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Section A: Grammar MCQ (10 marks)

Circle the correct option (a) – (d).

1. My brother would have bought the bicycle if he _____________ enough money.

a. saved
b. had saved
c. would save
d. would have saved

2. “The naughty boys burst the balloon on purpose, _____________ ?” the monitor
asked me, as he looked at the balloon fragments on the floor.

a. do they
b. did they
c. don’t they
d. didn’t they

3. James took Kate’s school bag home by mistake as he thought it was


a. his
b. her
c. him
d. hers

4. “The children hardly have problems waking up early for school, ____________?”
Aunt Samantha asked Father.

a. do they
b. have they
c. don’t they
d. haven’t they
5. Harry helped a younger schoolmate _____________ his bag to his classroom.

a. carry
b. carries
c. carried
d. carrying

6. “You _____________ for the last two hours. take a break,” Mother told me.

a. are studying
b. would be studying
c. had been studying
d. have been studying

7. Being irresponsible, the brothers gave _____________ consideration about the

consequences of their actions.

a. any
b. little
c. some
d. much

8. We can get to the airport quickly _____________ car.

a. in
b. by
c. on
d. with

9. All the students, except James whose parents did not give their consent,
_____________ in the upcoming Sports Day.

a. participate
b. participated
c. participating
d. are participating

10. The monitor received _______________ support from his classmates for his
suggestions so he had to change the plan.

a. few
b. little
c. much
d. many

Section B: Vocabulary MCQ (5 marks)

Circle the correct option (a) – (d).

11. Despite my grandfather’s failing eyesight, he took pains to sew a scarf for me
_______________. I love the fine details on it.

a. intensely
b. profusely
c. adequately
d. meticulously

12. Uncle Tan’s stories of adventures in foreign lands _____________ my

imagination, as I visualized myself being there with him.

a. subdued
b. captured
c. sustained
d. fascinated

13. Samantha ________________her chance to win in the story-telling competition

because she was too nervous on stage.

a. threw in
b. threw off
c. threw out
d. threw away

14. The triumphant team _____________ proudly up the stage to receive the
championship trophy.

a. ambled
b. trudged
c. strutted
d. plodded

15. Many reporters have to work under ______________ deadlines as they have to
bring the latest news to readers.

a. firm
b. tight
c. compact
d. restricted

Section C: Vocabulary Cloze (5 marks)

Circle the correct option (a) – (d).

Leia was stuck at home because of bad weather. She (16) deliberated over the
options she had. She could do nothing but watch television. She knew that it was a
waste of time and her elder sister, Rosie, would (17) frown upon her decision.

Unlike her, Rosie was a go-getter. (18) Like clockwork, Rosie would be up by
six every morning to go for her run before she worked on her to-do lists.

Leia respected Rosie as she was (19) steadfast in her belief that being
responsible is the key to success. With that in mind, Leia forced herself to get up from
the couch and do push-ups. Soon, she was sweating and felt refreshed (20) instantly.
After that, Leia started working on her project which was due next week.
a. decided
b. wondered
c. concluded
d. contemplated

a. disregard for
b. disallow from
c. disapprove of
d. disconnect from

a. routinely
b. irregularly
c. occasionally
d. sporadically

a. unsure
b. unafraid
c. unrivalled
d. unwavering

a. hastily
b. hurriedly
c. suddenly
d. immediately
Section D: Comprehension MCQ (8 marks)

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Home > Day Tours > Harvest Town

Harvest Town Day Tour

Date: 14 December 2021
Time: 6 a.m. to 10 p.m.
Pick-up and drop-off point: City centre Bus Terminal
Fee: $60 (adult and child above 10), $30 (child aged 10 and below)

Here’s what you can look forward to!

Visit the local fruit farms which Savour the flavour of Visit the pretty villages
grow over 20 different types of traditional dishes located in this town,
fruits. Learn about unique prepared with local each with its own
farming techniques and get a ingredients. You probably distinctive feature.
chance to sample some of the will not be able to have While you are
seasonal produce. Fresh fruit them anywhere else! All sightseeing and
juice will also be served! meals and refreshments shopping, your
for the day will be knowledgeable tour
provided, so come with guide will keep you
an empty stomach! well entertained with
their rich history.

 Be well taken care of by an experienced and knowledgeable tour guide and an

approachable bus driver.

 Travel in a clean and comfortable air-conditioned tour bus.

