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Amaithi - 6 Arokiyam - 2 September - 2018

Self - Sustaining Life

Herbal Tooth powder
Bathing powder
Hair wash powder
Current oil
Cloths washing powder
Floor wash
Briyani masala powder

Thoughts Mould Life

They made fun of me.
So, I raced ahead of them and looked behind.
They remained in the same place making fun of others.
- Healer Baskar
Writer's note
Dear all,

September 2018 We throw away tons of fruits and vegetable

waste into the trash can after using them for cooking.
But not many of know that they can be utilized to
produce over a hundred products that we shall use for
Herbal tooth powder our indoor and outdoor household purposes. This will
surely make a positive change in your monthly
Bath powder household budget.

Hair wash powder Shocking but true!These are products of

fermentation method called bio-enzymes. Using
Electric balm fermentation technique, we can derive a range of
products from health drinks to house cleaning supplies.
Cloth washing powder One solution for a variety of purposes. What's unique
about it is that it is natural. Natural yet most effective.
Floor cleaner Not just house cleaning, you can use bio-enzyme as a
base to derive shampoo and body wash to clean
Biriyani masala yourself too. I am learning the technique at the
moment. Once I'm done, we are planning to publish it
E-book Subscription on our monthly magazine giving few products a month.
3 years 5 years
Rs. 300/- Rs. 500/- Through fermentation technique we can
Note: It will be sent as a PDF le
transform kitchen waste into recyclable things. This can
to your e-mail ID alone every month. save you a great deal of money. For instance, if you're
spending 10,000 rupees a month for household supplies
now, it is more than enough if you allot just 1000
rupees for it hereafter. We are planning to discern more
information regarding this topic in our magazine every

Healer Baskar.
Self-sustainable life – 3

Herbal Tooth powder -Healer Baskar, Founder

Anatomic Therapy Foundation.

H ave you ever wondered

where the products that
we use daily are coming
to us from? ey will certainly be products
of big cor porate companies. Media
A lot of such examples can be given.
Which product can we use? What are the
ingredients and components present in the
product? It's we who must decide if we must
buy the product or not based on its pros and
broadcasts their advertisements and cons. Buts today it's the media channels who
succeeds in trying to grab our a ention. We decide what products we must use. is has to
believe what is shown and buy their change immediately
products. But what happens in reality? Is the
product really doing its job that perfect? In this regard, we are also seeing a lot
of different advertisements on tooth paste,
For instance, they publicized the brush, mouthwash etc. Not to mention their
idea that wood pressed oil increases repetition on media. Repetitive
cholesterol in the body and hence using advertisements foster us to buy the product
re ned oil is good for your heart. Did you with trust. But only a er tooth paste and
notice the increase in the number of heart tooth brush started coming out on the
patients subsequently? market, did our oral health get destroyed.

If you observe keenly around you, “Has your toothpaste got salt? Has it
the ones who use a variety of scents, got tamarind? Chili?”, asks a smart looking
perfumes, soaps and deo will be the ones to actress who has come along with her team
have go en skin diseases. and a mic to a person who has just woken up
and is brushing his teeth. Do any of these
04 SEP 2018
are now asking, “Does your toothpaste have
charcoal?”. Isn't that what we used to clean
our teeth with? You told us not to use them.
Now you're back saying it's right. We were
rightly travelling in the path paved by our
ancestors. But they made us abandon all of it
saying it was stupidity.

We also did as we were told. But today

they are selling their products to us by saying
all that they said earlier was a mistake. People
people have any sense breaking into have got to understand how these corporate
someone's house without their permission companies are making a fool of all of us.
and asking them silly and stupid questions?

We are going to see intensively how What are the ingredients in a tooth
to make herbal tooth powder at homeand to paste?
replace toothpaste with this natural
substitute further in this article.
A mixture of harmful chemicals is
What does your tooth paste added in the tooth paste for the taste, smell
contain? and to increase its shelf life. Sodium laurel
sulphate (SLS) is added to produce lather,
Most of you would remember an
advertisement that used to show on Stannous uoride is added to protect from
Television and newspapers which shows a bacteria, Sorbitol and humectant are
wrestler cleaning his teeth with charcoal,
consequently he gets dental problems and added to keep the tooth paste moist,
exclaims, “Ahhh” in pain. is advertisement Sodium saccharin for sweetness,
was quite popular during those days, I'm
sure most of you can recollect. ere was this Sodium bi-carbonate also known as
particular sentence, “Almonds and milk for washing soda, salts, Calcium
the body. But charcoal for the teeth?”. e
same people who made fun of us for using phosphorus, magnesium, vitamin D
charcoal to clean our teeth, are the ones who and a lot of other chemicals are added.
05 SEP 2018
When excess amount of uoride se les
in the mouth, oral problems like tooth
decay, cavity, pain, weakening of gums,
breaking of tooth, weakening of
enamel, dental plaque, sensitivity etc.,
occur. Hence using tooth paste with
uoride damages oral health.

