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Defining (Identify) Hypothesis

There is no single definition to what a

hypothesis is, but some authors like (Ellison, 2010)
define it as your best-educated guess about why
things are, (Kumar, 2011) sited (Black &
Champion, 1976) defining hypothesis as “tentative
statement about something of which the validity is
Types of Hypotheses:
1. Null Hypothesis. It is contrary to the
positive statement of a working hypothesis.
According to Null hypothesis, there is no
significant relationship between IV and DV.
It is denoted by Ho.
2. Alternative Hypothesis. It is the positive
statement of a working hypothesis.
According to Alternative hypothesis, there is
a significant relationship between IV and
DV. It is denoted by Ha.
Simplifying the steps in writing hypothesis for
relationship/ correlation studies
Simplifying the steps in writing hypothesis for
difference or comparative studies
Practice Exercise
Instruction: Write the appropriate null and alternative
hypothesis for the research question.

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