promote the educational and economic
interests of the weaker sections of the people, Tenure
especially the Scheduled Castes and l The term is five years though there is no upper limit on
Scheduled Tribes. the number of times a person can become the President
Article 47 Improvement of public health and the (Article 57). He can give resignation to the Vice-President
prohibition of intoxicating drinks and drugs. before the full-term.
Indian Polity 41

l In case, the office of the President falls vacant due to Council of Ministers
death, resignation or removal, the Vice-President acts l Article 74 of the Constitution states that there shall be a
as the President. If he is not available then Chief Council of Ministers, with the Prime Minister at it’s head, to
Justice of India, if not then the senior most Judge of aid and advise the President. It is composed of all Union
the Supreme Court shall act as the President of India. Ministers – the Prime Minister, Cabinet Ministers, Ministers
n The first and only President who died in the office, was
of State and Deputy Ministers.
Dr Zakir Hussain. He was also the President with the l The Council is appointed by the President on the advice of
shortest tenure. the Prime Minister under Article 75(1). A Minister must be
n The 14th President of India is Ram Nath Kovind. a member of either House of Parliament, or be elected
within 6 months of assuming office under Article 75(5).
Powers l The Council of Ministers is collectively responsible to the
l He is the formal head of the administration. Lok Sabha, that is, a vote of no confidence even against a
l The President shall have the power to appoint and single Minister means the entire Council must resign
remove high authorities like, the Prime Minister, other [Article 75 (3)].
Ministers of the Union, Judges, Governors of States, l Each Minister is also responsible for his department and can
appoints Chiefs of Army, Navy and Air Force. He is the be removed from the office by the President on the advice of
Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces. the Prime Minister. This is essentially an individual
l He appoints 12 members of special repute in the Rajya responsibility under Article 75 (2).
Sabha and 2 members in the Lok Sabha, of the The Prime Minister
Anglo-Indian Community.
l The Prime Minister is the head of the Government and the
l He has the power of Pardon to a criminal in special head of the Council of Ministers. The Prime Minister is
cases. appointed by the President on the basis of his being the
l Declares wars and concludes peace, sub- ject to the leader of the majority party in the Lok Sabha.
approval of the Parliament. President has the Veto l If no party gets an absolute majority in the Lok Sabha or a
power. Prime Minister resigns or dies, the President can use his
l Under Article 72, the President has the power to own discretion in the choice of the Prime Minister.
grant pardons, reprieves, respites or remission of l Article 78 stipulates that it is the duty of the Prime Minister
punishment, or to suspend, remit or commute the (a) to communicate to the President all the decisions taken
sentence of any person convicted with death sentence. by the Cabinet, and (b) to furnish such information relating
l Under Article 123, President can promulgate to the administration of the Union or any Legislation as the
ordinances only when the Parliament is not in session. President may call for.
Emergency Powers
lTo declare National Emergency.
Under the constitution of India, the Parliament of India
lTo impose President Rule in a State.
consists of three parts i.e., the President, the council of States
lTo declare Financial Emergency. (Rajya Sabha and the Lok Sabha).
n Justice M Hidyatullah was the first Chief Justice of India to Rajya Sabha (Council of States)
be appointed as the President (July 1969-August 1969) of
l The Rajya Sabha is the Upper House of the Parliament and
the first sitting of the Rajya Sabha was held on April 3, 1952.
The Vice-President l The maximum permissible strength of the Rajya Sabha is
l Article 63 of the Constitution stipulates a 250. Of these, 238 members are elected indirectly from the
Vice-President for India. He is elected by both the States and Union Territories, and 12 are nominated by the
Houses of Parliament. President for their expertise in art, literature, science and
l The Vice-President is the Ex-officio Chairman of the social services (Article 80). Currently, the strength of the
Rajya Sabha is 245. Of these, 233 members are elected from
Council of States (Rajya Sabha) as mentioned in the
States and Union Territories and 12 are nominated members.
Article 64.
l The Rajya Sabha is a continuous body and is not subject to
l The first Vice-President of India was
dissolution and members enjoy a tenure of six years.
Dr S Radhakrishnan and the 13th and current
One-third of the members retire every two years (Article 83).
Vice-President of India is Venkaiah Naidu.
l It shares legislative powers with the Lok Sabha, except in the
n The first and only Vice-President who died in the office, was
case of Money Bill where the Lok Sabha has overriding
Shri Krishna Kant (1997-2002).
42 Self Study Guide SSC Constable (GD) Recruitment Exam

Lok Sabha (People’s House)

Supreme Court
l The Lok Sabha is the Lower House of the Parliament
and its first sitting took place on May 13, 1952. The l The Supreme Court has original, appellate and advisory
current Lok Sabha is the 16th Constituted Lok Sabha. jurisdictions. The Supreme Court consists of 34 Judges
(1 Chief Justice and 33 other Justices).
l Three Sessions of the Lok Sabha are held every year,
namely—Budget Session (February to May); Monsoon l A small Bench, with two to three Justices, is called a
Session (July to September); and Winter Session Division Bench. A large Bench, with five or more Justices, is
(November to December). called a Constitutional Bench.
l Members 530 from States, 20 from Union Territories Tenure and Qualification
and 2 nominated by the President, from the Anglo l Judges of the Supreme Court are appointed by the
Indian Community. President and retire at the age of 65. The qualifications are
l Election The representatives of the states are directly (a) must be a citizen of India; (b) a Judge of a High Court
elected by the people of the states on the basis of adult for at least 5 years; (c) an advocate of a High Court for at
suffrage. In case of Sikkim, however, its sole least 10 years.
representative in the House of the People is elected by l In case of any vacancy in the office of the CJI, the President
the member of its Legislative Assembly [Article 371 appoints an Acting Chief Justice from amongst the Judges
F(e)]. of the Court to function as the Chief Justice.
Article 84 provides for the eligibility for membership Independence of Judges (Article 125) The salaries and
of the Parliament. The conditions are citizen of India; at allowances of Judges are charged from the Consolidated Fund
least 25 years of age for the Lok Sabha and 30 years of of India.
age for the Rajya Sabha; and possess such other
Removal of Judges Judges can be removed only on the
qualifications as may be prescribed by the Parliament.
grounds of proven misbehaviour or incapacity. Judges can be
l Bills Bills may be classified as Ordinary, Money, removed only by a resolution of both Houses of Parliament
Financial and Constitutional Amendments. supported by a majority of total membership of both
l The Ordinary Bills can be introduced in either House the Houses and 2/3 of members present and voting.
of the Parliament but Money Bill can be initiated only n The first Judge against whom the proceedings were initiated was
in the House of the People. V Ramaswami (1993) and the second one is Soumitra Sen (2011).
l After a Money Bill has been passed by the Lok Sabha,
it is sent to the Rajya Sabha for deliberations. The Comptroller and Auditor General
Rajya Sabha is given 14 days to make l The Comptroller and Auditor General is appointed by the
recommendations which can be accepted or not by the President under Article 148 of the Constitution.
Lok Sabha. Article 111 stipulates that a Money Bill l The CAG audits all receipts and expenditures of the Union
cannot be returned to the House by the President for and State Governments. The CAG also acts as the external
reconsideration. auditor for the government-owned companies.
Speaker of the Lok Sabha l The CAG submits its reports to the President (in case of
l As soon as a new Lok Sabha is constituted, the accounts relating to the Union Government) or to the State
President appoints a Speaker pro-tem, who is Governors (for State Government Accounts).
generally the senior most member of the House. Attorney General of India
l A Deputy Speaker is also elected to officiate in the n The Attorney General is the highest law officer in the country
absence of the Speaker (Article 93). appointed by the President under Article 76 of the Constitution. The
first Attorney General of Independent India was MC Setalvad
l A member of Parliament vacates his seat in case of (a)
(1950-1963). The current Attorney General is GE Vahanvati
dual membership; (b) disqualifi- cation; (c) resignation; (2009–Till present).
(d) absence without permission for a period of 60 days n To be appointed as Attorney General, a candidate must be
(Article 101). qualified to be appointed as a Judge of the Supreme Court.
n The Attorney General can participate in proceedings of the
n GV Mavlankar was the first Speaker of the Lok Sabha
Parliament without the Right to Vote (Article 88).
n MA Ayyangar was the first Deputy Speaker (1952-1956).
n Dr. Balram Jakhar was the longest serving Speaker
The States
(1980-1989). The Constitution of India provides the State Governments
n GMC Balyogi is the first Speaker to die in the office under Part VI with Articles 152 to 237 which deals the
(1998-2002). Governor, Chief Minister, State Legislature and the High
Indian Polity 43

The Governor (Articles 153-162) (iii) 1/12 by electorates consisting of persons who are
l The Governor is the Constitutional Head of the State and graduates of 3 years standing and who are residents
the same Governor can act as Governor of more than one of the state;
State (Article 153 and 154). The Governor is appointed by (iv) 1/12 by electorates consisting of persons engaged for
the President (Article 155) and Article 156 states that the 3 years in teaching (not lower than secondary school);
Governor holds office during the pleasure of the (v) 1/6 nominated by the Governor.
High Courts (Articles 214-232)
l Article 161 gives the Governor the power to grant
pardons, reprieves, remission of punishment to persons
l There are 25 High Courts in India.
convicted under the state law. l The Calcutta High Court, established in 1862, is the
l Article 163 talks of discretionary powers of the Governor oldest High Court in India. The Bombay and Madras
which is not even provided to the President. Moreover, High Courts were also established in the same year. The
the courts cannot call in question his discretion. newest High Courts are the Chhattisgarh (Bilaspur),
Uttarakhand (Nainital) and Jharkhand (Ranchi) High
Qualifications Courts, all were established in the year 2000.
n Must be a citizen of India. Completed 35 years of age.
n Shouldn‘t be a member of either House of Parliament or State
The Panchayats
n Must not hold any office of profit. l It is Introduced by the 73rd Amendment Act, 1992 and
has added a new Part-IX to the constitution and consists
l Article 171 states that the States where Legislative of provisions from 243 to 243O. The act act envisaged a
Councils exists, the Governor can nominate some three tier system of local governance. These are
members from amongst those distinguished in literature, (i) Gram Panchayat at the village level
science, arts, cooperative movement and social service. (ii) Panchayat Samiti at the block level
l Article 213 empowers the Governor to issue the (iii) Zila Parishad at the district level
ordinances during the recess of the State Legislature. l The Panchayat system exists in all states except Nagaland,
Meghalaya and Mizoram. It also exists in all Union
State Council of Ministers Territories except Delhi. Panchayat system is provided for
l Article 163 and 164 of the constitution deal with the all states having a population more than 2 million.
status of the Council of Ministers and on the other, deal l Every Panchayat can continue for 5 years from the date
with the appointment, tenure, responsibility of its first meeting.
qualifications, oath and salaries and allowances of the
Committees to Study Panchayat System
ministers respectively.
l The Council of Ministers is headed by Chief Minister Committee Recommendation
whose duty to (a) communicate to the governor-relating Balwantrai Establish local bodies, devolve power and authority, basic
to administration of the State,(b) furnish such Mehta (1957) unit of decentralised government to be Block/Samiti.
information to the Governor, and (c) submit the K Santhanam Panchayats to have powers to levy tax on land revenue
consideration of Council of Ministers (if the Governor so (1963) etc, Panchayati Raj Finance Corporation to be set up.
requires) any matter. On which a decision has been taken Ashok Mehta District to be a viable administrative unit for planning, PRIs
by the minister. (1977) as two-tier system with Mandal Panchayat and Zila
States Legislature (Articles 168-212) GVK Rao PRIs to be activated and supported, Block Development
l Article 169 Abolition or creation of Legislative Councils (1985) Office (BDO) to be central to rural development.
in States (Currently, only six states in India have LM Singhvi Local self-governments to be constitutionally recognized,
Legislative Councils: Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra, (1986) non-involvement of political parties.
Karnataka, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh).
l Composition of the Legislative Councils. The Legislative The Municipalities
Council consists of not more than 1/3rd the strength of
the Legislative Assembly and not less than 40. The
l It is introduced by the 74th Amendment Act, 1993 and
composition of the Council is as follows added a new Part IX-4 to the constitution of India and
consists of provision from Articles 243 P to 243 G. The
(i) 1/3 member are elected by the Legislative Assembly
act envisages three types of urban local bodies, namely,
of the concerned state;
municipal corporation (nagar nigam), municipality
(ii) 1/3 by local political bodies; (nagar palika), city council (nagar panchayat).
44 Self Study Guide SSC Constable (GD) Recruitment Exam

l Municipal governance in India was first introduced in l Functions of the NDC is to review working of national
Madras in 1688. The Madras Municipal Corporation is the plan.
first municipal body in the whole commonwealth outside
the UK. The Bombay and Calcutta Corporations were Finance Commission
established in 1726. Municipal Corporations are established l Article 280 of the Constitution of India provides for a
in cities with population greater than 1 million. Finance Commission as a quasi-judicial body. It is
constituted by the President of India every fifth year.
l City Council administers urban areas having population
greater than 30000 and less than 100000. A municipality
l It consists of chairman and 4 other members.
administers an urban area of population 200000 or less. Functions
Election Commission l The Finance Commission is required to make
recommendation to the President of India in the
l The Election Commission is an autonomous, following matters (Article 280).
quasi-judiciary constitutional body. Its function is to l The distribution of the net proceeds of taxes to be
conduct free and fair elections in India. The Election shared between the centre and the states, and the
Commission was established on 25 January, 1950 under allocation between the states, the respective shares of
Article 324 of the Constitution. such proceeds.
l The first Chief Election Commissioner was Sukumar Sen.
Official Languages (Articles 343-351)
National Development Council (NDC) n Article 343 Official Language of the Union is Hindi in
l The NDC was formed in 1952, to associate the states in Devanagiri script.
the formulation of the plans. The Prime Minister is the n Article 350A Facilities for instruction in mother-tongue at
ex-officio chairman of NDC. It is an extra constitutional primary stage.
and extra legal body. n Article 351 Directives for development of the Hindi language.

Important Constitutional Amendments

n First Amendment, 1951 Added Ninth Schedule. n Forty third Constitutional Amendment Act, 1977
n Seventh Amendment, 1956 Necessitated on account of The 43rd Amendment omitted many articles inserted by 42nd
reorganization of States on a linguistic basis. Amendment. It restored the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court
n Twelfth Amendment, 1962 Incorporated Goa, Daman and Diu and the High Courts, which had been curtailed under the 42nd
as a UT. Amendment.
n Thirteenth Amendment, 1962 Created Nagaland as a State. n Forty fourth Amendment 1978 The Right to property was
n Fourteenth Amendment, 1963 Pondicherry, Puducherry deleted from Part III. Article 352 was amended to provide
Karaikal, Mahe and Yanam, the former French territories were ‘Armed Rebellion’ as one of the circumstances for declaration of
included in the schedule as UT of Pondicherry. emergency.
n Fifteenth Amendment, 1963 Age of retirement of the Judges of n Forty fifth Amendment 1985 Extended reservation for SC/ST by
High court has been extended from 60 to 62 yrs. another 10 years (till 1990).
n Eighteenth Amendment, 1966 Power of Parliament to form a n Fifty third Amendment, 1986 Mizoram was made a state.
new State or Union Territory.
n Fifty sixth Amendment, 1987 Hindi version of the Constitution of
n Twenty second Amendment, 1969 Created a sub-state of
India was accepted for all purposes. The UT of Goa, Daman
Meghalaya within Assam.
and Diu was divided and Goa was made a State. Daman and
n Twenty sixth Amendment, 1971 Abolished the titles and special
Diu remained as a UT.
privileges of former rulers of princely states.
n Sixty first Amendment, 1989 Reduced the voting age from 21
n Twenty seventh Amendment, 1971 Established Manipur and
to 18 years for the Lok Sabha as well as Assemblies.
Tripura as States and Mizoram and Arunachal Pradesh as UTs.
n Thirty first Amendment, 1973 Increased the elective strength of
n Sixty ninth Amendment, 1991 Special provision for Delhi, and
Lok Sabha from 525 to 545. Delhi made a NCT.
n Thirty sixth Amendment, 1975 Made Sikkim a State. n Seventy third Constitutional Amendment Act, 1992
n Thirty eighth Amendment, 1975 Clarified that declaration of The institution of Panchayati Raj receive constitutional guarantee,
emergency by the President and promulgation of ordiance by status and legitimacy. XIth Schedule was added to deal with it. It
the President or Governor cannot be challenged in any court on also inserted Part IX, containing Articles, 243, 243 A to 243 O.
any ground. n Eighty sixth Amendment, 2002 Makes education a
n Forty Second Constitutional Amendment Act, 1976 (Mini Fundamental Right for children in the age group of 6-14 years.
Constitution) The 42nd Amendment made fundamental n Eighty eighth Amendment, 2003 The Act amends Article 268,
changes in the constitutional structure and it incorporated the 270 and VIIth Schedule of the Constitution. It adds 92C just after
words ‘SOCIALIST’, ‘SECULAR’, ‘INTEGRITY’ in the Preamble.
92B and makes provisions for Tax on Services.
It added to Fundamental Duties and also three new PSP.
Indian Polity 45

n Eighty ninth Amendment, 2003 The Act adds Article n The Ninety-Seventh Amendment 2011 Provided for the Co-operative
338 A and provides for the creation of National societies in Part IX B of the Constitution of India. It also amended
Commission for Scheduled Tribes. Article 19 (1) (c) and inserted Article 43B.
n Ninety first Amendment, 2003 Amended the Anti-Defection n Ninety-Eight Amendment 2013 (Insert Article 371J) To empower the
Law and also made a provision that the number of ministers governor of Karnataka to take steps to develop Hydrabad-Karnataka
in the Central and State Government, cannot be more than Region.
15% of the strength of Lok Sabha and respective Vidhan
n Ninety-Nine Amendment 2014 For the formation of a National
Judicial Appointments Commission.
n Ninety third Amendment, 2005 To reserve seats for
socially and educationally backward classes, besides the n Hundred Amendment 2015 Land Boundary Agreement (LBA) Treaty
Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes, in private between India and Bangladesh.
unaided institutions other than those run by minorities. n One Hundred One Amendment 2017 Related to GST Bill.
n The Ninety-Forth Amendment 2006 To provide for a n 102nd Amendment, 2018 Provides the Constitutional states to
Minister of Tribal Welfare in newly created Jharkhand and
National Commision for Backward classes.
n The Ninety-Fifth Amendment 2010 Extended reservation
n 103rd Amendment, 2018 Provides the 10% Reservation for
for the SC/ST for further period of ten years, that is upto 25 Economically weak section (EWS) of society.
January, 2020. n 104th Amendment, 2019 Extends the deadline for the cessation for
n The Ninety-Sixth Amendmant 2011 Substituted “Odia” the reservation of seats for members from SC/ST in Lok Sabha of
for ‘‘Oriya’’. State Legislative assembly by a period of 10yrs.

Practice Exercise
Making of the Constitution (a) 489 (b) 350 14. Who was the constitutional advisor
(c) 389 (d) 372 to the Constituent Assembly?
1. Nomination of Rajya Sabha
(a) B N Rao
Members by the President was 8. The first meeting of the Constituent
(b) B R Ambedkar
taken from the Constitution of Assembly was held on (c) Rajendra Prasad
(a) USA (b) Ireland (a) 9th Dec, 1946 (b) 9th Feb, 1947 (d) K M Munshi
(c) South Africa (d) France (c) 22nd Jan, 1947 (d) 11th Dec, 1946
15. The names of the states and UTs are
2. The concept of Sovereign 9. Who was the Permanent President
described in
Parliament originated in of the Constituent Assembly ? (a) 1st Schedule (b) 2nd Schedule
(a) England (b) India (a) Dr. B R Ambedkar (c) 8th Schedule (d) 6th Schedule
(c) France (d) Japan (b) Dr. Rajendra Prasad
3. Who is considered the Architect of (c) J L Nehru The Preamble
the Indian Constitution? (d) Sachidanada Sinha 16. Which of the following would be
(a) Mahatma Gandhi 10. Who was the Chairman of the called a ‘Secular’ state?
(b) BR Ambedkar Drafting Committee ? (a) The state which does not
(c) Jawaharlal Nehru (a) Dr. B R Ambedkar discriminate between
(d) BN Rao religions
(b) J L Nehru
4. Eighth Schedule of the Constitution (c) B N Rao (b) The state which accepts all religions
as religions of state
of India deals with (d) Dr. Rajendra Prasad
(c) The state which follows a particular
(a) Languages
(b) Powers of Union and State
11. The Draft Constitution was religion
(c) Finance Commission published in (d) The state which is anti-religion
(d) None of the above (a) Jan, 1948 (b) Nov, 1949 17. In the Preamble the words
(c) Feb, 1948 (d) March, 1948 ‘Socialist’, ‘Secular’, and ‘Unity and
5. Who is called the Father of Indian
Constitution? 12. The Constitution was finally adopted Integrity’ were added by
(a) BN Rao on (a) 42nd Amendment, 1976
(b) Dr. BR Ambedkar (a) 26th Jan, 1950 (b) 26th Dec, 1949 (b) 44th Amendment, 1978
(c) NG Ayanger (c) 26th Nov, 1949 (d) 24th Jan, 1950 (c) 1st Amendment, 1951
(d) Dr. Rajendra Prasad (d) 7th Amendment, 1956
13. The ‘Objective Resolution’ was
6. The Constituent Assembly was set introduced in the Constituent 18. Which of the following is called as
up in Assembly by the ‘Soul’ of the Constitution?
(a) February 1946 (b) November 1946 (a) B N Rao (a) Directive Principles of
(c) February 1947 (d) November 1947 (b) J L Nehru Stale Policy
7. The total members in the Constituent (c) B R Ambedkar (b) Fundamental Duties
Assembly were (d) Dr. Rajendra Prasad (c) Preamble
(d) Fundamental Rights
46 Self Study Guide SSC Constable (GD) Recruitment Exam

Fundamental Rights, DPSP & The President, The Prime 39. Ministry of Lok Sabha comes under
Fundamental Rights, Directive Minister and Council the
Principles of Sates Policy of Ministers (a) Home Ministry
(b) Ministry of Parliament affairs
19. Which of the following has been 28. Which one of the following Chief (c) The President of India
described as the heart and the soul Justices of India acted as the (d) The Speaker of Lok Sabha
of the Indian Constitution? President of India for the time
(a) Fundamental Rights being? The Parliament
(b) Directive Principles of State Policy (a) Justice Gajendra Gadkar 40. Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha had passed
(c) Right to Constitutional Remedies (b) Justice H. Kania the Lokpal Bill with more strong
(d) The Preamble (c) Justice PN Bhagwati amendments in
(d) Justice M. Hidayatullah
20. Article-17 of Indian Constitution (a) 2012 (b) 2013
deals with 29. Who is the Commander of the (c) 2009 (d) 2011
(a) education Armed Forces in India? 41. When was the first Central
(b) health (a) President Legislative Assembly constituted?
(c) abolition of untouchability (b) Vice-president
(a) 1922 (b) 1923
(d) food guarantee (c) Prime Minister
(c) 1921 (d) 1920
(d) Chief Justice of the Supreme Court
21. The ‘Directive Principles’ are what?
42. Name the two non-permanent
(a) Justiciable 30. Minimum age required to contest
(b) Non-justiciable for Presidentship is Houses in the parliamentary set-up of
(c) Rigid (a) 25 yr (b) 21 yr India.
(c) 30 yr (d) 35 yr (a) The Rajya Sabha and Vidhan Sabha
(d) Flexible
(b) The Lok Sabha and Vidhan Parishad
22. The Mandal Commission report 31. The power of the President to (c) The Rajya Sabha and Vidhan
refers to promulgate ‘Ordinance’ is related to Parishad
(a) Article 123 (b) Article 213 (d) The Lok Sabha and Vidhan Sabha
(a) the other Backward Classes
(b) the Scheduled Tribes (c) Article 352 (d) Article 356 43. In case the offices of both the
(c) the Minorities 32. How many members are nominated Speaker and the Deputy Speaker of
(d) the Scheduled Castes by the President to the Lok Sabha ? Lok Sabha become vacant, who will
23. How many Fundamental Rights (a) 12 (b) 6 preside over the meetings of the
were granted initially? (c) 4 (d) 2 house?
(a) Six 33. In the Rajya Sabha, how many (a) A member nominated by the house
(b) Seven (b) Seniormost member of Lok Sabha
members are nominated by the
(c) Four (c) The first member of the panel of
President ? Chairpersons approved by the house
(d) Five (a) 12 (b) 2 (c) 6 (d) 1 (d) A member designated by the President
24. Which of the following is known as 34. The President’s rule is invoked by
the ‘Magna Carta’ of the 44. Which is the part of Parliament of
the President under India?
Constitution ? (a) Article 352 (b) Article 359 (a) Lok Sabha (b) Rajya Sabha
(a) Fundamental Rights (c) Article 356 (d) Article 355 (c) President of India(d) All of these
(b) Preamble
(c) Fundamental Duties 35. Financial Emergency is related to 45. What is the maximum member
(d) DPSP (a) Article 360 (b) Article 352 strength of the Lok Sabha in India?
(c) Article 359 (d) Article 355 (a) 530 (b) 540
25. The Right to Property ceased to be a
fundamental right by 36. During the Proclamation of (c) 550 (d) 552
(a) 44th Amendment Emergency, the Fundamental The Judiciary
(b) 42nd Amendment Rights are suspended by the
(c) 36th Amendment 46. The Indian judiciary is headed by
President under
(d) 43rd Amendment (a) The Supreme court
(a) Article 352 (b) Article 355
(b) The Parliament
26. Which of the following articles (c) Article 359 (d) Article 356
(c) The President
cannot be suspended during 37. The impeachment of the President (d) The Prime Minister
Emergency ? is related to
(a) Articles 14 and 15 47. What is the retirement age for a
(a) Article 52
(b) Articles 15 and 16 Supreme Court Judge?
(b) Article 123
(c) Articles 14 and 16 (a) 62 yr (b) 65 yr
(c) Article 61
(d) Articles 20 and 21 (c) 68 yr (d) 70 yr
(d) Article 59
27. Which of the following is related to 38. The National Integration Council 48. Which of the following is true about
Swarn Singh Committee ? (NIC) is chaired by the the Supreme Court?
(a) Fundamental Rights (a) It has only the Appellate Jurisdiction.
(a) Prime Minister
(b) Fundamental Duties (b) It is the highest federal court of India.
(b) Finance Minister
(c) DPSP (c) It does not have the Original
(c) Home Minister
(d) None of the above Jurisdiction.
(d) President of India
(d) It can amend the Constitution.
Indian Polity 47

