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LỚP 8- TẬP 1



Các em học sinh thân mến!

Các em đang cầm trên tay một trong những cuốn sách hay nhất và quan trọng
nhất trong quá trình học tiếng Anh của mình. Đó là cuốn sách Bài tập cuối tuần tiếng
Anh lớp 8 tập 1. Cuốn sách được ra đời với bao công sức của tác giả, giáo viên giàu
kinh nghiệm giảng dạy tiếng Anh. Cuốn sách được chia theo các đơn vị bài học và
bám sát chương trình học tập trên lớp của các em. Đây là một tài liệu cực kỳ hữu ích
nhằm giúp các em ôn tập, củng cố và nâng cao vốn tiếng Anh của mình.
Trong mỗi đơn vị bài học, chúng tôi đều trình bày đầy đủ các nội dung sau:
-Phần lý thuyết: Tập trung vào trọng tâm ngữ pháp của bài học
- Phần Week 1: Tập trung vào việc thực hành kiến thức ngôn ngữ của các em.
Các em sẽ được rèn luyện ngữ âm, từ vựng và ngữ pháp/ mẫu câu trong phần này.
- Phần Week 2: Phần này giúp rèn luyện và hoàn thiện cả 4 kỹ năng giao tiếp:
Nghe - Nói - Đọc - Viết tiếng Anh của các em.
Kết hợp với các nội dung trong sách là đĩa CD phát âm chuẩn tiếng Anh của
người bản ngữ. Chúng tôi tin rằng CD này sẽ hỗ trợ các em rất nhiều trong quá trình
rèn luyện kỹ năng giao tiếp tiếng Anh của mình.
Lời cuối cùng, chúng tôi mong muốn được gửi lời cảm ơn chân thành nhất tới
độc giả, tới các em học sinh, các bậc phụ huynh và các quý thầy cô đã giúp đỡ chúng
tôi rất nhiều trong quá trình biên soạn tài liệu quý báu này. Chúng tôi cũng mong
muốn được lắng nghe những ý kiến góp ý chân thành nhất của các bậc phụ huynh và
các thầy cô giáo để lần tái bản sau cuốn sách sẽ đầy đủ hơn, ý nghĩa hơn.Trân trọng!



Clusters: /br/ and /pr/ (Cụm âm /br/ và /pr/)
1. /br/
Âm /br/ được ghép từ 2 phụ âm /b/ + /r/
Để phát âm âm /b/
Ta mím nhẹ hai môi và nâng phần ngạc mềm để chặn luồng hơi trong khoang miệng,
rồi mở miệng bật hơi từ phía trong ra. Khi phát âm, dây thanh sẽ rung lên.
Để phát âm âm /r/
Ta co lưỡi về phía sau, cong đầu lưỡi lên để tạo nên một khoảng trống ở giữa miệng
nhưng lưỡi không chạm tới chân răng trên. Khi phát âm, luồng hơi sẽ đi qua khoang
miệng và đầu lưỡi ra ngoài.
2. /pr/
Âm /pr/ được ghép từ 2 phụ âm /p/ + /r/
Để phát âm âm /p/
Ta mím nhẹ hai môi lại và nâng phần ngạc mềm để chặn luồng hơi trong khoang
miệng, rồi mử miệng bật hơi từ phía trong ra. Khi phát âm, dây thanh không rung.
Để phát âm âm /r/
Co lưỡi về phía sau, cong đầu lưỡi lên để tạo nên một khoảng trống ở giữa miệng
nhưng lưỡi không chạm tới chân răng trên. Khi phát âm, luồng hơi sẽ đi qua khoang
miệng và đầu lưỡi ra ngoài.
Các em tập phát âm các âm /br/ và /pr/ trong bảng sau
/br/ /pr/
bride prize
brilliant problem
library apricot
broken pretty
bracelet princess
Britney went to the library with her brother. Presley prepared a priceless present.


antivirus n /ˈæntivaɪrəs/ chống lại virus
bead n /biːd/ hạt chuỗi
bracelet n /ˈbreɪslət/ vòng đeo tay
button n /ˈbʌtn/ khuy
check out v /tʃek aʊt/ xem kĩ
check out something v /tʃek aʊtˈsʌmθɪŋ/ kiểm tra điều gì đó
comedy n /ˈkɒmədi/ hài kịch
comfortable adj /ˈkʌmftəbl/ thoải mái
comic book n /ˈkɒmɪk bʊk/ truyện tranh
craft kit n /krɑːft kɪt/ bộ dụng cụ thủ công
/diːaɪ‘waɪ/ ~ /du ɪt jɔː
DIY do-it-yourself các công việc tự mình làm
n ˈself/
DIY project n /diː aɪ‘waɪˈprɒdʒekt/ kế hoạch tự làm đồ
drama n /’drɑːmə/ kịch
generation n /ˌdʒenəˈreɪʃn/ thế hệ
go mountain biking n /gəʊ‘maʊntənˈbaɪkɪŋ/ đi đạp xe leo núi
go out with friends v /gəʊaʊt wɪð frendz/ đi chơi với bạn
go shopping v /gəʊˈʃɒpɪŋ/ đi mua sắm
go to the movies v /gəʊtəðə‘muːviz/ đi xem phim
go window shopping v /gəʊ‘windəʊˈʃɒpɪŋ/ đi ngắm đồ
/ˈhæŋɪŋ aʊt/
hanging out (with friends) v đi chơi với bạn bè
(wɪð frendz)
harmful adj /’hɑːmfəl/ độc hại
leisure n /’leʒə(r)/ sự giải trí
leisure activity n /’leʒə(r) ækˈtɪvəti/ hoạt động giải trí
listen to music v /lɪsn tu ‘mjuːzɪk/ nghe nhạc
make crafts v /meɪk kra:fts/ làm đồ thủ công
make friends v /meɪk frendz/ kết bạn
make origami n /meɪk ˌɒrɪˈɡɑːmi/ gấp giấy
making crafts n /’meɪkɪŋ krɑ:fts/ hoạt động làm đồ thủ công
melody n /’melədi/ giai điệu (âm nhạc)
mountain biking n /’maʊntən ‘baɪkɪŋ/ hoạt động đạp xe leo núi
novel n /ˈnɒvəl/ cuốn tiểu thuyết
personal information n /ˈpɜːsənl ɪnfəˈmeɪʃən/ thông tin cá nhân


pet training n /pet ˈtreɪnɪŋ/ hoạt động huấn luyện thú
play an instrument v /pleɪən ˈɪnstrəmənt/ chơi nhạc cụ
play beach games v /pleɪbiːtʃgeɪmz/ chơi các trò chơi trên bãi biển
play sport v /pleɪspɔːt/ chơi thể thao
play video games v / pleɪˈvɪdiəʊ geɪmz/ chơi điện tử
poetry n /ˈpəʊətri/ thơ ca
read v /riːd/ đọc (sách, báo)
chương trình truyền hình thực
reality show n /riˈæləti ʃəʊ/
relaxing adj /rɪˈlæksɪŋ/ thư giãn
right up someone’s street idiom /raɪt ʌpˈsʌmwʌn striːt/ đúng sở thích của ai đó
satisfied adj /ˈsætɪsfaɪd/ hài lòng
skateboard n /ˈskeɪtbɔːd/ trò lướt ván
/ˈsəʊʃəlaɪz (wɪð
socialise (with someone) v giao lưu với ai đó
/ˈsəʊʃəlaɪzɪŋ (wɪð hoạt động giao lưu với ai đó
socialising (with someone) n
software n /ˈsɒftweər/ phần mềm
spare time n /speə taɪm/ thời gian rảnh
sticker n /ˈstikər/ nhãn dính có hình
stranger n /ˈstreɪndʒər/ người lạ
surf the Internet v /sɜːf ðə ˈɪntənet/ truy cập in-tơ-net
technology n /tekˈnɒlədʒi/ công nghệ
text v /tekst/ nhắn tin
train a pet v /treɪn ə pet/ huấn luyện thú
trick n /trɪk/ thủ thuật
update v /ʌpˈdeɪt/ cập nhật
virtual adj /ˈvɜːtʃuəl/ ảo (không có thực)
watch TV v /wɒtʃtiːˈviː/ xem ti vi
window shopping n /ˈwɪndəʊˈʃɒpɪŋ/ hoạt động đi ngắm đồ
wool n /wʊl/ len

Verbs of liking + V-Ing/ to-infinitlve.
Khi một động từ theo sau một động từ chỉ ý thích, động từ đi theo sau đó phải ở dạng
V-ing hoặc to V.


Verb Meaning
enjoy thích
fancy thích
like thích
love yêu thích
adore mê, thích mê
detest ghét
dislike không thích
hate ghét
Ví dụ:
I love playing sports but I hate dancing.
Tôi thích chơi thể thao nhưng tôi ghét nhảy múa.
My parents always enjoy visiting their friends.
Bố mẹ tôi luôn thích đi thăm bạn bè.

Chú ý:

Một số động từ có thể được dùng với cả V-ing hoặc V-infinitive mà

không có sự thay đổi nhiều về ý nghĩa.
Ví dụ:
I love playing football with my friends.
= I love to play football with my friends.

Exercise 1: Listen and complete the words with /br/ or /pr/. Then read them
aloud. (Track 01)
_ _idge _ _incess _ _ownie _ _ess
ap_ _aisal _ _ick _ _oof _ _avo
_ _own _ _iority _ _avery _ _eposition
_ _eview _ _ing _ _eserve _ _ain
_ _ought _ _ior _ _ochure _ _epare
Exercise 2: Listen and choose the word you hear.(Track 02)
1. bribe/ pride 6. breast/ press
2. brave/ pray 7. brick/ prick
3. bronze/ prone 8. bring/ spring
4. brother/ prove 9. brave/ plane
5. bracelet/ prepare 10. break/ prepare


Exercise 3: Look at the picture and put the words in the box under the
sticker wool button bike
novel bracelet skateboard comic book

1 .............................. 2 .............................. 3 .............................. 4 ..............................

5 .............................. 6 .............................. 7 .............................. 8 ..............................

Exercise 4: Look at the pictures and complete the phrases.

1. go .................... biking 2. go to the .................... 3. go ....................

4. make .................... 5. .................... training 6. play ....................

7. play .................... games 8. surf the .................... 9. .................... TV

10. .................... shopping 11. make .................... 12. make ....................


Exercise 5: Complete the sentences with phrases in the box.
like working detests doing
detests looking like eating
watching football fancies being
fancies doing adore playing
loves collecting fancy singing
1. My younger sister ................................ dolls.
2. My friend Peter and I ................................ board games.
3. I don’t ............................ at the weekend. I like spending time with myfamily instead.
4. My dad ................................ in the kitchen and preparing food for my family.
5. Nancy ................................ housework such as washing the dishes.
6. My sister doesn’t ................................
7. Joey enjoys ................................ but he detests playing football.
8. My sister ................................ voluntary activities. She has travelled to 15countries to
do voluntary work.
9. I don’t ................................ onion. I hate onion.
10. Minh hates me. He even ................................ at me.
Exercise 6: Complete the sentences, using the -ing form of the given verbs.
do stay travel take do
collect plant go eat watch
1. We enjoy .......................... for a walk around the lake every evening.
2. My friend Jenifer loves .......................... unique things.
3. Most of my friends don’t like .......................... homework at the weekend.
4. Do you like .......................... flowers in the balcony?
5. I hate .......................... outdoors in the summer. It’s so hot.
6. I don’t like .......................... challenging sports like ice skating or surfing.
7. My cousin David adores .......................... photos. He has got an expensivecamera.
8. Who dislikes .......................... films on TV?
9. Does Laura hate .......................... noodles?
10. My mother detests .......................... by bus because she can be carsick.
Exercise 7: Each sentence has a mistake. Underline the mistakes and correct
1. Tuan does not like cook.
2. Tuan and Nam likes playing table tennis.


3. Minh hates eaten apples.
4. Ha dislikes to playing the piano.
5. My parents really loves gardening.
6. Do you fancies dancing?
7. I do not fancy of eating noodles.
8. My dad detests watches Korean films.
9. My mum adores ride her bike to work.
10. I enjoy to talking to my friends in my free time.
Exercise 8: Complete the paragraph with suitable words.
Hi everyone! Today I’m going to talk about my leisure activities. I prefer (1) ............... to
music, especially in the evening. My favorite song (2) ............... ‘Another world’ by One
Direction. I also like (3) ............... books and one of my favorites is Harry Potter. Besides,
I (4) ............... skateboarding with my elder brother and sometimes I enjoy (5) ...............
table tennis. My hobby is doing DIY. I think it’s very interesting and it needsa lot of
creativity. I dislike (6) ............... out or shopping because I hatecrowded places. What
about you?
Exercise 9: Complete the text with the words in the box.
cooking likes adores sister hates
low five playing spending brother
My family consists of (1) ............... members: my parents John and Julia, my older
brother Danny and my older sister Rachael, and me, Annie. My father loves (2) ...............
time on work and my mother likes (3) ............... in the kitchen. She (4) ............... western
food a lot and she cooks it every weekend. My (5) ............... Danny is a student. He loves
(6) ............... sports with his friends but he (7) ............... doing homework, so his mark is
always high in Physical Education but (8) ............... in other subjects. My (9) ...............
Rachael looks cute and she knows it. She (10) ............... spending hours in front of
mymother’s dressing table to look at herself. Actually, I like looking at her too.
Exercise 10: Reorder the words to make correct sentences.
1. to/ you/ listening/ like/ music?/ Do


2. in/ My/ flowers/ mother/ the/ planting/ garden./ loves
3. swimming/ the/ parents/ enjoy/ My/ in/ sea./ really
4. cycling/ Do/ fancy/ now?/ you
5. and/ I/ My/ playing/ adore/ chess./ brother
6. collecting/ dislikes/ stamps./ Rose
7. taking/ I/ a/ don’t/ in/ winter./ shower/ like
8. detests/ Laura/ pottery./ making
9. laboratory/ Minh Nam and I/ spending/ love/ a/ do/ hours/ to/ an experiment./ in
10. interested in/ I/ fishing/ cold/ am not/ weather./ in/ this

Exercise 1: Listen and complete the sentences. (Track 03)
1. Tuan likes ...................... the Internet in his free time.
2. Webpages load ...................... with a high-speed connection.
3. Tuan usually ...................... his email.
4. Tuan sometimes orders products or ...................... online.
5. Using the Internet can be fun and ......................
Exercise 2: Listen again and write T (true)/ F(false) for each statement.
No. Statements T/F
1. When Tuan gets home from work, he goes to bed.
2. He can download files quicker thanks to high-speed connection.
3. He never reads news on the Internet.
4. He orders products online to save money.
Exercise 3: Fill in the blank with the words in the box.
Advantages of watching television
advisers motivate expensive cultures educational

l love watching TV and I think watching TV brings lots of benefits.


In this busy, (1) ................... life, television is an easy and cheap source ofentertainment.
By watching international news, we are kept informed and up-to-date with breaking
news around the world.
Some shows and channels (like PBS and Discovery) offer (2) ..................... programs that
can increase our knowledge and make us more aware of the world around us.
Do-it-yourself shows give us easy access to all kinds of information: Cooking channels
offer new recipes and methods, home improvement showsintroduce us to many money-
saving DIY tips, and financial (3) ..................... give advice for managing finances and
investing money, for example. Television can also be a good way to help people learn a
different language.
Some shows can (4) ..................... people who are interested in that fieldand help them
to pursue their dreams.
TV can expand your mind. Some shows let you travel vicariously and teachyou about
different people, (5) ....................., ideas, and places you mightnever encounter in real
life. Watching a variety of shows might give us a broader understanding of the world we
live in and expose us to things we might otherwise never come across in our own lives.
Exercise 4: Complete the following sentences with no more than three
Disadvantages of watching television
Sex, crime, and violence are frequently depicted on television and may have negative
effects on impressionable children (and adults!). Kids who see violent acts are more
likely to display aggressive or violent behavior and also to believe that the world is a
scary place and that something bad is going happen to them. Ongoing studies have
shown a lasting correlation between watching violence on television and aggression that
begins in childhood and continues into adulthood. Viewers sometimes imitate violent,
criminal, sexual, or other risky behavior they see on television... and end up in trouble, in
jail, or in a hospital as a result.
Watching too much television is not good for your health. Studies have shown that there
is a correlation between watching television and obesity. Excessive TV watching (more
than 3 hours a day) can also contribute to sleep difficulties, behavior problems, lower
grades, and other health issues.
Television makes us antisocial, taking the place of family and friends.
It’s a waste of time. Watching television fills the time a person might have spent doing
important, enriching things like interacting socially with other human beings, being
physically active, discovering the outdoors, reading, using one’s own imagination, or
accomplishing other things like working or doing homework or chores, or spending time
with enriching hobbies like art, music, etc.
Television might be addictive. For those who watch a lot, it’s very hard to quit, so it is
similar to a dependency like alcoholism or any another addiction. Recent studies have
found that up to 12% percent of TV-watchers feelunhappy about the amount of TV they
watch, consider themselves addicts yet feel incapable of stopping themselves.
1. Sex, crime, and violence may have ............................ on impressionablechildren.


2. Watching TV more than 3 hours per day can contribute to ............................ behavior
problems, lower grades, and other health issues.
3. We become ............................ when we spend too much time on TV.
4. Spending time with .......................... like art or music is better than onlywatching TV.
5. Those who watch TV too much may become ............................
Exercise 5: Look at the picture, answer the questions. Then practise asking
and answering questions in oral speech.

1. Where are the children?

2. How many children are there?
3. What sport do they practise?
4. What sport does the girl practise?
5. Do they look healthy?
6. Why do they like playing sports?
Exercise 6: Describe the picture in front of the class. (oral presentation)
Exercise 7: Put the following phrases in the correct column to organise the
I believe that In conclusion
In short Besides, also, in addition
Firstly, secondly, thirdly, finally I think that
Moreover, furthermore To sum up


For these reasons In my opinion,
According to me

Introducing the ideas Explaining Concluding

...................................... ...................................... ......................................
..................................... ..................................... .....................................
..................................... ..................................... .....................................
..................................... ..................................... .....................................
..................................... ..................................... .....................................

Exercise 8: Should teenagers spend free time on facebook? Write a short

paragraph (about 70-80 words) to gjye your ideas. (Remember to
use the phrases in Exercise 7 to organize your ideas).





