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28 July 2010

ABC Moneychanger
A. Mabini Street
Malate, Manila

Dear Mr. ABC:

We write on behalf of our clients, Mr. DEF and Mrs. DEF, for
themselves and as attorneys-in-fact of the other owners of the parcel of land
you presently are occupying covered by Transfer Certificates of Title Nos.
123 and 456 issued by the Registry of Deeds of Manila.

The owners of the subject property hereby advise you of the

termination of whatever agreement you may have with the DEF Family in
respect of your occupation of the property. Considering that you do not have
any lease contract with the DEF Family, please be informed that you are
now occupying the premises only thru the owners’ tolerance. Our clients,
however, urgently need the premises for their own use.

Furthermore, the property you are occupying is already the subject

of a Writ of Execution dated 22 September 2009 issued by Branch 27 of the
Metropolitan Trial Court of Manila in Civil Case No. 123-CV. The DEF
Family only allowed your temporary stay for humanitarian reasons.

Only recently, however, we were informed that the structure you are
occupying has no building permit and had also violated the MMDA line.
Aside from the fact that you do not have any lease agreement with the owners
of the property that would allow you to continue with your business, the
structure you are occupying is a hazard to other adjacent establishments.

With this, we will be coordinating with the local government of

Manila for the cancellation of your business permit and the demolition of the
subject structure, for us to comply with existing laws.

Accordingly, final demand is hereby made upon you to voluntarily

vacate the subject property on or before 15 August 2010. Your failure to do
so will compel us to file civil and criminal cases against you, including claims
for damages and cost of litigation.

Very truly yours,

cc: Business Permits and Licensing Office

Office of the City Engineer

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