Data System 9

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Data system 1

Data system

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Data system 2

Data system

Task 1:

Answer the following:

a) Discuss ways that you can improve an internet-based content system management

system’s performance in terms of latency, security, data availability, and migration.

Your response should list at least three improvements for each of the performance

aspects listed.

To reduce the possibility of security breaches, it is crucial to put privacy, accessibility, and

resilience first. Topics including web structure mining and observable behavior and the use of

web proxies and caching will be discussed alongside delay, accessibility, availability, latency,

and data availability (Huston, (n.d.)). During the migration, it is important to have a content

strategy, meta data strategy, and content inventory. Numerous factors influence the user

experience of a website, regardless of whether or not the website uses a content management

system (CMS) engine (Gasparyan, 2017). Due to how content management systems like

WordPress and Joomla are built to handle network traffic, inactive modules and plugins may

slow down the speed of the site. Large amounts of photos or other types of information on a

single page can also cause performance concerns and slow down websites that were built to

manage dynamic content using PHP but did not deploy massive CMS systems (Rapoza, 2017).

This may be a problem even if the site was designed to handle large amounts of data.

To prevent an increase in load time, developers and programmers in the aforementioned

scenarios will need to test their modules and plugins on sandbox websites and, if possible, across

various providers and platforms (Rapoza, 2017). You may reduce bandwidth without sacrificing
Data system 3

quality by compressing files like videos and photos. In this way, the same information can be

delivered to the user with significantly less data being transferred over the network after


Various attacks, such as distributed denial of service and cross-site scripting, can be launched

against a website. When a script launches an XSS attack, it might take control of the victim's

browser (Gasparyan, 2017). The site could become unreachable due to a distributed denial of

service assault. To enhance the security of CMS on the web, you can do the following:

If you have a trustworthy online content management system, you can secure your data, your

users, and the integrity and availability of your data from these dangers.

Authentication: When thinking about security, this is a crucial factor. Through authentication, a

user's identity is confirmed and authenticated to ensure they are who they say they are before

they are permitted access (Rapoza, 2017). Some of the methods that can be used for

authentication are described below.

o Password Authentication Protocol (PAP)

o Shiva PAP (SPAP)

o Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP)

o Microsoft CHAP (MS-CHAP)

o Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP)

Confidentiality: This strategy can be used to conceal data and restrict access.

Integrity: When confidentiality and data integrity are both ensured, changes like accidental

deletion are prevented (Julien, 2018).

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In-terms of Latency and data availability, below are the enhancements:

o The websites should be ranked according to their authority and quality using web

structure mining (Gasparyan, 2017). The most crucial information will likewise be

prioritized using this method.

o Taking into account user demographics and behavior allows for the implementation of

the optimal end-to-end delay (Huston, (n.d.)).

o Reducing wait times for resources by utilizing a proxy cache server's saved copies of

previously accessed web pages.

Other improvements would include the following:

o Assessing how well the DNS and other parts of the network are functioning (Julien,

2018) (i.e., redirection of network traffic over the Internet is correct between user and


o Making sure there are enough funds to keep websites running (i.e., enough processing

power push websites to clients, especially when there are multiple websites hosted on a

single server) (Huston, (n.d.)).

o Depending on which sites are getting the most traffic, the server can reallocate its

resources using a load balancer.

o Process of testing and fixing a website so that it works properly on a wide variety of

network speeds.

In-terms of migration, below are the enhancements

Content inventory: The quality and consistency of online material have to be thoroughly

assessed before any transfer efforts can begin.

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Content Strategy: After gathering all of the content that has to be transferred, you should

evaluate its pros and cons before moving on to developing a comprehensive plan (Huston,


Meta-data strategy: Whether or not the content management system (CMS) used for managing

web content is moved to the cloud, the ultimate responsibility for deciding the meta data format

lies with the end users.

Task 2:

Answer the following, based on Task 1:

Describe any feedback you received or any specific interactions you had.

The vast majority of responses I got were compliments. I was able to deepen my

familiarity with CMSes that operate over the internet and put that knowledge to use in the roles

for which I was responsible.

Discuss how they were helpful. Describe your feelings and attitudes. What surprised me or

caused me to wonder?

It was both intriguing and informative to me, so thank you for sharing. I learned a lot

from the analysis of issues like latency, security, data availability, and migration in cloud-based

content management systems (Gasparyan, 2017). Moreover, I found it enlightening to learn the

nuances of the web's evolution. The information I acquired from this unit has made a profound

impression on me. One of my plans for the near future is to learn as much as possible about how

to achieve optimal performance in each of these areas.

