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Under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
Under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change

This report was prepared in collaboration with :

Federal Public Service Health, Food Chain Safe- Belgian Federal Science Policy Office Flemish government Ministère de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles /
ty and Environment WTCIII Department Economy, Science and Innovation AGERS
DG Environment - Climate Change Section Boulevard Simon Bolivar 30 bte 7 (EWI) Direction Générale de l'Enseignement Non Obli-
Avenue Galilée 5, box 2 1000 Brussels, Belgium Koning Albert II-laan 35, box 10 gatoire et de la Recherche Scientifique
B-1210 Brussels, Belgium e-mail: B-1030 Brussels, Belgium Rue A. Lavallée, 1
e-mail: URL: e-mail: B-1080 Brussels
URL: URL: e-mail:
Flemish government URL:
Federal Public Service Economy, SMEs, Flemish Energy and Climate Agency Flemish government and
Self-employed and Energy Koning Albert II-laan 20 - box 17 Agency for Maritime and Coastal Services -
DG Energy B-1000 Brussels, Belgium Coastal Division IRCEL-CELINE (Belgian interregional Environ-
Rue du Progrès, 50 e-mail: Vrijhavenstraat 3 ment Agency)
B-1210 Brussels, Belgium URL: B-8400 Ostend, Belgium Rue Gaucheret 92-94
e-mail:  e-mail: B-1030 Brussels, Belgium
URL: Flemish government URL: e-mail:
Department of Environment and Spatial Planning URL:
Federal Public Service Mobility and Transport Koning Albert II-laan 20 box 8 Environment Brussels
DG Sustainable Mobility and Rail Policy B-1000 Brussels, Belgium Avenue du port 86c Royal Meteorological Institute of Belgium
Rue du Progrès, 56 e-mail: B-1000 Brussels, Belgium Avenue Circulaire 3
B-1210 Brussels, Belgium URL: e-mail: B-1180 Brussels, Belgium
e-mail: URL: e-mail:
URL: Flemish government URL:
Flemish Department of the Chancellery and Wallonia Public Service
Federal Public Service Foreign Affairs, Foreign Foreign Affairs Wallonia Agency for Air and Climate (AWAC)
Trade and Development Cooperation Havenlaan 88 – box 100 Avenue Prince de Liège, 7 box 2
DG Development Cooperation and Humanitarian B-1000 Brussels, Belgium B-5100 Jambes, Belgium
Aid e-mail: e-mail:
Rue des Petits Carmes, 15 URL: URL:
B-1000 Brussels, Belgium
e-mail: Flemish Environment Agency (VMM)
URL: Emission Inventory Air and Environment Re-
porting Flanders
Federal Planning Bureau Dokter De Moorstraat 24-26 Edited by the National Climate Commission – December 2022
Task Force on Sustainable Development B-9300 Aalst, Belgium
Published and distributed by the
Avenue des Arts, 47-49 e-mail: and
Federal Public Service Health, Food Chain Safety and Environment
B-1000 Brussels, Belgium URL: and http://www.envi-
e-mail: Avenue Galilée 5 Box 2, B-1210 Brussels, Belgium
Legal Deposit: D/2022/2196/46
Table of contents 4. Policies and measures
4.1 Policy-making process........................................................49
9. Public awareness, education and training
9.1 Introduction......................................................................131
4.2 Domestic and regional programmes and/or legislative 9.2 Raising awareness.............................................................132
arrangements and enforcement and administrative 9.3 Education and training......................................................143
procedures...........................................................................56 9.4 Sources of information on the internet.............................153
4.3 Policies and measures and their effects .............................59
Introduction 4.4 Policies and measures no longer in place...........................62 Annexes
1. Executive summary 4.5 Minimising the adverse effects of response measures .......62 Annex 1. Supplementary information under Article 7(2)
National circumstances relevant to greenhouse of the Kyoto Protocol – Correlation table........................157
5. Projections and the total effect of policies
gas emissions and removals..................................................5 Annex 2. 5th biennial report.......................................................158
and measures, and supplementarity relating to
Greenhouse gas inventory information..........................................7 Kyoto protocol mechanisms 1 Preamble...........................................................................158
Policies and measures....................................................................7 5.1 Projections..........................................................................64 2 Information on greenhouse gas emissions
Projections and the total effect of policies and measures..............8 5.2 Assessment of aggregated effects of policies and trends..........................................................................158
Vulnerability assessment, climate change impacts and adaptation and measures.......................................................................90 3 Quantified economy wide emission r
measures...............................................................................9 5.3 Supplementarity relating to mechanisms under eduction target..................................................................159
Financial resources and technology transfer..................................9 article 6, 12 and 17, of the Kyoto protocol.........................91 4 Progress regarding the achievement
Research.......................................................................................10 of quantified economy wide emission reduction
Public awareness, education and training....................................10 6. Vulnerability assessment, climate change impacts targets and relevant information.......................................160
and adaptation measures 5 Projections for 2020 & 2030............................................161
2. National circumstances relevant to greenhouse 6.1 Introduction........................................................................92 6 Provision of financial, technological and
gas emissions and removals 6.2 Forecast impacts of climate change in Belgium.................94 capacity-building support to developing-
2.1 Institutional structure..........................................................12 6.3 Vulnerability assessment and climate-change adaptation country Parties..................................................................161
2.2 Population profile [1] .........................................................13 measures.............................................................................99 7 Other reporting matters.....................................................163
2.3 Geographical profile...........................................................14 6.4 Cooperation on adaptation................................................104 Annex 3. Description of models used........................................164
2.4 Economic profile.................................................................17
2.5 Energy profile.....................................................................18 7. Provision of Financial Resources and Transfer of, or Annex 4. Description of selected projects or
2.6 Transport.............................................................................22 Access to Technologies programmes that promoted practicable steps
7.1 Introduction......................................................................106 to facilitate and/or finance the transfer of,
2.7 Industrial sector..................................................................24
7.2 Legislative and institutional framework of climate or access to, environmentally-sound technologies...........170
2.8 Waste..................................................................................25
change policies and programmes......................................108 Annex 5. Acronyms...................................................................175
2.9 Housing stock [1] [11] .......................................................26
7.3 Provision of international climate finance through
2.10 Agriculture and forestry [12] .............................................26
official Development Assistance and
3. Greenhouse gas inventory information Other Official Flows.........................................................109
3.1 Summary tables..................................................................28 7.4 Looking ahead.................................................................. 112
3.2 Analysis of trends...............................................................30 7.5 Activities relating to transfer of and access to
technologies and capacity building................................... 112
3.3 National inventory system..................................................43
7.6 Methodological Approach for tracking of the
3.4 National registry.................................................................46
provision of financial, technological and
capacity-building support to non-Annex I Parties............ 113

8. Research and systematic observation

8.1 Research............................................................................ 115
8.2 Systematic observation.....................................................125
This document represents the Bel- In accordance with the provisions of
gium’s 8th National Communication re- decision 6/CP.25, signatory nations that are
quired under the United Nations Frame- developed country Parties were requested
work Convention on Climate Change, as to submit their final biennial report (BR5)
reaffirmed by UNFCCC decision 9/CP.16 to the secretariat no later than 31 Decem-
and UNFCCC decision 2/CP.17. It pro- ber 2022 as soon as the annual greenhouse
vides a comprehensive overview of climate gas inventory submission for inventory

I n t rodu c t i o n
change-related activity in Belgium. As de- year 2020 is provided to the UNFCCC. As
fined in the UNFCCC reporting guidelines endorsed in UNFCCC decision 2/CP.17,
for National Communications (decision 6/ Belgium has opted to submit its 5th Bien-
CP.25), the information has been subdivid- nial Report as an annex to this 8th National
ed into: Communication (Annex 2). The tables as
defined in the common tabular format for
–– National circumstances relevant to
the UNFCCC biennial reporting guidelines
greenhouse gas emissions and remov-
for developed country Parties (UNFCCC
als (section 2),
decision 19/CP.18) have been submitted
–– Greenhouse gas inventory information
to the UNFCCC by means of the electron-
(section 3),
ic reporting facility provided by the UN-
–– Policies and measures (section 4),
FCCC secretariat as required by UNFCCC
–– Projections and the total effects of poli-
decision 19/CP.18.
cies and measures (section 5),
–– Vulnerability assessment, climate In order to avoid unnecessary duplica-
change impacts and adaptation mea- tion of information, overlapping content
sures (section 6), between the 8th National Communication
–– Financial, technological and capaci- and the 5th Biennial Report has been lim-
ty-building support (section 7), ited as much as possible; sections of the
–– Research and systematic observation 5th Biennial Report contain mainly refer-
(section 8), ences to the corresponding sections of the
–– Education, training and public aware- 8th National Communication’s and/or CTF
ness (section 9). tables.
A summary table outlining the location
of supplementary information required
within this National Communication in ac-
cordance with Article 7, paragraph 2, of the
Kyoto Protocol is provided in Annex 1.

National circumstances relevant to greenhouse
gas emissions and removals

1. Exe c u t i v e
Belgium is a small country (30 689 km²) Belgium has a very open economy,
in north-western Europe. Belgium is high- situated at the heart of a zone of intense
ly urbanised and is the third most densely economic activity. The Belgian economy is

populated country in Europe (375 inhabi- dominated by the services sector. Exports
tants/km² in 2021). of goods and services accounted for 80%
Belgium’s temperate maritime climate of GDP in 2020 and imports 79%.
is characterised by moderate temperatures. The gross domestic product amounted
The evolution of temperatures in the past to EUR 456.893 billion in 2020, but re-
century reveals an upward trend, a phe- corded a growth rate of -5.7% in the past
nomenon that has been accentuated in re- year due to the COVID-19 crisis. Prior
cent years. to this, Belgium’s gross domestic product
Belgium is a federal state composed had been constantly increasing since 1990
of three language-based communities and (with a small drop related to the financial
three regions, each with its own executive crisis in 2008-2009). At the same time,
and legislative bodies. GHG emissions were initially stabilised
Given Belgium's federal structure and (1990-2005), followed by a decreasing
the division of powers, several structures trend up to the present (-26.9% in 2020,
have been created to promote consultation compared to 1990, but only -20.1% in
and cooperation between the different lev- 2019 compared to 1990). The main drivers
els of power and to ensure consistency in for decoupling are: increased use of gas-
the action of the federal state and its en- eous fuels (decreased use of liquid and sol-
tities. The central coordination body with id fuels), higher energy efficiency, chang-
regard to national climate policy is the es in the structure of the economy (fewer
National Climate Commission. The cen- highly energy intensive industries such as
tral coordination body for energy is CON- the steel industry and more added value in
CERE-ENOVER. The two are increasing- sectors – services and commercial sectors
ly working together. – that are less energy-intensive).

In 2019, greenhouse gas emissions per accounted for 26.8% of the country's final Belgium is very high: one car for every Housing stock
GDP were 261 tons of CO2-eq. per million energy consumption in 2020. 89.8% of this two inhabitants). The majority of goods Since 1995, the number of buildings
euros at 2015 prices (Total UNFCCC excl. gas was used for energy purposes, of which being relocated over land are still being has increased by 14.5%. Over the same pe-
LULUCF (Land Use, Land-Use Change 33.8% was used in the residential sector. transported using road transport. Demand
riod, the number of residences increased by
and Forestry)) and 253 in 2020. for fossil fuels in the sector is expected to
Belgium has limited energy resources. 25.8%. Belgian housing stock is character-
continue to rise.
Its total primary energy production rep- ised by a high proportion of old buildings.
Energy resents approximately 35% of Belgium’s Natural gas is the main heating source. The
Energy intensity has been following a total primary energy consumption. Bel- Industry housing equipment rate of appliances us-
downward trend since 1990, reflecting the gium is consequently highly dependent Although the significance of the indus- ing energy continues to rise.
on other countries to obtain its supplies. trial sector (in particular heavy industry)
decoupling of economic growth from pri-
In 2020, 38.5% of Belgian energy produc- within the economy has declined since the
mary energy consumption.
tion consisted of nuclear energy. The share 1960s, it continues to be a relatively im- Agriculture
As far as the market share of the total of renewable fuels and waste amounts to portant component of Belgium’s economic The agriculture in Belgium specialises
final consumption is concerned, oil prod- 26.2%: during this decade, production has activity (almost 15% of GDP). in market-garden and horticultural crops,
ucts remain the dominant energy source increased by 181% compared to 2011. cereals, potatoes, sugar beets, livestock
(46.1%), followed by natural gas (26.8%) The main contributors towards green-
The dependency on fossil fuel imports and milk production. Although agricul-
and electricity (17.8%). house gas emissions are: energy combus-
tural land occupies the greater part of the
to meet domestic demand is very high. tion (mainly resulting from the production
territory (44.5%), the number of farms has
In 2020, the industrial sector was the In 2020, the ratio between net-imports of electricity and heat, but also from oil re-
continued to decrease in recent years. The
main consumer of primary energy (26.3%), and primary energy consumption stood at fining), industrial processes (mainly within
share of agriculture in the Belgian econo-
followed by the residential sector (20.8%) 78.1%. the chemical industry, mineral products
my is continuing to decline and now ac-
and transport (20.4%). The trend that took industry and metallurgy) and energy trans-
counts for less than 1% of GDP. Despite
place in the transport sector was totally un- formation (iron and steel industry, chemi-
Transport a high population density, forests and oth-
precedented however, its consumption de- cal industry, food and beverage processing
Belgium is crisscrossed by an import- er natural areas remain relatively stable
creasing by 15.8% compared to 2019. and cement plants).
ant network of waterways and a very dense (23.9% of the territory).
Although the measures taken in the communications network (roads and rail-
context of the fight against the coronavi- ways). Owing to Belgium’s location as a Waste
rus have had a particularly significant in- transit country, transport is a growing sec- Between 2004 and 2020, waste pro-
fluence on the consumption of petroleum tor. Road transport is the most energy-con- duction increased by 28%. Significant im-
products, the share of these products in the suming means of transport in Belgium. provements in waste treatment have helped
country's total final consumption remains The number of passenger cars is increas- bring about a sharp reduction in the amount
predominant (46.1% in 2020). Natural gas ing continuously (the motorisation rate in of waste put into landfills.

1. Executive summary 6
Greenhouse gas inventory information Agriculture represents 9% of the total
emissions, mainly of CH4 and N2O. Some
CO2 emissions. LULUCF is a net sink in
2020 as it is for the complete time series
CO2 emissions are caused by liming and but in constant decline since 1990. Emis-
urea consumption. Since 1990, emissions sions from this sector occur for CO2, CH4
from this sector have decreased by 19%, and N2O.
In Belgium, emissions of all gases have Compared to recent years (with similar
due to a decline in emissions from enteric
decreased by 26.9 % compared to 1990 degree days values), emissions from the In 2020, the waste sector contributed
fermentation (this is connected with lower
and 27.8% using 1995 as the base year for residential and tertiary sectors decreased around 1.1% to the national total. Emis-
livestock numbers but also with the shift
the fluorinated gases (excluding ‘land use, in 2020 although a number of indicators sions originated from waste incineration,
from dairy cattle to brood cattle) and from
land use-change and forestry’ - LULUCF) are rising such as the increase in residenc- solid waste disposal on land and waste-
agricultural soils (reduced use of synthetic
(see Figure 3.1). The largest contribution es and a greater number of employees in water handling. Emissions from this sec-
fertiliser and livestock reduction leading to
to total emissions is CO2, which account- the tertiary and institutional sectors. This tor have steadily declined and were 72 %
less nitrogen being excreted on pasture).
ed for 84.9% in 2020. Emissions of CH4 is due to a switch of fuels, better insulation below 1990 levels in 2020, mainly due to
account for the next largest share, at 6.7%, and milder years. However, the trend for Land Use, Land-use Change and For- the recovery and use of biogas from solid
and emissions of N2O make up a further the tertiary sector since 1990 continues to estry contain sinks as well as sources of waste disposals.
5.1%. be a net increase in emissions, due to the
development of activity in this sector.
In 2020, the energy sector contribut-
ed 72% to the total emissions (excluding Emissions caused by road transport Policies and measures
LULUCF) (see Figure 3.3). Since 1990, have been increasing continually since
these emissions have decreased by about 1990 on account of the increasing num-
26%. Energy industries and manufacturing ber of cars and of traffic that has become
industries are both responsible for almost more intense. Traffic growth, however, Within Belgium’s federal system, re- waste management. In the context of the
79% of this decrease. has slowed significantly in recent years sponsibilities and policy-making powers 6th Belgian state reform, they have also ob-
and emissions have stabilised since 2008 are shared between the Federal State and tained new fiscal responsibilities.
A switch from solid fuel to gaseous fu-
(maximum at 27 Mt CO2 eq.). Of course, the three Regions (the Walloon, Flemish
els can be observed in the electricity pro- The Federal state is responsible for
emissions in 2020 show a sharp decrease and Brussels-Capital Regions). Climate
duction sector and industry. This, together large parts of taxation policy. It is also re-
due to the COVID-19 crisis and its conse- change policies are therefore designed and
with the development of biomass fuels in sponsible for product policies (standards,
quences on mobility. implemented by the federal and regional
some sectors, has resulted in a lower CO2 fuel quality, labelling and performance
emission factor for a given level of energy Industrial processes and product use governments, which have set up their own
standards for household or industrial elec-
consumption. A more rational use of ener- make up the second-largest source of priorities and objectives within the scope
trical goods…). It is responsible for en-
gy is also developing but it often is accom- greenhouse gases in Belgium, amounting of their powers.
suring the security of the country’s ener-
panied by an increase in the use of elec- to 18% of the national total in 2020. Emis- Regions have major responsibilities in gy supply and for nuclear energy. It also
tricity, so its impact on actual emissions is sions of all seven direct greenhouse gases areas such as the rational use of energy, the supervises Belgium’s territorial waters,
generally harder to quantify. Finally, the have declined by 28% since 1990. All the promotion of renewable energy sources, which implies that it is also responsible for
closure of certain iron and steel works over sectors are involved but the metal industry public transport, transport infrastructure, the development of offshore wind farms.
the past few years has also led to a reduc- has experienced the most significant de- urban and rural planning, agriculture and
tion in emissions. crease.

1. Executive summary 7
Several instruments (strategies, plans)
have been put in place to supervise Bel-
Projections and the total effect of policies
gium’s commitments in the medium term
(2030) and long term (2050), with a view
and measures
to achieving the European objective of cli-
mate neutrality.
The projections described in the 8th ent sectors (industry, domestic, tertiary, period 2021-2030, followed by a slight de-
The National Energy and Climate Plan
National Communication are based on the transport, …) and results in sectoral energy crease in the period 2030-2040. The total
2021-2030, adopted in 2019, compiles the
2021 Belgian submission to the European projections. Within this approach, relations emissions in the WAM scenario show a
policies and measures elaborated by each
of the 4 decision-making entities. This is Commission in compliance with Article 18 between energy consumption, activity lev- steady decrease in the period 2021-2040.
the most detailed steering instrument avail- of Regulation (EU) 2018/1999. All imple- els and energy prices are assessed on a sec- These projections do not include emissions
able to carry out national climate policy. It mented and adopted (EU, federal, regional) toral level. The electricity production and or removals from LULUCF.
will soon be revised to take into account policies and measures, considered until the the bunker fuel emissions are modelled on Uncertainties concerning exogenous
the enhancement of European ambition. end of 2019, have been taken into account a national level. variables such as economic growth, cli-
in the ‘with existing measures’ (WEM) mate conditions and electricity imports ex-
scenario. Planned policies and measures or Sensitivity analyses have been per-
ist and their level will have an impact upon
targets have been integrated in a scenario formed in the case of some important pa-
the resulting greenhouse gas emissions,
with additional measures (WAM). Since rameters such as the number of degree-days
notably in the sectors covered by the EU
Belgium’s last biennial report and nation- and the importation of electricity.
al communication, there have been some The projection results presented in this
changes in the modelling tools used by the The EU Effort Sharing Regulation, es-
report have been compared with the pre-
Walloon Region since the last reporting of tablishing binding annual greenhouse gas
vious reports (7th national Communication
the national communication and bienni- emission reductions by EU Member States
and 4th Biennial Report). The main differ-
al report, due to the development and the from 2021 to 2030, mentions a target of
ences can be explained by the different
first exploitation of “TIMES-Wal”, which -35% in 2030 compared to 2005 for Bel-
sectoral assumptions, resulting in a more
replaces EPM model. In addition, the input gium. With the WEM scenario, the emis-
ambitious WAM scenario in this report.
data for the other models was also updated. sion targets will be exceeded in all years
Except for electricity production and There was a clear decrease between of the period 2021-2030. In the WAM
bunker fuels, the reported projections are 1996 and 2019 in the total greenhouse gas scenario, the non-ETS objectives will not
the sum of the projections of the three re- emissions in the inventory (Figure 5.3) and be exceeded in any year. However, as the
gions (Flanders, Wallonia, Brussels-Cap- in 2020, the inventory shows a sharp de- projections (AR4) and the non-ETS targets
ital) which are calibrated on the regional cline due to the impact of the COVID-19 (AR5) are based on different GWP values,
energy balances. The regional approach crisis. However, the total emissions in the it should be noted that both datasets are not
starts from the demand side of the differ- WEM scenario show a clear increase in the yet fully comparable.

1. Executive summary 8
Vulnerability assessment, climate change impacts In the context of development cooper-
ation, adaptation to climate change is one
and adaptation measures of the main focuses in the implementation
of programmes and projects (climate-relat-
ed factors to be taken into account during
design and follow-up, climate actions and
policy coherence) as well as in finance
In 2019-2020, Belgium reinforced its and adaptation needs in the framework (Least Developed Countries Fund, Adap-
efforts to achieve a climate-resilient soci- of the future National Environment and tation Fund, Global Environment Facility,
ety and environment. During the past few Health Action Plan (NEHAP)” have been Green Climate Fund and Flemish Climate
years, Belgium has been confronted with published in connection with the imple- Fund).
the effects of climate change, namely some mentation of the National Adaptation Plan.
severe periods of drought, fluvial and plu-
vial flooding and prolonged heat waves, Adaptation measures are already be-
which has led to an increased sense of ing implemented and mainstreaming is Financial resources and technology transfer
urgency to take action on climate change ongoing, that is in spatial planning, water
adaptation. management (drought and floods), coastal
area (coastal safety master plan and long-
The federal level and the three Regions term coastal vision), biodiversity (green- In 2019-2020, Belgium provided –– Contributions to bilateral projects
continued implementing the measures in blue networks, calls, tools), agriculture EUR 208 million of public support to de- mainly directed towards African part-
their adaptation plan, complemented by ner countries and Least Developed
(research, projects), forestry (resilient for- veloping country Parties (see CTF tables).
the National Adaptation Plan which aims Countries.
ests, observatories, expansion of forests), This financial, technological and capaci-
to strengthen the cooperation and develop
urban environment, transport, health,… ty-building support to non-Annex I Parties In parallel with its long-standing pro-
synergies between the different entities
Informing and raising awareness amongst mainly focused on: vision of public climate finance to devel-
with regard to adaptation. Efforts were
made by the regions to support local gov- Belgium’s population continues to be an
–– Adaptation and cross-cutting activities oping countries, Belgium also supports
ernments in the development and imple- important aspect.
as the predominant focus; the efforts of developing countries to im-
mentation of their adaptation plans. Further progress has been made in –– Providing of bilateral and multilateral plement low-emission, climate-resilient
As gaps in the available data and as- connection with the governance that takes support under the form of grants; projects and programmes (i) by providing
sessments were detected and new insights place between the regional and local level: –– Contributions mainly directed towards significant core funding to multilateral or-
led to new research questions, new re- by providing funds and tools and facilitat- Africa and Least Developed Countries ganisations and (ii) by mobilizing, through
search programmes were launched to im- ing the exchange of knowledge and good (LDCs); public means, private investments for cli-
prove the understanding of the effects of practices, regional governments encourage –– Contributions to climate-specific mul- mate-related projects in developing coun-
climate change and adaptation. The studies and support the cities and municipalities to tilateral funds (Green Climate Fund,
“Evaluation of the socio-economic impact sign the Covenant of Mayors, to develop Adaptation Fund, Least Developed
of climate change in Belgium” and “Taking local adaptation plans and to take action on Countries Fund, etc.) or specialised UN
into account the impact of climate change climate change adaptation. agencies;

1. Executive summary 9
Research Public awareness, education and training

The financial resources allocated to cli- Belgian research is addressing the This chapter is a non-exhaustive inven- or with closely related themes such as en-
mate research in Belgium have increased whole spectrum of climate-related issues tory of initiatives undertaken by (regional ergy saving, buildings, mobility and the
considerably since 2017; Belgian research and encompasses all temporal and spatial or federal) authorities, institutions (e.g. environment in general. This classification
has been better and better embedded in in- scales. universities) and non-governmental organ- may seem somewhat artificial, as climate
ternational research initiatives; the number isations that successfully reached a rather change is a transversal issue, leading to
Belgium is making an active contribu-
of publications has increased and more and large audience. In order to avoid a multi- overlaps between themes or activities.
tion to plans, programmes and support for
more climate-related data have been pro- tude of small-scale initiatives, actions un-
ground and space-based climate observing The Education and training section de-
duced and processed and are accessible dertaken by local communities, companies
systems that form a key mission of several scribes 24 activities, split into three cate-
today for further research or policy devel- or private persons have not been added.
Federal Scientific Institutions. gories: educational projects (mainly aimed
A short introduction to the enquiries at primary and secondary schools), higher
Climate observation facilities are also
If basic research aiming at reducing into the degree of awareness among the education, and international cooperation
being rolled out by coordinated networks
uncertainties on climate evolution and general public is followed by a short de- and education in southern countries.
of universities and research centres. These
involving academical scientists is still
mainly perform measurements linked to scription of 22 awareness-raising initia- Finally, 65 useful sources on the inter-
strongly supported in Belgium, an increase
the composition of the atmosphere, green- tives dealing solely with climate change, net are listed and shortly described.  ■
can be observed in the support provided for
house gases and proxies.
the development of solution-oriented re-
search or policy-driven research conducted
by scientific experts and policy experts.

1. Executive summary 10
A brief overview of Belgium

Population (on 1 January 2021) 11 521 238 inhabitants

2. N a t i o n a l
Surface area 30 689 km²
Capital Brussels
Head of State HM King Philippe

c i rcu m s t a n c e s
Prime Minister Mr Alexander De Croo
National languages Dutch, French and German

rel e v a n t t o
Currency Euro
GDP 2020 (current prices) 456.893 billion EUR
GDP growth rate 2020
-5.7 %

gre e n h o u s e g a s
(volume, variation from previous year)
Inactive population (2020) [1] 1 737 681

emissions and
2 916 million EUR
(Gross added value by sector at current prices, 2020)
67 409 million EUR
(Gross added value by sector at current prices, 2020)

rem ova l s Construction

(Gross added value by sector at current prices, 2020)
21 567 million EUR

317 913 million EUR

(Gross added value by sector at current prices, 2020)
Population density (on 1 January 2021) 375 inhabitants per km2
Highest point Signal de Botrange (694 m)
Average temperature (Uccle, 2020) [3] 12.2° Celsius
Precipitation (Uccle, 2020) 732 mm
Hours of sunshine (Uccle, 2020) 1 838 hours

2.1  Institutional structure nature conservation, credit, foreign trade,
and provincial, municipal and intermunic-
In the context of the sixth institution-
al reform, which entered into force in July
ipal administration. They are responsible 2014, new transfers of competence have
for scientific research and foreign relations taken place, leading to increased auton-
in the above-mentioned areas. omy for the federated entities. They ac-
2.1.1  Federal structure of the state 2.1.2  Division of powers
After becoming independent in 1830, The Federal State is responsible for key
Belgium gradually moved from a unitary policies such as foreign affairs (incl. de-
to a federal structure. Today, Belgium is a velopment cooperation), defence, justice, Figure 2.1 Belgium, a federal state
federal state composed of three communi- finance, social security and a considerable
ties and three regions. part of public health matters and internal BELGIUM COMMUNITIES REGIONS
affairs. It also exercises competences in the
The three communities are the Flemish
following areas (which are ‘mixed compe- FEDERAL STATE FLEMISH FLEMISH
Community, the French Community and COMMUNITY REGION
tences’, being exercised both at federal and
the German-speaking Community. The
regional or community level): economy,
three regions are the Flemish Region, the
transport, environment, energy, research,
Brussels-Capital Region and the Walloon
Region. The communities and regions par-
tially overlap. The French Community ex- The powers of the communities con-
ercises its authority in the Walloon Region cern matters relating to ‘individuals': cul-
with the exception of German-speaking ture (theatre, libraries, audio-visual, etc.), FRENCH BRUSSELS-CAPITAL
municipalities and in Brussels; the Flemish education, use of languages and matters COMMUNITY REGION
Community exercises its authority in the that can be ‘personalised’, including some
Flemish Region and in Brussels; the Ger- aspects of health policy (preventive and cu-
man-speaking Community exercises its au- rative medicine) and assistance to individ-
thority in the German-speaking municipal- uals (youth protection, social assistance,
ities of the Walloon Region (Figure 2.1). family assistance, reception of immigrants,
etc.). Communities are also responsible for
Each of the communities and regions
scientific research and international rela- GERMAN SPEAKING WALLOON REGION
has its own legislative and executive bod- COMMUNITY
tions in the areas under their authority.
ies. In Flanders, the community and re-
gional institutions have merged, so that Regions have powers in ‘territory-re-
there is only one Flemish Parliament and lated’ areas, in a broad sense. They are
one Flemish government (Figure 2.1). responsible for the economy, employ-
ment, agriculture, water policy, housing,
The Federal state, Communities and
public works, energy, transport (with the
Regions all enjoy equal legal status. They
exception of the national railway, SNCB/
intervene on an equal footing but in differ-
NMBS and Infrabel), environment, town
ent areas. Source: FPS Chancellery of the Prime Minister
and country planning, rural revitalisation,

2. National circumstances relevant to greenhouse gas emissions and removals 12

quired greater competences in the context the actions of the federal state and its en-
of family allowances, employment policy, tities. The central coordination body with
healthcare or caring for older people. With- regard to national climate policy is the Figure 2.2 Population density by municipality on 1 January 2021
in this reform, large parts of fiscal matters National Climate Commission, which was
were transferred from the federal authori- established by the cooperation agreement
ty to the Regions, which are notably now of 14 November 2002. Energy policy is co-
responsible for taxes on cars and transport ordinated via a body known as ENOVER/
and tax exemptions for rational use of en- CONCERE. These two structures are joint-
ergy (RUE) investments. ly in charge of the establishment and fol-
low-up of the National Energy and Climate
Plan and the execution of international and
2.1.3  Coordination structures relating to
European reporting obligations. For more
climate policy
detailed information about these bodies
Given Belgium’s federal structure and and other institutional arrangements with
the division of powers, several structures regard to climate policy, please see chapter
have been created to promote consultation 2.1 of Belgium’s 6th national communica-
and cooperation between the different lev- tion and chapter 4.1.1.
els of power and to ensure consistency in

2.2  Population profile [1]

On 1 January 2021, the population of ly, the Flemish Region makes up 57.7 % of Source: FPS Economy – FPS Economy - Directorate-General Statistics and Economic Information [1]
Belgium numbered 11 521 238 inhabitants. the population, the Walloon Region 31.7 %
This represents 2.6 % of the total popula- and the Brussels-Capital Region 10.6 %.
tion of the European Union (EU-27). (Bel- In 2020, the population of Belgium decrease in births by 2.9 %). Net interna- Belgium GHG intensity in 2020 (9.5
gium is the 8th most populated Member grew by 28 597 inhabitants, or 0.25 %. This tional migration was positive (+41 756), tonnes CO2-eq/capita – Total net emissions
State of the European Union). Belgium is is half of what it was in previous years, as in previous years. In 2020, there were with international aviation (EU NDC);
very densely populated. With an average when the growth rate was around 0.5 %. therefore more immigrants than emigrants. 10.5 tonnes CO2-eq/capita in 2019) was
density of 375 inhabitants/km² (2021), it is Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the natu- significantly lower than in 1990 (14.6
The declining birth rate, a marked im-
the third most densely populated country ral balance – the difference between births provement in medical care and a more se- tonnes CO2-eq/capita in 1990). It remains
in Europe. However, that density varies and deaths – in Belgium was in negative lective immigration policy have gradually higher than the CO2 intensity in the EU-27,
from one part of the country to another, figures for the first time since the 1940s (an led to a reduction in natural growth and to which decreased from 13.1 to 7.9 tonnes/
the north of the country being much more increase in the number of deaths by 16.6 % the ageing of the population. capita between 1990 and 2020 (8.9 tonnes
densely populated than the south. Current- compared to 2019 and at the same time, a CO2-eq/capita in 2019).

2. National circumstances relevant to greenhouse gas emissions and removals 13

2.3  Geographical profile 2.3.2 Ecosystems 2.3.4  Climate profile
Despite the small size of the country Our country is located in the middle
and its slight topographical gradient, the latitudes of the northern hemisphere, on
climate and geological conditions, together the western edge of the European conti-
This chapter provides general informa- 2.3.1  Geographical situation and relief with long-standing human impact in land nent. The seasonal cycle of insolation and
tion concerning Belgium’s geographical use, resulted in a diversity of habitats for the atmospheric dynamics of the mid-lati-
Belgium is a small country (surface
profile. For more information, please see such a small territory. The diversity of life tudes, as well as the proximity of the At-
area of 30 689 km²) in north-western Eu-
chapter 2.3 of Belgium’s 6th national com- forms in Belgium is estimated to comprise lantic Ocean, explain the main features of
rope and covers 3 454 km² of the North Sea.
munication. up to 55 000 species. The main vegetation the climate in our regions. Our ‘temperate’
It has 1 482 km of borders with the Neth-
types found in Belgium are deciduous and climate is normally characterised by rel-
erlands, Germany, Luxembourg, France
conifer forests, grasslands, heathlands, atively cool, wet summers and relatively
and the North Sea (its coastline is 73.1 km
peat bogs, wetlands, lakes and rivers, and mild, rainy winters.
long). The Walloon Region occupies the
marine ecosystems in the North Sea. The
biggest part of the territory (55.1 %), fol- Its latitude and the proximity of the sea
distribution of these varies from region to
lowed by the Flemish Region (44.4 %) and warmed by the Gulf Stream give Belgium
region. For example, about 80 % of the for-
the Brussels-Capital Region (0.5 %). Bel- a temperate maritime climate character-
ested areas are found in the southern part
gium has three zones of elevation, oriented ised by moderate temperatures, prevail-
of the country, while northern Belgium
Figure 2.3 Land use in Belgium east-west and south-west: the coastal plain, ing southerly to westerly winds, abundant
is noted for its semi-natural grasslands,
in 2021 ( %) the central plateau and the uplands. The cloud cover and frequent precipitation.
wetlands, heathlands and coastal dunes.
highest points of the uplands constitute a Summers are relatively cool and humid
Recent observation data shows that many
ridge peaking at 694 metres at the ‘Signal and winters relatively mild and rainy.
species are in decline or have even disap-
de Botrange’. The monthly, seasonal and annual nor-
peared [2].
mals can be compared for the four different
2.3.3  Land use 30-year periods: 1961-1990, 1971-2000,
Agricultural land occupies the main 1981-2010 and 1991-2020. When com-
Other land and
6.045 km2 water
4.290 km2 part of the terrestrial surface (44 %), fol- paring the average weather for the period
lowed by forests (20 %). Built-up areas 1991-2020 with the average weather for
cover 9 % of the territory while transport the period 1961-1990, it can be seen that
and telecommunications use 7 % of the the Belgian climate is changing (Figure
land (Figure 2.3). Built-up areas are in- 2.4).
Residential Transport Other
Agricultural land
areas and com- construc-
13.564 km2
2.743 km2 munica-
1.696 km2
creasing every year, mainly at the expense Box 2.1 gives a summary of the main
2.156 km2
of agricultural land. Forests and other climatological trends and changes ob-
wooded areas remain relatively stable. served in Uccle and in Belgium.

Source: FPS Economy – FPS Economy - Direc-

torate-General Statistics and Economic Informa-
tion [1]

2. National circumstances relevant to greenhouse gas emissions and removals 14

Box 2.1 Climate trend observed

in Uccle

–– A warming of 2.1°C is observed as an annual average between the –– Since the beginning of the 21st century: great variability from year to
middle of the 19th century and the last three decades. year, with the last six years being relatively snow-free.
–– The 6 warmest years occurred after 2005. DRYNESS
–– Since 1981: significant annual warming of +0.38°C on average per
decade. –– The duration of spring droughts has been increasing since 1981 (+1.5
–– Most significant warming (+0.45°C per decade) in winter. days per decade).
–– Highest summer temperature trend upwards (+0.8°C per decade). –– Combining the increase in the duration of spring droughts with the
–– A new all-time high of 39.7°C was set on 25 July 2019. observed decrease in cumulative rainfall during the same season, it
–– The annual number of high night-time temperatures (at least 15°C) is can be concluded that the intensity of spring droughts must also have
also increasing (+3.9 days per decade since 1981). tended to increase since the warming observed in our country to-
wards the end of the 1980s.
–– More frequent since 1981 (+0.3 heat waves per decade).
–– More frequent in recent years, with at least one heat wave per year –– Annual decrease of the average wind speed of -0.1 m/s per decade
since 2015. since 1981.
–– Tendency to be longer (+2 days per decade) and more intense (+1°C/ SUNSHINE
day per decade).
–– Since 1981: trend towards an increase in annual sunshine duration
PRECIPITATION (+58 hours per decade), spring (+35 hours per decade) and summer
–– A 9 % increase in cumulative annual rainfall between the mid-19th (+20 hours per decade).
century and the last three decades. Since 1981, there has been a slight –– Since 1981: trend towards an increase in global solar radiation mea-
upward trend, but it is not significant. sured at the surface (+42 kWhm-² per decade). The improvement of
–– In spring, a decrease since 1981 (-9 mm per decade). This trend is the air quality in our regions, thanks to efforts to reduce the emission
explained by relatively wet springs during the 1980s, and then by of pollutants, seems to be at least partly responsible for the increase
mostly dry, and sometimes dry, and sometimes very dry springs since in solar energy reaching the surface.
the 1990s.
–– In summer and annually, the frequency of heavy daily rainfall (at
least 20 mm)) has increased since 1981 (+0.6 days and +0.5 days per
decade respectively).
–– The highest annual hourly precipitation amounts have increased
since 1981 (+3 mm per decade).

Source: Royal Meteorological Institute of Belgium

2. National circumstances relevant to greenhouse gas emissions and removals 15

in Belgium

–– Since 1890: average annual increase of +1.9°C.
–– Since 1954: annual warming of between +0.27°C and +0.33°C per decade for the aver-
age temperature, depending on the region.
–– Since 1890: average increase in precipitation of around 15 %.

–– Snowfall in the Ardennes has remained relatively low and stable since the 1990s, al-
though from the mid-2000s onwards it seems to be showing a slight recovery.
–– The average wind speed has tended to decrease over the last few decades and in par-
ticular since the beginning of the 21st century.
–– The intensity of storms, as well as their frequency, has not increased over the last three
decades, but rather has tended to decrease.

Figure 2.4 Trend in average temperature (Uccle, 1833-2020)

Annual values Climate normals Trend lines (trend since 1981: 0.4°C/decade)

Source: based on data from the Royal Meteorological Institute of Belgium

2. National circumstances relevant to greenhouse gas emissions and removals 16

Focus on 2020: an exceptional year not
only because of the COVID-19 crisis.
Although no monthly records were
broken, the duration of sunshine was
2.4  Economic profile
above normal values in most months.
In 2020, the average temperature in
The first part of the year was particularly
Uccle was 12.2°C (normal: 10.6°C). This
sunny. In spring, the duration of sunshine
is a new absolute record since 1833 and for Belgium’s GDP amounted to ed 80.0 % of the GDP in 2020 and imports
reached up to 740h 46 min in Uccle (nor-
the first time the average annual tempera- EUR 456.893 billion in 2020. Although nearly 78.6 %, meaning that the country re-
mal: 463h 58 min); this is a new absolute
ture exceeds 12°C. The previous record the population of Belgium only represents corded a slight profit. This trade occurs in
record (measured since 1887). The previ-
(11.9°C) was set in 2018 and 2014. about 2.6 % of the total European popula- large part with the European market. About
ous record dates back only to 2011 (707h
The annual maximum temperature tion, its GDP at market prices represents 43 % of Belgium’s exports are sold to Ger-
16 min). Finally, the total sunshine dura-
also reached a new all-time high: 16.1°C 3.4 % of the GDP of the European Union many, France and the Netherlands and
tion over the year is 1838h 40min (normal:
[1]. about one fifth to other EU Member States.
(normal: 14.2°C). The previous record was 1544h 35 min), which is the fourth sunni-
only set in 2018 (16.0°C). The annual av- Imports follow more or less the same pro-
est year since 1981. Services currently make up close to
erage minimum temperature was 8.1°C, portions. This situation reflects Belgium’s
70 % of the added value of the different
Other records were equalled or broken role as the hub of the European Union. [4]
second only to the absolute record of 2014 branches of economic activity (trade, trans-
in 2020, but are not listed here.
(8.5°C). [3]. port and the hotel, restaurant and catering Belgium also benefits from the pres-
The year 2021, on the other hand, had sector represent the largest share in 2020 ence of the EU institutions in its capital,
From 5 to 16 August, an intense heat
a slightly lower average temperature than with 22.8 % of total production, followed along with a high concentration of inter-
wave was recorded. 8 August was the
normal (10.7°C compared to 11.0°C) and a on an equal footing by public administra- national agencies and service companies.
hottest day in Uccle, with a maximum of
normal duration of insolation and was very tion and education and business services, Other international organisations, such as
35.9°C, the highest temperature ever mea-
wet (7th since 1833). each with 19.8 %) [1]. NATO, are also headquartered in Belgium.
sured at this station in August.
For more information on observed past Belgium has a very open economy, Greenhouse gas emissions per GDP
In Uccle, a total of 731.9 mm of rain
climate trends (heat waves, precipitation, situated at the heart of a zone of intense were 261 tonnes CO2-eq. per million eu-
fell (normal: 852.4 mm). This total amount
evaporation, extreme events, etc.), please economic activity. In addition, the port ros at 2015 prices in 2019 (total UNFCCC
fell in 169 days (normal: 198.7 days).
see chapter 6. of Antwerp ranks second in Europe (after excl. LULUCF) and 261 in 2020 (Data eu-
Rotterdam) and is one of the world’s top
10. Export of goods and services represent-

2. National circumstances relevant to greenhouse gas emissions and removals 17

2.5  Energy profile Energy intensity (the ratio of primary
energy consumption to GDP expressed in
Between 2011 and 2020, final energy
consumption varied between 38.1 and 41.6
volume) measures the quantity of energy Mtoe. This is highly dependent on weath-
consumed by the economy to generate one er conditions. In years with colder winters,
production unit. It has been following a such as 2013, final fuel consumption for
2.5.1 Demand products. Planned maintenance work in a
downward trend since 1990. heating is higher. This impact is mainly
blast furnace led to a decrease in the con-  Primary energy consumption [5] observable in the consumption of natural
sumption of solid fossil fuels. In 2020, the The primary energy intensity in Bel-
gas. The strong decrease in 2020 is pri-
The total primary energy consumption consumption of nuclear energy fell slightly gium is continuously higher than the Eu-
marily due to a mild winter, but also to the
in 2020 amounted to 51.4 Mtoe. again. The share of renewables and waste ropean average. This can be explained by
measures taken to combat the coronavirus
has increased to 10.8 % of primary energy the presence of energy-intensive industries
This is a decrease of 8.3 % compared and their effect on energy use for transport,
consumption in 2020, up from 6.6 % in (oil refineries, cokes plants, concrete mix-
among others. As in the case of primary
to 2019. This level of primary energy 2011. Negative net electricity imports, re- ing plants).
energy consumption, oil products were the
consumption, the lowest since the early corded since 2019, cause the energy source most severely affected by the fall in final
1990s, is mainly the result of the corona- “Other” to decrease compared to previous  Final energy consumption [5] energy consumption [1].
virus crisis. This caused a significant drop years, when net imports were positive (see
in the consumption of mainly petroleum Table 2.1). Final energy consumption, i.e. gross In terms of market shares of total final
apparent energy consumption after deduc- consumption, oil products remain the dom-
tion of processing activities and energy inant energy source, followed by natural
loss, amounted to 38.1 Mtoe in 2020. gas and electricity (see Table 2.2).
Table 2.1 Primary energy consumption in Belgium in 2020 per energy source

Energy source Mtoe TJ   %

Table 2.2 Final energy consumption in Belgium in 2020 per energy source
Oil and oil products 19.7 823 580 38.2
Natural gas 15.2 635 507 29.55
Energy source Mtoe TJ   %
Solid fossil fuels 2.4 98 474 4.6
Oil products 17.6 736 732 46.1
Nuclear energy 8.4 350 393 16.3 Natural gas 10.2 428 391 26.8
Renewable energy and waste 5.6 233 413 10.8 Solid fossil fuels 0.8 31 746 2.0
Other* 0.3 12 281 0.6 Electricity 6.8 284 746 17.8
Total 51.4 2 153 648 Heat 0.5 19 742 1.2
Renewable energy and waste 2.3 95 624 6.0
* “Other” includes net imports of electricity and heat as well as chemical process heat recovery.
Total 38.1 1 596 982

Source: FPS Economy [5] Source: FPS Economy [5]

2. National circumstances relevant to greenhouse gas emissions and removals 18

The shares of the various energy sourc- products, the share of these products with- 2.5.2 Supply [5]  Gross electricity production
es in final energy consumption have re- in the country’s total final consumption re-  Primary energy production In 2020, gross electricity production
mained relatively stable in recent years: mains predominant (46.1 % in 2020). The was 4.5 % below its 2019 level, mainly due
the average share of oil products over the final consumption of petroleum products is The production of primary energy from to a decrease in production from nuclear
last decade is about 49 %, natural gas 25 %, divided up between energy uses (67.5 %) renewable energies and fuels has risen facilities (-20.9  % or -9.1 TWh). Howev-
electricity 18  %, renewable energy and and non-energy uses (32.5 %). The trans- sharply from 2.5 Mtoe in 2011 (16.7 % er, 2020 remains the third highest year of
waste 5 %, solid fossil fuels 2 % and heat port sector accounts for 57.7 % of their share) to 4.0 Mtoe in 2020 (29.9 % share). the last decade in terms of gross electricity
1 %. final energy consumption in 2020, which This increase is mainly due to new instal- production. During this decade, the most
Since 2011, the share of renewable en- is about 5 percentage points less than in lations of wind farms and solar panels. remarkable increase can be observed in
ergy and waste in final energy consump- previous years. This highlights the very Between 2019 and 2020, wind generation renewable energy, where production rose
tion has increased from 4.4 % to 6.0 %. heavy impact that the measures to combat increased by 30.9 % and solar generation by 180.9  % or 15.1 TWh compared to
This share does not include final consump- the coronavirus had on this sector. by 20.1 %. Nuclear power generation de- 2011. It can also be deduced that the use of
tion of green electricity. creased by 21.0 % compared to 2019, due oil products and solid fossil fuels has de-
Natural gas accounts for 26.8  % of to a combination of scheduled mainte- creased significantly (-58.7 % and -65.5 %
Although the measures taken in the the country’s final energy consumption in nance at nuclear facilities and technical respectively over the past decade), main-
context of the fight against the coronavi- 2020. 89.8 % of this gas is used for energy problems. [5] ly in favour of renewables. The last pow-
rus have had a particularly significant in- purposes, of which 33.8 % is used in the
er plant using solid fossil fuels closed in
fluence on the consumption of petroleum residential sector. [5]

Table 2.3 Primary energy production in Belgium in 2020 per energy source Table 2.4 Primary energy production in Belgium in 2020 per energy source

Energy source Mtoe TJ   % Energy source TWh  %

Nuclear energy 8.4 350 393 62.8 Nuclear 34.4 38.5
Non-renewable waste 0.6 27 049 4.8 Natural gas 26.8 30.0
Renewable energy and fuels* 4.0 167 105 29.9 Solid fossil fuels and steel gas 1.9 2.1
Other** 0.3 13 670 2.4 Oil products 0.1 0.1
Total 13.3 558 216 Renewable energy 23.4 26.2
Other sources* 2.8 3.1
* “Renewable energy and fuels” includes hydro, ** “Other” includes chemical process heat recovery
excluding pumped storage, wind, solar, geother- and firedamp (coal mine gas). Total 89.4
mal, solid and liquid biomass, biogas, renewable
waste and ambient heat used by heat pumps. * “Other sources” includes pumped hydro, recovered heat, non-renewable waste and others.

Source: FPS Economy [5] Source: FPS Economy [5]

2. National circumstances relevant to greenhouse gas emissions and removals 19

2016. The electricity still generated from Wind power is the most important has increased considerably. The installed profitable. The last coal mine closed in
this fuel group today comes from manufac- source of renewable electricity, partly due capacities of these two renewable energy 1992. Today, coal is only being recovered
tured gases in the steel industry and small to offshore wind farms. These generated sources represent 10.3 GW or 39.9 % of the on a small scale from slag heaps. As a re-
multi-fuel cogeneration plants. [5] 7.0 TWh of electricity in 2020, equivalent total installed electricity capacity. sult, dependence on f­ossil fuel imports ­to
to the consumption of about 1 990 000 meet domestic energy needs is very high.
As mentioned above, offshore wind
households (assuming that an average In 2020, energy dependence, which is the  Gross electricity production from power accounts for 54.6 % of total wind
household consumes 3 500 kWh of elec- ratio of net imports to the sum of gross
renewable energy sources generation, although it represents only
tricity per year). [5] domestic consumption and international
48.3 % of installed wind capacity. Offshore
Renewable electricity production has marine bunkers, stood at 78.1 %. Diversifi-
wind farms therefore have a higher avail-
increased significantly over the last de- cation of i­mporting countries and strategic Production ability factor.
cade. Solar-based electricity generation stocks are the main ways to ensure security
has seen marked growth for the third year The installed electricity capacity in The first offshore wind energy zone in of supply. [5]
in a row (+20.1 %), after a few years of Belgium increased from 20.7 GW in 2011 the Belgian part of the North Sea has been
stagnation. Solid biomass production has to 25.7 GW in 2020, an increase of 5.0 fully constructed. The latest wind farm in
this area has been fully operational since 2.5.3  Electricity and gas prices
recovered since the decline in 2014 and GW. Conventional thermal installations
peaked in 2017 with 3.8 TWh. Between (non-nuclear thermal) have decreased by December 2020. The total installed off- An average Belgian household paid 5.0
2019 and 2020, wind generation increased 2.2 GW, while renewable electricity gen- shore capacity amounts to 2 261.8 MW. eurocents/kWh for its natural gas in 2020,
by 30.9 %. [5] eration capacity, mainly solar and wind, 13 % less than in 2019. The price exclud-
A second offshore wind energy zone, ing taxes and levies­, which includes ener-
the Princess Elisabeth zone, has already gy, supply and network costs, represents
been defined. The first wind farm in this 77.5 % of the total price. The share of VAT
area is scheduled to come into operation in and other taxes is 22.5 %. The price decline
Table 2.5 Gross electricity generation from renewable energy sources 2027-2028. A total installed capacity of be-
that started slowly in 2019 accelerated in
tween 3 150 and 3 500 MW is envisaged.
2020, following, among other things, the
Electricity TWh  % A closer look at the solar capacity decreases in wholesale prices caused by
Hydraulic 0.3 1.1 shows that about 64.6 % of it comes from the coronavirus crisis. [5]
Solar 5.1 21.8 small solar photovoltaic panels of less than
An average Belgian household paid
Wind 12.8 54.5 20 kW. This type of installation is main-
27.5 eurocents/kWh for its electricity in
Renewable municipal waste 0.9 3.9 ly found in the residential sector, which
2020, 3.6 % less than in 2019. The cost
Solid biomass 3.3 14.2 demonstrates its importance.
of energy represented 28.6 % of the total
Biogas 1.0 4.3 The increase in total installed electrici- electricity bill in 2020. Network tariffs de-
Liquid biomass 0.0 0.1 ty capacity does not necessarily lead to an creased slightly and accounted for 38.2 %.
Total 23.4 increase in electricity production, mainly The share of taxes reached 33.2 % of the
due to the intermittency of solar and wind total bill. [5]
energy sources. [5]
After a significant drop in average an-
Source: FPS Economy [5] The exploitation of Belgium’s natural nual peak prices in 2020, petroleum prod-
fossil energy resources is not sufficiently uct prices recovered during 2021 to their

2. National circumstances relevant to greenhouse gas emissions and removals 20

pre-coronavirus level. Due in particular to the share of renewable energy within final
a change in the tax policy applied to fuels, energy consumption to 13.00   %, there-
in 2018, for the ­first time, the ­average an- by fulfilling the requirement of Directive
nual price of road diesel was higher than 2009/28.
that of ­petrol. The significant decrease in The current share is determined in
2020 is the result of the fall in prices on in- accordance with the calculation rules im-
ternational markets due to the coronavirus posed by the Renewable Energy Directive
crisis. [5] 2009/28. [5]
The average official price of oil prod- In 2020, the share of renewable energy
ucts per month (maximum price) has been in final energy consumption in transport
rising steadily since April 2020 (see Figure amounted to 11.03 %, an increase of 4.2
2.5). This is the result both of global de- percentage points compared to 2019. This
mand following the recovery of the econo- increase is mainly due to the increase in the
my after the COVID-19 crisis and the war obligation to incorporate biofuels for 2020,
in Ukraine. The psychological threshold of as set out in the Royal Decree of 4 May
EUR 2/L at the pump is almost reached: 2018.
Figure 2.5 Average official oil price per month
the increase since 2019 is around 33 %. For
Renewable energy in transport comes
heating oil, the increase is over 60 %.
Ukraine war mainly from biofuels blended into fuels
(petrol and diesel). A limited share of re-
2.5.4  Renewable energy newable electricity is also used in transport
1,80 In 2020, the share of renewable en- (mainly rail). The target of 10 % by 2020 is
ergy in final energy consumption was imposed on all European Member States in
12.01 %. This is below the binding target the Renewable Energy Directive 2009/28.
of 13 % set in the Renewable Energy Di- Belgium has also reached this binding tar-
rective 2009/28. In order to make up the get.
0,80 shortfall, different amounts of energy from The determination of the current share
renewable sources were purchased from is carried out in accordance with the cal-
other Member States (Finland, Denmark culation rules imposed by the Renewable
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
and Lithuania). These purchases bring Energy Directive 2009/28. [5]
2019 2020 2021 2022
Gasoline Euro Super 95 E10 (€/L) Gasoline Euro Super 98 E5 (€/L) Road Diesel B7 (€/L)
Heating gasoil 50S (>= 2000 L) (€/L) Heating gasoil 50S (< 2000 L) (€/L)

Source: Statbel

2. National circumstances relevant to greenhouse gas emissions and removals 21

2.6 Transport 2.6.2  Passenger transport
On 1 August 2022, there were 5 947 479
passenger cars in Belgium. The number of
passenger cars has been increasing every
year, except in 2020 due to the COVID-19
2.6.1  General description pandemic.
Belgium, which is densely populated In 1991, Belgium had one car for every
and situated at the centre of Europe, is a 2.51 inhabitants. In 2020 or in 2022, it is
major centre for transit. The country’s one car for every 1.95 inhabitants: so there
economic activity, which is strongly ex- are more and more vehicles on the roads.
port-oriented, requires a dense road and Since 1991, the car density - the number
of private cars per 1 000 inhabitants - has Figure 2.6 Evolution in the total number of passenger cars registered in Belgium
rail network (one of the densest in the Eu-
increased by almost 29 %. [1] by fuel type (2007-2022)
ropean Union), and also relies on inland
waterways. The expansion of the intra-Eu-
In 2020, the share of petrol passenger 6000000
ropean area has further increased transit
cars exceeded that of diesel vehicles.
traffic, resulting in constant growth of
transport (particularly road and air). The number of electric vehicles has
particularly increased since 2019 although 5000000

The transport sector accounts for

it still represents a small number of the to-
57.7 % of their final energy consumption in
tal fleet. The proportion is even higher for
2020, about 5 percentage points lower than
hybrid vehicles. 4000000

in previous years. This highlights the very

heavy impact of the coronavirus control In 2008, company cars represented

Number of vehicles
measures on this sector. [5] 6.2 % of the total fleet of personal cars 3000000
(318 090 licence plates); in 2020, 9.6 %
In 2020, consumption in this sector de-
(533 882 licence plates). [6]
creased by 15.8 % compared to 2019. No
other sector has experienced such a de- In 2019, 80.4 % of passenger transport 2000000

velopment. Consumption in the transport in Belgium, measured in passenger-kilo-

sector was dominated, as expected, by oil metres, was by car. To achieve the sustain-
products (88.3 %). [5] able development goal by 2030, this figure 1000000

should be reduced to 67.4 % according to

the sustainable development indicators of
the Federal Planning Bureau. The Federal 0
2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Planning Bureauʹs projections indicate that Gasoline Diesel Gas Electr. Hybrid Other

this objective will not be reached. Passen-

ger transport by car is therefore developing
unfavourably. [7] Source: Statbel

2. National circumstances relevant to greenhouse gas emissions and removals 22

The growing saturation of roads, more- Apart from motorised travel, there is buy an electrically assisted bicycle (EAB) road tractors with a payload of at least one
over, is leading to an increase in fuel con- increasing interest in micromobility. An (25 km/h or 45 km/h) and 7.8 % an unas- tonne). This is a decrease of 3.4 % com-
sumption (and therefore emissions). online survey was therefore launched be- sisted bicycle. It will be interesting to see pared to 2019. [1]
In 2017, the average Belgian car driv- tween 2 and 15 December 2019 [9]. The in the future whether those intentions actu- In 2019, the modal share of the road in
er spent 39 hours and 37 minutes in traffic objectives of this questionnaire were to ally materialise. freight transport, measured in tonne-kilo-
jams. To achieve the sustainable develop- assess the following aspects: the use of metres, was 77.6 % in Belgium. To achieve
these alternative modes, their advantag- the sustainable development goal by 2030,
ment goal by 2030, this figure must de-
es and disadvantages, safety aspects, and 2.6.3  Transport of goods this figure should be reduced to 63.7 %
crease. Between 2014 and 2017, there is
future potential. Due to the small sample In 2020, just over 274 million tonnes according to the sustainable development
no clear trend. [7]
size (2000 people), the interpretation of the of goods were transported by road by ve- indicators of the Federal Planning Bureau.
According to the Federal Planning bu- results has to be cautious and only those hicles registered in Belgium (trucks and The Federal Planning Bureauʹs projec-
reau, the number of passenger kilometres for cycling could be analysed in more de-
will increase by 11 % between 2012 and tail [10]. We learned that 41 % of Belgians
2030 (+21.8 % for cars, +9.1 % for train, use a conventional bicycle for their trips
-26 % for bus, +0.2 % for trams, +16.7 % (at least once a year) and 15.6 % use an
for subway, +8.7 % for walk/bike, +4 % for electrically assisted bicycle. In addition, Figure 2.7 Evolution in freight transport by road in 1000 tons in the period 1990-2020
motorcycles) [7]. more than 20 % of respondents intend to



Table 2.6 Evolution of motorised road mobility in 2017
(underground, tram, bus, coaches)
of passenger transport
81.0 % 11.2 % 7.7 %
(in passenger km) ( %) 310000
in 2017
in 2000 77.7 % 11.4 % 5.8 % 290000

1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020
Source: Federal planning bureau [8]

2. National circumstances relevant to greenhouse gas emissions and removals 23

tions indicate that this objective will not
be reached. The share of the road in freight
2.7  Industrial sector
transport is therefore developing unfavour-
ably. [7]
In 2020, barges transported just over Although Belgium’s economy has be- The sectors of industry that contribute nia), mineral products industry (includ-
156 million tonnes of goods on Belgium’s come mainly based on service sectors, its most to greenhouse gas emissions are sub- ing cement and lime production) and
waterways. This is about half a million industrial sector continues to be a relative- divided into three categories, according to metallurgy.
tonnes more than in 2019. In 2019, the ly important component of Belgium’s eco- the source of emissions: –– greenhouse gas emissions from energy
increase was still 3.8 million tonnes com- nomic activity (almost 15 % of GDP). [1] transformation of the manufacturing
–– greenhouse gas emissions from energy
Table 2.7 shows the progression of added industry distributed between the iron
pared to 2018. Container transport by barge combustion, mainly through the pro-
value in the main branches of economic and steel industry, the chemical indus-
hovered around 21 million tonnes in 2020 duction of electricity and heat, but also
activity since 2015. try, food and beverage processing and
and remained virtually stable compared to from oil refining
cement plants.
the previous year. [1] –– greenhouse gas emissions from indus-
trial processes, mainly from the chem- For more information, we refer to chap-
Belgian ports clearly felt the impact ical industry (petrochemicals, but also ter 2 of NC6 and chapter 3 of this report.
of the COVID-19 crisis in 2020. The to- production of nitric acid and ammo-
tal quantity of goods landed fell by almost
10 million tonnes compared to 2019. The
amount of cargo shipped remained almost
the same. The number of seagoing vessels
Table 2.7 GDP – Gross added value by economic activity, estimation at current prices
entering and leaving also fell sharply in
(in EUR millions, gross data) [1]
2020. Due to the pandemic, only 40 000
passengers were counted, whereas 2019
already showed historically low annual fig-
ures of 311 000 passengers. However, this 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2020/2015 2020/2019
does not include passengers from cruise Agriculture, forestry,
2 860 2 703 2 960 2 774 3 184 2 916 1.9 % -8.4 %
ships calling at Belgian ports. [1]
Industry 62 671 63 277 65 457 65 328 69 207 67 409 7.6 % -2.6 %
Construction 19 294 19 678 20 150 21 767 22 514 21 567 11.8 % -2.6 %
Services 288 477 298 374 308 467 320 303 331 995 317 913 10.2 % -4.2 %
Other components 43 400 46 053 48 016 49 854 51 260 47 089 8.5 % -8.1 %
GDP at market price 416 701 430 085 445 050 460 029 478 161 456 893 9.6 % -4.4 %

Source: Institut des comptes nationaux. NBB.Stat

2. National circumstances relevant to greenhouse gas emissions and removals 24

2.8 Waste Municipal waste production per capita
remained stable in 2020 at 418 kg per cap-
Significant improvements in waste
treatment have helped to sharply reduce
ita, as in 2019. the amount of waste put into landfills. The
distribution between the different waste
35 % of the 4 799 862 tonnes of waste
treatment methods remains stable these
Overall, waste generated in Belgium jor waste producers are industry (55.5 %) collected in 2020 was recycled. 43 % was
last years (Figure 2.9). The problem of re-
rose to 68 062 thousand tonnes (2020), a and construction (30.5 %) (Figure 2.8). incinerated with energy recovery and less
ducing waste production remains a priority
28 % increase compared to 20041. The ma- The quantity of municipal waste has than 0.02 % without energy recovery. 19 %
issue for the authorities.
increased until 2007. From 2007 to 2015, of the collected waste was composted or
‘Waste’ means any substance or object which the this figure dropped by 15 %. Between 2015 fermented. The remaining 3 % was land-
holder discards or intends or is required to discard
(art. 3 of EU directive 2008/98/EC on waste and and 2020, the quantity stagnates or even filled or underwent some other form of
repealing certain Directives). increases slightly. treatment.

