Pixar Video Timetable

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Pixar Video Timetable

1) Chilled out background music quietly plays underneath my voice, as the 1) "Originally named "Graphic Group" The company otherwise now known as Pixar Animation
speaker begins to talk, Each film when mentioned will appear on screen for a Studios, was firstly apart of lucasfilm which then collaberated with the funding of co-
founder of apple: Steve Jobs, who became its majority shareholder. The company have
quick second or few, as well as the lucasfilm logo and Steve Jobs. Towards the
managed to produce multiple successful films, movies and animated shows, some of these
end of the first scene after "Monsters Inc" is spoken, the screen will fade out include: Wall e, Inside Out, Finding Nemo, UP, The Incredibles, Toy Story, Cars, Coco,
black for a quick moment which afterwards the second scene begins to play. Ratatouille, Brave, and Monsters INC."
2) The screen has just faded black as the beginning of scene 2 commences, during the very 2) "11 Different Pixar Movies have won the Academy Award for The Best
beginning, the academy awards trophy will firstly appear on screen as afterwards it will faze Animated Features. Not to mention that I'm heavily inspired by how Pixar is a
back to myself talking on camera. (This will be the first time my face appears and I will be doing
very large and successful company known worldwide that produce 3D animated
a hand sign in my position) From lines "not to mention" to "very large and" since when
the line "successful" appears it will show raining money on screen which fades into a video of films, movies, and shows, each with their own individual and many loveable
earth from a space pov with a followup of showing a Toy Story 3 scene as I mention the "3D characters. I also enjoy the many vibrant and colourful scenes that express
animated films, movies and shows, each with their own individual and many loveable everything really clearly.
characters" afterwards the scene will continue to play however the scene will now be turned
up and we'll hear a line of a clip of when Buzz Lightyear says his signature line "To I hope to be able able to create similar animated shows in the future, however
infinity...and beyond"
for an older age gap. Many Pixar films even managed to have multiple movies
Afterwards the screen would play back to myself as the second paragraph begins, however as I Such as the Toy Story or the Incredibles series'. They've overall made hundreds of
begin to mention the Pixar films with multiple movies (Toy Story/The Incredibles) all movies of millions of dollars over the years and have been producing their creative products
each franchise will appear on screen when said, afterwards when I start mentioning millions of for many decades, and hopefully more to come. And I personally am inspired and
dollars the screen is back on me! The screen stays focused on me for the rest of the scene. As I hope that one day I can create my own company or buisness that's just as if not
the screen again makes another transition. even more wealthy and successful"
3) After the transition I appear again on screen, however am sat in a different location of 3) "Personally it doesn't take that much to inspire me, I have a very creative imagination and
recording this time, music will continue to play in the background, as when mentioned a mindset, so I can pretty much gain a random idea from anything as simple as a butterfly.
butterfly will fade into on screen then it will play a wall e clip as I say: Howeverrrr...knowing that I would like to create my own animated shows in the future push my

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