Exercices About Modals and Their Equivalents 2

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I)Replace the notion between brackets by a modal and translate into French:

1)(It’s strictly forbidden) You _________________ take photographs:_______________________________________

2)(It is allowed) You __________________ stay as long as you wish:________________________________________

3)(capacity)He __________________ speak four foreign languages:________________________________________

4)(It isn’t obligatory) You __________________ tell them that you’ve failed:_________________________________

5)It is recommended) You _________________ try to exercise a bit more:___________________________________

II)Complete the letters with the following modals (all of them must be used):must,needn’t,can,should,may. Indicate
the notion expressed by each of them on the right:obligation,capacity,advice(x2),probability,absence of obligation.

Dear doctor,
I suffer from recurrent nightmares.What _________________ I do? ______________________
Do you think I ____________________ try sleeping pills? (Paul) ______________________
Dear Paul,
First of all, you ___________________ avoid overeating before you ______________________
go to bed.Your nightmares _________________ be due to an excess ______________________
of rich and unhealthy food.Besides,you _______________ absolutely ______________________
avoid sleeping pills.They are far too dangerous.Most people suffering
from nightmares ________________ turn to medication because ______________________
medication is in most cases useless.What you need is relaxation and exercise.

III)Complete with one of the following modals.All the modals must be used at least once:needn’t,mustn’t can’t.

1)A:Can I go with them? B: No, you _____________________

2)A: You must tell me exactly what happened.
B: I’m sorry dear, but I _________________ tell you everything!
3) A: Can I tell them what happened?
B:No, you ________________ . Remember that you _______________ tell anyone what you’ve seen!

IV)Translate into English:

1)Il te faudra l’aider:______________________________________________________________________________

2)Je n’ai pas eu besoin de le faire:____________________________________________________________________

3)Est-ce qu’ils seront autorisés à rester :______________________________________________________________

4)Est-il vraiment nécessaire que nous restions ?:________________________________________________________

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