Figure 2.8 Waste production by economic activity (2004-2020) Figure 2.9 Distribution of municipal waste treatment methods

(in thousands of tonnes)

30000 450
Waste production

25000 400

10000 200
5000 150
2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018 2020 50
Construction 11051 13090 15442 16853 17133 18347 19573 22658 20728 0
Services 8972 9959 5024 6698 4635 4840 5403 4850 3817 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020
Households 5337 4745 4459 5866 5295 5419 5041 4885 5342
Collection Landfill (including incineration slag)
Industry 26467 31139 23410 31708 26611 29047 32866 34778 37758
Incineration with energy recovery Incineration without energy recovery
Agriculture 1187 362 281 199 165 312 269 258 417
Recycling Compost and fermentation

Source: Belgium statistics on surveys and administrative sources (OVAM (Public Waste Agency of Flanders), Brus-
sels Environment, DGARNE (Directorate-General Agriculture, Natural Resources and the Environment) and models.
Additional data and information: Eurostat Source: Belgium statistics based on surveys and administrative sources

2. National circumstances relevant to greenhouse gas emissions and removals 25

2.9  Housing stock [1] [11] 2.10  Agriculture and forestry [12]

Belgium counted 4 573 099 buildings natural gas (48.0 %) and fuel oil (36.7 %); Agriculture in Belgium, which is fa- market: agri-food accounted for 11.1 % of
in January 2020. Since 1995, the number however, there are large differences be- voured by fertile soil and a temperate Belgian exports in 2020. [12]
of buildings has increased by 14.5 %. Over tween regions. The share of heating in climate, specialises in market garden and One of the characteristics of the Bel-
the same period, the number of dwellings household energy consumption varies with horticultural crops, cereals, potatoes, sugar gian agricultural sector is the structural de-
increased by 25.8 % (5 557 016 units). The weather conditions, ranging from 70 % to beets, stock farming and milk production. crease in the number of farms, leading to
Belgian housing stock remains old. The 77 % since 2010. The rest of the energy Due to the country’s short coastline, fish- a concentration of land and means of pro-
age of the buildings varies from one re- consumed by households is used for light- ing has relatively limited importance as an duction. In forty years, the agricultural sec-
gion to another. In Flanders, 32.2 % of the ing and electrical appliances (12.8 %), wa- economic activity. Although farmland cov- tor has lost 68.3 % of its holdings. During
buildings were built after 1981, compared ter heating (11.9 %) and cooking (1.7 %). ers most of Belgium (44.5 % of the territo- the same period, the average area per farm
to 21.4 % in Wallonia and only 6.7 % in the As Belgium is a temperate country, the use ry), its surface area is shrinking and giving tripled from 12.5 ha to 38.0 ha. [12]
Brussels-Capital Region. of energy for cooling is very low (0.1 %). way to buildings.
In 2020, 2 494 farms were under organ-
In 2020, 77.2 % of households lived in As in other industrialised countries, the ic control. In relation to the total Belgian
a single-family house and 22.3 % in a flat Private households spent on average share of the Belgian agricultural sector in agriculture, this represents a little more
(source: EUROSTAT). 31.8 % of their budget for housing in 2020 gross value added has been eroded over the than one in fifteen farms. In terms of area,
In 2019, 73.2 % of the energy consumed (only 30.3 % in 2018), of which 4.5 % is past decades (0.8 % of GDP in 2020). Nev- the Useful Agricultural Area (UAA) under
by households is used for heating. The spent for gas (1.3 %), electricity (2.3 %) ertheless, coupled with the food industry, organic control corresponds to 7.2 % of the
main energy sources used for heating are and other fuels (0.9 %).[1] the agricultural sector remains a key export Belgian UAA. This proportion is higher

Table 2.8 Forest cover in Belgium (1990-2020) in km2

1990 2000 2010 2015 2020

Forest 6 774 6 673 6 899 6 893 6 893
Other wooded land 207 271 328 329 329
Other land 23 299 23 336 23 053 23 058 23 058
Total area 30 280 30 280 30 280 30 280 30 280

Sources: FAO [13]

2. National circumstances relevant to greenhouse gas emissions and removals 26

in the south of the country: 12.2 % of the
UAA in Wallonia is under organic control. References
In organic farming, it is the poultry sec- [1] Chiffres-clés 2021, STATBEL, la Bel- [8] Transport Database of the Federal Plan-
tor that is doing well with a constant growth gique en chiffres (Key figures 2021, ning Bureau, accessed on 12/05/2022.
in its flock. This success is confirmed for Statistics Belgium in figures) – FPS [9] La micromobilité en Belgique – résultats
both meat and egg production. The organ- Economy - Directorate-General Statis- complets (Micromobility in Belgium -
ic production of animal products is also tics - Statistics Belgium) complete results) – FPS Mobility and
supported by the increase in the number of [2] Sixth National Report of Belgium to Transports, 2020.
dairy cattle, which has more than doubled the Convention on Biological Diversity, [10] La micromobilité en Belgique – résultats
in the last 10 years. While they represent- 2019 par modes (Micromobility in Belgium -
ed 14.1 % of the organic cattle population [3] Bilan climatologique annuel – Année results by mode) – FPS Mobility and
in 2010, dairy cows represented 21.7 % in 2020 (2020 Annual weather report), Transports, 2020.
RMI (Summary) [11] Household budget survey, FPS Econo-
2020. Finally, after a slight slowdown in
the early 2010s, the pig sector is beginning [4] Belgium Exports By Country (trading- my – Belgium statistics [12] Chiffres-clés 2021 de l’agriculture,
to make its mark in organic production. It
is developing, in particular, in the North of [5] ENERGY Key data 2022, FPS Econo- L’agriculture en Belgique en chiffres
my, SMEs, Self-employed and Energy (Key figures for agriculture, 2021 Ag-
the country where a growth of 58.6 % is
[6] Chiffres clés de la mobilité en Belgique riculture in Belgium in figures) – FPS
noted between 2019 and 2020. [12] Economy - Directorate-General Statis-
(Key figures for mobility in Belgium)
Despite a high population density, for- - November 2021 – FPS Mobility and tics and Economic Information Chiffres
Transports - Directorate-General Policy clés de l’agriculture 2021 | Statbel (fgov.
ests and other natural areas remain rela-
of trans and sustainable mobility – Mo- be).
tively stable (23.9 % of the territory). The
bility direction – Statistics service. [13] Evaluation des ressources forestières
distribution of forests in Belgium is shown
[7] Indicators complementary to GDP - mondiales 2020 (Global Forest Re-
in Table 2.8.  ■ sources Assessment), national report,
Federal planning bureau
Belgium - FAO Rome, 2020.

2. National circumstances relevant to greenhouse gas emissions and removals 27

3.1  Summary tables

Inventory information presented in

this chapter1 is extracted from the 20222
submission following the UNFCCC rec-

3. Gree n h o u s e
ommendations (decision 6/CP.25 and An-
notated Outline for Fifth National Com-
munications of Annex I Parties under the

ga s i n v e n t o r y UNFCCC, including Reporting Elements

under the Kyoto Protocol). This inventory
includes emissions data for the years 1990

i nfor m a t i o n to 2020.
Evolution of GHG emissions and re-
movals as well as GHG emissions and re-
movals in the main sectors from 1990 to
2020 are provided in CTF Table 1.

Expressed as CO2 equivalents, i.e. taking into ac-
count the overall warming effect of each of the
gases, which is used to evaluate the relative con-
tribution to global warming of the emission in the
atmosphere of a kg of specific greenhouse gas, as
opposed to the emission of a kg of CO2 and taking
into account their life spans and their respective ra-
diation powers (CO2= 1, CH4 = 25 and N2O = 298).
A kg of CH4 therefore has the same effect as 25kg
of CO2 over a 100-year period.
The data correspond to the submission of May

Figure 3.1 Belgium GHG emissions 1990-2020 (excl. LULUCF). Unit: Index point (base
year emissions = 100). For the fluorinated gases, the base year is 1995


106,7 104,5
104,2 101,0 100,8
100 98,7
100,7 100,4 99,6 100,2
100,0 96,8
99,9 100,2
Index (base year emission = 100)

95 94,3

82.6 80,7
80 79,4
77,9 79,8

19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20
90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Greenhouse gas emissions (excluding LULUCF)

3. Greenhouse gas inventory information 29

3.2  Analysis of trends

3.2.1  General trends The major greenhouse gas in Belgium ly 38.4 %, 46.5 % and 35.4 %3 during the
Total greenhouse gas emissions (with- is carbon dioxide (CO2), which accounted same period.
out LULUCF) in Belgium amounted to for 84.9 % of total GHG emissions in 2020.
An overview of the contribution of the
106.4 Mt eq. CO2 in 2020 (CTF Table 1) Methane (CH4) accounts for 6.7 %, nitrous main sectors to Belgium greenhouse gas
and to 106.1 Mt eq. CO2 (with LULUCF). oxide (N2O) for 5.1 %, and fluorinated emissions is given in Figure 3.3. Manufac-
This represents a decrease of -26.9 % com- gases for 3.4 % (Figure 3.2). Emissions turing industry, energy industries, transport
pared to 1990 and -27.8 % compared to of CO2 decreased by 24.9 % during 1990- and space heating (residential) are the most
Base year emissions (with 1995 for F-gas- 2020, while CH4, N2O and fluorinated gas
es). emissions have dropped with respective- 3
Compared to 1995 emissions

Figure 3.2 Share of greenhouse gases in Belgium (2020) – (without LULUCF) Figure 3.3 Share of the main sectors in 2020 (without LULUCF)
Waste Others
Agriculture 1,1% 0,7% Energy Industries
11,2% 17,9%
N2O 0,2%
3,1% 0,1% Energy industries
CH4 5,1% 4,9% Industry
Industry (combustion) Residential
13,8% Commercial
Agriculture (+ CRF 1.A.c)

CO2 Industry (processes) Others (CRF : 1.B, A.A.5)


“Others” includes “Fugitive Emissions from Fuels”, “Other Combustion” and “Solvent and Other Pro,duct Use”.
Combustion of agriculture are included in “Agriculture” sector.

3. Greenhouse gas inventory information 30

important sectors in the total GHG emis-
sions in 2020.
Table 3.1 Total GHG emissions for Belgium (excluding LULUCF) in 2020 with the
respective verified emissions reported by installations and operators under Directive Figure 3.4 summarises the impact of
2003/87/EC (Emission Trading Scheme) the main sectors on the national trend. It
shows the increase in transport on the one
2020 emission in Gg CO2-eq hand (much less spectacular than previous
submissions due to the COVID-19 crisis
ETS emissions (Directive 2003/87/EC) 41 511.577
and its consequences on mobility with
ESD emissions (Decision 406/2009/EC) 64 904.157
lockdown, telework, etc.) but also the in-
Other (NF3 and CRF 1A3a Domestic aviation) 17.524
crease in emissions from buildings in the
Total emissions without LULUCF 106 433.258 commercial sector on the other hand. Since
1990, those two sectors grew by 3.5 % and
21 % respectively and together have been
responsible for a 1.1 % increase in total
emissions (but transport grew by +24 %
Figure 3.4 Impact of the main sectors on the global trend 1990-2020 (Gg CO2 eq.) when comparing with 1990 emissions).
This trend is counterbalanced by the
Total (exc. LULUCF) -39253
-26,9 %
decrease in emissions in the other sec-
Others (CRF: 1.B, 1.A.5) -49,1%
tors, particularly manufacturing industry
Waste -72,0 % (combustion & processes recorded a 36 %
-18,3 %
decrease since 1990, which explains a de-
Agriculture (+ CRF 1.A.4.c)
crease of 12.1 % in total emissions) and en-
Commercial 21,1 %
ergy industries (emissions recorded a 36 %
Residential -6042
-29.1 %
decrease since 1990, which accounts for a
Transport 3,5 % decrease of 7.4 % in total emissions).

Industry (processes ) -7171

-27.5 % The drivers of these trends will be an-
Industry (combustion) -10463
-44,5 % alysed and commented on the following
Energy Industries -36,1 % pages, sector by sector.

-40 000 -35 000 -30 000 -25 000 -20 000 -15 000 -10 000 -5 000 0 5 000 The split between emissions report-
ed under the Effort Sharing Decision
(EC/406/2009) and emissions covered by
Absolute change (Gg CO2 eq.) Change in  % the Emission trading Scheme (Directive
EC/2003/87) is presented in Table 3.1.
“Others” includes “Fugitive Emissions from Fuels”, “Other Combustion” and “Solvent and Other Product Use”.
Combustion of agriculture are included in “Agriculture” sector.

3. Greenhouse gas inventory information 31

3.2.2  Energy production
The main source for this sector is pub-
lic electricity and heat generation (1A1a),
which accounted for 73.6 % of sectoral
emissions in 2020. Petroleum refining
(1A1b) and the manufacturing of solid fu-
Figure 3.5 GHG emissions from public electricity and heat generation,
els (1A1c) accounted for 25.7 % and 0.8 %
in relation to gross electricity generation (excluding nuclear)
Emissions from the manufacturing of
180 solid fuels have decreased by 93 % since
1990 (-1891 Gg CO2 equivalent) due to the
closure of six coke plants in 1993, 1995,
1997, 2000, 2005 and 2010. Emissions
in 2020 from petroleum refining are 10 %
higher in comparison with 1990. Emis-
sions in this sector can fluctuate depend-
140 ing on the general economic context and
planned shutdowns for inspection, mainte-
nance and renovation works. This was the
Index (1990 = 100)

case in 2011 for one of the biggest refiner-
ies, for example. But 2020 emissions are
14 % under 2019 emissions.

100 As mentioned above, the main driver in

this sector is still public electricity and heat
generation although the sector has experi-
enced a sharp decline since 2010. While
electricity and heat production have risen
by 36 % between 1990 and 2020, emis-
sions have decreased (-39 %) due to tech-
60 nological improvements, an increase in the
199 199 199 199 199 199 199 199 199 199 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 202
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 number of combined heat-power installa-
tions and the switch from solid fuels (coal)
Gross electricity
Energy consumption Public electricity to gaseous fuels (natural gas) and renewa-
and heat production
TJ and heat production ble fuels. This is illustrated in Figure 3.5.
(thermal plants, Gwh) (Gg eq CO2)

3. Greenhouse gas inventory information 32

3.2.3  Manufacturing industries In the chemical sector, fuel consump- Food processing and beverages rep- inulin and fructose, have been developed,
In the manufacturing industries, added tion (non-energy use of fuels are excluded) resented 19 % of energy consumption in but the main driver is still the sugar beet
value4 has increased by 45 % in 2015 since has decreased by 15 % between 1990 and the manufacturing industries in 2020, but yield (quantity and sugar content), which
1995, while greenhouse gas emissions 2006, compared to an increase in added only 11 % of added value. The diversity is highly climate-dependent.
(combustions) decreased by 40 % in the value growth of 65 %. This major decou- of the plants in this sector does not allow
pling is linked to both rational energy use a detailed analysis of the trend; only cer- In cement plants, the decoupling be-
same period (only emissions from combus-
tion are considered here). and high added-value products. In 2020, tain types of plants are commented upon tween energy consumption and total pro-
this sector represented 28 % of energy con- here. In sugar plants, for example, some duction is linked to the production process:
As illustrated in Figure 3.6, fuel energy sumption in the manufacturing industries. products with high added value, such as the dry process, which consumes consid-
consumption decreased by 22 % between
1990 and 2020 (and by 26 % if we consider
2009). This strong decrease is obviously
due to the impact of the economic crisis
in the iron and steel sector. The apparent Figure 3.6 Manufacturing industries: index of GHG emissions, energy consumption and added value
decoupling of added value and energy
consumption can be attributed to various
drivers according to sectors: 150,0%
In the iron and steel industry, many
plants have switched to electrically pow-
ered furnaces since 1990. For example, the 130,0%
share of iron and steel plants using electric-
ity increased from 9 % in 1990 to 35 % in
Index (1990 = 100)

2011. This is the main cause of the apparent

decreasing energy consumption, while sta-
ble added value is observed in this sector.
Because of the re-allocation between the
energetic and the process emissions in the 90,0%
iron & steel sector since the 2015 submis-
sion, this sector now represents only 9 % of
the energy consumption of manufacturing
industries as a result of combustion in 2020 70,0%
and consequently its impact on the global
trend has decreased.
199 199 199 199 199 199 199 199 199 199 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 202
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0
Gross added value of sector 1A2, estimates in
GHG emissions (combustion) Energy consumption Added value
chained euros (reference year 2015) - Federal Plan-
ning Bureau

3. Greenhouse gas inventory information 33

erably less energy, is gradually replacing
the wet process and is now (2020) used for
77 % of clinker production compared to
57 % in 1990.
Figure 3.7 Type of fuels used in the manufacturing industries
Figure 3.6 also shows a decrease in
greenhouse gas emissions for an equal
level of energy consumption. One reason
350,00 is the increasing use of gaseous fuels, cou-
pled with a decrease in liquid and solid
fuels observed across all sectors. This is
300,00 illustrated in Figure 3.7.
The increasing use of 'other fuels' re-
flects that cement plants have been using
more and more substitute fuels since 1990,
such as impregnated sawdust, animal
Energy consumption (PJ)

waste, tyres, etc. Those fuels accounted for

200,00 51 % of their energy consumption in 2020
compared to 8 % in 1990. The non-biomass
fraction of these fuels is included in the
150,00 'other fuels' category. The biomass fraction
of these fuels is included in biomass fuels;
therefore, the CO2 emissions are not ac-
100,00 counted for in the national emissions.
More than the half of the biomass fu-
els used in Belgium in the manufacturing
industries are used in the pulp and paper
sector, where part of the woody raw ma-
terial has always been used as fuel in pulp
paper plants. The consumption increased






























by 128 % from 1990 to 2020 in this sector






























while the increase is multiplied by almost
5 for all the manufacturing industries re-
flecting the development of this fuel since
Liquid fuels Solid fuels Gaseous fuel Biomass Other fossil fuels Total PJ the 2000s.

3. Greenhouse gas inventory information 34

3.2.4  Industrial processes processes (use of catalysts since 2003 and Due to a re-allocation of emissions of rochemical industry, and others recovered
The ‘industrial processes and F-gases’ recorded a drop in emissions in 2011 after CO2 from 1A2c/other fuels to category in the chemical industry.
sector covers emissions from industrial introducing new catalysts in two installa- 2B8b, emissions of CO2 become predom-
activity, but not resulting from fossil fuel tions at the end of 2010, emissions were inant. These emissions are the recovered
combustion. In 2020, these emissions of reduced by 92 % since 2002). fuels in the steam cracking units in the pet-
greenhouse gases were mainly caused by
the chemical industry (47 % of process
emissions – of which 41 % just for the pet-
rochemical industry and 13 % for ammo- Figure 3.8 Greenhouse gas emissions in the industrial processes sector (Gg CO2-eq)
nia production), mineral products (22 % of
process emissions of which 64 % for ce-
30 000
ment and 29 % for lime production), metal
production (16 % of emissions – sharply
down from 2009 due to economic crisis).
Besides, 19 % of these process emissions 25 000

are caused by the ‘product used as ODS

(Ozone-depleting substances) substitutes’.
20 000  Mineral products

Emissions (Gg CO2-eq)

These emissions occur during the pro-

15 000
duction of clinkers, lime and glass (decar-
bonation of calcium carbonates) and are
closely linked to production levels, which
are stable on the whole. 10 000 Chemicals
5 000
Despite the closure of two nitric acid
plants (one in 1995 and another in 2000),
the production of nitric acid in the two re- 0
maining plants increased by 54 % in 2020






























compared to 1990 (after a sharp decline in






























2009). In parallel, these plants have taken A. Mineral Industry D. Non-energy products from fuels and solvent use G. Other product manufacture and use (f-gas)
measures to reduce emissions from their B. Chemical industry E. Electronic industry (f-gas) H. Other
C. Metal industry F. Product uses as ODS substitutes (f-gas)

3. Greenhouse gas inventory information 35  Metal production  Fluorinated gases and 1999 is due to the installation of a mate-related with degree days5, one of the
gas incinerator with an HF recovery unit key parameters used to analyse the sector
In the iron and steel sector, greenhouse Emissions of fluorinated gases ac-
(Fluoride Recuperation Unit) in the most energy consumption. This is particularly
gas emissions decreased by 70 % in 2020 counted for 3.4 % of total greenhouse gas
important source identified, which is an clear in the case of 1996 and 2010, which
compared to 1990. This is in line with the emissions without LULUCF in 2020. A
electrochemical synthesis unit located in were cold years characterised by a marked
economic crisis that has hit the iron and distinction is made between ‘production
the Flemish region. peak in emissions from heating, but also
steel sector in 2009 with a decrease in ac- emissions’, which are fugitive emissions
for 2007, 2011, 2014 and 2020, four years
tivity of almost 50 % in all sub-sectors. during the production process, and ‘con- The growing consumption of HFC
with exceptionally mild winters, which
sumption emissions’, which are those oc- (Figure 3.9) is directly linked to the im-
caused a sharp drop in consumption. Re-
curring during the use or dismantling of plementation of the Montreal Protocol and
cently, rising energy prices and improving
existing equipment and products. EU Regulation 2037/2000, which bans the
building insulation have probably also
use of ozone-depleting substances such
The sharp decrease in emissions from contributed to reductions in consumption.
as CFCs. The CFCs which were formerly
the production of HFC between 1996 We can observe this when comparing
used are now being replaced by HFCs in
1998 and 2016, two similar years from a
the majority of sectors like refrigerating
climatic point of view. While the number
and air conditioning installations, foam
of dwellings increased by 17 %, energy
production and aerosols. The quantities of
consumption decreased by 21  %. Since
HFCs are nonetheless lower than those of
1990, the consumption of gaseous fuels
CFCs, because in many cases CFCs have
in the residential sector has increased (sta-
been replaced by non-fluorinated gases,
Figure 3.9 Kyoto F-gas emissions per gas category in Belgium (kt CO2-eq): changes tionary combustion) from 34 % to 53 % of
like ammonia in refrigeration, pentane and
from 1995 to 2020 total energy consumption (without elec-
CO2 for rigid foams, etc.
tricity and heat), coupled with a decrease
SF6 emissions originating from the pro- in solid fuels and liquid fuels. Liquid fuels
5 000
duction of acoustic double-glazing have still account for 38 %. One explanation is
4 500 been cut through the use of alternative that the gas distribution network does not
4 000 products. The remaining SF6 emissions cover sparsely populated areas, hampering
3 500 from that source are those from disman- the switch from liquid to gaseous fuels, a
3 000 HFC
tling of existing equipment. development which is observed in other
2 500 PFC sectors.
2 000 SF6 3.2.5  Residential and commercial
1 500 NF3
In the residential sector, fuel consump-
1 000 Degree day: the difference expressed in degrees
tion increased by 17 % between 1990 and centigrade between the average daytime
500 2003. This is mainly linked to the increas- temperature and a base temperature (15°C for the
0 ing number of dwellings (+26 % between 15/15 base and 16.5°C for the 16.5/16.5 base).
Average temperatures that are higher than the base

1991 and 2001) since these two years temperature are not included. The total number of
were very similar from a climatic point of degree days over a given period (month or year, for
view. Annual fluctuations are of course cli- example) are added together. Degree days enable
heating requirements to be assessed.

3. Greenhouse gas inventory information 36

In the commercial and institutional
sector, fuel consumption has increased by
36 % since 1990. Annual fluctuations are
also climate-related but the overall trend is
less affected than in the residential sector.
One reason is the rising number of employ- Figure 3.10 Residential and commercial sector: GHG emissions index and Consumption Index
ees, which has increased by 35 % (between (1990 = 100)
1993 and 2017). In the meantime, electric-
ity consumption also increased by 183 % 170%
(between 1990 and 2017), mainly due to
the development of Information Technol-
ogies and the increased use of refrigerated 160%

areas and air conditioning. These increases

have been partially counterbalanced by a 150%
clear switch from liquid fuels to gaseous
fuels observed since 1995, natural gas now
representing 80 % of the sector's energy 140%
consumption (without electricity and heat).
For both sectors, other fuels and bio- 130%
Index ( 1990=100 )

mass were negligible but according to a

new estimation of consumption of biomass
fuels in the residential sector, biomass 120%

represents now 9 %. In the commercial

sector, a slow increase has been observed 110%
since 1998, but biomass represents only
3.4 % of the sector's energy consumption
(stationary combustion). The switch from 100%

solid and liquid fuels is reflected in the de-

coupling of energy consumption and GHG
emissions (Figure 3.10).

Commercial (emissions) Commercial (consumption) Residential (emissions)
Residential (consumption) Degrés-jours (16,5°C)




























































3. Greenhouse gas inventory information 37
3.2.6 Transport
Transport emissions accounted for Figure 3.11 Road transport emissions (according to the “reference approach”)
14.4 % of total GHG emissions in 1990 and traffic index (index: 1990 = 100 %)
and 20.4 % in 2020. This increasing share
is due to road transport, which represents
96.0 % of total emissions (included pipe-
lines) by the sector in 2020.
Emissions from domestic navigation
are fairly stable and represent almost 1.7 % 300%
of total transport emissions in 2020. Emis-
sions from railways (0.3 % in 2020) seem
to have decreased since 1990, but in fact

Traffic and emissions (index: 1990 = 100%)

this reflects the switch from diesel to elec- 250%
trical engines.
In the road transport sector, most indi-
cators are increasing, even if 2020 emis- 200%
sions show a sharp decrease due to the
COVID-19 crisis and its consequences
on mobility: the number of vehicles has 150%
increased by 66 % since 1990 (52 % for
passenger cars alone), together with traffic
(vehicle km) which has risen in the mean- 100%
time by 49 % in 2019 but only by 17 % in
2020 (COVID-19 crisis). During the same
period, the freight traffic by road6 grew
by 112 % (ton-kilometres 2020) while the 50%
number of passengers carried by cars in-
creased by only 26 % (2017).
There was a marked switch from pet-
rol engines to diesel between 1990 and




























































2014 (the number of petrol engines (all
vehicles) dropped between 1990 and 2014 Gasoline (fossil fuels) Diesel oil (fossil fuels) Traffic - gasoline PC Traffic - diesel oil PC Traffic - HDV
(-15 %) while the number of diesel en-
gines tripled (+ 301 %) for the same peri-
Road freight traffic of Belgian and foreign trucks
carried out in Belgium

3. Greenhouse gas inventory information 38

od), but this movement is being reversed Road transport is one of the most im- 3.2.7 Agriculture In 2020, 20 % of the emissions were
since 2015 with the modification of excise portant key sources of greenhouse gas GHG emissions from agriculture (with- emissions from manure management, of
duties on fuels as well as the widespread emissions in Belgium, both in terms of its out fuels used) accounted for 8.8 % of the which pigs account for the largest part
media coverage of the consequences of level and in accordance with a trend anal- total emissions in Belgium in 2020. Over- (59 %). These emissions are driven by the
diesel vehicles on air pollution. Since 2015 ysis. With an increase in GHG emissions all (including emissions from energy sec- livestock: the number of pigs increased
petrol engines grew by 31 %, while die- of 25 % between 1990 and 2019 (only tor 1A4c), they decreased by 18 % between between 1990 and 1999, but has been de-
sel engines dropped by 11 % (2020). The 4 % between 1990 and 2020), road trans- 1990 and 2020. creasing since then, its impact on the emis-
main trend since 1990 is still reflected in port constitutes one of the main drivers of sions being smoothed by the changes in
the respective traffic figures for passenger emissions trends. The absolute increase in 43 % of these emissions (without fuel cattle livestock explained above.
cars (-26 % for petrol engines and +261 % CO2 emissions from road transport diesel used) were CH4 emissions from enteric
fermentation (category 3A) in 2020, cattle 35 % of the emissions in the agriculture
for diesel engines in 2019 but respective- oil between 1990 and 2019 is the highest
being responsible for 92 % of these emis- originate from N2O emissions from soils.
ly -38 % and +188 % in 2020) and in their among the key sources for the trend as-
sions. As can be seen in Figure 3.12, those Those have decreased by 27 %, on the one
respective emissions as well (Figure 3.11). sessment (+8012 Gg CO2) (only +4755 Gg
(direct) emissions have decreased by 14 % hand as a result of the smaller quantities
Although the number of diesel cars has de- CO2 between 1990 and 2020).
since 1990. This is mainly due to an overall of nitrogen from mineral fertiliser applied
clined since 2015, they still account for the
International air and maritime reduction in livestock, but also to the shift to the land and as a result of the reduction
majority of cars on Belgium’s roads.
transport from dairy cattle to brood cattle (which is in livestock (nitrogen excreted on pasture
The average engine capacity has also a general EU trend linked to the Common and from organic fertiliser applied) on the
In accordance with the UNFCCC
increased since 1995. One the one hand, Agriculture Policy), the latter generating other. Both reductions also have an impact
guidelines, emissions from international
this reflects the switch to diesel and on smaller emissions. on indirect emissions.
air and maritime transport are not included
the other hand, the growing success of
in national emissions. In 2020, these emis-
Sport Utility Vehicles and Multi-Purpose
sions represent 30 % of national emissions,
Vehicles. The average age of the cars has
with maritime transport representing the
increased (improved rust protection and
most important source (84 % of this cate-
overall resistance), as has the average dis-
gory). Emissions from international avi-
tance travelled, which is now becoming
ation have increased by 66 % since 1990,
more stable.
while emissions from maritime transport
have risen by 101 %.

3. Greenhouse gas inventory information 39

Figure 3.12 Emission trends in the agricultural sector (Gg CO2-eq)



Emissions (Gg CO2 -eq)





19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20
90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Enteric fermentation Manure management Soils + Liming + Urea

3. Greenhouse gas inventory information 40

3.2.8  Land-use, land-use change and
As illustrated in Figure 3.13, forests
in Belgium are the largest sink of carbon Figure 3.13 Emission and removal trends in LULUCF sector
with a major impact on the trend within the
LULUCF sector. The level of this sink is 1 000
related to some methodological aspects in
carbon stock change. Grasslands is no lon-
ger a sink as before and Croplands are still 500
a source. This is in line with the new data
available (2020) for carbon stock in soils.
The area of settlements increased 0
steadily since 1990. The increase in ur-
banised areas explains this growth and the
conversion from lands to settlements is -500
giving rise to emissions from carbon cap- Emissions (Gg CO2-eq)
tured in the soil.
-1 000
The HWP pool (Harvested wood prod-
ucts) shows a decrease of net removals,
with significant impact on the overall trend.
-1 500
Cropland has been an increasing net source
of emissions since 1990. The overall trend
displays a decrease of net removals from
-2 000
the LULUCF sector.
Emissions of N2O and CH4 has been
increasing steadily from 2-3 % in 1990 to -2 500
about 7 % of total sector sources mainly
because of Direct N2O Emissions from N
Mineralisation/Immobilisation (except in -3 000
1996, when the figure was 23.5 % as a re-




























































sult of fires).

4A Forest Land 4B Cropland 4C Grassland 4D We tlands

4E Settlements Total LULUCF 4G HWP 4 (IV) Indirect N2O Emissions

3. Greenhouse gas inventory information 41

4 500
3 500
4 000
3 000

Emissions ( Gg CO2 -eq )

3 500
2 500
3.2.9 Waste which represents 47 % of total emissions
Emissions ( Gg CO2 -eq ) 3 000
GHG emissions from waste (excluding from the waste sector in 2020. Emissions
2 000
waste incineration with energy recovery) resulting from solid waste disposal on land
2 500
accounted for 1.1 % of total national emis- have dropped by 81 % in 2020 since 1990.
1 500 sions in 2020, compared to 3.0 % in 1990. Biogas recovery in landfills by flaring or
2 000 This decrease is mainly due to CH4 emis- for energy purposes – depending on the
1 000 sions from solid waste disposal on land, richness of the landfill gas – has been de-
1 500
veloped on a wide scale since 1990 and is
the main driver of the trend in this sector,
Figure13.14 together with a significant decrease in the
000 Emission trends (1990-2020) in the waste sector (CRF 5), and non-
biogenic GHG emissions from MSW incineration (CRF 1A1ai) amounts of waste disposed due to the shift
0 from waste disposal to re-use, recycling,
5 000 500 composting or incineration of waste.



























































Solid waste disposal The remaining 53 % of GHG emissions
Wastewater treatment
4 500 0
Waste incineration without energy recovery originatesBiological
from three sources:
treatment of solidwaste
waste incin-
eration (21  
% in 2020), wastewater treat-




























































Waste incineration with energy recovery (non-biomass) Total waste (without CRF 1A1a)
4 000
Solid waste disposal Wastewater treatment
ment (27  %) and composting (5 %). Emis-
sions from waste incineration (sector 5C)
Waste incineration without energy recovery Biological treatment of solid waste
3 500 include mainly CO2 emissions from flaring
Waste incineration with energy recovery (non-biomass) Total waste (without CRF 1A1a)
activities (and post-combustion activities)
3 000
in the chemical industry, while emissions
Emissions ( Gg CO2 -eq )

from municipal waste incineration without

energy recuperation decrease significantly.
2 500
Emissions of municipal waste incineration
are mainly allocated in the energy sector
2 000 (1A1a), as almost all municipal waste in-
cineration plants are also electricity pro-
1 500 ducers (except for some plants in the early
nineties). Incineration of hospital waste is
1 000
also included following the IPCC Guide-
lines. The non-biogenic CO2 emissions
from the municipal solid waste incinera-
tion with energy recovery (sector 1A1a)
are shown separately in Figure 3.14 to give
0 a complete overview of the greenhouse gas
emissions associated with waste (kton CO2




























































Solid waste disposal Wastewater treatment
Waste incineration without energy recovery Biological treatment of solid waste
3. Greenhouse
Waste incineration gas inventory
with energy information
recovery (non-biomass) Total waste (without CRF 1A1a) 42
3.3  National inventory system

Only small changes have occurred 3.3.1  Overall responsibility for the Belgian bined to compile the national greenhouse Climate Commission, established by the
since the 7th National Communication and national inventory gas emission inventory. Since 1980, the Cooperation Agreement of 14 November
4th Biennial report. The agency designated as the “single three regions have been developing differ- 2002, before its submission to the secretar-
national entity with overall responsibility ent methodologies (depending on various iat of the United Nations Framework Con-
The national system in Belgium has
for the national inventory” (national com- external factors) for compiling their at- vention on Climate Change and to the Eu-
been updated for the submission to the
piler) is the Belgian Interregional Envi- mospheric emission inventories. Important ropean Commission, under the European
European Commission of 15 March 2022
ronment Agency CELINE-IRCEL7, estab- efforts were made to align these different Parliament and Council Regulation (EU)
and later for the submission to the UNF-
lished by the Cooperation Agreement of methodologies, especially for the most No 525/2013 concerning a Mechanism for
CCC-secretariat of 15 April 2022. During
18 May 1994 (modified by the Decision of important (key) sectors. At the same time, Monitoring and reporting greenhouse gas
the previous updates, Belgium’s main fo-
21 May 1995) on atmospheric emissions an effort was made to harmonise them, in emissions and for reporting other informa-
cus was on the jurisdictional changes in the
monitoring and data structuring. It includes order to ensure the consistency of the data tion at national and Union level relevant to
Flemish region since January 2021:
members from the three regions. and to establish the national inventory. climate change and repealing Decision No
1) The Flemish energy balance is being 280/2004/EC.
Coordination of the national inventory
set up by the new Flemish Agency of
and the harmonisation of the methodolo-
Energy and Climate (VEKA) instead of 3.3.2  Legal arrangements and regional
the VITO in the past. At the same time, gies are the ongoing tasks of the Working 3.3.3  Overview of institutional, legal and
VEKA became responsible for the cli- Group on «Emissions» of the Coordination procedural arrangements for compiling
In the Belgian federal context, major Committee for International Environmen-
mate and energy policy in this region responsibilities related to environment lie GHG inventory and supplementary
(instead of the Department of Environ- tal Policy (CCIEP), in which the different
with the regions. Compiling greenhouse information required under Article 7,
ment (AEKG) which was responsible actors decide how the regional data will be
gas emissions inventories is one of those paragraph 1, of the Kyoto Protocol
for climate policy before). aggregated into a national total, taking into
responsibilities. Detailed information re- account the specific characteristics and in- The Inter-ministerial Conference for
2) Some of the updates mainly focused on garding legal arrangements and inventory the Environment took a series of decisions
their organisation, their accreditation of terests of each region as well as the availa-
preparation can be found in chapters 1.2, ble resources. This working group consists that clarify the role and responsibilities of
the ETS-reporting and their approval of 1.3 and chapter 12 of the National Inven- of representatives of the 3 regions and of different entities, as regards the prepara-
the Brussels energy balances. tory Report. the federal public services. tion of the national GHG inventory. These
3) Other more limited changes related to
Each region implements the necessary decisions are detailed in the NIS.
the names of certain bodies and the up- The Belgian Interregional Environment
dating of persons responsible. means to establish their own emission Agency (CELINE - IRCEL) is responsi- Entities responsible for the perfor-
inventory in accordance with the IPCC ble for integrating the emission data from mance of the main functions of the Belgian
guidelines. The emission inventories of the inventories of the three regions and Inventory System, as well as main institu-
the three regions are subsequently com- for compiling the national inventory. The tional bodies involved in the decision-mak-
CELINE/IRCEL – Rue Gaucheret 92-94, 1030 National inventory report is than formal- ing process in relation to this system, are
Brussels +32 (0)2 227 57 02 ly submitted for approval to the National presented on next page.

3. Greenhouse gas inventory information 43

As decided by the legal arrangements, The Directorate General Environment The Belgian Interregional Environment during each submission. A level assess-
the 3 regions are responsible for delivering of the Federal Public Service for Health, Agency (IRCEL-CELINE) is the single ment was performed for the years 1990,
their greenhouse gas inventories, which Food Chain Safety and the Environment national entity with overall responsibility 2019 and 2020 and trend analysis was car-
are later compiled to produce the Belgian (FPS - DG Environment) is involved in its for the preparation of the Belgian GHG ried out for the years 1990-2019 and 1990-
GHG inventory. The main regional institu- capacity of UNFCCC National Focal Point inventory. IRCEL-CELINE operates as 2020.
tions involved are: of Belgium and registry administrator. national compiler of greenhouse gas emis-
The key source analysis is realised on
sions in Belgium.
–– The Department Air, Environment and The Directorate General Energy of the the basis of Table 4.1, page 4.8 of Volume
Communication of the Flemish Envi- Federal Public Service Economy, SMEs, The National Climate Commission is 1 of the IPCC GPG 2006 guidelines. Each
ronment Agency (VMM) in the Flem- Self-employed and Energy (FPS - DG En- in charge of the approval of the inventory greenhouse gas emission from one single
ish Region; ergy) is responsible for the top-down es- reports. source category is considered separately.
–– The Walloon Agency for Air and Cli- timation of energy-related CO2 emissions The key source analysis is performed by
mate (AWAC) in the Walloon Region; using the IPCC 'reference approach'. using CO2-equivalent emissions calculated
3.3.4  Process for the development of
–– Brussels Environment (BIM-IBGE) in by means of the global warming potentials
The Working group on Emissions of the emission estimates
the Brussels Capital Region. (GWPs) specified in the UNFCCC report-
Coordination Committee for International A general and detailed description of ing guidelines on annual inventories. Be-
Each region has its own legal and insti- Environmental Policy (CCIEP) (referred to the methodologies can be found in the cause of its particular institutional situation
tutional arrangements, which are detailed below as 'CCIEP-WG Emissions') plays a National Inventory Report submitted each (each region is responsible for the estab-
in the NIS. central role in the coordination of the na- year to the UNFCCC. lishment of its own inventory), Belgium
tional GHG inventory.
By intensively following regional, has decided to disaggregate the sectors to a
national and international workshops on greater extent than recommended in order
estimating GHG emissions and sinks, the to prevent some categories that could be of
organisations responsible for establishing particular importance for a specific region
the emission inventory in Belgium keep being lost in the analysis.
National Climate Commission in touch with all possible developments on The level assessment with LULUCF
that subject and try to optimise the emis- for 2020 results in the identification of 57
sion inventory as efficiently as possible. key sources, covering 95 %8 of the total na-
tional aggregated emissions. These 57 key
Working Group Emissions of the CCPIE, 3.3.5  Key source identification sources are to a large extent the same as
mandated by the Interministerial those identified for the year 2019.
Conference of the Environment (ICE) Key source categories are identified
according to the Tier 1 methodology de-
scribed in the IPCC 2006 Guidelines, Vol 8
This threshold (95 %) is recommended in the 2006

IBGE Federal Public

Interregional 1, Chap 4. Both a level assessment (con- IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas In-
VMM AWAC Walloon Cell for the tribution of each source category to the ventories, for both the Level Assessment and the
Brussels Capital Service - DG Trend Assessment; it was determined to be the lev-
Flemish Region Region Environment total national estimate) and a trend assess-
Region Environment el at which 90 % of the uncertainty in a ‘typical’
ment (contribution of each source catego- inventory would be covered by key source catego-
ry’s trend to the total trend) are conducted ries, for the Tier 1 method.

3. Greenhouse gas inventory information 44

65 categories were identified as key 3.3.7  Quality assurance and quality control the national system, including the QA/ these mandatory reports are communicated
source from the trend assessment with LU- plan QC plan, are coordinated by means of the for approval to the National Climate Com-
LUCF 1990-2020 as those that contribute Belgium did submit an updated QA/QC CCIEP-WG Emissions referred to above. mission two weeks before the due date for
to 95 % to the trend of the inventory. There plan of the Belgian national system to esti- This working group meets on a regular submissions. These draft reports may be
is a slight difference in amount between mate anthropogenic greenhouse gas emis- basis and is responsible for coordinating amended at the request of the National Cli-
the trend assessments with LULUCF for sions by sources and removals by sinks in all emission inventory tasks in Belgium. mate Commission. At least one week be-
the years 1990-2019 (61 key sources) and accordance with Article 5, paragraph 1, of This group proposes a national inventory fore the due date for the submission, the
1990-2020 and the key sources identified the Kyoto Protocol in April 2017. to the National Climate Commission (e.g. National Climate Commission gives its
overlap to a large extent. the Belgian political level) that submits approval of the documents, which are then
Belgium is a federal state in which the the inventory and related documents to the submitted to the UNFCCC Secretariat via
competences are divided between four en- UNFCCC-secretariat. the UNFCCC National Focal Point or to
3.3.6 Recalculation tities (see chapter 2.1). the EU Commission.
Recalculations of the GHG emissions More information on the various ac-
The activities of these four bodies, tors can be found in the Belgian Nation- Timeline for the approval and submis-
in Belgium in accordance with the IPCC as regards the preparation of the national
al Inventory System that was updated on sion of inventory data (year 20XX as last
Good Practice Guidance and relevant de- GHG inventory based on the three regional
the occasion of the 2017 submission to the year available) and other information relat-
cisions of the COP and/or COP/MOP, are emission inventories and the implementa- ed to GHG inventories:
carried out in the regional and national tion and development of the QA/QC plan,
emission inventory. All recalculations of are coordinated by the “Working group on –– 01/01/20XX+2: submission of invento-
previous submitted estimates of GHG Emissions of the Coordination Committee 3.3.8  Procedures for the official approval of ry data and supplementary information
for International Environmental Policy the inventory to the NCC for approval (submission to
emissions by sources and removals by
(CCIEP)” (referred to below as “CCIEP- the European Commission: 15/01)
sinks are described yearly in the National After the national inventory is com-
WG Emissions”). –– 01/03/20XX+2: submission of the final
Inventory Report (sections 3 to 10). piled, under the CRF format, the Belgian versions of the national inventory data,
This group plays a central role in the CRF-submission is first approved by the the NIR and supplementary informa-
Many recalculations have been con-
coordination of the national GHG in- CCIEP-WG Emissions. Then it is transmit- tion to the National Climate Commis-
ducted as a result of the reviews of nation-
ventory. It is a permanent platform for ted to the National Climate Commission. sion (submission to the European Com-
al greenhouse gas inventory data pursuant
the exchange of information between the All the mandatory reports in the frame- mission: 15/03);
to Article 19(1) of Regulation (EU) No
National Climate Commission, the En- work of the UNFCCC, the Kyoto protocol –– 31/03/20XX+2: submission of the fi-
525/2013 (ESD-review). Details are given
in chapter 9 of the NIR 2022. ergy Observatory, the Belgian UNFCCC and the European regulation 525/2013/ nal versions of the national inventory
National Focal Point, the Interregional EC concerning a mechanism for monitor- data, the NIR and supplementary infor-
Environment Agency (IRCEL/CELINE) ing Community greenhouse gas emissions mation to the National Climate Com-
and the three regions. All methodological and for implementing the Kyoto Protocol mission (submission to the UNFCCC:
aspects of the GHG inventory as well as are subject to approval by the National 15/04).
the implementation and improvement of Climate Commission. The final drafts of

3. Greenhouse gas inventory information 45

3.4  National registry

3.4.1  The Belgian registry Each account within a national registry a) With regard to the data exchange, The following changes to the national
retains a unique account number com- each national registry connects to registry of Belgium have occurred since
The Belgian registry remains to be prising the identifier of the Party and a the ITL directly and establishes a the last submission in 2017.
maintained in the consolidated Union Reg- unique number within the Party where secure communication link through
istry operated by the European Commis- the account is maintained; a consolidated communication
sion. Apart from the Belgian registry, the –– Kyoto transactions continue to be for- channel (VPN tunnel);
Union Registry also ensures the operation warded to and checked by the UNF- b) The ITL remains responsible for au-
of the national registries of the other EU CCC Independent Transaction Log thenticating the national registries
Member States as well as the registries of (ITL), which remains responsible for and takes the full and final record
Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway in a verifying the accuracy and validity of of all transactions involving Kyo-
consolidated manner in accordance with those transactions; to units and other administrative
all relevant decisions applicable to the es- –– The transaction log and registries con- processes in such a way that those
tablishment of Party registries - in particu- tinue to reconcile their data with each actions cannot be disputed or repu-
lar Decision 13/CMP.1 and Decision 24/ other in order to ensure data consis-
CP.8. The Union Registry ensures that the tency and to facilitate the automated
c) With regard to data storage, the
following conditions are met: checks of the ITL;
consolidated platform continues to
–– The requirements of paragraphs 44 to
–– Each Party retains the organisation des- guarantee that data is kept confiden-
48 of the Annex to Decision 13/CMP.1
ignated as its registry administrator to on making non-confidential informa- tial and protected against unautho-
maintain the national registry of that tion accessible to the public is fulfilled rised manipulation;
Party and remains responsible for all by each Party by means of a public- d) The data storage architecture also
the obligations of Parties to be fulfilled ly available web page hosted by the ensures that the data pertaining to a
through registries; Union registry; national registry are distinguishable
–– Each Kyoto unit issued by the Parties –– All registries reside on a consolidated and uniquely identifiable from the
in such a consolidated system is issued IT platform sharing the same infra- data pertaining to other consolidat-
by one of the constituent Parties and structure technologies. The chosen ar- ed national registries;
continues to carry the Party of origin chitecture implements procedures to e) In addition, each consolidated na-
identifier in its unique serial number; ensure that the consolidated national tional registry retains a distinct user
–– Each Party retains its own set of nation- registries are uniquely identifiable, pro- access entry point (URL) and a dis-
al accounts as required by paragraph 21 tected and distinguishable from each tinct set of authorisation and config-
of the Annex to Decision 15/CMP.1. other, notably: uration rules.

3. Greenhouse gas inventory information 46

Reporting Item Description Reporting Item Description
The postal address has changed since the last 15/CMP.1 annex II.E paragraph 32.(e) No change of discrepancy procedures occurred
15/CMP.1 annex II.E paragraph 32.(a)
submission (please see the next section for all Change to discrepancies procedures during the period covered by the report.
Change of name or contact
contact details). The use of soft tokens for authentication and
15/CMP.1 annex II.E paragraph 32.(f)
15/CMP.1 annex II.E paragraph 32.(b) No change of cooperation arrangement occurred signature was introduced for the registry’s end-
Change regarding security
Change regarding cooperation arrangement during the period covered by the report. users.
The versions of the EUCR released after 8.0.7 15/CMP.1 annex II.E paragraph 32.(g) No change to the list of publicly available
– the production version at the time of the last Change to list of publicly available information occurred during the period covered by
submission – introduced some changes to the information the report.
structure of the database. Most changes were The registry internet address changed during the
15/CMP.1 annex II.E paragraph 32.(c) limited and only affected EU ETS functionality period covered by the report. The new URL is:
Change to database structure or the capacity (current version 13.6.1). 15/CMP.1 annex II.E paragraph 32.(h)
of national registry No change was required to the database and Change of Internet address
application backup plan or to the disaster recovery
plan. 15/CMP.1 annex II.E paragraph 32.(i) No change of data integrity measures occurred
No change to the capacity of the national registry Change regarding data integrity measures during the period covered by the report.
occurred during the period covered by the report.
Changes have been introduced since version
Changes have been introduced since version 8.0.7 8.0.7 of the national registry. Both regression
(current version 13.6.1). testing and tests on the new functionality were
Each release of the registry is subject to both 15/CMP.1 annex II.E paragraph 32.(j) successfully carried out prior to release of the
regression testing and tests relating to new Change regarding test results version to Production. The site acceptance test was
15/CMP.1 annex II.E paragraph 32.(d) functionality. These tests also include thorough carried out by quality assurance consultants on
Change regarding conformance to technical testing against the DES and were successfully behalf of and with assistance from the European
standards carried out prior to the relevant major release of Commission.
the version to Production.
No other change in the registry's conformance to
the technical standards occurred for the period
covered by the report.

3. Greenhouse gas inventory information 47

The website address of the Belgian reg- 3.4.2  The registry administrator Three persons have been designated as
istry is: The Belgian Federal Public Service of authorised representative of the registry
Public Health, Food Chain Safety and En- administrator:
try/BE/index.xhtml vironment has been designated as registry –– Pieter Baeten
administrator by Belgium to maintain its tel: +32 (0)2 524 96 99
Several public reports regarding the national registry: e-mail:
registry (accounting/SEF reports, project
information,…) are made available on the Federal Public Service of Public Health, –– Henri Kevers
registry’s general public website: Food Chain Safety and Environment tel: +32 (0)2 524 95 21
DG Environment - Climate Change e-mail:
h t t p s : / / w w w. c l i m a t e r e g i s t r y. b e / e n / Section
links-reports/links-reports.htm#KYOTO The Registry Administrator –– Peter Wittoeck
Avenue Galilée 5/2, B-1210 Brussels tel: +32 (0)2 524 95 28
tel: +32 (0)2 524 95 44 e-mail:
e-mail: The registry administrator performs a
website: wide range of tasks, the details of which
are defined in the EU Emissions Trading
Directive, the EU Registry Regulation, the
Belgian Royal Decree on the registry and
specific cooperation agreements between
the Belgian Federal Government and the
three Belgian regions in this regard9.  ■


3. Greenhouse gas inventory information 48

4.1  Policy-making process

4.1.1  Overall policy context first integrated National Energy and Cli-
In accordance with the distribution of mate Progress Report (cf. chapter 4.1.3).
competences in Belgium, climate change

4.   P ol i c i e s
A National Energy and Climate Plan
policies and measures are developed by (NECP, cf. chapter for the period
the Federal State and the three regions 2021-2030 was adopted by the concerta-

an d  m ea s u re s
(Wallonia, Flanders, Brussels-Capital tion committee in December 2019. The
Region). Belgian climate and energy pol- energy and climate plans of the different
icy is shaped within the framework of Belgian entities have been integrated with-
the European Climate Law (Regulation in the NECP. It was drawn up jointly by a
EU/2021/1119), which is directly applica- steering group established for that purpose
ble to Belgium. within the Belgian energy policy coordina-
tion platform (CONCERE/ENOVER) and
Cooperation bodies have been set up to
the NCC, which is composed of represen-
harmonise and foster synergies between the
tatives of the climate and energy adminis-
policies and measures implemented by the
trations of the three regions and the Federal
various authorities. The National Climate
Commission (NCC), which was estab-
lished by a cooperation agreement1,plays a The primary aim of the NECP is to meet
central role in this regard. Belgium’s commitments under the Gover-
nance Regulation 2018/1999/EU. This in-
In March 2021, an update of the Bel-
cludes climate objectives established under
gian national system for policies and mea-
the European Union’s Effort-Sharing Reg-
sures and projections was reported, which ulation EU/2018/842 as well as the contri-
describes Belgium’s PAMs and Projections butions defined under the Energy Efficien-
systems and QA/QC programmes in ap- cy (EU/2018/2002) and Renewable Energy
plication of Article 39 of the Governance (EU/2018/2001) Directives. This plan will
Regulation. An update of the system is ex- be updated in 2023-24, also in line with the
pected in March 2023, in the context of the provisions of the Governance Regulation.
Accord de coopération entre l’Etat fédéral, la Ré- Belgium’s 2030 commitments will be
gion flamande, la Région wallonne et la Région
de Bruxelles-Capitale relatif à l’établissement, subject to internal burden sharing among
l’exécution et le suivi d’un Plan national Climat, the three Belgian regions and the Federal
ainsi que l’établissement de rapports, dans le cadre
de la Convention-cadre des Nations Unies sur les State (comparable with the Burden Shar-
Changements climatiques et du Protocole de Kyoto ing agreement of 12 February 2018 for the

2013-2020 period). Negotiations on the the context of the EU Climate and Energy
Burden Sharing agreement for 2021-2030 package 2020. This joint target has been
are still ongoing, but a first partial political shared between two sub-targets, for emis-
agreement has already been concluded2. sions in sectors covered by the EU Emis- Table 4.1 Synthesis of European objectives
sion trading system (ETS), and for sectors
For the period up to 2050, Belgium has
outside the ETS. The reduction target for
set its sights on achieving the European ob- European
jective of climate neutrality as expressed in ETS was established for the EU as a whole, 2020 Climate 2030 Climate Climate Law and
the European Climate Law that applies to while national targets were set up for non- and Energy and Energy proposed Climate Law
Belgium (cf. chapter ETS sectors (see further details in section package framework Fit for 55
below). package
Year of proposal [0] 2009 2014 2020 2020
4.1.2  National targets for GHG mitigation Time horizon 2020 2030 2030 2050
and long-term mitigation strategies  European Climate and Energy
framework Reference year 1990 or 2005 1990 or 2005 1990 or 2005 N/A  UNFCCC commitment Total reduction of Climate
As a Member State of the European -20% (1990) -40% (1990) -55% net (1990)
GHG emissions neutrality
Belgium ratified the United Nations Union, Belgium is committed to provide - ETS [1] -21% (2005) -43% (2005) -61% (2005)
Framework Convention on Climate its contribution to the objectives of EU: - non ETS -10% (2005) [2] -30% (2005) [3] -40% (2005)
Change (UNFCCC), the Kyoto Protocol
Three processes to reinforce the ob- 2009/28/EC
and the Paris Agreement in 1996, 2002 and 2009/29/EC EU 2018/842
jectives in these areas took place in 2009,
2017 respectively. EU Reference 2009/31/EC EU 2018/841 EU 2021/1119
2014 and finally 2020.
406/2009/EC EU 2003/87
2nd Kyoto commitment period: The objectives are evolving, as shown 2003/87/EC
2013‑2020 in the tables presented in Tables 4.1 and RES [4] 20% [5] -32% 40%
For the second commitment period 4.2. LULUCF:
of the KP (2013-2020), EU countries (to- not included no debit rule 310 Mt
In March 2021, an update of the Bel- removals
gether with Iceland) have agreed to jointly EE [6] -20% -32.5% -36/39%
gian national system for policies and mea-
meet a 20% reduction target compared to
sures and projections was reported, which
1990 (in line with the EU's domestic tar- [0] The year of the proposals is indicative because on binding annual greenhouse gas emission re-
describes Belgium’s PAMs and Projections it is often at the start of a simple communica- ductions by Member States from 2021 to 2030
get of 20% by 2020). The 20% emission
systems and QA/QC programmes in ap- tion. The various objectives then evolve over the contributing to climate action to meet commit-
reduction target by 2020 is unconditional course of the effective decisions in the follow- ments under the Paris Agreement and amending
plication of Article 39 of the Governance
and supported by legislation in place in ing years. Regulation (EU) No 525/2013. The EU target
Regulation. [1] European Emissions Trading System (Direc- includes the contribution of the United King-
tives 2003/87/EC and 2009/29/EC). It consti- dom.
This agreement relates to the distribution of the The Governance Regulation (EU) tutes a key instrument to help energy-intensive [4] Part of renewable energy sources in gross final
2021 and 2022 revenues from the auctioning of the sectors to improve their energy efficiency while energy demand
2018/1999 entered into force on 24 De- optimizing costs [5] Renewable energy Directive 2009/28/EC
ETS system, the dissolution of the “climate respon-
sibility mechanism” and the sharing of the amounts cember 2018. The governance mechanism [2] Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC [6] Energy efficiency: compared to the projected
relating thereto, the guarantee of a minimum Bel- is based on integrated NECPs covering [3] Regulation (EU) 2018/842 of the European gross inland energy consumption (Primes 2007)
gian objective in terms of renewable energies and Parliament and of the Council of 30 May 2018
international climate finance for the period 2021- ten-year periods, the first starting in 2021
2024. and encompassing the period up to 2030. It

4. Policies and measures 50
also includes the need for EU and national jectives and the 4th federal sustainable
long-term strategies, as well as integrated development plan adopted the 1 Octo-
reporting, monitoring and data publication. ber 2021 for the 5 next years;
Member States had to submit their draft –– Flanders: in November 2021 the fourth
national energy and climate plans by the Flemish strategy for sustainable devel-
end of 2018 and their final plans by the opment was adopted;
end of 2019. An update of the NECPs is –– Wallonia: the third Walloon strategy for
expected in by June 2023 (draft) and June sustainable development was adopted
Table 4.2 Synthesis of Belgian objectives 2024 (final version). The 2030 targets still in September 2022;
need to be shared between the 4 authori- –– Brussels-Capital Region: the regional
ties in a new ‘burden sharing’ agreement sustainable development plan;
2030 Climate
2020 Climate and Proposal: between all 4 authorities. –– German-speaking Community: the sec-
and Energy LT strategy
Energy package
Fit for 55 ond regional development plan.
An essential element of Belgium’s
Time horizon 2020 2030 2030 2050 climate policy relies upon the European
Total reduction of No national Emissions Trading System (Directives  Belgian long-term strategies
GHG emissions objective yet 2003/87/EC and 2009/29/EC). It consti-
Following the European Climate Law,
(No national (No national (No national (No national tutes a key instrument to help several key
- ETS [1] the climate neutrality target on the EU-lev-
objective) objective) objective) objective) sectors to improve their energy efficiency
el by 2050 also covers Belgium. In Feb-
-85%--87% while optimising costs namely energy in-
-15% (ref. 2005) ruary 2020, Belgium submitted its nation-
- non ETS -35% (ref. 2005) -47% (ref. 2005) (ref. 2005; tensive industry, electricity production and
[2] al “long-term strategy” to the European
projection) aviation.
Commission. This was communicated to
2009/28/EC EU 2018/2001
2009/29/EC EU 2018/2002
A single EU-wide cap on ETS emis- the UNFCCC secretariat by 10 December
EU Reference EU 2021/1119 sions applies since 2013. In Belgium, the 2020.
2009/31/EC EU 2018/841
406/2009/EC EU 2018/842 regions are responsible for the implemen-
The strategy includes several emissions
RES [3] 13% [4] tation of the ETS and for monitoring of
reduction objectives for 2050 and details a
LULUCF: increase of the ETS emissions.
not included no-debit rule variety of supporting measures across the
removals sink by 320 kt electricity, industry, building, transport,
15% PEC, 12%  Belgian sustainable development agriculture and waste sectors. The strategy
EE -18%
FEC strategies is based on the long-term strategies of the
regional governments and specifies sever-
[1] An essential element of Belgium’s climate poli- [2] Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC Different strategies in relation to sus-
cy relies upon the European Emissions Trading [3] Part of renewable energy sources in gross final al areas of action for the federal govern-
tainable development have been adopted
System (Directives 2003/87/EC and 2009/29/ energy demand ment. The Long-term Strategy of Wallonia
EC). It constitutes a key instrument to help en- [4] Renewable energy Directive 2009/28/EC by the respective levels of power:
ergy-intensive sectors to improve their energy aims to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050
efficiency while optimising costs –– Federal State: the Long-term Vision for through a reduction of GHG emissions
Sustainable Development adopted in by 95% compared to 1990, supplemented
2013 which identifies 55 long-term ob- by Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Stor-

4. Policies and measures 51
age (CCUS) and negative emissions. The main objectives of which are shown in Ta-
Table 4.3 Belgium’s estimated emission reductions Long-term Strategy of Flanders aims to ble 4.4.
reduce GHG emissions from non-ETS sec-
With the adoption of the EU Climate
tors by 85% by 2050 compared to 2005,
Emission source Reduction in 2050 versus 2005 Law, the EU objective for 2030 was further
with the ambition to move towards carbon
Electricity -100% increased to a net reduction of 55% com-
neutrality. The Climate Ordinance of the
Transport -100% pared to 1990. Negotiations on the Fit for
Brussels-Capital Region aims to reduce
Industry (non-ETS) -76% to -83% 55 package of legislative proposals which
GHG emissions by 90% by 2050 com-
Buildings -89% to -91%
implements this 55%-objective are still on-
pared to 2005.
going. The Belgian targets will therefore
Agriculture -45% to -51%
Table 4.3 summarises the (range of) es- have to be modified and the PAMs will
Waste -95% to -98%
timated emission reductions at the national have to be strengthened in a revised NECP.
Total non-ETS -85% to -87% level.
Federal State
Although the strategy is intended to put
Belgium on a path that supports achieve- In accordance with the Cooperation
ment of the Paris Agreement’s goals, the Agreement on the national burden-shar-
strategy does not include an overall long- ing 2013-2020, the federal government is
Table 4.4 Summary table of the main objectives, policies and measures term national emission reduction target in committed to pursue existing policies and
of the BE NECP 2050, as ETS is not included in all regional measures allowing a total emission reduc-
strategies. tion of 15 250 kt CO2 eq for 2013-2020 and
to implement new policies and measures
Dimension 2030 objective Remarks The Consultation Committee (“Comité
resulting in an additional reduction of at
    de concertation”/”Overlegcomité”) con-
Decarbonisation least 7 000 kt CO2 eq for the period 2016-
siders the national strategy as a minimum
GHG-ESR -35% compared to 2005 2020. A set of new federal PAMs was iden-
commitment and has undertaken to update
LULUCF No debit tified, which includes following PAMs:
it on a regular basis. At this stage, no up-
positive mobility allocations, incentives
RES 17.5% of gross final energy consumption date has been scheduled.
for electric bicycles, energy saving in rail-
Energy efficiency     ways as well as the implementation of new
Primary energy i.e. -15% compared to BAU Primes 2007 in  Belgian National Energy EU legislative instruments in the field of
42.7 Mtoe
consumption 2030 and Climate Plan product policy and fluorinated gases.
Final energy i.e. -12% compared to BAU Primes 2007 in NECP 2021-2030 In the updates of the NECP, the federal
35.2 Mtoe
consumption 2030 government agreement expressed its com-
In order to achieve its national target
Cumulative amount mitment to align its contribution with the
under the Effort Sharing Regulation of
of energy savings -55% target by 2030 by means of an action
185 TWh -35% (compared to 2005), as well as ob-
(Article 7 of the Energy plan and, to that end, is taking the meas-
jectives regarding renewable energy and
Efficiency Directive) ures for which it is responsible.
energy efficiency, Belgium adopted its
NECP 2021-2030 in December 2019, the

4. Policies and measures 52
In this context, the federal government framework for developing hydrogen in –– The Flemish Adaptation Plan (VAP): plan will be implemented in the coming
wants to raise the level of ambition embod- the energy transition, the establishment the purpose of the VAP was to ad- years. It also contains provisions regarding
ied within the federal climate policy and of a sustainable financing strategy, the dress Flanders’ vulnerability to climate annual progress reports, the involvement
commits itself to: circular economy initiatives, etc. change and subsequently improve its of stakeholders and the upgrade planned
ability to defend against its effects. in 2023-24. In March 2022, the Flemish
1. Implement as soon as possible all pol- As input to the revision of the feder-
Government took additional measures in
icies and measures included in the fed- al contribution to the NECP, the general An English summary of the VKP 2013-
relation to renewable energy as a response
eral contribution to the current NEPP public will be consulted. A national pub- 2020 is available online.
to the Russian invasion of Ukraine. These
2021-2030. lic enquiry was already held during the
The VMP was a strategic policy plan additional measures will be included in the
2. Develop and implement enhanced and preparation of the NECP 2021-2030. Once
with measures for the non-ETS sectors update of the Flemish Energy and Climate
new policies and measures that aim to again, the choice will be made to organ-
in the Flemish Region from all relevant Plan in 2023-24.
achieve additional emission reductions ise a national public enquiry with the inte-
Flemish policy fields and was linked to
in the non-ETS sector. These strength- gration of a series of questions regarding
the Flemish government’s broader policy. Walloon Region
ened or new policies and measures federal matters. If not, a separate federal
The plan contained actions from all the
will include the greening of taxation public enquiry will be set up. Selected In Wallonia, air quality and climate
relevant areas of competence. It contained
(including the reform of the company stakeholders will be consulted by seeking change policies are the object of a Walloon
Flanders’ contribution to the European and
car tax regime), the climate bonus (in recommendations from the representative Air-Climate-Energy Plan notably aiming
international commitments for the period
line with European decision making), advisory councils as well as by means of at the compliance with the commitments
transport (including the development a multi-level climate and energy dialogue of Wallonia in the framework of the Kyoto
of a regime for carbon neutral fuels), named climate round tables. These round For the period 2021-2030, the Flemish Protocol. Measures are implemented and
buildings, and product standards; tables will be organised on specific federal Government adopted the Flemish Energy monitored by the respective administra-
3. Strengthen existing measures or devel- themes and will involve stakeholders, ex- and Climate Plan, which was then incor- tions in charge of those plans. The Walloon
op new ones to support the reduction perts and the responsible administrations. porated into the National Energy and Cli- Agency for Air and Climate is in charge
of emissions in the ETS sector during mate Plan. In November 2021, the Flemish of the coordination, covering all aspects
the period 2021-2030, in particular by Flemish Region Government agreed on a series of addi- of those plans in relation with air quality
increasing power generation capacity tional measures that would further reduce and climate change. Regional Ministers are
In June 2013, the Flemish Government
in the North Sea and phasing out fossil greenhouse gas emissions within the Flem- regularly informed of implementations and
formally adopted its “Flemish Climate Pol-
fuel subsidies, preferably in the Euro- ish Region. The greenhouse gas reduction progress.
icy Plan 2013-2020”, or “Vlaams Klimaat-
pean context; target was raised to a reduction of 40%
beleidsplan/VKP 2013-2020”. The plan The current plan adopted covered the
4. Put in place enabling policies and mea- by 2030 (compared to 2005), in the case
consisted of an overall framework and two period 2016-2022. A new Plan, covering
sures that contribute to creating an en- of emissions not included within the EU’s
separate but closely related sections: the period 2021-2030 is under construction
abling framework to fully realise the Emission Trading System.
on the basis of the NECP, of citizens’ pro-
potential of the federal and regional –– The Flemish Mitigation Plan (VMP):
The Flemish Energy and Climate Plan posals (an assembly of 50 randomly select-
emission reduction measures. These the purpose of the VMP was to reduce
is recognised as a transversal policy pro- ed citizens, who made 168 proposals to the
measures concern in particular the emissions of greenhouse gases in Flan-
gramme. In December 2021, the Flemish Walloon Minister of Climate) and various
strengthening of the electricity trans- ders between 2013 and 2020 as a means
Government adopted the Framework of sectoral consultations.
mission network, the establishment of a of combating climate change.
Arrangements, which lays down how the

4. Policies and measures 53
Brussels Capital Region following: a reduction of its total direct 4.1.3  System for monitoring and evaluation Methodologies vary depending on the
GHG emissions (i.e. ETS + non-ETS) of of policies and measures domain targeted and the availability of
a) Brussels National Energy & Climate at least -40% for 2030, -67 % for 2040 and data, but are harmonised as much as pos-
The national system for policies and
Plan (NECP) -90% for 2050, in comparison with 2005; sible among the different entities, in order
measures and projections represents the in-
On the 24 October 2019, the Gov- a comparable reduction trajectory for its stitutional, legal, and procedural arrange- to ensure comparability and the ability to
ernment of the Brussels Capital Region indirect emissions of GHG, i.e. emissions ments established for reporting on policies identify the most efficient measures.
adopted its contribution to the Belgian produced outside the regional territory by and measures and projections of anthropo- To that end, the National Climate Com-
National Energy and Climate Plan. This its activities, by 2050. The mission of the genic emissions by sources and removals mission has created an ad-hoc working
contribution, which is included in the Bel- committee of climate experts, made up of by sinks of greenhouse gases not controlled group (WG PAMs), gathering representa-
gian NECP (see above, aims, by 2030, to scientific and independent experts, is to by the Montreal Protocol, in accordance tives of each entity and various administra-
achieve at least a reduction in final energy assess the adequacy of regional policies with Article 39 of the EU Governance Reg- tions concerned by elements of the NECP.
consumption of at least 21% (compared and measures with regard to climate objec- ulation (2018/1999). It seeks to ensure the In particular, the group integrates repre-
to 2005), and 40.8% of greenhouse gases tives, through the drafting of an annual re- timeliness, transparency, accuracy, consis- sentatives of the energy administrations
emissions (also compared to 2005). port evaluating the contribution of regional tency, comparability and completeness of in charge of monitoring and reporting the
public policies to medium-term climate the information on policies and measures
b) Brussels’ climate ordinance and the energy efficiency action plan established in
objectives. and projections reported by Belgium pur-
Air-Climate-Energy Plan the framework of Directives 2006/32/EC
The ACEP currently in force, which suant to Article 18(1)(a) and Article 18(1) 2012/27/EU and 2018/2001/EU relative to
To meet all the challenges related to (b) of the Governance Regulation (Gov-
was adopted in 2016, recalls the Brus- energy efficiency and services, to ensure
energy consumption, renewable energy, Reg). A full and detailed description of the
sels-Capital Region objectives for 2025 a necessary harmonisation of methodolo-
climate change and air quality, the Brus- national system is given in the report of
and is intended to set up the measures to gies, hypotheses and parameters between
sels-Capital Region has developed an in- March 2021 “Reporting on national system
be implemented in 2020 with regard to climate and energy policies quantifications.
tegrated approach which has already been for policies and measures, and projections”
energy (including renewable energy), cli-
expressed in a regulatory document (Brus- under Regulation (EU) 2018/1999 on the
mate change mitigation and adaptation and Federal State
sels Air, Climate and Energy control Code Governance of the Energy Union and Cli-
air quality. The plan defines 144 actions
– COBRACE; see NC7 for more details) Successive studies have been com-
into 64 measures which are declined into mate Action. An update of the system is
and its related plan: the so-called Air-Cli- missioned to quantify the impact of fed-
10 areas of focus: building, transportation, expected in March 2023 in the framework
mate-Energy Plan (ACEP). eral measures in terms of greenhouse gas
renewable energy, economy, global city of the first integrated National Energy and
emission reductions. These studies evalu-
The most recent modification of the planning, consumption, social dimension, Climate Progress Report.
ated the effect of the federal measures on
COBRACE consists of the climate ordi- climate change adaptation, air surveillance In accordance with the cooperation expected emission reductions up to 2020
nance of 17 June 2021, which includes and international mechanisms. It is cur- agreement of 14 November 2002, the Re- and estimated the remaining impact up to
into the Code new ambitious binding cli- rently being revised and its ambition will gions and the Federal State are committed 2050 assuming the measure being withheld
mate objectives for 2030, 2040 and 2050, be increased to contribute to the FF55 dy- to evaluating the progress and implemen- after 2020.3 The socioeconomic impact of
a new committee of independent climate namics energy and climate; its content will tation of their policies and measures in a some federal PAMs has also been evalu-
experts, and defines the articulation be- be integrated into the update of the Nation- harmonised way, including by estimating ated. The most recent study (“Update of
tween the air-climate energy plan and the al Energy and Climate Plan to be delivered their impact in terms of GHG emission re-
National energy and climate plan (NECP in June 2023 (draft) and June 2024 (final). ductions. See the different reports on

– see above). These objectives are the evaluation-PAMs (FR) or

evaluatie-PAMs (NL), reports are in EN

4. Policies and measures 54
the impact assessment of federal Policies Flemish Region Walloon Region
and Measures”, ICEDD - Gauss - TML –
By means of a progress report, the The Walloon region has recently ac-
VITO) was finalised in June 2021. The so-
Flemish Government is informed annually quired a centralised project management
cio-economic aspect in that regard was not
about the progress of the Flemish Energy tool. Each project carried out by the Wal-
especially developed, as the priority was
and Climate Plan (VEKP 2021-2030), the loon administration may be described in
given to the methodology for estimating
evolution of the Flemish greenhouse gas the form of indicators. These indicators
emission reductions from new PAMs and
emissions and the progress of the objec- will be useful as a means of systematis-
updating old ones. Future studies may pro-
tives and measures. ing and simplifying data collection. This
vide further information in that regard.
should eventually make it possible for
The VEKP 2021 progress report (ap-
In 2021, the Federal Government has the measures and actions implemented in
proved on 16 July 2021) is structured in
put in place a governance framework with the Walloon region to be monitored more
two major parts:
the objectives to confirm and operation- closely.
alise the government's climate ambition, to –– an analysis of the evolution of green-
mainstream climate within its public poli- house gas emissions in the Flemish Re- Brussels Region
cy and to establish of a governance frame- gion,
The Climate Ordinance of 17 June
work with half-yearly evaluation based on –– a state of affairs regarding the sub-
2021 significantly strengthens regional cli-
roadmaps. These roadmaps are drawn up stantive progress of the measures for
mate governance by integrating new provi-
in consultation between the ministers and non-ETS sectors and LULUCF from
sions into COBRACE. These changes in-
departments concerned, according to an the Flemish Energy and Climate Plan
clude setting targets for reducing direct and
iterative process. The monitoring cycle 2021-2030 (VEKP). The appendix to
indirect regional greenhouse gas emissions
seeks to provide a status of progress every the progress report contains more de-
and provides the region with a committee
6 months, based on monitoring tables on tailed information per VEKP measure,
of climate experts. It provides reports as-
the one hand and written progress reports including the status, progress and out-
sessing the contribution of regional public
on the other, which will lead to the drawing look for the coming year.
policies to climate objectives, including
up of a public summary report that consoli-
A new progress report is being pre- recommendations. This reports, once the
dates the content of those progress reports.
pared in the autumn of 2022. It will serve committee in place, will be available to the
The summary report is sent to the parlia-
as the basis for the Flemish contribution Brussels government and parliament on
ment and to advisory bodies and should
to the first integrated National Energy and 31 March each year.
serve as an input during a possible revision
Climate Progress Report in 2023.
and/or reinforcement of the measures by
the Council of Ministers three months after
its publication. The first synthesis report
2022 is now available (FR/NL).