Clusters: /bl/ and /cl/ (Cụm âm /bl/ và /cl/)
1. Âm /bl/
Âm /bl/ được ghép từ 2 phụ âm /b/ và /l/
Để phát âm âm /bl/
Ta phát âm nhanh âm /b/ rồi sau đó chuyển sang âm /I/
2. Âm /cl/
Âm /cl/ được ghép từ 2 phụ âm /c/ và /l/
Để phát âm âm /cl/
Để phát âm âm /cl/ ta phát âm nhanh âm /k/ rồi sau đó chuyển sang âm /l/
Các em thực hành phát âm các âm tiết sau:
/bl/ /cl/
black /blæk/ clip /klɪp/
blue /bluː/ clap /klæp/
blender /ˈblendər/ clause /klɔːz/
blow /bləʊ/ clean /kliːn/
blind /blaɪnd/ climb /klaɪm/
blame /bleɪm/ clown /klaʊn/

access v, n /ˈækses/ sự truy cập, tiếp cận
beehive n /ˈbiːhaɪv/ tổ ong
blackberry n /ˈblækbəri/ dâu tây
bloom v, n /bluːm/ (sự) nở hoa


brave adj /breɪv/ dũng cảm
buffalo n /ˈbʌfələʊ/ con trâu
camel n /ˈkæml/ con lạc đà
cattle n /ˈkætl/ gia súc
climb tree v /klaɪm triː/ trèo cây
collect v /kəˈlekt/ thu, lượm
collect hay v /kəˈlekt heɪ/ thu lượm cỏ khô
collect water v / kəˈlektˈwɔːtər/ đi lấy nước
convenient adj /kənˈviːniənt/ thuận tiện
country folk n /ˈkʌntri fəʊk/ người nông thôn
crowded adj /ˈkraʊdɪd/ đông đúc
densely populated adj /ˈdensli ˈpɒpjuleɪtɪd/ đông dân
disturb v /dɪˈstɜːb/ làm phiền
dry the rice v /draɪðə raɪs/ phơi thóc
education n /edʒuˈkeɪʃn/ sự giáo dục
electricity n /ɪlekˈtrɪsəti/ điện
entertainment centre n /entəˈteɪnmənt ˈsentər/ trung tâm giải trí
envious adj /ˈenviəs/ ghen tị
exciting adj /ɪkˈsaɪtɪŋ/ thú vị
explore v /ɪkˈsplɔːr/ khám phá
facility n /fəˈsɪləti/ cơ sở vật chất
flying kite n /ˈflaɪɪŋ kaɪt/ thả diều
generous adj /ˈdʒenərəs/ hào phóng
go herding v /gəʊhɜːd/ đi chăn trâu
grill fish in rice straw v /grɪl fɪʃɪn raɪs strɔː/ nướng cá bằng rơm
grow up v /grəʊʌp/ trưởng thành
harvest v /ˈhɑːvɪst/ thu hoạch, gặt
harvest time n /ˈhɑːvɪst taɪm/ mùa gặt, mùa thu họach
hay n /heɪ/ cỏ khô
herd the buffalo v /hɜːd ðəˈbʌfələʊ/ chăn trâu
herd the cattle v /hɜːd ðəˈkætl/ chăn trâu, chăn bò
herd the sheep v / hɜːd ðə ʃːip/ chăn cừu
herding n /hɜːdɪŋ/ hoạt động đi chăn
hospitable adj /hɒˈspɪtəbl/ hiếu khách
inconvenient adj /ˌɪnkənˈviːniənt/ bất tiện
interesting adj /ˈɪntrəstɪŋ/ thú vị


nomadic adj /nəʊˈmædɪk/ có tính du mục
opportunity n /ɒpəˈtjuːnəti/ cơ hội
optimistic adj /ɒptɪˈmɪstɪk/ Iạc quan
paddy field n /ˈpædi fiːld/ cánh đồng lúa
peaceful adj /ˈpiːsfəl/ thanh bình
pick flowers v /pɪk ˈflaʊə(r)z/ háihoa
pick fruit v /pɪk fruːt/ hái trái cây
pole n /pəʊl/ cái sào, cái cọc (lều)
rice n /raɪs/ gạo, cơm
rice straw n /raɪs strɔː/ rơm, rạ
ride a horse v /raɪd ə hɔːs/ cuỡi ngựa
ripe adj /raɪp/ chín
tent n /tent/ lều trại
tradition n /trəˈdɪʃən/ truyền thống
vacation n /veɪˈkeɪʃən/ kì nghỉ
vast adj /vɑːst/ rộng lớn
wild flower n /waɪld flaʊər/ hoa dại

1. Comparative form of adjectives or adverbs (Dạng so sánh hơn của tính từ hoặc
trạng từ)
1.1. Đối với tính từ/ trạng từ ngắn
Tính từ/ trạng từ ngắn là những tính từ/ trạng chỉ có 1 âm tiết hoặc những tính từ/
trạng từ có 2 âm tiết nhưng có tận cùng là y, er, ow, et.

S + be/ V + adj+er/ adv+er + than + ...

Ví dụ:
Winter is colder than summer.
Mùa đông lạnh hơn mùa hè.
They are happier than their friends.
Họ hạnh phúc hơn bạn của họ.
She runs faster than her friend.
Cô ấy chạy nhanh hơn bạn của cô ấy.


Chú ý:

Cách thêm đuôi er vào sau adj/adv ngắn

•Những tính từ/ trạng từ tận cùng là “e” thì ta chỉ thêm “r”: larger, wider...
• Những tính từ/ trạng từ có tận cùng là 1 phụ âm mà trước đó là 1 nguyên
âm thì ta gấp đôi phụ âm cuối:
Ví dụ:hotter, bigger...
•Những tính từ/ trạng từ tận cùng là “y” mà trước đó là 1 phụ âm thì chuyển
“y” thành “ier”:
Ví dụ:happier, noisier

1.2. Đối với những tính từ/ trạng từ dài

Tính từ có từ 2 âm tiết trở lên trừ những trường hợp ngoại lệ ở trên được coi là tính
từ dài.

S + be/ V + more + adj/ adv + than + ...

Ví dụ:
This hotel is more beautiful than that hotel.
Khách sạn này đẹp hơn khách sạn kia.
Your pen is more expensive than my pen.
Cây bút của bạn đắt tiền hơn cây bút của tớ.
She dances more beautifully than me.
Cô ấy nhảy đẹp hơn tôi.
You read English more fluently than me.
Bạn đọc tiếng Anh trôi chảy hơn tôi.

Chú ý:

Một số trạng từ ngắn có cách viết giống hệt tính từ như: tong, close, fast,
low, late, hard, wide, high, early
Dạng so sánh bất quy tắc
No.Adjective/ adverbComparative1.good/ wellbetter2.bad/
badlyworse3.much/ manymore4.farfarther/ further5.littleless


Exercise 1: Listen and complete the words with /bl/ or /cl/. Then read them
aloud. (Track 04)
_ _anket _ _ouse _ _imb _ _eed
_ _ap _ _ue _ _iss _ _uster
_ _ack _ _ean _ _ock _ _ind
_ _ender _ _ear _ _ient _ _ick
_ _ause _ _ow _ _ink _ _ass
Exercise 2: Listen and complete the sentences. Then read the sentences
aloud. (Track 05)
1. He would like some ice .......................
2. They like ....................... color so much.
3. The baby is .......................
4. Doctors wear ....................... when working in hospital.
5. The queen has a gold .......................
6. The car accident has ....................... the road.
7. The apricot is .......................
8. The ice all over the lake has been .......................
9. He has a ....................... mobile.
10. Youth ....................... is a serious problem today.
Exercise 3: Look at the picture and complete with suitable words.
camel sheep buffalo tent
rice straw paddy field buffalo-drawn cart blackberry
fruit cattle beehive flowers

1 .............................. 2 .............................. 3 .............................. 4 ..............................

5 .............................. 6 .............................. 7 .............................. 8 ..............................


9 .............................. 10 ............................ 11 ............................ 12 ............................

Exercise 4: Complete the phrases below with the verbs in the box.
go herd climb fly pick
collect ride grill dry grow
1. ...................... tree 6. ...................... up
2. ...................... hay 7. ...................... the buffalo
3. ...................... the rice 8. ...................... flowers
4. ...................... herding 9. ...................... a horse
5. ...................... fish in rice straw 10. ...................... kite
Exercise 5: Complete the table with comparative form of adjectives.
No. Originalw Comparativeform No. Originalw Comparative form
ord ord
1. cheap ................................. 11. far .................................
2. cold ................................. 12. old .................................
3. thin ................................. 13. nicely .................................
4. good ................................. 14. well .................................
5. fast ................................. 15. slowly .................................
6. colorful ................................. 16. quick .................................
7. big ................................. 17. bad .................................
8. expensive ................................. 18. badly .................................
9. popular ................................. 19. modern .................................
10. long ................................. 20. pretty .................................
Exercise 6: Choose the correct answers.
1. This exam was easier/ more easy than old one.
2. Vung Tau is boreder/ more bored than Nha Trang.
3. She is prettier/ more pretty than Nina.
4. She is lazier/ more lazy than I am.
5. The well is deeper/ more deep than I think.
6. I love this bag because it is comfortabler/ more comfortable.
7. This film is boringer/ more boring than I expect.
8. He is taller/ more tall than I am.
9. Bikes are cheaper/ more cheap than cars.
10. January is colder/ more cold than June.


Exercise 7: Put the adjectives in brackets.
1. My sister is (more good-looking) than I am.
2. A book is (more wonderful) ......... than a comic.
3. Nina walks (more slowly) than her father.
4. She is (happier) .......................... than l am.
5. This bike is (cheaper) than mine = my bike.
6. This house is much (more comfortable) than that one.
7. A dog is (heavier) than a cat.
8. My pencil is (longer) .......... than yours.
9. New teacher is (nicer) than old one.
10. Ho Chi Minh is (larger) than Bien Hoa.
Exercise 8: Put the adjectives in brackets.
1. A new house is (more expensive) than an old one.
2. His job is (more important) than mine.
3. Nobody is (happier) than Miss Snow.
4. John is much (stronger) than I thought.
5. Benches are ( more comfortable) than arm chairs.
6. Bill is (good) better than you thought.
7. Is the book (more interesting) than the one you read last week?
8. Gold is (more precious) than iron.
9. Holidays are (more pleasant) than working days.
10. A dog is (weaker) than a horse.
Exercise 9: Write in full sentences using comparative form.
Ví dụ:
Hue/ small/ Hanoi
Hue is smaller than Hanoi.
1. My school is bigger than your school
 ....................................................................................................................................
2. Lan/ young/ Hoa.
 ....................................................................................................................................
3. My father/ old/ my mother.
 ....................................................................................................................................
4. This ruler/ long/ that ruler.
 ....................................................................................................................................
5. This room/ large/ my room.
 ....................................................................................................................................


6. The boys/ strong/ the girls.
 ....................................................................................................................................
7. My house/ small/ your house .
 ....................................................................................................................................
8. Nam/ short/ his sister.
 ....................................................................................................................................
Exercise 10: Rewrite the sentences keeping the same meaning.
1. My house is bigger than your house.
Your house.................................................................................................................
2. The black car is cheaper than the red car.
The red car.................................................................................................................
3. This film is more interesting than that one.
That film is..................................................................................................................
4. My kitchen is smaller than yours.
Your kitchen...............................................................................................................
5. My mother cannot cook as well as me.
I can............................................................................................................................
6. She has a house which is not as modern as my house.
My house is................................................................................................................
7. The movie was boring. I had been thought it was interesting.
The movie was...........................................................................................................
8. He cannot play tennis as well as Jack.
Jack can......................................................................................................................
9. I did not spend as much money as you.
You spent...................................................................................................................
10. I didn’t think this book is expensive as it is.
This book is.................................................................................................................


Exercise 1: Listen and complete the sentences. (Track 06)

1. We are close to the (1) ........................... when we are in the countryside.
2. People in the countryside are often open, plain, frank, generous and (2) .....................
3. The people in the countryside may not have lots of knowledge but they are simple
and (3) ...........................
4. Motors and (4) ........................... are seldom to be seen in the country side.


5. People are often contented because their (5) ........................... are few and are easily
Exercise 2: Listen again and answer the questions.
1. Who made the country and who made the town according to the Bible?
2. Can we get fresh air, fresh water, fresh fruit and vegetables in the countryside?
3. Who respect the old irrespective of caste and creed?
4. Where does the writer like living, in the city or in the countryside?
Exercise 3: Read the text and put the headings for each paragraph.
Discover New Cultures Clutter-free Life
Cheaper Living The Ability to Live and Visit Anywhere
1. ......................................................................................
Owning a home naturally lends itself to clutter. You have so much room, why not fill it?
Nomadic life removes all this space and leaves you with the bare essentials. Backpackers
trim their belongings down to what they can fit in their packs; and RV-ers must limit
their possessions to what can fit in their RV. While your new RV is spacious and roomy,
you will think twice about loading up your old treadmill.
2. ......................................................................................
Removing a rent or mortgage payment frees up a large amount of cash. While living on
the road can make holding a traditional job difficult, many nomads are turning to the
Internet to fund their journeys. You may also be able to get work from town-to-town.
Bear in mind that the nomadic life has its own expenses. For example, nomads who live
in a RV must continually fuel their home, find campsites and pay for insurance.
3. ......................................................................................
A nomad experiences the ultimate in geographical freedom. This is one of the most
attractive benefits of nomadic living. You can follow every inclination and desire you
have. Want to see the Grand Canyon? Plot a course. Need to get your feet in the sand?
Head for the coast. Nomads can follow their fantasies and make them reality.
4. ......................................................................................
According to a study by the Kellogg School of Management, those who have lived
abroad or nomadic lifestyles were consistently more creative and able tothink outside
the box. Exposing yourself to new cultures can do wonders for your mental acuity by
learning new ways of thought, traditions and morals.
RV: ngôi nhà di động


Exercise 4: Read the text answer the questions.
Vietnam is an agricultural country and about 67% of Vietnamese people live in the rural
areas. Both men and women work on the fields. Rural women in Vietnam typically do
hard outdoor physical labor, which keeps them physically fit and strong. Everyday, they
wake up early to get started on their work, normally before the sun comes up. The fields
are near their houses, so they often walk to the field. The entire family helps out during
planting and harvest. Each family member has certain tasks to do. Men do heavy labor
like plowing and digging. Women work around the house, and help with the harvest,
planting and weeding. The elderly do light labor. Children, if not going to school, will
help the house chores. Girls clean, cook, and work in the vegetable garden; while boys
carry water, and help the men in the field. In the countryside, almost every house has a
garden to grow vegetables, fruits for family demand or selling for more incomes. Besides
growing vegetables, they also keep cattle, pigs and poultry. The day ends up with a
family meal together. It’s a great time for all family members to share their stories and
get closer to each other.
1. How many percent of Vietnamese people live in the rural areas?
2. Do the farmers wake up late to get started on their work everyday?
3. How do they often go to their field?
4. How do they divide tasks in their family: tasks of men, women and the elderly?
5. Why does each family often have a garden?
6. When is the time for all family members to share their stories?
Exercise 5: Look at the picture, answer the questions. Then practise asking
and answering questions in oral speech.


1. Where are the people?
2. How many people are there?
3. Who is the farmer?
4. Why would the foreigner like to discover like in the countryside?
5. What are they doing?
6. What do you think of country life?
7. Where do you like living? In the city or in the countryside? Why?
Exercise 6: Describe the picture in front of the class. (oral presentation)
Exercise 7. Follow the direction and write in full sentences
1. Equal comparison
a.Mary/ tall/ her brother.
b. A lemon/ not sweet/ an orange.
c.A donkey/ not big/ a horse.
d.This dress/ pretty/ that one.
e.The blue house/ not big/ the red house.
2. Comparative
a.A rose/ beautiful/ a weed.
b. A dog/ intelligent/ a chicken.
c.Ba/ friendly/ Nam.
d.Your house/ far/ from school / my house.


e.A horse/ strong/ a person.
3. Superlative
a.The Nile is the longest river in the world.
b.Lan is the tallest student in my class.
c.Russia is the biggest country in the world.
d.Australia is the smallest continent in the world.
e.That is the highest mountain in the world.

Exercise 8: Rewrite the sentences without changing the meaning.

1. Her old house is bigger than her new one.
 Her new house is smaller than her old one.
2. No one in my class is taller than Peter.
 Peter is the tallest student in my class
3. The black dress is more expensive than the white one.
 The white dress
4. According to me, English is easier than Maths.
 According to me, Maths is more difficult than E
5. No one in my group is more intelligent than Mary.
 Mary is the most intelligent person in my group
6. No river in the world is longer than the Nile.
 The Nile is the longest river in the world
7. Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world.
 No mountain in the world is as high as Mount Everest.
No mountain in the world is higher than Mount Everest.
8. This is the first time I have ever met such a pretty girl.
 She is the prettiest girl I have ever met.
Such (a/an)+ adj + N
This is the first time I have ever read such an interesting book.
9. He works much. He feels tired.
1. So sánh kép: Càng…thì …càng…
The more + (adj) + S + V/be, the more +(adj) + S + V
The + adjer + S + V , the + adjer + S + V
The more he works, the more tired he feels.
The older he gets/is, the more handsome he is.
The more he travels, the more he knows about the world


2. So sánh kép: Càng ngày càng .. ( sự thay đổi dần dần)
S + be + getting /becoming + adj-er + and + adj-er
more and more + adj
My sister is becoming taller and taller.
My sister is becoming more and more intelligent.
Her sister is becoming more and more beautiful.

10. This computer works better than that one.

 That computer works worse than this one.

1._______ she works, _______ she achieves.

A. The harder/the less. B. The more/the more

C. The hardest/the most D. The more hard/the more lot

2. My younger brother is ________________. Naughty ( adj)

A. more and more naughty       B. much and much naughty

C. most and most naughty        D. naughtier and naughtier

3. Hill is becoming ________________.

A. more and more tall               B. taller and taller

C. tall and tall                             D. much and much tall

4. _____________ the test is,_____________her score is.

A. harder/lower                        B. The harder/the lower

C. hard/low                              D. The more hard/the more low

5. _____________ my father is,____________ I feel.

A. angrier/worse              B. The more angrier/the more worse

C. angry/bad                 D. The angrier/the worse


6. _____________ she thinks of, ____________ she makes.

A. idea/post                                          B. ideas/posts

C. The more ideas/the more posts        D. The ideas/the posts

7. _____ babies cry, ____ my aunt feeds them.

A. The harder/the more quickly              B. hard/quickly

C. The more harder/the more quickly     D. harder/quicklier

8. Many students think that ___ they graduate from university, ____
chance they have to find a good job.

A. The sooner/the better                         B. soon/good

C. The soon/the good                             D. The more soon/the more good

9. Women’s employment rate is getting ____________.

A. high and high                                     B. higher and the highest

C. high and higher                                  D. higher and higher

10. _____________ the test is, _______________ it is to succeed.

A. The more difficult/the sweeter       B. difficult/sweet

C. more difficult/sweeter                   D. The more difficult/the more sweeter

Bài 2: Viết lại câu sao cho nghĩa không đổi.

1. If I eat a lot of rice, I will gain weight.

The more rice I eat, the more weight I will gain

2.Tung spends a lot of money and time with his girlfriend,

he becomes happy.

The more money and time Tung spends with his girlfriend,

the happier he becomes

3a. The joke is talented. The laughter is loud.

The more talented the joke is, the louder the laughter is

3b. She goes to bed late. She feels tired.


3b. She goes to bed late. She feels tired.
The later she goes to bed, the more tired she feels.
4. As her father gets older, he wants to travel less.
The older her father gets, the less he wants to travel
5. As this road gets busy, it becomes dangerous.
The busier this road gets, the more dangerous it becomes
6. They are young, they learn easily.
The youger they are, the more easily they learn
7. The hotel is cheap, the services are bad.
The cheaper the hotel is, the worse the services are
8. He uses much electricity, his bill will be high.
The more electricity he uses, the higher his bill will be.
9. When technology is modern, the world’s environment
becomes worse and worse.
The more modern technology is, the worse the world’s environment

Bài 3: Điền dạng đúng của các từ trong ngoặc.

1. My son is getting  __________________. (high)

2. Bob is getting ____________________. (fat)
3. Jim’s situation became _____________. (difficult)
4. __________ my grandparents get, _____________ they are. (old –
5. __________ it is, ___________ Hoa is. (hot – weak)
6. The company expanded rapidly. It grew ______________ all the
period. (big)
7. Life got _______________ for Viet as the company became
_________________. (good – successful)
8. ____________ we eat, _____________ we get. (many – fat)
9. As Microsoft grew, Bill Gates got _________________. (rich)
10. Her job gets _________________ every year. (hard)

Bài 4: Hoàn thành câu với cấu trúc so sánh kép.

1)   He gets ………………. (boring). I can’t listen to him any longer.

2)   I didn’t like this book at first, but it’s getting ……………….(interesting).


3)   My daughter’s English results are getting ………………. (bad).

4)   The boss will be angry with you. You arrive ………………. (late) at

5)   In spring the weather gets ………………. (warm).

6)   It’s time you tidied your room. It’s getting ………………. (messy).

7)   Food is getting ………………. (expensive).

8)   I think TV programs are getting ………………. (violent).

9)   I find it ………………. (difficult) to see him.

10)   She’s getting over her operation. She feels ………………. (good).

Viết lại các câu sau theo gợi ý

1. He works much. He feels tired.

-> The more …………………………………………………

2. The apartment is big. The rent is high.

->  The bigger ………………………………………………….

3. The joke is good. The laughter is loud.

-> The better ……………………………………………….……..

4. She gets fat. She feels tired.

-> The fatter ……………………………………………….………

5. The children are excited with the difficult games.

-> The more ……………………………………………….………

6. If you read many books, you will have much knowledge.

→ The more …………………………………………………………………….

7. He speaks too much and people feel bored.


→ The more …………………………………………………………………….

8. The growth in the economy makes people’s living condition better.

→ The more …………………………………………………………………….

