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Circus Rules Plus+

Circus Rules Plus+

Circus Basics Running A Show
The PCs’ management of their circus is separated into Anticipation
two parts: downtime, during which the PCs prepare
Anticipation represents the interest in the show, which
for their show by promoting their circus and
can be loosely described as the size of the audience
purchasing advertisements or circus upgrades; and the
and the amount of money they are willing to spend on
night of the big show, when the PCs actively take part
the show if they are entertained. They will spend
in the grand performance or otherwise ensure their
money on the show on the tickets to the show,
circus’s show is a success.
merchandise, concessions, etc. are all built into this
During downtime, the PCs may generate Anticipation number. Therefore increasing the Anticipation for the
in order to draw in crowds to the big show. show increases the potential earnings of the show on
Anticipation is a value that represents the crowd’s the big night as well as the difficulty of meeting the
overall enthusiasm and expectations for the PCs’ audience's expectatins.
show. The higher the Anticipation, the bigger the PCs’
Increasing the Anticipation is done in a few different
Payout. However, if the PCs generate more
ways. In the leadup to the show, the PCs can actively
Anticipation than the show can satisfy, the show is a
advertise the show in the town by purchasing
failure. In order to drum up Anticipation, the PCs can
advertisements or by actively promoting the show
purchase advertisements or Promote the Circus using a
throughout the town with specific downtime activities.
special downtime activity.
Also during this downtime the PCs can use the funds
Up to once per week, the PCs can put on a circus of the circus to purchase permenant and temporary
show, which takes place in encounter mode. During upgrades to the circus and these will impact the
the performance, the PCs and their chosen NPC Anticipation of the show in various ways. Finally,
performers perform in four acts to generate during the performance, the anticipation can be
Excitement, a measure of the crowd's satisfaction in increased by great performances or decreased by
the show. For a circus to be successful, you need to mistakes in the peformance which can impact the
generate more excitement than anticipation. The overall Anticipation of the crowd.
higher the Anticipation, the more money you can earn,
but the more difficult it will be to put on a successful Excitement
show. Excitement represents how much fun and
entertainment the crowd is having at the show. This
To complete an act, the PCs choose which tricks—
can be increased by certain upgrades to the show and
circus parlance for a particular stunt or performance—
some random events that can impact the show.
to put on during the act, the performers then attempt
However, the primary source of Excitement from the
the appropriate trick checks to determine the success
show will come from the Acts in the big show. These
of each trick. A trick’s level determines how much
feats of wonder performed during the big show will
Excitement each of its trick checks generates. In
generate excitement in the crowd when successful, and
addition, random variables beyond the PCs’ control
will lower excitement in the crowd if they are
can affect their performances, making it impossible to
fully predict the outcome of any one show.
At the end of the show, if the PCs generated more Overall if the amount of Excitement generated during
Excitement than Anticipation, they earn their full the Big Show exceeds the Anticipation for the show
Payout. The party can spend this Payout to upgrade the show will be considered a success and full
their circus facilities, purchase advertisements for payments will be made by the crowd. If less
future shows, and hire more performers. The party excitement was generated than Anticipation the show
can spend this Payout to upgrade their circus facilities, will be a failure and profits will be significantly
purchase advertisements for future shows, improve the reduced. If a great amount of excess excitement is
acts for their performers or hire new performers to the generated you will critically succeed in the peformance
circus. increasing the income generated by the performance.
Circus Rules Plus+

Acts Payout
Every circus show is broken up into four acts, each of After putting on a show, the PCs earn an amount of
which consists of one or more tricks: the opener (one money that depends on how their performance went.
trick), the build-up (two-tricks), the big number (one They can use this money, called Payout, to purchase
trick), and the finale (three tricks) advertisements, circus upgrades, hire performers, or
improve tricks.
The PCs can pay for criers, newspaper listings, and
signage either mundane or magical to build up Prestige is a value that represents the circus company’s
Anticipation for their next show renown and fame. The default Prestige of the PCs’
circus starts at 1. The PCs can increase their Prestige
Anticipation by performing shows or purchasing certain upgrades
Anticipation is a value that represents the crowd’s for the circus.
overall enthusiasm and expectations for the PCs’
show. The higher the Anticipation, the bigger the PCs’ Promotion
Payout. However, if the PCs generate more The PCs can Promote the Circus during the week
Anticipation than the show can satisfy, the show is a before they put on a show to generate Anticipation.
Random Events
Costar Before each circus performance, the GM rolls a
A costar allows an act's participant to aid the active random event, which may make it more or less
performer as a reaction. The costar must be at least difficult to perform certain tricks, increase Excitement
trained in the check required for the DC and succeed or Anticipation, or have some other effect on the
an Aid check for the performance. The only exception upcoming performance
to this is the Ringmaster who can use Diplomacy,
Intimidation or Deception for their Aid check if Ringmaster
desired. This is a role within the big show that can weave the
story of the big show and impact the way the show
Excitement generates excitement from each act.
Excitement is a value that represents the crowd’s
satisfaction with the PCs’ show. The PCs generate Tricks
Excitement by successfully completing tricks, and Each circus act consists of one or more tricks, which is
must generate more Excitement than Anticipation in circus parlance for a stunt or spectacle. Each
order to earn their full Payout performer employed by the circus has one trick, and
every trick requires the NPC or PC performing it to
Injured attempt at least one trick check (for NPCs, the GM
A performer can become injured in an act when they can roll or delegate a player to do so; tricks performed
critically fail a performance with the Injury trait. An by PCs are also called signature tricks). Succeeding at
injury prevents the act from participating in the a trick check generates Excitement, while critically
performance. On the day of the show you can attempt succeeding generates additional Anticipation as well.
a medicine check of the performers level to patch them Critically failing a trick check decreases the show’s
up good enough for the show. On success they can Excitement value. Each trick also has at least one trick
perform normally, on critical success they get a +2 trait associated with it, which can modify how the
circumstance bonus. Either way the injury is removed trick is performed depending on other circumstances
after the show. such as random events or circus upgrades.

