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Entrepreneurship usually starts as a small business 

but the long-term vision is

much greater, to seek high profits and capture market share with an innovative
new idea.

Dark Side of Entrepreneurship

The Dark Side of Entrepreneurship includes Depression, Stress which at times leads to Mental
and health issues. 'Entrepreneurs reported experiencing more depression, ADHD (trouble
paying attention, may act without thinking about what the result will be), substance use, and
bipolar disorder. It is a lonely world at the TOP.

Corporate Entrepreneurship
Corporate entrepreneurship is an approach that enables employees to pursue novel business
opportunities while working within an established organization. This strategy encourages
innovative ideas and risk taking, allowing the company to build new businesses, products, and

What do you mean by corporate entrepreneurship?

First, though, what exactly is corporate entrepreneurship? We define the term as the process by
which teams within an established company conceive, foster, launch and manage a new business
that is distinct from the parent company but leverages the parent's assets, market position,
capabilities or other resources.

What are the four key elements of successful corporate entrepreneurship?

 Decentralized management structures. Corporations that wish to harness a culture of

corporate entrepreneurship should have flat management structures. (Companies that wish
their employees to be entrepreneurial must have flat management structures. Bouchard
says “In order to foster an entrepreneurial environment companies should be as flat as
possible. If there are too many management levels and lines of reporting decisions take
too long to make. Slow decision-making kills corporate entrepreneurship).

 Formal project processes. (Simple, formal processes to assess entrepreneurial projects

must be in place. If a project is given the go-ahead, it must then be supported.
“Corporate entrepreneurs need to be assessed as they develop their projects – and then
supported with money, time and company resources”).

 Open communication. (Companies should encourage and facilitate open

communication between employees and different business units, if corporate
entrepreneurship is to thrive. Gatherings and events that allow workers to talk and
exchange ideas should be held regularly. “If companies want employees to come up with
good ideas, then frequent communication between workers is critical. If workers don’t
talk to each other, opportunities will be lost and entrepreneurial activity will be stymied.
There should be no silos in companies that want to foster innovation”).

 Risk taking opportunities. (Corporate entrepreneurs can only operate in a company

that is open to a certain level of risk taking. In order to promote this culture, companies
should identify role models who embody a spirit of entrepreneurial thinking and promote
this as an ideal. “Managers should discuss the successes and failures of role models to
let employees know that taking risks in the pursuit of entrepreneurial ideas is

What is the difference between strategic entrepreneurship and corporate

While corporate entrepreneurship provides essential elements for achieving benefits in
the relationship, strategic entrepreneurship converts corporate entrepreneurship
into firm performance throughout firms to gain competitive advantage.

Who is called corporate entrepreneur?

The intrapreneur or corporate entrepreneur is usually an employee of a large organization who

uses the resources and capabilities of the organization, rather than their own, to put their
innovative ideas to practice and align their goals to the organizational goals.

What is the difference between Intrepreneur and Entrepreneur?

An entrepreneur runs their own company. They have complete freedom and responsibility -- for
better or for worse. An intrapreneur is responsible for innovating within an existing organization
(usually a big one). While intrapreneurship is less risky, it also comes with less autonomy.

Social Entrepreneurship
Social entrepreneurship is the process by which individuals, startups and entrepreneurs
develop and fund solutions that directly address social issues. A social entrepreneur,
therefore, is a person who explores business opportunities that have a positive impact on their
community, in society or the world.

Social entrepreneurship is all about recognizing the social problems and achieving a social
change by employing entrepreneurial principles, processes and operations.

One example of social entrepreneurship is microfinance institutions. These institutions provide

banking services to unemployed or low-income individuals or groups who otherwise would have
no other access to financial services.
TOMS Shoes was built on a simple premise: For every pair of shoes you buy from them, they'll
give a pair to someone in need, typically in underdeveloped countries.

Bill Gates is also a social entrepreneur.

What are the 5 characteristics of social entrepreneurship?