9. He learned a lot of things as he traveled far.

→ The farther……………………………………………………………………

Bài tập 2
Tìm lỗi sai (nếu có) và sửa lại
1. The more she study, the smarter she will become.
2. The more I looks into your eyes, the more I love you.
3. The bigger the apartment is, the high the rent is.
4. The more difficult the games are, the excited the children
5. The more money he has, the most he wants to spend
Bài tập 3
Viết lại các câu 
1. The shorter, the better
2. The closer to the Earth’s pole, the greater the gravitational
3. The bigger they are, the faster they fall
4. The sooner you take your medicine, the better you will feel
Bài tập 4
Điền dạng đúng của động từ trong ngoặc
1. The weather gets __________________. (cold)
2. Bob is getting ____________________. (fat)
3. Jim’s situation became _____________. (difficult)
4. __________ my grandparents get, _____________ they are. (old
– happy)
5. __________ it is, ___________ Hoa is. (hot – weak)
6. The company expended rapidly. It grew ______________ all
the priod. (big)


7. Life got __________ for Viet as the company became
__________. (good – successful)
8. ____________ we eat, _____________ we get. (many – fat)
9. As Microsoft grew, Bill Gates got _________________. (rich)
10. Her job gets _________________ every year. (hard)





Clusters: /sk/, /sp/, and /st/
1. Âm /sk/
Âm /sk/ được ghép từ 2 phụ âm /s/ và /k/.
Để phát âm âm /sk/ ta phát âm nhanh âm /s/ rồi sau đó chuyển sang âm /k/
2. Âm /sp/
Âm /sp/ được ghép từ 2 phụ âm /s/ và /p/.
Để phát âm âm /sp/ ta phát âm nhanh âm /s/ rồi sau đó chuyển sang âm /k/
Các em thực hành phát âm các âm tiết sau:
/sk/ /sp/ /st/
skate /skeɪt/ speech /spiːtʃ/ stairs /steər/
basket /ˈbɑːskɪt/ special /ˈspeʃəl/ stun /stʌn/
task /tɑːsk/ speciality /ˌspeʃiˈæləti/ staff /stɑːf/
school /skuːl/ space /speɪs/ stay /steɪ/

according to adv /əˈkɔːdɪŋ tuː/ theo như
account for v /əˈkaʊnt fɔːr/ lí giải
against pre /əˈgents/ chống lại
alternating song n /ˈɒltəneɪtɪŋ sɒŋ/ bài hát giao duyên, đối đáp
ancestor n /ˈænsestər/ tổ tiên
architect n /ˈɑːkɪtekt/ kiến trúc
bamboo n /bæmˈbuː/ cây tre
basic adj /ˈbeɪsɪk/ cơ bản
basket n /ˈbɑːskɪt/ cái rổ, cái giỏ, cái thúng


belong to v /bɪˈlɒŋ tʊ/ thuộc về
boarding school n /ˈbɔːdɪŋ skuːl/ trường nội trú
cattle n /ˈkætl/ gia súc
centre n /ˈsentər/ trung tâm
ceremony n /ˈserɪməni/ nghi thức, nghi lễ
colourful adj /ˈkʌləfəl/ nhiều màu sắc
communal house n /ˈkɒmjʊnəl haʊs/ nhà rông
complicated adj /ˈkɒmplɪkeɪtɪd/ phức tạp
costume n /ˈkɒstjuːm/ trang phục
country n /ˈkʌntri/ đất nước
curious (about) adj /ˈkjʊəriəs əˈbaʊt/ tò mò (về điều gì)
custom n /ˈkʌstəmz/ thói quen, phong tục
design v, n /dɪˈzaɪn/ thiết kế, phác thảo
difficulty n /ˈdɪfɪkəlti/ sự khó khăn
discriminate v /dɪˈskrɪmɪneɪt/ phân biệt, kì thị
display n /dɪspleɪ/ sự trưng bày
diverse adj /daɪˈvɜːs/ đa dạng
element n /ˈelɪmənt/ yếu tố
ethnic adj /ˈeθnɪk/ thuộc dân tộc
ethnic minority n /ˈeθnɪk maɪˈnɒrəti / dân tộc thiểu số
ethnology n /eθˈnɒlədʒi/ dân tộc học
exhibition n /eksɪˈbɪʃn/ sự triển lãm, cuộc triển lãm
far-away adj /fɑːr əˈweɪ/ xa xôi
festival n /ˈfestɪvl/ lễ hội
find out v /faɪnd aʊt/ tìm ra, phát hiện
flat n /flæt/ căn hộ
gather v /ˈɡæðər/ tụ họp, tập hợp
group n /gruːp/ nhóm
guest n /gest/ vị khách
harmony n /ˈhaːməni/ sự hài hòa
heritage site n /ˈherɪtɪdʒ saɪt/ khu di tích
hunt n /hʌnt/ sự săn bắn, cuộc đi săn
insignificant adj /ɪnsɪɡˈnɪfɪkənt/ không quan trọng
instead adv /ɪnˈsted/ thay vì vậy
item n /ˈaɪtəm/ món đồ
language n /ˈlæŋɡwɪdʒ/ ngôn ngữ


law n /lɔː/ luật, phép tắc
literature n /ˈlɪtərɪtʃər/ văn học
local people n /ˈləʊkl ˈpiːpl / người dân địa phương
major adj /ˈmeɪdʒər/ lớn, chủ yếu
majority n /məˈdʒɒrəti/ phần lớn, đa số
member n /ˈmembər/ thành viên
minority n /maɪˈnɒrəti/ thiểu số, phần nhỏ
modern adj /ˈmɒdən/ hiện đại
mostly adv /ˈməʊstli/ hầu hết, phần lớn
mountainous adj /ˈmaʊntɪnəs/ nhiều núi non
mountainous region n /ˈmaʊntɪnəsˈriːdʒən/ vùng núi
museum of ethnology n /mjuˈziːəm əv eθˈnɒlədʒi/ bảo tàng dân tộc học
musical instrument n /ˈmjuːzɪkl ˈɪnstrəmənt/ nhạc cụ
north n /nɔːθ/ phía bắc
northern adj /ˈnɔːðən/ thuộc phía bắc
occasion n /əˈkeɪʒən/ dịp, cơ hội
open-air market n /ˈəʊpən - eərˈmɑːkɪt/ chợ ngoài trời
pagoda n /pəˈɡəʊdə/ ngôi chùa
people n /ˈpiːpl/ mọi người
poor adj /pɔːr/ nghèo
population n /pɒpjuˈleɪʃn/ dân số
poultry n /ˈpəʊltri/ gia cầm
province n /ˈprɒvɪns/ tỉnh
region n /ˈriːdʒən/ vùng, miền
religious group n /rɪˈlɪdʒəs gruːp/ nhóm tôn giáo
represent v /reprɪˈzent/ đại diện
scarf n /skaːf/ khăn quàng
schooling n /ˈskuːlɪŋ/ việc học
shawl n /ʃɔːl/ chiếc khăn piêu
simple adj /ˈsɪmpl/ đơn giản
south n /saʊθ/ phía nam
southern adj /ˈsʌðən/ thuộc phía nam
sow seed v /səʊ siːd/ gieo hạt
speciality n /speʃiˈælɪti/ đặc sản
spicy adj /ˈspaɪsi/ cay
sticky rice n /ˈstɪki raɪs/ xôi


stilt house n /ˈstɪlts haʊs/ nhà sàn
sugar n /ˈʃʊgər/ đường
temple n /ˈtempl/ ngôi đền
terraced field n /ˈterəst fiː:ld/ ruộng bậc thang
tool n /tuːl/ công cụ, dụng cụ
tradition n /trəˈdɪʃən/ truyền thống
unforgettable adj /ʌnfəˈɡetəbl/ không thê quên được
unique adj /jʊˈniːk/ duy nhất
waterwheel n /ˈwɔːtəwiːl/ bánh xe quay nước
way of life n /weɪəv laɪf/ cách sống

1. Types of question (Các dạng câu hỏi)
Có 2 dạng câu hỏi chính trong tiếng Anh đó là câu hỏi sử dụng từ hỏi (thường gọi là
wh-question) và câu hỏi dạng yes-no question.
a.Who hoặc What: Từ hỏi dùng để hỏi chủ ngữ
Đây là câu hỏi khi muốn biết chủ ngữ hay chủ thể của hành động.

Who/What + Verb + (complement) + (modifier)?

• What: Dùng để hỏi về sự vật/ sự việc

Ví dụ:
What happened to Mary?
Chuyện gì xảy ra với Mary thế?
She had an accident happened last night.
Cô ấy bị tai nạn tối hôm qua.

• Who: Dùng để hỏi về người.

Ví dụ:
Who lent you money?
Ai cho bạn mượn tiền?
My friend lent me money.
Bạn mình cho mình mượn tiền.
b. Whom hoặc What: Từ hỏi dùng để hỏi tân ngữ
Đây là các câu hỏi dùng khi muốn biết tân ngữ hay đối tượng chịu tác động của hành

Whom/ What + auxiliary + subject + verb?


• Whom: Từ hỏi dùng để hỏi về người.
Ví dụ:
Whom did you give the book to?
Bạn đã tặng cuốn sách cho ai?
I gave it to Tom.
Tôi tặng nó cho Tom.
• What: Từ hỏi dùng để hỏi về đồ vật/ sự vật/ sự việc
Ví dụ:
What did your brother buy?
Em trai bạn đã mua gì?
He bought some sweets.
Cậu ấy mua vài chiếc kẹo.
c. When, Where, How và Why: Từ hỏi dùng để hỏi về trạng ngữ

When, Where, How, Why + auxiliary I subject + verb?

How: Dùng để hỏi về phương tiện đi lại

When: Dùng để hỏi về thời gian
Where: Dùng để hỏi về nơi chốn/ địa điểm
Why: Dùng để hỏi về lí do
Ví dụ:
-How: How did Lan get to school yesterday?
Hôm qua Lan đến trường bằng phương tiện gì?
She went to school by bus.
Cô ấy đến trường bằng xe buýt.
-When: When did you go to the cinema?
Bạn đã đi rạp chiếu phim khi nào?
I went to the cinema yesterday.
Mình đã đi rạp chiếu phim ngày hôm qua.
-Why: Why did she fail the exam?
Tại sao cô ấy thi trượt?
Because she was lazy.
Bởi vì cô ấy lười học.
-Where: Where do you like going?
Bạn thích đi đâu?
I like going to the museum.
Mình thích đi viện bào tàng.


d. Ngoài ra ta còn có rất nhiều câu hỏi với “how”:
How ... Usage Example
How much Dùng để hỏi với danh How much water do you need?
từ không đếm được Bạn cần bao nhiêu nước?
How many Dùng để hỏi với danh How many books does she have?
từ đếm được Cô ấy có bao nhiêu cuốn sách?
How old Dùng để hỏi tuổi How old is your mother?
Mẹ bạn bao nhiêu tuổi?
How often Dùng để hỏi về tần How often do you go to the cinema?
suất Bạn đi xem phim bao lâu một lần?
How long Dùng để hỏi về thời How long have you been waiting for me?
lượng của hành động Bạn chờ tớ bao lâu rồi?
How far Dùng để hỏi về khoảng How far is it from your house to school?
cách Khoảng cách từ nhà bạn đến trường học
bao xa?
How + adj Dùng để hỏi về tính How large is the yard?
chất Cái sân rộng như thế nào?
1.2.Câu hỏi Yes/ No
Đối với dạng câu hỏi này, chúng ta chỉ có 2 cách trả lời: Hoặc là trả lời Yes, hoặc là trả
lời No.

Yes, + S + positive verb

No, + S + negative verb.

Ví dụ:
•Are you going to the cinema tonight?
Tối nay bạn có đi xem phim không?
Yes, I am. Or: No, I am not.
Có, mình có đi. Hoặc: Không, mình không đi.
•Was your father sick yesterday?
Hôm qua bố bạn bị ốm à?
Yes, he was. Or: No, he wasn’t.
Vâng, đúng vậy. Hoặc: Không, không phải.
•Have you seen this film before?
Trước kia bạn xem bộ phim này chưa?
Yes, I have. Or: No, I haven’t.
Ừ, mình đã xem. Hoặc: Không, mình chưa xem.
•Will you take part in this competition?


Bạn có tham gia kì thi này không?
Yes, I will. Or: No, I won’t.
Có, tớ có. Hoặc: Không, tớ không.
•Did you go to the zoo last week?
Tuần trước bạn đi sở thú à?
Yes, I did. Or: No, I didn’t.
Ừ, đúng vậy. Hoặc: Không, không phải.
•Does your mother like reading news?
Mẹ bạn thích đọc báo à?
Yes, she does. Or: No, she doesn’t.
Vâng, đúng vậy. Hoặc: Không, không phải.
2.Articles (Mạo từ)
2.1. Indefinite articles: a, an. (Mạo từ không xác định: a, an)
•Mạo từ không xác định a.
Dùng trước danh từ đếm được (số ít) khi danh từ đó bắt đầu bằng 1 phụ âm và
danh từ đó chưa được xác định (bất định).
Ví dụ:a banana, a book.
• Mạo từ không xác định an.
Dùng như mạo từ a nhưng danh từ theo sau a phải bắt đầu bằng 1 nguyên âm
(trong cách phát âm) hoặc 1 “h” câm.
Ví dụ:an apple, an orange, an hour, an honest man
2.2.Definite articles: the (Mạo từ xác định: the)
Mạo từ xác định “the” được dùng trước một danh từ để diễn tả một (hoặc nhiều)
người, vật, sự vật nào đó đã được xác định rồi. Nghĩa là cả người nói và người nghe
đều biết đối tượng được đề cập tới.
Ví dụ:
My mother is in the garden.
Mẹ tôi đang ở trong vườn.
My father is reading in the room.
Bố tôi đang đọc sách trong phòng.
Các trường hợp dùng “the” khác thường gặp.
• Chỉ một người, vật duy nhất tồn tại
Ví dụ:
The earth goes around the sun.
Trái đất quay quanh mặt trời.
The sun rises in the East.
Mặt trời mọc hướng đông.


•Chỉ một vật dùng tượng trưng cho cả loài
Ví dụ:
The horse is a noble animal.
Ngựa là một loài động vật cao quý.
The dog is a faithful animal.
Chó là một loài động vật trung thành.
•Trong dạng so sánh nhất
Ví dụ:
She is the most beautiful girl in this class.
Cô ấy xinh nhất lớp này.
Paris is the biggest city in France.
Pari là thành phố lớn nhất nước Pháp.
• Trước 1 tính từ được dùng làm danh từ để chỉ 1 lớp người và thường có nghĩa số
Ví dụ:
The old in this village are very friendly.
Người già trong làng này rất thân thiện.
The poor depend upon the rich.
Người nghèo phụ thuộc vào người giàu.
• Trước danh từ riêng (proper noun) số nhiều để chỉ vợ chồng hay cả họ (cả gia đình)
Ví dụ:
The Smiths always go fishing in the country on Sundays.
Gia đình ông Smith luôn đi câu cá ở vùng quê vào ngày Chủ nhật.
Do you know the Browns?
Cậu có biết gia đình ông Brown không?
•Trước tên: rặng núi, sông, quần đảo, vịnh, biển, đại dương, tên sách và báo chí, và
tên các chiếc tàu.
Ví dụ:The Philippines, the Times ...
•Trước danh từ về dân tộc, giáo phái để chỉ toàn thể
Ví dụ:
The Chinese, the Americans and the French were at war with the Germans.
Người Trung Quốc, Người Mỹ và người Pháp đều chiến tranh với người Đức.
The Catholics and the Protestants believe in Christ.
Người theo đạo Công giáo và đạo Tin lành đều tin vào Chúa.
•Trước tên nhạc cụ
Ví dụ:
I could play the guitar when I was 6.


Tôi có thể chơi đàn ghi ta khi tôi 6 tuổi.
• Khi sau danh từ đó có of
Ví dụ:
The history of England is interesting.
Lịch sử nước Anh rất thú vị.

Chú ý:
Thông thường ta không dùng the trước tên 1 môn học.

Exercise 1: Put the words containing /sk/ or /sp/ or /st/ in correct columns.
treasure skirt clasp schedule spy
sky cracks atmosphere special ancestor
disc spouse stuck phosphate smoke
scissors stand sculpture cyclist stain
least skis packs snake scholarship
spark hospital speak lips philosophy
psychology request space scanner spill

/sk/ /sp/ /st/

............................................ ............................................ ............................................
............................................ ............................................ ............................................
............................................ ............................................ ............................................
............................................ ............................................ ............................................
............................................ ............................................ ............................................
Exercise 2: Listen and complete with the words you hear. (Track 07)
1. What’s the name of your ...........................?
2. There are some ........................... from ATC Corporation coming here today.
3. My family usually goes ........................... in winter.
4. ........................... of use of this device is quite limited.
5. He is working as a ...........................
6. She does not do any ...........................
7. Before reading for details, you should ........................ the text to obtain its main idea.
8. There are some ........................... around my house.
9. Bring me that ..........................., please!
10. In this competition, people who come the ........................... will win.
11. Would you like to have some ........................... cakes?


12. The thief had ........................... some precious pictures.
Exercise 3: Look at the pictures and complete with suitable words.
open-air market communal house bamboo stilt house
waterwheel shawl scarf
basket terraced field poultry pagoda

1. .................................... 2. .................................... 3. ....................................

4. .................................... 5. .................................... 6. ....................................

7. .................................... 8. .................................... 9. ....................................

10. ...................................
11. .................................... 12. ....................................
Exercise 4: Complete the phrase with availa ble words.
minority local song boarding heritage
1. alternating ......................... 4. ......................... site
2. ......................... school 5. ......................... people
3. ethnic .........................
Exercise 5: Choose the correct answers.
1. A: .................... is your favourite cartoon?
B: It is “Kung Fu Panda”.
A. Who B. What C. When D. Why
2. A: .................... is the weathergirl on VTV3 at 8 o’clock tonight?


B: She is Hoai Anh.
A. Who B. What C. When D. Why
3. A: .................... is the film “Harry Potter”?
B: It is very mysterious and thrilling.
A. Who B. What C. When D. How
4. A: .................... is the studio of Vietnam Television?
B: In Hanoi.
A. When B. Where C.Why D. How
5. A: .................... do people like watching game shows?
B: Because they are educational and entertaining.
A. When B.Where C. Why D. How
6. A: .................... did the first channel broadcast in the world?
B: In 1928.
A. When B.Where C. Why D. How
7. A: .................... do you watch this TV programme?
B: Three times a week.
A. When B.How often C. How long D. How much
8. A: .................... have we watched this programme?
B: About one year.
A. When B.How often C. How long D. How much
9. A: .................... televisions are there in your house?
B: There are two televisions in my house.
A. How many B. How much C. How long D. How often
10. A: .................... will you buy a new television?
B: Maybe tomorrow.
A. Why B. Where C. When D. How
Exercise 6: Complete the conversations with suitable question words.
A: Hey. (1) .................... will you go home?
B: About 5 pm. And you?
A: Me too. (2) .................... do you often do in your free time?
B: I often listen to music or watch TV.
A: Oh. I also often watch TV in my free time. (3) ............... hours a day doyou watch TV?
B: About one hour. How about you?
A: About three hours. (4) .................... don’t you spend more time watchingtelevision?
There are a lot of interesting programmes on TV.
B: I heard that watching too much TV is bad for our health.
A: Really? (5) .................... does it affect our health?
B: It can hurt our eyes and mentality, so you should watch TV less.


A: Oh no. I will do so. Thank you very much! (6) .................... are you goingto do this
B: I am not sure. (7) .................... is your plan?
A: I am thinking of going to My Khe beach.
B: (8) .................... is it located?
A: It is in Da Nang city.
B: (9) .................... is it from our town to that beach?
A: Not really far, just about 30 km.
A: (10) .................... are you going there?
B: I’m going by car.
B: (11) .................... are you going with?
A: Maybe I’m going alone. Would you be interested in joining me?
B: Sure, I’d love to. (12) .................... are you going to leave?
A: I think that we can leave around 8:00 on Saturday morning.
A: That sounds good!
Exercise 7: Write questions for the underlined parts. (1)
1. I went to the cinema with my cousins.
2. I stayed in New Zealand for six months.
3. She called the firemen because her cat stuck in a tree.
4. I bought two kilos of oranges.
5. John wrote about his grandparents.
6. I watched a very good film on TV last night.
7. She made some coffee for her mother.
8. Susan gave the money to her brother.
9. We went to school by bus.
10. I was tired yesterday evening because I worked very hard.
Exercise 8: Write questions for the underlined parts. (2)


1. Mary invited a lot of people to the party.
2. No, we didn’t go to the cinema last night.
3. Shakira grew up in Colombia.
4. He went on holiday with his friends.
5. She didn’t do anything.
6. I borrowed my teacher’s dictionary.
7. Someone gave some money to Mike.
8. Maria helped John with his homework yesterday.
9. Shakespeare died in 1616.
10. He didn’t dance at the disco because he was tired.
Exercise 9: Complete the sentences with suitable articles.
1. This house is very nice. Has it got ............... garden?
2. It’s a beautiful day. Let’s sit in ............... garden.
3. Can you recommend ............... good restaurant?
4. We had dinner in ............... most expensive restaurant in town.
5. There isn’t ............. airport near where I live ............ nearest airport is 70miles away.
6. “Are you going away next week?” - “No, ............... week after next”.
7. This morningIbought ............. newspaper and ............ magazine. ............ newspaper
is in my bag but I don’t know where I put ............... magazine.
8. I saw............. accident this morning ............. car crashed into .............. tree. ..............
driver of ............... car wasn’t hurt but ............... car was badly damaged.
9. There are two cars parked outside: ............... blue one and ............... grey
one. ............... blue one belongs to my neighbors. I don’t know who ...............
ownerof ............... grey one is.
10. My friends live in ............ old house in ............ small village. There is ........... beautiful
garden behind ............... house. I would like to have ............... gardenlike this.
Exercise 10: Choose the correct answers.
1. Mrs. Lan went to ................. school to meet her son’s teacher.


