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Name………………………. Date………………………..


Read the text:

My name is Juan and I live in a big and

contemporary city in the centre of Colombia.
The city is called Santa Fé de Bogotá and is
located in the department of Cundinamarca.
Besides, it is the capital city of Colombia which
means that is the largest and most crowded
city of my country. The city is surrounded
by high mountains, rivers and amazing
The weather is frequently cold. It
includes rainy, windy and cloudy days.
My house is in the north of the city, in a
pleasant neighborhood in front of a small park.
The city centre is the most expensive and noisiest place here. It is also the most
dangerous one after midnight. People are always running and rushing for their jobs, school
and other duties. Traffic and public transportation is awful too. TransMilenio is the main
public transport, but most of the time it is unsafe, crowded or really slow. For that reason, I
prefer to take a taxi or drive my car.
However, I love my city a lot because there are many places to visit, and activities to
do that you do not know where to start. I consider that it is the best place to live and I
would never move from here!

1. ( 6x3p=18p)Decide if the sentences are R ( right), W( wrong) or DS ( Doesn’t say).

a) Juan lives in a small city.
b) Santa Fe de Bogota is the capital city of Colombia.
c) The weather is always cold.
d) Juan has got a lot of pleasant neighbours.
e) People are always running and rushing.
f) Juan wants to move to another country.

2. ( 4x5p=20p)Answer the questions from the text:

a) Where is located Santa Fe de Bogota?
b) How is it the city centre?

c) Which is the main public transport in the city centre?


d) What mean of transport does Juan prefer?


3. (7x3p=21p)Put the adjectives in brackets into the comparative:

a)  Apples are ___________ than chips. (healthy)

b) Elephants are ________ (big) than bears.
c) Gold is ____________________- than silver. (expensive)
d) Bikes are ___________ than cars. (slow)  
e)  I am __________ at English than my brother. (good) 
f)  Sandy is ___________ than Tamara. (thin)
g) My father is ______________ than Tom's father. (strong)

4.(5x3p=15p)Put the adjectives in brackets into the superlative.

a) Berta is _______________________ girl in our class. (beautiful)

b) Happiness is ____________________________ in life. ( important)

c) My friend is_______________________________in our group. ( tall)

d) My sister is_______________________________( bad).

e) Planes are………………………………….( safe) means of transport.

5. (4x4p=16p)Complete the dialogue with a question from the box.

Here´s your ticket and change

Is it a direct train to London?

How can I help you?

Single or return

A: Hello!
B: Hello! …………………….
A: What time does the train to London leave?
B: At 16:35, from platform 8.
B: No, you have to change trains at Birmingham.
A: I see. One ticket to London, please.
B: …………………………………….., sir?
A: Single, please.
B: 64 pounds, please.
A: Here you are.
B: ………………………………………, sir.

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