49. The Supreme Court was set-up 58. The maximum time a person can (a) 243(D) (b) 243(Q)
under continue to be the minister of the (c) 243(V) (d) 243(S)
(a) Pitts India Act State Government without being a 67. The Municipal Corporation is
(b) Regulating Act member the state legislature ..... . headed by
(c) Indian Councils Act, 1861 (a) six months (b) no time limit (a) Chairperson (b) Councillor
(d) Indian Councils Act, 1892 (c) Mayor (d) Collector
(c) one year (d) three months
50. The age of retirement of the Judges 68. In which of the following state
59. The state operates through
of the High Court is first time Panchayati Raj was
(a) Government (b) President
(a) 62 Years (b) 65 Years instituted?
(c) Political Party (d) None of these
(c) 58 Years (d) 60 Years (a) Rajasthan (b) Gujarat
60. The Governor does not appoint (c) UP (d) Bihar
51. The oath to a High Court Judge is
(a) Judges of the High Court
administered by the (b) Chief Minister 69. Where was the first municipal
(a) Chief Justice of India (c) Chairman of the State Public Service corporation in India set up?
(b) Chief Justice of that High Court Commission (a) Mumbai (b) Kolkata
(c) Governor (d) Advocate General of the State (c) Delhi (d) Chennai
(d) President
61. Who appoints the Governor of 70. Which one of the following Articles
52. The Chief Justice and other Judges Jammu and Kashmir? of the Constitution of India makes a
of the High Court are appointed by (a) Chief Minister of the State specific mention of Village
the (b) Chief Justice of the High Court Panchayats?
(a) President (c) President (a) Article 19
(b) Chief Justice of the Supreme Court (d) Prime Minister
(b) Article 21
(c) Governor of the concerned state
62. The Chairman of the Legislative (c) Article 40
(d) Chief Minister of the concerned state
Council is (d) Article 246
53. Which of the following (a) appointed by the Governor
amendments curtailed the power of (b) the Governor (ex-officio)
Election Commission
judicial review of the Supreme (c) elected by the members of the 71. What is the minimum percentage
Court and the High Courts? Legislative Council from among of votes a political party must get to
(a) 24th (b) 26th themselves acquire the status of a registered
(c) 42th (d) 44th (d) appointed by the Speaker of the
Assembly party?
54. Under which law it is prescribed (a) 1% (b) 2%
that all proceedings in the Supreme 63. The Central Government can assign (c) 3% (d) 4%
Court of India shall be in English any function to the state
72. Who was the first Chief Election
(a) on the directive of the President
language? (b) on the recommendation of Parliament Commissioner of India?
(a) The Supreme Court Rules, 1966 (c) any time it wishes to do so (a) GV Mavlankar
(b) A Legislation made by the Parliament (d) with the consent of the State (b) T Swaminathan
(c) Article 145 of the Constitution of Government (c) KVK Sundaram
India (d) Sukumar Sen
(d) Article 348 of the Constitution of India 64. The Governor of a State is an
integral part of the 73. The body responsible for making
55. The High Courts in India were first (a) State Cabinet recommendation for distribution of
started at (b) Parliament finance between ‘Union’ and
(a) Bombay, Madras, Calcutta (c) State Legislature ‘States’ is
(b) Delhi and Calcutta (d) State Public Service Commission (a) Pay Commission
(c) Bombay, Delhi, Madras (b) Finance Commission
(d) Madras and Bombay 65. The number of seats in Vidhan (c) Inter-State Council
Sabha is (d) Constitution of India
The Governor Chief Minister (a) to be not more than 500 and not less
than 60 74. Term of Comptroller and Auditor
and Council of The Ministers
(b) to be not more than 500 and not less General of India is
56. Who is the head of the ‘State than 60, but an exception is (a) 6 years
Executive’? recognised in the case of one state (b) 65 years of age
(a) The Chief Minister which has only 32 seats (c) 6 years or 65 years of age whichever
(b) The Governor (c) to be not more than 600 and not less is earlier
(c) Cabinet than 500 (d) None of the above
(d) Legislative Assembly (d) varies from Vidhan Sabha to Vidhan
Sabha 75. Finance Commission is
57. Chairman of State Public Service constituted by the President
Commission is appointed by Local Self Government every
(a) Chief Minister of the State 66. Under which Article of the (a) 2 years
(b) Governor of the State Constitution, seats are reserved for (b) 3 years
(c) Prime Minister (c) 5 years
Scheduled Castes and Scheduled (d) 4 years
(d) President of India
Tribes in Panchayats?
48 Self Study Guide SSC Constable (GD) Recruitment Exam

Important Constitutional 82. The first President of independent (a) Lok Sabha (b) Parliament
India was (c) President (d) Prime Minister
Amendments (SSC Constable, 2015)
(a) Dr. Rajendra Prasad 88. The Governor of an Indian State is
76. The Constitution (93rd (b) JL Nehru appointed by the
Amendment) Act, deals with (c) Sardar Patel (SSC Constable, 2012)
(a) local self-government (d) Dr. S. Radhakrishnan (a) President of India
(b) extension of reservation in
83. When was the office of District (b) Prime Minister of India
educational institutions
Collector created? (c) Chief Justice of High Court
(c) basic structure of the Constitution of
(SSC Constable, 2015) (d) Chief Minister of the State
(d) appointment of Judges in the (a) 1786 (b) 1773 89. A state cannot exist without
Supreme Court of India (c) 1772 (d) 1771 (SSC Constable, 2012)
84. The Constitution makes provision (a) Democratic Government
77. The 10th Schedule added to
(b) Parliamentary Government
the Constitution of India by the for the creation of new all India
(c) Presidential Government
52nd Amendment related to Services only if (d) Some kind of Government
(a) anti-defection law (SSC Constable, 2013)
(a) Lok Sabha passes a resolution to this 90. Citizens of India can vote at the age
(b) land reforms
effect by a majority of 2/3 of its of (SSC Constable, 2012)
(c) panchayati raj
members present and voting (a) 18 yr (b) 21 yr
(d) languages
(b) Rajya Sabha passes a resolution to (c) 22 yr (d) 25 yr
78. The 9th Schedule of the this effect by a majority of 2/3 of its
Constitution of India was members present and voting 91. The concurrent list in the Indian
(a) added by the 1st Amendment (c) President issues an ordinance to this Constitution is adopted from the
(b) added by the 24th Amendment effect Constitution of
(c) added by the 42nd Amendment (d) President permits the Prime Minister (SSC Constable, 2011)
to do so (a) USA (b) Canada
(d) a part of the original Constitution
85. Political liberty implies (c) Germany (d) Australia
79. By which Amendment, the power
(SSC Constable, 2013) 92. “Not to destroy the Government
to amend the Constitution was (a) the right of the citizen to free
specifically conferred upon the property” is a (SSC Constable, 2011)
Parliament? (a) Positive duty (b) Legal duty
(b) the right of the citizen to fee speech
(a) 56th (b) 52nd (c) Civil duty (d) Negative duty
(c) the right of the citizen to follow his/her
(c) 42nd (d) 24th religion 93. Who proposed the Preamble before
(d) The right of the citizen to participate the Drafting Committee of the
80. The term ‘Socialist’ was brought in the administration of the state
into the Preamble of the Indian Constitution? (SSC Constable, 2011)
Constitution by which amendment? 86. Privilege to some people in a society (a) Jawaharlal Nehru
(a) 32nd (b) 42nd on the basis of their caste is an (b) BR Ambedkar
(c) 44th (d) 74th infringement of (c) BN Rao
(SSC Constable, 2013) (d) Mahatma Gandhi
Previous Year Questions (a) Economic justice(b) Social justice 94. When was the First General
81. Democracy is a ‘government in (c) Legal justice (d) Political justice
Election to the Lok Sabha held?
which everyone has a share’ was 87. The Ministers in the Union (SSC Constable, 2011)
the opinion of (SSC Constable, 2015) Government hold office during (a) 1950-51 (b) 1951-52
(a) Seeley (b) Abraham Lincoln the pleasure of the (c) 1952-53 (d) 1956-57
(c) Plato (d) Jeovans (SSC Constable, 2012)

1 (b) 2 (a) 3 (b) 4 (a) 5 (b) 6 (b) 7 (c) 8 (a) 9 (b) 10 (a)
11 (a) 12 (c) 13 (b) 14 (a) 15 (a) 16 (a) 17 (a) 18 (c) 19 (c) 20 (c)
21 (b) 22 (a) 23 (b) 24 (a) 25 (a) 26 (d) 27 (b) 28 (d) 29 (a) 30 (d)
31 (a) 32 (d) 33 (a) 34 (c) 35 (a) 36 (c) 37 (c) 38 (a) 39 (b) 40 (b)
41 (c) 42 (d) 43 (a) 44 (d) 45 (d) 46 (a) 47 (b) 48 (b) 49 (b) 50 (a)
51 (c) 52 (a) 53 (d) 54 (d) 55 (d) 56 (b) 57 (b) 58 (a) 59 (a) 60 (a)
61 (c) 62 (c) 63 (d) 64 (c) 65 (b) 66 (a) 67 (c) 68 (a) 69 (d) 70 (c)
71 (d) 72 (d) 73 (b) 74 (c) 75 (c) 76 (b) 77 (a) 78 (a) 79 (d) 80 (b)
81 (b) 82 (a) 83 (c) 84 (b) 85 (a) 86 (b) 87 (c) 88 (a) 89 (d) 90 (a)
91 (d) 92 (c) 93 (a) 94 (b)

Indian Economy
Outline of Indian Economy l Basic Aim of Economic Planning is to bring rapid
The economy of India is the 6th largest in the world by nominal economic growth through agriculture, industry, power
GDP and 3rd largest by Purchasing Power Parity (PPP). and all other sectors of the economy.
l Planning Commission (1950) was set up under the
Nature of the Indian Economy Chairmanship of Pt Jawaharlal Nehru (Gulzarilal Nanda
(i) Mixed Economy Existence of both public and private was the first Deputy Chairman)
sectors. This term was coined by Pat Mullins and
supported by JM Keynes. Historical Milestones
(ii) Agrarian Economy Even after six-decades of n Planned Economy of India (1934) M Visvesvaraya
independence 58% of the workforce of India is still n National Planning Committee (1938) Jawaharlal Nehru
agriculturist and its contribution to GDP is approx n Bombay Plan (1944)
15% in 2016-17. n Gandhian Plan (1944) SN Agarwal
n People’s Plan (1945) MN Roy
Broad Sectors of Indian Economy n Sarvodaya Plan (1950) JP Narayan
Primary Sector Agriculture, forestry and fishing.
Secondary Sector Mining, manufacturing, electricity, gas NITI Aayog
and water supply and construction. l Planning commission has been dissolved and replace by
Tertiary Sector (also called service sector) business, new institution NITI Aayog (National Institution for
transport, telecommunication, banking insurance, real Transforming India) by Modi Government. Aayog is a
estate community and personnel services. policy think-tank of Government. it is headed by Prime
Minister of India.
Planning in India l The first estimate of National Income was prepared by
l Economic Planning is mentioned in the Concurrent Dadabhai Naoroji and per capita income was calculated
List of VII Schedule of the Indian Constitution and ` 20 in 1870. The first scientific estimate was made by
embodies the objectives of Directive Principles of State Prof. VKRV Rao using output and income methods for
Policy. the year 1931-32.

Five Year Plans : At a Glance

Growth Rate
Plan Emphasis of Plan
Target Achieved
First Plan (1951-56) 1/3rd of total expenditure kept aside for agricultural development. 2.1% 3.6%
(Based on Herold-Domar Model)
Second Plan (1956-61) Its objective was rapid industrialization. Three big industries were established at Bhillai 4.5% 4.1%
(Based on PC Mahalanobis two (USSR); Durgapur (UK) and Rourkela (West Germany).
sector model) Locomotive factory at Chittaranjan and Coach factory at Perambur were
Third Plan (1961-66) Self-reliant and self-generating economy was the goal; Indian economy entered the 5.6% 2.8%
take-off stage; continued emphasis on heavy and basic industries.
This plan is also called Gadgil Yojana.
Plan Holiday (1966-69) and Three Annual Plans were formulated on account of Indo-Pak Conflict, two successive years of drought, devolution of
currency by 36% and general rise in prices.
50 Self Study Guide SSC Constable (GD) Recruitment Exam

Growth Rate
Plan Emphasis of Plan
Target Achieved
Fourth Plan (1969-74) Growth with stability and progressive achievement of self-reliance. 5.7% 3.3%
Growth with Justice and Garibi Hatao were the main objectives of this plan. This plan is
also called as Gadgel Formula.
Fifth Plan (1974-79) DP Dhar formulated it. 4.4% 4.8%
Removal of poverty and attainment of self-reliance.
Janta Party came into power and ended the Fifth Plan one year before in 1978 and formulated the Sixth Plan (1978-83). The Sixth Plan was a Rolling
Plan (Gunar Myrdal).
Sixth Plan (1980-85) Removal of poverty through strengthening of infrastructure for both agriculture and industry, 5.2% 5.7%
involved people’s participation at local level.
Seventh Plan (1985-90) Food, work and productivity were the main objectives of this plan. 5.0% 6.0%
Eighth Plan could not take-off due to fast changing in political situations at the Centre. Therefore, from 1990-92, Annual Plans were formulated.
Eighth Plan (1992-97) To provide a new dynamism to the economy and improve life quality of the common man. 5.6% 6.8%
(Based on Liberalisation, The planning became indicative and facilitative.
Privatisation and Globalisation
Model or Narsimham Mohan Model)
Ninth Plan (1997-2002) Growth with social justice and equality. 6.5% 5.4%
The recession in international economy was held and responsible for the failure of the Ninth
Tenth Plan (2002-07) It targetted a GDP growth rate of 8% per annum. 8% 7.6 %
The plan set certain equity-related social and monitorable targets with the aim to achieve
overall well-being of individuals.
MTA of 11th Plan revised it to 8.1%.
Eleventh Plan (2007-2012) Towards faster and more inclusive growth, increasing the growth rate in agriculture, industry 9% 7.9%
and services to 4.1%, 10% and 9%, respectively.
Twelfth Plan (2012-2017) Towards faster, sustainable and inclusive growth, increasing the growth rate in agriculture, 8% —
industry and services to 4%, 9.6% and 10% respectively.

National Income CSO and NSSO

l National Income is the net value of all the final goods n In 1951, Central Statistical Organisation (CSO) was constituted to
and services produced in a country during a financial publish National Income data.
year. It is a flow concept. n National Sample Survey Organisation NSSO was set-up in 1950, for
conducting large scale sample survey to meet the data needs of the
l In India the financial year is from 1st April to 31st country for the estimation of National Income and other aggregates.
March. The National Income is calculated annually.
l National Income is the measurement of the Indian Tax Structure
production power of an economic system in a given Direct Tax The term direct tax generally means a tax paid
time period. directly to the government by the persons on whom it is imposed.
Indirect Tax An indirect tax is a tax collected by an
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) intermediary from the person who bears the ultimate
It is the total money value of all final goods and economic burden of the tax.
services produced within the geographical
boundaries of the country during a given period of GST (Goods and Services Tax)
time. The Goods and Service Tax (GST) has been implemented from
1st July, 2017. It incorporates many of the indirect taxes levied
Gross Value Added (GVA) by states and the Central Government. Some of the taxes GST
It is a measure of the value of goods and services replaced include sales tax, Central Excise Duty, Octroi, Service
produced in an area, industry or sector of an economy. tax etc. GST has three components :
In national accounts, GVA is output minus l CGST (Central Goods and Services Act)
intermediate consumption, it is a balancing item of the l SGST (State Goods and Services Act)
national accounts’ production account. l IGST (Integrated Goods and Services Act)
Indian Economy 51

Poverty Programme/Measure Launch Year

l Poverty is a social phenomenon wherein section of Shyama Prasad Mukherji Rurban Mission 2015
society is unable to fulfil even its basic necessities of life. Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana 2015
l In India, the poverty line is defined on the basis of calorie Start-up and Stand-up Yojana 2016
intake. According to this, 2100 calories a day has been Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana 2016
fixed for urban areas and 2400 calories in rural areas. Ujala Yojana 2016
SWAYAM (Study Webs of Active- Learning for Young 2016
Unemployment Aspiring Minds)
l An economic condition marked by the fact that Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Yojana 2016
individual actively seeking jobs remain unemployed. Pradhan Mantri Vaya Vandana Yojana 2017
Unemployment is expressed as a percentage of the total
Pradhan Mantri Matritva Vandana Yojana 2017
available workforce. The level of unemployment varies
Pradhan Mantri Sahaj Bijli Har Ghar Yojana 2017
with economic conditions and other circumstances.
Rashtriya Vayoshri Yojana 2017
l In India, a person working 8 hours a day for 273 days of
Saubhagya Yojana 2017
the year is regarded as employed on a standard person
year basis. UDAN Scheme 2017
Gobardhan Scheme 2018
Socio-Economic Programmes
Kisan Samman Nidhi 2019
Programme/Measure Launch Year PM Sharam Yogi Mandhan Yojana 2019
Employment Guarantee Scheme 1972-73 PM Kisan Saman Nidhi Yojana 2019
Twenty Point Programme 1975 PM Garib Kalyan Yojana 2020
Integrated Rural Development Programme (IRDP) 1980 PM Svanidhi Yojana 2020
National Rural Employment Programme (BREP) 1980
Women Empowerment and Child Development
Indira Awaas Yojana 1985
Jawahar Rozgar Yojana 1989 Programme Year
Nehru Rozgar Yojana 1989 ICDS 1975
MPLAD Programme 1993 Mid-Day Meal Scheme 1995
Rural Landless Employment Guarantee Programme 1993 Swadhar 1995
Swarna Jayanti Shahri Rozgar Yojana 1997 Swayam Sidha 2001
Swarna Jayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojana 1999 Support to Training and Employment Programme 2003-04
for Women (STEP)
Pradhan Mantri Gramodaya Yojana 2000
Ujjwala 2007
Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana 2000
Dhanlaxmi 2008
Sampoorna Grameen Rozgar Yojana 2001
Integrated Child Protection Scheme 2009-10
Bharat Nirman 2005
Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission 2005 Sabla Scheme 2010
Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Act National Mission for Empowerment of Women 2010
(MGNREA) Bal Bandu Scheme 2011
Prime Minister Employment Generation Programme 2008 Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana 2015
Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Programme 2009 Surakshit Matrav Yojana (SUMAN) 2019
National Rural Livelihood Mission (NRLM) 2011
Nirmal Bharat Abhiyan 2012 Industries
Swachh Bharat Abhiyan 2014
Industrial Policies
Beti Bachao Beti Padhao 2014
Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana 2015
l Industrial policies were launched in 1948, 1956, 1977,
1980 and 1991.
Atal Pension Yojana 2015
Digital India Programme 2015
l Industrial Policy 1956 is called Economic Constitution
of India and gave public sector the strategic edge.
National Skill Development Mission 2015
l To impart greater managerial and commercial autonomy
HRIDAY Heritage City Development and Augmentation Yojana 2015
to the PSEs, the concept of Navratnas and Miniratnas
Smart City Mission 2015
was started in 1997.
AMRUT (Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban 2015
Transformation) Maharatnas, Navratnas and Miniratnas
Pradhanmantri Jeevan Jyoti Beema Yojana 2015 l To impart greater managerial and commercial autonomy
Pradhanmantri Suraksha Beema Yojana 2015 the PSEs, the concept of Maharatna. Navratna and
Miniratna was started.
52 Self Study Guide SSC Constable (GD) Recruitment Exam

l Navratnas Bharat Electronics Ltd. HAL, PHCL, MTNL, Indradhanush Scheme 2015
NALCO, National Mineral Development Corporation.
This is for the banking reforms in India. The 7 key reforms
Nevyeli Lignite Company Ltd. Oil India Ltd. Power Finance
of Indradhanush Mission include appointments
company Ltd.
de-stressing, capitalisation, empowerment, framework of
l Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Ltd. Rural Electrification accountability, governance reforms and bank board bureau.
Corporation Ltd. Shipping Corporation of India Ltd.
CCIL, EIL and NBCCL. 15th Finance Commission
l Miniratnas Public Sector Enterprises (PSEs) that have
l The 15th finance Commission was constituted in
made profit continuously for the last three years or earned accordance with the Articles 270, 275 and 280 of the
a net profit of ` 30 crore or more in one of three years. Indian Constitution.
l At present there are 56 in category I and 17 in category
l The first finance commission was headed by KC Neogi
II. NEEPCO is newly added miniratna in category I. and the 15th Finance Commission is headed by NK Singh.
Financial Institution
Banking and Finance Reserve Bank of India (RBI) — 1949
SBI — 1955
Banking in India
UTI and IDBI — 1964
l First purely Indian bank is the Punjab National Bank
(1894). A step towards ‘social banking’ was taken with NABARD — 1982
the nationalisation of 14 Commercial Banks on SIDBI — 1990
19th July, 1969. Six more banks were nationalised on
1980. Although there are 19 nationalised bank of India. Stock Exchange of India
IDBI is consider only as nationalised Bank. A Stock Exchange provides services for brokers and
l With the merger of Bank of Rajasthan with the ICICI traders to trade stocks, bonds, and other securities.
Bank, the number of old private sector banks is now The Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) is a stock exchange
reduced, 14. located on Dalal Street, Mumbai and is the oldest stock
l In 2017, the five associates bank were merged into SBI. exchange in Asia. The BSE has the largest number of listed
Bharatiya Mahila Bank was also merged with SBI. companies in the world. It is called ‘BSE 35’ also.
The National Stock Exchange (NSE) is the 16th largest
The RBI and Credit Control stock exchange in the world. It is situated in Mumbai.
Quantitative/General Credit Control
Agriculture Revolutions
It is used to control the volume of credit and indirectly to
control the inflationary and deflationary pressures. These are Dr M S Swaminathan is called the ‘Father of Green
1. Cash Reserve Ratio Revolution’.
2. Statutory Liquidity Ratio (SLR) Yellow Revolution Oilseeds
3. Repo Rate White Revolution Milk
4. Reverse Repo Rate Black Revolution Petroleum Production
5. Bank Rate Red Revolution Meat and Tomato Production
Functions of the RBI Round Revolution Potato
n The functions of the RBI, today can be categorized as follows Silver Fiber Revolution Cotton
n Monetary Policy Blue Revolution Fish
n Regulation and supervision of the banking and non-banking
Pink Revolution Shrimp
financial institutions, including credit information companies
n Debt and cash management for Centre and State Governments Grey Revolution Wool
n Management of foreign exchange reserves. Foreign exchange Evergreen Revolution Overall development of
management—current and capital account management Agriculture
n Banker’s banks Green Revolution Foodgrains
n Banker to the Centre and State Governments
Golden Revolution Horticulture
n Oversight of the payment and settlement systems
n Currency management Silver Revolution Egg and Poultry
n Development role Brown Revolution Cocoa
n Research and statistics Rainbow Revolution Amalgamation of all above
Indian Economy 53