The PCs can purchase circus upgrades to improve
aspects of their circus or affect the performance of
certain tricks
Circus Rules Plus+

Preparing The Show

Before running a show the PCs may use downtime PRACTICE TRICK
activities to prepare for the show and generate interest
in the show in the town. These activities have impacts
that last until the next show or two weeks whichever Spend the 2 days leading up to the show putting in
comes first. extra practice for one of your tricks. You must chose a
trick that you know and perform a check against the
skill used in that trick. The DC for this check is
appropriate for the player's level; see Table 10-5 on
This activity requires a group of performers from the page 503 of the Pathfinder Core Rulebook for details.
troupe to show off their talents on the streets of the
town to show off their talents and generate This can only be performed once per show per PC.
anticiaption for the show. Each participant in the
parade uses one downtime day and for every PC Critical Success You get a +2 circumstance bonus to
participating in the parade an NPC can be added to the the check for the show
parade as well. Each performer in the parade shows Success You get a +1 circumstance bonus to the check
off their talents by performing simple tricks. Each for the show.
performer will perform their trick at half their level Failure No effect
rounded up. Critical Failure The trick is unavailable for the show

This downtime activity can only be performed once in
each location.
Spend the 2 days leading up to the show putting in
Critical Success Generate Anticipation equal to level extra practice with a costar for your performance. The
Success Generate Anticipation of half your level additional work you put into practicing the routine
Failure You lose 1 Anticipation. with your costar provides a bonus to the costar's
check during the big show.
CIRCUS DOWNTIME   This can only be performed once per show per PC.
You spend 2 consecutive days in town generating
Anticipation for your next circus show. Attempt a Critical Success You get a +2 circumstance bonus to
Society check. The DC of this check is equal to the DC the check for the big show
appropriate for the group’s party level; see Table 10–5 Success You get a +1 circumstance bonus to the check
on page 503 of the Pathfinder Core Rulebook. One for the big show.
other PC can spend 2 downtime days to Aid you, Failure No effect
providing a +2 circumstance bonus to your Society Critical Failure The costar is unavailable for the show
check if they succeed at a DC 20 Society check. GROUP REHERSAL
Critical Success You generate Anticipation equal to
twice the sum of your level plus your Charisma Spend the 2 days leading up to the show putting in
modifier (minimum 2). extra practice with one of the performers in the troupe
Success You generate Anticipation equal to your level on their act.
plus your Charisma modifier (minimum 1).
This can only be performed once per show per PC.
Failure You generate 1 Anticipation.
Critical Failure You generate no Anticipation. Critical Success You get a +2 circumstance bonus to
the check for the show
Success You get a +1 circumstance bonus to the check
for the show.
Failure No effect
Critical Failure The trick is unavailable for the show
Circus Rules Plus+

Improving the Circus

These activities will have lasting impacts on the show and are used to enhance a show, act or the circus itself in
various ways. These activities are for longer term disabilities during the campaign.


Spend time working on a crafting project to create a upgrade for the circus that your circus prestige supports.
You must supply raw materials of at least a quarter of the item value being crafted (or the cost of the materials
as appropriate).

You must spend 7 days at work, at which point you attempt a Crafting check. The GM determines the DC to Craft
the item based on its level, rarity, and other circumstances.

If your attempt to create the item is successful, you expend the raw materials you supplied. You can pay the
remaining portion of the item's price in materials to complete the item immediately, or you can spend additional
downtime days working on it. For each additional day you spend, reduce the value of the materials you need to
expend to complete the item. This amount is determined using Table 4–2: Income Earned, based on your
proficiency rank in Crafting and using your own level instead of a task level. After any of these downtime days,
you can complete the item by spending the remaining portion of its Price in materials.

Critical Success Your attempt is successful. You expend the raw materials that are supplied. Each additional day
spent crafting the reduces the materials needed to complete the item by an amount based on your level x 2
and your proficiency rank in Crafting.
Success Your attempt is successful. Each additional day spent Crafting reduces the materials needed to complete
the item by an amount based on your level + 1 and your proficiency rank in Crafting.
Failure You fail to complete the item. You can salvage the raw materials you supplied for their full value. If you
want to try again, you must start over.
Critical Failure You fail to complete the item. You ruin the raw materials you supplied. If you want to try again,
you must start over.


Spend time working with an NPC performer to improve the overall level of their trick.

You must spend 14 days working with the performer on the show. At the end of the two weeks roll a check based
on the type of action you did to improve the performance of the show, the player must provide how they are
working on the show with the NPC. For example, you could use your performance to help a show with their
stagemenship to help them perform better, or use your crafting to build more elaborate props to improve the
execution of the performance. The GM will decide how closely the skill applies to the trick and how likely it is to
be successful or if it applies to the trick at all.

The check will typically be a standard DC for the level of the check, but depending on how well the skill applies
to the check it could alter the difficulty by Easy, Hard or Very Hard (-2, +2, +5). The maximum level of an NPC
trick is PC Level +1 (so a level 5 party could have tricks up to 6th level)

Critical Success Your attempt is successful. The trick greatly benefits from your guidance and work. Improve the
level of the trick by +2.
Success Your attempt is successful. The trick benefits from your guidance and work. Improve the level of the
trick by +1
Failure Your attempt is unsuccessful. The trick is unaffected.
Critical Failure Your attempt is unsuccessful. The performers are demoralized or confused by your attempts to
improve the show. Level of the trick is changed by -1.
Circus Rules Plus+


You spend additional time working at the show and performing tricks on a tour of nearby towns and settlements
to generate interest and promote your trick for various audiences. The level of the task is equal to the prestige of
the circus. When you take the tour the circus takes a cut of the performance earnings, but the performer
receives income based on how well the show did on the tour.

When you take the tour, the GM will set the DC based on the prestige of the circus as the DC level for the check
using table 4-2 on Income Earned. After your first day of work, you roll to determine your earnings. You gain an
amount of income based on your result, the task’s level, and your proficiency rank (as listed on Table 4–2: Income

You can continue on the tour on subsequent days without needing to roll again. For each day you spend after the
first, you earn the same amount as the first day, up until the tour’s completion. The GM will work with you on

Critical Success You do outstanding work. Gain the amount of currency listed for the task level and your
proficiency rank. The circus also gains the same amount of currency. The Prestige for the circus is increased by
Success You do competent work. Gain half of the amount of currency listed for the task level and your
proficiency rank. The circus gains the full amount of currency listed for the task level and your proficiency
Failure You do shoddy work and get paid the bare minimum for your time. Gain the amount of currency listed in
the failure column for the task level. The circus gains half of the amount of currency listed for the task level
and your proficiency rank.
Critical Failure You earn nothing for your work, and the Circus gains nothing. The Prestige for the circus is
reduced by 1.
Circus Rules Plus+

