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• Compared to conventional gas stations, EV charging stations are more difficult to locate, often due to high investment costs

challenging infrastructure construction. Charging stations are an expensive investment due to the installation costs ranging from
$2,500 for a slower charger to $35,800 for a fast charger, as well as other expenses like licences and regulations. 1
• If the first movers (the first company to penetrate a specific area) pay the total cost of the grid upgrade needed to enable
connection, others (such as CPOs or other businesses offering services that depend on the site's power supply) may be able to use
it for free in the future.2 On the other hand, locations with higher overall connection costs are much more likely to be excluded
from installing EV charging stations. Therefore, relying on a contract term is crucial to recuperating the initial investment
expenses if there is no defined and appropriate policy to divide the cost fairly). As a result, the regulatory environment is
somewhat ambiguous, and the government should step in to standardise connection fees that are too high for the private sector to
sustain. Another solution is that the government could create EV distribution network operation (DNO) infrastructure, if not
immediately, until EV adoption becomes more prevalent.
• To maximise the installation of high-powered chargers and recover investment expenses throughout our period of company
expansion, bp pulse should be treated as an exclusive in talks over contracts with business partners and municipal authorities (grid
connection cost)
• Prices (peak load, markup, incremental, and marginal cost pricing) have an impact on supply and demand, and it is also compared
through a mobile app on Locational bases to promote competition that favours fear pricing; impacted by intermediaries, such as

Here's how to accelerate the Electric Vehicle Revolution. World Economic Forum. (n.d.). Retrieved December 7, 2022, from
Government , H. M. (n.d.). Taking charge: the electric vehicle infrastructure strategy. United Kingdom public sector information website. Retrieved
December 7, 2022, from https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/1027511/Vaccine-

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