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American Burn Association Practice Guidelines

Burn Shock Resuscitation
Tam N. Pham, MD,* Leopoldo C. Cancio, MD,† Nicole S. Gibran, MD*

RECOMMENDATIONS • Oral resuscitation should be considered in

awake alert patients with moderately sized burns
Standards and is worthy of further study.
There are insufficient data to support a treatment • Hypertonic saline should be reserved to provid-
standard treatment at this time. ers experienced in this approach. Plasma sodium
concentrations should be closely monitored to
Guidelines avoid excessive hypernatremia.
• Adults and children with burns greater than 20% • Administration of high-dose ascorbic acid may
TBSA should undergo formal fluid resuscitation decrease overall fluid requirements, and is wor-
using estimates based on body size and surface thy of further study.
area burned.
• Common formulas used to initiate of resuscita-
tion estimate a crystalloid need for 2 to 4 ml/kg OVERVIEW
body weight/%TBSA during the first 24 hours. Purpose
• Fluid resuscitation, regardless of solution type or
The purpose of this guideline is to review the princi-
estimated need, should be titrated to maintain a
ples of resuscitation after burn injury, including type
urine output of approximately 0.5–1.0 ml/
and rate of fluid administration, and the use of ad-
kg/hr in adults and 1.0 –1.5 ml/kg/hr in chil-
junct measures. It presents a rational approach for the
initial treatment of burn patients.
• Maintenance fluids should be administered to
children in addition to their calculated fluid re-
quirements caused by injury.
• Increased volume requirements can be antici- This guideline is designed to aid those physicians who
pated in patients with full-thickness injuries, in- are responsible for the triage and initial management
halation injury, and a delay in resuscitation. of burn patients.

Options Clinical Problem

• The addition of colloid-containing fluid fol- Burns greater than 20 to 25% TBSA are associated
lowing burn injury, especially after the first 12 with increased capillary permeability and intravascular
to 24 hours postburn, may decrease overall volume deficits that are most severe in the first 24
fluid requirements. hours following injury. Optimal fluid resuscitation
aims to support organ perfusion with the least
amount of fluid necessary, at the least physiological
From the *University of Washington Burn Center, Seattle, cost. Under-resuscitation leads to decreased perfu-
Washington; and †U.S. Army Institute of Surgical Research,
Fort Sam Houston, Texas. sion, acute renal failure, and death. Since the adop-
The opinions or assertions contained herein are the private views of tion of weight and injury-size based formulas for re-
the authors, and are not to be construed as official or as reflecting suscitation, multiple organ dysfunction caused by
the views of the Department of the Army or Department of
Defense. inadequate resuscitation has become uncommon in
Address correspondence to Tam N. Pham, MD, University of modern American burn care. Instead, administration
Washington Burn Center, Harborview Medical Center, 325 of fluid volumes well in excess of 4 ml/kg/%burn has
Ninth Ave, Box 359796, Seattle, Washington 98104.
Copyright © 2008 by the American Burn Association. been reported by multiple centers. This phenomenon
1559-047X/2008 has been termed “fluid creep.”1–3 Just as under-
DOI: 10.1097/BCR.0b013e31815f3876 resuscitation is associated with poor outcome, in-

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258 Pham, Cancio, and Gibran January/February 2008