Tricolour Revolution Distribution of Population, Sex Ratio, Density

l Saffron Energy Revolution for solar energy and Decadal Growth Rate of Population : 2011
l White Revolution for cattle welfare Total Sex Decadal
State/UT Density
Population Ratio Growth Rate
l Blue Revolution for river and sea.
Population in India (2011) Andhra Pradesh 84665533 992 308 11.10
Total Population 1210854977
Arunachal Pradesh 1382611 920 17 25.92
Male 623724248 (51.54%)
Assam 31169272 954 397 16.93
Female 586469174 (48.46%)
Bihar 103804637 916 1102 25.07
Density 382 per sq. km
Chhattisgarh 25540196 991 189 22.59
Adult Sex Ratio 943
Goa 1457723 968 394 8.17
Child Sex Ratio 914
Gujarat 60383628 918 308 19.17
Largest and the Smallest States/UTs (in Population) Haryana 25353081 877 573 19.90

Top States/UTs Bottom States/UTs Himachal Pradesh 6856509 974 123 12.81

Uttar Pradesh 199281477 Lakshadweep 64429 Jammu and Kashmir 12548926 883 124 23.71
Maharashtra 112372972 Daman and Diu 442911 Jharkhand 32966238 947 414 22.34
Bihar 103804637 Dadra and Nagar 342853 Karnataka 61130704 968 319 15.67
Kerala 33387677 1084 859 4.86
West Bengal 91347736 Andaman and Nicobar 379944
Islands Madhya Pradesh 72597565 930 236 20.30

Andhra Pradesh 84665533 Sikkim 607688 Maharashtra 112372972 925 365 15.99
Manipur 2721756 987 122 18.65
Literacy Rate (2011)
Meghalaya 2964007 986 132 27.82
2011 (%)
Mizoram 1091014 975 52 22.78
Persons 74.04
Nagaland 1980602 931 119 -0.47
Males 82.14
Odisha 41947358 978 269 13.97
Females 65.46
Punjab 27704236 893 550 13.73
States/Uts (according to Literacy) Rajasthan 68621012 926 201 21.44
Bothom Sikkim 607688 889 86 12.36
Top States/Uts (in%) (in%)
Tamil Nadu 72138958 995 555 15.60
Kerala 93.91 Bihar 63.82
Tripura 3671032 961 350 14.75
Lakshadweep 92.28 Arunachal Pradesh 66.95
Uttar Pradesh 199581477 908 828 20.09
Mizoram 91.58 Rajasthan 67.06
Uttarakhand 10116752 963 189 19.17
Tripure 87.75 Jharkhand 67.63
West Bengal 91347736 947 1029 13.93
Goa 87.50 Andhra Pradesh 67.66
Chandigarh 1054686 818 9252 17.10
Sex Ratio NCT of Delhi 16753235 866 11297 20.96
2011 Daman and Diu 242911 618 2169 53.54
Population (in mn) Proportion (in %) Dadra and Nagar 342853 775 698 55.50
Males 623.7 51.51 Haveli

Females 586.4 48.46 Lakshadweep 64429 946 2013 6.23

Adult Sex Ratio 943 Puducherry 1244464 1038 2598 27.72
Males 82.9 52.24 Andaman and 379944 878 46 6.68
Females 75.8 47.76 Nicobar Islands
Child Sex Ratio 914 India 121,08,54,977 943 382 17.7
Practice Exercise
Outline of Indian Economy (b) Capital formation 24. Which of the following is related to
1. An economy which does not have (c) Size of the market secondary sector ?
(d) All of the above (a) Manufacturing (b) Transport
any relation with the rest of the
(c) Trade (d) All of these
world is known as 12. National Income is generated from
(a) socialist economy (a) any money-marking activity 25. Service sector (tertiary sector)
(b) closed economy (b) any laborious activity includes
(c) open economy (c) any profit-making activity (a) trade
(d) mixed economy (d) any productive activity (b) transport
(c) health and education
2. Which of the following economists 13. Who among the following first (d) All of the above
is called the Father of Economics? made economic planning for India ?
(a) Malthus (b) Robinson (a) M N Roy National Income
(c) Ricardo (d) Adam Smith (b) Dadabhai Naoroji
26. Gross domestic product is a
3. The Rolling Plan concept in Nation (c) M Vishveshwarya
(d) Jawaharlal Nehru measure of
planning was introduced by (a) a country’s financial position
(a) Indira Gandhi Government 14. ‘Planned Economy of India’ was (b) a country’s industrial output
(b) The National Government written by (c) a country’s international economic
(c) The Janata Party Government (a) M Vishveshwarya activities
(d) Rajiv Gandhi Government (b) Dadabhai Naoroji (d) a country’s domestic economic
4. The Government of India has (c) Shriman Narayan activities
established NITI Aayog to replace the (d) Jawaharlal Nehru 27. Which Yojana was launched in
(a) Human Rights Commission 15. ‘Bombay Plan’ was prepared in 1943 by 2017?
(b) Finance Commission (a) M N Roy (a) Ujjawala Yojana
(c) Law Commission (b) Eight Industrialists (b) Swachh Bharat Abhiyan
(d) Planning Commission (c) Shriman Narayan (c) Udan Scheme
5. Economic problem arises because of [SSC Multi-tasking 2013]
(d) None of the above (d) None of the above
(a) scarcity of means 16. The economy of India is the...... 28. Saubhagya Yojana launched in
(b) multiplicity of resources largest in the world. (a) 2011 (b) 2015
(c) scarcity of wants (a) 4th (b) 6th (c) 8th (d) 12th (c) 2016 (d) 2017
(d) over population
17. Planning in India was started in 29. National Development Council
6. Economics is a (NDC) was constituted in
(a) 1951 (b) 1950
(a) computer science (a) 1948 (b) 1950
(c) 1952 (d) None of these
(b) physical science (c) 1952 (d) 1947
(c) social science 18. Which plan was based on
(d) natural science ‘Mahalanobis model’ ? 30. Pradhan Mantri Sahaj Bijli Har
(a) 1st plan (b) 4th plan
Ghar Yojana launched in
7. What was the basis of Gandhian (a) 2017 (b) 2016
economy? (c) 2nd plan (d) 6th plan
(c) 2015 (d) 2014
(a) Machine based growth 19. ‘Gadgil Formula’ is concerned with
(b) Khadi and cottage industries based 31. National Income estimation in
(a) 4th plan (b) 8th plan
growth India is made by
(c) 1st plan (d) 3rd plan
(c) External assistance based growth (a) National Statistical Institute
(d) None of the above 20. Which of the following plan is (b) Finance Ministry
called ‘Rolling Plan’ ? (c) Reserve Bank of India
8. Which economy is a
(a) 4th plan (b) 6th plan (d) Central Statistical Organisation
market-oriented economy?
(c) 5th plan (d) 8th plan 32. The base year for the estimation of
(a) Communist (b) Capitalist
(c) Socialist (d) Mixed 21. ‘Mukherjee Committee’ was National Income is
constituted during (a) 2011-2012 (b) 1993-1994
9. Human Development Index was (a) 5th plan (b) 4th plan (c) 2004-2005 (d) 2006-2007
developed by (c) 6th plan (d) 8th plan
(a) Amartya Sen (b) Friedman
33. National Rural Employment
(c) Mahbub-ul-Haq (d) Montek Singh 22. The targetted average annual GDP Guarantee Scheme (NREGS) came
growth rate during 12th plan is into force in
10. Who estimated the National (a) 8% (b) 8.2% (a) 2004 (b) 2006
Income for the first time in India? (c) 9% (d) 10% (c) 2002 (d) 2005
(a) Mahalanobis (b) Dadabhai Naoroji
(c) VKRV Rao (d) Sardar Patel 23. Which of the following is/are 34. Beti Bachao Beti Padhao was
included in the primary sector ? launched in India is
11. Economic development of a country (a) Agriculture (b) Mining (a) 2000 (b) 2014
depends on (c) Forestry (d) All of these (c) 2017 (d) 2015
(a) Natural resources
Indian Economy 55

Agriculture and Industry 46. Which of the following regulates (c) Speed cheque
(d) Bearer cheque
foreign exchange under the Foreign
35. The food stocks that are built up Exchange Management Act (FEMA)? 58. The terms ‘bull’ and ‘bear’ are used in
during the years of bumper harvest (a) RBI (a) Planning Commission
are called (b) SEBI (b) Stock Exchange
(a) Capital stock (b) Buffer stock (c) Finance Ministry (c) Sales Tax Department
(c) Production stock (d) Grain stock (d) Commerce Ministry (d) Income Tax Department
36. Crop sown soon after the onset of 47. The National Rural Health Mission 59. In which year first time `1 coin was
South-West monsoon in India is (NRHM) covers the period made?
called (a) 2005-10 (b) 2005-15 (a) 1542 (b) 1601
(a) Rabi (b) Kharif (c) 2005-12 (d) 2006-12 (c) 1809 (d) 1757
(c) Rainfed (d) Dry farming
48. CGST means 60. Which of the following is the Central
37. What is Operation Flood? (a) Central Good and Services Tax Bank of India ?
(a) A scheme to control flood (b) Central General and Stallevy Tax (a) SBI (b) RBI
(b) A mission programme of production (c) Combined Central and State Tax
(c) PNB (d) Imperial Bank
and distribution of milk (d) Combined Central and Sub Tax
(c) A scheme for distribution of water for 61. Which of the following regulates
irrigation 49. Who was the Chairman of the first
the financial and banking system of
(d) None of the above Finance Commission ?
the country ?
(a) K Santhanam
38. In the first plan, the highest priority (a) RBI (b) SEBI
(b) A K Chandra (c) SBI (d) CSO
was given to (c) P V Rajamannar
(a) industry (b) agriculture 62. The Monetary Policy is formulated
(d) K C Neogy
(c) transport (d) trade by
50. Who is the Chairman of the 15th (a) Finance Ministry
39. The majority of workers in India are
(a) casual workers
Finance Commission ? (b) Reserve Bank
(b) self-employed (a) N K Singh (c) Parliament
(c) regular salaried workers (b) K C Pant (d) State Bank of India
(d) None of the above (c) C Rangarajan 63. Which of the following bank is a
(d) Montek Singh Ahluwalia
40. Green Revolution in India was commercial bank ?
launched in 51. In India, GST was implemented on (a) SBI
(a) 1971-72 (b) 1960-61 (a) 1st April, 2004 (b) 1st July, 2017 (b) Regional Rural Banks (RRBs)
(c) 1966-67 (d) 1980-81 (c) 1st April, 2006 (d) 1st March, 2005 (c) Cooperative Banks
(d) All of the above
Indian Tax Structure Banking and Finance
64. The regulatory authority for capital
41. The purpose of devaluation is to 52. Imperial Bank was constituted in markets in India is
(a) discourage exports the year (a) SEBI (b) RBI
(b) encourage import (a) 1955 (b) 1921 (c) 1930 (d) 1935 (c) SBI (d) All of these
(c) be little foreign currency
53. The accounting year of Reserve 65. Minimum cash reserves fixed by
(d) decrease FDI
Bank of India runs from law constitute
42. Which country is the biggest (a) April to March (a) a percentage of aggregate deposits
trading partner of India? (b) July to June of the bank
(a) The USA (b) The UK (c) January to December (b) a percentage of aggregate loans and
(c) Germany (d) Italy (d) August to July advances
43. Which one among following is not a 54. National Institute of Rural (c) a percentage of capitals and reserves
of the bank
fixed capital? Development is located at
(d) None of the above
(a) Tools (b) Machines (a) New Delhi (b) Mumbai
(c) Building (d) Money (c) Hyderabad (d) Kanpur 66. Mumbai Stock Exchange was set up
44. Some of the taxes GST replaced 55. Money supply is governed by the in
(a) Planning Commission (a) 1875 (b) 1948 (c) 1952 (d) 1891
(a) Sales tax (b) Finance Commission 67. Unit Trust of India (UTI) was
(b) Central Excise tax (c) Reserve Bank of India established by
(c) Service tax (d) Commercial Banks (a) IDBI (b) SBI
(d) All of the above (c) RBI (d) Finance Ministry
56. Who is the Governor of Reserve
45. Annual Budget (Annual Financial Bank of India? 68. UTI is now controlled by
Statement) is presented in the (a) D Subbarao (b) Raghuram Rajan (a) IDBI (b) Finance Ministry
Parliament by (c) Urjit Patel (d) R Venkatraman (c) RBI (d) SBI
(a) Reserve Bank 57. Which of the following is not a type
(b) Finance Ministry 69. State Bank of India (SBI) came into
of cheque? existence in
(c) Commerce Ministry
(a) Crossed cheque (a) 1948 (b) 1955
(d) All of the above
(b) Blank cheque (c) 1935 (d) 1949
56 Self Study Guide SSC Constable (GD) Recruitment Exam

70. NABARD was established in 80. What will be true if India have 87. Which one of the following denotes
(a) 1982 (b) 1964 (c) 1980 (d) 1990 more number of people in the an enterprise? (SSC Constable, 2013)
productive age group? (a) Physical capital (b) Working capital
71. IDBI was established in
(a) More incomes (c) Human capital (d) Fixed capital
(a) 1964 (b) 1972 (c) 1982 (d) 1955
(b) More demand of products 88. Wage fund theory was propounded
72. RBI was nationalised in (c) High GDP
by (SSC Constable, 2012)
(a) 1949 (b) 1935 (c) 1969 (d) 1955 (d) All of the above
(a) JB Say (b) JS Mill
(c) JR Hicks (d) JM Keynes
73. Which of the following institutions Previous Year’s Questions
does not provide loans directly to 89. The expenses on advertising is
the farmers ? 81. How does agriculture promote the
Indian industrial development? called (SSC Constable, 2012)
(a) NABARD (a) implicit cost (b) surplus cost
(b) State Bank of India [SSC Constable 2015]
(a) By supplying raw materials (c) fixed cost (d) selling cost
(c) Regional Rural Bank
(d) Primary Agricultural Credit Society (b) By opening up market for industrial 90. Price mechanism is a feature of
products (SSC Constable, 2012)
74. The apex institution in the area of (c) By providing food and clothing to (a) capitalist economy
rural finance is labourers (b) barter economy
(a) RBI (b) SBI (d) All of the given options (c) mixed economy
(c) NABARD (d) All of these 82. Economics classifies the man–made (d) socialist economy
instrument of production as 91. In how many denominations is
Population [SSC Constable 2015] Indian paper currency printed at
75. In which state is the literacy rate of (a) organisation (b) labour present? (SSC Constable, 2012)
women the highest? (c) equipment (d) capital
(a) 9 (b) 8
(a) Kerala (b) Maharashtra 83. Dadabhai Naoroji has described his (c) 7 (d) 6
(c) Tamil Nadu (d) West Bangal theory of ‘Drain of Wealth’ is the 92. Name the curve which shows the
76. What percentage of the total book [SSC Constable 2015]
quantity of products a seller wishes
population of the world resides in (a) British Rule and its Consequences
to sell at the given price level.
India, as estimated in 2011? (b) Poverty and Un–British Rule in India
(SSC Constable, 2012)
(a) 15% (b) 17.5% (c) Nature of British Colonial Rule
(a) Demand curve (b) Cost curve
(c) 20% (d) 22.5% (d) Exploitative Nature of British Rule in
(c) Supply curve (d) None of these
77. During which decade did the 93. The supply of labour in the economy
84. The headquarters of World Trade
population record a negative depends on (SSC Constable, 2012)
Organisation (WTO) is situated in
growth rate in India? [SSC Constable 2015]
(a) Population
(a) 1921-1931 (b) 1911-1921 (a) Washington (USA) (b) National income
(c) 1941-1951 (d) 1941 (b) New Delhi (India) (c) Per capital income
(d) Natural resources
78. Sudden decrease of birth rate would (c) London (UK)
cause (d) Geneva (Switzerland) 94. The main feature of a capitalist
(a) increase in per capita income 85. The Cash Reserve Ratio is a tool of economy is (SSC Constable, 2012)
(b) increase in investment [SSC Constable 2015] (a) Administered prices
(c) increase in savings (a) agricultural policy (b) Public ownership
(b) fiscal policy (c) Economic planning
(d) increase in loan requests
(d) Private ownership
(c) tax policy
79. Poverty in less developed countries
(d) monetary policy 95. India has the monopoly in the
is largely due to
86. Labour is considered as a king International market in the supply
(a) idleness of its citizen
(b) income inequality under (SSC Constable, 2013)
of (SSC Constable, 2011)
(c) lack of social activities (a) Socialism (b) Capitalism (a) iron (b) mica
(d) lack of intelligence of the people (c) Communism (d) Mixed economy (c) bauxite (d) copper

1. (b) 2. (d) 3. (c) 4. (d) 5. (a) 6. (c) 7. (b) 8. (b) 9. (c) 10. (b)
11. (d) 12. (a) 13. (c) 14. (a) 15. (b) 16. (b) 17. (a) 18. (c) 19. (a) 20. (b)
21. (d) 22. (c) 23. (d) 24. (a) 25. (d) 26. (d) 27. (c) 28. (d) 29. (c) 30. (a)
31. (a) 32. (b) 33. (b) 34. (d) 35. (d) 36. (a) 37. (b) 38. (b) 39. (b) 40. (c)
41. (a) 42. (a) 43. (d) 44. (d) 45. (b) 46. (a) 47. (c) 48. (a) 49. (d) 50. (a)
51. (b) 52. (b) 53. (b) 54. (c) 55. (c) 56. (c) 57. (c) 58. (b) 59. (d) 60. (b)
61. (a) 62. (b) 63. (a) 64. (a) 65. (a) 66. (a) 67. (d) 68. (c) 69. (b) 70. (a)
71. (a) 72. (a) 73. (a) 74. (c) 75. (a) 76. (b) 77. (b) 78. (a) 79. (b) 80. (d)
81. (a) 82. (d) 83. (d) 84. (d) 85. (d) 86. (c) 87. (b) 88. (b) 89. (d) 90. (a)
91. (c) 92. (c) 93. (a) 94. (d) 95. (b)

General Knowledge
Speciality Entity
Superlatives (World)
(Biggest, Highest, Largest, Smallest) Longest Platform Gorakhpur (UP, India)
Longest Railwayline Trans-Siberian Railway
Speciality Entity
Largest River Amazon (S America)
Largest Archaepelago Indonesia
Longest River Nile (Africa)
Largest Bird Ostrich
Smallest Bird Humming bird First in the World
Longest Canal Grand Canal First civilisation to use glass (Eyyp+Iraq) Mesopotamia
Highest Capital of the World Lapaz (Bolivia) First Radio Telescope Satellite Japan
launched into Space
Largest City (Area) Mount Isa (Australia)
First country to make map Sumerian (Iraq)
Largest City (Population) Tokyo (Japan)
(4500 BC-1900 BC)
Largest Continent Asia
First Space Ship Landed on Mars Viking-I (July 1976)
Smallest Continent Australia
World’s first Multipurpose River Valley Tennessee River Valley Project
Largest Country (Area) Russia Project (USA)
Smallest Country (Area) Vetican City First Space Shuttle Launched Columbia
Largest Country (Population) China First rocket to go near the Sun Helius ‘B’
Largest Animal Blue Whale First country to make Constitution America
Largest Desert (Hot) Sahara (Africa) First country to start underground metro Britain
Largest Delta Sunderban (Ganga-Brahmaputra Delta)
First unmanned mission on Moon LUNA-9
Largest Dam Grand Coolie (USA)
First van to carry man on Moon Apollo-11
Highest Dam Hoover Dam (USA)
First country to do Artificial Satellite Russia
Largest irrigation project Lloyd Barrage (Pakistan)
Largest Island Greenland First country to give voting right to New Zealand
Largest Sea Mediterranean Sea women
Deepest Lake Baikal First country to appoint lokpal Sweden
Highest Lake Titikaka First country to impose carbon tax New Zealand
Largest Lake Caspian Sea First clonned animal Dolly (a sheep)
Largest Freshwater Lake Superior Lake World’s first Atomic Energy Plant EBR (USA)
(USA & Canada) First Asian to head the International Jagmohan Dalmiya
Largest Saline Lake Caspian Sea Cricket Council
Highest Mountain Peak Mount Everest (8850 m) First man to climb Mount Everest Sherpa Tenzing Norgay and
Sir Edmund Hillary (29th May,
Largest Mountain Range Andes (South America)
Largest Museum British Museum (London)
First man to go into space Major Yuri Gagarin (USSR)
Largest Ocean Pacific Ocean
First man to work in space Alexei Leonel (Russia)
Largest Park Yellow Stone National Park (USA)
First person to give information about Nicolous Copernicus
Coldest Place Verkhoyansk (Siberia) planets and their motion around the Sun
Hottest Place Al-Azijia (Libiya, Africa) First man to compile Encyclopaedia Aspheosis (Athens)
58 Self Study Guide SSC Constable (GD) Recruitment Exam

First person to go on both the poles Albert P Carey Country Capital Currency
(North and South)
Mexico Mexico City Mexican Peso
First man to reach North Pole Robert Peary
Morocco Rabat Dirham
First man to reach South Pole Roald Amundsen Myanmar Nai-pe-da Kyat
First man to climb on Mt Everset without Phu Dorji Sherpa Nepal Kathmandu Nepalese Rupee
Portugal Lisbon Euro
First woman President of a country Maria Estela Peron (Argentina)
Qatar Doha Riyal
First woman in the world to cross the Arti Pradhan (India) Russia Moscow Rouble
Strait of Gibralter
Saudi Arabia Riyadh Rial
First woman Cosmonaut in space Valentina Tereshkova (USSR)
South Africa Pretoria Rand
First non-white female to win Nobel Toni Morrison
Spain Madrid Euro
Prize in Literature
Sri Lanka Sri Jayawardene Sri Lankan Rupee
First woman to reach Antarctica Caroline Michaelson
Pura Kotte
First woman to have a space-walk Svetlana Yevgenyevna Sweden Stockholm Krona
Switzerland Berne Swiss Franc
Countries, their Capitals and Currencies Syria Damascus Syrian Pound

Country Capital Currency Tajikistan Dushanbe Somoni

Afghanistan Kabul Afghani Thailand Bangkok Baht

Argentina Buenos Aires Peso Tanzania Dodoma Shilling

Australia Canaberra Australian Dollar Turkey Ankara Lira

Bangladesh Dhaka Taka Turkmenistan Askhabad Manat

Belgium Brussels Euro United Arab Emirates Abu Dhabi Dirham

Bhutan Thimpu Ngultrum
United Kingdom (UK) London Pound Sterling
Brazil Brasilia Real
United States of Washington D C Dollar
Brunei Bandar Seri Begawan Brunei Dollar America (USA)
Cambodia Phnom Penh Riel Uzbekistan Tashkent Som
Canada Ottawa Canadian Dollar Vietnam Hanoi Dong
Chile Santiago Peso Yemen Sana’s Riyal
China Beijing Renmminbi Yuan
Countries and their Parliaments
Cuba Havana Cuban Peso
East Timor Dili US Dollar Name of Name of the Name of the Name of the
Egypt Cairo Egyptian Pound the Country Parliament Country Parliament
Iceland Reykjavik Krona Afghanistan Shora Japan Diet
India New Delhi Rupee Australia Parliament Maldives Majlis
Indonesia Jakarta Rupiah Bangladesh Jatiya Sangsad Mongolia Khural
Iran Tehran Rial Bhutan Tshongdu Nepal Rashtriya Panchayat
Iraq Baghdad Iraqi Dinar Brazil National Congress Pakistan National Assembly
Ireland Dublin Euro
Canada Parliament Poland Sejm
Israel Jerusalem Shekel
China National People’s Russia Duma
Japan Tokyo Yen Congress
Kenya Nairobi Shilling Denmark Folketing Spain Cortes Generales
North Korea Pyongyang Won
Egypt People’s Assembly Sweden Riksdag
South Korea Seoul Won
France National Assembly Saudi Arabia Majlis Al Shura
Kuwait Kuwait city Kuwaiti Dinar
Germany Bundestag Sudan Majlis Watani
Kyrgyzstan Bishkek Som
India Sansad Turkey Grand National
Laos Vientiane Kip Assembly
Malaysia Kuala Lumpur Ringgit
Iran Majlis Taiwan Yuan
Maldives Male Rufiyaa
Iraq National Assembly UK Parliament
Mauritius Port Louis Mauritius Rupee
Israel Knesset USA Congress
General Knowledge 59

National Emblems of Major Countries Some Important UN Agencies

Country Emblem Country Emblem Name Estd in Headquarter Purpose

Australia Kangaroo Italy White Lily International 1865 Geneva Sets international
Telecommunication regulations for radio
Bangladesh Water Lily Japan Chrysanthemum Union (ITU) telegraph, telephone
Belgium Lion Netherlands Lion and space radio
Canada White Lily New Zealand Southern Cross,
Kiwi, Fern International Labour 1919 Geneva To improve
Organisation (ILO) conditions and living
Chile Candor and Norway Lion standards of workers.
International Monetary 1945 Washington Promotes
France Lily Pakistan Crescent Fund (IMF) DC international
Germany Corn Flower Spain Eagle monetary
India Lioned Capital United Kingdom Rose
United Nations 1945 New York To promote children’s
Iran Rose United States of Golden Rod International Children’s welfare all over the
America Emergency Fund world.
Sobriquets (Places and Persons) Places
Food and Agricultural 1945 Rome To improve living
Sobriquets Primary Name Organisation (FAO) conditions of rural
Bengal’s Sorrow River Damodar
United Nations 1946 Paris To promote
City of the Golden Gate San Francisco (USA) Educational, Scientific collaboration among
City of the Golden Temple Amritsar and Cultural Organisation nations through
(UNESCO) education, science
City of Seven Hills/Eternal City Rome and culture.
City of Skyscrapers New York (USA) World Health 1948 Geneva Attainment of highest
Organisation (WHO) possible level of
Garden City Bangaluru
health by all people.
Gateway of India Bombay
International Atomic 1957 Vienna To promote peaceful
Gift of the Nile Egypt Energy Agency (IAEA) uses of atomic
Holy Land Palestine
International 1960 Washington An affiliate of the
Island of Cloves Zanzibar Development Association DC World Bank, aims to
Island of Pearls Bahrain (IDA) help under-
developed countries
Land of the Kangaroo Australia raise living standards.
Land of the Golden Pagoda Myanmar (Burma) United Nations 1965 New York Helps developing
Development countries increase
Land of the Midnight Sun Norway
Programme (UNDP) the wealth producing
Land of the Rising Sun Japan capabilities of their
natural and human
Land of Thousand Lakes Finland resources.
Land of White Elephants Thailand United Nations 1972 Nairobi Promotes
Pink City Jaipur Environmental (Kenya) international
Programme (UNEP) cooperation in human
Queen of the Adriatic Venice (Italy) environment.
Queen of the Arabian Sea Kochi World Trade 1995 Geneva Setting rules for world
Roof of the World Pamir Organisation (WTO) trade to reduce tariffs.

