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Eyebrow, known as ''保寿官'' (baoshou guan, organ of longevity) in

physiognomy, is equivalent to the life line in palmistry. It shows a person's
fortune between 31 and 34. While the long eyebrow suggests longevity, the
short eyebrow, same with the short life line, does not necessarily/perlu mean
short life.
Eyebrow is also known as ''兄弟宫'' (xiongdi guan, organ of brothers) which
represents the relationship with brothers and sisters. For men, the left eyebrow
suggests brothers while the right suggests sisters; for women, it is the contrary.
Generally, long eyebrows indicate the deep affection/kasih sayang with
brothers and sisters while the short suggests weak affection. In modern society,
eyebrows mainly represent the attitude towards/ke arah friends: the long
indicates many friends while the short suggests few/sedikit.
The eyebrow indicates one's nature/sifat and temperament while the eye is the
window of heart. Eyebrows can reflect one's wisdom, thought, and individual
behaviorism. The brow represents sensibility/kepekaan while the tip suggests
sense/akal sehat. The arrow-shaped brow suggests the poor ability in dealing
with sentiment/perasaan while the loose/lepas tip indicates asking for troubles.

Nose represents wealth while eyebrow symbolizes rank/status sosial. Those with good-
looking eyebrows tend to enjoy wealth and rank.
Meanwhile, eyebrows represent arms/lengan: the bushier/tebal seperti semak2
eyebrows suggest greater strength; the broken eyebrows indicate the risk of broken

 Eyebrow Shapes and Personality



The slanted/miring/condong eyebrows look like the Chinese character ' 八 '
(eight). People with slanted eyebrows are pessimistic/pesimis and tend to have
ups and downs; men have bad luck to wife and few children while women have
bad luck to husband and are destined to lead a lonely life. Even if they get rich,
the good life will not last long. Fortunately, they usually enjoy
longevity/panjang umur and won't suffer the poverty/kemiskinan. The
combination of slanted eyebrows and eyes in the same shape is the best.


The flat eyebrows are just like the mighty/kuat '一' (one) in Chinese calligraphy,
which are slightly longer than the eyes and feature neat/rapi and beautiful head
and tail. People with flat eyebrows are stubborn, masculine, resourceful/banyak
akal, endowed/dikaruniai with civil and martial/kepahlawanan
virtues/kebaikan, decisive and upright/tulus in doing things. They have several
rich siblings and get along with each other well; also, they live with their
spouses together till old age. However, they often have conflicts with others.
Women with flat eyebrows are highly self-esteemed/harga diri tinggi and
masculine but the too thick/tebal eyebrows indicate the poor marriage. For
men, the flat eyebrows are a good sign of masculinity; men with thick and
wide/lebar flat eyebrows are intelligent and talented.

People with upward/ascending eyebrows are passionate/bergairah,
vigorous/semangat, decisive and bold in action and they will practice once
they are determined. Generally, they have good luck for wealth and career, and
tend to be amorous/cinta kasih and active in love but sometimes
capricious/berubah2 and overconfident/terlalu percaya diri.



Commonly seen among women, the willow leaf eyebrows feature sharp tail,
curve like the willow leaf and look beautiful. People with willow leaf eyebrows
are gentle, wise and filial/patuh to parents and get along well with brothers

Women with willow leaf eyebrows are soft-hearted, gentle, beautiful and full of
feminine charm. Men with this kind of eyebrows are feminine and talented in
art. Generally, they are delicate/lembut, sensitive, sentimental and indecisive.
Besides, they are faithful, reliable and sincere/tulus to friends.


Just like the crescent moon at the beginning or end of a month, this kind of
eyebrows curve downward like the willow leaf eyebrows yet wider and lighter
than the latter. Crescent moon shaped eyebrows are a good sign which
indicates the people are kind-hearted, mild/lembut-tempered, considerate/baik
budi, sensitive and of artistic temperament. They usually have good luck and
interpersonal/antar pribadi relationship, get help from relatives and friends and
enjoy the happy marriage. The shortcoming/kelemahan lies in that they are
over emotional and idealistic, seemingly/nampaknya out of touch with reality.

Women with such eyebrows are extremely/sangat intelligent and highly

perceptive/lekas mengerti to literature and art, have too many
suitors/peminang and need to beware of the extramarital/diluar perkawinan
affair. Men with such eyebrows basically work in art.


The broom-shaped eyebrows gather together tightly at the head and scatter at
the tail, symbolizing the property loss and failure to gather money. Once
people with such eyebrows lose temper/mudah marah, they will take up

Men with broom-shaped eyebrows are violent-tempered and often cannot

control themselves from losing temper. Women with broom-shaped eyebrows
tend to fall into a flutter/kebingungan and suffer from imaginary fears; they
are extremely suspicious and not open-minded, leading a life full of ups and
downs and suffering from poor luck from age 30 to 40.