2. Advertisements preach that

Apart from these, some tooth pastes
uoride is essential for the strength of
companies add Sodium lauryl, sodium
bones and teeth, and dentist-like actors
laureate, baking soda and peroxide.
are shown strongly recommending
ese chemicals are capable of causing
harm to the gums and teeth. tooth pastes with uoride. But the
uoride that is naturally present in
TO polish and whiten the teeth water is sufficient. When it is given in
some chemicals are used which are excess, uorosis happens resulting in
called abrasives. ese are responsible tooth decay. Even elixir when in excess
for cavities in teeth. Please check the becomes poison
percentage of this chemical used in
your tooth paste 3. e detergent that is added for
the lather and the chemicals that are
Cons of tooth paste: added for the colour are responsible for
weakening the enamel. Apart from that
1. F l u o r i d e i s a c h e m i c a l it gives a metallic taste which ends up
component that is available in the affecting the taste buds.
nature itself. e amount of uoride
that our body requires is available in 4. Continuous usage of chemical
the water we take itself. ere is no tooth pastes impairs the taste buds to
necessity to add it to the tooth paste an extent that it loses its natural sense of
arti cially in the form of chemical. taste.
06 SEP 2018
5.As the chemicals still remain in the another form of plastic. is kind of
mouth even a er brushing our teeth, it plastic when used enters the sea
mixes with the food we take and gets through drainage which is not good for
accumulated in the stomach. is can the sea animals. ese particles are so
even cause digestive problems like minute that sh takes it along with its
ulcer, indigestion etc. food. e real problem starts when we
consume these sh. Because when we
6.Gel and cream tooth paste shorten eat them, we're also taking in Dimethyl
the span of teeth depreciation. sulphate which causes skin cancer,
Bisphenol which causes hormonal
7.Shaky tooth, tooth ache, cavities, imbalance, curium, mercury and other
weak gums, decay, alveolus tooth, such chemicals.
teeth loss etc. happen due to the usage
of tooth paste with chemicals. e irony is that we talk about
plastic ban while eating sh that
8.Our enamel and dentine are much contains plastic.
stronger than our bones. But chemical
toothpastes have the capacity to make
them lose their strength. Hence, avoid
using toothpaste.

In recent times, we have been

introduced to the term
“Micro-crystals” in
toothpastes face
wash and scrub
ese micro-
which are
added to the products are nothing but
07 SEP 2018
It is true that you should brush morning won't improve the situation.
twice a day and keep your mouth Gargling your mouth with plain water
clean. But it is best for your oral a er every meal is one of the best things
hygiene to do so without using to do. As far as possible, use just your
toothpaste. ngers to clean your teeth. e teeth
become healthy w hen you give
Why should we brush? sufficient pressure using your ngers.
is is the most natural way towards
A s soon as you wake up ever y oral health. It is best to brush your teeth
morning, we hurriedly brush our teeth at night before going to bed. As you
and gargle our mouth. We do this with have brushed in the night, there is no
the good intention that our teeth must need to brush in the morning a er
be healthy, and our mouth must be waking up. Because the teeth would be
clean. But not much good comes from clean. You can gargle your mouth using
doing this. But no good comes of it. lukewarm water if need be. at will do
e food particles from the food we the job. You can also brush your teeth if
eat all day: Drinks, food, snacks, junk you want. But there is no need for it.
food etc.; would have se led in the
gaps of our teeth. But we go off to sleep Using your thumb and index
without cleaning them. is makes the nger to clean the gaps between teeth is
germs happy. Because you have given another great practice. Place your
them food. ey reside on the insides thumb nger on the gums on the inner
of insides of your gum and come out to side of the upper teeth and your index
feast on the food particles and grow. In nger on the gums on the other side of
the morning when we wake up and the upper teeth. en gently press using
start our routine, they go back to theirboth ngers and move it downwards.
hiding place. It is these germs that is removes the dirt in between the
cause tooth decay, gum problems, gums and the teeth. Do the same for the
cavities etc., lower teeth as well. When you give
gentle pressure on the gums, they
Brushing your teeth in the become stronger and healthier.
08 SEP 2018
Now we shall see how to add the turmeric powder along with
prepare herbal tooth powder using the Himalayan salt in the speci ed
nat u ra l i ng red i ent s so we c an quantities and mix them well. ere
you have your herbal tooth powder
eliminate the use of tooth paste ready to use.
Ingredients: 1.Teeth gets stronger and the gums gets
Chebulic Myrobalan. (Kadukkai healthier.
powder) -100 gm 2. is can cure all kinds problems like
Beleric ( aandrikkai) – 100 gm tooth ache, dental plaque, tooth decay,
Dried Amla – 100 gm cavity, sensitivity etc., and prevent
Tailed pepper – 50 gm further problems.
Clove – 20 gm 3.As it is made using only natural and
Cardamom – 10 gm herbal products and as we haven't
Himalayan Rock salt – 20 gm added any kind of chemical to it, it gives
Turmeric – 1 pinch complete health to the teeth.
4.We save the money we spend every
month on tooth paste. Because we
Method: make herbal tooth powder at home
All the ingredients mentioned quick and easy.
above can be bought at your local 5.We can maintain our oral health in a
“NaatuMarundhuKadai”. Out of the very natural way.
ingredients mentioned, we are going 6. ere won't be any need for tooth
to use only the skin of Chebulic extraction, lling, operating etc. We
myrobalan, Beleric and Dried Amla. will save a lot of money on dental bills.
So it is important to discard the seeds. 7.You can use this as a best substitute
Except for turmeric and Himalayan for tooth paste.
rock salt, all the other ingredients must8 . No t t o m e n t i o n t h a t t h i s i s
be sun dried and ground. You can go to environment-friendly.
the grinding mill and get those 9. is gives us both the satisfaction that
ingredients ground. It is best if they are
we are going nature-friendly and our
ground in a mill. In case who don't
have access to a mill, you can use your oral health.
mixer grinder at home. But the
difference is that mixer grinder gives Let us all make our own herbal tooth
coarsely ground powder whereas
grinding mill gives ne powder which powder. Let us go back to sustainable
is great for cleaning the teeth. Later, living. Let us all be healthy.
09 SEP 2018
Self-sustainable life – 4


