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P-ISSN: 0854 – 9125 E-ISSN: 2599 – 2678 Vol. 28 No.

1, June 2021


Kadek Dwi Trisna Ananda Putri1, I Gusti Ayu Lokita Purnamika Utami2, Gede Mahendrayana3

Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha


The decline in character that occurred in Indonesia made the Government emphasized character education in every school. This
study was aimed at identifying the five core values proposed by the Ministry of Education and Culture (2017) contained in the
characterization of Eustace Scrubb in the novel entitled The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of The Dawn Treader. This
research was qualitative research using Miles and Huberman to analyze the data. The results of this study found 15
characterizations of Eustace Scrubb, namely naughty, impolite, selfish, arrogant, greedy, deceitful, fearful, bad-tempered,
cooperative, honest, courageous, willing to sacrifice, helpful, curious, and friendly. There were also changes in several
characterizations from bad characters to good characters. From 15 characterizations, there were 7 characterizations whichwere
included in the five core values, namely friendly which was included in the value of religious character, willing to sacrifice was
included in the values of nationalist character, courage and curiosity which were included in the value of the character of
independent, helpful and cooperative including in the value of mutual cooperation, and honest was included in the value of
integrity character. The results showed that children's novels could be used as a medium to teach character education to
children. Children's novels contained character values that could be used as examples for children in learning good characters.
Thus, an implication could be drawn from the study in relation to raising teachers’ awareness in using stories to teach character

Key words: Character education, five core values, children’s novel

According to Sutarman, Hermawan, and

Ahmad (2017), character education is one of the
Character is everything related to
government's efforts to create children who
personalities, attitudes, behaviors, mindsets,
have good personalities. Similarly, according to
dispositions, temperaments, and social and
Demirel, Ozmat, and Elgun (2016) stated that
emotional skills on each individual (Bialik,
the purpose of character education is to shape
Bogan, Fadel, & Horvathova, 2015). According
the good character of each individual, school,
to Gunawan (2017), a person's character can be
and society. In Indonesia, character education
known through the person's behavior and
has begun to be implemented since 2010. The
attitude in daily life. Someone who has good
government has developed a Strengthening
character will be preferred in society rather than
Character Education Movement (Penguatan
someone with bad character (Pradhan, 2009).
Pendidikan Karakter) which is implemented in
However, many phenomena and problems that
several schools in Indonesia. According to
occur at this time show character degradation,
Kemendikbud (2017, pp. 8 - 9), five core values
especially among teenagers. According to
are developed as a priority of Strengthening
Saidek, Islami, and Abdoludin (2016), In
Character Education Movement (Penguatan
Indonesia the problems that arise are due to a
Pendidikan Karakter) namely: religious,
decrease in character such as corruption, a fight
nationalist, independent, mutual cooperation,
between students, bullying, free sex, drugs, and
and integrity.
abortion. To overcome these problems, the
Kemendikbud (2017) states that the
government began implementing character
problems that occur in Indonesia make the
education in every school in Indonesia.
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P-ISSN: 0854 – 9125 E-ISSN: 2599 – 2678 Vol. 28 No.1, June 2021

government increasingly pressing character literature that is commonly read by children,

