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Natural resource is one of the most important factors contributing to the life
and existence of every being on the Earth. However, natural resources
including fossil fuels are being depleted at an alarming rate due to human
overconsumption and exploitation. If this continues, fossil fuels will run out
in just decades and our existence would be threatened severely. Therefore, an
alternative for fossil fuels must be discovered as soon as possible in order to
maintain human survival. Nuclear energy can make up for any drawbacks
fossil fuels may have.
Firstly, nuclear energy is much more environmentally friendly than fossil
fuels. When fossil fuels are burnt, carbon dioxide, Sulphur dioxide and many
harmful side-products are released into the atmosphere. This will bring many
detrimental consequences to the environment such as global warming, acid
rain and most seriously, climate change. On the other side, although nuclear
energy does have some emissions, the plant itself does not give off
greenhouse gasses. Therefore, nuclear power utilization helps to reduce many
adverse effects on our life and surroundings.
Secondly, the density of nuclear power is one of the highest ratings in the
world. It is estimated the amount of energy released in a nuclear reaction is
ten million times greater than the amount released in burning a fossil fuel.
Furthermore, 1 kg of uranium produces millions times more energy than 1 kg
of coal. This energy resource provides a highly efficient source of power
compared to fossil fuels.
Finally, the cost of nuclear energy is manageable for most countries in the
long run. The initial construction costs of nuclear power plants may be
relatively large. However, once that generator comes to effect, then the
ongoing expenses are about 20% lower than that of a fossil fuel facility with
a similar output. Thus, nuclear power is more cost-competitive than all other
forms of electricity generation.
Some people claim that nuclear accidents, leakage and radioactive waste
would lead to disastrous catastrophes such as fatality and dreadful illnesses to
human and animals in the long term. However, all nuclear energy plants in
the world are following the most stringent safety regulations and using most
state-of-the-art technology and amenities to produce energy and treat
hazardous radioactive waste to reduce the risk of the worst case to the least.
In conclusion, nuclear energy is the ideal choice for the sake of most
countries for a sustainable development. If properly and wisely utilized,
nuclear energy will be a safe and reliable source and a catalyst for economic
growth and environmental sustainability.

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