A. none B. a C. an D.the

2. The workmen went to ................. church to repair the roof.

A. none B. the C.a D.an
3. Carol went to ................. prison to meet her brother.
A. the B. a C.an D.none
4. This morning I bought a newspaper and a magazine ................. newspaper is in my
bag but I don’t know where ................. magazine.
A. A/ a B. A/ the C.The/ the D. The/ a
5. My parents have ................. cat and ................. dog. The dog never bites the cat.
A. a/ a B. a/ the C.the/ the D. the/ a
6. We live in ................. big house in ................. middle of the village.
A. a/ a B. a/ the C.the/ the D. the/ a
7. I’m looking for ................. job. Did Mary get ................. job she applied for?
A. a/ the B. the/a C.a/ a D. the/ the
8. Did ................. police find ................. person who stole your bicycle?
A. a/ a B. the/ the C.a/ the D. the/ a
9. We went out for .............. meal last night ............. restaurant we went was excellent.
A. a/ A B. the/ The C. a/ The D. the/ A
10. As I was walking along the street, I saw ................. 10 note on ................. pavement.
A. a/ a B. the/ the C. a/ the D. the/ a


Exercise 1: Listen and complete the text. (Track 08)

1. The Cham have lived along the (1) ..................... of central Vietnam for alongtime.
2. Betel chewing is very (2) ..................... to people’s daily life and traditional rituals.
3. (3) ..................... wear shirts fastened down the center with buttons.
4. The (4) ..................... of Cham live in Ninh Thuan and Binh Thuan.
5. Cham women take the initiative in (5) .....................
Exercise 2: Listen again and write T (true)/ F(false) for each statement.
No. Statements T/F
1. The Cham don’t possess a rich culture.
2. The Cham often eat fish, meat and bulb vegetables with rice.
3. Rice and can wines are Cham’s unfavourite drinks.
4. Cham women wear long-sleeved pullover blouses.


5. The children are named after the family name of the father.
Exercise 3: Read the text and match the words with their definition.
The first thing visitors see is water spilling over rock formation into a stream flanked by
rice mortars, a reflection of the unique cultural identity of the Muong people. The
centuries-old Muong culture is captured in two sections: a reenactment section and a
display section. The reenactment section contains 4 Muong stilt houses that illustrate
the social stratification of feudal society. The Muong houses are differentiated by
socialstatus - the “Lang” house for the most powerful families, the “Âu” house for the
mandarins, the ‘Tạo” house for ordinary people, and the “Nõ” house for the lowest
class, such as widows and orphans. Further on are display rooms which showcase
traditional Muong handicrafts such as knitted woven and embroidered fabrics, tools for
hunting and farming, and items used in festivals, traditional observances, and religious
practice. Visitor Ngo Thu Nga from Hanoi told VOV: “I am grateful for the initiative, love
of Muong culture, and effort that created these displays and this museum.”
No. Words Opt. Definition
1. visitor a. the way of life, especially the general customs and beliefs,
of a particular group of people at a particular time
2. unique b. having a lot of power to control people and events
3. culture c. a building where objects of historical, scientific or artistic
interest are kept
4. stilt house d. a large group of people who live together in an organized
5. society e. not different or special or unexpected in any way; usual
6. powerful f. someone who visits a person or place
7. ordinary g. relating to religion
8. traditional h. A type of house of Muong ethnic people built on long
9. religious i. following or belonging to the customs or ways of behaving
that have continued in a group of people or society for a
long time
10. museum j. being the only existing one of its type or, more generally,
unusual or special in some way
Exercise 4: Read the text and answer the questions.
The most recognisable traditional garment you’re likely to see in Vietnam today is the ao
dai, an item of national dress consisting of a long, tight-fitting, silk tunic worn over loose
trousers. The design of the modern ao dai is a variation on more traditional forms of
dress, and was perfected in the 1950s. Though it was banned in the late 1970s, the ao
dai has since seen a resurgence and many women in Vietnam continue to wear it, often
as part of a uniform for schools, universities and public service roles.


The male equivalent of the ao dai is called the ao gam, and is a brocade tunic ordinarily
worn only on special occasions, such as birthdays or festivals. You are less likely to see
the ao gam than the ao dai in a day-to-day setting in Vietnam.
More well-known even than the ao dai, the non la is a style of Vietnamese conical hat
that has become symbolic not just of Vietnam but of East Asia in general for many
Westerners. The hat, which is usually made from bamboo or straw, appears in
Vietnamese art dating from 2,500-3,000 years ago, and is considered part of modern
Vietnamese national costume.
From the early twentieth century onwards, most Vietnamese have worn Western-style
clothing in day-to-day life, while members of minority ethnic groups in the north of
country still commonly wear the traditional dress of their own particular locality.
1. What’s the most recognisable traditional garment in Vietnam?
2. When was the “Ao dai” perfected?
3. What is the male equivalent of the “Ao dai”?
4. What is the “non la” made from?
5. What have Vietnamese women worn since the early twentieth century?
Exercise 5: Look at the picture, answer the questions. Then practise asking
and answering questions in oral speech.


1. Where is the scene?
2. What are they wearing?
3. What are they doing?
4. What are they setting?
5. Describe their clothes.
Exercise 6: Describe the picture in front of the class. (oral presentation)
Exercise 7: Make Yes/ No questions for these sentences. Number 0 is an
example for you.
0. You are learning English.
 Are you learning English?
1. She is hungry.
2. He can swim well.
3. They were tired after the game.
4. She will return to America.
5. I may leave a message now.
6. They have all left
7. We shall wait a little longer.
8. You listen to music.
9. They work in New York.
10. She visits her aunt.
11. We began the course in May.


12. Her car goes very slowly.
Exercise 8: Make questions for the underlined parts.
1. The dictionary is 200.000 dong.
2. I made it from a piece of wood.
3. She bought it at the shop over there.
4. No, I wasn’t. (I was tired after the trip.)
5. It took her three hours to finish the composition.
6. I need a phone card to phone my parents.
7. It’s about 1.500 km from Hue to Ho Chi Minh City.
8. The bank is opposite the restaurant.
9. The dress looked very nice.
10. I saw her last night.





Clusters: /spr/ and /str/
1.Âm /spr/
Âm /spr/ được ghép từ 3 phụ âm /s/, /p/ và /r/.
Để phát âm âm /spr/ ta kết hợp 3 phụ âm trên và phát âm /spr/
2.Âm /str/
Âm /str/ được ghép từ 3 phụ âm /s/, /t/ và /r/.
Để phát âm âm /str/ ta kết hợp 3 phụ âm trên và phát âm /str/
Các em thực hành phát âm các âm tiết sau:
/spr/ /str/
spray /spreɪ/ strong /strɒŋ/
sprint/sprɪnt/ strength /streŋθ/
spring /sprɪŋ/ stream /striːm/
sprite/spraɪt/ strange /streɪndɪ/
spruce /spruːs/ stress /stres/

accepted adj /əkˈseptɪd/ được công nhận
according to social phr /əˈkɔːdɪŋ təˈsəʊʃl theo như phong tục
custom ˈkʌstəm/
adult n /ˈædʌlt/ người lớn
ancestor n / ˈænsestər/ tổ tiên
anniversary n /ænɪˈvɜːsəri/ lễ kỉ niệm
area n /ˈeəriə/ diện tích, bề mặt
by popular tradition phr /baɪˈpɒpjələ(r) trə theo truyền thống
celebrate v /ˈselɪbreɪt/ tổ chức


chopsticks n /ˈtʃɒpstɪks/ đôi đũa
Christmas n /ˈkrɪsməs/ lễ Giáng sinh
circle dance n /ˈsɜːkl dɑːnts/ múa vòng
community n /kəˈmjuːnəti/ cộng đồng
compliment n /ˈkɒmplɪmənt/ lời khen
custom n /ˈkʌstəm/ phong tục
cutlery n /ˈdɪdʒɪtəl wɜːld/ bộ dao nĩa
dessert n /dɪˈzɜːt/ món tráng miệng
detail n /ˈdiːteɪl/ chi tiết
difference n /ˈdɪfərəns/ sự khác biệt
different adj /ˈdɪfərənt/ khác biệt
explain v /ɪksˈpleɪn/ lí giải, giải thích
festival n /ˈfestɪvəl/ lễ hội
firecracker n /ˈfaɪəkrækər/ pháo nổ
firework n /ɡlɑːns/ pháo hoa
follow the custom of phr /ˈfɒləʊ ðə ˈkʌstəm əv theo phong tục làm điều gì
doing sth ˈduːɪŋ ˈsʌmθɪŋ/
follow the tradition of phr /ˈfɒləʊ ðə trəˈdɪʃn əv theo truyền thống làm điều gì
doing sth ˈduːɪŋˈsʌmθɪŋ/
fork n /fɔːk/ cái nĩa
generation n /dʒenəˈreɪʃn/ thế hệ
get married v /get ˈmærid/ kết hôn
gift n /gɪft/ món quà
grilled chicken n /ˈgrɪl ˈtfɪkɪn/ gà nướng
honour n /ˈɒnər/ vinh danh
host n /həʊst/ chủ nhà
inside prep /ɪnˈsaɪd/ bên trong
invite v /ɪnˈvaɪt/ mời
lucky money n /ˈlʌkiˈmʌni/ tiền lì xì
lunar month n /luːnərmʌnθ/ tháng âm lịch
main course n /meɪn kɔːs/ món chính
maintain the tradition phr /meɪnˈteɪn ðə trəˈdɪʃn duy trì truyền thống làm điều gì
of doing sth əv ˈduːɪŋ ˈsʌmθɪŋ/
mid-autumn n /meɪn kɔːs/ trung thu
middle n, /ˈmɪdl/ ở giữa
monk n /mʌŋk/ thầy tu
neighbour n /ˈneɪbər/ người hàng xóm
oblige v /əˈblaɪdʒ/ bắt buộc
offspring n /ˈɒfsprɪŋ/ con cái, con cháu
opinion n /əˈpɪnjən/ ý kiến
outdoor activity n /ˈaʊtdɔːr ækˈtɪvəti/ hoạt động ngoài trời
pagoda n /pəˈgəʊdə/ ngôi chùa


palm n /pɑːm/ cây cọ
pass down v /pɑːs daʊn/ truyền xuống
perform v /pəˈfɔːm/ trình diễn
presentation n /prezənˈteɪʃən/ bài thuyết trình
prong n /prɒŋ/ răng, ngạnh
reflect v /rɪˈflekt/ phản ánh
remember v /rɪˈmembər/ nhớ
resident n /ˈrezɪdənt/ cư trú, thường trú
reunite v /riːjuːˈnaɪt/ tái hợp, thống nhất lại
rice bowl n /raɪs bəʊl/ bát ăn cơm
same adj /seɪm/ giong nhau
shake hands v /ʃeɪk hændz/ bắt tay
similarity n /sɪmɪˈlærɪti/ sự giống nhau
special adj /ˈspeʃəl/ đặc biệt
sponge cake n /spʌndʒ keɪk/ bánh bông lan
step into v /step ˈɪntuː/ bước vào trong
table manner n /ˈteɪbl ˈmænər/ quy tắc ăn uống
tank top n /tæŋk tɒp/ áo ba lỗ
temple n /ˈtempl/ ngôi đền
there’s a custom/ phr /ðeəs ˈiːvn ə có một phong tục/ truyền thống là
tradition of doing sth/ ˈkʌstəm/ trəˈdɪʃn əv
that ˈduːɪŋ ˈsʌmθɪŋ/ ðæt/
through prep /θruː/ xuyên qua
together adv /təˈgeðər/ cùng nhau
tradition n / trəˈdɪʃn/ truyền thống
tray n /treɪ/ khay, mâm
upward adv /ˈʌpwəd/ hướng lên trên
wedding n /ˈwedɪŋ/ lễ cứoi
wish n /wɪʃ/ điều ước, ước muốn
worship n, v /ˈwɜːʃɪp/ thờ cúng
wrap v /ræp/ bọc

1.Should and Shouldn’t.

Dạng khẳng định: S + should + V-inf

Dạng phủ định: S + shouldn’t/ should not + V-inf
Dạng nghi vấn: Should+ S + V-inf?

• Should thường được dùng để đưa ra lời khuyên.

Ví dụ:


You look tired. You should go to bed.
Bạn trông có vẻ mệt mỏi. Bạn nên đi ngủ.
The rich should do something to help the homeless people.
Người giàu nên làm điều gì đó để giúp đỡ người vô gia cư.
Should we invite her to the party?
Chúng ta có nên mời cô ấy đi dự tiệc không?
Ta cũng thường dùng should để đưa ra ý kiến.
Ví dụ:
Ithink she should do exercise more.
Tôi nghĩ cô ây nên tập thể dục nhiều hơn.
I don’t think he should work too hard.
Tôi không nghĩ anh ấy nên làm việc quá nặng.
Do you think they should apply for this job?
Bạn có nghĩ họ nên ứng tuyển công việc này không?
• Shouldn’t thường được dùng để khuyên ai đó không nên làm gì.
You shouldn’t talk freely in class.
Bạn không nên nói tự do trong lớp.
They shouldn’t be lazy.
Họ không nên lười biếng
2. Have to
Have to được dùng để diễn tả một sự bắt buộc hoặc một sự cần thiết vì một lí do
đến từ bên ngoài.
Dạng khẳng định: S + have/ has to + V-inf
Dạng phủ định: S + don’t/ doesn’t have to + V-inf
Dạng nghi vấn: Do/ does + S + have to + V-inf?

Ví dụ:
They have to go to school from Monday to Friday.
Họ phải đi học từ thứ Hai đến thứ Sáu.
They have to wear uniform on Monday.
Họ phải mặc đồng phục vào thứ Hai.

Exercise 1: Complete the words with /spr/ or /str/.
_ _ _ead air_ _ _ip e_ _ _esso _ _ _int
ab_ _ _act _ _ _out hair_ _ _ing _ _ _ategy
_ _ _ing blood_ _ _eam _ _ _out _ _ _eadsheet


_ _ _ites _ _ _ay _ _ _awl _ _ _ing
a_ _ _onaut _ _ _etcher _ _ _aight in_ _ _ument
Exercise 2: Pick out the word which has /spr/ or /str/, then divide them into
correct columns.
scientist district synthesis desperate
dispread guesthouse anastrophe customs
administration handspring misprice astray
aesthetic firsthand abstain administer
airstream disproof ancestry espresso

/spr/ /str/
................................ ................................ ................................ ................................
................................ ................................ ................................ ................................
................................ ................................ ................................ ................................
................................ ................................ ................................ ................................
................................ ................................ ................................ ................................
Exercise 3: Look at the picture and put the words in the box under the correct picture.
sponge cake tank top tray
firecracker firework fork
gift lucky money monk
Christmas tree chopsticks shake hands
circle dance cutlery rice bowl

1. .................................... 2. .................................... 3. ....................................

4. .................................... 5. .................................... 6. ....................................


7. .................................... 8. .................................... 9. ....................................

10. .................................... 11. .................................... 12. ....................................

13. .................................... 14. .................................... 15. ....................................

Exercise 4: Match the words with their definition.
No. Term Opt. Definition
1. main course A. a person in your family who lived a longtime ago
2. dessert B. the way in which two people or things are not like each
3. ancestor C. the practice of showing respect for God ora god, by
saying prayers, singing with others, etc.
4. tradition D. the behavior that is considered correct while you are
having a meal at a table with other people
5. compliment E. the most substantial course of a meal
6. difference F. a remark that expresses praise or admiration of
7. offspring G. the sweet course eaten at the end of a meal
8. table manner H. a marriage ceremony, and the meal or party that
usually follows it
9. wedding I. a child of a particular person or couple
10. worship J. a belief, custom or way of doing something that has
existed for a long time among a particular group of
Your answer:
1. .................. 2. .................. 3. .................. 4. .................. 5. .................
6. .................. 7. .................. 8. .................. 9. .................. 10. ................
Exercise 5: Look at the situation and complete with should or have to. (Use
negative form in necessary cases)
It’s 8.15 and school 1. You .......................... be at school at this time.
starts at 8.00. Mother 2. You .......................... take a bus, I’ll drive you to school.
to son: 3. You .......................... go to bed earlier at night. You’d feel more
relaxed in the morning.
Tom looks very pale 4. He .......................... rest a little before supper. It would do him
and tired because he good.


studied till mid night 5. He .......................... study so hard, he knows his lessons very
last night. well.
6. He .......................... try to be less scared of tests. He wouldn’t
suffer so much.
Jerry said he would 7. He .......................... make false promises.
invite me to his party 8. You .......................... get offended, he may have forgotten to
but he didn’t. ring you up.
9. If you don’t go to his party, you .......................... buy him a
present. That is an advantage!
Look, there’s going to 10. We .......................... hurry home. I think it would be better
be a terrible storm and safer.
soon. 11. There is a man selling umbrellas. We .......................... buy an
12. We .......................... pay very much. I think 5 dollars will be
The house smells of 13. Tom .......................... smoke so much. It’s bad for his health.
smoke. It’s terrible. 14. He .......................... try to give up this bad habit.
Exercise 6: Complete with have to or has to.
1. She ........................ pass the driving test.
2. I ........................ tidy up my room.
3. She ........................ feed her dog in the morning.
4. I ........................ do my housework at the weekend.
5. Bob and Tom ........................ finish their essays.
6. She ........................ write with a ball pen.
7. You ........................ take a shower in the evening.
8. Chris ........................ help his father in the garden.
9. You ........................ do your homework.
10. She ........................ read the English magazine.
Exercise 7: Complete with should or shouldn’t. (1)
1. It’s cold. You .................... wear a cardigan.
2. She’s always tired. She .................... go to bed late every night.
3. .................... we leave now?
4. You .................... eat some fruit or vegetables every day.
5. The students .................... their mobile phones in the exam.
6. You .................... the teacher to help you if you don’t understandthe lesson.
7. People .................... drive fast in the town centre.
8. .................... I buy the dress or the skirt?
9. You .................... go swimming after a big dinner.
10. You .................... take an umbrella. It’s raining.


Exercise 8: Complete with should or shouldn’t. (2)
1. You .................... leave your shoes here or people will trip over them.
2. You .................... turn the TV down. Your aunt is trying to work inthe kitchen.
3. Why did you say that? You .................... think before opening yourmouth!
4. You .................... take so much cash abroad with you. You take therisk of losing it and
having to go without money.
5. Your mother is furious with you. You .................... clean up your roommore often.
6. Listen to that music! Our neighbors .................... play music that loud atthis hour.
7. If your tooth is still hurting you tomorrow, you .................... go to thedentist’s.
8. Cathy .................... keep ringing her ex-boyfriend. I think he is withanother girl now.
9. Before going to Madrid for your holidays, you .................... try andlearn something of
the language. You will enjoy things a lot more.
10. You .................... always knock on the door before entering. This is aprivate office.
Exercise 9: Use should or shouldn’t with a verb in brackets to complete the
1. ...................................... (You/park) here. It’s not allowed.
2. What ...................................... (l/cook) for breakfast this morning?
3. ...................................... (You/wear) a raincoat. It’s raining outside.
4. ...................................... (You/smoke). It’s bad for you.
5. ...................................... (We/arrive) at the airport two hours before the flight.
6. ...................................... (l/send) now or later?
7. Do you think ...................................... (l/apply) for this post?
8. Do you think ...................................... (l/write) in this space on the form?
9 ...................................... (l/eat) any more cake. I’ve already eaten too much.
10. This food is awful ...................................... (We/complain) to the manager.
Exercise 10: Complete with should (not) or (not) have to.
1. We .................................. leave too late tomorrow if we want to reach thebeach
before lunch.
2. Ken and Liz .................................. revise their lessons tonight as they have to take a
test tomorrow.
3. We .................................. bring something to Kate’s party. I’ll feel really embarrassed
4. He .................................. write with his right hand because his father doesn’t allow
him to write with left hand.
5. Victoria .................................. read the newspaper as she wants to find a job.
6. That model on the TV is too skinny. I think she .................................. eat more.
7. Frank and Joey are having a fine art examination tomorrow, so they ...........................
practice drawing today.


8. Lizzie .................................. ask Bryan to help her with her studies. He did the same
course last year.
9. Pregnant women .................................. smoke as it can damage the baby.
10. You .................................. take part in the meeting tonight if you don’t want to.