creased fluid administration is associated with adverse B-supported by several small prospective trials with a
outcomes, such as worsening edema formation, ele- similar conclusion, grade C-supported by a single
vated compartment pressures, Acute Respiratory Dis- small prospective trial, retrospective analyses, cases
tress Syndrome (ARDS), and multiple organ dysfunc- studies, and expert opinions based on investigators’
tion.4 – 6 Hence, what constitutes “optimal” fluid practices.
resuscitation remains a matter of debate. There un-
fortunately is a lack of sufficient class I evidence to SCIENTIFIC FOUNDATION
make strong recommendations on this clinical prob-
lem. However, given the success of various ap- Burn Shock Pathophysiology
proaches to resuscitate severely burned patients, one Seminal contributions by Baxter and Shires, Arturson
may postulate that the composition of the fluid, the and Jonsson, Moyer et al, and others have established
initial rate of administration and the addition of col- that burn shock begins at the cellular level.8 –11 In
loid are relatively unimportant—provided that the cli- their experimental studies, major burn injuries cause a
nician diligently tailors fluid therapy to the individual decrease in cellular transmembrane potential in both
patient and monitors hemodynamic endpoints asso- injured and noninjured tissue. Disruption of the
ciated with adequate tissue perfusion. transmembrane sodium-ATPase activity presumably
accounts for a rise in intracellular sodium, an effect
that gradually normalizes during the next several
PROCESS days. Intracellular sodium shift contributes to hypo-
A Medline search of the English-language literature volemia and cellular edema. Heat injury activates the
was conducted for the years 1966 to 2007 for all release of inflammatory and vasoactive mediators re-
publications involving the key words “burns,” “ther- sponsible for local vasoconstriction and systemic va-
mal injury,” “burn shock,” and “resuscitation.” Ad- sodilation, as well as increased transcapillary perme-
ditional publications were retrieved by searching ability. Endothelial cells and sensory nerves within the
through references from the available articles. They burn wound contribute to the local and systemic in-
were collectively reviewed and summary recommen- flammatory response. Released mediators include
dations were made using the following grading scale complement proteins, kinins, histamine, serotonin,
(Table 1)7: grade A-supported by at least one well- prostaglandins and oxygen-derived free-radicals, and
designed prospective trial with clear-cut results, grade neuropeptides.12,13 Disrupted capillary integrity al-
lows for rapid equilibration of water, inorganic sol-
utes, and plasma proteins (but not cellular elements)
Table 1. Grading of scientific evidence* between the intravascular and interstitial spaces. This
sequence of events leads to intravascular hypovolemia
Recommendation Grade and hemoconcentration that are maximal at about 12
Level of Evidence Level hours postburn.14,15 Thermal injury-induced hypo-
Class I: large prospective Grade A: supported by at least volemia consists of a steady loss of intravascular vol-
clinical trial one large prospective ume that requires sustained replacement to avoid
clinical trial with clear-cut end-organ hypoperfusion and ischemia. In other
results words, the goal of proper fluid resuscitation aims to
Class II: small prospective Grade B: supported by several prevent rather than to treat burn shock.
clinical trial (low power) small prospective clinical Reduced cardiac output is a hallmark of the early
trials supporting a similar postinjury phase. Although its precise mechanism re-
mains unclear, studies on isolated heart preparations
Class III: retrospective Grade C: supported by a
after cutaneous burn suggest that impaired intrinsic
analytical study, single small prospective
contemporaneous trial, retrospective studies
myocardial contractility is likely caused by circulating
controls and consensus expert mediators.16 From a clinical standpoint, reduced car-
Class IV: retrospective opinions diac output is the combined result of decreased
analytical study, plasma volume, increased afterload, and decreased
historical controls contractility. A recent clinical trial aimed at maximiz-
Class V: case series, expert ing preload was able to restore neither preload nor
opinions normal cardiac output until 24 hours after injury.17
* Adapted with permission from Sackett DL. Rules of evidence and clinical
Interestingly, these results mirror earlier observations
recommendations on the use of antithrombotic agents. Chest 1989;95: made by Baxter and Shires in their canine model of
2S– 4S. burn injury.8
Journal of Burn Care & Research
Volume 29, Number 1 Pham, Cancio, and Gibran 259

