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Claisse® User Manual

© Claisse 2015-2017, All Rights Reserved.

Claisse is a PANalytical company. IN-MANU-140588E Rev.: 6.0 2017-04-04

TheOx Advanced ®

User Manual

© Claisse 2015-2017, All Rights Reserved.

IN-MANU-140588E Rev.: 6.0 2017-04-04 ii TheOx® Advanced User Manual

Edition Notice: Rev. 6.0 2017-04-04. This is the original English edition of revision 5.0 of this document, to be used with
the Claisse® TheOx™ Advanced instrument.

Acknowledgments and Trademarks

We believe that our trademarks are very important to our success and we take appropriate measures to protect,
renew and defend them. All registered and unregistered trademarks, domain names and copyrights herein are the
property of their respective owners.
The following trademarks referred to and used as such in this document are owned by Claisse : Claisse Fluxer, Claisse
(design), TheOx, TheOx Advanced, rFusion, The First and Finest in fusion, LeNeo, M4, VortexMixer, Bis!, Optimix,
THEOX ADVANCED (logo) and CLAISSE (logo).

The information provided herein is supplied under non-exclusive licence authorizing its use solely for and in conjunc-
tion with Claisse's products. Although diligent care has been used to ensure that the information is accurate, nothing
contained herein can be construed to imply any representation or warranty as to the accuracy, currency or complete-
ness of this information.
Images used within this document are for demonstration purposes only and may differ from the actual product.

Copyright Notice
© 2017 Claisse, Québec, Canada

350, Franquet, suite 45

Québec, Québec, G1P 4P3
Telephone: +1 418 656-6453
Fax: +1 418 656-1169
© Claisse 2015-2017, All Rights Reserved.

TheOx® Advanced User Manual iii IN-MANU-140588E Rev.: 6.0 2017-04-04

Table of Contents

1 General Introduction..............................................................................................................................1
1.1 General................................................................................................................................................. 2
1.2 Conventions.......................................................................................................................................... 2
1.3 Intended Use........................................................................................................................................ 2
1.4 Important Considerations on the Proper Use and Care...................................................................... 2
1.5 Liability Disclaimer.............................................................................................................................. 3
1.6 Warranty............................................................................................................................................... 3
2 Safety.....................................................................................................................................................5
2.1 Introduction to General Safety Aspects............................................................................................... 6
2.2 Recommended Skill Levels.................................................................................................................. 6
2.2.1 Skill Level 1 – Operator.............................................................................................................. 6
2.2.2 Skill Level 2 – Qualified Service Personnel................................................................................ 6
2.2.3 Skill Level 3 – Service Specialists and/or Distributors.............................................................. 7
2.3 Claisse's Approach............................................................................................................................... 7
2.4 Safety Standards.................................................................................................................................. 7
2.5 Other Information Sources................................................................................................................... 7
2.6 User Responsibilities........................................................................................................................... 8
2.7 Pictograms and Safety Symbols.......................................................................................................... 8
2.7.1 Pictograms.................................................................................................................................. 8
2.7.2 Safety Symbols........................................................................................................................... 9
2.7.3 Labels....................................................................................................................................... 10
2.8 Safety Measures................................................................................................................................. 13
2.8.1 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)...................................................................................... 13
2.9 Environmental Conditions.................................................................................................................. 13
2.10 What to Do in Case of an Emergency............................................................................................... 14
2.11 Emergency Stops.............................................................................................................................. 14
2.11.1 Emergency Stop Button.......................................................................................................... 14
2.11.2 Resetting the Instrument After an Emergency Stop.............................................................. 15
3 Installation........................................................................................................................................... 17
3.1 Receiving Your Instrument................................................................................................................. 18
3.2 Removing Protective Materials.......................................................................................................... 18
3.3 Connecting.......................................................................................................................................... 20
3.4 Preparing the Heating Chamber........................................................................................................ 22
3.5 Installing the Mold Rack and Crucible Holder................................................................................... 25
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3.6 Levelling............................................................................................................................................. 28
3.7 Adjusting Date and Time.................................................................................................................... 29
3.8 Conditioning the Heating Elements................................................................................................... 29
3.9 Preparing Test Glass Disks................................................................................................................ 30
3.9.1 Required Material..................................................................................................................... 30
3.9.2 Preparation............................................................................................................................... 30
4 Knowing Your Instrument.................................................................................................................... 31
4.1 Location of the Instrument's Components........................................................................................ 32
4.2 Location of the External Power Supply's General Components....................................................... 34
4.3 Operating Principle............................................................................................................................ 35
4.4 Power Switch...................................................................................................................................... 35

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4.5 Operating Point.................................................................................................................................. 35
4.5.1 Crucible Holder......................................................................................................................... 35
4.5.2 Mold Holders and Mold Rack.................................................................................................... 35
4.5.3 Magnetic Stirring Unit (Optional).............................................................................................. 36
4.5.4 Cooling System......................................................................................................................... 36
4.6 Safety Door......................................................................................................................................... 36
4.7 Automated Carriage........................................................................................................................... 37
4.8 Rocking and Pouring Mechanism...................................................................................................... 37
4.9 Heating Chamber............................................................................................................................... 37
4.10 External Power Supply..................................................................................................................... 37
4.11 Safety Features................................................................................................................................. 37
4.12 Recommended Accessories............................................................................................................. 38
4.12.1 Crucibles................................................................................................................................. 38
4.12.2 Molds....................................................................................................................................... 38
4.12.3 Solutions................................................................................................................................. 39
5 Adjusting the Parameters.................................................................................................................... 41
5.1 Introduction........................................................................................................................................ 42
5.2 Instrument Settings........................................................................................................................... 42
5.2.1 End of Cycle Sound Signal........................................................................................................ 42
5.2.2 Date and Time........................................................................................................................... 42
5.2.3 Programmable Heat/Cool Timer.............................................................................................. 42
5.2.4 Network Settings...................................................................................................................... 43
5.3 Fusion Parameters............................................................................................................................. 44
5.3.1 General Parameters................................................................................................................. 44
5.3.2 Step Parameters....................................................................................................................... 45
5.4 Managing Fusion Parameters and Programs.................................................................................... 49
5.4.1 Disabling the Current Program................................................................................................ 49
5.4.2 Modifying Program Parameters............................................................................................... 50
5.4.3 Adding a Step to a Fusion Program.......................................................................................... 50
5.4.4 Deleting a Step From a Fusion Program.................................................................................. 50
5.4.5 Creating a Fusion Program...................................................................................................... 51
5.4.6 Importing a Fusion Program.................................................................................................... 52
5.4.7 Exporting a Fusion Program..................................................................................................... 52
5.4.8 Deleting a Fusion Program....................................................................................................... 53
5.4.9 Managing the List of Programs................................................................................................ 53
6 Operating the Instrument.................................................................................................................... 55
6.1 Operational Controls.......................................................................................................................... 56
© Claisse 2015-2017, All Rights Reserved.

6.1.1 Navigating Through the User Interface.................................................................................... 56

6.1.2 Using the Control Panel........................................................................................................... 60
6.1.3 Interrupting a Fusion Cycle...................................................................................................... 61
6.2 Switching the Power On and Off......................................................................................................... 62
6.3 Turning the Heat Off........................................................................................................................... 62
7 Preparing Samples.............................................................................................................................. 63
7.1 Introduction........................................................................................................................................ 64
7.2 Running a Pre-Heat Session.............................................................................................................. 65
7.2.1 Short Idle Time......................................................................................................................... 65
7.2.2 Long Idle Time.......................................................................................................................... 65

TheOx® Advanced User Manual v IN-MANU-140588E Rev.: 6.0 2017-04-04

7.3 Performing Fusion Cycles.................................................................................................................. 66
7.3.1 Preparing the Instrument......................................................................................................... 66
7.3.2 Selecting the Fusion Program.................................................................................................. 70
7.3.3 Starting the Fusion Cycle......................................................................................................... 70
7.3.4 Retrieving Prepared Samples................................................................................................... 71
7.4 Configuring the Instrument for Borate Solution Preparation........................................................... 72
7.5 Configuring the Instrument for Glass Disk Preparation................................................................... 73
8 User Maintenance................................................................................................................................ 75
8.1 Introduction........................................................................................................................................ 76
8.2 Overview............................................................................................................................................. 77
8.3 After the First 24 Hours of Heating.................................................................................................... 78
8.4 Daily Maintenance or As Required..................................................................................................... 79
8.4.1 Cleaning the External Casings................................................................................................. 79
8.4.2 Cleaning the Operating Point................................................................................................... 79
8.4.3 Inspecting and Cleaning the Mold Holders.............................................................................. 79
8.4.4 Inspecting the Alumina Rods.................................................................................................... 80
8.4.5 Cleaning the Alumina Rods...................................................................................................... 80
8.4.6 Inspecting the Heating Chamber in Case of a Spill................................................................. 80
8.5 Every 500 Fusion Cycles or Weekly.................................................................................................... 81
8.5.1 Inspecting the Mold Holders.................................................................................................... 81
8.5.2 Checking the Cantilevers Alignment........................................................................................ 81
8.5.3 Regenerating the Heating Elements........................................................................................ 81
8.6 Every 1000 Fusion Cycles or Monthly................................................................................................. 82
8.6.1 Inspecting the Mold Holders.................................................................................................... 82
8.6.2 Replacing the Pivot Pin............................................................................................................. 82
8.6.3 Inspecting the Ventilation Filter............................................................................................... 83
8.7 Every 2000 Fusion Cycles or Every 3 Months..................................................................................... 84
8.7.1 Inspecting the Heating Elements............................................................................................. 84
8.7.2 Inspecting the Alumina Rods.................................................................................................... 84
8.7.3 Inspecting the Crucible Securing Rod...................................................................................... 84
8.7.4 Inspecting the Cantilevers........................................................................................................ 84
8.7.5 Inspecting the Thermal Expansion Absorbing Mechanism..................................................... 85
8.7.6 Lubricating the Linear Guides.................................................................................................. 88
8.8 Medium and Long Term Maintenance............................................................................................... 90
9 Troubleshooting................................................................................................................................... 91
9.1 Introduction........................................................................................................................................ 92
9.2 Errors................................................................................................................................................. 92
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9.2.1 Operating Errors....................................................................................................................... 92
9.2.2 Internal Errors.......................................................................................................................... 92
9.3 Clearing Errors................................................................................................................................... 93
9.3.1 No Apparent Anomaly............................................................................................................... 93
9.3.2 Detected Mechanical Anomalies.............................................................................................. 93
9.4 Other Issues....................................................................................................................................... 94
9.4.1 The Instrument Does not Turn On............................................................................................ 94
9.4.2 A Mold Holder Crumbles or Warps.......................................................................................... 94
9.4.3 Pre-Heat Does not Start on Scheduled Time........................................................................... 94
9.4.4 Unexpected Cycle Interruption................................................................................................. 94
9.5 Technical Support............................................................................................................................... 94

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Appendices.............................................................................................................................................. 95
Appendix A – Technical Specifications...................................................................................................... 96
Appendix B – Passwords........................................................................................................................... 97
Appendix C – Preset Programs................................................................................................................. 98
Appendix D – Parts List........................................................................................................................... 104
Appendix E – How to Contact Us............................................................................................................. 106
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TheOx® Advanced User Manual vii IN-MANU-140588E Rev.: 6.0 2017-04-04

List of Figures
Figure 1: Alerts and hazards – Front view....................................................................................................... 10
Figure 2: Alerts and hazards – Right view....................................................................................................... 11
Figure 3: Alerts and hazards – Top view.......................................................................................................... 11
Figure 4: Alerts and hazards – Back view....................................................................................................... 12
Figure 5: Emergency stop button.................................................................................................................... 14
Figure 6: Emergency stop page....................................................................................................................... 15
Figure 7: Accessories compartment in the shipping case cover.................................................................... 19
Figure 8: Right-hand side panel of the instrument......................................................................................... 20
Figure 9: External power supply...................................................................................................................... 20
Figure 10: Heating elements connection – detail........................................................................................... 21
Figure 11: Emergency stop button.................................................................................................................. 22
Figure 12: Emergency stop page 1.................................................................................................................. 22
Figure 13: Emergency stop page 2.................................................................................................................. 22
Figure 14: Foam blocks under the chamber door........................................................................................... 22
Figure 15: Foam blocks under the cantilevers................................................................................................ 23
Figure 16: Ratchet strap removal from the chamber door (part 1)................................................................ 23
Figure 17: Ratchet strap removal from the chamber door (part 2)................................................................ 23
Figure 18: Heating chamber foam blocks....................................................................................................... 24
Figure 19: Element protector.......................................................................................................................... 24
Figure 20: Lateral refractory layers................................................................................................................ 24
Figure 21: Cantilevers location ....................................................................................................................... 25
Figure 22: First crucible rod in A1 (right)........................................................................................................ 25
Figure 23: First crucible rod next to A2 (left) ................................................................................................. 25
Figure 24: Crucible guide ............................................................................................................................... 26
Figure 25: Crucible rods and guide installation.............................................................................................. 26
Figure 26: Crucible rods and guide final result............................................................................................... 26
Figure 27: Mold rack rod installation (part 1).................................................................................................. 26
Figure 28: Mold rack rod installation (part 2).................................................................................................. 26
Figure 29: Crucible securing rod installation.................................................................................................. 27
Figure 30: Pivot pin installation....................................................................................................................... 27
Figure 31: Crucible securing rod canal........................................................................................................... 27
Figure 32: Proper crucible securing rod positioning...................................................................................... 27
Figure 33: Mold holders installation............................................................................................................... 27
Figure 34: Proper positioning of the mold holders......................................................................................... 27
Figure 35: Levelling feet (3 of 4 feet shown)................................................................................................... 28
© Claisse 2015-2017, All Rights Reserved.

Figure 36: TheOx Advanced instrument components (general and right-hand side views).......................... 32
Figure 37: TheOx Advanced power supply components.................................................................................. 34
Figure 38: Magnetic stirring unit..................................................................................................................... 36
Figure 39: Pre-heat/Shut-off heat icon........................................................................................................... 43
Figure 40: List of programs............................................................................................................................. 44
Figure 41: Step panel....................................................................................................................................... 45
Figure 42: List of programs............................................................................................................................. 49
Figure 43: Home page..................................................................................................................................... 56
Figure 44: Typical interface page.................................................................................................................... 56
Figure 45: Status bar....................................................................................................................................... 57
Figure 46: Program bar................................................................................................................................... 57

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Figure 47: List of items.................................................................................................................................... 58
Figure 48: Step panel....................................................................................................................................... 58
Figure 49: Alphanumerical keyboard.............................................................................................................. 59
Figure 50: Radio buttons.................................................................................................................................. 59
Figure 51: Spin buttons.................................................................................................................................... 59
Figure 52: Message.......................................................................................................................................... 59
Figure 54: Control panel.................................................................................................................................. 60
Figure 53: Menu bar......................................................................................................................................... 60
Figure 55: Cancel button................................................................................................................................. 61
Figure 56: Power switch.................................................................................................................................. 62
Figure 57: Temperature indicator.................................................................................................................... 66
Figure 58: Refractory thermocouple temperature value................................................................................ 66
Figure 59: Loading position............................................................................................................................. 67
Figure 60: Crucible securing rod canal........................................................................................................... 68
Figure 61: Crucible securing rod position....................................................................................................... 68
Figure 62: Mold holders proper positioning.................................................................................................... 68
Figure 63: Fusion page.................................................................................................................................... 70
Figure 64: Time view........................................................................................................................................ 70
Figure 65: Step view......................................................................................................................................... 70
Figure 66: Mold rack rods removal................................................................................................................. 72
Figure 67: Fan deflector removal.................................................................................................................... 73
Figure 68: Fan deflector installation............................................................................................................... 74
Figure 69: Mold rack rods installation............................................................................................................ 74
Figure 70: Mold holders installation............................................................................................................... 74
Figure 71: Mold holders proper positioning.................................................................................................... 74
Figure 72: Elements cover removal................................................................................................................. 78
Figure 73: Braid connections (top view).......................................................................................................... 78
Figure 74: Cantilevers position in the chamber openings.............................................................................. 81
Figure 75: Pivot pin removal............................................................................................................................ 82
Figure 76: Pivot pin installation....................................................................................................................... 82
Figure 77: Crucible securing rod position....................................................................................................... 82
Figure 78: Thumb-screws location.................................................................................................................. 83
Figure 79: Securing rod pivot.......................................................................................................................... 84
Figure 80: Right-hand side lower front panel removal................................................................................... 85
Figure 81: Shaft under the spring................................................................................................................... 86
Figure 82: Outermost end of the shaft............................................................................................................ 86
Figure 83: Front injection hole......................................................................................................................... 87
Figure 84: Rear injection hole......................................................................................................................... 87
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Figure 85: Left and lower right panel removal................................................................................................ 88

Figure 86: Linear guide (right-hand side) ...................................................................................................... 89
Figure 87: Injection nipple (right-hand side) .................................................................................................. 89
Figure 88: Grease gun position ....................................................................................................................... 89
Figure 89: Injection nipple (left-hand side)..................................................................................................... 90
Figure 90: Error page...................................................................................................................................... 92
Figure 91: Alarms page................................................................................................................................... 93
Figure 92: Mold and crucible rack parts....................................................................................................... 105

TheOx® Advanced User Manual ix IN-MANU-140588E Rev.: 6.0 2017-04-04

List of Tables
Table 1: Safety symbols..................................................................................................................................... 9
Table 2: Mass of Fusion Monitor compound as a function of mold size......................................................... 30
Table 3: TheOx Advanced instrument functionality details............................................................................. 33
Table 4: External power supply functionality details...................................................................................... 34
Table 5: Compatible crucibles......................................................................................................................... 38
Table 6: Compatible molds.............................................................................................................................. 38
Table 7: Compatible accessories for borate solutions.................................................................................... 39
Table 8: Step parameter values....................................................................................................................... 46
Table 9: Status indicator chart........................................................................................................................ 60
Table 10: Flux and sample mass as a function of mold size........................................................................... 67
Table 11: Short-term maintenance schedule.................................................................................................. 77
Table 12: Technical specifications................................................................................................................... 96
Table 13: Passwords........................................................................................................................................ 97
Table 14: Parts list......................................................................................................................................... 104

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IN-MANU-140588E Rev.: 6.0 2017-04-04 x TheOx® Advanced User Manual

1 General Introduction
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TheOx® Advanced User Manual 1 IN-MANU-140588E Rev.: 6.0 2017-04-04

1.1 General
This User Manual gives a description of parts and instructions regarding safety, operation, user maintenance and
troubleshooting of the Claisse instrument/system. This User Manual assumes that the instrument/system is properly
installed and that the software has been set up.

1.2 Conventions
▪▪ Unless otherwise specified, all position references are made from the user's stand point.
▪▪ The names of buttons, pages, and parameters are printed in italic characters.
▪▪ Boldface is used to indicate when the user must press a key and/or button.
▪▪ Numbers between parentheses ( ) refer to the parts being described.

1.3 Intended Use
The Claisse® TheOx® Advanced sample preparation instrument is used to transform powders of cement, lime, cata-
lysts, mining and geological samples, refractories, glass, silica, bauxite, alumina, and many others into either glass
disks, borate solutions or peroxide solutions. Glass disks are typically intended for X-ray fluorescence (XRF) analysis
while solutions are prepared for analysis by atomic absorption (AA), inductively coupled plasma (ICP) or wet chemistry.
The instrument must not be used for purposes other than intended.


Do not use the instrument to mix or fuse flammable materials.
Do not process liquids, ATEX material, living organism as damage to the instrument/system, the environ-
ment or the material can occur.

This instrument must only be used in an industrial environment. If the instrument is used in a manner not specified
by the manufacturer, the protection provided by the equipment may be impaired.

