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EEE 485

Energy, Renewable Energy, Solar Energy,
Solar PV: Present Status, Future Prospects,
Applications, Potentiality and Cost Analysis

Prof. Dr. Mahmud Abdul Matin, CUET

Mahmud, EEE, CUET 1
1. Mratin A. Green “Solar Cells” Prentic-Hall, 1982, ISBN

2. T. Markvart, K. Bogus “Solar Electricity- Wiley, 1994,

ISBN 0471941611

3. PVEDUCATION.ORG, Free Resource at:

4. MIT Courese: 2.627/2.626: By Prof. Dr. Tonio Buonassisi

5. Thin Film Solar Cells Fabrication, Characterization and

Applications: Edited by Jef Poortmans Vladimir Arkhipov,
IMEC, Leuven, Belgium, John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

6. Other Internet based sources: If required…..

Mahmud, EEE, CUET 2
Cource Objectives
The objectives of this course is to realize the present
and future renewable energy scenario and to understand,
select, design, apply, analyze, innovate, learning the
techniques to utilize solar energy effectively for all

Course Outcomes
To enlighten the current status of energy resources, environmental
issues and role of renewable energy for sustainable development.
Realize solar energy, solar energy conversion process, PV technologies,
apply these for affordable energy solution for all
and to realize the sustainable development goal SDG7 in anywhere.

To design and evaluate the performance of solar PV cells, modules and

systems. Accelerate the PV deployment, design and analysis of
standalone, grid-connected and hybrid PV systems. Finally, originate
higher performance, applications of PV devices and systems. 3
Mahmud, EEE, CUET



Mahmud, EEE, CUET 4
Energy Demand and Production



Mahmud, EEE, CUET 5

Why we will need more energy?
World Population Trend

1%/year after 2000?

Mahmud, EEE, CUET 6
Mahmud, EEE, CUET
World Population Trend

Now World
Population is
8 bilion, 1.2%

Mahmud, EEE, CUET 8

Energy Demand (Cont.)

Energy is a key to the advancement and prosperity of


To sustain the current human development more and

more energy is required…

In 2021 averaged about 19 TW and about 75%... fossil

fuels (coal, oil, and natural gas etc) as we know 17.4 TW
was for 2015…[Global electricity consumption in 2019 was 22,848 TWh]

For 2035 projected amount is as much as 30 TW !!!???

How to supply all that energy: to burn more fossil fuels

or build more nuclear power plants !!!!!???
Mahmud, EEE, CUET 16
Global Warming 1000 Years Trend, EEE, CUET 1.1 °C from 188017


1.1 °C from 1880

Mahmud, EEE, CUET 18
 With a three foot sea
level rise some island
nations, such as the
Maldives, would be
submerged. Already, two of
the islands that make up
Kiribati (a Pacific island
nation) have gone under the
 Rising oceans will
contaminate coastal
surface and underground
fresh water supplies -
worsening the world's
existing fresh water supply

6.1cm, 19.25cm &


Mahmud, EEE, CUET 19

Main Reason of Global Warming

A carbon footprint is the total

amount of greenhouse gases
(including carbon dioxide and
methane) that are generated
by our actions.

The concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has passed

the dangerous level of 400ppm (2017): Perhaps permanently.
Decarbonizing the energy sector is a matter of urgency if we are to
reduce emissions at the pace Mahmud, EEE, CUET
necessary 20
to slow global warming…….
Countries by carbon dioxide emissions
in thousands of tones per annum

Mahmud, EEE, CUET 21

CO2 emission has increased 1.4% in 2017 after
steady state value of 2014, 2015 & 2016
Mahmud, EEE, CUET 22
Global Warming if All Ice Melts

Mahmud, EEE, CUET 23

Global Warming & CO2
Greenhouse gasses, air pollution
Water and soil contamination………
Our convenient lifestyle also results in a daily output of over
110 million tons of CO2 into the atmosphere [Carbon dioxide
accounted for 411 parts per million volume (ppmv) in the atmosphere as of April
2018, having increased from 280 ppmv in the 1830’s & now 431 ppmv in 2021]
This large CO2 emission is a primary cause for global warming and the
primary reason for the recent climate changes, 1.4% increased in 2017…..

