RP4 - Basic Functions of Management

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There are four management functions: leading, controlling, organizing, and
planning. These roles collaborate to develop, carry out, and achieve organizational goals.
It can be thought of as a process where each function builds on the one before. It must
be performed in the correct order for management to be successful.
A manager or supervisor must first create a plan. Then, allocate resources and
assign tasks to workers following the plan. Then, direct others to carry out the plan
effectively. Finally, assess the plan's success as it is being carried out and make any
required adjustments.
During the planning stage, managers/supervisors design a plan of action to
accomplish organizational goals. They make strategic choices to determine the course of
the business. Before deciding on the ideal course of action, managers/supervisors can
devise various solutions to accomplish the goal. When making plans,
managers/supervisors often thoroughly examine the organization's existing situation,
considering its vision and mission and assessing the resources available to achieve
organizational goals.
The goal of organizing is to allocate resources and assign individual responsibilities
to accomplish the objectives set in the planning stage. To plan the budget and personnel,
managers/supervisors may need to collaborate with other departments, such as finance
and human resources. Managers/supervisors work to create a productive work
atmosphere during the organizing stage. They frequently consider their motivation and
aptitude to assign employees to positions and tasks that best suit their skills.
Leaders inspire their team members in the leading phase and shape their behavior
to accomplish corporate goals. Instead of prioritizing tasks, the leader focuses on
managing people, such as individual employees, teams, and groups. Though managers
may give orders to and control their team, effective leaders connect with their team
members by using their interpersonal skills to encourage, inspire, and motivate them to
work to the best of their ability.
The controlling phase involves monitoring how the plan is being carried out and
making necessary adjustments to guarantee that the organizational goal is met.
Managers/supervisors manage deadlines and provide personnel with training in the
controlling phase. They keep an eye on staff and assess the caliber of their job. They can
perform performance reviews and provide feedback to staff members, complimenting
good work and suggesting areas for development. Incentives for compensation increases
may also be given to high-performing workers.

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