Sorrow of China Hwang Ho United Nations Office on 1997 Vienna To preventillict

Drugs and Crime (Kenya) trafficking and abuse
Sugar Bowl of the World Cuba (UNODC) of drug, crime
Venice of the East Alappuzha
UN Women 2010 New York City To enable member
Venice of the North Stockholm (Sweden)
(USA) states to achieve gen
White City Belgrade den equality and
World’s Bread basket Prairies of North America empowerment.
60 Self Study Guide SSC Constable (GD) Recruitment Exam

Other International Organisations and Groups

Name Estd Headquarter Member Objective
The Commonwealth 1926 London 52 It was originally known as ‘The British Commonwealth of
Nations’. It is an association of sovereign and independent
states which formally made up the British empire.
Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) 1989 Singapore 21 To promote trade and investment in the Pacific basin.
Asian Development Bank (ADB) 1966 Manila 67 To promote regional economic cooperation.
Association of South-East Asian Nations (ASEAN) 1967 Jakarta 10 Regional, economic, social and cultural cooperation
among the non-communist countries of South-East Asia.
Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) 1991 Minsk (Belarus) 11 To coordinate inter-common wealth relations and to
provide a mechanism for the orderly dissolution of the
Group of 8 (G-8) 1975 — 8 To promote cooperation among major non-communist
economic powers.
Group of 15 (G-15) 1989 Geneva 17 To promote economic cooperation among developing
(Switzerland) nations.
International Olympic Committee (IOC) 1894 Lausanne 130 To promote the olympic ideals and administer olympic
(Switzerland) games.
International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) 1947 Geneva 163 To promote the development of international standards.
Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) 1961 — 120 Political cooperation and separate itself from both USA
and USSR (in the cold-war era).
European Union 1993 Brussels 28 To create a united Europe in which member countries
(Belgium) would have such strong economic and political bonds
that war would cease to be a recurring fact.
North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) 1949 Brussels 28 Mutual defence and cooperation.
Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) 1960 Vienna (Austria) 13 Attempts to set world prices by controlling oil production
and also pursues member interest in trade and
South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation 1985 Kathmandu 8 To promote economic, social and cultural cooperation.
(SAARC) (Nepal)
Amnesty International (AI) 1961 London (UK) To keep a watch over human rights violation worldwide.
Got Nobel Prize in 1977 for Peace.
World Wildlife Fund (WWF) for Nature 1961 Gland, All countries To save the wildlife from extinction.

Superlatives (India)
(Biggest, Highest, Largest, Longest, Smallest etc.)

The longest River The Ganga (2525 km) The biggest Conti Lover Bridge Rabindra Setu or Howrah Bridge
The longest Canal Indira Gandhi Canal or Rajasthan Canal
State with longest Coastline Gujarat (1600 km)
(Rajasthan) (649 km)
The longest river without Narmada and Tapti
The longest Dam Hirakud Dam (Odisha) (26 km) Delta
The longest Sea Beach Marina Beach (Chennai) (13 km) The longest Sea Bridge Bandra-worli sea Link (5.6 km)
The highest Lake Devtal Lake (17745 ft), Garhwal The largest Artificial Lake Dhebar Lake
(Uttarakhand) The longest River of Godavari (1465 km)
The largest Saline Water Chilka Lake (Odisha) Southern India
Lake The longest Railway PlatformGorakhpur, 1.3 km (Uttar Pradesh)
The largest Fresh Water Wular Lake (J&K) The longest Road Grand Trank Road (Kolkata to Delhi)
The longest Corridor Corridor of Ramnathswami Temple at
The biggest River Islands Majuli, Brahmaputra river (Assam) Rameshwaram ( Tamil Nadu)
The highest Dam Bhakhra Dam (740 ft) on Sutlej river (Punjab) The highest Road Road at Khardungla (in Leh-Manali Sector)
The highest Waterfall Jogtalls (Karnataka) The highest Airport Leh Airport (Ladakh)
The deepest River Valley Bhagirathi and Alaknanda The largest Desert Thar (Rajasthan)
The longest River Bridge Bhupen Hazarika (Assam) The largests Delta Sunderbans (Paschim Banga)
General Knowledge 61

The state with maximum Madhya Pradesh (11.24%) First in India (Female)
Forest Area
First Indian Female Chairperson of Sarojini Naidu (1925)
The largest Zoo Zoological Garden (Kolkata)
Indian National Congress
The biggest Stadium Yuva Bharti (Salt Lake) Stadium, Kolkata
First Woman to climb the Everest Bachendri Pal (1984)
The longest National NH-44 (Srinagar to Kanyakumari)
Highway First Woman Cabinet Minister Rajkumari Amrit Kaur (1947)

The highest Award Bharat Ratna First Woman Chairman of the UN Vijaya Laxmi Pandit
General Assembly
The highest Gallantry Award Param Vir Chakra
First Woman President of India Pratibha Devi Singh Patil
The largest Gurudwara Golden Temple, Amritsar
The largest Cave Temple Kailash Temple (Ellora, Maharashtra) First Woman Speaker of Lok Sabha Meera Kumar (2009)

The highest Peak Godwin Austin I, K 2 (8611 m) First Woman Deputy Chairman of Margaret Alva (1962)
Rajya Sabha
The largest Mosque Jama Masjid (Delhi)
First Woman Prime Minister of India Indira Gandhi
The longest Tunnel Chenani-Nashri (Jammu and Kashmir)
First Woman to reach Antarctica Meher Moos (1976)
The largest Auditorium Sri Shanmukhanand Hall (Mumbai)
First Woman IAS Officer Anna Rajam George (1950)
The largest Animal Fair Sonepur (Bihar)
First Female Chief Justice of High Court Leela Seth (1991)
The largest Cave Amarnath (Jammu and Kashmir)
First Woman to win the Jnanpith Award Asha Poorna Devi (1976)
The highest Gate Way Buland Darwaza, Fatehpur Sikri
(Uttar Pradesh) First Woman to get the Bharat Ratna Indira Gandhi
The tallest Statue Gomateswara (Karnataka) First Female Nobel Prize Winner Mother Teresa (1979)
The largest Public Sector Bank State Bank of India First women to complete century in World Thirush Kamini
The most Populous City Mumbai (Maharashtra) Cup Cricket
The biggest Church Saint Cathedral at Old Goa (Goa) First actress to be nominated to the Nargis Dutt
The highest Battlefield Siachen Glacier (5753 m) Rajya Sabha
First Women Chairperson of UPSC Rose Millian Bathew (Kharbuli)
First in India
First Foriegn Minister Sushma Swaraj
Newspaper Bengal Gazette (James Hickey)
First Female Olympic Medal Winner Karnam Malleswari
Vernacular Daily Samachar Darpan
Hindi Newspaper Udant Martand First Female ilot in Indian Navy Shivangi Chaturved
Telegraph Line Diamond Harbour to Kolkata
First in India (Male)
International Telephone Service Mumbai to London (1851)
First Governor-General of India William Bentinck (1828)
Silent Movie Raja Harish Chandra
(Dadasaheb Phalke 1913) Last Governor-General of India Lord Mountbatten
Talkie Movie Alam Ara (Ardeshir Irani-1931) First and last Indian Governor-General C Rajgopalachari
Aircraft Carriage Warship INS Vikrant of Free India
Satellite Aryabhatta (19th April, 1975) First Commander-in-Chief of Free India General KM Kariappa
Satellite dedicated exclusively for EDUSAT First Field Marshal of India General SHFJ Manekshaw (1971)
Education purposes
First Indian to go in Space Rakesh Sharma
Successful indigenous launch vehicle SLV-3
Nuclear Reactor Apsara First Indian to climb the Mount Everest Sherpa Ang Dorje
without Oxygen
Lunar Mission Chandrayaan-I (October, 2008)
First Indian to become the Managing Gautam Kaji
Hydroelectric Project Sivasamudram (1902)
Director of World Bank
Asian Games Delhi (1951)
First Chairman of National Human Rangnath Mishra
Census 1872 Rights Commission
Regular Decadal Census 1881 Onwards
First Indian to get Nobel Prize in Physics CV Raman (1930)
Biosphere Reserve Nilgiri–
First Indian to get Nobel Prize in Rabindranath Tagore (1913)
National Park Haley National Park (Jim Corbett), 1936
Chairman of UPSC Ross Barker
First Indian to get Nobel Prize in Dr Amartya Sen
First E-court Ahmedabad Economics
Court exclusively dedicated to women Malda (WB) First Indian to get Nobel Prize in Dr Har Govind Khorana
Technology Park Technopark, Thiruvananthapuram Medicines (Physiology)
62 Self Study Guide SSC Constable (GD) Recruitment Exam

First Indian to get Bharat Ratna Dr S Radhakrishnan, Indian Defence Training Institutions
C Rajgopalachari and
Dr CV Raman Training Institution Place Estd in
First Person to be Honoured with the G Sankara Kurup (Malayalam) Rashtriya Indian Military College Dehradun 1922
Jnanpith Award (RIMC)
First Person to get Bharat Ratna Lal Bahadur Shastri Army Cadet College (ACC) Dehradun 1929
Indian Military Academy (IMA) Dehradun 1932
First Cricketer to get Padma Bhushan CK Naidu
National Defence Academy (NDA) Khadakwasla, Pune 1941
First Indian to get through ICS Satyendra Nath Tagore (1869)
High Altitude Warfare School (HAWS) Gulmarg 1948
First Indian to swim across the Mihir Sen (1958)
English Channel National Defence College (NDC) New Delhi 1960

First Indian Cricketer to get Bharat Ratna Sachin Tendulkar Officers Training Academy (OTA) Chennai 1963
Counter Insurgency and Jungle Vairengte 1970
Crematoriums of Famous Persons Warfare School (Mizoram)

Crematorium Famous Person Crematorium Famous Person College of Defence Management Secunderabad 1970

Raj Ghat Mahatma Gandhi Shanti Van Jawaharlal Nehru College of Combat/Army War College Mhow (Madhya 1971
Vijay Ghat Lal Bahadur Shakti Sthal Indira Gandhi
Army School of Physical Training Pune 1978
Kisan Ghat Ch Charan Singh Abhay Ghat Morarji Desai
Army Air Defence College (AADC) Gopalpur (Odisha) 1989
Veer Bhumi Rajiv Gandhi Samata Sthal Jagjivan Ram Officers Training Academy Gaya 2011
Ekta Sthal Giani Zail Singh, Karma Bhumi Dr. Shankar Dayal Indian National Defence University Gurgaon (Haryana) 2013
Chandra Shekhar Sharma (INDU)
Uday Bhoomi K R Narayana Mahaprayan Dr. Rajendra
Ghat Prasad Classical Dance
State Dance
Indian Army Commands
Tamil Nadu Bharatanatyam
Command HQ Location Command HQ Location Uttar Pradesh Kathak
Central Command Lucknow South-Western Jaipur Andhra Pradesh Kuchipudi
Manipur Manipuri
Eastern Command Kolkata Western Chandigarh
Command Odisha Odissi
Kerala Kathakali
Northern Command Udhampur Training Shimla
Command Kerala Mohiniattam
Southern Command Pune State and Folk Dances
n Andhra Pradesh Kuchipudi, Ghantamardala, Ottam Thedal, Veedhi
Indian Air Force Commands
Command HQ Location Command HQ Location Assam
Bihu, Bichhua, Natpuja, Maharas, Kaligopal,
Central Air Allahabad South-Western Gandhinagar Bagurumba, Khel Gopal, Canoe, Jhumura
Command Air Command Hobjanai
n Bihar Jata-Jatin, Bakho-Bakhain, Panwariya,
Eastern Air Shillong Western Air New Delhi
Command Command Sama-Chakwa, Bidesia
n Gujarat Garba, Dandiya Ras, Tippani Juriun, Bhavai
Southern Air Thiruvananthapuram Training Bengaluru
Command Command n Haryana Jhumar, Phag, Daph, Dhamal, Loor, Gugga, Khor,
Indian Navy Commands n Himachal Pradesh Jhora, Jhali, Chharhi, Dhaman, Chhapeli, Mahasu,
Nati, Dangi
Command HQ Location Jammu and
Rauf, Hikat, Mandjas, Kud Dandi Nach, Damali
Western Naval Command Mumbai Kashmir
n Karnataka Yakshagan, Huttari, Suggi, Kunitha, Karga, Lambi
Eastern Naval Command Vishakhapatnam
n Kerala Kathakali (Classical), Ottam Thulal, Mohiniattam,
Southern Naval Command Kochi Kaikottikali
Andaman & Nicobar Command Port Blair n Maharashtra Lavani, Nakata, Koli, Lezim, Gafa, Dahikala
Dasavtar or Powada
General Knowledge 63

n Odisha Odissi (Classical), Savari, Ghumara, Painka, l Nobel Prize is given every year to those eminent persons
Munari, Chhau who have made pioneering achievements in the field of
n Paschim Banga Kathi, Gambhira, Dhali, Jatra, Baul, Marasia, Physics, Chemistry, Medicine, Peace, Literature and
Mahal, Keertan
n Punjab Bhangra, Giddha, Daff, Dhaman, Bhand, Naqual
l Apart from Economics, all other categories have been
n Rajasthan Ghumar, Chakri, Ganagor, Jhulan Leela, Jhuma,
Suisini, Ghapal, Kalbeliya
given since 1901. Economics Nobel Prize was instituted
in 1967 and was first given in 1969.
n Tamil Nadu Bharatanatyam, Kumi, Kolattam, Kavadi
Uttar Pradesh Indian Nobel Prize Winners
n Nautanki, Raslila, Kajri, Jhora, Chappeli, Jaita
n Uttarakhand Garhwali, Kumayuni, Kajari, Jhora, Raslila, Name Field Year
Chappeli Rabindra Nath Tagore Literature 1913
Important Books and Authors Dr. CV Raman Physics 1930
Dr. Hargovind Khurana Medicine 1968
Book Author
Mother Teresa Peace 1979
Panchatantra Vishnu Sharma
Dr. S Chandrashekhar Physics 1983
Buddhacharita Ashvaghosha
Dr. Amartya Sen Economics 1999
Kadambari Banabhatta
VS Naipaul Literature 2001
Shahnama Firdausi
Venkataraman Ramakrishnan Chemistry 2009
Sursagar Surdas
Kailash Satyarthi Peace 2014
Mudrarakshasha Vishakhadatta Abhijit Bannerji Economics 2019
Rajtarangini Kalhana
Arthashashtra Chanakya (Kautilya) Pulitzer Prize
Uttarramcharita Bhavbhuti l It was instituted in 1917 and named after the US
Padmavat Mallik Mohammad Jayasi Publisher Joseph Pulitzer.
Geetanjali, Gora Ravindranath Tagore l It is conferred annually in the USA for accomplishments
Bharat-Bharti Maithilisharan Gupta in journalism, literature and music.
Anamika, Parimal Suryakant Tripathi Nirala Magsaysay Awards
Chidambara Sumitranandan Pant l They were instituted in 1957 and named after Ramon
Kurukshetra, Urvashi Ramdhari Singh ‘Dinkar’ Magsaysay, the late President of Philippines.
Malgudi Days, Guide R K Narayan l This award is given annually on August 31, for
Chandrakanta Devki Nandan Khatri outstanding contributions to public service, community
Devadasa, Charitrahin Sharatchandra Chattopadhyay
leadership, journalism, literature and creative arts and
international understanding.
Mother Maxim Gorki
l First Indian to get this award was Vinobha Bhave.
Mein Kemph Adolf Hitler
War and Peace Leo Tolstoy Man Booker Prize
The Insider P V Narsimha Rao l It is the highest literary award given to the authors of
Ignited Minds A P J Abdul Kalam British, Irish and Commonwealth countries.
Long Walk to Freedom Nelson Mandela
l It was instituted in 1968 by the Booker Company and the
British Publishers Association along the lines of Pulitzer
Half a life V S Naipaul
Prize of US.
Satanik Verses Salman Rushdie
l Booker Prize has been renamed as Man Booker Prize.

Oscar Awards
Awards, Honours and Prizes l These awards were instituted in 1929 and conferred
Nobel Prize annually by the Academy of Motion Pictures in USA.
l It was instituted by the inventor of dynamite, Alfred l These are considered the most prestigious awards in the
Bernard Nobel (1833-96). cinema world.
l The award is given on December 10, which is the death l The first Indian to get an Oscar was Bhanu Athaiya for
anniversary of its founder. the movie ‘Gandhi’.
64 Self Study Guide SSC Constable (GD) Recruitment Exam

Bharat Ratna Gandhi Peace Prize

l It is the highest civilian award of India. It is l Established on 2nd October, 1994, on the occasion of the 125th
presented by the Government of India. birthday anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi, carries a cash prize
of ` 1 crore.
l It is presented for exceptional public service and
rarest achievements in the field of art, literature,
l Indian Government instituted this annual prize to
sport and science. encourage and promote the significance of Gandhian values
over the world.
l It was instituted in 1954 and the first recepient were
C Rajagopalachari, Dr Radhakrishnan and
CV Raman.
Gallantry Awards
■ Param Vir Chakra is the highest decoration of valour award. It is the
l Padma Vibhushan is the second highest civilian
most conspicuous act of bravery or some act of valour or
award for distinguished services in any field
self-sacrifice in the presence of the enemy, whether on land, at sea
including Government service. or in the air. The medal is made of bronze.
l Padma Bhushan and Padma Shree are the other ■ Mahavir Chakra is the second highest gallantry award for acts of
important civilian awards. conspicuous gallantry in the presence of the enemy whether on
land, at sea or in the air. The medal is made of standard silver.
Sahitya Akademy Award ■ Vir Chakra is awarded for acts of gallantry in the presence of
It was instituted in 1955 and is given for any enemy, whether on land, at sea or in the air. The medal is made of
exclusive writing in any of the 22 languages including standard silver.
English literature during last 5 years. ■ Ashok Chakra is awarded for valour, courageous action or
Shanti Swaroop Bhatnagar Awards sacrifice, away from the battlefield. It is highest military award
during peacetime.
These awards are given to the Indian scientists for
■ Kirti Chakra is awarded for conspicuous gallantry. It is made of
their exceptional performance.
standard silver and is circular in shape. The obverse and the reverse
Arjuna Awards are exactly the same as in Ashoka Chakra.
■ Shaurya Chakra is awarded for an act of gallantry during
l These were instituted in 1961 and given by Sports
Ministry, Government of India.
l These are given for the special achievements in
different types of sports.
Dronacharya Awards
l These were instituted in 1985 and given by Sports
Ministry, Government of India.
l Olympic games were started in 776 BC on Mount Olympia in
the honour of Greek God ‘Zeus’.
l These are given to sports coaches.
l The modern Olympic Games were started in Athens the
Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna capital of Greece on 6th April, 1896 with great efforts made
It was instituted in 1962 and is presented for by French nobleman, Baron Pierre de Coubertin.
commendable display by the players. l The Olympic Games are organised after every four years.
Dadasaheb Phalke Award l The Olympic Flag is made up of White Silk and contains five
interwined rings as the Olympic Emblem.
l Dadasaheb Phalke is known as the Father of Indian
Cinema. The highest National Film Award is named
l The five interlaced rings are arranged in 3-2 pattern on a
after him in 1969. white background, with the blue ring to the extreme
left, followed by yellow, black, green and red, in the same
l Mrs Devika Rani Roerich was the first person to
receive Dadasaheb Phalke Award in 1969.
l Blue for Europe, Black for Africa, Red for Americas (North
Bharatiya Jnanpith Award and South America), Yellow for Asia and Green for Oceania
l Instituted on 22nd May, 1961, carries a cash prize of (Australia and New Zealand).
` 5 lakh, a citation and a bronze replica of Vagdevi l The official Olympic Motto is ‘‘Citius, Altius, Fortius’’, a
(Saraswati). Latin phrase meaning Swifter, Higher, Stronger.
l This award is given for the best literary writing by l The Head Office of International Olympic Committee (IOC) is
an Indian citizen in a language listed in Eighth at Lausanne (Switzerland).
Schedule of the Indian Constitution.
General Knowledge 65

Commonwealth Games Important Sport Terms

l The first Commonwealth Games were held in Sport Terms
1930 in Hamilton, Canada. Basketball Dunk, Front court, Lay up, Held ball, Pivot, Rebound, Steal
Cricket Bye, Draw, Googly, Topspin, Over throw, Duck, Hit wicket
l Since 1930, the games have been conducted
every four years except for 1942 and 1946 due Football Bend dribble, Dissent, Dummy, Feint, Free kick, Header, Red card, Throwins
to World War II. Hockey Bully, Striking, Circle, Post back
Chess Castle, Diagonaes, Files, Pawns, Peices, Promote, Gambit, Pawn
l The Commonwealth Games Federation (CGF)
is the organization which is responsible for Boxing Jab, laying on Knock, Second out habbit punch, Upper cut
the direction and control of the Badminton Loab, Let, Drive, Drop, Love
Commonwealth Games. Polo Chuker, Bunker
l There are currently 54 members of the Baseball Diamond, Home run, Put out, Strike, Ant-rubber.
Commonwealth of Nations, and 71 teams Rifle Shooting Target, Muzzle fulb, Bulls eye
participate in the games. Wrestling Half, Nelson, Hold Sager, Rebuts
l 22th Commonwealth Games of 2020 will be Golf Fore some, Stymie, T, put hole, Caddy, Nib lick, Iron, The green, Bunkeer
held at Birmingham (England). Billiards Jigger, Pot, Break pot, In off, Cans, Bolting, Long, Hazard, Cue
The Asian Games Swimming Breast Stroke, Twist, Butterfly, Crawl, Spring Board
l The Asian Games, also called the Asiad, are a Important Days and Dates
multi-sport event held every four years among Day Date
athletes from all over Asia. National Youth Day January 12
l The games are regulated by the Olympic National Tourism Day January 25
Council of Asia (OCA), under the supervision Martyrs’ Day January 30
of the International Olympic Committee World Leprosy Eradication Day January 30
(IOC). National Science Day February 28
l The first Asian Games were held in 1951 in International Women’s Day March 8
New Delhi (India). World Disabled Day March 15
World Consumer Rights Day March 15
l 19th Asian Games of 2022 will be held at
World Forestry Day March 21
Hangzhou (China).
World Day for Water March 22
Cricket World Cup World TB Day March 24
The first Cricket World Cup was organised in World Health Day April 7
England in 1975. A separate women’s Cricket World Heritage Day April 18
World Cup has been held every four years since Earth Day April 22
1973. Worker’s Day (International Labour Day) May 1
World Red Cross Day May 8
Hockey World Cup
National Technology Day May 11
The first Men’s Hockey World Cup was Anti-tobacco Day May 31
organised in Barcelona (Spain) in 1971. World Environment Day June 5
Women’s Hockey World Cup has been held World Yoga Day June 21
since 1974. World Population Day July 11
Football World Cup World Senior Citizen’s Day August 8
l The Football World Cup is organised by FIFA Teacher’s Day September 5
(Federation of International Football Association). International Literacy Day (UNESCO) September 8
World Ozone Day September 16
l The World Cup is called ‘Jules Rimet Cup’
World Tourism Day September 27
named after the name of FIFA President Jules
Gandhi Jayanti; International Day of Non-violence October 2
Rimet. The first Football World Cup was
World Food Day October 16
organised in Uruguay in 1930.
UN Day October 24
l In 1942 and 1946, the Football World Cup was Children’s Day; Diabetes Day November 14
not played due to World War II.
Citizen’s Day November 19
l Brazil is the only nation to have participated World AIDS Day December 1
in every World Cup so far. 2022 Human Rights Day December 10
Football World Cup scheduled to be held at National Consumer Day December 24
Qatar. Good Governance Day (Birthday of Atal Bihari Vajpayee) December 25
66 Self Study Guide SSC Constable (GD) Recruitment Exam