4. Policies and measures 55
4.2  Domestic and regional programmes and/  Mechanism for increasing
awareness of climate responsibility among
tween Belgium domestic law and interna-
tional and European law. This right is now
or legislative arrangements and enforcement the Regions for the building sector extended more specifically to Belgium’s
international obligations under the UNFC-
and administrative procedures For more explanation, see chapter in NC7.
CC and its Protocols (Article 16(4) of the
Special Institutional Reform Law of 8 Au-
The recent political agreement con- gust 1980). In principle, this right enables
cluded on 14 September 2022 provides for the Federal State, under strict conditions,
4.2.1  Description of domestic legislative This Agreement also originates from the abolition of the mechanism, the effec- to substitute its action for the non-action
arrangements to meet the Kyoto the obligation to apply European Deci- tive implementation of which has proved of a federal entity when it is the subject of
Protocol commitments sion 280/2004/EC (replaced by Regulation impossible. A solution to distribute the a non-compliance assessment reported by
According to the Kyoto Protocol re- (EU) No 525/2013 or MMR, then by Reg- amounts blocked so far has been found, a relevant body under the UNFCCC or its
porting guidelines (paragraph 37), Bel- ulation (EU) No 2018/1999 or Governance which deviates from the distribution pro- Protocols. This mechanism also applies to
gium must draw up a report describing Regulation) establishing the mechanism vided for by the mechanism. European law obligations aiming at imple-
all the domestic and regional legislative for monitoring and reporting greenhouse menting the UNFCCC and its Protocols.
arrangements and all the enforcement gas emissions in the European Community
and for implementing the Kyoto Protocol.  Substitution right for international
and administrative procedures to be put
obligations under the UNFCCC and its 4.2.2  Access to information
in place, how they are implemented and And precisely, as requested by Article Protocols Public access to environmental infor-
which procedures apply for addressing 39 of the Governance Regulation, Belgium
cases of non-compliance under the Belgian The ‘substitution right’ is a mechanism mation in Belgium, including legislative
has set up a national system for policies
legal framework. introduced into Belgium law, with the aim instruments, policies and measures devel-
and measures and projections.
of ensuring Belgium’s compliance with its oped under the Kyoto Protocol, is regulat-
international obligations. Under Belgian ed at federal level and in the Regions by  Cooperation Agreement of  Cooperation agreement domestic law, competences that are at- the legislation transposing European Di-
14 November 2002 ‘Burden Sharing’ tributed exclusively to an entity mean that rective 2003/4/EC on public access to en-
The legal basis for the obligation to it is competent for compliance with the ob- vironmental information (based on the first
The cooperation agreement on the Bur-
evaluate the policies and measures (PAMs) ligations in the same field of competence pillar of the Aarhus Convention on Ac-
den Sharing (2013-2020) provides the le-
is the Cooperation Agreement of 14 No- at national, European and international cess to Information, Public Participation
gal basis for the decisions to be taken to
vember 2002 between the Federal State, level, to the exclusion of other entities. in Decision-making and Access to Justice
honour the commitments entered into by
the Flemish Region, the Walloon Region However, international public law does not in Environmental Matters). This has been
Belgium under the 2013-2020 European
and the Brussels Capital Region, which allow federal states to withdraw from their reflected in various legislative and regula-
Energy & Climate Package. The negotia-
provides that a National Climate Plan must international obligations on the basis of tory initiatives at both federal and regional
tions on the Burden Sharing 2021-30 are
be drawn up, executed, evaluated and re- domestic law arrangements, as specified in levels.
ported to the UNFCCC under the Kyoto Article 27 of the Vienna Convention on the The website of the National Climate
protocol. Federal State vouches for international law Commission offers most of the relevant in-
violations on the part of federal entities. formation on Belgian climate policy.
The right of substitution was introduced
in order to remedy the contradiction be-

4. Policies and measures 56
4.2.3  Participation in the Kyoto proved by the National Climate Commis- commitment period and a technical cor- the involvement of all stakeholders and
mechanisms sion. rection of the FMRL (Forest management aims at an increase of forest area with 3%
reference levels) of 1 010.17 kt CO2-eq. by mid-2024 (baseline is 2019) and with
The repartition of competence concern-
was proposed in the NIR 2022 (section 7% by 2030 (baseline of 2019). This ex-
ing approval of project activities is stipu-  Approval procedures ceeds the global target sets in the United
lated in a Cooperation Agreement between
The Regions, the Federal Government Nations Strategic Plan on Forests (Global
the Federal Government and the 3 Regions Forest Goal 1; target 1.1) The area of land
and the National Climate Commission
of the country concerning the implemen-  Forest management
have adopted their procedure and approval occupied by forests will be increased by 3
tation of certain provisions of the Kyoto criteria. In Wallonia, the Forest Code (Decree per cent worldwide (until 2030) (based on
Protocol (19 February 2007). of 15 July 2008) has introduced a certain the Global Forest Resources Assessment
number of constraints in favour of forest 2015). Insights with regard to the state of
4.2.4  Information on Articles 3(3) and 3(4) conservation and the maintenance of lig- and changes within forest ecosystems in  Designation of DNA/DFP of the Kyoto Protocol neous materials and carbon, including: Flanders can be obtained when comparing
On 8 March 2007, Belgium notified the the abolition of inheritance duties on the results of the Flemish Forest Inventory. Trends
UNFCCC that its National Climate Com- stumpage value, which encourages more This is a policy-supporting monitoring net-
mission (NCC) had been legally designat- The LULUCF sector as a whole (CRF ecological forestry choices, restriction of work on a large spatial scale (Flanders) and
ed as national Focal Point (FP) and Desig- category 4) was a net removal of 335.86 kt clear-cutting; obligation to plant species on a large temporal scale (ten years). The
nated National Authority (DNA) for JI and CO2 eq. in Belgium’s submission of May suited to the site, creation of integral re- first cycle was completed between 1997-
CDM project activity approval. 2022. serves; draining limitation. The designa- 1999. The second cycle ran from 2009 un-
Regarding Art. 3.3, Afforestation, Re- tion of 1 500 km² of forests in Natura 2000 til 2018 and the third cycle began in 2019.
The approval procedures are published under special fixed rules of management A comparison of the results of the Flem-
forestation and Deforestation, there is an
on the website of the National Climate also contributes to the various objectives ish forest inventory shows that the volume
overall balance between afforested and
Commission. of the Forest Code in Wallonia. Many areas of standing timber per hectare increased
deforested areas (see the National Inven-
tory Report, section 10.2.4), as confirmed are also certified under PEFC management very markedly between the first two mea-
by the stable forest area observed in forest standards. surement cycles. The composition of tree  Distribution of authority for the
inventories. However, due to accounting species changed substantially between the
approval of project activities In the Brussels Capital Region, the
first two measurement cycles. The share
rules (instantaneous oxidation in the case Sonian Forest (Forêt de Soignes/Zoniën-
According to Article 1, Section 27, of of hardwood tree species is increasing at
of deforestation), this results in net emis- woud) is protected (no deforestation al-
the ‘Flex Mex’ Cooperation Agreement the expense of coniferous wood. Homo-
sions of 446.93 kt CO2-eq. under Art 3.3. lowed) and FSC certified. Its management
project approval constitutes written au- geneous pine and poplar stands are being
Regarding Article 3.4, Belgium did not aims to ensure ecological stability and a
thorisation enabling one or more persons converted into mixed stands. The forest in-
long-term balance in the distribution of
to participate in a project activity. elect any activity, so Forest Management ventory shows that the proportion and vol-
forest age, taking into account biodiversity,
is the only relevant category. In 2020, For- ume of dead wood in forest has increased.
Article 5 of this Agreement specifies ecological and social aspects.
est management resulted in a net sink of Dead wood is an important parameter for
the cases in which the federal or regional 1 578.43 kt CO2-eq., compared to a cur- Forest policy in the Flemish Region biodiversity in forest ecosystems. The
authorities are authorised to grant approv- rent forest management reference level of focuses on the qualitative and quantita- number of tree species per forest type has
al. According to Article 7, the activities not 2 499 kt CO2-eq. However, Belgium will tive dimensions of forests. A plan for for- increased, but the number of herbaceous
covered by any of these categories are ap- only submit an account at the end of the est expansion has been developed with species has not. The number of herba-

4. Policies and measures 57
ceous plants typically encountered in old bon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for  International shipping In 2016, the IMO adopted a Data Col-
forests is increasing, also in more recent International Aviation), the global mar- lection System similar to the European
On 1 January 2018, MRV (Monitoring,
and therefore younger forests. Calculat- ket-based measure from ICAO which in- MRV. It is more inclusive but less ambi-
Reporting and Verification of emissions
ed indices indicate that the naturalness of tends to reach global carbon neutral growth tious with regard to certain aspects. Work
from ships) entered into force. This intro-
Flemish forests has increased. The Flem- from 2019/2020 onwards. EU Member on amending this system is currently on-
duces obligations for ships over 5000 gross
ish forests are however darkening (which States also implement the technical mea- going.
tons that call at ports in the European Eco-
follows the trend that trees in forests are sures and standards (e.g. CO2 standard for
nomic Area. Work on amending this Regu- In 2018, the IMO adopted the Initial
aging) but the share of species that react aircraft, fuel and energy planning) adopt-
lation is currently ongoing. Strategy on reduction of greenhouse gas
positively to influx of nitrogen increased. ed by ICAO, to limit fuel consumption by
emissions from ships. The Initial IMO
The impact of nitrogen on the species com- aircraft. The first internationally agreed bind-
Strategy indicates that a revised Strategy
position of herbaceous species is clearly ing measure, the Ship Energy Efficiency
EU climate policy for aviation will be should be adopted in 2023 in line with the
visible: the number of nitrogen-loving spe- Plan (SEEMP) guidelines for all ships over
strengthened in the coming years, as part roadmap. Work on the revision of the strat-
cies is increasing, and the effect is greater 400 gross tons are currently undergoing
of the Fit for 55 legislative package pro- egy is currently ongoing.
in the forest edge. In 2017 the system of an update. Apart from this, new ships al-
posed by the European Commission in July
forest management planning is integrated ready have to comply with standards set As part of the Fit for 55-package pro-
2021 and is currently subject to the legis-
out in the Energy Efficiency Design Index posed by the European Commission in
with the management planning system of lative procedures in the European Parlia-
(EEDI), whilst existing ships will have to July 2021, shipping between EU ports as
biodiversity conservation areas. With this ment and Council. Amongst other things,
comply with standards set out in the Ener- well as (part of) international shipping will
movement, biodiversity concerns are fully this includes the strengthening of the EU
gy Efficiency Existing Ship Index (EEXI). be covered under the EU Emission Trading
mainstreamed into forest management. emissions trading scheme for aviation and
Both documents are addressing the techni- System, thereby introducing a carbon cost
measures to boost supply and demand of
cal efficiency of ships. IMO has adopted for maritime transport. The details of the
sustainable aviation fuels.
4.2.5  International transport a rating system addressing the operational legislation are still being negotiated.
Belgium supports the ongoing revi- efficiency for ships over 5000 gross tons in  International aviation sion of the Single European Sky aiming to the form of an operational carbon intensity
Belgian climate policy measures for improve its environmental performance. indicator (CII). The EEXI and CII mea-
international aviation are mainly based on New projects were also initiated in order sures will enter into force from 1 January
European and international (ICAO) policy. to improve the flight efficiency in Belgian 2023 onwards.
airspace and facilitate the deployment of
Since 2012 the European Emissions Sustainable Aviation Fuel at Brussels-Na-
Trading Scheme for aviation is operation- tional Airport.
al in all EU Member States and limits the
CO2-emissions from flights within the Eu- As a first step to discourage short
ropean Economic Area (EEA) to 90% of flights, a tax on boarding an aircraft when
a passenger departs from an airport locat-
the average emissions in the period 2004-
ed in Belgium was recently introduced.
With this measure, we want to encourage
From 2021 onwards, all EU Member travellers to consider more sustainable
States are participating – on a voluntary alternatives for journeys of less than 500
basis – in the pilot phase of CORSIA (Car- kilometres.
4. Policies and measures 58
4.3  Policies and measures and their effects buildings focus on transposing the Europe-
an Directives on the energy performance of
ments paving the way for opportunities to
use RES and CHP sources and (in Wallo-
buildings and improving energy efficiency. nia) develop “CO2 mapping” of the activi-
These tools provide a timetable for the en- ty of industrial sites or commodity chains.
try into force of increasingly stringent en- In addition, specific sectoral measures are
4.3.1  Overview of the main PAMs - PAMs 46, 48, 206 and 207). See also section 5.2
ergy standards for new constructions and taken to reduce other greenhouse gas emis-
reported in the CTF Table 3  for some other considerations and section
thorough renovations, including heating sions such as F-gas, CH4 and N2O emis-
The NECP is structured in accordance 4.1.3 for the methodology. The vast ma-
and hot water production facilities and fi- sions.
with Annex 1 of Governance Regulation jority of policies and measures address is-
nancial support for upgrading the energy
(EU) 2018/1999. CTF Table 3 summarise sues relating to energy conservation in all TRANSPORT
efficiency of existing buildings.
the PAMs identified in the NECP that con- sectors. In particular, the following major In the transport sector, the initiatives
measures are expected to provide essential In the medium and long term, the man- undertaken by the Federal and Regional
tribute the reducing GHG emissions. Some
emission reductions: datory preparation of an energy certificate Governments mainly focus on:
measures from the previous climate plan
for any building prior to a transaction (sale,
are also included in CTF Table 3 insofar as ENERGY rental) should offer a way of giving added –– Limiting road-traffic growth for freight
they were not included in the new NECP
Energy production: Most of the PAMs value to the most efficient buildings. The transport, and incentivising the “modal
and continue to produce effects in terms of
are aimed at the development of renew- improvement of existing residential build- shift” (towards rail or waterways) and
emission reductions (see previous BR for
able energy sources (RES) and some still ings may, among other things, be eligible by investing in greener freight trans-
more details).
focus on promoting high-efficiency Com- for regional subsidies and low-interest port (e.g. using low-carbon vehicles)
A more extensive table of the PAMs bined Heat and Power (CHP) systems to loans. In Flanders, a renovation obligation –– Limiting car use by incentivising a
is used to track them which corresponds produce electricity. The main instruments exists for residential and non-residential “modal shift” for passenger transport,
to EU reporting under Article 18(1)(a) of implemented are markets of green certifi- buildings with a low energy performance e.g. improving public transport and up-
the Governance Regulation available on cates (covering both RES and CHP in Wal- after ownership is transferred by a civ- grading biking or pedestrian infrastruc-
Reportnet 3. The NECP consists of various lonia and Brussels, with a separate CHP il-law notary. ture;
measures, some of which reinforce each certificates market in Flanders). For RES, –– Encouraging drivers to acquire and use
other. Flanders uses subsidies for the promotion INDUSTRY / INDUSTRIAL low-carbon vehicles (information, tax
of solar and onshore wind energy. The pro- PROCESSES incentives, low emission zone across
As the list of Belgian PAMs is quite
motion of offshore wind farms and biofuel In industry, the European Emission the entire territory of the Brussels-Cap-
long, an overview of the main measures at
blending also constitutes an essential tool Trading System (ETS) is a major tool for ital Region, deployment of a charging
sectoral level that deliver the largest reduc-
for RES development. reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the infrastructure for electric vehicles)
tion is set out below.
most cost-efficient way. A second crucial and to optimise their use (eco-driving,
The EU emission trading system, and
Although these measures lead to the tool is the sectoral agreements drawn up car-sharing, etc.). Following the pro-
the carbon price it includes for the electric-
largest emission reductions overall, not between the regional governments of Flan- posed Fit for 55-package, the sale of
ity production, is also an important driver
all of them have quantitative estimates. ders and Wallonia (the industrial sector of new passenger vehicles and vans with
for the development of renewable energy.
In CTF Table 3, the quantitative estimates Brussels being very small) and their in- an internal combustion engine will be
concern 48 PAMs or clusters of PAMs, Energy conservation in buildings: dustries to improve energy efficiency and banned in the EU by 2035. A more rap-
of which 8 deliver more than 70% of the Measures to promote rational energy use reduce greenhouse gas emissions. These id phase-out is currently being consid-
emission reductions (PAMs n°1, 2, 29, 35, and the use of renewable energy sources in agreements also notably contain require- ered by some Belgian governments.

4. Policies and measures 59
Emissions from the transport sector lations (a ban on landfill, rules governing reduce its greenhouse gas emissions. Cur- –– In waste treatment, the recovery of
have been increasing over time until 2015. organic waste, the recovery and use of bio- rently, the low availability and high cost of landfill gases (CH4) and its use as bio-
Particular efforts are seeking to encourage gas from solid waste deposits for energy alternative fuels are two of the obstacles to gas to generate electricity;
modal shifts from road to rail or inland production, electricity production in waste their deployment. In order to improve the –– Measures to inspect and maintain re-
waterways transport, both for persons and incineration plants) and the development accessibility of alternative fuels at Brussels frigeration systems in order to limit
goods. Since April 2016, the Kilometre of specific channels for enhanced waste re- Airport, Belgium is taking several actions: leakages of fluorinated gas;
Charging System for heavy goods vehicles covery and treatment. on one hand, the integration of clauses in –– In agriculture, managing nitrates to
of more than 3.5 tonnes in the Flemish, the tender for the new refuelling contract reduce N2O emanations and reducing
Walloon and Brussels Regions took effect. AVIATION AND MARINE BUNKER CH4 emissions from bovine livestock.
to allow for a rapid transition to sustain-
Fiscal measures have enabled a sig- able aviation fuels; and, on the other hand, LONG-TERM IMPACTS
International shipping and aviation are the granting of subsidies for pilot projects
nificant improvement in energy efficiency Compared to BR4, emission reduction
not covered by the Member States' non- facilitating the supply of those fuels at the
of road vehicles, focusing on the support estimates have been extended to 2040.
ETS climate target. airport with the aim of neutralising their
for very low-consumption models, while
penalising models with a high energy con- Taking into account the international current additional cost. Other initiatives Many of the measures from the NECP
sumption. character of shipping, measures should be have also been launched in order to re- involve support for investments, the ef-
taken on an international or at least at EU duce the use of kerosene at the airport and fects of which will last for several years,
Belgium is also in the process of pro- or even decades. The long-term impact of
level. Policy is therefore largely organised to deliver more sustainable air navigation
ducing and distributing increasing quanti- such measures is linked to the technical
on an international and EU level. For the services by means of optimised operations
ties of biofuels. or economic service life of the equipment
maritime sector, at national level, a study and environmental charging.
was completed and published in March concerned.
AGRICULTURE AND FORESTRY Then, as a first step to discourage short
2021 that analysed the reduction potential This is especially true in the case of
Initiatives in the agricultural sector flights, a tax on boarding an aircraft when-
of various technical and operational mea- investment in infrastructure: building in-
focus on reducing greenhouse gas emis- ever a passenger departs from an airport lo-
sures for vessels smaller than 5000 GT. sulation, construction of new low-energy
sions by improving agricultural practices cated in Belgium was recently introduced.
These vessels include domestic maritime buildings and facilities, but also, for exam-
(reduction in the use of mineral fertilisers, With this measure, we want to encourage
navigation, international maritime naviga- ple, infrastructure that encourages modal
the storage and spreading of manure, waste travellers to consider more sustainable al-
tion on Belgian territory, estuary shipping shifts. Investments such as loading docks,
recovery, avoiding the ploughing up of ternatives when making journeys of less
and recreational shipping. This study may broad gauge waterways, railway adapta-
permanent grassland, combating soil deg- than 500 kilometres.
be useful to stakeholders when considering tions and the purchase of rail machinery
radation, etc.) and energy efficiency in
investments in/decisions concerning GHG concern facilities with a service life in ex-
horticulture (mainly situated in Flanders). IMPACT PER GAS
emission reduction technologies. Until fi- cess of 50 years.
Reforestation and forest conservation are The vast majority of these measures af-
nal decisions are made regarding the scope
encouraged through specific legislation. fect the CO2 emissions of the sectors con- For measures to upgrade the energy ef-
of EU and IMO measures, the study can
also serve as a basis on which to consider cerned. Exceptions to this are as follows: ficiency of heating and domestic hot water
further national measures. production facilities, the average service
The policies implemented to reduce the –– In the industrial sector, specific mea- life can be 20 years or more. This will
volume of waste and optimise its treatment Similarly, Belgium insists that the avi- sures taken to reduce N2O emissions also apply in the case of infrastructure that
are based on environmental taxation (pro- ation sector makes specific commitments from industrial processes during the makes use of renewable energy sources,
moting reusable packaging), stricter regu- and develops a roadmap to substantially production of caprolactam;

4. Policies and measures 60
the service life of which will vary, depend- –– 103. Promoting sustainable energy The set of policies and measures to case of emissions not included within the
ing on the technology implemented. sources for the “process” needs of ter- achieve the 2020 target are reflected in EU’s Emission Trading System.
tiary buildings ➤ Promoting sustain- the federal and regional plans described in
In contrast, initiatives aimed at chang- The Flemish Energy and Climate Plan
able energy sources to serve the needs chapter
ing behaviour may need to be maintained is recognised as a transversal policy pro-
of tertiary buildings
or repeated over several years, at least until gramme. In December 2021, the Flemish
–– 145. Green loans ➤ Brussels Green
a real change in mentality across all sec-  Recent developments of PAMs (up Government adopted the Framework of
tions of society is visible. to 2022) Arrangements, which lays down how the
–– 152. Green certificates ➤ Brussels
plan will be implemented in the coming
The revision of the NECP in 2023-24 Green certificates
Federal State years. It also contains provisions regarding
should lead to a reinforcement of existing
In addition, the following new PAMs annual progress reports, the involvement
and already planned measures as well as In the context of the governance sys-
have been added: of stakeholders and the upgrade planned in
new ones to accelerate emission reductions tem described under 4.1.3, the federal gov-
and move towards longer-term objectives. –– 206. Walloon Renovation Strategy: ernment took two decisions on 2 April and
This is a cluster of PAMs 72, 73, 78, 97, the 8 October with regard to its climate In July 2021, the first progress report
98, 99, 101, 102, 103 and 104 that have monitoring and ambition raising tools. The of the Flemish Energy and Climate Plan
4.3.2  Update on policies and measures
been combined to allow an estimate of federal government envisages the develop- 2021-2030 was published. In addition to  PAMs from the National Energy overall emission reductions. ment of roadmaps in ten domains, namely a sectoral overview of the greenhouse gas
Climate Plan –– 207. Fast Vision: This is a cluster of taxation and finance, over energy, trans- emissions, this progress report also includ-
PAMs 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92 and port, circular economy, public buildings, ed an overview of the progress of the in-
Compared to the previous report, some 93 that have been combined to allow functioning of public companies, interna- dividual measures that are included in the
measures have been renamed for clarity: an estimate of overall emission reduc- tional climate cooperation, climate policy plan. A second progress report is being pre-
–– 17. Company car regime ➤ Benefit in tions. governance, adaptation and research. (cf. pared in the autumn of 2022.
kind depending on CO2 emissions for –– 210. Mobility and Fleet Facilitator for First synthesis report in FR and in NL).
Finally, the Flemish Government ad-
company cars public services and companies
opted the Climate Strategy 2050 in 2019,
–– 21. Federal strategy to promote cycling –– 211. Renolab Flemish Region
which provides a long-term pathway for
➤ Federal strategy to promote bicycle –– 212. Renoclick
For the period 2021-2030, the Flem- the reduction of emissions in sectors that
use –– 213. Cash for cars and mobility budget
ish Government adopted the Flemish En- do not form part of the EU Emission Trad-
–– 23. Promotion of carsharing and tele- –– 214. Tax free bicycle allowance
ergy and Climate Plan, which was then ing System, with an overall objective to
working ➤ Teleworking for federal –– 215. Promotion of carpooling
incorporated into the National Energy achieve a reduction of -85% by 2050 (com-
civil servants –– 216. Rail non-traction: SNCB/NMBS
and Climate Plan. In November 2021, the pared to 2005). This strategy is being set
–– 32. Renewable Energy for Public insti- & Infrabel
Flemish Government agreed on a series of out in more specific terms by drawing up
tutions ➤ Photovoltaic panels on roofs –– 217. Energy taxation on fossil fuel used
additional measures in its Vision Paper on sectoral strategies, such as the long-term
of Federal government buildings for energy production
Additional Measures that would further renovation strategy, which was adopted in
–– 40. Green loans ➤ Federal Green loans –– 218. Tax deductions for the purchase of
reduce greenhouse gas emissions within May 2020.
–– 96. Local production ➤ Local food new clean vehicles (private citizens)
the Flemish Region. The greenhouse gas
production There are no PAM 208 and 209 (and no reduction target was raised to a reduction
166 either: see 4.4). of -40% by 2030 (compared to 2005) in the

4. Policies and measures 61
Walloon Region Brussels Capital Region 4.4  Policies and measures no longer in place
Since the previous NC, the Walloon At the level of the Brussels Capital Re-
Government adopted a new Air Climate gion, the regional contribution to the Na-
Energy Plan 2016-2022 on 21 April 2016. tional Energy and Climate Plan has con-
The Walloon contribution to the NECP was siderably increased its objectives in terms Compared to the previous report, the is unconnected to the item previously
subsequently adopted as part of the future of emission reductions by planning, among following PAMS were deleted from the listed under that number (41. EMAS
ACEP in December 2019. other things, to renovate the stock of build- summary table: certification)
ings, to increase our renewable capacities –– 166 Reduction of the emissions of flu-
Under the new Government, a group of –– 41 Incentive for pedelecs: policies that
and to improve the performance and ener- orinated greenhouse gases (expired and
citizens was set up to advise the Minister until 2021 were specifically targeting
gy efficiency of the transport sector. These already replaced by PAM 165)
of Climate and Energy on new measures pedelecs (high-speed electric bicycles)
measures are detailed in section of
seeking to achieve a target of -55% GHG have now been included within generic The following PAMs are deemed to
by 2030 (corresponding to the Fit For 55 bicycle policies relating to commuting have expired, but are still delivering emis-
proposals). These citizens submitted 168 The Brussels-Capital Region is also from home to work (PAM 214. Tax free sion reductions (In the CTF 3 Table, they
proposals, prioritised on the one hand in working on its next Air-Climate-Energy bicycle allowance) / A new measure are always indicated as implemented): 36,
terms of acceptability and on the other Plan to contribute to the objectives pro- has been encoded under number 41, but 37, 40, 105, 146.
hand in terms of their potential impact on posed by the Fit for 55 package. The con-
emissions. The regional renovation strate- tent relating to energy and climate will be
gy has also been revised in line with the
new European ambitions.
incorporated into the update of National
Energy and Climate Plan to be issued in
4.5  Minimising the adverse effects
All these measures will be incorporat-
June 2023 (draft) and June 2024 (final). of response measures
ed into the new version of AECP, which,
according to the estimated timeline of the
project, should be adopted by the end of
This text has been revised in the con- in-depth evaluation, amongst other things
2023, a timing that aims to be aligned with
text of the BR4 of Belgium and some even with regard to their economic and social
the European deadlines for the submission
more recent developments. It is included in consequences. These improvements should
of the revised NECP.
the NIR. be improved in the next reporting exercise.
Under Article 3.14 of the Kyoto Proto- Actions taken are intended to contrib-
col and UNFCCC Decision 31/CMP.1, An- ute to preventing dangerous anthropogen-
nex I Parties are invited to report on how ic interference with the climate system.
they are striving to implement their com- Adverse impacts of climate change will
mitment while minimizing adverse social, therefore be globally reduced if Annex I
environmental and economic impacts on countries (and Belgium among them) take
measures aiming to reduce GHG emissions
developing country parties.
by means of energy savings and the pro-
Many of the NECP measures are new motion of renewable energy sources. Fur-
and/or prolonged policies that require an thermore, most of those actions will help to
4. Policies and measures 62
reduce air pollution resulting from the use Plan (NECP) provided for the compilation –– A focus on the rights of women in the –– Belgian agricultural policies and the
of fossil fuel, which will benefit all coun- of an inventory of all fossil fuel subsidies programming cycles of cooperation ac- promotion of biofuels being developed
tries. by the end of 2021. The federal Invento- tivities. within the European common policies.
ry of fossil fuel subsidies was finalised in –– A recent decision to develop a nation- With regard to biofuels and acknowl-
As a Member State of the European
May 20214. A list of all energy subsidies al action plan on business and human edging that their development could
Union, Belgium designs and implements
(including those for fossil fuels) on a feder- rights which will ensure the implemen- create pressures on food prices and on
most of its policies in the context of EU
al and regional level, was communicated to tation of social responsibility and the land and forest management, especial-
directives, regulations, decisions and rec-
the European Commission at the beginning embedding of human rights within the ly in developing countries, the EU has
ommendations. For instance, Belgium has
of 2021. business sector; established strict sustainability criteria
implemented the European liberalisation
–– A commitment to develop a 2nd national which include not supporting biofu-
of electricity and natural gas markets and is The NECP also provided for the adop-
plan to combat child poverty; els produced using land with a high
involved in the European Emissions Trad- tion in 2021 of an action plan by the fed-
–– etc. biodiversity value (primary forest and
ing Scheme, all of which are actions aim- eral state to phase out fossil fuel subsidies
wooded land, protected areas or highly
ing to address market imperfections and by means of a step-by-step approach. The For further information, please see the
bio-diverse grasslands), or from land
to better reflect external factors affecting plan should include specific and socially 1st Belgian National Voluntary Review
converted from wetlands, peatlands
energy/CO2 prices. corrective steps in order to assist the transi- on the Implementation of the 2030 Agen-
or continuously forested areas. It will
tion towards a climate-neutral society. The da (“PATHWAYS TO SUSTAINABLE
Various international bodies have iden- also be very cautious about any broad-
measures will form part of an overall tax DEVELOPMENT”). A 2nd National Vol-
tified areas in which progress could be er environmental and social aspects
reform based on a currently running study untary Review is currently underway, in
made to decrease fossil fuel subsidies in such as air, water and soil quality and
on environmental reforms in Belgium. accordance with a decision by the Inter-
Belgium. labour conditions. Belgium foresees a
ministerial Conference on Sustainable De-
The respect and the promotion of hu- biofuel blending percentage of 10.45%
Belgium has abolished subsidies sup- velopment of 5 May 2022.
man rights is and remains a priority for in real terms and 13.9% including dou-
porting the use of coal and other fossil fu-
Belgium, both on a national level and in its Finally, the NECP also provides for: ble counting. This includes a 7% first
els for energy production and expects these
relations with other countries. gen blending throughout the period and
measures to have a positive health impact –– The organisation of a “National di-
a blending of 1.75% and 1.7% of part
on the long term. Belgium is actively involved in the pro- alogue on the just transition to a cli-
A & part B advanced biofuel blending
motion and protection of human rights in a mate-neutral society” to be organised
A modification of taxes aimed achiev- respectively in 2030. Based on Arti-
variety of ways, for example: by the federal government in conjunc-
ing an equality of excises for diesel and cles 25-27 of that directive, the contri-
tion with all policy actors, governments
gasoline has been implemented (the “Roy- –– The establishment of a solid legal and butions of all eligible fuels amount to
and stakeholders. This dialogue will be
al Decree of 26 October 2015” and the policy framework for combating gen- 23.7%. A biannual study is being exe-
supported by an analysis of the positive
Law of 27 June 2016): the special excise der-based discrimination; cuted to evaluate the technical feasibil-
and negative effects of the transition to
duty for diesel for non-commercial use has –– Support for the Office of the High ity, the availability of resources and ad-
a climate-neutral society and will fo-
been increased from 2015 to 2018. The pri- Commissioner for Human Rights as a vanced biofuels (recycled carbon fuels
cus, among other things, on the iden-
mary objective of this PAM is to improve partner organisation of multilateral co- & technological evolutions), the envi-
tification of policy options while ad-
air quality. operation. ronmental integrity, possible conflicts
dressing the challenges in the areas of
However, various subsidies for fossil in their use, the costs to consumers and
Summary in EN: employment, social policy, reskilling
fuel consumption are still available in Bel- the availability of other renewable en-
sites/default/files/Statistieken_SD/Inventaris/ and -economy.
gium. The National Energy and Climate FFS_2021_summary_EN.pdf ergy sources.  ■

4. Policies and measures 63
5.1 Projections

5.1.1 Introduction 15 years from the most recent inventory

The projections described below are year (e.g. 2025, 2030, 2035 and 2040). In
based on the 2021 Belgian submission CTF Table 6, the time horizon was limited

5. Projections
to the European Commission in compli- to 2030 due to CTF decision (19/CP.18),
ance with Article 18 of Regulation (EU) but in the present chapter, all available pro-
2018/1999. A detailed description of as- jections up to 2040 are included.

and the total sumptions, parameters, sensitivity analy-

ses and results is publicly available.
To ensure consistency with inventory
reporting, emission projections relating to
fuel sold to ships and aircraft engaged in

effect of policies
These projections were drawn up in the
international transport have been reported
course of 2020, based on the most recent
separately in the CTF tables and are not
information available on the macro-eco-

and measures,
included in the national total (both in the
nomic context and policy implementation
CTF tables and in the tables and figures in
and using 2018 as the reference year. As
this report).
these projections were developed in 2020,

and supplementarity they could not yet take into account the ex-
pected impact of the COVID-19 crisis. For
Except for electricity production and
bunker fuels, the reported projections are
the sum of the projections of the three re-

relating to
the reference year 2018, unadjusted emis-
sions data from the inventory submission gions (Flanders, Wallonia, Brussels-Capi-
in 2022 (resubmission dated 23/05/2022) tal) which are calibrated against the region-

Kyoto protocol
are presented in this chapter and in CTF al energy balances. The regional approach
Table 6, whereas in the preparation of the starts from the demand side of the different
projections, the inventory as reported in sectors (industry, domestic, tertiary, trans-

mechanisms 2020 was still used for the reference year port, …) and results in sectoral energy pro-
2018. Since 2020 is now also available as jections. Within this approach, relations
an inventory year, historical (and not pro- between energy consumption, activity lev-
jected) emissions for 2020 as included in els and energy prices are assessed on a sec-
the inventory submission in 2022 (resub- toral level. The electricity production and
mission dated 23/05/2022) are presented in the bunker fuel emissions are modelled on
this chapter and in CTF Table 6. Projections a national level.
have been included on a quantitative basis, The regional energy related projections
starting from the most recent inventory are based on regional energy statistics.
year (i.e. 2020) and for subsequent years Contrarily to the federal energy statistics
that end in either a zero or a five, extending (EUROSTAT) which consist of sales data,

the regional energy statistics are based on The main models used by the different The strengths of these simulation mod- 5.1.3  General projection assumptions
consumption data. entities are: els can be found in their ease of use, in the Since Belgium’s last biennial report
ease of understanding the results for deci- and national communication, the input data
This is particularly important for the –– Times: used by the Walloon Region;
sion makers, in their transparency, in the has been updated. The following general
transport sector: the regional CO2 emission –– Flemish energy and greenhouse gas
ability to evaluate the impact of individual assumptions are used in the calculations of
projections for road transport are based on simulation model: used by the Flemish
measures, … However, some weaknesses and the regional bottom-up emission pro-
regional mobility data (vehicle kilometres, Region;
can be mentioned, such as the fact that they jections (unless otherwise indicated).
etc.) while the national top-down CO2 –– Energy and Atmospheric Emissions
offer no guarantee of an overall optimum,
emission projections for road transport are projection model for the stationary All implemented and adopted (EU,
the difficulty in modelling complex (eco-
based on fuel sold. To ensure coherence sources and Transport Emission Pro- federal, regional) policies and measures,
nomic) interactions, the involvement of
between national emission inventory data jection model: used by the Brussels considered up to the end of 2019, have
expert judgement to define input variables,
and projected regional emission data, the Capital Region; been taken into account in the ‘with exist-
sum of the regional transport emission data –– OFFREM model: used by all regions ing measures’ (WEM) scenario. Planned
is recalibrated to coincide with the national for off-road sectors; A new model, called « TIMES-Wal » policies and measures or targets have been
inventory data. This recalibration has been –– F-gas model: used by all regions for has been used for the first time for reporting incorporated in a scenario with addition-
incorporated into the projected emission F-gases. purposes for the WEM scenario (previous- al measures (WAM). These measures are
figures. ly, Wallonia used EPM (Energy/Emissions presented in more detail in the PAMs EU
The models used by the Flemish Re-
Projection Model)). TIMES is an optimi- reporting template, an extended version of
For more information, see also the gion and the Brussels-Capital Region are
sation model – it needs to satisfy all ener- the CTF Table 3 and chapter 4 of the pres-
Belgian national system on projections re- simulation models, of the “bottom-up”
gy service demands and constraints while ent report.
port under Article 39 of Regulation (EU) type, i.e. explaining energy consump-
minimising the costs. In TIMES, perfect
2018/1999. tions and GHG emissions from activity The section below summarises the gen-
foresight (i.e. all future events within the
variables expressed, as far as possible, in eral assumptions included in the WEM and
Projections of the indirect GHGs are defined temporal horizon are known) and
physical units, and containing a detailed WAM scenarios.
available from some projection models, competitive markets are assumed.
representation of emission sources and the
but a consistent set of projections for all re-
main determining factors of the evolution The strengths of this optimisation mod-
gions is lacking. For this reason, no projec-  Emission factors
of energy demand and the various types el can be found in its flexibility when tak-
tions of indirect GHGs have been included
of emissions. There are some minor dif- ing into account variables and technologies Emission factors reported in the ‘Bel-
in the report.
ferences with regard to the level of detail, coherent with regional specificities and gium’s Greenhouse Gas Inventory (1990-
the activity variables and parameters in data availability and in the highlighting of 2018) National Inventory Report have been
5.1.2  Description of models these regional models. The projection re- an economic optimum, taking into account used for the calculation of the projections.
Descriptions of the models used in the sults consist of the sum of the bottom-up interactions between sectors. However,
calculation of the regional and national projections. In order to avoid inconsisten- some weaknesses can be mentioned such
projections are included in Annex 3 to this cies between the regions, the same general as the difficulty when modelling non-eco-  Global Warming Potential
report. assumptions are used by the three regions nomic barriers and the sensitivity of the CO2 equivalent emissions and project-
for key parameters (climate assumptions, results to uncertain economic parameters. ed emissions 2020-2040 are calculated us-
demographic evolution, …). ing the Global Warming Potential (GWP)
values specified in the 2006 IPCC Guide-

5. Projections and the total effect of policies and measures, and supplementarity relating to Kyoto protocol mechanisms 65
lines for National Greenhouse Gas Inven-
tories (Table 5.1).

Table 5.1 Global warming potentials

Greenhouse Gas GWP

CO2 1
CH4 25
Table 5.2 Demographic evolution
N2O 298

Statistics Prospect

2018 2025 2030 2035 2040  Climate assumptions
Population of Belgium 11 376 070 11 694 908 11 886 405 12 066 430 12 231 038
The regional and national projections
Population of Flanders 6 552 967 6 760 354 6 892 823 7 011 787 7 120 583 for the residential and tertiary sector are
calculated assuming that the number of
Population of Wallonia 3 624 377 3 698 747 3 748 498 3 790 082 3 822 110
degree-days for the period 2020-2040 is
Population of Brussels 1 198 726 1 235 807 1 245 084 1 264 561 1 288 345 equivalent to the average number of de-
gree-days of the 2010-2019 period. This
Number of households in Belgium 4 867 842 5 071 957 5 202 022 5 322 528 5 421 649 average is equal to 1821 degree-days (ref-
erence 15/15) and characterised a mild cli-
Number of households in Flanders 2 792 444 2 926 908 3 012 654 3 091 235 3 159 025 mate.
Number of households in Wallonia 1 571 850 1 633 696 1 675 112 1 712 167 1 739 121  Demographic evolution
Number of households in Brussels 503 548 511 353 514 257 519 125 523 503
The demographic projections present-
Average household size in Belgium 2.34 2.31 2.28 2.27 2.26 ed in Table 5.2 are based on the prospects
by the Federal Planning Bureau. They
Average household size in Flanders 2.35 2.31 2.29 2.27 2.25
were calculated per age, gender and dis-
Average household size in Wallonia 2.31 2.26 2.24 2.21 2.2 trict. In addition to the Belgian population
projections in CTF Table 5, the regional
Average household size Brussels 2.17 2.18 2.19 2.19 2.2 projections are also shown here.

5. Projections and the total effect of policies and measures, and supplementarity relating to Kyoto protocol mechanisms 66
5.1.4  Sector-specific assumptions –– the cost of fuel;
The following sector-specific assump- –– time periods (electricity demand is not
tions are used for the regional bottom-up equal in winter and in summer, nor
projections. during night and day).
Table 5.3 shows the demand and supply  The Power Sector (electricity data of the electricity sector for Belgium
production) (CRF category 1A1a and (TWh) in both the WEM and WAM sce-
autoproducers in other CRF categories) nario.

The projections for the electricity The results in Table 5.3 show an in-
production sector are modelled using the crease of the electricity consumption be-
Flemish energy and greenhouse gas simu- tween 2018 and 2040 by 15% in the WEM-
lation model at national level. Projections scenario and 16% in the WAM scenario
for electricity production take account of: (i.e. an average of 0.69% and 0.73% per
year respectively). Cross-border electrici-
–– trends with regard to electricity de- ty trading is considered exogenous in the
mand (in some sectors); modelling of the electricity production.
–– changes electricity production facilities
and production efficiencies; The net import levels in the Belgian
–– imports of electricity; projections up to 2040 are based on exist-
ing scenario reports of the Belgian power
system. The actual trend with regard to
net imports will mainly depend on new
cross-border transportation capacities,
commercial opportunities and the location
of new production plants.

Table 5.3 Electricity demand and supply for Belgium (TWh) The WEM and WAM scenarios include
the phasing-out of nuclear energy in Bel-
gium. On 31 January 2003, the Federal
Government decided to proceed with a
  2018 2025 2030 2035 2040 2025 2030 2035 2040 progressive phasing-out of electricity pro-
Final consumption Belgium 82.7 84.6 87.7 91.5 95.4 86.4 89.8 92.7 96.1 duction using nuclear fission energy by
limiting the service lives of existing nucle-
Distribution losses and own use 8.4 8.2 8.0 8.8 9.6 8.8 8.5 9.1 10.0
ar power plants to 40 years and prohibit-
Net import (balance export – import) 17.3 8.1 13.0 13.0 13.0 7.3 8.4 9.0 9.2 ing the construction of new nuclear power
Gross production 73.8 84.7 82.8 87.3 92.0 88.0 89.8 92.8 96.9 plants. In July 2012, the Federal Govern-
ment confirmed this timetable except for
one nuclear unit, Tihange 1, whose service

5. Projections and the total effect of policies and measures, and supplementarity relating to Kyoto protocol mechanisms 67
life was extended by a further 10 years. After 2025, nuclear power plants will be
Table 5.4 Phasing-out of nuclear power (according to the Law of 18 June 2015)
th This decision was confirmed in a law (of phased out and are projected to be main-
18 December 2013). On 18 June 2015, ly replaced by natural gas and increased
another extension was approved (for the imports. The share of renewables within
Nuclear unit Capacity (MW) Closing date
Doel 1 and Doel 2 units) by amending the total gross electricity production amounted
Doel 1 433 15 February 2025
Law of 31 January 2003. The timetable for to 24% in 2018 and will increase to 44%
Doel 2 433 1 December 2025 the phasing-out of nuclear power between in 2040 in the WAM scenario. The policy
Doel 3 1 006 1 October 2022 2022 and 2025 mentioned in Table 5.4 (as and measures to support and promote re-
Doel 4 1 039 1 July 2025 inscribed in Article 4 of that law) has been newable energy in the three regions and at
Tihange 1 962 1 October 2025 taken into account in the WEM and WAM federal level are described in the EU PAMs
Tihange 2 1 008 1 February 2023 scenarios. reporting template and in chapter 4 of this
Tihange 3 1 046 1 September 2025 report.
An increase in the offshore wind ca-
pacity after 2020 has been assumed in the The calculation of the CH4 and N2O
WAM scenario (Table 5.5). emissions of the electricity production sec-
tor is performed by applying the CH4 and
Table 5.6 shows the shares of nuclear,
Table 5.5 Offshore wind capacity – WEM and WAM scenario (MW) N2O emission factors on the final energy
fossil fuel and renewables in total gross
carriers. The burning of wood and other bi-
electricity production in the WEM and
2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 omass materials is only taken into account
WAM scenarios. Until 2025, a large part
in the projections of CH4 emissions.
WAM scenario 2261 2261 4011 4011 4011 of the base load demand is projected to be
WEM scenario 2261 2261 2261 2261 2261 met by nuclear power plants, CHP instal- For the CO2 emission projections
lations and renewable energy (biomass). originating from waste incineration, each

Table 5.6 Share of nuclear, fossil fuel and renewable in total gross electricity production (Source historical data: Eurostat database)

Historical WEM WAM

  1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2018 2025 2030 2035 2040 2025 2030 2035 2040
Nuclear energy 60% 56% 57% 56% 51% 38% 38% 21% 0% 0% 0% 20% 0% 0% 0%
Solids 24% 22% 15% 10% 4% 3% 0.1% 0.1% 0.1% 0.1% 0.0% 0.1% 0.1% 0.1% 0.0%
Oil (incl. refinery gas) 2% 2% 1% 2% 0.4% 0.3% 0.2% 0.2% 0.2% 0.2% 0.1% 0.2% 0.2% 0.2% 0.2%
Natural gas (including derived gases) 12% 17% 23% 28% 35% 35% 35% 45% 67% 69% 64% 46% 56% 56% 55%
Renewables 2% 2% 3% 4% 8% 22% 24% 32% 31% 30% 34% 32% 42% 43% 44%
Other fuels 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 2% 2% 2% 1% 1% 1% 2% 1% 1% 1%

5. Projections and the total effect of policies and measures, and supplementarity relating to Kyoto protocol mechanisms 68
region applies its own methodology as The N2O and CH4 emission projections Oil transport (CRF category Brussels-Capital Region
specified in the National Inventory Report. from refining activities are estimated by 1B2a3) Fugitive emissions considered in Brus-
The CO2 emissions from waste incinera- applying emission factors to the final en- sels-Capital Region are due to the distribu-
tion with energy recuperation are reported ergy carriers. The CH4 emissions have a tion of natural gas; the emissions remain
in the energy sector as ‘other fuels’ for the diffuse character and include the flaring Fugitive emissions of CO2 and CH4
from oil transport are assumed to remain constant since the network will not be ex-
non-organic part and as ‘biomass’ for the emission projections of the refineries in the tended.
organic part. The emissions from 1 indus- Flemish region. constant at the 2018 level.
trial waste incinerator in the Flemish re- Gas transmission and
All CH4 emissions of this sector (except  The industrial sector
gion (auto-generator) are allocated to CRF distribution (CRF category 1B2b)
the emissions of the combined heat-power
category 1A4a. CO2 emissions originat- Projections regarding energy use in the
installations which are allocated to sector Flanders
ing from flaring activities in the chemical industry sector are based on assumptions
1A1a) are allocated to category 1B2a4 and
industry are allocated to the waste sector Projections of fugitive CH4 emissions of activities and also the energy intensity
all N2O-emissions (except the emissions
(CRF category 5C). from the distribution of natural gas in Flan- (amount of energy used per unit of activ-
of the combined heat-power installations
ders are calculated based on assumptions ity).
which are allocated to sector 1A1a) are
with regard to the evolution of the natural  The (Energy) Conversion Sector allocated to category 1A1b. The emissions
gas network and the gradual replacement CO2 emissions from energy use
of CH4 reported in the category 1B2a4 also Refineries (CRF categories of pig iron pipes by PE, PVC or steel. The in the industrial sector (CRF category
include the flaring activities of refineries.
1A1a, 1A1b, 1B2c, 1B2a4) expansion of the natural gas network in 1A2) Coke production (CRF Flanders is estimated taking into account
Flanders Flanders
category 1A1c) the increase of the number of households
Refining is an activity that only takes and the number of houses in residential ar- The energy consumption and CO2
place in the Flemish region. The WEM and Flanders emissions in the industrial sector in the
eas with the possibility to connect to the
WAM emission projections assume that In Flanders, the WEM and WAM sce- natural gas distribution grid. WEM have been modelled taking into ac-
the capacity of the refineries in Belgium narios assume one coke production plant count the expected energy efficiency im-
will not increase after 2018. As described in the steel industry operating at maxi- Wallonia provement, based on current energy agree-
in the Belgian National Inventory Report mum capacity in the period 2018-2040 and The calculation of CH4 emissions from ments, and activity projections. Increased
CO2 emissions of the refineries are allocat- equipped with a desulphurisation unit. the distribution of natural gas in Wallonia energy efficiency and additional fuel shift
ed to the sectors: is based on the assumption that the network assumptions have been considered in the
Wallonia WAM scenario.
–– 1A1a for the involved combined expands slightly each year. The emissions
The last coke factory was closed in are supposed to stay constant as pig iron
heat-power installations of the refiner- The industrial off-road emissions are
2014 and it is not expected that a new plant pipes and asbestos cement pipes will con-
ies; calculated by using the OFFREM-model
will be built. tinue to be replaced, all new distribution
–– 1B2c for the flaring emissions; with emission factors of the IPCC 2006
–– 1A1b for the total emissions exclud- pipes being made of steel or PE/PVC. guidelines (CO2 and CH4) and EMEP/EEA
ing the emissions of the combined guidebook (N2O). Off-road emissions of
heat-power installations and excluding the industrial sectors are allocated (incl.
the emissions from flaring activities. construction industry) to category 1A2g-

5. Projections and the total effect of policies and measures, and supplementarity relating to Kyoto protocol mechanisms 69
Wallonia Wallonia is currently developing a region. Companies consuming more than Projections of CO2 process emissions
The future evolution of demands for new projection model (TIMES). The base- 28 GWh per year of primary energy must are linked to activity assumptions which
industry is driven by a simple hypothesis: line scenario has been produced with this therefore conduct an energy audit. are mainly based on the results of the EU
each industrial sub-sector1 level of activity model. The WAM for the other sectors has Reference Scenario 2016 for Belgium.
been produced using an earlier projection Process emissions of CO2 and
in Wallonia will stay the same until 2040 non-energy use of fuels (CRF category Wallonia
as it was before (the industrial activity is tool used in the previous report. For the
industry sector, it is not possible to use 2A, 2B, 2C) Main non-energy-related uses of fuels
defined as the average activity over the last
years (2014-2018)). This hypothesis is dic- these previous tools because the working Flanders in Wallonia:
tated by the lack of prospective study in the hypotheses (notably for activity drivers)
Main non-energy-related uses of fuels –– coal in the iron and steel industry and
case of the industrial sector in Wallonia in between WEM and WAM are too different.
in Flanders: selected applications of engineering
the long term and the uncertainties driven Therefore, for these projections, the WAM (metallic works);
has been assumed to be equal to the WEM. –– natural gas for ammonia production
by the COVID-19 crisis. This hypothesis –– petroleum products in several sectors,
(carbon converted to CO2 emissions);
could be updated in the coming months. Brussels Capital Region notably in the chemical industry;
–– natural gas for processes in which the
Investment projects and equipment clo- –– natural gas for ammonia production
The projections are calculated on the carbon is fixed in the end-products;
sures that have taken place or have been (carbon converted to CO2 emissions)
basis of energy intensity. The industrial –– natural gas for the production of hydro-
announced have been considered.
sector in the Brussels Capital Region was gen and ethylene oxide Emissions from processes considered
All major industries are involved in confronted with a significant decrease from –– naphtha and LPG in crackers and in Wallonia are the following:
‘second generation’ sectoral agreements, the year 2000. Between 2008 and 2018, it in other processes (carbon fixed in
–– CO2 produced by the decomposition of
under the terms of which they are commit- stabilised, representing approximately 3% end-products);
limestone in cement and lime produc-
ted to improve their energy/CO2 efficiency of final energy consumption in the region. –– heavy fuel oil for production of carbon
by 2023. Until 2023, an improvement in The prospects of a future expansion are black; use of coal-tar in one company.
–– CO2 produced by the decomposition
energy efficiency of 0.95% per annum has very low. The projections assume that the
Because these concern the use of fuel of methane for the production of am-
been assumed (except in the case of CHP). gross added value will progress according
for non-energy-related purposes, it is as- monia (and considered separately from
After that, in the period up to 2040, a nat- to the medium-term projections 2020-
sumed that climate policy will not have CO2 emitted by the actual combustion
ural improvement of 0.29% per annum has 2025; from 2025 until 2040, this value re-
an effect on the use of the fuels mentioned of methane)
been taken into account. For the develop- mains constant.
above. In addition, several processes also
ment of CHP in the industrial sector, the Projections of CO2 process emissions
On 8 December 2016, a decree was involve chemical reactions, in which car-
assumptions are described in the power are linked to growth rates of activity and
approved concerning the obligation to con- bonaceous products, generally not consid-
generation sector. have therefore been kept constant.
duct energy audits2. This decree is included ered as fuels, are oxidised to CO2. Such
in the WEM scenario. The objective is to process emissions occur in the chemical The emissions have been considered
reduce the total energy consumption of the industry (production of ethylene oxide, the same in the WEM and the WAM sce-
The industrial sector is divided into 20 subsec- biggest industrial companies located in the acryl acid, cyclohexanone, synthetic soda), narios.
tors : milk, sugar, transformed potatoes, other food
industry, cement, lime, hollow glass,flat glass, in refineries, in the non-metallic minerals
bricks, ceramics, other non-metallic minerals, am- Arrêté du Gouvernement de la Région de Brux-
sector, during flaring and the desulphurisa-
monia, other chemicals, wood industry, pulp and elles-Capitale relatif à l’audit énergétique des tion of flue gases.
paper, iron and steel, non-ferrous metals, non-en- grandes entreprises et à l’audit énergétique du per-
ergy consumption (chemicals and others) and other mis d’environnement approuvé en troisième lec-
industries ture le 8 décembre 2016.