Putting on a Show
All of the circus company’s hard work and time is put Acts
to the test during the night of the big show. The PCs
Each circus performance consists of four acts
can put on up to one show per week. You as the GM
composed of a total of seven tricks. At the beginning
should make clear to the PCs at what points during
of each act the PCs decide which performers to appear
the campaign they’ll have the opportunity to put on a
in the act (performers can only appear once in a
show, so they can plan their downtime accordingly
show). Each performer in the act takes up to three
and promote or advertise the show as needed.
actions in the perfromrance using trick actions or
Generally, the PCs should be allowed to plan and put
other show actions described in the pages below.
on performances whenever they are in a settlement or
peaceful communal area suitable for gatherings (such Opener
as a region of interconnected farms), and they should
The first act is called the opener, and it consists of only
have 6 days before the show to generate Anticipation
one trick to capture the crowd’s attention. Once the
and pre-show Excitement.
circus has put on a successful opener, the DC for every
Some parts of the Extinction Curse Adventure Path trick check during the remaining three Acts is reduced
preclude circus performances for a significant amount by 1.
of time; these sections are noted in the adventures’ text
as they occur, and should be made clear to the PCs as Build-Up
well. To build up to the grand finale, the Build-Up involves
two tricks to impress the crowd. Choose either of the
A circus show is divided into four acts: the opener, the
two tricks performed. Additional Anticipation equal
build-up, the big number, and the finale. Each act
to the chosen trick level is added to the circus’s total
consists of one or more tricks. Each trick involves
Anticipation for the show on a successful
rolling a trick check. The results of these checks
determine how much Excitement is generated. The
PCs’ goal is to generate more Excitement than the The Big Number
crowd’s Anticipation, resulting in a successful show. The Big Number only has one trick, but it is often the
The steps for putting on a show, in order, are as focus of the entire evening. If the act is successful you
follows. generate additional excitement equal to the highest
1. Purchase Temporary Upgrades: The PCs level trick successfully performed in the show.
purchase temporary upgrades (if any) for the
The Grand Finale
2. Choose Non-Performer Roles: The PCs choose The climax of the evening, the finale has three tricks to
which non-performer roles, if any, they will present a dazzling spectacle of all the circus offers. If
each take during the show. A PC who selects a all three performers succeed on their check add
non-performer role can’t perform any tricks additional excitement based on the highest excitement
during the show. generated from the performers.
3. Roll for Random Events: The GM rolls to
determine which random event affects the Act Success
show. Running a successful act means succeeding at enough
4. Tally Starting Anticipation: The GM marks the tricks as expected for the act to succeed. The crowd is
starting Anticipation for the show expecting to see 1.5 tricks per act per performer in the
(Anticipation may change throughout the act (rounded up). To suceed at the Opener you need at
show). least two successful performances in the act, to succeed
5. Perform Acts and Tricks (below): The PCs at the build-up requires 3 and the grand finale requires 5
choose which tricks to perform during each sucessful performances for the act to be considered
act, then follow the rules for performing tricks successful and generate the bonus for the act.
until all four acts are over. The Ringmaster's Highlight Performance counts as a
6. Calculate Payout: The GM calculates the PCs’ part of the act that proceeded it. So if you missed the
Payout, which depends on the success of the success in the previous act you can use the highlight
show performance trick to add an additional success (or two
on critical) to the act.
Circus Rules Plus+


A trick consists of one or more trick checks—this is a Level Benefits
skill check, saving throw, or attack roll that represents 1 1 trick, 1 trait
the performer’s feat of grace or strength. PCs attempt 4 2 checks
trick checks by taking the Perform a Trick action 8 2 traits
while they are onstage during an act. This action may 12 3 traits
have one or more trick traits associated with it, such 16 3 checks
as alchemical for tricks with alchemy or musical for
tricks that involve songs or sound effects. Each trick PERFORM A TRICK
has its own mechanical benefits, which will be listed   CIRCUS DOWNTIME PRACTICE TEAM
further on. Each time you switch to a new trick check
You perform your signature circus trick. Attempt one
you haven't used earlier in the act, you generate
additional Excitement equal to a quarter of the trick's
of the trick checks associated with your trick. The DC
level (rounded up), regardless of whether you succeed for the trick check is determined by your level, as
or fail. shown on Table 10–5 on page 503 of the Core
Rulebook. The result of each trick check determines
Tricks come in two types: NPC tricks and PC tricks
(which are also called signature tricks). A performer, whether you generate Excitement, generate
whether NPC or PC, can perform only their own trick, Excitement and Anticipation, or lose Excitement.
although it’s possible for a PC to design a signature
trick almost identical to an NPC’s trick. NPC tricks Critical Success Generate Excitement equal to twice
have different restrictions than PC tricks, but don’t the trick level. In addition, generate anticipation
scale with their level; that is, a 6th-level NPC trick is equal to the trick level.
always a 6th-level NPC trick. PC tricks, however, Success Generate Excitement equal to the trick level.
grow in level alongside the PC who performs them, Failure Lose Excitement equal to half the trick level
and can be modified as the PCs progress through the (rounded down)
Critical Failure Lose excitement equal to the trick
Signature Trick level.
Each PC can design their own signature trick. The You can perform the same trick multiple times, if you
player decides their signature trick’s trick check (which do you take a –5 penalty to your second trick check. If
can be a skill check, saving throw, or attack roll), you Perform a Trick three times, the penalty for the
chooses a trick trait, and names and dramatically third check is –10. (This is similar to how the multiple
describes the trick. Only the PC who created the attack penalty works; see page 446 of the Core
signature trick can perform it; NPCs or other PCs Rulebook.) If your trick has the agile trait the
cannot perform another PC’s signature trick. penalties are reduced to –4 and –8, respectively.
Otherwise, signature tricks do not have additional Performing a different trick does not incur a penalty.
requirements or challenges associated with them. PCs’
This action always has the circus trait. Starting at 1st
signature tricks improve and grow more complex as
level, you can choose one additional trick trait you
they go up in level, as shown on Table 2: Trick
have access to for your signature trick, and apply it to
Progression. For example, while a 1st-level performer
this action as well. You can add additional traits as
can use only a single type of check to perform their
your level increases (see Table 2: Trick Progression).
trick and their trick has only one trick trait, a 10th-
For example, a 3rd-level trick generates 3 Excitement
level performer can have up to two trick checks up to
with each successful trick check, 6 Excitement and 3
two trick traits. NPCs have specific tricks and traits
Anticipation for each critical success, -1 Excitement
based on their level that is unique to them.
for a failure and -3 for a critical failure.
Circus Rules Plus+

