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1. If you use the cognitive approach, which process will dominate your lesson development?

I Synthesizing
II Reasoning
III Comprehension
IV Lecturing
a. I, II, III
b. II, III
c. I, III
d. IV only

2. Will you be student-centered if you use the cognitive approach?

a. Student-centered
b. Teacher-centered
c. Depends on the ability of your students
d. Depends on the nature of the subject matter

3. Which one appropriately describes your lesson if you use the cognitive approach?
a. Promotes “find out for yourself” approach
b. Lecture-dominated
c. Rote learning dominated
d. Highly directed teaching

4. If your approach to your lesson is behaviorist, what feature will dominate your lesson?
I Drill
II Reasoning
III Lecturing
IV Cooperative Learning
a. I, III, IV
b. I, II. III. IV
c. II only
d. I only

5. Which is TRUE of the integrative approach to lesson planning?

I Multidisciplinary
II Teacher-centered
III Highly structured lesson
a. II and III
b. II only
c. I only
d. III only
6. If you decide to develop a lesson the constructivist’s way, what kind of learning environment
must you create for you to succeed?
a. Open and Flexible
b. Structured
c. Authoritarian
d. Laissez fair

7. If you are a constructivist, what assumptions about learning and learner govern your thinking?
a. For learners to learn, knowledge should be transmitted directly from teachers to learners
b. Learners are capable of constructing meaning of what is taught to them
c. Learners are empty receptacles waiting to be filled
d. Teachers are the only source of knowledge

8. You want your students to develop the ability to look are a problem from various perspectives,
which approach will be more fitted?
a. Affective approach
b. Behavioral approach
c. Modular approach
d. Integrative approach

9. If you apply differentiated instruction as an approach to reaching, which one will you do?
I Allow students to select their own group based on common interest
II Allow students to work independently at least occasionally according to their preference
III Come up with heterogeneous groups when working with open-ended Problem-solving task
a. I. II. III
b. I. III
c. II. III
d. I

10. You practice inclusive education. Which one applies to you?

I You accept every student as full and valued members of the class and School community
II Your special attention is on learners with specific learning or social needs
III You address the need of the class as a whole with the context of the learners with specific
learning or social needs
a. I only
b. II only
c. I and II
d. I and III

11. You choose cooperative learning as a teaching approach. Which thought do you impress your
a. Student’s success depends on the success of the group
b. Students individually evaluate how effectively their group worked
c. The accountability for learning is on the group not on the individual
d. Interaction is a must, but not necessarily face-to-face interaction

12. Your approach to teaching is influenced by Howard Gardner’s MI theory. What are you challenged to
I To come up with nine different ways of approaching a lesson to cater to the nine multiple intelligence
to do?
II To develop all students skills in all nine intelligence in one lesson
III To provide varied activities that acknowledge multiple intelligences of children
a. I only
b. III only
c. II only
d. I and II

13. You consider learning styles in your lesson development. What do you AVOID?
I Trace the root causes of varied learning styles
II Allow children to use preferred learning style
III Prescribe a uniform way of accomplishing a task
a. I and III
b. II only
c. I and II
d. III only

14. If you apply the integrated curriculum approach, which one is out?
a. Relating topic to life experience
b. Rote learning
c. Problem solving
d. Lifelong learning

15. If curriculum is designed following the traditional approach, which feature(s) apply(ies)?
I The aims of the curriculum are set by professional and experts
II Interested groups (teachers, students, communities) are assumed to agree with the aims of the
III Consensus building is not necessary
a. I, II, III
b. I. II
c. I, III
d. III only
16. The list of LET competences upon which your licensure examination is based is a product of five
consultative workshops with the academe in the entire country. What approach to LET competency
development was used?
a. Interactive
b. Objective
c. Rational
d. Collaborative

17. School curricula reflect worldwide economic issues, political integration and industrialization.
What do these point to in curriculum development?
a. The trends toward globalization and localization
b. The trend toward participatory curriculum development
c. The shift in the paradigm of curriculum development from a process oriented to a product-
oriented one
d. The trend toward the classical approach to curriculum

18. Which approach to curriculum development demands the integration of the concept of
sustainable development into the curricula?
I Multidisciplinary approach
II Holistic
III Systematic
IV Participatory
a. II, II, III, IV
b. I, II, IV
c. I, II, III
d. II, III, IV

