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HCM008: Employee Self-Services

HCM008: Employee Self-Service Reference Guide

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HCM008: Employee Self-Service Reference Guide















7.1 WHO IS WHO 30



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HCM008: Employee Self-Service Reference Guide

This reference guide provides information on the Employee Self-Service components for the core modules in
SAP Human Capital Management as implemented in the GRP project.

This scenario describes the processes in Employee Self-service to create, view and modify employee data
including personal data, time data etc.

This guide is for the all employees who supposed to use the Employee Self-Services.

Document Objectives
After completion of this reference you will be able to perform the following activities:

 Log on/off the portal

 Display Personal Profile
 Create and edit Addresses
 Display Salary Statements
 Create Leave Request and use other time related services
 Search for an employee

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1 Portal Overview
Portal is a Web-based interface that allows people and organizations to access and exchange information

The Enterprise Portal displays different information from several sources (SAP systems) on one page. The
user only needs to log on once to the Enterprise Portal. The Enterprise Portal automatically logs the user on
to any other systems for which a suitable user and password has been saved for the user.

In short, the portal is a user-oriented platform for enterprises (entities) and their business partners.

Employee Self-Service (ESS) is a portal-based solution provided by SAP that enables employees to
interactively track and request services compliant with entity defined processes.

Employee Self-Service is effective in providing to the employees an access to view own data and perform
various transactions. With SAP ESS, employees can take responsibility for updating and keeping their own
data current. SAP empowers employees to view, create, and maintain data anytime, anywhere, via Web-
based technology.

Portal is available in two languages: Arabic and English. The employee has the choice to work with preferred

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2 Accessing Portal and Employee Self-Service

To access the Employee Self-Service users will have to log on to the portal. The link which will direct them to
the portal will be shared.

2.1 Logging On
In order to log in to the portal enter the User ID and the Password and then click on the Log on button.

SAP Portal Home Page will open.

The services available to the employee depend on his/her role in the organization (entity) and according
to the authorizations assigned to the user.

Home Page is the starting page in the portal for the employees. It contains two links:

 Employee Self-Services
 Work or the Universal Worklist.

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2.2 Access Employee Services

To access Employee Self-Service start page, just logon to the portal is it is defaulted for the employees to be
the first page.

The end user can launch various services from here. For example, the user can start the service to change
own address data.

Click to open ESS page

Details on the services and processes are provided in according sections of this document.

2.3 Change Language

Follow the procedure below to change display language of the portal.

1. Click on the link in upper corner of the page .

2. New window will appear requesting to confirm language change.

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3. Confirm the language change

4. Once confirmed, log off and log on again in order to enable changes.

2.4 Logging Off

Follow the procedure below to log off the portal.

1. Click on the link in the upper corner of the screen (beside Change Language).

2. Confirm the Log off in the dialog window.

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3 Universal Worklist
The Universal Worklist (UWL) allows you to manage your work by bringing together tasks from different
workflow systems. These include: workflows, notifications, alerts etc.

You use the UWL to manage and monitor your tasks. You see the following tabs (navigation controls) on the
UWL user interface: Tasks, Alerts, Notifications and Tracking.


Current list of the user's tasks.

The task status changes from New to In Process for the SAP Business Workflow when you launch an item.
The Tasks category contains work items from the following areas:

● New tasks and tasks in progress

● Tasks you have received from someone
● Tasks forwarded to someone
● Tasks for resubmission
● Tasks due today
● Overdue or declined tasks


The Alerts category contains work items from the following areas:

● New alerts and alerts in progress

● Alerts you have received from someone
● Alerts for resubmission
● Completed alerts


The UWL Notifications screen contains a table with a list of messages about events, copies of worklist-
related messages, and other statuses. Various pushbuttons, icons, and a hyperlink to detailed message
information help you to understand the notification. The Notifications category contains work items from
the following areas:

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● New notifications and notifications in progress

● Notifications you have received from someone
● Notifications delegated to someone
● Completed notifications


Contains forwarded items, and those items you have chosen to resubmit and items that you have chosen to
track. Also, it will show the leave requests status. The Tracking category contains work items from the
following areas:

● Forwarded Tasks
● Tasks that were sent on behalf of the user (On Behalf of Me)
● Tasks the user has chosen to track (Tracked Items)
● Items for resubmission
● Rejected, approved or completed workflows

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4 Personal Profile
This section describes items available under the Personal Profile item under the Employee Self Services

The personal information section includes all the essential information about the employee.

To access that section click on the Personal Information link

4.1 Personal Data

Main information about the employee such as name, DOB and marital status. The data in this section is for
display only.