Other Show Actions Tricks & Skills

SEND IN THE CLOWNS While every performer is putting on a grand
performance in the show, how successful your
performance is in your show is based on the check for
Requirements You or another performer has failed or your trick. The limits to what check you use for your
critically failed a trick check during the current act. check is limited by your imagination and whatever
You give the signal for the circus’s clown troupe to you and your GM can agree makes sense for your
trick. Below is an example how the skills in the game
come onstage and rescue a botched trick. A failed trick
can be incorporated in your trick to get started, use
becomes a success instead, or if it was a critical this to inspire your imagination on how your trick will
failure, it is instead a failure. The clowns can only be be performed in the Big Number of the Circus of
sent in two times per show or three if someone is in Wayward Wanderers!
the backup clown role.
Acrobatics can be used to show gymnastic prowess in
COSTAR a dazzling dance number, or swininging from great
heights in a trapeze act to balancing on a highwire act
while performing various tricks.
Trigger Another performer in the same act as you is
about to attempt a trick check.
Requirements The performer is willing to accept Arcane provides the ability to put on a performance
your aid, and you are trained in the check with your arcane magic. While the ability to call forth
You help another performer in the act pull off their lightning and spray fire from your hands is impressive,
trick, possibly granting them a bonus to the triggering to put on a show you need to put on a performance
trick check. Attempt the same check as the trick check that is dazzling and or entertaining. So this check
allows you to turn color spray into a galloping
you are attempting to aid. The DC to Costar is equal to
rainbow unicorn coming out of your hands or to
the DC of the trick check. NPCs cannot Costar. This
successfully grease the floor on the clowns, turning it
reaction otherwise acts as the Aid action described on into a slapstick show to rival the Three Stooges.
page 470 of the Core Rulebook
Athletics shows off your physical prowess to perform
TAKE A RISK feats of strength and duration. This could involve
CIRCUS PC jumping great distances and/or over dangerous
objects, holding your breath underwater for long
Requirements You have not performed a trick yet
periods (while you are bound in chains and a
You push your tricks to dangerous limits, overexerting dangerous shark swims in the tank!), or the old
yourself or inviting terrible consequences to failure. "strong man (or woman)" act.
Your trick gains the Injury tag; if it already had the
Injury Tag, its DC increases by 2. If you succeed, you Crafting
gain an additional amount of Excitement equal to half Crafting checks show the preperation for your act.
your trick level. Maybe you have tinkered together a mechanical
manticore to threaten the crowd. During the
performance how well it performs would be based on
your crafting check. If your act involves a series of
NPC Performers
alchemical bombs going off in a fantastical protechnic
NPC performers have their own custom actions and
show, your crafting check would allow you to show
traits that apply to them individually. In general, NPCs
off how well you put that firework display togehter.
can't take on non-Performance roles for the Circus, and
will always perform their tricks at their level. However,
each NPC performer has their own level up chart and
gains access to new traits and special effects that will
come into play.
Circus Rules Plus+

Deception Religion
Deception is all about distracting the audience from Religion can be used if your trick has a divine element
what you are doing, this could be to create a diversion to its story and can be used to convice the crowd that
or a feint by keeping the audience focused on what is what is happening in the act is only happening as a
going on in your left hand while your right hand is up result of or as punishment from a divine force.
to something. This is most commonly used as a part of
a skill based magic trick. Society
Society can be used as a secondary check to tie your
Diplomacy trick's story to a particular society or culture. You can
Diplomacy is often used by the ringmaster to help get use this to tie the story of the trick to the local culture
the crowd to respond as you want in the crowd, but or maybe to tie to those people of great city of
could also be used as a part of storytelling in your act Absalom.
or to simply make an impression in leading up to your
big trick. Stealth
Stealth is used for slight of hand or hiding an object
Lore from the audience view to surprise them with it later
To use lore in a skill check likely requires the in the trick.
professional trait on the check. This is about using
your deep knowledge of a topic to perform your trick Survival
better. Survival can be used if your trick incorporates snares
and traps in the arena triggering special effects to
Medicine impress the crowd.
Medicine is probably not something you would use
directly in a performance, but can be used by the Thievery
medic non-performance role in case of an injury Thievery can be used in much the same way as stealth
for concealing an object but can also be used to get
Nature out of constraints or to get something out of
Nature is how you tame the "wild beast" in an animal constraints. Great for a houdini-esque escape from
handler performance. Your skill check here shows underwater from complicated bindings.
how well you get the animal to to perform at your
suggestions. Attack Roll
An attack roll makes sense if your trick involves
Occultism attacking with a weapon in your act. The attack roll
Occultism makes a great secondary check for a skill to could be to use throwing knives to hit a target, or
provide an aura of ritual or of the occult to your perhaps a target with a lovely damsel attached to it.
performance. Turn your alchmical fire bomb technical Using your attack roll allows you to show your
display into a dark cult of Cthulho summoning a fire accuracy with your weapon in hitting the target.
imp or turn your damzel in distress you are trying to
rescue into an evil hag to be vanquished by your Saving Throws
ferocious beasts you have tamed. Each of the saving throws can also be used as the
checks for your tricks, mechanically this can allow you
Performance to use traits that might be better trained or have
While every performance is entertaining the crowd this special bonuses with. Thematically, this allows you to
check is directly trying to sell the quality of your act. show how you can survive falling from a great height,
Can be used in nearly any trick you can imagine but or holding your breath under water with the
makes the most sense for something like singing or appropriate saving throw. Using a saving throw as
telling a dramatic story to the crowd. your check adds the Injury trait to your performance.
Circus Rules Plus+

Trick Traits Animal

The Perform a Trick action can have one or more (Nature)

special traits associated with it. Starting at 1st level, The trick utilizes trained animals. Before you make
each PC can add one trick trait to their signature trick. your first action in an act, you must make a Command
This trait must be chosen when the trick is first an Animal check, at your trick's DC. On a success,
designed or when the PC changes their signature trick you gain a +1 circumstance bonus to your trick checks
after gaining a level, retraining, or redesigning the for the rest of the show. On a failure, you take a -1
trick. A PC must have access to a trait to add it to circumstance penalty to your trick checks for the rest
their signature trick; to gain access to a trait, the circus of the show, on critical failure you take a -2.
must have hired an NPC performer whose trick
includes that trait. For example, a PC can’t add the Audience
alchemical trait to their signature trick until an NPC

whose trick has the alchemical trait joins the circus. At

The audience participates in the trick, and is
level 1, performers can choose any one trick trait, even
particularly distracting. You can use the Send in
if they would not normally have access to it; from this
Clowns action once during this act without using up
point on, any new tricks must be learned from NPCs.
the clowns.
If a trick trait includes a skill in parenthesis, then a
performer gains a +1 circumstance bonus to Perform a Beast
Trick with that trait using that skill check. For (Arcana)

example, a performer whose trick has the aerial trick The trick relies on intelligent beasts. If the
trait gains a +1 circumstance bonus to Acrobatics trick performance succeeds, it generates an amount of
checks. Excitement equal to one quarter of the creature's level
Some traits are compulsory, meaning that if a (rounded up).
signature trick meets certain criteria then that trick
must have the indicated trait. For example, any
signature trick that uses a saving throw for one of its The trick involves dancing or choreographed
trick checks must have the injury trait. These movements. Circumstance bonuses to trick checks
compulsory trick traits do not count toward a gained from performers using the Costar reaction
signature trick’s maximum number of traits. stack. For example, if two other PCs successfully
Costar with their ally and have the master proficiency
Aerial rank in that trick check, the total circumstance bonus
granted from the Costar reaction is +6 (rather than
The trick involves flight by either magical or mundane +3).
means. You may increase the DC of your tricks by 2
and give this trick the Injury tag. If you do so and
critically succeed, you double the Excitement earned. (Society)

