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Reading Test
r n to Section 1 of your answer sheet to answer the questions in this e

pa55ge or pair of passages below is followed bya nurrber h quetirs her e i g
edcnpassage or pair, choose the best answer to egch question baed n wat 5
p e d in the passage or passages and in any acsompanying gaphics 's EE

Questions 1-9 are based on the

This following
passage is
2013 by Mark adapted from Mark Slouka, Brewster. A Nove
Slouka. he
This was a time There was 0 starting gun We e d n

trial, four trial, he said-a one-mile time gustywind Falvo sandag in he sogE e t n
idea of where we
a race. It was
meant to give an
dress shoes holding his cigboard He mail ug
Line stood, no more. tabile against his chest wh his le hand nd
We'd gathered stopwatch in his right and then he barked Runnes
around the middle
5 of the
track, just ten or twelve of us, of the long side 35marks?Go
others who seemed
new like me,
including three They didn't run, they fowed-he kdnhe
forth in the wind, jogging back and headband the red-beaded kid d teo ar ree
over to the other loosening up.
The rest had walked
side of the field. others in particalar-haq 2EESETE
Falvo took me aside. sustained power that looked e noing bu ei
10 shoes?" "Warmed up? Howre the
40 like murder and I was with then ad e
"Fine." In the
distance I could see kids through the third tun her ere mong ZNET
toward the parking lot. The sun walking smooth as water andl cocid her h e
stabbed out from u
under the clouds, among thamseves, znd I wzs sioning, bu
off the
He raised his voice over the windshields.
wind. "All right., I leaning back Eke there was a rope zrond= Dek
15 want you all to 45 Too fast. Mosher, too
stay contained, stay smooth. I don't i2st. I bezrd Fao raln
want to see
anybody draining the well today-that and his
ax-sharp face came ou ot nonbre iookun
means you, Mr. McCann." A tall, almost frantic and then it wzs
with red hair and a tough-looking kid gome znd here wes
just the sound of my breathing and the crunà
tight face smiled like a gunslinger. of
He turned to me. "I don't want sneakers slapping the din The
you doing group. s a tighn
anything stupid, Mosher. Some of these boys have 50 cluster, wasn t all thar tar ahead of me
been at it for a while. Don't think about them, think Bv the end of the second lap I beard
somavne tar
about yourself." away velling "Stop. Mosher. that s
I shrugged. atsome
pont someone else
enough" ad hen
caling "Coming
"Pace yourself. Let them do what they do.
They through-inside. and thev passed me Eke singie a
25 be about thirty yards ahead after the first
lap. Don't
mass, all business now, andI remember saggerng
after them.
worry about them. Go out slow, feel your way, then gasping. drowning. my chest. m kgs
bring it home as best you can. OK?" throat filling with lead and
of pain just in time to see looing up thrvugh a to
"Sure," I said. the kid with the
"Remember, it's a time trial. Not a race." halfway down the backstretch. acceleratingheadhand.
into a
60 sustained.
powerful sprint

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Tdon't know
why. I can't explain it. By the end of evidence for the
the third lap I was provides the
barely moving, clawing
at the air, Which choice
oblivious to everything to the previous
except the dirt
endlessly in front of me. "Let him go,"Iunfoldin8
heard McCann")

65 somebody say. They'd all finished by then, recoverea, A) 14-17 ("Allright... yourself")

and 19-22 ("He turned..

stood watching as
I staggered past them ukC B) Lines sprint")
55-60 ("I
remember.. .
somethingshot. "C'mon... "I heard someone start C) Lines horse)
to call
out uneasily, and then, "What's hisname? D) Lines 76-79 ("he caught...
A small crowd, I found out later, sensing
70 going on, had gathered by the fence to the parking
lot. The last of the newcomers had passed me

long ago. instructions to the runners,

I remember seeing him appear in front of me like In the context of 24-27 ("Pace.. . OK) is to
was coming up from underwater and trying to
themain purpose oflines to the group.
75 Swerve but I was barely standing and I walked right useful general
A) provide advice given earlier.
into him and he caught me as I fell, his one good
elaborate on

around my back, saying over and over, "All right, B) emphasize and
to sports
walk it philosophy applicable
easy, you're done, keep walking, C) introduce a
easy now,
on the and life.
like he was gentling a horse. I threw up
off, motivation.
80 infield grass. D) reveal Falvo's underlying
What have here," he was saying, "is a
I said.
to communicate. Stay within yourself,
Don't drain the well, I said."
my hold head
get?" I couldn't seem to
"What did I
in waves.
kept coming
85 up, or open my eyes-the pain
"Time. What time did I get?"
He laughed-that bitter Falvo
"He wants to know what
he'd just been vindicated.
was somebody with
90 he got,"he said, like there
I'l tell you
"You want to know what you got?
could beat yourself
what you got: proof you
senseless-something I very much doubt you

would most
Based the passage, which character
when trying
likely agree with the idea that,
something new, it is best not to push one's limits?
A) Falvo
B) McCann

