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Narrator - This is story is about two defectives …I mean detectives who are world famous defectives
in Noida. They are such a big defectives that they can crack everything that comes on their way but
still waiting to crack a case. They have sillifully – I mean skilfully solved few cases including
matrimonial – I mean criminal cases and fights due to Dog bites and now they are ready to face a
new chase of a suit case. Yes a case of finding a suit, a suit of our President…President…President….

Oh..please Don’t misunderstand..I am not talking about President of India..I am talking about
President of our society – Bhangaarwaada (Which means dustbin )


Door Bell rings – Abe Darwaza khol (Please open the Door) – (This is a sound of doorbell)

Defective 001 – Kaul My name is kaul … DEVI KAUL and I can stick anyone to an electric pole –
secretory - please check before opening the door

Defective 002 – My name is Daant ..Happy Daant…I got this name because I get daant from
everyone (my Mom, Dad, friends and my Boss ..Kaul….Devi..Kaul…)

Devi Kaul : Oye Happy..stop showing your daant and open the Door , there can be a Chor waiting to
rob us

HAPPY Daant: Boss..yu r forgetting something..that we are defectives and catching robbers is our
job. Its good if robbers are coming to us, we can catch them and hand it over to Police and get
famous….He He He..

Devi Kaul : Oye Happy shut your mouth. Your Daant shines too much that it flashes on my eyes.
Open the Door.

Narrator - Door Bell rings again - Abe Darwaza Khol

Happy Daant opens the Door and a gentleman greets them with folded hands

Stranger: Hello Daant Ji …Hw r yu. I am Mr Balvinder Ruth

Happy Daant: Hello Jutt Paaji (Jutt means shoes in Punjabi)

Stranger Angrilly: Oye Jut Nai Ruth – Khabardar naam galat liya toh..Aise jut bajaunga sar vich ki
saare Daant nahar aa jayenge. Happy Daant se Bina Dannt Ho jayega..samjhe

Devi Kaul: Ruth Saab relax – Please tell us, how can we help you?

Mr Ruth: Kaul Saab – we are in a big trouble..President’s Suit is missing

Devi Kaul: What..Mr Kovind’s suit is stolen

Mr Ruth: Not Mr Kovind – I am talking about our society’s President Mr Govind – Gaayewala Govind
– He has his own dairy.

Devi Kaul: What is so special about his suit? He can buy another one. Why are you wasting our time?

Mr Ruth: This suit was very special to him. This was his father’s ..father’s ..father’s…father’s …suit
and he wanted to auction this suit in our society “Bhangaarvaada’s” annual Day called “Bhangaar
Day” – where every house donates one bhangaar of their house and sell it a shop “Bhangaar House”
and collected money is donated to poor people. Please help us finding his ancestral suit.
Devi Kaul: Can you call Mr Govind here so that we can ask him some questions about his suit

Mr Ruth calls Mr Govind and ask him to come there to speak to both the defectives

Mr Govind : Ram Ram sir Ji…Myself Govind..Govind Gaayewala..kabhi humare ghar aayiye aur
peejiye special Chai aur pao maskewala.

Devi Kaul: Thanx..Will surely visit your house ..but first tell me something about your missing suit. I
mean how it looks like

Mr Govind: Well it’s a Blue colour suit of polyester with nice embroidery and precious stones

Devi Kaul: What..which Men wears a red suit and that too with embroidery of precious stones..

Mr Govind : No No..Don’t mis understand. It was my father’s father’s father’s father’s Mother’s suit

Devi Kaul : You mean to say, we have to find out a ladies suit???

Mr Govind : No actually its my father’s.. father’s.. father’s.. father’s suit made which he made using
his mother’s suit, for his wedding.

Mr Govind : It was a very expensive suit with many precious stones in its arms and shoulders and

Devi Kaul : Were these stones.. gems and diamonds

Mr Govind : No ..No.. those were specially handpicked stones from all different slum areas of
Bhangaarwada street.

Devi Kaul : mean to say those rodi- pathar of streets. Who puts them on their dress?

Mr Govind : It was done out of purpose to give respect and love to the streets of Bhangaarwad. My
father’s… father’s… father’s father was much attached to Bhangaarwada as his mother came here
after marriage with one cow and then they established a dairy in this house only.

Devi Kaul: I can understand your emotions Mr Govind Gaayewaala Ji and we will do our best to find
out your father’s father’s… father’s… father’s suit made out of his mother’s suit.

