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Students Name

Institutional Affiliation

Course Title

Professor’s Name
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Data system

Task 1:

Joomla is a very popular CMS. Please review the current jobs available worldwide for Joomla

administrators and developers:

keywords=joomla&location=Worldwide&locationId=Ob HERS. Worldwide

Answer the following:

a) What skills are employers looking for?

Joomla is a content management system (CMS) similar to WordPress and Drupal, allowing

for the creation of dynamic websites and content and the easy and, in most cases, seamless

integration with free backend databases like PostgreSQL and MySQL. Joomla is comparable to

both of these content management systems. Employers seek candidates who are fluent in both

the frontend (which is used to interact with a website's content and functionality) (Mitchell.

2013) and the technical backend (which is used to translate users' and customers' high-level

demands into a workable technology backend) (used for designing the user interface). Consider

the following as an illustration of this requirement:

o The ideal applicant will be up-to-date technologically and confident in their ability to use

the equipment they'll be given. Such technologies include, for instance, the design of a

database and its capacity to retain important information, the means by which a wide

range of ready-made or bespoke plugins may be connected and integrated to boost the

website's usefulness, and so on.

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o Employees in this sector should be well-versed in user interface and user experience

design so that the average website visitor has a pleasant time exploring the site and

making use of its features and information (McCabe. 1976). The importance of this

cannot be overstated, especially for e-commerce websites, where a poorly designed

UI/UX can result in lost consumers and income.

o To guarantee that source code is created in an incremental manner and that all work is

backed up in the case of a catastrophe, it is essential that staff members be familiar with

version tracking tools like Git.

o The individual requires strong communication skills in addition to technical expertise so

that he or she can work well with others on the team and the team leader and

communicate effectively with the end user or client. When compared to this statement,

the one before it just demands intellectual prowess.

b) What further training opportunities exist for learning about Joomla?

There are both free and fee-based opportunities for furthering one's education, both online

and in person. The city in which I am presently residing is home to a number of colleges and

institutions, including SAIT Polytechnic, which offers evening classes and programs (Mitchell.

2013). If none of those options work for you, there is a wealth of paid courses available online at

your convenience from places like,,, and many more.

c) List at least three jobs in USA, which you could consider.

The following jobs have nothing to do with Joomla per se, but they are examples of roles I

may be interested in applying for if I were in your situation.

I. Web Developer @ Hanlon Creative –

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II. Web Designer @ Steady Vision –


III. React Developer @ Fresh Consulting –



Task 2:

Go to the Joomla! Launch Site: Fill out the form to create your

account and site on Joomla. Follow the instructions to validate your account. Once your account

is validated, log in to your account If you see a web page addon that you cannot get rid of on the

right side of the page, refresh your screen. Take a screenshot of your client area that shows the

URL of your Joomla site. Copy and paste your screenshot into a word processing document.

Name the document Joomla site. Check your email for an additional email from Joomla. This

email will contain your administrator’s username and password and instructions on how to log

into your administrator’s account. Once you have located this email, log into the administrators

account for your Joomla site. Once you are logged into the administrator site, click articles on

the left. Click on the Getting Started article to edit this article. Change the title of the Getting

Started article to “CS3305-Juan Guzman-Joomla’s Site”. Scroll down to the article below.
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Select all the text in the article and delete it. Type three things that you like about Joomla so far.

Once you have finished, click the green save button on the right. Go to your Joomla site on the

web, click clicking your Joomla site in the right corner. Take a screenshot of the changes you

made to your Joomla site.

Copy and paste the screenshot into the word document that you used earlier in this

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Task 3:

Answer the following, based on Tasks 1 and 2:

a) Describe any feedback you received or any specific interactions you had.