4.2 Personal ID
It includes the defined ID of the employee in the system (e.g. passport) with the validity periods of that ID.
The data in this section is for display only.

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4.3 Addresses
Employees can use this service to display and edit their own address data.

The Addresses service comprises input screens for the address types like Emergency Address, Vacation
Address etc.

Permanent Address cannot be created by employee and request should be submitted to the HR
department in order to change it. Only minor changes allowed.

Below are available icons in the addresses area and their purpose:

This Icon is used to create a new local address. Employees can enter the address of their
additional residence, and change the address data, if they move, for example.

This Icon is used to create a new vacation address if the employee decided to add one.

This Icon is used to create an emergency address. In the input screens for the emergency
address, employees can enter or change a contact address for emergencies.

The edit icon is used to edit the current information.

To create / change the address, follow procedure below:

1. Under Addresses, pick address type needing change (Vacation, Emergency address, etc). Choose Edit
or New icon (mentioned above).
2. In Create / Edit screen add or change the required information.

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Remember that the (*) mark beside the field labels refers to mandatory fields. The new entries or
changes will not be saved unless the mandatory fields are maintained.

3. Click on the “Save” button to save or “Cancel” button to discard changes.

4. Clicking on the “Save and Back” to save the data return to the previous screen.

4.4 Bank Information

Employees can use this service to display different types of bank information.

Employees’ bank details are used for bank transfers from payroll and to reimburse travel expenses. The data
in this section is for display only. If any changes are required, the HR department should be informed to
make all the necessarily changes.

4.5 Family Members / Dependents

Employees can use this service to display and edit data about their family members and dependents.

This area contains the information about all the dependents for the employee as a wife and children. The
data in this section cannot be added and only minor changes permitted.

4.6 Communication
This area contains the system user ID and mobile number. The data in this section is for display only.

4.7 Basic Pay and Allowances

This area displays the basic pay paid for the employee and the other allowances.

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4.8 Personal Profile Service Navigation Steps Summary

Please follow the steps in the table below to maintain/ display the required data:

Service Steps

 Personal Data
 Personal ID 1- Log on to the portal
 Bank Information 2- Click the Personal Information link
 Family Members / 3- Click Personal Profile link
Dependents 4- View required information
 Communication
 Basic Pay and Allowances

1- Log on to the portal

Display/edit/create: 2- Click on the Personal Information link
 Addresses 3- Click on the Personal Profile link

4- Click on the create button ( ) or the edit ( ) button

from the addresses area.
5- Maintain required data
6- Save your entries

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5 Benefits and Payment

One of the main sections in the home page of the Employee Self-Services is the Benefits and Payments.
Employees can use this service to display and print Salary Statements. The period for the statement is
defaulted to the current month.

The salary statement will include all the details of the salary paid in the selected month.

Follow the procedure below to display Salary Statement:

1. Click on the Employee Self-Service Tab in the first menu level.

2. On the Employee Services screen choose Benefits and Payment item.
3. Click on the Salary Statement link.
4. The salary statement is displayed in a PDF format, the statement can be downloaded and saved on
the local disk drive.
5. On the same screen, click on the “Overview and selection” section to choose a different salary
statement for a different payment period.

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6. To navigate between the different available statements use navigations buttons located in the upper
part of the page or choose required statement from the list

5.1 Benefits and Payment Service Navigation Steps Summary

Please follow the steps in the table below to view the salary statement:

Service Steps

1- Log on to the portal

Display Salary Statements 2- Click on the Benefits and Payment link
3- Click Salary Statement link
4- Choose required Statement to display

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6 Working Time
Employees can use the applications in this area to:

 Submit/cancel absences (Leave requests)

 View time accounts
 Submit Return from Leave request

In this area the employee will be able to see all the information related to his/her leaves.

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6.1 Create Leave Request

This function enables you to control the processing of leave requests and other absences. The function
comprises the entire leave request process including approvals.

Employees use this Web application to request leave or other absences and, in the case of absences that do
not require approval, to inform their manager that they will be absent for a certain period (due to illness, for
example). If necessary, employees can change or delete submitted leave requests or absences that have
already been stored in the database.

Below is an example of the process when an employee requests leave. Processes involving changing
and cancelling leave or deleting a request that has not been approved are largely similar.

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1. An employee wants to take two weeks of leave. He or she accesses the Leave Request service. He or
she sees in the Team Calendar that other team members also have leave at the same time.
Nonetheless, he or she requests leave for the planned period.

2. The leave requires approval. The system automatically determines the approver responsible and lists
the name. The employee’s request is stored in the database of leave requests with the status Sent.