Practice Exercise
1. Smallest continent is 13. Flight-recorder is technically called 24. The famous painting ‘Monalisa’
(a) North America (b) Asia (a) altitude meter was the creation of
(c) Australia (d) Europe (b) dark box (a) Michael-Angelo
(c) blind box (b) Leonardo-Da-Vinci
2. Which of the following is Deepest
(d) black box (c) Piccasso
(d) Van Gogh
(a) Baikal (b) Titi caca 14. National Library, the largest in India,
(c) Caspian sea (d) Albatross is located in 25. The first woman to swim across
(a) Kolkata (b) Chennai seven important seas is
3. The coldest place in the world is
(c) Mumbai (d) Delhi (a) Chandini
(a) Verkhoyansk (b) Leh
(b) Bula Choudhary
(c) Bali (d) Gangtok 15. In cricket, a run taken when the ball
(c) Mridula Rajiv
passes the batsman without
4. The Great Wall of China was built by (d) Priya Shanbhag
[SSC Multi-tasking 2014]

touching his bat or body is called

(a) Li-tai-pu (b) Qin Shi Huang
(a) drive (b) leg bye 26. Who said that “India’s soul lives in
(c) Lao-tze (d) Confucius
(c) bye (d) bosie villages”?
5. Which of the following is known as (a) Vinoba Bhave
16. Who was the first Indian Judge in
the “Land of Morning Calm”? (b) Jayaprakash Narayan
the international Court of Justice?
(a) Japan (b) Norway (c) Nehru
(a) Dr Nagendra Singh
(c) South Korea (d) Cuba (d) Gandhiji
(b) RC Lahoti
6. ‘Blue Book’ is the official report of (c) Virendra Mehta 27. The headquarters of WTO is at
the (d) Prakash Shukla (a) New York (b) Doha
(a) British Government (c) Uruguay (d) Geneva
17. Gol Gumbaz, the largest dome in
(b) Indian Government India, is located in the State of 28. Which state is called the ‘Rice Bowl’ of
(c) USA Government (a) Bihar (b) Karnataka India?
(d) Chinese Government (c) Maharashtra (d) Madhya Pradesh (a) Andhra Pradesh
7. The river Godavari originates in the (b) Tamil Nadu
18. National Consumer Rights Day is
State of (c) Kerala
observed in India on (d) Karnataka
(a) Madhya Pradesh (a) 24th December
(b) Chhattisgarh (b) 25th September 29. Who was the first Indian to get
(c) Maharashtra (c) 25th October Nobel Prize for literature?
(d) Odisha (d) 25th November (a) Prem Chand
8. Name the country where the first (b) Maithili Sharan Gupt
19. Yen is the currency of
Industrial Revolution took place (c) Rabindra Nath Tagore
(a) Yugoslavia (b) Mexico
(d) None of the above
(a) Germany (b) France (c) Japan (d) Thailand
(c) America (d) Great Britain 30. The first Nuclear Reactor of India is
20. Which one of the following is a (a) Apsara (b) Urvasi
9. The Indian Institute of Science is ‘Surface to Air missile’? (c) Menka (d) Eagle
located at (a) Trishul (b) K-15 Sagarika
(a) Kolkata (b) Mumbai (c) Brahmos (d) Agni 31. Yuan is the currency of
(c) Chennai (d) Bengaluru (a) Japan (b) China
21. Nehru Trophy is associated with (c) Italy (d) Yugoslavia
10. ‘Shora’ is the name of Parliament of (a) Hockey
which country? 32. Santosh Trophy is associated with
(b) Football
(a) China (b) Iran (a) Hockey (b) Football
(c) Kabaddi
(c) Afghanistan (d) Iraq (c) Basketball (d) Badminton
(d) Table Tennis (Women)
11. Which of the following devices is 22. Odissi classical dance originated 33. Kathakali classical dance originated in
generally used to check multiple in (a) Kerala (b) Karnataka
choice questions? (c) Rajasthan (d) Tamil Nadu
(a) Odisha
(a) MICR (b) Andhra Pradesh 34. The first Asian Games in 1951 was
(b) Bar Code Reader (c) Rajasthan held at
(c) OCR (d) Gujarat (a) Guwahati (b) Allahabad
(d) OMR (c) Delhi (d) Mumbai
23. Who discovered America?
12. ‘White Lily’ is the National Emblem (a) Vasco-Da-Gama 35. College of ‘Defence Management’ is
of which country? (b) Columbus located at
(a) Italy (b) Canada (c) Captain Cook (a) New Delhi (b) Dehradun
(c) Australia (d) Norway (d) Amundsen (c) Secunderabad (d) Hyderabad
General Knowledge 67

36. Who presented the first 47. The term ‘Grand Slam’ is associated 59. The dance form popular in North
Union Budget of Independent with which one of the following East India is
India? game? (a) Lai Haroba (b) Parhaun
(a) Dr. Rajendra Prasad (a) Cricket (c) Roof (d) Bhangra
(b) Jawaharlal Nehru (b) Swimming
60. CRIS stands for
(c) R K Shanmukham Chetty (c) Lawn Tennis
(d) Dr. Ambedkar (d) Badminton (a) Centre for Railway Internal Services
(b) Centre for Railway Information
37. In which year Indo-Tibetan Border 48. How many countries are permanent Systems
Police was founded? member of the Security Council of (c) Centre for Rail and Indian Stations
(a) 1950 (b) 1954 United Nations Organization? (d) Centre for Railway International
(c) 1962 (d) 1968 (a) 4 (b) 6 Services
(c) 5 (d) 7 61. Which of the following is the capital
38. ‘Reuters’ is the news agency of
(a) Britain 49. Mary Kom belongs to which sports? of ‘South Africa’?
(a) Wrestling (b) Boxing (a) Pretoria
(b) Canada
(c) Shooting (d) Badminton (b) Johanesberg
(c) France
(c) Kimberley
(d) None of the above 50. The name of the White Revolution is (d) None of the above
39. ‘Xinhua’ is the news agency of associated with
(a) K Rangarajan 62. Which of the following country is
(a) North Korea called as ‘Land of Maple Leaf’?
(b) Verghese Kurien
(b) Japan (c) M S Swaminathan (a) Turkey (b) Canada
(c) China (d) J V Narlikar (c) Italy (d) Norway
(d) South Korea
51. India’s Permanent Research Station 63. ‘Court’ is the playing area for
40. ‘Physical Research Laboratory’ is ‘Dakshin Gangotri’ is located at (a) badminton (b) lawn tennis
located at (a) Indian Ocean (b) Himalayas (c) basketball (d) All of these
(a) Allahabad (b) Ahmedabad (c) Antarctica (d) Arabian Sea
(c) Agartalla (d) Ajmer 64. Which of the following country is
52. ‘Lotus’ is a symbol of called the ‘Land of the Thunderbolt’?
41. The headquarter of United Nations (a) Peace and prosperity (a) Nepal (b) Russia
Environmental Programme (UNEP) (b) Peace and progress (c) Sri Lanka (d) Bhutan
is located at (c) Culture and civilisation
(a) Nairobi (b) Canberra (d) Symbol of protest 65. The National Emblem of spain is
(c) Canada (d) Auckland (a) Rose (b) Eagle
53. ‘Mukhbarat’ is an intelligence (c) Lion (d) Golden Rod
42. In which year food and Agricultural agency of which country?
Organisation(FAO) was founded? (a) Iran (b) Iraq 66. Which of the following countries is
(a) 1939 (b) 1942 (c) Syria (d) Egypt not a permanent member of UN
(c) 1946 (d) 1945 54. The organization ‘World Wide Fund Security Council?
for Nature’ (WWF) was established (a) USA (b) UK
43. World famous book ‘Das Capital’
in 1961 at (c) France (d) Spain
was written by
(a) Angels (a) France (b) UK 67. ‘Green Peace International’
(b) Karl Marx (c) Switzerland (d) Spain (Netherlands) was founded in
(c) R.C. Dutta 55. A popular dance form of Jammu and (a) 1961 (b) 1971
(d) None of the above Kashmir is (c) 1984 (d) 1974
44. In which year International Labour (a) Garba (b) Chhau 68. ‘World Watch Institute’ is located in
Organisation (ILO) came into (c) Chakri (d) Bihu (a) Rome (b) Paris
existence? 56. Which of the following is the capital (c) Geneva (d) Washington
(a) 1920 (b) 1925 of Mauritius? 69. Dada Saheb Phalke Award is given
(c) 1919 (d) 1927 (a) Kuala Lumpur
by the Ministry of
(b) Ulan Bator
45. Popular book ‘As you like it’ was (c) Tripoli
(a) Social Welfare
written by (b) Corporate Affairs
(d) Port Louis
(a) V S Naipaul (c) Home Affairs
(b) Thomas Pynchon 57. Which of the following is the largest (d) Information and Broadcasting
(c) Zoya Hasan volcano of the world?
70. ‘Berlin’ is situated on the bank of
(d) William Shakespeare (a) Stamboli (b) Sakurajima
(c) Kilauea (d) Mauna Loa
46. Who was the first Railway Minister of (a) Denube (b) Volga
Independent India? 58. Who was the first person in the world (c) Spree (d) Dnieper
(a) Morarjee Desai to go into space? 71. Which of the following is a ‘Fire and
(b) John Mathai (a) Rakesh Sharma
forget’ anti-tank missile?
(c) Sachchidananda Sinha (b) Alexei Leonov
(a) Trishul (b) Agni
(d) Dr. Ambedkar (c) Major Yuri Gagarin
(c) Akash (d) Nag
(d) Toni Morrison
68 Self Study Guide SSC Constable (GD) Recruitment Exam

72. Which city is called the ‘City of (a) Padma Shri 84. Name the first Indian to be banned
Nawabs’? (b) Arjuna Award for using anabolic steroid in Olympic
(a) Delhi (b) Amritsar (c) Param Vir Chakra games. (SSC Constable, 2015)
(c) Agra (d) Lucknow (d) Ashok Chakra (a) Pratima Kumari
73. Which of the following festivals is 79. World Disabled Day is observed on (b) Sumitha Laha
associated with full moon day? (a) 14 March (c) T Sanmancha Chanu
(a) Id-ul-Fitr (b) Easter (b) 15 March (d) Aswini Akunji
(c) Holi (d) Diwali (c) 16 March
85. Which of the following countries
(d) 20 March
74. Which of the following is a classical has brought out a stamp on Mother
dance from North India? 80. Good Governance Day is Teresa to celebrate her birth
(a) Kathak (b) Kathakali celebraated anniversary? (SSC Constable, 2015)
(c) Kuchipudi (d) Bharat Natyam (a) 22 December (a) India
(b) 23 December (b) The USA
75. Which of the following name is not (c) 24 December (c) Pakistan
associated with painting? (d) 25 December (d) The UK
(a) K L Saigal
(b) Jamini Roy Previous Years’ Questions 86. First permanent research station
(c) Manjit Bawa established by India in South Polar
(d) M F Hussain 81. The headquarters of United reaion, Antarctica is
Organisation is located at (SSC Constable, 2015)
76. What does WADA stand for? (SSC Constable, 2015) (a) Maitri
(a) World Anti-Drug Agency (a) Washington (b) Rome (b) Dakshin Gangotri
(b) World Animal-Defence Agency (c) Geneva (d) New York (c) Bharti
(c) World Anti-Doping Agency (d) Himadri
82. The headquarters of World Trade
(d) None of the above
Organisation (WTO) is situated in 87. The first mathematical calculator
77. Who among the following is an (SSC Constable, 2015)
was designed by
Olympic Medal winner? (a) Washington (USA) (SSC Constable, 2015)
(a) P T Usha (b) New Delhi (India) (a) Napier (b) Leibnitz
(b) Sania Mirza (c) London (UK)
(c) Fischer (d) Pingale
(c) Mahesh Bhupati (d) Geneva (Switzerland)
(d) Saina Nehwal 88. Central Zoo Authority is located in
83. The smallest Ocean is
(SSC Constable, 2015) (SSC Constable, 2015)
78. Which of the following award is
(a) Atlantic (b) Arctic (a) New Delhi (b) Chennai
given to recognise outstanding
(c) Pacific (d) Indian (c) Kolkata (d) Dehradun
achievement in sports?

1 (c) 2 (a) 3 (a) 4 (b) 5 (c) 6 (a) 7 (c) 8 (d) 9 (d) 10 (c)
11 (d) 12 (a) 13 (d) 14 (a) 15 (c) 16 (a) 17 (b) 18 (a) 19 (c) 20 (a)
21 (b) 22 (a) 23 (b) 24 (b) 25 (b) 26 (d) 27 (d) 28 (a) 29 (c) 30 (a)
31 (b) 32 (b) 33 (a) 34 (c) 35 (c) 36 (c) 37 (c) 38 (a) 39 (c) 40 (b)
41 (a) 42 (d) 43 (b) 44 (c) 45 (d) 46 (b) 47 (c) 48 (c) 49 (b) 50 (b)
51 (c) 52 (c) 53 (d) 54 (c) 55 (c) 56 (d) 57 (d) 58 (c) 59 (a) 60 (b)
61 (a) 62 (b) 63 (d) 64 (d) 65 (b) 66 (d) 67 (b) 68 (d) 69 (d) 70 (c)
71 (d) 72 (d) 73 (c) 74 (a) 75 (a) 76 (c) 77 (d) 78 (b) 79 (b) 80 (d)
81 (d) 82 (d) 83 (b) 84 (c) 85 (b) 86 (b) 87 (c) 88 (a)
Physics 69


Physical Quantities Newton’s Laws of Motion
Physical quantities can be classified into following categories.
First Law
1. Scalar Quantities Physical quantities which have l Every body retain its state of rest or state of uniform
magnitude only is called scalar quantity e.g., Mass,
motion, until an external force is applied on it.’’ This law
speed, volume, work, time, power, energy etc., are
is also known as law of inertia or law of Galileo.
scalar quantities.
l First law gives the definition of inertia.
2. Vector Quantities Physical quantities, which have
e.g. A person sitting in a moving car falls forward, when
magnitude and direction both is called vector
the car stops suddenly. This is because the feet of the
quantity e.g., Displacement, velocity, acceleration,
passenger comes to the rest along with the car, but the
force, momentum, torque etc.
upper part of his body tends to remain in motion due to
Units inertia of motion.
A definite amount of a physical quantity is taken as its Second Law
standard unit. l ‘‘The force applied on a body is equal to the product of
Units of Measurements mass of the body and the acceleration produced in it
Quantity Unit (SI) Quantity Unit (SI) i.e., F = ma.’’
Length Metre Weight Newton l A cricket player (or fielder) moves his hands backward
Time Second Impulse Newton-second while catching a fast cricket ball.
Mass Kilogram Heat Joule l During athletics meet, athletes doing high jump and long
Area Square metre Temperature Kelvin jump land on foam or a heap of sand to decrease the
Volume Cubic metre Absolute Kelvin force on the body and the landing is comfortable.
Velocity Metre/second Resistance Ohm Third Law
Acceleration Metre/second Electric current Ampere l ‘‘Every action have (an) equal and opposite reaction.’’
Action and reaction always act on the different bodies.
Density Kilogram/metre Electromotive Volt
e.g. On firing the bullet, the gunner is pushed in
cube force
backward direction. When the boatman is jumped from
Momentum Kilogram Electric energy Kilowatt hour
the boat, the boat is pushed back.
Work Joule Electric power Kilowatt or watt l The propulsion of rocket is based on the principle of
Energy Joule Charge Coulomb action and reaction.
Force Newton Luminous Candela
Escape Velocity
Torque Newton-Metre Inductance Henry l The minimum velocity that should be given to the body
Pressure Pascal or Intensity of Decibel to enable it to escape away from earth’s gravitational
Newton/sq metre sound field is called escape velocity.
Frequency Hertz Power of lens Dioptre l The value of the escape velocity of a body does not
Power Watt Depth of sea Fathom depend on its mass.
Viscosity Newton-sec/m 2 Astronomical Light year l The value of escape velocity on the earth’s surface is
11.2 km/s and on the moon surface is 2.38 km/s.
Note 1 Light year = 9.46 × 1015 m l Due to least value of escape velocity, there is no
1 micron = 0.001 mm atmosphere around the moon.
Strain is a dimensionless quantity. It is defined as the ratio l Geo-stationary orbit of a geo-stationary satellite is
of change in length (configuration) to the original (length). 35800 km from earth’s surface.
70 Self Study Guide SSC Constable (GD) Recruitment Exam

Work l The speed of sound increases with the increase in

temperature of the medium.
l Work is said to be done, if force acting on a body is able l The speed of sound is more in humid air than in dry air
to actually move it through some distance in the because the density of humid air is less than the density
direction of the force. Its SI unit is joule. of dry air.
Work = Fs cos θ ,
where, F = force, s = displacement Light
where, θ is the angle between the direction of force and
l It is the radiation which makes our eyes able to see the
object. Its speed is 3 × 10 8 m/s. It is the form of energy. It
l If θ > 90 °, then work will be negative. is a transverse wave.
l If θ < 90 °, then work will be positive. l It takes 8 min 19 s to reach on the Earth from the Sun and
l If θ = 90 °, then work will be zero. the light reflected from Moon takes 1.28s to reach Earth.

Energy Reflection of Light

Capacity of doing work by a body is called its energy. When a ray of light falls on a boundary separating two
Energy is a scalar quantity and its SI unit is joule. media comes back into the same media, then this
phenomenon is called reflection of light.
If a coolie carrying a load on his head is moving on a horizontal platform,
then theoretically he is not doing any work because θ = 90° , Laws of Reflection
W = Fs cos 90° = 0 l The incident ray, reflected ray and the normal to the
Mechanical energy is of two types reflecting surface at the incident point all lie in the same
1. Kinetic Energy (K) Energy possessed by a body by
virtue of its motion is called kinetic energy l The angle of reflection is equal to the angle of incidence.
K = mv 2 where, m is mass and v is the velocity. Reflection from Plane Mirror
l The image is virtual and laterally inverted.
2. Potential Energy (U) The capacity of doing work
developed in a body due to its position or l The size of image is equal to that of object.
configuration is called potential energy l If an object moves towards a plane mirror with speed v,
u = mgh relative to the object the image moves towards with a speed
where, m is mass, g is acceleration to gravity, h is 2v.
height. l To see his full image in a plane mirror, a person requires
l The sum of all kinds of energies in an isolated system a mirror of at least half of his height.
remains constant at all times. This is the law of l The number of images formed by plane mirror,
360 ° 
n = 
conservation of energy.
− 1
 θ 
Spherical Mirror
Rate of doing work is called power. Its unit is watt.
Work done
l Spherical mirror are of two types
Power = 1. Concave mirror 2. Convex mirror
Time taken
l Image formed by a convex mirror is always virtual, erect
1 watt hour = 3600 joule
and diminished.
1 kilowatt hour (kWh) = 3.6 × 10 joule

1 HP (horse-power) = 746 watt

l Image formed by a concave mirror is generally real and

Sound Uses of Concave Mirror

l Sound is a form of energy which produces a sensation of (i) As a shaving glass. (ii) the head lights of a vehicle, search light. (iii) In
hearing in our ears. ophthalmoscope to examine eye, ear, nose by doctors. (iv) In solar
l When sound enters from one medium to another
medium, its speed and wavelength changes but Uses of Convex Mirror
frequency remains unchanged. (i) As a rear view mirror in vehicle because it provides the maximum rear
field of view and image formed is always erect. (ii) In sodium reflector
l Speed of sound remains unchanged by the increase or lamp.
decrease of pressure.
Physics 71

Inventions and Discoveries Invention Year Inventor Country

Invention Year Inventor Country Telegraph Code 1837 Samuel FB Morse USA
Telescope 1608 Hans Lippershey Netherlands
Artificial Heart 1957 Willem Kolff Netherlands
Television 1926 John Logie Baird Britain
Atomic Bomb 1945 J Robert Oppenheimer USA
Atomic Theory 1803 Dalton Britain
Transformer 1831 Michael Faraday Britain
Automatic Rifle 1918 John Browning USA
Transistor 1948 Bardeen, Shockley & USA
Ball-Point Pen 1888 John J Loud USA
Barometer 1644 Evangelista Torricelli Italy
Wireless 1896 G Marconi Italy
Bicyle 1839-40 Kirkpatrick Macmillan Britain (telegraphy)
Bifocal Lens 1780 Benjamin Franklin USA X-ray 1895 W Roentgen Germany
Bunsen Burner 1855 R Willhelm von Bunsen Germany
Calculus 1670 Newton Britain Important Scientific Instruments
Cloning, DNA 1973 Boyer, Cohen USA Instrument Uses
Diesel Engine 1895 Rudolf Diesel Germany
Altimeter It measures altitudes and is used in aircrafts.
Dynamo 1832 Hypolite Pixii France
Ammeter It measures strength of electric current (in ampere).
Electron 1897 JJ Thomson Britain
Anemometer It measures force and velocity of wind.
Fountain Pen 1884 Lewis E Waterman USA
Galvanometer 1834 Andre-Marie Ampere France Audiometer It measures intensity of sound.
Gramophone 1878 Thomas Alva Edison USA Audiophone It is used for improving imperfect sense of hearing.
Hydrogen Bomb 1952 Edward Teller USA Barometer It measures atmospheric pressure.
Intelligence 1905 Simon Binet France Binocular It is used to view distant objects.
Dynamo It converts mechanical energy into electrical energy.
Laser 1960 Theodore Maiman USA
Fathometer It measures the depth of the ocean.
Lift (Mechanical) 1852 Elisha G Otis USA
Lighting 1752 Benjamin Franklin USA Hydrometer It measures the specific gravity of liquids.
Conductor Hygrometer It measures humidity in air.
Logarithms 1614 Napier Britain Lactometer It determines the purity of milk.
Microphone 1876 Alexander Graham Bell USA Microscope It is used to obtain magnified view of small objects.
Movie Projector 1893 Thomas Edison USA
Periscope It is used to view objects above sea level (used in
Pacemaker 1952 Zoll USA sub-marines).
Pasteurization 1867 Louis Pasteur France
Pyrometer It measures very high temperature.
Periodic Table 1869 Mendeleev Russia
Radar It is used for detecting the direction and range of an
Pistol, Revolver 1836 Colt USA
approaching plane by means of radio microwaves.
Printing Press 1455 Johann Gutenberg Germany
Seismograph It measures the intensity of earthquake shocks.
Proton 1919 Rutherford N Zealand
Quantum Theory 1900 Planck Germany Stethoscope An instrument which is used by the doctors to hear and
analyse heart and lung sounds.
Radar 1922 AH Taylor & Leo USA
C Young Telescope It views distant objects in space.
Radiocarbon 1947 Libby USA Thermometer This instrument is used for the measurement of human
dating body temperature.
Relativity Theory 1905 Einstein Germany Voltmeter It measures the electric potential difference between two
Stethoscope 1819 Laennec France points.