19. Which are two (2) most important and relevant underpinning that a teacher needs in designing
and implementing learning experiences that cater to individual differences?
I Barrier to learning
II Inclusive education
III Student management theories
IV Support services and resources
a. I and II
b. II and III
c. III and IV
d. I and IV

20. Which of this/these statement/s best describe/s the team approach in differentiating instruction
for students?
I Teachers, other professionals and parents share information and skills to make student’s
education as effective and consistent as possible
II Peer support is given to develop skills in providing quality instruction in the basic learning areas
III Child to child support is demonstrated in peer teaching and buddy System
a. I and III
b. II, II and III
c. I only
d. II only

21. Which priority factors should be considered in organizing the learning competencies?
I Learner
II Values
III School Facilitator
IV Manner of Organization
V Social and Individual Needs
a. I, II and III
b. I, II and V
c. II, III and IV
d. I, III and V

22. The subject matter integration and organization of the curriculum involves
I life-centered approach
II core approach
III fused approach
a. I only
b. I and II
c. II and III
d. I, II and III

23. The pre-school curriculum focuses on children’s physical and mental growth, development and
good habits and attitudes via informal activities. Which of the following are emphasized in the first eight
I Aesthetic ideas
II Religious instruction
III Social Relationship
IV Physical training
a. I, II and III
b. I, III and IV
c. III only
d. I only

24. Which of the following are the attitudes and skills of teachers who help ALL types of learners?
I Establishing clarity about curricular essentials
II Accepting responsibility for learners access
III Accessing a repertoire of information
IV Developing flexible classroom routines
a. I, II, III, IV
b. I and II
c. I, II, III
d. III and IV

25. Which type of curriculum recognizes the necessity for learner to see the big picture rather than
piecemeal learning?
a. Core curriculum
b. Integrated curriculum
c. Differentiated curriculum
d. Multidisciplinary curriculum

26. With which does an instructional plan begin?

a. Topic
b. Objectives
c. Subject matter
d. Materials

27. Lesson objectives must go beyond recall. Which is concerned with recall?
a. To identify the provincial capitals of the following provinces
b. To interpret the table on the population density of the continents
c. To draw conclusions based on observation
d. To distinguished fact from opinion

28. With Bloom’s cognitive taxonomy in mind, which objective is is the highest level?
a. To rate a project along relevance, originality, and craftsmanship
b. To state a generalization from the given data
c. To write a paragraph that observes unity, coherence, and variety
d. To state the assumption that underline the given statements

29. Which objective in the affective domain is in the highest level?

a. To resist alcoholism
b. To approve of rules agreed upon
c. To listen to the narration of identified models
d. To relinquish membership in a gang

30. Which objective in the affective domain is in the lowest level?

a. To respond positively to a comment
b. To formulate criteria for honesty
c. To support viewpoints against abortion
d. To accumulate examples of authenticity

31. Which objective in the psychomotor domain is in the highest level?

a. To play the piano skilfully
b. To endure fatigue in the entire duration of the game
c. To discriminate shapes by touching
d. To move hands and legs in a coordinated fashion

32. Which objective in the psychomotor domain is in the lowest level?

a. To relax the abdominal muscle
b. To increase speed as required
c. To dance waltz gracefully
d. To move in space while remaining in one place

33. I lesson planning, is it advisable to have a mental picture on how you are going to evaluate your
student’s learning as you write your lesson objectives?
a. Yes, because this will ensure valid evaluation tools since the lesson objectives are the bases
for evaluation
b. Yes, because objectives and evaluation are the first and last part of a lesson plan
c. No, because evaluation is quite different from objectives
d. No, because lesson objective formulation gets derailed

34. Why is there a need to write lesson plans?

a. To comply with the requirements set by the school
b. To guide the teacher in the learning activities
c. To get a good rating in the performance of appraisal
d. To be able to show something during classroom observation

35. In preparing instructional materials, what is the primary factor to be considered?

a. The objectives of the lesson
b. The diversity of the learners
c. The methods and techniques
d. The technology available in the classroom

36. Why is curriculum considered dynamic?

a. It never ends; it has no beginning and no end
b. It changes just like those that occur in society
c. It jibes with the mandates of DepEd
d. It goes through a cycle
37. Which of the following views of the curriculum does NOT belong?
a. A body of subjects prepared by the teacher
b. All learning experiences organized by the school that the learners undergo
c. List of courses required of students
d. Student course requirement

38. What is the primary fundamental question in examining a curriculum?

a. What educational experiences can be provided that are likely to attain these purposes?
b. What educational purposes should the school seek to attain?
c. How can these educational experiences be effectively organized?
d. How can we determine whether these purpose are attained or not?