5. Projections and the total effect of policies and measures, and supplementarity relating to Kyoto protocol mechanisms 70 CH4 and N2O emissions in the the same in the WEM and the WAM sce- –– Strengthening of the economic support Flanders
industrial sector (CRF category 2) nario. instruments, particularly the Ecolo-
Heating and equipment
The CH4 and N2O emission projections giepremie+ subsidies (possible exten- F-gas emissions in the sion beyond 2020 and to other technol- –– New dwellings:
for the industrial sector are made using the
industrial sector (CRF category 2) ogies); From 2018 onwards and following
emission inventory methodology reported
in the National Inventory Report. WEM scenario –– Support for new or existing training the implementation of the EC directive
centres with adequate equipment; on energy performance of buildings, it is
CH4 emissions in the industrial sector The F-gas emission projections are
–– Fostering of a Green Deal with the re- assumed that the heat demand of all new
originate mainly from the iron and steel drawn up from the model developed by
tail sector to reduce its use of F-gases single-family dwellings and apartments
sector in Flanders (sinter production). The ECONOTEC Consultants and VITO in the
to practically nil and its emissions to a comply with an E-level of 40. This E-lev-
same activity growth trend as mentioned in context of a study commissioned by the
minimum in 2030. el tightens gradually to 30 as of 2021 (Ta-
section above are assumed. The Federal Department of the Environment on
behalf of the National Climate Commis- ble 5.7).
emission levels are directly linked with
this same growth trend. sion.  The residential sector –– Existing dwellings:
(CRF category 1A4b) For existing dwellings, the projected
The N2O emission originates from the WAM scenario
The climate regulations and measures fuel consumption in the WEM scenario is
production of caprolactam (Flanders) and In Wallonia, the WAM scenario con-
considered for the WEM and WAM pro- determined by:
nitric acid (Flanders, Wallonia). N2O emis- siders a decrease in the emissions of 50%
sion projections from caprolactam pro- by 2030 compared to 2005. The following jections are presented in more detail in the • The average fuel consumption in an
duction are based on information from the measures are considered: PAMs reporting. The assumed evolution of existing dwelling in 2018 and the
company concerned regarding activity data the population and the number of house- evolution of the number of dwell-
and implementation of reduction measures. –– Voluntary agreement with the food holds is discussed in section above. ings;
In the WEM scenario the application of an distribution sector to reduce its GHG Estimates are made on the number of new • The impact of renewable ener-
end-of-pipe technique has been consid- emissions; dwellings. A distinction is made between gy policies (solar boilers and heat
ered. Additional reduction measures which –– Support for companies to encourage new and existing houses. pumps), autonomous boiler effi-
still require further research have been tak- the use of alternative refrigerant gases; ciency improvements and also ther-
en into account in the WAM scenario. It is –– Reinforcing training in the use of alter- mal insulation measures based on
assumed that projections of N2O emissions native refrigerants /alternative technol- the current subsidy system.
from nitric acid production in Flanders will ogies.
remain constant at the 2018 level. In the Flemish region, the WAM sce-
In Wallonia, projections of N2O emis- nario takes into account additional meas-
sions from nitric acid production are based ures included in the final Flemish Climate
Policy Plan for the period 2021-2030 and Table 5.7 E-level pathway for the residential sector (2018-2021)
on information from the company con-
cerned regarding activity data and imple- that aim at reducing the F-gas emissions to
mentation of reduction measures. Reduc- 0.6 Mton CO2-eq in 2030 for the Flemish 2018 2020 2021
tion measures were implemented in 2011, Region. The following additional meas- E-level 40 35 30
resulting in a large decrease of N2O emis- ures are considered:
sions. The emissions have been considered

5. Projections and the total effect of policies and measures, and supplementarity relating to Kyoto protocol mechanisms 71
The main additional measures included trical appliances and lighting have been of existing housing is calculated based on the IPCC 2006 guidelines (CO2 and CH4)
in the WAM scenario are listed below: simulated taking into account the results of energy savings per type of renovation and and EMEP/EEA guidebook (N2O). Off-
the EU Reference scenario 2016. A yearly a number of annual renovations coherent road emissions from the residential sectors
◊ Accelerated renewal of heating sys-
increase of 0.1% in the period 2018-2020 with the results from energy grant system. are allocated to category 1.A.4.b.ii (Off-
and 0.2% in the period 2020-2040 has been road vehicles and other machinery).
◊ Prohibition on new gas connections Concerning the fuel mix, a set of tech-
considered in this regard.
in new residential complexes; nologies is described in the model by WAM scenario
◊ Optimisation of settings of existing Off-road means of standard parameters (efficiency,
The WAM scenario for residential sec-
heating systems; lifetime, …) which can evolve (improved
Off-road emissions of the residen- tor includes different measures:
◊ Demolition subsidy; tial sector are calculated using the OF- performance, …). Switching an installa-
◊ Stimulating implementation of 3 tion from fuel oil to natural gas heating –– For new building, energy autonomy
FREM-model with emission factors of the
out of 6 energy efficiency or renew- systems3 (so that the share of fuel oil in should go further (through voluntary
IPCC 2006 guidelines (CO2 and CH4) and
able energy measures within a peri- the total residential mix decreases from measures or studying regulatory re-
EMEP/EEA guidebook (N2O). Off-road
od of 3 years after acquisition of a 46% in 2018 to 28% in 2030) and share quirement strengthening, …).
emissions of the residential sectors are
of renewable energy (mainly biomass and –– For all buildings, more heat must be
dwelling; allocated to category 1.A.4.b.ii (Off-road
heat pumps) slightly increases in the fuel produced by renewable energy (bio-
◊ Reduction in VAT for renovations. vehicles and other machinery).
mix (thanks to EPB requirements for new mass, heat pumps, …), in accordance
Fuel mix Wallonia houses, …). with targets of the Walloon contribu-
tion to National Energy and Climate
The projected fuel mix of existing WEM scenario Other uses Plan 2021-2030.
dwellings starts from the current distri-
Space heating and hot water The demand for other energy services –– For existing buildings, the targets of the
bution of energy carriers and takes into
for the residential sector including light- “Long-term Renovation Strategy” and
account the expected yearly fuel switch For new dwellings, the heat demand
ing, cooking, refrigeration and freezing, its intermediate objectives are taken
(installation switch from fuel oil to natu- takes into account the current EPB reg-
the washing and drying of clothes, dish into account. It will reduce the envi-
ral gas heating systems) and the number ulation in Wallonia with the following
washing, as well as for other electricity ronmental impact of existing buildings.
of heat pump installations. An increased requirements from 2021: Ew = 45; Espec =
services, follows the evolution of the num- This strategy defines different objec-
number of heat pump installations has 85 kWh/m²/year (where Ew is the “prima-
ber of households. tives for energy efficiency of the enve-
been assumed in the WAM scenario. The ry energy consumption level” and Espec is
lope and the equipment of the existing
fuel mix for new dwellings depends on the the “specific primary energy consumption For electric equipment, new technol- buildings.
E-level pathway. level”). ogies are described according to the best –– Some behavioural changes.
For existing dwellings, 20 different cat- available technologies.
Equipment This scenario will require the imple-
egories of existing buildings are taken into
It is considered that 80% of the historic Off-road mentation of new measures or the im-
account. For each category, the surfaces
electricity was used for electrical applianc- The off-road emissions of the residen- provement/widening of some measures
and net needs are described. Retrofitting
es and lighting. The remaining 20% of the tial sector are calculated by using the OF- taking place in the WEM scenario.
options (roof, wall, floor and window) are
consumption is used for electric heating also differentiated according to the 20 cat- FREM-model with emission factors from
and sanitary hot water preparation. The egories of buildings defined above. A de- 3
Taking into account some limits linked to gas infra-
changes in the power consumption of elec- crease in the specific energy consumption structure, barriers to system change, …

5. Projections and the total effect of policies and measures, and supplementarity relating to Kyoto protocol mechanisms 72
Brussels-Capital Region The measures taken into account in the jected period but the measures reach only years, which is the average lifetime of the
WEM scenario are related to the energy 10% of the total target. actions considered.
WEM scenario
management and technical installations in
The residential emission projections Another measure considered in the Finally, from 2007 to 2013, the Brus-
buildings. The technical reception of a new
consider the historic trends between 2001 WEM scenario is the energy grant system. sels Capital Region promoted the “Ex-
boiler installation is one of those measures.
and 2018 on energy consumption, house- The energy gains are estimated consider- emplary Buildings Project” (BatEx). The
In fact, when a new boiler is installed, the
hold size, and population. The projections ing the average gain from 2009 to 2018 objective of the project was to promote
entire heating system must be checked by
also reflect the application of the Brussels achieved by means of a building’s insu- ecological construction and passive build-
a certified technician; this action enables
Capital Region Government’s Decree4 re- lation, the use of double glazing, heating ings. The project allowed the construction
a reduction in consumption of 25% to be
garding Energy Performance of Buildings. regulation systems and by the replacement and renovation of approximately 214 000
achieved in the case of heating. The boiler
This decree considers that all new build- of boilers. The energy gain is considered m2 in the residential sector. The energy
replacement rate was estimated from the
ings will be nearly passive (15kWh/m2.yr) to last 20 years. This gain is multiplied gain is estimated to last 20 years.
data provided by the Belgian Association
by the annual budget; the WEM scenario
and that heavy renovated buildings will of Heating Technology (ATTB, French ac- WAM scenario
considers the budget proposed by the Gov-
consume 30kWh/m2.yr. ronym) and it was deduced based on the
ernment from 2019 (EUR 16.9 million) to The WAM scenario considers the im-
In addition, the WEM scenario includes number of boilers replaced by means of
2024 (EUR 38.7 million). After this peri- provement or the widening of some meas-
the measures adopted in the Brussels Code energy grants.
od, the scenario considers the end of the ures that take place in the WEM scenario
on Air, Climate and Energy Control (CO- The phasing-out of fossil fuels such as grant system. According to the grant sys- for the residential and tertiary sector. One
BRACE, French acronym) and the Air, coal and gasoil is considered in the WEM tem report concerning the year 2018, the such measure is the checking of boilers. In
Climate and Energy plan (PACE, French scenario. From 2021 onwards, the installa- residential sector benefits by 91% of the the WAM scenario, the effectiveness of the
acronym). The COBRACE reorganis- tion of any equipment that uses coal as fuel total budget. This percentage was used to measure increases to 25%. The budget for
es the Brussels legislation in these areas will no longer be allowed. Whilst this will estimate the energy reduction of this sector the energy grant system increases progres-
with a cross-cutting approach. This Code be the case for gasoil installations from and is kept constant. sively until 2030. For this year, the budget
includes measures assuring the improve- 2025. will be EUR 45 million. As in the WEM
Moreover, the energy gains achieved
ment of air quality, energy performance of scenario, 91% of the grants are awarded to
The third measure is also related to due to actions undertaken as a result of ad-
buildings, mobility evolution and citizens the residential sector.
the heating installations. The mandatory vice from household support are also es-
awareness. The PACE describes the Brus-
checks apply in the case of boilers that are timated. This measure considers a variety Finally, the strategy for reducing the en-
sels Capital Region long-term objectives
part of a heating system with a nominal of actions carried out by households thanks vironmental impact of existing buildings,
and measures to be implemented for the 5
power higher than 20kW that uses non-re- to the advice of the household’s support. known as “Renovation Strategy” is consid-
forthcoming years concerning air, energy,
newable fuel (gasoil and natural gas), and Actions such as changing the traditional ered in this scenario. The assumptions are
climate change mitigation and adaptation.
whose heat transfer fluid is water. An annu- shower head for an eco-shower, insulating based on the implementation of the 4 main
Finally, some measures that are sufficiently measures of building renovation: Roof,
al check is required in the case of oil-fired pipes and the hot water tank and the instal-
mature and are included in the PNEC are lation of a thermostat or regulator clocks, walls, floor insulation and the replacement
boilers and a regulation requiring natural
included in this scenario. gas boilers to be checked every two years among other things, are considered. Each of windows. These actions are executed
21 décembre 2007.- Arrêté du Gouvernement de has been in place since 2019. This check action has a specific energetic gain that according to the phases established in it,
la Région de Bruxelles – Capitale déterminant des generates energy gains of around 1% in makes it possible to determine an average which means that the reduction in energy
exigences en matière de performance énergétique
des bâtiments et du climat intérieur des bâtiments the case of gas boilers and 2% for oil-fired gain. The project came to an end in 2019, consumption will increase progressively
tel que modifié par l’arrêté du 5 mai 2011. boilers. This measure lasts the whole pro- however, the gains are assumed to last 14 and the first results will start in 2030.

5. Projections and the total effect of policies and measures, and supplementarity relating to Kyoto protocol mechanisms 73  The Tertiary Sector Wallonia WAM scenario
(CRF category 1A4a) The WAM scenario for the tertiary sec-
WEM scenario
tor includes different measures:
Flanders Different energy services (heating, hot
In the WEM scenario, greenhouse gas water, cooling, and other services includ- –– In the case of new buildings, energy au-
projections are based on changes in activ- ing cooking, private and public lighting, tonomy will become more widespread
ities and energy efficiency in line with the refrigeration, and other electrical devices) (as a result of voluntary measures and
EU reference scenario 2016 and autono- and technologies are defined for 7 subsec- studies for the purpose of strengthening
mous boiler efficiency improvements. tors (education, health, culture and sports, regulatory requirements).
shops, private offices, public offices, data- –– In all buildings, more heat will be pro-
In the office buildings and education centres). duced by renewable energy (biomass,
buildings subsector, a tightening of the heat pumps, ….), in accordance with
E-level is taken into account for new build- Changes in demand are linked to GDP
targets of the Walloon contribution
ings (Table 5.8). growth5.
to National Energy and Climate Plan
The WAM scenario also includes: Some renovations are assumed, ac- 2021-2030.
cording to the results from support policies –– In existing buildings, the targets of the
–– the implementation of additional ener- (UREBA, …). “Long-term Renovation Strategy” and
gy saving measures as described in the its intermediate objectives are taken
reporting of the PAMS, resulting in an In the case of electrical equipment, new
into account. It will reduce the envi-
impact comparable with WAM mea- technologies are described according to the
ronmental impact of existing buildings.
sures in the residential sector best available technologies.
This strategy defines different objec-
–– the impact of renewable energy poli- During the period 2018-2040, the share tives for energy efficiency of the enve-
cies. of oil in final consumption is supposed to lope and the equipment of the existing
decrease slightly (from 17% to 13%), in buildings.
favour of gas and renewable energy (the
This scenario will require the imple-
main increase involving an increasing
mentation of new measures or the im-
share of biomass).
provement/widening of some measures
taking place in the WEM scenario.

Table 5.8 E-level pathway tertiary sector (2018-2021)

GDP growth comes from regional projection (BFP


2018 2020 2021 et al., 2020) for the short term and from European
E-level 50 45 40 projections (recommended parameters provided
by the European Commission for the mandatory
reporting of national GHG projections) for the me-
dium and long term.

5. Projections and the total effect of policies and measures, and supplementarity relating to Kyoto protocol mechanisms 74
Brussels-Capital Region The decree concerning energy audits sector. The first one is the carrying out of Moreover, the strategy for reducing the
was adopted on 8 December 20168. Ac- technical checks of heating systems. The environmental impact of existing build-
WEM scenario
cording to this framework, big companies, theory underlining those checks are the ings, known as “Renovation Strategy” is
The main consideration for establish- defined by the number of employees and same as the ones that apply the residential evaluated in this scenario. The same as-
ing projections is the expansion of building their energy consumption, must carry out sector. The second one is the implementa- sumptions as for the residential sector are
surface due to the increase in employment an energy audit from 2018 onwards. This tion of the energy grant system; the only used.
as well as the information available in the involves an average of 18 additional audits difference is the proportion of the budget
regional energy balance. per year. In addition, the target is increased assigned to this sector; according to the
for commercial establishments, from 2018  The agricultural sector
The implementation of the Brussels grant system report concerning the year
onwards; commercial establishments with (CRF category 1A4c and 3)
Energy Performance of Buildings Decree6 2018, the tertiary sector uses 9% of total
is reflected in the projections. This meas- a surface area in excess of 1500 m2 must budget and it will be kept constant between Greenhouse gas emissions in the agri-
ure is applied for office and education perform an energy audit. 2019 and 2040. Finally, the BatEx project cultural sector mainly consist of CH4 and
buildings, starting from 2018. All new In addition, there is the mandatory im- that promoted the energy and environmen- N2O emissions originating from animal
buildings are considered nearly passive plementation of local action and energy tal performance, the profitability and re- husbandry and emissions from agricultural
(15kWh/m2.yr) and all heavily renovated management plans (PLAGE, French ac- producibility of the technologies and the soils.
buildings must achieve a very low energy ronym) in privately owned buildings with architectural quality and urban integration The livestock numbers mentioned in
level (45kWh/m2.yr). a floor area exceeding 100  000 m2 and of buildings was also applied in the tertiary CTF Table 5 were used in the projections.
As for the residential sector, the meas- public buildings with an area greater than sector. In fact, approximately 396 000 m2
ures included in the COBRACE and the 50 000 m2. The objectives of the PLAGE were constructed and renovated under this Flanders
PACE are part of the WEM scenario. The are to implement energy management project between 2007 and 2013. It is as- In 2018, energy consumption in the
first measure focuses on the major energy measures, handle energy invoices, increase sumed that the energy reduction obtained agricultural sector mainly originates
consumers. It contemplates the require- the degree of comfort experienced by us- thanks to the construction characteristics is from greenhouse heating systems (50%),
ment of an energy audit in order to obtain ers, improve air quality and reduce GHG destined to last for 20 years. non-stationary sources (fisheries, trac-
the renewal of the environmental permit emissions. This action got under way in
tors, ...) (11%) and the heating of stables
in the case of establishments exceeding 2019. The first phase will last for 6 years WAM scenario
3500 m2 (7). The energy audit allows a re- and the subsequent phases will continue As mentioned before, some measures
duction of 13% of final energy consump- for 4 years. The objective of the PLAGE is from the WEM scenario are upgraded in Off-road emission projections are cal-
tion. to achieve a reduction in final energy con- culated using the OFFREM-model us-
the WAM scenario. Two of them are im-
sumption of 10% per phase. ing emission factors from the IPCC 2006
plemented in the tertiary sector. The first
Three measures already described in one is the checking of boilers; in the WAM guidelines (CO2 and CH4) and the EMEP/
the residential sector scenario (see sec- scenario, the effectiveness of the measure EEA guidebook (N2O). Emission projec-
21 décembre 2007.- Arrêté du Gouvernement de
tion are also applied in the tertiary tions from sea-fishery are calculated using
la Région de Bruxelles – Capitale déterminant des increases to 25%. The second one is the en-
exigences en matière de performance énergétique the EMMOSS model (Emissiemodel voor
des bâtiments et du climat intérieur des bâtiments
ergy grant system that increases the budget
Scheepvaart en Spoor). Both models are
tel que modifié par l’arrêté du 5 mai 2011. 8
Arrêté du Gouvernement de la Région de Brux- progressively until 2030, the budget of
also used for the greenhouse gas inventory.
30 janvier 2012.- Arrêté du Gouvernement de la elles-Capitale relatif à l’audit énergétique des which will be EUR 45 million for 2030. As
Région de Bruxelles-Capitale relatif à un audit grandes entreprises et à l’audit énergétique du per-
énergétique pour les établissements gros consom- mis d’environnement approuvé en troisième lec- in the WEM scenario, 9% of the grants are The WEM projections for the green-
mateurs d’énergie. ture le 8 décembre 2016. used by the tertiary sector. house horticulture take into account an

5. Projections and the total effect of policies and measures, and supplementarity relating to Kyoto protocol mechanisms 75
extension of current subsidies for energy The same figures are used in the WEM to their modelled emissions. Ultimately, Flanders
efficiency and renewable energy measures. and WAM scenarios and calculations fol- the regional projections (including their Different models were used for the var-
In the WAM scenario additional energy low the methodology of GHG inventories, respective shares of the surplus) are added ious modes of transport (road transport,
agreements have been taken into account. detailed in the National Inventory Report to each other to obtain the overall Belgian railway transport, inland shipping, mar-
of the 2021 submission. projection. itime shipping and aviation). The models
The CH4 and N2O emission projections
take all policy measures, listed in the CTF Brussels-Capital Region Biofuels calculate the use of energy and the emis-
Table 3, into account and new assumptions sions based on the transport flows (vol-
Greenhouse gas emissions in agricul- The share of biofuels in transport fuels
on the evolution of the animal herd: an umes). In the case of road traffic, railway
ture mainly consist of CH4 and N2O emis- is one of the important factors determining
overall decrease in the cattle herd, a sta- traffic and inland shipping, the specialised
sions originating from animal husbandry the emission levels. The shares of biofuels
bilisation of the number of poultry and a Flemish multimodal traffic model was
(enteric fermentation and manure man- used in the regional road transport models
slight decrease in the number of pigs due to used to calculate the transport flows.
agement) and direct and indirect emissions are harmonised on the basis of this federal
new regulation on investment support for
from managed soils. Agricultural emis- PAM. Table 5.9 provides an overview of Road transport
the purpose of manure management.
sions are very low in the Brussels Capi- the assumed blends of biodiesel in diesel The calculation of atmospheric pollut-
Wallonia tal Region. The stabilisation of the sector and bioethanol in gasoline in the WEM
ants emissions and energy consumption for
is assumed since further expansion is not scenarios.
Energy related emissions in the agri- road transport is based on projection stud-
possible; therefore the values remain con-
cultural sector in the Walloon Region, in- Apart from the harmonised shares of ies performed by VITO for the Flemish
cluding the emissions from the gasoil of biofuels in road transport, the rest of the government using the Fastrace model (see
tractors and other mobile equipment, are transport sector modelling takes place by Annex 3). Only motorised traffic (excl.
limited (356 ktCO2e for the whole period).  The Transport Sector means of specific regional models. These pedestrians and cyclists) is included in the
(CRF category 1A3) are described below. projections.
CH4 and N2O emission projections take
into account the recent evolutions of activ- General remarks regarding road
ity data: transport projections
–– livestock: an overall decrease in cattle Projections for the road transport sec-
and an increase for all the other live- tor are performed combining 3 regional Table 5.9 Overview of the assumed volumetric and energetic shares of biofuels
stock categories; bottom-up calculations (“fuel used” basis). in transport fuels in the WEM and WAM scenarios
–– surface area used for agriculture: kept The sum of the three regional values for
constant up to 2030; the reference year (2018) is then compared
–– use of fertiliser: a reduction in the use to the top-down data (or the “fuel sold” ba- % Net Calorific Value
of mineral fertilisers and an increase sis as reported in the Belgian CRF inven- 2018 2025 2030 2035 2040
for the organic fertilisers. tory data). Subsequently, the aggregated bioethanol 6.5 8.95 8.95 8.95 8.95
growth in the bottom-up models is applied WEM
For some parameters, the mean values biodiesel 5.3 8.95 8.95 8.95 8.95
in the past few years are carried forward to the difference between the bottom-up
bioethanol 6.5 10 10.45 10.45 10.45
up to 2030, in the absence of any other in- and top-down calculations (the so-called WAM
surplus), which is then allocated to the re- biodiesel 5.3 10 10.45 10.45 10.45
formation (e.g. milk yield, crop residues).
gions on a proportional basis, according

5. Projections and the total effect of policies and measures, and supplementarity relating to Kyoto protocol mechanisms 76
The GHG projections take 2018 as Rail transport
the base year. The confirmed policies and Emissions of rail transport only in-
measures are taken into account in the Table 5.10 Repartition passenger cars (WEM scenario)
clude the emissions originating from diesel
WEM scenario. These include the national trains, while energy figures include energy
and regional planned improvements of the % Stock vehicle 2018 2030 2040
use by electric trains as well. The applied
public transport network, the redesigning growth in transported volumes determines Electricity 0.0% 12.1% 26.0%
of some urban areas to promote soft modes train-kilometres, which in turn determine CNG 0.1% 0.5% 0.4%
of transport (walking, cycling) and the the evolution of the emissions. The shares Diesel 55.6% 39.1% 20.0%
implementation of road pricing for heavy of diesel and electric traction are consid-
goods vehicles used for the transportation Diesel hybrid 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
ered constant over the projected period.
of freight. No new Flemish measures are The evolution of the transported volumes Fuel cell electric vehicle 0.0% 0.7% 3.2%
assumed in the WEM scenario after 2019. is based on one of the most plausible sce- LPG 0.2% 1.6% 0.9%
From the base year 2018 onwards, the ex- narios in the Flemish mobility plan, which Petrol 43.1% 29.5% 17.2%
pected evolution of mobility and transport is currently under development.
demand in Flanders in the WEM scenario Petrol hybrid 1.0% 16.4% 32.3%
was used to calculate the number of ve- Inland Waterways and Short-sea Shipping
hicle kilometres per vehicle type and fuel Emissions of inland waterways and
type for the period 2018-2040. The overall short-sea shipping are based on the evolu-
composition of Flemish vehicle fleet was tion of the transported volumes under the Wallonia In the case of passenger cars and de-
modelled for the period 2018-2035, based same scenario as rail transport. spite an augmentation of electric and pet-
on the fleet in 2018 and considering the WEM scenario
rol hybrid vehicles, conventional vehicles
composition of new vehicles (i.e. remain- Off-road emissions Road transport remain the main technologies operating up
ing stable at the 2018 level in the WEM Emission of off-road activities in har- to 2030. In 2040, the situation is different,
The projections of the overall mobility
scenario) and survival rates of the vehicles bours, airports and transhipment compa- in that there are more electric and hybrid
are calculated using the principle of mo-
over the same period. nies are allocated to CRF category 1A3e. petrol vehicles than conventional ones (see
bility demand (projections of the Federal
Additional measures to reduce the The emissions projections are calculated Planning Bureau9). The projections of the Table 5.10) due to the different European
number of vehicle kilometres and aiming using the country-specific OFFREM-mod- vehicle fleet are calculated using survival legislation in force.
to achieve a significant shift to electric, el and using emission factors from the curves based on historic inventory data and In the case of heavy duty and light
plug-in hybrid or charge sustaining hybrid IPCC 2006 guidelines (CO2 and CH4) and on European legislations in force (Regula- commercial vehicles, diesel convention-
vehicles, have been taken into account in EMEP/EEA guidebook (N2O). tions 2019/631 and 2019/1242). The emis- al models remain dominant (respectively
the WAM scenario. Additional measures Pipeline transport sion factors for existing vehicles are cal- 87.7% and 80% of the stock in 2030 and
are expected to reduce the number of ve- culated from historic inventory data (year 65% and 56% in 2040). The tonnes/km that
hicle kilometres compared with the WEM Emissions originating from the com- 2018) and emission factors for new tech-
pression activities in the sector ‘storage exists today and will increase by 2040.
scenario. The Flemish Clean Power for nologies are estimated in the Sibyl baseline
Transport Plan 2020 and draft Vision 2030 and transport of natural gas’ are reported model.
will lead to a shift towards cleaner vehi- in CRF category 1A3e. The emissions are
cles. This vision includes a target of 50% assumed to remain constant at 2018 levels. For more information see:

zero emission vehicles (new sales) in 2030. databases/database_det.php?lang=fr&ID=41

5. Projections and the total effect of policies and measures, and supplementarity relating to Kyoto protocol mechanisms 77
Rail transport of electric, petrol hybrid and CNG vehicles ble way. Regularly updating models on the In the case of road transport, the WEM
An increase of the emissions due to the increases by 2030 (respectively to 21%, basis on the best available data collected scenario also considers the implementa-
increase of transport by rail has been as- 20% and 20% in 2030). through studies or actors is an important tion of a Low Emission Zone (LEZ) on a
sumed. point of attention. regional level, which implies that the ve-
Total demand for freight transport is
hicles that do not respect the established
kept constant for the whole period and the Brussels-Capital Region
Inland vessels thresholds (based on fuel and EURO
modal share by road is 77% in 2030 (84%
Navigation WEM scenario standards) are banned. This measure has
in 2016).
Projections of transport emissions a significant influence on some pollutants
The demand for the transportation of
Rail transport consider road and off-road transport, rail- affecting local air quality, but a rather lim-
goods by inland vessels will increase.
ways, inland navigation, and natural gas ited impact on GHG emissions and climate
The modal share of rail transport with-
Aviation transport. Road transport emissions repre- change.
in the passenger transport as a whole in-
Demand for aviation is assumed to be creases up to 15.7% by 2030 (9% in 2017). sent 94.3% of the total GHG emissions of Rail transport
related to the increase in households and In the case of freight transport, the modal transport (in 2018). The main hypotheses
are described in the following paragraphs. For railways, the evolution of liquid
population. share of rail transport increases by as much
fuel (gasoil) consumption is derived from
as 13% of overall freight transport by 2030
WAM scenario Road transport the evolution in freight transport demand
(9% in 2016).
The calculation of atmospheric pollut- in Belgium as a whole. The starting point
WAM scenario includes the FAST vi-
Navigation ants emissions and fuel consumption for of the projections (2018) comes from
sion and the regional strategy of mobili-
road transport is based on the European the regional energy balance. The GHG
ty (passengers and freight). FAST vision For navigation, the modal share for
COPERT IV approach. The main input data emissions increase by about 26 t CO2-eq.
identifies different objectives with regard freight transport increases up to 10% of the
required for COPERT simulations (vehicle between 2015 and 2020, and reach 3.4
to future mobility in Wallonia in 203010 total tonnes/km in 2030 (7% in 2016).
and the strategy of mobility defines how fleet and mobility) comes from a region- kt CO2-eq in 2040. Passenger transport
these objectives will be achieved. This Aviation al transport model, developed on the basis (trains, metro and tramways) is powered
scenario will require the implementation of literature data TREMOVE projections by electricity; the increase in electricity
As for the WEM scenario, demand for
of new measures or the improvement/wid- and INRETS study11), and recalibrated to consumption projected between 2020 and
aviation is assumed to be related to the in-
ening of some measures taking place in the the actual situation in the Brussels-Cap- 2040 is 34%, this figure having been es-
crease in households and population.
WEM scenario. ital Region using emission inventories timated using the data provided by Brux-
Wallonia is in a transition period and is and outputs from a detailed traffic model elles Mobilité.
Road transport currently developing new projection mod- (MUSTI).
els to estimate transport (TIMES, Sibyl, Navigation
In the case of passenger cars, demand The policies and measures taken into
decreases under the impulsion of a de- see Annex 3). The baseline scenario has In the case of inland navigation, the
been produced with these models. The account for the simulations refer to WEM evolution in liquid fuel (gasoil) consump-
creasing modal share of cars (from 83% scenario.
in 2017 to 62% in 2030), a rise in the car WAM has been produced with a previous tion is derived from the developments in
occupancy rate (from 1.3 in 2017 to 1.5 in projection tools used in the previous re- demand for freight transport on a Belgian
2030) and a reduction of 5% of the overall port. Ultimately, the idea is to perform all level. The starting point of the projections
the scenarios with the same tool(s), while 11
INRETS. Transport routier - Parc, usage et émis- comes from the regional energy balance.
demand for passenger transport. The stock sions des véhicules en France de 1970 à 2025. s.l. :
ensuring that the different models used are Institut National de Recherche sur les Transports et Projections show an increase in GHG
The 2030 results are kept constant until 2035.
linked together in the most effective possi- leur Sécurité (INRETS), 2004. emissions. In 2020, emissions from inland

5. Projections and the total effect of policies and measures, and supplementarity relating to Kyoto protocol mechanisms 78
navigation will be 1.98 kt CO2-eq, and in In addition to the “Good Move” Plan, projection period. Emissions due to the posal on land sites originate when recov-
2040 they will be 2.23 kt CO2-eq. the government of the Brussels Capital use of aerosol cans are also estimated in ered emissions are used or flared via in-
Region has decided to implement a pro- the BCR inventory considering a constant stallations with energy recuperation. These
Natural gas transport gressive phasing-out of fossil fuel-based consumption per inhabitant. The emission emissions are reported in the energy sector
The emissions originating from natural combustion engines in the Region. Die- projections of aerosol cans are based on (CRF category 1A1a and 1A4a).
gas transport are kept constant and equal sel-powered light vehicles will be banned population data from the FPB (see section
CH4 and N2O emissions from waste-
to the emissions of year 2018 for the en- from 2030 onwards, and gasoline and GPL
water handling in Flanders (CRF category
tire projection period since there are not light vehicles from 2035 onwards.
5D) are based on projections with respect
available projections for this sector. It is  Non-energy products from fuels to the evolution of population and of the
important to mention that in 2018, this sec-  The ‘Other product manufacture and solvent use (CRF category 2D) number of people connected to wastewater
tor represented 0.05% of total natural gas
and use’ Sector (CRF category 2G) handling systems until 2040.
consumption. Flanders
Only the use of N2O as an anaesthetic CO2 emissions from municipal waste-
Off-road emissions The emissions of non-energy products
and in aerosol cans is included in this cat- water treatment is set to zero in the projec-
Projected off-road emissions for all resulting from fuels and solvent use are
egory. tions because these emissions derive from
sectors and vehicle categories come from considered constant at the 2018 level for
biomass raw materials.
the OFFREM model. Flanders the entire projection period.
The waste incineration category in-
N2O emissions from this use are kept Wallonia
WAM scenario cludes the incineration of municipal and
constant at 2018 emission levels. The most
The emissions of non-energy products industrial waste, the incineration of hospi-
Road transport recent historical value has been considered
from fuels and solvent have remained sta- tal waste and the incineration of corpses. In
The “Good Move” Plan is the region- constant for the entire projection period.
ble for 10 years. Those emissions are kept Flanders, only the fraction of organic-syn-
al mobility plan. Developed on the basis Wallonia constant for the entire projection period. thetic waste is taken into consideration to
of a dynamic and participatory process, estimate the CO2 emissions originating
Good Move defines the Region's mobility N2O emissions from this use in Wallon- Brussels-Capital Region from waste incineration. As mentioned
objectives and actions in the period be- ia are kept constant at 2018 emission lev-
The use of non-energy products is kept in section, the projections for the
tween now and the year 2030. It focuses els. Due to the lack of information about
constant for the entire period. waste incineration plants with energy recu-
on six frames and is based on the imple- the evolution of consumption, the most
peration are allocated to the energy sector.
mentation of fifty measures. According recent historical value has been considered
to preliminary estimates, the Good Move constant for the entire projection period for  The Waste Sector CO2 emissions from flaring in the
plan could help bring about a reduction in both the WEM and the WAM scenario. (CRF category 5) chemical industry are allocated to the
vehicle-kilometres covered by light vehi- waste sector (CRF category 5C) and are as-
Brussels-Capital region Flanders sumed to remain constant at the 2018 level.
cles in the Brussels Capital Region of 21%
The use of N2O as an anaesthetic and Projections of CH4 emissions from the
from 2018 to 2030. The priority objectives CH4 emissions from composting (CRF
in aerosol cans is included in this category. solid waste disposal on land (CRF catego-
of Good Move Plan regarding energy and category 5B) are kept constant at current
The information on use is based on the re- ry 5A) are calculated taking into account a
climate are to reduce the use and owner- emission levels.
gional sales. The most recent historic value ban on organic waste dumping since 2000.
ship of cars, to increase the modal shift and
has been considered constant for the entire CO2 emissions from the solid waste dis-
to green the fleet.

5. Projections and the total effect of policies and measures, and supplementarity relating to Kyoto protocol mechanisms 79
Wallonia The waste incineration category in-  The Land-Use and Land- 15 March 2021) which has not yet been
Projections of CH4 emissions from the cludes the incineration of municipal solid Use Change and Forestry Sector integrated in the Forest Reference Level
solid waste disposal on land in Wallonia waste, the incineration of hospital waste (CRF category 4) 2021-2025. A technical correction of the
take into account the implementation of and flaring in the chemical industry. The Forest Reference Level will be prepared
The approach for the LULUCF WEM
the Order of the Walloon Government of CO2 emission projections originating from before the final accounting for 2021-2025.
projections consists of extrapolating the
18 March 2004 banning the dumping of hospital waste incineration are integrated Hence, no accounting exercise is made at
recent trends of land use changes towards
municipal waste into landfills since 1 Jan- in the waste incineration sector. The emis- Belgian level neither.
2040 on the basis of the most recently inte-
uary 2008, which has yielded a decline in sion projections of the municipal waste
grated data of the Land Use Change Matrix
degradable organic carbon (DOC) content incineration plants (with energy recupera-
in the LULUCF emission inventory. Both 5.1.5  Differences in methodology and
(municipal waste being mainly organic). tion) are allocated to the energy sector.
CO2 and N2O emissions are taken into ac- assumptions
Nevertheless, the amount of total waste CH4 and N2O emissions from compost- count. No WAM scenario is available for There have been some changes in the
disposed is considered constant and equal ing in Wallonia are kept constant at current LULUCF. The WAM scenario has there- modelling tools used by the Walloon Re-
to the latest available data (2019). The emission levels. fore been equated with the WEM scenario gion since the last reporting of the national
methodology used for calculation is the one in the reporting. communication and biennial report, due to
The figures reported under WEM and
described in the most recent 2006 IPCC WAM scenario are the same. The trend is adjusted for specific land the development and the first exploitation
guidelines and in the National Inventory use categories, based on the following hy- of “TIMES-Wal” (supplemented by an Ex-
Report of the 2021 submission. The recov- Brussels-Capital Region potheses: cel tool at this stage), which replaces EPM
ery rate of landfill gas is assumed to remain The waste sector takes into account model.
constant at the level recorded in 2019 (the –– The land use change from grassland to
the emissions from water treatment plants, The main differences in assumptions
latest available data). CO2 emissions from cropland will stop from 2025 onwards
composting installations and waste incin- are:
the solid waste disposal on land-based sites –– The soil organic carbon in grassland
erators. In the case of the wastewater han-
come from the use of recovered emissions will remain constant from 2030 on- –– A new base year (2018 in NC8/BR5
dling emissions, only the N2O emissions
that are used or flared via installations with wards versus 2014 in NC7 and 2016 in BR4);
are considered in the projections since the
energy recuperation. These emissions are –– In Wallonia, the conversions to set- –– Different climate assumptions (1 821
biogas produced is used in a CHP instal-
reported in the energy sector. tlements are gradually being reduced, degree-days in NC8/BR5 versus 1 807
lation. Projections are based on the pop-
based on available projections regard- degree-days in NC7/BR3 and 1 870
CH4 and N2O emissions resulting from ulation evolution (see section
ing artificialisation of soils degree-days in BR4 using reference
wastewater handling in Wallonia are kept The compost centre started in 2002 and
emissions from composting are kept con- The Flemish region did not account 15/15);
constant at current emission levels. CO2
stant for the projected period. The waste for the projected removals from ‘managed –– More recent demographic projections
emissions from municipal wastewater
incinerator in Neder-Over-Heembeek is forest land’ due to a recent change of Car- based on prospects presented in 2020
treatment are not included in the projec-
not included in the waste sector due to the bon Uptake Factor in Flemish forests in the by the Federal Planning Bureau (Table
tions because the carbon derives from bi-
energy recovery process. This installation LULUCF emission inventory (submission 5.11).
omass raw materials.
is included in the energy sector.

5. Projections and the total effect of policies and measures, and supplementarity relating to Kyoto protocol mechanisms 80
–– Activity assumptions for industrial sec-
tors were adapted to more recent eco-
nomic projections;
–– Assumptions for the buildings now in-
clude the new policy initiatives up to
and including 2019;
–– Livestock numbers have been adjusted
based on more recent information (Ta-
ble 5.12).

Table 5.12 Differences in livestock numbers (NC8/BR5 versus NC7 and BR4)

Animal numbers (thousands) 2020 2025 2030 2035

Table 5.11 Differences in demographic projections (NC8/BR5 versus NC7 and BR4) NC7
Dairy cattle 426 414 398 398
Demographic projections Non-dairy cattle 2 023 1 918 1 822 1 822
Sheep 113 101 138 138
2020 2025 2030 2035
Pigs 6 488 6 245 6 085 6 085
Poultry  39 414 39 618 40 506 40 506
Population of Belgium (thousands) 11 756 11 989 12 208 11 519
Number of households in Belgium (thousands) 5 155 5 296 5 436 5 019
Dairy cattle 448 432 417
Average household size in Belgium 2.28 2.26 2.25 2.30
Non-dairy cattle 2 022 1 938 1 859
BR4 Sheep 117 115 113
Population of Belgium (thousands) 11 511 11 773 11 995 Pigs 6 451 6 380 6 310
Number of households in Belgium (thousands) 4 956 5 092 5 222 Poultry  44 752 48 404 52 190
Average household size in Belgium 2.32 2.31 2.30 NC8/BR5
NC8/BR5 Dairy cattle 475 457 439 427
Population in Belgium (thousands) 11 488 11 695 11 886 12 066 Non-dairy cattle 1 935 1 856 1 782 1 725
Number of households in Belgium (thousands) 4 941 5 072 5 202 5 323 Sheep 135 136 136 137
Average household size in Belgium 2.32 2.31 2.28 2.27 Pigs 6 379 6 291 6 204 6 219
Poultry  44 551 48 112 51 791 52 849

5. Projections and the total effect of policies and measures, and supplementarity relating to Kyoto protocol mechanisms 81
5.1.6  The ‘with existing measures’
greenhouse gas emission projections
Tables 5.13, 5.14 and 5.15 summarise Table 5.13 Greenhouse gas emissions by policy sector (WEM scenario) Mt CO2-eq
the compiled ‘with existing measures’ pro-
jections for the period 1990-2040. For the   1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2018 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040
period 1990-2020, this concerns inventory
data. Total excluding LULUCF 145.7 153.6 148.9 145.5 133.6 119.0 117.6 106.4 121.0 126.1 126.1 124.1

More detailed information on these Total including LULUCF 142.8 151.3 147.2 143.8 133.3 118.1 117.0 106.1 119.8 124.7 124.8 122.8
projections can be found in the projections EU ETS (in accordance
template reported under Article 18 of Reg- with ETS scope 2013- n.a. n.a. n.a. 66.7 54.8 44.7 44.2 41.5 50.4 56.5 57.6 56.5
ulation (EU) 2018/1999. More aggregated 2020)
projection results are included in CTF Ta- ESD (in accordance with
n.a. n.a. n.a. 78.6 78.8 74.2 73.4 64.9 70.6 69.6 68.4 67.6
ble 6. ETS scope 2013-2020)
LULUCF -2.9 -2.3 -1.7 -1.8 -0.4 -0.8 -0.6 -0.3  -1.2 -1.4  -1.3  -1.3 

Table 5.14 Greenhouse gas emissions by IPCC sector (WEM scenario) Mt CO2-eq

  1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2018 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040
1 Energy 103.8 107.7 106.2 105.8 99.5 87 85.2 77.0 92.3 98.2 98.5 96.8
1A Fuel combustion 102.5 106.8 105.3 105 98.8 86.3 84.5 76.4 91.6 97.5 97.9 96.2
1A1 Energy industries 29.7 29.3 28.5 29.0 26.2 20.9 19.7 19.0 24.1 30.4 31.6 30.9
1A2 Manufacturing industries
23.5 23.2 21.7 18.9 16 13.9 14.1 13.1 16.2 16.3 16.5 16.7
and construction
1A3 Transport 20.9 23 25 26.8 26.7 26.9 26.2 21.7 27.8 27.8 27.2 26.6
1A4 Other sectors 28.2 31.2 29.9 30.1 29.8 24.6 24.4 22.5 23.5 23 22.5 22
1A5 Other 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1
1B Fugitive emissions from fuels 1.2 0.9 0.9 0.7 0.8 0.7 0.7 0.6 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7
2 Industrial processes 26.1 30 28.3 27.1 22.1 20.9 21.7 18.9 18.6 18.1 17.9 17.9
3 Agriculture 11.5 11.6 10.7 9.7 9.5 9.3 9.3 9.3 9.1 9 8.8 8.7
4 LULUCF -2.9 -2.3 -1.7 -1.8 -0.4 -0.8 -0.6 -0.3  -1.3 -1.4  -1.3  -1.3 
5 Waste 4.3 4.3 3.8 3.0 2.5 1.6 1.4 1.2 1 0.9 0.8 0.8

5. Projections and the total effect of policies and measures, and supplementarity relating to Kyoto protocol mechanisms 82
Table 5.15 Greenhouse gas emissions by gas, excluding LULUCF (WEM scenario) Mt CO2-eq

  1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2018 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040

CO2 120.3 126.0 126.7 125.6 114.6 101.1 100 90.4 106.9 112.7 113.2 111.6

CH4 11.5 11.3 10.2 8.6 8.2 7.6 7.3 7.1 6.8 6.5 6.4 6.2
N2O 10.1 10.8 10.2 8.5 7.5 6.0 5.6 5.4 5.6 5.5 5.4 5.4

F-gases 3.8 5.5 2.1 2.8 4.3 4.3 4.8 3.6 1.9 1.3 1.1 1.0

Table 5.16 Greenhouse gas emissions by policy sector (WAM scenario) Mt CO2-eq

  1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2018 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040
Total excluding LULUCF 145.7 153.6 148.9 145.5 133.6 119.0 117.6 106.4 111.7 105.4 99.5 94.3
Total including LULUCF 142.8 151.3 147.2 143.8 133.3 118.1 117.0 106.1 110.5 104.0 98.2 93.0
EU ETS (in accordance with
n.a. n.a. n.a. 66.7 54.8 44.7 44.2 41.5 51.3 54.6 54.6 54.5
ETS scope 2013-2020)
ESD (in accordance with
n.a. n.a. n.a. 78.6 78.8 74.2 73.4 64.9 60.4 50.8 44.8 39.8
ETS scope 2013-2020)
LULUCF -2.9 -2.3 -1.7 -1.8 -0.4 -0.8 -0.6 -0.3  -1.2 -1.4  -1.3  -1.3 

5. Projections and the total effect of policies and measures, and supplementarity relating to Kyoto protocol mechanisms 83
5.1.7  The ‘with additional measures’
greenhouse gas emission projections
Table 5.17 Greenhouse gas emissions by IPCC sector (WAM scenario) Mt CO2-eq
The effect of the additional measures
included in the WAM scenario results in
  1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2018 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040
the emission projections described in Ta-
bles 5.16, 5.17 and 5.18. For the period 1 Energy 103.8 107.7 106.2 105.8 99.5 87 85.2 77.0 83.8 79.2 73.7 69.0
1990-2020, this concerns inventory data. 1A Fuel combustion 102.5 106.8 105.3 105 98.8 86.3 84.5 76.4 83.1 78.6 73.1 68.3
More detailed information on these 1A1 Energy industries 29.7 29.3 28.5 29.0 26.2 20.9 19.7 19.0 24.8 27.9 28 27.9
projections can be found in the projections 1A2 Manufacturing industries
23.5 23.2 21.7 18.9 16 13.9 14.1 13.1 15.4 15.4 15.2 15.2
template reported under Article 18 of Reg- and construction
ulation (EU) 2018/1999. More aggregated 1A3 Transport 20.9 23 25 26.8 26.7 26.9 26.2 21.7 22.5 18.3 16 14.2
projection results are included in CTF Ta- 1A4 Other sectors 28.2 31.2 29.9 30.1 29.8 24.6 24.4 22.5 20.3 16.8 13.7 10.9
ble 6. 1A5 Other 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1
1B Fugitive emissions from fuels 1.2 0.9 0.9 0.7 0.8 0.7 0.7 0.6 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7
2 Industrial processes 26.1 30 28.3 27.1 22.1 20.9 21.7 18.9 18.3 17.4 17.4 17.4
3 Agriculture 11.5 11.6 10.7 9.7 9.5 9.3 9.3 9.3 8.6 8 7.6 7.1
4 LULUCF -2.9 -2.3 -1.7 -1.8 -0.4 -0.8 -0.6 -0.3 -1.2 -1.4 -1.3 -1.3
5 Waste 4.3 4.3 3.8 3.0 2.5 1.6 1.4 1.2 1 0.9 0.8 0.8

Table 5.18 Greenhouse gas emissions by gas, excluding LULUCF (WAM scenario) Mt CO2-eq

  1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2018 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040

CO2 120.3 126.0 126.7 125.6 114.6 101.1 100 90.4 98.5 93.8 88.6 83.9

CH4 11.5 11.3 10.2 8.6 8.2 7.6 7.3 7.1 6.4 5.7 5.3 5.0

N2O 10.1 10.8 10.2 8.5 7.5 6.0 5.6 5.4 5.1 4.8 4.6 4.5

F-gases 3.8 5.5 2.1 2.8 4.3 4.3 4.8 3.6 1.9 1.0 1.0 0.9

5. Projections and the total effect of policies and measures, and supplementarity relating to Kyoto protocol mechanisms 84
5.1.8  Sensitivity analysis
Sensitivity analyses are performed for Table 5.19 Parameter values used for the sensitivity analyses
some important parameters such as the
number of degree-days and importing of
Number Net electricity import WEM [TWh] Net electricity import WAM [TWh]
electricity. Indirect effects, however, are
of heating
not taken into account. Scenario days
(2020- 2025 2030 2035 2040 2025 2030 2035 2040
Two parameters were varied in a sen-
sitivity analysis (see Table 5.19): the num- 2040)
ber of heating days and the net imports of Base scenario 1 821 8.1 13.0 13.0 13.0 7.3 8.5 9.0 9.3
electricity. This leads to four scenarios: 1) 1: Warm scenario 1 441 8.1 13.0 13.0 13.0 7.3 8.5 9.0 9.3
warm scenario (a low number of heating 2: Cold scenario 2 145 8.1 13.0 13.0 13.0 7.3 8.5 9.0 9.3
days as recorded in 2014), 2) cold scenar-
3: Low electricity import 1 821 3.1 8.0 8.0 8.0 2.3 3.5 4.0 4.3
io (a high number of heating days as re-
corded in 2013), 3) lower electricity im- 4: High electricity import 1 821 13.1 18.0 18.0 18.0 12.3 13.5 14.0 14.3
port (–5 TWh compared to base scenario)
and 4) higher electricity import (+5 TWh
compared to base scenario). For the four
scenarios, the total WEM and WAM emis-
sions were calculated (see Table 5.20).
Table 5.20 Greenhouse gas emissions excluding LULUCF for the different scenarios of the sensitivity analysis, Mt CO2-eq

Total excl. LULUCF - WEM Total excl. LULUCF - WAM

2025 2030 2035 2040 2025 2030 2035 2040
Base scenario 121 126 126 124 112 106 100 94
1: Warm scenario 118 123 123 121 110 104 98 93
2: Cold scenario 123 128 128 126 114 107 101 96
3: Low electricity import 123 128 128 126 114 107 101 96
4: High electricity import 119 124 124 122 110 104 98 93

5. Projections and the total effect of policies and measures, and supplementarity relating to Kyoto protocol mechanisms 85
5.1.9  Comparison with previous projection
The projection results presented in this
report are compared with the previous re-
ports (NC7 and BR4) in Figure 5.1 and
Figure 5.2. The main differences can be Figure 5.1 Comparison of total GHG emissions excluding LULUCF (projections in this
explained by the different sectoral assump- report versus projections in NC7 and BR4), Mt CO2-eq
tions as described in chapter 5.1.4., result-
ing in a more ambitious WAM scenario in
this report.

5 Was
80 3 Agr

GHG emissions (Mton CO2-eq) 60 2 Indu

1B Fu
40 1A5 O

20 1A4 C
1A3 T
1A2 M













1A1 E

2025 2030 2035 2040

5 Waste 1A4 Commercial / residential / agriculture

3 Agriculture 1A3 Transport
2 Industrial processes 1A2 Manufacturing industries and construction
1B Fugitive emissions from fuels 1A1 Energy industries
1A5 Other

5. Projections and the total effect of policies and measures, and supplementarity relating to Kyoto protocol mechanisms 86
Figure 5.2 Comparison of non-ETS GHG emissions excluding LULUCF
(projections in this report versus projections in NC7 and BR4), Mton CO2-eq


70 5 Waste

3 Agriculture
GHG emissions (Mton CO2-eq)

2 Industrial processes
40 5 Waste
3 Agriculture
1B Fugitive emissions from fuels
2 Industrial processes

20 1A5 Other
1B Fugitive emissions from fuels
1A5 Other
10 1A4 Commercial / residential / agricul ture
1A4 Commercial / residential / agriculture
0 1A3 Transport
1A3 Transport














1A2 Manufacturing industries and construction
1A1 Energy industries
1A2 Manufacturing industries and construction

1A1 Energy industries

2025 2030 2035 2040

5. Projections and the total effect of policies and measures, and supplementarity relating to Kyoto protocol mechanisms 87
5.1.10 Conclusion  Overall emission levels

There is a clear decrease between 1996
and 2019 in the total greenhouse gas emis-
sions in the inventory (Figure 5.3) and, in
2020, the inventory shows a sharp decline
due to the impact of the COVID-19 crisis.
However, the total emissions in the WEM
scenario show a clear increase in the period
2021-2030, followed by a slight decrease
in the period 2030-2040. The total emis-
sions in the WAM scenario show a steady Figure 5.3 GHG emissions excluding LULUCF, Mton CO2-eq
decrease in the period 2021-2040. These
projections do not include emissions or re-
movals from LULUCF. 160

Uncertainties concerning exogenous CRF Total

variables such as economic growth, cli- 140
mate conditions and electricity imports WEM Total
exist and their level will influence the re-
sulting greenhouse gas emissions, notably 120
WAM Total
in the sectors covered by the EU ETS.
GHG emissions (Mton CO2-eq)

The EU Effort Sharing Regulation, es- 100 CRF non-ETS

tablishing binding annual greenhouse gas
emission reductions by EU Member States WEM non-ETS
from 2021 to 2030, mentions a target of
-35% in 2030 compared to 2005 for Bel- WAM non-ETS
gium. The non-ETS target for the period 60
2021-2030 as shown in Figure 5.3 has been non-ETS target 2013-2020
taken from Commission Implementing De-
cision (EU) 2020/2126. However, as the KP 1 target
projections (AR4) and the non-ETS targets
(AR5) are based on different GWP values, 20 non-ETS target 2021-2030
it should be noted that both datasets are not 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040
yet fully comparable.

5. Projections and the total effect of policies and measures, and supplementarity relating to Kyoto protocol mechanisms 88  Comparison with the Effort  Future developments
Sharing Decision Target (2021-2030)
By 30 June 2023, Belgium must sub-
In Figure 5.4, the non-ETS emission mit to the Commission a draft update of
projections from the WEM and the WAM the latest notified integrated national en-
scenario are compared with the Effort ergy and climate plan (followed by a final
Sharing Regulation targets from Com- version of this update by 30 June 2024)
mission Implementing Decision (EU) in accordance with Article 14 of the EU
2020/2126. Interpolation was used to de- Governance Regulation. As a result of this
termine emissions in the years 2021-2024 update, Belgium will also develop updated
and 2026-2029. In the case of the WEM projections that will take into account the
scenario, the emission targets are exceeded latest policy insights. On some points, this
in all years of the period 2021-2030. In the may lead to substantial differences com-
WAM scenario, the non-ETS objectives pared to the projections presented in this
are not exceeded in any year. However, document. Reference can be made in this
as the projections (AR4) and the non-ETS respect to a recent decision of the federal
targets (AR5) are based on different GWP government, including an extension of the
values, it should be noted that both datasets service-life of two nuclear power plants
Figure 5.4 Comparison of WEM and WAM non-ETS projections with non-ETS target
are not yet fully comparable. (2GW of nuclear capacity) and the acceler-
ated construction of the offshore capacity.



GHG emissions (Mton CO2-eq)





2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030

WEM non-ETS emissions WAM non-ETS emissions

non-ETS target

5. Projections and the total effect of policies and measures, and supplementarity relating to Kyoto protocol mechanisms 89
5.2  Assessment of aggregated effects of policies
and measures

As mentioned in chapter 4, several New measures are also expected in

NECP measures have not (yet) been esti- 2023/2024 when the NECP is reviewed
mated. Indeed, efforts are still needed to and the implementation status of several
improve or develop the calculation meth- may change.
ods and to establish reliable indicators.
As recommended, measures are classi-
Numerical evaluations could be attrib- fied as far as possible into 2 categories:
Figure 5.5 Putting into perspective the GHG reduction emissions of the Policies with
uted to 48 PAMs. The majority concerns
–– WEM: Measures that are adopted or regard to the projection scenarios.
the energy sector (25), and the transport
implemented and taken into consider-
sector (15).
ation to establish a scenario “with ex- 140 140
In relation to the BR4, impact estimates isting measures” (WEM scenario); WEM
up to 2040 have been completed as far as –– WAM: Measures which are planned
120 120
possible which allows for a better estima- and will be considered to establish a

Emissions reduction of PAMs (Mt CO2 eq.)

tion of long-term trends. The figures for scenario “with additional measures”
the Federal State were updated following (WAM scenario). 100
the iteration of its studies. For the Flemish

Projections (Mt CO2 eq.)

However, some measures are not linked
Region, the PAMs that had been estimated
to either of these two scenarios, either be-
in the past (BR4) for 2020 are no longer 80 80
cause they are essentially dependent on the Not specified
estimated for 2020, but for the subsequent
federal government and are not taken into
years. For Brussels, some measures are Included in WAM scenario
account by the projections of the regions, 60 60
now estimated, as well as for the Walloon Included in WEM scenario
or because the implementation modalities
Region, but the latter has preferred to esti-
or the definitions of the measures are still
mate PAMs as a group (cluster of PAMs). 40 40
too imprecise.
New estimates are likely to be provided
Figure 5.5 compiles the expected re-
in the context of the NECP progress report 20 20
in 2023. That same report should make it
possible to collect more information on the
costs of PAMs, which are currently still 0 0
2020 2025 2030 2035 2040
very incomplete.