1.4 Important Considerations on the Proper Use and Care

The instrument is a robust and durable product. However, it is impossible for Claisse to guarantee the integrity of
the parts, which may come into undue contact with fluxes, chemicals and samples, and which may be subject to high
The user is solely responsible to operate the instrument according to standard chemical procedures and following
Good Laboratory Practices or a similar quality program. This includes, but is not limited to, periodically checking that
no materials are spilled in the instrument. The user must also make sure that the materials brought into the instru-
ment will not react in an uncontrolled way, produce hazardous or corrosive fumes and gases, damage and eventually
destroy the platinumware, instrument and/or system or cause any other hazardous, harmful or dangerous situations.
© Claisse 2015-2017, All Rights Reserved.

To assure the integrity and safe use of the instrument and prolong the lifetime of its components, basic chemical
knowledge about the samples and their possible reaction with platinumware, fluxes, oxidizers, cleaning solutions
or additives is needed, as well as periodic maintenance. This is especially important during the development of new
methods, testing of unknown samples, and use of fluxes or additives other than the ones supplied or recommended
by Claisse.
If spillage occurs inside the instrument or if you detect any degradation of the parts, platinumware or holders, you
must immediately stop using the equipment and contact Claisse.

IN-MANU-140588E Rev.: 6.0 2017-04-04 2 TheOx® Advanced User Manual

1.5 Liability Disclaimer
Claisse shall not be liable for damages, claims and/or other costs and expenses arising out of or in connection with
acts or omissions of the customer, its employees or any third party. This includes, but is not limited to, failure to com-
ply with Claisse's instructions relating to the (use of the) instrument, neglect, alteration, misuse, improper adjust-
ment and improper repair.

1.6 Warranty
No unauthorized alterations and/or additions may be made to the instrument.

All CLAISSE’s instruments have been carefully inspected before shipping and are warranted to be free from defects
in workmanship and material for a period of one (1) year from the date of shipment, except for the platinumware and
flux and for the following parts of each specific instrument: TheOx Advanced: cantilevers, mold holders, alumina rods,
internal refractory plates and external power supply filter; M4: igniter tips, mold clips, crucible clips and crucible
holders; LeDoser: primary tube, secondary tube, flux tank seal and battery; rFusion: platinum crucibles, ceramic
crucibles, platinum molds, pneumatic suction cup, air compressor filters and battery; LeNeo: mold holders, alumina
rods, internal refractory plates, retainer plates for alumina rods, retaining wires for mold rack and insulating disks.
During the warranty period, CLAISSE guarantees the product against defective workmanship and material, provided
that the equipment has been installed according to the manufacturer’s instructions and diagrams. This warranty does
not apply to any product which has been altered, damaged, tampered with, or subjected to misuse or abuse, including
substituting parts of accessories of other manufacturers without the written consent of CLAISSE, but excluding minor
adjustments. During the warranty period, CLAISSE guarantees the proper functioning of the instrument, provided that
it has been used with the compatible accessories and consumables as recommended in the User Manual.
CLAISSE disclaims any responsibility for misuse, misapplication, negligence or improper installation and mainten-
ance of equipment. CLAISSE makes no warranty or representation regarding the fitness for use or the application of
its products by the purchaser.
CLAISSE is not liable for costs incurred in installation, removal or unauthorized repair of the product or for damage of
any type, including incidental or consequential damage. CLAISSE is not liable for expenses, loss of revenues or busi-
ness costs that may arise from downtime.
At its option, CLAISSE will repair or replace any defects that are exhibited under proper and normal use. Proof of
purchase and date of purchase will be required. Only CLAISSE is allowed to perform warranty service. Items returned
to CLAISSE for any reason shall be via freight prepaid, enclosed in Claisse packaging. If on-site repair is required,
CLAISSE will provide warranty labour and parts at no charge, however, transportation and living expenses will be
charged according to CLAISSE’s on-site service policy.
CLAISSE reserves the right to make changes in the design or to make additions or improvements with respect to its
product without incurring any obligation to modify or install the same on previously manufactured products.
© Claisse 2015-2017, All Rights Reserved.

Except for consumer purchasers domiciled in the Province of Quebec, and except to the extent prohibited by applic-
able law, this limited warranty replaces all other warranties, expressed or implied, in fact or at law, including implied
warranties based on course of dealing, usage of trade, and merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. The
terms of this limited warranty cannot be modified or extended in any way whatsoever by any agent, dealer, distributor,
service company or party other than CLAISSE. This limited warranty gives specific legal rights and is not applicable if
it interferes with any law or regulation in any state, province or country.
Any defect involving CLAISSE’s potential liability under this limited warranty shall be reported to CLAISSE, to a dealer
or to an authorized representative within ten (10) days of its occurrence.
To assist you with your warranty, please contact CLAISSE’s customer service (refer to Appendix E).

TheOx® Advanced User Manual 3 IN-MANU-140588E Rev.: 6.0 2017-04-04

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2 Safety
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TheOx® Advanced User Manual 5 IN-MANU-140588E Rev.: 6.0 2017-04-04

2.1 Introduction to General Safety Aspects
Please take the time to read this chapter before you start to use your instrument.
This chapter is designed to help you to maintain and operate your instrument in accordance with very high safety stan-
dards. It outlines how to keep the instrument in a safe condition, and how to avoid accidents. Therefore, it is important
that you read this information in order to become familiar with the safety aspects of the Claisse instrument.
A Claisse instrument is perfectly safe as long as it has been correctly installed and is operated according to the in-
structions given in this document (refer to Section 2.2 for recommended skill levels and definitions).
▪▪ Unless otherwise specified, actions as described in the user documentation may be performed by the oper-
▪▪ Periodical maintenance actions must be performed by qualified service personnel, whereas corrective
maintenance should be performed by a service specialist and/or distributor, operating according to an ap-
proved scheme of work.
If at any time there is a conflict between the safety information contained in this chapter and any relevant local (natio-
nal or regional) rules, the local rules always take precedence.

2.2 Recommended Skill Levels

The instrument may be operated by personnel with various skill levels. A person may only operate the system after
adequate training is received for the required skill level. The 3 skill levels are:

2.2.1 Skill Level 1 – Operator

▪▪ Must be able to perform regular operations pertaining to the instrument/system’s proper functioning such
as sample preparation, setting modification, addition, modification and/or deletion of programs and must
know how to start/stop cycles, engage/disengage the emergency stop, etc.
▪▪ Must know which pre-defined program should be used for the requested sample, if applicable.
▪▪ Must know how to set up and maintain methods.
▪▪ Must be able to follow instructions on how to measure samples using methods/programs.
▪▪ Must have knowledge of the preparation and analytical process.
▪▪ Must have knowledge of the visible parts and know how to manipulate samples.
▪▪ Must be able to perform basic maintenance operations.

2.2.2 Skill Level 2 – Qualified Service Personnel

▪▪ Must be able to perform the operator’s skills.
▪▪ Must be trained, educated and authorized by the Claisse organization to execute service work to a specified
level and product area such as perform the installation, periodic preventive maintenances, adjustments and
© Claisse 2015-2017, All Rights Reserved.

▪▪ Must have a thorough knowledge of the preparation and analysis process.

▪▪ Must have enough knowledge of the parts to know the limits of what can or cannot be done when using the
▪▪ Must know how to set up and maintain methods.
▪▪ Must know how to develop applications for specific applications areas.
▪▪ Must have read the Claisse instrument/system’s user manual and be comfortable with its content.

IN-MANU-140588E Rev.: 6.0 2017-04-04 6 TheOx® Advanced User Manual

2.2.3 Skill Level 3 – Service Specialists and/or Distributors
▪▪ Must be able to perform the operator’s and qualified service personnel’s skills.
▪▪ Must be trained, educated and authorized by the Claisse organization to execute extensive maintenance
operations, part replacements, repairs and to correct malfunctions.
▪▪ Must have enough knowledge to set up and maintain the instrument/system, both parts and software.
▪▪ Must have enough knowledge of the hardware to start safe actions (not overruling security).

2.3 Claisse's Approach
In order to produce instruments/systems and deliver worldwide, Claisse as a supplier/manufacturer deals with all
kinds of responsibilities with respect to safety. Depending on the delivered product and/or service, international prod-
uct regulations exist and are followed. This approach results in:
▪▪ Claisse's environmental policy deployed across the whole organization. The following mesures are taken:
a) Environmental information is supplied together with the instrument in order to inform service employ-
ees and all who use the equipment.
b) Claisse Supply Centers are ISO 9001:2008 certified.
▪▪ Emissions of sound, produced by the instrument during normal operation, in compliance with the require-
ments of the International Standard IEC 61010-1.
▪▪ Instrument design measures to ensure safety with respect to moving parts, such as preventive precautions
and safety symbols affixed on the insturment.

2.4 Safety Standards
Claisse delivers a Declaration of Conformity with every instrument. The Declaration of Conformity is a legal statement
by Claisse showing that the obligations related to the delivered instrument have been fulfilled. You must keep this
document with the instrument for its entire life cycle.
For European Union customers, contact EU representatives:
PANalytical B.V.
Leyweg 1
7602 EA Almelo

2.5 Other Information Sources

Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) of the relevant product-related parts or substances can be supplied on demand.
Most of them are also available on the Claisse website:
© Claisse 2015-2017, All Rights Reserved.

TheOx® Advanced User Manual 7 IN-MANU-140588E Rev.: 6.0 2017-04-04

2.6 User Responsibilities
This section lists the responsibilities required of the user to keep the instrument/system at the classified safety level.


Refer to Section 2.2 for recommended skill levels and definitions.

1. Before the arrival of the Claisse instrument/system at the user's site, qualified service personnel must
make sure that the site meets the specifications in the pre-installation and installation information and
that the facilities meet the applicable safety requirements. Remember that:
a) A suitable ground (earth) must be available.
b) The floor or workbench must be adequate for the floor loading of the instrument/system.
c) Never put anything on top of the instrument/system, as this may affect the performance and/or cause
damage to the instrument/system.
2. Although the instrument/system is designed and tested to be safe, periodical preventive maintenance is of
vital importance. Remember that:
a) Installation, periodical preventive maintenance, adjustments, and updates must be carried out by quali-
fied service personnel.
b) Corrective maintenance, parts replacement, repairs or any other operation not mentioned in this docu-
ment must be carried out by a service specialist and/or distributor.
3. Safety devices must NEVER be made inoperative.
4. Qualified service personnel must ensure that people using the instrument/system are fully instructed in
the safety procedures.
5. Qualified service personnel must ensure that the instrument/system is operated according to the locally
applicable safety regulations.
6. If the instrument/system is left unattended in an unsafe condition, disconnect the mains power supply and
attach a “DO NOT OPERATE” warning notice to the front panel.
7. Contact your service specialist and/or distributor.

2.7 Pictograms and Safety Symbols

Where neccessary, specific warnings and cautions will be found throughout Claisse documentation (refer to Section
2.7.2). Furthermore, alert labels displaying the appropriate symbol are affixed to the instrument/system (refer to Sec-
tion 2.7.3), where it is required.
Strictly obey all instructions and warnings within this document and labels affixed to the various parts of the instru-

2.7.1 Pictograms
© Claisse 2015-2017, All Rights Reserved.

Text in this document which relate to bonus information or warnings that could be useful to preserve the integrity
or prolong the lifetime of the equipment is shown as follows:

Notes provide useful tips or important information relating to the material being described.

Flags alert you to situations that may damage the equipment.

IN-MANU-140588E Rev.: 6.0 2017-04-04 8 TheOx® Advanced User Manual

2.7.2 Safety Symbols
Table 1 shows safety symbols and their general meaning; these pictograms relate to the safety of the personnel.
To locate the safety symbols found on the instrument/system, refer to Section 2.7.3.



(Specific text depends on particular situation.)


(Specific text depends on particular situation.)


(Specific text depends on particular situation.)


(Specific text depends on particular situation.)


(Specific text depends on particular situation.)


(Specific text depends on particular situation.)


(Specific text depends on particular situation.)


(Specific text depends on particular situation.)


(Specific text depends on particular situation.)
Always connect the instrument to an earthed power outlet in order to protect the oprator in
© Claisse 2015-2017, All Rights Reserved.

the event of a fault.

Table 1: Safety symbols

TheOx® Advanced User Manual 9 IN-MANU-140588E Rev.: 6.0 2017-04-04

2.7.3 Labels

2 1 2

2 2

After a fusion process, some parts of the instrument are dangerously hot, especially if the instru-
ment has been misused. The exterior of the instrument may also be hot during normal use, espe-
cially the top panel. Never put anything on top of the instrument.
Mobile parts inside the instrument may cause physical harm.
Do not insert hands past the operating point of the instrument.
Do not operate the instrument without initially having closed the safety door. Keep the safety door
closed at all times until the completion of the fusion cycle. Lock out the instrument and contact
Claisse if the instrument can operate while the safety door is open.

Figure 1: Alerts and hazards – Front view

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IN-MANU-140588E Rev.: 6.0 2017-04-04 10 TheOx® Advanced User Manual



Always disconnect the power cord and wait 3 minutes before servicing.


! Refer to the user manual for further precaution details.

Figure 2: Alerts and hazards – Right view

© Claisse 2015-2017, All Rights Reserved.

Always disconnect the power cord and wait 3 minutes before servicing.

After a fusion process, some parts of the instrument are dangerously hot, especially if the instru-
ment has been misused. The exterior of the instrument may also be hot during normal use, espe-
cially the top panel. Never put anything on top of the instrument.

Figure 3: Alerts and hazards – Top view

TheOx® Advanced User Manual 11 IN-MANU-140588E Rev.: 6.0 2017-04-04


Always disconnect the power cord and wait 3 minutes before servicing.

Figure 4: Alerts and hazards – Back view

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IN-MANU-140588E Rev.: 6.0 2017-04-04 12 TheOx® Advanced User Manual

2.8 Safety Measures

2.8.1 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

The heating chamber of the instrument contains alumina and silica ceramic fibers. Under specific
circumstances, these materials may cause health issues. For further information, please refer to
the Material Safety Data Sheets available from Claisse.
The type of protective equipment must be selected according to the concentration and amount of
dangerous substances at the specific workplace (follow the MSDS instructions).
Wear safety glasses with side shields according to the concentration and amount of dangerous sub-
stances at the specific workplace (follow the MSDS instructions). Use equipment for eye protection
tested and approved under appropriate government standards such as NIOSH (US) or EN 166 (EU).
For nuisance exposure to the respiratory system, the type of protective equipment must be selected
according to the concentration and amount of dangerous substance at the specific workplace (fol-
low the MSDS instructions). Use respirators and components tested and approved under appropri-
ate government standards such as NIOSH (US) or CEN (EU).
Wear protective gloves according to the concentration and amount of dangerous substance at the
specific workplace (follow the MSDS instructions). Selection of the glove material must be made
considering the penetration times, rates of diffusion and degradation. Gloves must be inspected
prior to use. Use proper glove removal technique (without touching glove’s outer surface) to avoid
skin contact with dangerous goods. Dispose of contaminated gloves after use in accordance with
applicable laws and good laboratory practices.

2.9 Environmental Conditions
Make sure that the instrument is located in an area that meets the requirements as stated in the Pre-Installation
Guide (document sent before/with shipment). Also make sure that your installations meet local building and safety
code requirements. Please refer to Appendix A for the complete numerical information on the instrument, such as
power consumption.
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TheOx® Advanced User Manual 13 IN-MANU-140588E Rev.: 6.0 2017-04-04

2.10 What to Do in Case of an Emergency
If an emergency occurs, the following must be done:
1. Push the emergency stop button.
2. If required, disconnect the instrument/system and ensure that it cannot be used.
3. Depending on the situation and/or skill level, take remedy actions to cure the fault that caused the accident
and/or exposure.
4. If required, put a sign on the instrument/system to indicate that the equipment must not be used or altered
in any way.
5. You must notify the following about the occurrence:
a) All who use the instrument/system
b) The laboratory manager or person in charge of the instrument/system
c) The service specialist and/or distributor

2.11 Emergency Stops
Emergency stops should be reserved for actual emergencies. They involve more complex resetting operations than
cycle cancellation (refer to Section, depending on the production situation.

2.11.1 Emergency Stop Button

Pressing the emergency stop button (Figure 5) immediately aborts the ongoing cycle, disables all motors, shuts
the heating power, activates the front cooling fans and lights up the red status indicator.


Stopping a fusion in progress will leave the crucibles, molds and other parts of the instrument very
hot. Allow sufficient cooling time before touching any part of the instrument.
If the heating chamber door is open when the emergency stop button is pressed, the heat coming
from the chamber will emerge, causing the instrument to become very hot. Proceed with care and
with the appropriate personal protection measures when performing the resetting procedure to
minimize risks of burns. Close the heating chamber door when possible to minimize heat propaga-

© Claisse 2015-2017, All Rights Reserved.

Figure 5: Emergency stop button

IN-MANU-140588E Rev.: 6.0 2017-04-04 14 TheOx® Advanced User Manual

2.11.2 Resetting the Instrument After an Emergency Stop
In order to reset the instrument after an emergency stop:
1. Turn the emergency stop button clockwise to disengage it. The safety door will unlock and manual
control options will appear on screen in the Emergency Stop page (Figure 6).


If the heating chamber door is open when the emergency stop button is pressed, the
heat coming from the chamber will emerge, causing the instrument to become very
hot. Proceed with care and with the appropriate personal protection measures when
performing the resetting procedure to minimize risks of burns. Close the heating
chamber door when possible to minimize heat propagation.
2. Visually inspect the instrument and identify any potential interference between mechanical com-
ponents (e.g. heating chamber door, automated carriage, rocking mechanism, crucible securing
rod, platinumware).
▪▪ If there is no potential interference skip to step 4.
▪▪ If there is interference, use the Emergency stop page displayed on screen to manually control
the mechanical components as described in the following steps and solve the problem.

In the emergency mode, the sensors that restrict the position of the mechanical components are
disabled. You can therefore move the components further than their usual positions. Make sure
not to cause any damage to the instrument by monitoring the effect of each and every action
performed through the emergency stop page.

3. Proceed to the required manual operations using the emergency stop page (Figure 6):
▪▪ Use the button corresponding to the desired movement.
▪▪ Press briefly to induce a slight displacement of the mechanism.
▪▪ Press and hold to induce a continuous movement; release the button to stop the movement.

If the interference cannot be cleared using the manual control options, turn off the instrument
and contact Claisse for the proper instructions.
© Claisse 2015-2017, All Rights Reserved.

Figure 6: Emergency stop page

4. Once the interference has been cleared, press Reset all mechanisms to reinitialize the instrument.
This will take a few seconds.
5. Press Exit from the menu bar to close the emergency stop page.
6. Wait for the instrument to cool, then open the safety door, lift the crucible securing rod and remove
the crucibles. The instrument is ready for a new fusion cycle.

Note that you will have to clean your crucibles (and possibly your molds) before re-using them.

TheOx® Advanced User Manual 15 IN-MANU-140588E Rev.: 6.0 2017-04-04

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IN-MANU-140588E Rev.: 6.0 2017-04-04 16 TheOx® Advanced User Manual

3 Installation
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TheOx® Advanced User Manual 17 IN-MANU-140588E Rev.: 6.0 2017-04-04

The following operations must be performed by personnel who have the minimum required skill level 2.
Refer to Section 2.2 for user recommended skill levels and definitions.
Always connect the instrument to an earthed power outlet in order to protect the operator in the event
of a fault.


The heating chamber of the instrument contains alumina and silica ceramic fibers. Under specific cir-
cumstances, these materials may cause health issues. For further information, please consult the Ma-
terial Safety Data Sheets available from Claisse.


Though the instrument itself does not release toxic vapors, the fusion mixture used for your specific
applications may generate emanations. Consult the Material Safety Data Sheets of your specific fusion
mixture components.


! It is strongly recommended that the instrument always be lifted and carried by 2 people.