Exercise 1: Listen and complete the sentences. (Track 09)

1. Traditional Vietnamese (1) ............................. and habits have been formedtime to
time for thousands of years.
2. Vietnamese culture is the original cultural values of the country stronglythat define
the (2) ............................. and the long-lastingness of culturein Vietnam.
3. Vietnamese people have habits of worshiping (3) ............................. andchewing
4. There are lots of (4) ............................. in Vietnam especially in Spring.
5. Customs and habits of Vietnamese people (5) ............................. fromregion to
Exercise 2: Listen again and write T(true)/F (false)for each statement.
No. Statements T/F
1. Vietnamese people remain their unique cultural identity in spite of the
domination of Chinese and other powers.
2. Vietnamese culture is the combination of native culture and Australian
3. Funeral ceremony and long-life ceremony are associated with community of
villages and communes.
4. Tet Nguyen Dan is a popular festival in Vietnam.
5. Summer is the season of festival in Vietnam.
Exercise 3: Read the text and complete the sentences.
representative calendar accordance ceremony covered
marriage suitable gifts habits relationship
(1) ..................... is one of three most important events in one’s life in Vietnam.Wedding
custom in Vietnam is quite complicated. Before an official wedding of a couple, a
ceremony of engagement must be held first. In (2) ................. with Vietnamese tradition,
engagement ceremony is an official occasion forfamilies of fiancé and fiancée to mark
their (3) ..................... and to arrangethe wedding. Each family need to prepare a
(4) ..................... who is a familymember having a happy life and high-ranking position in
the family. In the day of engagement, the representatives of two families will have


someannouncement about the wedding and exchange (5) ..................... . The time
ofwedding is chosen suitably based on lunar (6) ..................... . Gifts which are putin
trays are prepared by the family of fiancé a few days before the
engagement(7) ..................... . The number of trays must be an odd number (5,7,9, etc.)
which is (8) ..................... to the condition of the fiancé’s family. In
Vietnamese(9) ..................... , odd numbers are thought to bring luck to the couple. In
thetrays, there are betel leaves, areca nut fruits, wine, tea, husband-wife and sticky rice.
These trays are (10) ..................... by papers or cloths in red.
Exercise 4: Read the text and answer the question.
Traditionally, Vietnamese people believe that death is one of the most solemn
ceremonies as “The sense of the dead is that of the final”. The funeral ceremony in
Vietnam undergoes several steps. First, the body will be washed and dressed; then, a
pinch of rice and three coins are put in themouth of the body, then they lay chopstick
between his teeth. After that, the body is put on the ground with the meaning that
“being born from the earth, one must return back to the earth.” Next, he is enveloped
with white cloth, and put in to the coffin. Finally, the master of the funeral officially
performs the funeral ceremony. During these days, all family members have to wear
coarse gauze turbans and tunics, and hats made of straw, or dry banana fiber.
Worshiping meals and music are offered to the dead during these days. All relatives,
neighbors and friends come to offer their condolences. The funeral procession is
conducted. All relatives, friends, and family members join the procession to accompany
the dead to the burial ground. After three days, there is a ritual of opening the grave.
After 49 days, the family stops offering meals for the dead to the altar. 100 days later,
the ritual of “the end of the tears” is celebrated. The mourning will end after three
years. Nowadays, although mourning ceremonies follow simple rituals, they keep
traditional meaning and solemn ceremonies to express their respect to the dead.
1. What is considered to be the most solemn ceremony in Vietnam?
2. How many steps are there in the funeralceremony?
3. What do family members have to wear during the funeral?
4. Who shows the condolences to the dead?
5. When does the family stop offering meals for the dead to the altar?
6. Is funeral ceremony now more simple or more complex than in the past?
Exercise 5: Look at the picture, answer the questions. Then practise asking
and answering questions in oral speech.


1. What’s the time of the year?
2. Where are the people?
3. What are they doing?
4. Do they feel happy or sad? Why?
5. Is Tet the busiest time of the year in your country? Why?
Exercise 6: Describe the picture in front of the class. (oral presentation)
Exercise 7: Write in full sentences.
1. If/ you/ want/ work/ the USA, you should learn speak English.
2. You should not/ give/ someone/ clock/ as/ present./
3. You/ ill./ You should not/ go/ school/ today./
4. Tomorrow/ Sunday./ So/ I/ not have/ go/ school./
5. I/ think/ people/ should/ recycle/ more/ paper/ glass./
6. The/ museum/ free./ You/ not/ have/ pay./
7. I/ have/ wear/ uniform/ when/ I/ at school./


8. If/ you/ see/ Pauline,/ you/ should/ polite/ her./
9. You/ should not/ smoke./ It/ bad/ you./
10. We/ have/ be/ on time/ the meeting./
Exercise 8: Frank is cooking. Give him some advice with should/ shouldn’t +
one phrase in the box.
1.Don’t leave the beef in the oven for more than one hour.
2.Cut the onions as thin as possible.
3.Use fresh herbs and fresh vegetables.
4.Don’t put in too much salt and chilies.
5.Wait until the water boils before you put the vegetables into it.
6.Heat the oven before you put the beef in.
7.Cut the beef into a lot of equal slices.
1. He shouldn’t leave the beef in the oven for more than one hour.
2. ............................ the onions as thin as possible.
3. ............................ fresh herbs and fresh vegetables.
4. ............................ in too much salt and chilies.
5. ............................ until the water boils before he puts the vegetables into it.
6. ............................ the oven before he puts the beef in.
7. ............................ the beef into a lot of equal slices.





Stress of words ending in -ion and -ian. (Trọng âm của từ có tận cùng là -ion và -ian)
Trọng âm của từ là một điều hết sức quan trọng khi ta phát âm. Trong bài học hôm nay
chúng ta sẽ học trọng âm của từ có đuôi là -ion và -ian.
- Các từ có đuôi -ion và -ian luôn có trọng âm rơi vào âm tiết trước nó.
Các em luyện tập phát âm các âm sau:
Word ending in -ion Word ending in -ian
decision/dɪˈsɪʒn/ musician /mjuˈzɪʃən/
dictation /dɪkˈteɪʃn/ politician /pɒlɪˈtɪʃən/
fiction /ˈfɪkʃən/ historian /hɪˈstɔːriən/
companion /kəmˈpæniən/ librarian /laɪˈbreəriən/
competition /kɒmpəˈtɪʃən/ vegetarian /vedʒɪˈteəriən/
procession /prəˈseʃən/ magician /məˈdʒɪʃən/

a five-fruit tray n /ə faɪv-fruːt treɪ/ mâm ngũ quả
a kumquat tree n /ə ˈkʌmkwɒt treɪ/ cây quất
annually adv /ˈænjuəli/ hàng năm
attention n /əˈtenʃən/ sự chú ý
boat race n /bəʊt reɪs/ đua thuyền
buddha n /ˈbʊdə/ ông phật
buffalo fighting n /ˈbʌfələʊˈfaɪtɪŋ/ chọi trâu
candle n /ˈkændl/ đèn cầy, nến
carnival n /ˈkɑːnɪvəl/ ngày hội
cave n /keɪv/ hang động


celebration n /selɪˈbreɪʃən/ lễ kỉ niệm
central adj /ˈsentrəl/ thuộc ở giữa, tầm trung, miền
cheer v /tʃɪər/ cổ vũ
cheering crowd n /tʃɪərɪŋ kraud/ sự reo hò của đám đông
clasp hands v /kɑːsp hændz/ chắp tay
cock fighting n /kɒk ˈfaɪtɪŋ/ môn chọi gà
coconut n /ˈkəʊkənʌt/ quả dừa
command n, v /kəˈmɑːnd/ mệnh lệnh, ra lệnh
commemorate v /kəˈmeməreɪt/ kỷ niệm, tưởng nhớ
companion n /kəmˈpænjən/ bạn đồng hành
control v /kənˈtrəʊl/ kiểm soát
cow racing n /kaʊˈreɪsɪŋ/ đua bò
crowd n /kraud/ đám đông
defeat v /dɪˈfiːt/ đánh bại
dragon boat n /ˈdrægən bəʊt/ thuyền rồng
drum n /drʌm/ cái trống
drum performance n /drʌm pəˈfɔːməns màn biểu diễn trống
elephant race n /ˈelɪfənt reɪs/ con voi
emperor n /ˈempərər/ hoàng đế
family reunion n /ˈfæməli riːˈjuːniən/ sự đoàn tụ gia đình
fashion show n /ˈfæʃən ʃəʊ/ màn trình diễn thời trang
feature n /ˈfiːtʃər/ nét đặc biệt, đặc trưng
festival n /ˈfestɪvəl/ lễ hội
fisherman n /ˈfɪʃəmən/ ngư dân
five-fruit tray n /faɪv-fruːt treɪ/ mâm ngũ quả
float v /fləʊt/ nổi, thả trôi
flute n /fluːt/ câysáo, thổisáo
folk game n /fəʊk geɪm/ trò chơi dân gian
fortune n /ˈfɔːtʃuːn/ tài sản
founder n /ˈfaʊndər/ người thành lập
god n /gɒd/ vị thần
hero n /ˈhiərəʊ/ vị anh hùng
historian n /hɪˈstɔːriən/ nhà sử học
holiday n /ˈhɒlədeɪ/ kì nghỉ
horn n /hɔːn/ sừng trâu, bò


human chess n /ˈhjuːmən tʃes/ cờ người
impressive adj /ɪmˈpresɪv/ ấn tượng
incense n /ˈɪnsents/ hương, nhang
invader n /ɪnˈveɪdə(r)/ kẻ xâm lược
joyful adj /ˈdʒɔɪˈfəl/ vui mừng, vui sướng
lantern n /ˈlæntən/ đèn lồng
legendary adj /ˈledʒəndri/ truyền thuyết, cổtích
local festival n /ˈləʊkəl ˈfestɪvəl/ lễ hội địa phương
magician n /məˈdʒɪʃən/ nhà ảo thuật
make offerings of v /meɪk ˈɒfərɪŋ əv/ dâng, cúng cái gì đó
mandarin tree n /ˈmændərɪŋ triː/ cây quất
opening ceremony n /ˈəʊpənɪŋ serɪməni/ lễ khai mạc
oriental adj /ɔːriˈentəl/ thuộc phương đông
overseas adj, adv /əʊvəˈsiːz/ nước ngoài
pay the respects to v /peɪðərɪˈspekts ˈbʊdə/ kính trọng đức phật
peach blossom n /piːtʃˈblɒsəm/ hoa đào
performance n /pəˈfɔːməns/ màn trình diễn
pray v /preɪ/ cầu nguyện
pray for inner v /preɪ fə(r) ˈɪnə(r) pi:s ənd cầu mong gia đình hạnh phúc
peace and hæpinəs/ và bình an
prepare v /prɪˈpeər/ chuẩn bị
procession n /prəˈseʃən/ đám rước, diễu hành
proud adj /praʊd/ tự hào
recommend v /rekəˈmend/ đề xuất
regret v /rɪˈgret/ hối tiếc
respect v /rɪˈspekt/ tôn trọng
return v,n /rɪˈtɜːn/ trở lại
rider n /raɪdər/ người cưỡi ngựa/voi
ritual adj /ˈrɪtjuəl/ thuộc nghi lễ
royal- adj /ˈrɔɪəl/ thuộc hoàng gia
royal court music n /ˈrɔɪəl kɔːt ˈmjuːzɪk/ nhã nhạc cung đình
saint n /seɪnt/ vị thánh
scenery n /ˈsiːnəri/ khung cảnh
speciality n /speʃiˈæləti/ đặc sản, đặc biệt
sporting activity n /ˈspɔːtɪŋ ækˈtɪvəti/ hoạt động thể thao


spring n /sprɪŋ/ mùa xuân
stream n /striːm/ dòng suối
take place V /teik plers/ diễn ra, xảy ra
the grand opening n /ðə grændˈəʊpənɪŋ lễ khai mạc lớn
ceremony ˈserəməni/
the lunar new year n /ðə ˈluːnə(r) njuː jɪə(r) s(r) tết âm lịch
festival ˈfestɪvl/
the spiritual rituals n /ðə ˈspɪrɪtʃuəl ˈrɪtʃuəl/ các nghi lễ tâm linh
the traditional n /ðə trəˈdɪʃənl prəˈseʃn/ đám rước truyền thống
visitor n /ˈvɪzɪtər/ du khách
whale n /weɪl/ cá coi
wrestling n /ˈreslɪŋ/ môn đấu vật
yellow apricot n /ˈjeləʊ ˈeɪprɪkɒt ˈblɒsəm/ hoa mai

1. Simple sentences and compound sentences
1.1.Simple sentences: (Câu đơn)
Câu đơn hay còn gọi là câu độc lập thường bao gồm một chủ ngữ và một động từ.
Câu đơn thể hiện một ý nghĩa đầy đủ.
Ví dụ:
A.Some students don’t like studying in the morning.
B. Tony and Hugo play football every afternoon.
C. Linda goes to the library and studies every day.

Chú ý:
Câu B và câu C vẫn gọi là câu đơn mặc dù chúng có 2 chủ ngữ hoặc 2 động từ.

1.2.Compound sentences: (Câu ghép)

Câu ghép là câu được tạo nên từ 2 mệnh đề độc lập và được kết hợp với nhau bằng
liên từ. Các liên từ thường được dùng là: and (và), but (nhưng) or (hoặc), so (vì vậy),
yet (tuy vậy).
Ví dụ:
1.Liên từ “and”: Dùng để nối 2 mệnh đề ngang hàng nhau.
I washed the dishes, and my wife cleaned the house.
Tôi rửa bát và vợ tôi lau nhà.
2.Liên từ “but”: Dùng để nối 2 mệnh đề có nghĩa tương phản nhau.
He doesn’t like this film, but he agrees to go to the cinema to watch it with her.


Anh ấy không thích bộ phim này nhưng anh ấy đồng ý đi xem phim với cô ấy.
3.Liên từ “or”: Dùng để nối 2 mệnh đề có tính lựa chọn.
We will go to the cinema, or we will visit our grandparents on Sundays.
Chúng tôi sẽ đi xem phim hoặc chúng tôi sẽ đi thăm ông bà vào chủ nhật.
4.Liên từ “so”: Dùng để nối 2 mệnh đề trong đó mệnh đề có chứa “so” thường để chỉ
kết quả.
She needs some bread, so she goes to the bakery.
Cô ấy cần một ít bánh mì vì vậy cô ây đi ra tiệm bánh mì.
5.Liên từ “yet”: Dùng để nối 2 mệnh đề trong đó mệnh đề có chứa “yet” thường để
chỉ một sự nhượng bộ.
I agree with you, yet I can’t let you go out without permission from your father.
Tôi đồng ý với bạn, tuy vậy tôi không thể cho phép bạn đi mà không có sự đồng ý
của bố bạn.
2.Complex sentences
Câu phức là câu có một mệnh đề độc lập (independent clause) và một hoặc nhiều
hơn một mệnh đề phụ thuộc (dependent clause). Mệnh đề phụ thuộc có thể đứng
trước hoặc sau mệnh đề độc lập.
Mệnh đề phụ thuộc thường được bắt đầu bằng một liên từ phụ thuộc như: when,
while, because, although/ even though hoặc if.
Ví dụ:
I will help her although I don’t like her very much.
Tôi sẽ giúp cô ấy mặc dù tôi không ưa cô ấy lắm.
He gets good marks because he studies very hard.
Cậu ấy đạt điểm tốt bởi vì cậu ấy học chăm chỉ.
While the players were playing in the stadium, the crowd cheered to encourage
Trong khi các cầu thủ đang chơi trên sân vận động, đám đông reo hò để cổ vũ họ.
If you promise to work harder, I will help you.
Nếu bạn hứa sẽ chăm chỉ hơn, tôi sẽ giúp bạn.

Chú ý:
Nếu mệnh đề phụ thuộc đứng trước mệnh đề độc lập, ta sử dụng dấu phẩy để
ngăn cách hai mệnh đề. Ngược lại nếu mệnh đề độc lập đứng trước mệnh đề
phụ thuộc thì ta không cần dùng dấu phẩy.

Ví dụ:
I will help her if she promises to study hard.
= If she promises to study hard, I will help her.


Exercise 1: Choose the word which has different stress position.
1. A. exhibition B. confection C. education D. animation
2. A. librarian B. biological C. university D. variation
3. A. superlatively B. observatory C. preparation D. zoology
4. A. celebration B. destination C. recognition D. physician
5. A. consolation B. justifiable C. literature D. watermelon
6. A. respective B. politician C. geography D. minority
7. A. estimation B. explanation C. vegetarian D. confession
8. A. helicopter B. ordinary C. Canadian D. specialty
9. A. connection B. contribution C. description D. depression
10. A. humanitarian B. fundamental C. methodology D. scientific
Exercise 2: Mark the stress of the words in the box. Then read them aloud.
No. Words Opt. Phonetic transcription
1. affection 6. isolation
2. accordion 7. attention
3. dimension 8. condition
4. decentralization 9. appropriation
5. division 10. generation
Exercise 3: Look at the picture and put the words under the pictures.
drum incense flute cock fighting
peach blossom kumquattree lantern yellow apricot blossoms
emperor wrestling elephant race folk game

1 .............................. 2 .............................. 3 .............................. 4 ..............................

5 .............................. 6 .............................. 7 .............................. 8 ..............................


9 .............................. 10 ............................ 11 ............................ 12 ............................
Exercise 4: Complete the sentences with the words in the box.
cave Buddhism buffalo fighting five-fruit tray
candle fisherman coconuts dragon boat
1. My parents always prepare a ........................... before Tet.
2. The practice of meditation is a very important part of ...........................
3. ........................... is a traditional activity in Do Son.
4. It’s so dark. Let’s light a ...........................
5. Son Doong ........................... is one of the biggest caves in the world.
6. We have lots of ........................... in our hometown.
7. They join in a ........................... race during the Tet holiday.
8. This ........................... is poor but he is very kind.
Exercise 5: Choose the correct answers. (1)
1. I was very tired, ................ I determined to walk on to the next village.
A. therefore B. however C. and D. or
2. You can come here either on Monday ................ on Friday.
A. or B. nor C. both D. and
3. He had to act immediately; ................ he would have been too late.
A. consequently B. nevertheless C. still D. otherwise
4. They said both he ................ I were to come.
A. and B. but C. or d. so
5. He never works ................ he gains all the prizes.
A. furthermore B. whereas C. but D. accordingly
6. Mrs. Rose needs to take special pills ................ she can’t afford them.
A. but B.and C.although D. because
7. Mr. Shaw couldn’t turn on the TV channel ................ he asked the nurse to do it.
A. and B.so C.while D. when
8. I didn’t actually want any more dessert ................ Mary forced it on me.
A. although B.therefore C. if D. but
9. Dr. Stevens rushed to the hospital ................ he could help a patient.
A. so B. and C.or D.but
10. Nurse Kelly ................ Nurse Nanny helped the patient to stand up.
A. or B. and C.while D. when


Exercise 6: Choose the correct answers. (2)
1. I did not go to the show ................. I had already seen it.
A. but B. and C. because D. while
2. Keep the food covered ................. the flies will contaminate it.
A. or B.when C.if D.although
3. ................. he is thin, he is really strong.
A. because B. yet C. while D.Although
4. Read over your answers ................. correct all the mistakes before yousubmit it.
A. therefore B. however C. and D. but
5. She had an unpleasant experience ................. she was in Thai Lan.
A. when B.or C. by D. but
6. The committee rejected the proposal ................. they did not think it waspractical.
A. while B. it C. and D. because
7. John welcomed his guests ................. offered them a drink.
A. yet B. and C.to D. while
8. Receptionist must be able to relay information ................. pass itaccurately.
A. if B. while C. and D. because
9. .................it rains on Sunday, I will not be able to drive.
A. When B. At C. Though D. If
10. The items are on sales in the local store .................not online.
A. but B. while C. because D. then
Exercise 7: Complete with: and/ but/ or/ because/ yet
1. I like sugar in my tea, .................... I don’t like milk in it.
2. Listen to the story .................... answer the questions in completesentences.
3. Is it Thursday ....................Friday today?
4. My car has a radio .................... a CD player.
5. Carol wanted to drive to Colorado, .................... Bill insisted that they fly.
6. I’m afraid of heights, .................... I appreciate the view from the top of thisbuilding.
7. Do you like chocolate .................... vanilla ice cream better?
8. I have to go to work at six, .................... I’m walking up at four.
9. We were very tired .................... happy after our flight to Sydney.
10. The sun was warm, .................... the wind was a bit too cool.
Exercise 8: Complete with: because/ while/when/if/although
1. He was late .................... the bus didn’t come.
2. They climbed the mountain .................... it was very windy.
3. .................... Lenny was watching the planes, his wife was reading in the car.
4. .................... he was very ill, he didn’t take any medicine.


