2019 - Joshi - A Systematic Review of Comparative Studies On Ergonomic Assessment Techniques

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International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 74 (2019) 102865

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A systematic review of comparative studies on ergonomic

assessment techniques
Mangesh Joshi *, Vishwas Deshpande
Department of Industrial Engineering, Shri Ramdeobaba College of Engineering and Management, Ramdeo Tekdi, Gitti Khadan, Katol Road, Nagpur, Maharashtra,
440013, India


Keywords: This review provides a systematic overview of the comparison of ergonomic assessment techniques’ output in
OWAS variety of industrial sectors.
REBA The relevant publications have been classified into broad categories such as comparison of applied industry
sector, trend analysis, ergonomic assessment techniques been compared, comparative studies between two er­
Ergonomic assessment
gonomic assessment techniques, frequently compared techniques, levels of Action categories used. The summary
Comparative study of extracted data from included papers is provided.
Work-related musculoskeletal disorders Authors have compared the results based on observational techniques which are easy to understand and apply.
Available publications related to such comparison is limited. Authors have compared and analysed the corre­
lation between the outputs of techniques but only few researchers pointed out the exact reason of variation in
outputs applied in the same task. Hence, establishing applicability of each technique required. To identify the
causes of variation, the sensitivity study of exposure factor-Task-posture assessment techniques is highly
required. There are few techniques which are not yet compared for checking agreement or correlation, serving as
a research gap.
Authors have studied and published literature review specific to one technique of ergonomic assessment. Few
authors have compared the outputs from various ergonomic assessment techniques in particular sector and
investigated the correlation between them. No study has been carried out till date to review available literature
on comparative study of comparisons made. In this paper, two research gaps have also been identified.

1. Introduction MSDs’ condition are in line with the expectation of author (Weinstein,
In current industrial work scenario, the problem of work-related The global prevalence of MSDs ranges from 14% to around 42%
musculoskeletal disorders (WMSDs) is very common. Musculoskeletal (Sharma R, 2012); on the other hand in India, epidemiological research
disorders (MSDs) are one of the major causes of illness (Storheim and indicates the community-based prevalence of nearly 20% (Sandul and
Zwart, 2014) and the second most cause of disability worldwide, Mohanty, 2018) and occupation-specific prevalence found up to 80% in
measured by years lived with disability (YLDs). The most frequent various studies in India (Srivastava &, 2011) (Paul et al., 2019) (Mur­
condition is the low back pain. WMSDs commonly include disorders of uganantham et al., 2015) (Deepthi et al., 2015) (Sankar et al., 2012)
muscles, tendons, tendon sheaths, peripheral nerves, joints, bones, lig­ (Majumdar et al., 2014) (Ghosh et al., 2010). It may be due to high
aments etc. The main cause of occurrence of MSDs is accumulation of dependency on the use of manpower due to its ease and cheap avail­
repetitive stress over time. Musculoskeletal conditions affect billions of ability in developing countries like India. The generation of awareness of
people around the world. Disability-adjusted life years (DALY) for ergonomics risks’ causes and its prevention is necessary. Failing to this,
musculoskeletal conditions increased by 61.6% between 1990 and 2016, the workers are exposed to low to very high risk depending on the in­
with an increase of 19.6% between 2006 and 2016. Osteoarthritis was tensity and type of the task performed by them. As a primary require­
observed to have a 104.9% rise in DALYs (or 8.8% when ment, the workstation planner/designer must consider ergonomic
age-standardized) from 1990 to 2016 (Lancet, 2017). These figures of aspects and follow ergonomic principles while designing a workstation.

* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: joshimp@rknec.edu (M. Joshi), vsd@rknec.edu (V. Deshpande).

Received 5 July 2019; Received in revised form 30 August 2019; Accepted 7 October 2019
Available online 17 October 2019
0169-8141/© 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
M. Joshi and V. Deshpande International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 74 (2019) 102865

