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Reading Test Questions Evidence-Based Reading and Writing

the west Atlantic near Puerto Rico, the turtles swam

Questions 5-9 are based on the following passage
and supplementary material. northeast. If the field matched that on the east
Atlantic near the Cape Verde Islands, the turtles
Use the Earth's
This passage is adapted from Ed Yong,"Turtles
Kalmbach Publishing Co.
swam southwest. In the wild, both headings would
Magnetic Field as Global GPS" ©2011 by
50 keep them within the safe, warm embrace of the
In 1996, a loggerhead turtle called Adelita swam
North Atlantic gyre.
across 9,000 miles from Mexico to Japan, crossing the
Before now, we knew that several animal migrants,
entire Pacific on her way. Wallace J. Nichols tracked from loggerheads to reed warblers to sparrows, had
ine this epic journey with a satellite tag. But Adelita some way of working out longitude, but no one knew
5 herself had no such technology at her disposal. How 55 how. By keeping the turtles in the same conditions,
did she steer a route across two oceans to find her with only the magnetic fields around them changing.
destination? Putman clearly showed that they can use these fields
Nathan Putman has the answer. By testing to find their way. In the wild, they might well also
hatchling turtles in a special tank, he has found that use other landmarks like the position of the sea, sun
10 they can use the Earthis magnetic field as their
60 and stars.
own Global Positioning System (GPS). By sensing Putman thinks that the turtles work out their
the field, they can work out both their latitude and position using two features of the Earth's magnetic
longitude and head in the right direction. field that change over its surface. They can sense
Putman works in the lab of Ken Lohmann, who has the field's inclination, or the angle at which it dips
15 been studying the magnetic abilities of loggerheads 65 towards the surface. At the poles, this angle is
for over 20 years. In his lab at the University of North roughly 90 degrees and at the equator, it's roughly
Carolina, Lohmann places hatchlings in a large water zero degrees. They can also sense its intensity, which
tank surrounded by a large grid of electromagnetic is strongest near the poles and weakest near the
coils. In 1991, he found that the babies started Equator. Different parts of the world have unique
20 swimming in the opposite direction if he used the 70 combinations of these two variables. Neither
coils to reverse the direction of the magnetic field corresponds directly to either latitude or longitude,
around them. They could use the field as a compass
but together, they providea "magnetic signature" that
to get their bearing. tells the turtle where it is.
can also use the
Later, Lohmann showed that they Orientation of Hatchling Loggerhcads Tested in Magnetic Fields
work out their position. For them,
25 magnetic field to
this is literally a matter of
life Hatchlings
or death. 330 JU 50
Florida spend their early
born off the sea coast of 00 0 300
Atlantic a warm current that
lives in the North gyre,
America and Africa. If they're 270- 90 270 90
circles between North
30 swept towards
the cold waters outside the gyre, they 240° 120 240 120
sense keeps them safe.
die. Their magnetic 50
210 150
coil-surrounded tank, Lohmann could 180
Using his I80
the magnetic fheld at different parts of the West Atlantic
East Atlantic
mimic (Puerto Rico) (Cape Verde Islands)
Earth's surface. If
he simulated the field at the
of the gyre, the hatchlings swam Adapted from Nathan Putman, Courtney Endres, Catherine
35 northern edge Lohmann, and Kenneth Lohmann,
Bicoordinate Magnetic Maps in "Longitude Perception and
simulated the field at the gyre's
southwards. If he
edge, the turtles west-northwest.
swam Sea Turtles"©2011 by Elsevier Inc.
showed that the turtles can use
These experiments Orientation of hatchling
to work out their latitude-their loggerheads tested in a