3.1 Receiving Your Instrument

The instrument has been carefully tested before delivery. It is ready to operate after installation and connection to the
proper electrical supply as described in the following sections.
Upon reception of your instrument, carefully examine the boxes for signs of damage that might have occurred during
delivery and report them if any. Unpack the instrument as instructed below and examine it for signs of damage. Make
sure the contents of the box match the packing list. Report any irregularity.

Keep all the packaging material for future service needs.

3.2 Removing Protective Materials

The instrument is delivered in 2 boxes: a shipping case for the instrument itself and a regular box for the external
power supply.
A few protective parts have been installed onto and into the instrument to prevent damages during transport. These
© Claisse 2015-2017, All Rights Reserved.

parts must be removed prior to installation and operation.

1. Remove the tie-wraps from the 5 locks of the shipping case.
2. Lift and turn the locks counter clockwise in order to disengage them.
3. Remove the cover using the 4 handles and put it upside down on the floor.

Handling the cover requires 2 people.

Lift the cover high enough to clear the content of the case.

IN-MANU-140588E Rev.: 6.0 2017-04-04 18 TheOx® Advanced User Manual

4. Remove the accessories from the compartment located inside the cover of the shipping case (Figure 7).
5. Lift the instrument and place it on its workbench. Make sure that the surface of the bench is clean and


! It is strongly recommended to use a lifting device (e.g. slings) to lift the instrument. Always use
the lateral handles when moving the instrument. Make sure that the handles are firmly fixed
to the frame of the instrument before lifting it.

Figure 7: Accessories compartment in the shipping case cover

6. Remove the external power supply from its box and place it next to the instrument.

The power supply may be installed either on the right-hand side of the instrument or underneath the work

7. Make sure that the box content matches the packing list.
8. Examine the instrument and the external power supply for signs of damage and report them if disclosed.
9. Remove the tape holding the safety door to the frame of the instrument.
10. Open the safety door and visually inspect the instrument. If you notice white dust inside the instrument,
contact the Claisse service team before proceeding with the next steps.


The heating chamber of the instrument contains alumina and silica ceramic fibers. Under
specific circumstances, these materials may cause health issues. For further information,
please consult the Material Safety Data Sheets available from Claisse.
© Claisse 2015-2017, All Rights Reserved.

TheOx® Advanced User Manual 19 IN-MANU-140588E Rev.: 6.0 2017-04-04

3.3 Connecting

! Position the external power supply unit so the power switch is easily accessible at all times when in oper-
ation. Also make sure that the power cord and electrical outlet are easily identifiable and accessible to
ensure quick access and disconnection if needed.

The instrument comes equipped with a NEMA L6-30P power cord for Canada and USA or with a IEC309-32A cable for
other countries.
1. Plug the mains supply cable to the 208-240 V~ supply connectors located on the right-hand side of the
instrument and onto the power supply (Figure 8 and Figure 9). Firmly insert the cable connectors into their

Heating elements connector


Communication connector

Main fuse (5 A)
208-240 V~ input

Figure 8: Right-hand side panel of the instrument

208-240 V~ output

Communication connector
© Claisse 2015-2017, All Rights Reserved.

Heating element
cable seals

Power switch Power cord seal

Figure 9: External power supply

IN-MANU-140588E Rev.: 6.0 2017-04-04 20 TheOx® Advanced User Manual

2. Hook up the 2 heating element connectors. The first connector is fixed onto the right-hand side of the in-
strument while the other emerges from the cable seals of the power supply. Secure the connection using
the provided hardware items (Figure 10).


Flat washer
Lock washer
Figure 10: Heating elements connection – detail

3. Connect the communication cable to the communication connectors (Figure 8 and Figure 9).
4. Plug the power cord to the electrical outlet.

The instrument can be fully operated and managed by simply using the touch screen.

The Ethernet connector can be used to connect the instrument to a network and communicate directly with a com-
puter instead of using the touchscreen.

Refer to Sections 4.1 and 4.2 for functionality details.

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TheOx® Advanced User Manual 21 IN-MANU-140588E Rev.: 6.0 2017-04-04

3.4 Preparing the Heating Chamber
Ratchet straps and foam blocks are installed on top and inside the heating chamber to protect its components during
transportation. To remove them, you will need to activate the manual control of the instrument and open the chamber
1. Close the safety door.
2. Press the emergency stop button (Figure 11) to make sure it is engaged prior to powering on the instru-
3. Lift the power switch in the “I” position (ON) to power on the instrument. The power switch is located on the
external power supply (Figure 9).
4. Allow a few minutes for TheOx Advanced application to boot. An emergency stop page will appear on screen
(Figure 12).

Figure 11: Emergency stop button

5. Disengage the emergency stop button by turning it clockwise. A second emergency stop page should then
be displayed (Figure 13), allowing you to perform manual operations.

Figure 12: Emergency stop page 1 Figure 13: Emergency stop page 2

6. From the Door mechanism line, press Open repeatedly (Figure 13) to gradually open the heating chamber
7. Once the chamber door has stopped moving, open the safety door.
© Claisse 2015-2017, All Rights Reserved.

8. Gently remove the foam blocks located under the heating chamber door (Figure 14).

Figure 14: Foam blocks under the chamber door

IN-MANU-140588E Rev.: 6.0 2017-04-04 22 TheOx® Advanced User Manual

9. Gently remove the foam blocks located under the cantilevers. Push the lower foam block towards the heat-
ing chamber to release the upper foam block from the cantilevers (Figure 15). Perform this operation on
both sides of the instrument.


Figure 15: Foam blocks under the cantilevers

10. If the instrument is equipped with the total ceramic cantilever option, gently remove the pieces of tape from
the double crucible cantilever plates and double mold cantilever plates on both sides. Proceed carefully as
these parts are fragile.
11. Carefully remove the plastic bag from the heating chamber door, paying attention to possible refractory
particles that may result from harsh shipping conditions. If the bag contains white refractory dust, make
sure that the dust remains into the bag.

The opening of the bag is on top of the chamber door.

Contact the Claisse service team if the bag contains more than 15 mL of refractory dust.

12. Remove the 2 ratchet straps from the heating chamber door. To do so:
12.1 Push the latch towards the handle and flip open the handle (Figure 16).
12.2 Push the latch and pull the ratchet buckle away from the heating chamber (Figure 17).
12.3 Pull the strap to release it from the ratchet buckle and then, from the instrument.


© Claisse 2015-2017, All Rights Reserved.

1A D

Figure 16: Ratchet strap removal from the chamber door (part 1) Figure 17: Ratchet strap removal from the chamber door (part 2)

TheOx® Advanced User Manual 23 IN-MANU-140588E Rev.: 6.0 2017-04-04

13. Remove the 2 protective cardboard pieces from the top and bottom surfaces of the chamber door.
14. Gently pull the 4 foam stands horizontally towards the front of the instrument to remove them from the
heating chamber (Figure 18). Remove the middle foam stands first.
15. Gently pull the lower foam block horizontally towards the front of the instrument to remove it from the
heating chamber, then repeat for the upper foam block (Figure 18).
16. Pull the element protector towards the front of the instrument to remove it from the heating chamber
(Figure 19). If needed, tilt the protector upwards or downwards to reduce friction and clear the chamber
door. Proceed carefully not to damage the heating elements, being aware that foam strips are attached to
the rear face of the protector.

Upper foam block

Lower foam block

Foam stands

Figure 18: Heating chamber foam blocks Figure 19: Element protector

17. On each side, push the lateral layers of refractory towards the exterior and the back of the heating cham-
ber to ensure that they are in the proper position (Figure 20).

Refractory plates (left side)

Figure 20: Lateral refractory layers

18. Close the safety door.

19. Press Reset all mechanisms to reinitialize the instrument. The automated carriage will reach its home
© Claisse 2015-2017, All Rights Reserved.

position and the chamber door will close. This may take a few seconds.
20. Press Exit to close the emergency stop page.

IN-MANU-140588E Rev.: 6.0 2017-04-04 24 TheOx® Advanced User Manual

3.5 Installing the Mold Rack and Crucible Holder
The mold rack and crucible holder consist in several alumina rods and a crucible guide. Before performing fusions
with your instrument, you must install these components onto the cantilevers of the instrument (Figure 21). Follow
steps 1 through 18. If the instrument is equipped with the total ceramic cantilever option, refer to the Total Ceramic
Cantilever User Guide.

A2 E1
B1 D1
D2 B2 C1
F2 G1

Figure 21: Cantilevers location

1. Open the safety door.

Do not use the safety door as a shelf to keep the rods at hand during the installation process since they
could roll, fall off the door and break.

2. Make sure that all 8 alumina rods (4 PAK-FE014 and 4 PAK-FE015 rods) are equipped with a metallic core.
If needed, insert the metallic rods into the alumina rods before performing the next steps.
3. Insert one of the crucible holder rods (PAK-FE014) into hole A1 (Figure 22).


Figure 22: First crucible rod in A1 (right)

4. Gently push on the right-hand side cantilever so it will move to the right and allow you to position the free
© Claisse 2015-2017, All Rights Reserved.

end of the rod right next to hole A2 (Figure 23).

Leave the rod in this position to allow easy positioning of the next 4 parts.

Figure 23: First crucible rod next to A2 (left)

TheOx® Advanced User Manual 25 IN-MANU-140588E Rev.: 6.0 2017-04-04

5. Carefully insert another PAK-FE014 rod into holes B1 and B2.
6. Carefully insert the crucible guide (FE3409) into holes C1 and C2, taking care to position the teeth upwards
and the shortest extremity of the guide in C2, i.e. on the left-hand side cantilever (Figure 24 and Figure 25).

C2 C1

25 mm 31 mm

Figure 24: Crucible guide

7. Carefully insert the 2 remaining PAK-FE014 rods into holes D1, D2, E1 and E2 (Figure 25).
8. Once all other parts are properly positioned, gently push the first rod into hole A2 (Figure 26). Make sure
the right cantilever moves to the left until it rests against at least one of the rods.


Figure 25: Crucible rods and guide installation Figure 26: Crucible rods and guide final result

9. Insert one of the mold holder rods (PAK-FE015) through the upper section of hole F1 (Figure 27).
10. Tilt the rod and position its free end into the lower section of hole F2 (Figure 28) then lower the first end in
hole F1 so it also rests into its housing.

Figure 27: Mold rack rod installation (part 1) Figure 28: Mold rack rod installation (part 2)

11. Repeat the 2 previous steps to install the second PAK-FE015 rod into holes G1 and G2.
12. Make sure that both PAK-FE015 rods can easily move 1 or 2 mm from left to right.
13. Keep the additional rods as spare parts.
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IN-MANU-140588E Rev.: 6.0 2017-04-04 26 TheOx® Advanced User Manual

14. Place and hold the crucible securing rod (FE3650-B) on top of the right-hand side cantilever (Figure 29).

Figure 29: Crucible securing rod installation

15. Insert the pivot pin (FE3373) through the securing rod and through both holes of the right-hand side
cantilever (Figure 30). The pin and the alumina rods must be installed on the same side of the cantilever.
16. Using long nose pliers, close the pivot pin so that it cannot be removed.



Figure 30: Pivot pin installation

17. Make sure that the crucible securing rod can be easily tilted downwards and upwards. In the horizontal
position, the rod must be inserted in the securing canal of the left-hand side cantilever and must sit in the
recess intended for this purpose (Figure 31 and Figure 32).


Figure 31: Crucible securing rod canal Figure 32: Proper crucible securing rod positioning
© Claisse 2015-2017, All Rights Reserved.

18. Install all 6 mold holders by suspending them side to side onto the PAK-FE015 rods (Figure 33). Mold hold-
ers must not overlap each other (Figure 34).

(side to side) (overlapping)

Figure 33: Mold holders installation Figure 34: Proper positioning of the mold holders

TheOx® Advanced User Manual 27 IN-MANU-140588E Rev.: 6.0 2017-04-04

3.6 Levelling
The instrument has to be levelled in order to produce glass disks of even thickness therefore levelling is an important
step of the installation.
1. Open the safety door.
2. Place a level onto the mold holders.
3. Using a 9/16 in. open-end wrench, adjust the level of the instrument. Screw/unscrew one levelling foot at
a time until the instrument is levelled (Figure 35):
▪▪ To lower a given corner of the instrument, screw the corresponding foot.
▪▪ To raise a given corner of the instrument, unscrew the corresponding foot.

When unscrewing a levelling foot, make sure not to expose more than 2.5 cm of threads.

Figure 35: Levelling feet (3 of 4 feet shown)

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3.7 Adjusting Date and Time
The instrument is equipped with an internal clock, which is mainly used to program pre-heat sessions (refer to Sec-
tion 5.2.3). It must be adjusted upon reception of the instrument, according to the local time zone.
1. From the home page, press the Tools button.
2. Press Settings.
3. Press Date and Time to display the current values.
4. To adjust the date, press Date, set the correct year, month and day then press OK.
5. To adjust the time, press Time, set the correct hour and minutes (24-hour format) then press OK.
6. Press Back or Home to exit the Date and Time page.

3.8 Conditioning the Heating Elements

Perform a conditioning cycle to prolong the lifespan of the heating elements:

Such a cycle must be carried out without samples, flux or platinumware.

1. From the home page, press the Fusion button.

2. From the Fusion page, press Select...
3. Select Disk - General Oxides Program, then press Start.
4. Wait until the cycle has completed.
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TheOx® Advanced User Manual 29 IN-MANU-140588E Rev.: 6.0 2017-04-04

3.9 Preparing Test Glass Disks
This section is intended for instruments used for the preparation of glass disks. Instruments that are not to be used
with molds for glass disk preparation should undergo to the following as a substitute:
▪▪ For borate solutions, refer to Section 7.3 and prepare 6 test borate solutions.
▪▪ For peroxide solutions, refer Section 7.3 and prepare 6 test peroxide solutions.

3.9.1 Required Material
▪▪ 2 Fusion Monitor™ bottles (50 g) provided with the instrument
▪▪ 6 Pt/Au 95/5 crucibles (refer to Section 4.12.1 for the recommended crucibles)
▪▪ 6 Pt/Au 95/5 molds (refer to Section 4.12.2 for the recommended molds)

3.9.2 Preparation
1. Select the Cement Fast Lane fusion program (refer to Section 7.3.2).
2. Referring to Table 2, place the appropriate quantity of Fusion Monitor mixture into each crucible.


30 6.0 ± 0.1 g 5.5 ± 0.1 g
32 9.0 ± 0.1 g 7 ± 0.1 g
35 11.0 ± 0.1 g 8.5 ± 0.1 g
40 14.0 ± 0.1 g 10 ± 0.1 g
Table 2: Mass of Fusion Monitor compound as a function of mold size

3. Place the 6 crucibles and 6 molds into their respective holders.

4. Press the Start button to begin the preparation of the test glass disks.

The instrument will require about 30 minutes to reach the requested fusion temperature of
1050°C, if it has not previously been heated.

5. Visually inspect the test glass disks. The glass disks should be clear and free of bubbles or cloudi-

It is unnecessary to spectroscopically analyze the test glass disks. Test glass disks are not pre-
pared under analytical conditions.

Your electric instrument is now ready to fuse samples. Refer to Chapter 5 for parameter descriptions and adjust-
ments, and to Chapter 6 for operating instructions.
© Claisse 2015-2017, All Rights Reserved.

Refer to Section 8.3 to perform the mandatory maintenance operations after the first
24 hours of heating.

IN-MANU-140588E Rev.: 6.0 2017-04-04 30 TheOx® Advanced User Manual

4 Knowing Your Instrument
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TheOx® Advanced User Manual 31 IN-MANU-140588E Rev.: 6.0 2017-04-04

4.1 Location of the Instrument's Components

2 7


5 4 5





5 5

1. Top cover panel 9. Emergency stop button

© Claisse 2015-2017, All Rights Reserved.

2. Safety door 10. Handle (2 of 4 shown)

3. Mold holder 11. Heating element connector
4. Magnetic stirring unit 12. Electrical compartment panel
5. Adjustable foot (3 of 4 shown) 13. Ethernet connector
6. Status indicator 14. Communication connector
7. Control panel 15. Main fuse
8. USB port 16. 208-240 V~ inlet

Figure 36: TheOx Advanced instrument components (general and right-hand side views)

IN-MANU-140588E Rev.: 6.0 2017-04-04 32 TheOx® Advanced User Manual

Heating element connector POWER SUPPLY OF THE Power input connector go- High voltage supply
HEATING ELEMENTS / ing to the elements inside the 5  000 VA
ALIMENTATION DES heating chamber. It has to be
ÉLÉMENTS CHAUFFANTS screwed for safety purposes.
Only connect to the external
power supply.
Ethernet connector ETHERNET Connector for an Ethernet con- Low voltage, Ethernet
nection. Use for software up- protocol
Communication connector COMMUNICATION Low voltage signal. Only con- Low voltage, IOs and
nect to TheOx Advanced power RS485 communication
supply using the Claisse
FE6060 cable.
208-240 V~ inlet 208-240 VAC IEC TheOx Advanced instrument 208-240  V~, 50/60  Hz,
POWER SUPPLY / power input. Only connect to 500 VA
ALIMENTATION the external power supply unit
FUSE 5A 250VAC SLOW BLOW using the Claisse CE80064ZZ
USB port USB Connector ment for a USB Low voltage, standard
drive. The connector serves as USB 2.0
a data log extractor for service
as well as an updating port for
the software. Do not use to re-
charge the USB device.

Table 3: TheOx Advanced instrument functionality details

© Claisse 2015-2017, All Rights Reserved.

TheOx® Advanced User Manual 33 IN-MANU-140588E Rev.: 6.0 2017-04-04

4.2 Location of the External Power Supply's General Components



1. 208-240 V~ outlet 5. Communication connector

2. Fan filter access 6. Heating element cable seals
3. Status indicator 7. Power cord seal
4. Power switch

Figure 37: TheOx Advanced power supply components


208-240 V~ outlet 208-240 VAC IEC Power output to TheOx Ad- 208-240  V~, 50/60  Hz,
POWER SUPPLY / vanced instrument. Only con- 500 VA
ALIMENTATION nect to the instrument using
the Claisse CE80064ZZ cable.
Communication connector COMMUNICATION Low voltage signal. Only con- Low voltage, IOs and
nect to TheOx Advanced instru- RS485 communication
ment using the Claisse FE6060
Heating element cable N/A Power output connector go- High voltage supply
ing to the elements inside the 5 000 VA
© Claisse 2015-2017, All Rights Reserved.

heating chamber. It has to be

screwed for safety purposes.
Only connect to the instru-
Power switch I Disconnecting device for exter- 30 A breaker
O nal power supply. Must be ac-
cessible at all times.
Power cord N/A Power input cable for the ex- 208-240  V~, 50/60  Hz,
ternal power supply. 5 000 VA

Table 4: External power supply functionality details

IN-MANU-140588E Rev.: 6.0 2017-04-04 34 TheOx® Advanced User Manual

4.3 Operating Principle
The Claisse TheOx Advanced instrument is very easy to operate. After manually installing the crucibles and molds/
beakers into their holders, the operator can launch the fusion cycle. Once the target temperature has been reached,
the crucibles are automatically inserted into the electrical heating chamber where homogeneity of the melts is ob-
tained by rocking the crucibles. At the end of the fusion cycle, the crucibles are removed from the chamber. Their
content is then poured into platinum molds previously heated in the chamber or in beakers containing a swirling acid
solution. After solidification at room temperature, glass disks are cooled by fans. Borate solutions are agitated until
all particles are dissolved, whereas peroxide solutions require no pouring since the samples are cooled directly into
the zirconium crucibles.
Temperature, duration, rocking speed and angles, as well as fan speed are user-programmable. A pre-heat session
allows the instrument to reach and maintain a target temperature before your first planned fusion and between fusion
cycles, thus saving time and energy.