C) Mosher
D) The person who said "Let him go"

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1 1
In the 6
context of the
and passage, "I motivation for
"Sure, I said" (line
shrugged" (line 23) What does the say about his
narrator's mainly serve to show the performing as he did in the time trial?
A) shyness. A) That he was determined to keep up with the
B) dismissiveness. other runners
C) dishonesty. B) That he wanted to something to himself
D) hostility. C) That he wished to improve on his previous
unable to provide a reason for his
D) That he was

Based on the
passage, how did
the 7
respond to Falvo's advice? experienced
A) They enthusiastically Which choice provides the best evidence for the
B) embraced it. answer to the previous question?
They acted like they hadn't heard
C) it. A) Lines 36-39 ("They didn't.. . power")
They generally accepted it. B) Line 61 ("I don't... explain it")
D) They only pretended to take it
seriously. C) Lines 73-76 ("I remember... into him)
D) Lines 91-94 ("T'l... needed")

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most nearly means
Based on the "vindicated"

the well" passage, when Falvo says, "Don't dram As used in line 89,
(line 83), he most
A) don't use all of probably means A) avenged.
up your energy B) set free.
B) don't
get sick. C) defended against.
C) don't try to outdo one
another. D) proven right.
D) don't quit before
you're finished.

Onauthorized copying or reuse of any part of this page isillegal CONTINUE

of c o u r s e - n o t just
There have been exceptions,
Questions 10-18 are based on the following has yet to spread but
countries where democracy
passage and supplementary material. reversals.
45 others where it has experienced calls
scholar in this field,
This passage is adapted from Moisés Naim, The End ofto Larry Diamond, a leading in countries like Russia,
Power: From Boardrooms to Battlefields and Churches02013 the stalling in recent years recession."
States,Why Being in Charge lsn'tWhatIt Used to Be. by a "democratic
Moisés Naím. Venezuela, or Bangladesh evidence that public
Yet against this is mounting
America, for example,
The number of democracies in the world today 1s
50 attitudes have shifted. In Latin
unprecedented. And remarkably, even the remaining and inequality, and
despite persistent poverty show
autocratic countries are less authoritarian than scandals, opinion polls
constant corruption
Line before, with government than in the
electoral systems gaining strength and confidence in civilian
S people
empowered by new forms of contestation that military.
repressive rulers are poorly geared to suppress. Local autocracies are less autocratic today.
55 Even
crises and setbacks are real, but the of the world's democratic
global trend is According to one study
strong: power continues to flow away from autocrats be the only country
electoral systems, Brunei may
and become more failed to put down any
fleeting and dispersed. where "electoral politics has
10 The data confirm this transformation: 1977 all." With far fewer repressive
meaningful roots at the
high-water mark of authoritarian rule, with 60 regimes in the world, one might have expected
90 authoritarian countries. A and political
respected source, holdouts to be places where freedom
Freedom House, assessed whether countries are But in fact
electoral democracies, based on whether competition are increasingly suppressed.
central to
they hold the opposite is true. How? Elections
15 elections that are regular, timely, open, and fair, even indicator of
if certain other civic and democracy but they are not the only
political freedoms may be civil
lacking. In 2011 it counted 117 of 193 surveyed
65 political openness. Freedom of the press,
liberties, checks and balances that limit the power of
countries as electoral democracies. Compare that
any single institution (including that of the head of
with 1989, when only 69 of 167 countries made the of a
state), and other measures convey a sense
20 grade. Put another way, the proportion of data show that
governmene's grip on society. And the
democracies in the world increased by just over half 70 on average, even as the number of authoritarian
in only two decades.
regimes has gone down, the democracy scores of
What caused this global transformation? countries that remain politically closed have gone up.
Obviously local factors were at work, but scholar The sharpest improvement occurred in the early
25 Samuel Huntington noted some big forces as well.
1990s, suggesting that the same forces that pushed so
Poor economic management by many authoritarian 75 many countries into the democratic column at that
governments eroded their popular standing. A rising time had profound liberalizing effects in the
middle class demanded better public services, greater
remaining nondemocratic countries as well.
participation, and eventually more political freedom.
30 Western governments and activists encouraged
dissent and held out rewards for reform, such as
membership in NATO or the EU or access to funds
from international financial institutions. A newly
activist Catholic Church under Pope John Paul II
35 empowered opposition in Poland, El Salvador, and
the Philippines. Above all, success begat success, a
process accelerated by the new reach and speed of
mass media. As news of democratic triumphs spread
from country to country, greater access to media by
40 increasingly literate populations encouraged
emulation. In today's digital culture, the force of that
factor has exploded.

