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1. Determine payload weight

2. Guess likely value of wtoguess
3. Determine mission fuel weight
4. Calculate tentative value for W OE from
W OE =W TOguess −W F −W payload

5. Calculate tentative value for W E from

W E =W OEtent −W tfo −W crew

Wtfo can amount to as much as %0.5 WTO often neglected in early design

6. Determine crew weight

7. Find the allowable W E (section 2.5)
8. Compare the values of W E and W E , make an adjustment to the value of W ¿
tent guess
tolerance of

W OE =W E +W tfo +W crew

W E=empty weight

W tfo =unusable fuel∧oil

W crew =crew required for mission

For crew member In average 175lb + 30 lbs of luggage (commercial)

For military 200 lbs

W F =W Fused +W Fres

Wfused= fuel actually used during mission

WFres= required for mission

For climbing to cruise

For better results:

Propeller a/c:

Eclimb =375 ( 1/V climb ) ( η p / c p )climb ( L /D )climb ln ( W 3 /W 4 )

Vcl in mile per hour form

For jet ac

Eclimb =375 ( 1/ c cj ) ( L/ D )climb ln ( W 3 /W 4 )

E fraction of hour

For cruise:

Propeller ac

Rcruise =375 ( η p /c p )cruise ( L/ D )cruise ln ( W 4 /W 5 )

R in miles,
For jet ac:

Rcruise =( V / c cj ) ( L/ D )cruise ln ( W 4 /W 5 )

For Loiter:

Prop ac

Eloiter =375 ( 1/ V loiter ) ( η p / c p )loiter ( L/ D )loiter ln ( W 5 /W 6 )

For jet ac:

Eclimb =( 1 / c cj ) ( L / D )loiter ln ( W 5 /W 6 )

E in hours, v in mph

We can calculate with this ifndurance of Loiter is given for both of cases and Vltr is given for prop ac

Mission fuel fraction:

M ff = ( W 1 / W ¿ ) ( W 2 /W 1 W 3 / W 2 W 4 /W 3 … W n+1 /W n )

Fuel used during mission:

W fused =( 1−M ff ) W ¿

Value for mission fuel weight (F):

W F =( 1−M ff ) W ¿ + W F res

For a given value of W ¿

W E=inv . log ( ( ( log W ¿ ) −A ) / B )

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