The designer must know the risk exposure factors and its effects on investigated two methods (RULA and SI) for output comparison in
muscles associated with the designs. The anthropometry data, job/­ automotive assembly plants. The results indicated that the risk assess­
product characteristics must be taken care of well in advance to avoid ment outcomes of these two ergonomic assessment tools for the upper
occurrence of musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs). extremities did not correlate. The cause of deviation may be due to the
To address the issue of WMSDs, authors working in the field of different weightages given to risk exposure factors in calculating a score
human factors and/or ergonomics are often interested in finding risk or a conclusion. RULA is posture based techniques whereas, SI is in­
involved in the work activities, postural loading, effect of vibration, use tensity driven. There might be several causes of variation in output
of tools, coupling, awkward postures, frequency of movements and its (Moradi et al., 2017). carried out ergonomic risk assessment of auto
duration, work envelopes, design of ergonomic workstation etc. Many mechanics. The result of study showed highest prevalence of WMSDs
methods were developed to access the exposure risk related factors. was associated with the back and waist (Fazi et al., 2019). applied RULA
Some techniques were developed to address some specific industrial method for Risks assessment at automotive manufacturing company.
sectors such agricultural or forestry sector. Some of them are generalized Findings reveals extremely high risks and the changes need to be done
which can be applicable in any industrial sector. Some of the techniques immediately (Mohsen et al., 2016). evaluated ergonomic physical risk
such as Niosh lifting equation or MAC charts access the risks involved in factors in a truck manufacturing plant (Ojha and Vinay, 2015). evalu­
material handling tasks. The techniques use the combinations of expo­ ated ergonomic risk assessment of assembly workers of Indian auto­
sure risk factors for its assessment. Few techniques such as Rapid Entire mobile industry by using RULA. The findings of the study showed
Body Assessment (REBA), Rapid Upper Limb Assessment (RULA), and existence of moderate to high risk of work-related musculoskeletal dis­
Ovako Working posture Assessment System (OWAS) follow standard­ orders (Chakravarthy et al., 2015). applied OWAS, RULA method in an
ized tables in which combination of head’s, back’s, arms’ and legs’ automobile assembly line. The study findings classified the activities in
position identifies a postural score and suggests level of risk involved in yellow zone i.e. of moderate risk zone (Qutubuddin et al., 2013a, b).
the task. The techniques like Strain Index, OCRA are based on the tested RULA, REBA and QEC in bus body building unit. The findings
multipliers; maximum sustainable limit of a factor is adjusted by revealed moderate to high risk of Work-related Musculoskeletal disor­
multiplying it with a value of exposure factors which gives a score in ders. The same findings were reflected in the study of (Ismail et al.,
form of an Index. Since, the factors involved in each technique and the 2009). The study conducted by (Jones & Kumar, 2008) in a repetitive
way of calculation of score is different, authors felt the need of high-risk sawmill occupation, resulted in meaningful variation in risk
comparing the output/conclusion obtained by each method. levels assigned with performance of the trim-saw job. In the study of
The OWAS was developed by a Finnish steel company (Karhu et al., author who (Shanahan et al., 2013) compared REBA, RULA, and SI. The
1977). It consists of four-digit number. First number representing the findings revealed the ranking of rod working tasks using RULA and
back classification, second indicating Arm, third number indicating the REBA outcome measures were similar. Similar, such studies had been
positional number of lower limbs and the last number indicates the load conducted till date considering different available assessment
handled. The four-digit code thus obtained has some meaning attached techniques.
to it which is nothing but four action categories. Total 252 posture The comparative study of all of such output comparisons is carried
combinations are possible in OWAS (4 � 3 x 7 � 3 ¼ 252 cases). The out in this paper. This study is conducted to address following major
Rapid Upper Limb Assessment method (RULA) (Lynn and Corlett, 1993) objectives.
delivers an overall score based on postural loading on the whole body
including particular attention to the neck, trunk, shoulders, arms and
wrists. The overall score also integrates the time during which the 1.1. Objective of this study
posture is held, the force required and the repetitiveness of the move­
ment. The Rapid Entire Body Assessment method (REBA) (Hignett and The study aims at investigating:
McAtamney, 2000) method delivers an overall score that considers all
the body parts such as trunk, legs, neck, shoulders, arms and wrists. The � Commonly used observational techniques by the ergonomists
overall score integrates the same additional factors as RULA with an � Correlation between the outputs of techniques compared
addition of quality of the hand-coupling. The OCRA index is based on the � Comments made on applicability of assessment techniques.
ratio between Actual Technical Actions (ATA), obtained by analyzing � Comment on study limitations
the task, and Reference Technical Actions (RTA). The RTA value con­
siders the frequency and repetitiveness of movements, use of force, type 2. Methods
of posture, recovery period distribution and additional factors such as
vibration and localized tissue compression. The OCRA method provides This systematic review follows the Preferred Reporting Items for
two separate indices (shoulder and elbow/wrist/hand) for each of the Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) methodology ((Ales­
right and left sides of the body. EN 1005–3 is a general-purpose method sandro, 2009), (Moher et al., 2009)). PRISMA is a well-accepted meth­
that helps ergonomists assess the risk related to force application during odology for conducting and reporting systematic reviews in any
work. The acceptable force is obtained by applying various multipliers, engineering domain.
i.e., speed, duration and frequency of actions, to a basic capability,
which is represented by the maximum capability of the 15th percentile
worker. The Quick Exposure Check (QEC) is posture-based method. It 2.1. Inclusion criteria
combines the observer’s assessment with the worker’s answers for
questionnaires. It allows assessment of MSD risk factors contributing to The review of literature was focused only on peer-reviewed journal
the back, arms, neck and upper extremities at a workstation. In addition papers. The research papers were searched and included as per inclusion
to an overall score for the whole body (QEC General), this method criteria mentioned below:
provides a risk index for each targeted area such as back, shoulder-arm,
wrist-hand and neck. The Job Strain Index (JSI) quantifies exposure to � The study was a field/controlled laboratory study conducted in any
MSD risk factors for the hands and wrists. It provides an index that takes sectors.
into account the level of perceived exertion, duration of effort as a � The study addressed at least two methods for ergonomic risk inves­
percentage of cycle time, number of efforts, hand and wrist posture, tigation with considerable sample size.
work speed and shift length. � Papers indexed in Scopus, SCI, and ICI etc.
The comparative study conducted by (Drinkaus et al., 2003) � Papers were written in English language.