Practice Exercise
1. Which of the following is not a 3. Solar energy is due to 5. The quantity ‘weight’ is measured by
vector quantity? (a) fusion reactions (b) fission reactions (a) beam balance
(a) Speed (c) combustion reactions (b) common balance
(b) Velocity (d) chemical reactions (c) spring balance
(c) Torque (d) balance wheel
4. Atomic power plant works on the
(d) Displacement
principle of 6. The weight of a body acts through
2. Kilowatt-hour is the unit of (a) fission (b) fusion the centre of
(a) energy (b) power (c) thermal combustion (a) gravity (b) mass
(c) force (d) momentum (d) combined effect of all the above three (c) Both (a) and (b) (d) buoyancy
72 Self Study Guide SSC Constable (GD) Recruitment Exam

7. Which falls down faster in a 15. Rise of mercury in a barometer 25. Tiredness is felt on the top of the
vaccuum-a feather ball a wooden indicates mountains because of
ball or a steel ball? (a) fair weather (b) storm (a) high temperature
(a) A wooden ball (c) rain (d) Both (b) and (c) (b) low temperature
(b) A feather (c) high pressure outside the body
16. What happens to the level of (d) low pressure outside the body
(c) A steel ball
mercury in the barometer tube
(d) All will fall down at the same speed in 26. Transfer of heat energy from the
a vacuum because there will be no
when it is taken down a coal mine?
It sun to the moon takes place by
air resistance
(a) falls (a) radiation only
8. A bomb is dropped at a point from (b) remains unaltered (b) radiation and conduction
a moving aeroplane. The pilot (c) radiation and convection
(c) rises
observes that (d) radiation, conduction and convection
(d) rises and then falls
(a) the bomb traverses a curved path 27. Which type of mirror is used in the
and falls some distance behind that 17. In a barometer, mercury is head lights of vehicles?
point preferred over water because (a) Plane mirror (b) Concave mirror
(b) the bomb traverses a curved path (a) mercury is a good conductor of heat (c) Convex mirror (d) Parabolic mirror
and falls some distance ahead (b) mercury shines and therefore its level
(c) the bomb drops vertically downward can be read easily 28. An object which absorbs all colours
(d) the bomb remains stationary in the air (c) mercury has high density and low and reflects none appears
for some time vapour pressure (a) blue (b) black (c) white (d) grey
(d) mercury is available in pure form
9. The height of a geo-stationary 29. When light passes from air into
satellite from the earth’s surface is 18. Oil rises up the wick in a lamp glass it experiences change in
approximately because (a) frequency and wavelength
(a) 36000 km (b) 42000 km (a) oil is very light (b) frequency and speed
(c) 30000 km (d) None of these (b) of the diffusion of oil through the wick (c) wavelength and speed
(c) of the surface tension phenomenon (d) frequency, wavelength and speed
10. The minimum number of (d) of the capillary action phenomenon
geo-stationary satellites needed for 30. Consider the following statements
19. A ship rises as it enters the sea The fog during winter season is
uninterrupted global coverage is
from a river because the more on the day when
(a) 3 (b) 4 (c) 2 (d) 1
(a) water in sea is hard water 1. sky is clear 2. sky is cloudy
11. A weather balloon is not fully (b) larger quantity of water in the sea 3. wind is blowing
inflated on the ground because pushes the ship upwards
Which of the statements given
(a) it cannot rise up in the air when fully (c) density of sea water is lower than that
of the river water above is/are correct?
inflated (a) Only 1 (b) 1 and 3
(b) it cannot withstand the outside (d) density of sea water is higher than
that of the river water (c) 2 and 3 (d) Only 2
pressure if fully inflated
(c) it the balloon is fully inflated, it may 20. A small drop of oil spreads over 31. The principle due to which circular
not remain stable in a storm water because patches of light is seen under a
(d) the air inside the balloon expands as tree during day time, is similar to
(a) oil has a higher viscosity
it rises and may burst that of image formation by a
(b) water has a higher viscosity
12. The source of our energy is (c) oil has a higher surface tension (a) concave lens (b) pinhole
basically the (d) water has a higher surface tension (c) photographic camera
(a) ocean (d) convex lens
21. In which medium, velocity of
(b) sun 32. The splitting of white light into its
(c) atmosphere
sound is maximum?
(a) Metals (b) Air
components is due to
(d) space (a) transmission (b) dispersion
(c) Water (d) Polymer
13. Kinetic energy depends (c) reflection (d) refraction
(a) on the mass of the moving body
22. Decibel is used to measure the
intensity of 33. The blue colour of the water in the
(b) the velocity or speed of the moving sea is due to
body (a) magnetic field (b) sound
(a) absorption of other colour by water
(c) the pressure of the moving body (c) light (d) heat
(d) Both mass and velocity of the moving (b) reflection of the blue light by the
23. Decibel is a term connected with
body impurities is sea water
(a) air (b) water (c) sound (d) soil
14. The temperature of a body is an (c) reflection of blue sky by sea water
indicator of 24. Why are two blankets warmer than and scattering of blue light by water
(a) the total energy of the molecules of one? molecules
the body (a) Two blankets have more wool and (d) None of the above
(b) the average energy of the molecules hence, provide greater warmth 34. The best colour(s) for a sun
of the body (b) Two blankets enclose air which does umbrella will be
(c) the total velocity of the molecules of not allow the cold to penetrate (a) black
the body (c) Two blankets compress the air in (b) black on top and white on the inside
(d) the average kinetic energy of the between the body and the blankets (c) White on top and black on the inside
molecules of the body and this compression produces that (d) printed with all the seven colours of
(d) None of the above rainbow
Physics 73

35. Myopia is a disease connected with 43. Match the following 48. For taking the clinical photograph
(a) lungs (b) brain of bones, we use
Device Conversion
(c) ears (d) eyes [SSC Constable, 2013]
A. Battery 1. Electrical energy into (a) UV rays (b) IR rays
36. No matter how far you stand from
charger mechanical energy (c) X-rays (d) Cosmic rays
a mirror, your image appears erect.
The mirror is likely to be B. Battery 2. Mechanical energy 49. A watch spring when wound up
(a) either plane or convex into electrical energy acquires [SSC Constable, 2013]
(b) plane only C. Washing 3. Chemical energy into (a) mechanical energy
(c) concave (b) kinetic energy
machine electrical energy
(d) convex only (c) potential energy
D. Dynamo 4. Electrical energy into (d) light energy
37. Optic fibres are mainly used for
chemical energy
which of the following? 50. A micron is equal to
(a) Communication Codes [SSC Constable, 2012]
(b) Weaving A B C D A B C D (a) 0.1 mm (b) 0.01 mm
(c) Musical instruments (a) 4 3 1 2 (b) 4 3 2 1 (c) 0.001 mm (d) 0.0001 mm
(d) Food industry (c) 1 2 3 4 (d) 3 4 1 2
51. Persons suffering from myopia are
38. Magnetic keepers are used to 44. In an atomic explosion, enormous advised to use [SSC Constable, 2012]
protect magnets from energy is released which is due to (a) convex lens
(a) self-demagnetisation the (b) concave lens
(b) demagnetisation due to heating (a) conversion of neutrons in to protons (c) plano-convex lens
(c) earth’s magnetic field (b) conversion of chemical energy into (d) plano-concave lens
(d) effect of other magnets heat energy
(c) conversion of chemical energy into 52. A light year is a unit of
39. A compass needle cannot be used nuclear energy [SSC Constable, 2012]
to detect (d) conversion of mass into energy (a) time (b) distance
(a) magnetic North-South direction (c) speed of light (d) intensity of light
45. Cryogenic engines find
(b) polarity of a magnet
applications in 53. Velocity of sound in air does not
(c) strength of a magnet
(a) rocket technology depend on [SSC Constable, 2012]
(d) direction of magnetic field
(b) frost-free refrigerators (a) density of air
40. The best conductor of electricity (c) sub-marine propulsion (b) temperature of air
among the following is (d) researches in superconductivity (c) pressure of air
(a) copper (b) iron (d) humidity of air
(c) aluminium (d) silver Previous Years’ Questions 54. A dynamo is used to convert
41. Which of the following is not 46. Which one of the following is a [SSC Constable, 2012]
correctly matched? non-dimensional quantity? (a) mechanical energy into electrical
(a) Voltameter – Potential difference [SSC Constable, 2015] energy
(b) Ammeter – Electric current (a) Strain (b) electrical energy into mechanical
(c) Potentiometer – Emf (b) Coefficient of viscosity energy
(d) Meter bridge – Electrical resistance (c) Gas constant (c) electrical energy into magnetic
42. Microphone is a device in which (d) Planck’s constant
(d) magnetic energy into mechanical
(a) sound waves into mechanical energy 47. A nuclear reaction must be energy
(b) electrical energy is converted into balanced in terms of
sound waves directly 55. Shaving mirror is
[SSC Constable, 2013] [SSC Constable, 2011]
(c) sounds waves are converted into
electrical energy and then (a) mass and volume (a) convex
reconverted into sound after (b) energy and weight (b) concave
transmission (c) number of electrons (c) plane
(d) amplification is not required at all (d) mass and energy (d) parabolic

1 (a) 2 (a) 3 (a) 4 (a) 5 (c) 6 (a) 7 (d) 8 (b) 9 (a) 10 (a)
11 (d) 12 (b) 13 (d) 14 (d) 15 (a) 16 (c) 17 (c) 18 (d) 19 (d) 20 (d)
21 (a) 22 (a) 23 (c) 24 (b) 25 (d) 26 (a) 27 (b) 28 (b) 29 (c) 30 (a)
31 (b) 32 (b) 33 (c) 34 (c) 35 (d) 36 (a) 37 (a) 38 (a) 39 (c) 40 (d)
41 (a) 42 (c) 43 (a) 44 (d) 45 (a) 46 (a) 47 (d) 48 (c) 49 (c) 50 (c)
51 (b) 52 (b) 53 (c) 54 (a) 55 (b)
74 Self Study Guide


Matter Ores of Metals
Anything that has mass and occupies space is called Name of the
Ore Chemical Formula
matter. The air we breathe, the food we eat, water, books, Elements
clouds, plants and animals etc., everything is matter. Aluminium (Al) (a) Bauxite Al 2O 3 ⋅ 2H 2O
l Matter is made up of small entities (atoms or molecules).
(b) Cryolite Na 3AlF6
These entities attract each other with a force called
intermolecular force. The space between any two Iron (Fe) (a) Haematite Fe 2O 3
entities is called intramolecular space. (b) Magnetite Fe 3O 4

Classification of Matter (c) Iron Pyrite FeS 2

The matter has been divided into two categories Copper (Cu) (a) Copper Pyrite CuFeS 2
l On the basis of physical composition, the matter is
(b) Copper Glance Cu2 S
divided into three states, i.e. solid, liquid and gas.
Zinc (Zn) (a) Zinc Blende ZnS
l Plasma (fourth) and the Bose-Einstein condensate or
BEC (fifth) are the recently discovered states of matter. (b) Calamine ZnCO 3
l On the basis of chemical composition matter can be Sodium (Na) (a) Rock Salt NaCl
classified as
Matter Lead (Pb) (a) Galena PbS

(b) Anglesite PbSO 4

Pure substance Mixtures Mercury (Hg) (a) Cinnabar HgS

Homogeneous l When two or more elements, consisting of at least one

Elements Compounds metal, are mixed then the mixture is called alloy, which
Metals Organic has certain improvised properties with respect to those
of the constituent elements.
Non-metals Inorganic
Some Important Alloys
Name Composition Use
Metals Brass Cu (60 to 80%), Zn (40 to For making household
l Metals are generally good conductors of heat and 20%) utensils
electricity. Silver is the best conductor of heat as well as
Bronze Cu (75 to 90%), Sn (25 to For making coins, idols,
electricity followed by copper. Aluminium is also a 10%) utensils
good conductor of heat. That is why cooking utensils
and water boilers are generally made up of copper and German Silver Cu (60%), Zn (25%), Ni For making jewellery,
aluminium. (15%) utensils etc.

l Metals are generally hard but sodium and potassium are Duralumin Al (95%), Cu (4%), Mg In aircraft manufacturing
so soft that they can be easily cut with a knife. (0 ⋅ 5%), Mn (0 ⋅ 5%)

l Metals are malleable and ductile. Gold and silver are Steel Fe (98%), C (2%) For making nails,
most malleable and best ductile metals. screws, bridges

l Metals are solid at room temperature except mercury Stainless Steel Fe (83-84%) Cr (13-14%) For making cooking
(mp −39 °C) which is liquid. Ni (1%) utensils, knives
Chemistry 75

Common and Chemical Names of Some Common Name Chemical Name Chemical Formulae
Important Compounds Alcohol Ethyl Alcohol C 2H 5OH

Common Name Chemical Name Chemical Formulae Sugar Sucrose C 12H 22 O11
Dry Ice Solid Carbon dioxide CO 2 Heavy Water Duterium Oxide D 2O
Bleaching Powder Calcium Oxychloride CaOCl 2 Sand Silicon Oxide SiO 2
Nausadar Ammonium Chloride NH 4Cl

Caustic Soda Sodium Hydroxide NaOH Some Other Important Facts

Potash Alum Potassium Aluminium K 2SO 4 ⋅ Al 2(SO 4 )3 n Lightest element : Hydrogen (H)
Sulphate ⋅ 24H 2O n Heaviest metal : Osmium (Os)
n Only liquid metal : Mercury (Hg)
Epsom Magnesium Sulphate MgSO 4 ⋅ 7H 2O
n Only liquid non-metal : Bromine (Br)
Quick Lime Calcium Oxide CaO n Metal used in electric bulb filament : Tungsten (W)
Plaster of Paris Calcium Sulphate (CaSO 4 ) ⋅ 1 2 H 2 O or n Gas used in electric bulb : Argon (Ar)
(CaSO 4 )2 ⋅ H 2 O n Element found in solar cells : Silicon (Si)
Gypsum Calcium Sulphate CaSO 4 ⋅ 2H 2 O
n Elements found in protein : Carbon (C), hydrogen (H), oxygen
(O), nitrogen (N) and sulphur (S).
Green Vitriol Ferrous Sulphate FeSO 4 ⋅ 7H 2 O n Compounds added to glass for different colours.
Blue Vitriol Copper Sulphate CuSO 4 ⋅ 5H 2 O
n Blue : Cobalt oxide
n Green : Chromium oxide
White Vitriol Zinc Sulphate ZnSO 4 ⋅ 7H 2 O n Red : Iron oxide
Marsh Gas Methane CH 4 n The highest density of water (i.e. 1g/cc) is found at 4°C.
Density of ice is lower than that of liquid form of water.
Vinegar Acetic Acid CH 3COOH n Baking soda (sodium bicarbonate-NaHCO 3 ) reacts with acids
Baking Powder Sodium Bicarbonate NaHCO 3 (except weak over like carbonic acid) to produce carbon
dioxide (CO 2 ) gas, which is used in fire extinguisher.
Washing Soda Sodium Carbonate Na 2 CO 3 ⋅ 10H 2O n The compound used in photography to develop a film is silver
Magnesia Magnesium Oxide MgO bromide (AgBr), while hypo (Sodium thiosulphate) is used as a
Laughing Gas Nitrous Oxide N 2O n POP or the plaster of Paris [(CaSO 4 ) 2 ⋅ H2O] is obtained by
heating gypsum [CaSO 4 ⋅ 2H2O] . The POP is used in making
Chloroform Tricholoro Methane CHCl 3
design pattern in house, for making sculpture and in bandages
Borax Sodium Borate Na 2 B 4O 7 ⋅ 10H 2O for wrapping fractured bones.

Practice Exercise
1. Which of the following laws is 4. The quantum theory was first 8. The unit of radioactivity is
explained by the statement that enunciated by (a) Angstrom (b) Candela
matter can neither be created for (a) Niel Bohr (b) Albert Einstein (c) Fermi (d) Curie
destroyed? (c) Max Planck (d) Max Born 9. Radioactive materials should be
(a) Law of conservation of energy 5. Which one of the following is the kept in the container made of
(b) Le-Chatelier’s principle basis of modern periodic table? (a) Pb (b) Steel (c) Fe (d) Al
(c) Law of conservation of mass (a) Atomic mass (b) Atomic number 10. An element that does not occur in
(d) Law of osmosis (c) Atomic size (d) Atomic volume nature but can be produced
2. 'Atomic theory' of matter was given 6. The nuclides having the same artificially is
by number of neutrons but different (a) thorium (b) radium
(a) Avogadro (b) Dalton number of protons as well as mass (c) plutonium (d) uranium
(c) Newton (d) Pascal number are known as 11. The technique of calculating the age
3. Electron was first identified by (a) isobars (b) isoelectronic of fossil organisms is
(a) JJ Thomson (c) isotopes (d) isotones (a) radiocarbon dating
(b) Daniel Rutherford 7. Radioactivity was discovered by (b) electroporation
(c) J Kepler (a) Rutherford (b) Henry Becquerel (c) counting the annual rings
(d) James Chadwick (c) Roentgen (d) Einstein (d) micro manipulation
76 Self Study Guide SSC Constable (GD) REcruitment Exam

12. The particle required to continue 22. The noble gases do not react with 34. Which of the following is the
the chain process of uranium any other atom because lightest metal?
fission is (a) they are heavy elements (a) Mercury (b) Silver
(b) they are stable compounds (c) Lithium (d) Lead
(a) electron (b) proton
(c) their outermost orbits contain eight
(c) neutron (d) positron 35. The most malleable metal is
13. Which of the following is (d) None of the above (a) silver (b) gold
used as a moderator in nuclear 23. Which atom is not found in
(c) aluminium (d) sodium
reactor? proteins? 36. Match the following
(a) Ordinary water (b) Radium (a) Carbon (b) Nitrogen List I List II
(c) Thorium (d) Graphite (c) Phosphorus (d) Sulphur
A. Best conductor of 1. Gold
14. A lighted candle gets extinguished 24. Among the various allotropes of heat and
when covered with a tumbler because carbon electricity
of (a) diamond is the hardest, lamp black B. Most abundant 2. Lead
(a) adequate supply of air is the softest
(b) inadequate supply of air (b) diamond is the hardest, coke is the
softest C. Most malleable 3. Aluminium
(c) presence of non-luminous matter
(d) None of the above (c) coke is the hardest, graphite is the
softest D. Poorest conductor 4. Silver
15. Combustion of a candle is a/an of heat
(d) diamond is the hardest, graphite is
(a) photochemical reaction the softest
(b) physical change Codes
25. Carbon, diamond and graphite are A B C D
(c) endothermic reaction
together called (a) 1 3 2 4
(d) exothermic reaction (b) 2 3 4 1
(a) isomers (b) allotropes
16. The open ‘Sigrees’ or coal stoves (c) 3 2 4 1
(c) isomorphos (d) isotopes
often require fanning to sustain (d) 4 3 1 2
burning because of 26. The percentage of lead in lead 37. An electric iron has a heating
pencil is element made of
(a) tendency of carbon dioxide to form a
layer along with dust smoke (a) 0 (b) 100
(a) copper (b) tungsten
(b) lack of oxygen in the surroundings of (c) 77 (d) 65
(c) nichrome (d) zinc
sigrees 27. Balloons are filled with
(c) accumulation of smoke and dust 38. Of the following metals which one
over the sigrees (a) helium (b) oxygen causes air pollution in a big city?
(d) interrupted release of moisture from (c) nitrogen (d) argon
(a) Copper (b) Chromium
the material 28. Which of the following is used in (c) Lead (d) Cadmium
17. Why is there a spluttering sound beauty parlours for hair setting?
39. Brass is an alloy of
when water is sprinkled on hot oil? (a) Chlorine
(a) Cu and Zn (b) Al and Mg
(a) Boiling point of the water is higher (b) Sulphur
(c) Cu, Al and Zn (d) Cu and Sn
than that of oil (c) Phosphorus
(b) Boiling point of the oil is higher than (d) Silicon 40. Match the following
that of water 29. Which of the following is the Composition
(c) Oil and water do not mix
lightest gas? A. Bronze 1. Lead,
(d) Oil and water combine to form a
compound (a) Nitrogen (b) Hydrogen antimony, tin
(c) Ammonia B. Brass 2. Copper, zinc,
18. Dialysis is used for people with (d) Carbon dioxide
defective kidneys. It involves the nickel
30. The element used for making solar C. German silver 3. Copper, zinc
process of
cells is
(a) adsorption (b) osmosis D. Type metal 4. Copper, tin
(a) magnesium (b) sodium
(c) electrophoresis (d) diffusion Codes
(c) calcium (d) silicon
19. In addition to hydrogen, the other 31. In deep-sea diving, divers use a A B C D A B C D
abundant element present on Sun’s (a) 2 1 4 3 (b) 2 1 3 4
mixture of gases consisting of (c) 3 2 1 4 (d) 4 3 2 1
surface is oxygen and
(a) helium (b) neon 41. The process of covering water pipes
(a) hydrogen (b) nitrogen made of iron with zinc layer to
(c) argon (d) oxygen
(c) argon (d) helium
20. The element present in the largest prevent corrosion is called
32. Which one of the following metals (a) zinc plating (b) alloy formation
amount in rocks and minerals is has the highest density? (c) vulcanisation (d) galvanisation
(a) carbon (b) silicon (a) Gold (b) Iron
(c) hydrogen (d) aluminium 42. The metallic constituents of hard
(c) Platinum (d) Lead water are
21. The element found on the surface 33. The best conductor of electricity
of the moon is (a) magnesium, calcium and tin
among the following is (b) iron, tin and calcium
(a) tin (b) tungsten
(a) copper (b) iron (c) calcium and magnesium
(c) tantalum (d) titanium
(c) aluminium (d) silver (d) magnesium, tin and iron
Chemistry 77

43. Water is a compound because 55. Washing soda is the common name 67. The variety of coal in which the
(a) it exists as a solid, a liquid or a gas for deposit contains recognisable traces
(b) it contains hydrogen and oxygen (a) calcium carbonate of the original plant material is
(c) it contains two different elements (b) calcium bicarbonate (a) anthracite (b) lignite
joined by chemical bonds (c) sodium carbonate (c) peat (d) bitumen
(d) it cannot be split up into simpler (d) sodium bicarbonate
substances by chemical means 56. The chemical used in a Previous Years’ Papers
44. Sweat contains water and ..... . photographic plate is 68. The acid which fails to liberate
(a) salt (b) vinegar (a) barium chloride (b) silver bromide carbon dioxide from sodium
(c) citric acid (d) lactic acid (c) silver nitrate bicarbonate is [SSC Constable 2015]
45. The average salinity of sea water is (d) silver chloride (a) formic acid (b) sulphuric acid
(a) 20% (b) 25% (c) 30% (d) 35% 57. What are soaps? (c) acetic acid (d) carbonic acid
46. Aqua regia is a mixture of the (a) Salts of silicates 69. When water freezes its density
following in the ratio 1 : 3 by (b) Esters of heavy fatty acids [SSC Constable 2015]
volume (c) Sodium or potassium salts of heavier (a) decreases (b) increases
(a) conc. HNO3 and conc. HCI fatty acids (c) becomes zero (d) remains constant
(b) conc. HNO3 and conc. H2SO4 (d) Mixture of glycerol and alcohols 70. Chemical composition of heavy
(c) dil. HCI and dil. HNO3 58. Which is/are the important raw water is [SSC Constable 2015]
(d) conc. HCI and conc. HNO3 material(s) required in cement (a) D 2O (b) H 2O 2
47. Which among the following is a industry? (c) HDO (d) H 2O
covalent compound? (a) Limestone 71. Which atom is not found in
(a) Calcium chloride (b) Gypsum and clay proteins? [SSC Constable, 2013]
(b) Magnesium fluoride (c) Clay
(a) Carbon (b) Nitrogen
(c) Sodium chloride (d) Limestone and clay
(c) Phosphorus (d) Sulphur
(d) Carbon tetrachloride 59. Glass is made of the mixture of
72. The chemical used in a
48. Cosmetic powders are prepared from (a) quartz and mica
photographic plate is
(a) asbestos (b) talc (b) sand and salt [SSC Constable, 2013]
(c) gypsum (d) serpentine (c) sand and silicates
(a) Barium chloride (b) Silver bromide
(d) None of the above
49. Which of the following is used for (c) Silver nitrate (d) Silver chloride
wrapping of fractured bones? 60. Glass is 73. Which of the following imparts a
(a) supercooled liquid blue colour to glass?
(a) White cement (b) White lead
(b) crystalline solid [SSC Constable, 2012]
(c) Zinc oxide (d) Plaster of Paris
(c) liquid crystal (a) Cobalt oxide (b) Copper oxide
50. The chief source for the production (d) None of the above (c) Iron oxide (d) Nickel oxide
of nitrogeneous fertilizers is
61. In vulcanisation, natural rubber is 74. The element used for making solar
(a) ammonia (b) nitric acid
heated with cells is [SSC Constable, 2011]
(c) nitrogen (d) nitrogen dioxide
(a) carbon (b) sulphur (a) magnesium (b) sodium
51. Which one of the following fertilizers (c) silicon (d) phosphorus (c) calcium (d) silicon
has more nitrogen content?
62. Which of the following is used as a 75. Which of the following is used for
(a) Urea filler in rubber tyres? wrapping of fractured bones?
(b) Ammonium nitrate [SSC Constable, 2011]
(a) Graphite (b) Coal
(c) Potassium nitrate (a) White cement
(c) Coke (d) Carbon black
(d) Ammonium phosphate (b) White lead
63. Natural rubber is the polymer of
52. Which one of the following (c) Zinc oxide
(a) isoprene (b) styrene
elements is used in the (d) Plaster of Paris
(c) butadiene (d) ethylene
manufacture of fertilizers?
64. Nylon is made up of Answers
(a) Fluorine (b) Potassium
(c) Lead (d) Aluminium (a) polyethylene (b) polypropylene 1 c 2 b 3 a 4 c 5 b
(c) polyamide (d) polyester 6 d 7 b 8 d 9 a 10 c
53. The substance coated on plastic
65. The gas used for artificial ripening 11 a 12 c 13 d 14 b 15 d
voice-recorder tapes is 16 a 17 b 18 b 19 a 20 b
of green fruit is
(a) zinc oxide 21 d 22 c 23 c 24 d 25 b
(b) manganese oxide (a) acetylene 26 a 27 a 28 b 29 b 30 d
(c) iron sulphate (b) ethylene 31 d 32 c 33 d 34 c 35 b
(d) iron oxide (c) Both (a) and (b) 36 d 37 c 38 c 39 a 40 d
(d) carbon dioxide 41 d 42 c 43 c 44 a 45 d
54. The high-temperature 46 a 47 d 48 b 49 d 50 a
super-conductors are 66. Rectified spirit is
51 a 52 b 53 d 54 d 55 c
(a) metal alloys (a) methylated spirit 56 b 57 c 58 d 59 c 60 a
(b) ceramic oxides (b) tincture iodine 61 b 62 d 63 a 64 c 65 c
(c) inorganic polymers (c) 95% ethyl alcohol 66 c 67 c 68 d 69 a 70 a
(d) pure rare earth metals (d) 100% ethyl alcohol 71 c 72 b 73 a 74 d 75 d
78 Self Study Guide SSC Constable (GD) REcruitment Exam