B athing plays a crucial

It is basically done to
clean our body of dirt and dead cells.
We also do it because it is refreshing.
Bathing with this herbal bath
powder can be refreshing for both your
role in our day to day life.
body and your mind. It puri es and
cleanses your body and makes your
skin feel supple like that of a baby. You
But what good is it if the things we use smell like herbs all day long. It gives
to clean our body with are full of your skin glow and you feel beautiful.
harmful chemicals? Of course, the at's what's more important right? I
shampoo, the soap, the deodorant we had already published an article on how
buy from the stores and use are full of to make herbal bath powder using 22
h e r b s o n o u r
chemicals. ese products mess with AmaithiyumArokiyamum magazine.
t h e p o res i n o u r s k i n an d are Tons of people came back saying their
responsible for skin diseases. skin diseases were reducing and that
they really found the herbal bath
Why buy soap when you can powder bene cial. I really feel happy
prepare your own bath powder using when I hear such responses from
natural herbal ingredients? at is people.
what we are going to see in this article.
You will learn how to make herbal bath If you're interested to know more
powder. about the bath powder with 22 herbs
please nd it on our monthly
10 SEP 2018
magazine or nd my video on this e ingredients mentioned
topic on my YouTube pro le,” Healer above are ones that are easily available
Baskar”. For further queries reach our to us. ey can be bought at our local
office at 9842452508 / 9944221007. “Naatumarundhukadai” or sometimes
in our surrounding itself. Wild turmeric
In this article we are about to see and green gram are things that we use in
how to make an herbal bath powder our day-to-day cooking. So, the rst
using 11 herbs. step is to make ready all the ingredients
in the speci ed quantity.
at this bath powder has only
11 herbs, doesn't make it any less Benefits of each ingredient:
bene cial. It does the same job as the Kuppaimeni leaves: An excellent
one with 22 herbs. Most ingredients herb that cures skin diseases. “Kuppai”
are common in both the bath powders. means rubbish and “Meni” means skin
We may use a few different herbs in in Tamil. So, this is basically a herb that
this one. Otherwise both powders do is great for the skin found amongst
their job equally well. You can also add
your preferred herbs and make
Green gram: Apart from keeping
another variety of bath powder.
the skin moist it also keeps our skin
According to your preferences you healthy and our body cool.
may modif y the proportions of
ingredients. Soap nut skin: is is an herb that
produces lather and puri es the skin.
Karboga rice - 100 gm Senna flowers and leaves: is
White Turmeric – 100 gm herb does two jobs. 1. Opens the pores
Wild Turmeric – 200 gm of our skin and brings out the dirt. 2.
Senna ower and leaves (Avaram) - Keeps the skin so .
Together 100 gm
Neem leaves – 100 gm Rose petals: Don't you love the
Green gram = 250 gm smell of rose petals? at is why we add
Vetiver – 100 gm them. ey also keep the body cool.
Nut grass (Korai kizhangu) – 100 gm
Soap nut skin – 100 gm Vetiver: It is known for its cooling
Rose petals – 100 gm effect and can cure your kidney
Kuppaimeni leaves – 100 gm diseases.
11 SEP 2018
Nut grass (Korai kizhangu):
Makes rough skin so and has a great