M. Joshi and V. Deshpande International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 74 (2019) 102865

2.2. Study search and selection in conference proceedings. The research publications are categorized in
several classes depending on the information to be analysed. The results
Fig. 1 shows the PRISMA methodology flow chart for study identi­ of 39 articles were presented either in tabular form or in the graphical
fication, screening, eligibility, and inclusion. This study is characterized form containing bar graphs, Line charts or Pie charts.
as a systematic review of published articles from the year 1970–2019. The articles are arranged as per the year of publication. The
The various combinations of keywords were used to generate maximum maximum articles were found in the year 2013. The first paper was
articles from the various sources including journal publications, book published in the year 2003. The graph (Fig. 2) shows the trend analysis
publications, study reports of national societies, conference proceedings of year-wise number of publications.
etc. The combinations used in the searched were Comparison, Ergo­
nomic assessment, REBA, RULA, QEC, OCRA, SI, OWAS and similar 3. Results
possible combinations of various ergonomic assessment techniques
combined using the Boolean operator “AND”, and the Boolean operator As per the review study conducted (Takala et al., 2010), 30 obser­
“OR”. vational methods are available for ergonomic risk assessment. In addi­
After removing duplicates and screening, a total of 39 full text papers tion to those 30 observational techniques, NERPA (Sanchez-Lite et al.,
were identified and included in the systematic review reported in this 2013), ALLA (Kong et al., 2017), HARM (Douwes & de- Kraker, 2012),
paper. SWEA (Authority-Swedish-Work-Environment, 2012), PERA (Chander
and Cavatorta, 2017), WERA (Abd Rahman et al., 2011) and SES (Zare
2.3. Data extraction et al., 2014) are also developed. A total of 18 ergonomic assessment
techniques were compared in the current reviewed literature. The
Table 3 provides the techniques compared by the researchers in meaning and abbreviations used are provided in Table 1. Author (David,
various articles. Table 6 provides the summary of an excel sheet pre­ 2005) provided main features and functions of assessment techniques
pared for the data collection to extract the following required data from which are summarized (Table 2). The features and functions of the
each comparative study: techniques which were not included by (David, 2005) are also included
in Table 2.
� Author(s) In the review of 39 papers, ergonomic interventions are carried out
� Year of publication in 11 sectors such as Food, Forestry, Automotive, manufacturing, Con­
� Title struction etc. The highest percentage of studies (19%) is carried out in
� Journal forestry work and manufacturing industries followed by 16% in auto­
� Application Sector motive and 14% in medical industry. The activities involved in these
� Data collection methodology sectors vary from low risk level to very high-risk level. The details of
� Software tools used for data analysis sector wise comparative studies and its percentage are summarized in
� Test statistic used for establishing correlation Fig. 3.
� Sample size Authors have compared Eighteen techniques of ergonomic assess­
� Limitations and Conclusion of the study. ment and tested existence of correlation between them with the statis­
tical techniques. Table 3 shows the methods which are compared in 39
research articles. Table 4 gives number of such comparative studies
2.4. Data presentation
conducted between two ergonomic assessment techniques.
The techniques such as REBA (22%), RULA (21%), SI (12%), OWAS
Papers are referred from two main sources journals and conference
(11%), OCRA (10%), and QEC (7%) are found to be frequently compared
proceedings. Out of the sixty-five papers reviewed, thirty-five useful
by the authors in ergonomic their studies. The other methods compar­
papers were found in international journals and four papers were found
ison percentage is shown in Fig. 4.

4. Discussions

Table 6 provides exhaustive summary of various comparative studies

carried out. It includes various details regarding method of data
collection adopted, statistical tests used for correlation analysis,
conclusion drawn etc. In the correlation of the outputs, authors applied
different techniques in different industrial settings and came to a finish
of not getting similar comparative correlation. The investigation of
correlation between the outputs of various techniques was backed up by
many statistical tests such as non-parametric ANOVA, non-parametric
Kruskal–Wallis H-test, Wilcoxon W-test, Spearman r correlation coeffi­
cient estimation, Contrast analysis, Cohen’s linearly weighted kappa,
Kolmogorov–Smirnov test etc.
As per the reviewed literature, few techniques such as Participatory
Ergonomics (Vink et al., 1995), a Method of Ergonomic Workplace
Evaluation (Grzybowski, 2001), (Village et al., 2009), Digital
Image-based Postural Assessment (Furlanetto et al., 2012) and Postural
Ergonomic Risk Assessment (PERA (Chander and Cavatorta, 2017),) are
not covered under comparison. The comparative study of all techniques
in light to heavy duty work may provide a different direction for study.
Currently it can be viewed as a research gap in literature.
Each ergonomic assessment technique considers different factors or
procedure to arrive at a conclusion on associated risk level. Drawing
Fig. 1. Flowchart of study search and inclusion. conclusion/output from the obtained scores or indices depends on

M. Joshi and V. Deshpande International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 74 (2019) 102865

Fig. 2. Trend analysis of 39 studies.

Table 1 Table 2
Abbreviation used. Features and Function of Various Techniques under consideration.
SN Abbr. Meaning Reference Technique Main Features Functions

1 OWAS Ovako Working Karhu et al. (1977) OWAS Time sampling for body postures Whole body posture recording
posture Assessment and force and analysis
System REBA Categorization of body postures Entire body assessment for
2 REBA Rapid Entire Body Hignett & McAtamney (2000) and force, with action levels for dynamic tasks
Assessment assessment
3 RULA Rapid Upper Limb Lynn & Corlett (1993) RULA Categorization of body postures Upper body and limb
Assessment and force, with action levels for assessment
4 ULRA Upper Limb Risk Roman-Liu (2005) assessment
Assessment Roman-Liu (2007) ULRA ULRA expresses the upper limb Upper body and limb
5 SI Strain index Moore & Garg (1995) load and the risk of developing assessment for repetitive tasks
6 ALLA Agricultural Lower Kong et al. (2017) MSDs with Repetitive task
Limb Assessment indicator.
7 OCRA Occupational Occhipinti (1998) SI Combined index of six exposure Assessment of risk for distal
Repetitive Actions factors for work tasks upper extremity disorders
8 QEC Quick Exposure David et al. (2008) ALLA Ergonomic checklist for various A lower limb body posture
Check agricultural tasks assessment tool
9 LUBA Loading on the Kee & Karwowski (2001) OCRA Measures for body posture and Integrated assessment scores
Upper Body force for repetitive tasks for various types of jobs
Assessment QEC Exposure levels for main body Assessment of exposure of
10 NERPA New Ergonomic Sanchez-Lite et al. (2013) regions with worker responses, upper body and limb for static
Posture Assessment and scores to guide intervention and dynamic tasks
11 ART Assessment of Ferreira et al. (2008) LUBA Classification based on joint Assessment of postural loading
Repetitive Tasks angular deviation from neutral on the upper body and limbs
12 HARM Hand Arm Risk- Douwes & de- Kraker (2012) and perceived discomfort
assessment Method NERPA Scoring system based on Upper extremity
13 SWEA Model for Authority-Swedish-Work-Environment individual physical conditions musculoskeletal disorders
assessment of (2012) for reporting the final score
repetitive work by ART Qualitative approach, the Assessment of repetitive tasks
the Swedish Work numerical scoring system allows of the upper limbs
Environment users to calculate a job exposure
Authority score.
14 4D 4D Watback Neumann et al. (1999) HARM Risk assessment of developing Assessment in light manual
Watback arm, neck or shoulders symptoms tasks
15 ACGIH American ACGIH-Worldwide (2012) (pain) resulting from
TLV Conference of SWEA A complete guidebook for Guidelines for Prevention of
Governmental workstation design. Musculoskeletal Disorders
Industrial Hygienists 4D Watback A tool which considers both the Suitable for back assessment
Threshold Limit peak exposure and the
Value cumulative exposure
16 EWA Ergonomic work Ahonen et al. (1989) ACGIH TLV Threshold limit values for hand Exposure assessment manual
place analysis activity and lifting work work
17 EN 1005- EN 1005-3 standard CEN (2002) EWA Questions on physical load and Assessment of upper
3 posture for repetitive tasks extremities
standard EN 1005-3 Combined index for maximum Exposure assessment Standard
18 SES Scania Ergonomic Zare et al. (2014) standard acceptable force by joints
Standard modified by various multipliers.
SES Colour coded classification of Applicable for Whole body or
each posture variable specific body regions