I'd want to thank everyone who has participated in this stimulating conversation; it has

inspired me to find out more about Joomla. Many people have provided me with insightful

criticism. Through their help, I was able to fix issues with my code and advance in my role. I can

learn much more from them, and not just about programming.

b) Discuss how they were helpful. Describe your feelings and attitudes. What surprised

me or caused me to wonder?
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My current outlook is one of great optimism. All of my decisions are driven by my voracious

curiosity to learn more. For those who know me well, it will come as no surprise that I want to

learn the Joomla content management system (CMS) (McCabe. 1976). The website was not only

very informative, but also very user-friendly. My current understanding will serve me well when

it's time to go deeper (Coupling et al., 2014). The call method allows me to use the features of

one class while working in another. Finally, a constructor that takes input and can be customized.

c) What happened that felt particularly challenging? Why was it challenging to me?

I've had a lot of success using Joomla, a web-based content management system, after some

early difficulties. I have faith that with their support, I can make a difference. Being stuck where

I am, it is up to me to figure out how to handle problems as they arise (Watson et al., 1996).

However, there is always one unforeseen occurrence. Although I know that in the end, I will be

stronger, that fact does little to alleviate the anguish I am experiencing at the moment (Coupling

et al., 2014). They would be able to shield me from harm if it ever came.

d) What skills and knowledge do I recognize that I am gaining?

The Joomla content management system is the best of the many available web-based

technologies (Vivekavardhan. 2016). As a result of the groundwork built in its development, the

Joomla content management system website platform is now widely recognized as the gold

standard in web server architecture.

e) What am I realizing about myself as a learner?

Working with the Joomla content management system has given me experience making

parameterized constructors (Watson et al., 1996). The Joomla content management system

allows for both visual and functional customization through the use of server-side scripting.
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f) In what ways am I able to apply the ideas and concepts gained to my own experience?

I'd like to start using concepts like this in my regular life. I plan on sharing this article and the

knowledge it contains about the Joomla CMS with everyone I know. When I go for a walk, I

usually have a notebook handy in case I get any brilliant ideas or am struck by a flash of


Task 4:

Answer the following:

a) Explain why it is difficult to validate the relationships between internal product

attributes, such as cyclomatic complexity and external attributes, such as


The overall quality of a product depends on both its internal and outward characteristics.

o The system's maintainability is an external attribute that should be considered when

talking about the future system. These are features discernible to an observer on the

system's periphery. At the end of the development process, when the system is practically

finished, these qualities are measured indirectly in relation to the operational environment

(Rahman. 2018). To what extent a business caters to its customers' individual tastes is a

"external attribute."

o The external visibility and intrinsic relevance of internal factors like complexity, which

can be easily measured during and after development, is lower than that of other

variables. The inner qualities are evaluated in relation to the external characteristics. A

future state of existence cannot have all of the qualities that could possibly be present.
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o One example of a non-functional criterion is the component's "maintainability," or how

simple or complex it is to alter in order to fix a problem, improve the functionality of a

feature, or accommodate a new setting (Rahman. 2018). That is, how simple or difficult it

is to adjust a part so that it works properly.

o Cyclomatic complexity can be used to evaluate a system's testability, clarity, and

dependability (McCabe. 1976).

o It has been shown that external characteristics cannot be evaluated directly, but that they

can be estimated using software metrics. If the new system is well-designed, making

adjustments and testing it won't be a major hassle (Rahman. 2018). If you want to

evaluate your organization's ability to maintain, you can use McCabe's cyclomatic

complexity index.

o In my experience, I have found that the more the code's complexity (particularly in terms

of its cyclomatic complexity), the more difficult it is to maintain (McCabe. 1976). The

cyclomatic complexity of the code, the naming conventions used for variables in the code

and documentation, and the level of experience possessed by the people who are

compensated to ensure the system continues to function without hiccups are all examples

of external attributes that depend on internal characteristics (Rahman. 2018). However, it

may be challenging to verify this connection.

Task 5:


Consider the following quicksort sorting algorithm:

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a) Draw the flowchart of the above algorithm.

Quicksort's algorithmic sorting flowchart:

The PARTITION logic diagram looks like this:

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b) Draw the corresponding graph and label the nodes as n1, n2, … and edges as e1, e2,

Diagram of the Quicksort sorting algorithm (with nodes)

Following the division of nodes 4 and 5, the resulting graph (with edges highlighted)

looks like this:

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c) Calculate the cyclomatic complexity of the above algorithm.

