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Republic of the Philippines


Tamag, Vigan City
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College of Nursing
Website: Mail:
CP# 09177148749, 09175785986

Name of Group: GROUP 3

Year and Section: BSN 3B

Defining the Variables and Stating the Hypothesis

How do you distinguish between conceptual and theoretical framework? Your essay
should include (1) your opinion, and (2) evidence/literature to back up your thoughts
and/or opinion (APA citation).

The terms "theoretical" and "conceptual" are frequently misunderstood or used

interchangeably to refer to all ideas used to define and shape an intellectual study. I used to read or
refer to a source sent in our class with regards to the research course or field to ensure proper
usage of these terms and to provide a substantial opinion. As a result, I believe there are various
differences between theoretical and conceptual frameworks, so in order to see and understand
their differences, we must first define each term, followed by the characteristics that distinguish
them from one another.
I believe that the theoretical framework is used for qualitative research because this
paradigm generates detailed and comprehensive information about a topic from which a number of
themes and patterns can be discerned. While the conceptual framework is only used for
quantitative research studies that are developed later, it provides a mental image of the themes and
patterns that emerge from the data. Moreover, theoretical framework is based on existing theories
that have been tested and validated by other researchers which helps in relating identified/specific
problem in general, whereas the conceptual framework is based on concepts that provide for the
main variables in a research inquiry, which is something that the researchers develop themselves
based on the theories. In addition, the theoretical framework provides a general representation of
the relationships between things in a given study of events/phenomena, or in other words, it is the
blueprint for the research inquiry and serves as the guide on which to build and support the entire
study. The conceptual framework, on the other hand, embodies the specific direction in which the
research must be conducted or intends to be studied in order to solve a particular problem that the
researcher wants to find solution. Furthermore, theoretical Framework consists of theories that
appear to be interconnected with study propositions, whereas Conceptual Framework consists of
key interconnected concepts that elucidate the existing relationship between the variable and how
the researchers claim to respond to the research problem.
According to Ahmad (2019), the constructs of a theoretical and conceptual framework is
generally regarded as one and the same; nevertheless, there is a slight difference between the two.
Consequently, Afribary (2021) mentioned that a conceptual framework is the researcher’s idea on
how the research problem will have to be explored wherein this is founded on the theoretical
framework, which lies on a much broader scale of resolution. The theoretical framework dwells on
time tested theories that embody the findings of numerous investigations on how phenomena
The theoretical framework is the foundation from which all knowledge is built
(metaphorically and literally) for a research study, serving as the structure and support for the
study's rationale, problem statement, purpose, significance, and research questions. Furthermore,
the theoretical framework serves as a foundation, or anchor, for the literature review and, most
importantly, the methods and analysis (Grant & Osanloo, 2014). On the contrary to the study of
Luse, Mennecke & Townsend (2012), the conceptual framework makes it easier for the researcher
to easily specify and define the concepts within the problem of the study. Along with Venkatsha
(2019) stated that conceptual framework assists research to easily specify and define the concepts
within the problem of the study, wherein logical structural presentation provides a picture, a
graphical presentation as a visual display of how ideas in a study related to one another or how the
key variables or constructs are studied with the presumed relationships between them.
Thus, the purpose of this is to highlight key distinctions between theoretical and conceptual
frameworks so that upcoming researchers or returnees can understand and reflect on the choice of
a theory, which is very important; its constructs, model in the research proposal, and making
dissertation or thesis as a whole. Although these are very similar terms, there is little difference
between them; however, researchers must choose one of the terms and use it consistently
throughout their work rather than using these terms interchangeably. In this manner, the
researcher can provide adequate support to explain the need for and relevance of the study in the

Taking into account your research topic, questions, and variables of interest, do the
 Provide an operational definition of the variables included in your study.

Operational Definition of Terms

To ensure better understanding of the study, the following terms are hereby defined
Socio-demographic Profile. This refers to the personal characteristics of the
respondents which includes the following.
Age. Refers to the number of years in existence of the respondents at the time
of conductance of this study.
Sex. Refers to the biological and physiological characteristics of the
respondents that define them as male and female.
Educational attainment. Refers to the level of education the respondents
have achieved.
Religion. Refers to a particular group of worship of the respondent belong or
to which religious beliefs the respondents is connected with.
Monthly Family Income. Refers to the amount of money that the
respondents can earn every month.
Self-medication Related Variable. This refers to the associated factors related to
self-medication which include the following:
On Knowledge. This refers to knowing the synonym, benefit and risk
consequences of taking the non-prescribed medicine.
Symptoms. Refers to any subjective evidence of disease.
Drugs Used. Refers to denote that individual use specific substances to
attenuate adverse states caused either by their psychiatric disorder or by its
treatment. The underlying assumption is that substances are used in a selective
manner based on their distinct pharmacological effects.
Reason of Self-medication. This refers to the cause that led the person to
self-medicate on a particular drug.
Self- medication practices. This refers to intake of medicines required by an
individual for the settlement of a self-identified disorder or disease or the continued
usage of an already prescribed medicine for the recurrent or chronic disorder.
Source Information. This refers to where the information about the
medication and the drug itself came from.
Effects of Self-medication. Refers to the result of the medications after
taking the medication.

 Formulate your research hypothesis.

Based from the problem raised on the study, the following hypothesis is
1. There is no significant relationship between the profile of the respondents and
their self-medication related variables.

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