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Kaht To Eduntiem Oh uellit dsa ve

erthunstic Trpic in tsel buttus
depime rthat n Qctualuhat u Right
Evey child has a sight h ul
dim elnment.auy educdtion Saiskatouy
amd equitable alali n aounal
Schnol'ohich Stistie CutainesAntial

So this s uta basic delendion lou Right

o Edutatien The Conctihuton 86-th Amendalent)
At l002 Insexted Axticto 21-A in thi Constitutiss
ndia to pHouide-samd Compulsesuy
Edutation lRIE)Ad, 201 ohich uhlseh
cth Comsequmtial lgislation enisaged undex
oltucle -A meansthat eychild has a
ghtto pull timm elepmexctasy educalion
SAefactou amd euitabl 9uality inakoumal
Schn Lhich Sadickie Ceitam esserctia>neum
amd Stardaxds

Aticl A and RTE at lau into eet on

LApil2olo Th i t dtu RTE Act ncosouta
and Conhlsouy . ELeducation
thi uoxdsf hana chil
means that noehild, h
Qdmitled by tisouAupaxunb do
Who hasibun abbuabsiati
Sthol whih jAMnt Subhouted by
ovemment, &hall bi iabl to m any Kind
u 0changes 0 expensca Lhich mau A d
Rim o hue oto pusSuinq amd Complutivg elimenda

Tha RTE Act uidu ot cthus

Kot h childrm Ao feu and campulonuy edutation
Acomptetion a elanentay educatiod n a
metghbouthood School
J t Sheuiles thu duties and susonui biliia
aphuopuiäb qpvexmments, lotoulaucthaity amd
poxcrsin xOuiding pu mo compulsany=
edtation,d Shaig inamclal andother
ssponsibi.bte bctulen -thu"adtral cndStat

Lays dosn ctluMounL nd landaxdhlating-

LEntealia to Auptl Teachr Raieu (Prkc), buildings
nd nstuuctwu, Sechool-uooukingday dathi
Crking Rouu
aphoints dxaimud teaduui e .deach
iwthdhu uqwsi entuy and acadandc ualilatien
hsLuhibit La)phlul punlshniet
hoiSmet Stunin_Docaduuwu admission
Chf Ldun() ahitafidhld) BAch duitien
teat hta
thes a Ll pounts that COm
RTE Act Bt MS ctiu lndi
Jnda 9et all th chamCLA uation u id
dopuDuid tsuu
dutattom to each amd eMay chul
cth ISLUEH to this un
And tsiy ue discuss UiatQuutim No
So uahy Edution Lu
0child withbpes achi ld meant aisiva
MOt easunig tducatuon
Juat n oksOR mgdaintstoucoaticn
is houw a achild C -Ais o u wHouding
andthun uti Lize in a buoper mame
a who u tlutenat bttou Soi
CicumStantuaxI not said t buss educat
tuyDDp wndurclmo het SLHLCUdug4
oid Knod uuha s get LOLOg a
Acild Lohm bouncant b tiugittlu
dsuplu b u tdutation butA Lannd
LDm sSuwtLouwidingskoct iouw each aud
euLou Öiha abund kimtam tiue
the sest duelep to asLLt tduCatinga
Clild is muet So that hi Lsha Ca Eqsumto
thumseluu by daimobs.t it is ouls a
t cthut e we doLamfconm QuuJMIaLn
dongsSo, we Should emphasizo en sicwQl
wev a gadomothings omOuw Child-
hood ChLod th Sudot o mmekug
ASuccul RumanbmgBut ouRJusLOundh
aldo sondhudhu debendy on Education:nSlhoala
Collguue lasmabact Sciente dtechatog
Culumt oPais atlticSouiatog huuian

Stsuttwu: A-use an ulatd do oux danly

tdutatien dsa þlatfum aoddu
to SucLS A bexsen 'shb u wellEducotand
Cam lht Soualy amd bolitialy uuly os h.
S h Ko10us -thu sul l & Stegulatin dis iplinu
and hao to sustain in (2 Bd Somehou thu
Childuun sluums and lom So much Hama
Qsuas tidid nad abludtn get edutati on
d o n t eum inowthuin suighds which
ent mouohou cto stand 1 n Soiet
(ubduations mugh o Ruy Ildu
Jaenlyboys ferlng thi Rockods
Education qinln Some auuaA alan oCad to
do rly houuheldkmot usmltiing o r
edutatio pumitled taan x Liital
mecducaun is Must o a gualox a
bou child to Rnou that hous thu Sha
Dhnin huatioms o ay Kind
EdutadiOn buimgsachomg in-eu amuon, d
doumt matteris shu ydu &tartedt-hine
whithmattexi is that u staited whn
Hu KnD th Valueyouxsehmes EPhux it A
teach chamA&o 8hould thy hAha in
Aist. SuLALundingslducatan maku sa
human bumg h punp dísefplbw 9us an
qulahionchange -hun brhaulour to valu
m t o Valu H timAs Li iAMot Lkul

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