5. .................... you come back from your trip, we’ll meet to discuss theproblem.
6. .................... he was the best candidate, he didn’t win the elections.
7. We’re going to lose this game .................. the team doesn’t startplaying better soon.
8. Some fish can survive only in salt water,.................... other species canlive only in
fresh water.
9. He couldn’t sleep .................... he was very tired.
10. Everybody likes him .................... he is nice and helpful.
Exercise 9: Complete with: so, but, while, because, or, although
1. I haven’t really studied for this exam, .................... I feel a little nervous.
2. I told him not to come, .................... he came anyway.
3. .................... I was really tired, I took a nap for 15 minutes.
4. .................... she likes to play basketball, her favorite sport is tennis.
5. .................... it was really hot outside, I wore shorts.
6. I was on time, .................... everyone else was late.
7. Nadia doesn’t like to drive, .................... she takes the bus everywhere.
8. Keep quiet .................... go out.
9. I turned on the fan .................... the room was hot.
10. Carol showed up for the meeting .................... I asked her not to be there.
Exercise 10: Complete with: and; or; but; although; if, while, when
1. I have both respect .................... admiration for them.
2. It will rain today .................... tomorrow.
3. He could not decide whether to tell the truth .................... keep silent.
4. I don’t know whether he has seen the movie .................... not.
5. Jack insisted that he didn’t need any help, .................... I helped him anyway.
6. I read the book .................... I don’t understand it.
7. .................... her foot was injured, she managed to get home before dark.
8. What shall we do .................... it rains?
9. Joey was playing the guitar .................... Danny was washing the dishes.
10. What will we do .................... John comes?


Exercise 1: Listen to the text and complete the sentences. (Track 10)
1. Hung festival (1) ……………………… the legendary birth of Vietnam’s first kings.
2. The father is a sea (2) ………………………
3. The mother is a mountain (3) ………………………


4. They have (4) ……………………… sons.
5. People light incense, make offerings and beat bronze drums at the (5) ……………………
Exercise 2: Listen again and answer the questions
1. Who is the first king of Vietnam?
2. Who went back to the sea with their father?
3. How far is it from Viet Tri to Ha Noi?
4. When is Hung Festival celebrated?
5. When did the government declare this festival to be a nationwide holiday?
Exercise 3: Read the text and complete it with the words in the box.
visitors fireworks international tranquil history
competitions participants cultural aims traditional

Hue Festival is a biannual (1) ………………………. event celebrated in even years in order to
honor Hue’s cultural heritages as well as Vietnam’s national identity towards people
from all over the world. With a quite long (2) …………………………. since 1992, each time of
celebration is distinctive festive theme, which never fails to draw attractions from
millions of (3) ………………………. expected events of this (4) …………………………. city. In 2000,
the event attained its official name ‘Hue Festival’ as today. In this special event, a wide
variety of (5) …………………………. activities of Vietnam such as calligraphy exhibition, kites
playing and human chess playing are conducted. Also, re-creations of special events are
carried out, such as the occasion of Nguyen Hue’s enthronement and Nguyen Dynasty’s
Doctorial examinations, and performances of dance and (6) ……………………. ate included.
The festival (7) …………………………. at promoting several kinds of arts as well, with the
participation of over 40 art companies from both Vietnam and (8) ………………… countries.


From all over the world, thousands of artists gather at Hue to demonstrate their talents,
delivering exhibitions, fairs, and (9) …………………. to over 40 venues throughout the city.
All in all, the festival generates the feeling of excitement, joy and delight among (10)
…………………………. and observers regardless of gender, age and nationality.
Exercise 4: Read and answer the questions.
Lunar New Year Festival often falls between late January and early February; it is among
the most important holidays in Vietnam. Officially, the festival includes the 1st, 2nd and
3rd day of January in Lunar Calendar; however, Vietnamese people often spend about
nearly a month to celebrate this special event.
Since Tet occupies an important role in Vietnamese’s religious beliefs, Vietnamese will
begin their preparations well in advance of the upcoming New Year. In an effort to get
rid of the bad luck of the old year, people will spend a few days cleaning their homes,
polishing every utensil, or even repaint and decorate the house with kumquat tree,
branches of peach blossom, and many other colorful flowers. The ancestral altar is
especially taken care of, with careful decoration of five kinds of fruits and votive papers,
along with many religious rituals. Everybody, especially children, buy new clothes and
shoes to wear on the first days of New Year. People also try to pay all their pending
debts and resolve all the arguments among colleagues, friends or members of family.
Vietnamese believe that the color of red and yellow will bring good fortune, which may
explain why these colors can be seen everywhere in Lunar New Year. People consider
what they do on the dawn of Tet will determine their fate for the whole year, hence
people always smile and behave as nice as they can in the hope for a better year.
Besides, gifts are exchanged between family members and friends and relatives, while
children receive lucky money kept in red envelope. No matter where Tet is celebrated, it
must be clarified from the beginning that Tet is not a day, but several days of
1. When is Lunar New Year celebrated officially?
2. How long do people often spend to celebrate it?
3. What kind of plants do people use to decorate the house during this festival?
4. Who usually wear new clothes and shoes on the first days of New Year?
5. What color will bring good fortune according to Vietnamese’s belief?
6. What do children often receive at Tet?


Exercise 5: Look at the picture, answer the questions. Then practise asking
and answering questions in oral speech.

1. What’s the festival?

2. For whom is this festival?
3. What are the children doing on the stage?
4. What do they keep in their hands?
5. When does Mid-autumn take place?
6. What can children do on this day?
Exercise 6: Describe the picture in front of the class. (oral presentation)
Exercise 7: Combine the two simple sentences in one.
1. The boys are playing games. The girls are watching TV. (and)
2. I tried my best in the final test. The result was not as good as I expected. (but)
3. He lost the key. He couldn’t get into the house. (so)
4. She loves comedies. Her husband is interested in action films. (yet)


5. You must do well in the test. You will not graduate. (or)
6. Pop music is so popular. The melody is simple and memorable. (for)
7. | should practice more for the competition. My health hasn’t been excellent
recently. (but)
8. You can go to the movies with me. You can go to the concert alone. (or)
Exercise 8: Combine the sentences using a subordinator to make a complex
sentence. Number 1 is an example for you.
1. I’m going to the bank. I need some money.
I’m going to the bank because I need some money.
2. I made lunch. I got home.
3. It’s raining. She’s going for a walk in the park.
4. She finishes her homework soon, she will fail the class.
5. He decided to trust Tim. He was an honest man.
6. We went to school. She decided to investigate the situation.
7. Jennifer decided to leave Tom. He was too worried about his job.
8. Dennis bought a new jacket. He had received one as a gift last week.
9. Brandley claims that there will be trouble. He doesn’t complete the job.
10. Janice will have finished the report. The time you receive the letter.






Intonation in exclamatory sentences (Ngữ điệu trong câu cảm thán)
Trong câu cảm thán, trọng âm của câu thường đi xuống.
Các em hãy thực hành nói đúng giọng điệu các câu sau.
• What a beautiful car!
• How hot it is!
• How lovely your doll is!
• What a nice castle!
anger n /ˈaŋɡər/ sự tức giận
announce v /əˈnaʊns/ thông báo
baby n /ˈbeɪbi/ trẻ em
boast n, v /bəʊst/ khoe khoang, nói khoác
brave adj /breɪv/ dũng cảm
buddha n /ˈbʊdə/ Đức phật
capture v /ˈkæptʃər/ bắt giữ
challenge v, n /ˈtʃælɪndʒ/ thách thức, thử thách
character n /ˈkerɪktər/ nhân vật
cheerful adj /ˈtʃɪəfl/ đáng khích lệ
cruel adj /kruːəl/ độc ác
cunning adj /ˈkʌnɪŋ/ quỷ quyệt, mưu mô
defeat v /dɪˈfiːt/ đánh bại
describe v /dɪˈskrʌɪb/ miêu tả
dragon n /ˈdræɡən/ con rồng
eagle n /ˈiːɡl/ con đại bàng


elf n /elf/ con yêu tinh
emperor n /ˈempərər/ hoàng đế, nhà vua
event n /ɪˈvent/ sự kiện
evil adj /ˈiːvəl/ xấu, ác, có hại
fable n /ˈfeɪbl/ truyện ngụ ngôn
fairy n /ˈfeəri/ nàng tiên
fairytale n /ˈfeəri teɪl/ truyện cổ tích
fierce adj /fɪəs/ hung dữ, dữ tợn
folk tale n /fəʊk teɪl/ truyện dân gian
fox n /fɒks/ con cáo
generous adj /ˈdʒenərəs/ hào phóng
genre n /ˈʒɒnrə/ thể loại
giant n /ˈdʒaɪənt/ gã khổng lổ
grandmother n /ˈɡrænmʌðər/ bà nội
greedy adj /ˈɡriːdi/ tham lam
handsome adj /ˈhænsəm/ đẹp trai
hare n /heər/ con thỏ
heaven n /ˈhevən/ thiên đường
hit vv, n /hɪt/ cú đánh, đánh
imaginary adj /ɪˈmædʒɪnəri/ tưởng tượng
invade v /ɪnˈveɪd/ xâm lược
kind adj /kaiɪnd/ tốt bụng
king n /kɪŋ/ vua, quốc vương
knight n /naɪt/ hiệp sĩ
legend n /ˈledʒənd/ truyền thuyết
magic n, adj /ˈmædʒɪk/ phép thuật, ma thuật, có ma lực
main adj /mein/ chính, quan trọng
moral lesson n /ˈmɒrəl ˈlesən/ bài học đạo đức
mountain n /ˈmaʊntɪn/ núi
ogre n /ˈəʊɡər/ yêu tinh
/wʌns əˈpɒn ə
once upon a time adv ngày xưa
origin n /ˈɒrɪdʒɪn/ nguồn gốc, dòng dõi
original adj /əˈrɪdʒənl/ có nguồn gốc, nguyên bản
party n /ˈpɑːti/ bữa tiệc
pick flower v /pɪk ˈflaʊər/ ngắt hoa, hái hoa



plot n /plɒt/ kịch bản

popular adj /ˈpɒpjələr/ phổ biến, nổi tiếng
prince n /prɪns/ hoàng tử
princess n /prɪnˈses/ công chúa
produce v /prəˈdjuːs/ sản xuất
project n /ˈprɒdʒekt/ dự án
queen n /kwiːn/ nữ hoàng
represent v /reprɪˈzent/ trình bày
rescue v, n /ˈreskjuː/ sự giải thoát, cứu giúp
roar v, n /rɔːr/ gầm, rú, tiếng gầm
scream v, n /skriːm/ gào thét, tiếng thét
servant n /ˈsɜːvənt/ người hầu
spin n /spɪn/ sự xoay tròn
spindle n /ˈspɪndl/ con thoi
star fruit tree n /staːr fruːt triː/ cây khế
stepmother n /ˈstepmʌðər/ mẹ kế
stepsister n /ˈstepsɪstər/ chị/em gái kế
story n /ˈstɔːri/ câu chuyện
subject n /ˈsʌbdʒekt/ chủ đề
suggest v /səˈdʒest/ đề xuất, đề nghị
swear v /sweər/ thề
take a nap v /teɪk ə næp/ ngủ trưa
title n /taɪtl/ tiêu đề
tortoise n /ˈtɔːtəs/ con rùa
tower n /taʊər/ tòa tháp
wicked adj /ˈwɪkɪd/ xảo quyệt
witch n /wɪtʃ/ mụ phù thủy
wolf n /wʊlf/ con sói
woodcutter n /ˈwʊdkʌtə(r)/ người tiều phu

1. Past simple
1.1. Cấu trúc


Normal VTo beCâu khẳng địnhS + V2/ edS + was/ wereCâu phủ địnhS +
did + not + VS + was/ were + notCâu hỏiDid + S + V?Was/ Were + S?

1.2. Cách dùng chính

a. Thì quá khứ đơn diễn tả một sự việc xảy ra tại một thời điểm cụ thể trong quá khứ
và đã kết thúc hoàn toàn.
Ví dụ:
I saw him in the bar club yesterday.
Tôi thấy anh ta trong quán rượu ngày hôm qua.
They didn’t agree to the deal.
Họ không đồng ý với hợp đồng.
b. Diễn tả một loạt hành động xảy ra kế tiếp nhau trong quá khứ
Ví dụ:
She came home, switched on the computer and checked her emails.
Cô ấy về nhà, khởi động máy tính và kiểm tra hộp thư điện tử của mình.
c.Diễn tả một hành động xen vào một hành động khác đang xảy ra trong quá khứ
(hành động xen vào ta sử dụng thì quá khứ đơn, hành động đang xảy ra ta dùng thì
quá khứ tiếp diễn.)
Ví dụ:
When I was reading a book, my dad called me.
Khi tôi đang đọc sách, bố tôi đõ gọi.
d. Thì quá khứ đơn được dùng trong câu điều kiện loại 2
Ví dụ:
If I had a million dollar, I would buy that villa.
Nếu tôi có một triệu đô, tôi sẽ mua cái biệt thự đó.
1.3. Các trạng ngữ thường gặp trong thời quá khứ đơn.
Yesterday, ago, finally, at last, in the last century, in the past, last (week, month,
year), in (2013, June), in the (2000,1970s), from (March) to (April) etc.
1.4. Quy tắc thêm đuôi “ed” vào sau động từ có quy tắc.
Động từ không kết thúc bằng “e”, ta thêm “ed” vào sau động từ.
Ví dụ: happen  happened; play  played
Động từ kết thúc bằng “e”, ta chỉ thêm “d” vào sau động từ.
Ví dụ: smile  smiled; hope  hoped
Động từ kết thúc bằng “y”, ta đổi “y” thì rồi thêm “ed”.
Ví dụ: carry  carried; try  tried



Động từ một âm tiết và có một phụ âm cuối, ta gấp đôi phụ âm cuối rồi mới thêm ed
Ví dụ: stop  stopped; hug  hugged
Trường hợp từ có hai, ba phụ âm cuối thì không cần nhân phụ âm cuối mà chỉ việc
thêm ed như bình thường.
Ví dụ: climb  climbed; comb  combed
Động từ hai âm tiết trở lên, nếu trọng âm rơi vào âm tiết cuối thì ta nhân đôi phụ âm
cuối rồi mới thêm ed.
Ví dụ: prefer  preferred; permit  permitted;...
2. Past continuous
2.1. Cấu trúc

Câu khẳng địnhI/He/She/lt was + V-ingYou/We/They were + V-ingCâu phủ

địnhI/He/She/It wasn’t + V-ingYou/We/They weren’t + V-ingCâu hỏiWas
l/He/She/lt + V-ing?Were You/We/They + V-ing?

2.2. Cách sử dụng

a. Thì quá khứ tiếp diễn diễn tả một hành động đang diễn ra tại một thời điểm cụ thể
trong quá khứ.
Ví dụ:
When I left the room, my wife was talking with Sanny.
Khi tôi bước ra khỏi phòng, vợ tôi đang nói chuyện với Sanny.
b. Hành động đang diễn ra liên tục trong một khoảng thời gian nhằm nhấn mạnh tính
liên tục của nó.
Ví dụ:
He was singing all day yesterday.
Anh ấy đã hát liên tục trong ngày hôm qua.
c. Một hành động đang diễn ra trong quá khứ thì có hành động khác xen vào. (Hành
động đang diễn ra thì dùng thì quá khứ tiếp diễn, hành động xen vào thì dùng thì quá
khứ đơn.)
Ví dụ:
I was walking in the park when I suddenly fell over.
Tôi đang đi bộ trong công viên thì bất ngờ vấp ngã.
d. Hai hành động xảy ra đồng thời trong quá khứ.
Ví dụ:
He was typing while his wife was painting.
Anh ấy đang đánh máy trong khi cô ấy đang vẽ.
3. Các trạng ngữ thường gặp trong thời quá khứ tiếp diễn.
When (Khi); at that time (vào thời điểm đó); …


Exercise 1: Listen and read aloud these sentences. (Track 11)
1. How straight the noodles are!
2. How high the building is!
3. How precious the diamond is!
4. What a magic wand!
5. What a traditional house!
6. How small the baby is!
7. What a modern apartment!
8. What an evil sister!
9. How loud the music room is!
10. What a busy day!
Exercise 2: Tick  to the exclamation sentence.
1. What is your date of birth?
2. How lovely the girl is!
3. How far is it from this table to that table?
4. What a horrible day!
5. How cute the kittens are!
6. What a large house!
7. What can you see in the picture?
8. What a crowded bus!
9. How useful the mobile is!
10. Could you pick me at 05 p.m.?
11. Let’s catch the movie tonight!
12. How beautiful the performance is!
13. Listen to me, please!
14. How do you improve your listening skill?
Exercise 3: Look at the picture and put their names under the pictures.
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs The Emperor’s New Clothes
Beauty and the Beast The Ugly Duckling
The Little Mermaid The Three Little Pigs
Sleeping Beauty Cinderella

1 .............................. 2 .............................. 3 .............................. 4 ..............................



5 .............................. 6 .............................. 7 .............................. 8 ..............................

Exercise 4: Look at the pictures and complete with suitable words. The first letter is hint for

1. d…………………….. 2. e…………………….. 3. e…………………….. 4. gr……………………..

5. k…………………….. 6. p…………………….. 7. p…………………….. 8. q……………………..

9. s……… f……… t….. 10. …………………….. 11. w…………………….. 12. w……c……..

Exercise 5: Circle the correct answers.
1. I saw/ was seeing the accident when I was waiting for the taxi.
2. What were you doing/ did you do when I phoned?
3. They didn’t visit/ weren’t visiting their friends last summer holiday.
4. It rained/ was raining heavily last July.
5. While people were talking to each other, he read/ was reading his book.
6. Chris was eating/ ate pizza every weekend last month.
7. While we were running/ run in the park, Mary fell over.
8. Did you find/ Were you finding your keys yesterday?
9. Who was she dancing/ did she dance with at the party last night?
10. They were watching/ watched football on TV all day.
Exercise 6: Choose the correct answers.
1. I ……………….. I ……………….. the door bell.
A. slept/ didn’t hear B. was sleeping/ weren’t hearing
C. was sleeping/ didn’t hear D. slept/ weren’t hearing


2. I ……………….. her many times but she ………………..
A. was phoning/ weren’t answering B. was phoning/ didn’t answer
C. phone/ weren’t answering D. phoned/ didn’t answer

3. ‘What ……………….. during your day-off?’ ‘I ……………….. TV.’

A. were you doing/ watched B. did you do/ was watching
C. were you doing/ was watching D. did you do/ watched
4. He ……………….. money from the rich and ……………….. it to the poor.
A. steal/ gave B. stole/ gave
C. stolen/ given D. stealing/ giving
5. ‘……………….. James yesterday?’. ‘Yes, I ……………….. him.’
A. Did you meet/ met B. Did you met/ meeting
C. Was you meeting/ didn’t met D. You were meeting/ met
6. The children ……………….. when their mother ……………….. home.
A. were sleeping/ got B. was sleeping/ got
C. slept/ was getting D. slept/ got
7. I ……………….. dinner when the lights ……………….. out.
A. was having/ went B. has/ go
C. having/ went D. had/ went
8. It ……………….. me quite much time to learn French.
A. taking B. take
C. to take D. took
9. As I ……………….. down the street, I ……………….. a strange sight.
A. was walking/ saw B. walked/ saw
C. were walking/ seeing D. were walking/ saw
10. I ……………….. a car last month.
A. buying B. buys
C. bought D. have bought
Exercise 7: Underline the mistake in each sentence and correct it.
1. I was play football when she called me.
2. Was you study Math at 5 p.m. yesterday?
3. What was she do while her mother was making lunch?
4. Where did you went last Sunday?