5. Projections and the total effect of policies and measures, and supplementarity relating to Kyoto protocol mechanisms 90
5.3  Supplementarity relating to mechanisms under article 6, 12 and 17,
of the Kyoto protocol

In general, in the EU, the use of flexible 5.3.1  Regarding the ETS In addition to this limit of 3%, some –– For 2016: 74 063 149 AEAs were re-
mechanisms can take place on the one hand Since 2013, it is no longer possible to Member States fulfil additional criteria as tired, and zero project-based credits.
by operators in the EU ETS, on the other track the use of flexible mechanisms in the laid down in ESD12 Article 5(5). Belgium –– For 2017: 70 824 562 AEAs were re-
hand by governments for the achievement EU ETS directly via information on EUTL (together with Austria, Cyprus, Denmark, tired, and zero project-based credits.
of ESD targets. public website because CERs and ERUs Finland, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Por- –– For 2018: 74 253 859 AEAs were re-
are no longer surrendered directly but are tugal, Slovenia, Spain and Sweden) fulfils tired, and zero project-based credits.
A limited number of international cred-
exchanged into EUAs. These exchanges these criteria and therefore, an additional –– For 2019: 72 013 554 AEAs were re-
its may be used to achieve the targets:
will become public on installation level use of credits is possible from projects in tired, and zero project-based credits.
–– In the ETS, the use of international after three years, with the first informa- Least Developed Countries (LDCs) and –– For 2020: 64 904 157 AEAs must be
credits is capped (up to 50% of the re- tion reflecting the use in 2013 available in Small Island Developing States (SIDS) up retired. Although the 2020 ESD com-
duction required from EU ETS sectors 2016. For information on the use of flexi- to an additional 1% of Belgium’s verified pliance cycle at EU level will only be
by 2020). Quality standards also apply ble mechanisms in the ETS, please refer to emissions in 2005. For Belgium, the year- completely finalized by mid-March
to the use of international credits in the the 2nd,3rd, 4th and 5th BR of the European ly additional number of credits that can be 2023, the required AEAs are available
EU ETS, including a ban on credits Union. used is 0.84 Million CERs and ERUs from and hence no project-based credits will
from LULUCF projects and certain in- LDC and SIDS. These credits are not bank- need to be retired.
dustrial gas projects. able nor transferable.
5.3.2  Regarding the ESD In conclusion, for the complete period
–– In the ESD sectors, the annual use of
An overview of Belgium’s compliance 2013-2020 – and although the compliance
international credits is limited to up to There is an annual limit of 3% for the use of AEAs and project-based credits un- of the year 2020 still has to be finalized
3% of each Member State's ESD emis- use of project-based credits for each Mem- der the ESD during the period 2013-2020 yet – Belgium will have met its year-
sions in 2005, with a limited number ber State (MS). This amounts to approxi- is provided below. ly target under the ESD for each year of
of Member States (including Belgium) mately 750 Mt of international credits that the entire period, without using any pro-
being permitted to use an additional can be used during the period from 2013 to –– For 2013: 74 264 633 AEAs were re-
ject-based credits or other MS’s AEAs.  ■
1% from projects in Least Developed 2020 in the ESD. tired, and zero project-based credits
Countries (LDCs) or Small Island De- (CERs, ERUs).
veloping States (SIDS), subject to con- For Belgium, the number of credits that –– For 2014: 70 054 910 AEAs were re-
ditions. can be used between 2013 and 2020 is 2.51 tired, and zero project-based credits.
Million CERs and ERUs per year. If these –– For 2015: 72 719 520 AEAs were re-
are not used in any specific year, the un- tired, and zero project-based credits.
used part for that year can be transferred to
other Member States or be banked for the
country’s own use until 2020. Decision No 406/2009/EC

5. Projections and the total effect of policies and measures, and supplementarity relating to Kyoto protocol mechanisms 91
6.1 Introduction

6.1.1  European context 6.1.2  National context

The first EU strategy on adaptation to In 2010, Belgium adopted its Nation-
climate change was adopted by the Euro- al Adaptation Strategy. The strategy de-

6. Vu l n e r a b i l i t y pean Commission on 16 April 2013. The

overall aim of the EU Adaptation Strategy
scribes the main climate change impacts,
the existing adaptation responses, a roadm-

is to contribute to a more climate-resilient ap to a future National Adaptation Plan
Europe. (NAP) and some policy guidelines for an
adapted future.
To achieve this, the strategy focuses on

climate change 3 key aspects:

–– promoting initiatives at Member State
The National Adaptation Plan (2017-
2020) was adopted on 19 April 2017 by

i m pac t s a n d
the National Climate Commission. In ac-
cordance with the decision of the National
–– better-informed decision-making;
Climate Commission of 27 June 2013, this
–– taking better account of adaptation in

a dapt at i o n
plan aims to: provide clear and concise in-
the most vulnerable sectors (‘climate
formation on adaptation policies and their
implementation in Belgium; identify na-

m e a s u re s
The European Commission adopted its tional measures to strengthen cooperation
new EU strategy on adaptation to climate and develop synergies between different
change on 24 February 2021. The new governments (federal, regional) on adapta-
strategy sets out how the European Union tion. It identifies specific adaptation meas-
can adapt to the unavoidable impacts of ures that need to be taken on a national lev-
climate change and become climate-resil‑ el in order to strengthen cooperation and
ient by 2050. The Strategy has four princi- develop synergies between the different
pal objectives: to make adaptation smart‑ entities on adaptation. The Plan addresses
er, swifter and more systemic, and to step 6 sectors and transversal issues: biodiver-
up international action on adaptation to sity, crisis management, energy, health, re-
climate change. The new strategy builds search and international cooperation.
on the 2018 evaluation of the first strategy.
The first mid-term evaluation (FR and
NL) of this plan was completed in February
2019 and reflected an initial positive trend
for adaptation. The subsequent final eval-
uation (FR and NL) in late 2020, focusing

on the final implementation, indicated that In July 2020, the Flemish Government concrete measures that will facilitate –– In January 2014, the Walloon govern-
the positive trend was sustained. In addi- presented its Blue Deal to combat wa- the elaboration and implementation of ment adopted its “Climate Decree” giv-
tion to the positive progress, remaining ter scarcity and drought. The Blue Deal the plan. ing a legal framework to climate policy
work items came into focus which may lay is based on 6 principles: in Wallonia. The main implementation
at the base of a possible follow-up. Based 1. Flanders builds and connects instrument is the “Air-Climate-Ener-
• Public administrations give a good greenblue infrastructure, always
on the final evaluation, a new national ad- gy Plan” (PACE), which is a part of
example and provide the appropri- and everywhere
aptation plan is in process of development. a dynamic process that provides for
ate legislation
2. Water availability and water use public participation upstream and an
Since its 7th National Communication, • Circular water use becomes the rule
3. Space for water in function of annual report to the Government and
Belgium has made significant progress in • Agriculture and nature as part of the
water security and prevention of Parliament downstream, which allows
the field of adaptation. The regional and solution
drought it to be adapted. The first PACE, PACE
the federal governments are all developing • To raise awareness amongst indi-
2016-2022, was adopted after a pub-
new adaptation plans, each in their own viduals and to stimulate de-pave- 4. Restoration and climate smart na-
lic consultation in 2016 and contains
area of competence: ment ture and forest management a section on adaptation. This section
• To increase the security of supplies 5. Climate adaptive policy on health
–– The Flemish Climate Policy Plan 2013- summarises the impacts & vulnerabil-
• Together, we invest in innovation in 6. Cooperation and coordination
2020, including a section on adaptation ity assessments and the detailed ad-
order to create a smarter, more re-
known as the Flemish Adaptation Plan –– A new Integrated Air-Climate-Energy aptation actions in several sectors and
silient and sustainable water system
(VAP). The primary goals were under- Plan of the Brussels-Capital Region for includes about 20 adaptation measures.
standing Flanders’ vulnerability to cli- The Flemish Blue Deal forms part of the period 2023-2027 is being adopted. PACE 2016-2022 is followed by PACE
mate change and improving its ability the Flemish Recovery plan “Flemish It includes detailed adaptation mea- 2030, which includes new policies and
to defend itself against the effects of cli- Resilience” funded by the EU Recov- sures in several sectors with a focus on measures to achieve set out in the Eu-
mate change. The concurrent pursuit of ery Fund. nature based solutions. Other themat- ropean Union’s Energy Union frame-
these goals can be described as the “cli- ic plans with adaptation measures are work for energy, climate and for air
After the summer of 2022, the Flemish
mate reflex”. The 11 involved Flemish the regional water management plan quality. Besides the sectoral actions,
Government adopted a new Flemish
governmental departments maintain re- adopted on 26 January 2017 for the the financial and technical support to
Adaptation Plan 2030. It aims to create
sponsibility for the actions in their poli- period 2016-2021, which completely the local level (municipalities) is still
a resilient Flanders against the effects
cy domain and they will bear the cost of integrates the theme flood; a new wa- present with dedicated budget and call
of climate change on the short and the
these actions using their usual financial ter management plan, which is being to projects to create and develop green
long term (2050) with nature based
resources. In 2015, Flanders developed adopted for the period 2022-2027 and areas to adapt to impacts such as floods,
solutions and technological innova-
a first progress report 2013 – 2015 on addresses not only the topic of flooding droughts and heat waves in the Walloon
tion as the most important allies. The
climate change, including a section on but also addresses droughts and water municipalities.
Flemish adaptation policy searches for
adaptation. A second progress report scarcity and contains a specific chap- After the severe floods of July 2021,
maximal synergies with other policies
2016-2017 on climate change adapta- ter on adaptation; the new “Forêt de Walloon Government created a special
like climate change mitigation, biodi-
tion was published in 2017. Soignes” (Sonian Forest) management commission to coordinate the studies
versity and spatial planning. He Flem-
ish climate adaptation plan is based on plan for the period 2019-2043 (2019) and the work to rebuild in a sustainable
6 strategies. Each of these strategies and its Nature Plan (2016). way the areas affected by the floods.
consists of several action points with A lot of resources have been released
to provide a support service to the vic-

6. Vulnerability assessment, climate change impacts and adaptation measures 93

tims. The work is still on course to gain
a more effective understanding of how
6.2  Forecast impacts of climate change tained since the 1970s. In 2016, the num-
ber of heat waves was significantly higher
flooding occurs, how it can be avoid-
ed in the future and how to rebuild in a
in Belgium than in the beginning of the 20th century.
The frequency of heatwaves has increased
sustainable way. from an average of one every three years to
–– On 28 October 2016, the federal gov- one per year. In addition to the number of
ernment adopted the Federal Con- heat waves, it is important to consider the
6.2.1  Observed past trends see chapter 2.3.4 ‘climate profile’ (‘nation- length (number of days during heatwaves
tribution to the National Adaptation
In 2018, the Flemish Environmental al circumstances’). Heat waves and other in a year), the severity (the extent to which
Plan (available in FR and NL) which
Agency (VMM) launched its Climate Por- temperature extremes – The vulnerability the temperature exceeds 25°C) and the in-
identifies federal adaptation actions in
tal This portal of people and nature to climate change is tensity (ratio between severity and length)
crisis management and transport, and
site provides data, figures and information determined not only by changing annual of the heat waves.
additional transversal measures related
on climate change and the effects and im- and seasonal averages, but also, and even
to the integration of adaptation in dif- An analysis for the period 1833-2019
pact on people, environment and society. more so, by changing extremes. Moreo-
ferent domains/policies and to aware- also reveals a wavy pattern for these three
Those data are regularly updated. ver, extreme temperatures also increase
ness-raising. Measures included in this parameters, with an ascending trend line
exposure to various harmful substances
contribution were submitted to a pub- In 2019 the site Adapt2climate was since the 1970s. Figure 6.1 shows peaks
such as tropospheric ozone and particulate
lic survey in 2014. The draft Federal developed by the National Climate Com- of 7.0°C in 1879 and 11.9°C in 2014 and
matter. When we look at the occurrence of
Contribution to the National Adapta- mission as part of the implementation of 2018. The 7 other warmest years are 2011
the number of days with (extremely) high
tion Plan was submitted to the Federal the National Adaptation Plan. This nation- or low temperatures, a significant, linearly (11.6°C), 2007 and 2019 (11.5°C), 2006
Council for Sustainable Development al portal aims to make available existing increasing trend is found only for the num- (11.4°C), 1989, 2015 and 2017 (11.3°C).
and regional advisory bodies (CERBC, information on climate change impacts, ber of tropical days (Tmax ≥ 30°C). At the The 6 warmest years all occurred after
CESRBC, CWEDD, CESW, Minaraad vulnerability assessments and adaptation measuring point in Uccle we count, per 14 2005 and the 22 warmest years after 1988,
and SERV) in December 2016. Their in Belgium. years, one extra tropical day in a year. The so in the latest 31 years.
joint opinion on the draft plan was pub-
lished in 13 February 2017. The Royal Meteorological Institute equally increasing trend for the number of
summer days (Tmax ≥ 25°C) in a year is Impact of urbanisation
(RMI) published a new climate report in
At the end of 2021, the federal govern- 2020 based on their climatological obser- not statistically significant. The figures for Urbanisation of the landscape caus-
ment started working on a coherent list of vations. the number of frost days (Tmin < 0°C) and es a change in the local wind climate and
federal adaptation measures “Towards a ice days (Tmax < 0°C) indicate a down- involves the use of materials that capture
Climate Resilient Society by 2050 - Feder- An overview of the main conclusions the heat more effectively, such as concrete
ward trend, but this trend too does not ap-
al Adaptation Measures 2023-2026”. This of both sites and report is provided below, and asphalt. This leads, especially at night,
pear to be significant. The most harmful
list consists of 29 measures spread across supported by a few figures 6.1, 6.2, 6.3 and
climate effects in Europe are expected to to the creation of heat islands, character-
8 sectors and is formulated in accordance 6.4.
come from the increased frequency and ised by the fact that the city cools off more
to the new EU adaptation strategy of 2021, intensity of extreme events such as heat- slowly than the surrounding countryside.
the European Climate Act and the EU Reg-  Temperature and heat
waves. In Belgium, the number of heat On average, this difference amounts to a
ulation 2018/1999 on the Governance of Belgium (Uccle) is now 2.4°C warmer waves shows great variability between few degrees, but also days with peaks of
the Energy and Climate Action Union. than in the pre-industrial period. ‘For more years. A trend analysis produces a wavy up to 7 to 8°C and more are recorded. This
information on observed temperature trend, pattern with an increase that has been sus- so-called urban heat island (UHI) effect

6. Vulnerability assessment, climate change impacts and adaptation measures 94

Figure 6.1 Yearly average temperature in Brussels (RMI)

Anomaly (°C)



1840 1860 1880 1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000 2020

Trend line (trend since 1981: 0.38°C/decade)    Normal 1961-1990: 9.8°C

6. Vulnerability assessment, climate change impacts and adaptation measures 95

is further accentuated during heat waves
under the influence of atmospheric condi-
tions such as a cloudless sky and low wind
speeds that often accompany heat waves.
This leads to additional mortality, especial-
ly among the elderly and children. Further-
more, the urban heat island phenomenon
also influences energy use (an increase
due, among other things, to the use of air
conditioning), and promotes the growth
of algae in surface water. In the winter, by
contrast, the mortality in cities is lower due
Figure 6.2 Yearly number of days with maximum temperature of minimum 25°C (RMI) to reduced exposure to cold temperatures.
Analyses by the RMI, KU Leuven and
VITO show that the temperature increase in
Uccle may, to some extent, also have been
60 caused by the so-called heat island effect.
A quarter of the annual average tempera-
ture increase in summer, recorded in Uccle
Number of days

between 1960 and 1999, has therefore been

40 attributed to the intensification of the ur-
ban effect in the Brussels Capital Region
(RMI, 2015). The urban heat island effect
can be translated into figures by means of
20 the indicator ‘heat wave degree days’. This
indicator provides a composite picture of
the total duration and the severity of heat
waves in a year. The indicator is calculated
for both an urban and a nearby rural loca-
1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 tion to highlight the urban effect. The indi-
cator has been extended and validated by
the VMM in 2018
Annual values    Trend line (trend since 1981 not significant)
cator-hitte-eilandeffect. New model maps
for Flanders show a doubling of the expo-
sure to heat above the health thresholds by

6. Vulnerability assessment, climate change impacts and adaptation measures 96  Precipitation and flooding of drought periods (contiguous days with- tems, rivers as well as a shortage of water ers and streams have been straightened and
out significant precipitation) will increase. supplies in other sectors. canalised in the past and agricultural areas
The average annual precipitation in
Trend analysis by the RMI lead to the con- are drained by ditches, so the water flows
Belgium increases slowly but significantly. The impact in Flanders on the ground
clusion that there is a significant increase away as fast as possible and doesn´t have
Winters become wetter and summers drier water level is extremely high due to the
of this parameter during spring since 1981, a chance to seep in the ground. The high
but with more frequent heavy rainfall and high soil sealing level. 16 % of the soil area
with an average increase of +1.5 days per soil sealing rate, the lack of space for water
storms with increase the risk on flooding. is sealed and this prevents water seeping in
decennium. and the fast drainage of water reinforce the
During the summer of 2021, many Euro- the ground, increasing the risk of flooding
problems of drought.
pean countries, including Belgium, were This trend can lead to problems in ag- and causing problems with replenishment
affected by severe flooding caused by very ricultural production, vulnerable ecosys- of the groundwater table. Many of the riv-
heavy rainfall. The speed and power of the
water took a heavy human toll and caused
a huge amount of socio-economic damage,
mainly in the Walloon Region. Figure 6.3 Yearly number of days with less than 1 mm of precipitation during spring (RMI)
Climate change will lead to more fre-
quent flooding in a broader area. The
high-impact scenario shows an increase
of the risk of flooding with a factor 5 to 175
10 by 2100. The floodable area, the flood
depth and consequently the human and so-
cio-economic damage will increase.
Number of days

150  Drought and water shortages

Belgium is facing more and more 125
problems due to more frequent and longer
periods of drought. As we look at the me-
teorological drought (shift in the balance 100
between precipitation and evaporation),
the high impact scenario for Flanders
shows that the summer precipitation can 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020
decrease from an average of 194 mm in
the current climate to 157 mm (-19%) by
2050. Moreover, the potential evapora- Annual values    Trend line (trend since 1981 not significant)
tion can increase in the same period from
252 to 279 mm (+11%). This combination
leads to an increase in the precipitation
deficit during summer. Also, the duration

6. Vulnerability assessment, climate change impacts and adaptation measures 97  Sea Level  Seawater temperature, salinity, ried out into the influence of the climate on 6.2.2  Climate projections
wave height and wind speed at sea the salinity of our sea water. Regarding the Since the previous national communi-
Due to the effects of climate change,
wave height, the historical dataset in and cation, no new climatic projections have
the sea level is rising. Peak water levels In all the sub-areas of the North Sea
near the Belgian part of the North Sea only been built for the Belgian territory in the
during storm surges are getting higher, (not only the Belgian part), the seawater
suggests a natural variability over a peri- framework of the Belgian
causing coastal erosion and an incremen- temperature is rising. Moreover, a natural
od of approximately seven years. There is project which aims to combine regional
tation of flood risk in the coastal area. The variability appears to occur over a period
also a seasonal cycle: on average, there are downscaling expertise in Belgium. This
annual average of the global sea levels has of seven to eight years. In the area clos-
higher waves in winter and lower waves in project, funded by BELSPO (Belgian Sci-
increased in the past century by 1.7 mm/y est to the Belgian coast, the increase is ap-
the summer months. A clear climate trend ence policy), started in 2015 and ended
and by 3.0 mm/y since the early 1990s, proximately 0.034°C per year or 3.4°C per
could not be demonstrated in the historical in September 2017 and brought together
causing the sea level in the North Sea to century. No datasets are currently available
wave height and wind speed datasets. the different Belgian climate modelling
be 20 cm higher since 1925. Sea level rise that enable a long-term analysis to be car-
is a relatively slow process due to the fact groups. As part of the list of federal ad-
that it responds to the melting ice caps and aptation measures, a Climate knowledge
glaciers and the warming of the seas. Be- centre will be founded, which will focus
cause of that, the increase in sea level will on, among other things, high resolution
continue long after the stabilisation of tem- climate projections for Belgium.
perature on earth.
Climate scenarios are predicting an in-
crease of the storm surge level of 30 cm
by 2050 within mid-scenario and by 80 cm
by 2100. The global climate scenarios of
the IPCC predict that the sea level rise will Figure 6.4 Depth of water in 1000-year storm surge (VMM)
continue after 2100, causing an increase of
2 metres or even more in the longer term.
A 1000-yearly storm surge can reach
a water level of 7 mTAW (reference level
for sea level measurements at the Belgian
coast). But due to climate change and sea
level rise, the 1000-yearly storm surge
could increase to 7.5 mTAW by 2075 and
8.0 mTAW by 2115. Current climate

6. Vulnerability assessment, climate change impacts and adaptation measures 98

6.3  Vulnerability assessment and climate-change
adaptation measures

to mitigate or avoid the adverse effects of

Impact, vulnerability and adaptation import/export related changes. In addition
climate change. These recommendations
assessments have been funded and piloted to the sectoral impacts, this report shows
concern data availability, legislation, com-
at regional and federal level. These pre- that groups in society, which are already
munication, control measures and land use
liminary studies were the first step before vulnerable, will often also be the most vul-
planning, research, etc. They are addressed
starting the development of regional and nerable to these climate-related impacts.
in particular to decision-makers and health
federal adaptation plans. Besides these This strongly reflects the importance of
sector actors, with special attention to vul-
trans-sectoral studies, several specific im- well-considered and fair adaptation mea-
nerable populations (low-income groups,
pact assessments have also been funded by sures.
people with outside employment, the el-
Belgium in different sectors (coastal zones,
Following measure 8 of the National derly, the chronically ill, etc.). These ad-
forestry, agriculture...).
Adaptation Plan (2017-2020) “Taking into aptation measures provide an adequate re-
The study “Evaluation of the so- account the impact of climate change and sponse to the climate risks identified for the
cio-economic impact of climate change in adaptation needs in the framework of the health system and will be further studied
Belgium” commissioned by the National future National Environment and Health and developed in future adaptation plans.
Climate Commission, was published in Action Plan (NEHAP)”, the FPS Public
A brief description of the major im-
2020. According to this report, global cli- Health, Food Chain Safety and Environ-
pacts and vulnerabilities is given in Table
mate change in Belgium will mainly be felt ment published a study on the effects of
6.1 for various sectors impacted by climate
through heat waves, floods and droughts. climate change on human health systems
change in Belgium (adapted from the dif-
Warmer and drier summers and milder and in Belgium in August 2021. The study in-
ferent regional vulnerability studies).
wetter winters are becoming normal. This cludes an inventory and assessment of cur-
impact will affect a large number of sec- rent and planned measures to improve the An in-depth description of impacts and
tors, resulting in major costs but also bene- resilience of health systems in Belgium. vulnerabilities and adaptation measures in
fits, with costs dominating strongly. These The focus is, among other things, on the water management, coastal management,
costs relate to damage to infrastructure, evaluation of the effectiveness, the degree biodiversity, agriculture, forestry, fishery,
increased mortality and morbidity, reduced of implementation and the limitations. infrastructure, transport, industry and ser-
production and losses in the forestry sec- Based on these results, combined with the vices, energy, tourism, health is available
tor, the loss of biodiversity and the degra- identification of current risks and medium- in the 6th National Communication. Updat-
dation of ecosystems, a reduction of labour and long-term risks, 61 recommendations ed information on implementation is pro-
efficiency, losses in the energy sector, and for adaptation measures were proposed vided in Table 6.2.

6. Vulnerability assessment, climate change impacts and adaptation measures 99

Table 6.1 Summary of the main impacts and their severity expected in Belgium (adapted from regional impact assessments studies)

Wet Projections 2030 2050 2085

Mean Projections 2030 2050 2085
Dry Projections 2030 2050 2085
Temperature rising (°C) 0,5 1 Added1,5 pressure on2already vulnerable 2,5 areas3 (peatlands, 3,5etc.) 4
Biodiversity changes in distribution areas
 in erosion Increaserisk due to heavy rain
in invasions
 in loss of soils due
Phenological to heavy rain
 of incrop production
energy and breeding
consumption ( in air
(cold chain/ theconditioning
frequency of in extreme
Agriculture  pressure
Integrity and capacity from diseases,
of production parasites,installations
and transport weeds and invasions
 inofwater
Problem coolingneeds and risk
of nuclear of water stress
plants 1
Energy  in yields or
Management of production
the networkofand certain crops consumption
electricity Limiting factors (photoperiod,
2 water, fertility) and
 in heating-related energy
reversal consumption
of the trend
Coastal Areas  risks of breaking
Seasonal modifications of natural
of photovoltaic, wind (mostly sand andproduction
and hydraulic dunes) coastal defencesproductivity
and biomass
risksin of breaking
mortality dueof to
heatwaves (dykes, wave-breakers,
and diseases linked ) coastal defences
 of risks of higher
respiratory diseases storm-related
and allergies flooding
damage caused by changes  mortality to wind patterns anw wave height
in winter
reduction ofSanitary
upper layer
risks of
duefresh water
to air in polders
quality (summer) (salt intrusion) affecting natural systems and
sanitary risks due to air quality (winter)
Fisheries changes in the quantityand distribution of marine species, inclusive commercial fish stocks
in diseases linked to water contamination
Appearance of new commercial species (migration from south to north)
 in vector-borne diseases
appearance of new harmful species
Pollution of ground water by leaching
 vulnerability of highly specialised fishery sector
Decrease in surface water quality (floods, streaming, low-flows)
Water Resources and in flood risk
Risk of disruption in river flows
to transport can lead to
by waterways (more pollution
low-water periods)
Impact of heatwavesincreased rainfall in winter
and amplification by heatrecharges
islands grondwater
damage to infrastructure
Reduction dueoftoground
high temperatures
water in summer (buckling of rails, etc.)
Land planning / Infrastructures
Risk of disruptionLonger
of roadperiods
and railoftransport
favourable andconditions
damage to forinfrastructure
low-season tourismdue to snow and frost
Favourable conditions for summer Shrinkage
tourism and swelling
but risks of clay activities during dry summers
for nautical
Tourism Karstic Risk
Energy consumption for heating
Damage due to the possible increase in storm frequency
Modification of the range of forest speciesfor(harmful
Energy consumption cooling to wood production)
Impact on production processes (e.g. water Moreshortages, cooling of power plant, etc.), direct (flooding, high
frequent invasions
Industry & services  inwinds,damage etc.)dueand to indirect
climatic(supply problems)
variations damages
(fire, storms, droughts)
Forests More frequent and/or intensive weather-related frost damage disasters will challenge insurance systems
 frequency of outbreaks
very serious
 growth followed by limited increase dueimpact to soil difficult to assess
fertility and drought
1. Changes to the facilities (complete closure of Tihange site
Changes to phenology
serious expected in 2025) should significantly decrease the pressure on
Legend surface water. Note: there is also a risk in inter-connected facilities
not very serious and a direct risk in Wallonia.
2. The changes to the facilities will lead to changes in electricity
opportunities management methods (very high costs)
The top of the table gives an idea of the uncertainties by using different projections: according to the projec-
tions, the change in temperature will be more or less quick and extensive

6. Vulnerability assessment, climate change impacts and adaptation measures 100

Table 6.2 Adaptation measures implemented by sector

Sector Adaptation measures Sector Adaptation measures

A widespread information campaign to encourage water savings. Guidelines for adaptive nature management in Flanders.
Specific measures (including nature-based solutions) in order to protect Mainstreaming of adaptation in the National Biodiversity strategy.
Belgium against severe droughts (Flemish Blue Deal 2020, project of Mainstreaming of climate change in the programme of measures
new water management plan for the Brussels-Capital-Region, Walloon (2015) to achieve good environmental status of marine waters (2020).
Integrated Drought Strategy July 2022). Tool to monitor and objectify the biological value of the areas making
Citizen science project “Curieuze neuzen in de tuin” measuring drought up the Brussels-Capital territory (the Brussels biological assessment
and heat in Flemish gardens and public spaces, 2021 and 2022. map).
New concept of rainwater management in the Brussels-Capital Region Development and promotion of a tool for evaluating the ecological
called “ integrated rainwater management (GIEP)”, which uses NBS potential of a plot, called “Biodiversity Potential Coefficient by Area”
to remove rain from the sewerage network and reintegrate it into its (the CBS+ tool).
natural cycle and provides series of ecosystem services, in particular in The Flemish tool “groenblauw peil” (green-blue arrow) enabling
the fight against floods and against urban heat islands. citizens to make their house and garden more adaptive to climate
Water management
Prospective analysis for the drinking water supply of the Brussels- change based on green-blue measures.
Capital Region, called Water Quantity Plan (ongoing) which already Call for projects “Green and blue networks” in the Walloon and in
provides results on balance for the short term (horizon 2025). the Flemish region in 2022. The objective is to reinforce and restore
Valuing water as biodiversity vector and temperance element of the the green (nature) and blue (waterways) networks in urban and
urban microclimate. Water as part of green-blue infrastructure to rural territories, making it possible to link habitats and strengthen
temper the urban heat island effect. ecosystems.
Flood Risks prevention and management framework (new regional ‘Yes we plant, an ambitious revegetation project in Wallonia: 4000 km
plans). of hedge and 1 million trees between 2019 and 2024.
Creation of a Special Commission for Rebuilding in Wallonia to Flemish plan on forest expansion 2021 with the aim to create
coordinate the studies and the actions after the July 2021 floods in 10 000 hectares of extra forests by 2030.
Wallonia. Publication of good practices guidance to avoid soil erosion, mudflows
Creation of an expert panel on flood protection in Flanders 2022. and floods in agricultural and rural areas by the dedicated research and
Implementation of the coastal safety master plan (on going). Coastal technical unit ‘GISER’ in Wallonia.
defence allowing for the coast’s natural dynamic. Participation of Belgium to the EU project EJP-Soil to promote good
Based on new scientific data, the measures of the coastal safety adaptation practices for more resilient agricultural soils (projects
Coastal areas masterplan won’t be enough to protect Belgium after 2050 against i-SoMPE, CLIMASOMA , …)
flooding caused by rising sea levels. Therefore the Flemish government Flemish Centre of Expertise on Agriculture and Climate: research into
decided to develop a Coastal Vision with a long-term approach to climate-adaptive agriculture.
protect the coastal region.

6. Vulnerability assessment, climate change impacts and adaptation measures 101

Sector Adaptation measures Sector Adaptation measures
Observatory and permanent inventory of the health of the Sonian Promotion of the use of schoolyards as green hubs for neighbourhoods
Forest (Forêt de Soignes/Zoniënwoud) woodland area (monitoring to counter the urban heat island effect in the Brussels-Capital Region
changes in beech trees) (Operation Re-Creation).
Greater diversification of the species of the Sonian Forest and LIFE UrbanGreeningPlans project (2021-2023) working on greening
improvement of the structure of its stands to increase its resilience to urban areas through implementing better management practices and
climate change (Sonian Forest management plan for the period 2019- Nature Based Solutions (project leader: Brussels Environment).
2043). CLEARING HOUSE project (2021 – 2023) bringing together 26
Launch in 2021 of the Walloon project ‘Resilient forests’ to increase partners in Europe and China, will provide evidence and tools that
the resilience of the forests, with financial supports and diffusion of facilitate the mobilisation of the full potential of urban forest-based
recommendations for forest managers in the Walloon region. Infrastructures and solutions (UF-NBS) for rehabilitating, reconnecting and restoring
Ongoing preparation of a Regional Forestry Programme by July urban environment urban ecosystems.
2023, in the context of ‘Les Assises de la forêt’, a strategic document Promotion of the “Adapte ta commune” (Adapt your municipality) tool
focusing on the development and management of the wooded heritage to allow Walloon municipalities to concretely implement local climate
of the Walloon Region for the years to come. change adaptation strategies. It now uses cartographic media as well
Continuous monitoring of the health of the forests through the Walloon as a web platform with action sheets. The tool is promoted in new
Observatory of the Health of the Forests thematic calls for projects in the Wallonia between 2021 and 2024 to
Research and monitoring of the effects of climate change on the fish create green spaces that participate in the adaptation to climate change
Fishing (flood prevention, fight against heat island, …) and that guarantee easy
populations (ILVO, Flemish region).
Adoption of climate change adaptation measures for infrastructures access to quality green space for all by involving citizens and local
and the urban environment (combating the consequences of soil actors.
seal, increased revegetation in the urban environment, etc.). IVB Identification of transport infrastructure located in flood hazard zones
interregional project, “Future Cities – urban networks to face climate on regional flood risk maps
change”, aiming at adapting urban structures to the likely effects of Taking into account adaptation to climate change in Belgium's air
climate change. Impact studies on the impact of climate change on safety plan (Extreme weather conditions) - Federal contribution to the
urban heat stress and urban environment performed in the context of National Climate Adaptation Plan (2016 - 2020).
Transport Mapping of the islands of freshness in the Brussels area. Mapping railroad vulnerabilities (drainage, fallen trees) - Federal
Mapping of urban heat islands in the Flemish region (VMM-MIRA). contribution to the National Climate Adaptation Plan (2016 - 2020).
Infrastructures and Taking into account the expected effects of climate change in the
Climate Portal Flanders (VMM): effects of climate change at municipal
urban environment long-term planning of railroads - Federal contribution to the National
Call “Heat resistant cities” in Flanders. Climate Adaptation Plan (2016 - 2020).
Online support tools for the design of Sustainable Neighbourhoods in Interreg Flanders – The Netherlands project 2BE Connect on
the Brussels Capital Region (2020; Industry & Services biodiversity in business parks.
Brussels Capital Goodsoil Strategy which aims, amongst other things, Flanders Green Deal on businesses and biodiversity.
to preserve and strengthen the ecosystem services they provide in terms Energy
of adaptation; tool for assessing soil quality to integrate this factor into Tourism
the design of urban development project (the Brussels Soil Quality
Index (BSQI-PRO).

6. Vulnerability assessment, climate change impacts and adaptation measures 102

Sector Adaptation measures Sector Adaptation measures
Identification of hospitals and nursing homes located in flood hazard “Evaluation of the socio-economic impact of climate change in
zones on regional flood risk maps. Belgium” study was published in 2020, providing an overview of
Adaptation of sensitive infrastructure (hospitals, crèches, etc.) located the socio-economic impact of climate change in Belgium. This study
in flood-prone areas (water management plan). results from a literature-based study conducted between November
“Impact of climate change on the healthcare system in Belgium” study: 2019 and July 2020.
see section Research for more details. Cost benefit analysis of adaptation measures in Flanders, study
Flemish action plan on heat. performed by VITO commissioned by the Department of Environment
Monitoring on ticks, exotic mosquitos, airborne allergens, … and Spatial Development, 2022.
Take into account the expected impacts of climate change in risk and Study on monitoring of adaptation based on indicators, performed by
impact analyses - Federal contribution to the National Climate Kenter commissioned by the Flemish Department of Environment and
Adaptation Plan (2016 - 2020). Spatial Development, 2018.
Take into account the expected impacts of climate change associated Study on green-blue spaces as stepping stones towards resilient and
with defence activities on a national level in the context of natural healthy living environments, 2021.
disaster crisis management - Federal contribution to the National Study on green-blue networks in Flanders, 2020.
Disaster Risk
Climate Adaptation Plan (2016 - 2020). Take climate change adaptation into account when developing
Enhanced cooperation among Member States for crisis management federal policy - Federal contribution to the National Climate
in natural disasters - Federal contribution to the National Climate Adaptation Plan (2016 - 2020).
Adaptation Plan (2016 - 2020). Take climate adaptation into account when evaluating Nationally
Long-term analysis of the need for additional capacity to prepare for Appropriate Mitigation Actions (Nationally Appropriate Mitigation
crisis management for natural disasters - Federal contribution to the Actions - NAMAs) and CDM projects (Clean Development
National Climate Adaptation Plan (2016 - 2020). Mechanism) (provided support to projects directly related to climate
VITO and Witteveen and Bos, 2020, “Impact van ‘nature-based change adaptation in partner countries.) - Federal contribution to the
solutions’ on the exposure of urban residents to air pollution, noise National Climate Adaptation Plan (2016 - 2020).
or high temperatures – Overview of the general knowledge and Transversal issues Organisation of sectoral information sessions on adaptation to climate
recommendations for the Brussels-Capital Region” https://document. and collaboration change (thematic session on climate change) - Federal contribution to the National Climate Adaptation Plan (2016 - 2020).
“Impact of climate change on the healthcare system in Belgium”, Increase information relating to adaptation to climate change (National
a study assessing the impact of climate change on the healthcare platform on adaptation) - Federal contribution to the National Climate
Research Adaptation Plan (2016 - 2020).
system in Belgium was published in 2021. For different health sector
related threats, the current situation as well as expected changes “Climate Action” call for projects which supports the development of
were identified for different health sectors and existing and planned Local Climate Action Programmes at municipal level (mitigation and
measures were inventoried and evaluated. Possible gaps were identified adaptation) and their operationalisation through the implementation
leading to the proposal of adaptation measures and recommendations of ambitious projects beneficial to the climate and biodiversity, in line
that can ensure the healthcare system to continue its health-protective with regional priorities (Brussels-Capital Region)
and curative role in the context of a changing climate.

6. Vulnerability assessment, climate change impacts and adaptation measures 103

6.4  Cooperation on adaptation Flemish Climate Fund Through a project call, support was pro-
vided for 11 projects in the South, amongst
By providing international climate fi-
nancing Flanders aims to support devel- others in Lesotho, the Democratic Repub-
oping countries in taking climate action lic of Congo, Ecuador, Bolivia and Colom-
and reaching their climate goals from the bia. These projects set out to achieve the
6.4.1  Development cooperation tries Fund and Adaptation Fund, on top of
climate agreement. That is why Flanders international climate goals but also try to
its contribution to the Global Environment
Belgian development cooperation commits itself, together with the interna- link to other policy fields such as biodiver-
Facility and the Green Climate Fund.
Belgian development cooperation has tional community, to offer financial and sity, energy, health, water, research, agri-
explicitly included the fight against cli- Our approach can be summarised in technical support to the developing coun- culture, technology and forestry.
mate change as a priority in its policy since three workstreams, as follows: tries in order to enable them to follow a
2008. This is because the consequences of 1) Systematically include a climate lens low-carbon development path and to en- 6.4.2  International scientific research
climate change on developing countries is in the design and follow-up of devel- hance their resilience to the consequences
of climate change in their community. Belgium supports international agricul-
a significant source of instability in terms opment cooperation programmes and tural research, inter alia by means of the
of food safety, the degradation of biodiver- projects, both in the design of project Flemish development cooperation is
sity, migration, public health and tensions Consultative Group on International Ag-
proposals, the implementation by Ena- operational in developing countries and ricultural Research (CGIAR). This group
that sometimes even culminate into con- bel, non-governmental cooperation and has the expertise needed to identify, fund,
flicts. These countries are the first victims supports 15 research centres aiming to
our cooperation at the European and monitor and report international climate ensure improved food safety, improved hu-
of climate change because they bear less multilateral level; projects. This cooperation is mainly target-
responsibility for its consequences and man nutrition and health, a higher income
2) Give even more attention to climate ac- ed on Southern Africa, with a specific fo- for the poor and improved management
have fewer resources in their fight against tions via our specific tools, by provid- cus on building resilience to climate in the
it. The Belgian Development Cooperation of natural resources, on the basis of scien-
ing support for climate funds, but also concentration sectors of agriculture, job tific findings. New crop varieties, knowl-
Act, published on 19 March 2013, includes in the field of research, the role of the creation, disaster prevention and health. edge and other research products are made
the protection of the environment and nat- private sector and the synergy with hu-
ural resources, as well as the fight against Together, all countries want to reserve available to individuals and organisations
manitarian aid; dealing with sustainable agricultural de-
climate change, as one of two important an annual sum of 100 billion dollars for in-
3) Focus on policy coherence, in particu- ternational climate finance by 2020. Flan- velopment throughout the world. Around
transversal priorities. Failing to take the
lar through deeper cooperation with the ders is committed to earmarking EUR 14.5 one-third of the research programmes
possible impact of climate change into
various actors at different levels. million each year for this purpose in the are included within the scope of the fight
consideration could further partially or
fully cancel out all the efforts to combat Further details on financial resources period from 2016 to 2020. against climate change and its impact.
poverty and the achievement of the Sus- and capacity building through internation- Centres such as IITA, CIAT (Internation-
An overview of the international cli- al Center for tropical Agriculture), ICRI-
tainable Development Goals. Belgian de- al cooperation are discussed further in this mate finance of the Government of Flan-
velopment cooperation focuses its support national communication. Belgian devel- SAT, ICARDA and WARDA (West Africa
on Least Developed Countries. In the case opment cooperation contributes towards Rice Development Association) carry out
of climate actions, Belgium focuses its in- greater public awareness of climate-relat- With the contribution of EUR 7 050 000, research into modified agricultural crops.
ternational finance on adaptation, through ed problems by means of publications and the Flemish Minister for the Environment The World Agroforestry Centre, ICRISAT,
funds such as the Least Developed Coun- other awareness activities. and the Flemish Government made an ef- ICARDA and IITA are carrying out re-
fort in 2020 to support the Flemish engage- search into adapted agricultural techniques
ment of EUR 72.5 million for 2016-2020. and are identifying innovations at institu-

6. Vulnerability assessment, climate change impacts and adaptation measures 104

tional and policy level, in order to enable 6.4.3  Benelux collaboration
more effective agricultural management In 2014, the collaboration between Bel-
in response to climate change. The aspect gium, the Netherlands and Luxemburg got
of capacity building is obviously an im- under way in the form of a working group
portant motivation for Belgian support to piloted by the Benelux General Secretariat
a research environment such as CGIAR. on the themes of health, transport, energy
Belgium is also collaborating with differ- and crisis management in relation to cli-
ent partners at European level. Especially mate change. Several workshops and meet-
with regard to the impacts, vulnerability ings are organised regularly in order to en-
and adaptation assessment, Belgian institu- sure the sharing of experiences between
tions, universities and research centres are the three countries on thematic issues.  ■
represented within a variety of European
research networks and platforms such as
the DG CLIMAT-EEA Climate Adaptation
Platform Climate-ADAPT, the Urban cli-
mate Cities ; the DG RDT Joint Program-
ming Initiative JPI Climate; the H2020 co-
fund initiatives (ERA4CS, AXIS, ECCA),
the DG ENV LIFE Nature based solution
projects (e.g. H2020 Clearing House, LIFE
UrbanGreeningPlans (see chapter 8).

6. Vulnerability assessment, climate change impacts and adaptation measures 105

7.1 Introduction

In 2019-2020, Belgium provided At the UNFCCC conference of the par-

EUR 208 million of public support to de- ties in December 2015, Belgium announced
veloping country Parties (see CTF tables). its intention to contribute EUR 50 million

7. P rov i s i o n
This financial, technological and capaci- yearly to international climate finance.
ty-building support to non-Annex I Parties Since then, support for climate action has
mainly focused on: significantly exceeded this target. On aver-

of F i n a n c i a l –– Adaptation and cross-cutting activities;

–– The provision of bilateral and multilat-
age, Belgian climate finance amounted to
EUR 90 million yearly in 2015-2020.

Res ourc e s a n d
eral support in the form of grants; In parallel to its long-standing provi-
–– Contributions mainly directed towards sion of public climate finance to devel-
Africa and Least Developed Countries oping countries, Belgium also supports

Tr a n s fe r o f , (LDCs);
–– Contributions to climate-specific mul-
tilateral funds (Green Climate Fund,
the efforts of developing countries to im-
plement low-emission, climate-resilient
projects and programmes (i) by providing

or Ac c e s s t o Adaptation Fund, Least Developed

Countries Fund, etc.) or specialised UN
significant core funding to multilateral or-
ganisations and (ii) by mobilising, through

Tec h n olo g i e s
agencies; public means, private investments for cli-
–– Contributions to bilateral projects mate-related projects in developing coun-
mainly directed towards African part- tries.
ner countries and Least Developed

Figure 7.1 Trend in climate finance 2013-2020

Figure 7.3 Belgian Climate Finance in 2019-2020, distribution by sector


3% Agriculture, forestry, fishing
3% Environment
Water and sanitation
9% 34% Humanitarian Aid
Education/capacity building
Disaster reduction and prevention
12% Job creation
Awareness raising
Banking and financial services
16% Rural Development
Figure 7.2 Belgian Climate Finance in 2019-2020, distribution per type of support Government and civil society

Cross-cutting/multisector Job creation

11% Agriculture, forestry, fishing Health

Adaptation Environment Awareness raising

Crosscutting Energy Banking and financial services
50% Crosscutting
39% Mitigation
Mitigation Water and sanitation Rural Development
Humanitarian Aid Government and civil society
Education/capacity building Other
Disaster reduction and prevention

7. Provision of Financial Resources and Transfer of, or Access to Technologies 107

7.2  Legislative and institutional framework
of climate change policies and programmes

Belgium is a federal state and, given ropean and international commitments Since then, each entity committed to at fight against climate change, desertifica-
this institutional context, several federal in climate and energy policy by 2020. It least maintain this level of contribution, in tion and global deforestation, as matters of
and regional level government depart- focuses on greenhouse gas emissions re- line with the continuation of the existing priority. Overall policy coherence for de-
ments are involved in the development and duction targets for non-ETS sectors, the collective mobilisation goal through 2025, velopment is an important priority within
implementation of climate change policies. share of renewable energies in final ener- as agreed at the 21st UNFCCC COP in Par- Belgium’s development cooperation.
gy consumption and the contribution to is, France.
As the regional governments have In the coalition agreement (2019-
international climate finance. Regarding
competencies in fields that are connected The federal part of the Belgian climate 2024), it is stipulated that the Government
the contribution to international climate
with their region or territory (water policy, finance is mainly delivered by means of the of Flanders continues to highlight inter-
finance, an internal distribution ratio was
the environment, nature conservation, etc.) budget for development cooperation. The national climate ambition by providing
agreed to meet Belgium’s announcement
and have powers relating to international Law on development cooperation of 19 international climate finance, preferably
to contribute annually EUR 50 million in
relations in those fields, they are also play- March 2013 sets out the goals and priori- through projects in which Flemish organ-
ing an active role in the international as- ties of Belgium’s international cooperation. isations contribute.
pects of climate change, such as providing –– Federal government: EUR 25 million This law stipulates that in its programmes
and mobilising climate finance. –– Government of Flanders: EUR 14.5 and activities of development cooperation,
million Belgium must strive to achieve sustainable
A cooperation agreement on the inter-
–– Government of Wallonia: EUR 8.25 and inclusive economic development and
nal burden sharing of Belgium’s climate
million poverty alleviation. Furthermore, this law
and energy objectives for the 2013-2020
–– Government of Brussels-Capital Re- lays down the protection of the environ-
period enables Belgium to respect its Eu-
gion: EUR 2.25 million ment and natural resources, including the

7. Provision of Financial Resources and Transfer of, or Access to Technologies 108

7.3  Provision of international climate finance
through official Development Assistance and
Other Official Flows

7.3.1  Financial contributions to multilateral butions are not earmarked and are prefera- small-scale producers to be more resilient During the reporting period, Belgium
institutions and programmes bly multi-annual to allow for stable, secure to climate shocks, with climate adaptation provided EUR 30 million to the Global
As a long-standing donor in terms of and predictable funding and to increase solutions available through national inno- Environment Facility, an operating entity
climate finance, Belgium’s federal and transparency and efficiency. vation systems, turn agriculture and forest of the financial mechanism under the UN-
regional governments contribute to the systems into a net sink for carbon by 2050, FCCC. This contribution is also un-ear-
In 2016, new Framework Arrange-
Green Climate Fund (GCF), the Global with emissions from agriculture decreasing marked.
ments (FAs) were signed between the Bel-
Environment Facility (GEF), the Least by 1 Gt per year by 2030 and reaching a
gian government and its 15 multilateral Considering the needs of the most vul-
Developed Countries Fund (LDCF) and floor of 5 Gt per year by 2050.
partner organisations. These FAs are used nerable countries, Belgium therefore fo-
the Adaptation Fund. Other contributions to underline the commitment to work joint- Other multilateral partners of Belgium cused its support on financing adaptation
towards multilateral climate action are also ly to implement the 2030 Agenda for Sus- such as the World Bank Group play an activities and on strengthening the resil-
reported in CTF Tables 7a (Irena, African tainable Development and as a basis for important role in mobilising international ience of least developed countries. The
Climate Change fund, Climate and Clean long-term cooperation. climate finance. Of course Belgium also Least Developed Countries Fund was a
Air Coalition). The provision of this cli- contributes to the different funding in- significant channel through which Belgium
mate-specific funding is in addition to Belgian partner organisations such
struments that form part of the European provided large parts of its international cli-
non-earmarked contributions to multilat- as the Food and Agriculture Organiza-
international cooperation (through the EU mate finance (EUR 25.6 million).
eral institutions and specialised UN agen- tion (FAO), United Nations Development
budget, the European Development Fund
cies. Climate-specific funding, earmarked Programme (UNDP) and United Nations In the reporting period, Belgium also
and European Investment Bank), which
for a specific country, in partnership with Environment Programme (UNEP) are con- provided EUR 18.4 million EUR to the
fund several programmes and activities
a multilateral actor is included in CTF Ta- tributing significantly to the fight against Adaptation Fund, which finances projects
to mitigate climate change and support
bles 7b (bilateral funding). climate change through the programmes and programmes that help vulnerable com-
countries in their adaptation efforts. For
and projects in their portfolios. Belgium munities in developing countries adapt to
The majority of multilateral funds example, 27% of the Global Public Goods
also supports CGIAR by providing core re- climate change.
come from Belgium’s federal development Programme of the EU Development Coop-
sources. Agricultural research is indispen-
cooperation budget, which has sustainable eration Instrument is dedicated to climate
sable to help secure food and nutrition secu-
development and poverty alleviation as its change and other environmental issues.
rity in vulnerable countries and to improve
most important goals. An overview of core contributions to these
farmers’ livelihoods. Through research and
organisations is included in CTF Table 7a,
In 2009, Belgium adopted a strategic innovation, CGIAR aims to contribute, to
but these are not reported as specific cli-
core policy towards its multilateral partner implement all National Adaptation Plans
mate finance.
organisations. This means that most contri- and Nationally Determined Contributions
to the Paris Agreement, equip 500 million

7. Provision of Financial Resources and Transfer of, or Access to Technologies 109

7.3.2  Bilateral and Regional Financial All climate relevant activities that are
Contributions implemented through civil society organi-
Climate finance through bilateral chan- sations are also reported under this chapter.
nels includes disbursements in the context In 2015, Belgium renewed its list of
Figure 7.4 Climate specific funding through multilateral channels in 2019-2020 of an agreed partnership programme with a partner countries and decided to focus
(core funding excluded) partner country. Programmes and projects most of its support on 14 countries: Benin,
in this context can be implemented by the Burkina Faso, Burundi, DR Congo, Guin-
Belgian Development Agency “Enabel”, ea, Mali, Morocco, Mozambique, Niger,
by a multilateral organisation, by another Palestinian Territories, Rwanda, Senegal,
4% 5%
donor (delegated cooperation), by civil so- Tanzania and Uganda. These partner
Green climate fund ciety organisations or by national or local
countries of governmental cooperation
Least Developed Countries Fund partners in the South. were selected on the basis of their degree
Adaptation fund Belgium ensures that the resources of poverty, aspects of good governance
African Climate Change Fund (African Development Bank) provided effectively address the needs of and Belgium’s potential for providing
28% Other (IRENA, FAO, CCAC, UNFCCC) developing country Parties with regard to meaningful support.
climate change adaptation and mitigation In parallel to the bilateral support pro-
through different means. vided to these, Belgium also supports civil
–– Belgium focuses mainly on the adapta- society organisations that operate in a wid-
tion needs of LDCs. er range of developing countries2.
–– The portfolios of bilateral programmes The Walloon Region has supported de-
and projects are negotiated with partner velopment cooperation projects in areas of
Figure 7.5 Belgian Climate Finance in 2019-2020, distribution per region of recipient countries to ensure that support meets its competencies such as education, agri-
country (only bilateral climate finance) their needs and reflects their priorities. culture, water management, job creation,
–– All programmes and projects have environment.
evaluation systems and results frame-
works for assessing effectiveness. In addition to developing projects with
–– An evaluation on Belgian federal cli- certain partner Regions of the Brussels
Africa mate finance1 found that financed inter-
America ventions correspond to needs of partner
countries and their populations. The
Asia 2
South-Africa, Bangladesh, Benin, Bolivia, Bresil,
7% 67% use of NDC’s and NAPs as a basis for Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cambodia, Cameroun, Co-
cooperation on climate action can and lombia, Côte d’Ivoire, Cuba, El Salvador, Ecuador,
will be improved. Ethiopia, Guatemala, Guinee, Haiti, Honduras,
India, Indonesia, Kenya, Laos, Madagascar, Mali,
Morocco, Mauretania, Mozambique, Nepal, Nic-
aragua, Niger, Ouganda, Palestinian Territories,
Peru, Phillippines, DR Congo, Rwanda, Senegal,
Suriname, Tanzania, Togo, Vietnam, Zambia, Zim-
Climate Finance Evaluation

7. Provision of Financial Resources and Transfer of, or Access to Technologies 110

Capital Region (BCR),3 the BCR has de- for climate investments. Their climate
veloped projects in the Palestinian territo- portfolio mainly consists of projects in
ries, Mozambique, Rwanda and Uganda as the renewable energy sector, mostly by
part of a partnership with Enabel. providing loans and equity. In 2019-2020
BIO received an additional capital contri-
The Government of Flanders has coop-
bution of 50 million EUR to be invested
eration agreements with South Africa, Mo-
in climate projects. Only new investments
zambique and Malawi. Flemish funding is
for the period and for loans, only the grant
focused on specific climate policy meas-
equivalents, are reported in the CTF tables.
ures, in line with mutually agreed sectoral
The active portfolio of BIO in the renewa-
focus areas, which are job creation, health
ble energy sector amounted to 190 million
and agriculture & food security.
EUR in the reporting period, from earlier
The Flemish Region launched a call and new commitments provided in loans Figure 7.6 Belgium Climate Finance through programs and projects of bilateral
for projects in 2020, focusing on includ- and equity towards investments for solar, cooperation (direct and indirect), by sector, in 2019-2020
ing Flemish organisations in international wind, geothermal energy and hydropower
climate finance. This project call led to the and for investments in energy efficiency.
selection of 11 projects for a total amount GOVERNMENT AND CIVIL SOCIETY
In the reporting period, 118 million
of 7.05 million EUR, as part of the 14.5 RURAL DEVELOPMENT
EUR was provided through these differ‑
million commitment made by the Govern-
ent types of bilateral cooperation with a BANKING AND FINANCIAL SERVICES
ment of Flanders.
focus on Africa, least developed countries OTHER
The Belgian Investment Company for and climate change adaptation. The follow-
Development Cooperation (BIO) is an- ing sectors were targeted most: agriculture,
other important actor in providing funds water and sanitation and energy. HEALTH









Brussels development cooperation focuses its ef-

forts on four partner regions: the Region of Ra-
bat-Salé-Kénitra in Morocco, the City-Province - 10000 000 20000 000 30000 000
of Kinshasa in the Democratic Republic of Congo,
the Municipality of Chennai in India and the Dis-
trict of Paramaribo in Suriname.

7. Provision of Financial Resources and Transfer of, or Access to Technologies 111

7.4  Looking ahead 7.5  Activities relating to transfer of and access to
technologies and capacity building
Belgium will continue to support cli-
mate action around the globe through
multilateral and bilateral funding. Already An overview of activities related to In the reporting period, Belgium also and research institutions active in the water
planned provisions for the period 2021- technology transfer and capacity building established the Academic Research Plat- sector – implements sustainable water and
2026 amount to over 450 million EUR. can be found in CTF Tables 8 and 9. forms for Policy Support (ACROPOLIS) sanitation projects in the global South. The
While not part of the BR5 data, Belgium which provide policy support for devel- climate support through this Partnership is
Capacity building and to some extent
has committed to increasing its interna- opment cooperation, based on quality ac- reflected in CTF Table 7(b), but these pro-
technology transfer are always an essential
tional climate finance from 2021 onwards, ademic research. One of these platforms jects also foster the transfer of expertise to
component of all bilateral programmes and
to be reported on in the BTR1. – KLIMSEC – supported the Belgian gov- southern partners. To date, these projects
projects. In the tables, some of the more
ernment in developing policy on climate benefited over one million southern citi-
concrete examples related to mitigation
security, with a specific focus on the Great zens in terms of access to water.
and adaptation are listed.
Lakes region. It fits within the efforts of
The Belgian Federal Climate Change
The Belgian Development Cooperation universities and university colleges to sup-
Service has supported the partner countries
supports both the VLIR (Flemish inter-uni- port research and higher education in de-
of Rwanda and Niger in the development
versity council) and CIUF (Interuniversity veloping countries.
and operationalisation of national GHG in-
Council of the French Community) to es-
ventory systems, with the goal of strength-
tablish partnerships between Belgian uni- The Flemish Water for Development
ening institutional capacities.
versities and university colleges and their Partnership – involving over 90 members,
counterparts in the South. These partner- ranging from NGOs, public water compa-
ships generate – among other projects – in- nies, private firms over local authorities
itiatives related to climate change. and regional administrations to academic

7. Provision of Financial Resources and Transfer of, or Access to Technologies 112

7.6  Methodological Approach for tracking of the tunately, there is no better system available
that will lead to more precise estimation,
7.6.2  Key concepts of the methodological
provision of financial, technological and capacity- without posing an undue burden on Parties’
reporting. To overcome this hurdle, Bel-
See the “Documentation Box” under
CTF Table 7 for more details.
building support to non-Annex I Parties gium reports in the most transparent man-
ner (e.g. publicly available databases) on Use of exchange ratio
its climate finance, so future adjustments Belgium decided to use the currency
can be made. exchange of the OECD DAC statistical
7.6.1  The use of Rio markers to quantify odiversity, only 50% of the budget would In this regard, all efforts of the Federal table: Annual Exchange Rates for DAC
climate-relevance of projects/ be considered climate finance. For projects Government, and Governments of Flan- Countries from 1960 to 2020 to comply
programmes that have one or more markers 1, the coef- ders, Wallonia, and Brussels Capital Re- with this recommendation in the most
Belgium uses the Rio markers to report ficients (in %) are determined on the basis gion towards international climate finance transparent way.
to the Development Assistance Committee of their subsector code, also avoiding dou- are made publicly available on the follow-
of the Organisation for Economic Coop- ble counting. To avoid double counting, the ing websites, respectively:
sum of coefficients for each project never 7.6.3  New and additional financial
eration and Development (OECD-DAC) resources
exceeds 100%. The Government of Flan- –– The Department of Foreign Affairs
about the official development assistance
ders also uses the Rio markers. Accounting of Flanders: Belgium provided 30 million EUR to
that has been spent on activities to sup-
for “Rio marker 2” actions is simply 100% sustainable-development/develop- the Global Environment Facility during the
port the goals of the United Nations Con-
of the action budget. For accounting for the ment-cooperation reporting period. This funding is reported
ventions on biodiversity, climate change
contributions of actions under Rio marker –– The Walloon Agency for Air and Cli- as core funding in CTF Table 7a.
and desertification (respectively UNCBD,
1 a coefficient of 40% is used. To prevent mate (AWAC):
UNFCCC and UNCCD). These are policy The GEF, as operating entity of the UN-
double counting, a “Rio Marker 2” on both index.php/thematiques/politiques-ac-
markers that indicate donors’ policy objec- FCCC Financial Mechanism, provides re-
mitigation and adaptation does not result tions/les-politiques-changement-clim/
tives in relation to each aid activity. In its sources for the preparation of biennial up-
in climate reporting of 200% of the project politique-wallonne/financement-cli-
reporting to the UNFCCC, Belgium uses date reports and national communications
budget, but counts as 100% of the project mat-international
these markers to identify the relevant pro- and has established the Capacity Building
budget. The same principle is applied to a –– Brussels Environment: https://envi-
grammes and projects in its portfolio. The Initiative on Transparency (CBIT). Bel-
“Rio Marker 1” on both mitigation and ad-
Directorate General for Development Co- gium’s contribution to the GEF is therefore
aptation, which results in a climate report- jets-et-resultats/financement-clima-
operation and Humanitarian Aid (DGD), in accordance with its commitment to pro-
ing of 40% of the project budget. tique-international
takes all Rio markers (climate, biodiver- vide new and additional financial resources
–– Federal Government:
sity and desertification) into consideration Belgium recognises the shortcomings to meet the agreed full costs incurred by
to be able to determine the coefficients of using the Rio Markers for quantification developing country Parties in complying
used to estimate the amount of the project as the purpose of the Rio Markers is to in- with their obligations under Article 12,
budget that can be considered climate fi- dicate donors’ policy objectives in relation paragraph 1, of the Convention.
nance. For instance, if a project is marked to each aid activity, and not to lead to a These are the new and additional fi-
2 for climate adaptation, as well as for bi- quantification of support delivered. Unfor- nancial resources that have been provided
by Belgium pursuant to Article 4, para-
graph 3, of the Convention.

7. Provision of Financial Resources and Transfer of, or Access to Technologies 113

Both the financial architecture as well Over the years, there are also signifi- Belgium honours its commitments on Climate and development assistance
the commitments by Parties have changed cant changes regarding the involvement of international climate finance in the context are strongly interdependent, as climate
significantly since the Convention, espe- Belgium in international climate finance. of the Paris Agreement, including on the should be mainstreamed in development
cially with milestones such as the Copen- While the federal government, through principle of new and additional. Belgium finance as an overriding priority. From this
hagen Accord, the Cancun Agreements and its Directorate Development Cooperation, describes its financial support as new and perspective, Belgium is convinced of the
the Paris Agreement. remains the main donor, the Regional additional, since it comprises: importance of climate-proofing support
governments are now also playing an ac- to developing countries to ensure sustain-
While developed country Parties are –– Provisions in line with Article 4, para-
tive role, especially since the Copenhagen able development and the crucial role of
required to continue the provision of finan- graph 3, of the Convention;
Accord (2009). There are also more min- development finance for climate actions
cial resources to assist developing country –– Contributions which would not have
istries, departments or entities involved, in developing countries, especially for ad-
Parties with respect to both mitigation and existed without the financial commit-
besides Development Cooperation. aptation and mitigation projects, technol-
adaptation in line with the existing obliga- ments stemming from the Copenhagen
ogy transfer and building institutions and
tions under the Convention, these Parties This development of greater involve- Accord;
capacity to implement climate policy in
are also requested, as part of a global ef- ment within Belgium, as well as the com- –– Budget lines on top of the annual bud-
developing countries. Any climate-related
fort, to take the lead in mobilizing climate plexity of the climate finance architecture, get for bilateral development coopera-
support that meets agreed ODA definition
finance from a wide variety of sources, makes it difficult to give a clear-cut de- tion;
is reported as such in a transparent way.  ■
instruments and channels, noting the sig- scription of “new and additional” financial –– Only the climate-specific or climate-rel-
nificant role of public funds, through a resources as there is such a wide variety of evant part of projects and programmes.
variety of actions, including supporting sources. A dynamic and flexible concept Based on our methodology (see above),
country-driven strategies, and taking into of “new and additional” is required, even Belgium does not report the full amount
account the needs and priorities of de- more so due the lack of an internationally of the projects/programmes if these are
veloping country Parties (Article 9, para- agreed definition of this concept. For these only partly relevant to climate action;
graphs 1 and 3, of the Paris Agreement). reasons, Belgium puts a lot of emphasis on –– Only climate-related projects in devel-
So, financial support to climate action in transparency of its use of reporting meth- oping countries additional to the previ-
developing countries does not only flow odologies. ous reporting period;
through the operating entities of the Finan- –– Contributions from the revenues ob-
cial Mechanism. tained from auctioning greenhouse gas
emission allowances.

7. Provision of Financial Resources and Transfer of, or Access to Technologies 114

8.1 Research

8.1.1  General trends of climate research R&I supporting the achievements of the
since 2017 decarbonisation, renewables and energy
Climate-related questions and chal- efficiency ambitions; low- carbon technol-

8. Res e a rc h lenges are too large and too complex to ogy, circular economy, all with benefits in
be addressed by a single country, agency, terms of GHG emissions reduction.
or discipline. Belgian climate research is

a n d sys t e m a t i c
Because studying the linked prob-
framed in a worldwide coordinated effort. lems of energy sustainability and climate
The financial resources allocated to cli- change requires an integrated science that

obs e r v a t i o n
mate research in Belgium have increased extends beyond the domain of engineering
considerably [see Figure 8.1] since 2017, (e.g. renewable energy) or economics (e.g.
Belgian research has been better and better circular economy) it was decided to try to
embedded in international research initi- circumscribe the present chapter to invest-
atives, the number of publications has in- ment in climate science and science at the
creased, and more and more climate relat- crossroads of climate and energy only.
ed data have been produced, processed and Belgian research addresses the whole
are accessible today for further research or spectrum of climate related issue and spans
policy developments [see 8.1.7 and sys- over all temporal and spatial scales.
temic observation chapter 8.2].
The research operators, namely the
If basic research aiming at reducing public scientific institutions, the universi-
uncertainties on climate evolution and ties and other research centres contribute
involving academical scientists is still to different elements of this spectrum, de-
strongly supported in Belgium, an in- pending on their own missions, the instru-
crease is observed of support towards the ments, and sources of funding available.
development of solution-oriented research [see 8.1.3]
or policy driven research involving both
Despite the relative increase of climate
scientific experts and policy experts. [see
related research within a total R&D en-
velop and the shift observed regarding the
Moreover, strong investment is dedicat- nature of research carried out in Belgium,
ed to research and innovation in the energy the climate research landscape remains
sector as part of the implementation of the very fragmented, and there is scope for in-
Belgian National Plan on Energy and Cli- creasing the synergies between actors. [see
mate, launched in 2019. This includes the 8.1.5]

Based on this observation the Secretary –– Strategic research: seeks to under- 8.1.3  The R&D funding sources and At the Federal level
of State in charge of Scientific Policy, in- stand the impacts and associated risks instruments
BELSPO, the federal administration
itiated the creation of a climate centre at of climate change: rising global tem- Climate research relies on many differ- for science policy, directly supports cli-
federal level, joining the efforts of several peratures causes sea-level rise, alters ent sources of funding, some of which (e.g. mate research via several funding mech-
institutions. The climate centre will pursue biodiversity, forests, crop yields and institutional funding in larger organisations anisms: projects funding via national and
three main objectives: (i) gathering and water supplies. Changing climate also – see Chapter 7.3.1) are very difficult to es- pan-european calls; R&D activities out-
strengthening the resources for climate affects human and animal health and timate or attribute to climate research with side EU through bi-lateral or multilateral
research and develop a strategic climate their ability to exist in certain ecosys- any precision. European, Federal, regional cooperation; funding for Belgian and EU
research agenda in Belgium (ii) establish- tems. This research is generally imple- and community levels of authorities, all research infrastructure.
ing a structural cooperation between scien- mented through national or internation- contribute to the total mix. Total Belgian
tific operators and (iii) developing climate al networks in which academic Belgian direct R&D expenditure (GBAORD - gov- While they are currently undergoing a
services in response to the needs of policy high-level scientists are involved. Re- ernment budget appropriations or outlays review and changes are possible, the fed-
makers and sectors. The climate centre will search focuses on policy-development for R&D, see NC7) increased from EUR eral tax incentives for R&D are significant
be launched in 2022. or policy implementation at Interna- 846 million (1990) to EUR 3 255 million for all R&D in Belgium, public as well as
tional, European, national or regional (2019) in constant prices. private (
level. lications/economicreview/2020/ecorev-
8.1.2  The categories of climate-related The relative distribution of this be-
–– Response based/solution-oriented ii2020_h4.pdf).
research tween the different federated entities was
research: includes mitigation and ad-
Research carried out in Belgium can aptation related research. This type of in 2019: federal government 17.9%, Flan- In Flanders Region and the Flemish
be categorised as follows: [see details in research generally seeks to adopt trans- ders Government 59.6 %, French-speaking Community
8.1.7] disciplinary approaches where both Community 12.1%, Walloon Region 8.7%,
Brussels-Capital Region 1.6%1. Matters of Economy, Science and Inno-
–– Fundamental research: seeks to un- stakeholders (sectoral practitioners,
vation policy in the Flemish Government
derstand how the climate system is including private sectors) and scientists Sources and quantities of competitive are under the responsibilities of the De-
working ; how global, regional, and are involved. Such ‘co-production’ of funding for research related to the climate partment of Economy, Science and Inno-
local climates are maintained as well knowledge is becoming more preva- are more easily identifiable. Hence, this vation (Dept. EWI), the Agency Flanders
as the processes by which they change lent. Development of so-called Climate section will attempt to provide information Innovation & Entrepreneurship (VLAIO)
over time. It investigates causal re- Services falls under this research cate- on overall state of relevant funding sources – a one-stop shop for all R&D funding for
lations of climate change, both in the gory. and provide information on trends where companies – and the Research Foundation
past (based on historical data) and in –– Building blocks of research infra- reliable information is available. – Flanders (FWO) funding research in uni-
the future (through modelling). This structures: are developed for obser‑
versities and other regional research insti-
research is generally implemented vations purpose. They refer to the
through networks at a Pan-European or development of a specific institutional
international level but also through na- setting to deliver specific services to An overview of this system is described
tional small-scale networks or even by scientific users, relying on components in ‘STI in Flanders’: Science, Technolo-
individual post-doc researcher. or assets of several decentralised cli- gy & Innovation. Brief Overview 2022.
mate related infrastructures (from ES- (
1 Source:
FRI roadmap in particular). files/sti_overview_brochure_2022.pdf)

8. Research and systematic observation 116

In the Walloon Region During the last 5 years, climate change From the European Commission 8.1.4  Evolution of climate research in
research has been granted through differ- Belgium: bibliometric analysis
In Wallonia, science, technology and European funding sources have also
ent instruments: grants and fellowships, In the Web of Science, the platform
innovation (STI) are managed by several been made available to the Belgian scien-
credits and projects, the FRIA calls (Indus- that provides access to multiple databases
directorates general of the Walloon Public tific community through the Horizon 2020
try and agriculture) the EOS call (the joint of reference and citation data, all publica-
Service (SPW). The Walloon Region pri- programme and its predecessor Framework
fundamental research promoted between tions with at least one Belgium-based au-
marily finances research, development and Programme FP7 which developed varied
the Flemish and the French speaking com- thor were selected. The number of climate
innovation activities with a view to devel- types of action and funding schemes calls
munity). related publications was then estimated by
oping economic and industrial activities, including climate components such as the
as well as research aimed at developing ERA-net co-fund actions, the Coordination narrowing down this selection with a fur-
In the Brussels Region ther search for the terms “climate change”,
specific expertise within its areas of com- & Support Action, Research & Innovation
petence. The Operational Directorate-Gen- INNOVIRIS, the Brussels Region in- Actions; European Joint Programmes; Re- “global warming”, “climate research” or
eral for the Economy, Employment and novation institution, is managing a range search Infrastructures. “climate model” in the title, the abstract or
Research (DGO6) has primary responsibil- of different funding tools on R&I, covering the keywords of these publications.
ity for drafting and implementing policy, different types of scientific collaboration
through its Competitiveness and Innova- as well as different stages of Technology
tion, Technological Development and Re- Readiness Level.
search Programmes departments. Figure 8.1. shows the evolution of the share of climate related publications
Some programmes focus specifically
in the total Belgian output
Other SPW operational general direc- on sustainability and urban resilience, in-
torates manage smaller budgets and actions cluding face to climate change:
to support STI activities in their specific 800
–– Co-Creation programme: this is a pro-
areas of competence: natural resources gramme that funds R&I projects which 700
and the environment, social and health

Number of documents
makes “traditional” researchers collab- Climate related publications
programmes, town and country planning, orate with citizens. 600
equipment and transport, sustainable ener- Total Belgian publications / 100
–– Experimental Platforms programmes:
gy and buildings, etc. 500
these fund the experimentation and
Research participants are mainly com- testing of innovative projects targeting 400
panies, universities, higher education insti- sustainable transition.
–– Prospective research: projects to identi- 300
tutes, research centres and public research
bodies. fy future social, economic and environ- 200
mental challenges for the city, which
In the Federation Wallonia-Brussels lead to policy recommendations and 100
therefore provide a concrete example
Funding from the Federation Wallo- 0
of evidence-based policy making.
nia-Brussels to its universities is mainly 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
managed by the F.R.S.-FNRS (“Fonds de Year
la recherche Scientifique”).