Optimal Route and Necessity of fluid resuscitation did not reach a consensus on the
Formal Resuscitation specific formula nor the type of fluid to be adminis-
The advent of widely available intravenous cannulas tered to burn patients. The participants nevertheless
has helped popularize current strategies of intrave- agreed on two important guidelines: a) that the least
nous resuscitation. An intact gastrointestinal tract can amount of fluid necessary to maintain adequate organ
tolerate a large amount of fluid replenishment as ev- perfusion should be given, and b) that the volume
idenced by successful oral resuscitation of patients infused should be continually titrated to avoid both
with infectious diarrheal illnesses throughout the under- and over-resuscitation.25 Titration of fluids to
world.18,19 In burn patients, oral salt solutions were maintain renal perfusion to obtain a urinary output of
frequently used either alone or in combination with 0.5 ml/kg/hr is considered adequate for adults,
intravenous infusion in early studies of burn resusci- whereas a urinary output of 1 ml/kg/hr is an appro-
tation.20 –22 Although oral resuscitation has been at- priate target for young pediatric patients. Thus, re-
tempted for even massive burn injuries, a significant suscitation formulas are useful as starting guidelines,
number of patients experienced vomiting during this rather than rigid goals for volume resuscitation. Rec-
process. This aspect makes enteral resuscitation ommendation grade: C.
somewhat unreliable and impractical, except perhaps Currently, the most popular resuscitation formulas
when resources are severely limited. In instances employ lactated Ringer’s (LR) solution, which con-
where access to medical care is limited, and provided tains 130 mEq/L of sodium. Although this solution
that the gastrointestinal tract is uninjured, oral resus- is slightly hypotonic compared with plasma, it effec-
citation can be effectively initiated with balanced salt tively treats both hypovolemia and extracellular so-
solutions. The actual volume each burn patient can dium deficits caused by thermal injury. A number of
tolerate will depend on the magnitude of injury, the formulas estimate volume requirements in the first 24
presence of gastric ileus, and the timing of enteral hours (summarized in Table 2). All predict fluid vol-
administration. Early provision of enteral calories may ume resuscitation based on body weight and surface
also decrease the incidence of adynamic ileus, and is area burned. The Baxter formula was developed at
an effective method to supplement volume resuscita- Parkland Hospital in the 1960s and is by far the most
tion. Oral resuscitation is also appropriate for burns commonly used formula at U.S. burn centers.26 It
⬍20% since these burns are not associated with severe recommends administering 4 ml/kg/%burn of LR
systemic inflammation, rapid formation of edema, solution in the first 24 hours, with half given in the
and vasodilation in nonburned tissues.23,24 Current first 8 hours. The modified Brooke formula, devel-
recommendations are to initiate formal fluid resusci- oped at the U.S. Army Burn Center, represents an
tation when burns ⬎20% TBSA, preferably through alternative fluid prediction model which estimates 2
the intravenous route. Recommendation grade: C. ml/kg/%burn/24hr as a starting point.27
In 1978, Baxter retrospectively reviewed 954 adult
Crystalloid Resuscitation and pediatric resuscitations and documented that
There are no available level I or level II publications to most patients’ total fluid requirements ranged from
guide the choice of isotonic crystalloid resuscitation. 3.7 to 4.3 ml/kg/%burn. Only specific subgroups of
The 1978 National Institutes of Health workshop on patients required increased volume requirements,

Table 2. Common estimates of volume resuscitation in the first 24 hours

Formula Name Solution Volume in First 24 hr Rate of Administration

Adult Parkland Lactated Ringer’s 4 ml/kg/%burn Over 8 hr, over 16 hr

Modified Brooke Lactated Ringer’s 2 ml/kg/%burn over 8 hr, Over 16 hr
Children Shriners-Cincinnati Lactated Ringer’s 4 ml/kg/%burn ⫹ 1500 Over 8 hr, over 16 hr
ml/m2 BSA
Shriners-Cincinnati (for Lactated Ringer’s ⫹ 50 meQ 4 ml/kg/%burn ⫹ 1500 1st 8 hr
young pediatric NaHCO3 ml/m2 BSA
patients) Lactated Ringer’s 2nd 8 hr
5% Albumin in Lactated 3rd 8 hr
Galveston Lactated Ringer’s 5000 ml/m2burn ⫹ 2000 over 8 hr, Over 16 hr
ml/m2 BSA
Journal of Burn Care & Research
260 Pham, Cancio, and Gibran January/February 2008