The trick involves an exaggerated display of femininity

Air or masculinity (or a mix of the two) and usually
includes dramatic "reveals" mid-performance. If the
The trick involves the manipulation of mist, wind, or performance succeeds, each additional trick you
another prop with atmospheric properties perform you may increase the Anticipation by half the
trick's level (rounded down).
As part of the trick, the performer can expend any one
alchemical item in their possession. Upon doing so, the (Occultism)

performer gains a +1 circumstance bonus to their trick The trick involves the use of mud, earth, or stone
check. This destroys the item.
Agile The trick involves the manipulation of an elemental or
The penalty for performing an agile trick a second or natural property. You may expend one spell slot to
third time in the same act is –4 or –8, respectively, cast a spell with the Air/Electricity (Acrobatics), Earth
instead of –5 or –10. (Occultism) Fire (Intimidation), Plant (Survival),
Shadow (Stealth) or Water (Arcana) traits. If the
performance succeeds it generates Excitement equal to
half the level of the spell slot expended (rounded
down minimum 1).
Circus Rules Plus+

Emotion Magical
The trick uses alchemical or magical effects to induce a The trick involves the use of magic. Before performing
powerful emotional response from the audience. A the trick, the performer can cast one spellof any level
trick must have either the alchemical or magical trait as a part of the performance. If the performance
in order to have the emotion trait. Whenever a succeeds, the trick generates an additional amount of
performer succeeds at a trick check with the emotion Excitement equal to the spell's level x 2.
trait, they can reduce the amount of Anticipation the
trick generates however they wish, down to a Miraculus
minimum of 0 Anticipation. You can also increase the (Religion)

Anicipation by up to half the trick level. This trick raises the idea that the only way such a trick
could succeed is through the divine intervention of a
Explosive higher power. On a success, you may choose to
Tricks with the explosive trait call attention away generate Anticipation equal to half of the Trick's
from other acts distracting them from slight mistakes. Level, rounded up, or equal to the Trick's full level on
Other tricks in the same act have a -1 to their DC. a critical success.

Fire Musical

This trick involves fire, smoke, or pyrotechnics. The trick involves musical cues or is somehow
augmented by sound effects or music. When you
Illusionary succeed on a musical trick, you grant one other
performer in your act +1 circumstance bonus to their
The trick involves some sort of illusionary magic or trick checks. You can only provide this bonus to a
tricks designed to confuse and distract the audience specific performer once.
from what is happening in the scene. May cast an
illusion magic spell to generate Excitement equal
spell's level prior to performing the trick. The trick (Nature)

DC decreases by half the spell slot level (rounded The trick uses plants such as trees, flowers, or fungi,
down). or uses magic that affects such plants.

Injury Professional

Anytime a trick uses a saving throw it will A Professional trick is one that has been studied and
automatically add this trait. If an NPC or PC perfected. A professional trick can use a Lore skill in
performing a trick with the injury trait critically fails lieu of one of the check's in the trait. This one check
any trick check, they have a chance of becoming does not use or increase the MAP for the performance.
injured. To determine if the performer is injured, roll a
flat DC 15 check. On a failure, the performer becomes Prop
injured. An injured performer (whether PC or NPC) (Crafting)

cannot perform tricks for the rest of the show. In The trick requires the use of some mundane prop or
addition the performer now gains the injured stage setup. Before you make your first action in an
condition (see terminology). act, you must make a Craft check as a free action, at
your trick's DC. On a success, you gain a +1
Juggling circumstance bonus to your trick check for the rest of
the act. On a failure, you take a -1 circumstance
This act involves some form of keeping multiple penalty to your trick checks for the rest of the act, on
objects in the air at the same time. critical failure you take a -2 for the rest of the act.
Circus Rules Plus+

Slapstick Target
The trick is so silly that it's difficult to tell if it's gone (Attack)

wrong or not. This trick doesn't lose excitement for This trick involves some sort of using a creature,
failures and only loses half the trick's level for critical performer or even audience member as a target for
failures. However, you can't send in the clowns for your act. Act generates or loses 50% more Excitement
this performance. if it also has the Audience trait.

Slight of Hand Team


A trick with this trait directs audience eyes away from This trick requires more than one person. Anytime a
quick fingers, aces up sleeves and other sneaky yet PC performing a signature trick accepts the Costar
mundane tricks. Performances like this often require a reaction from a performer, the trick has this trait.
volunteer from the audience. If the performance When using this trait, you can use the higher
succeeds, it generates an amount of Excitement equal proficiency of anyone on the team for your trick (both
to one quarter of the level of the volunteer, using the expert, both master, etc.).
NPC's reputation as a springboard to amaze the
crowd with your skills. Time
The trick involves distorting or altering time in some
Strength way. A performer whose trick has the time trait can
perform the trick one additional time per act, taking a
This trick involves feats of strength and power- lifting, penalty to the fourth trick check equal to the penalty
jumping, wrestling, you name it. You may increase the to the third trick check.
DC of your tricks by 2. If you do so, you gain
additional Excitement as if though your trick were 1 Water
level higher. (Athletics)