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1 1
Proliferation of Democracies and 10 main focus
the Decline of Autocracies: 1950-2011 of the passage,
Over the course
shifts from
in democracies and
A) a discussion of the or t h e causes of
80 to an analysiS
political openness

the increase.
60 democracies
have become
B) a claim that discussion of the effects
to a
40 less politically open
of the decreased openness.
abouta trend
of oneset of data
20 C)an explanation to an explanation ofa
toward political openness
04 conflicting set of to a strong
of democracy
D) a positive portrayal
denunciation of autocracy.

autocracies 11 means
As used in line 20, "put" most nearly
Adapted from Monty G. Marshall, Keith Jaggers, and Ted Robert
Gurr. "Political Regime Characteristics and Transitions, 1800-2010," A) imposed.
Polity IV Project.
B) placed.
C) incited.
D) stated.

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As used in line
31, "held out" most nearly means The passage characterizes thestate of political
A) resisted.
openness in autocratic regimes as unexpected in that
B) awaited.
A) instead of becoming more oppressive,
C)avoided. autocracies are becoming more democratic.
D) offered. B) data indicate that the regimes are becoming less
democratic, while opinion polls indicate that the
public believes regimes are becoming more
Which choice best C) despite the recent, well-publicized trend toward
supports the claim that increased
political openness is a democratization, there have been many local
A) Line 23 widespread, global trend? setbacks.
("What... transformation")
B) D) in a reversal of the trend over the last decade,
Lines 26-27 ("Poor... standing) political openness in autocracies is on the
C) Lines 41-42 ("In today's... decline.
D) exploded")
Lines 56-59 ("According... all)
Which choice provides the best evidence for the
answer to the previous question?
A) Lines 18-22 ("Compare... decades")
B) Lines 46-50 ("Larry ... shifted")
C) Lines 59-63 ("With far... true")
D) Lines 73-77 ("The sharpest... well")

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16 the
number of

to the graph, of

Which of the According number

indicator of political
following is cited in the passage as an
was roughly equal
to the

following ranges?
openness? which of the
A strong head of state A) 1975-1980

B) Freedom of the press B) 1985-1990

C) Confidence in the military C) 1995-2000

D) Presence of a digital culture D) 2005-2010

According to the graph, the number of autocracies
1975 was less than the number of
A) democracies in 1950.
B) democracies in 1995.

C)autocracies in 2011.

D) democracies in 2011.