Neem leaves:
It has got the efficiency to ght against
germs and cools the body too. It is
known for its germ-killing properties
both inside and on the outside of the
body. Green grams can be heated in a pan for
smooth grinding.
White turmeric:
It has a good fragrance, cools the body Vetiver, nut grass, soap nut skin
and cures skin diseases, and karboga rice must be sun-dried.
Rose petals and kuppaimeni leaves
Wild turmeric: must be dried in the shade.
Gives glow to the skin. Keeps scabies,
germs and skin diseases at bay.
Take all the ingredients except
Karboga rice: wild turmeric to the grinding mill and
It clears the skin of poisonous get them ground. As I mentioned
substances se led in the pores. Skin earlier grinding mill grinds things into
rashes, ringworms, scabies can be ne powder which is great for bathing.
cured. People who don't have access to a
grinding mill, can grind them in a mixer
Method: grinder at home. Finally, add the wild
turmeric to the bath powder, mix them
Take the wild turmeric and well and there you have it. Herbal bath
white turmeric a er dryingthem well powder. Store it in an airtight container
in the sun.Let the Senna owers and and start using it. Let us switch to this
leaves dry up in a shady place and herbal bath powder that is easy to make
expose it to sunlight only for a while at home with natural ingredients.
before grinding it. is helps maintain Let us protect our skin and keep it
the efficacy of the powder. Neem healthy. Let us live joyfully.
leaves must be dried in the shade too.
12 SEP 2018
Self-sustainable life – 5

Hair wash
W henever we're
ge ing ready to go
s o m e w h ere, we
always concentrate more on our hair.
Our hair adds beauty to our face, and
wash powder with ease at home. Here's
the list of things you will need:
Hibiscus owers and leaves – 200 gm
Dried Amla – 100 gm
Acacia concinna (Shikakai) – 250 gm
Neem leaves – 50 gm
we are going to see how we can protect Bhringraj/ False daisy – 100 gm
our hair using herbal hair wash powder Fenugreek – 200 gm
Soap nut skin -250 gm
in this article. We will also learn how to Albiziaamara/ Arappu – 250 gm
prepare it. Vetiver – 100 gm
Before I tell you how to prepare
is herbal hair wash powder is the powder, let me just brief you about
hundred percent made using natural its health bene ts.
ingredients. is extensively helps in
Hibiscus flower and leaves:
keeping the roots strong, cooling the Helps keep the hair so and shiny.
body and keeping the hair so and
shiny. Besides it prevents hair fall, Dried amla:
Strengthens the roots of the hair and
strengthens the hair follicles and keeps it healthy.
improves hair growth. It helps get rid
of dandruff that forms because of heat. Shikakai:
Puri es the head of all the dirt and
dandruff that may have se led on the
We can prepare this herbal hair
13 SEP 2018
Bhringraj: dried in the shade. On the other hand,
It improves hair growth and prevents dried amla, fenugreek, shikakai and
hair from falling. Most herbal hair oils vetiver must be sun-dried. We are to use
use Bhringraj or false daisy as the key

Neem leaves:
We use neem leaves because it has
cooling effects and clears the scalp of
dandruff and its likes.

Helps in strengthening the roots and
in keeping the hair so . only the skin of soap nuts. Hence
remove the seeds from them and dry it
Soap nut skin: in the sun.
is is mainly used to clean the scalp
and produce lather. As arappu is already in the
powdered form, we shall keep it aside
Arappu: and add to the mixture in the end. Get
It Is used to bring down the body heat. the other ingredients ground at a
grinding mill. People having no access
Vetiver: to a grinding mill, can make use of
It neutralizes if there is excess Kapham mixer grinder at home. Finally, we must
in the body and also cools the body. It add the arappu powder to the mixture
also has a rich aroma. and blend it well. Our herbal hair wash
powder is now ready to use. Don't
You can get all these ingredients forget to store it in an airtight container.
f r o m y o u r l o c a l
“Naatumarundhukadai”. Some of Take the required quantity
them can be easily spo ed in your whenever needed and make sure to
surrounding itself. Gather all the
close the lid tightly so no air enters. We
ingredients in their speci ed
quantities. do this so that it remains fragrant and
fresh for a long time.
Hibiscus owers and leaves, Let us make our own herbal hair wash
Neem leaves and Bhringrajmust be powder and use it.
Let us lead a healthy life.
14 SEP 2018
Self-sustainable life – 6

pain balm

without rest or overthinking and stress

may also cause pains. e only right
way to relieve the pain is to nd its root
cause and to x it.