position at the west side of magnetic
sense field that simulates a
their magnetic
position on a north-south axis. Now, Putman has Atlantic near Puerto Rico the
shown that they can also determine their longitude side of the Atlantic
(left) and a position at the east
near the
their position on an east-west axis.
The arrow in each Cape Verde Islands
He tweaked his magnetic tanks to simulate the circle indicates the (right).
the group of mean direction
fields in two positions with the same latitude at hatchlings swam. Data are that
geographic north (N 0"). plotted relative to
5 Opposite ends of the Atlantic. If the field simulated
The passage most strongly suggesta that Acdelit Which choice provicdes the best evidence for the
Sed which of the toillowing to navigate lher 9,000 answer to the previous question?
nile journeyt
A) Lines -3("ln 1996.. way")
A) The current of the North Atlantic gyre B) Lines 32-34 ("Using.. surface")
) Caues trom electronnagnetie colls
dlesigned by C) Lines 58-60 ("In the wild ,.. stars")
Putman and Lohman
C)The inclination and D) Lines 70-73 ("Neither... it is")
ntensity of Farths
magnetie ield Estlmated Difficulty: Medium Key: D
D) A simulated "magnete
signature" configured
by Lohmann
Cholce D is the best answer because in lines 70-73
the author indicates that "together,
Estimatod DIfficulty: Easy Koy: C [inclination and
Intensity) provide a 'magnetic signature' that tells the
turtle where it is." Therefore, these lines serve as the
Cholce C is the beat anawer. The best evidence for the answer to the
firat paragraph previous question.
describen the 9,000-mile
and raisea the jouney that Adelita nmade Cholce A is incorrect because in lines 1-3 the
quostion, whlch the rent of the pa8nage author
trlea to anawer, of how thin establishes that Adelita made a 9,000-mile
able to "steer a route acrona loggerhead turtle was does not explain how she journey but
two oceans to flnd her navigated it.
lines do not serve as the best evidence Therefore, these
destination" (linea G-7). The anawer comea for the answer
mOst to the previous question.
directly in the laat paragraph, whlch
bellef that loggerhead turtles presenta Putman's Choice B is incorrect because in lines
"work out thelr position 32-34 the author
using two featurea of the Earth's indicates that Lohmann is able to "mimic
change over ita magnetic field that
nurlace" (lines 61-63): its inelinatlon fleld at different parts of the the magnetic
and its Earth's surface" in hi
intenaity. It ls
from the passage thatreauonable, therefore, to infer
laboratory but does not explain how Adelita
this was the method that her 9,000-mile
journey or suggest that Lohmann navigated
Adelita used. any influence over Adelita's had
Choice A is incorrect because do not serve as the trip. Therefore, these lines
there ia no evidence in best evidence for the
the pasnage that Adellta previous question. answer to the
used the current of the North
Atlantic gyre to navigate her Choice Cis incorrect because in
passage does discuss the North 9,000-mile journey. The notes that lines 58-60 the author
as the place
Atlantic gyre but only loggerhead turtles "in the wild" may
off the sca coast of loggerhead turtle hatchlings "born
use of make
"landmarks like the position of the
Florida apend thelr early live8" and stars" but does not sea, sun
(lines 27-28). such indicate that Adelita used
landmarks to navigate her
Choice B is incorrect because
there is no evidence Therefore, these lines 9,000-mile journey.
do not serve
in the pa8sage that for the answer to as the best
Adelita navigated her
9,000-mile the previous evidence
journey with the ald of cues from question.
designed by Putman and Lohmann. electromagnetic colls
The passage does
say that Putman and
Lohmann use electromagnetic As
coils as part of thelr used in line 3,
research "tracked"
part of tanks used inloggerhcad
the colls are turtlen, but most nearly
A) searched for. means
loggerhead hatchlingu (see lines 16-19).laboratory to study