5. They weren’t sleep during the meeting last Monday.
6. He got up early and have breakfast with his family yesterday morning.
7. She didn’t broke the flower vase. Tom did.
8. Last week my friend and I go to the beach on the bus.
9. While I am listening to music, I heard the doorbell.
10. Peter turn on the TV, but nothing happened.
Exercise 8: Put the verbs in brackets in past simple or past continuous. (1)
In my last holiday, I went to Hawaii. When I (1) (go) ………….……….……. to the beachfor
the first time, something wonderful happened. I (2) (swim) ………….…….………. in the sea
while my mother was sleeping in the sun. My brother was buildinga castle and my father
(3) (drink) ……………. some water. Suddenly I (4) (see) ……………. a boy on the beach. His
eyes were blue like the water inthe sea and his hair (5) (be) ……………………. beautiful
black. He was very tall andthin and his hair was brown. My heart (6) (beat) ……………….….
fast. I (7) (ask) ……………………. him for his name with a shy voice. He (8) (tell) ………………….
me that his name was John. He (9) (stay) ……………...…………. with me the wholeafternoon.
In the evening, we met again. We ate pizza in a food stall. The following days we (10)
(have) …………………………. a lot of fun together. At the end of my holidays when I left
Hawaii I said good-bye to John. We had tears in our eyes. He wrote to me a letter very
soon and I answered him.
Exercise 9: Put the verbs in brackets in past simple or past continuous. (2)
1. While Tom (read) …………………….., Mai Ly (watch) ………………….. a documentary on TV.
2. Mark (come) ……………………... home, (switch) ………………………..on the computer and
(check) ………………………….. his emails.
3. The thief (sneak) ……………………….. into the house, (steal) ………………………..the jewels
and (leave) ………………………….. without a trace.
4. Nobody (listen) ……………………..while the teacher (explain) …………………….. the tenses.
5. While we (do) ……………………….. a sight-seeing tour, our friends (lie) ………………………..
on the beach.
6. He (wake) ………………………….. up and (look) ………………………….. at his watch.
7. The receptionist (welcome) …………………….. the guests and (ask) …………………….. them
to fill in the form.
8. The car (break) ………………………..down and we (have) ……………………….. to walk home.
9. The boys (swim) ………………………….. while the girls (sunbathe) …………………………..


10. My father (come) ……………….. in, (look) ……………….. around and (tell) ……………….. me
to tidy up my room.
11. What (Joey and Lyly/ do) ………………………………….. while their parents were working
onthe farm?
12. While the parents (have) …………….. breakfast, their children (run) ……………….. away.
13. Martha (turn) ………………………….. off the lights and (go) ………………………….. to bed.
14. When I (do) ………………………….. the washing-up, I (break) ………………………….. a plate.
15. While Tom (play) ………………………..the piano, his mother (do) ……………………….. the
Exercise 10: Put the verbs in brackets in past perfect or past simple.
1. When she (finish) …………………….. her work, she (go) …………………….. to the cinema.
2. He (not eat) …………………….. until his parents (come) …………………….. home.
3. She (tell) …………………….. me she never (meet) …………………….. him.
4. He (do) …………………….. her homework before he (go) …………………….. out.
5. The lights (go) …………………..out the moment he (get) …………………..into the cinema.
6. Hardly the holiday (begin) ………………….. when they (leave) …………………….. the town.
7. They (be) ……………………..out for an hour when it (start) …………………….. to rain.
8. They (leave) …………………….. the shop as soon as they (buy) …………………….. everything
they (need) ……………………..
9. The house (burn) ………….. to the ground buy the time the firemen (arrive) ……………..
10. As he (do) …………………….. a lot of work that day he (be) …………………….. very tired.
11. I already (hear) …………….. about the accident when he (tell) ……………….. me about it.
12. He (live) ………………….. in the country for ten years when he first (come) …………………..
to London.
13. I (not talk)…………………….. to him because when I (arrive) ……………………..he already
(leave) ……………………..
14. When we (go) …………………….. out again, the wind (stop) ……………………..
15. He (think) ……….………. he (win) ………..……..in the lottery but he (not have) ………..……..
of course.


Exercise 1: Listen and complete the story. (Track 12)

The ugly duckling
Once upon a time there was a little (1) …………………………. duck.
She was excited. Her five eggs were finally going to hatch.
She watched and counted as one by one the eggs hatched.



“One duckling, two ducklings, three, four, five (2) …………………………. “, she saidhappily.
Suddenly she noticed that there was one more egg.
It was bigger and whiter than the rest.
“This cannot be my (3)………………………….”, she thought.
Slowly the big egg began to crack and the strange looking duckling came up. Mother
duck was surprised. The younger duckling was great and bigger than the rest.
“How ugly the little one is”, she thought.
As the day went by, the ducklings began to grow, but the younger duckling looked
different from the rest.
(4) …………………………. looked at him and said, “There goes the ugly duckling”.
His brothers, sisters teased him all the time.
The ugly duckling felt very bad.
Whenever people laughed at him, he used to run away and hide behind the reeds near
the lake.
“Nobody loves me”, he thought.
One day, the duckling (5) …………………………. to run away from home.
He swam and swam, and on his way he had many adventures.
Exercise 2: Listen and answer the questions. (Track 13)
1. What did the father leave his two sons?
2. What is the elder brother like? What is the younger brother like?
3. What did the elder brother give his younger brother?
4. What did the eagle repay the younger brother?
5. Why did the eagle get tired?
Exercise 3: Read the text and complete it with the words in the box.
golden money egg possessed market
The Goose and the Golden Egg
There was once a Countryman who (1) …………………….. the most wonderfulGoose you
can imagine, for every day when he visited the nest, the Goose had laid a beautiful,
glittering, (2) …………………….. egg.
The Countryman took the eggs to (3) …………………….. and soon began toget rich. But it
was not long before he grew impatient with the Goose because she gave him only a
single golden egg a day. He was not getting rich fast enough.


Then one day, after he had finished counting his (4) …………………….. , the ideacame to
him that he could get all the golden eggs at once by killing the Goose and cutting it open.
But when the deed was done, not a single golden (5) …………………….. did he find, and his
precious Goose was dead.

Exercise 4: Read and answer the questions.

A Hare was making fun of the Tortoise one day for being so slow.
“Do you ever get anywhere?” he asked with a mocking laugh.
“Yes,” replied the Tortoise, “and I get there sooner than you
think. I’ll run you a race and prove it.”
The Hare was much amused at the idea of running a race with the Tortoise, but for the
fun of the thing he agreed. So the Fox, who had consented as judge, marked the
distance and started the runners off.
The Hare was soon far out of sight, and to make the Tortoise feel very deeply how
ridiculous it was for him to try a race with a Hare, he lay down beside the course to take
a nap until the Tortoise should catch up.
The Tortoise meanwhile kept going slowly but steadily, and, after a time, passed the
place where the Hare was sleeping. But the Hare slept on very peacefully; and when at
last he did wake up, the Tortoise was near the goal. The Hare now ran his swiftest, but
he could not overtake the Tortoise in time.
1. Why did the Hare make fun of the Tortoise?
2. Did the Hare like the idea of runing a race with the Tortoise?
3. Who runned faster for the first stage?
4. How did the Tortoise move?
5. Who win the race in the end?
6. What lesson can you learn from this story?
Exercise 5: Look at the picture, answer the questions. Then practise asking
and answering questions in oral speech.



1. What’s the name of the story?

2. Where are they?
3. What does Snow White look like?
4. What do her friends look like?
5. Are they happy together?
6. Can you tell the story?
Exercise 6: Tell the story in front of the class.
Exercise 7: Write in full sentences.
1. It/ be/ cloudy/ yesterday.
2. In 1990/ we/ move/ to another city.
3. When/ you/ get/ the first gift?
4. She/ not/ go/ to the church/ five days ago.
5. How/ be/ he/ yesterday?
6. Mr. and Mrs. James/ come back home/ and/ have/ lunch/ late/ last night?
7. They/ happy/ last holiday?
8. How/ you/ get there?


9. I/ play/ football/ last/ Sunday.
10. My/ mother/ make/ two/ cake/ four/ day/ ago.
11. Tyler/ visit/ his/ grandmother/ last/ month.

12. Joni/ go/ zoo/ five/ days/ ago.

13. We/ have/ fun/ yesterday.
14. My/ father/ not/ at the office/ the day/ before yesterday.
15. What/ you/ do/ during the day?





Exercise 1: Listen and complete the words with /br/ or /pr/. Then read them aloud. (Track
bridge princess brownie press
appraisal brick proof bravo
brown priority bravery preposition
preview bring preserve brain
brought prior brochure prepare
Exercise 2: Listen and choose the word you hear. (Track 02)
1. bribe 2. pray 3. bronze 4. brother
5. prepare 6.press 7. prick 8. bring
9.brave 10.prepare
Exercise 3: Look at the picture and put the words in the box under the pictures.
1.bracelet 2. comic book 3. skateboard 4. wool
5.sticker 6. button 7. novel 8. bike
Exercise 4: Look at the pictures and complete the phrases.
1. go mountain biking 2. go to the movies 3. go shopping
4.make crafts 5.pet training 6. play sport
7.play video games 8.surf the internet 9. watch TV
10. window shopping 11.make friends 12. make origami
Exercise 5: Complete the sentences with phrases in the box.
1. loves collecting 2.adore playing 3.like working
4. fancies being 5. detests doing 6. fancy singing
7. watching football 8.fancies doing 9.like eating
10. detests looking
Exercise 6: Complete the sentences, using the -ing form of the given verbs.
1.going 2. collecting 3. doing 4. planting 5. staying


6. doing 7. taking 8. watching 9. eating 10. travelling
Exercise 7: Each sentence has a mistake. Underline the mistakes and correct them.
1. cook  cooking 6.fancies  fancy
2.likes  like 7.fancy of  fancy
3. eaten  eating 8.watches  watching
4.to playing  playing 9. ride  riding
5. loves  love 10. to talking  talking
Exercise 8: Complete the paragraph with suitable words.
1.listening 2. is 3. reading 4. like 5. playing 6. going
Exercise 9: Complete the text with the words in the box.
1. five 2. spending 3. cooking 4. adores 5. brother
6. playing 7. hates 8. low 9. sister 10. likes
Exercise 10: Reorder the words to make correct sentences.
1. Do you like listening to music?
2. My mother loves planting flowers in the garden.
3. My parents really enjoy swimming in the sea.
4. Do you fancy cycling now?
5. My brother and I adore playing chess.
6. Rose dislikes collecting stamps.
7. I don’t like taking a shower in winter.
8. Laura detests making pottery.
9. Minh Nam and I love spending hours in a laboratory to do an experiment.
10. I am not interested in fishing in this cold weather.

Exercise 1: Listen and complete the sentence. (Track O3)
1.surfing 2. faster 3. checks 4. services 5. convenient
Exercise 2: Listen again and write T (true)/ F(false) for each statement.
1. F 2. T 3. F 4. T 5. F
Exercise 3: Fill in the blank with the words in the box.
1.expensive 2. educational 3. advisers
4.motivate 5. cultures
Exercise 4: Complete the following sentences with no more than three words.
1.negative effects 2. sleep difficulties 3. antisocial
4. enriching hobbies 5. Addicted



Exercise 5: Look at the picture, answer the questions. Then practise asking and answering
questions in oral speech. (Student’s answer)
Exercise 6: Describe the picture in front of the class. (oral presentation) (Student’s answer)
Exercise 7: Put the following phrases in the correct column to organise the ideas.
Introducing the ideas Explaining Concluding
I believe that Firstly, secondly, thirdly, finally In short
According to me Morover, furthermore In conclusion
I think that For these reasons To sum up
In my opinion, Besides, also, in addition

Exercise 8: Should teenagers spend free time on facebook? Write a short paragraph
(about 70-80 words) to give your ideas. (Remember to use the phrases in
Exercise 7 to organize your ideas). (Student’s answer)



Exercise 1: Listen and complete the words with /bl/ or /cl/. Then read them aloud. (Track
blanket blouse climb bleed
clap blue bliss cluster
black clean clock blind
blender clear client dick
clause blow blink class
Exercise 2: Listen and complete the sentences. Then read the sentences aloud. (Track 05)
1.cream 2. blue 3. crying 4. blouses 5. crown
6.blocked 7. blooming 8. cracked 9. blackberry 10. crime
Exercise 3: Look at the picture and complete with suitable words.
1.blackberry 2. buffalo 3. buffalo-drawncart 4. camel
5.cattle 6. sheep 7. paddy field 8. flowers
9.fruit 10. beehive 11. rice straw 12. tent
Exercise 4: Complete the phrases below with the verbs in the box.
1. climb tree 6.grow up
2. collect hay 7.herd the buffalo
3. dry the rice 8.pick flowers
4.go herding 9.ride a horse
5.grill fish in rice straw 10.fly kite


Exercise 5: Complete the table with comparative form of adjectives.
1. cheaper 6. more colorful 11. further/ farther 16. quicker
2. colder 7. bigger 12. older/ elder 17. worse
3. thinner 8. more expensive 13. more nicely 18.worse
4.better 9. more popular 14. better 19.more modern
5.faster 10. longer 15. moreslowly 20. prettier
Exercise 6: Choose the correct answers.
1. easier 2. more bored 3. prettier 4.lazier
5. deeper 6. more comfortable 7. more boring 8. taller
9. cheaper 10. colder
Exercise 7: Put the adjectives in brackets.
1. better-looking 2. more wonderful 3. more slowly 4. happier
5. cheaper 6. more comfortable 7. heavier 8. longer
9. nicer 10. larger
Exercise 8: Put the adjectives in brackets.
1.more expensive 2.more important 3. happier
4.stronger 5. more comfortable 6. better
7.more interesting 8.more precious 9. more pleasant
Exercise 9: Write in full sentences using comparative form.
1.My school is bigger than your school
2.Lan is younger than Hoa.
3.My father is older than my mother.
4.This ruler is longer than that ruler.
5.This room is larger than my room.
6.The boys are stronger than the girls.
7.My house is smaller than your house.
8.Nam is shorter than his sister.
Exercise 10: Rewrite the sentences keeping the same meaning.
1.Your house is smaller than mine.
2.The red car is more expensive than the black car.
3.That film is more boring than this one.
4.Your kitchen is larger/bigger than mine.
5. I can cook better than my mother.
6.My house is more modern than hers.
7.The movie was more boring than I had been thought.
8.Jack can play tennis better than he.
9.You spent more money than I.



10.This book is more expensive than I thought.


Exercise 1: Listen and complete the sentences. (Track 06)

1.nature 2. hospitable 3. honest 4. carriages 5. demands
Exercise 2: Listen again and answer the questions.
1.God made the country and man made the town.
2.Yes, we can.
3.The young.
4.In the countryside.
Exercise 3: Read the text and put the headings for each paragraph.
1.Clutter-free Life 2. Cheaper Living
3.The Ability to Live and Visit Anywhere 4. Discover New Cultures
Exercise 4: Read the text answer the questions.
1. 67 % of Vietnamese people live in the rural areas.
2. No, they don’t.
3. They often walk to their fields.
4. Men do heavy labor like plowing and digging. Women work around the house, and
help with the harvest, planning and weeding. The elderly do j light labor.
5. They have it to grow vegetables, fruits for family demand or selling for more
6. It’s dinner time.
Exercise 5: Look at the picture, answer the questions. Then practise asking and answering
questions in oral speech.(Student’s answer)
Exercise 6: Describe the picture in front of the class. (oral presentation)(Student’s answer)
Exercise 7. Follow the direction and write in full sentences.
1. Equal comparison
a.Mary is as tall as her brother.
b.A lemon is not as sweet as an orange.
c.A donkey is not as big as a horse.
d.This dress is as pretty as that one.
e.The blue house is not as big as the red house.
2. Comparative
a.A rose is more beautiful than a weed.
b.A dog is more intelligent than a chicken.
c.Ba is friendlier than Nam.
d.Your house is farther from school than my house.


e.A horse is stronger than a person.
3. Superlative
a.The Nile is the longest river in the world.
b.Lan is the tallest student in my class.
c.Russia is the biggest country in the world.
d.Australia is the smallest continent in the world.
e.That is the highest mountain in the world.
Exercise 8: Rewrite the sentences without changing the meaning.
1.Her new house is smaller than the old house.
2.Peter is the tallest person in my class.
3.The white dress is cheaper than the black one.
4.According to me, Maths is more difficult than English.
5.Mary is the most intelligent person in my group.
6.The Nile is the longest river in the world.
7.No mountain in the world is as high as Mount Everest.
8.She is the prettiest girl I have ever met.
9.The more he works, the more tired he feels.
10.That computer doesn’t work as well as this computer.



Exercise 1: Put the words containing /sk/ or /sp/ or /st/ in correct columns.
/sk/ /sp/ /st/
skirt speak stain
sky spy ancestor
sculpture spill cyclist
skis special stuck
schedule space request
scanner spark stand
scholarship spouse least
Exercise 2: Listen and complete with the words you hear. (Track 07)
1.school 2. experts 3. skiing 4. Scope
5.tester 6. sports 7. skim 8. spines
9. stool 10. latest 11. sponge 12. stolen



Exercise 3: Look at the pictures and complete with suitable words.

1. bamboo 2. basket 3. communal house
4.musical instrument 5. open-air market 6. pagoda
7.poultry 8. scarf 9. shawl
10.waterwheel 11. stilt house 12. terracedfield
Exercise 4: Complete the phrase with available words.
1.song 2. boarding 3. minority 4. heritage 5. local
Exercise 5: Choose the correct answers.
1. B 2. A 3. D 4. B 5. C
6. A 7. B 8. C 9. A 10. C
Exercise 6: Complete the conversations with suitable question words.
1. what time 2. What 3. How many 4. Why
5.How 6. What 7. what 8. Where
9.How far 10. How 11. who 12. What time
Exercise 7: Write questions for the underlined parts. (1)
1. Who did you go to the cinema with? 6. What did you do last night?
2.How long did you stay in New Zealand? 7. What did she make for her mother?
3.Why did she call the firemen? 8. Whom did Susan give the money to?
4.How many kilos of oranges did you buy? 9. How did you go to school?
5.Whom did John write about? 10. Why were you tired yesterdayevening?
Exercise 8: Write questions for the underlined parts. (2)
1.How many people did Mary invite to 6.Whose dictionary did you borrow?
the party?
2.Did you go to the cinema last night? 7.Who gave some money to Mike?
3.Where did Shakira grow up? 8.What did Maria do yesterday?
4.Whom did he go on holiday with? 9.When did Shakespeare die?
5.What did she do? 10. Why didn’t he dance at the disco?
Exercise 9: Complete the sentences with suitable articles.
1. a 6. the
2. the 7. a; a; The; the
3.a 8. an; A; a; The; the; the
4.the 9. a; a; The; the; the
5. an; The 10. an; a; a; the; a
Exercise 10: Choose the correct answers.
1. D 2. B 3. A 4. C 5. A
6. B 7. A 8. B 9. C 10. C



Exercise 1: Listen and complete the text. (Track 08)

1. coast 2.important 3. Men 4. majority 5. marriages
Exercise 2: Listen again and write T (true)/ F(false) for each statement.
1. F 2. T 3. F 4. T 5.F
Exercise 3: Read the text and match the words with their definition.
1. f 2. j 3. a 4. h 5. d
6. b 7. e 8. i 9. g 10. c
Exercise 4: Read the text and answer the questions.
1.It’s the ao dai.
2.It was perfected in the 1950s.
3.It is called the ao gam.
4.It’s made from bamboo or straw.
5.They have worn Western-style clothing.
Exercise 5: Look at the picture, answer the questions. Then practise asking and answering
questions in oral speech. (Student’s answer)
Exercise 6: Describe the picture in front of the class. (oral presentation) (Student’s
Exercise 7: Make Yes/ No questions for these sentences. Number 0 is an example for you.
1. Is she hungry? 7.Shall we wait a little longer?
2.Can he swim well? 8.Do you listen to music?
3.Were they tired after the game? 9.Do they work in New York?
4.Will she return to America? 10.Does she visit her aunt?
5.May you leave a message now? 11.Did you begin the course in May?
6.Have they all left? 12.Does her car go very slowly?
Exercise 8: Make questions for the underlined parts.
1.How much is the dictionary? 6.Why do you need a phone card?
2.What did you make it from? 7.How far is it from Hue to Ho Chi Minh
3. Where did she buy it? City?
4.Were you tired after the trip? 8.Where is the bank?
5. How long did it take her to finish the 9. What did the dress look like?
composition? 10. When did you see her?