4.4 Power Switch

! Position the external power supply unit so the power switch is easily accessible at all times when in oper-
ation. Also make sure that the power cord and electrical outlet are easily identifiable and accessible to
ensure quick access and disconnection if needed.

The power switch allows to power on and off the instrument. It is located on the external power supply. Refer to Sec-
tion 6.2 for details.

4.5 Operating Point
The operating point is the area of the instrument located behind the safety door, in front of the heating chamber door.
It is used by the operator to manually place and secure the crucibles and molds or beakers before a fusion cycle and
to retrieve the glass disks or solutions at the end of the cycle. The preliminary steps of the fusion program, as well as
the pouring and cooling operations are processed automatically by the instrument from that point.

4.5.1 Crucible Holder
The crucible holder consists in a linear rack where each crucible sits between 4 horizontal rods. These rods
are configured to fit the exterior walls of Claisse crucibles and minimize deformation. A crucible guide located
between the lower rods ensures easy and precise positioning of the crucibles along the holder. Also, a crucible
securing rod serves as a safety barrier: once the crucibles are positioned, the rod is manually placed on top of
the crucibles to secure them.

4.5.2 Mold Holders and Mold Rack

© Claisse 2015-2017, All Rights Reserved.

The mold holders consist in 6 separate perforated plates. These plates are designed to fit specific mold sizes
(refer to Section 4.12.2). Inside the hole, small tabs match the shape of these molds to ensure their stability and
horizontal position. The mold holders rest on 2 horizontal rods. This mold rack is fastened to the cantilevers of
the automated carriage so that the molds are heated into the chamber during the fusion process.

Make sure that your mold holders fit your molds. If unsure, contact Claisse (refer to Appendix E).

TheOx® Advanced User Manual 35 IN-MANU-140588E Rev.: 6.0 2017-04-04

4.5.3 Magnetic Stirring Unit (Optional)
The magnetic stirring system consists in a tray and inductions coils located at the front of the instrument (Figure
38). In solution mode, beakers containing a magnetic stir bar are placed on the tray where the coils allow the
stirring of the solutions. Only TheOx-DS Advanced model is equipped with this stirring system.

Figure 38: Magnetic stirring unit

4.5.4 Cooling System
The cooling system is made up of several fans. Six of them are located in front of the instrument and blow air
underneath the molds in order to solidify and cool the glass disks after pouring. Additional fans located on each
side of the crucible holder and heating chamber cool the crucibles, the mounts of the automated carriage and
the rocking system.

4.6 Safety Door
Always use the handle to open and close the safety door.

A tempered glass door is purposed as a shield against heat and splatters at the time of pouring. The safety door auto-
matically locks at the beginning a fusion cycle to protect the operator from heat, splatters and moving parts.

Once open, the safety door can be used as a shelf to temporarily place a crucible or mold during the platinumware
installation process. However, the user must be aware that the safety door cannot withstand weights of more than
© Claisse 2015-2017, All Rights Reserved.

400 g. Also spherical or cylindrical objects placed on the open safety door may fall off.

IN-MANU-140588E Rev.: 6.0 2017-04-04 36 TheOx® Advanced User Manual

4.7 Automated Carriage
The automated carriage system is a motor-driven structure that slides along 2 linear guides. It moves the crucible
holder and mold rack in and out of the heating chamber. Sensors located next to the linear guides allow the proper
positioning of the crucible holder and mold rack at both home and heating positions.

4.8 Rocking and Pouring Mechanism

The rocking mechanism tilts the crucible holder back and forth during the fusion to reach a perfect homogenization
of the melts. When preparing glass disks or borate solutions, this mechanism also executes the pouring motion to
transfer the melt into the molds or beakers at the end of the heating process. Both ends of the crucible holder are
linked to the stepper motor that provides the rocking and pouring motions.

4.9 Heating Chamber
The design of the heating chamber allows the samples to be heated rapidly and homogeneously, regardless of their
quantity or position. Equipped with 6 heating elements, it is insulated with layers of 3 different refractory and insu-
lating materials. For a quick and cost-efficient maintenance, elements and superficial refractory plates are easily
Two thermocouples monitor the internal temperature of the heating chamber. The first is located inside the chamber
and indicates the ambient temperature. The other is located within the insulating wall and serves as a heat stability
The front panel of the chamber is automated and opens for loading and unloading. Two chimneys located on the top
panel evacuate fumes from the chamber in order to minimize contamination.

4.10 External Power Supply

The external power supply feeds high power to the heating elements and mains voltage to the other electrical com-
ponents of the instrument. The power switch of the instrument is located on the side panel of the power supply (refer
to Section 6.2).

4.11 Safety Features
Safety features include microprocessor monitoring combined with physical attributes, including:
▪▪ Safety door permanently locked.
▪▪ Heating power off if the heating chamber door is opened while the safety door is open.
▪▪ Over-temperature switch and temperature switch monitoring.
▪▪ Warning labels highlighting hot work zones and electrical hazards that must be isolated during mainten-
ance and replacement procedures.
© Claisse 2015-2017, All Rights Reserved.

For more information about safety and procedures, refer to Chapter 2.

TheOx® Advanced User Manual 37 IN-MANU-140588E Rev.: 6.0 2017-04-04

4.12 Recommended Accessories
The user is responsible for any damage caused to the instrument by the use of accessories other than those listed

4.12.1 Crucibles
Claisse highly recommends Claisse flat bottom crucibles (CR3130-B) for borate fusions since they are best suit-
ed and allow superior homogenization of the melt and Claisse zirconium crucibles (CR1900) for peroxide fusions
since they are specifically designed to fit the crucible holder of the instrument. Other suitable crucible models
for the instrument are listed in Table 5.


CR3130-B 9411 007 21300 Claisse flat bottom crucible X X
CR3133-B 9411 007 21303 Claisse OptimixTM crucible X
CR3325-B 9411 007 23250 Claisse Bis!TM
crucible X
CR3330-B 9411 007 23301 Claisse heavy Bis! TM
crucible X
CR1900 9411 009 51900 Claisse zirconium crucible X X
Table 5: Compatible crucibles

4.12.2 Molds
The different mold holder types that are available for the instrument are specifically designed to fit the shape of
Claisse molds (Table 6). For the total cermic option, refer to the Total Ceramic Cantilever User Guide for the list of
compatible molds.


MO3030-B 9411 007 22300 Claisse 30 mm mold
PAK-FE020 9411 003 40020 MO3130-B 9411 007 22301 Claisse 30 mm heavy mold
MO3004 9411 007 30040 Claisse 30 mm shallow mold
MO3032-B 9411 007 22320 Claisse 32 mm mold
PAK-FE016 9411 003 40016 MO3132-B 9411 007 22321 Claisse 32 mm heavy mold
MO3001 9411 007 30010 Claisse 32 mm shallow mold
MO3035-B 9411 007 22350 Claisse 35 mm mold
PAK-FE017 9411 003 40017 MO3135-B 9411 007 22351 Claisse 35 mm heavy mold
MO3003 9411 007 30030 Claisse 35 mm shallow mold
MO3040-B 9411 007 22400 Claisse 40 mm mold
© Claisse 2015-2017, All Rights Reserved.

PAK-FE018 9411 003 40018 MO3140-B 9411 007 22401 Claisse 40 mm heavy mold
MO3002 9411 007 30020 Claisse 40 mm shallow mold
Table 6: Compatible molds

IN-MANU-140588E Rev.: 6.0 2017-04-04 38 TheOx® Advanced User Manual

4.12.3 Solutions
Only the following accessories supplied by Claisse with instrument model TheOx-DS Advanced should be used
for the preparation of borate solutions (Table 7).

TheOx-D Advanced N/A N/A N/A
FE7008 5411 003 00208 Magnetic agitation unit
TheOx-DS Advanced F-0013 9411 009 20014 Teflon® Beaker (150 mL)
PAK-MQ007 9411 002 40007 Magnetic stir bars

Table 7: Compatible accessories for borate solutions

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TheOx® Advanced User Manual 39 IN-MANU-140588E Rev.: 6.0 2017-04-04

© Claisse 2015-2017, All Rights Reserved.

IN-MANU-140588E Rev.: 6.0 2017-04-04 40 TheOx® Advanced User Manual

5 Adjusting the Parameters
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TheOx® Advanced User Manual 41 IN-MANU-140588E Rev.: 6.0 2017-04-04

5.1 Introduction
This chapter describes the parameters of the Claisse TheOx Advanced instrument and the procedure to modify them.
The instrument has 2 types of parameters: instrument settings, which refer to the general features of the instrument,
and fusion parameters, which refer to the parameters that are specific to a given fusion method. All adjustable par-
ameters can be accessed and edited through the user interface.

Changes to settings and parameters are automatically saved when the values are modified.

Refer to section 6.1.1 for user interface information.

5.2 Instrument Settings
The instrument settings include features that apply to the instrument rather than to specific fusion cycles. Customiz-
able settings are accessible through the Settings submenu of the Tools page; they are described below.

5.2.1 End of Cycle Sound Signal

At the user’s discretion, the instrument can emit or not a sound signal at the end of the fusion cycle, when the
program countdown reaches 00:00:00. This feature is disabled by default.
To modify the End of cycle sound signal state,
1. From the home page of the user interface, press the Tools button.
2. Press Settings.
3. Select Fusion settings.
4. Press End of cycle sound signal, select the desired radio button to enable or disable the feature
then press OK.

5.2.2 Date and Time

The Date and Time settings of the instrument refer to the internal clock of the electronic system. They are used
to program pre-heat sessions (refer to Section 5.2.3) and to track different operations and errors. They may have
to be adjusted on an occasional basis due to normal drift over time. To modify the date and time settings, refer
to Section 3.7.

5.2.3 Programmable Heat/Cool Timer

The Programmable heat/cool timer option allows the user to program a weekly schedule and set the instrument
to automatically turn the heat on or off, at a specific time of the day. It is disabled by default. When enabled and
© Claisse 2015-2017, All Rights Reserved.

properly planned, the timer can provide important time savings as the heating chamber is already hot and stable
at the beginning of a given work shift or at any other required time, and save energy costs by not heating use-

To ensure stability, Claisse recommends that a fusion cycle be launched only when the temperature of the
heating chamber is high enough and stable. When the instrument is at ambient temperature and depending on
the target temperature, the stability of the heating chamber may be reached within a minimum of 1 to 3 hours.

IN-MANU-140588E Rev.: 6.0 2017-04-04 42 TheOx® Advanced User Manual

The pre-heat start-up time and shut-off time are set for each day of the week and can be enabled or disabled
independently from one day to the other. The default start-up time is 8:00 whereas the default shut-off time is
17:00. With the pre-heat option, the temperature may be set from 200 to 1 200°C, the default value being 1050°C.
The timer icon (Figure 39) is displayed in the status bar when at least one of the options is enabled and set for at
least one day of the week.

Figure 39: Pre-heat/Shut-off heat icon Programming Pre-Heat Sessions or Shut-Offs

The programmed pre-heat session will not take place on a given day if the heat is already on (a fusion
program is selected or running or the heating unit has been manually enabled using advanced control
options) or if the emergency stop button is activated.

The heat will not be turned off if a fusion program is running at the scheduled shut-off time.

1. From the home page of the user interface, press the Tools button.
2. Press Settings.
3. Select Programmable heat/cool timer.
4. Press Pre-heat or Shut-off heat, depending on your needs.
5. To enable the feature, press State, select the corresponding radio button then press OK.
6. To set the pre-heat temperature, press Setpoint, enter the desired value then press OK.
7. To set the daily start-up or shut-off time, press Schedule, select the desired day, press
the Time radio button, set the desired start-up or shut-off hour and minute then press
OK to exit the Time page, press OK to exit the daily schedule page or repeat for each day.

If no heating session should be started or stopped on a given day of the week, select the
Disabled radio button instead of setting a start-up or shut-off time for this specific day. Cancelling Pre-Heat Sessions or Shut-Offs

▪▪ To cancel all pre-heat sessions or planned shut-offs, set the pre-heat or shut-off state to Disabled.
▪▪ To cancel the pre-heat session or planned shut-off of a given day, disable the corresponding schedule
© Claisse 2015-2017, All Rights Reserved.

for this specific day of the week.

▪▪ To cancel a pre-heat session or shut-off right before it becomes effective, press Cancel from the
warning page which is displayed for 10 seconds prior to start-up or shut-off time.
▪▪ To cancel an ongoing pre-heat session, press the Turn heat off button from the menu bar of the home

5.2.4 Network Settings
The network settings of the instrument are displayed in the Network submenu of the Settings page. By default,
these settings are set automatically. Contact your Claisse representative for further information.

TheOx® Advanced User Manual 43 IN-MANU-140588E Rev.: 6.0 2017-04-04

5.3 Fusion Parameters
Fusion parameters are part of the fusion method; they define the different fusion programs. Fusion programs are
divided into steps. A given program must have a minimum of 3 steps (2 in Peroxide mode). The total number of steps
depends on the user’s needs, up to a maximum of 999 steps.
Some parameters apply to the entire program; they are called general parameters. Others may take a different value
for each distinct step; these are referred to as step parameters. All program parameters can be accessed by pressing
Programs from the home page and selecting the desired program from the list. Refer to Section 5.4 for instructions
on managing fusion parameters and programs.

A program cannot be modified while active (running or selected for fusion). To edit the active program, disable it
(refer to Section 5.4.1).

5.3.1 General Parameters
The general parameters of a program are mainly used for easy identification and classification. They can be dis-
played by pressing General parameters once the program has been selected from the Programs page. Name
Name is a label intended to easily identify your fusion programs (e.g. Cement Fast Lane). Make sure to
use clear, explicit names in order to avoid confusion. To modify the name of a program, press Name from
the program’s general parameter list, type the desired name using the displayed keyboard and press OK. Type
The Type setting identifies the output of a given fusion program. There are 3 different program types:
▪▪ Disk programs will cast the molten mixture into molds to yield glass disks for XRF analysis.
▪▪ Solution programs will pour the molten mixture into beakers containing a swirling acid solution to
produce solutions for ICP or AA analysis.
▪▪ Peroxide mode programs will cool the molten mixture directly into the crucible, without pouring, in
order to yield peroxide solutions for further dissolution and analysis by ICP or AA.
The program type is set at the time of creation, when the program’s general parameters are first edited.
It cannot be modified later on and will not appear in the list of general parameters. It will however be
displayed in the program bar and in the list of programs, right before the name of the program (Figure 40).

Favorite program
Program type
Program name © Claisse 2015-2017, All Rights Reserved.

Figure 40: List of programs

IN-MANU-140588E Rev.: 6.0 2017-04-04 44 TheOx® Advanced User Manual Favorite
You can mark your most commonly used programs as favorites so they appear first in the list of pro-
grams, thus providing a quicker selection. To modify the Favorite parameter, press Favorite, from the
program’s general parameter list, select the Yes or No radio button and press OK.

Favorite programs are preceeded by a star to identify them within the list of programs (Figure 40). Author
The Author field is intended to indicate the name of the creator of a given fusion program. To modify the
author’s name, press Author, from the program’s general parameter list, type the desired name using
the displayed keyboard and press OK. Description
The Description field allows the user to insert comments regarding the program (instructions on mixture
preparation, sample and flux type, weight, additives, mixing time, etc.). To edit such comments, press De-
scription, from the program’s general parameter list, type the desired text using the displayed keyboard
and press OK. Created
The creation time of a fusion program is saved in the Created field as soon as the program is generated.
It cannot be edited.

5.3.2 Step Parameters
Step parameters are defined for each step of each fusion program. They are an important part of the fusion
method since they determine, among other things, the heating, rocking and cooling patterns of your samples.
Step parameters can be displayed in a convenient panel by selecting the specific program from the Programs
page and pressing Steps (Figure 41).

Use the < and > arrows from the menu bar to navigate from step to step.
Step parameters that can be edited are identified by a dark triangle in the lower right corner. Press the current
value to edit a given step parameter.
© Claisse 2015-2017, All Rights Reserved.

Figure 41: Step panel

TheOx® Advanced User Manual 45 IN-MANU-140588E Rev.: 6.0 2017-04-04

Table 8 summarizes the information regarding step parameter values. The next pages provide descriptions.


Step duration 00:00:01 99:59:59 60 Second Heating
(minus duration 120 Second Cooling, Stirring
of other steps)
Setpoint 200 1200 1050 °C Heating
Rocking speed 0 40 20 RPM Heating
Rocking angle 0 45 20 ° (from vertical) Heating
Vibrate duration 0 20 0 Second Pouring
Position reset 0 600 Disabled, Second Pouring
2 when enabled
Fan speed 30* 100 80 % of max. speed Cooling
Table 8: Step parameter values
* The mold and crucible must be cooled before they are removed from the instrument. Cooling time varies depending on the
fusion program and mold size used, as well as the ambient temperature. Step Number
The value corresponding to Step Number indicates the position of a given step within the fusion program,
for instance 2/7. The step number can only be modified by adding or deleting other steps from the pro-
gram (refer to Sections 5.4.3 and 5.4.4). Step Type
Step Type corresponds to the essence of a given step. There are 4 different step types:
▪▪ Heating steps are designed to heat and agitate the mixture in order to yield a homogenous melt.
▪▪ In the Pouring step, the molten mixtures are transferred into the molds or beakers. A fusion program
can only include one pouring step. Peroxide mode programs do not have a pouring step.
▪▪ Cooling steps are intended to solidify the glass disks or cool the peroxide solutions. During these
steps, fans will be actuated to cool the disk or crucibles and components that where exposed to high
temperatures during the heating steps.
▪▪ The Stirring step is intended to stir the solutions. During the stirring step, fans will also be actuated
to cool the components that where exposed to high temperatures during the heating steps. A fusion
program can only include one stirring step.

For glass disks or borate solutions, each fusion program must include at least one heating step and a
single pouring step (peroxide solution do not have a pouring step). Each Disk and Peroxide type pro-
gram must also include at least one cooling step; each Solution type program must conversely include
one single stirring step.
The step type cannot be modified directly. The pouring and stirring steps cannot be deleted. Any step
© Claisse 2015-2017, All Rights Reserved.

preceding the pouring step will be dedicated to heating and any following step, to cooling or stirring,
depending on the program type. Refer to Sections 5.4.3 and 5.4.4 for instructions on adding and deleting

IN-MANU-140588E Rev.: 6.0 2017-04-04 46 TheOx® Advanced User Manual Step Duration
Step Duration determines the length of the step (in hours, minutes and seconds). The maximum step dur-
ation depends on the total duration of the program, which cannot exceed 99:59:59 hours. To set duration,
press the current value, reach the desired value using the spin buttons and press OK.


The total duration for the cooling or stirring steps of a given fusion program must amount to
at least 2 minutes. The user is responsible for ensuring that the cooling time and speed are
sufficient in order for the sample platform to reach temperatures that are safe for human
manipulations inside the operating point at the end of the fusion program. Special attention
should be paid to the duration of the stirring steps in Solution type programs since the cooling
fan speed connot be modified (refer to Section

The duration of heating steps is automatically calculated in Ramp mode. It cannot be edited by the user.