We can use this rule to determine the cyclomatic complexity of the preceding algorithm.

VLI(G) = n(closed) + 1 = 5 + 1 = 6 (Sommerville. 2004). In the graph down below, the number

of enclosed areas is represented by the blue letter R. To sum up, the cyclomatic complexity is 6

(Marsic. 2012).

Task 6:
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Discuss the following, based on Tasks 4 and 5:

a) Describe what you did,

As soon as I knew what my professor expected of me and what I needed to do, I set about

preparing for the upcoming week's events. I do research when I feel like I need to learn more

about a subject. Since I had to seek up some of the more technical terminology for the quicksort

sorting algorithm, reading through them all took me four days. I'm still not sure I fully grasp all

of them even now. When I finally put down the last one, I got right back to the writing I'd been

putting off. As soon as I received my professor's feedback, I got to work on my project, which

required me to look into the connections between cyclomatic complexity and other internal

product features and outer product traits like durability. Soon after, I turned gears and tackled a

much tougher topic.

b) what you learned,

The linkages between cyclomatic complexity and other internal product aspects, as well as

the relationships between these and outside product traits like maintainability using the quicksort

sorting algorithm, were thoroughly covered in class, and I took copious notes. I also gained a

deeper understanding of the interconnections between these features and their external

counterparts, such as the product's maintainability (Živadinović et al., 2011). There may be

several approaches to solving a programming problem, but ultimately, they may all result in the

same solution. You get a front-row seat to the result this time around.

c) your weekly activities

My final grade would have been much higher if I had listened to the helpful suggestions my

classmates made to me throughout the course of the discussion activities. Despite not following
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the teacher's instructions to the letter, I was able to figure out how to solve the problem

(Živadinović et al., 2011). Several approaches can be used to address the problem of links

between internal product aspects like cyclomatic complexity and external attributes like the

maintainability issue, but they all lead to the same answer. Take the preceding sentence as an


d) in what ways are you able to apply the ideas and concepts gained,

I feel like I'm making progress in my front- and back-end communication skills, and my site

administration skills, by attentively following my instructor's directions and coming up with

answers to this week's homework project (Sommerville. 2004). This has given me the feeling

that I have made significant progress, so thank you for that! The work I've put in over the past

week has unquestionably made me a stronger connector of the application's front and back ends.

e) describe one important thing that you are thinking about in relation to the activity.

There is a plethora of timely and convenient learning opportunities this week. I need to pay

more attention to the correlations between internal product features like cyclomatic complexity

and external attributes like maintainability and the quicksort sorting algorithm if I want to

improve my scores (Marsic. 2012). If I want to do well in school, I have to do this.

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Coupling and Cohesion. (2014, November 29). wiki.C2.Com.


Marsic, I. (2012). Software engineering. Rutgers University.

McCabe, T. (1976, December). A complexity measures. IEEE Transactions on Software

Engineering. 2(4). 308-320.

Mitchell, R. L. (2013). Choosing an open-source CMS, part 1: Why we use Drupal. Computer

World. Np, 13.

Rahman, A. (2018, August 16). 10 reasons to choose Joomla. Joomla! Community Magazine.

Retrieved from


Sommerville, I. (2004). Chapter. 26 Software Cost Estimation. In Software Engineering 7, pp.

612 - 640. Pearson Education Ltd.

Vivekavardhan, J. (2016). Open-Source Content Management System for Content Development:

A Study on Wordpress, Joomla and Drupal. Library Waves, 2(1), 6-14.

Watson, A. H., & McCabe, T. J. (1996, September). Structured testing: A testing methodology

using the cyclomatic complexity metric. In D. Wallace (Ed.), NIST Special Publication

500-235. McCabe Software.

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Živadinović, J., Medić, Z., Maksimović, D., Damnjanovi, A., & Vujčić, S. (2011, June 24-25).

Methods of effort estimation in software engineering. I International Symposium

Engineering Management and Competitiveness 2011, p 417- 422.

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