Exercise 1: Complete the words with /spr/ or /str/.

spread airstrip espresso sprint
abstract sprout hairspring strategy
spring bloodstream strout spreadsheet
sprites spray sprawl string hoặc spring
astronaut stretcher straight instrument
Exercise 2: Pick out the word which has /spr/ or /str/, then divide them into correct
/spr/ /str/
dispread misprice district anastrophe
disproof desperate administration ancestry
handspring espresso airstream astray
Exercise 3: Look at the picture and put the words in the box under the correct picture.
1. chopsticks 2. Christmas tree 3. circle dance
4. cutlery 5. firecracker 6. firework
7. fork 8. gift 9. lucky money
10. monk 11. rice bowl 12. shake hands
13. sponge cake 14. tank top 15. tray
Exercise 4: Match the words with their definition.
1. E 2. G 3. A 4. J 5. F
6. B 7. I 8. D 9. H 10. C
Exercise 5: Look at the situation and complete with should or have to. (Use negative form
in necessary cases)
1. should 2. don’t have to 3. should 4. should
5. doesn’t have to 6. should 7. shouldn’t 8. shouldn’t
9. don’t have to 10. should 11. should 12. shouldn’t
13. shouldn’t 14. should
Exercise 6: Complete with have to or has to.
1.has to 2.have to 3.has to 4.have to 5.have to
6.has to 7.have to 8.has to 9.have to 10. has to
Exercise 7: Complete with should or shouldn’t. (1)

1. should 2. shouldn’t 3. Should 4. should 5. shouldn’t use
6. should ask 7. shouldn’t 8. Should 9. shouldn’t 10. should
Exercise 8: Complete with should or shouldn’t. (2)
1. shouldn’t 2. should 3. should 4. shouldn’t 5. should
6. shouldn’t 7. should 8. shouldn’t 9. should 10. should
Exercise 9: Use should or shouldn’t with a verb in brackets to complete the sentences.
1.You shouldn’t park 6. Should I send
2.should I cook 7. I should apply
3.You shouldn’t wear 8. I should write
4. You shouldn’t smoke 9. I shouldn’t eat
5.We should arrive 10. We should complain
Exercise 10: Complete with should (not) or (not) have to.
1. shouldn’t 2. have to 3. should 4. has to
5. has to 6. should 7. have to 8. should
9. shouldn’t 10. don’t have to


Exercise 1: Listen and complete the sentences. (Track 09)

1. customs 2. identity 3. ancestors 4. festivals 5. vary
Exercise 2: Listen again and write T (true)/ F (false) for each statement.
1. T 2. F 3. T 4. T 5.F
Exercise 3: Read the text and complete the sentences.
1. Marriage 2. accordance 3. relationship 4. representative
5.gifts 6. calendar 7. ceremony 8. suitable
9. habits 10. covered
Exercise 4: Read the text and answer the question.
1.Death is considered to be the most solemn ceremony in Vietnam.
2.There are five steps.
3.They have to wear coarse gauze turbans and tunics, and hats made of straw, or dry
banana fiber.
4.All relatives, neighbors and friends do.
5.After 49 days.
6.It’s more simple now.
Exercise 5: Look at the picture, answer the questions. Then practise asking and answering
questions in oral speech. (Student’s answer)
Exercise 6: Describe the picture in front of the class. (oral presentation) (Student’s answer)



Exercise 7: Write in full sentences.

1.If you want to work in the USA, you should learn to speak English.
2.You shouldn’t give someone a clock as a present.
3.You are ill. You shouldn’t go to school today.
4.Tomorrow is Sunday. So I don’t have to go to school.
5.I think people should recycle more paper and glass.
6.The museum is free. You don’t have to pay.
7.I had to wear a uniform when I was at school.
8.If you see Pauline, you should be polite to her.
9.You shouldn’t smoke. It’s bad for you.
10.We have to be on time for the meeting.
Exercise 8: Frank is cooking. Give him some advice with should/ shouldn’t + one phrase in
the box.
1.He shouldn’t leave the beef in the oven for more than one hour.
2.He should cut the onions as thin as possible.
3.He should use fresh herbs and fresh vegetables.
4.He shouldn’t put in too much salt and chilies.
5.He should wait until the water boils before he puts the vegetables into it.
6.He should heat the oven before he puts the beef in.
7.He shouldn’t cut the beef into a lot of equal slices.



Exercise 1: Choose the word which has different stress position.

1. B 2. A 3. C 4. D 5. A
6. B 7. D 8. C 9. B 10. A
Exercise 2: Mark the stress of the words in the box. Then read them aloud.
1. aˈffection 6. isoˈlation
2. acˈcordion 7. aˈttention
3. diˈmension 8. conˈdition
4. decentraliˈzation 9. appropriˈation
5. diˈvision 10. geneˈration
Exercise 3: Look at the picture and put the words under the pictures.
1. kumquat tree 2. cock fighting 3. drum

4.elephant race 5. emperor 6. flute
7. folk game 8. incense 9. lantern
10. peach blossom 11. wrestling 12. yellow apricot blossoms
Exercise 4: Complete the sentences with the words in the box.
1. five-fruit tray 2. Buddhism 3. Buffalo fighting 4. candle
5.cave 6. coconuts 7. dragon boat 8. fisherman
Exercise 5: Choose the correct answers. (1)
1. B 2. A 3. D 4. A 5. C
6. A 7. B 8. D 9. A 10. B
Exercise 6: Choose the correct answers. (2)
1. C 2. A 3. D 4. C 5. A
6. D 7. B 8. C 9. D 10. A
Exercise 7: Complete with: and/ but/ or/ because/ yet
1. but 2. and 3. or 4. and 5. but
6.yet 7. or 8. so 9. but 10. yet
Exercise 8: Complete with: because/ while/when/if/although
1. because 2. although 3. While 4. Although 5. When
6.Although 7. if 8. while 9. although 10. because
Exercise 9: Complete with: so, but, while, because, or, although
1. so 2. but 3. Because 4. While 5. Because
6.but 7. so 8. or 9. because 10. although
Exercise 10: Complete with: and; or; but; although; if, while, when
1. and 2. or 3.or 4. or 5. but
6.but 7. Although 8. if 9. while 10. when


Exercise 1: Listen to the text and complete the sentences. (Track 10)
1. celebrates 2. dragon 3. princess 4.one hundred 5. temple
Exercise 2: Listen again and answer the questions
1. Hung Vuong is the first king of Viet Nam.
2.50 sons did.
3. It’s about 50 miles.
4. On the tenth day of the third lunar month.
5. In 2007
Exercise 3: Read the text and complete it with the words in the box.



1. cultural 2. history 3. visitors 4. tranquil

5. traditional 6. fireworks 7. aims 8. international
9. competitions 10. participants
Exercise 4: Read and answer the questions.
1. It’s officially celebrated on the 1st, 2ndand 3rdday of January in Lunar Calendar.
2.They often spend about nearly a month to celebrate it.
3.They use kumquat tree, peach blossom, and many other colorful flowers.
4.Children do.
5.Red and yellow will bring good fortune according to Vietnamese’s belief.
6.They often receive lucky money kept in red envelop at Tet.
Exercise 5: Look at the picture, answer the questions. Then practise asking and answering
questions in oral speech. (Student’s answer)
Exercise 6: Describe the picture in front of the class. (oral presentation) (Student’s answer)
Exercise 7: Combine the two simple sentences in one.
1. The boys are playing games and the girls are watching TV.
2. I tried my best in the final test but the result was not as good as I expected.
3. He lost the key so he couldn’t get into the house.
4. She loves comedies yet her husband is interested in action films.
5. You must do well in the test or you will not graduate.
6. Pop music is so popular for the simple and memorable melody.
7. I should practice more for the competition but my health hasn’t been excellent
8. You can go to the movies with me or you can go to the concert alone.
Exercise 8: Combine the sentences using a subordinator to make a complex sentence.
Number 1 is an example for you.
1. I’m going to the bank because I need some money.
2. I made lunch when I got home.
3. Although it’s raining, she’s going for a walk in the park.
4. Unless she finishes her homework soon, she will fail the class.
5. He decided to trust Tim because he was an honest man.
6. When we went to school, she decided to investigate the situation.
7. Jennifer decided to leave Tom because he was too worried about his job.
8. Dennis bought a new jacket although he had received one as a gift last week.
9. Brandley claims that there will be trouble if he doesn’t complete the job.
10. Janice will have finished the report by the time you receive the letter.


Exercise 1: Listen and read aloud these sentences. (Track 11)

Exercise 2: Tick  to the exclamation sentence.
2.How lovely the girl is!  4. What a horrible day!
5.How cute the kittens are!  6. What a large house! 
8.What a crowded bus!  9. How useful the mobile is! 
12.How beautiful the performance is! 
Exercise 3: Look at the picture and put their names under the pictures.
1.Beauty and the Beast 5. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
2.Cinderella 6. The Three Little Pigs
3.The Emperor’s New Clothes 7. The Little Mermaid
4.Sleeping Beauty 8. The Ugly Duckling
Exercise 4: Look at the pictures and complete with suitable words. The first letter is hint
for you.
1. dragon 2. eagle 3. elf 4. grandmother
5. knight 6. prince 7. princess 8. queen
9. star fruit tree 10. tortoise 11. witch 12. woodcutter
Exercise 5: Circle the correct answers.
1. saw 2. were you doing 3. didn’t visit
4. rained 5. was reading 6. ate
7. were running 8. Did you find 9. did she dance
10. watched
Exercise 6: Choose the correct answers.
1. C 2. D 3.C 4. B 5. A
6. A 7. A 8. D 9. A 10. C
Exercise 7: Underline the mistake in each sentence and correct it.
1.play  playing 6. have had
2.Was were 7. broke  break
3.do  doing 8. go went
4.went  go 9. am was
5.weren’tdidn’t 10. turn turned
Exercise 8: Put the verbs in brackets in past simple or past continuous. (1)
1. went 2. was swimming 3. was drinking 4. saw
5.was 6. was beating 7. asked 8. told



9.stayed 10. had

Exercise 9: Put the verbs in brackets in past simple or past continuous. (2)
1.was reading; was watching 9.were swimming; were sunbathing
2.came; switched; checked 10. came; looked; told
3.sneaked; stole; left 11. were Joey and Lyly doing
4.was listening; was explaining 12. were having; run
5.were doing; were lying 13. turned; went
6.woke; looked 14. was doing; broke
7.welcomed; asked 15. was playing; did
8.broke; had
Exercise 10: Put the verbs in brackets in past perfect or past simple.
1.had finished – went 2. hadn’t eaten – came
3.told – had met 4. had done – went
5.had gone – got 6.had the holiday begun – left
7. had been – started 8. left – had bought – needed
9. had burned/ burnt – arrived 10. had done – was
11.had heard – told 12. had lived – came
13.didn’t talk – arrived – had left 14. had gone – stopped
15. thought – had won – didn’t have


Exercise 1: Listen and complete the story. (Track 12)

1. mother 2. ducklings 3. egg 4. Everybody 5. decided
Exercise 2: Listen and answer the questions. (Track 13)
1.He left his two sons a huge fortune.
2.The elder brother is greedy. The younger brother is kind.
3.He gave his younger brother only a starfruit tree.
4.The eagle repaid him in gold.
5.Because the load was too heavy.
Exercise 3: Read the text and complete it with the words in the box.
1. possessed 2. golden 3. market 4. money 5. egg
Exercise 4: Read and answer the questions.
1. Because the Tortoise was slow. 2. Yes, it did.
3.The hare did. 4. It moved slowly but steadily.
5. The Tortoise. 6. Don’t be arrogant.

Exercise 5: Look at the picture, answer the questions. Then practise asking and answering
questions in oral speech.(Student’s answer)
Exercise 6: Tell the story in front of the class. (Student’s answer)
Exercise 7: Write in full sentences.
1.It was cloudy yesterday.
2.In 1990, we moved to another city.
3.When did you get the first gift?
4.She did not go to the church five days ago.
5.How was he yesterday?
6.Did Mr. and Mrs. James come back home and have lunch late last night?
7.Were they happy last holiday?
8.How did you get there?
9.I played football last Sunday.
10.My mother made two cakes four days ago.
11.Tyler visited his grandmother last month.
12.Joni went to the zoo five days ago.
13.We had fun yesterday.
14.My father was not at the office the day before yesterday.
15.What were you doing during the day?



Exercise 1: Listen and complete the words with /br/ or/pr/. Then read them aloud. (Track
bridge princess brownie press
appraisal brick proof bravo
brown priority bravery preposition
preview bring preserve brain
brought prior brochure prepare
Exercise 2: Listen and choose the word you hear. (Track 02)
1. bribe 2. pray 3. bronze 4. brother 5. prepare
6.press 7. prick 8. bring 9. brave 10. prepare

Exercise 1: Listen and complete the sentence. (Track 03)
My name is Tuan. In my free time, I really like surfing the Internet. When I get home
from work, I turn on my computer, wait until it boots up completely, and then I go
online. I still have a dial-up connection, but I’m switching to a broadband Internet
service soon. It costs more a month, but Webpages load faster with a high-speed
connection, I can upload and download files quicker. I usually check my email first and
write a few messages to family and friends. I sometimes scan the local news headlines at
my favorite news Website and read up on the latest local and international news. This
Website often provides video news clips that you can view online. I sometimes order
products or services online to save money and time instead of going to a store and
buying what I’m looking for. For example, I ordered a digital camera onlinethe other day
and saved about $50. Whatever I do, I realize that there are problems with using the
Internet including scams, identity theft, and viruses, so I’m very careful not to give out
my personal information. Furthermore, I don’t download or open files I don’t recognize.
Using the Internet can be fun and convenient way of shopping and finding out new
information, but you just need to be careful.
Exercise 2: Listen again and write T (true)/ F(false) for each statement.

Exercise 1: Listen and complete the words with /bl/ or /cl/. Then read them aloud. (Track
blanket blouse climb bleed
clap blue bliss cluster
black clean clock blind
blender clear client click
clause blow blink class
Exercise 2: Listen and complete the sentences. Then read the sentences aloud. (Track 05)
1.He would like some ice cream.
2.They like blue color so much.
3.The baby is crying.
4.Doctors wear blouses when working in hospital.
5.The queen has a gold crown.
6.The car accident has blocked the road.
7.The apricot is blooming.
8.The ice all over the lake has been cracked.
9.He has a blackberry mobile.
10.Youth crime is a serious problem today.

Exercise 1: Listen and complete the sentences. (Track 06)
“God made the country and man made the town”, so said the Bible. Country life is
natural; town life is artificial. In the country, we are close to Nature. We are surrounded
by green fields, flowers and trees. There are streams and brooks.
People are open, plain and frank. They are generous and hospitable. They are attached
to one another. They are sympathetic towards one another. They share one another’s
joys and sorrows. Village life is free from all restraints of society. People are simple in
their habits and dress. They are 9 illiterate and ignorant but simple and honest. They are
not cunning.
In the country, one gets fresh air, fresh water, fresh fruit and vegetables.Milk, butter and
other eatables can be had in an unadulterated state.There is absolute peace and quiet.
There is no traffic jam and noise. There is nothing to disturb the calm. There is no roar of
machinery. Motors and carriages are seldom to be seen.
There is no hustle and bustle. The people are contented because their demands are few
and are easily satisfied. Country people are pious and religious. The people cherish
friendly and neighbourly feelings towards their fellowmen and live in perfect harmony



and goodwill. The young respect the old irrespective of caste and creed. There is a social
In a word, country life is simpler and much more quiet and peaceful than town life which
is full of bustle, worry and hurry.
Exercise 2: Listen again and answer the questions.


Exercise 2: Listen and complete with the words you hear. (Track 07)
1.What’s the name of your school?
2.There are some experts from ATC Corporation coming here today.
3.My family usually goes skiing in winter.
4.Scope of use of this device is quite limited.
5. He is working as a tester.
6.She does not do any sports.
7.Before reading for details, you should skim the text to obtain its main idea.
8.There are some spines around my house.
9.Bring me that stool please!
10.In this competition, people who come the latest will win.
11.Would you like to have some sponge cakes?
12.The thief had stolen some precious pictures.
Exercise 1: Listen and complete the sentences. (Track 08)
The Cham
The Cham, who have lived along the coast of central Vietnam for a longtime, possess a
rich culture. Let’s discover some interesting things about the Cham.
Diet: The Cham eat rice cooked in large and small earthen pots. It is often accompanied
by fish, meat and bulb vegetables, which are obtained from hunting, gathering,
husbandry and agricultural production. Popular drinks are rice and can (pipe) wines.
Betel chewing is very important to people’s daily life and traditional rituals.
Clothing: Both men and women wear long one-piece sarongs or cloth wrappers. Men
wear shirts fastened down the center with buttons, while women wear long-sleeved
pullover blouses. The main color of their daily dress is cotton white. Nowadays, the
Cham dress like the Viet in other parts of central Vietnam, with long-sleeved blouses
which is only worn by elderly women.
Lifestyle: The majority of Cham live in Ninh Thuan and Binh Thuan. They build their
houses on the ground, with the rooms being arranged according to a particular order the
sitting room, rooms for the parents, children, and married women, the kitchen and
warehouse (including the granary), and the nuptial room of the youngest daughter.

Marriage: Cham women take the initiative in marriages. The couple lives with the wife’s
family, and children are named after the family name of the mother. Wedding gifts are
prepared by the bride’s family. Monogamy is a principle of all marriages.
Exercise 2: Listen again and write T (true)/ F(false) for each statement.


Exercise 1: Listen to the text and complete the sentence. (Track 09)
Traditional Vietnamese customs and habits have been formed time to time forthousands
of years. This creates a long-lasting culture. Despite the domination of Chinese and other
powers, Vietnamese people still remains their unique cultural identity.
In the course of development, customs and habits are indispensable spiritual field in
Vietnamese culture. It is the original cultural values of the country strongly that define
the identity and the long-lastingness of culture in Vietnam. In the entire history of
Vietnam, Vietnamese culture is the combination of native culture, cultural exchange
with China, Asian region and western countries. However, with a firm native culture,
Vietnamese people keep their culture away from being assimilated, and ‘Vietnamizing”
those cultural features instead. Vietnamese culture is characterized by a series of unique
customs and habits such as worshiping ancestors, chewing betel, and other customs in
traditional ceremonies like funeral ceremony, long-life ceremony, etc. These customs
and habits are associated with community of villages and communes. Vietnam is a
country of festivals, especially in spring. There are several famous festivals featuring
Vietnamese culture like Tet Nguyen Dan, Tet Nguyen Tieu, Tet HanThuc, Tet Doan Ngo,
Mid-Autumn Festival, etc. Yet, customs and habits of Vietnamese people vary from
region to region, and ethnic group to ethnic group.
Exercise 2: Listen again and answer the questions


Exercise 1: Listen and complete the sentence. (Track 10)
This festival celebrates the legendary birth of Vietnam’s first kings, the Hung Vuong.
Details of their origin remain sketchy, but the story has become rather embellished over
the years: born from the union of a mountain princess and a sea dragon, the Hung
Vuong came from a hundred sons hatched from a hundred eggs laid by said princess.
Half the sons went back to the sea with their father, while the rest stayed behind with
their mother and learned to rule.
To remember the valiant sons of this lineage, people gather at the Hung Temple, located
near Viet Tri City in Phu Tho province, about 50 miles from Hanoi.



Festival goers light incense, make offerings, and beat bronze drums at the temple, then
join a temple fair, which includes entertainments like traditional Vietnamese operas and
sword dances. This holiday is traditionally celebrated on the tenth day of the third lunar
month; as of 2007, the Vietnamese government declared this to be a nationwide
Exercise 2: Listen again and answer the questions


Exercise 1: Listen and read aloud these sentences. (Track 11)
1.How straight the noodles are!
2.How high the building is!
3.How precious the diamond is!
4. What a magic wand!
5.What a traditional house!
6.How small the baby is!
7.What a modern apartment!
8.What an evil sister!
9.How loud the music room is!
10.What a busy day!

Exercise 1: Listen and complete the story. (Track 12)
The ugly duckling
Once upon a time there was a little mother duck.
She was excited. Her five eggs were finally going to hatch.
She watched and counted as one by one the eggs hatched.
“One duckling, two ducklings, three, four, five ducklings”, she said happily.
Suddenly she noticed that there was one more egg.
It was bigger and whiter than the rest.
‘This cannot be my egg”, she thought.
Slowly the big egg began to crack and the strange looking duckling came up.
Mother duck was surprised. The younger duckling was great and bigger than the rest.
“How ugly the little one is”, she thought.
As the day went by, the ducklings began to grow, but the younger duckling looked
different from the rest.
Everybody looked at him and said, ‘There goes the ugly duckling .
His brothers, sisters teased him all the time.

The ugly duckling felt very bad.
Whenever people laughed at him, he used to run away and hide behind the reeds near
the lake
“Nobody loves me”, he thought.
One day, the duckling decided to run away from home.
He swam and swam, and on his way he had many adventures.
Exercise 2: Listen and answer the questions. (Track 13)
Once upon a time, there’ was a very rich man who lived in a village. When he died, he
left his two sons a huge fortune. But the two brothers were entirely different. The elder
was greedy, but the younger was very kind. The elder brother gave the younger brother
only a starfruit tree. When the fruit was ripe, an eagle came and ate the fruit. The
younger begged the eagle not to. The eagle promised to repay him in gold. The eagle
took him to the gold island. There the younger brother filled his bag with gold. He
became rich when he got home. The elder brother knew the story and offered to swap
his fortune for the starfruit tree. His kind brother accepted. When the eagle came, the
elder brother asked it to take him to the gold island. The greedy brother filled a very
large bag and all his pocket with gold. On the way home, because the load was too
heavy, the eagle got tired and dropped him into the sea.









Unit6: FOLK TALES 72

KEY 73



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