The trick features water as a primary component of its

Circus Rules Plus+


A ringmaster introduces the various acts in a circus For the second act of this week’s circus show, the
show and guides the audience through the experience, build‑up, Gerard the rogue is attempting his signature
directing their attention to the various areas of the trick, the Deep‑Sea Dunk, which involves shackling his
circus arena and helping to link the acts together while hands together before he is dropped in a water tank
equipment is brought into and removed from the from which he must escape. Performing alongside him in
circus ring. A ringmaster may interact with some acts, the other ring is Janelle the ranger, who will be
especially the clown acts, to make the various acts part performing as the Incredible Manticore Tamer (with
of a seamless circus performance. Ringmasters have some help from her lion animal companion in costume).
become an integral part of the many circus shows and
Because Gerard and Janelle are level 4, they both can
sometimes will be involved in elements of some of the
have two available tricks with one trait each. Gerard
acts performances.
decides to go first and decides to perform three tricks in
The Ringmaster has three actions and a reaction to use the round. First he decides to perform the Deep-Sea
during the big show. They can use an action at the end Dunk with a Fortify Saving throw to show him holding
of each act. In addition to the standard costar and his breath while shackled underwater stuggling to get
send in the clown actions, the Ringmaster has specific out of his shackles. Gerard decides to perform the
actions they can use for the show. checks at level 5 so the DC for his check will be 20. The
first roll he gets a 26 so he succeeds his check and adds
HYPE PERFORMANCE 5 Excitement to the total. The second roll is a 24 but he
gets a -5 to the check due to using the same trick so he
gets a 19 which is a failure. The performance loses 3
The ringmaster calls attention to a performance Excitement (half of the tricks level). Since the trick has
ginning up anticipation in the act. To use this action the injury trait he has to roll a flat d20 to see if he is
the Ringmaster spends up to half their level (rounded injured. He decides to use his final action to do his Deep-
down, min 1) of show's current anticipation. For each Sea Escape doing a slight of hands check to escape from
trick successfully performed by the act add the the shackles. Since he wants to make sure this passes
he decides to run the trick at level 3, so the DC is 18,
anticipation to the total. For each failed subtract the
since this is the first time he is using Deep Sea Escape
anticipation from the total. (Sending in the clowns
there is no penalty to the roll and he rolls a 28. Critical
does not change this result) Success, so he generates 6 Excitement and 3
HIGHLIGHT PERFORMANCE (DIPLOMACY) Anticipation as he breaks free of his shackles at the very
last moment and bursts out of the water to applause!
Janelle decides to perform her trick with her lion which
The ringmaster highlights the performance of an trick uses a Nature check at level 4, the DC is 19. She rolls a
in the previous act. Make a Diplomacy check at the 24 and succeeds generating 4 Excitement. For her next
level of the trick being highlighted. This action takes a action she decides to send in the clowns which covers
-5 penalty if used twice, and -10 if used three times in for Gerards failure generating 5 total Excitement (net
an event. At level 4 ignore this penalty once, at level gain is 3 excitement). With her last action Janelle could
16 there is no penalty.
pass, perform the Manticore trick again or perform a
seperate trick.
Critical Success Generate Excitement equal to twice
the trick level. In addition, generate anticipation equal  

to the trick level. A ringmaster can costar in any act of the show (once
per show using their reaction), when costaring in a
Success Generate Excitement equal to the trick level. performance the Ringmaster may always use
Failure Lose Excitement equal to half the trick level Diplomacy, Intimidation or Deception instead of the
(rounded down) check for the trick if desired. At level 12 the
Critical Failure Lose excitement equal to the trick Ringmaster doubles the excitement generated by a
level. trick they costar in.
Circus Rules Plus+

Non Performer Roles

Of course, some circus folk might not want to perform Carnival Barker
in every circus show their troupe puts on. In this case,
characters can take part in auxiliary roles that, while The carnival barker draws in more audience members
not the focus of the show, can still play a big part in as the show goes on and increases the show’s
the circus’s success. Each of the following non- maximum Anticipation. For every critical success in
performer roles requires the character in question, to the Opener or Build-Up, the carnival barker can
abstain from performing in the show but grants a choose to increase the show’s maximum Anticipation
bonus to various parts of the performance. Once by 5.
chosen, a non-performer role cannot be changed until
Clown Coordinator
the next show. Only one character can perform a
particular non-performer role per show. Some roles You can Send in the Clowns as a reaction instead of
can be chosen only after purchasing certain circus using 1 action.
Lighting Technician
Animal Handler Miraculous, Prop, Slapstick and Sleight of Hand tricks
Trick checks with the animal trait gain a +1 gain a +1 circumstance bonus to trick checks. The
circumstance bonus, and a performer whos trick has circus must have the spotlights permanent upgrade
the animal trait can perform twice in the same show before a character can choose the lighting role.
(though not in the same act). If the animals break
loose event is rolled on Table 3: Random Circus Medic
Events, reroll on that table instead. After a performer is wounded from an Injury Trait, a
Medic can attempt to treat wounds on the performer
Assistant (using a level based DC based on the performer in
An assistant aids a single, specific performer in setting question) to negate the injured condition.
up more delicate tricks. If the trick has the Injury trait,
the DC to check whether a Performer is Injured or not Stooge
is reduced by 2. Performers get a +1 circumstance bonus to trick
checks with the Audience or Drag trait.
Backup Clown
Performers can Send in the Clowns one additional Pyrotechnic Handler
time per show. Trick checks with the fire trait generate an additional
amount of Excitement equal to half the trick level.
Once per act after a critically successful trick, the Security Guard
bandleader can choose to generate Anticipation equal Any rolls of hecklers or scalpers Random Events are
to half the bandleader’s level rounded up. The circus negated and have no effect on the performance.
must have the acoustics permanent upgrade before a
character can choose the bandleader role. If the Stagehand
drumkit is also purchased you can choose to raise the When performing a trick with the Elemental or
Max Anticipation instead. Illusion trait, you can cast a spell or use an item as a
part of the performance for a single action instead of
Circus Rules Plus+

Random Circus Events

It’s impossible to account for every possibility before Equipment Malfunction
the curtains go up and the show starts. At the
beginning of each circus show, roll a d20 and refer to A random Circus Upgrade fails, and cannot be used
the following table to determine which random event for the show. If the show is a success, news spreads
takes place. that you can put on a show even with broken
equipment, and the Anticipation of your next show
TABLE 2: RANDOM EVENTS rises by your Prestige.
Level Benefits
1 Animals Break Loose Food Poisoning
2 Bad Weather Trick checks take a –1 circumstance penalty. The GM
3 Clown Lung randomly selects two performers; these performers
4 Equipment Malfunction take a –2 circumstance penalty. If the show is a
5 Food Poisoning success, your success invigorates you; during your
6 Hecklers next show, all Trick DCs are 1 lower.
7 Injured Performer
8 Overflowing Crowd
9 Scalpers During each act, one performer (chosen randomly for
10 Stars Align acts with more than one performer, after the PCs have
11 Tent Breaks selected which tricks will be performed) takes a –1
12 Missing Child circumstance penalty to trick checks. Each time one
such performer succeeds on their trick anyway, they
13 Soapy Dreams
receive an additional amount of Excitement equal to a
14 Important Guest
quarter of their trick level.
15 Hungry Crowd
16 Sold Out! Injured Performer
17 Spotlight Jealousy!
A random performer cannot perform this show.
18 Monster Attacks
However, if they watch closely, they might get some
19 Wealthy Patrons
inspiration from the performer who replaced them;
20 Roll Again Twice they learn how to use a random trick trait used by the
other performer.
Animals Break Loose
Animal tricks can’t be performed during the show, and Overflowing Crowd
the crowd’s Excitement and Anticipation each increase The crowd’s starting Anticipation increases by 4d6
by 2d6 (rolled separately). and the maximum Anticipation limit for the show
increases by 20.
Bad Weather
Trick checks with the aerial or fire trait take a –2 Scalpers
circumstance penalty and trick checks with the earth The Circus' Payout is calculated as 3 levels of Presige
trait gain a +2 circumstance bonus. If the show is a Lower (Min. 1) than normal. However, the Scalpers
success the presitige at payout will be treated as one inadvertantly do extra advertising for you as they sell
higher. your tickets; your next show has a starting
Anticipation equal to your Prestige.
Clown Lung
Performers cannot Send in the Clowns unless someone Stars Align
takes the backup clown non-performer role. When All Trick DCs are reduced by 2.
they are called, they may attempt to perform a Trick
of their own, potentially adding to the Excitement.
Circus Rules Plus+

