Vaishnavi Terse Yoga Project

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I wish to express my deep gratitude and sincere

thanks to the Principal, Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya,
Sindhudurg for his encouragement and for all the
facilities that he provided for this project work. I
sincerely appreciate this magnanimity by taking me into
his fold for which I shall remain indebted to his. I extend
my hearty thanks to Mrs. Anita Madam, who guided me
to the successful completion of this project. I take this
opportunity to express my deep sense of gratitude for
her invaluable guidance, constant encouragement,
constructive comments, sympathetic attitude and
immense motivation, which has sustained my efforts at
all stages of this project work.
I can’t forget to offer my sincere thanks to my
family who helped me to carry out this project work
successfully & for their valuable advice & support, which
I received from them time to time.
This is to certify that, Miss VAISHNAVI MAHADEV
BHAGAT, a student of Jawahar Navodaya
Vidyalaya, Sindhudurg has submitted the Yoga
project for partial fulfilment and practical
examination to the department of yoga, embodies
a detailed study carried out under the guidance of
Mrs. Anita Dhuri.



This is to certify that, Miss VAISHNAVI
RAGHUNATH TERSE, a student of Jawahar
Navodaya Vidyalaya, Sindhudurg has submitted
the Yoga project for partial fulfilment and practical
examination to the department of yoga, embodies
a detailed study carried out under the guidance of
Mrs. Anita Dhuri.






Benefits of Surya Namaskar:
1. Maintaining cardiovascular health
2. Stimulating the nervous system
3. Improving strength and flexibility
4. Enhancing cognitive functions
5. Relieving stress and fatigue
6. Regulating hormones
7. Helps with weight loss
8. Strengthens muscles and joints
9. Improved complexion
10. Ensures a better functioning digestive system
11. Helps combat insomnia
12. Ensures regular menstrual cycle
13. Useful in treatment of frozen shoulders
14. Spinal cord and abdominal muscles are stretched
15. Internal organs are massaged
16. Improves flexibility of the hips
17. Stimulates the Manipura Chakra
18. Improves balance in the nervous system
19. Reduces blood sugar levels
20. Improves digestion and reduces constipation
21. Eliminates stomach ailments
22. Promotes balance between both sides of the body
Standing Asanas


Benefits: The entire posterior muscles, sciatic nerve, tendons and ligaments of

thighs and legs are stretched. Spinal and pelvic nerves are toned up, blood
circulation to brain increases. Also enhances secretion of gastric juices and slims
down waist and hip muscles. Useful in treating diabetes, improves liver function
and develops humility.
Caution: Persons with high blood pressure and heart disease should do with
care and individuals with spondilitis and back pain must avoid.

Trikonasana (Triangle pose)

Benefits: Stimulate and improve the function of blood and kidney. Strengthens

and stretches the hips, back, arms, thighs and leg.
Reduces blood pressure, stress, anxiety and cures indigestion and gives
flexibility to groins, hamstrings and hips. Helps to remove fats from the waist and
thighs, this asana improves the balance and increases concentration.
Sitting Asanas


Benefits: Padmasana is used for meditation,  prayer, worship and pranayama

practice. It  develops physical and mental stability, relieves stiffness of joints,
constipation, flatulence and knee pain. Removes laziness and helps to attain
steady, calm and peaceful state of mind.
Caution: Severe arthritis patients should avoid.


Benefits: Stretches and tones up the entire posterior and frontal abdominal

muscles. Slims and trims the body. Liver, pancreas and intestines and gastric fire
are activated. Helps to increase height in adolescents. Useful in dyspepsia,
constipation, sciatica, seminal weakness, piles, diabetes and digestive disorders.
Caution: B.P, spondilitis and chronic constipation patients should avoid.
Prone Posture Asanas (Lying on Abdomen)

Bhujangasana (Serpent posture)

Benefits: Keeps the spine elastic and strong. Thoracic muscles expand and tone
up all the 31 pairs of spinal nerves. It’s good for back aches due to over strain
work, neck pain cervical spondilitis , bronchitis, asthma, digestive disorders and
reduction of the abdominal fat.
Limitations: Hernia and hypertensive patients should avoid.