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Questions 19-28 are based on the following Previous research by Ripple and colleagues has
passage and supplementary material. demonstrated other ways in which the gray wolfs
This passage is adapted from Bettina Boxall, return has had a cascading effect in the Greater
"Yellowstone Yellowstone Ecosystem, the wildest in the lower
Wolves Boost Berry Diet for Grizzlies,
Study Says." o2013 by
Los Angeles Times. 40 48 states. Ripple's work was the first to show that
aspens declined after wolves were eliminated from
In another example of how the return of a the park in the 1920s. When wolves returned and
predator can have far-reaching ecological effects, drove down the elk numbers, scientists saw a
researchers have found that the reintroduction of the and willows in
resurgence of aspen, cottonwood,
Line gray wolf to Yellowstone National Park has boosted 45 some parts of the park that has led to an
increase in
5 an
important food source for the threatened grizzly beavers.
bear. A study published in the Journal of Animal "We're in the early stages of this ecosystem
Ecology is essentially a tale of who eats what. call passive restoration,"
When wolves were reintroduced to the
recovery. This is what we
1995 after a 70-year absence, parkin Ripple said. "We put the wolf back in and then
we let
herds that browsed trees and they preyed
on elk
10 50 nature take its course." In the case of the grizzly, the
shrubs.The elk paper's authors said increasing berry production
population, which had exploded without the wolves,
dropped. The over-browsed plants began to rebound, could help make up for the loss of another bear food
threatened by climate change, whitebark pine nuts.
including berry-producing shrubs that provide The Yellowstone region's whitebark pines have
nutritious summer meals for
grizzlies when they are S5 been dying en masse, the victim of beetle kills
fattening for
up hibernation. promoted by milder winters. Wildlife biologists
The grizzly bear uses some of the same plants
that the prey of the wolf worry the diminishing nut crop could hurt grizzly
uses," said William Ripple, survival.
Oregon State University professor of forest Ripple cautioned that it will take time for
ecosystems and lead author of the study. "The
60 berry-producing shrubs to regrow."It may not be a
20 reintroduction of one top predator is potentially
panacea or a big silver bullet as a food item for the
affecting another top predator through this food grizzlies."
The wolf-bear connection in Yellowstone offersa
Ripple and his fellow researchers at OSU and
broader lesson, Ripple said. "We should be looking
Washington State University compared the 65 much farther and much more holistically at large
frequency of fruit found in grizzly bear scat (animal mammal or predator management," he suggested.
fecal droppings) to elk numbers before and after wolf
"There could be far reaching effects that we have not
introduction. Over a 19-year period, they found that considered in the past. And they can be very
the average proportion of fruit in grizzly scat rose
significantly after wolves returned to Yellowstone
30 and the elk population fell. The scientists examined
and rejected other possible explanations for the
smaller, pre-wolf proportion of fruit in grizzly
diets-such as climate influences or the operation of
open-pit garbage dumps that served as bear mess
35 halls before the last one was closed in 1970.
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Annual Counts of
Northern Yellowstone Flk
and the Ratio of and Wolves
Wolves per 1000 Elk. 1986-2004
Year Winter direct result of
According to the passage, what was
elk count Wolf numbers
1996 16,286 Wolf'elk ratio the drop in the elk population at Yellowstone
1987 0 National Park?
988 A) An investigation of the grizly bear population
10,265 B) A decrease in the number of aspen trees
14,829 C)An increase infruit-bearing plants
1991 9,465
1992 12,859 D) A surge in the wolf population
1994 19,045
1996) 21 Which choice provides the best evidence for the
24 answer to the previous question?
1998 11,736 A) Lines 6-7 (A study... what)
1999 2.73
11,742 4.09 B) Lines 12-15 (The
2000 14,539 over-browsed
2001 3.03 hibernation)
13,400 72
2002 11,969 5.37 C) Lines 42-46 ("When. beavers)
2003 9,215 D) Lines 49-50 ("We
9.12 put ...course)
8,335 106
Poor counting conditions, count is
likely a substantial
Elk count not available in 1996 and 1997. underestimate.
According to the passage, one potential challenge to
the survival of the
Adapted from Patrick J. White and R. A. Garrott, "Northern
Yellowstone grizzly bear population in
Elk after Wolf Restoration," ©2005 by John
Yellowstone National Park is a shortage of
A) elk
B) beetles.
19 C) cottonwood trees.
The main purpose of the passage is to D) whitebark pine trees.
A) discuss ecological phenomenon.

B) analyze a scientific experiment.

C) resolve an environmental debate.
D) draw attention to a historic discovery.