What happened that felt particularly challenging? Why was it challenging to me?
Data system 6

After facing up against a few obstacles, other forms of attacks such as distributed denial

of service attacks, cross-site scripting attacks, and others have evolved. An XSS assault is

predicated on an attack generated by a script, and this script can hijack the target browser (Julien,

2018). In part because of them, I believe in myself and in my capacity to effect positive change

in the world. Given that I can do nothing to alter my circumstances, it is up to me to figure out

how to deal with problems as they arise. In that case, I'll have no choice but to confront them

squarely (Huston, (n.d.)). But in fact, there's always something that turns out to be wrong. Even

though I know that enduring this challenge will pay dividends in the future, I am not feeling any

better at the moment.

What skills and knowledge do I recognize that I am gaining?

By syncing my content with a proxy cache server and its web cache, I was recently able

to reduce my users' wait times. To further accommodate varying Internet connections, I've been

doing tests of website functioning dependent on user bandwidth allocation (Rapoza, 2017).

These are only a few illustrations of the knowledge and experience I've acquired. If I may use an

example, I am confident that I can boost performance everywhere.

What am I realizing about myself as a learner?

Incorporating concerns for availability, integrity, confidentiality, and security into

parameterized constructors is something I've learned to do in my line of work.

In what ways am I able to apply the ideas and concepts gained to my own experience?

I have made great strides, because of school. My ability to link programs front and back

ends is noticeably stronger now that I've been working on my program for a week (Sommerville,
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2010). Web structure mining should also be used for categorizing websites, and each one should

be graded according to the credibility and quality it demonstrates.

Task 3:

Discuss the following, regarding Software Reengineering and Documentation:

a) Describe what you did,

This week, we talked a lot about requirements engineering and software architecture. I find

myself both intrigued and capable of quickly grasping each of these concepts. When a client has

a well-defined issue, requirements engineering can be used to craft a solution in the form of

software (Huston, (n.d.)). This process consists of three phases: requirements gathering (during

which the client provides the developers with an overview of the business context), requirements

analysis (during which the client and developers work together to gain a shared understanding of

the problem), and requirements specification (wherein the client and the developers formally

depict the functionality, quality, limitations, and difficulty of the solution) (Huston, (n.d.)).

Inadequate attention to detail at any point in the process could lead to software that not only falls

short of the expectations set by the client, but also fails to appropriately address the difficulties

faced by the customer (Sommerville, 2000). I believe that requirements engineering should be

considered an engineering discipline in its own right because of its central role in the software

development life cycle. The next stage of software development is software architecture, and its

purpose is to give physical form to the "intangible" outcomes of requirements engineering. To do

this, a software program will be tailored to the requirements.

b) What you learned,

Data system 8

Every day this week, we worked on a new software-related assignment. This, in my opinion,

is correct since requirements engineering is the most troublesome and critical phase of

developing a software product (Rapoza, 2017). One key distinction is the role that software

architecture plays in guiding choices made during the development phase. Without a proper

foundation, the software architecture would be "driving on the wrong lane," if you'll excuse the

muddled metaphor (the results achieved in the phase of requirements engineering) (Sommerville,

2010). This isn't to say that developers don't need to be technically savvy or that the development

process isn't vital to making something truly groundbreaking. Software architecture, in its

simplest form, is the framework that underpins and defines the nature of a piece of software.

c) Your weekly activities,

The problem architecture is an important part of any software development process. We do

this by taking a modular approach, in which separate parts are created and tested before being

assembled into the whole.

d) In what ways are you able to apply the ideas and concepts gained,

My understanding of this week's content has been substantially improved by incorporating

comments made in the forum discussion and the programming exercise. The programming was

the best part of my job. At first, I didn't know what to do or how to get started with this project

(Rapoza, 2017). However, I was able to figure out the optimal next steps after only a few

minutes of web research. As a direct result, I felt like I had a brand-new perspective on

everything (Sommerville, 2000). Accordingly, I can affirm that I made use of the information I

gleaned from the reading assignment and my own study when completing my programming

Data system 9

e) Describe one important thing that you are thinking about in relation to the activity.

The many steps we've covered so far to prepare for a genuine and direct answer to the

customer's problem are above my current abilities, therefore I can't promise a satisfactory

outcome (Sommerville, 2000). Although I know I'll need the cooperation of others to accomplish

my goal, I think I can do it with the guidance of an experienced software engineer.

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Gasparyan, A. (2017, August 11). What is synthetic transaction monitoring (and who needs it?).

monitis. Retrieved from


Huston, Ti. (n.d.). What is real-user monitoring? Smartbear. Retrieved from

Julien, J. (2018, April 26). Web application performance: 7 common problems and how to solve

them. Stackify. Retrieved from

Rapoza, J. (2017, August 30). Can businesses manage & avoid Internet performance issues

to boost their enterprise systems? Oracle DYN. Retrieved from



Sommerville, Ian. (2000). Software Reengineering. Software Re-Engineering

Sommerville, I. (2010). Chapter 30 Documentation © Ian Sommerville 2010 1 30

Documentation Objectives.
Data system 11

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