So, tell us when and where did you last time saw “THE SUIT”

Mr Govind : The last time I saw “THE SUIT” was when I took it out from trunk to donate it for
“Bhangaar Day” and gave it to my wife “Bhaag Wakhri” chaai waali as she runs a famous Tea shop

Devi Kaul : Lets go to your wife’s stall and talk to her. May be she have some idea about it and we
can also have her special chai masala and pao maskewala.

Mr Govind: Arre ..why do you take so much of pain. I will ask her to visit you in the evening after
closing her shop and she will also bring chai masala and pao maskewala for you.

Narrator - Devi Kaul and Happy Daant foud reaction of Govind gaayewala very strange and
confusing. They felt as if he didn’t wan’t them to meet her wife that time. So, after Govind
gayewaala and Balvinder Ruth left from there, the two defectives decided to visit Govind’s wife tea
Scene 2

Narrator : Both the defectives reaches to : “Bhaag Wakhri” Chai shop.

Devi Kaul : Behan Ji ..sasriyakal..a very nice shop you have but Don’t mind your shop’s name is in
your name rt..but I haven’t heard anyone’s name “Bhaag”

Bhaag wakhri – Ha Ha..everyone asks same question to me. Actually I was very auspicious for my
family so they called me “bhaagwanti” and I also used to will medals in all the races as I used to run
very fast like Baghs( Tigers” so that’s why my parents kept my name “ Bhaag vakhri” means Tiger like
attitude and very auspicious at the same time.

Happy Daant: Very nice Madam Ji – what a story. Very few people have such a big story behind their
names. You are so special Madam Ji.

Devi Kaul : We have heard a lot about your Chai masala and Pao maskewala. Can we also try them?

Bhaag Wakhri : Thanx for appreciating. Please wait for 5 minutes..will serve special chai masala and
Pao maskewala for you.

Narrator: Suddenly Devi Kaul observes “Bhaag Wakhri’s” dress. Her dress seems to be very strange
to him. After having their tea and Pao they thank “ Bhaag wakhri” and gave money to her.

Devi Kaul : Behan Ji..very nice Chai masala and pao maskewala. They actually tastes very good.
Butdon’t get me wrong, I am really fascinated with the lovely and unusual dress you are wearing.
This seems to be very rare and ancestral dress with very unusual work on it and its colour is also very
rare and beautiful.

Narrator - Bhaag Wakhri fumbled and returned a fake smile to them and just nodded her head. In
the evening they called Govind Chaaywaala, Mr Ruth and Bhaag Wakhri to their home immediately.


Mr Govind, Bhaag Wakhri and Balwinder Ruth enters Defective’s house..

Devi Kaul: Welcome Sir, please have a seat. We wanted to talk to all three of you for few minutes.

Devi Kaul : Bhaag Wakhri Ji can you tell us from where did you get this special suit from. This is so

Bhaag Wakhri : This suit I am wearing was given to me by my Mother In law. This suit is of my
Mother in law’s ..Mother in law’s..Mother in law’s…Mother in law’s…Mother in law.. This is a very
special suit with this intricate stone work on it. These stones were hand picked by my Mother in
law’s mother in law’s mothr in law’s mother in law’s mother in law from the streets of slum areas of
Bhangaar waada to show her love and respect towards her home at Bhangaarwada.

Devi Kaul : So was it a ladies suit or Mens suit?

Bhaag Wakhri : Ha Ha…Yeh kaisa awaal hai Ji..How can a Mens suit be made from a Ladies suit.
Obviously it was a ladies suit which I just got altered to wear it.
Devi Kaul : But Gaayewaala the morning you said that your father’s father’s father’s father
made a suit of his mother to wear it in his marriage. Now, please don’t try to fool us and tell the
truth behind all this

Govind Gaayewala : Am sorry sir, actually I didn’t wanted to donate anything on “ Bhangaarwaada
Day” but being a president of the society If I wouldn’t have donated anything valuable then
everyone would have laughed at me. So I cooked up this storty. I gave this ancestral suit to my wife
to wear it and created a false story of its theft so that I will gain every one’s sympathy and will not
have to donate anything to the society.

I apologise. I am very sorry for troubling all of you!

Mr Ruth: This was not expected from you Gaayewala Ji.

Devi Kaul Ji and Happy Daant Ji..thanx so much for your help and bringing out the truth and solving
this “SUIT CASE”

Curtain of the play is dropped and we get the complete scene of the area…it is a “Mental
Hospital” and all the characters who were participating in play, those who were listening or
watching the play were al Mental

Ha Ha Ha Ha…….:)

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