education in schools. Students spend more adolescents, and adults. The Chronicles of Narnia
time in school to learn so that the school and is one of the popular children's novels. This novel
teachers play an important role in teaching can give a positive impact on children because it
character education. Schools must be able to contains the values of character education. This
incorporate character education into students' novel tells the continuation of the adventures of
lives by creating an environment that has the Pevensie in Narnia. In the third novel, there is
positive values, high ethical standards, and a new character named Eustace Scrubb who is
respect for each other (Demirel, Özmat, & the cousins of Edmund and Lucy. Eustace disliked
Elgün, 2016). The role of a teacher in teaching his two cousins and he also hated being involved
character education is to create a learning in the adventures.
process that provides activities to build Based on background explained above,
character values in students. The there are two specific problems of this study.
implementation of character education in They are: 1) How is the characterization of
schools is expected to be able to create Eustace Scrubb described in the novel The
students who have good character. The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of The Dawn
importance of good character for students will Treader? And; 2) What are the five core values of
help them face this millennial era and character education reflected in the
overcome problems that occur in their social characterization of Eustace Scrubb?
life (Zurqoni, Retnawati, Arlinwibowo, & Apino,
2018). METHOD
Besides at school, students also need to This study uses a descriptive qualitative
learn about character education at home. method in identifying character education values
According to Berkowitz and Bier (2005, p. 64), in characterization of Eustace Scrubb in The
students' character development such as Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of The Dawn
behavior, attitudes, social, and students' Treader. Descriptive research aims to describe
academic is influenced by their families, the characteristics and phenomena of the
especially parents. Home is the first school for research (Nassaji, 2015). In this study, the
every child and parents will act as their first researcher described the characterization and
teacher. The development of children's character education proposed by The Ministry
character depends on how parents educate of Education and Culture 2017 that reflected in
their children. Parents must set a good example characterization of Eustace Scrubb. Textual
of attitude and behavior because children tend analysis by McKee (2001) was also used to
to imitate the thing that they hear and see analyze the data of character education values in
directly. Parents also have to explain which are Eustace Scrubb's Characterization that existed in
good or bad things so that the children will the novel.
know what they need to imitate or not. In The instruments used in collecting the
addition, parents must be able to devise data were sheets in form of tables. Sheets in
strategies and provide effective media to teach form of tables were used to explain the
character education to their children in a fun sequence segmentation of the novel and to
way. identify the values of character education that
One of the media that can be used to exist in the characterization of Eustace Scrubb.
teach character education is children’s Two techniques were used by the
literature. Novel is one part of children's researcher in collecting data. The steps were

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close reading and note- taking. Reading a novel research to analyze the data namely data
was the first step in collecting data in this study. reduction, data display, and conclusion
Close reading is a reading strategy that focuses drawing/verification (Miles & Huberman,
on the text and the type of text itself (Smith H. 1994). Data reduction refers to the process of
B., 2016). Close reading was used to identify collecting data contained in the text by
the structure of the contents of the text. Close selecting or simplifying data that is relevant to
reading was also used to find detailed the topic of research (Miles & Huberman, 1994,
information in collecting data. The researcher p. 10). In the first step of data analysis, the
read the novel several times to get detailed collected data was analysed to identify one
information in the novel. And after reading the characterization of Eustace Scrubb reflecting
novel, the researcher made table sequence of the five core values of character education
segmentation. Note-taking was the second developed by the Ministry of Education and
step in collecting data in this study. Note- Culture. The second step of data analysis was
taking strategy was used to note short the researcher described in detail one
information about the contents of the text characterization of Eustace Scrubb that