M. Joshi and V. Deshpande International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 74 (2019) 102865

Fig. 3. Sectors-wise published work (%).

Table 3
Techniques used in published work.
SN Ref. Year SN from Table 1

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

1 Drinkaus et al. (2003) 2003 Y Y

2 Manavakun (2004) 2004 Y Y
3 Fernanda et al. (2006) 2006 Y Y
4 Bao et al. (2006a, 2006b) 2006 Y Y
5 Kee & Karwowski (2007) 2007 Y Y Y
6 Jones & Kumar (2007) 2007 Y Y Y Y Y
7 Jones & Kumar (2008) 2008 Y Y Y Y Y
8 Spielholz et al. (2008) Y Y
9 Jones & Kumar (2010) 2010 Y Y Y Y Y
10 Motamedzade et al. (2011) 2011 Y Y
11 Joseph et al. (2011) 2011 Y Y Y
12 Chiasson et al. (2012) 2012 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
13 Wintachai & Charoenchai (2012) 2012 Y Y Y
14 Qutubuddin et al., 2013a, b 2013 Y Y Y
15 Qutubuddin et al., 2013a, b 2013 Y Y
16 Shanahan et al. (2013) 2013 Y Y Y
17 Roman-Liu et al. (2013) 2013 Y Y
18 Sahu et al. (2013) 2013 Y Y
19 Noh & Roh. (2013) 2013 Y Y Y
20 Gallo & Mazzetto (2013) 2013 Y Y Y
21 Garcia et al. (2013) 2013 Y Y
22 Mukhopadhyay et al. (2014) 2014 Y Y Y Y Y
23 Zare et al. (2014) 2014 Y Y
24 Nadri et al. (2015) 2015 Y Y
25 Kjellberg et al. (2015) 2015 Y Y Y Y Y Y
26 Mukhopadhyay & Khan (2015) 2015 Y Y Y Y Y
27 Hussain et al. (2016) 2016 Y Y
28 Rosecrance et al. (2017) 2017 Y Y
29 Kong et al. (2017) 2017 Y Y Y Y
30 Upasana & Vinay. (2017) 2017 Y Y
31 Saliha et al. (2017) 2017 Y Y Y Y
32 Yazdanirad et al. (2018) 2018 Y Y Y
33 Pal & Dhara. (2018) 2018 Y Y Y Y
34 Kulkarni & Devalkar (2018) 2018 Y Y
35 Sain & Makkhan (2019) 2019 Y Y
36 Antonucci (2019) 2019 Y Y Y
37 Enez & Nalbanto� glu (2019) 2019 Y Y
38 Cremasco et al. (2019) 2019 Y Y
39 Hellig et al. (2019) 2019 Y Y
Total 39 13 26 25 2 14 1 12 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 1 2 1

number of conclusion categories/risk levels. The problem in comparing into some other action level categories in comparison. In comparing two
output of two methods is two different number of conclusion categories techniques, two ways were adopted by the researchers. One way was to
of two methods. REBA has five action categories (Table 7) and RULA convert action categories in same comparable base number. Many
(Table 8) has only four action categories. studies adopted this methodology for comparison. Other way was to use
The difference in number of conclusion categories may introduce original number of categories and rank the activities as per the obtained
some error in comparison of outputs. Some postures may get classified scores from each method. After ranking, comparison was made on the

M. Joshi and V. Deshpande International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 74 (2019) 102865

Table 4
No of Comparative Studies between two ergonomic assessment techniques.
SN from Table 1 Ergonomic Assessment Techniques Considered for Comparison (SN from Table 1)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

1 – 11 8 0 2 1 3 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0
2 11 – 20 0 8 1 7 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 1 1 0
3 8 20 – 1 9 1 6 4 1 1 0 0 0 0 4 1 1 1
4 0 0 1 – 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
5 2 8 9 0 – 0 9 2 0 0 1 1 1 0 7 1 1 0
6 1 1 1 0 0 – 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
7 3 7 6 1 9 0 – 3 0 0 1 1 1 1 5 1 1 0
8 2 6 4 0 2 0 3 – 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0
9 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 – 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
10 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 – 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
11 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 – 1 1 0 0 0 0 0
12 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 – 1 0 0 0 0 0
13 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 – 0 0 0 0 0
14 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 – 0 0 0 0
15 0 4 4 0 7 0 5 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 – 1 1 0
16 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 – 1 0
17 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 – 0
18 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 –

The highest number of comparisons were made between REBA and RULA which accounts to 20 studies, followed by OWAS- REBA in 11 studies (Table 4).