namely patients with 1) deeper burns, 2) a delay in the most part, have confirmed earlier findings of
resuscitation, or 3) inhalation injury.23,28 These ob- Monafo and colleagues, small numbers of enrolled
servations have been confirmed by other groups.29,30 patients precluded meaningful analyses of hospital
Recent studies, however, have found that average vol- outcomes (Table 3). These studies also highlight
umes administered to contemporary burn patients far wide variations with respect to the sodium concentra-
exceed formula predictions, often exceeding 5 to 7 tion used.
ml/kg/%burn.1,2,31 Unless the nature of burns has A large volume of hypertonic saline may raise
drastically changed, one may postulate that most of plasma sodium to 160 mEq/L, corresponding to an
this “fluid creep” is attributable to changes in clini- osmolarity of 340 mosm/kg. Shimazaki et al found
cians’ behavior. These may include: a) a tendency to that this threshold level was associated with a decrease
maximize preload using invasive monitors over tar- in urine output below 50 ml/hr, and cautioned
geting urine output, b) a reluctance to decrease infu- against this level of hypernatremia.45 Frequent mon-
sion rates when urine output exceeds target goals, c) itoring of sodium concentration is essential since se-
an increased use of opioids and sedatives that may vere hypernatremia is associated with acute renal fail-
antagonize the stress response or increase vasodila- ure, whereas its rapid correction induces excessive
tion, and d) a higher likelihood to resuscitate more cerebral edema.46 Huang et al have published the
severely injured patients (⬎80% TBSA) who typically largest outcome study to date of burn patients resus-
exceed formula calculations.4,32 Whereas acute renal citated with hypertonic saline (65 patients) vs Park-
failure has become a rare complication of burn resus- land formula (148 patients).47 In this retrospective
citation, increased volume administration has been historical control study, patients who received hyper-
associated with a different set of complications. Intra- tonic saline had a 4-fold increase in acute renal failure
abdominal hypertension with abdominal compart- (40 vs 10.1%, P ⬍ .001) and twice the mortality rate
ment syndrome is one dramatic example, but extrem- (53.8 vs 26.6%, P ⬍ .001). Furthermore, patients
ity compartment syndrome and recently reported with acute renal failure had significantly elevated
ocular compartment syndrome are also potential plasma sodium after the first postburn day compared
complications.4 – 6 In October 2006, the American with the nonrenal failure group. Hypertonic saline
Burn Association sponsored a “State of the Science in resuscitation should be reserved for experienced burn
Burn Care” meeting to construct a research agenda physicians, with close monitoring of plasma sodium
for the next decade. In this meeting, participants concentration. Recommendation grade: B.
highlighted over-resuscitation as a common, but po-
tentially avoidable phenomenon in today’s burn Colloid Resuscitation
units. Defining better endpoints of resuscitation to Considerable controversy persists as to the role (and
avoid excessive volume administration represents a type) of colloid in burn resuscitation. Whereas many
high priority for future investigations.33 burn centers report that they never use colloids in
their initial resuscitation schemes, others have re-
Hypertonic Saline Resuscitation ported successful resuscitation with plasma, albumin,
Hypertonic saline has appealed to burn clinicians ever and high molecular weight glucose polymers such as
since it was recognized that extracellular sodium def- dextran and hydroxyethylstarch.26,48 –51 Plasma pro-
icit was an important component of burn shock.9 teins serve an important role in maintaining oncotic
Studies by Monafo and others demonstrated that pressure to balance the outward hydrostatic pressure.
smaller fluid volumes were required to maintain urine Administration of large volumes of crystalloid during
output with hypertonic saline resuscitation.34 –36 Hy- burn resuscitation decreases plasma protein concen-
perosmolarity effectively helps expand plasma volume tration and further promotes extravascular egress of
as it favors water shift into the intravascular space, at fluid and edema formation. Replenishment of plasma
the price of intracellular water depletion; whether protein using colloids (either with albumin or
intracellular water depletion is harmful to patients plasma) would theoretically mitigate this effect. As a
has not been determined. The proposed benefits of result, early formulas developed by Evans and by sur-
decreased volume administration to burn patients geons at the US Army Burn Center contained signif-
include reduced extremity edema and improved re- icant amounts of colloid in their calculations.52 More
spiratory function in the days following resuscita- recently, Slater and coworkers have championed a
tion.34,37 A hyperosmolar load may also improve early fixed crystalloid volume (2 liters of LR), coupled with
urine output through osmotic diuresis, perhaps en- fresh frozen plasma titrated to achieve adequate uri-
abling clinicians to avoid over-resuscitation. Whereas nary output. Their protocol has enabled them to sig-
prospective clinical trials using hypertonic saline, for nificantly reduce the total volume infused during the
Journal of Burn Care & Research
Volume 29, Number 1 Pham, Cancio, and Gibran 261

