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Mahek,Aadesh, Aanya, Charmi, Pushti

Namaste or Namaskar, is the most common way of greeting in the Hindu culture.
Namaste is used for welcoming people as also while saying good-byes. People consider
many Hindu traditions as superstitious because they are unaware of the scientific
reason behind the custom.
Behind every Hindu ritual, there is a scientific reason established by research by our
ancestors. Let's explore the spiritual and scientific reasons behind Namaskar in Hindu
Namaste is associated with the Hindu culture of acknowledging and respecting the
other soul. When the person acknowledges back and
says Namaste, a spiritual connection is developed with the other person.
This spiritual connection leads to building strong relationships.
When you close your eyes while doing Namaskar, you can focus on your
soul and see within.
The scientific significance behind Namaskar is to activate the pressure points. The gesture of
Namaskar involves joining the palms and fingers together.
Pressing palms together activate the pressure points of mind, eyes, and ears. The activated
pressure pointsair, vacuum, fire and water which facilitates a continuum of energy in the body. It
is believed that the vacuum element cannot be harmed. This mudra links the body’s vacuum
element to the vacuum of the universe which leads to the flow of divine consciousness in the
body. Hence, this gesture of greeting supports the transfer of positive energy between two
You may have come across many people wearing Tilak after visiting a
temple or performing rituals. Tilak is a paste made of ash, sandalwood, vermillion, clay,
or turmeric, typically worn on the forehead, and sometimes other parts of the body
signifying which spiritual lineage a devotee adheres to within Hinduism. The shape of
the tilak and the substance it’s made from generally corresponds to the God or Goddess
that lineage worships.
Tilak is placed on the forehead between the eyebrows where the ajna chakra is located.
As ajna means to “perceive” or “command,” the ajna chakra is considered to be the “eye
of intuition,” through which a person
can discern information that cannot otherwise be seen with one’s physical eyes. Tilak,
therefore, is placed on the ajna chakra to invoke this divine energy, as well as act as a
reminder of the ultimate life goal.
Tilak can be worn at any time, it’s best to apply it after showering, when
cleanest. It’s also customary in many lineages to apply tilak on one who is either about to
die or has just passed away, as it provides auspiciousness during the transition into the
next life. In fact, because death can occur at any moment, and the condition of one’s
consciousness at such a time is considered very important in determining the state of a
person’s next life, many texts recommend wearing tilak every day, as a way of
maintaining a constant atmosphere of spirituality.
Ear piercing is an ancient Indian practice, which is also known as Karna Vedha. It is one of the
16 sacraments, rituals and sacrifices done to mark the various stages of human life and to
signify cultural heritage and upbringing.
Ear piercing might just look like something which is done to enhance our looks but there is
much more to it. According to Ayurveda, the lobe of the ear has an important point right in the
center. This point is one of the most important areas for reproductive health. Moreover,
piercing of ear also helps maintain a healthy menstrual cycle in females.
As per Ayurveda, the point where the ear is pierced is where two essential acupressure points
are present – master sensorial and master cerebral points. These two points are the key
players in maintaining the hearing of your child. Acupressure experts say it’s a good spot to
help relieve symptoms of tinnitus (ringing or buzzing of ears).
For the Indian culture, jewelleries plays a symbolic role. They carry ethnic and spiritual
meanings, especially during weddings. The pieces of jewelleries worn by the bride signifies
that she is to become a part of her husband’s extended family. They are a part of the
purification ritual as she becomes a part of the extended family of her bridegroom. Indians
give importance to the nuances of bridal jewelleries. The heavier the nuances of these
jewelleries are, the bigger role they play in the legacy of the family and the jewellery itself. So
before giving the jewelleries to the bride, the family often makes sure that they are heavy with
more distinct designs
Aside from bridal jewelleries worn by the bride, there are also religious jewelleries. These are
often connected to the Gods and Goddesses in Hinduism. Wearing these jewelleries signifies
that you are asking for protection from these divine beings. It also a way of asking blessing.
Depending upon the occasion, ghee, mustard oil, neem oil and sesame seeds oils are used to
light diyas. Oil or ghee in the diya represents our vaasanas (negative tendencies) like jealousy,
greed, hatred and ego. When we light oil or ghee diyas, the vaasanas exhaust slowly and the
ego perishes.The flame of a diya always burns upwards which aims to acquire such
knowledge that would take us towards higher ideals.A diya represents the victory of good
over evil, knowledge over ignorance. It spreads goodness and positivity. Apart from all of this,
Diyas are environment friendly. They don’t leave a harmful residue
Indians touch the feet of elder brothers, parents, grandparents, teachers, spiritual gurus and
other senior citizens. It is believed that when a person bows down to touch the feet of elders, the
person’s ego comes to an end. The person gives respect to his elder’s wisdom, knowledge, age,
and experience. In return, the elders then bless the person. The act of Touching Feet has a
profound scientific reason. The nerves in the human body, starting from our brain, spread all
over our body and end at our fingertips and toes. While touching feet when the fingertips of
your hand are joined to the feet of the opposite person, a closed circuit is established between
the two immediately and the energies of your bodies are connected – your fingers and hands
become the receptor of that energy, while the feet of the elder person become the giver of the
When the elder accepts this respect, their heart becomes filled with good thoughts and positive
energy, which they give out through their hands and feet.

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