Tent Breaks Hungry Crowd

The circus’s maximum Anticipation for the show The crowd is hungry, and wants confection. If the
decreases by 10. If the show is a success, the town circus has no confection temporary upgrade, starting
pitches in and helps to buy a new circus upgrade at a Anticipation is reduced by Prestige. If it does, final
50% discount. payout is doubled regardless of whether or not the
show was a success.
Missing Child
You must roll Perception against your Level Based
Sold Out!
DC+5 in order to find the child. Each round you Your starting anticipation is raised to max
spend searching for the child before the show leads to anticipation
a stacking +1 penalty to Trick DCs during the show as
you spend less time preparing and more time Spotlight Jealousy!
searching; finding the Child doubles your payout and A random performer argues that they should have The
counts as a Minor Favour for the Reputation Big Number, not the performer chosen by the PCs.
Subsystem. Whichever performer the PCs decide gets the Big
Number in the end, the other refuses to perform. In
Soapy Drama their spare time, they train to be a better performer
Two of your NPC performers have had a quarrel and and prove they're worthy of the Big Number, and gain
are unwilling to come out of their trailers. You may the effects of a single Performer Training.
side with one NPC party to coax them out of the
trailer, if you do the other performer is unavailable for Monster Attacks
this show and the next. You may attempt to coax A monster of the party's level-4 shows up before the
them out with a PC level DC check to convince them show, and causes mayhem! Defeating it doubles the
out. On success both performers are available with a + circus' starting Excitement and Anticipation.
2 bonus to their checks, on failure both perfomers are
unavailable for this show and the next. If you choose Wealthy Patrons
to ignore the spat it resolves by the next show. The circus attracts a richer crowd than normal. All
trick DCs are 1 higher, but Payout is tripled on a
Important Guest
successful show.
A famous adventurer, noble or celebrity graces your
circus. Starting Anticipation is increaded by 3d6 and Roll Again Twice
all trick DCs are increased by 1. On a successful show, Reroll 2d20, rerolling if you get the same result.
the PC who rolled highest on their Trick check is Multiple 20s stack.
gifted a magical item of their level.
Circus Rules Plus+

Payouts & Prestige

For each show the PCs put on, they’ll earn fame and Earning Prestige
increase the wealth in their coffers. Payout is the PCs’
The circus starts with a Prestige of 0, which the PCs
earnings, which they can use to upgrade their circus
increase by performing shows. After a failed show, the
facilities, hire new talent, or purchase advertisements.
circus loses 1 Prestige. If the show was a success, then
Prestige represents the circus’s overall renown and the
the circus earns 1 Prestige instead, or 2 Prestige if the
influence it has in towns where it performs.
show was a critical success. Some circus upgrades
Degrees of Success require the circus to have a minimum Prestige before
The circus’s show can be either a critical success, a they can be purchased. The prestige will also have an
success, or a failure. If the PCs generate more impact on certain optional content throughout the
Excitement than Anticipation, the show is a success. If campaign.
they generate less Excitement than Anticipation, the
show is a failure. If the show generates 10 more
Excitement and Anticipation Risk Reward
excitement than anticipation the show will be a critical The more anticipation you generate in your audience
success. through the various activities the harder it will be for
your show to meet or exceed those expectations in the
Earning and Spending Payout big show. However, the reward for a highly anticipated
At the end of a successful performance, the circus show meeting its exectations will be significantly higher
earns an amount of Payout, which is calculated using especially for a prestigous show. While putting on safe
the following formula. (Note that the circus earns shows will be a good way to steadily maintain the
Payout before earning Prestige, so they use the Prestige Circus, earning the biggest upgrades and upgrading your
value they had when they performed the show, not talent will allow you to push that risk to maximize your
their new Prestige value after the show.) potential rewards for the show.

 (1 + Presitige) * Anticipation = Payout (in GP) Table 4: Example Payout Levels
Prestige Ancticipation Fail Success Critical
If the show was a critical success, the Payout is
0 15 3 15 23
increased by 50%. This doubling stacks with the
2 15 11 45 67.5
increase granted by the bad weather event. If the PCs
4 20 25 100 150
fail to generate more Excitement than Anticipation,
their show is a failure. The payout is instead 25% of 4 40 50 200 300
the potential payout for the anticipation. 5 40 60 240 360
5 50 75 300 450
PC Wages 9 80 200 800 1200
PCs also earn a bonus based on the success of the 9 100 250 1000 1500
show, in the event of a successful show the players 11 120 360 1440 2160
earn income for 1 week at an expert level where the 15 150 640 2560 3840
level is the prestige of the circus when the show 19 200 1000 4000 6000
started. If the show is critically successful they earn a
week of income at Prestige +2 at the expert level of
payout. This amount has no impact on the payout for
the circus as that is part of the cost for running the
If the show is unsuccessful it will be lean times for the
Circus, wages are not paid to any of the performers
(including the PCs).
Circus Rules Plus+