39. Which is NOT part of the grassroots approach of Hilda Taba?

a. Selection of learning content
b. Selection of learning experiences
c. Selection of technology
d. Selection of learning environment

40. On which educational philosophy is the thought that the teacher is the sole authority in her field
of specialization anchored?
a. Reconstructionism
b. Perennialism
c. Essentialism
d. Progressivism

41. Present trends and current issues of national and international interest are discussed in the
curriculum. Which educational philosophy advocates this?
a. Reconstructionism
b. Essentialism
c. Progressivism
d. Perennialism

42. Which educational philosophy is a curriculum based if the subjects are interdisciplinary,
integrative and interactive?
a. Progressivism
b. Reconstructionism
c. Essentialism
d. Perennialism

43. When the curriculum aims to develop the whole child, the curriculum is considered ____
a. Subject-centered
b. Child-centered
c. Project-centered
d. Nature-centered

44. Teachers used a lot of problem and thinking skills in teaching and learning. These are
exemplified through the following practices: reflective thinking, intuitive thinking and discovery learning.
What is the basis of these practices?
a. Cognitive Psychology
b. Behaviorist Psychology
c. Humanistic Psychology
d. Social Psychology

45. What king of curriculum is achieved when the learning outcomes are achieved by the students?
a. Assessed curriculum
b. Learned curriculum
c. Hidden curriculum
d. Taught curriculum

46. What criterion is NOT included in the selection of subject matter content?
a. Self-sufficiency
b. Creativity
c. Validity
d. Utility

47. The subject matter or content to be learned must be within the time allotted, resources
available, expertise of the teacher, and nature of learners. What criterion is addressed?
a. Validity
b. Significance
c. Interest
d. Visibility

48. When curriculum content is fairly distributed in each area of discipline, this means that the
curriculum is ________
a. Sequenced
b. Balanced
c. Integrated
d. Continued

49. Which holds TRUE when each level of subject matter is smoothly connected to the next level
and glaring gaps, wasteful overlaps in subject matter are avoided?
a. The curriculum must be sequenced
b. The curriculum must be articulated
c. The curriculum must be continued
d. The curriculum must be integrated

50. Which of the following represents a miniscule curriculum?

a. Textbook that learners use
b. Lesson plans that teacher prepares
c. Reference materials that supplement the text
d. Lecture notes of the teacher

51. Which of the following Pillars of Education would make the children learn to be?
a. Vocabulary Enrichment
b. Physical Exercises
c. Creative Writing
d. Cooperative Learning

52. Which of the following indicates that the fourth pillar of learning “learning to live together” is
being implemented in schools?
a. Schools teach respect for diversity
b. Schools show concern for what happens to children after they leave school
c. Schools celebrate United Nations Week
d. School teach care for the environment

53. Which of the following indicates that “learning to be” as another pillar of learning is applied in
I. Facilitating students’ personality development
II. Empowering people to learn more about themselves
III. Encouraging students to become immersed in their culture
a. I, II and III
b. II and III
c. I and II
d. I and III

54. Industrialization at the expense of human development points to the need to do m in school.
a. Learning to be
b. Learning to do
c. Learning to know
d. Learning to live together

55. What pillar of learning prepares every future educator the competencies required from
professional teachers?
a. Learning to be
b. Learning to do
c. Learning to know
d. Learning to live together

56. Teaching students and adults the art of conversation is in the harmony with which pillar of
a. Learning to be
b. Learning to do
c. Learning to know
d. Learning to live together

57. Which pillar of learning is intended towards the holistic development of man and his utmost
a. Learning to be
b. Learning to do
c. Learning to know
d. Learning to live together

58. Which pillar of learning is being fulfilled by inculcating the spirit of empathy among learners?
a. Learning to be
b. Learning to do
c. Learning to know
d. Learning to live together

59. Which pillar of learning is focused on the development of understanding of life, the world
around us, and other people?
a. Learning to be
b. Learning to do
c. Learning to know
d. Learning to live together

60. Which pillar of learning is concerned about the transformation of specialized skills into personal
a. Learning to be
b. Learning to do
c. Learning to know
d. Learning to live together

61. Which of the following skills corresponds to the Fourth Pillar of Learning, “Learning to live
a. Personal commitment and sense of responsibility
b. Adaptability to change in the world of work
c. Reasoning and problem solving skills
d. Empathy and cooperative social behavior
62. Which statement is NOT related to globalization?
a. Fundamental changes in the spatial and temporal contours of social existence, according to
which the significance of space or territory undergoes shifts in the face of a no less dramatic acceleration
in the temporal structure of crucial forms of human activity.
b. Processes of change which underpin a transformation in the organization of human affairs by
linking together and expanding human activity across regions and continents
c. Involves social, political and economic activities across political frontiers, regions and continents.
d. A field study and an emerging discipline whose major aim is to create equal educational
opportunities for students from diverse racial, ethnic, social-class, and cultural groups.