3. The Approver is notified on the approval request and steps required.

4. The approver accesses the Approve Leave Requests application (from the Universal Worklist). The
application provides the approver with a list of all the leave requests that require his or her approval.

5. The approver selects the employee’s leave request. After checking the Team Calendar, the approver
realizes that the employee’s leave request cannot be approved since it would mean there would not
be enough team members at work for the period in question. The approver writes a note in which he
or she states why the request has been rejected. He or she then rejects the request.

6. Employee is notified that the request was rejected. The employee accesses the Leave Request
Service. He or she selects the request in the Leave Requests. He or she sees in the note the reason
why the request was rejected.

7. The employee looks at the Team Calendar and finds a period in which no other team members are
on vacation. He or she changes the period of the request. The employee specifies the change in
period in the note and resubmits request.

8. The approver is notified of the request by e-mail. This time the approver can approve the request.
The request receives the status Approved in the database. Employee is notified about the approved

9. Upon return from leave employee submits Return from Leave request.

To support such processes following services and application used.

The calendar of the employee will be displayed in this tab. The Calendar gives employees a practical three-
month overview of their booked and requested absences.

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The employee can display different months by choosing the desired month and year then click apply.

The start date of the leave can be selected it directly from the calendar.

Team Calendar
The Team Calendar enables employees to check their desired periods of leave against other team members'

The Team Calendar comprises a calendar that displays an overview of employee absences for the team. The
following information is displayed:

 Full-day absences that have been posted (Approved). Such absences are displayed in the Web
application with the status Absent.
 Leave requests that have not yet been approved. This includes new requests and requests for
changes to be made. They are displayed with the status Sent.

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 Requests for absences to be deleted. This includes absences that have already been approved that
an employee would like to cancel. They are displayed with the status Deletion Requested.

The various statuses are highlighted using different colors. You can click on an entry to view detailed
information about a particular absence.

In order to navigate between different months within the team calendar select the month and the year
and click apply. Also, the team members can be selected to see their calendars and it is possible to sort
and print the calendar.

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Time Accounts
In this view the time credits such as leave and time-off entitlements for the employees are displayed. It
provides employee with information to help them plan their leave and information about the deduction
periods of their time accounts.

This means that you can check your remaining entitlement before entering a leave request.

Leave Requests
The Leave Requests enables employees to view their absences and track the status of their requests.

Employees can cancel, shorten or lengthen absences. To do this, they select the relevant absence from
the Absences Overview in the Team Calendar or Calendar.

Leave Request Details

This section is used to fill all the required information for the leave request.

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Type of the leave: the employee can choose the type of the leave he/she is applying for. This is a drop down
box which includes all the types of leaves defined as per the HR Law.

Description: the description of the chosen leave will be displayed here.

Start Date: The employee needs to set the start date of the leave in this field.

End Date: The employee needs to set the end date of the leave in this field.

Approver Name: This is a defaulted field with manager name.

New Note: The employee can add any further comments in this field for example, the employee can write
the reason for the vacation.

Remember: all the fields with the sign (*) are mandatory fields and the leave will not be created without
filling them in. The information displayed in the Team Calendar, Leave Requests, and Time Accounts is only
updated after an employee has submitted a leave request.

This section will allow the employee to attach any document required such as the medical report for the sick

To upload the file:

1. Click on the Browse button

2. Choose File and click on the Open button
3. Click on the Upload Button ( )

The uploaded file will be shown in the attachments table. In order to delete any uploaded file:

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1. Highlight the file by clicking the grey button ( ) beside the file link.

2. Click the delete button ( ) in the same row if the file.

Processing the Leave Request

After all the data has been filled for the leave request, follow the steps below:

1. Click on the button at the top of the page.

2. A new page will pop-out for confirmation:

3. Choose OK in order to confirm the leave request or Cancel to edit or cancel the leave request.

4. A confirmation message will appear that request has been sent now for further approvals (see the
figure below: message with a green tick symbol ( )):

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5. In case of the errors message will be displayed with red exclamation mark icon ( ):

The employee is able to display the help for the error occurred: Click the link (Display Help) from the error
message on the screen.

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6.2 Leave Overview

This link includes all the information about the leaves requested along with some information about the
leave such as the leave status and the current processor.

The employee can cancel the leave and edit it at any point of time before approval.

6.3 View Time Account Balances

Time Accounts enables employees to check not only their current entitlement, but also past or future

Time accounts are displayed in relation to a particular key date and for a specific quota. Employee can select
the key date and the quota that is to be displayed in the Web application. Alternatively, they can obtain an
overview of all their time accounts. Quotas are displayed for each deduction period.