Fig. 4. % of Comparative studies.

basis of rank order given to activities. Table 5 shows various techniques conduction of assessment techniques’ validation (Bruijn et al., 1998).
used in the comparison, their original number of action categories and Every technique had been validated. But when the output/conclusion
actual converted number of action categories. furnished by each technique were compared, the results differ signifi­
There exist different methods of ergonomic assessment, out of which cantly. The techniques when compared, classify postures in different
researchers select method which are based on charts for steps wise score categories of risk involved such as low risk, medium risk, high risk, and
calculation, formulae to calculate index or scores or checklist which very high risks category. As already been discussed in the previous
gathers data from field workers. The correlation between factual data sections, authors convert original action categories into a common
gathered, obtained scores, and an index is mandatory for a validated comparable base number such as 3 or 4 depending on the selected
technique. In the published literature, there are evidences of the technique for comparison. This conversion may affect the normality of

M. Joshi and V. Deshpande International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 74 (2019) 102865

Table 5
Levels of Action categories: Original and used for comparison.
SN of Technique 1 Technique 2 Technique 3 Technique 4 Technique 5 Technique 6 Technique 7 Technique 8 Action Category
Table 3 Levels For
Name AC Name AC Name AC Name AC Name AC Name AC Name AC Name AC

1 RULA 4 SI 4 3
2 OWAS 4 REBA 5 4
3 REBA 5 RULA 4 4
4 SI 4 ACGIH TLV 3 3
5 OWAS 4 REBA 5 RULA 4 4
8 SI 4 ACGIH TLV 3 3
10 REBA 5 QEC 4 3
11 OCRA 4 QEC 4 4D 3 3
12 REBA 5 EN 1005-3 4 ACGIH 3 OCRA 4 QEC 4 SI 4 EWA 4 RULA 4 3
stan. TLV
13 OWAS 4 REBA 5 RULA 4 4
14 REBA 5 RULA 4 QEC 4 Original ACa
15 REBA 5 RULA 4 4
16 REBA 5 RULA 4 SI 4 Original ACa
17 ULRA 3 OCRA 4 3
18 REBA 5 RULA 4 Original ACa
19 REBA 5 RULA 4 SI 4 Original ACa
20 OWAS 4 REBA 5 OCRA 4 Original ACa
21 OWAS 4 RULA 4 Original ACa
22 OWAS 4 REBA 5 RULA 4 SI 4 OCRA 4 Original ACa
23 RULA 4 SES 3 4
24 REBA 5 QEC 4 3
25 SI 4 ART 3 HARM 3 SWEA 3 OCRA 4 QEC 4 3
26 OWAS 4 REBA 5 RULA 4 SI 4 OCRA 4 Original ACa
27 OWAS 4 REBA 5 4
28 SI 4 OCRA 4 3
29 OWAS 4 REBA 5 RULA 4 ALLA 4 4
30 REBA 5 RULA 4 Original ACa
31 OWAS 4 REBA 5 RULA 4 QEC 4 Original ACa
32 RULA 4 LUBA 4 NERPA 4 4
33 OWAS 4 REBA 5 RULA 4 QEC 4 Original ACa
34 REBA 5 RULA 4 Original ACa
35 RULA 4 ULRA 3 –
36 SI 4 OCRA 4 ACGIH 3 3
37 OWAS 4 REBA 5 4
38 REBA 5 RULA 4 Original ACa
39 OWAS 4 EN 1005-3 4 4
Original number of action categories (AC).

posture distribution in various risk zones. As a result, the output of literature, one technique was applied to every work element involved in
technique may get shifted either towards high, medium or low risk zone. the task without considering its’ applicability. In some cases, the output
For example, in a comparison between the outputs of REBA, RULA, might be correct. Because of this methodology, there might be the
HARM, REBA has five action categories, RULA has four and HARM has variation in the results obtained by different methods which needs to be
only three categories of risk level. The action categories are converted investigated further. The suitability/applicability of technique to the
into 3 levels to have a common base for comparison. In such comparison, task performed must be established. Breaking lengthy activities into
the posture distribution must be normal and same for all the techniques. work elements considering exposure factor variation and the application
The posture distribution is unattended while converting the action cat­ of different techniques of assessment to individual work elements must
egories forming a small but significant research gap. be carefully carried out.
It is suggested to carry out a systematic study of sensitivity analysis. With reference to the comparative studies conducted between two
It is required for evaluating sensitivity of the conclusion furnished by assessment techniques (Table 9), it is clear that output of majority of the
assessment techniques. This analysis may reveal factors causing varia­ studies did not correlate. The maximum 66.67% correlation was
tion in output. The output sensitive body members may be different for observed between OWAS and OCRA but number of studies are less. The
the different techniques. OWAS is focused more on lower limbs (more sample size conforming the correlation is significantly less than the
categories for lower limbs) whereas REBA, RULA are more focused on studies conforming non-correlation except between SI and ACGIH TLV
upper limbs. The OWAS tends to underestimate risks, if an activity in­ comparison. One study confirmed correlation of results with sample size
volves more use of upper limbs. On the other hand, if the activity in­ of 567 and sample size of non-conformance studies are 242. With these
volves both upper and lower limbs, REBA will be more suitable than results, there is still a question on accuracy of these studies.
The ergonomic assessment techniques were designed considering a 5. Conclusion and future scope
specific set of risk exposure factors. Each work element of activities may
not have all the exposure factors. Hence, a technique may not be suitable The 39 included papers from various resources were examined
for ergonomic assessment of all work elements. In the surveyed thoroughly and efforts were focused on extracting every piece of

M. Joshi and V. Deshpande
Table 6
Summary of extracted data from included papers.
Author Title Journal/Conf. Application Sector Data Collection Method Software Test Statistic Used Sample Concluding Remarks Study Limitations
proceeding analysis tools Size