Living World Cell Organelles
l Aristotle classified the living organisms on the basis of Mitochondria
natural similarities and dissimilarities. l Discovered by Richard Altman (1890).
l In 18th Century, Carolus Linnaeus developed binomial l Have double membrane envelope, composed of lipid and
nomenclature for naming the living organisms i.e., protein.
scientific name consists of genus and species. l It is known as the ‘power house of cell’ because the energy
l Whittaker (1969) classified living organisms into five is released in it through the cellular respiration.
kingdoms— Monera, Protista, Fungi, Plantae and
Animalia. Endoplasmic Reticulum
l Monera includes bacteria (prokaryotes) and
l These are tubular structures discovered by Porter (1945).
Mycoplasma, while Protista includes Protozoa l It is of two types
(unicellular eukaryotes). (i) Rough Endoplasmic Recticulum (presence of ribosomes
l Viruses are sub-microscopic, obligate, intracellular on the surface).
parasite consisting of nucleoprotein. WM Stanley first (ii) Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum.
crystallised TMV (Tobacco Mosaic Virus). l It’s functions are mechanical support, exchange of
l Viroids are smallest infectious single stranded RNA molecules, protein synthesis, etc.
molecules discovered by TO Diener.
Golgi Complex
l These are vesicular tubular structures discovered by
Cell Camillo Golgi in 1898 and got Nobel Prize in 1906.
l All living beings are made up of one or more units l Its functions are secretion, providing storage place for
called cell. proteins, cell wall formation, plasma membrane formation
and lysosome formation.
l Cell is the, smallest structural and functional unit of
life. Lysosomes
l Cells contain DNA which is found specifically in the l Discovered by De Duve in 1949.
chromosomes and RNA found in the cell nucleus and l Single membrane bound organelle containing hydrolytic
cytoplasm. enzymes.
l If an organism consists of only one cell, it is called l Also called suicidal bags.
unicellular. e.g., Nostoc, yeast. l Help in digestion of cellular debris.
l If an organism consists of many cells, it is called
multicellular. e.g., Algae, fungi, animals, plants. Ribosomes
l If the organism has no cell, it is called acellular. l Discovered by Palade in 1955.
e.g., Virus l Ribosome is the smallest membraneless organelle in the
l Plant cell consists a cell wall, made up of cellulose. cell.
l Animal and protozoans cell does not have cell wall. l These are found attached to endoplasmic reticulum.
l Prokaryotic cells lack nucleus and membrane bound l Ribosomes help in protein synthesis.
cell organelles, e.g., Bacteria, Blue-green algae, Nucleus
Mycoplasma etc. l Discovered by Robert Brown in 1831.
l Eukaryotic cells have a nucleus with elaborate nuclear l Largest and most easily seen cell organelle within the
envelope and membrane bound cell organelles. eukaryotic cell.
e.g., Algae, fungi, mammals, etc.
Biology 79

l It is the controling body of the cell and work as the l Cells forming these tissues have dense cytoplasm, thin
director of the cell. cellulose walls and prominent nuclei. They lack
l Nucleus is the primary carrier of heriditary material in vacuoles.
the cell.
Permanent Tissue
Nucleic Acids l Cells of meristematic tissue take up a specific role and
l These contain the genetic instructions used in the lose the ability to divide and thus they form a permanent
development and functioning of all known living tissue.
organisms. These are of two types DNA and RNA. l Permanent tissues do not divide as they have lost the
Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) power of division.
l The structure of DNA was discovered by James l They may be living or dead cells.
D Watson and Francis Crick, who got Nobel Prize for
Complex Permanent Tissues
this discovery.
Made of more than one type of cells. All these cells
l It is a long polymer made from repeating units called
coordinate to perform a common function.
nucleotides. It is double helical structure.
Complex tissues are of following types.
l Each nucleotide consists of a nucleoside (i.e. nitrogenous
base and deoxyribose sugar) and a phosphate group, (i) Xylem
joined together by phosphodiester bonds. l It is a vascular and mechanical tissue that conducts
l It has four bases, i.e. adenine, guanine, cytosine and water.
thymine. l It is also called as wood.
l Adenine and guanine are the purine bases; cytosine and
thymine are pyrimidine bases. (ii) Phloem
l It is transports organic food in plants. Also called as
Ribonucleic Acid (RNA) bast.
l It is also made up of a long chain of nucleotides. l Living conducting tissue (consist of living cells).
l Each nucleotide consists of a nitrogenous base, a ribose l Vascular tissues Both xylem tissue and phloem tissue
sugar, and a phosphate group. together constitute the vascular bundles.
l It contains uracil in place of thymine. l Laticiferous tissues are the special types of tissues
l RNA is of three types— which contain a colourless, milky fluid called latex.
mRNA (messenger RNA) l Secretory tissues are mainly found in vascular plants.
rRNA (ribosomal RNA) These are meant to secrete substances like rubber, resins,
tRNA (transfer RNA) oil, gums, etc. e.g., hydathodes, trichomes and glands,
l These three RNA’s take part in protein synthesis. secretory cavities and canals, etc.
Animals Tissues
l The term tissue was coined by N. Grew. It is defined as a n Animals tissues have organised layers or masses of structurally
group of cells that are structurally similar and constitute similar cells of common embryonic origin and same function.
together to perform a particular function. e.g., blood n All complex animals consist of four basic types of tissues i.e.,
phloem, musceles etc. epithelial, muscular, connective and neural (nervous tissue).
l Tissues are categorised into plant tissues and animal
tissues and the study of tissues is known as Histology. Type of Animal Tissues and their Functions
Name Origin Main Function
Plant Tissue Epithelial tissue Ectoderm, Protection, secretion,
Different types of plant tissues are as following Mesoderm absorption, excretion,
Endoderm reproduction
Meristematic Tissue Connective tissue Mesoderm Attachment, support,
l These are found in growth regions of the plant which protection, storage, transport
grows. (root and shoot apex). Muscular tissue Mesoderm Movement of parts and
l These are the dividing tissues, as cell division is very locomotion
prominent in them Nervous tissue Ectoderm Control and coordination by
l These tissues are living and bring about an increase in nerve impulse conduction
the length and girth (thickness) of the plant.
80 Self Study Guide SSC Constable (GD) REcruitment Exam

Genetics inheritance of acquired characters or theory of use and

disuse of organs, which is as follows.
l Heredity is the mechanism of transmission of
characteristics from parent to offspring. Genetics is the (i) Living organisms and their components tend to
study of heredity and variation. increase in size as a result of internal forces of life.
l The term Genetics was coined by Bateson. (ii) Reproduction of a new organ results from a new need
and from the new movement, which this need starts
l Gregor Johann Mendel worked on garden pea (Pisum
and maintains.
sativum) and proposed principles of inheritance.
(iii) The development and degeneration of organs will be
l He propounded the three laws of inheritance which are
based on use and disuse of organs respectively.
as follows
(iv) Inheritance of Acquired Characters All changes
(i) Law of dominance
acquired by the organism during its life are
(ii) Law of segregation or law of Purity of gametes transmitted to offsprings by the process of
(iii) Law of independent assortment inheritance.
Chromosome These are coiled structure found in the Darwinism Darwin went on tour in 1831 on H M S Beagle
nucleus of eukaryotic cells. Each species of organism has a for a voyage of world exploration planned by British
typical number of chromosome. Government with Dr. Henslow.
A set of unpaired chromosomes is said to be haploid, while Darwin and Wallace jointly propounded the ‘‘Theory of
the paired condition is known as diploid. Natural Selection’’
The chromosomes could be of the following types Darwin’s theory is based on the following five principles
Metacentric (both arms are almost equal); (i) Overproduction
Sub-metacentric (one arm of chromosome is long and one (ii) Struggle for existence
is slightly short); Autocentric (one arm is very long and (iii) Variations and their inheritance
other is very short); (iv) Survival of the fittest
Telocentric (centromere at the tip of the chromosome, (v) Natural selection and species formation
hence, have only one arm).
Digestive System of Human
Gene Digestive system of human consists of alimentary canal
The heredity units which are transmitted from one and digestive glands or accessory organs.
generation to the next generations are called genes.
Johanssen introduced the term ‘gene’ and described it as Liver
‘‘an elementary unit of inheritance which can be assigned to l Liver is the largest gland and visceral organ of the body.
a particular trait’’. l Bile is secreted by liver and stored in gall bladder. Liver
also stores glycogen, fats, vitamins like A, D, E, K
Sex Determination
vitamin-B12 , blood, water, iron, copper and potassium.
In human, there are found 46 (23 pairs) chromosomes. Out l It deaminates the amino acid and detoxify the undesired
of which, 44 are autosomes, i.e., chromosomes which have
harmful toxic products of the body.
no relation with the sex and contain genes which determine
the somatic characters and 2 are Sex Chromosomes, i.e.,
l Liver helps in the excretion of cholesterol, bile pigments,
chromosomes which are responsible for determination of inactivated products of harmones (Steroids) and drugs.
sex, they are X and Y. l It forms RBCs in embryonic condition and change
ammonia into urea.
Evolution Pancreas The pancreas is a pale yellow gland, which is
Evolution is a process of cumulative change of living found in the region of the junction between the stomach
organism and descendant population of an organism. In and the duodenum. It is a heterocrine (mixed) gland, which
other words; Organic evolution emplies that present day performs both exocrine as well as endocrine functions.
organisms are modified but lined descendants of species
Exocrine It secretes pancreatic juice.
that lived in former geological times and that are more
complex and highly differentiated forms have evolved from Endocrine It secretes hormones, which are released from
the simpler organisms by gradual modifications. following types of cells
l β-cells, secrete insulin
Theories of Evolution l γ-cells, secrete gastrin
Lamarckism Jean Baptiste de Lamarck was a French l δ- cells, secrete somatostatin.
naturalist who born in 1744. He proposed, theory of
l F-cells or PP cells secrete pancreatic polypeptide.
Biology 81

Main Digestive Enzymes

Secretion Enzymes Produced Site of Production Site of Activity Substrate Products
Saliva Salivary amylase Salivary glands Mouth Starch Maltose
Gastric juice Pepsin Stomach Stomach Proteins Polypeptides
Rennin Milk protein
Pancreatic Trypsin Acini (secretory cells Duodenum Proteins Polypeptides
juice Chymotrypsin of the pancreas) Proteins polypeptides Starch Amino acids
Fats and oils Nuclear acids Maltose
Carboxypeptidase, Pancreatic Fatty acids, Glycerol
amylase, Pancreatic lipase Nucleotides
Intestinal juice Pancreatic amylase, Maltase Cells of villi lining the Ileum Starch Maltose
Sucrase small intestine Maltose Glucose
Lactase Sucrose Glucose, fructose
Lactose Polypeptides Glucose, galactose
Peptidase mixture Lipase, Fats and oils Nucleotides Amino acids
Nucleotidase Fatty acids, glycerol
Sugar base, phosphoric acid

Respiratory System l An adult person has 5-6 litre blood.

Respiration is an oxidative process involving oxidation of food l It is slightly alkaline having pH 7.3-7.4.
substances such as carbohydrate, fat and proteins to form l Plasma is pale yellow transparent and constitute
CO2 , water and release energy. about 60% volume of blood.
Respiration may be anaerobic (i.e., without O2 ) and aerobic l Plasma is composed of 90-92% water, 7% organic
(i.e., with O2 ). substances (albumin, globulin and fibrinogen
Respiratory Organs of Animals protein) and 1% inorganic substances.
Organ Animal l Red blood corpuscles (Most abundant) are
Lungs Reptiles, mammals non-nucleated and contains haemoglobin (the
respiratory pigment).
Skin Frog, earthworm, leeches
l White blood cells are colourless, nucleated and
Gills Fishes, tadpoles, prawns
granular or agranular.
Trachae Insects, centipedes, millipedes l Eosinophils are also called acidophils (2-8%) are
Body surface Protozoans, porifera, coelenterates phagocytic granulocytes and play important role in
Book lungs Spider, scorpion hypersensitivity.
King crab, prawn, cray fish, daphnia
l Basophils (2%) are non-phagocytic granulocytes and
Book gills
increases during chickenpox.
Mental Mollusca (Unio)
l Neutrophils (65%) are phagocytic granulocytes and
Air bladdar Long fish, bony fishes (e.g., Labeo) increase during bacterial infection.
Airsacs/lungs Birds l Monocytes (05%) are agranulocytes called policeman
of blood and increase during tuberculosis.
Circulatory System (Blood) l Lymphocytes (26%) are agranulocytes producing
William Harvey in 1628, discovered circulation of blood in the antibodies and increase during viral infection.
body.He is regarded as ‘Father of cirulatory system.’ Malpighi
in 1661, described capillaries.
l Platelets (thrombocytes) are non-nucleated. Platelets
have a life span of about 8 to 10 days.
l The flow of circulation and the structures concerned,
constitutes the circulatory system.
l Rh factor discovered by Landsteiner and Veiner in
Rhesus monkey, which is responsible for erythroblastosis
l Single celled organisms such as bacteria, Paramecium
fetalis disease.
Ameoba, Euglena do not have circulatory system.
l Important component of blood clotting are
Blood (Lymphatic System) fibrinogen, prothrombin, thrombo-plastin, calcium
l Fluid connective tissue composed of plasma and blood cells. ions and Vitamin K.
82 Self Study Guide SSC Constable (GD) REcruitment Exam

Blood Groups, Genotypes and their Transfusion Possibility

Blood Group Antigen in Red Antibodies in Can Give Blood Can Receive Blood
(phenotype) Blood Cells Plasma to Groups from Group
O None Anti-a, Anti-b O, A, B, AB O Io Io
A A Anti-b A, AB O, A I A I A or I A Io
B B Anti-a B, AB O, B IB IB or IB Io
AB A and B None AB O, A, B, AB I A IB

Human Excetory System

Hypothalamus Regulated body temperature so ‘thermostat´ of body.
l It is the elimination of harmful waste products from the Appetite and safety control emotions like love, anger,
body to regulate the composition of the body fluids and pleasure and satisfaction. Control metabolism of
tissues. carbohydrate, fat and water.
l Human excretory system composed of two kidneys, two Midbrain Hindbrain Reflex centre of visual and auditory sensation.
ureters and one urinary bladder. Nephron is structural Cerebellum Involuntary muscular coordination, maintain posture,
and functional unit of kidneys. orientation and equilibrium of the body.
Medulla oblongata Regulate heart rate, involuntary breathing, respiratory
l Colour of urine is pale yellow. It is due to pigment centre, blood pressure (vasoconstriction and
urochrome. vasodilation) gut peristalsis, food swallowing and
l Human urine contains about 95% water, 2% salts, 2.6% vomiting gland secretion.
urea and 0.3% uric acid.
Sexual Reproduction in Humans
l pH of urine is about 6.0 (mildly acidic).
Male reproductive system includes scrotum, testes,
l The urine on standing gives a pungent smell. It is due to
epididymis, vas defrens, ejaculatory duct, urethra, penis
conversion of urea into ammonia.
and accessary glands. Its function is to produce sperms and
l Specific gravity of urine is 1.015-1.025. pass them to female genital tract.
l Volume of urine is 1 to 2 L per day. Female reproductive system includes ovaries, fallopian
Main Excretory Products of Other Animals tubes, uterus, vagina, clitoris, vulva and mammary glands
Product Animal and accessory genital glands.
Ammonia Most invertebrates, fishes etc. In humans, fertilization occurs in fallopian tubes.
Urea Ascaris, earthworm, cartilaginous fishes,
amphibian and mammals Human Skeletal System
Uric acid Insects, terrestrial reptiles and birds Appendicular Skeleton
Part of Part of
Human Nervous System Body Endoskeleton
Region Names of Bones Number
Nervous system controls and regulates the activities of all
Thorax Pectoral girdle Shoulder Scapula–clavicle 2 ×2
the other systems of the body. In man, nervous system can be
divided into Hip Pelvic girdle Pelvis Os-innominatum 2
Central Nervous System (CNS) Brain and spinal cord. Forelimbs Upper arm Humerus 2
Peripheral Nervous System (PNS) Nerves from brain Fore arm Radio-ulna 4
(cranial nerves) and spinal cord. Wrist Carpals 16
Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) Nerves and ganglions. Palm Metacarpals 10
Important Functions of Brain Fingers Phalanges 28
Thigh Femur 2
Olfactory region Smell
Cerebrum Thinking, intelligence, memory, ability to learn from Shank Tibio-fibula 4
experience, will power, skilled work, reasoning Knee Patella 2
knowledge, consciousness and speech.
Ankle Tarsals 14
Control Laughing, weeping, micturition (passing of urine),
defecation voluntary forced breathing and voluntary Sole Metatarsals 10
muscular coordination.
Fingers Phalanges 28
Diencephalon Heat, cold and pain control centre of autonomic
(sensation of) nervous system, control hunger, thirst, sweating, Total 126
sleeping and sex.
Biology 83

Axial Skeleton Vitamin Sources Deficiency Diseases

Part of Part of Names of Water Soluble Vitamins
Region Number
Body Endoskeleton Bones Vitamin-B1 Nuts, yeast, legumes, Beri-beri
Head Skull Cranium Occipital 1 (Thiamine) cereals, etc.
Parietal 2 Vitamin-B 2 Yeast, milk, yoghurt, pulses, Cheilosis ant dermatitis
Frontal 1 (Riboflavin) green leafy vegetables, etc
Temporal 2 Vitamin-B 3 Egg, liver, yeast and milk Pellagra or 3 D's
Sphenoid 1 (Niacin or Nicotinic disease (Dermatitis,
acid) Diarrhoea and
Ethmoid 1 Dementia)
Facial Nasal 2 Vitamin-B 5 Yeast, lean meats liver, milk, Skin diseases greying
region tomatoes and several leafy of hair
(Pantothenic acid)
Vomer 1 green vegetables
Turbinal 2 Vitamin-B 6 Egg yolk, milk, yeast, meat, Vomiting and mental
Lacrymal 2 (Phyridoxine) peas, etc disorders
Zygomatic 2 Vitamin-B 9 Yeast, liver, kidney and Megaloblastic anaemia
Palatine 2 (Folic acid) green vegetables during pregnancy,
growth failure
Maxilla 2
Vitamin-B12 Milk, liver, kidney, muscle Pernicious anaemia
Mandible 1
(Cyanocobalamin) meat, eggs and cheese
Ear Malleus 2
Ossicles Incus 2 Vitamin-C (Ascorbic Citrus fruits, berries, melons, Scurvy (bleeding of
acid) tomatoes, raw cabbage, etc gums)
Stapes 2
Back bone Vetebral column Hyoid Hyoid 1 Minerals and their Function in the Body
Major Food Total Body
Neck Cervical 7 Mineral Needed for
Source Content (g)
Thorax Thoracic 12 Major Minerals (Macronutrients)
vertebrae Calcium Milk, cheese, bread, Muscle contraction, 1000
Waist Lumbar 5 water-cress nerve action, blood
vertebrae clotting and the
Sacrum Sacral 1 formation of bone
vertebra Phosphorus Cheese, eggs, Bone and tooth 780
Sacrum (5 peanuts, most foods formation, energy
in child) transfer from foods,
Tail Caudal 1 DNA, RNA and ATP
vertebrae formation
or coccyx Sulphur Dairy product, meat, Formation of thiamin, 140
(4 in child) eggs, broccoli keratin and coenzymes
Thorax Sternum — sternum 1 Potassium Potatoes, meat, Muscle contraction, 140
Ribs — Ribs 24 chocolate nerve action, active
Total 80 transport
Sodium Any salted food, Muscle contraction, 100
Important Vitamins, their Sources and meat, eggs, milk nerve action, active
Deficiency Diseases transport
Vitamin Sources Deficiency Diseases Chlorine Salted foods, Anion/cation balance, 95
seafood gastric acid formation
Fat Soluble Vitamins
Vitamin-A (Carotene Egg yolk, fish oil, milk, Night blindness, Minor Elements (Micronutrients)
or Retinol) cream, cheese, carrots and xerophthalmia and
retarded growth Iron Liver, kidney, red meat, Formation of haemoglobin, 4.2
cocoa powder, water-cress myoglobin and
Vitamin-D (Calciferol)UV-rays, dairy products, fish Rickets in children, cytochromes
liver oil osteomalacia in adults Fluorine Water supplies, tea, sea Resistance to tooth decay 2.6
Vitamin-E Peanuts, egg yolk, wheat, Causes reproductive food
(Tocopherol) gram, cereals, butter, leafy failure Zinc Meat, liver, beans Enzyme activation, carbon 2.3
vegetables dioxide transport
Vitamin-K Green leafy vegetables, egg Causes faulty blood Copper Liver, meat, fish Enzyme, melanin and 0.072
(Phylloquinone) yolk and liver clotting haemoglobin formation
84 Self Study Guide SSC Constable (GD) REcruitment Exam

Some Endocrine Glands, their Hormones and Functions

Endocrine Glands Hormones Functions
Hypothalamus Releasing hormones Regulation of the secretion of pituitary hormones.
Pituitary Growth hormone Development of bones and muscles.
Trophic hormones Regulation of the secretion of hormones from endocrine glands like adrenal, thyroid, testes and ovary.
Prolactin Regulation of function of mammary gland.
Vasopressin Osmo-regulation (regulation of water and electrolyte balance).
Oxytocin Stimulates contractions of smooth muscles, help in child birth and lactation.
Thyroid Thyroxin Regulation of metabolism of carbohydrate, fat and protein.
Parathyroid Parathyroid Regulation of blood calcium and phosphate.
Adrenal Adrenalin and Regulation of blood pressure, heart rate, carbohydrate metabolism and mineral balance.
Pancreas Insulin Lowering of blood glucose.
Glucagon Increase of blood glucose.
Testes Testosterone Regulation of male accessory sex organs and secondary sexual characters like moustache, beard and
Ovary Estrogen and Regulation of female accessory sex organs and secondary sexual characters like mammary gland, hair
Progesterone pattern and voice. Maintenance of pregnancy.