(Bahrami & Nosratzadeh, 2017). In addition to reflected the five core values of character
collecting the data by reading, researchers also education. In the last step of data analysis, the
noted important information in the novel. In researcher made a conclusion about the
this step, the researcher took notes dealing characterization of Eustace Scrubb and the
with the characterization of Eustace Scrubb character education values reflected in Eustace
and transferred them to the table sequence of Scrubb’s characterization.
segmentation. This step could make it easier
for researchers to collect data in the novel. FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION
There were three procedures in Based on the result of data collection,
collecting data. The first, researcher read novel, fifteen characterizations of Eustace Scrubb
entitled, The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage emerge as major characters, namely: naughty,
of The Dawn Treader repeatedly. The novel was impolite, changes from selfish to cooperative,
read repeatedly in order to help the researcher arrogant, greedy, changes from deceitful to
understand the stories in the novel. In honest, changes from fearful to courageous, bad-
addition, the researcher also got information tempered, willing to sacrifice, helpful, curious,
about plot, setting, and characters used as and friendly.
support to determine character education in
a. Eustace Scrubb as Naughty Person
Eustace's Characterization. The second, notes
The naughty character of Eustace was
the researcher made were input into a table of
shown through his actions and words. Bullying
sequences of segmentation and a table of
and bossy were among other characters included
characterization of Eustace Scrubb. Finally, the
in the naughty character because these actions
researcher classified the characterization of
only benefit the perpetrator. At the beginning of
Eustace Scrubb on the basis of character
the novel, it was told that Eustace Scrubb did not
education issued by The Ministry of Education
like his four cousins, The Pevensies. He really did
and Culture in 2017. The researcher made a
not feel comfortable when his two cousins
table of identification for the purpose of
named Edmund and Lucy had to stay temporarily
classifying character education in Eustace’s
at his house during the summer. He deliberately
bullied them by mocking their stories about
The researcher used qualitative
Narnia. Eustace did this in order to make his two
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cousins would not feel comfortable living in his was superior to the people on The Dawn
house, either. They also often got into Treader Ship.
arguments because Eustace really liked it when e. Eustace Scrubb as Greedy Person
Lucy responds to his bullying. Eustace's greed began when he found a
b. Euctace Scrubb as Impolite Person cave filled with treasure. He also wanted all the
Eustace showed impolite attitudes treasures and tried to take the treasure as much
through his words and actions. Eustace Scrubb's as possible. His greedy thoughts made Eustace
words addressed to Reepicheep that the mouse Scrubb turn into a dragon. When he turned into a
was "silly, vulgar, and sentimental" were dragon, he realized that it was terrible and
considered impolite because the words could made him into a good person.
offend the other person. Even though f. Eustace Scrubb changes from Deceitful
Reepicheep was a mouse, he was a mouse who to Honest Person
could talk and had feelings. In Narnia, Eustace Scrubb showed a deceitful
Reepicheep was also a knight who was nature when he and Reepicheep got into an
respected by the people of Narnia. Eustace's argument. Eustace made a dishonest statement.
words had made the relationship between Eustace Scrubb intended to steal the water on
Eustace and Reepicheep disharmonious. the ship because he was so thirsty. However, the
c. Eustace Scrubb as change from Selfish action was caught by Reepicheep. When
to Cooperative Eustace Scrubb was asked to explain what had
Eustace showed his selfish nature when happened between him and Reepicheep, he
all the crew work hard to collect food supplies instead lied by saying that he had no intention
and repair the damaged ship, Eustace chose to of fetching water but only wanted to find air
leave his resting place so that he didn't have to above the deck. From Eustace's words, he was
help the others. When he became a dragon, categorized as having a Deceitful nature
Eustace began to realize his bad attitude to because he spoke dishonestly and wanted to
other people. It began to turn Eustace into a deceive others. Eustace’s characterization
good individual. He changed from a selfish boy changes from deceitful to honest when he told
to a cooperative person. Eustace showed the the truth about his experience meeting Aslan
nature of a cooperative person when he and it was Aslan who helped him return to being
volunteered to work together to help the crews a human.
while they were on Dark Island. g. Eustace Scrubb changes from fearful to