Circus Upgrades
The PCs can upgrade their circus anytime between Performer Training
shows. Each upgrade has a price; the PCs can pay for
the upgrade using either Payout or their own personal You can level up performers as if though they were
funds. Permanent upgrades, once purchased, affect PCs with enough skilled teaching. To do so, you must
every show thereafter. Temporary upgrades can be spend a number of GP equal to each level you want to
purchased on a per-show basis; a temporary upgrade give them multiplied by 4. For example, increasing a
affects only the next show, and each temporary performance from 4 to 5 will cost 20gp, increasing a
upgrade can be purchased only once per show. Some performance from 9 to 10 will cost 40gp.
upgrades grant access to certain non-performer roles.
TABLE 3: PERMENANT CIRCUS UPGRADES Seating options generate additional Excitement for the
Upgrade Price Prestige Req circus’s shows but reduce the circus’s maximum
Misc Anticipation by 10. At the start of each show, a circus
Acoustics 30gp 4 with bleachers generates 5 Excitement, assigned seats
Spotlight 30gp 4 generates 10 Excitement and upholstered seats
Performer Training Varies Varies generate 20 Excitement.
Bleachers 30gp 6 Amusement Rides
Assigned Seats 100gp 10 Amusement rides allow thrill seekers to frequent the
Upholstered Seats 500gp 14 circus even outside of regular show times. The
Tent Upgrades amusement rides increases your prestige during
Big Tent 30gp 4 payouts increasing the overall payments by the
Huge Tent 300gp 10 participants. The Helter Skelter by 1, Carousel by 1,
Massive Tent 500gp 14 and Roller Coaster by 2 (these effects are cumulative
so having all three upgrades provides 4 prestige at
Amusement Rides
payout time). This does not increase the prestige for
Helter Skelter 60gp 4
the circus for requirements for upgrades or other
Carousel 180gp 8
purposes, just at time of payout for calculating
Roller Coaster 500gp 12
Small 30gp 2 Sideshow
Medium 100gp 6
The sideshow allows you to run acts during the day to
Large 300gp 10 generate excitement before the main event. The
Perfect 500gp 14 players may assign a certain number of NPC acts to
the sideshow which automatically generate Excitement
equal to half their level. The basic side show can hold
Trick checks with the musical or audience traits gain a a single act and each upgrade adds another act to the
+1 circumstance bonus. After purchasing this upgrade, sideshow.
the bandleader role becomes available to characters.
Tent Expansions
Bigger tents increase the circus’s maximum
Gives access to the lighting role for the show. Anticipation limit. A big tent increases the circus’s
maximum Anticipation to 50, a huge tent increases the
Anticipation limit to 100, and a massive tent increases
the Anticipation limit to 200.
Circus Rules Plus+

Infrastructure Upgrades
Infrastructure upgrades make running the circus easier Prop Workshop
and provides bonuses to certain types of activities in
the circus. These upgrades also come with some The circus prop department is a workshop for crafting
additional advantages that could be useful while for specialized items for shows. While the prop
the adventuring party. department is primarily used for creating items for the
show, the players can use the tools in the workshop to
TABLE 4: INFRASTRUCTURE UPGRADES help with crafting their own projects as well. When
Upgrade Price Prestige Req using the workshop to craft items the workshop can
Prop Workshop provide a circumstance bonus to the craft check to
Simple 30gp 2 create the item. Higher levels of the workshop will
Standard 300gp 6 also reduce the minimum raw materials required for
Advanced 2500gp 10 crafting.
High Tech 24000gp 14
Med Tent
Level Crafting Boost Min Materials
Basic 30gp 2
Simple +2 50%
Standard 300gp 6
Standard +2 40%
Advanced 2500gp 10
Advanced +3 40%
High Tech 24000gp 14
High Tech +3 30%
Acquisitions Department
Simple 30gp 2 Med Tent
Standard 1500gp 8 The Medical Tent helps performers recover from
Advanced 24000gp 14 injuries and typical maladies more quickly. The med
Arcane Nexus tent provides a circumstance bonus to all checks with
Simple 30gp 2 the Injury or Explosive trait as performers feel more
Standard 300gp 6 confident in performing their act. The med tent also
Advanced 2500gp 10 provides advantages to medicine checks performed in
High Tech 24000gp 14 the medical tent and increases healing provided.
Managerie Care In addition, the staff at the tent have the ability to cure
Simple 30gp 2 certain conditions based on each level. For resurection
Standard 300gp 6 the players must provide the Diamond cost for the
Advanced 2500gp 10 ritual, one of the PCs must perform the religion check,
High Tech 24000gp 14 but the High Tech tent automatically upgrades the
ritual success by one step.


Level Medicine HP
Boost Bonus Conditions
Simple +2 4 Sickened, Counteract
Standard +2 8 Drained, Counteract
Advanced +3 16 Petrified
High Tech +3 32 Resurrection
Circus Rules Plus+


Upgrade Price Prestige
This is a team of buyers who are particularily adept at
Beer 5gp -
acquiring goods from the town and surrounding areas
for the show. When asked they can also use their Confections 15gp 5
contacts to find items that are harder to find or from Disposable Binoculars 60gp 8
more distant locations than others. They can be used Watermarked Tickets 40gp
to acquire goods at a discount for the level of the Merchandise
settlement you are in or lower, or to find items of Basic 20gp 2
higher level than the settlement by spending a week to Quality 40gp 6
find it. The Acquisitions Department provides a bonus Collectable 100gp 10
to any checks that have the prop Trait in Table 6. Magical 240gp 14
Basic 20gp 2
Level Level Boost Discount Bonus
Quality 40gp 6
Intern 0 10% 1
Professional 100gp 10
Prof Shopper 2 10% 1
Magical 240gp 14
Black Market 3 15% 2
Arcane Nexus
The circus generates an additional 2d6 pre-show
The arcane nexus is a center for magic for the circus.
Anticipation, and tricks with the audience trait gain a
The Arcane Nexus provides a circumstance bonus to
+2 circumstance bonus. However, the hecklers event is
all checks with the Magical Trait. In addition, the
automatically triggered, in addition to any other
workers in the nexus are adept at working with
random event rolled.
magical runes and are able to transfer magic runes or
apply runes to gear for the players. Confections
Table 7 provides the cost for transferring the rune (as The circus generates an additional 2d6 pre-show
a percentage of the rune's cost), how many runes can Excitement.
be transferred per day, as well as the bonus to any
trick with the Magical Trait. There is no cost for Disposable Binoculars
applying a runestone to an item.
Increases Maximum Anticipation by 20.
Watermarked Tickets
Level Rune Cost Runes/Day Bonus
Simple 30% 2 +1 Intricate ticket designs makes forgery difficult,
Standard 25% 4 +1 reducing sales of counterfeit tickets. For the purpose
Advanced 20% 6 +2 of calculating Payout, the circus’s Prestige is treated as
High Research 10% 12 +2 2 points higher than it actually is.

Managerie Care Center Merchandise

Merchandise increases the amount of money spent by
The Managerie Care Center allows for improved care
the audience in a successful show. For purposes of
of all the animals that participate in the show. Each
calculating the payout of the show increase the
level of the Center gives a bonus to any trick that uses
prestige based on the level of the merchandise.
the Animal trait. In addition, the Center can store
additional animal companions for the party which a Basic 2, Quality 4, Collectable 6, Magical 8
player can switch between during morning
preperations if starting the day at the circus. Advertisements
Advertisements help generate anticipation by
increasing the attendence for a show. Increase pre-
Level # of Animal Companions Bonus
show Antipation based on the Advertisement level
Simple 2 +1
Standard 4 +1
Advanced 8 +2 Basic 5, Quality 10, Professional 25, Magical 50
Magical 12 +2
Circus Rules Plus+

Original Rules: Paizo Inc.

Document & Writeup: @MightyThor34

Other contributions: Zapp, IcedMilk, MightyThor34

Other Resources
Circus Performers Level Guide (DM Guide)

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