Choice D is incorrect because there B) traveled over.

in the pa8nage that is no evidence C) followed.
Adelita navigated her 9,000-
mile journey with the aid of D) hunted.
simulated "magnetic
signature" configured by Lohmann, The passage
does describe how Lohmann Estimatod Difflculty: Easy
and Putman
magnetic flelds as part of thelr research onmanipulate Key: C
turtle hatchlings (see, for loggerhead
there is no índication that example, linea 16-23), hut Cholce C i» the best
the two selentists uned
(or clear that Nichols answer because the context makes
even could use) the
kind equipment necessary for
of atellite followed Adelitas "epic
tag" (line 4).
this project outsideof joumey with a
laboratory tanks or with Adelita Choice A is incorrect
in the wild. because wiile "tracked"
Bometimen meana "searched
sense in context to for," it would make litle
nay that Nichols
Adelitas "epic journey with a aearched for
in more
reasonable to conclhudesatelite tag" (line 4). It
Nichols knew about Adellta andfrom the passage that
a satellite
tay to help tollow it. her joumey and uset

2022 PGATINMSOT Student Guide

Reading Test Questions
Evidence-Based Reading and Writing
Choice Bis incorect because while "tracked" sometimes
means "traveled over," it would make no sense in context
to say that Nichols traveled over Adelitas
"epic jourmey t can
with a satellite tag" (line 4)
reasonably be inferred from the passage
Choice Dis incorrect because while "racked" graphic that if scientists adjusted the coils to
sometimes reverse the
means "hunted," it would make no sense
in context to say magnetic field simulating that in the East
that Nichols hunted Adelita's "epic Atlantic (Cape Verde Islands), the hatchlings would
joumey with a satellite most likely swim in
tag" (line 4). which direction?
A) Northwest
8 B) Northeast
The author refers to reed warblers
and sparrows C) Southeast
(line 53) primarily to
D) Southwest
A) contrast the
loggerhead turtles migration
patterns with those of other species. Estimated Difficulty: Hard
Key: B
B) provide examples of
that share one of
loggerhead turtles abilities. Choice B is the best answer.
C) suggest that most animal species Lohmann, who studied loggerheadpassage n0tes that
turtle hatchlings
ability to navigate long distances. possess some "in a large water tank
surrounded by large grid
D) illustrate some electromagnetic coils" (lines 17-19) capable of
ways in which the ability to manipulating the magnetic ffeld around the
navigate long distances can help a species. discovered that the hatchlings would start turtles
when he "reverseld]"swimming
the opposite direction" in
Estimated Difficulty: Easy of the the direction
Key: B magnetic field around them (lines 20-22). The
graphic (whose caption establishes that geographic
Choice B is the best answer north isrepresented by 0 degrees) indicates
because the author that
indicates that reed warblers and loggerhead hatchlings tested in a
loggerhead turtles, had previouslysparrows, like simulates a position at the east magnetic ield that
"some way of working out been known to have near the Cape Verde Islands side of the Atlantic
longitude" (line 54). would normaily travel in
Choice A is incorrect because a
southwesterly direction (around 218
that loggerhead turtles, although the author notes the above
information, it is degrees). Given
all animal
reed warblers, and
migrants" (line 52), he offers no sparrows are magnetic field were reversed,reasonable to infer that ii
the turdes would
about the specifics
migration patterns of reed warblers and northeasterly direction. travel in a

sparrows, and the only Choice A is incorrect

three animals is their connection he draws among the
because information in the
passage and graphic
recognized ability of
working out longitude" (line 54). somehow suggests that the loggerhead
turtle hatchlings would
travel in a
Choice Cis incorrect because the not a northeasterly. and
northwesterly, direction if scientists
three "animal author only mentions magnetic field simulating a reversed the
reed warblers, and by name
(loggerhead turtles, the Atlantic near the Cape position at the east side of
sparrows) and indicates that Verde Islands.
"several such migrants had Choice Cis incorrect
have "some way of previously been known to because information in the
working passage and graphic
He makes
out longitude"
(lines 52-54). turtle suggests that the loggerhead
no claim in the
passage that most animal hatchlings would travel in
species have some long-distance not a
northeasteriy, and
southeasterly, direction if scientists
Choice D is incorrect because navigation ability. magnetic field simulating a reversed
position at the east side ot
although the author the Atlantic near the Cape Verde
indicates that reed warblers and lsBands.
sparrows, like
loggerhead turtles, are "animal migrante" Choice D i8 incorrect
offers no specifics ahout how (line 52), he because iníomatton in the
passage and graphie
long distances might help reed
the ability to
navigate turte hatchlings wouldsuggests that the ioggerhead
warblers and sparrowa travel in a
(nor, for that matter, much
information about how this
not a northeasterty, and
southwesterly, direction if scientists
ability might help loggerhead turtles). magnetic field reversed the
simuBating a position at the east side
the Atlantic near the Cape Verde of
indicates that the isiands. The
the normai hatchlings travel southwestetoraphac
(nonreversed) stmuiated conditions 'y undet

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