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1 1
Which hice
anawer to the provides the best evidence for the According to the table, the wolflelk ratio experienced
previoue question? a decrease between which of the follorwring year?
A) Lines 27
0("Over fell) A) 19% and 19%
)Lines 50 53 ("In the nuts") B)199and 2000
C)Lines S9 60 ("Ripple regrow") C)2000 and 2001
D)Lanes 60 62 ("t may grizzlies") D) 2003 and 2004
As used in line
10, "browsed" most
A) inspected nearly means Which claim from the passage is most directly
supported by the data given in the table?
B) skimmed
A) Elk numbers in Yellowstone National Park
C) destroyed showed an overall decline as a result of the
D) grazed introduction of wolves.
B) Elk numbers in Yellowstone National Park
declined every year following the introduction of
25 wolves.
Which choice most closely C)Elk numbers in Yellowstone National Park in
the figurative
captures the meaning of any given year decreased as the ratio of wolves to
"big silver bullet" referred to in line 61? elk that year increased.
A) Unexpected outcome
D) Elk numbers in Yellowstone National Park
B) Tempting choice stabilized after an initial decline as wolf
C) Definitive solution population numbers stabilized.
D) Dangerous event
The main purpose of the final paragraph of the
passage is to
A) advise the reader of some potential limitations of
Ripple's conclusions about the nutritional needs
of the grizzly bear.
B) extend the implications of the relationship
between wolves and grizzlies in a particular
environment to other animals and contexts.
C)describe a certain experiment that Ripple will be
undertaking in the future to corroborate his
D)suggest the potential ramifications of
reintroducing another species into an already
fragile ecosystem.
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passages. 29-38 are based on the
Passage 1 is followin9 cannot for an instant recognize that political
"Resistance adapted
to Civil from Henry David organization as my government which is the slave's
"LetterPassage 2 is Government."
adapted from Martin
Thoreau, 40 government also.
Martin LutherBirmingham Jail." Luther publishea Passage 2
©1986 by the King,ofJ.
legal in theKing, Jr.
Thoreau Estate
United States. Inwrote at a time when
You express a great deal of anxiety over our
while willingness to break laws. This is certainly a
Alabama; racial 1963, King was slavery legitimate concern. Since we so diligently urge people
this segregation
he wrote in arrested
letter while in Birmingham, to obey the Supreme Court's decision of 1954
Passage 1 jail. 45
Must the citizen Outlawing segregation in the public schools, at first
glance it may seem rather paradoxical for us
degree, resign his ever
for a
moment, or in the least consciously to break laws. One may well ask: "How
man a conscience to the
has every
Line should be
men conscience, then? I think
legislator? Why can you advocate breaking some laws and obeying
first, others?" The answer lies in the fact that there are
desirable to cultivate
for the
subjects afterward.thatIt iswenot
50 two types of laws:
just and unjust. I would be the first
right. The only respect for the law, so much as to advocate
obeying just laws. One has not onlya
to assume is
to do at obligation which I have legal but a moral responsibility to obey just laws.
truly enough said thatany time what I think right. right
a It is Conversely, one has a moral responsibility to disobey
conscience; but a
is a
corporation of
has no unjust laws. I would agree with St. Augustine that "an
corporation with a conscience. conscientious
unjust law is no law at all."
men a whit Law Now, what is the difference between the two?
for it, even
just; and, by means of never
the their
How does
respect determine
agents of injustice. ... are
daily made the
one whether a law is
unjust? A just law is a man-made code thatjust
The mass of with the moral law or the squares
men serve the law of God. An
state... 60 is a code that is unjust law
mainly, but as not as men out of
To put it in the terms harmony
the standing machines, with their with the moral law.
bodies. They are of St. Thomas
army, and the militia, Aquinas:
..etc. In most
cases jailers, constables, unjust law is a human law that is not rooted in
whatever of the there is no free exercise eternal law and natural law. Any law that
judgment or of the human personality is uplifts
they put themselves on a level with moral sense; but
wood and earth 65 human
just. Any law that degrades
20 and stones; and wooden
men can
personality is unjust. All segregation statutes
unjust because segregation distorts
manufactured that will serve the perhapsasbewell.
the soul and
Such command no purpose damages thepersonality. It gives the segregator a
respect than menn of false sense of
straw or a superiority and the segregated a false
lump of dirt. They have the same sort of sense of
inferiority.... Thus it is that
worth only as horses and 70 men to I can urge
dogs. Yet such as these even obey the 1954 decision of the
Supreme Court,
25 are
commonly esteemed good citizens. Others, as for it is morally
right; and I can urge them to
most legislators, politicians, lawyers, ministers, and disobey segregation ordinances, for they are morally
office-holders, serve the state chiefly with their heads; wrong
and, as they In do I advocate
rarely make any moral distinctions, they no sense
evading or defying the
are as likely to serve the devil, without intending it, as
75 law, as would the rabid segregationist [by
refusing to
comply with the Supreme Court ruling]. That would
30 God. A very few, as heroes,
patriots, martyrs, lead to anarchy. One who breaks an
reformers in the great sense, and men, serve the state unjust law must
with their consciences also, and so do so openly, lovingly, and with a
necessarily resist willingness
it for the most accept the penalty. I submit that an individual who
part; and they are commonly treated 80 breaks a law that conscience tells him is unjust, and
as enemies by it.... who willingly accepts the penalty of imprisonment in
35 How does it become a man to behave toward this
order to arouse the conscience of the community
American government to-day? I answer, that he
over its injustice, is in reality expressing the highest
cannot without disgrace be associated with it. I
respect for law.
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As used in
line 22,
A) order
"command" most nearly means According to King, an unjust statute should not be
B) dominate. A) regarded as having moral
C) overlook. B) broken in a manner intended to attract attention.
D) deserve. C)viewed as detrimental to the human
D)used to enforce obedience to moral law.
Thoreau makes which 33
their consciences? point about people who follow
Which choice provides the best evidence for the
A) They often band answer to the
together with other entities to
form corporations.
previous question?
A) Lines 49-50 ("The answer... unjust")
They tend to have
relationships with mutually antagonistic B) Lines 51-52 ("One... laws")
C) They governments. C) Lines 53-55 ("one... all")
sense is
believe that the exercise of the D) Lines 64-65 ("Any... unjust")
D) what makes
them human.
They hold their
standard than that to a
different moral
themselves. to which they hold 34
As used in line 57,
"determine" most nearly means
A) establish.
Which choice B) regulate.
answer to the provides the best evidence for the C) direct.
A) Lines previous question? D) limit.
1-2 ("Must... legislator")
B) Lines
7-10 ("It
C) Lines 17-21 is...conscience")
("In most... well")
D) Lines
30-34 ("A it")
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any part of this page is
illegal. 17
I1 1
The 37 in how the
primary purpose of each In the passages, a