The duration of the pouring step is automatically determined by the software application. It cannot be
edited by the user. Setpoint and Ramp

Setpoint and Ramp are 2 heating modes, the former being the default parameter. The setpoint is the
temperature (in degrees Celsius) to be reached and maintained in the heating chamber during a program
step. In this mode, the heating chamber temperature will reach the set value at the maximum rate, as
opposed to the ramp mode described below. To establish the setpoint, press the current value, type the
desired temperature using the displayed keyboard and press OK.
The ramp mode determines the temperature to be reached inside the heating chamber at the end of the
step, and the rate at which the chamber temperature should increase or decrease. With the setpoint and
rate established by the user, the software automatically calculates the duration of the step, based on the
temperature of the previous step. The setpoint must differ from that of the previous step and the heating
rate may be set from 0.1°C/min. to 60°C/min., provided that the total duration of the fusion program does
not exeed 99:59:59 hours. To establish the setpoint in ramp mode, press the current setpoint, type the de-
sired temperature using the displayed keyboard, select Ramp, then modify the Rate value and press OK.
The ramp mode is enabled in the first step of a fusion program. It can be activated in any or all subse-
quent heating steps.
The instrument automatically pre-heats the heating chamber when the Start button is pressed, ensur-
ing that the setpoint of the first heating step will be reached prior to its execution. There is no such
transition before the following heating steps. Therefore, the heating chamber will not reach the target
temperature before the end of the step if the step duration is too short and/or the temperature setpoint
is too far from that of the previous step.
Claisse strongly recommends a setpoint of 1 065°C or less, since higher temperatures will shorten the
lifespan of the platinumware and sample platform. Contact your Claisse representative for further sup-
© Claisse 2015-2017, All Rights Reserved.

port or information.
If preparing peroxide solutions, Claisse recommends a setpoint of 700°C and never higher than 750°C
since performing peroxide fusions at higher temperatures will damage the zirconium/nickel crucibles.

Temperatures inferior to 1 050°C may neccessitate periodic regeneration of the heating elements.

TheOx® Advanced User Manual 47 IN-MANU-140588E Rev.: 6.0 2017-04-04 Rocking Speed
The Rocking Speed value determines the speed of the rocking motor. To set it, press the current value,
type the desired speed using the displayed keyboard and press OK.

The maximum rocking speed (40 RPM) corresponds to a rotation speed of 240 degrees per second. Rocking Angle
The Rocking Angle value defines the maximum backward and forward rocking positions during agitation.
This value will be applied in each direction. For instance, if the Rocking Angle is set at 25, the total rocking
amplitude will be 50 degrees. To set it, press the current value, type the desired angle using the displayed
keyboard and press OK.

Setting Rocking Angle over 30 may cause spillage with masses of molten glass higher than 9 g. Vibrate Duration
The Vibrate Duration setting causes the crucible rack to shake over the molds or beakers once the pour-
ing motion is completed. The induced vibration may contribute, in some cases, to the complete transfer
of the molten glass into the mold or beaker at the time of pouring. The duration of the vibration sequence
is user-defined. To set it, press the current value, type the desired duration using the displayed keyboard
and press OK.

Cooling or stirring steps begin once the vibration has stopped. Position Reset
The Position Reset setting refers to the possibility of automatically returning the crucible rack to an up-
right position shortly after the molten glass has been poured into the mold or beaker, thus preventing
any waste of material during the solidifaction of the disk. The use of this option depends on many factors,
such as the viscosity of the molten glass, the type of platinumware and the user’s preference.
By default, the option is disabled, which means that the crucible rack will return to the upright position
at the end of the fusion cycle. Once the option is enabled, the exact moment at which the crucible rack
will return to the upright position can be set using the delay parameter. To set it, press the current value,
select the desired radio button to enable or disable the feature then, if applicable, type the required delay
using the displayed keyboard and press OK.

The position reset delay is independent from the duration of the program steps. A long delay will not
© Claisse 2015-2017, All Rights Reserved.

affect the duration of the fusion cycle; it will only have the resetting motion take place later during the
cooling or stirring steps.
If the Vibrate Duration parameter is set higher than 0, the position reset delay will start once vibration
has stopped.

IN-MANU-140588E Rev.: 6.0 2017-04-04 48 TheOx® Advanced User Manual Fan Speed
The Fan Speed value determines the speed of the bottom cooling fans. When set at 80% or more, the top
fans are automatically actuated to full capacity. This parameter only applies to the cooling steps of Disk
type programs. To set it, press the current value, type the desired speed using the displayed keyboard
and press OK. In Solution type programs, the bottom fans are actuated according to the factory set value
of 70%.


Each Disk type program must include at least 2 minutes of cooling. The user is responsible
of ensuring that cooling the time and speed are sufficient in order for the sample platform to
reach temperatures that are safe for human manipulations inside the operating point at the
end of the fusion program.

5.4 Managing Fusion Parameters and Programs

The instrument includes preset programs, each intended for specific applications (refer to Appendix C). Preset pro-
grams can be accessed through the Programs page (or list of programs). They cannot be modified and are therefore
identified with a lock symbol (Figure 42). You can however duplicate and optimize these programs for your particular
samples or create new ones at will. Fusion programs are easy to manage as described in the following paragraphs.

Preset program (locked)

Figure 42: List of programs

5.4.1 Disabling the Current Program

Any modification to a fusion program requires that the corresponding program be inactive. To disable the cur-
rently selected program,
1. Wait for the end of the ongoing fusion cycle, if applicable.
2. Press Select... from the menu bar of the Fusion page.
3. Depending on whether the heating unit should stay active or not, select another program or press
© Claisse 2015-2017, All Rights Reserved.

Turn heat off.

If the heating unit should be turned off and if no fusion cycle is ongoing, you can disable the cur-
rently selected program by pressing the Turn heat off button directly from the menu bar of the
home page.

TheOx® Advanced User Manual 49 IN-MANU-140588E Rev.: 6.0 2017-04-04

5.4.2 Modifying Program Parameters
To edit the currently selected program, disable it before performing the following instructions (refer to Sec-
tion 5.4.1).

1. From the home page of the user interface, press Program.

2. Select the desired fusion program from the list.

Preset programs cannot be modified.

3. Depending on the parameter to be modified, select General parameters or Steps.

4. Modify the desired parameter, referring to Sections 5.3.1 and 5.3.2 if needed.

5.4.3 Adding a Step to a Fusion Program

To edit the currently selected program, disable it before performing the following instructions (refer to Sec-
tion 5.4.1).

1. From the home page of the user interface, press Program.

2. Select the desired fusion program from the list.

Preset programs cannot be modified.

3. From the step panel, reach the step after which the new step should be inserted.
4. Press Add from the menu bar to copy the current step. The new step will be displayed instantly.
5. Modify the step parameters as desired, referring to Section 5.3.2 if needed.

5.4.4 Deleting a Step From a Fusion Program

To edit the currently selected program, disable it before performing the following instructions (refer to Sec-
tion 5.4.1).

1. From the home page of the user interface, press Program.

2. Select the desired fusion program from the list.

Preset programs cannot be modified.

3. From the step panel, reach the step to be deleted.

© Claisse 2015-2017, All Rights Reserved.

4. Press Delete from the menu bar and confirm this action by pressing Yes.

IN-MANU-140588E Rev.: 6.0 2017-04-04 50 TheOx® Advanced User Manual

5.4.5 Creating a Fusion Program
Fusion programs can be created either from an existing program or from scratch.
To create a program from scratch,
1. From the home page of the user interface, press Program.
2. Press New from the menu bar to create the new program and display its default general param-
3. Modify the program’s general parameters as required, referring to Section 5.3.1 if needed.

By default, the new program only contains default parameter values. The default program name
is Custom program or Custom program #.

At this point, the program type can still be modified but this setting will become permanent when
the General Parameters page is closed.
4. Once all the general parameters are set, the interface will display the list of programs. From the
list, select the new program then modify the step parameters and add steps as desired, referring
to Sections 5.4.2 and 5.4.3 if needed.

By default, new programs for glass disks or borate solutions include 1 heating step, 1 pouring
step and 1 cooling or stirring step. Peroxide type programs only include 1 heating step and 1 coo-
ling step.
Claisse strongly recommends a pre-heat Setpoint of 1 065°C or under, since higher temperatures
will shorten the lifespan of the platinumware and sample platform. Contact your Claisse repre-
sentative for further support or information.

To create a program based on a pre-existing program,

1. From the home page of the user interface, press Program.
2. Select the desired fusion program from the list.
3. Press Copy from the menu bar to generate the new program and display its general parameters.
4. Modify the program’s general parameters as required, referring to Section 5.3.1 if needed.

By default, the new program contains an exact copy of the original program’s parameters. The
default program name is that of the original, followed by a sequential number.

5. Once all general parameters are set, the interface will display the list of programs. From the list,
select the new program then modify step parameters and add or delete steps as desired, referring
to Sections 5.3.2 and 5.4.2 to 5.4.4 if needed.
© Claisse 2015-2017, All Rights Reserved.

TheOx® Advanced User Manual 51 IN-MANU-140588E Rev.: 6.0 2017-04-04

5.4.6 Importing a Fusion Program
To edit the currently selected program, disable it before performing the following instructions (refer to Sec-
tion 5.4.1).

1. Save the CFP file to be imported on a USB flash drive.

The USB drive must be formatted as FAT.

At the user's discretion, the name of the file may differ from the name set in the program's gene-
ral parameters.

The program file (CFP) must be saved to the root directory of the flash drive. Do not save the file
in a folder.

2. Connect the flash drive to the USB port of the instrument.

3. From the home page of the user interface, press Program.
4. Press Import from the menu bar. The user interface will display the list of program files found on
the flash drive.
5. Select the desired program. The user interface will display the program once it is imported.

If the list of programs already includes a program that has the same Name parameter, the impor-
ted program will be distinguished by the addition of a sequential number at the end of the name.

6. If needed, modify program parameters (refer to Section 5.4.2 if needed) or press OK.

7. Disconnect the flash drive from the USB port of the instrument.

5.4.7 Exporting a Fusion Program

1. Connect a USB flash drive to the USB port of the instrument.

The USB drive must be formatted as FAT.

2. From the home page of the user interface, press Program.

3. From the list, select the progam to be exported.
4. Press Export from the menu bar.
5. Using the keyboard, type or confirm the name of the program file and press OK. © Claisse 2015-2017, All Rights Reserved.

At the user's discretion, the name of the file may differ from the name set in the program's gene-
ral parameters.

6. Confirm that the program should be exported by pressing OK.

7. Disconnect the flash drive from the USB port of the instrument.

To retrieve the exported program, look for a CFP file in the root directory of the USB flash drive.

IN-MANU-140588E Rev.: 6.0 2017-04-04 52 TheOx® Advanced User Manual

5.4.8 Deleting a Fusion Program
To delete the currently selected program, disable it before performing the following instructions (refer to Sec-
tion 5.4.1).

1. From the home page of the user interface, press Program.

2. Select the desired fusion program from the list.

Preset programs cannot be deleted.

3. Press Delete from the menu bar and confirm this action by pressing Yes.

5.4.9 Managing the List of Programs

All available fusion programs appear in a list that can be accessed by pressing Program from the home page.
To modify the position of a program inside the list, edit the Favorite and/or Name program parameters (refer to
Sections 5.3.1 and 5.4.2). Programs are classified as follows from top to bottom of the list:
▪▪ Favorite programs in alphanumerical order from 0, 1, 2… to …X, Y, Z
▪▪ Custom programs (not labelled as favorites)
▪▪ Default programs (not labelled as favorites)

To position the most commonly used programs at the top of the list, mark them as favorites and insert a num-
ber at the beginning of their name, e.g. 1. Raw Mix, 2. Kiln Feed, 3. Clinker.

The list of programs is edited through the Program page. It is also accessed from the Fusion page to select the
desired program before launching a fusion cycle.
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TheOx® Advanced User Manual 53 IN-MANU-140588E Rev.: 6.0 2017-04-04

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6 Operating the Instrument
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TheOx® Advanced User Manual 55 IN-MANU-140588E Rev.: 6.0 2017-04-04

6.1 Operational Controls

6.1.1 Navigating Through the User Interface

The instrument is controlled through the touch screen and user interface. Navigation between pages and options
is intuitive, providing quick access to all operation and monitoring possibilities relative to the instrument.

Sharp or hard objects could perforate the surface of the screen. It is strongly recommended that you solely use your
fingers to touch the screen. No other object should be used.

The home page of the user interface (Figure 43) provides the user with access to the 3 main features of the soft-
ware application:
▪▪ Fusion – where the user can launch and monitor fusion cycles for sample preparation (refer to Chapter 7).
▪▪ Program – where the user can create new programs or manage existing programs (refer to Chapter 5).
▪▪ Tools – where the user can access instrument parameters (refer to Chapter 5) and advanced features for
maintenance or troubleshooting purposes (refer to Chapters 8 and 9).

It is always possible to return to the home page from any page by either pressing the Home button or the Back
button from the menu bar.

Figure 43: Home page

All other user interface pages share a common design (Figure 44) which is key to the user friendliness of the

Status bar
Program bar © Claisse 2015-2017, All Rights Reserved.

Main contents

Menu bar

Figure 44: Typical interface page

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At the top of the screen the status bar displays, from left to right (Figure 45):
▪▪ the production symbol if a fusion cycle is running;
▪▪ the pre-heat/shut-off heat symbol if the option is enabled (refer to Section 5.2.3);
▪▪ the title of the current page;
▪▪ the heat symbol, if the heating unit is currently active;
▪▪ the current temperature inside the heating chamber.

Pre-heat/Shut-off heat symbol Page title Heat symbol Current temperature

Production symbol
Figure 45: Status bar

The program bar is displayed right under the status bar whenever a program is selected for edition or for oper-
ation (Figure 46). This bar shows, from left to right:
▪▪ the type of program (Disk, Solution or Peroxide);
▪▪ the name of the program;
▪▪ the duration of the program.

When the program is running, the remaining time is displayed in place of the total duration of the program.

Program type Program name Program duration

Figure 46: Program bar

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The main content of the page is context specific. It typically consists in a list of items, a step panel, an edit page
or a message to the user.
▪▪ Lists contain a series of option items, showing up to 5 lines at a time (Figure 47). The previous or next items
can be displayed using the Up and Down buttons of the menu bar and the desired option can be selected by
pressing the corresponding line.

An arrow pointing to the right at the end of a line indicates that pressing this line will lead to a submenu.

A dark triangle in the lower right corner indicates that pressing the corresponding line will lead to an edit page,
allowing to modify the current value.

Items that are currently unavailable are shaded.

Figure 47: List of items

▪▪ Fusion programs are displayed in a step panel which presents an overview of the program steps, one step
at a time (Figure 48). The panel is divided in up to 6 boxes, each dedicated to a specific step parameter and
its current value. The step panel is displayed whenever a fusion program is selected, either for edition or
▫▫ Use the < and > arrows from the menu bar to navigate from step to step.
▫▫ Press the corresponding box to edit a step parameter.

Step parameters that can be edited are identified by a dark triangle in the lower right corner.

The step panel only allows edition when displayed from the Programs menu. A program cannot be edited
when selected for fusion. © Claisse 2015-2017, All Rights Reserved.

Figure 48: Step panel

IN-MANU-140588E Rev.: 6.0 2017-04-04 58 TheOx® Advanced User Manual

▪▪ Parameters can be modified through the different edit pages. Depending on the parameter type, edit pages
can consist in a numerical or alphanumerical keyboard (Figure 49), radio buttons (Figure 50) or spin buttons
(Figure 51).
▫▫ Using the keyboards, type the desired value and press OK to confirm.
▫▫ Press the radio button next to the desired option from a list.

Options or features that are currently unavailable are shaded.

▫▫ Press the up or down arrow of a spin button once to increase or decrease the current value by one unit or
press and hold to have the numbers shift rapidly until released.

Figure 49: Alphanumerical keyboard Figure 50: Radio buttons Figure 51: Spin buttons

▪▪ A variety of messages can be displayed for the user (Figure 52). Most commonly, they will convey information
on the state of the instrument, provide instructions, ask for a confirmation or report an error. Message pages
typically require that the user acknowledge their content by pressing Ok or Yes for instance.

Figure 52: Message

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The menu bar covers the lower section of the screen (Figure 53). It provides multiple navigating options, the most
common ones being:
▪▪ the Home button which is a shortcut key to reach the home page;
▪▪ the Back button which leads to the previous page and which can be pressed repeatedly, up to the home page;
▪▪ the Up and Down buttons which allow to scroll up or down a list of items on screen.
▪▪ the Backward/Forward button which is maily used to position the automated carriage for beaker installation
and retrieval when preparing borate solutions.
The menu bar may contain other buttons depending on the specific page being displayed. Chapter 5 provides
more details on these buttons through instructions and description of the related contexts. In any case, menu
bar options lead to a different page.

Buttons that are currently unavailable are shaded.

Back Home Up Down

Figure 53: Menu bar

6.1.2 Using the Control Panel

The control panel of the instrument (Figure 54) is located on the right
A side of the front panel.
A. Use the status indicator as a quick reference on the current state of
the instrument. Refer to Table 9 for the status chart.
B. Use the color touch screen as a user interface to program and
operate the instrument, view cycle progress, perform maintenance
B operations, and more. The touch screen interface is very intuitive.
You can use the tip of your fingers to navigate through menus and
pages (refer to Section 6.1.1 for more information on user interface
C. Use the USB port to import and export fusion programs by the
means of a flash drive (refer to Sections 5.4.6 and 5.4.7).
D. Use the emergency stop button in case of an urgent situation to
C automatically shut off the heating power of the instrument and dis-
able all motors. Refer to Section for more information on
emergency stops.

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Figure 54: Control panel


Light off Idle or off
Green Fusion in progress
Yellow Warning
Red Error, emergency stop
White Manual Control and Monitoring options operative
Table 9: Status indicator chart

IN-MANU-140588E Rev.: 6.0 2017-04-04 60 TheOx® Advanced User Manual

6.1.3 Interrupting a Fusion Cycle
The instrument offers 2 types of cycle interruptions: cycle cancellation and emergency stop. It is highly recom-
mended to limit the use of the emergency stop procedure to actual emergencies since this option may lead to
material damages and increased safety risks. Under normal circumstances, use the cancellation procedure.


Stopping a fusion in progress will leave the crucibles, molds and other parts of the instrument very
hot. Allow sufficient cooling time before touching any part of the instrument. Cycle cancellation
If you must stop a fusion in progress, press Cancel from the menu bar (Figure 55). The cycle will be
aborted, the sample platform will go back to the operating point, and the bottom fan unit wil be actuated.

Note that you will have to clean the crucibles (and possibly the molds) before re-using them.

Figure 55: Cancel button Emergency stop
Emergency stops should be reserved for actual emergencies (refer to Section 2.11.1 for more
information). They may lead to important heat propagation inside the instrument. Further-
more, they automatically cause the temperature inside the heating chamber to lower and they
involve more complex resetting operations than a simple cycle cancellation using the Cancel
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TheOx® Advanced User Manual 61 IN-MANU-140588E Rev.: 6.0 2017-04-04

6.2 Switching the Power On and Off
Position the external power supply unit so the power switch is easily accessible at all times when in oper-
ation. Also make sure that the power cord and electrical outlet are easily identifiable and accessible to
ensure quick access and disconnection if needed.
Do not turn off the unit while a fusion program is running. Risks of serious injury or material damage
related to heat dissipation may occur after a shut down.
Risks of serious personal injury or material damage related to heat dissipation may occur after a shut
down if the heating chamber temperature is high and its door is open or if the automated carriage is out
of the heating chamber, but has not cooled down sufficiently.

To turn the power on, flip the power switch in the "I" position (ON). This switch is located on the side panel of the ex-
ternal power supply (Figure 56). When switching the power on, the touch screen will automatically light on. Within a
minute or so, the software application will be displayed and ready to use. To turn the power off, confirm that it is safe
to shut down the instrument, then turn off the heat and flip the power switch of the external power supply in the "O"
position (OFF).

Always make sure the sample platform is out of the heating chamber and the heating chamber door is closed before
turning the power off. Press Cancel and wait for the sample platform to reach the operating point before shutting
down the power.

Power switch

Figure 56: Power switch

6.3 Turning the Heat Off

The heating system of the instrument can be powered off between fusion cycles. This feature is useful when it is not
required that the temperature be maintained into the heating chamber and for maintenance purposes. To shut the
heating power off,
© Claisse 2015-2017, All Rights Reserved.