5 Important Qualities that Make a Successful Social Entrepreneur

Deep empathy, Innovation, A Systemic View, A Sustainable Approach, Involving Change-


Corporate Entrepreneurship vs Social Entrepreneurship

 Corporate Entrepreneurship

Corporate Entrepreneurship has been recognized as a prospectively viable means for promoting
and maintaining the performance, renewal and corporate competitiveness of an organization over
the past couple of decades. The entrepreneurial activities assist organizations to develop new
business-lines that further sources for revenues. Corporate Entrepreneurship activities also
improve a company’s work culture by promoting product and process innovations, thus leading
to success. Corporate Entrepreneurship is incorporating risk bearing, pro-activeness and progressive
product innovations. These Corporate Entrepreneurship activities can enhance organizational growth
and profitability and, their impact may increase over time depending on the organization’s competitive
environment. The practical evidence is gripping that Corporate Entrepreneurship boosts company’s
performance by enhancing the firm’s pro-activeness and willingness to bear risks, and by instigating the
development of new products, process and services by upgrading its competitiveness.
Creation of corporate entrepreneurial activity is not an easy task as it involves changing the
internal behavioral patterns of an organization. The environment plays a major role and radical
influencing. It has been agreed on that the external environment is an important factor leading to
Corporate Entrepreneurship.

Corporate Entrepreneurship has been known for renewing and revitalizing current companies. It
serves as a tool for business development, revenue growth, profitability enhancement and
instigating, developing and innovating products, services and processes.

 Social Entrepreneurship

A rapidly growing and dynamic sector of the industry today, social entrepreneurs play a pivotal
role in providing products and services with the prime motive of creating social well-being,
operating from a 3-tier bottom line perspective benefitting People, Planet, and Profit. Profit in
the social enterprises is reinvested into the enterprise rather than being distributed among the
stakeholders and founders. Social enterprises operate on different models. Such enterprises have
an entirely different legal structure created, thus distinguishing them from charities, in being self-
sustaining through income. Social enterprises have been persistently survived for any economy
and contribute remarkably to the revenues.

Social entrepreneurship prioritizes far beyond just generating a profit, and measures its
performance based on the impact the business makes on the society as well as economy. This
responsibility of focusing on generating and maximizing positive social returns differentiates the
social entrepreneurial business from the conventional and outdated “corporate social
responsibility” approaches which tend to occur only when healthy profits have been made by the

People finding meaning in their work are shifting to social entrepreneurship which kills two birds
with one arrow by helping the society and succeeding in their ambitions with a different
approach altogether. Social entrepreneurs are demographically spread across the world from
young to old and from different type of background, stature, and education.

Social entrepreneurs are innovators who commit themselves to the need of the society, and on
making products and services that solve social issues and problems. Unlike traditional startups
and business ventures, their goal is to make the world a better place to live in, and not to take
market share or to generate profits for the founders. Social entrepreneurs may be categorized as:

 Nonprofit

 For-profit, or

 Hybrid.

SVP: senior vice president rules

Social Entrepreneurs as, “people who recognize social problems, decide to roll up their
sleeves and get into action using entrepreneurial principles to organize, create, and manage
a venture to implement social change that is sustainable, good for the planet and for the
highest good of humanity.”

Corporate Entrepreneurship vs Social Entrepreneurship

Basis Corporate Entrepreneurship Social Entrepreneurship

Main Objective Building a business and maximizing Creating social change


Wealth Creation Wealth is same as Profits Wealth means creating and

maintaining social and environmental

Measure of Benefiting shareholders and investors Engage in for-profit activities


Investors Venture Capitalists Philanthropists

Emphasis on Team Venture Capitalists invest in business Individuals raise and donate money
and Individual on the basis of company’s leadership for charitable causes on the basis of
team and the organization supporting viability of the project gauged by the
it individual in charge.

Performance Corporate entrepreneurs can rely on Measuring social change is difficult

Measurement relatively tangible and quantifiable due to its non-quantifiable and multi-
measures of performance such as causal characteristics, and perceptive
financial indicators, market share, differences of the social impact
customer satisfaction, and quality. created.