63. What is the significance of globalization to the instructional practices and learning experience?
a. Delocalization of technologies and orientation in education
b. Increased self-sufficiency of national educational systems
c. Commoditization and the corporate takeover of education
d. Reduced amount of protection and regulation of intellectual property

64. Which current trend in Philippine Education is associated with the study of basic concepts,
beliefs and values underlying our democratic political community constitutional order?
a. Civic Education
b. Multicultural Education
c. Global Education
d. Peace Education

65. Which of the following indicators DOES NOT point towards multicultural education?
a. Pedagogical humanistic
b. Experiential and reflective
c. Socially transformative
d. Cultural discriminating

66. Which of the following practices will indicate one of the concerns of Gender and Development
a. Analyzing the nature of women’s contribution within the context of work done both inside and
outside the household and reflects the public/private dichotomy that undervalues the work done by
women in the home.
b. Seeking to change mindsets, values and behaviors that have led to direct, structural and other
forms of violence in our society.
c. Recognizing ethnic diversity within a society that encourages others to be enlightened by
worthwhile contributions to society amidst diversity in ethnic backgrounds
d. Extending effort to directly address an issue, work with others in the community to solve a
problem or interact with the institutions of representative democracy.
67. Which of the following signifies that “equality of educational outcomes” is given emphasis in
gender equality in education?
a. Boys and Girls are exposed to same curricula, although the coursework may be taught
differently to accommodate their different learning styles.
b. Boys and girls have equal opportunities to achieve based on their individual talents,
resourcefulness and efforts
c. Boys and girls have equal chances of being employed after living full-time education
d. Boys and girls gain admission to formal, non-formal, or alternative approaches to basic

68. Which statement DOES NOT tell about gender equality education?
a. Gender equality education ensures fair chances for achievement which is free of gender-bias.
b. The freedom to learn, explore, and develop skills in all academic and extracurricular offerings is
being catered by gender equality education.
c. Gender equality education offers equal opportunities for both boys and girls to gain admission
to formal, non-formal, or alternative approaches to basic education.
d. Achieving access is indicated by enrolment rather than actual attendance.

69. Which of the following does NOT imply that a teacher is upholding the human dignity of a
a. Rejecting violent video games
b. Encouraging democratic participation
c. Respecting human rights
d. Fulfilling basic human needs

70. To be able to promote tolerance among pupils, a teacher should reject

a. Racism
b. War Toys
c. Negotiation
d. Simple Lifestyle

71. Teachers are encouraged to promote cooperative learning in peace education. Which of the
following indicates that a teacher adhered to this expectation?
a. Promote cognitive, affective and behavioral goals of learning.
b. Gives learners opportunities to generate insights from experiencing activities in the classroom
c. Provides opportunities for participants to work together and learn, rather than compete
d. Develops the social, personal and affective growth of the learners

72. Which of the following safely protects the provisions of Human Rights for all peoples of the
a. Magna Carta for Teachers
b. Code of Professional Ethics for Teachers
c. Universal Declaration of Human Rights
d. Bill of Rights in the Constitution

73. Which of the following statements about human rights is TRUE?

a. Human Rights favor status quo over social change.
b. Human Rights apply to everyone and are based on universal values.
c. Human Rights overemphasize the individual over the community.
d. Human Rights overemphasize rights over responsibilities.

74. Which of the following does NOT point towards the fourth dimension of gender equality
education: “equality of external results”?
a. Equal ability to contribute, participate and benefit from economic.
b. Equal learning for men and women with the similar qualifications and experience.
c. Equal status of men and women is society
d. Equal exposure to teaching methods and materials that are free of stereotypes and gender

75. Which of the following beliefs should the teacher avoid to effectively facilitate multicultural
a. Apprehension of diversity
b. Valuing the spirit of cooperation
c. Giving importance to a caring community
d. Setting aside ethnic diversity


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