Table 3. Evidentiary table: prospective clinical studies of hypertonic saline resuscitation

Study Design, Patients and Data

Author, Year Allocation Characteristics Main Findings Study Conclusions Class

Caldwell and Alternate assignment to 37 children with HLS received 26% more Na HLS is safe in children, II
Bowser, LR or HLS burns ⱖ30% load, but 38% less water with reduced free
197938 load water requirements
Jelenko etal, Random assignment to 19 adults with burns Total fluid in first 76 hr, LR Hypertonic saline II
197939 LR, hypertonic lactate ⱖ20% (7 LR, 5 group: 5.7 ml/kg. permits a reduction
solution*, or hypertonic, 7 Hypertonic group: 3 ml/ in volume
hypertonic lactate ⫹ hypertonic/albumin) kg, hypertonic/albumin requirement.
albumin group: 1 ml/kg Addition of albumin
further reduces this
volume requirement
Bowser-Wallace Alternate assignment to 38 patients aged 5 Patients in the LR/colloid HLS reduces fluid II
and Caldwell, LR/colloid and HLS months to 21 group gained more volume requirements
198640 years, with burns weight at 48 hr in pediatric patients
Gunn et al, Random assignment to 51 adults with burns No difference in total fluids, No advantage of HSL I
198941 LR or HSL ⱖ20% weight gain, total sodium over LR resuscitation
load, or mortality
Shimazaki et al, Alternate assignment to 46 adults with burns Hypertonic saline more Hypertonic saline II
199137 LR or hypertonic ⬎30%, without effectively maintained resuscitation may
saline “ladder”† inhalation injury interstitial fluid volume, lead to improved
and fewer patients respiratory function
required mechanical
Bortolani et al, Random assignment to 40 adults with burns HLS was associated with HLS resuscitation is I
199642 LR or HLS ⬎30% smaller infusion volume, feasible
but higher mortality (this
latter group had larger
Murphy et al, LR resuscitation, with 8 18 adults with burns Patients who received a A single HSD bolus is II
199943 nonrandomized ⬎35%, without supplemental HSD bolus ineffective at
patients receiving a inhalation injury had equivalent total fluid reducing fluid
supplemental bolus of volume requirements to volume requirements
HSD储 (4 ml/kg over the control group, (both
30 min) in excess of 6 ml/kg/
Oda et al, Nonrandom assignment 36 adults with burns Hypertonic group averaged Hypertonic saline II
200644 to LR or hypertonic 40%, without 3.1 compared 5.2 ml/kg/ reduces fluid
saline “ladder”† inhalation injury %burn in controls by 24 requirements and
hr with fewer patients decreases the
⬎30 cm H2O incidence of intra-
intrabladder pressure abdominal

LR, Lactated Ringer’s solution; HLS, Hypertonic Lactated Saline solution (Na: 250 mEq/L, osm: 500 mosm/kg); HSL, Hypertonic Saline (Na: 250 mEq/L, osm:
514 mosm/kg); HSD, Hypertonic saline dextran: 7.5% sodium chloride in 6% dextran-70.
* Hypertonic lactate solution: Na: 240 mEq/L, osm: 480 mosm/kg.
† Hypertonic saline ladder: Initial solution with Na: 300 mEq/L, 600 mosm/kg ⫻ 2 liters, progressively decreasing to final solution with Na: 150 mEq/L, 300