What a participant said about a previous Harvest Town Day Tour:

“My husband and I took our parents and three children on this tour. The bus driver, Mr Koh, and tour
guide, Bridget, made us feel very safe, comfortable and relaxed throughout the trip! Bridget knew a lot
about all the places we visited! At first, I was afraid that my children would not be able to take in all
that information. However, Bridget was so engaging that all of us thoroughly enjoyed listening to her
commentaries! The meals were excellent and all of us had fun trying all the different types of fruits we
had never seen before! We had a great time!”
Please Note:

 Reservations must be made here

 Payment must be made in cash or by credit card at the TourPro office.
 Optional activities may be selected by logging into your TourPro account.
 Health declaration and dietary requirement are to be submitted no earlier
than 7 days before the tour by logging into your TourPro account.
 A minimum number of 20 participants is required for the tour to proceed.

Refund Policy:

 Payment made will be refunded in full should the tour be cancelled.

 Partial refunds will be granted if you withdraw at least 14 days before the
day of the tour.
 Withdrawal made between 4-31 Oct: 75% refund
 Withdrawal made between 1-30 Nov: 50% refund

Use the timeline below to keep track of what you need to do!

November 2021

4-24 November 2021 30 November 2021

Submit reservations Make payments

December 2021

1-6 December 2021 7-13 December 2021

Select optional activities Submit health declaration and dietary requirements

Circle the correct option (a) – (d)

21. Which of the following is true of the Harvest Town Day Tour?

a. The tour bus will depart from Harvest Town at 10 p.m.

b. All schoolchildren get to do the tour at a reduced price.
c. Participants should reach City Centre Bus Terminal by 6 a.m.
d. Participants will be served only lunch and dinner during the tour.

22. Which of the following words is used to describe the fruits grown on the

a. local
b. fresh
c. unique
d. seasonal

23. According to the TourPro website, the tour guide is well-informed about the

a. past events related to the villages

b. unique roles played by the villages
c. well-known residents of the villages
d. products that are sold in the villages

24. Why are many exclamation marks used in Jessica’s comments?

a. to catch readers’ attention

b. to evoke a feeling of anticipation
c. to make her comments seem more favourable
d. to convey what a pleasant experience her family had had

25. Jessica was initially worried that her children would _______________.

a. not understand what the tour guide was saying

b. be bored by the information given by the tour guide
c. not pay attention when the tour guide shared information
d. be overwhelmed by the amount of information given by the tour guide

26. Mdm Low decided to go on the tour. She had to make a trip to the TourPro
office to _______________.

a. book a place on the tour

b. make payment for the tour
c. sign up for optional activities
d. submit her health declaration

27. Mr Tan received a full refund of the payment that he had made for the tour.
What could have happened?

a. There were limited places available.

b. The tour had fewer than 20 participants
c. He had cancelled his reservation in November
d. He had withdrawn from the tour due to his sickness

28. A timeline is provided on the website for the following possible reasons except

a. to interest people in the tour

b. to show people what needs to be done
c. to make the information more reader-friendly
d. to draw people’s attention to the various deadlines
Section E: Grammar Cloze (10 marks)
Fill in the blanks with a correct word from the box.

(A) each (D) their (G) to (K) whatever (N) whichever

(B) one (E) had (H) was (L) when (P) whom
(C) others (F) though (J) were (M) where (Q) up

My school held the water sports carnival after the mid-year examinations. To

accommodate the entire school population, it was held at the large swimming

complex adjacent (29) ___________ the school.

I was honoured to be part of the organising committee this year. The day

before the competition, I, together with some committee members, (30)

___________ putting up banners and decorations to spruce (31) ___________ the

swimming complex. (32) ___________ were assembling the carnival packs. Everyone

attending the carnival would receive (33) ___________ of these, consisting of a

clapper, a cap, snacks and packet drinks. (34) ___________ tired out after working

long hours, we were looking forward to the carnival.

The red-letter day arrived. The competitive events had attracted many

participants, many of (35) ___________ signed up for multiple events. (36)

___________ supporters were trying to outdo one another with loud cheers and

making a din with the clappers. (37) ___________ the outcome of the events,
everyone showed good sportsmanship and congratulated the winners heartily. For

non-competitive swimmers, there were also water games and tele-matches (38)

___________ some teachers gamely joined in. Everyone had a splashing good time.

Section F: Editing (10 marks)

Each of the underlined words contains either a spelling or grammatical
error. Write the correct word in each of the boxes.

Fort Canning Park is located in the southeast part of Singapore. Nature lovers
(39) (40)

will find plent to delight on at the park which features many history gardens.

Spice Garden is inspiring by Sir Stamford Raffles’ former spice plantation. The

garden rapresants his experiments and contains numerous spice plants he grew

here. Raffles Garden is also named after him, an enthuseasthic naturalist. This garden

includes the many flora and fauna that Raffles studied, collected or planted.

