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Objective questions

1. Dielectrics which show spontaneous polarization are called as

a) Pyroelectric
b) Piezoelectric
c) Ferroelectric
d) Centrosymmetric
2. Polarization in Ferroelectric materials is
a) Permanent
b) Spiked
c) Linear
d) Reversible
3. The dielectric constant of a ferroelectric material changes with
a) Frequency
b) Temperature
c) Atmospheric Pressure
d) Wavelength
4. What happens in Ferroelectric material when T < Tc?
a) Non-polarized
b) Spontaneously polarized
c) Becomes Para-electric
d) Hysteresis loss
5. The polarization left when the field is reduced to zero is called
a) Residual Polarization
b) Spontaneous Polarization
c) Permanent Polarization
d) Dipolar Polarization
6. Which of the following is not a group of Ferroelectric Materials?
a) The Rochelle salt group
b) The KDP group
c) The Phosphate group
d) The Perovskites group
7. Piezoelectric effect is when materials produce electric charges when
a) Voltage is applied
b) Mechanical Stress is applied
c) Electric field is applied
d) Magnetic field is applied
8. The piezoelectric materials used for converting energy are called as
a) Transition Devices
b) Converter
c) Dielectric
d) Transducer

9. Piezoelectricity is shown by substances which are

a) Polar
b) Non-polar
c) Symmetric
d) Asymmetric
10. Piezoelectric effect is
a) Isotropic
b) Anisotropic
c) Large in Magnitude
d) Dominating

Fill in the Blanks

1. Pyroelectricity is an electrical response of polar dielectric with a change in

2. The conductivity of a conductor can be increased by its
3. The superconducting state is perfectly in nature.
4. The energy required to break a cooper pair is of the energy gap of
5. The binding energy for a cooper pair is .
6. The magnetic lines of force cannot penetrate the body of a superconductor, a
phenomenon is known as .
7. A solid that offers no passage of electricity is called super conductors.
8. Super conductors are discovered in the year .
9. The shifting of electrons in super conductors is prevented by .

10. The normal metal passes into super

conducting state at ___________.

Objective questions

1. Which is the primary element used for making stainless steel alloy?

a) Chromium
b) Zirconium
c) Vanadium
d) Indium
2. Addition of gives stainless steels an austenitic structure.

a) Molybdenum
b) Carbon
c) Nickel
d) Vanadium
3. Stainless steels with little carbon and no nickel are called

a) Ferritic stainless steel

b) Austenitic stainless steel
c) Martensitic stainless steel
d) Duplex stainless steel

4. Stainless steels with high strength, but low corrosion resistance are known as

a) Austenitic stainless steel

b) Ferritic stainless steel
c) Martensitic stainless steel
d) Duplex stainless steel

5. How is much amount of chromium (in percent) normally added in steel to be called as
stainless steel?

a) 1-2 %
b) 2-5 %
c) 5-10%
d) 10-30 %

6. Stainless steel is an alloy of:

(a) Iron, Carbon and Nickel

(b) Iron and Manganese
(c) Iron, Chromium and Zinc
(d) Iron, Chromium and Nickel

7. 18/8 stainless steel means, that it contains

A. 18% chromium and 8% nickel

B. 18% chromium and 8% molybdenum
C. 18% nickel and 8% chromium
D. 18% molybdenum and 8% chromium

8. Austenitic steels have austenite as their primary phase

a) face centered cubic crystal

b) body-centred cubic
c) body-centered tetragonal crystal structure
d) None of the above

9. Ferritic SS have a

a) face centered cubic crystal

b) body-centred cubic
c) body-centered tetragonal crystal structure
d) None of the above

10. Martensitic SS have a

a) face centered cubic crystal

b) body-centred cubic
c) body-centered tetragonal crystal structure
d)None of the above

Fill in the Blanks

1. Corrosion resistance of stainless steel due to the presence of ……………. in these elements.
2. Stainless steels are exposed to oxidizing environments, chromium gets rapidly oxidized and
forms a thin film of hydrous ……………….
3. Stainless steel is a group of ferrous alloys that contain a minimum of …………………….
4. Stainless steel is biologically inert,
making it a logical choice for …………
5. Stainless steel is resistant to………….
6. Nickel is an ……………..………., prompting the formation of austenite
7. Silicon addition improves stainless steel’s resistance to ……………………
8. Nitrogen is an austenite stabilizer and it improves the strength and…………
9. The addition of manganese in stainless steel helps the metal perform better in. .
10. Ferritic stainless steels usually have ……………………………………
Objective questions

1. Biomaterial must be needed

a) mechanical properties
b) osseointegration
c) high corrosion resistance and wear resistance
d) All of the above

2. Which of the following is a characterization technique used to measure Young’s

modulus of a biomaterial?
a) Tensile test
b) Compression test
c) Three- and four-point bend test
d) Calculation from the stress-strain curve
3. Which of the following is a characterization technique used to measure the
Ductility of a biomaterial?
a) Calculations from strength test
b) Single edge notched-beam Indirect measurement
c) Indentation
d) Cyclic stress test
4. Biomaterials are also used every day in
a) dental applications
b) surgery
c) drug delivery
d) All of the above

5. A biomaterial may also be

a) an autograft,
b) allograft
c) xenograft
d) All of the above
6. stainless steel is still widely used to provide temporary support and subsequently be
removed surgically after the facture is healed in the form of
a) Screw
b) Nails
c) Fracture plate
d) All of the above

7. The performance of medical grade titanium alloys is

a) Corrosion resistance
b) 50% greater strength to weight ratio
c) Cost is less
d) None of the above
8. Unalloyed Titanium is suitable biomaterial when
a) bending may be a part of the implant
b) Corrosion resistance is important
c) Strength is preferred
d) None of the above

9. Cobalt (Co) based implants have advantage than compared to Ti alloys

a) higher wear resistance
b) higher corrosion resistance
c) Higher bending strength
d) Higher osseointegration

10. Stainless steel is less corrosion-resistant and biocompatible than titanium due to
a) unique oxygen-rich environment
b) Mechanical properties
c) Light weight
d) none of the above

Fill in the blanks

1. Biomaterials are ………………… to replace the lost or diseased biological structure
to restore form and function.
2. A vascular graft also called ……………….
3. Biocompatibility is the ability of material not having injurious to the …………………
4. Young’s Modulus, E, of biomaterial which describes a material’s ……………………..
5. Matching the elastic modulus makes it possible to limit movement and delamination at the
bio interface can lead to ………………….
6. ……………………. that determines how robust to failure the biomaterial
7. ………….……… is a medical device manufactured to replace a missing biological structure
8. ……………………… are used as biomaterials due to their excellent mechanical properties
9. ………………. are expected to be highly nontoxic and should not cause any
inflammatory or allergic reactions in the human body.
10. …………..….. are engineered systems designed to provide internal support to
biological tissues.

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