first 24 hours.53,54 Allogeneic plasma, however, car- bleeding or coagulopathy may be inadvisable outside
ries a risk of blood-borne infectious transmission, and a clinical trial when other choices are available.56,57
is a known risk factor for development of acute lung The opposite school of thought is to not adminis-
injury.55 Thus, the routine use of this limited blood ter any colloid in the first 24 hours. Radioisotope
bank resource to treat hypovolemia without active experiments by Baxter and Pruitt et al have demon-
Journal of Burn Care & Research
262 Pham, Cancio, and Gibran January/February 2008

strated that plasma expansion during this phase was ical benefit to burn patients (especially when given in
independent of the type of fluid given, whether crys- the first 12 hours postburn), and may increase lung
talloid or colloid.8,27 At 24 hours however, capillary water content after the resuscitation phase (Table 4).
integrity may be sufficiently restored to allow manip- In nonburn patients, the use of albumin for resusci-
ulation of intravascular oncotic pressure.23 Several tation has not shown to be beneficial in a number of
class I studies indicate that colloids provide little clin- prospective randomized trials.60 The recently com-

Table 4. Evidentiary table: prospective clinical studies of colloid resuscitation

Study Design, Patients and Data

Author, Year Allocation Characteristics Main Findings Study Conclusions Class

Bocanegra et al, Alternate assignment to: 308 patients, age 11 Shock developed in 4% in Addition of plasma offers I
196658 1) isotonic saline or to 73, with burns saline group, 5% in no advantage of
plasma ⫹ dextrose ⱖ10%, no saline ⫹ plasma, and isotonic saline. Sodium
water (Phase 1), and inhalation injury 12% in dextrose ⫹ replacement is essential
2) isotonic saline or Isotonic saline: 152 plasma
plasma ⫹ saline Plasma ⫹ Dextrose:
(Phase 2) 74
Plasma ⫹ Saline: 82
Jelenko et al, Random assignment to 19 adults with burns Total fluid in first 76 hr, Hypertonic saline permits II
197939 LR, hypertonic lactate ⱖ20% (7 LR, 5 LR group: 5.7 ml/kg, a reduction in volume
solution*, or hypertonic, 7 hypertonic group: 3 requirement. Addition
hypertonic lactate ⫹ hypertonic/albumin) ml/kg, hypertonic/ of albumin further
albumin albumin group: 1 ml/kg reduces this volume
Goodwin et al, Random assignment to 79 adult patients Colloid resuscitation Addition of colloid I
198359 LR or LR ⫹ 2.5% with burns ⱖ35%, decreases fluid provides no long lasting
albumin solution no inhalation requirement by 0.9 benefit and may
injury ml/kg/%burn, but was promote pulmonary
associated with edema
increased lung water
after resuscitation
Waxman et al, Random assignment to 12 adults with burns Both pentastarch and Pentastarch and albumin II
198950 500 ml of 5% albumin ⱖ25% albumin boluses are both effective
or pentastarch, cross- increase stroke volume, plasma expanders at the
over study at mean of cardiac index, CVP, end of the first 24 hr
23.6 hr after injury PAOP, and slightly
prolonged coagulation
Du et al, 199153 Nonrandom assignment 30 patients, age 16 The FFP group had the Plasma resuscitation II
to LR, and HPT and older with least volume infused decreases volume
formula†, or 2L LR ⫹ burns ⱖ30%, (2.7 ml/kg/%burn) resuscitation need and
75 ml/kg FFP‡ equally divided and the least weight minimizes edema
into the 3 groups gain formation
O’Mara et al, Random assignment to 31 adult patients Mean volume infused in Colloid resuscitation II
200554 LR (Parkland formula) with burns ⱖ25% crystalloid group: 22.1 reduces volume
or 2L LR ⫹ 75 ml/kg L, compared to 12.3 L requirements and
FFP‡ in colloid group. Peak mitigates increases in
intra-abdominal intra-abdominal
pressures and airway pressures during
pressures lower in resuscitation
colloid group