Entrepreneurs whether social, corporate or any other, majorly focus on creating profits whether
for the organization or social well-being. The foremost responsibility is to benefit the people
either inside or outside the organization. The entrepreneurs tend to start a business venture in
order to bring changes in their lifestyle, and routine, and tend to boost social and economic
development. Entrepreneurship is generating a business, starting and running a new business,
and maintaining it in a long-run. Entrepreneurs take and bear risks, are focused, determined,
innovative and creative, confident and bold, possess a can-do and go-getter attitude. They are
self-motivated and have strong work ethics and people skills. The best part about
entrepreneurship is that the business idea can be small or big, whether in an urban area or rural,
involving any amount of capital, tangible or intangible, it gives an opportunity to grow and make
changes in the society to the person or group generating the idea. These changes can range from
generating employment opportunities to impacting the society in a positive manner.

Encouraging the idea and concept of entrepreneurship always leads to more improved and
satisfied economy, as it gives the liberty to the people to turn their dream or idea into a full-
fledged business plan, further generating employment, which leads to improved standards of
living and welfare of the people, further resulting into a developed economy. Entrepreneurs are
considered as the national assets to be encouraged, motivated and remunerated to the best extent.

Entrepreneurs have a powerful ability to change the way a society survives and runs. If
successful, their innovations might enhance our standards of living. In short, an entrepreneur not
only creates wealth and generates profits from the business venture, but also, they also create
jobs and the conditions for a developing society.

Are social entrepreneurs really ‘Entrepreneurs’?

The social entrepreneurs truly possess entrepreneurial traits, but with a completely different
mindset and skill sets. They are the ones who are wholly and solely involved in activities
benefiting the society and focus on its well-being. They mainly emphasize on impacting the
social, economic, and cultural environment of the nation in a positive and constructive manner.
Social Entrepreneurs want to make a difference to the world: they are passionate and eager
about the cause that they have chosen and are highly motivated and enthused about their
mission to change the society and help the ones in need.

Ethical Challenges In Social Entrepreneurship

What are ethics in social entrepreneurship?

They argue that ethics of social entrepreneurship is emergent, realized through social actions
that struggle with power, subjectivity and freedom. Social entrepreneurs are not inherently
moral beings who do the right thing in contrast to the rest. Bill Gates is also a social

1. Lack of Infrastructure
2. Funders and Investors

3. Desire to Achieve

4. Cultural and Societal Impact

 4. Cultural and Societal Impact

“At the societal level, entrepreneurship significantly influences the sort of lives we will live
in the future. To the extent that our lives are shaped by market activity, changes in the way
we will live are driven by entrepreneurs. These visionaries create and commercialize new
products and services for which there has not been a market previously.”

Large multi-national corporations such as Apple, Ben & Jerry’s, TOM’s shoes, and Wal-
Mart, it is clear that values based leadership created these global companies that have
significantly influenced people locally, nationally, and internationally. An entrepreneur has
the power to shape and shift the paradigm in ethics and community service through her
leadership. Through her vision, an entrepreneur is creating new products, concepts,
technologies, or services and creating demand in a new market. “Such firms not only
exercise tremendous economic power but also symbolic power as they become the role
models for the next generation of organizations,”

They become trail-blazers (news, scores, schedules, statistics, photos, video, social media)
and inspire the next generation. Entrepreneurs face uphill challenges and, certainly,
leading our communities with values based leadership, being keenly aware of some of these
pressures and a focus on ethical issues in business might help these creative thinkers
achieve their dreams.

Would the founder of vegan restaurant be considered a social entrepreneur? As by growing their
business, more people will consume non-meat based food, and in fine help reduce climate
change. What is difference between vegan and vegan free?

Some people may also follow a dairy-free diet for ethical reasons. Vegan diets ban all animal-
derived products, such as dairy, eggs, meat, and fish. Dairy-free diets exclude dairy but may
allow other animal foods. While all vegan food is dairy-free, not all dairy-free food is vegan.

Lamb skin & HANX non-vegan condomn

Defining the boundaries of social entrepreneurship would require a whole separate thread.

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