Drinkaus et al. Comparison of ergonomic Work Automotive On site observation Manual kappa coefficient (K), 244 The results of RULA and –
(2003) risk assessment outputs analysis Monotonicity gamma SI do not agree.
from Rapid Upper Limb
Assessment and the Strain
Index for tasks in
automotive assembly
Manavakun A comparison of OWAS FEC – FORMEC – Forestry Video recording – – 248 Observed postural load –
(2004) and REBA observational 2004 conference by REBA was higher
techniques for assessing than by OWAS
postural loads in tree
felling and processing
Fernanda et al. Comparison of methods Int. Conference on Medical Photograph MS Excel 7.0. Descriptive statistics 39 1. Average RULA –
(2006) RULA and REBA for Production posture score of 5.5 with
evaluation of postural Research – fast change. 2. Average
stress in odontology Americas’ Region REBA score of 7.07
services 2006 indicating medium risk
and change soon.
(Bao et al. Quantifying repetitive Ergonomics Epidemiological On site observation, SAS program Descriptive statistics, 733 Moderate to substantial –
(2006a, hand activity for research Self-Reports (version 9; SAS One-way ANOVA agreement. The Strain
2006b)) epidemiological research Duncan’s multiple-range Index identified more
on musculoskeletal test ‘hazardous’ jobs than
disorders – Part I and II: Spearman rank-order the ACGIH HAL method
comparison of different correlation coefficients
methods of measuring kappa stat.

force level and

Kee & A comparison of three Int. J. of Iron and steel, – – Wilcoxon sign test 301 1. Postural stress by RULA may have some
Karwowski observational techniques Occupational electronic RULA was higher than limitations in
(2007) for assessing postural loads Safety and automotive, and that by REBA, OWAS. 2. estimating postural
in industry Ergonomic (JOSE) chemical Postural stress by REBA load for unbalanced
industries, hospital. was body postures
higher than that by
Jones & Kumar Comparison of ergonomic Int. J. of Industrial Saw Mill Motion Data with 1. Non-parametric 15 Posture and exertion 1. Sample size 2.

International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 74 (2019) 102865

(2007) risk assessments in a Ergonomics electro goniometers, Kruskal–Wallis H-test 2. variable definitions Unavailability of
repetitive high-risk Exertion data with Wilcoxin W-test were observed to Occupational health
sawmill occupation: Saw- Surface EMG (significance level of .05) significantly affect the records to derive
filer Psychophysical component scores and/ incidence rates.
measure - Interview or risk output of all
Jones & Kumar Comparison of ergonomic Work Saw Mill Electro goniometers, – 1. The non-parametric 29 Meaningful variation in 1. Sample size 2.
(2008) risk assessment output in a EMG Kruskal-Wallis H test risk levels assigned Occup. Health records
repetitive sawmill 2. The Wilcoxin W test between methods was used to derive
occupation: Trim-saw observed incidence rates
Spielholz et al. Reliability and validity Journal of Healthcare and Video recording SAS 9.1 (Cary, Spearman rho weighted 567 Moderate agreement –
(2008) assessment of the hand Occupational and Manufacturing N.C.) kappa, was observed
activity level threshold Environmental
limit value and strain index Hygiene
using expert ratings of
mono-task jobs
Saw Mill – Wilcoxin Signed Ranks test 87
(continued on next page)
M. Joshi and V. Deshpande
Table 6 (continued )
Author Title Journal/Conf. Application Sector Data Collection Method Software Test Statistic Used Sample Concluding Remarks Study Limitations
proceeding analysis tools Size

Jones & Kumar Comparison of Ergonomic Int. J. of On site observation and Limited agreement was 1. The small sample
(2010) Risk Assessment Output in Occupational interview observed size
Four Sawmill Jobs Safety and 2. Inclusion of jobs
Ergonomic (JOSE) which are at risk only.
Motamedzade Comparison of Ergonomic Journal of Automotive On site observation SPSS Version Spearman correlation 40 Methods exhibit a strong Relationships between
et al. (2011) Risk Assessment Outputs Research in 13.0 coefficient, correlation in each evaluation
from Rapid Entire Body Health Sciences Wilcoxon signed-rank test identifying risky jobs, method and the injury
Assessment and Quick and Kruskal-Wallis test and determining the data were unknown.
Exposure Check in an potential risk.
Engine Oil Company
Joseph et al. Measurement Consistency Int. J. of Food Industry On site observation and – Spearman r correlation 7 Comparisons showed –
(2011) Among Observational Job Occupational interview coefficient, Nonparametric positive association
Analysis Methods During Safety and correlation on the ordinal between QEC and OCRA
an Intervention Study Ergonomic (JOSE) indices indices, and between the
QEC back index and 4D
Chiasson et al. Comparing the results of Int. J. of Industrial Manufacturing, On site observation and JMP statistical Pearson’s correlation 567 The findings show that –
(2012) eight methods used to Ergonomics Forestry, Food interview software for coefficient no two methods are in
evaluate risk factors Windows (SAS perfect agreement
associated with Institute Inc.
musculoskeletal disorders version
Wintachai & The comparison of Proceedings of the Rubber Sheet On site observation Win OWAS Pearson correlation 25 RULA and REBA shows –
Charoenchai ergonomics postures 2012 IEEE IEEM Production coefficient high level of risk
(2012) assessment methods in whereas OWAS shows
rubber sheet production high risk in few

Qutubuddin Ergonomic risk assessment Industrial Automotive On site observation – Scatter Plot 38 The results of RULA and –
et al., 2013a, b using postural analysis Engineering QEC are inline whereas
tools in a bus body Letters results of REBA are
building unit slightly concentrated
near higher side.
Qutubuddin An ergonomic study of J. of Mech. and Saw Mill On site observation – – 110 Methods are in –
et al., 2013a, b work-related MSDs risks in Civil Engineering agreement
Indian Saw Mills
Shanahan et al. A comparison of RULA, Work Construction On site observation Contrast analysis 25 The ranking of tasks 1. Sample size,