8. Research and systematic observation 117

8.1.5  Expenditure for climate research in NC7 (the five-year period 2012-2016) and Sciences, Earth Sciences and Environmen- gional Innovation Plan. The Joint R&D is
Belgium the most recent five-year period for which tal Sciences) and Engineering and Technol- supported through a thematic call while
Because there is no single common data is available (2017-2021). In the analy- ogy (Civil and Building Engineering). The R&D schemes hold a bottom-up approach.
R&D database shared between resourc- sis, total project funding is assigned to the discipline distribution remains fairly stable
Experimental Platforms and Co-
es providers in Belgium, the distribution starting year of the project. over time, however during the most recent
Creation programmes are more focused
of climate research funding mentioned in period there is a slight increase in Social
Table 8.1 shows the amount of budget on testing and experimentation while
8.1.3 among the various Belgian actors ac- Sciences (especially Political Sciences).
distributed by funding source [see 8.1.3] involving end-users in the process.
tive in this domain can be approximately and climate research category [see 8.1.2], BRUSSELS CAPITAL REGION (BCR)
characterised by combining available data during the recent quinquennium (and WALLOON REGION
by sector, time period, Belgian entities and where comparable data are available, in Just like the actors of the other Bel-
Fundamental research is managed by
by cross-checking information retrieved comparison with the last reporting period). gian Regions, INNOVIRIS only supports
the Federation Wallonia Brussels and ap-
from the following sources of information Where available, the table indicates the research carried out in an economical ap-
plied research is managed by the Walloon
or databases: The FRIS research portal, number of projects carried out by the main plied framework. Research is solution ori-
and Brussels regions, according to their
the FNRS-FRS Base de données ‘SPI’ and research performing operators in Belgium ented. A total amount of EUR 44.4 million
specific competences.
from INNOVIRIS (Brussels Region) with (e.g. Universities and Research Centres) as has been invested in climate-related R&D
federal databases ‘FEDRA’ (the research well as the total of their funding, for each during the last quinquennium. The expenditures reported in Table 8.1
actions database funded by BELPSO) of the federated entities of Belgium. refers mainly to energy related projects.
The funding programmes operate
and the CORDIS/ECORDA, the primary In the projects, the energy theme may be
around open and thematic calls, and often
source of results from the EU-funded proj- FLANDERS exclusive or partial (for example, consider-
involve collaboration between academia
ects. ing a project to develop a new machine that
Research on climate change in Flan- and the industrial sector.
will consume less energy at use and whose
The EU H2020 programme funded ders has increased significantly from about The major portion of invest- maintenance cost will be reduced).
approximately 5000 research projects in- EUR 10 million per year in 2012-2016 to ment comes from: experimental Plat-
volving one or more Belgian participant. about EUR 20 million per year in 2017- The reported R&D budget is only for
forms (EUR 11.9 million), Joint R&D
Of these, 240 were related to climate sci- 2021 (budget doubled, number of projects the part of the projects related to energy ef-
(EUR 9.2 million), Co-creation programs
ence 230 of which took place during the nearly tripled). It now represents about 3% ficiency and low-carbon technologies.
(EUR 8.2 million) and Prospective Re-
last quinquennial period. of all research in Flanders. About 1% of the search (EUR 3.5 million). Remaining sup-
number of projects reported in Table 8.1 WALLONIA BRUSSELS FEDERATION
The FRIS research portal has been cre- port is derived from a bottom-up R&D&I
has additional co-funding from other programme in support of companies; the An estimation of the budget for the
ated over the last few years by the Flemish
sources (BELSPO and EU). The co-fund- Region part of co-funding calls; a research climate research projects of the French
authorities and research organizations as
ing is excluded from the funds reported in platform of an academic programme of Community can be obtained by summing
an open data tool on research in Flanders.
the Table 8.1. TRL 2-3; vouchers innovation, an applied up the contributions from the following
Although there are a few relevant organi-
PhD and the creation of a spin-off. three funding parties: the FRS-FNRS, the
zations for which project data is not (yet) More than 80% of this climate research
H2020 programme and BELSPO.
included in this system (notably VITO), is fundamental, the rest is more applied or The Joint R&D and the R&D schemes
the available data are sufficiently compre- related to policy report. Research on cli- fund projects that are collaborative and FRS- FNRS funds basic research in cli-
hensive to make a comparison between the mate change in Flanders is situated mostly multidisciplinary and tackle areas that matology, paleoclimatology, paleoecology.
situation as it would have been reported in in fields of Natural Sciences (Biological have been identified as strategic in the Re- During the last five years (2017-2021),

8. Research and systematic observation 118

Table 8.1 Expenditure for climate research in Belgium

Previous reporting period Recent quinquennium Previous reporting period Recent quinquennium
ENTITY Category of R&D ENTITY Category of R&D
2012-2016 ( ~ NC7) 2017-2021 (NC8) 2012-2016 ( ~ NC7) 2017-2021 (NC8)
budget in budget in budget in budget in
number of number of number of number of
projects projects projects projects
millions millions millions millions
/ / 128 38.2
climate research for which metadata is 235 53 610 107 FEDERATION
available in FRIS, with Flemish funding Funder:
Climate Fundamental / / 88 23
Climate Fundamental 80% 83% 92% 88% FNRS
Climate Solution oriented Climate vs all research / / 2.8 % 3.2%
(applied and policy 16% 17% 7% 12% Funders Climate (Solution
oriented) H2020 + oriented applied and / / 40 15.2
All research 13 413 2 730 20 652 3 900 BELSPO policy oriented)
Climate vs all research 1.8% 1.9% 3.0% 2.8% FEDERAL / / 27 6.03
BRUSSELS REGION / / 237 44.4 Climate research for which metadata is
11 3.10
Climate Fundamental / / 0% 0% available in FEDRA with BELSPO funding
Climate Solution oriented Climate Fundamental / / 10% 10%
(applied and policy / / 100% 100% Strategic/ Solution
oriented) oriented (applied and / / 90% 90%
All research / / 1 793 227.8 policy oriented)
Climate vs all research / / 13.2% 20.9% Climate strategic research for which
metadata is available in e-CORDA with 16 2.93
WALLOON REGION 989 230 648 164
EU funding
Climate Fundamental 0% 0% 0% 0%
Climate / all research 25% 10%
climate Solution
oriented (applied and
100% 100% 100% 100%
policy oriented- energy Note: Some discrepancies appear in the Table 8.1 e.g. energy efficiency are included in the table in
efficiency between the figures reported by the different Regions, relation to investment in applied research.
All research 7 664 1 695 5 046 1 465 in particular in Brussels and Wallonia, where, unlike
Flanders, projects (or parts of projects) dealing with
Climate vs all research 13.6% 14.5%

8. Research and systematic observation 119

88 grants (40 during the Grants and Fel- sensing capabilities for monitoring the in- climate research capacities have been de- 8.1.6  Coordination between Belgian entities
lowships calls, 28 during the Credits & teractions and dynamics of land, sea or air veloped to varying degrees. and operators
Projects calls, 17 during the FRIA calls within a context of climate change. The
–– The Royal Belgian Institute of Meteo- NETWORKING
and 3 during the EOS calls) were included new phase (STEREO IV - 2022-2027) just
rology (RMI), whose mission is to de- Both within and between Belgian uni-
within the topic of climate accounting for launched its first call specially addressing
liver permanent services that provide versities, several interdisciplinary net-
2.8% of the total number of grants over the the Impact of climate change on terrestrial
information to ensure the security of works are set-up, bringing together climate
period considered. and marine environments (data exploita-
the population based on meteorology, or environmental-related expertise in a
tion, monitoring, modelling, mitigation
In total, the 88 climate-related grants climatology, geophysics and related coordinated manner. Examples include
strategies). sciences. “Pure” climate-change activi-
over the past five years represent an es- Leuven Sustainable Earth at KU Leuven;
timated budget of EUR 23.22 million, or The FED-tWIN programme is a BEL- ties represent roughly 40% of all scien- the Centre for Sustainable Development
3.2% of the total budget for the period con- SPO programme to support sustainable tific and engineering resources. at Ghent University; the Interfacultary
sidered. cooperation between the ten Federal Sci- –– The Belgian Institute of Aeronomy Center for Marine Research at the UL-
entific Institutions  (FSI) included within (BISA), whose main tasks research and iège; the Global Change Ecology Excel-
Finally, among the 393 permanent re- public service in space aeronomy are,
Belgian Science Policy (BELSPO) and the lence Center at the UAntwerp; the Centre
searchers of the F.R.S.-FNRS in 2021, 14 which is the physics and chemistry of
eleven Belgian universities. The aim of for Environmental Sciences at UHasselt;
are conducting climate-related research as the atmosphere of the Earth and other
the programme is to develop sustainable Earth System Science, an interdisciplinary
defined here which represents an estimated planets, and of outer space. “Pure” cli-
joint research activities between the FSI research group at VU Brussels; KLIMOS-
amount of approximately EUR 1.47 mil- mate-change activities represent rough-
and the universities. To this end, research ACROPOLIS: an interdisciplinary and in-
lion per year (accounting for 3.4% of the ly 30% of all scientific and engineering
profiles are jointly elaborated by an FSI teruniversity research platform that aims at
entire budget dedicated to FNRS perma- resources.
and a university, to be implemented by a generating capacity to enable the necessary
nent researchers). –– The Royal Belgian Institute for Natural
post-doctoral researcher who is employed transition to a sustainable society through
In addition to fundamental research, part-time at the FSI and part-time at the Sciences (RBINS) which studies pres- research for development (see Chapters
strategic or solution oriented are carried university. Eleven post-doc researchers are ent and past biodiversity both from a 6.4.1 and 7).
out in the French-speaking universities. carrying out climate related research with- fundamental viewpoint and in support
in the FSIs mentioned below and different of the sustainable management of nat- Initiatives coordinated on a European
These are (co-)funded by H2020 (34 pro-
universities. ural resources. level (e.g. EU-Africa-EU LAC; joint pro-
jects- EUR 14 million) and funded by
–– The Royal Museum of Central Africa gramming initiatives (JPI)) and participa-
BELSPO (6 projects – EUR 1.2 million)
The main part of BELSPO’s invest- (MRAC), where climate change is em- tion in global programmes provide further
ment in climate research has been allo- bedded within several core research mechanisms that foster networking among
cated through the multi-year research activities carried out by the Africa Mu- scientists.
Through the multi-annual research pro- programme BRAIN.BE 20. Projects of seum, such as the study of natural haz- Bilateral cooperation outside Europe
gramme for Earth Observation, STEREO, fundamental and strategic types gener- ards, the tropical forest as carbon stock forms another such mechanism (such as
forms part of the Belgian space strategy. ally involve an average of 3 research in- and tropical diseases. with China, South Africa). Finally, mul-
Additionally, BELSPO has allowed Bel- stitutes, together with linking universities –– The Royal Observatory of Belgium car- tilateral science programmes (e.g. UN-
gian organisations to develop leading ex- and Federal scientific Institutions (FSI) in ries out geodesy for measuring vertical ESCO-related: MAB; IHP, IOC) have an
pertise in remote sensing, satellite imagery Belgium. Numbers indicated in Table 8.1 land movements: to assess flood haz- increasing focus on climate resilience (see
and generally in the use of remote sensing cover research performed in the following ards in low-lying countries such as Bel- Chapter 8.1.7).
data. STEREO projects have used remote five Federal Scientific Institutions in which gium and, in Antarctica, to assess the
ice mass balance.
8. Research and systematic observation 120
SCIENCE-POLICY INTERFACING and is the coordinator of Biodiversa+ the gian positions and prepares input to Hori- focal point to coordinate the French-speak-
The science-policy interface is mul- Horizon Europe Partnership on biodiver- zon Europe to Cluster 5 Climate, Energy ing experts' contribution to the IPCC as-
ti-faceted; an important aspect of it is the sity, the first such partnership under Hori- and Mobility. sessments, to maintain register of experts
programmatic and thematic preparation zon Europe Cluster 6 Food, Bioeconomy, and to participate to outreach climate re-
The CIS-IPCC, an ad-hoc group of
of (funding for) further research activities Natural Resources, Agriculture and Envi- lated activities. The Walloon Platform for
CIS-CLIMENMOB provides an opportu-
and systematic observation, as well as the ronment. IPCC supports the Walloon climate decree
nity for Belgian policymakers at different
translation of research findings into poli- As the host country of both the Central levels and ensures the preparation of coher- and collaborates with the Walloon Air and
cy-relevant information. Secretariat of JPI Climate and the Coordi- ent, integrated, and representative Belgian Climate Agency (AWAC).
BELSPO hosts the Central Secretariat nator of Biodiversa+, Belgium facilitates positions and contributions to the IPCC. The CIS-INFRA prepares coordinated
of the JPI Climate. This ensures the overall the exchange of information and collabo- Its work is supported by the Belgian IPCC Belgian positions related to governance
coordination and day-to-day management ration between these two initiatives in the Focal Point, hosted by BELSPO, that also and the development of research infra-
of the initiative. The JPI Climate has devel- field of biodiversity and climate change provides an annual financial contribution structures in the context of the European
oped a strategic research agenda with three (e.g. the establishment of the upcoming to the IPCC Trust fund (~EUR 70k/year)
Strategy Forum on Research Infrastruc-
challenges (i) Understanding the processes Knowledge Hub on Biodiversity and Cli- and facilitates active contribution to the
tures (ESFRI), such as the “Integrated
and consequences of climate change (ii) mate Change). work programme by Belgian experts (trav-
Carbon Observation System” (ICOS) and
Improving knowledge of climate-related el and accommodation expenses).
POLICY-LEVEL COORDINATION: the “Pan-European Research Infrastructure
decision-making processes and measures For the IPCC's Sixth Assessment Cycle
THE COMMISSIONS OF on Short-lived Atmospheric Constituents”
(iii) Researching sustainable societal trans- (AR6), 18 experts nominated by Belgium
formation in the context of climate change. were selected to contribute to the various
Alongside the Strategic Research Agenda, reports, which allowed them to integrate
the JPI Climate has developed a strategic their expertise in a broader and internation- 8.1.7  Distribution of climate-related
mechanism to connect people, problems The Interministerial Conference for research along a value chain from
al context.
and solutions in a systemic approach. Science Policy (IMCSP), uniting all rele- upstream to downstream activities
vant ministers across the competent fed- The regular exchange of information
Other relevant joint programming initi- erated entities, takes the overall respon- In the present national communication
between the Belgian Focal Points to the
atives (JPI) to which Belgium contributed sibility for the cooperation, coordination, IPCC and to the UNFCCC ensures the where the question is to assess how and to
significantly in the five-year period under and consultation of their services. Beneath coordination and alignment of Belgian po- what extent Belgian research has helped
review are the JPI Urban Europe, the it, two permanent committees, the Inter- to develop knowledge support towards the
sitions and contributions to these bodies.
Joint Programming Initiative on Agricul- objectives stated at the latest COPs, Bel-
national Cooperation Commission (CIS) This process is facilitated by exchanges
ture, Food Security and Climate Change gian research effort can be schematically
and the Federal Cooperation Commission between the CIS-IPCC and the Greenhouse
(FACCE), the JPI Oceans and BiodivER- presented as a set of activities implement-
(CFS) manage the formulation of decisions Effect Coordinating Work Group (Coör-
sA. Belgian researchers have been success- ed by scientists and stakeholders alongside
and positions related to research policy. dinatiewerkgroep Broeikaseffect/Groupe
ful in participating in climate-related calls a research continuum from upstream, mid-
de Coordination Effet de Serre (CGBKE/
and other actions in these contexts [see The CIS has different thematic sub- stream to downstream activities.
CGES)) which reports to ministers of ener-
8.1.7] groups.
gy and climate. Upstream/midstream activities refer to
BELSPO funds and manages the Bel- The CIS-Climate, Energy & Mobili-
A Walloon Platform for the IPCC large-scale observation and modelling gen-
gian Biodiversity platform biodiversity ty (CIS-CLIMENMOB): identifies the Bel-
works in synergy with the Belgian IPCC erally performed on an international, Eu-

8. Research and systematic observation 121

ropean, or Pan-European scale and calling ical processes should be translated into MIDSTREAM ACTIVITIES Belgian actors participate in interna-
for fundamental/strategic research. mathematical equations in the model that tional development: the regional climate
Midstream activities embrace the follow-
make up the computer code. model simulations by RMI (ALARO-0)
Downstream research refers to the re- ings:
The developments are aligned with contribute to the Coordinated Regional
sponse of various sectors to climate chang-
strategies developed at international level. Production of global model data: refers Downscaling Experiment (CORDEX)
es. These take place at pan-European level,
In particular: to all types of modelled data on a global
on a national and local scale and calls for Only a few universities are active in
scale, describing the long-term evolution
domestic (co)funded research. The WMO-World Climate Research model development (e.g. the regional cli-
of the components of the Earth System (=
Programme (WCRP), which is centred mate model MAR at ULiège, or the Earth
Details of the value chain and the Bel- carbon cycle, greenhouse gas emissions,
around four core projects that support cli- System Model LOVECLIM at UCLou-
gian operators involved along that value land-use, all frozen parts of the Earth,
mate research on the different components vain). The COSMO-CLM model used at
chain are set out below. ocean, ecosystems, atmosphere). Global
of the Earth’s climate system: global at- KU Leuven and UCLouvain is developed
model data is needed as input for the re-
mosphere, oceans, the cryosphere, and the in the framework of an international con-
gional models to obtain data with more
UPSTREAM ACTIVITIES land surface as well as interactions and ex- sortium.
spatial and temporal detail.
Upstream activities embrace the following: changes between them. Belgian universities are mostly active
Production of downscaled or region- in both the application of regional models
Hardware infrastructure: refers to the Future Earth - Global Atmospheric
al model data: refers to the production of as well as impact models. More specifical-
development and maintenance of all types Chemistry Project (IGAC) whose mission modelled data on a regional scale. Similar
is to facilitate atmospheric chemistry re- ly, UCLouvain, KU Leuven and ULiège
of observational instruments for measure- to the global data, this data describes the
search towards a sustainable world. This is use a regional climate model (respectively
ments in space, air, land or sea, such as long-term evolution of the components of
achieved through IGAC’s four focal activi- COSMO-CLM and MAR). The regional
a pluviometer, weather balloon or satel- the Earth system, but on a regional scale
ties: advancing knowledge, fostering com- models are used to obtain past, present and
lite. [see sub-chapter 8.2] (for example the temperature evolution
munity, building capacity, and engaging future data on the components of the Earth
Systematic observations: refers to all until 2100 for Belgium at a grid of 4 km System (e.g. carbon cycle, greenhouse gas
society. or the evolution of the Greenland ice sheet
activities needed for the collection, gener- emissions, frozen parts of the earth, ocean,
ation and provision of all types of obser- The Future Earth - Integrated Land until the end of the century). biosphere, atmospheric dynamics and
vations (space, airborne, land-based, sea), Ecosystem-Atmosphere Processes Study composition…).
Midstream activities at the interna-
including the retrieval and quality-control (iLEAPS) programme which acts as a
tional level are mostly linked to model Most universities and research groups
of the observational data. [see sub-chapter communication hub and coordinator of
data production. In that regard, the World have access to the high-performance
8.2] worldwide scientific research. Their focus
Climate Research Programme (WCRP) computing infrastructure needed for their
is on land-atmosphere systems that in- coordinates international initiatives on the
Model development of global, regional clude important feedbacks in the areas of modelling activities (e.g. regional climate
as well as downstream impact models. The production of research datasets such as the modelling or impact modelling). In Flan-
urban land, managed land, forests, arctic Coupled Model Intercomparison Project
model development includes research into ders, the high-performance computing
and mountain regions, arid and semi-arid (CMIP) for global climate data, the Co-
the physical processes (for example for infrastructure is organised through a part-
regions. ordinated Regional Downscaling Exper-
climate models the effect of greenhouse nership between the five Flemish univer-
gases on the Earth’s temperature, the rela- As far as large-scale modelling is iment (CORDEX) for regional climate sities and their university associations (i.e.
tionship between the temperature of the air concerned, two universities are running data and the Inter-Sectoral Impact Model Vlaams Supercomputer Centrum - VSC).
and water vapour) and on how these phys- a global model (i.e. UCLouvain and VU Intercomparison Project (ISIMIP) for im-
Brussels). pact/sectoral data.

8. Research and systematic observation 122

DOWNSTREAM ACTIVITIES entists in the climate problem. Examples
are media appearances, development of Table 8.2 EU-climate-data and (pan-)European research initiatives involving Belgian
Downstream activities embrace the fol-
schoolbooks, production of educational scientific community
videos for social media, creation and col-
Climate data provision: includes the laboration in exhibitions, etc.
activities linked to the provision of data ACTIVITIES PROJECTS ACTORS
Belgian operators contribute to down-
for the past, present and future climate, as PLATFORMS
stream activities at International EU, Na-
well as climate projections under different the EU Atmosphere Copernicus Monitoring
tional or Regional (=local) scales. [see 8.2]
emission scenarios. The provision is most- Service (CAMS)
ly targeted to a scientific audience in need Table 8.2 highlights the main EU cli- EU data platforms for Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) [see 8.2]
of data for research purposes. mate-data provision and sectoral research operational services European Institute of Innovation and
initiatives in which Belgian operators are Technology Climate-Knowledge and incl . KU Leuven
Sectoral impacts: all activities (includ-
involved. Innovation Community (EIT Climate-KIC)
ing climate data collection, modelling with
an impact model, analyses of the results) At the national/regional/local scales , European Technology The Water Supply and Sanitation
Platforms (ETPs): Technology Platform (WssTP)
linked to the effects of climate (change) on through the funding instruments described
different sectors (e.g. agriculture, ecosys- above, the universities and scientific in- JOINT PROGRAMMING INITIATIVES (EU H2020)
tems, urban), resulting in value-added sec- stitutions use output data from regional H2020 ERA4CS ERA-net for Climate RMI, BIRA, ULBruxelles,
toral data and information. For example, models (either data from their own re- services VUBrussel
meteorological parameters from regional gional model applications, or regional H2020 AXIS ERA-net: Cross(X) sectoral
climate model calculations are used as in- data available through other initiatives), as climate Impacts and pathways for VUBrussel, UNamur, ULiège
put to an agricultural model to quantify the input to be used with impact models that Sustainable transformation
evolution of crop yields in the future. allow them to study the impacts of climate SOLSTICE “Enabling Societal
JPI Climate Transformation in the Face of Climate UAntwerp, UCLouvain)
(change) relevant for a broad range of sec-
End-user interaction: refers to the Change in 2019” ( UAntwerp, UCLouvain)
tors: i.e. terrestrial, aquatic and marine eco-
preparation of tailored products such as EU Coordinated supporting action
systems, hydrology and water resources,
maps, graphs, web portals and climate in- SINCERE Widening international
chemical composition of the atmosphere, JPI Climate Central
dicators for which additional development, cooperation activities on climate adaptation
agriculture, land degradation, urban, ice Secretariat
processing or expertise is needed. Products and mitigation''
sheets and glaciers, migration, renewables, Flagship Actions: Africa and Latin America
are developed on request of a user to an-
energy consumption of buildings. JPI Urban ; Co-fund action Smart Urban Futures Call
swer their specific needs, mainly in support
of decision making for mitigation and ad- Several universities are involved in Knowledge hub for ENSUF , Making Cities Work and Positive INNOVIRIS
aptation strategies and thus targets public end-user interactions to translate the re- urban transitions Energy District
administrations as well as private stake- search results from impact modelling into JPI Ocean Joint Action with JPI Climate RMI, UCLouvain, ULiège
holders (e.g. future impact of heat waves valuable information. The service provid- coordination BELSPO -
ERA-net BIODIVCLIM addressing issues
on nuclear installations). ed by the universities is mainly targeted Belgian Biodiversity platform
BiodivERsA at the crossroad between climate and
at public authorities on a regional level in UGent, UAntwerp,
Outreach: refers to all communication UCLouvain
support of adaptation or mitigation strate-
activities to inform and engage non-sci-

8. Research and systematic observation 123

Examples include: parameters (both at surface parameters as We must also not forget the regional 8.1.8  The open data and open science
well as atmospheric composition). AWAC climate portals “Klimaatportaal Vlaan- policy
–– The climate portal of Vlaamse Milieu-
is a stakeholder/end-user in the project deren”, the “AWAC études”; scientific The current federal government agree-
maatschappij through collaboration
world-emissions, funded by the ESA, inputs on measures for the climate adap- ment (30 September 2020) promotes an
with KULeuven
which aims to provide an enhanced global tation plans; advice and expertise to the
–– Reports by HIVA of KULeuven on pol- open data policy, with an enhanced access
emission monitoring service by develop- national risk analyses of the Crisis Center
icy-relevant research to public data. Belgium actively partici-
ing top down emissions estimates based on (FPS Interior affairs) and more specifical-
–– Contribution of ULBruxelles, ULiège, pates in EU and global developments and
satellite data [see 8.2] ly, the impact of climate change on risk
UCLouvain to the study report on cli- their implementation regarding ‘open sci-
scenarios; research results based on pro-
mate change adaptation in Wallonia The role of the public administrations ence’ (e.g. Unesco 2021). Federated en-
jects funded by the FPS Economy, SME,
consists of translating the scientific out- tities have a joint information exchange
Furthermore, given the specialised sec- Self-employed and Energy.
comes and results from observational and platform on open science: https://openac-
toral expertise of the research institutes,
modelling research into comprehensive in- The role of the Federal Public Ser- The open science policy consid-
they are active in climate consulting to
formation that is relevant for policy-mak- vices in response to the need for climate ers that data and information processed in
answer more specialised questions from
ing purposes, such as adaptation/mitiga- consulting is mostly that of a ‘passthrough’ publicly funded research can bring about a
both public administrations and private
tion plans or reports. towards private stakeholders from sectors greater impact if these are treated ‘FAIR’
stakeholders (e.g. the ongoing KLIMREK
experiencing the risk/effects of climate (i.e. Findable, Accessible, Interoperable,
project ‘KLImaatMaatRegelen mét Econ- The administrations are in close con-
change (e.g. energy, transport, insurance, and Reusable). Public services make avail-
omische Kansen op het landbouwbedrijf’ tact with actors from the research side (i.e.
infrastructure). able, for reuse by citizens, researchers,
with ILVO and VITO as partners, the aim universities or the research institutes) and
of which is to consult and support farmers those actors are regularly consulted for the Private stakeholders refer to private companies and governments, the informa-
in the transition to more climate-friend- purpose of carrying out specific research companies from sectors linked to climate tion that they have in the context of their
ly and climate-resilient farming practic- studies or assessment or to provide spe- (e.g. energy, transport, insurance, infra- assignments. By providing their own in-
es; policy informing note coordinated by cialised scientific expertise (e.g. by means structure, water, agriculture), non-gov- formation, companies and institutions can
Flemish Maritime Institute together with of their presence in follow-up committees, ernmental organisations (e.g. Bond Beter process and further enrich their own infor-
several universities and RBINS on the im- task forces and on expertise panels). Ex- Leefmilieu, WWF, Greenpeace) and the mation to market new products and servic-
portance of the ocean-climate interaction). amples of such interactions are the “eval- media. So far, they are mainly situated at es. All these initiatives can be important in
uation of the socio-economic impact of the very end of the value chain in the in- the development of climate services.
The public administrations active
climate change “in the context of the im- teraction and outreach part. Similar to the
along the value chain are all situated at the In general opportunities for free and
plementation National Adaptation Plan public administrations, the private stake-
downstream part, except for the Vlaamse open exchange of data and information in-
and “the impact of climate change and ad- holders act as a ‘passthrough’ that con-
Milieumaatschappij, Agence Wallonne de crease in all fields:
aptation needs” in the framework of the fu- veys the results of research-based climate
l’Air et du Climat (AWAC) and Brussels
ture National Environment and Health Ac- consulting to their users (outside the value –– all the data and information generated
Environment who are also situated in the
tion Plan (NEHAP)” ordered by the SPF chain). Examples of formats of their out- by public institutions, such as meteoro-
upstream part as they possess observation-
Federal Public Service Health, Food Chain reach are reports, leaflets, articles, concrete logical measurements and observations
al infrastructure to monitor atmospheric
Safety and Environment (see chapter 6). adaptation/mitigation measures for compa- of carbon (example: ICOS RI data pol-
nies and handbooks. icy, “ICOS Data is public data open to
all Data Users. ICOS data will be avail-
able for the Data Users via [the] Car-

8. Research and systematic observation 124

bon Portal.” which can feed scientific –– scientific publications themselves (for ed to this activity by providing PRODEX high-resolution stratospheric concentration
analysis; example: since September 2018, re- funding. Belgian is also contributing to the profiles delivered by the mission. Belgium
–– data that accompany and underpin spe- searchers working in universities or Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) is supporting the development through its
cific scientific publications and should scientific institutions of the Wallo- by providing satellite-based ERB data participation the Earth Watch programme
be documented in a way that allows nia-Brussels Federation in Belgium are for publication in the C3S's Climate Data (space and ground segments industrial ac-
for experimental replication (example: mandated by decree to make their arti- Store (CDS). tivities), and through PRODEX (scientific
network of ‘data stewards’ established cles available in Open Access). support).
in universities and research institutes
in Flanders under the Flemish Open
Science Board since 2020 and funded Belgium is the primary stakeholder of Atmospheric Constituents
through the Research Foundation Flan- the ALTIUS mission, an element of ESA’s Belgium is contributing to the ground-
ders (FWO)); Earth Watch programme. The scientific based monitoring of many atmospheric
objectives of ALTIUS (Atmospheric Limb constituents, including short- and long-
Tracker for the Investigation of the Up- lived greenhouse gases, ozone, and aer-
8.2  Systematic observation coming Stratosphere) are the monitoring
of the evolution of the stratospheric ozone
osol, in the context of international net-
works, namely the Total Carbon Column
layer at all latitudes (including the polar re- Observing Network (TCCON), the Net-
gions), and the measurement of other vari- work for the Detection of Atmospheric
The following is a summary of informa- 8.2.1  Atmospheric climate observing ables of relevance to stratospheric chemis- Composition Change (NDACC) and two
tion on the current status of national plans, systems try and/or climate forcing (NO2, H2O, BrO, European Research Infrastructures, name-
programmes and support for ground- and OClO, NO3, aerosols, temperature). ly the Integrated Carbon Observation
space-based climate observing systems. Earth Radiation Budget System (ICOS -ERIC [see next point])
ALTIUS is a passive limb instrument,
Climate-related activities are included Space-based climate monitoring has meaning that its geophysical products will and Aerosol, Cloud and Trace Gases Re-
in the core or key missions of five Federal been continued as part of the Belgium’s have a high vertical resolution, giving in- search Infrastructure (ACTRIS). The data
scientific Institutions. In the case of sys- involvement in different international ac- sight into the coupling of the different at- are openly available from the associated
tematic observations, these are first and tivities, particularly in relation to the Earth mospheric layers and the altitude-depend- data centres. Long-term data records are
foremost the Royal Meteorological Insti- Radiation Budget (ERB) and the Essential ent photochemical state of the atmosphere. also submitted to the Copernicus Climate
tute (KMI-IRM); the Belgian Institute for Climate Variable (ECV). The data from the Its measurements will sense the atmos- Data Store. Moreover, the data are used as
Space Aeronomy (BIRA-IASB); the Roy- 4 Geostationary Earth Radiation Budget phere both under daylight, and at night, reference data for the validation of Earth
al Belgian Institute for Natural Sciences instruments on the Meteosat Second Gen- thanks to a combination of solar, stellar, Observation satellite data and Copernicus
(RBINS); the Africa Museum (RMCA) , eration satellites (EUMETSAT) have been lunar, and planetary occultations, and Atmospheric Monitoring Service (CAMS)
and the Royal Observatory (ORB-KSB). processed, quality-checked, archived and air-scattered solar light. products and support assessments of the
distributed to users. As part of its involve- state of the atmosphere and the climate,
In recent times, climate observational The mission is being developed with a
such as the IPCC reports.
facilities have also been rolled out by the ment in the Climate Monitoring SAF of launch target for mid-2025 and a mission
universities. They mainly perform meas- EUMETSAT, Belgium has contributed to duration of 3-5 years. By that time, the In addition, Belgium is involved in the
urements linked to atmospheric composi- the development of Climate Data Records number of limb sounders will have dramat- key European satellite missions dedicated
tion, greenhouse gases and proxies. of TOA Radiation. BELSPO contribut- ically reduced, putting a higher value on the to the monitoring of the atmospheric com-

8. Research and systematic observation 125

position in support of the Copernicus pro- for the three different components of the measure ocean surface water and atmos- As a next step, Belgium plans to cre-
gramme, namely the Sentinel-5 Precursor European Greenhouse Budget (Terrestrial, pheric CO2 concentrations, along with a ate the first Open Data portal for Belgian
mission, in addition to the future Sentinels Ocean and Atmosphere). The infrastruc- variety of additional parameters (pH, tur- GNSS-based atmospheric water vapour
4 and 5 to be launched in early 2024. Bel- ture in total involves 12 member countries bidity, temperature, data collections. The portal will provide
gian scientists are likewise involved in the and more than 140 observation stations. It access to curated and quality control data
–– Thornton: a buoy (hosted by VLIZ)
activities of the EUMETSAT Atmospheric is currently fully operational and data are sets, enriched with statistical characterisa-
–– Simon Stevin: a research vessel (hosted
Composition Monitoring Satellite Appli- distributed via the ICOS Carbon Portal tion and visualisation capabilities, to facil-
by VLIZ)
cation Facility (AC SAF), which supports with an open data licence (CC BY - Cre- itate (re)use, interpretation, and valorisa-
–– Belgica: a research vessel (hosted by
the generation and quality assessment of ative Commons Attribution licence). In to- tion, the whole being guided by the FAIR
atmospheric data products from the series tal, Belgium hosts stations across the three data principle.
of GOME-2 and IASI sensors operated components. Belgium also hosts one atmospheric
Finally, Belgium also contributes to the
onboard the successive Metop-A, B and C station that is used to measure high-accura-
The terrestrial stations constitute of terrestrial climate observing systems (e.g.
platforms. Data products from these sen- cy GHG concentration in the atmosphere.
eddy covariance towers that measure net ground deformation) through its deep in-
sors are also generated under ESA PRO- These measurements are typically made on
greenhouse gas exchange between the eco- volvement in various international initia-
DEX and as part the ESA Climate Change tall towers or at high altitude (mountains).
system and the atmosphere on a half-hour- tives such as the IGS (International GNSS
Initiative (CCI) programme. The Belgian –– La Réunion: station on top of a volcano Service), EUREF, and EPOS.
ly timescale.
contributions to these programmes include in La Réunion (hosted by BIRA)
the development of retrieval algorithms Currently operational stations:
addressing a number of air quality and Ozone and UV radiation measurements
–– Brasschaat: a mature Scots pine forest Global Navigation Satellite Systems
climate-related trace gas and aerosol data Belgium operates two ground-based
close to Antwerp (hosted by University
products, the coordination of validation ac- Observation system: Global Naviga- Brewer UV spectrophotometers at Uccle
of Antwerp)
tivities, and also including providing direct tion Satellite Systems (GNSS) such as (Brewer#016 since 1984 and Brewer#178
–– Lochristi: a short rotation coppice bio-
support to operational processing entities. GPS, Galileo, and GLONASS since 2002). They measure the total ozone
mass plantation (hosted by University
Atmospheric composition data products content of the atmosphere and apply the
of Antwerp) Ground-based GNSS observation net-
from Sentinels and Metop IASI/GOME-2 measurement principle of differential ab-
–– Maasmechelen: a heathland (hosted by works are used to remotely sense atmos-
sensors are assimilated or used as an input sorption of solar light by ozone in the UV
University of Antwerp) pheric water vapour, a key parameter for
for Copernicus services on atmospheric (between 280 and 330 nm). The total ozone
–– Lonzee: a cropland (hosted by Univer- reliable weather prediction. After con-
(CAMS) as well as climate change (C3S) data of these spectrophotometers are used
sity of Liège) tributing to operational meteorology (e.g.
monitoring. to monitor the state of the ozone layer.
–– Vielsalm: a mixed forest (hosted by E-GVAP) for two decades, Belgium now
University of Louvain) The Brewer instrument also measures the
also uses GNSS data to improve the un-
ICOS –– Dorine: A grassland (hosted by Univer- UV irradiance, and the actual UV index is
derstanding of the Earth’s climate. It uses
sity of Liège) derived in an operational context. The in-
Belgium is founder member of the GNSS to study climate variability, vali-
–– Congoflux: a mature topical forest in struments are calibrated on a regular basis
Integrated Carbon Observation System date climate models, or perform multi-in-
Democratic Republic of Congo (hosted and the data is incorporated into the EU-
European Research Infrastructure (ICOS strument comparisons. These trans-disci-
by University of Ghent) BREWNET, WOUDC and NDACC data-
ERIC). The aim of that infrastructure is to plinary activities are carried out in close
gather high-quality and highly standard- In addition, Belgium operated three collaboration with international initiatives,
ised in-situ greenhouse gas observations ocean stations [see 8.2.2]. These station such as the IAG ICCC.

8. Research and systematic observation 126

Since 2020, a Pandora instrument LIDAR measurements Aerosol measurements portal is supported by Flanders and the
(#162) retrieves the concentrations of sev- Flanders Marine Institute VLIZ).
Up to now, Belgium has operated an At its site, Belgium currently oper-
eral trace gases (O3, NO2) in the atmos-
automatic LIDAR-ceilometer (ALC) net- ates two aerosol in-situ instruments: the Both the RBINS and VLIZ operate ob-
phere by applying the ground-based Dif-
work in Belgium, consisting of 5 ALC aethalometer and the nephelometer. The servation systems in the context of the EU
ferential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy
(CL51 VAISALA) located in its synoptic multi-wavelength aethalometer (MageeS- Research Infrastructure ICOS ERIC (Inte-
(DOAS) technique. It is operated in col-
station network at Uccle, Zeebrugge, Hu- ci. AE31) measures the aerosol absorption grated Carbon Observation System) with
laboration with the Royal Belgian Institute
main, Diepenbeek and Arlon. Each ALC coefficient at seven wavelengths (370, 450, three ocean stations: These stations meas-
for Space Aeronomy and forms part of the
operates up to 15 km with a vertical res- 520, 590, 660, 880, 950 nm) and the mass ure ocean surface water and atmospheric
PANDONIA network.
olution of 10 metres and a temporal reso- concentration of light-absorbing aerosol at CO2 concentrations, along with a variety
lution of 6s. The ALC data are recovered those seven wavelengths. It has been oper- of additional parameters (pH, turbidity,
Ozone sondes since 1969 in Belgium and every five minutes. With its high sensitivi- ational since 2014. The nephelometer (TSI temperature, etc.).
soon in Nigeria ty, the ALC network offers the opportunity model 3563) measures the total scattering
–– Thornton: a buoy (hosted by VLIZ)
to monitor the cloud base height, the early coefficient and the backscatter coefficient
Since 1969, Belgium has monitored –– Simon Stevin: a research vessel (hosted
stage of radiation fog formation, the verti- at 450, 550 and 700 nm. The instrument
the vertical profile of ozone concentra- by VLIZ)
cal profile of aerosols and the mixing layer will be put in operational mode in 2022. In
tions at Uccle by launching ozone sondes –– Belgica: a research vessel (hosted by
height on a continuous temporal scale. Its addition to these two instruments and in the
3 times a week, with financial support RBINS)
activities are not only of benefit to aviation, context of ACTRIS, Belgium will install
from the Solar-Terrestrial Centre of Excel- The R.V. Belgica is equipped with an
but also to weather forecasters (especially a mobility particle sizer, an aerodynamic
lence. In collaboration with the National Autonomous Underway Measurement Sys-
when predicting fog), to the monitoring of particle sizer and a total particle counter in
Space Research and Development Agency tem (AUMS), which operates like a Ferry-
air pollution dispersion and to the monitor- 2022/23. The data of these instruments will
of Nigeria, Belgium also plans to launch box and measures several variables on a
ing of the aerosol clouds such as volcanic then be incorporated into the EBAS and
ozone sondes Abuja, twice a month, from permanent basis (pH, dissolved oxygen,
ash cloud. ACTRIS data repositories, with respective
autumn 2022 onwards. In its role as the salinity, temperature) and others discontin-
data quality control and assurance.
WMO-GAW Quality Assurance – Sci- In the context of the development of a
uously but frequently (flushing, sampling,
ence Activity Centre for Ozone profiles, coordinated system for ALC observation
adding reagents, measuring, cleaning in a
Belgium oversees the data quality of the in Europe, Belgium is involved in Euro- 8.2.2  Ocean climate observing systems ca. cycle): nutrients, but soon also Total
entire ozone sonde network, in collabora- pean projects aiming to make available the Belgium has two National Oceano- Alkalinity (TA) and Dissolved Inorganic
tion with the panel for the Assessment of measurements of its future ALC network to graphic Data Centres: Carbon (DIC), as these parameters were
Standard Operation Procedures for Ozone the European meteorological community
–– optimised on a Continuous Flow Analyzer
Sondes (ASOPOS). On a regular basis and in near real time. In EUMENET, Belgium
ml and will be brought to accreditation.
in conjunction with the Research Centre (member) participates in the E-PROFILE
Jülich, Belgium will organise ozone sonde programme to develop an operational ALC –– A pCO2 sensor is to be installed as well
intercomparison campaigns in the simu- network by exchanging ALC data in a vision and measurements will be cross-calibrated
lation chamber in Jülich. . To ensure data standard format and by maintaining an ar- Belgium’s marine data centres are ac- with lab measurements to achieve optimal
availability and archiving, Belgium also chive of communicated data and metadata tively involved in making their data FAIR performance. The results will be expanded
represents the ozone sonde network within for all systems connected to the networks. and accessible through portals such as with other information on primary produc-
the Network for the Detection of Atmos- EMODnet (whose secretariat and central tion, as this process has a profound impact
pheric Composition Change (NDACC). on the dissolved inorganic carbon.

8. Research and systematic observation 127

On board the R.V. Belgica, a space is 8.2.3  Terrestrial climate observing systems Ground-based UV-VIS solar global Belgium regards guaranteeing the continu-
available suitable for air sampling, but it irradiance ity of these observational data as an essen-
still is under discussion about the most ef- Land Surface Heat Fluxes tial mission.
As part of its involvement, which began
fective way to enable this to become part As part of its involvement in the Land in the 1990s by participating in European
of the sampling routine. Surface Analysis and Climate Monitoring projects (CAMSSUM, SUSPEN, EDUCE, Climatological Stations
With regard to sea level data, it is nota- SAFs of EUMETSAT, Belgium has con- SUVDAMA, PAUR II, QASUME, ...), BI-
tributed to the development of Climate In Belgium, the official climatological
ble that in the context of GLOSS (https:// RA-IASB developed a 6-station network
Data Records of land surface heat fluxes network started in 1870s. Mainly relying on and on behalf of the for the climatology of the ground-based
(which is a new GCOS ECV). BELSPO volunteers, the main climatic information
UNESCO Intergovernmental Oceano- UV-VIS solar global irradiance (including
FF contributed to this activity by providing collected over time are the daily precipita-
graphic Commission (IOC), the VLIZ UV index measurements).
PRODEX funding. tion amount (RR) and the daily maximum
operates the ‘real-time’ Sea Level Station
This network is currently being up- (TX) and minimum (TN) temperature. RR,
Monitoring Facility that includes GLOSS
graded to improve the quality assurance TX and TN, for the previous 24 hours, are
core stations (http://www.ioc-sealevel- Seismology-Gravimetry of systematic solar observations, in close recorded at 8.00 am local time. The net- This provides
The Operational Directorate Seismol- collaboration with the World Radiation work currently counts about 170 thermo-
a web-based global sea level station mon-
ogy-Gravimetry of the Royal Observatory Center and EURAMET (by means of a metric stations (including 70 automated
itoring service that can be used in order to
of Belgium monitors time-varying gravity contribution to the new project 21GRD02/ stations) and 200 pluviometric stations (in-
view sea-level data received in real-time
continuously at two sites in Belgium, using v17 BIOSPHERE: Green deal - Metrology cluding 33 automated stations) and is com-
from different network operators primari-
superconducting gravimeters. This makes for Earth Biosphere). pleted by 110 automated rain gauges from
ly via the GTS, but also by means of oth-
it possible to carry out research into the regional observation networks. As a result
er communications channels. The service
hydrological cycle and, in particular, into of the Minamata Convention on Mercury,
provides information about the operational Weather Radars and Lightening Detection
evapotranspiration, the groundwater mass the network is transitioning away from the
status of GLOSS stations by carrying out
balance and the long-term climatic effects Belgium operates 4 weather radars and use of mercury-filled thermometers and
a quick inspection of the raw data stream.
on gravity. Concurrently, it uses two other a lightning detection network. These sys- temperature measurements are progres-
The sea level station monitoring system
geodetic techniques, GNSS and PSInSAR tems allow observation and nowcasting of sively being automated. Forty-three ad-
also runs a web-service for direct data ac-
(Persistent Scatterer Interferometry), to precipitation and thunderstorms and are ditional automated rain gauges that form
cess. The sea level station catalogue system
investigate the hydrological loading that mainly used for operational meteorological part of a regional observation network are
developed and maintained at VLIZ links
deforms the Earth’s crust or vertical land and hydrological services. expected to be taken into account for the
sea level station metadata repositories.
movements caused by groundwater with- production of data quality-controlled, grid-
Lightning data have been produced and
drawal. It also uses the GRACE satellite ded products in the future.
archived since 1993. Weather radar data
data for investigating long-periodic mass have been available since 2002. The quan- Thanks to recent digitisation projects,
changes at the continental and global tity and the quality of the data have pro- RMI has undertaken the digitisation of the
scales. gressively increased such that in 2022, the climate observations carried out since 1880
network provides excellent coverage of the in the Belgian climatological network. Ex-
entire territory of Belgium. Such long-term ploitation of these data has made it possi-
datasets can be used in climate studies, for ble to establish quality-controlled and ho-
example to characterise the occurrence of mogenised thermometric and pluviometric
severe rainfall events and thunderstorms. series for several places in the country. As
8. Research and systematic observation 128
far as temperature is concerned, the refer- Copernicus-related activities –– Worldcover, the new baseline global since 2012) and a TEOM-FDMS, measur-
ence series consists of 46 long series cov- land cover product at 10 m resolution ing the total particle mass concentration
With regard to terrestrial climate ob-
ering the period 1954-2019 and 13 histori- for 2020, based on Sentinel-1 and 2 (operational since 2011). All instruments
serving systems, Belgium is responsible
cal series starting before 1931, including 8 data. Soon to be completed with the are regularly calibrated.
for the following Copernicus-related ac-
covering the time period 1880-2019. In the 2021 version of the Worldcover map.
case of precipitation, 110 reference series –– Worldcereal, the development of an ef-
–– Terrascope, which is the Belgian Col- Princess Elisabeth Antarctica research
have been produced for the period 1951- ficient, agile and robust EO-based sys-
laborative Ground segment to ESA, station (PEA) – Ozone, UV, radiation and
2019 and 18 series starting before 1912, tem for timely global crop monitoring
provides data quality control, analy- radio soundings
including nine covering the time period at field scale.
sis-ready data, value-added products
1880-2019. A new/updated set of reference Belgium operates one ground-based
and services, in addition to a wide
climate series is expected to be produced in Brewer UV spectrophotometer at PEA
range of Copernicus Sentinel data. 8.2.4  Cryosphere climate observing
the forthcoming years. (Brewer#100 since 2011). It measures the
–– Development, operational generation systems
total ozone content of the atmosphere, ap-
and quality control of bio-geophysi-
Princess Elisabeth Antarctica research plying the measurement principle of differ-
Automatic Weather Stations cal parameters and 100 m Land Cover
station (PEA) – Aerosol in-situ ential absorption of solar light by ozone in
maps in the context of the Copernicus
In the 1990s, Belgium started to replace measurements the UV (between 280 and 330 nm). Brew-
Global Land Service component, in-
its conventional “manual” meteorological er@100 is only operational during the aus-
cluding dissemination activities. Since 2010, Belgium has operated sev-
network with Automatic Weather Stations tral summer (November to February) since
–– Development, operational generation eral instruments for the purpose of carry-
(AWS). Belgium currently operates around PEA is only inhabited during that time.
and quality control of bio-geophys- ing out atmospheric aerosol in-situ meas-
fifteen fully equipped synoptic AWSs that The Brewer instrument also measures the
ical parameters in the context of the urements at the Belgian Princess Elisabeth
perform a complete set of meteorological UV irradiance and the actual UV index is
Copernicus Climate Change Service Antarctic research station. The station is
observations. These deliver high-quality derived. The instrument is regularly cal-
component, including dissemination situated in Eastern Antarctica (71.95° S,
information (known uncertainty) and ro- ibrated and the data is integrated in the
activities. 23.35° E, 1390 m ASL). The following in-
bust communications (little to no down- EUBREWNET, WOUDC and NDACC
–– Leadership of the ESA CCI VEGETA- struments are installed: a multi-wavelength
time) on which users can rely. They pro- databases.
TION parameters project to define the aethalometer measuring the aerosol ab-
vide accurate and quantitative climate data
next generation biophysical parameters sorption coefficient at seven wavelengths In collaboration with the International
based on meteorological observations.
(LAI - Leaf Area Index, FAPAR - Frac- (370, 450, 520, 590, 660, 880, 950 nm) and Polar Foundation, Belgium also performs
Weather observation data are current- tion of Absorbed Photosynthetically the mass concentration of light-absorbing radio soundings at PEA during austral
ly used for the real-time preparation of Active Radiation), including imple- aerosol at the seven wavelengths (opera- summers (November to February). The
weather analyses, forecasts and severe mentation and long-term processing tional since 2010); a nephelometer (Eco- soundings started in the austral summer of
weather warnings, for the study of climate, over multiple different sensors. tech Aurora 3000), measuring the total 2013/2014 and have been conducted each
for local weather-dependent operations, –– Quality control, distribution and long- scattering coefficient at 450, 525 and 635 season since then (except in 2016/17) and
for hydrology and agricultural meteorol- term preservation of the SPOT-VEG- nm (operational since 2012); a condensa- will be continued. The data is distributed to
ogy, and for research in meteorology and ETATION, PROBA-V time series, tion particle counter measuring the total the GTS system.
climatology. All these applications need including continuity with Sentinel-3 particle number(operational since 2012);
these high-quality measurements to be car- SYN-VGT products, providing a con- an optical particle sizer measuring the par-
ried out. sistent time series on Vegetation data ticle number size distribution (operational
since 1998.
8. Research and systematic observation 129
8.2.5  Support for developing countries 8.2.6  Other climate-related observation Sunspots
to establish and maintain observing systems Belgium is hosting the Sunspot Index
systems and related data and and Long-term Solar Observations (SIL-
monitoring systems Solar Radiation
SO) World Data Center for the production,
Historically, but also in the present day, preservation and dissemination of the in-
Ozone sondes in Nigeria
Belgium possesses a regional reference ternational Sunspot Number (SN). The
In collaboration with the National centre for solar radiation measurements. SILSO is part of the Solar Influences Data
Space Research and Development Agency At its site in Uccle, there is a solar tower Center (SIDC) and of the Solar-Terrestrial
of Nigeria, RMI also plans to launch ozone containing a number of solar instruments Center of Excellence (STCE).
sondes as well in Abuja, twice a month, or pyrheliometers that make continuous
from autumn 2022 onwards. measurements of direct solar radiation. The sunspot number series (SN and
In addition, there are pyranometers that group numbers, GN) are arguably the most
measure the global solar radiation. This in- intensely used time series in all of astro-
Flux towers in Democratic Republic of the physics and have been identified as the
volves both direct radiation (directly from
Congo “longest-running scientific experiment”
the sun) and indirect solar radiation (scat-
As part of the European YPS project tered by the atmosphere). [Owens, 2013]. For climate science, a re-
(Yangambi, pôle scientifique au service de cord of annual mean SN number is avail-
Through the use of reference instru- able from 1700 to the present, while the
l'homme et des forêts), which is financed
ments that are calibrated against the World GN is available from 1610 onwards. Both
by the DGD (Directorate General for De-
Radiometric Reference, Belgium ensures have undergone a major revision in 2015
velopment Cooperation and Humanitarian
the quality of all solar instruments that are that was the subject of a topical issue of
Aid) Belgium, the University of Ghent is
used in its observation network. Solar Physics [Clette et al., 2016]. In a
scientifically responsible for setting up the
very first eddy covariance flux tower in the Belgium has a Total Solar Irradiation recent study [Dewitte et al, 2022] – see
tropical forest of the Congo Basin in Man instrument aboard the SOHO mission that – the
and in the Biosphere reserve of Yangambi has been carrying out measurements for SN record has been used for a centennial
(DRC). Once fully operational (from 2022 over 25 years. reconstruction of the Total Solar Irradiance
onwards) the CongoFlux site will deliver (TSI), making it possible to quantify the
the first accurate and continuous data con- solar influence on climate change on earth
cerning the exchange of greenhouse gases since 1700.  ■
in the atmosphere ecosystem that will in-
clude CO2, N2O, CH4 and H2O in the Con-
go Basin forest. [see chap. 6.4.1]

8. Research and systematic observation 130

9.1  Introduction cooperation between the authorities, a co-
ordinating role for the federal government,
a 'Council of Wise Men', a climate law,
etc. Scientists, authorities and the educa-
tion sector are considered to be the most
This chapter reports on the actions tak-
reliable sources of information. The results
en in Belgium to raise public awareness of
of this survey are available via
climate change and on education and train-

9. P u bl ic
enquete and
ing relating to this issue. It essentially pres-
ents the activities organised or financed by In addition, the Flemish Department of
the public sector, but also actions undertak- Environment and Spatial Planning (PBM

a w aren e s s , en by certain organisations of civil society

or the private sector that were made possi-
division) awarded a public research con-
tract for the launch of a monitoring in‑
strument to map out Flemish citizens'

e duca t i o n
ble by public funds. It is therefore not an
exhaustive list. Finally, a list is provided of support for the transition to a climate
relevant internet sites. neutral and climate proof society. The

a n d  t r ai n i n g
basis is a hypothetical behavioural model
The latest (fifth) public survey was that aims to understand and predict peo-
launched by the Federal Climate Change ple's behavioural intentions and actual
Service in 2021, in order to gain a better behavioural changes in the shift towards
understanding (and how this changed since a climate neutral society. By carrying out
2005) of the knowledge of the general pub- a periodic survey of Flemish citizens, this
lic about the problem of climate change support monitor aims to:
(such as its causes and consequences),
of the subjective interpretation (urgency, –– map the current support among the
government efforts, possibility of personal Flemish population for the transition to
contribution, etc.) and of personal attitudes a climate-neutral and climate-resilient
(the willingness of each person to do some- society (baseline measurement).
thing about it). –– detect and understand variations in the
support for the climate transition with-
Amongst other things, the 2021 sur- in the Flemish population and to identi-
vey indicated that climate change remains fy policy-relevant segments within the
'uppermost in people’s minds': 80% of Flemish population.
Belgians see climate change as a problem –– detect and understand evolutions (long-
that requires urgent action. Six Belgians term trends) in this support base.
out of ten are convinced that the EU and –– provide insights for target group-fo-
Belgium must reduce their greenhouse gas cused policy and communication strat-
emissions by 55% by 2030 and become cli- egies to strengthen support for the cli-
mate-neutral by 2050. They expect better mate transition.

9.2  Raising awareness implications to be visualised in the form
of graphics. This work is being comple-
inate environmental information via its
website, magazines, brochures and leaf-
mented by educational activities (available lets, by organising the annual Environment
in English, French and Dutch): an educa- Festival (to raise public awareness to envi-
tional “My2050” web tool (see 9.3.4) and ronmental issues in a festive atmosphere)
In order to raise public awareness, RAISING AWARENESS OF GLOBAL
“climate coaches” (see 9.3.5). and through the organisation of communi-
activities addressing the global warming WARMING
cation campaigns (television ads, posters,
issue directly or indirectly – by making Since July 2019, a national website on
announcements in the press) on climate
reference to specific themes such as energy 9.2.1  Awareness raising by the federal and the subject of adaptation to climate change
change, rational use of energy, promoting
savings, energy efficient buildings, envi- regional governments has been available online. It provides ex-
energy-saving investments and on ecomo-
ronmentally friendly mobility, or broader isting information on climate change im-
Communication from the federal au‑ bility. In 2018, the Region opened a per-
pacts, vulnerability assessments and adap-
themes such as the environment and sus- thorities to the public is undertaken by manent exhibition space on the climate and
tation in Belgium (adapt2climate).
tainable development – are organised ev- the Climate Change Service of the Fed- the cities of tomorrow, which addresses the
ery year across the country. These large- eral Public Service Health, Food Chain The regions are also taking initiatives various climate issues in an interactive
scale initiatives are supplemented by more Safety and Environment. The cornerstone that are bringing the situation of the living way for schoolchildren. This exhibition
specific efforts at awareness-raising or by of its communication is the climate web- environment in general and the data con- is part of an “educational continuum” that
easily applicable practical solutions in- site /, which provides cerning climate change in particular into provides an opportunity to establish links
tended for certain target groups such as the sections addressing the causes and effects focus. with school programmes and offer activi-
young, energy managers in companies or of climate change, the policy put in place ties before and after the visit (environne-
Flanders publishes these data in the
on an international, European and Belgian – see
other professional groups (architects, heat- MIRA annual indicator reports and in the
level, Belgium’s emissions, IPCC reports, 9.3.6).
ing technicians, mobility managers, etc.). online catalogue of indicators that are up-
international cooperation, etc., along with dated annually and accessible on https:// In Wallonia, the Walloon Agency for
In Flanders, the Department of Envi- sections devoted to federal campaigns, ac- Air and Climate (Agence wallone de l’Air
ronment and Spatial Planning (PBM Di- tions to be taken by individuals, education port-vlaanderen. MIRA also published a et du Climat - AwAC) makes available to
vision) aims to translate insights from the etc. A news section regularly draws atten- detailed report about what climate change individuals, businesses, municipalities and
behavioural sciences into climate policy. tion to the latest developments (the results means (or will mean) for Flanders and Bel- event organisers a carbon
In this way, knowledge is built on effective of COPs, published reports and actions gium specifically in the “MIRA Climate footprint calculator carbon
climate communication by searching, to- taken). Report 2015: about observed and future footprint calculators, which
gether with Flemish partners/climate com- A subsidiary website (climatechange. climate changes in Flanders and Belgium” can be used to assess one’s
municators, for climate-related messages be/2050 - - klimaat. (with an accompanying video summary and carbon emissions in order
that will motivate the Flemish population. be/2050) provides information relating to infographic). The English version of the to raise awareness of the
In cooperation with its partners, the Flem- the work being carried out in order to bring report is available at https://researchportal. impact of carbon emissions
ish government will test different (exist- about the transition to a climate-neutral so- be/en/publication/climate-report-2015. and to help prioritise cli-
ing and new) climate messages to find out ciety in Belgium by 2050. The core of this mate actions. In 2017, the AwAC launched
In the Brussels-Capital Region, the
what kind of frames and narratives work an online adaptation platform for munici-
project is the study of different transition environmental administration ‘Brux-
and which ones work less well with differ- palities. A vulnerability evaluation tool and
scenarios, based on an online calculator elles-Environnement’ (Brussels Environ-
several action sheets have been designed
ent target groups. that allows the possible scenarios and their ment) is continuing to publish and dissem-

9. Public awareness, education and training 132

to assist municipalities in developing their to facilitate the participation of Walloon A climate change awareness campaign to show their support for combating cli-
local adaptation plans as part of their com- scientists in the activities of the IPCC started in October 2017. This campaign mate change. This awareness-raising ac-
mitment to the Covenant of Mayors. and the dissemination of its assessments was mainly conducted online via social tion, known as ‘Earth Hour’, forms part
to the various decision-makers and stake- media and was mainly targeted at individ- of an international campaign launched by
In April 2016, the Walloon Government
holders, including citizens. The Platform uals at home, at work and in society. the WWF to combat climate change. The
adopted the Walloon Air-Climate-Energy
facilitates the understanding of the issues participants, through this symbolic action,
Plan. A public awareness campaign called
and the implementation of solutions to cli- are calling upon governments to take more
“Les Wallons ne manquent pas d’air” (The 9.2.2  Earth Hour
mate change. It publishes regular newslet- action, but also to roll up their own sleeves
People of Wallonia are not short of air) For some years, the WWF has been
ters, addressing many aspects of climate as well.
highlighted 142 measures aiming to re- calling on all public authorities, cities,
change, its impacts, and ways to limit how
duce greenhouse gas emissions and other businesses and citizens to turn out the In 2022, 192 countries and territories
much worse it can become by covering
air pollutants, to improve air quality and to lights at the same time for 1 hour in the took part, landmarks switched off their
substantive topics in the form of thematic
adapt to climate change impacts. A website early evening on a weekend day in March lights and millions of individuals, busi-
was created for that purpose, containing nesses and organisations across seven con-
a list of actions to be implemented by in- tinents stepped forward to modify climate
dividuals, businesses, schools and munic-
ipalities. Visitors to the website are also
invited to post their own initiatives. About
400 initiatives have been posted since the RAISING AWARENESS OF ENERGY
website was put online in October 2016. SAVINGS AND RENEWABLE
An Air-Climate-Energy summit also took ENERGIES
place during the campaign and brought
together various Walloon stakeholders to 9.2.3  Avoiding energy guzzlers at home:
participate in thematic workshops. EnergyWatchers
Furthermore, Wallonia launched a The federal Climate Change and Prod-
communication campaign on the subject uct Policy Services continued to invest in
of our climate, “Super Héros Carbone” and the website / energievreters.
“L’Agence2degrés” (a gaming project with be. This website, whose databases were
several ranges of challenges aiming to mo- updated monthly, contained several calcu-
bilise young people to make practical and lators, dealing with insulation (windows,
daily efforts to benefit our climate). roof, walls), household appliances, lighting
Wallonia is also subsidising numerous and cars. It offered the possibility to make
non-profit organisations in order to stimu- a personalised choice among all models of
late action by means of climate awareness appliances or insulation materials availa-
campaigns. ble on the Belgian market, and calculated
their energy consumption or heat losses,
In 2019, the Walloon Government cre- the corresponding CO2 emissions and cost,
ated the “Walloon Platform for the IPCC” payback time, subsidies, etc.