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6.4 Return from Leave

By click on this link you will open the service which is used to request Return From leave. This is the
procedure that has to be followed by the employee returning from his/her leave. The employee has to put
the return date, required notes and submit request for approval.

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6.5 Leave Validations

There are certain validations which are applied by the system while requesting for leave / absence. Most of
them derived from HR law.

Find some examples below:

Division of Annual Leave

• The periodic leave shall not be divided to more than three times in one year. In
exceptional cases, when leave has to be devided in more than three times -
contact HR department.

Annual Leave with Bonus.

• A periodic leave grant equal to one-month salary for each year shall be paid to
the Qatari employee, provided the employee takes the periodic leave. It is
allowed to apply for leave with bonus only once per year.

Hajj Leave

• A Muslim employee shall be granted a one-time leave, throughout his/her

service in the State, a 21-day fully paid leave to perform the Hajj.

Marriage Leave

• An employee shall be granted a one-time fully paid marriage leave for 15 days,
provided he/she submits a true copy of the marriage certificate.

Leave in non-Working Time

• The system will not allow the employee to take a leave which period overlaps
with other absences.

Leave on Public Holidays

• Leave cannot have start or end date on a Public Holidays.

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6.6 Services Navigation Steps Summary

Please follow the steps in the table below to perform the required procedures:

Service Steps

1. Log on to the portal

Create Leave 2. Click the Working Time link
3. Click Create Leave Request link
4. Fill in the required fields:
(Type of Leave – Start Date – End Date – Notes)
Attach the required documents
5. Click Send ( ) and then confirm.

1. Log on to the portal

Display Leaves 2. Click the Working Time link
3. Clink Leave Overview link

1. Log on to the portal

Display Time Accounts 2. Click the Working Time link
3. Click View Time Account Balances link

1. Log on to the portal

Create Return from leave 2. Click the Working Time link
3. Click Return from leave link
4. Fill in the return date and a note if required
5. Click submit

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7 Address Book
The Address book is used to search for the employees within the entity.

7.1 Who is Who

Employees can use this service to search for employees’ data in the company address book. In addition,
employees can also maintain their own data.

The employee can use (*) in searching for assistance. The (*) is used to substitute the missing part of the
phrase. For example, if the employee is writing in the First Name field (*med) then he/she is asking the
portal to find all employees whose the first names end with (med) regardless of the beginning of the

The employee can check the results shown and open the details of the employee he/she is looking for by
clicking on the Last Name (blue link).

The Employee Profile will be shown and basic information will be displayed.

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Beside the search with basic information like the last name and first name, the employee can search with
more details, this type of search is called Advanced Search.

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7.2 Most Frequently Used List

It is a list in the home page of the Employee Self-Services. It captures the most used services by the
employee. The employee can go directly to his/her desired service from this list.

7.3 Services Navigation Steps Summary

Please follow the steps in the table below to perform the required procedures:

Service Steps

Search for an employee 1. Log on to the portal

2. Click Address Book link
3. Fill in the search parameters
4. Click Search
5. Choose the employee

Most Frequently Used 1. Log on to the portal

2. Click the desired link

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8 Service Requests
One of the main sections in the home page of the Employee Self-Services is the Service Requests section.
This section allows the employee to request service and the system will send them automatically to the HR

8.1 Requests Available

The requests available for the employees are as follows:

 Employment Certificate
 Salary Certificate
 Loan Request
 Hike/Promotion Letter
 Deputation Letter
 Address Proof Letter
 Contribution Letter

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8.2 Attachments
This section will allow the employee to attach any document required for the requests.

To upload the file:

1. Click on the Browse button

2. Choose File and click on the Open button
3. Click on the Upload Button ( )

The uploaded file will be shown in the attachments table. In order to delete any uploaded file:

1. Highlight the file by clicking the grey button ( ) beside the file link.

2. Click the delete button ( ) in the same row if the file.

HR department will check the requests from the employees and prepare them with the right signature and
stamp if needed. Then, the employee from the HR will confirm the request sent from the employee.

Employees will receive the confirmation of their requests in the portal from the universal worklist. Employee
has to pick the prepared document from the HR department.

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8.3 Services Navigation Steps Summary

Please follow the steps in the table below to perform the required procedures:

Service Steps

Request Services 1. Log on to the portal

2. Click Service Requests link
3. Choose the request from the dropdown list
next to the request field

4. Click submit button

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9 Summary
You are now able to perform the following activities:

 Log on/off the portal

 Display Personal Profile
 Create and edit Addresses
 Display Salary Statements
 Create Leave Request and use other time related services
 Search for an employee

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