T here are tons of people

w h o s e han d s
immediately reaches
over to get pain balm or pain relievers
for even the slightest of pain. On one
But doctors warn that regular
intake of such chemical pain relief
tablets may lead to allergy, nausea,
hand there is body pain that arises at diarrhea and in some cases kidney
one spot or the other from the head to diseases. In the same way, using pain
toe, on the other hand there is stress relief balms from the stores is said to
and depression today due to lifestyle
changes which causes head ache. cause neurological problems, poor
blood circulation etc.
To save themselves from those
pains, people rely on pain relievers, ere has to be a natural solution to
pain balms and tablets.Whenever we pain relief that can be an alternative for
experience pain in any part of the the store-bought pain relievers. We are
body, there will be a reason behind it. It going to see how to prepare an electric
may be an indication that something is pain balm at home using a few salts and
wrong with the organs or nutritional coconut oil. It relieves pain as quick as
de ciency. Working continuously an electric current and that's how it got
its name 'electric balm'.
15 SEP 2018
An article about electric pain
balm has already been published in
one of our monthly editions. But this is
being included in this issue also as one
of the ( archarbu) self-sustainable
living products.

ymol crystals – 20 gm
Menthol salt – 20 gm
Borneo camphor – 20 gm
Glass jar – 1

Method: alkaline property of the ingredients

You can get the three ingredients may absorb plastic molecules.
mentioned above from a
'Naatumarundhukadai' (Siddha
store). It is very important to get them How to use:
packed in separate packages. Because It is more than enough if you apply and
when the three mix together they massage a few drops of this electric
immediately change to liquid state. So, balm on the areas where you have pain.
get them in separate packs and ll the e pain will vanish in no time. Some
glass jar with the ingredients. en
shake the jar well. And there is your people may experience rashes, itching
electric balm. If you put the and such allergies if the balm is applied
ingredients in large chunks, then it will directly on the skin. en you may use
take longer for it to change to liquid coconut oil as a carrier. at is, you
state. But then if you break them up could add a few drops of the balm to
into small pieces, then it changes to
liquid state quickly. coconut oil and then apply it on the
skin. In the same way, when you're
Store it in an airtight container using this balm on the forehead area, it
and use it whenever needed. It is is best to mix few drops of the balm in
extremely important and necessary to coconut oil and then use. For instance,
make use of a glass container to if a person wants to apply this balm on
prepare or to store the electric balm. his forehead for a headache, the applied
Strictly avoid plastic because the balm may cause the eyes to burn.
16 SEP 2018
Hence, while applying for the
cheeks, neck, forehead, nose or ears
add ten drops of the electric balm to 50
ml of coconut oil and use. It is best to
avoid applying it directly on babies.
Add only 5 drops of the electric balm
to 50 ml of coconut oil in case you Let us all start using this electric
want to use it on babies. Please listen p a i n b a l m m a d e u s i n g n at u r a l
carefully. For instant relief remember ingredients like menthol salt, thymol
to add only ten drops of for adults and crystals, coconut oil and Borneo
only 5 drops of balm to 50 ml of camphor which is also very easy to
coconut oil in the case of babies. prepare and most effective. It can be
used for joint pain, back pain and
It is always recommended to for hands and legs etc. We shall live a
use it along with coconut oil. But healthy and of course a pain free life.
please understand that in some cases Because we now know how to prepare
when there is extreme pain wherever the best pain reliever.
in the body (except head), you may use Few drops are enough to get instant
it directly on skin. relief from body pain.

Send a mail to

and you will get 9 reply mails consisting

of all healer Baskar's Videos, audios and books.

17 SEP 2018
Self-sustainable life – 7

washing powder
You can either use it in the same
way as they do with detergent powder
by soaking the clothes in the water and

