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com 14 Nov 2021



Flour — Flower

1. The rose is a beautiful ____________________!

2. Bread is made with ____________________, water and yeast.
3. The state ____________________ of Nebraska is the goldenrod.
4. I brought my mother a pretty ____________________.
5. Every ____________________ but one was yellow.
6. Gravy is often thickened with ____________________.
7. We ground the wheat into ____________________.
8. Please water this ____________________ twice a week.
9. Something had chewed a hole in the ____________________ sack.
10. He put too much ____________________ in the pancakes.
11. The first ____________________ bloomed in April.
12. She wore a small ____________________ in her hair.
13. At some air shows, pilots drop bombs filled with ___________________
on targets.
14. Almost every ____________________ in the highest mountains is small.
15. Did you know that ____________________ is bleached to make it white?
16. Shortening and ____________________ are mixed to make pie crusts.
17. The recipe calls for four cups of ____________________.
18. The carnation is her favorite ____________________.
19. Is that a real ____________________ or is it silk?
20. The chicken was coated with ____________________ and then fried.

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