1. Wait for the current fusion program to come to an end.

2. Press the Turn heat off button from the menu bar of the home page. The heating unit will automatically be
shut off and the previously selected fusion program will be closed.

IN-MANU-140588E Rev.: 6.0 2017-04-04 62 TheOx® Advanced User Manual

7 Preparing Samples
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TheOx® Advanced User Manual 63 IN-MANU-140588E Rev.: 6.0 2017-04-04

7.1 Introduction
The Claisse TheOx Advanced instrument can be used to produce glass disks, borate solutions or peroxide solutions
in just a few easy steps. The operating process, which slightly differs depending on the desired output, is described
below. For more information on program parameters and customization, refer to Chapter 5.


This laboratory instrument may lead to hazardous situations if misused. It must not be used in hazourd-
ous atmospheres or with hazardous materials for which it was not designed. Operators must be trained
adequately before using the instrument.
Do not use the instrument and accessories in any manner that is not specified in this manual since this
may impair the protection provided by the instrument.
Do not use any accessories not provided or recommended by the manufacturer since this may impair the
protection provided by the instrument.
Do not use the instrument to mix or fuse flammable materials.
Do not operate the instrument if some parts (other than optional parts) are missing or altered.
Do not operate the instrument if any part of the mold or crucible rack is damaged, especially one of the
redundant parts.
Do not operate the instrument if any part of the mold or crucible rack is contaminated by flux.
Do not operate the instrument if the spill tray is damaged or missing.
Do not operate the instrument if any refractory material of the heating chamber is damaged or missing.
Do not alter any part of the instrument. In case of a malfunction, do not try to repair the instrument,
contact your Claisse representative.
Adequate ventilation must be used.
After a fusion process, some parts of the instrument are dangerously hot, especially if the instrument
has been misused. The exterior of the instrument may also be hot during normal use, especially the top
panel. Never put anything on top of the instrument.
The heating chamber of the instrument contains alumina and silica ceramic fibers. Under specific cir-
cumstances, these materials may cause health issues. For further information, please consult the Ma-
terial Safety Data Sheets available from Claisse.
Though the instrument itself does not release toxic vapors, the fusion mixture used for your specific
applications may generate emanations. Consult the Material Safety Data Sheets of your specific fusion
mixture components.
When handling unknown or hazardous samples, check the Material safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for the
handling instructions.
© Claisse 2015-2017, All Rights Reserved.

Any spilled material must be cleaned immediately in accordance with handling instructions.
Do not use a vacuum cleaner or harsh chemicals.

IN-MANU-140588E Rev.: 6.0 2017-04-04 64 TheOx® Advanced User Manual

7.2 Running a Pre-Heat Session
To optimize heating time and fusion repeatability, make sure that the temperature of the heating chamber is high
enough and stable before launching a fusion cycle. Pre-heat options depend on the context.

Pre-heat sessions allow the heating chamber to reach thermal equilibrium at the desired setpoint, which optimizes
the repeatability of the analytical results.

7.2.1 Short Idle Time

As soon as a program is selected on screen, the instrument automatically heats the chamber up to the Setpoint
temperature of the first step. Thus, selecting the forthcoming program following the end of a fusion cycle is an
easy and efficient way to run a pre-heat session. Refer to Section 7.3.2 for the program selection procedure.

Maintaining a standby temperature inside the heating chamber does not require starting a fusion cycle after
selecting the program.

7.2.2 Long Idle Time

The previous pre-heat option may lead to high energy costs if a longer period of time elapses between 2 fusion
cycles. In such cases, the user has 3 options:
▪▪ Let the heating chamber cool to an ambient temperature during the period of inactivity by turning off
the heat (refer to Section 6.3). Select the desired program a few hours before starting a new cycle.

When the instrument is at ambient temperature and depending on the target temperature, the
stability of the heating chamber may be reached within 1 to 3 hours.

▪▪ Program pre-heat sessions so that the instrument automatically starts heating to the preset temper-
ature at the desired time of each selected day (refer to Section
▪▪ Use a standby program, i.e. program where the temperature is high enough to shorten the pre-heat
time before the next fusion cycle and low enough to save energy. Adjust the Setpoint value of the first
heating step to the desired temperature then select the program. Refer to Chapter 5 for program and
fusion parameter management.

Maintaining a standby temperature inside the heating chamber does not require starting a fusion
cycle after selecting the program.
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TheOx® Advanced User Manual 65 IN-MANU-140588E Rev.: 6.0 2017-04-04

7.3 Performing Fusion Cycles
To prepare samples with the instrument, the user launches a fusion cycle, after which the instrument will execute
every step of the selected program in numerical sequence. The procedure for making glass disks, borate solutions or
peroxide solutions is described in this section.

7.3.1 Preparing the Instrument

1. Make sure the instrument is powered on.
2. Make sure the temperature of the heating chamber has reached the thermal equilibrium at the
desired temperature:
▪▪ The temperature indicator located at the right of the status bar displays the current temper-
ature inside the heating chamber (Figure 57).
▪▪ The Refractory thermocouple temperature value displayed through the Info page of the Tools
menu (Figure 58) shows the current temperature within the refractory walls of the chamber
and serves as a stability indicator. In order to ensure stability, Claisse recommends that a fusion
cycle be launched only when the refractories have reached a temperature that corresponds to
80% of the heating chamber temperature. When the instrument is at ambient temperature, the
stability of the heating chamber may be reached within 1 to 3 hours depending on the target
▪▪ Refer to Section 7.2 in order to run a pre-heat session if necessary.

Figure 57: Temperature indicator Figure 58: Refractory thermocouple temperature value

3. Make sure that the instrument is set up to perform the type of preparation you wish to obtain:
▪▪ Preparing glass disks requires that the 6 mold holders be installed on the instrument (if need-
ed, refer to Section 7.5).
▪▪ Preparing borate solutions requires that the mold rack be removed from the instrument (if
needed, refer to Section 7.4). Remember that you cannot prepare solutions unless your instru-
ment is a TheOx-DS Advanced model.
© Claisse 2015-2017, All Rights Reserved.

▪▪ Preparing peroxide solutions requires no specific set up.

IN-MANU-140588E Rev.: 6.0 2017-04-04 66 TheOx® Advanced User Manual

4. Weigh the mixture to be fused directly into the crucible(s). Refer to Section 4.12.1 for a list of recom-
mended crucible models. The usual quantities of flux and sample mix are:
▪▪ Between 7.0 and 14.0 g for glass disks that have a diameter ranging from 32 to 40 mm (refer to
Table 10).
▪▪ Between 1.5 and 2.5 g for borate solutions.
▪▪ Between 1.0 and 3.5 g for peroxide solution.


30 6 N/A
32 9 7
35 11 8.5
40 14 10
Table 10: Flux and sample mass as a function of mold size


When making borate solutions, quantities of fusion mixture of more than 2.5 g may be
dangerous. The risk of splattering increases with the mass of the mixture. Splatters could
injure the user and damage the instrument.

When making glass disks, a too small amount of molten glass will produce incomplete disks.
Conversely, an excessive amount of molten glass will overflow the mold rim and fall onto the spill
tray of the instrument.

5. Open the safety door.

6. Tilt the crucible securing rod in the loading position (Figure 59).

Figure 59: Loading position

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TheOx® Advanced User Manual 67 IN-MANU-140588E Rev.: 6.0 2017-04-04

7. Gently place up to 6 crucibles onto the crucible holder.
8. Lower the crucible securing rod to the horizontal position. Insert the securing rod through the
openning of the securing canal of the left-hand side cantilever. Make sure that the securing rod
sits in the recess intended for that purpose (Figure 60) and that it is aligned with the crucible guide
(Figure 61).

Securing rod

Crucible guide

Figure 60: Crucible securing rod canal Figure 61: Crucible securing rod position

9. If preparing glass disks, make sure that all 6 mold holders are in position onto their rack.

All 6 mold holders must be in position, regardless of the number of crucibles and molds you will use
for this fusion cycle.

Mold holders must not overlap each other in order to yield glass disks of even thickness (Figure 62).

(side to side) (overlapping)

Figure 62: Mold holders proper positioning

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10. Install the receptacles at the positions corresponding to those of the crucibles:
▪▪ If preparing glass disks, install clean molds onto the mold holders.

Make sure to use the type of mold that fits the size of your mold holders (refer to Section

Make sure to install a mold in front each crucible, otherwise fused matter will be poured onto
the instrument, thus causing serious damage.

▪▪ If preparing borate solutions, close the safety door, make sure a program is selected (refer to
Section 7.3.2), press Backward from the menu bar to move the automated carriage towards the
heating chamber. Then, open the safety door and install the provided beakers onto the mag-
netic stirring tray. Each beaker should contain a magnetic stir bar (Spinbar®; PAK-MQ007) and
approximately 100 mL of an appropriate acid solution (contact your Claisse representative for
further information about acid solutions).


Using more or less than 100 mL of solution could lead to hazardous situations. For
method development tips, refer to preset program 8 at page page 102 and program 9
at page 103 and/or to your Claisse representative.
Claisse strongly recommends using the provided Teflon® beakers (F-0013). Glass beak-
ers may break if molten glass touches their walls, whereas other Teflon® beakers may
not fit the stirring tray of the instrument.

Make sure to install a beaker in front of each crucible otherwise fused matter will be poured into
the instrument, thus causing serious damage.

▪▪ If preparing peroxide solutions, you do not need to install any receptacle since the contents of
the crucible will not be poured.
11. Close the safety door.
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7.3.2 Selecting the Fusion Program
After a fusion cycle, the corresponding program remains active until another one is selected. Therefore, you do
not need to select any program if you wish to re-run the previous one.
The type of the selected program (Disk, Solution or Peroxide) must correspond to the type of preparation
you wish to perform. Do not select a Solution mode program unless your instrument is a TheOx-DS Advanced

1. Press Fusion from the home page.

2. Press Select... from the menu bar (Figure 63).
3. Browse the list and select the desired program.
For more information on the program list, fusion programs and parameters, refer to Chapter 5.

Figure 63: Fusion page

7.3.3 Starting the Fusion Cycle

1. Make sure that the vent of the laboratory hood is on.
2. Start the fusion cycle by pressing Start from the menu bar.
Once you have pressed Start, the instrument will heat the chamber until it has reached the Setpoint value of
step 1. The instrument will then insert the automated carriage into the heating chamber and execute the heating,
pouring and cooling or stirring steps in sequence.
From the moment the sample platform is inserted into the heating chamber, the remaining time until the end of
the fusion cycle is displayed in the Time view (Figure 64). The user can also display the current step (Figure 65)
by pressing Step from the menu bar. Once the program has come to an end, a message indicates that the fusion
cycle has been completed.

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Figure 64: Time view Figure 65: Step view

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The instrument operates automatically unless the Cancel or emergency stop buttons are pressed. Refer to Sec-
tion 6.1.3 for more information on interrupting a fusion cycle. Should a warning or an error occur during the
cycle, the screen would display a message concerning the problem. The status indicator located on the control
panel would also change color as described in Table 9 of Section 6.1.2. Refer to Chapter 9 for troubleshooting

7.3.4 Retrieving Prepared Samples

Once the fusion cycle is completed, you can retrieve the glass disks or solutions and prepare the instrument for
the next cycle.
1. Open the safety door.


To avoid burns, do not touch the glass disks, platinumware or holders before they have
cooled sufficiently. Never touch the heating chamber door.

2. If in Disk mode, pick up the glass disks using the provided vaccum cup.
3. If in Solution mode, pick up the beakers.
4. Lift the crucible securing rod in the loading position.
5. If in Peroxide mode, pick up the crucibles. They are now ready to be acidified.
6. If in Disk or Solution mode, pick up the crucibles and examine them. Clean platinum crucibles can
be re-used. They should however be cleaned when:
▪▪ a glass drop is stuck onto the rim (in that case, simply remove the drop),
▪▪ matter is stuck at the bottom, on the internal or exterior wall, or
▪▪ a different type of sample is to be fused in the next cycle.

Crucibles that are not completely clean can contaminate the sample platform.

7. Following the preparation of glass disks, check molds. Clean molds can be re-used. They should
however be removed from the instrument and cleaned when:
▪▪ the disk has crystallized,
▪▪ the disk was difficult to remove, or
▪▪ a different type of sample is to be fused in the next cycle.
8. Press OK from the menu bar to clear the Completed message and go back to the fusion program.

After a fusion cycle, it is also recommended that the user visually inspect the sample platform to
locate any trace of flux and prevent damages or contamination over time (refer to Chapter 8 for
© Claisse 2015-2017, All Rights Reserved.

inspection and cleaning instructions).

Refer to Section 7.3.1 to prepare the instrument for the next fusion cycle. If you do not wish to perform a new
cycle, you may:
▪▪ shut the heating power off (refer to section 6.3),
▪▪ select a standby temperature (refer to Section, or
▪▪ select the next fusion program to be used to allow the heating chamber to reach and maintain the temper-
ature of the first step of this program (refer to Section 7.3.2).

TheOx® Advanced User Manual 71 IN-MANU-140588E Rev.: 6.0 2017-04-04

7.4 Configuring the Instrument for Borate Solution Preparation
TheOx-DS Advanced instrument can be set up to make solutions in a few easy steps.


Make sure to perform this procedure when the instrument is idle and cool.


Do not attempt to prepare borate solutions with TheOx-D Advanced instrument.

1. Open the safety door.

2. Remove all molds and mold holders.
3. Remove the 2 mold rack rods (Figure 66). To do so:
3.1 Slightly lift the 2 mold rods.
3.2 Push the rods laterally (left or right) to disengage one extremity.
3.3 Pull the mold rods in the opposite direction to free them completely.

Do not use the safety door as a shelf to keep the rods at hand during the removal process since they
could roll, fall off the door and break.

Make sure to place the mold rack rods and their metallic core in a secure area to prevent damage or

Figure 66: Mold rack rods removal

4. Close the safety door.

5. From the menu bar, press Backward to move the automated carriage towards the heating chamber door.
6. Open the safety door.
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IN-MANU-140588E Rev.: 6.0 2017-04-04 72 TheOx® Advanced User Manual

7. Using a 2.5 mm hexagonal key, remove the 3 fan deflector screws (Figure 67).
8. Slightly lift the deflector and tilt it forward to release it from the rear wall of the fan unit (Figure 67).
9. Remove the deflector from the fan unit.

Keep the deflector and screws for future needs.

Deflector screw
Fan deflector

Figure 67: Fan deflector removal

The access to the magnetic stirring tray is clear and beakers can now be inserted. The instrument is ready for the
preparation of the next fusion cycle in solution pouring mode (refer to Section 7.3.1).

7.5 Configuring the Instrument for Glass Disk Preparation

Reverting from making solutions to preparing glass disks with TheOx-DS Advanced instrument requires a few easy
configuration steps.


Make sure to perform this procedure when the instrument is idle and cool.

1. Make sure that there are no beakers in the magnetic stirring tray.
2. Close the safety door.
3. Press the Backward button from the menu bar to move the automated carriage towards the heating cham-
ber door.
4. Open the safety door.
© Claisse 2015-2017, All Rights Reserved.

TheOx® Advanced User Manual 73 IN-MANU-140588E Rev.: 6.0 2017-04-04

5. Place the deflector into the fan unit and insert the tabs into the rear wall (Figure 68).
6. Install and fasten the 3 deflector screws using a 2.5 mm hexagonal key.

Fan deflector Deflector screw

Figure 68: Fan deflector installation

7. Install the mold rack rods (Figure 69).

Do not use the safety door as a shelf to keep the rods at hand during the installation process since they
could roll, fall off the door and break.

Figure 69: Mold rack rods installation

8. Install all 6 mold holders by suspending them side to side onto the mold rack (Figure 70). Mold holders
must not overlap each other (Figure 71).

(side to side) (overlapping)

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Figure 70: Mold holders installation Figure 71: Mold holders proper positioning

The instrument is now ready for the preparation of the next fusion cycle in glass disk pouring mode (refer to Sec-
tion 7.3.1).

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8 User Maintenance
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TheOx® Advanced User Manual 75 IN-MANU-140588E Rev.: 6.0 2017-04-04

8.1 Introduction
This chapter of the User Manual gives a description of parts and instructions regarding user maintenance to be per-
formed on a short-term basis, outside of Claisse's preventive maintenance plan services. Regular maintenance of
TheOx Advanced instrument and periodic monitoring of its critical components are significant factors in preventing
failure and reducing downtime.
The preventive maintenance plan includes on-site visits and advanced maintenance operations by service specialists
and/or distributors. Claisse strongly recommends buying this maintenance plan annually. Contact your Claisse repre-
sentative for more details (refer to Appendix E).
Normal use of the instrument and its components is described in Chapter 4. Refer to Appendix D for parts list.


Maintenance operations must be performed by personnel who have the required skill level. Refer to Sec-
tion 2.2 for user recommended skill levels and definitions.
Modification of the instrument and its components is restricted to the operations explicitly described
and recommended in this manual. Any undue modification automatically cancels the warranty and could
endanger the operator's life.
Do not perform any other operations other than the ones explicitly specified in this manual. For all other
operations, contact Claisse (refer to Appendix E).
Contact your Claisse representative if you have any doubt as to the compatibility of decontamination or
cleaning agents.
Always disconnect the power cord and wait 3 minutes before servicing.


After a fusion process, some parts of the instrument are dangerously hot, especially if the instrument
has been misused. The exterior of the instrument may also be hot during normal use, especially the top
panel. Never put anything on top of the instrument.
The heating chamber of the instrument contains alumina and silica ceramic fibers. Under specific cir-
cumstances, these materials may cause health issues. For further information, please consult the Ma-
terial Safety Data Sheets available from Claisse.

© Claisse 2015-2017, All Rights Reserved.

IN-MANU-140588E Rev.: 6.0 2017-04-04 76 TheOx® Advanced User Manual

8.2 Overview
Maintenance operations must be performed by personnel who have the required skill level. Refer to Sec-
tion 2.2 for user recommended skill levels and definitions.

Table 11 summarizes the short-term maintenance operations to be performed on a regular short-term basis and/
or in between preventive maintenance visits by a service specialist and/or distributor. Operations are detailed in the
following sections.

For the total cermic option, refer to the Total Ceramic Cantilever User Guide for the maintenance operations.







Alumina rods Inspecting 1 page 80
Cleaning 1 page 80 page 84
Cantilevers Checking alignment 1 page 81
Inspecting 1 page 84
Crucible securing rod Inspecting 1 page 84
External casings Cleaning 1 page 79
External power supply Inspecting the filter 1 page 83
Heating elements Securing the connections 2 page 78
Regenerating 1 page 81
Inspecting 2 page 84
Heating chamber Inspecting in case of a spill 1 page 80
Linear guides Lubricating 2 page 88
Mold holders Inspecting and cleaning 1 page 79
Inspecting 1 page 81
© Claisse 2015-2017, All Rights Reserved.

Inspecting 1 page 82
Operating point Cleaning 1 page 79
Pivot pin Replacing 1 page 82
Thermal expansion Inspecting and lubricating 2 page 85
absorbing mechanism
Table 11: Short-term maintenance schedule

TheOx® Advanced User Manual 77 IN-MANU-140588E Rev.: 6.0 2017-04-04

8.3 After the First 24 Hours of Heating
The following operations must be performed by personnel who have the minimum required skill level 2.
Refer to Section 2.2 for user recommended skill levels and definitions.

The connections of the heating elements must be secured after the first 24 hours of heating. These operations will
ensure a proper electrical contact.
1. Turn the power switch of the external power supply in the “O” position (OFF).
2. Wait for the instrument to cool.
3. Disconnect the power cord and wait 3 minutes.
4. Using a 3.0 mm hexagonal key, remove the cover of the elements (Figure 72).

The panel screws are permanently attached to the panels by retainers. Loosening the screws will free the
panel from the instrument; the screws should remain in their respective panel holes.

