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BMM1711 Introduction to

Presentations & Technical
Ts. Dr. Mohd Razali Hanipah, CEng MIMechE (UK)


Course Content Outline CO*

1. Everyday Engineering CO1, CO2, CO3
2. Ethics CO1, CO2, CO3
3. Design & Teamwork CO1, CO2, CO3
4. Presentations & Technical Writing CO1, CO2, CO3
5. Estimation CO1, CO2, CO3
6. Solving Problems CO1, CO2, CO3

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Tips and Techniques

Presentation Planning: 5W &
Engineering Communication
• Who is my audience?

• What is my purpose?

• Where is all the equipment I need?

• When am I on the program agenda? Thinking Like an Engineer 2e

• Why am I giving this talk?

• How long should I talk? 4

Visual Aids: 4-S formula
• Short Engineering Communication

– Use short sentences

– Avoid too many details
– Do not talk too long

• Simple
– Avoid wordy, lengthy phrases.
Thinking Like an Engineer 2e
• Strength
– Use active voice and action verbs

• Sincere
– Convey empathy, understanding, and respect for the audience 5

Presentation Structure

• Introduction Engineering Communication

– What are you going to talk about?

– Why should the audience care?
• Body
– Divide into 2 – 3 main points
Thinking Like an Engineer 2e

• Conclusion
– Summarize main points 6

Size of Text: Larger is Better!

Size 44 Engineering Communication

Size 40
Size 36
Size 32
Size 28 Thinking Like an Engineer 2e

Size 24
Size 20
Size 18
Size 12
Size 10 7

Don’t write in whole
– Determine as the balls fall if the distance between them increases, decreases or stays the same.

– Determine as the balls fall if the distance between them increases, decreases or stays the same.

– Determine as the balls fall if the distance between

them increases, decreases or stays the same.

– Determine as the balls fall if the distance

between them increases, decreases or stays the

–Distance increase, decrease, stay

same 8

Don’t use annoying colors
Blue on Black
• Yellow on White Engineering Communication

Green on Black
• Light colors on White

Don’t use annoying …or like

backgrounds like this… Thinking Like an Engineer 2e

Or distracting animation….like this 9

Other thoughts
• Eyes on audience
• Practice!
• No hands in pockets
• Keep feet still • RELAX
• Don’t play with notes
• Don’t read notes


Technical Writing

Tips and Tricks


Writing Hints

• Provide all information requested and answer all


• Stay within the required page limit!

– Reread and cut out any “fluff”

• Use a consistent format in all parts of the paper

– Same type of title, header, spacing, font type and size
• If we ask for certain spacing or font size, use it!!
– Put header information on all pages
– Include headings in bold for easy identification

Writing Hints, continued

• Be clear; use precise language. Keep wording

efficient without losing meaning. Avoid using
exaggerated terms.

• Maintain a professional tone. Do not be

emotional or use jokes.

• The finished copy should “flow” smoothly and

carry the reader toward a conclusion. Avoid
extremely long sentences as they may confuse
the reader. 13

Writing Hints, continued

• Use mostly past tense verbs. Keep verb

tenses in agreement within a paragraph.

• Define any terms that might be unfamiliar

to the reader, including acronyms and
symbols within equations.

• Present facts or inferences rather than

personal feelings. 14

Writing Hints, continued
• If a table and/or figure are required Table 1. List of instruments that will be used to test water
quality, and the estimated forces that each will apply
elements, include them! when mounted on a cantilever beam.
Instrument Estimated Force [lbf]
– Forces you to summarize Turbidity Meter 2
Portable Sampler 8
Velocity Flow Meter 7
Nutrient Meter 2
pH Electrode 0.5
• Label all figures and tables.
– Tables are captioned at the top;
figures are captioned at the 2.0.E+07

bottom. Domestic

– For figures imbedded in a


Number of Passengers
document, remove the title. This
will become the basis for your

caption. 5.0.E+06

– Refer to them in the text by name

(“…as seen in Figure 1…”)
1970 1975 1980 1985
1990 1995 2000 2005
Figure 1. Analysis of commercial flights (domestic and
international) between 1972 and 2002.

Writing Hints, continued
• Watch significant figures
– Keep within orders of magnitude
– Reasonable, and consistent

• Keep the leading zero with a decimal point number, otherwise it looks like a
period in the middle of the sentence.
 The bridge cost .23 dollars per gram.
 The bridge cost 0.23 dollars per gram.

• Use the dollar symbol

 The bridge was four thousand dollars.
 The bridge was $4,000.

Writing Hints, continued

• For numbers, do not spell out in words. Use commas where appropriate.
 The mean was one thousand, fifty-five grams.
 The mean was 1,055 grams.

• Never start a sentence with a number in digit form. If a number is used to start
a sentence, write it out.
 23 points were outliers to the data set.
 Twenty three points were outliers to the data set.


Parts to the One-Page
– What and why – What does it mean
– Do not present results or – THINK about your results
technical information here – Do not use technical jargon
– 3 – 4 sentences maximum that YOU do not understand
– Must make reference to
• RESULTS: tables and figures in Results
section by name
– What did you find
– Be sure to answer all
– Include up to two items questions we ask
• 2 tables
• 2 figures,
• 1 table + 1 figure • SUMMARY:
• Should present unique – Main points
– No new information here!
– Watch formatting when
imbedding! – Quick overview of
• If it doesn’t look right, redo
it! – 4 – 5 sentences 18

Parts to the Short Report
– What and why – What does it mean
– Do not present results or – One page maximum
technical information here – THINK about your results
– 4 – 5 sentences maximum – Do not use technical jargon
that YOU do not understand
• PROCEDURE: – Must make reference to tables
– What did you do during testing and figures in Results section
and analysis by name
– ¾ page, bulleted list – Be sure to answer all questions
we ask

– What did you find
– Include tables and figures – Main points
• Should present unique – No new information here!
information – Quick overview of conclusion
– Watch formatting when – 4 – 5 sentences
• If it doesn’t look right, redo it! 19

Parts to the Poster
– Historical work – What does it mean
– Significance of experiment – THINK about your results
– Basic, underlying theory – Do not use technical jargon
– Do not present specific project that YOU do not understand
here – Must make reference to tables
and figures in Results section
by name
• PURPOSE: – Be sure to answer all questions
– What and why we ask
– Address specific project here
– May be bulleted list
– Main points
• RESULTS: – No new information here!
– What did you find – Quick overview of conclusion
– Include tables and figures – 4 – 5 sentences
• Should present unique
– Watch formatting when
imbedding! 20
• If it doesn’t look right, redo it!

When editing …

• Read it out loud!

– Read what it ACTUALLY says, not what you think it
should say
– Use commas as small pauses, periods and semicolons as
long pauses
– Have someone read it out loud to you

• Read it twice!
– Once for flow
– Once for technical stuff

• Take time to edit!! Don’t turn in sloppy work. 21


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