d. Eustace Scrubb as Arrogant Person Courageous

He showed his arrogant nature by Eustace Scrubb showed a fearful attitude
boasting the grades he got in school with other because he found a dragon near the cave.
Eustace Scrubb never met a dragon until he went
people. In addition, he also showed his arrogant
on an adventure in Narnia. Eustace Scrubb
nature when Caspian explained the details of changed characterization from fearful to
the ship The Dawn Treader, Eustace continued courageous person when he bravely attacked the
to boast about the ships he knew in his giant sea snake with Prince Caspian's sword. The
country. Eustace showed his arrogance through sea snake had a body bigger than Eustace, but
his words that deliberately humiliated others that didn't make him afraid to attack the snake.
Even though his efforts were unsuccessful, he was
for his own satisfaction. People who are
starting to be able to fight his fears and show
arrogant always want to be superior to others courage in facing problems.
(Tanesini, 2018). From the words of Eustace
Scrubb, he wanted to show everyone that he
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h. Eustace Scrubb as Bad-tempered Person about the creatures on the island. Not only
Eustace Scrubb was classified as a child when adventuring on The Island of Voices, he
who had a bad temper. This was shown by the also showed curiosity when they met Ramandu
attitude and words that were often angry with and his daughter.
others. One example of Eustace Scrubb's
temperament when he and his two cousins were l. Eustace Scrubb as Friendly Person
surprised to see the painting started moving and Eustace Scrubb had a friendly character.
spouting water from the painting. This made At the beginning of the novel it was told that
Eustace Scrubb angry with the two cousins and Eustace Scrubb had no friends. That's what
asked them to stop the painting. The author made Eustace Scrubb difficult when socialized
explained that the words of Eustace Scrubb with other people. But when he turned into a
showed its bad temper. dragon, he began to understand that he did not
like being alone without friends. One of the
i. Eustace Scrubb Willing to Sacrifice characters who helped Eustace Scrubb become
Characterization a friendlier person was Reepicheep.
Eustace Scrubb had the character of From 15 characterization that were
willing to sacrifice. Eustace Scrubb's actions identified, there were 7 values of character
showed such a character when he bravely fought education that could be found in the
the giant sea snake that attacks The Dawn characterizations of Eustace Scrubb in The
Treader's ship. The sea snake had a size larger Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of The Dawn
than the body of the Eustace Scrubb. But this Treader. Those values were friendly, willing to
did not scare Eustace and he was willing to risk sacrifice, courageous, curious, helpful,
his life to save the people on board The Dawn cooperative, and honest. These values were
Treader. Even though his efforts failed, he had derived from five core values of character
shown a change in attitude by being willing to education proposed by Kemendikbud (2017).
sacrifice for the safety of others. Table of character education values in Eustace
j. Eustace Scrubb as a Helpful Person Scrubb’s characterization could be seen as
Eustace Scrubb had a helpful character follows.
after he experienced the adventure of turning In the table bellows shows that there are 7
into a dragon. It made him realize that he rarely values of character education in the
helped others. Eustace Scrubb showed a helpful characterization of Eustace Scrubb that can be
attitude when he was still a dragon, Eustace identified. Those seven values have been
Scrubb started helping other people such as classified based on five core values of character
helping find food supplies, finding cut stems for education proposed by Kemendikbud (2017). In
the mast of the ship, lighting a fire to warm the value of religiosity, there is one sub-value that
body, and others. Eustace Scrubb was happy to can be found, namely friendly. In values of
help all crew members who needed assistance nasionalism there is also one sub-value, namely
without expecting anything in return. All crew willing to sacrifice. In value of independence,
members also really liked Eustace's helpful there are two sub-values that can be identified,
nature. namely courageous and curious. In value of
k. Eustace Scrubb as Curious Person mutual cooperation, there are two sub-values
Eustace's curious character appeared that can be found, namely helpful and
when they went on an adventure on The Island cooperative. In value of integrity, there is one
of Voice. Eustace Scrubb showed his curiosity sub-value that can be identified, namely honest.

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Table1. Character Education Values in Eustace Scrubb’s Characterizations

Character Education Sub Characteristics Sequences
Religious Friendly 13g

Nasionalist Willing to Sacrifice 15d

Independent Courageous 16a, 15d, 21d

Curious 17h, 21e, 22b, 24e

Mutual Cooperation Helpful 13e, 13f, 13g, 15d

Cooperative 20b, 15e

Integrity Honest 14b, 16c

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A. The Representation of Religiosity Value in giant sea snake. Eustace's self-sacrificing

the Characterization of Eustace Scrubb attitude to attacked the giant sea snake with the
In the novel it was not told that Eustace Caspian sword. Although it could not defeat the
was someone who adhered to a certain religion. Sea Snake, he was struggled to fight danger and
In this case, the religious meaning in Eustace's protect others. Eustace's actions could reflect
character is friendly. In the value of religious the nationalist value because he did not only
character, the relationship between humans is sacrify for others but he also protected the
not only with God but there is a relationship people of Narnia.
between individuals and individuals and human
relations with the environment. As already C. The Representation of Independent Values
stated that in the Eustace characterizations, he inthe Characterizations of Eustace Scrubb
had one characterization that was included in In the novel The Chronicles of Narnia:
the value of the religious character, namely The Voyage of The Dawn Treader, the character
friendly characterization. There were two of Eustace Scrubb was described as having an
sequences that showed the friendly independent value through his actions and
characterization of Eustace, namely the 13g and words. In the Eustace character there were two
14f sequences. In sequence 13g showed Eustace characterizations that showed the values of the
Scrubb’s action that he was a friendly person. independent character. The two characters
This sequence was identified through indirect were courageous and curious. In sequence 15d
revelation especially the action of Eustace described Eustace's brave attitude in facing
Scrubb. From the bold sentence, Eustace obstacles. This sequence was identified through
showed actions that began to make friends indirect revelation especially the action of the
with other people. At the beginning of the story, character. Eustace's courageous actions were
Eustace was told that he did not have many shown when they were attacked by a Giant Sea
friends, therefore he could not get along with Snake. Eustace attacking the Sea Snake using
other people. But after he experienced an the sword borrowed by Caspian. Even though
adventure when he became a dragon he began his efforts failed but he had tried to show his
to be friendly and want to make friends with courage against the Sea Snake which was bigger
strangers. He also showed a friendly attitude by than him. In sequence 21d also showed
bringing the crew to fly when he was still a Eustace's character which shows his courage. In
dragon. It was also what made Eustace happy sequence 21 was identified through indirect
to make new friends. revelation especially the action of Eustace
Scrubb. Eustace's attitude which showed his
B. The Representation of Nasionalist Value courage by being a volunteer who will stay on
in the Characterization of Eustace Scrubb the island until the next day. Eustace, who at the
In the novel The Chronicles of Narnia: The beginning of the story was told to be a cowardly
Voyage of The dawn Treader, Eustace Scrubb child in this sequence, showed his courageous
was explained as having nasionalist value attitude. In sequence 17h there was a dialog
through his action. Eustace's characterization between Eustace and Edmund that showed
which described the nationalist value was curious characterization in Eustace Scrubb’s
willing to sacrifice. In sequence 15d showed Characterization. This sequence was identified
how Eustace was willing to sacrifice for others. through indirect revelation especially the
It was explained that when they were sailing to speech of Eustace Scrubb. Eustace began to feel
the next island, their ship was attacked by a curious about the creature they found on the