CVP, central venous pressure; PAOP, pulmonary artery occlusion pressure, obtained from pulmonary artery catheter; FFP, fresh-frozen plasma; LR, Lactated
Ringer’s solution.
* Hypertonic lactate solution: Na: 240 mEq/L, osm: 480 mosm/kg.
† HPT formula: 154 mEq/L NaCl ⫹ 100 mEq/L Na-acetate.
‡ FPP titrated to keep hourly urine output between 0.5 ml/kg/hr and 1.0 ml/kg/hr.
Journal of Burn Care & Research
Volume 29, Number 1 Pham, Cancio, and Gibran 263

pleted “Saline versus Albumin Fluid Evaluation” based on burn size (Table 2).52 Glucose homeostasis
Study enrolled nearly 7000 patients to evaluate the is an important parameter in children. Hepatic glyco-
usefulness of 4% albumin for resuscitation.61 Al- gen stores in young children are depleted after 12 to
though the albumin group was successfully resus- 14 hours of fasting,70 after which amino acids, glyc-
citated with less volume, there was no difference in erol, and lactate are used to generate new glucose
organ failure rates, days on the ventilator, length of molecules. It is therefore important to provide suffi-
stay or mortality. It is important to note that burn cient glucose substrates during first 24 hours of re-
patients were excluded from enrollment in this suscitation. This can either be achieved by adding
study. dextrose to the maintenance fluid, or by provision of
Demling and others demonstrated experimentally early enteral nutrition. Recommendation grade: C.
that the rate of edema formation was maximal at 8 to
12 hours after injury.62,63 Except for a transient loss Monitoring of Resuscitation
of capillary integrity, nonburn tissues soon regain the Reliance on hourly urine output as the primary index
ability to sieve plasma proteins. Virtually all studies of optimum resuscitation sharply contrasts with ever
using large macromolecules to augment oncotic pres- more sophisticated monitoring devices available in
sure have documented reduced edema formation in modern burn centers. Intensivists now have at their
nonburn tissue, but not in the burn wound itself.48,64 disposition many monitoring tools to assess the
This physiologic argument has prompted some clini- moment-to-moment physiological state of the pa-
cians to adopt a “middle-of-the-road” approach, tient. For instance, abnormal admission arterial lac-
whereby colloids are administered later in the second tate and base excess values correlate with the magni-
half of the first 24 hours. Warden and associates re- tude of injury and their failure to correct over time
port routinely added 5% albumin to LR 17 to 24 predicts mortality.71–73 There are, however, no pro-
hours postinjury for patients with burn size ⬎40%.52 spective studies to support the use of these parameters
This compromise is perhaps the most popular to guide fluid resuscitation. Because the pathophysi-
method of colloid implementation in U.S. burn cen- ology of burn shock creates a persistent hypovolemic
ters according to the survey results by Fakhry et al.26 state that gradually subsides, attempts at rapidly clear-
Although the Parkland formula is applied in the ma- ing anaerobic by-products with aggressive volume re-
jority of centers (78%), most responders reported us- placement may be unsuccessful and exacerbate edema
ing colloids in the first 24 hours some of the time. The formation.
evidence reviewed indicates that the addition of col- The availability of central venous catheters and pul-
loids to resuscitation can decrease total volume re- monary artery catheters74 has prompted several inves-
quirements, but randomized controlled trials would tigators to challenge Baxter’s observations that resto-
be needed to document other benefits. Recommen- ration of preload and cardiac output could not be
dation grade: A. accomplished before 24 hours.75–78 Although several
preliminary studies documented successful increases
Pediatric Resuscitation in preload and cardiac index with aggressive volume
Limited physiological reserves in children mandate administration, a well-designed prospective random-
increased vigilance and precision during resuscitation ized trial failed to confirm these benefits (Table 5).17
from burn injuries. Mortality in the young pediatric In fact, neither restoration of intrathoracic blood vol-
patient (age ⬍2 years) is higher than in other age ume nor cardiac index could be achieved with the
groups.65,66 Children require more fluid than adults additional 68% of fluid administered in the preload-
with a similar injury size. Several groups have esti- driven strategy. Based on these results, a preload-
mated their fluid requirements at approximately 6 driven strategy for burn resuscitation is not advisable.
ml/kg/%burn.67,68 One explanation may be that Invasive monitoring with central venous catheters or
children’s body surface area to weight ratio is higher pulmonary artery catheters may still be occasionally
than adults. Bowser-Wallace reported that when indicated in special circumstances such as burns in
body surface area was substituted for weight to cal- older adults,76 or patients with an inadequate re-
culate fluid needs, children less than 3 years of age had sponse to standard treatment.79 Recommendation
comparable volume requirements to older children.69 grade: A.
Thus, weight-based formulas alone are probably in-
sufficient for pediatric resuscitation. In centers expe- Adjuncts to Fluid Resuscitation
rienced with pediatric burns, formulas have been de- Antioxidant Therapy. Considerable interest ex-
veloped that include maintenance fluid based on ists in antioxidant therapy, because membrane lipid
body surface area in addition to estimated needs peroxidation and oxygen-derived free radicals are ma-
Journal of Burn Care & Research
264 Pham, Cancio, and Gibran January/February 2008