Heating elements

Figure 72: Elements cover removal

5. Using a 10 mm open-end wrench and a 5.0 mm hexagonal key, firmly tighten the braid connection of each
element (Figure 73). Proceed gently to avoid breaking the elements.

© Claisse 2015-2017, All Rights Reserved.

Figure 73: Braid connections (top view)

IN-MANU-140588E Rev.: 6.0 2017-04-04 78 TheOx® Advanced User Manual

8.4 Daily Maintenance or As Required

8.4.1 Cleaning the External Casings

Clean the instrument and power supply unit with a soft, damp and clean cloth. Do not use chemicals to clean the
external parts.

8.4.2 Cleaning the Operating Point

Remove any flux beads that might have fallen onto the operating point. Pay special attention to the mold rack,
crucible guide, alumina rods, spill tray and to the interior of the safety door.

If a spill should occur in the operating point, clean the instrument as soon as it has cooled. Make sure that the
molten glass has not altered the parts with which it came into contact.
If a spill should occur elsewhere inside the instrument refer to Section 8.4.6 and contact Claisse immediately.


Wear appropriate safety equipment to avoid injuries that may be caused by glass fragments.

8.4.3 Inspecting and Cleaning the Mold Holders

Visually inspect the mold holders. The holders should easily move along the alumina rods. The components
should also be cleaned as often as needed to remove the flux that could have splattered on them. This good
practice will prolong the service life of your mold holders. To clean the mold holders:
1. Remove the holders from their rack.
2. Immerse in boiling water for 30 minutes.

Do not use an acid solution to clean the mold holders.

3. Scrub with a steel brush.

4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 if required.
5. Rinse.
6. Dry.
7. Re-install the holders onto their rack.
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TheOx® Advanced User Manual 79 IN-MANU-140588E Rev.: 6.0 2017-04-04

8.4.4 Inspecting the Alumina Rods
Visually inspect the alumina rods to detect flux drops or spots that could have adhered to their surface. Flux
drops and spots usually have a vitreous or crystallized appearance. Fused flux adheres strongly to alumina and
can weaken it. It is therefore important to clean the crucible rack, mold rack and crucible guide promptly after
flux has adhered to their surface. If flux drops or spots are detected, proceed section 8.4.5.

8.4.5 Cleaning the Alumina Rods

To clean the alumina rods:
1. Remove the alumina rod requiring cleansing from the instrument.
2. Immerse the alumina rod in boiling water and maintain at a rolling boil for at least 60 minutes.
3. Remove the alumina rod from the water. The flux should have softened.
4. Scrape to remove the flux.

Use a scraper or any rigid sharp-edged metallic tool. Metallic brushes and wools are not recom-
mended. They could leave fine particles onto the rod and contaminate the samples to be fused

5. Inspect the alumina rod to make sure there are no cracks or notches. Any damaged rod must be
replaced by a new one.
6. Re-install the alumina rod onto the instrument.

8.4.6 Inspecting the Heating Chamber in Case of a Spill

If there is reason to believe that a spill could have occured inside the heating chamber, perform a general inspec-
tion inside the instrument to make sure there is no trace of molten glass.


Do not open the safety door during this inspection.

1. Press and disengage the emergency stop button.

2. Open the heating chamber door using the emergency stop page.


If the heating chamber temeprature is high, the heat coming from the chamber will
emerge, causing the instrument to become very hot. Proceed with care and with the
© Claisse 2015-2017, All Rights Reserved.

appropriate personal protection measures while performing the required operations

in order to close the door as soon as possible, minimizing risks of burns, heat loss and
heat propagation.

3. Inspect the heating chamber. If molten glass is found on the bottom layer of the refractory materi-
als, contact Claisse.
4. Close the heating chamber door.
5. Press Reset all mechanisms and Exit to close the emergency stop page.

IN-MANU-140588E Rev.: 6.0 2017-04-04 80 TheOx® Advanced User Manual

8.5 Every 500 Fusion Cycles or Weekly

8.5.1 Inspecting the Mold Holders

Visually inspect each mold holder and make sure that they can be easily moved along the alumina rods. Replace
them if they do not move easily.

8.5.2 Checking the Cantilevers Alignment

Verify the level of the cantilevers to make sure they will not come into contact with the refractory plates when
the automated carriage is inside the heating chamber. This visual inspection can be performed during a regular
fusion cycle, while the automated carriage is being inserted or extracted from the heating chamber. When the
chamber door opens, simply make sure that the cantilevers are centered into the lateral openings of the heating
chamber, particularly at the innermost extremities of the openings (Figure 74). Verify both the right-hand and
left-hand side cantilevers.


Do not open the safety door during this inspection.

Figure 74: Cantilevers position in the chamber openings

Contact your Claisse representative for a quick and easy cantilever adjustment procedure if you notice that the
distance is significantly uneven above and below the cantilevers (thus causing a risk of contact between the can-
tilevers and the refractory plates).

8.5.3 Regenerating the Heating Elements

In the case where an instrument regularly operates programs with setpoints below 1 050°C, perform the follow-
ing element regeneration procedure to prolong the lifespan of the heating elements:
1. Select a program in which the setpoint of the first step is set at 1 050°C.
© Claisse 2015-2017, All Rights Reserved.

2. Wait until the temperature inside the chamber reaches 1 050°C.

3. Once the temperature is attained, wait an additional 20 minutes.
4. Following the elapsed time, resume to normal operations.

Following this procedure, a longer delay should be expected for the first fusion cycle since the tem-
perature inside the chamber must decrease to reach the target temperature of your usual fusion

TheOx® Advanced User Manual 81 IN-MANU-140588E Rev.: 6.0 2017-04-04

8.6 Every 1000 Fusion Cycles or Monthly

8.6.1 Inspecting the Mold Holders

Visually inspect the mold holders. Replace them if they are warped or if the material has started disintegrating.

8.6.2 Replacing the Pivot Pin

Replace the pivot pin of the crucible securing rod:
1. Place the rod in the loading position.
2. Using long nose pliers, open and remove (Figure 75) the old pivot pin while holding the rod in pos-
3. Insert the new pivot pin through the crucible securing rod and through both holes of the right-hand
side cantilever. It is essential that the pin be installed on the same side of the cantilever as the
crucible rack rods (Figure 76).
4. Using long nose pliers, close the pivot pin so that it cannot be removed.

Figure 75: Pivot pin removal Figure 76: Pivot pin installation

5. Make sure that the crucible securing rod can be easily tilted downwards and/or upwards without
strain. In the horizontal position, the rod must be inserted with ease in the securing canal of the
left-hand side cantilever and must sit in the recess intended for this purpose (Figure 77).

© Claisse 2015-2017, All Rights Reserved.

Figure 77: Crucible securing rod position

IN-MANU-140588E Rev.: 6.0 2017-04-04 82 TheOx® Advanced User Manual

8.6.3 Inspecting the Ventilation Filter
Depending on the purity of the ambient air, the ventilation filter of the power supply may need to be changed
as frequently as every month. If the ambient air is clean, the filter may only need to be replaced once a year. To
inspect the filter:
1. Remove the side panel of the power supply by unscrewing the four thumb-screws (Figure 78).
2. Pull out the filter to inspect it. If the filter is excessively dirty, disintegrating or has been in use for
more than one year, replace it.
3. After installing the filter, re-install the right-hand side panel of the power supply.
4. Screw the 4 thumb-screws.

Figure 78: Thumb-screws location

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TheOx® Advanced User Manual 83 IN-MANU-140588E Rev.: 6.0 2017-04-04

8.7 Every 2000 Fusion Cycles or Every 3 Months

8.7.1 Inspecting the Heating Elements

The following operations must be performed by personnel who have the minimum required skill
level 2. Refer to Section 2.2 for user recommended skill levels and definitions.
Secure the connections of the heating elements (refer to Section 8.3) in order to ensure a proper electrical con-
tact and preserve the heating efficiency of the instrument.

8.7.2 Inspecting the Alumina Rods

Visually inspect all 6 alumina rods and the crucible guide. Replace them if you notice any cracks, distortions,
signs of chemical attack, etc.

8.7.3 Inspecting the Crucible Securing Rod

Visually inspect the pivot of the crucible securing rod (Figure 79). Replace the rod if the area located between the
holes for the pivot pin is too thin or chipped.

Crucible securing rod

Pivot pin

Figure 79: Securing rod pivot

8.7.4 Inspecting the Cantilevers

Visually inspect the cantilevers holding the alumina rods. Contact your Claisse representative if you notice exces-
sive oxidation or cracks and/or deformations in the welds.

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IN-MANU-140588E Rev.: 6.0 2017-04-04 84 TheOx® Advanced User Manual

8.7.5 Inspecting the Thermal Expansion Absorbing Mechanism
The following operations must be performed by personnel who have the minimum required skill
level 2. Refer to Section 2.2 for user recommended skill levels and definitions.


This procedure requires that the heating chamber door be opened. It is important to turn off the
heat and allow sufficient time for the heating chamber to cool before performing this procedure.

Inspect the thermal expansion absorbing mechanism. The right-hand cantilever is fixed to a mechanism that
absorbs the effect of thermal expansion and contraction of the mold rack and crucible holder. This mechanism
moves towards the right when the alumina rods dilate under heat to prevent them from breaking. When the rods
cool down at the end of the cycle, the mechanism moves back to its original position.

When cleaning this mechanism, it is important to avoid using any type of metal tool that would scratch it or
damage it.

To lubricate and inspect the mechanism:

1. Turn off the heat using the Turn heat off button of the home page.
2. Wait for the instrument to cool to the ambient temperature.
3. Remove the lower front panel from the right-hand side of the instrument (Figure 80). This panel is
fixed by the means of 4 screws that can be removed using a 3.0 mm hexagonal key.

The panel screws are permanently attached to the panel by retainers. Loosening the screws will
free the panel from the instrument; the screws should remain in their respective panel holes.

Figure 80: Right-hand side lower front panel removal

© Claisse 2015-2017, All Rights Reserved.

4. Open the heating chamber door:

4.1 Open the safety door.
4.2 Remove the mold holders, all 6 alumina rods and the crucible guide from the instrument.
4.3 Close the safety door.
4.4 From the home page of the user interface, press the Tools button, select Systems, Manual
control and monitoring, then Door mechanism.

TheOx® Advanced User Manual 85 IN-MANU-140588E Rev.: 6.0 2017-04-04

4.5 Press Open door.


The heating chamber door will open. Wait until the door is completely opened and
still before performing the next step.

5. Turn the power switch in the “O” position (OFF).

6. Clean the mechanism:
6.1 Open the safety door.
6.2 Slowly slide the carriage manually under the heating chamber door.
6.3 As shown, push the outermost Teflon washer of the thermal dilatation mechanism towards
the interior of the heating chamber in order to compress the springs and access the shaft
(Figure 81).
6.4 Holding this position, remove the residual grease and dirt on the accessible section of the
shaft using a paper towel or any soft cloth.

If the shaft is dry, use any liquid grease to facilitate the withdrawal encrusted particles.
Make sure to remove this grease afterwards.

Make sure to clean the entire circumference of the shaft.

6.5 As shown on Figure 82, push the right-hand side cantilever towards the outside of the instru-
ment in order to compress the springs in the opposite direction.
6.6 Holding this position, remove the residual grease and dirt on the accessible section of the
shaft (outside of the carriage mount) using a paper towel or any soft cloth.

If the shaft is dry, use any liquid grease to facilitate the withdrawal encrusted particles.
Make sure to remove this grease afterwards.

Make sure to clean the entire circumference of the shaft.

6.7 Release the pressure from the cantilever.

Clean here Clean here

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Figure 81: Shaft under the spring Figure 82: Outermost end of the shaft

IN-MANU-140588E Rev.: 6.0 2017-04-04 86 TheOx® Advanced User Manual

7. Lubricate and inspect the mechanism:
7.1 Fill the syringe with grease.
7.2 Insert the tip of the syringe into the injection hole located at the front of the mechanism, near
the carriage mount (Figure 83).
7.3 Inject 0.1 to 0.2 mL of grease into the mechanism.
7.4 Remove the syringe.
7.5 Pushing the right-hand side cantilever towards the outside of the instrument, move the
mechanism over all its length 15 to 20 times.
7.6 Slowly move the carriage back to its frontmost position
7.7 Insert the tip of the syringe into the injection hole located at the back of the mechanism
(Figure 84).
7.8 Inject 0.1 to 0.2 mL of grease into the mechanism.
7.9 Remove the syringe.
7.10 Pushing the right-hand side cantilever towards the outside of the instrument, move the
mechanism over all its length 15 to 20 times.
7.11 Push the mechanism one last time, then release the pressure and make sure that the mech-
anism moves back to its original position.

If the mechanism does not move back by itself at this point of the procedure, you may have
to replace the springs. Contact your Claisse representative for assistance.

Figure 83: Front injection hole Figure 84: Rear injection hole

8. Clean the mechanism:

8.1 Perform step 6 once again, this time around to remove the grease that may have spread over
the shaft due to the previous repetitive motions.
8.2 With the mechanism back to its original position, compress the spring that is closest to the
heating chamber (on the right at Figure 81) in order to clean the section of the shaft under
this spring.
© Claisse 2015-2017, All Rights Reserved.

It is essential that no residual grease remains onto the mechanism.

9. Re-install the alumina rods and crucible guide (refer to Section 3.5 if needed).
10. Re-install the side panel.
11. Close the safety door.
12. Turn the power switch in the “I” position (ON).

TheOx® Advanced User Manual 87 IN-MANU-140588E Rev.: 6.0 2017-04-04

8.7.6 Lubricating the Linear Guides
The following operations must be performed by personnel who have the minimum required skill
level 2. Refer to Section 2.2 for user recommended skill levels and definitions.


This procedure requires that the heating chamber door be opened. It is important to turn off the heat
and allow sufficient time for the heating chamber to cool before performing this procedure.

It is required to use the adequate tools and original grease to lubricate the ball bearing system. Contact your
Claisse representative to order the corresponding maintenance kit (MAK-FE001).

1. Turn off the heat using the Turn heat off button of the home page.
2. Wait for the instrument to cool to the ambient temperature.
3. Remove the side panels:

The panel screws are permanently attached to the panels by retainers. Loosening the screws will
free the panels from the instrument; the screws should remain in their respective panel holes.

3.1 Remove the left panel. This panel is fixed by the means of 6 screws that can be removed using

Figure 85: Left and lower right panel removal

a 3.0 mm hexagonal key (Figure 85).

3.2 Remove the lower front panel from the right-hand side of the instrument (Figure 85). This
panel is fixed by the means of 4 screws that can be removed using a 3.0 mm hexagonal key.
4. Open the heating chamber door:
© Claisse 2015-2017, All Rights Reserved.

4.1 From the home page of the user interface, press the Tools button, select Systems, Manual
control and monitoring, then Door mechanism.
4.2 Press Open door.


The heating chamber door will open. Wait until the door is completely opened and
still before performing the next step.

5. Turn the power switch in the “O” position (OFF).

6. Open the safety door.

IN-MANU-140588E Rev.: 6.0 2017-04-04 88 TheOx® Advanced User Manual

7. Clean both linear guides:
7.1 Slowly slide the carriage manually towards the front of the instrument.
7.2 Remove the residual grease and dirt from the accessible sections of the linear guide using a
paper towel or any soft cloth.
7.3 Slowly slide the carriage manually towards the back of the instrument.
7.4 Remove the residual grease and dirt on the accessible sections of the linear guides using a
paper towel or any soft cloth (Figure 86).

If the linear guides are dry, use any liquid grease to facilitate the withdrawal of encrusted par-

Clean both linear guides.

Linear guide

Figure 86: Linear guide (right-hand side)

8. Install the cylindrical nozzle and flexible fitting provided with the grease gun onto the grease gun.
9. Insert the grease cartridge into the grease gun (refer to the manufacturer’s instructions if needed).
10. Fill the right-hand ball bearing system with grease:
10.1 Locate the injection nipple at the base of the ball bearing system of the linear guide (Figure 87).
10.2 Slowly slide the carriage manually to align the injection nipple with the plastic plug at the
bottom of the instrument frame (Figure 87).
10.3 Remove the plastic plug, insert the grease gun nozzle through the hole and position the
nozzle onto the injection nipple (Figure 88).
10.4 Inject 0.5 mL of grease in the ball bearing system, which corresponds to approximately half
a stroke on the grease gun lever.

Apply strong pressure on the tip of the grease gun, to effectively inject grease in the ball bearing
© Claisse 2015-2017, All Rights Reserved.

Injection nipple
Plastic plug Gun nozzle

Figure 87: Injection nipple (right-hand side) Figure 88: Grease gun position

TheOx® Advanced User Manual 89 IN-MANU-140588E Rev.: 6.0 2017-04-04

10.5 Manually slide the carriage back and forth slowly and several times, from one extremity to
the other. While doing so, confirm that grease has spread under the ball bearing system (onto
the lateral grooves of the linear guide) during the previous step. If no grease is visible or if
the grease is has a dark color, repeat steps 10.4 and 10.5 until light yellowish grease is visible
under the ball bearing system.

A single injection is ususally required. In all cases, you should not have to repeat these steps
more than 3 or 4 times before noticing grease under the system.
The color of the grease depends on the environment and frequency of lubrication. Repeat as
many times as necessary to clear the impurities from the ball-bearing system, removing the dark
grease as it comes out.

10.6 Remove the residual grease and dirt on both sides of the linear guide using a paper towel or
soft cloth.
10.7 To clean the ball bearing system, manually slide the carriage back and forth slowly and sev-
eral times, from one extremity to the other.
10.8 Remove the residual grease once again on both sides of the linear guide using a paper towel
or soft cloth.

It is essential that no residual grease remains onto the mechanism.

11. Repeat step 10 on the left-hand ball bearing system (Figure 89).
12. Slowly slide the carriage manually to its frontmost position.
13. Re-install both side panels and both plastic plugs.
14. Turn the power switch in the “I” position (ON).

© Claisse 2015-2017, All Rights Reserved.

Injection nipple Plastic plug

Figure 89: Injection nipple (left-hand side)

8.8 Medium and Long Term Maintenance

Contact your Claisse representative to learn about the later maintenance needs of your instrument.

IN-MANU-140588E Rev.: 6.0 2017-04-04 90 TheOx® Advanced User Manual

9 Troubleshooting
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TheOx® Advanced User Manual 91 IN-MANU-140588E Rev.: 6.0 2017-04-04

9.1 Introduction
The following operations must be performed by personnel who have the minimum required skill level 2.
Refer to Section 2.2 for user recommended skill levels and definitions.
Do not perform any other operations other than the ones explicitly specified in this manual. For all other
operations, contact Claisse (Appendix E).

9.2 Errors
The Claisse TheOx Advanced instrument can encounter 2 types of problems which are managed in 2 different ways.

9.2.1 Operating Errors
When the error is related to the operation of the instrument, the interface displays a warning or instructions that
will allow you to solve the problem (Figure 90).

Figure 90: Error page

9.2.2 Internal Errors
When the error is related to the internal system, the interface displays a warning, error or a fatal error message,
depending on the nature of the problem.
▪▪ Warnings are important notices for the user, but have no impact on the immediate operation of the instru-
▪▪ Errors interrupt any ongoing fusion cycle and disable all motors as well as the heating unit to allow the user
to take action before resuming to normal operations.
▪▪ Fatal errors interrupt any ongoing fusion cycle, disable all motors as well as the heating unit. No further
operation is then possible.
© Claisse 2015-2017, All Rights Reserved.

The status indicator located on the control panel turns yellow or red whenever an internal warning or error
occurs (refer to Section 6.1.2 for the status chart).