Benefits: Slims and activates body, muscles that flex the hip joints are toned up,
abdominal fat is reduced, good for breathing troubles, back ache, diabetes,
gastro-intestinal problems and improves digestion.
Limitations: Hernia and hypertensive patients should avoid.
Supine Posture Asanas (Lying on Back)

Navasana (Boat Posture)

Benefits: Back muscles and vertebrae are stretched. Flexes and stretches
the abdominal muscles.
Limitations: B.P and spondilitis patients should avoid.


Benefits: Tones up the pelvic organs, reduces the abdominal fat. Good for
varicose veins, constipation and menstrual disorder.
Benefits of Pranayama
One can get out of stress through simple practice of yogic breathing techniques. Breathing loads
your blood with oxygen which maintains your health at the most desirable level. Shallow
breathing does not oxygenate your blood efficiently. Consequently toxins pile up in the cells
before you know it, you feel sluggish and down, eventually organs begin to mal-function. One
will get all benefits of Pranayama through practicing Differentpranayama exercise which is given

Preparatory practices for Pranayama

Kabalabhathi Pranayama (Cleansing


Kabalabhathi Pranayama (Cleansing Breath)

Benefits: Brain cells are revived, gives brightness to face, balances and strengthens the nervous
system and removes drowsiness, massages the abdominal organs, benefits and cleanses
respiratory tract, removes the spasm in bronchial tubes, carbon dioxide is eliminated on a large
scale, purifies the blood and strengthens the heart, tones digestive system.Prepares mind for
Caution: Individuals with hypertension, ischemic heart disease, vertigo, epilepsy, hernia, gastric
ulcer, slip disc, spondylosis, during menses and pregnant women should avoid.
Sectional breathing (Vibhagiya Svasana)

Sectional Breathing ( Vibhagiya Svasana )

Benefits: Corrects the breathing pattern and increases the vital capacity of lungs. Even 10 min of
sectional breathing practice daily can bring more power and vitality, calmness in daily activities,
clarity in thinking, calms your mind and revitalizes it.

Surya Anuloma Viloma/ Chandra

Anuloma Viloma Pranayama
Benefits: Clears the nasal passages, useful for nasal allergy and deviated nasal septum. Helps in
maintaining normal weight. (Reduces and increases accordingly)  For significant improvement
recommended schedule is 27 rounds of this pranayama 4 times a day (before breakfast, lunch,

dinner and going to bed).

Nadishuddhi Pranayama/ Anuloma

Viloma Pranayama

Nadishuddhi Pranayama / Anuloma Viloma Pranayama

Benefits: Balance between two nostrils, increases vitality, increases appetite. Lowers stress and
anxiety, beneficial for respiratory disorders like nasal allergy, asthma, bronchitis etc. Gives
clarity to thought and leads to deep states of meditation and spiritual awakening.
Cooling Pranayama – Sitali, Sitkari,
Benefits: Induces muscular relaxation and over all cooling effect. Soothens eyes, ears and purify
blood, quench thirst, appease hunger, sensitizes taste buds and mouth and generate a feeling of
satisfaction. Reduces tension, stress and induce mental tranquility. Sitkari and Sadanta keep the
teeth and gums healthy.
Reduces blood pressure and acidity in stomach, cure chronic dyspepsia, chronic skin disease and
releases subtle tensions.

Cooling Pranayama – Sitali, Sitkari, Sadanta


Bhramari Pranayama
Bhramari Pranayama
In order to chant Bhramari, touch the tip of your tongue to the top of the palate. Close your ears
with thumb finger and rest of your fingers on the face with eyes closed. Close your mouth and
chant M-kara, gives a humming sound of the female bee or bhramari.
Benefits: Creates soothing effect on the nervous system, cultures voice and increases melody. It
can be practiced at any time to relieve mental tension, anger, anxiety, insomnia, increases tissue
healing, decreases blood pressure, throat aliments, good for psychosomatic problems as it
reduces stress and tension.

Benefits of Yoga Nidhra

Benefits of Yoga Nidhra

Benefits: Strengthens and tones up the entire system. All muscles and joints get
relaxed. It is extremely useful in managing the psychosomatic aliments like
Hypertension, Headaches, etc.

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