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That first day of School

On October 6, 2018, I woke up with a confusion in my mind, what should I wear. Over

millions of thoughts rushed in my brain as I see wooden hangers shuffling from pillar to post

in a confined closet of my hotel. This confusion was majorly because that was my first day of

school and I wanted to create a good impression among all my classmates and teachers as

first impression is the last impression.1 This impression was important as I would be spending

the upcoming five years in the same school. It was my first time when I was thinking of

wearing a plaided skirt which is compulsory in private schools.

Being a teenage girl, I was quite confident among the girls of my age and this confusion of

what to wear was not because of any insecurity but because of my first day of school. I was

being a new student in a school for the fourth time, before this I have already changed three

schools and this is my fourth one. This has already affected my development as a child as I

believe that moving so much impact the growth and development of a child. This has

impacted my friend circle as well. I could not find some loyal friends because I used to leave

every place before I could settle. But this time I had the hope that I will finish my schooling

from the same school because my dad promised me this. This meant that I will be able to

make new friends and I will be able to settle and just a thought of this made me nervous.

After carefully examining my cupboard, I came across my targeted dress. It was made of soft

cotton and it had a ruffled shoulder which added some extra details. These details made me

believe that this outfit was the one. Almost after an hour, I was feeling very powerful as I felt

confident wearing that Outfit. I stepped off my bus and headed towards my room 1113. But

all my confidence dropped as I turned towards the corner of the room.

“The Learning Network” The Winners of Our Personal Narrative Essay Contest. New York Times. 07 Jan
The reason behind this confidence drop was my English teacher Mrs. Helen who was wearing

the same dress like mine. It was my first day of school which means that I had to give

introduction in front of the whole class and all my efforts to hide myself were in vain as it

was my turn for introduction. For about one minute I gave my introduction and at last Mrs.

Helen stood up and sarcastically commented that she liked my attitude and style. And this

was one moment that feared me since the point I entered the room, but to my surprise all the

anxiety and thinking went away. Every student who was formerly looking into their phones

starting to look at me as soon as I finished my introduction. This reaction gave me chills and

this made me smile. I ended my speech with a statement that “I am stylish just like my

English teacher”. This made a nice connection with Mrs. Helen. I began to think that this

connection would remain for the upcoming years.

This incident made me believe that life is not about stress but it is about fun and hard work.

Now when I look back, I realised that I was stressed unnecessarily and those ten minutes of

my speech changed my impression in the whole class. That first lecture was not ideal but that

was my unforgettable memory and I realised that Mrs. Helen has an explicit style.

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