Artisan’s Garden is an exhibeat and activity space where children and adults

can partecipete in archaeology workshops. The garden is a preffered picnic site

(45) (46)

because it is shaded and visitors can see displays explanation what it used to be like.
As a recraetionel space, Jubilee Park is family-friendly. Its popular with
(48) (49)

children is due to the playground that is nestled there. Children get to enjoy play

equipment that blends after the environment. The name Jubilee Park comes from

the King George V Jubilee Park which existed from 1935 to 1972.

Section G: Comprehension Cloze (15 marks)

Fill in the blanks with a suitable word using the contextual clues

A group of wandering wild elephants has become an overnight Internet

sensation in China and globally. The pack first captured the (51) _______________ of

the locals in March 2020 after they suddenly left their home in the Xishuang Nature

Reserve. While the original group (52) ________________of 16 elephants, two

decided to (53) ________________ the herd and return home after a week. The rest

have (54) _______________ on their journey northward, stopping only for a short

(55) ______________ in November 2020 to allow a newly-born calf and its mother to


(56) _______________ leaving the reserve, the elephants have walked over

500 kilometres. Along the way, they have raided farms (57) _______________ food
and water, walked through city streets, and even paid a (58) _______________ to a

supermarket and a retirement home. Thanks to the vigilant eye of the government

officials, no animals or people have been (59) _______________ or killed. However,

the elephants have destroyed more than $1 million (60) ________________ of crops.

Researchers are unsure of (61) ________________ the elephants decided to

leave or where they are headed. While elephants are known to leave their habitats in

(62) _______________ of food, this is the longest migration of wild elephants in the

history of China. Due to the extreme distance (63) _______________ by the

elephants, some speculate that they may be lost. Elephant expert, Chen Mingyong,

shared that the herd’s leader possibly “lacks experience and has (64)

_______________ the world group astray”. However, other scientists think the

elephants were (65) ________________ to move due to deforestation. The

wandering herd’s quest for a suitable home is eagerly followed by millions on social


Adapted from

Section H: Synthesis and Transformation (10 marks)

Rewrite the given sentences(s) using the word(s) provided. The
meaning of your sentence must be the same as the meaning of the
given sentence(s).
66. James completed all the work yesterday.

All the work



67. The animal is elusive. It is a rare occurrence to see it.

To see such _______________________________________________________


68. The teacher is over there. Approach him if you need help.

____________________________________ should you ____________________


69. If we drive too quickly, the traffic police might fine us.

___________________________________ by the traffic police ______________


70. Mother felt that the watch was durable. She also felt it was affordable.

___________________________________________________________ not only


Section I: Comprehension Open-ended (20 marks)

Read the passage and answer all questions carefully.
(1) The village school that I attended carried out a tradition every year. The
School Board would award an academic medal to the graduating top student with
consistent best grades in all six years.

(2) My older sister, Ling, had won it a few years ago and I looked forward to
receiving it too. I had been the top student for the pat five years and I had also scored
the highest in my sixth year. My parents could hardly make ends meet as the harvests
from the farm was always limited. Hence, we could not afford the registration fees to
participate in sports competitions. Therefore, even though Ling and I were very agile
and athletic, we could never own a sports medal. This was our only chance.

(3) A week before the graduation ceremony, Mr Li, the principal, called for me.
He fidgeted apprehensively with the papers on his desk. “May,” Mr Li eventually said,
“The academic medal has always been free. However, the School Board has changed
its policy this year. They will charge fifteen dollars to cover the cost of the medal.” A
loud cry escaped my throat and I started to sob. Mr Li added with a sigh, “If you are
unable to pay for the cost of this, I will have no choice but to give it to the next
highest scorer. Go home and discuss this with your family.”

(4) That day, I cried all the way home, thinking of how to ask my father for this
unforeseen expense. I really wanted the medal. It represented six years of my hard
work. I found him bent over the rice plants in the fields. I was so nervous because I
knew our family could not afford to spend beyond our means. I clasped my hands
behind my back so that my father would not see me shaking, “Father, I have a favour
to ask of you. This year the academic medal is going to cost fifteen dollars. If I don’t
bring the money, it will be given to someone else.” My last words came out in an
eager rush.

(5) My father looked out tiredly at the field. I waited, hoping he would say that
I could have the money. He turned and asked me quietly, “What does the medal mean
to you?”
(6) I answered a little too quickly without realising the significance of my
words, “It means that I have earned the medal by having the highest grades for six

(7) It was too late. Father knew I understood that it was not about the money.
He continued pulling the weeds before he spoke again, “Then if you pay for it, it
means you have not earned the medal, does it? One’s success is not measured by a
medal. Tell your principal I will not pay the fifteen dollars.”

