AZ 900 Cheatsheet

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Azure Core Services - Azure Virtual Machines

Deploying a Windows Virtual Machine

Installing IIS on the VM

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State of the Virtual Machine

Availability Sets

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Availability Zones

Azure Dedicated Host

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Azure Core Services – Networking

Network Security Groups

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Application Security Groups

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Communication across virtual machines in a virtual network

Network connectivity options

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Azure ExpressRoute

Azure Core Services - Azure Storage

Azure Storage Accounts

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Azure Storage Accounts - Data Redundancy

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Azure File Shares

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Azure Queue Storage

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Azure SQL Databases

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Enterprise Data Warehouse Architecture

Azure Cosmos DB Introduction

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Azure SQL Database vs Cosmos DB

A sample architecture - use case 1

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A sample architecture - use case 2

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Understand cloud concepts

Benefits of the cloud - High Availability

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Benefits of the cloud – Scalability

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Benefits of the cloud – Disaster Recovery

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Benefits of the cloud – Fault tolerance

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Cloud service model

Cloud model types

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More on Azure Core Services - Part 1

Azure Web Apps

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Azure Load Balancer

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Azure Traffic Manager

Lab - Azure Traffic Manager

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Azure Functions - Introduction

Virtual Machine Scale Sets

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Azure Resource Manager Templates

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More on Azure Core Services - Part 2

Primer on Docker Containers

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Azure Kubernetes Service

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Azure Content Delivery Network

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Understand security, privacy, compliance, and trust
Azure Active Directory

Role Based Access Control

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Management Groups

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Azure Blueprints

Azure DDoS protection

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What is the Azure Key Vault service

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Azure Firewall

Putting everything together

Understanding your requirements

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Choosing the right cloud model

Storing user documents

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High Availability

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Connecting data center to Azure

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The user identities

Monitoring your infrastructure

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