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Task 3: The personnel Manager at the factory where you work has

received several complaints from workers. Read the comments some

workers have made in the table and write the report.
To: Personal Manager
From: Workers
Subject: Comments from workers on four major issues.
Date: 1st April 2022

The purpose of this report is to gather the judgments of many workers at

the factory. The report summarizes their appreciation of facilities,
transport, shift work, and management relations.

The factory not only serves a variety of delicious foods for its employees,
but the dishes are also affordable. From Monday to Saturday, at each meal,
workers receive a flexible menu to choose whatever they want. They can
freely choose noodles, rice, or bread to eat, and the quality is extremely
excellent, which makes workers feel very satisfied. Moreover, the factory
also regularly gives snacks such as fruit or yogurt to workers. As a result,
operatives do not have a tendency to eat outside the factory.

The factory is highly worried about the transportation of its personnel.

Workers can take the company bus to the workplace, so they never need to
be confused about transport. They are picked up from a place near their
house every day. It can give workers security and help them save time.
Furthermore, the plant provides employees who drive themselves to work
with a little stipend to cover their travel expenses.

While working at the factory, workers will have benefits on shifts. Women
are not compelled to work night or weekend shifts if they are pregnant or
have a young child. They even get off work an hour earlier than the rest of
the group to safeguard their health and to care for their children. Workers
can also pick between day and night shifts to accommodate their schedules,
resulting in favorable working circumstances for them.

Although the plant has a large staff, the supervisors and overseers are
usually fair and get on well with most of the workers. For instance, all
workers at a given stage will be given the same amount of work, and if
someone fails to do it or performs it incorrectly, their pay will be docked.
On the contrary, employees who do well will be rewarded. Moreover,
supervisors regularly communicate with workers, pay attention to their
suggestions, and encourage their morale at work.

On the basis of the points mentioned above, it is obvious that the plant has
excellent worker treatment regimes. In my opinion, it is a perfect
workplace for a large number of individuals.

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