9. Public awareness, education and training 133

The website was promoted at regu- emissions. Those who want to take up the local space heaters, electric water heaters, ings. Every house will need to have an
lar intervals at public meetings (fairs) challenge can win badges and share them taps & showers and circulation pumps) of A-label in 2050 in order to achieve an
and through eye-catching advertisements with friends and family. The site also con- the most energy-efficient models on the energy-efficient housing landscape in
showing over-consuming, big fat appli- tains a CO2 guide for new cars as required Belgian market. The website is an initia- Flanders. The Flemish government is
ances. More information on the website by Directive 1999/94/CE. tive run by GoodPlanet Belgium vzw with now making additional budget avail-
and the campaign is available at climat. the support of the Flemish Region and the able to accelerate the construction and
be/nos-campagnes / European Union’s Horizon 2020 research renovation of energy-efficient homes.
pagnes. 9.2.4  The TopTen website and innovation programme. (
In early 2022, this website was replaced TopTen is a website ( which
–– The campaign ‘Mijn VerbouwPre-
by a totally new concept: energywatchers. allows the most energy efficient products
9.2.5  Energy saving investments mie: vraag uw verbouwpremies aan
be, offering a wide range of practical tips for heating and cooling to be found quickly
op 1 plaats’ (My renovation grant – a
and easily. It offers an overview of a whole Some premiums are available to the
and calculation modules that provide a one-stop shop to apply for renovation
series of products (comfort fans, air con- public or to firms for energy-saving invest-
wealth of information on the subject of re- grants), which is intended to encour-
ditioners, heat pumps, solid fuel boilers, ments and for the installation of photovol-
ducing one’s energy consumption and CO2 age the energy renovation of existing
taic or thermal panels or heat pumps on a
dwellings by promoting grants for cit-
regional level or even a provincial and mu-
izens and companies in order to facili-
nicipal level. The systems vary depending
tate the renovation process.
on regional policy. The Regions make ‘fa-
cilitators’, information desks and websites –– The campaign ‘Mee met de stroom:
available to the public to promote these maak uw huis klaar voor de toekomst’
premiums. (Following the current: get your house
ready for the future), which aims to
Flanders uses several tools and cam- promote the use of renewable energy
paigns to raise awareness about energy and campaigns against the use of fos-
savings and to convince citizens to take sil fuels, in order to create a sustainable
action: and resilient society in Flanders.
–– The campaign ‘ik BENOveer’ (‘I ren- –– The ‘Woningpas’ (‘house passport’) is
ovate better’), the aim of which is to an online tool that is used to collect rel-
stimulate the thorough energy renova- evant information and documentation
tion of existing dwellings, with a view about a property, bringing it together
to reaching the long-term renovation on a single website in order to facili-
target that is necessary if we are to tate the renovation process of old, en-
achieve the 2050 climate and energy ergy-inefficient buildings, homes and
goals. ( properties. Woningpas also facilitates
Oveer) the construction of new housing proj-
–– The campaign ‘reNUveer’ (‘renovate ects. (
NOW’), which sets out to encourage –– The tool ‘Test-uw-EPC' (Test your
the energy renovation of existing dwell- EPC) provides an indication of the en-

9. Public awareness, education and training 134

ergy performance certificate (EPC) of –– The ‘sun map’ to determine which 9.2.6  Assistance to disadvantaged groups respond adequately to the various needs
your home. The tool also provides tips roofs are suitable for solar panels and/ of residents of their users with regard to energy (inter-
on how to improve the energy-efficien- or boilers: In the Flemish Region, 29 organisa- net site, newsletters, publications, training
cy of your home. (https://www.ener- tions in the social economy are taking part sessions, a telephone and e-mail helpdesk,
The following initiatives were under- in the ‘Energiesnoeiersproject’ (‘Energy customised support, etc.). The actions of
taken by the Walloon Region:
–– A rapid online calculation tool for the Savers project’) (www.energiesnoeiers. these centres focus on vulnerable house-
most worthwhile energy-saving invest- –– Monquickscan: this free web tool al- net). KOMOSIE vzw (the umbrella organ- holds and add a social aspect to house-
ments. The calculators take account of lows you to quickly assess the energy isation for environmental entrepreneurs in hold guidance in relation to the guidance
the usual investment costs, energy pric- performance of a dwelling without the the social economy) is the umbrella organ- offered by Homegrade, which is intended
es and energy premiums. (www.ener- help of a professional. The tool pro- isation for all these energy-saving firms. for the general public (see 9.2.9). The in- vides standardised recommendations Energy Savers are low-skilled workers in dependent service “Info GazElec” helps
for improvements to achieve energy the social economy who are trained to carry people choose an energy supplier and is
–– In 2021, all new dwellings have to
performance label A. To go further out energy-saving measures, preferably for also relevant point of contact for any in-
be nearly zero-energy buildings. The
and obtain personalised advice and an socially and financially vulnerable target formation on social measures relating to
campaign “BEN je mee” (Are you on
in-depth analysis of their building, cit- groups. To guarantee the necessary quali- energy access.
board?) aims at convincing citizens
izens can have a housing audit carried ty and professionalism in implementation,
who plan to build a new dwelling be- In Wallonia, since 2017, the Public So-
out. This provides a detailed and costed the Energy Savers are employed and guid-
fore 2021 to go beyond the current cial Action Centres (centres publics d'ac-
roadmap of the work to be carried out ed by a social economy organisation: the
obligations and build a zero-energy tion sociale - CPAS) can submit projects
to make the building efficient by 2050. ‘Energiesnoeiersbedrijf’ (Energy-saving
building. This principle is still used in in order to develop municipal Prevention
communication campaigns. –– Since 1 January 2021, all new buildings firm). The main activities carried out are: Action Plans in the field of Energy (plans
must be near zero-energy consumption. free energy scans, the insulation of roofs, d'action préventive en matière d'énergie -
–– The ‘sun map’: the government of
Wallonia has named these new stan- walls and floors and the performance of PAPE). The PAPEs inform the public on
Flanders conducted a thorough analy-
dards “the QZEN requirements”. A a package of ‘small energy-saving meas- rational energy use, consumption manage-
sis of 2.5 million roofs in Flanders to
campaign of the same name was car- ures’. Major partners in the project include ment and existing energy assistance and
determine whether they are suitable for
ried out to promote this new regulation. municipalities, public social assistance premiums. The PAPE actions also encour-
solar panels and/or boilers. The results
are available via an online tool that –– To carry out a continuous work of in- centres, building firms, provinces, distri- age individual support in three steps: the
gives detailed interactive results for formation towards the citizens as well bution network managers, social rental energy balance of the household, identifi-
each roof, along with cost calculations. on the technical aspects as on the ad- agencies and social housing corporations. cation of possible solutions and support-
( vantages of using renewable energies In the Brussels-Capital Region, a ver- ing the household in the implementation
or energy savings, the Walloon Region satile social guidance project in the energy thereof.
The Brussels-Capital Region has un- regularly establishes media partner- sector, known as ‘Centre d’appui social
dertaken similar initiatives: Énergie Info Wallonie (EIW) is a sup-
ships (in newspapers, on television, on Energie’, is run by the Federation of So- port service for energy consumers in Wal-
–– The ‘Renolution’ campaign to promote radio, digital campaigns). cial Service Centres. It acts as a point of lonia, especially disadvantaged members
the renovation of homes: https://reno- reference for social workers working for of the public. EIW is a project of the Wal- associations who have questions regard- loon Network for Sustainable Access to
ing energy, with the intention of enabling Energy (RWADE) that is supported by the
them to deal with these problems and to Walloon Government. EIW aims to sup-

9. Public awareness, education and training 135

port and inform social intermediaries and Their basic mission is to provide first-line In short, Enerpedia raises awareness and ovation projects within their own territory.
Walloon citizens free of charge on any dif- support by telephone and e-mail and to fa- advises farms about how to handle energy Training and information sessions are also
ficulty or question relating to energy: Can cilitate the information flow between proj- efficiently. They give tailor-made advice organised for construction professionals
a supplier claim reminder costs in the event ect holders and administrations. They also and organise demo sessions, workshops, (architects, contractors).
of late payment? Should a property owner support the administrations by drawing up info and study days. Enerpedia is a collab- Introduced in the early 2000s, the main
install individual meters for each dwelling? balances, projections, studies, surveys and oration of 15 agricultural research centres aim of the Energy info points in Wallon‑
Who can benefit from the social tariff?... lists of premium admissible materials etc. in Flanders and all of their knowledge, ia is to provide all citizens interested with
They train future auditors, support compa- study days, news on energy in agriculture neutral, objective information and personal
nies in their “pre-checks”, offer guidance and horticulture have been brought togeth- advice, free of charge, on energy efficiency
9.2.7  Energy consultants
and organise sectorial practice sharing, etc. er on one website: and renewable energy sources. There are
In the Flemish Region and with gov-
Subsequently, according to their role, In Wallonia, different websites provide 16 Energy info points, optimally distribut-
ernment support, energy consultants are
their missions become more specific: information on energy efficiency and pro- ed throughout the region.
made available to various sector federa-
duction in this sector, and about biomass
tions and non-commercial organisations to –– The facilitators specialising in rational In the Brussels-Capital Region,
or renewable energy. The DECIDE tool is
raise awareness among their target groups energy use work with the industrial Homegrade is a help desk to meet the need
available to estimate climate and energy
and to inform and guide them in the field of sector, the tertiary sector, the non-prof- for proactive, full guidance to be given to
impacts of a farm and suggest pathways to
energy-saving and renewable energy pro- it sector and the self-employed. They all Brussels’ households to provide spe-
improve it.
duction. There are energy consultants who stimulate the reflection on energy con- cific assistance in undertaking sustainable
focus on building professionals, families, sumption reduction. action regarding their homes, whether in
SMEs, farmers, immovable property, the RAISING AWARENESS OF ENERGY terms of behaviour, installation manage-
–– The technological facilitators (renew- EFFICIENT BUILDINGS
tourist sector, etc. ment or investment and finance. Home-
able energy only) are subdivided into
three groups: electrical technologies/ grade offers the same services for Brussels
The Brussels-Capital Region has set 9.2.9  Guidance for consumers
cogeneration, hot technologies and bio- households as the old Energy House (see
up a series of free and personalised support
programmes for different audiences – pri- mass. Their task, among others, is to In Flanders, energy advice is given by their descriptions in 9.4.9 in the 6th Nation-
perform feasibility pre-studies and to energy houses that are operated by local al Communication). (
vate individuals, professionals, public au-
thorities (see 9.2.9 and 9.2.10) – to meet compute statistics for their sectors. authorities in a large number of munici-
Apart from Homegrade, Brussels En-
their technical, administrative, financial or palities. Additionally, there are provincial
–– The educational sector consultants vironment continues to support local and
human needs in the most effective way, to and urban support centres for sustainable
make it possible to integrate energy regional initiatives for the information and
support them in their efforts to reduce the living and building. These centres are local
notions into the primary and secondary guidance of households, via subsidies (see
energy consumption of their buildings (en- network organisations that help to trans-
school curriculum. the previous National Communication).
ergy renovation and rational energy use) late the principles of sustainable living and
and to invest in the development of renew- building into practice. They disseminate
able energy sources. 9.2.8  Raising awareness of energy in the good examples, exchange experiences and 9.2.10  Guidance for professionals
agricultural sector provide information tailored to different Training and information sessions are
Since 2009, Wallonia has introduced target groups. Citizens receive informa- organised by the Brussels-Capital Region
In Flanders, Enerpedia is the agricul-
facilitators for project holders, schools, tion and customised building advice. Local for construction professionals:
tural energy encyclopaedia. It gives an-
companies etc., in the field of rational governments receive support and advice
swers to questions about energy saving and
energy use and production technologies. with regard to major construction and ren-
renewable energy relevant to agriculture.

9. Public awareness, education and training 136

Call for projects ‘Be.Exemplary ’ Facilitators the energy efficiency of their building sumption of their buildings. The UREBA
and reduce their energy consumption; calls generally concern heat insulation
The Brussels-Capital Region continues The Brussels-Capital Region offers
–– The RenoClick programme, which work to walls and the replacement and im-
each year to launch a call for projects to de- various facilitator services:
supports the municipal and regional provement of heating and lighting systems.
sign and construct exemplary buildings in
–– The Sustainable Building Facilitator public authorities of the Brussels-Cap-
terms of energy and environment, which is Wallonia also grants accreditations to
Service, which consists of a network of ital Region in the deep renovation of
receiving increasing international acclaim. people fulfilling certain conditions. This
energy specialists recognised for their their buildings (such as schools, nurs-
The purpose of the Exemplary Buildings concerns AMURE and UREBA accredita-
expertise resulting from the implemen- ing homes, nurseries, offices, sports
competition is to show that it is possible to tions. These allow the public concerned to
tation of a large number of projects both halls, cultural centres, etc.) to reduce
achieve very high environmental efficien- validate the skills of the technicians they
in Brussels and abroad. Their task is to their energy consumption.
cy in new or renovated constructions (for turn to. The UREBA accreditation con-
guide developers and building manag-
further details, see the previous National cerns energy audits or pre-feasibility stud-
ers independently, impartially and for
Communication). ies in the public sector, while the AMURE
free with regard to the control of energy
accreditation relates to the same activities
consumption, the rational use of energy
in the industrial sector.
The Awareness Kit for voluntary ‘PLAGE’ and the promotion of renewable ener-
projects gy sources at all stages of progress of a
project (more details in the 6th Nation- BE REEL! Training courses for
The programme ‘Plan Local d’Actions
al Communication); professionals
pour la Gestion Energétique’ (PLAGE
- Local Action Plan for Energy Manage- The LIFE integrated project Belgium
ment’, described in the previous National Renovates for Energy Efficient Living!
Communication) has been a compulsory (BE REEL!) has created several courses
programme since 2018 for those respon- for professionals in Flanders, Wallonia and
sible for certain building stocks (building Brussels. For renovation advisors in Flan-
stock of the regional and federal adminis- ders, BE REEL! has created a basic train-
trations and large building stocks for the ing course of 15 modules to cover all the
private sector and other public authorities). As outlined under point 9.2.7, thematic different aspects of the job and give new
Its aim is to improve the energy efficiency facilitators are made available in Wallonia advisors a total package to ensure they can
of the building stock for the benefit of the for project holders or professionals from do their job properly. The goal was to set a
environment and the finances of the insti- the sectors concerned. In that way, Wallon- baseline to ensure that the quality of ren-
tution. The Region continues to encourage ia offers a full range of services to support ovation advice in Flanders improves. This
organisations not subject to this obligation industrial designers etc. online training was launched on 1 Decem-
to set up a PLAGE on a voluntary basis. A ber 2021 and has about 250 active partici-
PLAGE awareness kit is available to any- –– The Pack Energy, which consists of Wallonia also carried out several suc- pants to date.
one wishing to set up a voluntary PLAGE a free energy coaching for small and cessive calls for tenders for the renovation
medium-sized enterprises up to 250 of public buildings, the so-called UREBA BE REEL! has also created technical
within his/her organisation, which includes
FTE and for the social profit sector (or exceptional UREBA) calls. The URE- courses for construction professionals and
a series of action sheets to create support
(non-commercial) in order to improve BA programme aims to support certain contractors. These courses are offered both
for these approaches.
bodies willing to reduce the energy con- in Dutch (300 participants) and in French

9. Public awareness, education and training 137

(200 participants). To date, there are three cedures and tools for high-quality ener- ‘green-washing’ and to assist the general propositions and management and deci-
courses on the subject of interior insula- gy renovations, thermal bridges, tertiary public in differentiating between buildings sion-making models. These tools help the
tion, humidity in buildings, and the ren- sector, life-cycle analyses, etc.)., with genuine sustainable achievements construction sector to take action for the
ovation of heritage buildings. BE REEL!,, from those where the sustainability is con- climate. Reversible building design makes
intends to keep all these courses up to date fined to sales arguments. buildings adaptable and resilient.
with the most recent changes and to add
The Belgian Regions have created an In the Flemish Region, a transition
new modules if new subjects are identified. 9.2.12  Energy efficiency certificates and interregional reference tool for the sustain- arena that is more widely known as DU-
All of these training courses are avail- audits ability of buildings and support a common WOBO is active in the area of sustainable
able online on the website of BE REEL!: Since 2009, it has been compulsory for tool: the GRO. It is a tool intended for con- living and building. DUWOBO consists of an energy efficiency certificate to be drawn struction professionals (architects, public stakeholders such as banks and other finan-
up on the sale or renting out of housing. and private project owners, etc.) to help ciers, housing producers, the authorities,
This certificate contains a great deal of them design/renovate more sustainable NGOs, knowledge centres and research
9.2.11  Pixii – A knowledge platform for
information concerning the main ener- buildings (orient, optimise and evaluate). institutes, federations and producer organ-
energy-neutral construction & The
gy-saving measures that are possible in the The GRO tool will soon be accessible via isations. This very interactive platform has
Passive House Platform
dwelling. the task of tracing out an innovation course
Pixii - Knowledge platform for car-
As a reminder, the Brussels-Capital in the field of sustainable living and build-
bon neutral construction (Kennisplatform In the Flemish Region, everyone can
Region also offers a dynamic support of ing for the next 20 years.
koolstofneutraal Bouwen) & PMP asbl enter their certificate score on the website
(Plateforme Maison Passive/PMP) are two, which ex- exchange and information in the eco-con- In the French-speaking community,
independent, neutral organisations encour- plains how well or how badly their dwell- struction sector (see the 6th National Com- the non-profit association Ecoconso has,
aging authorities, professionals and the ing scores compare to other dwellings. munication). Special tools have been de- for the past 25 years, encouraged envi-
general public to construct buildings with veloped to keep professionals from the ronmental and health-friendly consumer
In Wallonia, information on the au- building sector informed about sustainable
very low energy requirements, based on choices and behaviour. Being sufficiently
dit and certification processes is avail- construction, such as guidebatimentdura-
the concept of the passive building. They informed and critical to make a conscious
able online ( - gidsduurzamegebouwen.
distribute information (website, newsletter, choice regarding what you buy, and tak-
certificat-peb-quoi-quand-comment.htm- brussels.
brochures, calculating tools, etc.) and pro- ing environment and health into account,
vide training, expert evaluations and guid- From 2015 to 2019, Brussels Environ- is complex. What is the best way to weigh
ance to professionals and private individu- ment has been leading an EU-funded pro- up whether a particular claim represents
als as well as governmental organisations. 9.2.13 Eco-construction ject (Horizon 2020), “Buildings as Materi- genuine qualities or is simply advertising
Pixii and PMP are certification bodies for The Belgian Regions and the con- al Banks” (BAMB). This project brought discourse? Ecoconso has therefore decided
passive buildings in Belgium. Pixii also struction sector have undertaken to draw 15 partners from 7 European countries to create a shopping guide that will serve
organises multiple Expert days and events up a benchmark for the labelling and cer- together for one purpose – to enable a as an effective and objective “shortcut”
for professionals, while PMP develops tification of sustainable buildings that will systemic shift in the building sector by for consumers. Known as suivezleguide.
tools to help designers (the thermal bridge quantify the sustainability of buildings in creating circular solutions. The project is be, its focus lies upon eco-building mate-
service and the hygrothermal service). Pix- the form of thematic scores and will al- developing and integrating tools that will rials and ultimately aims to include a wide
ii and PMP contribute actively to establish- low an overall score to be calculated for enable the shift – Materials Passports and range of products from a variety of sectors.
ing standards related to energy in buildings the building. The purpose of this label- Reversible Building Design – and these are The Employment Environment Alliance in
and carry out cutting-edge research (pro- ling and certification is to put an end to supported by new business models, policy Wallonia, whose objective was to promote

9. Public awareness, education and training 138

the construction sector’s transition to sus-, car-free Sun- –– The Bike for Brussels campaign (http:// Wallonia strives to achieve more sus-
tainable development, provided the oppor- days, citizen-science projects like Telraam tainable mobility through numerous ac-
tunity to make this guide a reality, starting ( Sam –– Mobility Week, containing a car-free tions, including:
with the theme of eco-building materials. de Verkeersslang (Sam the Traffic Snake) Sunday –– Support to companies, schools and ad-
(, projects
–– Campaigns on the subject of walking, ministrations in organising their mo-
RAISING AWARENESS AS involving car and bike sharing, the Flem-
shared mobility and public transport bility, including (among other things)
A MEANS OF ENSURING ish Bicycle Week, and campaigns promot-
–– Projects encouraging cycling: The bike the drawing up of mobility diagnoses
ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY ing the use of public transport (bus, train
project for companies, Cairgobike for “home to school” and “home to work”.
MOBILITY and tram), etc. In addition, the Pendelfonds
(Commuting Fund) subsidises projects families and cycle-logistics, Bike Ex- –– The implementation of a regional mo-
promoting sustainable home-to-work jour- perience bility centre in collaboration with local
9.2.14  Promotion of sustainable mobility
neys. –– The car scrapping subsidy “Prime mobility centres in order to meet the
In the Flemish Region, active efforts citizens’ needs in any situation.
are being made in awareness-raising and The Brussels-Capital Region contin-
–– Guidance for schools in drawing up a –– Promoting carpooling in Wallonia.
communication to bring about a change in ues to organise the following actions of
behaviour with regard to people’s choic- raising awareness of mobility, already de- school mobility plan –– Dressing and implementing the “Cy-
es of transport. In many cases with assis- scribed in the previous National Commu- –– The compulsory Company Mobility clable  Wallonia Plan” (Plan Wallonie
tance from the public authorities, all kinds nication, with a view to reducing pollution Plan: companies of more than 100 em- cyclable) aiming to promote the use
of campaigns have been devised, such as generated by road transport, to encourage ployees are required to organise yearly of bikes in the educational context
the annual Mobility Week (http://www. alternatives to cars and to improve the en- awareness raising campaigns. amongst other settings, by projects
vironmental performance of the vehicle:

9. Public awareness, education and training 139

such as “vélo éducation” and “bre- more specifically at supporting outstand- a quick search and lists for each mod-
vet du cycliste” and by promoting the ing Belgian adventurers, and included in el amongst others the CO2 emissions, the
electrically assisted bike by means of a particular a press briefing in Seraing and corresponding category (from A to G) and
project making these bikes available to a public meeting in Namur. (https://www. fuel consumption. The guide was availa-
citizens for a 15-day period. ble via the energy guzzlers website (ener-
–– Training mobility consultants, mobility elles)., but is now
and road safety advisers in the school available on the EnergyWatchers website
environment, and company mobility (NL / FR).
9.2.15 Eco-driving
managers. In the Flemish Region, information
Training is proposed to promote a driv-
–– The mobility documentation centre. regarding energy consumption and vehi-
ing style that is respectful of the environ-
–– The organisation of campaigns to raise ment. cle emissions is disseminated by means of
awareness on the subject of sustainable regular information and awareness-raising
Eco-driving is part of both the practical campaigns, as well as by means of training
mobility, including the Mobility Week
and theoretical driving exam in Flanders. for car sellers. The Ecoscore of a vehicle
and spreading mobility information on
Specific courses are available for profes- (a scale from 0 to 100) gives the overall
the portal site mobilité
sional drivers. All professional drivers environmental score, independently of the
In 2021, Wallonia supported a pri- working for the Flemish public authorities technology, taking account of the emis-
vate campaign of the Sun Trip Association or the Flemish public transport company sions released in the fuel or electricity pro-
called “The Sun Trip” (Solar Bikes Adven- De Lijn followed an eco-driving training duction and taking account of greenhouse
tures) – promoting actions in favour of the and receive periodic follow-up trainings. gas emissions, air-polluting emissions and
climate, renewable energy and sustainable Public transport buses are equipped with engine noise.
mobility (solar bikes). This grant aimed driving style meters.
Specific campaigns also promote en-
In the Brussels-Capital Region, infor- vironmentally friendly technologies such
mation stands on eco-driving are organ- as electric, plug-in hybrid, fuel cell (hy-
ised during events and training sessions on drogen) and compressed natural gas vehi-
eco-behaviour are part of the training of cles.
bus drivers of the Brussels transport com- jke-voertuigen
pany STIB. Since 2018, the entire territory of the
Brussels-Capital Region became a Low
9.2.16  The purchase of energy-efficient Emission Zone (LEZ). The first stage of
vehicles that process means that the oldest diesel
The Federal Climate Change Service and petrol cars are no longer allowed to
updates monthly the database of its online drive on the region’s roads. In 2030, the
CO2 Guide for New Cars,  enabling citi- Region will ban diesel cars and in 2035
zens who wish to purchase a new vehicle petrol cars, thereby encouraging the tran-
to compare the various models available sition towards electric vehicles. A special
on the Belgian market. The guide allows website ( provides information

9. Public awareness, education and training 140

about the LEZ and its expected impacts on eco-construction, mobility, etc.). The sem- ban projects. With the help of a sustainable In Flanders, the Department of Envi-
climate, and promotes alternative mobility inars, colloquiums and guided visits are neighbourhood facilitator, Brussels Envi- ronment and Spatial Planning, the Flem-
options available in the Brussels Region. intended to inform professionals about the ronment has organised numerous training ish Energy and Climate Agency and the
current legislation and the latest techno- sessions, visits, events, and project guid- Flemish Government’s Architect Team
9.2.17  Logistics consultants logical developments, to pass on technical ance. Little by little, new sustainability have developed the Climate Districts (Kli-
advice from specialists and feedback from clauses are also being taken into account in
In the Flemish Region, logistics con- maatwijken) project. These projects aim to
other bodies and to allow them to become the context of public contracts, in order to
sultants have been made available free of integrate various renovation, climate and
familiar with exemplary installations. The put these new ambitions for more resilient,
charge to firms. The adviser works with sustainability targets on a local scale. A
training is organised in cycles which take more united, more circular neighbourhood
the company to examine the possibilities multidisciplinary research team assists by
place over several months and usually end projects into practice.
concerning co-modality, green logistics, providing expertise on design, energy, lo-
with an evaluation leading to a certificate.
the combining of goods flows, bulk con- In the French-speaking Commu‑ cal participation, real estate, financing and
The training is intended for a specialised
signment, optimising transport movements nity, « Streets in transition » (« Rues en
public wishing to acquire specific knowl- legal knowledge.
over time, etc. transition ») are groups of 6 to 10 people/
edge in the technical field. families, living on the same street. Partic-
RAISING AWARENESS OF ipants choose low-cost, easy-to-implement 9.2.20  The ‘Eco-dynamic Entreprise’ label
THE ENVIRONMENT AND 9.2.19  Sustainable Neighbourhoods actions in order to reduce their bills (en- and ‘Resilient coaching’
SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT In 2009, Brussels Environment pub- ergy, water, fuel,…) and their ecological
The ‘Eco-dynamic Enterprise’ label
lished its first "sustainable neighbourhood footprint. The support of the group creates
an enthusiastic and effective dynamic. An (Entreprise éco-dynamique / Ecodyna-
9.2.18  Corporate social responsibility memorandum" for the Brussels-Capital mische onderneming - coordinated by
Region, in order to identify the key ques- individual street is an accessible level on
Corporate Social Responsibility is an Brussels Environment) is a regional pub-
tions for the design of an exemplary neigh- which to bring about change. Recreating
improvement process in which businesses, lic certificate conferred upon organisa-
bourhood from a sustainability point of social ties with our neighbours helps peo-
on a voluntary basis, systematically and
ple to break out of solitude and put an end tions (companies, associations, adminis-
consistently include social, environmen- view. In 2017, in order to better integrate
this approach into the practices of design- to individualism, thereby making a first trations), which voluntarily undertake to
tal and economic considerations in their
ers, project owners (public and private) step towards better living in our neigh- implement an environmental management
business management, in consultation with
bourhoods. system based on the principle of ongoing
their stakeholders (customers, staff, suppli- and urban planning and planning and ur-
ers). ban development administrations, Brussels Wallonia co-funds dozens of projects improvement in all aspects of the environ-
Environment launched a new process in- in collaboration with other countries/re- ment, including energy, mobility and the
The Flemish government has set
volving the collaborative construction of a gions and with Europe (structural funds). circular economy (for more details, see the
up the Corporate Social Responsibility
Brussels repository of sustainable districts. Projects such as CAN (Climate Active previous National Communication).
Knowledge Centre (http://www.mvovlaan-
This collaborative approach between sev- Neighbourhoods) aim to allow renovation to inform and inspire business- The Resilience coaching is a personal-
eral administrations made it possible to put in deprived neighbourhoods, or ACE-ret-
es. ised support programme offered to VSEs
the platform online rofitting (Accelerating Condominium En-
Brussels Environment organises a in 2019. In 2020, the Government took ergy Retrofitting) aiming at lowering the and SMEs in Brussels so that they can in-
large number of information and training note of this toolbox and asked its adminis- normative barriers in order to increase en- tegrate sustainability and circularity into
sessions on environmental themes (energy, trations to use these tools for all major ur- ergy renovation in co-owned buildings. their core business.

9. Public awareness, education and training 141

9.2.21  Youth empowerment and the voice and environment courses in the school cur- support programme for students in higher
of youth riculum. These opinions and surveys are education for two years. This concerns stu-
There are several organisations in Flan‑ usually supported by workshops offered dents in their final year of a master’s degree
ders bringing together young people to be- to schools and youth organisations across programme and beyond, at the start of their
come change agents or/and to capture and the French-speaking community. They also professional life. The objective is to se-
transmit the voice of children and young represent the voice of young people at in- lect and support initiatives that are part of
people on topics such as climate change to ternational conferences, such as the COP a new low-carbon economy. This support
Flemish and international policy makers. Climate Change Conference. can relate to end-of-study work (HERA
programme) or to prototypes thought up by
The Flemish Youth Council is the of- student entrepreneurs. The assistance takes
ficial advisory body of the Flemish Gov- 9.2.22  HERA Programme
the form of financial support, assistance
ernment on all matters concerning chil- In Wallonia, thanks to the support of with promotion to the general public and
dren and young people. This organisation AWAC, the Foundation for Future Gener- networking via a nascent Alumni Commu-
has issued advice on several occasions on ations has been running an education and nity.
climate policy. These recommendations
always are the result of an extensive par-
ticipatory process.
Act4change (https://www.act4change.
be/) brings young people (18-35 years)
together to become change agents of a
sustainable world through peer learning
and strengthening their ESD-competenc-
es. Globelink (
is an organisation that works with young
people in their free time to set up projects
from a global, sustainable perspective, an
example of which is the Road to Glasgow.
The Forum des Jeunes is the official
representative body of young people in the
Wallonia-Brussels community, recog-
nised by decree, to whom the governments
can address requests for official advice re-
garding young people. Following surveys
amongst young people, it has published
official advice on topics such as food tran-
sition, young people and climate, the ex-
perience of young people in the pandemic

9. Public awareness, education and training 142

9.3  Education and training –– / gardiensduclimat.
be (10-14 years): The teachers get their
website also contains an “administra-
tion section” for teachers.
own section containing background
In 2020, the first year after the launch,
information on the themes, lesson ob- /
jectives, related educational objectives
Educational projects and policies 9.3.1  Climate education websites has been visited more than 21 000 times,
and ready-to-print documents. The ic-
In Belgium, education comes under In 2019, the Federal Climate Change and almost 35 000
ing on the cake is that the teacher can
the jurisdiction of the Communities: the Service and the WWF launched an inter- times.
create sets of exercises per theme and
French, Flemish and German-speaking active educational platform: klimaatop- will automatically receive the results In Flanders, Klascement is an educa-
Communities. / Through 10 on her/his screen as soon as the stu- tional resources network for teachers and
In the official primary and secondary themes, it offers lesson materials, quizzes, dents complete these exercises. educational organisations, managed by
education system, the theme of climate multimedia, practical assignments, etc. ex- –– (15-18 years): It is the Department of Education and Train-
change is generally treated in a transversal plaining the causes and consequences of a remake of a website that the project ing. MOS Flanders screens, bundles and
manner, incorporated into the broader pro- climate change and focusing on solutions. partners launched together a few years shares educational resources on climate
grammes relating to nature and environ- The platform contains two websites with earlier. It focuses more on the social change (amongst other sustainability top-
ment, sustainable development or sciences. similar content, each aimed at a different dimensions of the north-south problem ics) through that platform.
Nature and environmental education are age group: that is linked to climate change. This
now firmly embedded in the different Bel- 9.3.2  Climate workshops in school
gian educational systems. The pedagogical In order to help pupils of the third grade
objectives are based on four stages: discov- of primary schools and the first grade of
ery, understanding, assessment and action. secondary schools (10-14 years) to discov-
Some education for sustainable devel- er the causes and consequences of climate
opment activities, both inside and outside change in an active way, climate scientists
the school, are conducted by a growing from the universities of Antwerp and Liège
number of actors within society. have worked out scientific experiments
adapted to this age group. Interested schools
can apply by sending an original and con-
vincing slogan. A climate scientist will then
visit the selected schools, offering two-hour
workshops. These workshops are part of a
broader partnership between the Federal
Climate Change Service and the WWF and
are offered free of charge thanks to funding
from the federal government. The project
started in September 2018. By June 2022,
115 workshops had been organised, which
is less than originally planned due to COV-
9. Public awareness, education and training 143
9.3.3  “Climate Challenge @ School” ondary (aged 16-18) in particular – on how –– immediately calculates the emission –– provides the possibility to save, com-
conferences we can make our society evolve towards a reduction of this scenario for Belgium pare and share one’s scenario.
The Federal Climate Change Service, low-carbon society by 2050. in 2050.
Available in English, French and
WWF and Studio Globo (a North-South –– analyses this scenario with regard to Dutch, “” is an initiative of the
NGO) launched the idea of organising emission reductions, energy demand Federal Climate Change Service in collab-
climate conferences on school premises. –– provides an insight into possible chang- and net electricity import and export, oration with Climact (calculation model),
During these events, pupils simulate in- es in transport, buildings, industry, en- and also calculates its costs. Climate Media Factory (web tool develop-
ternational climate negotiations. They are ergy supply and agriculture.
–– provides clear information through ment), Cronos/Legioen (animations) and
assigned a country in advance which they –– allows users to develop their own tran- 7 video animations and an info sheet the WWF (manual for teachers).
have to represent during the meeting. The sition scenario by selecting an ambition for each lever.
preparatory work in class allows them to level for the various “levers” in these
–– provides the teacher with a manual to 9.3.5  Invite a climate coach into your
discover the economic, ecological and ge- sectors. Each choice is immediately
optimise the use of the tool in class. (secondary) school
ographical situation of “their” country and visible, as it initiates a change in the
to obtain a good insight into the challeng- virtual landscape. In order to promote the My2050 web
es at stake in the negotiations they will be tool (see previous item) and to help teach-
conducting. ers and students use it in class, the Federal
Climate Change Service sent out a dozen
After this preparation period, the rep-
of “climate coaches” in 2017. These cli-
resentatives from the different (types of)
mate coaches (young university graduates
countries meet around the table to reach an
or young professionals) were selected,
agreement on 3 concrete resolutions in the
trained and managed in collaboration with
field of aviation, food and a general climate
the partner organisation GoodPlanet Bel-
agreement. In the course of the discussions,
views are put forward, amendments drawn
up and alliances are formed between coun- As of early 2017, teachers in second-
tries. A fascinating experience in a realistic ary schools (3rd grade) can invite climate
setting that aims to make young people re- coaches into their classroom. The coaches
flect on climate issues. Between September encourage them to get an understanding of
2018 and June 2022, some 80 conferences the challenges in different sectors, discuss
were arranged, which is less than originally possible ambition levels of behavioural or
planned due to the COVID-19 pandemic. technological changes in these different
sectors, and evaluate the results of their
preferred transition scenario. This personal
9.3.4  The My2050 web tool coaching also aims to “teach the teacher”,
This interactive educational web tool allowing them to use the web tool inde-
(, launched in October pendently afterwards.
2016, aims to encourage a debate with all
citizens – and pupils of the 3rd grade sec- Between February 2017 (the start of
the project) and June 2022 (the end of the

9. Public awareness, education and training 144

2021-2022 school year), approximately that reduce emissions and adapt to climate meant to increase pupils’ awareness with
1 350 sessions were given (free of charge) change: mobility, food, housing, consump- regard to the rational use of energy, but
and attended by about 25 000 students. In tion, work, green spaces, etc. The digital with regard to the importance of insula-
the last 2 school years, the number of ses- bracelet compiles the results. An assess- tion and system efficiency. (https://www.
sions dropped due to the COVID-19 crisis, ment of the visit is made available on the
but the situation has recovered. This proj- basis of the results, and teachers have the
From 2003 onwards, Wallonia co-fund-
ect will be pursued. opportunity to use them for educational
ed awareness-raising workshops about the
purposes. The visitors are led by a team of
environment, nature and energy organised
climate coaches. Belexpo has been open
9.3.6  Belexpo – Wanted: Climate Heroes by “Vent d’Houyet académie”, in order to
since September 2018 and welcomes 20
“Your mission? Change the city! make the public aware of the importance
000 visitors per year.
Equipped with a digital bracelet, you will of preserving the environment thanks to ra-
carry out missions for a better life in the –– Energy saving awareness posters, late tional energy use, based on a real-life field
city.” The Brussels initiative BELEXPO 9.3.7  Training for teachers primary and secondary experience. (https://www.ventsdhouyeta-
offers visitors an interactive adventure trail The Regions and Communities support
covering 750m². It invites young people, in-service training for teachers on climate 9.3.8  Initiatives addressing energy In the Brussels-Capital Region, Brus-
their teachers and their families to think issues. These are delivered by expert as- efficiency in schools sels Environment is coordinating an offer
in a fun and positive way about lifestyles sociations such as APERe (now Energie of support for schools that combines rais-
In Wallonia, the project ‘Génération
Commune), COREN and GOODPLAN- ing pupils' awareness of climate change,
Zéro-Watt’, coordinated as of 2010 by the
ET. The training courses focus on under- an audit and simple actions to reduce con-
educational energy facilitator, strives to
standing climate and energy issues and on sumption. A link with advice to schools
increase pupils’ awareness by involving
effective teaching techniques and tools to via a sustainable buildings facilitator and
them in participative audits. This is a true
raise pupils' awareness. low-level financial support has also been
contest, allowing an average electricity
In the Brussels Region, 3 to 4 training consumption reduction of 20% to 60% per proposed. However, the COVID-19 crisis
sessions take place annually and bring to- educational institution. The pupils are di- greatly reduced the impact and implemen-
gether about twenty teachers each. The re- rectly involved in actions promoting both tation of this action. Some twenty schools
gion also published the following teaching behaviour and consumption changes. In were supported over the period 2018-2021.
books and tools about climate and energy: addition, this allows schools to make low- To encourage the construction of (al-
cost changes in order to improve the en- most) energy-neutral school buildings in
–– “Be smart with your phone”
ergy efficiency of the heating systems in Flanders, the project “Energy efficient
–– “I'm committed to the planet” their buildings. This way, fine-tuning the school” was started. It brings together
–– “Memory”: a memory game about heating has allowed to save 10 to 20% of advice on energy use, heating, lighting,
good energy saving habits energy per school site over the period con- and ventilation/insulation specifically for
–– “Cost-Conso”: a game about energy ef- cerned. ( school buildings. The project is managed
ficiency, 12-18 years Furthermore, “Hypothèse asbl” de- by the Flemish Department for Education
–– “Paper casserole”: a game about good veloped several pedagogical tools that are and Training.
housekeeping practices spread and used in schools today. They are

9. Public awareness, education and training 145

There are several government pro- (such as MOS Flanders), local authori- tories, schools information and inspiration, group on energy efficiency in schools.
grammes for schools to make school build- ties, organisations and citizens. capacity building and networking opportu- (
ings more energy efficient, such as provid- nities,… MOS belongs to a worldwide net-
“Milieuzorg Op School” - MOS (www.
ing interest-free loans for installing solar work of schools that are pursuing care for is a partnership be- 9.3.11  Raising environmental awareness in
panels on school buildings. In the future, the environment and sustainability (www.
tween the Flemish government, the Flem- schools
more energy loans will be possible for
ish provinces and the Flemish Community Brussels Environment continues the
schools which means that phased and com- Commission. The main focus of this pro- Specifically with regard to climate actions of raising environmental awareness
bined investments will be possible. ject lies on supporting schools to work in change, the MOS and the Duurzaam edu- in Brussels’ schools. From 2018 to 2021,
an integrated way on sustainability and catiepunt are providing a broad education- each year, 100 classes received a cycle
9.3.9  The MOS project (Respect for the sustainability education at school. In order al offer for schools: of activities offered by Brussels Environ-
environment at school) to achieve this, local trajectory guidance ment and organised by specialised activity
–– Climate trajectories for primary and
Duurzaam Educatiepunt is an exper- of schools, involving the whole school leaders in order to put in place an activity
secondary education
tise centre on Sustainability Education of community and more thematic trajecto- that combines acquisition of knowledge
ries on topics such as climate education –– A digital tool to calculate the CO2-emis-
the Department of Environment and Spa- sions of your school: CO2-calculator with actions to improve the environment,
tial Planning of the Flemish government, and greening of the school yard is being actions involving the children or young
with programmes for formal education offered. Apart from tailored-made trajec- –– More Educational resources on cli- people and coaching or training for the
mate change, for example climate ex- teachers. It aims to empower the schools.
plorations around your school (bike The topics are: food, vegetables gardens,
and walking tours), climate games and energy, zero waste and consumption and
workshops in the EE-centres of the biodiversity, etc., all of which are linked to
Flemish government climate change.
With its non-profit partner COREN,
9.3.10  Cooperation Agreement on education the Brussels Capital Region takes part in
concerning the environment, nature the Eco-Schools programme and its inter-
and sustainable development national label which rewards the ongoing
The 2017-2021 programme of the Wal- work of schools in environmental educa-
loon Region, the Brussels-Capital Region tion and environmental management. Dur-
and the ‘Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles’ ing this period, 15 schools became Eco-
focused on the integration of climate in the schools and developed their project.
new reference systems and on in-service
Following a survey that revealed the
training for teachers. A scientific and ped-
low level of knowledge about our climate
agogical committee also analysed several
amongst young people between the ages
climate-related educational tools: “Drôle
of 18 and 20 and students from technical
de planète”, energy notebooks and a smart-
and professional backgrounds and the most
phone tool. The 2021-2024 programme has
disadvantaged young people in particular,
been validated by the various governments
another project has also been developed by
and includes the setting up of a working

9. Public awareness, education and training 146

Brussels Environment: the verbal jousts. Tomorrow” (Ecoles pour demain), the climate is changing, Climate change in the pils in around fourteen classes a year and
Young people from different classes learn non-profit organisation COREN supports world, What can we do to save the planet?, aged 6 to 12 years. The knowledge about
to speak on a climate-related topic: cli- schools that are carrying out environmental From fossil fuels to renewable energies). the concept of global warming is limited.
mate justice, technical or political solu- actions for sustainable development. This Each is composed of short texts illustrat- The purpose of our activities is to fill the
tions, jobs, etc. The process includes work campaign provides schools an opportuni- ed with photos and diagrams, providing knowledge gap, to raise awareness about
on self-esteem, knowledge of the subject, ty to build and to carry out environmental a summary of the information on these the diversity and fragility of our environ-
teamwork, empathy and listening skills, actions and projects around themes such as themes. The 7th booklet offers education- ment and to put pupils into action, so they
and public speaking. Since 2020, over the living environment, eco-consumption al games (crossword puzzles, true or false, can take the best decisions for our planet.
250 young people have participated in this and waste management, climate change crafts, etc.).
peer-to-peer learning programme. and energy saving, mobility, food waste
In Wallonia, the non-profit organisa- 9.3.12  The network of Regional Centres of
Finally, the network of Brussels’ and water management.
tion La leçon verte A.S.B.L., supported by Initiation to the Environment (CRIE)
schools in action for the environment, de- COREN is also supported by the Wal- the Walloon Agency for Air and Climate, Alongside their normal tasks as a public
nominated Bubble, enable active teachers loon Region for the “Agenda 21” school launched in-school workshops in order to service for information, awareness-raising
to share and exchange their practice and initiative, the objective of which is to help increase climate and environmental aware- and nature and environmental education,
experience. Meetings are organised on schools develop a sustainable development ness and educate young children (elemen- the 11 regional environmental initiation
a regular basis (thematic meetings with education strategy combining sustainable tary and primary school). Indeed, at La centres (Centres Régionaux d’Initiation à
deepening of the subject and discovery of resource management, participatory dy- Leçon Verte, they have been convinced l’Environnement – CRIE) of the Walloon
educational tools, pedagogical and meth- namics and the education of young people for 24 years now that the climate issue Region provide an activity-based meth-
odological trainings, visits to school pro- in the area of sustainable development. is a priority. They offer activities around odology and didactic scientific material
jects, events). ( The “Agenda 21” approach is based on a different subjects linked to climate to pu-
Apart from the services it offers direct- series of clear and precise steps, the funda-
ly, the Directorate for Raising Environ- mental components of which are the con-
mental Awareness of the Walloon Region stitution of a steering committee, the real-
is continuing its collaboration with a range isation of a diagnosis, the drawing up of
of associated partners who perform specif- an action plan and the planned evaluation
ic assignments providing information and of the approach’s implementation. If the
are active in the area of nature and environ- school meets all the requirements stipulat-
mental education. ed in the specifications, a label is awarded.
It recognises the dynamic that has been put
The Walloon Region commissions the in place and promotes the approach as well
writing of pedagogical materials by asso- as all the actions carried out.
ciations that specialise in nature and envi-
ronmental education. The majority of the In 2013, AwAC and the ‘Journal des
documents are also downloadable on the Enfants’ have worked together to publish
site a dossier on climate for pupils in years 5
and 6. The kit is composed of 6 booklets
In the Walloon Region and within the illustrating 6 major climate themes (What
framework of the campaign “Schools for is climate?, Climate variations, How our

9. Public awareness, education and training 147

for the general public. Their main activi- of the interdependence between environ- Another project for primary schools Region from 2016 onwards and thousands
ties include activities in schools, training ment, social progress and economy. Its is “The Climate Kid” (since 2018), a of children have already taken up the chal-
courses, activities for families and holiday magazine “Symbioses” is also sent to all course composed of different workshops lenge. 20% of the 5th year pupils in prima-
courses. French-speaking schools in Wallonia and in which a friendly character “from the fu- ry schools were awarded the “Brevet du
Brussels. ture” explains what climate change means cycliste” (Cyclist’s certificate), the aim of
to younger pupils and encourages them to which is to make the children independent
9.3.13 Ener’jeunes Several editions have a link with cli-
contribute to a climate-neutral school, city when using their bike to make a familiar
Ener’jeunes is an operation intended mate:
or community. In this project, the organisa- journey. In addition, the project “Objectif
for 10 to 12-year-olds who are members –– no. 132/2021 - Floods: understanding tion has encouraged the use of the “Good‑ vélo” (Objective bike) intends to stimulate
of a Children’s Town Council. Objectives: and acting School Digitool” to collect practical and a modal shift towards cycling as a means
to make young people aware of sustaina- –– no. 131/2021 - Mobility: changing hab- concrete data and translate them into peda- of travelling between home and school,
ble development and invite them to set up its gogical language for children. which may add up to 30% of the modal
projects on the subject within their munic- share.
ipality. –– no. 130/2021 - Daring to ask lively Since 2021 and in partnership with the
questions FEE (Foundation for Environmental Ed-
–– no. 124/2019 - Climate demonstra- ucation), GoodPlanet has organised and 9.3.17  Thick Jumper Day
9.3.14  Idea Network tions, and after? coordinated the “Young Reporter for the The Dikke truiendag (Thick jumper
The Idea Network (Réseau IDée, for –– no. 122/2019 - Educational paths to Environment”, a national competition to Day) initiative (
“Information and Diffusion about Environ- transition encourage young people between the ages was launched on 16 February 2005 – the
mental Education”) is the main centre of of 11 to 25 years to make their voice heard day on which the Kyoto Protocol entered
–– no. 120/2018 - What place for emo- for the climate.
information for nature and environmental into force – under the aegis of MOS (see
education (EE) within the French-speaking 9.3.9) and the Flemish Government. On
part of Belgium (Wallonia and Brussels). –– no. 116/2017 - Migration that day, the heating was lowered by 1°C
9.3.16  Going to school by bike
The network now has more than 120 mem- to remind us of Belgium’s commitments
ber associations and its main objective is In the Flemish Region, efforts are be-
9.3.15 GoodPlanet in terms of reducing greenhouse gas emis-
to inform and strengthen ties between all ing made to promote this campaign in the
Since 2018, the GoodPlanet Climate sions and symbolically, pupils or employ-
actors involved: teachers and educators at form of the campaign “Sam de Verkeerss-
Programme has developed a variety of ees of participating companies put on
all levels, community education workers, lang” (Sam the traffic snake) (http://www.
projects. Since 2020, it has organised the warm pullovers.
parents, environmental advisers, etc.
“Youth Parliament” for primary schools, The Thick Jumper Day has been or-
All parties involved are offered a wide where children dream about a better place Mon école à vélo / Mijn school op de
ganised since then every year in February.
range of pedagogical tools, a documenta- to live and a world that is more respectful fiets is a great common challenge launched
Originally, this campaign was dedicated to
tion centre, a database, internet sites and of the climate. After sessions of informa- by Pro Velo for elementary and junior high
energy saving, but later on it was expand-
personalised support. Réseau IDée also or- tion and work on Wednesday afternoon school students, their teachers, school di-
ed to include additional climate themes
ganises exchange meetings and reflection (themes: energy, food, mobility), the stu- rectorates and parents to maximise the
such as hidden consumption, insulation,
days. It promotes the strategic positions of dents propose feasible recommendations use of bike during a period of 2 weeks.
biodiversity and sustainable mobility. In
EE through dialogue with public authori- to the decision-makers of their municipal- Already offered since 2013 in Wallonia
addition to this broadening in content,
ties. It prioritises people who regularly of- ity in order to invite them to put them into with the support of the Walloon region, the
Thick Jumper Day has also been aimed at
fer activities and tools to raise awareness practice. challenge was expanded to the Brussels

9. Public awareness, education and training 148

a broader target group since 2007. Not only Recognised as a “permanent educa- general in the direction of the policy ob- For students: encouraging students
schools, but also companies, associations tion” organisation by the Wallonia-Brus- jectives of Brussels in this field. Its main to work on ESD through support for stu-
and local authorities were invited to organ- sels Federation, Renouvelle conducts priorities are described in the 6th National dent-led initiatives on ESD such as the
ise climate actions. education and counselling on the basis of Communication. Green offices, a contest for the most sus-
projects (campaigns, information, training, tainable thesis, support for Community
From 2023 onwards, the campaign will In Flanders, training for construction
be given a new focus that is more in keeping facilitators, studies of collective interest) Service Learning. https://omgeving.vlaan-
and field activities (stands, conferences, professionals and other trades in the con-
with the social challenges of today. Thick struction sector is also being undertaken
Jumper Day will be a stimulating climate animations), around four working areas:
Prosumers, Cooperatives, Territories and and is being provided to pupils still attend- 9.3.21  Education about the Environment
campaign that calls upon as many people
Observatory. ing secondary school, students in higher and Sustainable Development
as possible, from toddlers to CEOs, to set
education and professionals already in the
up impactful climate actions and to place Renouvelle brings innovation in their In the field of Education for the En-
them in the spotlight in a playful manner. field.
field of expertise by communicating with vironment and Sustainable Development
By sharing recognisable and inspiring citizens in a positive and engaging way (hereafter referred to as EESD/Éducation
stories about relevant climate actions for about renewable energy. Among others HIGHER EDUCATION relative à l’Environnement et au Dévelop-
different target groups, many people can things, the association has had renewable pement durable, ErE DD), the Citizenship
show how they care about the climate and 9.3.20  Awareness-raising at university Unit of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation
energy indicators included in the weather
play their part. It calls on everyone to pay forecast, has helped more than 200 Wal- In Flanders, colleges and universities wants amongst other things to enhance,
attention to the major challenges of climate loon municipalities to join the Covenant of organise regular awareness-raising actions, strengthen and coordinate existing initia-
change. The campaign mainly aims to lead Mayors and has created a one-stop website which include making use of the offerings tives. That is why it organises meetings,
to the creation of simple energy-saving to invest in renewable energy cooperatives of Duurzaam Educatiepunt for higher edu- leads events and develops synergies with
measures which can subsequently be main- ( Renouvelle is also cation (the Ecocampus project). With this different partners working on citizens and
tained in a structural way. MOS Flanders the point of reference for statistics regard- project, the Flemish Region urges colleges environmental themes.
uses this day as start and end point for their ing renewable energy in Belgium. With its and universities to embed sustainability
more comprehensive climate trajectories. members and partners, Renouvelle is also education in their education. The main fo- 9.3.22  Summer university dedicated to
This day corresponds to the Good- a network that brings together academic cuses within the programme are:
Planet Action ‘Baisse les Watts’, in the climate and climate incubator
expertise and the specialisms within asso-
French-speaking part of Belgium. ciations in Wallonia and Brussels. For lecturers and authorities: Organised by the ASBL ACTES (Act-
ing for the Climate and the Ecological and
–– Capacity building, such as by means
9.3.18  Association for the promotion of 9.3.19  Training for building professionals Solidarity Transition) team, this Summer
of an online module on Education for
renewable energy (REnouvelle) University brings together enthusiastic
Brussels Environment is coordinating Sustainable Development (ESD) in the
The mission of “REnouvelle” (former- students each year, provides them with
the training policy ‘City and sustainable curricula for lecturers or international
ly the ‘Association pour la Promotion des intensive and high-quality training in two
buildings’ operated by the Brussels-Cap‑ conferences
Energies Renouvelables’ -APERe) is to weeks, leading to the launch of innovative
ital Region. The aim of this policy is to –– Educational resources, such as a sec-
support citizens and communities in their projects in favour of reducing greenhouse
develop the skills of professionals in the
appropriation of energy towards a 100% tion on ESD competences gas emissions.
field of sustainable city and buildings, to
renewable, sustainable and solidary system enable them to achieve progress in moving –– Tailor-made coaching pathways Indeed, in addition to the 18 courses
( the Brussels building stock and the city in –– Networking/exchange and the 8 thematic debates, the University

9. Public awareness, education and training 149

includes the launch of 10 entrepreneurial
projects which are social economy initia-
tives to mitigate global warming and limit
its societal and environmental impacts.
To support participants who have de-
cided to make their entrepreneurial projects
a reality following the Summer University,
the ASBL ACTES mobilises a network of
partners who constitute a genuine “partner-
ship incubator” that is tailor-made to help
them achieve the objectives and ambitions
they have set themselves. http://www.cli-

9.3.23  Commitment programme to reduce

students’ individual carbon footprint
3. Communication to mobilise the ma-
Many universities in Belgium have es- jority of the student community
tablished a dedicated green office, with the
aim of reducing greenhouse gas emissions 4. Action to adopt new low-carbon hab-
and incorporating broader concerns re- its in the form of 30 challenges regard-
garding sustainability into their day-to-day ing housing, mobility, food, IT and
shopping habits. For each challenge,
students can see the carbon emissions
For example, in Wallonia, The Green they have avoided on their profile on
Office of the University of Liège is devel- a collaborative platform.
oping a commitment programme to reduce Moreover, the Green Office is creating
students’ individual carbon footprint by a toolbox to help other higher education
50% by 2030, in accordance with the Paris institutions to replicate the programme
Agreement. This programme is integrated quickly and easily. The toolbox gives con-
into 4 pillars: crete points of orientation (slides and re-
1. Awareness-raising to provide infor- cordings of training sessions, a library of
mation about sustainable develop- challenges, etc.) to install the four pillars.
ment, climate change and carbon foot- The pilot phase of the replication was a
print; success with the twinning of two chal-
2. Integration to encourage students to lenges in spring 2022 with partners from
share their opinions and ideas; the Wallonia-Brussels Federation. You can
also see the video (3’).

9. Public awareness, education and training 150

AND TRAINING IN SOUTHERN Table 9.1 Capacity building events organised by the Belgian Federal Climate Change Service
Theme Country / national entity Year Objectives
9.3.24  Federal initiatives
Financing of national facilitator, in charge of operating as a liaison
Table 9.1 provides an overview of ca- between the country and the NDC Partnership and coordinating
pacity building events organised by the Climate finance / capacity-building Rwanda 2019
the implementation of NDC Partnership Plans (
Belgian Federal Climate Change Service klimaatbeleid/belgisch/internationale-samenwerking/ndc-partnership)
in close cooperation with the respective Financing of national facilitator, in charge of operating as a liaison
national entities in charge. between the country and the NDC Partnership and coordinating
Climate finance / capacity-building Burkina Faso 2019
the implementation of NDC Partnership Plans (
Belgium has supported countries in klimaatbeleid/belgisch/internationale-samenwerking/ndc-partnership)
the context of the NDC Partnership since
Financial support through the Belgian Federal NDC Support Initiative
2017. The initiative is a global coalition to develop Niger’s National GHG Inventory System (https://klimaat.
that aims to drive transformational climate Climate Finance / capacity-building Niger 2018
action while enhancing sustainable devel- ondersteuning)
opment by providing support for the im- Support for data collection to enhance national GHG inventory
plementation of NDCs. In the period from of Niger
2018 to 2020, the Federal Climate Change Technological transfer Niger 2020 Integration of F-gases in the GHG inventory system
Service provided financial support for na- Memorandum of Understanding for data collection
tional facilitators who play a key role in the National GHG inventory system for emissions from energy sector
implementation of NDC Partnership Plans. Capacity-building on environment and climate change for
Besides its bilateral actions, the Bel- Environmental and Sustainable Development Direction and
gian Federal Climate Change Service also Supervisory staff of the Malian Textile Development Company
Capacity-building Mali 2020
makes a financial contribution to and ac- Manual on climate change for the use of Supervisory staff
tively participates in multilateral initiatives Workshops on climate change adaptation in the cotton sector
and partnerships (Table 9.2). (

9. Public awareness, education and training 151

9.3.25  Walloon initiatives
Wallonia has developed several capac-
ity building initiatives (events, trainings,
webinars) in developing countries. The
majority of these are located in Africa and
are managed by Wallonie-Bruxelles Inter-
national (WBI)/APEFE (Association for
the Promotion of Education and Training
Abroad). These include The Great Green
Wall for the Sahara and the Sahel Initia-
tive, the AWEX-WBI Carbon Offset, the
Jesac: Sahelian youth for climate action)
and managed by Eclosio A.S.B.L. (meth-
odological traineeships, the development
of methodological supports…), etc.
Table 9.2 Federal contributions to multilateral initiatives and partnerships

Initiative / Partnership Contribution / period Activities

Support for a Q&A service for francophone countries
on MRV systems and GHG inventories
Francophone cluster of the francophone-countries-mrv-systems-and-ghg-inventories)
Financial and organisational contribution,
International Partnership on Financing of a translation into French of an online course
in cooperation with Germany (GIZ), France
Mitigation and MRV (now on the IPCC 2006 guidelines and a user manual for the
(Ministry of Environment and CITEPA) and
renamed as the Partnership inventory software (
on Transparency in the Paris internationale-samenwerking/partnership-for-transparency-
Since 2013.
Agreement) in-the-paris-agreement) and financing of organisation of
workshop on implementation of IPCC guidelines in 2018
Financial and organisational contribution,
Financing of a translation into Portuguese of the MRV
in cooperation with Germany (GIZ),
Lusophone cluster of the manual ( and
Portugal (Ministry of Environment) and
Partnership on Transparency in financing of workshop on MRV systems in 2018 (https://
Brazil (Ministries of Foreign Affairs and
the Paris Agreement
Since 2017.

9. Public awareness, education and training 152

9.4  Sources of information on the internet
This official website of the Environ-
ment Department of the Flemish Govern-
ment presents the policy of the Flemish
Several references have been made to administration with regard to the environ- These webpages of Brussels Environ-
websites in this chapter. A list of these and ment and other issues. ment describe the evolution of the climate
A national website for adaptation to cli-
other sites is given for more information on in the Brussels-Capital Region, the chal-
mate change, making available the existing
climate change, energy savings, buildings, lenges faced by the region as a result of
information on climate change impacts, port-vlaanderen
mobility, the environment and sustainable climate changes and the main axes of Brus-
vulnerability assessments and adaptation The Flemish Department of Envi-
development, and on the main environ- sels’ climate policy.
in Belgium. ronment and Spatial Planning provides
mental actors and networks (non-exhaus- /
tive list). / through the Environmental Reporting Ser-
vice (MIRA) provides a state of the envi- Belexpo is the website about the per-
An educational platform on climate
GLOBAL WARMING ronment and an evaluation of the environ- manent exhibition space “Belexpo” on the
change, developed by the Federal Climate
mental policy carried out so far, executes climate and the cities of tomorrow, which / Change Service and the WWF, containing
projections and regularly publishes indica- addresses the various climate issues in an
two websites: / gardi-
This federal site provides informa- tor reports, research reports, news items, interactive way for schoolchildren and of- (10-14 y.) and climatechal-
tion on the causes and impacts of climate etc. It also published the “MIRA Climate fers activities before and after the visit and (15-18 y.). Teachers are provided
change, the policy at different levels, the Report 2015: about observed and future educational support for the teachers.
with their own administration section.
situation in Belgium, recent data on GHG climate changes in Flanders and Belgium”.
emissions, daily actions, campaigns, edu-
cational projects, etc. The site also includes This is the official site for climate and
This educational web tool of the Feder-
a news section and a multimedia library. The official website of the Flemish En- air quality policies in Walloon Region.
al Climate Change Service aims to encour-
ergy and Climate Agency (VEKA), which / / age a debate with all citizens (and pupils
presents the policy of the Flemish admin- of the 3rd year of secondary school in par- This website highlights 142 measures
istration with regard to climate and energy.
ticular) on how we can make our society aiming to reduce greenhouse gas emis-
A separate trilingual section highlights It includes information on climate policies,
evolve towards a low-carbon society by sions and other air pollutants, to improve
Belgium’s transition to a low-carbon soci- policy progress reports as well as informa-
2050. air quality and to adapt to climate change
ety by 2050, giving access to the results of tion on greenhouse gas statistics.
the transition scenarios studies and their impacts. It contains a list of actions to be
macroeconomic impacts, the calculator for implemented by individuals, businesses,
This website of the Federal Climate
experts and the educational My2050 web The website of the Flemish Environ- schools and municipalities. Visitors to the
Change Service offers a wide range of
tool, etc. ment Agency (VMM) includes informa- website are also invited to post their own
practical tips and calculation modules that
tion on the impact of climate change on initiatives.
provide a wealth of information for reduc-
Flanders as well as information on climate
ing CO2 emissions. Those who want to
take up the challenge can win badges and
share them.

9. Public awareness, education and training 153 a permanent secretariat that is open to the
public, it publishes brochures and it mon-
This “Agence2degrés” campaign, cre- EMIS, the Information System on En- This website of the Walloon adminis-
itors the share of renewable energy within
ated by AWAC, engages citizens in action ergy and the Environment, is a project of tration in charge of energy provides ex-
overall energy consumption in Flanders.
by means of a fun competition that launch- the Flemish Region. This system collects tensive information about energy: policy,
es missions for participants to take up to and processes a wide range of information energy offices, energy saving and building
reduce their carbon footprint on a daily relating to energy and the environment renovation methods and subsidies, bro- BUILDINGS
basis. This platform offers a certain num- which it divides into 4 major categories: chures, specialised manuals, etc. /
ber of challenges to achieve in order to be- energy figures, a guide for enterprises, en-
come a Carbon Super Hero and thus rank vironmental technology and legislation.
among different honorary titles, depending This website allows the most ener- Website centralising information about sustainable building, intended for con-
on the level of ambition of the challenges gy-efficient products for heating and cool-
achieved. In the Brussels-Capital Region, Home- ing to be found quickly and easily. It offers struction professionals.
grade manages an information desk which an overview of a whole series of prod- /
provides advice to the general public on ucts (comfort fans, air conditioners, heat
« Les wallons s’adaptent » is a platform possibilities for saving energy and for re- pumps, solid fuel boilers, local space heat-
that proposes adaptation actions and exam- course to renewable energy. It also offers ers, electric water heaters, taps & showers Practical support developed by Brus-
ples of actions for the Walloon municipal- residential energy audits free of charge. and circulation pumps) and of the most sels Environment with the assistance of
ities. energy-efficient models on the Belgian specialised offices, intended for profes- sionals who want to design a sustainable
market. building or to perform a sustainable reno-
BRUGEL (standing for BRUxelles Gaz ( vation of an existing building.
EducaPoles is the educational site of Electricité/ Brussels Gas and Electricity) is
the International Polar Foundation (IPF). the regulator of the energy market in the This website of Renouvelle (formerly
It aims at raising awareness among young Brussels-Capital Region. Its tasks include ‘Association for the promotion of renew-
people and the educational world of the advising the public authorities on the or- able energy’ APERe) provides information Call for projects to design and construct
importance of the Polar Regions and of ganisation and operation of the regional about the different renewable sources and exemplary buildings in terms of energy
climate change by offering adapted educa- energy market, verification of application their production in Belgium, as well as and the environment, which is receiving
tional tools and projects. of legislation and providing general infor- about its projects, campaigns and educa- increasing international acclaim.
mation to the public. tional activities promoting renewable en- / /
ENERGY ergy, organised around four work fields: This website of the Belgian Building Prosumers, Cooperatives, Territories and
The website of the project “Génération Research Institute provides information on
The website of the Federal Public Ser- Zéro-Watt”, pioneering energy challeng- legislation, regulations, subsidies and the
vice Economy, SMEs, Self-employed and procedures to follow in the matter of ther-
es in primary schools following a proven
Energy provides information about its ar- pedagogic methodology (in French and in The Organisation for Sustainable En- mal insulation and ventilation of buildings.
eas of competence relating to energy, in- German). ergy (ODE) is the central vector of infor-
cluding renewable energy (technologies, mation on renewable energy in Flanders to
actors, financial regulations, legislation, both households and to enterprises. It has
statistics, links, etc.).