International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 74 (2019) 102865

(2013) REBA and Strain Index to One way ANOVA using RULA and REBA 2. The single
four psychophysical scales outcome measures were occupation assessed
in the assessment of non- similar to the rank by 3. The nature of the
fixed work perceived Lifting Effort posture data used.
Roman-Liu et al. Comparison of risk Ergonomics Electronic Video Recording, – Non-parametric Spearman 18 In most cases, the values Small Sample size
(2013) assessment procedures electro goniometers correlation of the indicators
used in OCRA and ULRA dynamometer (ZPC obtained with OCRA
methods system from JBA, and ULRA were similar.
Poland). In addition, the
correlation between
these indicators was
quite strong.
Sahu et al. A comparative ergonomics Int. J. of Manufacturing On site observations – Chi Square, ANOVA, 130 1. RULA score are on –
(2013) postural assessment of Occupational Descriptive statistics higher side than REBA
potters and sculptors in the Safety and in few activities
unorganized sector in West Ergonomic (JOSE)
Bengal, India
(continued on next page)
M. Joshi and V. Deshpande
Table 6 (continued )
Author Title Journal/Conf. Application Sector Data Collection Method Software Test Statistic Used Sample Concluding Remarks Study Limitations
proceeding analysis tools Size

Noh & Roh. Approach of Industrial J. Phys. Ther. Sci Medical Video Recording – – 3 RULA slightly over –
(2013) Physical Therapy to estimated postures.
Assessment of the Value of SI in not in line
Musculoskeletal System with the scores of RULA,
and Ergonomic Risk REBA for X ray activity
Factors of the Dental
Gallo & Mazzetto Ergonomic analysis for the Journal of Forestry Video recording KINOVEA, – 18 All approaches –
(2013) assessment of the risk of Agricultural presented a good
work-related Engineering feasibility in their
musculoskeletal disorder application
in forestry operations
Garcia et al. Working postures of dental Med Lav. Dentistry Photography Kappa statistics 283 No agreement was –
(2013) students: ergonomic observed
analysis using OWAS and
rapid upper limb
Mukhopadhyay Ergonomic risk factors in Work Automotive photograph and video – – – 1. REBA, RULA, OCRA –
et al. (2014) bicycle repairing units at scores were very high.
Jabalpur 2. SI score was less in
painting task.
Zare et al. (2014) Development of a International Automotive Data logger, Video Excel, – – 1. Findings showed that –
Biomechanical Method for Journal of Recorder, MATLAB RULA & SES methods
Ergonomic Evaluation: Bioengineering Sensors (Inclinometers, were in agreement with
Comparison with and Life Sciences Accelerometers, and the results of
Observational Methods Goniometer biomechanical methods

except for neck and

wrist postures.
Nadri et al. Comparison of ergonomic JOHE Chemical Video and Photograph Data analysis The kappa and gamma 82 The risk assessment Small sample size
(2015) risk assessment results was performed scores outcomes do not agree.
from Quick Exposure using SPSS One-way ANOVA Thus, there is no
Check and Rapid Entire software possibility of applying
Body Assessment in an (version 16, them interchangeably
anodizing industry of SPSS Inc., for postural risk
Tehran, Iran Chicago, IL, assessment, at least not
USA). in this industry.

International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 74 (2019) 102865

Kjellberg et al. Comparisons of six Proceedings 19th Service Video Recording – Cohen’s linearly weighted 10 No two methods were in –
(2015) observational methods for Triennial kappa perfect agreement.
risk assessment of Congress of the
repetitive work - results IEA,
from a consensus
Mukhopadhyay The evaluation of International Food Direct observation, – – 15 1. OWAS revealed that –
& Khan (2015) ergonomic risk factors Journal of Questionnaire and none of the postures
among meat cutters Occupational and interview technique were within the safe
working in Jabalpur, India Environ. Health limit.
scores were also high for
considerable number of
3. SI score is Very high
only for Cutting.
Hussain et al. Using Ergonomic Risk Human Factors Furniture video recording – – 12 –
(2016) Assessment Methods for and Ergonomics Manufacturing
(continued on next page)
Table 6 (continued )
Author Title Journal/Conf. Application Sector Data Collection Method Software Test Statistic Used Sample Concluding Remarks Study Limitations
proceeding analysis tools Size

Designing Inclusive Work in Mfg.& Service OWAS predicts fewer

Practices: A Case Study Industries severe risk postures as
compared with REBA.
M. Joshi and V. Deshpande

Rosecrance et al. Risk assessment of cheese Int. J. of Industrial Food Industry Video Recording and All statistical Descriptive statistics, 21 Strain Index and OCRA The results may not be
(2017) processing tasks using the Ergonomics Discussion analyses were Bowker’s test of symmetry, Checklist yielded fair to applicable to job
Strain Index and OCRA completed Spearman’s rank-order moderate agreement, exposures of other
Checklist using correlation coefficient (rs), but not identical. manufacturing tasks,
SAS/STAT and Cohen’s weighted especially those that
software (SAS kappa coefficient (k). are highly variable and
Institute, Cary, involve multiple task
NC) version 9.3 functions
Kong et al. Comparisons of Ergonomic Int. J. of Agriculture – – Hit rate, quadratic 196 ALLA gave different –
(2017) Evaluation Tools (ALLA, Occupational weighted κ, one-way results than OWAS,
RULA, REBA and OWAS) Safety and analysis of variance, and t- REBA, RULA which
for Farm Work Ergonomic (JOSE) test analyses author claims in line
with 16 Ergo Experts’
(Upasana and Work posture assessment International Garment Observation and – – 60 RULA overestimated the –
Vinay., 2017) of tailors by RULA and Journal of Manufacturing Discussion posture than REBA
REBA analysis Science,
Environment and
Saliha et al. Determination of work Fresenius Forest nurseries Video recording Ergo Fellow – 175 RULA score was highest –
(2017) postures with different Environmental (Version-2.0) followed by QEC,

