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Top 10 Cotton Producing Countries

In Metric Tonnes

Rank Country 2011

1 China 6.588.950
2 India 5.984.000
3 United Sates 3.412.550
4 Pakistan 2.312.000
5 Brazil 1.673.337
6 Uzbekistan 983.400
7 Turkey 954.600
8 Australia 842.572
9 Turkmenista 330.000
10 Argentina 295.000

Source: UN Food and Agriculture Organization

Top 10 Copper Producing Countries
In Metric Tonnes

Rank Country 2011

1 Chile 5.700.000
2 United States
3 Peru 1.300.000
4 China 1.650.000
5 Australia 990.000
6 Indonesia 380.000
7 Russia 930.000
8 Zambia 830.000
9 Canada 630.000
10 Poland 430.000

Source: USGS (2012)

Top 10 Iron Ore Producing Countries
In Metric Tonnes

Rank Country 2013

1 People Republic
of China
2 Australia 530.000
3 Brazil 398.000
4 India 150.000
5 Russia 102.000
6 Ukraine 80.000
7 South Africa 67.000
8 United State 52.000
9 Canada 40.000
10 Iran 37.000

Source: USGS (2014)

Top 10 Gold Producing Countries
In Metric Tonnes

Rank Country 2013

1 China 420
2 Australia 255
3 United States 227
4 Russia 220
5 Peru 50
6 South Africa 145
7 Canada 120
8 Mexico 100
9 Uzbekistan 93
10 Ghana 85

Source: USGS (2014)

Top 10 Diamond Producing Countries
In thousands of carats

Rank Country 2012

1 Democratic Republic of the congo 21.524
2 Russia 20.700
3 Botswana 14.400
4 Zimbabwe 11.000
5 Canada 10.451
6 Angola 7.500
7 South Africa 2.830
8 Namibia 1.629
9 Lesotho 479
10 Sierra Leone 406

Source: USGS Mineral Year book (2013)

Top 10 Copper Producing Countries
In Kg

Rank Country 2011

1 Brazil 2.550.720.009
2 Vietnam 9.000.000
3 Colombia 696.000.000
4 Indonesia 411.000.000
5 Ehtiopia 390.000.000
6 India 300.300.000
7 Mexico 270.000.000
8 Guatemala 240.000.000
9 Peru 210.000.000
10 Honduras 162.000.000

Source: International Coffee Organisation (2012)

Top 10 Wheat Producing Countries
In Million Metric Tonnes

Rank Country 2012

1 China 126
2 India 95
3 United States 62
4 France 40
5 Russia 38
6 Australia 30
7 Canada 27
8 Pakistan 24
9 Germany 22
10 tukey 20

Source: UN FAO (2013)

Top 10 Oil Producing Countries
In bbl/day

Rank Country 2012

1 Russia 10.900.000
2 Saudia Arabia9.900.000
3 United States8.453.000
4 Iran 4.231.000
5 China 4.073.000
6 Canada 3.592.000
7 Iraq 3.400.000
8 United Arab Emirates
9 Venezuela 3.023.000
10 Mexico 2.934.000

Source: International Energy Agency (2013)

Top 10 Uranium Producing Countries
In tonnes

Rank Country 2011

1 Kazakhstan 17.803
2 Canada 9.783
3 Australia 5.900
4 Namibia 4.496
5 Niger 4.198
6 Russia 3.562
7 Uzbekistan 2.400
8 United States 1.660
9 Ukraine 850
10 China 827

Source: World Nuclear Association (2012)

Top 10 Natural Gas Producing Countries
In m3

Rank Country 2012

1 United States8 61.400.000.000
2 Russia 669.700.000.000
3 Iran 162.600.000.000
4 Canada
5 Qatar
6 Norway 114.700.000.000
7 China
8 Saudi Arabia103.200.000.000
9 Algeria 82.760.000.000
10 Netherlands807.800.000.000

Source: International Energy Agency (2014)

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