9. Public awareness, education and training 154 sibilities of public transport, freight traffic,
travel between home and the workplace,
This site is dedicated to the sustaina- This website provides information The website of the Belgian Interregion-
mobility policy at the various levels of
ble energy renovation programme for the about the Low Emission Zone in Brussels. al Environment Agency (IRCEL-CELINE)
government, statistics, etc.
Brussels public authorities, called “Reno- provides information about the quality of
click”. ambient air in the country’s regions and a
Site used by the Walloon Region to daily ozone bulletin based on information is a digital platform that
publicise its policy on mobility and to in- gathered in various measuring stations, as
offers information about eco-driving,
The official website of Pixii / Passive form the public about all mobility-related well as on data archives.
sustainable fleet management, taxation,
House Platform with news, background- topics.
mobility budget and smart mobility man- /
ing, technical information, support and
agement. It is an initiative by the Flem-
ish Government, the Flemish Institute
The method of Ecoscore allows you to This is the website of Brussels Envi-
for Technological Research (VITO), the
MOBILITY measure the environmental score of vehi- ronment, the administration for the envi-
Flemish Foundation for Traffic Knowledge
cles of all brands. It gives an indication of ronment and energy of the Brussels-Cap- (VSV), Mobiel 21 and the Society for a
the overall environmental performance of ital Region. It provides information on all
Better Environment (Bond Beter Leefmi-
The site of the Federal Public Service your vehicle or of the one you want to buy. environmental topics and on the actions of
Mobility and Transport explains how the the Brussels Region in this field.
issue of mobility fits into the federal policy
on sustainable development. It also makes This website of the Mobility Unit of the
Brussels Mobility (AED - Adminis-
it possible to check the level of CO2 emis- UWE, the Walloon Union of Enterprises This internet platform contains refer-
tration for Equipment and Travel of the
sions of various models of vehicles. provides information about company mo- ence tools to support sustainable neigh-
Brussels-Capital Region) takes care of
bility plans, the various means of transport, bourhood projects and information our equipment on the road network and public
the role of ‘mobility’ coordinators within existing sustainable neighbourhoods in the
transport infrastructure in the Brussels Re-
The portal of the National Institute of enterprises, teleworking, etc. Brussels-Capital Region and facilitating
gion. Amongst other things, its objectives
Statistics offers all studies, numbers and exchanges of experience and contacts be-
include improving mobility, promoting
statistics linked to traffic and mobility. ENVIRONMENT AND tween the sustainable neighbourhoods.
public transport and integrating all users
See in particular the sections on ‘mobility into the travel policy. SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT
and the environment’ and ‘climate and the This is the portal of the Walloon Region
greenhouse effect’.
The VMM (Flemish Environment for environmental questions. The ‘Analyti- The Bike Experience campaign rais-
Agency) is one of the public administra- cal Report on the State of the Walloon En-
openbare-werken es awareness and encourages the staff of
tions charged with the task of designing vironment’ and the ‘Walloon Environment
Brussels businesses to come to work by
This website of the Department of Mo- and adapting environmental policy in the Scoreboard’ published each year include a
bike, by borrowing bikes and the possibili-
bility and Public Works of the Flemish Flemish Region. It also reports on the qual- specific chapter relating to climate change.
ty for those who are not yet used to cycling
Region site informs the population about in town, to receive assistance from a coach ity of the environment in general and that
various aspects of the mobility issue: it who accompanies them and gives them of air and water in particular.
contains a lot of information about the pos- good advice for a few days.

9. Public awareness, education and training 155

Network of 11 regional environmental This website of the non-profit organi- / initiation centres in the Walloon Region, sation ‘Leçon verte’ (‘green lesson’) raises
providing school animations, training the awareness of children and adults to a
Webpage describing the climate-re-
courses, activities for families and holiday greater respect for the nature and the en-
lated educational activities and materials
courses. vironment.
developed by the Federal Climate Change
Service in collaboration with different pro-
ject partners.
The ‘Idea Network’ (NGO) has 120 The Green Office is a sustainable de- member associations and is the main cen- velopment platform run by and for Univer-
urzaam-educatiepunt tre of information for nature and environ- sity of Liège students. It informs, connects
mental education within the Brussels Re- and supports students in the development
Duurzaam Educatiepunt (Sustainable
gion and the Walloon region. of specific projects.
Education Point) is an expertise centre on
ESD of the Department of Environment
and Spatial Planning of the Flemish gov-
COREN (Coordination Environne- This is the website to promote the an-
ernment, with programmes for formal edu-
ment) is an NGO developing environmen- nual French-speaking summer university
cation, local authorities, organisations and
tal projects and programmes in the schools dedicated to climate and climate incubator
of the Brussels Region and the Walloon organised by the ASBL ACTES. region.
The authors of the participative audits
Milieuzorg Op School (Environmental / and of awareness raising actions to renew-
care at school) is a network of the Flemish able energy:
The NGO WWF developed several cli-
authorities, assisting schools to create an
mate related educational activities and ma- –– Emprunte asbl
environmentally friendly and sustainable
terials for schools.
environment. –– Science Infuse
The NGO GoodPlanet organises sev-
Bubble is a network of schools in ac-
eral climate-related actions in schools and –– Hypothèse
tion for the environment in the Brussels
acts as a network for schools in the Brus-
Region, enabling active teachers to share
sels Region and the Walloon Region.
and exchange their practice and experi- –– La Besace
Djapo is an educational organisation
working on sustainability topics such as
climate, water, waste, and fair trade, pay-
ing special attention to the North-South

9. Public awareness, education and training 156

Annex 1. Supplementary
information under Article 7(2)
of the Kyoto Protocol –
Annex e s Correlation table

Chapter of the 8th

Information reported under Article 7(2)
National Communication
National systems pursuant to Article 5(1) 3.3

National registry 3.4

Supplementarity relating to mechanisms under Articles 6, 12 and 17 5.3

Policies and measures pursuant to Article 2 4.3

Domestic and regional programme; legislative arrangements,

enforcement and administrative procedures

Information under Article 10

Article 10a 3.3
Article 10b 4.3 & 6.3
Article 10c 7.3
Article 10d 8
Article 10e 9.2 & 9.3

Financial resources 7.2

Annex 2. 5th biennial report
1 Preamble 2  Information on greenhouse gas emissions and
This Annex 2 to the Belgium’s 8th Na- –– progress towards the achievement of
tional Communication under the UNFCCC quantified economy-wide emission re- 2.1  Summary information on GHG emission 2.2  National inventory arrangements
constitutes the 5th Biennial Report of Bel- duction targets (Section 4); trends Small changes have occurred since
gium drawn up in accordance with the –– Projections (Section 5); Belgium reduced its total GHG emis- the 7th Belgian National Communication
United Nations Framework Convention –– Provision of financial, technological sions between 1990 and 2020 by 26.9%. and 4th Biennial Report. Belgium focused
on Climate Change (UNFCCC) biennial and capacity building support to devel- These emissions amounted 106.4 Mt eq. mainly on the jurisdiction changes in the
reporting guidelines for developed-country oping-country Parties (Section 6); CO2 in 2020 (excluding LULUCF) and regions and details are provided in chapter
Parties contained in Decision 2/CP.17, and –– Other reporting matters (Section 7). 106.1 Mt eq. CO2 (including LULUCF). 3.3 of NC8.
takes into account recommendations for-
As requested (Decision 19/CP.18 - For further information on emissions
mulated by the expert review team in the
Document: FCCC/CP/2012/8/Add.3), the trends, please refer to chapter 3.2 and CTF
context of the technical review of the 7th
Common Tabular Format (CTF) (annexed Table 1.
national communication and 4th biennial
to this report) has also been input into the
report of Belgium (FCCC/IDR.7/BEL and The trends discussed below are based
BR-CTF electronic reporting application.
FCCC/TRR.4/BEL). on the greenhouse gas emissions invento-
Tabular information as defined in the ry published on 23 May 2022 on the UN-
In line with UNFCCC biennial report-
common tabular format (CTF) for the UN- FCCC website and covers the years 1990
ing guidelines for developed-country Par-
FCCC biennial reporting guidelines for to 2020. Global warming potentials and
ties, the information is structured as fol-
developed country Parties (UNFCCC de- sector classification are based on the UN-
cision 19/CP.18) has been submitted to the FCCC reporting guidelines under Decision
–– Information on greenhouse gases UNFCCC through the electronic reporting 24/CP.19.
(GHG) emissions and trends (Sec- facility provided by the UNFCCC Secre-
tion 2); tariat as required by UNFCCC decision 19/
–– Quantified economy-wide emission re- CP.18.
duction target (Section 3);

Annex 2. 5th biennial report 158

3  Quantified economy wide emission
reduction target
3.4  CTF tables
3.1  EU target under the Convention viding the effort between the sectors cov- CTF Table 2: Description of the quan-
The EU target for 2020 has been fully ered by the EU Emissions Trading System tified economy-wide emissions reduction
described in the BR4 and recalled in chap- (EU ETS) and the sectors under the Effort targets: Tables 2(a)-2(f).
ter 4 of the NC8. Table A recalls the key Sharing Decision (ESD). Binding national
facts. targets were set for Member States under
the Effort Sharing Decision. The achieve- Table A Key facts of the Convention target of the EU-28
Description of national targets is pro- ment of EU internal compliance under the
vided in chapter 4.1.2. 2020 Climate and Energy Package includ-
Parameters Target
Description of the quantified economy ing the national targets under the ESD is
not subject to the UNFCCC assessment of Base Year 1990
wide emission reduction target is provided
the EU’s joint commitment under the Con- Target Year 2020
in CTF Table 2.
vention. Emissions Reduction target -20% in 2020 compared to 1990
Under the UNFCCC, the EU and its Gases covered CO2, CH4, N2O, HFCs, PFCs, SF6
Member States committed to achieving a Global Warming Potential AR4
joint quantified economy-wide greenhouse 3.3  Beyond 2020
All IPCC sources and sectors, as measured
gas emission reduction target of 20 per cent Chapter of the NC8 describes by the full annual inventory, international
below the 1990 level by 2020 (“the Cancun the targets that the EU has already commit- Sectors Covered
aviation to the extent it is included in the EU
pledge”). It is therefore a joint pledge with ted to up to 2030 and 2050. ETS
no separate targets for Member States un- Land Use, Land-Use Change, and Forestry
On 18 December 2020, the Europe- Excluded
der the Convention. The UK remains part (LULUCF)
an Commission together with Germany,
of the joint EU 2020 target together with Possible to a certain extent under the EU ETS
which held the Presidency of the Council Use of Flexible Mechanisms
the 27 EU Member States. and the ESD
of the EU, submitted the first revised NDC
on behalf of EU and Member States to the Conditional offer to move to a 30% reduction
3.2  EU target compliance architecture UNFCCC under the Paris Agreement. The by 2020 compared to 1990 levels as part of
a global and comprehensive agreement for
The EU has jointly fulfilled its UNF- submission contains an updated and en-
the period beyond 2012, provided that other
CCC target and implemented it internally hanced target involving a net reduction in Other developed countries commit themselves to
through EU legislation in the 2020 EU greenhouse gas emissions of at least 55% comparable emission reductions and that
Climate and Energy Package. In the pack- by 2030 compared to 1990. developing countries contribute adequately
age, the EU introduced a clear approach according to their responsibilities and
Specific objectives for Belgium under
to achieving the 20% reduction in total respective capabilities.
the European legislation are also described
GHG emissions from 1990 levels, by di- in Chapter 4.1.2.

Annex 2. 5th biennial report 159

4  Progress regarding the achievement of quantified economy wide emission
reduction targets and relevant information

4.1 Introduction Because of the achievement of the EU without recourse to any other flexibility.
The EU has substantially overachieved target as a whole, Belgium is deemed to The COVID-19 crisis contributed signifi-
its reduction target under the Convention, have achieved its target also, regardless of cantly to the overachieving of the target
which means that its Member States and whether it has achieved its own target un- in 2020, even though the trend was rather
the United Kingdom have also fulfilled der the ESD. unfavourable just before and even though
their emission reduction obligations. As the accumulated surpluses could probably
However, for the sake of completeness
stated in the 2022 EU GHG inventory sub- have made up the shortfall. However, the
and transparency in relation to previous
mission to the UNFCCC, total GHG emis- recovery of emissions after the crisis puts
BRs, we report here on Belgium's commit-
sions, excluding LULUCF and including Belgium on an unfavourable trajectory
ments under the ESD. Table B shows that
international aviation, decreased by 34% in in view of the more ambitious targets ex-
Belgium, in accordance with the EU mech-
the EU-27 + UK compared to the base year pected for the coming period from 2021 to
anisms in place, has been able to meet its
1990 or 1.94 billion tons of CO2e (carbon 2030 and beyond.
annual targets by drawing on its banked
dioxide equivalent). surpluses from previous years as needed,

Table B Belgian Annual Emission Allocation for the years 2013 to 2020 calculated by applying global warming potential values from the
fourth IPCC assessment report (in tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent), Belgian ESD verified emissions for the years 2013 to 2020 and
cumulative emission surplus until 2020

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

2017/1471/EU 82 376 327 80 774 027 79 171 726 77 569 425 76 190 376 74 703 759 73 217 143 71 730 526
2013/634/EU 3 996 502 3 923 133 3 849 764 3 776 395 3 703 026 3 629 657 3 556 288 3 482 919
Final target 78 379 825 76 850 894 75 321 962 73 793 030 72 487 350 71 074 102 69 660 855 68 247 607
74 264 633 70 054 910 72 719 520 74 063 149 70 824 562 74 253 859 72 013 554 64 904 157
ESD verified emissions
(2016/2132/EU) (2017/1015/EU) (2017/2377/EU) (2018/1855/EU) (2019/2005/EU) (2020/1834/EU) (2021/1876/EU) (2022/1953/EU)
Cumulative emission surplus 4 115 192 10 911 176 13 513 618 13 243 499 14 906 287 11 726 530 9 373 831 12 717 281

Annex 2. 5th biennial report 160

4.2  Mitigation actions and their effects 4.3  Estimates of emission reductions and
removals and the use of units from the
5  Projections for 2020 & 2030
A description of policy making process
is provided in NC 8 chapter 4.1. market-based mechanisms and land-use
change and forestry activities
A description of domestic and regional
The development of GHG emissions Information on projections is provided Information on updated greenhouse
programs, legislative arrangements, en-
is reported in CTF Table 4 for Belgium. in chapter 5. gas projections is provided in CTF Table
forcement and administrative procedure is
As a KP Party, Belgium supplemented 6a and 6c. Belgium did not provide CTF
provided in chapter 4.2. A summary of key variables and as-
CTF Table 4(a)II in its 2022 submission, Table 6b as no ‘without measures’ scenario
A description of mitigation policies and but not CTF Table 4(a)I. Emissions in the sumptions used in the projections is pro-
is available.
measures and their effects is provided in LULUCF sector are not included under the vided in CTF Table 5.
chapter 4.3. Convention target, therefore they are not
included in CTF Table 4.
Information on mitigation actions and
their effects on the achievement of the Under the compliance assessment un- 6  Provision of financial, technological and
quantified economy wide emissions reduc- der the ESD, Belgium did not make use of
tion target is provided in CTF Table 3. any international credits for annual ESD capacity-building support to developing-country
Estimates of the impact of the main
compliance. CTF Table 4 therefore shows
keynote ‘NA’. Parties
PAMs is provided in chapter 4.3.1 (at sec-
toral level and by gas). The total assess- Figures on the use of market mecha-
ment of aggregated effect is provided in nisms in CTF Table 4 relate exclusively to
chapter 5.2. the Belgian part of the EU target.
6.1 Introduction –– Contributions to climate-specific mul-
Methodology for quantifying the im- In general, in the EU, the use of flexible tilateral funds (Green Climate Fund,
pact of measures on GHG emissions is In 2019-2020, Belgium provided
mechanisms can take place on the one hand Adaptation Fund, Least Developed
provided in chapter 4.1.3. EUR 208 million of public support to
by operators in the EU ETS, on the other Countries Fund, etc.) or specialised UN
developing country Parties (see CTF Ta-
hand by governments for the achievement agencies;
ble  7). This financial, technological and
of ESD targets. For information on the lim- –– Contributions to bilateral projects
capacity-building support to non-Annex I
its and the types of international credits that mainly directed towards African part-
Parties mainly focused on:
can be used under the ETS and under the ner countries and Least Developed
ESD, please see chapter 5.3 of NC8. For –– Predominantly adaptation and cross- Countries.
information on the use in the ETS please cutting activities;
see the 3rd BR of the European Union. –– Provision of bilateral and multilateral At the UNFCCC conference of the
support under the form of grants; parties in December 2015, Belgium an-
–– Contributions mainly directed towards nounced it would contribute 50 million
Africa and Least Developed Countries yearly to international climate finance.
(LDCs); Since then, support for climate action has
significantly exceeded this target. On aver-
age, Belgian climate finance amounted to
EUR 90 million yearly in 2015-2020.
Annex 2. 5th biennial report 161
In parallel to its long-standing provi- collective mobilisation target for 2025, as 6.3.2. Bilateral and Regional Financial 6.4  Activities relating to transfer of and
sion of public climate finance to devel- agreed at the 21st UNFCCC COP in Paris, Contributions access to technologies and capacity
oping countries, Belgium also supports France. building
In the reporting period, EUR 118 mil-
the efforts of developing countries to im- An overview of activities related to
We further refer to chapter 7.2. lion was provided through different types
plement low-emission, climate-resilient technology transfer and capacity building
of bilateral cooperation with a focus on Af-
projects and programmes (i) by providing can be found in the CTF Tables 8 and 9.
rica, least developed countries and climate
significant core funding to multilateral or- 6.3  Provision of international climate
change adaptation. The following sectors Capacity building and to some extent
ganisations and (ii) by mobilizing, through finance through official Development
were targeted most: agriculture, water and technology transfer are always an essential
public means, private investments for cli- Assistance and Other Official Flows
sanitation and energy. component of all bilateral programmes and
mate-related projects in developing coun-
tries. Belgium ensures that the resources projects. In the tables, some of the more
6.3.1. Financial contributions to
provided effectively address the needs of specific examples related to mitigation and
See also Figures 7.1, 7.2 and 7.3. multilateral institutions and programmes
developing country Parties with regard to adaptation are listed.
As a long-standing donor of climate climate change adaptation and mitigation For further details, please refer to chap-
6.2  Legislative and institutional framework finance, Belgium’s federal and regional through different means. ter 7.5.
of climate change policies and programmes governments contribute to the Green Cli-
mate Fund (GCF), the Global Environ- –– Belgium focuses mainly on the adapta-
Belgium is a federal state and, given tion needs of LDCs.
ment Facility (GEF), the Least Developed 6.5  Methodological Approach for tracking
this institutional context, several federal –– The portfolios of bilateral programmes
Countries Fund (LDCF) and the Adapta- of the provision of financial, technological
and regional level government depart- and projects are negotiated with partner
tion Fund. Other contributions towards and capacity-building support to non-Annex
ments are involved in the development and countries to ensure that support meets
multilateral climate action are also report- I Parties
implementation of climate change policies. their needs and reflects their priorities.
ed in CTF Table 7a (Irena, African Climate See chapter 7.6.
Regarding the contribution to interna- Change fund, Climate and Clean Air Coali- –– All programmes and projects have
tional climate finance, an internal distri- tion). The provision of this climate-specific evaluation systems and results frame-
bution ratio was agreed to meet Belgium’s funding is in addition to as well as provide works for assessing effectiveness.
announcement to contribute an annual non-earmarked contributions to multilat- An evaluation of Belgian federal cli-
amount of EUR 50 million in 2016-2020: eral institutions and specialised UN agen- mate finance1 found that financed inter-
–– Federal government: EUR 25 million cies. Climate specific funding, earmarked ventions correspond to needs of partner
–– Government of Flanders: towards a specific country, in partnership countries and their populations. The use
EUR 14.5 million with a multilateral actor is included in of NDC’s and NAPs as a basis for coop-
–– Government of Wallonia: CTF Table 7b (bilateral funding). During eration on climate action can and will be
EUR 8.25 million the reporting period, Belgium contributed improved.
–– Government of Brussels-Capital Re- in total 89.86 million EUR to multilateral
See also Figure 7.5.
gion: EUR 2.25 million institutions and programmes.
For further details, we refer to chapter
Since then, each entity committed to at See also Figure 7.4.
least maintain this level of contribution, in For further details, we refer to chapter
line with the continuation of the existing Evaluation du Programme des Micro-interventions
– Projet de Rapport final (

Annex 2. 5th biennial report 162

7  Other reporting matters

Belgium’s domestic arrangements re- the Belgian climate and energy objec-
lated to self-assessment of compliance tives for the period 2013-2020, which
with emission reduction commitments provides the legal basis for the deci-
at European and international levels, as sions to be taken to respect Belgium’s
well as the establishment of national rules commitments under the European “Cli-
for taking local action against domestic mate & Energy Package”. Chapter 2
non-compliance with emission reduction (Section 6) of this cooperation agree-
targets, include: ment addresses regional and federal
–– The special law establishing a climate compliance rules, including the possi-
accountability mechanism for increas- bility for the Regions to use credits and
ing awareness of climate responsibili- the provision of financial compensation
ty among the Regions for the building by the Federal state to the Regions in
sector (see BR4, chapter case of non-compliance with the objec-
–– A right of substitution for international tives. The second progress report (FR/
obligations under the UNFCCC and its NL) on the implementation of the co-
Protocols (see BR4, chapter operation agreement was published on
–– The cooperation agreement of 12 Feb- 20 July 2022. Negotiations on a new
ruary 2018 between the Federal state cooperation agreement for the period
and the three regions on the sharing of 2021-2030 are under way.  ■

Annex 2. 5th biennial report 163

Annex 3. Description of models used
I  Flemish energy and greenhouse gas –– The share of the emissions, per sec-
tor, that comes from processes (and is
ing import) to produce the necessary elec-
tricity, taking into account different time
simulation model therefore not related to fuel consump-
periods (electricity demand is not equal in
winter and in summer, neither during the
–– For the agricultural emissions (dust, night or during the day), based on produc-
greenhouse gases and ammonia emis- tion efficiencies and fuel cost. The model
sions coming from stables and from has the possibility to install additional pro-
A new Flemish simulation model was expected future evolution in the ab-
manure), the starting point is the num- duction capacity (CCGT or gas turbine).
developed in 2014 (and has been contin- sence of any new emission reduction
ber of animals (detailed per animal cat-
uously updated since) to construct short- policy based on expected economic and For all energy consuming sectors, ener-
egory and per type of stable) and the
term projections for Flanders. demographic evolutions; gy consumption is translated into emission
amount of manure that is spread out.
–– constructing emission reduction sce- projections through emission factors (per
The simulation model is a projection
narios, based on the implementation of fuel) that reflect policy (either current pol-
model for energy demand, greenhouse gas For the residential sector, projections
a combination of reduction measures; icy or additional measures). For industry
emissions and emissions of air pollutants are driven by assumptions on degree days
–– assessing the impact of existing or draft and electricity production, current emis-
(SO2, NOx, PM and VOC) that covers most in the future, the share of new residenc-
legislations on energy consumption sion factors are compared to the emission
of the relevant emission sectors (energy es and the lifetime of existing installa-
and emission levels. factors based on policy and the lowest of
sector, industry, waste, agriculture, resi- tions. Policies on energy efficiency and on
both is used (installations that already com-
dential and commercial buildings). The model starts from reference year eco-design are taken into account.
ply with future emission standards don’t
This simulation model works as a For industry, major assumption are the need to realise additional reductions). For
“bottom-up” type, i.e. explaining energy –– energy demand per industrial sector; evolution of industrial activity and energy the residential sector, the emission factors
consumptions and emissions from activi- –– emissions per industrial sector; efficiency (yearly growth rate per sector), take into account the use of different types
ty variables expressed as far as possible in –– large combustion plants and all elec- the share of CHP per sector and the ser- of boilers and stoves.
physical units, and the main determining tricity producing plants are included at vice life of installations (since new instal-
For the agricultural sector, the predict-
factors of the evolution of energy demand installation level (energy consumption, lations can mostly respect lower emission
ed number of animals is multiplied with
and emissions. electricity production and emissions); levels than the existing ones). This leads to
animal specific emission factors (both for
–– detailed information on the evolution a projection on energy consumption and
The model, which includes a database the greenhouse gasses as for ammonia and
of the installed power for electricity electricity.
on the energy consumption, emission fac- dust). These emission factors are lower for
generation (including electricity im-
tors, activity data and reduction effects of Electricity demand from all sectors (in- the new low emission stables. The amount
climate & energy and air quality policy cluding transport) is the main driver for the of manure that is spread out is multiplied
–– a representation of the structure of the
measures, can be used in particular for: electricity part of the model. The model with specific emission factors.
residential heating (type and age) and
searches for the most cost optimal mix of
–– the construction of a reference scenar- of residences (idem for the heating of
electricity generating installations (includ-
io (business as usual), representing the tertiary buildings).

Annex 3. Description of models used 164

II FASTRACE2 Energy Agency-Energy Technology Sys-
tems Analysis Program). TIMES belongs
For reporting purposes, specific sec-
toral discount rates are considered.
(Road transport in the Flemish Region) to the “bottom-up” energy system models:
it is based on a detailed technological set
The energy system is divided into 7
main sectors: residential, commercial, in-
with associated costs and technical param-
dustrial, transport, agricultural (only com-
eters. TIMES is an integrated model: one
bustion), supply and electricity generation.
FASTRACE is a software tool imple- vided by a software tool that can simulate change in a sector can impact any other
The model uses very detailed regional data
mented by VITO to calculate spatially dis- the flow of traffic (e.g. VISUM). sector. TIMES is an optimisation model:
coming from regional studies.
aggregated emissions (online segments) it must satisfy all energy service demands
The emissions within FASTRACE are
from road transport for a region of interest. and constraints while minimising the costs. Residential
estimated based on country or region spe-
The output of FASTRACE is designed for In TIMES, perfect foresight (i.e. all future
cific emission factors extracted from COP- The residential sector modelling is
use as input to urban scale air pollution events within the defined temporal horizon
ERT, the software used worldwide to cal- based on a comprehensive typology of
models. are known) and competitive markets are
culate emissions from road transport. As buildings (20 categories of existing build-
FASTRACE starts from a detailed the vehicle speed determines the emission assumed. ings depending on the period of construc-
break-down of the vehicle fleet on the one factor to a large extent, FASTRACE also The model is calibrated in order to best tion and on the number of façades, and
hand (number of vehicles per vehicle type, takes this parameter into account and em- reflect the energy consumption data pro- distinguishing between apartments and
annual mileage per vehicle type) and from ploys speed dependent emission factors. vided in the regional energy balance and houses). For each category, building sur-
geographically explicit vehicle counts per FASTRACE offers numerous flexibilities the emission inventories. For all energy faces are described and net needs for space
road segment on the other hand (number of in calculating detailed geographically dis- consuming sectors, energy consumption heating and hot water are differentiated.
passing vehicles per road segment and the tributed emissions for road transport, both is translated into emission projections The evolution of demand for new build-
associated speed). This data is often pro- for small and large regions. through emission factors (per fuel). At ings is defined according to the expected
this stage, the model is fully calibrated for growth in the number of households. For
the year 2014, and 2018 data is integrat- those new buildings, specific net needs
ed through additional constraints, demand take into consideration that new buildings
III  Modelling tools in the Walloon Region evolution, … are more and more efficient according to
TIMES-Wal is a single region model. the existing regional regulation.
The interactions with other regions and
In addition to hot water and space
countries are modelled through exogenous heating, other energy services are de-
1 TIMES-Wal (previously, Wallonia used EPM (Ener- import and export processes. The temporal fined: lighting, cooking, refrigeration and
gy/Emissions Projection Model)). The horizon is 2050.
A new model, called « TIMES-Wal » freezing, clothes washing and drying, dish
has been developed for Wallonia since TIMES-Wal model has been built in close TIMES-Wal does not include all the washing and other electricity services.
2016. The model is used for the first time collaboration between public (the Public regional emissions. The model considers
Service of Wallonia) and private actors To satisfy all the demands, a set of tech-
for reporting purposes for WEM scenario only the combustion emissions of the main
(ICEDD and E4SMA). nologies is described using the standard
regional sectors described in the model parameters: type of commodity, stock, effi-
The TIMES model generator was de- (which account for most of the combustion ciency, availability factor, lifetime, etc.
2 veloped by IEA-ETSAP (International emissions).

Annex 3. Description of models used 165

The model can choose to invest in four non-energy consumption (chemicals and Electricity generation Wallonia is in a transition period. Ul-
types of retrofitting options (walls, roof, others) and other industries. Electricity demand from all sectors is timately, the idea is to perform all the sce-
windows, and ground renovation). The ret- a main driver for the electricity part of the narios with the same tool(s), while linking
The industrial sector is modelled us-
rofitting options are differentiated accord- model. the different models used in the most ef-
ing data on each specific sub-sector (costs,
ing to the 20 categories of buildings. fective possible way. Regularly updating
temporal availability of new technolo- Every year is divided into 24 represen- models on the basis of the best available
Commercial gies, …) and accurate data on production tative time slices in order to best reflect data, collected through studies or actors, is
processes. variations in the load curve for electricity
The evolution of demands is linked to an important point of attention.
GDP growth. demand and intermittent energy sources.
Each representative day is divided into
The commercial sector is divided into With regard to road transportation, de- multiple periods in order to consider dif- 2  Sibyl baseline
7 subsectors: education, health, culture and mands are described in terms of passen- ferent day and night times. For road transportation, projections
sports, shops, private offices, public offic- ger-kilometres or in tonnes-kilometres. For for the WEM scenario are estimated by
es, datacentres. Different energy services the other transport modes, the demand is The electricity generation sector is
described in detail and brings together all the « Sibyl baseline » model developed
are defined: heating, hot water, cooling, simply described in terms of energy de- by Emisia. This baseline scenario is ful-
and other services including cooking, pri- mand. the main activity producers, that is, those
generating electricity (and heat) for sale to ly compatible with COPERT, used by the
vate and public lighting, refrigeration, and Walloon Region to calculate the GHG in-
As in typical TIMES models, individ- third parties via the grid. Three main types
other electrical devices. ventories and also developed by Emisia.
ual modal travel demand is exogenously of producers are brought together sepa-
Demands are defined here in PJ (de- defined over the time horizon of the mod- rately: the nuclear, renewable and thermal For historical years, Sibyl uses data from
tailed data on surfaces for the commercial el. While technologies can compete with- power plants. GHG inventories calculated by COPERT
sector are not available). The structure of in modes based on technical parameters (for example: age and mobility distribu-
the sector is very similar to the residential and cost, there is no competition between Concerning new technologies, the tions). Sibyl is used in a complementary
one: the base year technologies and new modes. model can make its choice on a varied list way to TIMES-Wal (see above). Indeed,
technologies are defined, and retrofitting of new plants (gas power plants, renewable the electricity demand resulting from Sib-
The TIMES-Wal transport sector in- energy plants, …) based on technical pa- yl's results is integrated into the energy
options are also included.
cludes a stock of technologies, in com- rameters and costs. demand estimated by TIMES-Wal. For
Industry petition, that contribute to meet each ex- future years, Sibyl uses the same assump-
ogenously defined modal travel demand. At this stage, “TIMES-Wal” isn’t used
The future evolution of demands is for WAM scenario. This scenario is mod- tions as TIMES-Wal model to estimate the
Regarding aviation, railways and domestic evolution of parameters ( or
driven by hypotheses on economic activity. elled through a specific Excel tool devel-
navigation, only one generic technology is of cars, trucks, buses, etc.). For
The industrial sector is divided into 20 described. oped in the context of the Walloon contri-
bution to the national Energy and Climate the development of new technologies, the
subsectors: milk, sugar, transformed po-
Agriculture Plan 2021-2030. The tool operates on the different assumptions are consistent with
tatoes, other food industry, cement, lime,
basis of a series of exogenously defined as- European regulations. To define those new
hollow glass, flat glass, bricks, ceramics, For the agriculture sector, only the com-
sumptions but does not make any choice technologies and vehicle categories that
other non-metallic minerals, ammonia, bustion-related part is included in TIMES-
endogenously (optimisation, etc.). This are not available in the standard version of
other chemicals, wood industry, pulp and Wal model. Different energy services are
scenario considers the targets of the Plan. COPERT, the « Command Line Interface »
paper, iron and steel, non-ferrous metals, defined: electric appliances, house heating
(CLI) is used.
and off-road.

Annex 3. Description of models used 166

3  Excel tools IV  Energy and Atmospheric Emissions
–– Excel tools are used by Wallonia to
estimate some sectors not included in projection model for Brussels Capital Region
TIMES-Wal or in Sibyl: agriculture
(excluding energy) and waste. For agri-
culture, different parameters are used to Brussels Environment has developed es information for several energy carriers This model is a dynamic one. It allows
estimate the evolution of activity data an energy and emission projection mod- such as: natural gas, light oil, propane/bu- new future available data to be integrat-
(for example: livestock, agricultural el for the Brussels Capital Region. The tane, coal, electricity, wood, heat; and for ed (for instance future energy balances)
area and fertiliser uses). For waste, the model is developed in Excel and it is a several pollutants: CO2, CH4, N2O, NOx, as well as new assumptions reflecting
analysed parameters are the amount of bottom-up type model. It is composed of 4 NMVOC, SOx, NH3, PM2.5 . new studies and new phenomena (in the
total waste disposed, the recovery rate main sectoral modules: Industry, Residen- fields of regulation, technological change,
of landfill, CH4 and N2O emissions of The model also takes into account the
tial, Tertiary and Energy Production. The through awareness campaigns, incentives,
wastewater handling, etc. direct emissions that are not related to en-
model has been calibrated for each sector or the evolution of energy costs, among
–– For WAM scenario, a previous Excel ergy consumption: i.e. the fugitive meth-
with the regional annual energy balances others.
tool used in the context of the Walloon ane emissions from natural gas delivery,
from 2000 to 2018. The modelled energy
Energy and Climate Plan is used to es- emissions from industrial processes and Each sector is defined by different pa-
consumptions have then been converted
timate energy, residential, commercial product use and emissions from waste (e.g. rameters that impact the future develop-
into atmospheric emissions through emis-
and transport sectors. at composting plants and water purification ment as show in Figure A.
sion factors, the ones used to establish the
Wallonia is in a transition period. Ul- emission inventories. The model produc-
timately, the idea is to perform all the sce-
narios using the same tool(s), while link-
ing the different models used in the most
effective possible way. Regularly updating Figure A Key parameters for projections
models on the basis on the best available
data collected through studies or actors is



Energy production
an important point of attention. Population Employment Energy intensity Sources and
evolution installations
Dwelling size Surface
Climate conditions Climate conditions
Operation hours
Renivation rate Renivation rate
and renovation and renovation
characteristics characteristics

Annex 3. Description of models used 167

V  Transport Emission Projection model VI  Off-Road Emission model (OFFREM)
for Brussels-Capital Region

The calculation of atmospheric pollut- same software version and hypotheses as The emissions from off-road are esti- available. For Euro 6DTemp and Euro
ants emissions and fuel consumption for for the UNFCCC 2015 GHG inventory mated using the OFFREM model (OFF- 6 the emission factor for Euro 6 is kept.
road transport is based on the European preparation. Fuel consumption is detailed Road Emission model), which is used by –– EC emissions are added. f-BC (frac-
COPERT IV approach. The main input data for gasoline, diesel, LPG and CNG. In Bel- the three regions. This makes it possible to tion of BC within PM) reported in
required for COPERT simulations (vehicle gium, biofuels are mixed with gasoline and report emissions for Belgium in a coherent the EMEP/EEA methodology is used
fleet and mobility) is taken from a region- diesel in public fuel tank stations (blends). manner in the context of mandatory inter- for machinery. For vehicles, the f-EC
al transport model, developed on the basis The CO2 emissions from the biogenic part national reporting. (fraction of EC within PM2.5) is cal-
of literature data (TREMOVE projections of fuels (bioethanol or biodiesel) are cal- culated based on COPERT IV (version
and INRETS study3 ), and recalibrated to culated in post-treatment, on the basis of Both exhaust and non-exhaust emis-
11.4) for speeds of 15 km/h.
the actual situation in the Brussels Region the composition of blends, which may vary sions by non-road mobile machinery are
using emission inventories and outputs from year to year. calculated for each sector separately, based
from a detailed traffic model (MUSTI). on statistical data. Emissions are estimat- Fuel related pollutants (SO2, CO2, heavy
For railways, the evolution of liquid
ed based on detailed energy consumptions metals)
The Multimodal strategic displacement fuel (gasoil) consumption is derived from
of non-road mobile machines and vehicle
model for BCR (MUSTI) allows the math- the evolution of freight transport demand –– Biofuels: from 2009 onwards, biofuels
kilometres of non-road vehicles, according
ematical modelling of passengers’ behav- in Belgium as a whole. The starting point are mixed into commercially available
to following methodology:
iour in the BCR during a regular working of the projections (2018) is taken from the fuels. Within the offroad sector, equip-
day. The model is based on surveys and regional energy balance. Pollutants emis- ment on diesel is assumed to use red
traffic surveys that provide a precise view sions are calculated by combining fuel Exhaust emissions diesel, and thus no biofuels are present.
of the mobility situation in the region. consumptions with emission factors from For equipment on petrol the Belgian
MUSTI is calibrated using a variety of IPCC 2006 Guidelines for national emis- Technology related pollutants (NOx, VOC, fuel mix for road transportation is as-
observations. The traffic surveys show, as sion inventories. NMVOC, CH4, CO, N2O, NH3, PM and sumed. The fuel mix in weight percent-
precisely as possible, the displacement per In the case of inland navigation, the benzene) age can be adapted per year, sector, fuel
road section, per vehicle type and per hour evolution of liquid fuel (gasoil) consump- –– Mobile machines: emission factors type and machine vs vehicle.
as well as the chosen itineraries. The mod- tion is derived from the evolution of freight from EMEP/EEA for non-road mo- –– SO2 and Pb emissions depend on the
el calculates the mileage focusing in the transport demand in Belgium as a whole. bile machinery are used (EMEP/EEA sulphur and lead content of the fuels
rush hours (morning 6h-10h and evening The starting point of the projections comes 2017). used. For this purpose, the parame-
15h-19h). from the regional energy balance. Pollut- –– Non-road vehicles: emission factors ters used in the COPERT runs for the
Pollutant emissions calculations with ants emissions are calculated by combining are derived COPERT IV (version 11.4) Belgian emission calculations for road
COPERT have been processed using the fuel consumptions with emission factors calculations for speeds of 15 km/h. transport are applied.
from IPCC 2006 Guidelines for national –– Emission factors for passenger cars on –– CO2 emissions depend on the fuel type.
INRETS. Transport routier - Parc, usage et émis-
sions des véhicules en France de 1970 à 2025. s.l. :
emission inventories. CNG are added, based on COPERT IV IPCC emission factors are applied.
Institut National de Recherche sur les Transports et calculations. Euro 4 up to Euro 6 are
leur Sécurité (INRETS), 2004.

Annex 3. Description of models used 168

–– Heavy metals also depend on the fuel
consumption. Tier 1 emission factors
Non-exhaust emissions: emissions of PM
(brakes, tyres, road surface, clutches,
VII  F-gas projections
per fuel type from EMEP/EEA for chassis and shovel) are included.
non-road mobile machinery (2017, Ta- –– Mobile machines: non-exhaust emis-
ble 3-1) are used. For CNG and LPG, sion factors of CARBOTECH are im- F-gas projections are made by means of year by year, from 2017 up to 2035, which
emission factors derived from COP- plemented (Carbotech, 2000). separate study assignments. In the most re- allows to consider changes in parameters
ERT IV are applied. –– Non-road vehicles: EMEP/EEA Tier 2 cent projection study, the methodology per occurring between the 5 yearly projection
non-exhaust emission factors and size sector is explained in detail. In general, it years, as well as the dynamic aspects of
PAH/POP: distributions are applied for PM emis- can be stated that the projection of F-gases yearly stock changes.
sions, as used in calculating road trans- is based on the same methodology as the
–– Mobile machines: Tier 1 emission fac- port emissions in the Belgian emission It should be stressed that there are
tors in mg/kg fuel from the EMEP/ emission inventory. It also uses assump- many uncertainties. The projections are
inventory (EMEP/EEA 2016b, Tables
EEA Air Pollutant Emission Inventory tions consistent with those of this invento- not meant to be forecasts, they are based
3-4 and 3-5 for tyre wear, Tables 3-6
Guidebook for non-road mobile sourc- ry. The projections have been established on many assumptions and should be con-
and 3-7 for brake wear and 3-8 and 3-9
es and machinery are applied (EMEP/ simultaneously for Belgium and for each sidered as a possible future, given the an-
for road surface wear). For heavy ve-
EEA 2017, Table 3-1). of the three Regions on a harmonised basis ticipated legislative context. In the con-
hicles (trucks and buses) a load factor
–– Non-road vehicles: bulk emission fac- (regarding methodology and assumptions), text of these uncertainties, a conservative
of 100% is assumed. To calculate the
tors in µg/km for the EMEP/EEA Air in the same way as for the emission inven- approach has generally been pursued, i.e.
emission of non-exhaust heavy metals,
Pollutant Emission Inventory Guide- tory. This means that when there is uncer- the assumptions made generally tend to
the mean value of the weight fraction in
book for road transportation are applied Table 3-12 is implemented. tainty on a parameter, as long as there is no overestimate rather than underestimate the
(EMEP/EEA 2016a, Table 3-75). Note –– Only resuspension emissions for the evidence of a difference between regions emissions.
that these emission factors are no lon- sector ‘agriculture’ are included. on the value of that particular parameter, a
The calculation method is specific to
ger based on the fuel consumption, as common value has been chosen.
each sector. All sectors of the emission
was the case in OFFREM I.
All calculations have been performed inventory have been considered, even the
by extrapolating into the future the calcu- smallest ones, which ensures complete
lation models of the emission inventory, consistency with the inventory.

Annex 3. Description of models used 169

Annex 4. Description of selected projects or programmes that
promoted practicable steps to facilitate and/or finance the
transfer of, or access to, environmentally-sound technologies

1.  Sustainable agriculture in Kigoma

(stone bridges)

Recipient Country is in these communities a foundation for

Principles of Stone arch bridges
Tanzania sustainable development. The technology
chosen (stone arc bridges instead of rein- Weight of materials
forced concrete or steel ones) offers advan- icreases arch strenght and Maximum axle load Total load capacity
Agriculture flood resistance
tages both in terms of mitigation as well as > 10 ton > 40 m
Total Funding
adaptation and disaster risk reduction.
Total budget of project (€) 4 285 333 euros
Federal Government Indicate factors which led to project’s
Years in operation success
4 years (2018-2021) –– Much needed infrastructure projects
Compression forces
Description using conventional techniques, such can be borne by locally
as steel and reinforced concrete, are gathered natural stones
In the context of a broader programme
often very expensive. The tried and
to support sustainable agriculture in Kigo- tested technology of stone arch bridg- Local craftsmen build
reusable formwork / centering
ma, Enabel, the Belgian Development es allows for a decentralised approach
Agency, provides technical support to the embedded within local government
districts to improve Rural communities’ structures. This cost effective method Simple erosion protection Beautiful integration
access to schools, hospitals, markets and ensures service life of over in landscape
with high local ownership guarantees 80 years
jobs via on difficult river crossings. Safe a long-lasting upgrade of rural roads
yearround crossing on a stone arch bridge for only one fifth of the financial and

Annex 4. Description of selected projects or programmes that promoted practicable steps to facilitate and/or finance the transfer 170
of, or access to, environmentally-sound technologies
environmental burdens compared to –– Before the construction of the bridges, Failures: Technology transferred:
conventional structures. The stone arch the road condition didn’t allow trucks –– No significant failures related to the –– Technical support to provide stone arc
bridge technology has been extremely to cross the river, while now 40 trucks technology have been registered during bridges at large scale in rural commu-
cost efficient. With a limited construc- carry produce from the fields to the the implementation of this project.  nities:
tion budget of <1 million euro, the proj- market. –– Factors that impacted efficiency:
ect will build more than 70 bridges and –– Compared to conventional bridges, • Solid, Time-Tested Technology
make a substantial contribution to the stone arches emit 50 -80% less carbon. • The mobilization of local contri- • 80% Cost Reduction
road network in Kigoma region. Masonry requires a fraction of the ce- bution adds value to the success of • Mobilisation of Local Resources
–– Stone arch bridges also avoid some ment required to make concrete and the project but has, however, been • Community Ownership
of the disadvantages of conventional requires no steel at all. The remaining time-consuming and, in some cases, • Reduced carbon footprint
technology, such as steel or concrete materials, like natural stone, are local- led to implementation delays.
• Alignment of public procurement Impact on greenhouse gas emissions/
culverts. These frequently break during ly sourced which considerably reduces sinks (optional)
rough transport over bad roads from transport related emissions. processes to the production and
industrial centres and, because they are –– Involvement of local communities is marketing dynamics of smallholder 50-80% emissions reductions com-
relatively light, they run the risk of be- very strong. The village involvement farmers on the ground is challeng- pared to steel or concrete bridges.
ing washed away during floods. Stone includes the supply of stones, sand, ing. This often-delayed the supply
arch bridges are an environmental water, poles, but the most important of inputs or made credit unavailable
friendly option (locally sourced materi- contribution is that of casual labour. at the critical moments when most
als), which also offers strengthened re- This transforms the appreciation of the needed.
silience for rural communities against bridge from a government intervention –– Not a failure but a challenge: the small-
the impacts of climate change. to a long term community asset. holder approach requires a lot of capac-
–– There is large scale bean production –– Both the design and execution rely on ity building, patience and dealing with
situated around an irrigation scheme design parameters that have been tried inefficiencies. The project has not been
in Kigoma region. This is 12 km away and tested throughout time. Different in the position to directly support the
from the nearest market in Nyakiton- types of arches allow for the adapta- private sector. Medium-scale commer-
tovillage. Before the construction of tion to different terrain types. The de- cial farmers and processors with the
stone arch bridges, the farmers had to sign depends on the slopes of the river capacity to co-fund investments and
travel 25 km to reach the market. Now, banks, the load bearing capacity of the create economies of scale fall outside
their route is reduced by 50% to 12 km subsoil, the width of the river and the the project target group.
to the market village of Nyakitonto. highest floodline. –– Some intervention areas were rather
The arch bridges reduced transporta- –– Thanks to close collaboration with remote, which impacts the monitoring
tion costs from the fields to the market TARURA, the stone arch technique and ability to provide sufficient over-
by half. There was also a spectacular has been promoted on national level. sight and support
increase in traffic on market days, both Several projects managed by TARURA
in terms of motorized transport as in outside of Enabel’s intervention area in
terms of active modes of transportation the Kigoma region have started.

Annex 4. Description of selected projects or programmes that promoted practicable steps to facilitate and/or finance the transfer 171
of, or access to, environmentally-sound technologies
2.  Climate-smart development in Mozambique: power. 1 628 out of a total 2 417 persons
that received training through the PEC
in the project document, while adapting
to a challenging context.
using renewable energy for sustainable are women or teenage girls – 67% –.
The results are measured by the large
–– The Chiaquelane water supply system
intervention was unable to reach the
access to safe and affordable drinking water number of latrines, bathrooms, rubbish initially estimated 8 000 beneficiaries
pits, hand-washing facilities and drying due to budget restrictions and project
in Gaza Province tables constructed through the PEC, in design as explained above in section
which women and girls were fully in- 7.3.2. Nonetheless, the project execu-
volved. tive design was reviewed to allow the
project to be built in 3 phases, thereby
Failures: allowing expansion of the system (by
Recipient Country an area with brackish water sources
and/or designated resettlement areas –– No significant failures have been reg- Enabel or other agencies) when funds
for climate migrants.This has been istered during the implementation of become available. This was an effec-
Sector this project. However, it was expected tive mitigation approach to allow part
achieved through the construction of
Energy water supply infrastructure which was that 33% of water users would pay us- of the population to benefit from clean
Total Funding been accompanied by a comprehensive ing digital money transfer systems. But access to water.
Total budget (€) 1 087 706 euros programme of community education this did not so far happen because of a
Government of Flanders (€) : 1 000 000 lack of enabling conditions in the target Technology transferred:
which included rational water use and
Bilateral project water gaza management, sanitation, hygiene and villages where there are no agents of –– AKVO app/SINASS
and study fund (€): 87 706 + pm the money transfer systems operators. –– Database updated in real-time
climate resilience.
Years in operation –– By removing the majority of the salt –– There was an 8-month overrun in proj- –– 100% solar powered desalination
30 months (2019-2021) from the water in the boreholes, the ect execution, mostly because of the –– New ‘smart’ pumps
desalinators have a positive impact on impact of COVID-19 on supply chains
Description Impact on greenhouse gas emissions/
long-term community health. Water for water infrastructure equipment im-
Contributing to climate resilient social ported from France that caused major sinks (optional)
quality is now well within the World
and economic development of vulnerable Health Organisation recommended delays in arrival of the materials in Mo- More information: MOZ19001 Climate
populations in Gaza Province by improve limits for drinking water. zambique. It should be noted that an Smart Development in Mozambique -proj-
sustainable access to safe and affordable –– The project has significantly reduced overrun of 6 months was included in ect Flanders 20190415.doc - Google Drive
drinking water through a systemic ap- the time that women and girls spend the implementation plan in the Project
proach, encompassing renewable energy, collecting and transporting water to Proposal, anticipating possible delays
healthy living, empowerment of communi- their homes, giving them more time to with works, tenders etc. Despite the de-
ties and local economic stakeholders. rest, study, or carry out their numerous lays that occurred as a result of the un-
daily tasks. foreseen circumstances, the flexibility
Indicate factors which led to project’s
–– The project has been successful in in- of the donor, Flanders government, in
creasing gender equality and empow- granting a no cost extension mitigated
–– The main success of the project is its major impacts to the intervention. Thus,
ering women and girls. Women hold
impact on improving access to safe the intervention successfully managed
leadership posts in all 58 CAS, where
drinking water for 6,393 people in to realise the main activities as outlined
they have significant decision-making

Annex 4. Description of selected projects or programmes that promoted practicable steps to facilitate and/or finance the transfer 172
of, or access to, environmentally-sound technologies
3.  Strengthening Environmental and Community the use of EcoSan derivatives and bio-
pesticides. EcoSan derivatives and bio-
–– Having benefited from the leadership
training, the Hygiene and Sanitation
Resilience to Climate Change (RREC) pesticides were used as basic inputs
during the vegetative cycle of these
Committees continue to mentor and
support households in activities that
two crops and good results were ob- promote good hygiene and basic sani-
served during harvesting. At the same tation practices in the community.
time, model maize fields were set up in –– The Hygiene and Sanitation Commit-
Recipient Country Indicate factors which led to project’s 5 hills of Gihanga commune to serve as tees have also strengthened households
success demonstration fields. in the production of improved stoves.
Sector With regard to the schedule put in –– Germoirs of Neem, Melia and Arte- In total, 1 106 stoves were built over the
place since the beginning of the project, misia were installed in the 5 hills of course of the project, which shows the
hygiene, sanitation, water supply and
preventive health, agriculture, agroforestry we note with satisfaction that all the ac- the intervention zone with the objec- interest of households in this innova-
and market gardening tivities planned within the framework of tive of multiplying these miraculous tion that helps limit This shows the in-
the RREC project have been implemented, plants that have shown good results in terest of households in this innovation
Total Funding
carried out within the deadline and have the fight against crop pests (Neem and that limits wood consumption.
Total budget (€) 241 970
largely impacted the living conditions of Melia) and against malaria (Artemisia).
Wallonia (€) : 181 644
the beneficiary population of Gihanga and –– production of vetiver saplings planted At the communal level :
Years in operation
Mutimbuzi. along the entire along the Kajeke river-
2019 – 2021 (36 months) –– Training was organized in Mutim-
bed to protect the banks from collapse.
buzi for farmers, zonal and communal
Description At the family level : –– in collaboration with the Commune of
agronomists, and agricultural instruc-
Gihanga and Mutimbuzi 10 000 plants
The specific objective of the RREC –– a total of 5 045 people attended an ani- tors from this commune. A total of 40
were produced, including 5 000 bam-
program is to improve the resilience of mation on good hygiene and sanitation participants were trained on the use of
boo plants and 5 000 sisal plants. The
both the environment and the communities practices throughout the duration of the biopesticides (Neem and Melia). This
plants produced were transplanted by
of Gihanga and Mutimbuzi most exposed project training is part of the organization's
the commune on the banks of the Ka-
to the effects of climate change. –– In total 1 254 latrines were built (577 strategy to strengthen the skills of field
jeke River to fight against the damage
Arborloo and 677 Ecosan) out of the actors and especially to provide them
This program is clearly part of a global caused by this river.
800 planned during the project formu- with tools and techniques to better sup-
ambition to adapt family farming to envi-
lation of the project. This overachieve- port the project's beneficiary house-
ronmental constraints accentuated by glob- At the community level :
ment of the target was possible thanks holds.
al warming (including livestock issues, the
to an additional source of source of –– technical training on biopesticides in –– At the communal level, capacity build-
fight against soil erosion and agricultural
funding in the intervention zone. order to build their capacity and to par- ing of communal actors (responsible
water management), and the fight against
–– a total of 1 126 handwashing systems, ticipate in sensitizing other households for sanitation activities) on the use of
deforestation and the management of for-
2 050 dryers, and 1 136 compost bins on the use of biopesticides. EcoSan by-products and biopesticides
est areas (including mangroves and the
were installed in households. –– Hygiene and Sanitation Committees (zonal and communal agronomists, ag-
fight against deforestation by optimizing
–– Watermelon and amaranth fields were were actively involved in the analysis ricultural monitors) has allowed these
or reducing the use of wood for fuel)
installed by the Hygiene and Sanitation and dissemination of the action re- partners to find a framework for ex-
Committees of each hill to demonstrate search data. change and collaboration on environ-

Annex 4. Description of selected projects or programmes that promoted practicable steps to facilitate and/or finance the transfer 173
of, or access to, environmentally-sound technologies
mental and community resilience is- gan timidly at the beginning of 2020, –– improved cookstoves
sues. The workshops facilitated closer quickly gained momentum with the ar-
communication for synergistic work. rival of the agronomist and the recruit-
The field missions with the commune ment of the local agronomist: work to
administration were an effective ap- upgrade the experimental field, soil
proach to cooperation and identifica- analysis of the field, grouping of the
tion of possible needs of the commune different crops according to the type of
and the progress of the project. Direct crop repetition, setting up of nurseries,
requests from households for support etc. of the different crops in relation to
in terms of building materials, biope- the type of crop repetition, setting up of
sticides and/or fruit trees attracted the nurseries for potentially resilient crops
attention of the participants of these with high added value, setting up of
missions. the Kizéo software for household agro-
nomic surveys, taking Ecosan compost
Failures: samples from latrines for submission to
–– No significant failures were record- the laboratory All these activities have
ed during the implementation of this been carried out in succession and have
project. However, the lack of rain for made the project progress at a rapid
the season did not allow us to achieve pace.
our objectives for the development of
action research and the distribution of Technology transferred:
fruit plants.
–– Latrines ecosan
–– After a gradual start in 2019, the proj-
ect faced a challenging health context Ecosan dehydration latrines separate
mid-project with the emergence of faeces from urine and allow the waste to
Covid19 in March 2020. The project be transformed into compost (faeces) or
team had to adapt to this new reality liquid fertilizer (urine) that can be used to
and reframe the interventions while re- fertilize soil or crops. These latrines have
specting the barrier measures. two pits built above the ground, which are
–– This resulted in progressive results covered by a slab. This slab is specially
in the first four semesters. The devel- designed to allow separate collection and
opment of research-action, which be- disposal of faeces and urine underneath.

Annex 4. Description of selected projects or programmes that promoted practicable steps to facilitate and/or finance the transfer 174
of, or access to, environmentally-sound technologies
Annex 5. Acronyms
CH4  Methane
CHP combined heat and power
CII carbon intensity indicator
CIS International Cooperation Commission
CNG Compressed Natural Gaz
ACEP Air-Climate-Energy Plan
CO Carbon monoxide
ACROPOLIS Academic Research Platforms for Policy Support
CO2  Carbon dioxide
Pan-European Research Infrastructure on Short-lived Atmospheric
ACTRIS COBRACE Brussels Air, Climate and Energy control Code
CONCERE Concertation between the federal state and the regions about energy
AEA Annual Emission Allowances
COP Conference Of the Parties
AED Administration for Equipment and Travel of the Brussels Capital Region
COPERT EU standard vehicle emissions calculator
ALC automatic LIDAR-ceilometer
CORDEX Coordinated Regional Downscaling Experiment
Atmospheric Limb Tracker for the Investigation of the Upcoming
ALTIUS CORDIS Community Research and Development Information Service
AR4/5/6 4th/5th/ 6th Assessment Report of IPCC COREN Coordination Environnement
AWAC Walloon Agency for Air and Climate COSMO-CLM regional climate simulation model
BatEx Exemplary Buildings Project COVID-19 Coronavirus disease
BCR Brussels Capital region CRF Common reporting format
BELSPO BELgian Science POlicy CRIE Regional center for ecology initiation
BE REEL! Belgium Renovates for Energy Efficient Living! CTF Common Tabular Format
BIO Belgian Investment Company for Developing Countries DG Directorate-general
European Biodiversity Partnership supporting excellent research on DGD Directorate General Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Aid
BiodivERsA DNA Designated National Authority
biodiversity with an impact for society and policy
BIRA Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy EC European Commission
BISA Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy ECV Essential Climate Variable
C3S Copernicus Climate Change Service EEA European Economic Area
CAMS Copernicus Atmospheric Monitoring Service EEA European Environment Agency
CCGT Combined-cycle gas power plant EEXI Energy Efficiency Existing Ship Index
CCI Climate Change Initiative EIW Energy Info Wallonia
CCIEP Coordination Committee for International Environmental Policy ENOVER Concertation between the federal state and the regions about energy
CDM Clean Development Mechanism EOS Excellence of Science
CELINE Belgian Interregional Cell for the Environment EPB Energy performance of buildings
CER Certified Emission Reduction EPM Energy/Emissions Projection Model
CFC chlorofluorocarbon ERB Earth Radiation Budget
CGIAR Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research ERIC European Research Infrastructure (on carbon?)

Annex 5. Acronyms 175

ERU Emission Reduction Unit GLONASS Russian high orbit satellite navigation system
ESA European Space Agency GNSS Global Navigation Satellite Systems
ESD Effort Sharing Decision GPS Global Positioning System
ESFRI European Strategic Forum on Research Infrastructures GRACE Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment
ESR Effort Sharing Regulation GTS Global Telecommunication System
ETS Emission Trading Scheme GW Gigawatt
EU European Union GWP Global Warming Potential
EUA European Union Allowances HF Hydrogen fluoride
EUCR Union Registry for Emissions Trading HFC hydrofluorocarbon
EUMETSAT Meteosat Second Generation satellites IASB Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy (BIRA)
EUROSTAT statistical office of the European Union ICAO International Civil Aviation Organization
EWI Economy, Science and Innovation Department Institut de Conseil et d’Etudes en Développement Durable (Institute of
FA’s Framework Arrangements Consulting and Studies in Sustainable Development)
FAIR Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable ICARDA International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas
FAO Food and Agriculture Organization (of the United Nations) ICOS Integrated Carbon Observatory System
Software tool to calculate spatially disaggregated emissions from road ICRISAT International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics
transport IITA International Institute of Tropical Agriculture
FED Federal Government IOC Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission
FEDRA research actions database funded by BELPSO ILVO Institute for Agricultural and Fisheries Research
FP Focal Point IMO International Maritime Organization
FPB Federal Planning Bureau INNOVIRIS Brussels Institute for Research and Innovation.
FPS Federal public service Institut National de Recherche sur les Transports et leur Sécurité (National
FRIA Fund for Research in Industry and agriculture Institute for Transport and Safety Research)
FRIS Flanders Research Information Space IOC Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission
FRS-FNRS (National) Fund for Scientific Research IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
FSI Federal Scientific Institutions IRCEL Belgian Interregional Cell for the Environment
FWO Fund for Scientific Research Flanders ITL International transaction log
GCF Green Climate Fund JI Joint Implementation
GCOS Global climate observation system JPI Joint programming initiative
GDP Gross domestic product KLIMOS Research Platform Climate Change and Development Cooperation
GEF Global Environment Facility KP Kyoto Protocol
Gg Gigagramme KULeuven Catholic university of Leuven
GHG Greenhouse gas kW kiloWatt
GIZ Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit kWh kiloWatthour
LDCs Least Developed Countries

Annex 5. Acronyms 176

LDCF Least Developed Countries Fund OFFREM OFF-Road Emission model
LEZ Low emission zone PACE Air-Climate-Energy Plan
LIDAR Light Detection and Ranging PAH polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon
LIFE EU’s funding instrument for the environment and climate action PAMs Policies and measures
LOVECLIM Earth System Model PAPE Prevention Action Plans in the field of Energy
LPG liquefied petroleum gas PE polyethylene
LULUCF Land Use, Land-Use Change end Forestry PEA Princess Elisabeth Antarctica research station
MAR regional climate model PEFC Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification
MIRA Environmental report Flanders PFC Perfluorocarbon
MOP Meeting Of the Parties Local Programme of Action for Energy Management / Local Action Plan for
MOS Environmental protection at school Energy Management
MRV Monitoring, Reporting, Verification POP Persistent Organic Pollutants
MS Member State PM Particule matter
MUSTI Multimodal strategic displacement model PMP Passive house platform
MW Megawatt ppm  parts per million
N2O Nitrous oxide PRODEX PROgramme for the Development of scientific EXperiments
N/A Not applicable PVC polyvinylchloride
NAPs National Adaptation Plans QA/QC Quality Assurance / Quality Control
NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization Quality assurance of spectral ultraviolet measurements in Europe through the
NBB National Belgian Bank development of a transportable unit
NBS Nature based solution R&D Research & Development
NCC National Climate Commission R&I Research & Innovation
NDACC Network for the Detection of Atmospheric Composition Change RBINS Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences
NDC nationally determined capacity RES Renewable energy sources
NECP National energy and climate plan RMI Royal Meteorological Institute
NEHAP National Environment and Health Action Plan SAF Satellite Application Facility
NGO Non-governmental organization SEF Standard electronic format
NIR National inventory report SERV Social and Economic Council of Flanders
NIS National Inventory System SF6  sulphur hexafluoride
NMBS National Railway Company of Belgium SIDS Small Island Developing States
NOx Nitrogen Oxides SILSO Sunspot Index and Long-term Solar Observations
ODA Official Development Assistance Widening international cooperation activities on climate adaptation and
Development Assistance Committee of the Organization for Economic
OECD-DAC SME Small and medium-sized enterprises
Cooperation and Development
SNCB National Railway Company of Belgium

Annex 5. Acronyms 177

SOHO Solar & Heliospheric Observatory UREBA Rational Use of Energy in Buildings
SPW Walloon Public Service URL Uniform Resource Locator
STEREO Earth observation by satellite research programme UV Ultraviolet
STI Science, Technology and Innovation UV-VIS Ultraviolet–visible
STIB Brussels transport society VAP Flemish Adaptation Plan
Tapered Element Oscillating Microbalance – Filter Dynamics Measurement VAT Value added tax
System VEKA Flemish Energy and Climate Agency
TOA Terrestrial, Ocean and Atmosphere VEKP Flemish Energy and Climate Plan
TML Transport & Mobility Leuven VITO Flemish Institute for Technological Research
policy assessment model to study the effects of different transport and VLAIO Agency Flanders Innovation & Entrepreneurship
environment policies on the emissions of the transport sector VLIR Flemish Interuniversity Council
TRL technology readiness level VLIZ Flanders Marine Institute
TSI Total Solar Irradiance VMM Flemish Environment agency
UAA Useful Agricultural Area VMP Flemish Mitigation plan
UAntwerp University of Antwerpen VOC Volatile Organic compound
UCLouvain Catholic university of Louvain-la-Neuve VPN Virtual Private Network
UGent University of Gent VUBrussel Free University Brussels
UHasselt University of Hasselt WCRP World Climate Research Programme
ULiège University of Liège WAM With additional measures
UN United Nations WBI Wallonia-Brussels International
UNCBD United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity WCRP World Climate Research Programme
UNCCD United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification WEM With Existing Measures
UNDP United Nations Development Programme WG Working group
UNEP United Nations’ Environment Programme WMO World Meteorological Organisation
UNFCCC United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change WOUDC World Ozone and Ultraviolet Radiation Data Centre
UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization WWF World Wide Fund for Nature

Annex 5. Acronyms 178

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