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island of Voice. The curious Eustace began to integrity characters. The characterization was
ask Edmund. Eustace's question showed his honest. In sequence 14b showed the honesty
curiosity for new information. of Eustace's words. Eustace's characterization
of honesty was explained when Eustace tells
D. The Representation of Mutual Edmund about the process he changed from
Cooperation in the Characterizations of dragon to human. Eustace described the
Eustace Scrubb process in detail and honestly. Edmund also
In the novel The Chronicles of Narnia: believed that Eustace was telling the truth
The Voyageof The Dawn Treader, Eustace because Eustace said that it was Aslan who
showed the value of mutual cooperation. There helped him turn back into a human. In Narnia
were two Eustace characterizations that led to all the people believed in Aslan's existence.
the value of mutual cooperation character.The So out of those seven characterizations,
characterization were helpful and cooperative. there were three most prominent
Helpful characterization in Eustace Scrubb’s characterizations; the other three were quite
characterization was showed in sequence 13e. developed, and; the rest was less developed.
This sequence was identified through indirect The most prominent characterizations were
revelation especially the action of the character curious, helpful, and courageous. Eustace's
itself. When Eustace was turned into a dragon curiosity appears in the middle of the story and
and he was very sorry for his actions, he helped it was developed. Eustace'scourage only appears
all the crew. Starting from helping to find food in the middle of the plot but it has a high
supplies, repairing damaged ships, warming frequency of occurrence. Then, Eustace's helpful
up cold night crew members and etc. All of the characterization also only appears in the middle
crew felt greatly helped by Eustace's actions. In of the story with a high frequency of
sequence 13f also explained Eustace’s actions occurrence. Three characterizations that are
who helped all the crew. The sequence was quite developed were friendly, cooperative, and
identified through indirect revelation especially honest. Friendly and honest characterizations
the action of the character. Eustace not only appeared in the middle of the story and
helped find food supplies but he also helped cooperative characterizations appear in the
find pine trees to make masts for ships that middle to the end of the story. One less
were damaged in the storm. Eustace's attitude developed characterization was willing to
showed that he really started to enjoying sacrifice. This character only appeared in the
helping others. In sequence 20b explained middle of the story. Thus, related to the five
Eustace Scrubb's actions were willing to core values by The Ministry of Education and
cooperate with all other members. This Culture 2017, Eustace Scrubb was a person who
sequence was identified indirect revelation had a high sense of curiosity, helpfulness, and
especially the action of Eustace Scrubb. This courageous that came after he realized his
sequence described the adventures of the Dawn previous vices.
Treader on the Dark Island. They were trying to
destroy The Dark Island. Eustace began to show
a cooperative attitude with all crew members. CONCLUSION
E. The Representation of Integrity in the From the findings, it can be concluded
Characterization of Eustace Scrubb that Eustace Scrubb is identified as having 15
In the novel The Chronicles of Narnia: characterizations. He has 8 bad characters that
The Voyage of The Dawn Treader, Eustace appear at the beginning to the middle of the
had a character that showed the value of
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