(8) In anger, I locked myself in the room that night. The Board’s decision was
infuriating. Why did they have to do this just when it was my turn? The issue was so

(9) The next day, I dragged myself into the principal’s office. I willed myself
not to cry as I told him of my father’s decision. The principal muttered something
incomprehensible as he stared out of the window. I waited for him. “Why?” he finally

(10) “My father said it would not be an academic medal if I had to pay for it,” I
struggled to reply steadily. I could feel my heart pounding as I tried to maintain my

(11) After a long while, Mr Li turned and looked me in the eye, “Go home,
May. I will ensure that you receive your medal at no cost. I will also inform the

(12) I hardly believed what I heard. After school, I ran straight to the fields to
look for my father. He did not ask me anything as I worked next to him. Finally, I
stood up and said, “I told Mr Li what you said and he says I’m getting the medal after

(13) Father simply smiled as he patted my head.

Adapted from “The Scholarship jacket” by Martha Salinas

71. Which word in paragraph 1 shows that the top student always had to maintain
the highest grades for six years in order to receive the academic medal? (1m)



72. State two reasons why the narrator was confident she would receive the
academic medal? (2m)



73. Fill in the following table by identifying the correct word(s) from paragraph 1-
2. (2m)

Question Word(s) from the passage

Which two words suggest that a) __________________________

May and her sister were good at
b) __________________________

74. From paragraph 3, what did Mr Li do that showed he was not comfortable
before he spoke to the narrator about the change in the academic medal policy?



75. From lines 4 to 17, state whether each statement in the table below is True or
False, then give one reason why you think so. (3m)
Statement True/False Reason

(a) May was the only one in

her family to win the
academic medal.

(b) Ling and May have

participated in many sports

(c) May was the first to be

asked to pay for her academic

76. From lines 26 to 33, explain why May’s father believed that she should not
have to pay for the academic medal. (2m)

a. _____________________________________________________________

b. _____________________________________________________________

77. Based on the information from the story, fill in the blanks in the following
table. (3m)

How the narrator felt Why the narrator felt What the narrator did as
this way a result

sad May had first learnt the

news from Mr Li that
she had to pay for the
academic medal.

nervous May clasped her hands

behind her back as she
gathered her courage to
ask her father for

May felt that the School May locked herself in

Board’s change in its the room
policy was unfair
78. Look at the table below. What do the words in the left column refer to in the
passage? Write your answers in the column on the right. (3m)

Word(s) from the passage What the word(s) refer(s) to

a. this (line 15)

b. unforeseen expense (line 18)

c. someone else (line 23)

79. Write 1, 2 and 3 in the blanks below to indicate the order in which the events
occurred in the passage. (1m)

______________________________ May requested for fifteen dollars.

______________________________ May completed her final examinations.

______________________________ May told Mr Li she would not pay for the

academic medal.

80. “One’s success is not measured by a medal.” (line 31)

Do you think Mr Li agreed with the above statement? Support your answer
with evidence from the text. [2m]


Answer Key

1. b
2. d
3. a
4. a
5. a
6. d
7. b
8. b
9. d
10. b
11. d
12. b
13. d
14. c
15. b
16. d
17. c
18. a
19. d
20. d
21. c
22. d
23. a
24. d
25. d
26. b
27. b
28. a
29. G
30. H
31. Q
32. C
33. B
34. F
35. P
36. D
37. K
38. M
39. in
40. historical
41. inspired
42. represents
43. enthusiastic
44. exhibit
45. participate
46. preferred
47. explaining
48. recreational
49. popularity
50. into
51. attention
52. consisted
53. leave
54. continued
55. while
56. After
57. for
58. visit
59. hurt
60. worth
61. why
62. search
63. travelled
64. led
65. forced
66. All the work was completed by James yesterday.
67. To see such an elusive animal is a rare occurrence.
68. Approach the teacher over there should you need help.
69. We might get fined by the traffic police if we drive too quickly.
70. Mother felt that the watch was not only durable but also affordable.
71. Consistent
72. The narrator had been the top student for the past five years and she had also
scored the highest in her sixth year
73. a. agile

b. athletic

74. Mr Li fidgeted apprehensively with the papers on his desk before informing the
narrator about the change in the academic policy
75. (i) False. May’s elder sister, Ling, had won the academic medal a few years

(ii) False. May’s parents could hardly make ends meet and could not afford the
registration fees to participate in sports competition.

(iii) True. The school board changed its policy that year when May was
studying her sixth year.

76. a. May’s father believed that if she paid for it, she had not earned the medal.

b. May’s father believed that one can be successful even without a medal.

77. Sad: She let out a loud cry and sobbed.

Nervous: May knew that their family could not afford to spend beyond their
a. the medal
b. the fifteen dollars to cover the cost of the medal
c. the second highest scorer
79. 2, 1, 3
80. Yes, Mr Li told May to go home and he promised her that she would get her
medal without paying any money and he will inform the Board.

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