ergonomic risk assessment Bulletin software OWAS, REBA
methods in forest nurseries
Yazdanirad et al. Comparing the Indian J Occup. Medical, Observation and SPSS version 1. Kolmogorov–Smirnov 210 Low-risk levels in Lack of investigation
(2018) Effectiveness of Three Environ. Med Automotive Discussion 16. test NERPA, medium-risk of tasks applying to
Ergonomic Risk 2. Spearman’s correlation levels in LUBA, and high postural load
Assessment test high-risk levels in RULA
Methods—RULA, LUBA, 3. Wilcoxon test are evaluated better.
and NERPA—to Predict the
Upper Extremity
Musculoskeletal Disorders
Pal & Dhara. Identifying Industrial Health Brick kiln Observation and IBM SPSS Logistic regression 154 Postural analysis The present study was
(2018) musculoskeletal issues and Discussion software showed that kiln limited to the
associated risk factors (version 22) workers are exposed to Rajasthan state of
among clay brick kiln very high risks in India only, other
workers spading and mould regions can be
filling tasks which is included in future
given by RULA and studies
Kulkarni & Work Related Indian J Occup. Agriculture Photographs and IBM SPSS 1. Student’s t-test 112 OWAS underestimated –
Devalkar Musculoskeletal Disorders Environ Med Discussion version 20 2. Chi-square test risk level than REBA,
(2018) and Postural Stress of the RULA, QEC
Women Cultivators
Engaged in Uprooting Job
of Rice Cultivation
Sain & Makkhan Postural analysis of International Construction Video Recording – – 6 There are differences in –
(2019) building construction Journal of the RULA and REBA
workers using ergonomics Construction scores.
(continued on next page)
International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 74 (2019) 102865
M. Joshi and V. Deshpande International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 74 (2019) 102865

Table 7
REBA scoring table.
Study Limitations

Action Category REBA score Conclusion/Risk level

1 1 Negligible risk
2 2–3 Low risk, change may be needed
3 4–7 Medium risk. Further investigate. Change soon.
4 8–10 High risk. Investigate and implement change

5 ≥ 11 Very high risk. Implement change
applying the methods in

boundary conditions are

statistically from REBA.

In the study, the results

methods OWAS and EN

RULA method is found
more suitable than the
hypothetical scenarios

ranging from small to

Concluding Remarks

to reveal differences

assessment of static
variance of validity
emerging when the

large regarding the

working postures.
of OWAS differed

1005–4 showed a
Table 8

Two investigated
RULA scoring table.
REBA method
Action Category RULA score Conclusion

1 1–2 Acceptable posture

2 3–4 Further investigate, change may be needed
3 5–6 Further investigate. Change soon.
4 6–7 Investigate and implement change




Table 9
Spearman rank correlation
Kruskal–Wallis H test as a
Kolmogorov–Smirnov 2.

Studies in perfect agreement (%).

nonparametric test, 3.
Man–Whitney U test

Comparison No of Number of Avg. Avg. Study

Test Statistic Used

between studies Study Sample Sample results

1. One-sample

Results Size- Size-No Correlated


Correlated Correlated Correlation (%)

OWAS - 11 4 19 595 36.36


OWAS - 8 3 20 213 37.50

SPSS Statistics
analysis tools

OWAS - SI 2 1 NA 15 50.00
OWAS - 3 2 17 NA 66.67



REBA - 20 5 44 117 25.00


REBA - SI 8 3 20 140 37.50
Data Collection Method

REBA - 7 3 17 175 42.86

Video Recording and

device (Desktop DTS

Scottsdale, AZ, USA)

Photography, Video

Receiver, Noraxon,

recording, On site
Hypothetical data

REBA - QEC 6 2 39 234 33.33


REBA - 4 0 175 0.00



RULA - SI 9 3 20 158 33.33
RULA - 6 2 15 175 33.33
Application Sector

RULA - QEC 4 1 38 285 25.00

RULA - 4 0 – 175 0.00
Lab Exp.



SI - OCRA 9 3 18 122 33.33

SI - QEC 2 0 – 289 0.00

SI - ACGIH 7 1 567 242 14.29

Int. J. of Industrial

Int. J. of Industrial

Int. J. of Environ.

OCRA- QEC 3 1 7 289 33.33


Public Health
Research and

OCRA - 5 0 144 0.00





information for comparison. Authors compared the results of observa­

limbs: OCRA index, ACGIH

in the Manual Feeding of a

in Forestry: A Comparison
forestry timber harvesting

Musculoskeletal Disorders
Comparison of ergonomic

between RULA and REBA

from OWAS and REBA in

tional techniques which are easy to understand and apply. The number
assessment for repetitive
movements of the upper
Comparative analysis of

risk assessment outputs

(TLV), and strain index

static working postures

observational methods
assessing workload of
three methods of risk

of available publication related to such comparison is limited. Applica­

Risk Assessment for


tion of ergonomic assessment techniques has been done in variety of

based on surface
Investigation of

sectors and comparison of outputs of each method is made. Few methods

categorized one posture at high risk and other method categorized the
same posture at medium risk. The cause of the deviation is still hidden

and unidentified. The correlation was established between the

Table 6 (continued )

compared methods supported by statistical tests. The result of compar­

ative studies carried out by authors demonstrated the variation in out­
Cremasco et al.

comes in most of the cases.


Hellig et al.




In the literature surveyed, few attempts have been made to identify

Enez &

the causes of variation. On the other hand, results suggested to use more
than one technique for postural evaluation. Similarly, establishing

M. Joshi and V. Deshpande International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 74 (2019) 102865

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