T h e re a re p l e n t y o f
washing powders and rinsing it or you can use it in the
detergent bars available washing.
in stores ever ywhere. ey are
undeniably made using chemicals Ingredients:
alone. Many different chemicals are Soap nut skin – 1 kg
used for the color, for the aroma and Shikakai (Acacia concinna) – ½ kg
for the cleaning property. ese
chemicals do harm both to our body Vetiver – ¼ kg
and clothes. We will see how to easily
prepare an herbal cloth washing Method:
powder at home using only natural
Yo u g e t t h e s e i t e m s a t
Ingredients. Naatumarundhukadai or siddha stores.
is herbal cloth washing By drying these ingredients in the sun,
powder is damn easy to make. You can they come to a consistency which helps
make it at home. Since we don't use in smooth grinding. Vetiver is a densely
soap, detergent, washing powder or tu ed grass and so you cannot use it as
any kind of chemical in this, it is safe on it is for grinding. So, cut them into small
hands as well as clothes. Using it not grindable pieces. Later, take the
just brightens the clothes but also does
good for the skin. ingredients to a grinding mill and get
them ground.
18 SEP 2018
Grinding mill grinds the mixture into a kind of comfort while wearing the
ne powder which is great for our clothes washed using vetiver. We make
purpose. But people who don't have
access to grinding mill. Don't worry! so much fuss about eating organic food
You can use your mixer grinder to do without chemicals and toxins and we
the job. Now we have our all natural speak about its health bene ts. Yet we
and herbal cloth washing powder.
don't bother that much about the
Highlights: chemicals in other products that we
We use 1 kg of soap nut skin to use. Yes, I'm talking about detergent
prepare this powder. Our ancestors powders. Just like how toxins in food
used it enormously for removing dirt
enter our system through our mouth,
as they had discovered about its
the toxic particles that gets se led in
our clothes due to being washed with
detergent powder, easily enters our skin
through the pores. We have to
understand that even this is hazardous.
extraordinarycleansing property. ey
had been using it for washing the
at is why it is best to make our
dishes, washing the clothes etc. It does
more than just producing lather. It own cloth washing powder with natural
does a very good cleaning job. ingredients and use it.

Shikaki is another ingredient How to use:

that is added to remove dirt. We use You can use it in the washing
half a kg of shikakai. It removes stains machine in the usual manner. And
and dirt with ease. there is no need to struggle with this the
way you struggle with detergent bars to
Vetiver is added for its aroma. remove stains from clothes. Instead, ll
Because of its cooling effect, we feel a 3/4th bucket with water.
19 SEP 2018
Mix 2 spoons of the herbal
washing powder to it. e
water will lather up. Now you
can put your laundry inside
and let it soak for about an
hour. Meanwhile the dirt
would have separated from
the clothes and would have use any old sock that you may have at
mixed in water. Now washing gets home. You can put two spoons of
simpli ed. A mild rinse and drain will powder inside a sock, tie a knot to
secure it and use it.
remove the rest of the dirt. ere is no
In case there are old and unused co on
need to torture your hand to remove
cloths at home, they can be used to
stains off clothes, when clothes can be solve the purpose too.
easily washed with very less effort. You Let's start making and using our own
can save time and energy. cloth washing powder. Let's lead a
happy and healthy life.
Machine wash:
Put two spoons of herbal washing
powder onto a piece of co on cloth,
secure it with a knot and put it in the
washing machine along with the dirty
clothes. Instead of using the powder
directly in the washing machine, do as
mentioned above. is must be kept in
mind. It is very important to follow
this step.
Instead of using co on cloth you can

20 SEP 2018
Self-sustainable life – 8

Floor Cleaner
disinfectant can increase the risk of
Chronic obstructive pulmonar y
disease (COPD), Asthma, bronchitis
etc. Is there any way to put an end to

C l e a n l i n e s s a n d these chemical disinfectants and

hygiene are of
e n o r m o u s
importance to all of us.We care so
much about hygiene because it has an
bleaching powder to clean our oors?

Yes, there is….

Here, I'm going to introduce you

impacton our health. We do our best to to a oor cleaner which is easy-peasy to
keep our oor clean. We put in a lot of prepare yet very effective.
effort. In addition to sweeping, we also
It will not cost a penny because
mop our oors.
we are going to use things that will be
available at home all the time. We can
To clean the oors bleaching use those things to prepare a oor
powder is being used predominantly.
cleaner and use it to clean our oors
According to recent ndings, it has
been made clear that regular exposure naturally.
to bleaching powder affects the lungs
and causes lung diseases. Health and Ingredients:
Hygiene Department of France has Crystal salt – a small amount
revealed that even weekly usage of Borneo camphor – a small amount
bleaching powder or any chemical Turmeric powder – 2 pinches
21 SEP 2018
e ingredients
that have been
mentioned are things
that are regularly used in
all the households. Take positive energy. So, it is compulsory to
them in the given quantity. Fill half a use crystal salt in the oor cleaner
bucket with water like you would do liquid to clean the oor. It brings
normally to clean the oor. Add the positive energy into your home.
ingredients to the water and mix well. Borneo camphor has a relaxing smell
that is appreciated widely. It has a
lasting aroma. e turmeric powder we
e quantity of each ingredient add is the hero of all the ingredients
must be increased or decreased because it is the most effective
according to the area of the oor that disinfectant of nature. Using these
needs to be mopped. You will get three ingredients to clean the oors will
keep your office, home, industry clean
familiar with the quantity a er few and hygienic in the most natural way.
uses. Since Borneo
camphor comes in
TV and other media show us
large chunks, you how the chemical disinfectants have
could powder it and killed the germs on the oor. ey'll
then add. Turmeric zoom right in and show us using a
powder can be used microscope or whatever that is. Good
in a much lesser animation. Kudos to the advertising
team. But who knows how that thing
quantity than those really works? Our natural disinfectant,
of crystal salt and unlike the chemical disinfectants gives
Borneo camphor the best results and does a great job in
which is more than cleaning the oors and bringing back
en o ug h. Fo r t h i s health. You can see for yourselves.
purpose, either wild
turmeric or Turmeric L et u s star t u s i ng t h i s nat u ra l
nger may be used. disinfectant which brings positive
energy, joy, purity and all to our family.