Table 5. Evidentiary table: prospective studies of invasive monitoring

Author, Study Design, Patients and Data

Year Allocation Characteristics Main Findings Study Conclusions Class

Barton et al, Noncomparative study, 9 adults with burns Patients averaged 63% Burn patients are responsive V
199775 resuscitation to ⬎25% more fluid than to volume loading and
PAOP ⫽ 15, then predicted by Parkland inotropic support
dobutamine to formula, oxygen
optimize oxygen delivery and
delivery consumption had a
moderate correlation
Holm et al, Noncomparative study, 16 adults with burns Survivors (n ⫽ 8) were Increased delivery likely V
200077 volume loading to ⬎20% more likely to beneficial based on
maximize oxygen respond to volume survivors’ data
delivery loading (r ⫽ .74)
Holm et al, Noncomparative study, 24 adults, with burns ITBV had good ITBV is a reliable indicator V
200078 use of ITBV to guide ⱖ20% correlation with of cardiac preload
fluid resuscitation cardiac index and
oxygen delivery
Holm et al, Random assignment to 50 adults with burns Preload-driven therapy No benefit of preload-driven I
200417 Parkland resuscitation ⬎20% group averaged 68% resuscitation
or ITBV-driven more fluid than
(preload) therapy controls. No
significant rise in
intrathoracic blood
volume in either
group until 24 hr.

PAOP, pulmonary artery occlusion pressure; ITBV, intrathoracic blood volume, calculated by transpulmonary dye/temperature dilution technique.

jor components of burn shock pathophysiology.80 jured donor serum.86 Plasma exchange aims to
Burn-mediated changes in the liver increase peroxi- restore the preinjury milieu by removing part of the
dation and decrease antioxidant capacity.81,82 Mat- patient’s plasma volume, in return for fresh frozen
suda et al demonstrated in dogs and guinea pigs that plasma and albumin. This strategy has been used suc-
treatment with high-dose ascorbic acid reduces cessfully in immune blood disorders, such as throm-
edema formation and fluid requirements during re- botic thrombocytopenia purpura and autoimmune
suscitation.83,84 The same authors have subsequently thrombocytopenia purpura, in which there is sus-
performed a prospective clinical trial in which the pected accumulation of toxic circulating factors. War-
ascorbic acid group had a 45% decrease in fluid ad- den et al described plasma exchange more than 20
ministered compared with controls (P ⬍ .01).85 Al- years ago as a rescue maneuver for patients failing
though there did not appear to be significant clinical fluid resuscitation.87 A subsequent small prospective
benefits beyond resuscitation volumes, there was no randomized trial by the same authors failed to show a
indication of harm from this strategy either. High- decrease in fluid requirements with this interven-
dose ascorbic acid is presently recommended as an tion.88 Although still empirically used as a salvage
option to clinicians. Antioxidant therapy as an ad- maneuver at some centers, plasma exchange cannot
junct to burn resuscitation mandates large-scale mul- be recommended outside the context of a trial, given
ticenter prospective validation before it should be ac- the lack of evidence supporting its efficacy. Recom-
cepted as a treatment standard. Recommendation mendation grade: C.
grade: C.
Plasma Exchange. Although fluid administration
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humorally-mediated systemic inflammation. Elegant
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Journal of Burn Care & Research
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