A) make an passage t is
authors discuss morality is that

between argument about


the individual the relationshipP indicates that

and the law. follow their
consciences, while
Badvance a view on how A) very few people consistently
laws could be made most people
more just. King indicates that
adhere to moral laws.
question a claim that the
morality of actions what they judge
to right,
depends on their consequences. B) people should do should follow a
indicates that people
D) discuss while King
change in the nature of the state and its universal moral code.
power over the individual.
action derives
from its legal
C) the morality of an
status, while King indicates that morality and
36 human law are distinct.

Both authors would most D) even morally good laws should be disobeyed,
likely agree with which while King indicates that people should
statement about people who obey their
government's just laws.

A) They fail to follow the guidance of their

consciences. 38
B) They are incapable of exercising moral Assuming that he agrees with the assertions in the
judgment. final paragraph of Passage 1, King would most likely
C) They may not be acting in accordance with recommend which course of action to Thoreau?
justice A) Thoreau should obey laws upholding slavery
D) They value personal morality over the while they are in force but should work to
public good. repeal them.
B) Thoreau should view laws upholding slavery as
immoral but should not break them since doing
so would lead to anarchy.
C) Thoreau should break laws upholding slavery
and in doing so should neither hide his actions
nor try to avoid punishment.
D) Thoreau should openly criticize laws upholding
slavery but should follow them since committing
a crime would degrade his personality.

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Questions 39.47 are based on the following "The bad guy in the story -the western corn
passage 45 rootworm--was actually part of a multi-species
This passage is
adapted from Ed Yong, "Gut Bacteria Allows conspiracy." says Joe Spencer, who was part of the
Insect Pest
to Foil Farmers. 2013 by
National Geographic study
Society The team, including graduate student Chia-Ching
Chu, found that a third of the rootworms gut
Here is lesson that we're
50 bacteria comprise species that are unique to either
going to be taught
again and againin the
coming years: Most animals the resistant or normal varieties. These two factions
are not just animals. They're also collections of
Line also differ in the relative numbers of the bacteria that
microbes. If you really want to understand
animals, they share.
you'll also have to understand the world of microbes These different microbes give the resistant beetles
inside them. In other words, 55 an edge when eating soybeans. The rootworms digest
Consider the western
zoology is ecology
corn rootworm-a beetle the protein in their meals using enzymes called
serious pest of corn in the United States. The
defend themselves
adults have cysteine proteases, and soybeans
strong preferences for laying eggs in corn with substances that can block these enzymes.
10 fields, so that their
feast of corn roots. underground larvae hatch into a But Chu found that the more the beetles' bacteria
This life cycle differed from the normal set, the higher the levels of
continuous depends
on a 60