Salt is used to create Let us live happily.

22 SEP 2018
Self-sustainable life – 8
Biriyani Otherwise, if they are used as they are it
will reduce the life of the grinder.
Masala Hence, they must be broken in two
pieces or crushed in a stone grinder

I t is only the biriyani masala

which brings the avor to
the biriyani. Unfortunately,
we don't prepare it. We only buy it
from the stores. And these masala
before pu ing them into the mixer jar
along with the other ingredients. If we
are planning for small quantity, then it
can be done at home using mixer
packets from the stores contain grinder. In case it has to be made in
chemicals which are added for the large quantity, then go and get it done at
fragrance, taste and color. We are well
aware of the harmful effects these a grinding mill.
chemicals have on our body. We are
going to see how to prepare avorful Following which, the nal step is
and fragrant biriyani masala at home to sieve the powder to get ne and
using natural ingredients in this article. avorful biriyani masala. Here you
Ingredients: have, the fragrant biriyani masala
Cinnamon – ¼ kg powder prepared at home using all-
natural ingredients. You made it. So ,
Clove – 25 gm
you know for sure it is healthy.
Cardamom – 25 gm
Star anise – 10 numbers Us e t h i s B i r i y a n i m a s a l a
Red chili – 25 gm whenever you are making biriyani and
Bay leaf – 2 numbers let its aroma invite your neighbors to
your kitchen. Just rock it. e smell and
Method: the taste will make your biriyani top-
Crush 250 grams of cinnamon
and ten numbers of star anise in an Let us prepare biriyani masala at
'Ural' stone grinder. Or using a stone home. Let us all live happily.
or a piece of wood, break them in two
pieces. We have this step because they Healer Mathivanan
cannot be ground in the mixer grinder Coimbatore
as they are due to their robustness.
23 SEP 2018
Cloth Bags
-Healer Baskar.

saying that you want a cloth bag

stitched in the exact same way. He can
do it. Besides if such bags are hung

W e hear of a lot of
campaigns from all
over the world
spreading awareness on the harmful
effects of using plastic bags. Several
outside the shops as displays, whoever
needs it can buy it. Whoever is hoping
to do a small-scale business can make
people have started speaking about such cloth bags and sell them for a
it.It is high time we nd an alternative living. You can also educate people on
to plastic bags and reduce the usage of these bags and how to make them. is
can fetch good for everyone.
For example, when you're going
grocery-shopping you could take a If and only if we start making and
cloth bag or paper bag from home and using our own stuff and helping each
go. is is one of the many ways to other in making their own products can
reduce the usage of plastic bags. An we break free of the control of
illustration of the cloth bag I'm talking corporate companies over us.
about is given on the top le corner.
is kind of cloth bag is very useful for I sincerely thank Mrs. Sharmila
carrying as well as segregating the from Chennai for le ing me know
groceries into separate pouches. Find a about the production of cloth bags
good tailor and show him the picture through Whatsapp.
24 SEP 2018
Devotion to God
A husband and wife devoted to “ We're stuck on a boat during a
god are going on a pleasant tour. thunderstorm and you want to play
games with me?”.
e wife, on seeing a lake asks
her husband, “Shall we go boating just e husband asks his wife, “Why
the two of us?”. are you smiling? Shouldn't you be in
fear right now? ere's a man holding a
e husband agrees,” Alright” sharp knife against your neck!”.
owing to his wife's wish. And the two
of them sail some distance on the boat. e wife lovingly says, “Of
course I see that the knife is sharp but
Slowly the weather starts to the one holding it is the man I love.”
change. e wind starts to blow. It
starts to blow furiously, and the dark “How can someone whom I love
clouds bring about a crash of thunder do harm to me?”, says the wife in a
strong enough to cause the heart to loving manner.
skip a beat. at is immediately
followed by a lightning a er which the Pu ing the knife back inside the
wife runs and sits next to her husband. bag and with his hands on her cheeks,
She says,” Honey, this is really scaring the husband says, “In the same way, my
me. Let us sail quickly to the shore.” love, the thunder, storm, wind and rain
may seem dangerous. But the one who
e husband looks at her has control over these things is e
composedly, gives his wife a gentle Almighty we love.”
smile and says, “Are you scared? Okay.
Just a moment….” He says,” How can he cause harm
to you or me who love him to the very
He takes out a really sharp knife core?”
he brought for cu ing apples and
swi ly gets it closer to his wife's neck It is not enough to have
with a, “tshhhh”. devotion towards God in our minds.
It is important to stick to it and
And the wife with no fear at all remain the same even during a crisis.
smiles at her husband despite there
being a critical situation and asks,
25 SEP 2018
-Mrs. Mallika