Some Common Viral, Bacterial and Protozoan Diseases

Diseases Causes Bacterial

Viral Tuberculosis (TB) Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Influenza Paramyxovirus Diphtheria Corynebacterium diphtheriae
Small pox Variola virus Syphilis Treponema pallidum
Measles (Rubella) Rubella virus Tetanus Clostridiumtetani
Poliomyelitis Poliovirus Typhoid fever Salmonella typhi

AIDS HIV virus Protozoan

Swineflue H1N1 Malaria Plasmodium sp. (Anopheles sp. as vector)
Birdflu Influenza virus-A Amoebic dysentery Entamoeba histolytica
Hepatitis-B DNA virus (HBV) Diarrhoea Giardia intestinalis

Practice Exercise
1. The immortal organism amongst (a) Protozoa (b) Hemichordata 9. Insulin
the following is (c) Echinodermata (d) Arthropods (a) constricts blood vessels
(a) Amoeba (b) Hydra 5. The bone in birds is (b) stimulates lactation
(c) Ascaris (d) Leech (a) solid (b) hollow (c) increases blood sugar
(c) flexible (d) None of these (d) decreases blood sugar
2. Which amongst the following is a
real fish? 6. The biggest live terrestrial mammal is 10. Vitamin-C is also known as
(a) Gray fish (b) Cuttle fish (a) Elephant (b) Camel (a) amino acid (b) ascorbic acid
(c) Flying fish (d) Silver fish (c) Blue-whale (d) None of these (c) acetic acid
(d) azelaic acid
3. Which amongst the following is 7. Clitellum is found in
cold-blooded animal? (a) leech (b) snail 11. Which of the following is the basic
(a) Snake (b) Frog (c) Nereis (d) earthworm characteristic of a living organism ?
(c) Lizard (d) All of these 8. Animals having open circulatory (a) Ability to breathe
system possesses (b) Ability to reproduce
4. The biggest animal group amongst (c) Ability to move
the following is (a) pseudocoel (b) haemocoel
(c) coelenteron (d) spongocoel (d) Ability to eat
Biology 85

12. Hugo de Vries proposed 22. Which of the following is known 34. Muscular tissue is differentiated
(a) Theory of speciation as sucide bag? into
(b) Theory of crossing over Asst. Loco Pilot (Bhopal), 2009 (a) striped and cardiac
(c) Theory of natural selection (a) Lysosome (b) Ribosome (b) unstriped, striated and cardiac
(d) Theory of mutation (c) Mitochondria (d) Protoplasm (c) cardiac and unstriped
23. Which of the following is known (d) striped and unstriped
13. Haemoglobin in the blood is a
complex protein rich in as power house of cell? 35. Blood plasma has a pH of
(a) iron (b) silver (c) copper (d) gold (a) Mitochondria (b) Ribosomes (a) 7.4 (b) 7.8 (c) 6.9 (d) 6.3
(c) Nucleus (d) RNA
14. Dialysis is used for people with Previous year Questions
defective kidneys. It involves the 24. Gametes formation takes place
process of through the process of 36. Oxide of sulphur present in the
(a) amitosis (b) mitosis atmosphere are washed down by
(a) adsorption (b) osmosis
(c) meiosis (d) fission rains to cause [SSC Constable, 2015]
(c) electrophoresis (d) diffusion
25. The hormone insulin is a (a) eutrophication in lakes
15. Plant genetic material in Asst. Loco Pilot (Bhopal), 2009 (b) depletion of fossil fuel reserves
‘Gene-Bank’ is preserved at-196°C (a) glycolipid (b) fatty acid (c) lowering of pH of soil
in liquid nitrogen as (c) peptide (d) sterol (d) industrial smog formation
(a) pre-mature seed (high moisture)
26. Largest organelle of an eukaryotic 37. In BCG vaccine, the word ‘C’
(b) ripe fruit
(c) seedling and meristem cell is stands for [SSC Constable, 2015]
(d) mature seed (dry) (a) nucleus (b) chloroplast (a) calmette (b) chlorine
(c) ribosomes (d) mitochondria (c) cough (d) cadmium
16. Which one of the following
27. Photophosphorylation takes place 38. Which one of the following is an
fertilisers has more nitrogen
in which cell organelle? autotroph ? [SSC Constable, 2015]
(a) Ribosomes (b) Mitochondria (a) Grasshopper (b) Algae
(a) Urea
(c) Chloroplast (d) Golgi body (c) Butterfly (d) Mushroom
(b) Ammonium nitrate
(c) Potassium nitrate 28. In which of the following stage, 39. Organisation formed by individuals
(d) Ammonium phosphate chromosomes are arranged at of a species is [SSC Constable, 2013]
equitorial plate? (a) community (b) population
17. Which of the following is not a
(a) Anaphase (b) Metaphase (c) race (d) ecosystem
stem modification ?
(c) Prophase (d) Telophase 40. Plague is transmitted by
(a) Bulb of onion
(b) Corm of arvi 29. How many chromosomes are [SSC Constable, 2013]
(c) Tuber of sweet-potato found in human cell? (a) house fly (b) tse-tse fly
(d) Tuber of potato Indian Railway Group ‘D’ 2012 (c) rat flea (d) mosquito
(a) 44 (b) 48 (c) 46 (d) 23 41. Itai-itai disease is due to poisoning
18. Which is not an anaesthetic agent
in surgical operations ? 30. In which of the following stage, caused by [SSC Constable, 2012]
(a) Nitrous oxide (b) Acetone
the chromosome is single, thin and (a) mercury (b) arsenic
(c) Chloroform (d) Ether like a thread? (c) cadmium (d) asbestos
(a) Leptotene (b) Zygotene 42. Blue-green algae are included in
19. Replication of DNA during cell (c) Pachytene (d) Diakinesis the group ? [SSC Constable, 2012]
division takes place in
31. Tendons are made up of (a) eubacteria (b) cyanobacteria
(a) cytokinesis (b) diakinesis
(a) collagen (b) elastin (c) protozoa (d) fungi
(c) interphase (d) telophase
(c) keratin (d) All of these
43. A matured mammalian cell
20. DNA does not have
32. Pseudostratified columnar without nucleus is
(a) adenine (b) uracil
epithelium is found in [SSC Constable, 2012]
(c) guanine (d) thymine (a) Lymphocyte (b) Erythrocyte
(a) mouth (b) stomach
21. RNA plays an important role in (c) kidney (d) trachea (c) Spermatozoan (d) Oocyte
(a) protein synthesis 33. The sweetest sugar is 44. Haemoglobin contains the metal
(b) fat synthesis Asst. Loco Pilot (Allahabad), 2013 [SSC Constable, 2012]
(c) glucose synthesis (a) sucrose (b) glucose (a) copper (b) molybdenum
(d) Both (a) and (c) (c) fructose (d) lactose (c) iron (d) magnesium

1 (a) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4 (d) 5 (b) 6 (a) 7 (d) 8 (b) 9 (d) 10 (b)
11 (b) 12 (d) 13 (a) 14 (b) 15 (d) 16 (a) 17 (c) 18 (a) 19 (c) 20 (b)
21 (a) 22 (a) 23 (a) 24 (c) 25 (c) 26 (a) 27 (c) 28 (b) 29 (c) 30 (a)
31 (a) 32 (d) 33 (c) 34 (b) 35 (a) 36 (c) 37 (a) 38 (b) 39 (b) 40 (c)
41 (c) 42 (b) 43 (b) 44 (c)
86 Self Study Guide SSC Constable (GD) REcruitment Exam


Computer : An Introduction
The term ‘Computer’ is derived from the Latin word ‘Computare’ which means to calculate. Computer is a programmable
device, designed to carry out a sequence of arithmetical and logical operations sequentially and automatically.
l A computer is an electronic machine that accepts data (input) from the user, processes the data by performing
calculations and operations on it and then, generates the desired results (output) to the user.
l Charles Babbage also known as father of computer, who invented the Analytical Engine (first general purpose
l Abacus is a first mechanical calculating device.
l Pascaline was a first mechanical adding machine.
l ENIAC was a first electronic digital computer.
l EDSAC was first computer which provided storage capacity.

Generations of Computer
A generation refers to the state of improvement in the development of system. Following are the generations of computer
Generation Switching Devices Speed Operating System Language Applications
1. First (1940-56) Vacuum Tubes 333 micro second Batch operating Machine language Used for scientific purpose
system e.g. ENIAC, UNIVAC, MARK-1 etc
2. Second (1956-63) Transistors 10 micro second Time sharing system, Assembly language Used for Commercial Production
Multitasking OS e.g. PDP-8, IBM-1401 etc
3. Third (1964-71) Integrated Circuits (ICs) 100 nano seconds Real-time system High level language Database management system
e.g. NCR-395, B6500
4. Fourth Large Scale Integrated 10 pico seconds Time sharing, GUI Pascal, ADA Distributed system, e.g. Intel 4004
(1971-Present) (LSI) circuits/ interface Chip, Macintosh
5. Fifth (Present and Super Large Scale - - Artificial intelligence
beyond) Integrated (SLSI) chips e.g. Robotics

Components of Computer
A computer consists of following main components
1. Input/Output Units 2. Central Processing Unit
3. Memory Unit
1. Input/Output Units The computer accepts coded information through input unit by the user, the devices used for
this are keyboard, mouse etc., and then the processed result to the user is given by output devices like monitor,
printer etc.
2. Central Processing Unit (CPU) CPU is often called ‘the brain of computer’. It is fabricated as a single Integrated
Circuit (IC) and is also known as ‘microprocessor’. It consists of following main sub-units
(i) ALU (Arithmetic Logic Unit) It executes all arithmetic and logical operations on the available data.
Computer 87

(ii) CU (Control Unit) It directs the computer to 4. Optical Mark Reader (OMR)
carry out stored program instructions by 5. Optical Character Reader (OCR)
communicating with the ALU and the 6. Magnetic Ink Character Recognition (MICR)
7. Smart Card Reader
3. Memory Unit This unit is responsible to store
8. Biometric Sensor 9. Scanner
programs or data on a temporary or permanent
basis. It has 10. Microphone (Mic) 11. Webcam etc.
(i) Primary (main) memory It communicates Note Ctrl, Shift and Alt are called modifier keys.
directly with the CPU. It includes Output Devices An output device is any piece of computer
(a) RAM (Random Access Memory) hardware equipment used to communicate the results of data
(b) ROM (Read Only Memory) processing carried out by information processing to the outside
world. Output devices are
(ii) Secondary (auxiliary) memory It stores
much larger amounts of data and 1. Monitor-CRT, LCD, LED, 3-D monitor, TFT
information for extended periods of time. 2. Printers are
This includes CD, DVD, Blu-ray disk, Pen (a) Impact printer Dot matrix printer, daisy wheel printer,
drive, Hard disk drive, etc. line printer, drum printer.
(b) Non-impact printer Inkjet printer, thermal printer,
Basic Units of Memory Measurements laser printer, electromagnetic printer, electrostatic
1 Bit Binary Digit (0 or 1) printer.
4 Bits 1 Nibble 3. Plotter 4. Speaker
8 Bits 1 Byte 5. Headphones 6. Projector
1024 Byte 1 KB (Kilo Byte) Note Electronic printer is used for microtechnology.
1024 KB 1 MB (Mega Byte)
1024 MB 1 GB (Giga Byte) Computer Software
1024 GB 1 TB (Tera Byte)
It is a set of instructions, programs that are used to give
1024 TB 1 PB (Peta Byte) command to the hardware. It is an interface between user and
1024 PB 1 EB (Exa Byte) computer. Softwares can be divided into two major categories
1024 EB 1 ZB (Zetta Byte) 1. System software It consists of several programs which are
1024 ZB 1 YB (Yotta Byte) directly responsible for controlling and managing the
1024 YB 1 BB (Bronto Byte) individual hardware components of a computer system.
1024 BB 1 Geop Byte 2. Application software It is a computer software designed
to help the user to perform singular or multiple tasks.
Motherboard The main circuit board contained in
any computer is called a ‘Motherboard’. All the other
electronic devices and circuits of computer system are
Operating System
attached to this board like CPU, ROM, RAM, and PCI ‘‘An operating system is a software, or a series of programs, which
slots. performs various types of functions in order to manage and organize
Computer Hardware Functions of an operating system are
(i) Process management (ii) Memory management
It refers to the physical components of a computer
that can be seen and touched by the user. Computer (iii) File management (iv) Input/output management
hardware basically includes An OS can be classified as follows
Input Devices An input device can be defined as an Single-user Allows only one user at a time.
electro mechanical device that allows the user to feed e.g. MS-DOS, Windows 9X.
data into the computer for analysis and storage to the Multi-user Allows two or more users to run programs at the
computer. Some of the commonly used input devices same time.
e.g. Unix, Linux, Windows 2000/7
1. Keyboard
Multi-tasking Allows more than one program to be run
2. Pointing device-Mouse, Track ball, Joystick, Light
3. Barcode Reader e.g. Linux, Unix, Windows 95
88 Self Study Guide SSC Constable (GD) REcruitment Exam

Multi-processing Supports running a program on more File Format Extension

than one CPU. MS-Word .doc or .docx
e.g. Unix, Windows NT/2000. MS-Excel .xlsx or. xls
Real-time Used for real-time based applications like satellite MS-PowerPoint .pptx or .ppt
launch, weather-forecasting etc.
MS-Access .accdb
e.g. Lynx, HP-RT
Microsoft Office A computer network is a collection of two or more
Microsoft Office is a proprietary commercial office suite of computers which are connected together to share
desktop applications, servers and services for the Microsoft information and resources.
Windows and Mac OS X operating systems, introduced by
Microsoft on 1st August, 1989. It contains Microsoft Word, Types of Computer Network
Microsoft Excel, Microsoft PowerPoint and Microsoft Access. 1. Local Area Network (LAN) A network that
The current versions are Office 2010 for windows, released connects a group of computers in a small
on 15th June, 2010; and Office 2011 for Mac OSX, released on geographical area such as home, office, building.
26th October, 2010. 2. Wide Area Network (WAN) It spans large locality
MS-Word It is a Word processing application that is mainly and connects countries together. e.g. Internet.
used for the creation of text based documents. 3. Metropolitan Area Network (MAN) It is a data
MS-Excel It is a spreadsheet application that is used for network designed for a town or a city. e.g. a cable
analysing, sharing and managing information for accounting TV network.
purpose performing mathematical calculation, etc. A group 4. Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) It uses
of worksheets is called workbook. radio waves as its carrier. Areas may range from a
single room to an entire office.
MS-PowerPoint The application software that can create
professional looking visual aids which is called presentation 5. Personal Area Network (PAN) It is used for
graphics software. communication among computer and different
information technological devices close to one
MS-Access It is a relational database management system person.
that combines the relational Microsoft JET Database engine
6. Virtual Private Network (VPN) The links between
with graphical user interface and software development
nodes are carried by virtual circuits in some larger
network (e.g. Internet) instead of by physical
MS-Office Shortcut Keys wires.
Ctrl + B Bold attribute
Ctrl + I Italic attribute Internet
Ctrl + U Underline attribute
Internet stands for International Network, which began
Ctrl + C to copy selected text to the clipboard
in 1950’s by Vint Cerf known as the father of internet.
Ctrl + X to cut selected text
The internet is a world wide network of networked
Ctrl + V to paste text from clipboard
computers those are able to exchange information with
Ctrl + Z to undo the last action
each other. The data move around the Internet is
Ctrl + Y to redo the last action controlled by protocols. Protocol refers to the set of rules
Ctrl + Home to go to the start of the document applicable for a network. Some of the commonly used
Ctrl + End to go to the end of the document protocols are
F7 to launch the Spelling and Grammar check
1. TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet
F12 to choose the Save As command (File menu)
F10 to activate the Menu Bar
2. HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol)
Ctrl + F2 to choose the Print Preview command (File menu)
Ctrl + N to create a new document 3. PPP (Point-to-Point Protocol)
Ctrl + O to open a document 4. FTP (File Transfer Protocol)
Ctrl + P to print a document 5. Telnet Protocol
Ctrl + A to select all 6. WAP (Wireless Application Protocol)
Shift + F12 to choose the Save command (File menu)
7. Usenet Protocol
Alt + F4 to quit word
Note A web address identifies the location of a specific web
Ctrl + H to replace
page on the internet. URL stands for Uniform Resource
Ctrl + F to find Locator.
Computer 89

Computer Security It includes computer virus, worms, trojan horses, rootkits,

spyware, adware. etc.
It is also known as Cyber Security or IT Security.
Computer security is a branch of information Some Other Threats to Computer Security
technology known as ‘information security’, which is There are some other threats to computer security, such as
intended to protect computers. 1. Spoofing It is the technique to access the unauthorised
There are four primary methods to provide protection data without concerning to the authorised user.
to computer such as 2. Salami Technique It diverts small amount of money
1. System Access Control from a large number accounts maintained by the system.
2. Data Access Control 3. Hacking It is an act of intruding into someone else’s
3. System and Security Administration computer or network. A hacker is someone, who does
4. System Design hacking process.
4. Cracking It is an act of breaking into computers.
Sources of Cyber Attack Cracking tools include password crackers, trojans,
The most potent and vulnerable threat of computer viruses, war-dialers etc.
users is virus attacks. A computer virus is a small 5. Phishing It is characterised by attempting to
software program that spreads from one computer to fraudulently acquire sensitive information such as
another and that interferes with computer operation. passwords, credit cards details etc.
The sources of attack can be 6. Spam It is the abuse of messaging systems to send
(1) Downloadable Programs, (2) Cracked Software, unsolicited bulk message in the form of E-mails. It is also
(3) Email Attachments, (4) Internet, (5) Booting from called junk E-mails.
unknown CD
7. Adware It is any software package which automatically
Malware renders advertisements in order to generate revenue for
its author.
Malware stands for malicious software. It is a broad
term that refers to a variety of malicious programs that 8. Rootkit It is a type of malware that is designed to gain
are used to damage computer system , gather sensitive administrative level control over a computer system
information or gain access to private computer systems. without being detected.

Practice Exercise
Computer : 5. The first computer which provided 9. First generation computers were
An Introduction storage was based on
(a) EDSAC (b) EDBAC (a) transistors (b) conductors
1. Computer is a/an (c) MARK-I (d) ACE (c) ICs
(a) battery (d) vacuum tubes
(b) electronic machine 6. Analytical engine developed by
(c) All of the above (a) Blaise Pascal 10. Speed of third generation computer
(d) None of the above (b) Charles Babbage is
(c) Dennis Ritchie (a) milli sec (10 −3 ) (b) micro sec (10 −6 )
2. The word computer has been (d) Alan Turing
derived from which of the (c) nano sec (10 ) (d) pico sec (10 −12 )

following word? Generations of Computer 11. Speed of first generation computer

(a) Greek (b) English was in
7. First generation computers used
(c) Hindi (d) Latin (a) nano seconds
……… languages.
3. Pascaline is also known by (b) milliseconds
(a) machine
(a) abacus (c) nano-milli seconds
(b) assembly
(b) adding machine (d) micro seconds
(c) Both ‘a’ and ‘b’
(c) division machine
(d) difference machine
(d) high level Components of Computer
8. Computer size was very large in 12. ‘Brain’ of the computer is known as
4. ENIAC was
(a) first generation (a) Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU)
(a) an electronic calculator
(b) a memory device (b) second generation (b) Control Unit (CU)
(c) first electronic digital computer (c) third generation (c) Central Processing Unit (CPU)
(d) an engine (d) fourth generation (d) Storage Unit (SU )
90 Self Study Guide SSC Constable (GD) REcruitment Exam

13. The ……… is responsible for 24. Software refers to 33. To open a new file in MS-Word, the
performing calculations and (a) the physical components that a shortcut key is
contains decision making compute is made of (a) Ctrl + X (b) Ctrl + N
mechanisms. (b) firmware (c) Ctrl + Y (d) Ctrl + V
(a) CPU (b) MU (c) ALU (d) CU (c) programs
34. MS-Word is a
(d) people ware
14. Unit of storage capacity is (a) tabular data formatting software
(a) meters (b) bit Operating System (b) word processing software
(c) bus (d) kilometers (c) presentation software
25. The operating system is the most (d) E-mail client
15. The term ‘gigabyte’ refers to common type of …… software.
(a) 1024 bytes (b) 1024 kilobytes 35. The extension of saved file in
(a) communication
(c) 1024 megabytes(d) 1024 gigabytes MS-Excel is
(b) application
(a) .xis (b) .xas
16. A nibble is equal to ……… bits. (c) system
(c) .xlsx (d) .xll
(a) 4 (b) 8 (d) word-processing
(c) 16 (d) 32 26. The simultaneous processing of 36. Group of worksheets is known as
(a) folder
two or more programs by multiple
Computer Harware processors, is
(b) document
(c) workbook
17. Which of the following group (a) Multi-programming
(d) books
consists of only input devices? (b) Multi-tasking
(a) Mouse, Keyboard, Monitor (c) Time-sharing 37. Which of the following is a basic
(b) Mouse, Keyboard, Printer (d) Multi-processing software of MS-Office?
(c) Mouse, Keyboard, Plotter (a) MS-Word
27. It runs on computer hardware and
(d) Mouse, Keyboard, Scanner (b) MS-Excel
serves as platform for other (c) MS-PowerPoint
18. A barcode reader is an example of software to run on (d) All of these
(a) Processing device (a) Operating system
(b) Storage device (b) Application software 38. Which shortcut key is used to print
(c) Input device (c) Programs the document?
(d) Output device (d) Peripherals (a) Ctrl + D (b) Ctrl + A
(c) Ctrl + P (d) Ctrl + C
19. Pointing device includes the 28. Which one of the following is not
following except the function of operating system? 39. Which software is used to create
(a) mouse (a) Resource Management presentation?
(b) light pen (b) File Management (a) Microsoft Word
(c) trackball (c) Networking (b) Microsoft Excel
(d) keyboard (d) Process Management (c) Microsoft PowerPoint
(d) Microsoft Access
20. The output devices make it 29. It shares characteristics with both
possible to hardware and software. 40. Which command brings you to the
(a) view or print data (a) Operating system first slide in your presentation?
(b) store data (b) Software (a) Next slide button
(c) scan (c) Data (b) PageUp
(d) input data (d) Utility (c) Ctrl + Home
(d) Ctrl + End
21. Which of the following is not a 30. Which of the following operating
hardware? systems is also known as single Networking
(a) Processor chip (b) Printer user operating system?
(c) Mouse (d) Java (a) Windows (b) Linux 41. Which of the following refers to a
(c) Unix (d) MS-DOS small, single-site network?
Computer Software 31. It is the first program run on a
(a) PAN (b) DSL
(c) RAM (d) USB
22. Application software computer, when the computer
(a) is used to control the operating boots up 42. Two or more computer connected
system (a) System software to each other for sharing
(b) is designed to help programmers (b) Operating system information form a
(c) performs specific task for computer (c) System operations (a) network (b) router
users (d) Processing system (c) server (d) tunnel
(d) is used for making design only
43. Choose the correct answer of the
23. System software Microsoft Office networks according to their
(a) allows the user to diagnose and 32. Which is the shortcut key to decreasing size of
troubleshoot the device display Open dialog box? extension/coverage.
(b) is a programming software (a) F12 (a) WAN-LAN-MAN-PAN
(c) is part of a productivity suite (b) Shift + F12 (b) WAN-MAN-LAN-PAN
(d) helps the computer to manage (c) Alt + F12 (c) MAN-LAN-PAN-WAN
internal resources (d) None of these (d) MAN-PAN-WAN-LAN
Computer 91

Internet (c) File Transmission Program 54. It is an act of intruding into

(d) Fast Transmission Processor someone else’s computer or
44. The home page of a website is network.
(a) the largest page
50. Sending an E-mail is similar to
(a) writing a letter (a) Hacking (b) Cracking
(b) the last page (c) Adware (d) Spyware
(c) the first page (b) drawing a picture
(d) the most colourful page (c) talking on the phone
(d) sending a package
Previous Year Questions
45. The Internet allows to
55. The term ‘URL’ used in internet
(a) send electronic mail
(b) view web pages
Computer Security technology stands for
[SSC Constable, 2015]
(c) connect to servers all around the world 51. A firewall operated by (a) Unique Remote Locater
(d) All of the above (a) the pre-purchase phase (b) Unique Resource Locater
(b) isolating Internet from extranet (c) Uniform Remote Locater
46. Which is not the feature of
(c) screening packets to / from the (d) Uniform Resource Locator
network and provide controllable
(a) E-mail (b) News groups filtering of network traffic 56. Inpact printers
(c) Chat (d) Designing (d) All of the above [SSC Constable, 2013]
(a) Strike a ribbon against the paper to
47. Protocol consists of 52. Junk E-mail is also called produce character images
(a) TCD/IT (b) TCP/IP (a) spam (b) spoof (b) include ink jet and thermal devices
(c) TCP/IT (d) TCT/IP (c) sniffer script (c) are more expensive than lasor
48. The vast network of computers (d) spool printers
that connects millions of people all (d) use optical technology
53. Viruses, trojan horses and worms are
over the world is called (a) able to harm computer system 57. A ‘Bit’ refers to
(a) LAN (b) Web (b) unable to detect if present on [SSC Constable, 2012]
(c) Hypertext (d) Internet computer (a) binary information
(c) user-friendly applications (b) bilingual information
49. FTP stands for
(d) harmless applications resident on (c) binary terminator
(a) File Transfer Protocol
computer (d) binary digit
(b) Fast Text Processing

1 (b) 2 (d) 3 (b) 4 (c) 5 (a) 6 (b) 7 (a) 8 (a) 9 (d) 10 (c)
11 (d) 12 (c) 13 (c) 14 (b) 15 (c) 16 (a) 17 (d) 18 (c) 19 (d) 20 (a)
21 (d) 22 (c) 23 (d) 24 (c) 25 (c) 26 (d) 27 (a) 28 (c) 29 (a) 30 (d)
31 (b) 32 (d) 33 (b) 34 (b) 35 (c) 36 (c) 37 (d) 38 (c) 39 (c) 40 (c)
41 (a) 42 (a) 43 (b) 44 (c) 45 (c) 46 (d) 47 (b) 48 (d) 49 (a) 50 (a)
51 (c) 52 (a) 53 (a) 54 (a) 55 (d) 56 (a) 57 (c)

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