use this
year-on-year supply of corn. Farmers can cysteine proteases in their guts. By avoiding
dependency against the rootworm, by indigestion, these beetles were better at surviving
planting soybean and corn in alternate
15 These rotations
mean that rootworms
years. among soybeans, and more likely to lay their eggs
corn fields but lay eggs into there.
their larvae hatch among
and die. soybean, 55 The team proved that the bacteria were
But the rootworms have responsible by killing them with antibiotics.
adapted to this strategy the
by reducing their strong enough, this drastically lowered cysteine protease
20 corn. These instincts tor laying eggs in activity in the guts of the rotation-resistant beetles
rotation-resistant females might lay and wrecked their ability to thrive among soybeans.
among soybean fields, so their larvae hatch into a
crop of corn.
There are almost certainly genetic
differences that
separate the rotation-resistant rootworms from their 39
25 normal peers, but what are they?
Researchers at the Over the course of the passage, the main tocus
University of Illinois have been studying the problem shifts fromna
since 2000 and, despite generating a vast
mountain of about the challenge posed by a
data, have failed to find the genes in question. A) statement

The western corn rootworm has been an particular insect to an indication of why that
30 a long time,"
enigma for challenge was easy to overcome.
says Manfredo Seufferheld. "This insect
has the ability to adapt to practically all control B) summary of a once-unexplained natural
methods deployed against it, including crop rotation. phenomenon to a biography of the scientists
After many years of research about the mechanisms who researched that phenomenon.
of rotation resistance, results were
mostly C) description of a problem affecting agriculture to
35 inconclusive." an explanation of how scientists identified the
So, Seufferheld looked elsewhere. Rather than cause of that problem.
focusing on the rootworm's own genes, he studied
the genes of the bacteria in its gut... D) discussion about a scientific field to an anecdote
and found showing how research is done in that field.
some answers. The rotation-resistant varieties have
40 very different gut bacteria from the normal ones.
And when the team killed these microbes with
antibiotics, they severely reduced the beetle's ability
to cope with rotation.

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1 1
The statement "zoology is ecology" (line 6) mainly The central claim in the fourth paragraph
serves to
(lines 23-35) is that
A) propose that two areas of scientific
knowledge be A) extensive study of the rootworm's genes was
merged. insufficient to determine why some rootworms
B) point out that
research will lead
knowledge obtained in one field of are rotation resistant.
expertise in another. B) the rootworm's ability to adapt to pest control
C)assert a point about methods is unique among insects.
biological science that is
supported by the example in the passage. C) the genetic profile of rootworms is significantly
D) suggest that one field of more complex than researchers initially believed.
scientific research has
completely supplanted another. D) our current understanding of genetics is
inadequate to allow researchers to understand
41 why some rootworms are rotation resistant.
According to the passage, one similarity between
rotation-resistant rootworms and normal rootworms
is that they both
As used in line 24, "separate" most nearly means
A) reduce crop productivity by extracting nutrients
from the soil. A) distinguish.
B) produce larvae that feed on the plant roots B) discharge.
of crops. C) extract.
C)adapt to crop rotation by maintaining high levels D) scatter.
of enzymes in their guts.
D) contain the same quantity and composition of 45
bacteria in their guts.
According to the passage, the gut bacteria of
rotation-resistant rootworms
12 A) help the rootworms survive in soybean crops.
Which choice most clearly provides information B) are responsible for lowering the amount of
indicating how some rootworms have overcome cysteine protease in the rootworms' guts.
farmers' efforts to eradicate them? C)make the rootworms less vulnerable to being
A) Lines 15-17 ("These... die") killed by antibiotics.
D) are transferred to the larvae that hatch from the
B) Lines 18-20 ("But... corn")
rootworms eggs.
C) Lines 25-28 ("Researchers... question")
D) Lines 41-43 ("And.. .rotation")
Unauthorized copying or reuse of any part of this page is illegal. 20
1 1
Which choice is that
answer to
provides the best evidence for the The main idea of the last paragraph
the previous question?
A) A) cysteine proteases are harmful to rootworms
Lines 29-30 ("The western...Seufferheld") when present in large quantities in the body.
B) Lines 39-40
("The rotation-resistant. ones") rootworms will
B) eggs laid by rotation-resistant
C) Lines 44-47 ("The bad... study) hatch into crops of soybeans.
D) Lines 54-55 ("These. C) bacteria unique to
rotation-resistant rootworms
.soybeans") allow them to digest soybeans.
D) rotation-resistant rootworms do not digest
soybeans using cysteine proteases.

If you finish before time is called, you may check your work on this section only.
Do not turn to any other section.

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