Dashing eyebrows are long and wide and go upward at the tail, looking like the
upside-down Chinese character ' 八 ' (eight) and presenting the heroic spirit.
People with angled eyebrows are usually outgoing/ramah tamah,
outspoken/terang2an, righteous/berbudi, courageous/berani and adventurous;
they seek novelty/hal2 baru, always gain experience, surprise others at work
and have outstanding/terkemuka performance. However, they are over-
confident and a little capricious/berubah2. The dashing eyebrows are destined
to be powerful and knowledgeable pillars of the nation. Even/pun if they are
humble/sederhana in early life, they can get wealth and rank, have many
children and grandchildren and enjoy both health and longevity later.


In glossy black, silk-worm shaped eyebrows go up at the tail and curve slightly
in the main part, looking like the silkworm/ulat sutera. This kind of eyebrow is
commonly seen among men who are intelligent, straightforward, loyal to
friends, quick-witted and blessed with endless wealth and rank. In youth, they
suffer hardships in career and are prone to twists and turns yet always wish to
make a rise in life. Since they are talented, have good relations with people and
often get help from others, they can make a fortune in middle age. When it
comes to marriage, they have unfavorable luck and tend to get married late
because it is hard for them to find the true love. Women with silk-worm shaped
eyebrows are emotional and responsive, make friends easily and have good
luck with the opposite sex.


Joined eyebrows (also unibrows, connected, meeting or continuous eyebrows),

as the name implies, refer to the eyebrows meet each in the middle above the
bridge of the nose. The hair above the bridge of the nose for the prominent
unibrows is the same color and thickness as the eyebrows. "In both Ancient
Greek and Roman cultures, unibrows were prized as beautiful, desirable
features worn by the most intelligent and lusted/gairah-after women. "
However, in Chinese physiognomy, people with joined eyebrows are
persistent/keras hati, inflexible and likes to think too much, thus often get into
a dead end. In terms of love relationship, they have different temperaments
with their partners, and value their own opinions too much, nit-pick/banyak
rewel on their love and go for perfect. When it comes to career, they tend to be
idealistic and fail to conform/menyesuaikan diri to the worldly etiquettes, thus
cannot get along with the leader in charge. On the other hand, they have
amazing perseverance/ketekunan and never give up for the things they want to
do. So, they usually could get success. Successful people with the joint
prominent eyebrows are like Frida Kahlo, Sophia Hadjipamteli, Kajol, Nicolas
Cage, Salizhan Sharipov, etc.


Triangular eyebrows symbolize the resolute determination. Usually, people with

triangular eyebrows are brave, wise, resolute/ketegasan, decisive and fearless
to setbacks and march forward courageously. However, they are self-centered
and sometimes one track-minded. Li Ning, who transforms from the best
athlete to the best businessman in China, proves this point with action.


The glossy black, beautiful, tidy/rapi and silky/seperti sutra eyebrows, longer
than the eyes, with medium density, no retrorse hair and loose/lemas yet
undispersed tip are the best. Also, the eyebrows shall be neither too close nor
too far from each other.


Long Eyebrows: People with long eyebrows are righteous, helpful and like to
make friends. If the eyebrows are longer than the outer canthus, it indicates the
blessed life with wealth and rank. The longer the eyebrow, the longer longevity
it suggests. Long and beautiful eyebrows indicate the early success.

Short Eyebrows: People of short eyebrows are restrained/menahan diri, have

few friends, poor conjugal/hubungan suami istri relations and poor fortune,
and tend to live a poor life. Women with short eyebrows are harmful to their
husband and lead a bad marriage.


Wide Eyebrows: Those with wide eyebrows are generally masculine, active and
impulsive, and pay attention to the thick lines rather than details and

Narrow Eyebrows: People with narrow eyebrows are feminine, passive and

indecisive yet attentive/penuh perhatian and pay attention to details.


Thick Eyebrows: People of thick eyebrows are sweet-tempered and active while

the overly thick tend to be evil/kejam, cunning/licik and self-centered.

Sparse Eyebrows: Sparse/jarang/tipis eyebrows indicate endocrine dyscrasia

and people of this kind usually have no ties of friendship, get in emotional
entanglements/terlibat and suffer marital disharmony between the age of 32
and 36. In general, they have no good luck for wealth.

Thick Brow and Sparse Tip: The thick brow and sparse tip suggest starting off
with a band /bersamabut ending with a whimper/merengek, poor relationship
and limited help from brothers.

Few Eyebrow: People with no or few eyebrow, prominent cheekbone, big face,

and high nose tend to be lonely. No or few eyebrow and flat cheekbone
suggests harming/merugikan between brothers. Women with few eyebrow and
black hair harm their husband, remarry and lead the solitary old age.