IN-MANU-140588E Rev.: 6.0 2017-04-04 92 TheOx® Advanced User Manual

If more than one error occurs, they are displayed in the Alarms page, in the form of a list (Figure 91). Each item of the
list can be selected separately to display the corresponding error page.

Figure 91: Alarms page

9.3 Clearing Errors
The actions undertaken by the user depend on the type of error and on the context:
▪▪ Since they have no impact on the possibilities of operation, warnings can be cleared from the user interface
by simply by pressing OK to exit the Warning page.
▪▪ Errors require additional interventions from the user: after pressing OK to exit the error page, visually
inspect the mechanical components of the instrument for signs of anomalies (e.g. interference between
2 components). If there are none, refer to Section 9.3.1. In case of anomalies, refer to Section 9.3.2.
▪▪ When a fatal error is displayed, no action is possible so much so that the Error or Alarms page cannot be
closed. Shut down the instrument by turning the power switch off. Before turning the power switch back
on, visually inspect the mechanical components of the instrument for signs of anomalies (e.g. interference
between 2 components). If there are none, refer to Section 9.3.1. In case of anomalies, refer to Section 9.3.2.

Warnings and errors cannot be cleared until all the messages have been acknowledged. All warnings and
errors are cleared at once by pressing OK from the Alarms page, unless a fatal error has occurred.

9.3.1 No Apparent Anomaly

If there are no apparent anomalies,
1. Make sure the safety door is closed.
2. Select a fusion program (refer to Section 7.3.2) so the instrument will initialize, moving all motors
to their home position and turning the heat on.
3. Resume normal operation.
© Claisse 2015-2017, All Rights Reserved.

9.3.2 Detected Mechanical Anomalies

If you have identified any potential interference between the mechanical components (e.g. heating chamber door,
cantilevers, carriage, mounts, platinumware), press the emergency stop button and refer to Sections and

TheOx® Advanced User Manual 93 IN-MANU-140588E Rev.: 6.0 2017-04-04

9.4 Other Issues
Apart from the above-mentioned errors, the operator could experience a few problems that can be easily solved.

9.4.1 The Instrument Does not Turn On

▪▪ Check that the instrument is connected to its external power supply.
▪▪ Check that the external power supply is connected to the electrical outlet.
▪▪ Check that the power switch is in the “I” position (ON).
▪▪ Check if the main electrical breaker of the power line is on.
▪▪ Check if the status indicator of the external power supply is on. If so, check the main fuse of the instrument.
▪▪ Have a qualified electrician check the power line and instrument connection to the line.

9.4.2 A Mold Holder Crumbles or Warps

▪▪ Replace the crumbling or warped part with a new one.
▪▪ Increase the frequency of cleaning operations.
▪▪ Fuse samples at lower temperatures.

9.4.3 Pre-Heat Does not Start on Scheduled Time

▪▪ Make sure that the pre-heat option is enabled and programmed for the desired days (refer to Section
▪▪ Adjust the date and time settings that may have drifted over time (refer to Section 3.7).

9.4.4 Unexpected Cycle Interruption

In case of an unexpected failure such as a mechanical interruption or a power failure, the instrument will not
restart by itself. Contact your Claisse representative for further assistance (Appendix E).

9.5 Technical Support
The Claisse team will be glad to hear your comments and help you solve the problems you may encounter. When ex-
periencing a problem with the instrument, contact Claisse (refer to Appendix E for contact information) and be ready
to provide the following information:
▪▪ Instrument serial number,
▪▪ Software application version (accessible through the Info page of the Tools menu),
▪▪ Problem description,
© Claisse 2015-2017, All Rights Reserved.

▪▪ Circumstances of occurrence,
▪▪ Frequency,
▪▪ Error code or message (displayed in the Error or Alarms page),
This information will allow the service team to help you faster and more efficiently.

When contacted, the Claisse service team may ask that you send a service package file using the Export service
package tool. If required, your service specialist will provide you with procedure SE-PRCM-150094E.

IN-MANU-140588E Rev.: 6.0 2017-04-04 94 TheOx® Advanced User Manual

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TheOx® Advanced User Manual 95 IN-MANU-140588E Rev.: 6.0 2017-04-04

Appendix A – Technical Specifications

TheOx Advanced instrument External power supply
(FE0000 and FE0001) (FE1902)
Voltage 208–240 V~ 208–240 V~
Frequency 50–60 Hz 50–60 Hz
Current 5A 30 A
Maximum power consumption 500 VA 5 000 VA
Main fuse T5A 250V: 250 V~, 5 A, slow blow type, No fuse; 2 pole, 30 A, 277/480 VAC
5 X 20 mm main breaker

TheOx Advanced instrument External power supply
Weight 90 kg (200 lb) 21 kg (46 lb)
Height 63 cm (25 in.) 42 cm (16.5 in.)
Width 110 cm (43.0 in.) 22 cm (8.5 in.)
Depth 62 cm (24.5 in.) 53 cm (21.0 in.)

Indoor use only
Maximum altitude 2  000 m (6600 ft.)
Operating temperature 5–35ºC (41–95ºF)
Transportation and storage temperature -25–55ºC (-13–131ºF)
Maximum relative humidity 80% max. (non condensing) for temperatures up to 31°C, decreasing linearly to
50% relative humidity (non condensing) at 40°C

CSA (Canada and U.S.A)
Table 12: Technical specifications

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Appendix B – Passwords
The access to Settings, Programs and Systems menu options are restricted. Table 13 lists the passwords required to
enter the corresponding windows.

Programs 6453
Settings 1169
System 1169

Table 13: Passwords

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TheOx® Advanced User Manual 97 IN-MANU-140588E Rev.: 6.0 2017-04-04

Appendix C – Preset Programs
The instrument includes 10 built-in programs, named Program 1 through 10. Each one of these programs consists in
a robust fusion method intended to fuse the widest possible range of sample types for a given application. Programs
1 through 10 are listed below, followed by guidelines for successful fusions.

Note that you can save fusion time by optimizing one of these programs for your particular samples. To do so, create
a fusion program from the desired preset program and modify the parameters according to your needs (refer to
Section 5.4.5).
Claisse strongly recommends using programs that heat samples at 1 065°C since higher temperatures will shorten
the lifespan of the automated carriage and its accessories. Contact your Claisse representative for further support
or information.

Program 1 - General Oxide Program

▪▪ To be used with fully oxidized samples.
▪▪ Use a sample-to-flux ratio between 1:20 and 1:5 according to the sample solubility. Refer to Section 7.3.1
for sample and flux mixture mass.
▪▪ Select the flux type according to the acidity/alkalinity equilibrium theory (e.g. LiT/LiM 50/50% flux for Fe2O3
▪▪ Several samples may be successfully prepared with a 1:10 ratio of sample and Claisse LiT/LiM/LiBr
49.75/49.75/0.50% flux.
▪▪ Mix using a Claisse VortexMixer™ agitator.


1 2 3 4 5 6
TYPE Heat Heat Heat Pour Cool Cool
DURATION 09:00 06:00 04:00 - 01:15 03:30
HEAT 1050 1050 1050 - - -
SPEED 0 20 30 - - -
ANGLE 0 30 45 - - -
FAN - - - - 50 100

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IN-MANU-140588E Rev.: 6.0 2017-04-04 98 TheOx® Advanced User Manual

Program 2 - Cement Fast Lane
▪▪ To be used with clinkers, cements, and cements with addition.
▪▪ Weigh 1.3000 ± 0.0001 g of non ignited sample directly into a Claisse crucible.
▪▪ Add 0.700 ± 0.005 g of LiNO3.
▪▪ Add 5.2000 ± 0.0003 g of Claisse LiT/LiM/LiBr 49.75/49.75/0.50% flux.
▪▪ Mix using a Claisse VortexMixer agitator.
▪▪ Use a 32 mm mold.


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
TYPE Heat Heat Heat Heat Heat Pour Cool Cool
DURATION 04:00 03:00 02:00 01:00 01:00 - 01:15 03:30
HEAT 1050 1050 1050 1050 1050 - - -
SPEED 0 5 30 0 25 - - -
ANGLE 0 15 40 0 45 - - -
FAN - - - - - - 50 100

Program 3 - Cement and Raw Materials

▪▪ Prior to the fusion process, ignite your samples in an oven for 1 hour at 950°C.
▪▪ Weigh 0.6000 ± 0.0001 g of sample directly into a Claisse crucible.
▪▪ Add 6.0000 ± 0.0003 g of Claisse LiT/LiM/LiBr 49.75/49.75/0.50% flux.
▪▪ Mix using a Claisse VortexMixer agitator.
▪▪ Use a 32 mm mold.


1 2 3 4 5 6 7
TYPE Heat Heat Heat Heat Pour Cool Cool
DURATION 07:00 05:00 06:00 01:00 - 01:15 03:30
HEAT 1065 1065 1065 1065 - - -
SPEED 0 10 30 20 - - -
ANGLE 0 10 45 30 - - -
FAN - - - - - 50 100
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TheOx® Advanced User Manual 99 IN-MANU-140588E Rev.: 6.0 2017-04-04

Program 4 - High Refractory Materials
▪▪ To be used with fully oxidized samples containing high concentrations of Al2O3 and/or SiO2 and/or SnO2, etc.
▪▪ Use a sample-to-flux ratio between 1:20 and 1:5 according to the sample solubility. Refer to Section 7.3.1 for
sample and flux mixture mass.
▪▪ Select the flux type according to the acidity/alkalinity equilibrium theory (e.g. LiT/LiM 35/65% flux for high silica
and/or high alumina samples).
▪▪ Mix using a Claisse VortexMixer agitator.


1 2 3 4 5 6 7
TYPE Heat Heat Heat Heat Pour Cool Cool
DURATION 06:00 06:00 04:00 01:00 - 01:15 03:30
HEAT 1065 1065 1065 1065 - - -
SPEED 0 10 30 20 - - -
ANGLE 0 10 35 45 - - -
FAN - - - - - 50 100

Program 5 - Low Temperature Fusion for Volatiles

▪▪ To be used with samples that contain highly volatile elements such as fluorides.
▪▪ Weigh 0.5000 ± 0.0001 g of sample directly into a Claisse crucible.
▪▪ Add 2.000 ± 0.001 g of LiNO3.
▪▪ Add 0.450 ± 0.001 g of LiCl on top of the mixture.
▪▪ Add 3.0000 ± 0.0003 g of Claisse LiT/LiM/LiBr 49.75/49.75/0.50% flux.
▪▪ Mix using a Claisse VortexMixer agitator.
▪▪ Add 7.0000 ± 0.0003 g of flux on top of the mixture.
▪▪ Use a 40 mm mold.


1 2 3 4 5 6 7
TYPE Heat Heat Heat Pour Cool Cool Cool
DURATION 06:00 05:50 04:50 00:19 00:50 01:15 03:00
HEAT 975 975 975 975 - - -
SPEED 0 30 30 - - - -
ANGLE 0 35 45 - - - -
FAN - - - - 40 50 100
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IN-MANU-140588E Rev.: 6.0 2017-04-04 100 TheOx® Advanced User Manual

Program 6 - High Temperature Oxidation
▪▪ To be used with semi-oxidized or non-oxidized samples such as ores, sulfides, alloys, and slags.
▪▪ Use solid nitrate or carbonate in order to oxidize samples.
▪▪ Use a sample-to-flux ratio between 1:60 and 1:10 according to the sample solubility. Refer to Section 7.3.1 for
sample and flux mixture mass.
▪▪ Select the flux type according to the acidity/alkalinity equilibrium theory.
▪▪ Prior to fusion, choose an adequate method to prepare your crucibles. Depending on your sample composition,
one of the following options could lead to more efficient fusions:
▫▫ complete mix,
▫▫ bottom layer of a mix of sample, oxidizer and part flux followed by the remaining flux as a cover layer, or
▫▫ bottom layer of flux followed by a mix of sample, oxidizer and remaining flux as a cover layer.

Inappropriate manipulations may cause damage to the platinumware.

Do not attempt to fuse metallic Si-bearing samples.

Contact your Claisse representative for assistance.


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
TYPE Heat Heat Heat Heat Heat Heat Pour Cool Cool
DURATION 03:30 03:00 06:00 02:00 04:00 02:00 - 01:15 03:30
HEAT 800 33.3ºC/min 25ºC/min 1050 1050 1050 - - -
to 900 to 1050
SPEED 0 5 15 15 30 20 - - -
ANGLE 0 20 20 20 40 45 - - -
FAN - - - - - - - 50 100
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TheOx® Advanced User Manual 101 IN-MANU-140588E Rev.: 6.0 2017-04-04

Program 7 - Peroxide Fusion
▪▪ To be used with samples for ICP or AA analysis (good way to analyse Pt-killer).
▪▪ Weigh 0.2000 ± 0.0003 g of sample directly into a Claisse zirconium crucible.
▪▪ Add between 1.500 ± 0.001 g and 3.000 ± 0.001 g of Na2O2 depending on your sample type.
▪▪ Mix using a Claisse VortexMixer agitator.
▪▪ Execute the fusion process.
▪▪ Dissolve the fused preparation in a glass beaker by inserting the zirconium crucible and adding the specific acid
solution for your application.

Using between 0.5 and 2.0 g of Na2CO3 can cool the peroxide fusion reaction and make it more stable and

Using a hot plate can accelerate the final dissolution in the acid solution.


1 2 3 4 5 6
TYPE Heat Heat Heat Heat Heat Cool
DURATION 3:00 1:00 0:30 1:00 1:15 4:00
HEAT 700 700 700 700 700 -
SPEED 5 10 12 15 20 -
ANGLE 30 30 30 30 30 -
FAN - - - - - 100

Program 8 - General for Solution

▪▪ To be used with fully oxidized samples for ICP or AA analysis.
▪▪ Weigh between 0.1 and 0.3 g of sample directly into a Claisse crucible.
▪▪ Add between 2.0 and 2.5 g of Claisse LiM/LiBr 98.5/1.5% flux.
▪▪ Mix using a Claisse VortexMixer agitator.
▪▪ Pour 100 mL of a 5 to 10% HNO3 or HCl solution into each beaker.

Although solutions do not require a perfect sample-to-flux ratio, it is essential that the actual mass of the
sample be precisely noted (to a precision of 0.001 or 0.0001 g, according to your specific application).


1 2 3 4 5
TYPE Heat Heat Heat Pour Cool
© Claisse 2015-2017, All Rights Reserved.

DURATION 05:00 02:00 02:00 - 04:00

HEAT 1050 1050 1050 - -
SPEED 0 10 20 - -
ANGLE 0 30 30 - -
FAN - - - - 50

IN-MANU-140588E Rev.: 6.0 2017-04-04 102 TheOx® Advanced User Manual

Program 9 - High Refractory for Solution
▪▪ To be used with fully oxidized samples containing high concentrations of Al2O3 and/or SiO2 and/or SnO2, etc.,
for ICP or AA analysis.
▪▪ Weigh between 0.1 and 0.3 g of sample directly into a Claisse crucible.
▪▪ Add between 2.0 and 2.5 g of Claisse LiM/LiBr 98.5/1.5% flux.
▪▪ Mix using a Claisse VortexMixer agitator.
▪▪ Pour 100 mL of a 5 to 10% HNO3 or HCl solution in each beaker.

Although solutions do not require a perfect sample-to-flux ratio, it is essential that the actual mass of the
sample be precisely noted (to a precision of 0.001 or 0.0001 g, according to your specific application).


1 2 3 4 5 6 7
TYPE Heat Heat Heat Heat Heat Pour Cool
DURATION 04:00 01:00 08:00 04:00 02:00 - 03:30
HEAT 900 900 1050 1050 1050 - -
SPEED 0 5 15 30 20 - -
ANGLE 0 20 20 40 45 - -
FAN - - - - - - 50

Program 10 - Standby / Demo

Program 10 is used to maintain a standby temperature inside the heating chamber of the instrument between fusion
▪▪ Set the first heating step of Program 10 to the desired setpoint (refer to Section 5.4.2).
▪▪ Select Program 10 to display the 10 – Standby / Demo fusion program window (refer to Section 7.3.2).

Maintaining a standby temperature inside the heating chamber does not require starting a fusion cycle after
selecting the program.


1 2 3
TYPE Heat Pour Cool
DURATION 00:15 - 00:30
HEAT 200 - -
SPEED 10 - -
ANGLE 20 - -
© Claisse 2015-2017, All Rights Reserved.

FAN - - 80

Program 10 is also used to probe into the mechanical and electrical functions of the system in troubleshooting con-
texts. This should only be undertaken following the recommendations of your Claisse representative.

TheOx® Advanced User Manual 103 IN-MANU-140588E Rev.: 6.0 2017-04-04

Appendix D – Parts List
Table 14 lists the most common TheOx Advanced instrument spare parts*. To order or obtain further information,
contact Claisse (refer to Appendix E). Other part lists as well as circuit diagrams will be made available upon request.
For parts list relative to the total cermic option, refer to the Total Ceramic Cantilever User Guide.

30 mm mold holder for TheOx Advanced (pack of 6) PAK-FE020 9411 003 40020
32 mm mold holder for TheOx Advanced (pack of 6) PAK-FE016 9411 003 40016
35 mm mold holder for TheOx Advanced (pack of 6) PAK-FE017 9411 003 40017
40 mm mold holder for TheOx Advanced (pack of 6) PAK-FE018 9411 003 40018
Alumina crucible guide FE3409 5411 003 00007
Chamber ceiling FE3720-B 5411 011 80004
Chamber floor (hearth plate) FE3722-B 5411 003 00005
Crucible securing rod FE3650-B 5411 003 00252
Crucible securing rod pivot pin FE3373 5411 003 00006
External power supply filter FE3666-B 5411 003 00255
Heating element assembly PAK-FE207 9411 011 60007
Magnetic stir bars (Spinbar , pack of 3)
PAK-MQ007 9411 002 40007
Main fuse (T5A 250 V~, slow blow, 5 X 20 mm) CE40190ZZ 5411 003 00036
Main thermocouple PAK-FE250 9411 011 60050
Metallic right crucible cantilever PAK-FE224 9411 011 60024
Metallic left crucible cantilever PAK-FE227 9411 011 60027
Metallic right mold cantilever PAK-FE225 9411 011 60025
Metallic left mold cantilever PAK-FE226 9411 011 60026
Reinforced crucible rack rods PAK-FE112 9411 003 60012
Reinforced mold rack rods PAK-FE113 9411 003 60013
Right-hand side cantilever spring QS10132ZZ 5411 003 00024
Suction cup for glass disks PAK-OU001 9411 009 40004
Teflon beaker (150 mL)
F-0013-00 9411 009 20014
TheOx lubrication kit MAK-FE001 5411 003 40001

Table 14: Parts list

* All spare parts will be supplied by Claisse or a Claisse distributor.
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IN-MANU-140588E Rev.: 6.0 2017-04-04 104 TheOx® Advanced User Manual

Refer to Table 14 for the list of corresponding 12NC part numbers.

FE3650-B FE3409 FE3373



PAK-FE016 (32 mm)

PAK-FE017 (30
(35 mm)
PAK-FE018 (40 mm)

Figure 92: Mold and crucible rack parts

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TheOx® Advanced User Manual 105 IN-MANU-140588E Rev.: 6.0 2017-04-04

Appendix E – How to Contact Us

Many common questions and problems can be resolved by referring to the Maintenance and/or Troublshooting

Claisse technical representatives and service team will be glad to answer any questions you might have regarding
your TheOx Advanced electric instrument. Please call, fax or email your Claisse representative and be prepared to
provide the following:
▪▪ The model and serial number of the instrument.
▪▪ The software version of the instrument.
▪▪ The revision date of this manual.
▪▪ As many details as possible relating to the trouble that occurred (e.g. origin, circumstances, frequency, etc.) or
the information you are looking for.

350, Franquet, suite 45
Quebec, Quebec, G1P 4P3
Telephone: +1 418 655-6453
Fax: +1 418 656-1169

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