e rst step is to clean the
cauli owers the cauli owers which
is necessary because it may have
small insects or bugs in it. Boil
some water and add some salt and
turmeric powder to it. Put the
cauli owers in it and let it stay for
about ten minutes. en, drain the
water from the cauli ower and
grate it using a vegetable grater.
Add the other ingredients to the
cauli ower, mix them well and it
will be ready to serve a er ve
minutes. at's how to prepare a
cauli ower salad without cooking. Ingredients:

Cauliflower – 50 gm
Health benefits: Chili powder – ½ spoon
Cauli ower is high in Cumin powder – ¼ spoon
Turmeric powder - 1/4 spoon
choline which helps improve the
Ground nut powder – 1 spoon
brain function. It is full of vitamin Bengal gram – 1 spoon
C, phytonutrients and anti- Chopped onions – 5 numbers
oxidants which help reduce the Salt – to taste
potency of chronic diseases. It Finely chopped
coriander and curry
helps build bones and muscles. leaves – a small quan ty
Coconut gra ngs – 2 spoons

26 SEP 2018
Heat oil in a skillet and once it is hot,

Cabbage chutney
add Bengal gram and urad dal to it.
Add Garlic, ginger and red chili to the skillet
and sauté well.
Add the chopped cabbage, tamarind and salt
to it and sauté them.
Finally put the mixture in a mixer jar and
grind it.
Brinjal Cabbage chutney is ready to serve.

chutney Benefits:
Method: It keeps breast cancer and intestinal
Roast the brinjals cancer at bay. It is full of vitamin C. Reduces
on re and peel off their skin. Heat body pain and swelling. Increases the count
some oil in a skillet and once the oil of red blood cells. Cures hysteria.
is hot, add red chilies, garlic,
tomatoes and tamarind and sauté
them well. en add the peeled
brinjals to the skillet along with the
required salt. Sauté for a few minutes
and once it is cold grind it in a mixer
jar. Brinjal chutney is done.

is is suitable
for building the bones stronger in
growing children. It is high in calcium
and vitamin B6. Due to the presence Ingredients:
of Phyto nutrients, brinjals can
improve memory power. It is also Finely
chopped cabbage – 50 gm
rich in ber which helps in easy
Garlic – 3 cloves
digestion and prevents constipation. Ginger – a small piece
Ingredients: Red chili – 2 numbers
Brinjal – 100 gm Tamarind – a small amount
Red chili – 2 numbers Bengal gram – 1 tsp -Mrs. Mallika
Garlic – 2 cloves Urad dal – 1 tsp
Tamarind – a small amount Salt = to taste
Salt – to taste
Tomato – 50 gm Oil – Required quan ty
Oil – 2 tbsp

27 SEP 2018
Boil moong dal till it becomes so and
easy to mash. Steam the grated cauli ower. Heat -Mrs. Mallika
some oil in a pan and add ginger garlic paste, small
onions, steamed cauli ower and cook them. Add
the mashed moong dal to the pan and sauté it Benefits:
well. Add a spoon of corn our to it and let it boil
for a few minutes.Later, add the cumin powder, This soup which is
rich in proteins, mineral
pepper powder and salt. Turn off the stove. salts and vitamins
Sprinkle some chopped curry leaves and increases the production
coriander leaves on it and serve. of iron in the body.
This is even capable of
controlling asthma
and cancer.

Green gram – 50 gm
Grated cauliflower – 25 gm
Pepper powder – 1 spoon
Cumin powder – ½ spoon
Corn flour –1 teaspoon
Salt to taste
Oil as required
Finely chopped
small onion –8
Water as required
Ginger garlic paste
Finely chopped coriander
and curry leaves
28 SEP 2018
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29 SEP 2018
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