High Eyebrows: People with high eyebrows (far from the eyes) are sweet-
tempered, family-oriented and accomplish something early.
Low Eyebrows: People with low eyebrows can hardly retain their
composure/kesabaran and they are generally insidious/busuk hati and troubled
by family affairs. Also, they are realistic and consider the immediate rather than
long-term interests.

Too Low: If the eyebrows are too low (very close to the eyes), the people is
usually narrow-minded, like to bear grudges/dendam and inclined to be a

Different Heights: For people with eyebrows of two different heights, one of

the parents will be prone/cenderung to accidents. Men with higher left
eyebrow enjoy high position in family while men with higher right eyebrow
often abide/dipercaya by their wives; for women, it is on the contrary.


Compact/kepadatan Eyebrows: Those with compact eyebrows are generally

easy-going, especially to their friends, thus have good relations with friends

Loose Eyebrows: Those with loose/lpnggar eyebrows at the tip often become

estranged/mengasingkan with friends and can hardly depend on their brothers
and sisters.


People with glossy/mengkilap eyebrows growing in the same direction are very
lucky and honest.

People with messy/morat marit eyebrows growing in different directions have

the average IQ and can hardly make achievements in society. Their words are
not matched by deeds and they are generally hypocritical and have
incompatible/tdk cocok parents.
If the eyebrow has a break or is thin in the middle, it suggests the death of one
parent, brother or sister in early years, or hand fracture/patah and injury.

Inverted/terbalik Eyebrows
Eyebrows growing towards the ophryon are inverted and suggest bad luck and
influence on family.
People of this kind are not good at handling emotional and interpersonal
relationships. They are poor in youth and things change better in middle age.

If only the left eyebrow is inverted, it represents being not good at handling emotional
relationship before the age of 30 and failure to pay last respects to father. The inverted
right eyebrow represents being not good at handling emotional relationship after the
age of 30 and failure to pay last respects to mother.
If both of the two eyebrows are inverted means the people couldn’t handle emotional
relationship well in the whole life and will be failure to pay last respects to both father
and mother/gagal mendapatkan respek.

Vertical Eyebrows
People of vertical eyebrows are bold/berani, impulsive, and cruel, do not like
thinking but solving problems by force, thus often suffer from
mishaps/kecelakaan and lawsuits. In terms of love relationship, they are rude
and not gentle and considerate husband or wife. The vertical left brow harms
children while the right harms wife, indicating the unsmooth five years from
the age 28 to 32.


Ophryon is the space between eyebrows. If it’s two fingers wide, that’s the best.

People with wide ophryon (three fingers or above wide) never think or worry
too much, they act with no plan and are free from mental burden caused by
stress. Generally, they are indolent/lamban, irresolute/ragu2 and

People with narrow ophryon act in a planned way, think and worry too much,
and suffer mental burden caused by stress. Also, they are narrow-minded, bear
grudges/dendam and have poor respiratory/pernapasan system.


People of downward brow tips are sympathetic and helpful nice guys who start
well and end well.

People of upward brow tips are of strong self-esteem and personality, and they
never compromise but lack of coordination, which is their advantage yet
disadvantage. When they are supposed to be decisive and bold, they can
quickly take measures to make a figure. This kind of people are often admired
by others.


The slightly raised brow ridge is the best. Those with overly raised brow ridge
are impulsive, arrogant and often offend/menyakitkan hati others.

People with flat brow ridge are generally timid and overcautious, don't like to
argue with others, have no ambition but poor adaptability.
The sunken brow ridge suggests scheming/perencana and vengeful/menaruh
dendam character.


It doesn't matter to have golden yellow rather than withered eyebrows. The
withered and yellow eyebrows suggest poor health and bad luck for husband,
as well as no brother to depend on and no help from friends.


1. Mole at the Brow: A possible calamity of imprisonment in life.

2. Mole above the Brow: Recent money matters, such as no money for daily
expenses like rent.
3. Mole near the Middle of Eyebrow: Future money matters, such as insufficient
fund for investment or buying house.
4. Mole between Eye and Eyebrow: Failure to share/memberikan family
5. Black Mole in the Middle of Eyebrow: People with such a mole are smart and
will have one marine risk; if the eyebrow is few, it indicates a fire risk in life.
6. Mole at Brow Tip: Emotional problems, especially the mole at the left brow


If the long hair in the eyebrow indicating longevity appears before the age of
30, it will be an inauspicious sign; if the hair appears after the age of 50, it
indicates the long life.

If the eyebrow suddenly changes white, it suggests the sad thing.

Those with an extramarital affair, no matter men or women, must have

sleek/halus mengkilap and shining eyebrows and this method can be used to
judge/menilai your lover.

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