Earth thermal blanket 59°F (15°C)

A blanket around the Earth: A layer of
greenhouse gases – primarily water vapor, and
including much smaller amounts of carbon
dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide – acts as a
thermal blanket for the Earth, absorbing heat
and warming the surface to a life-supporting
average of 59 degrees Fahrenheit (15 degrees
Celsius)……. Mahmud, EEE, CUET 24
What are 5 Effects of Global Warming
 More frequent and intense drought, storms, heat waves,
rising sea levels, melting glaciers and warming oceans can
directly harm animals, destroy the places they live, and
wreak havoc on people's livelihoods and communities. As
climate change worsens, dangerous weather events are
becoming more frequent or severe.
 Increased use of coal was the main factor driving up global
energy-related CO2 emissions by over 2 billion tonnes, their
largest ever annual rise in absolute terms.
 Emissions increased by 2.1 Gt from 2020 levels. This puts
2021 above 2010 as the largest ever year-on-year increase
in energy-related CO2 emissions in absolute terms. Coal
accounted for over 40% of the overall growth in global CO2
emissions in 2021, reaching high of 15.3 billion tonnes.
Mahmud, EEE, CUET 25
Globally the End of Fossil Fuels

6.1 cm,
19.25 cm
& 2.5 m

Fossil fuel reserve depletion times for oil, gas and coal of
approximately 33, 42 andMahmud,
70 years respectively only…(2009)
Limitation of Conventional Fuels
Coal, Oil & Gas is spent million times faster than it is
formed, complete depletion is unavoidable…
How fast we will run out of Oil/Gas, ranging between 20
years and less than 30 years & Coal by 60 years, after
Heterogeneous distribution of fossil fuels reserves has
been generated political and economical tensions…
Unanswered question of safe disposal of radioactive
waste of nuclear plants, disasters…, terrorisms….
Energy of fossil fuels, solar, nuclear, other RE resources
which are all primary, can be converted into final energy
forms, like electricity and heat that are more useful to us
Primary, secondary, final and useful energy: These
four stages can be achieved from fossil fuels & renewable
as well ….
Mahmud, EEE, CUET 27
Primary, Secondary, Final & Useful Energy
Primary energy: Primary energy is the energy as it is available as resources –
such as the fuels that are burnt in power plants – before it has been
transformed. This relates to the coal before it burned; the uranium; or the
barrels of crude oil.
This is the most widely available statistic and very commonly used PE.
Secondary energy: When we convert primary energy into a transportable form we
speak of secondary energy. For example, when we burn coal in a power plant to
produce electricity, electricity is a form of secondary energy. Secondary energy
like liquid fuels (gasoline, petrol and diesel: which are refined oil), electricity and
Final energy: Once we’ve transported secondary energy to the consumer it is final
energy. Final energy is what a consumer buys and receives, such as electricity;
heating; or petrol, diesel at the fuel pump.
Useful energy: This is the last step. It is the energy that goes towards the
desired output of the end-use application. For a lightbulb, it’s the amount of light
that is produced, Fan, AC, fridge, collar use electricity to cool. For a car, it’s the
amount of kinetic (movement) energy that is produced from oil.

Mahmud, EEE, CUET 28
World Energy Consumption by Sources

Mahmud, EEE, CUET 29
World Energy Consumption by Sources

Recent Trend of Energy Sources: World

Electricity Generation (IEA, 2016)

Mahmud, EEE, CUET 30
World Energy Consumption and Shares

Mahmud, EEE, CUET 31
Energy Consumption of 15 Years
Mahmud, EEE, CUET 32
Future Energy Demand & Technology

Mahmud, EEE, CUET
The World’s Energy Problems
 The world faces two energy problems: most of our energy
production still produces greenhouse gas emissions, and
hundreds of millions peoples lack access to energy, 91%
 We still now lack of safe, low-carbon, and cheap large-
scale energy alternatives to fossil fuels. Until we scale up
those alternatives the world will continue to face energy
problems of today. The world has another global energy
problem that is just as big: hundreds of millions of people
lack access to sufficient energy entirely, they got to
use….with terrible: to themselves and to the environment.
 Our challenge: find energy alternatives to fossil fuels that
are affordable, safe and sustainable for all at anywhere….
 The world has to use alternative energy to keep the world
temperature rise at the safe value and to save us….
Mahmud, EEE, CUET 34
Annual Additions of Renewable Power

Annual Additions of Renewable Power

Mahmud, EEE, CUET 42
Alternative or Renewable ES
 Renewable Energy: RE is energy that comes from resources which
are continually replenished on a human timescale such as sunlight,
wind, rain, tides, waves and geothermal heat etc. ….
It has four important areas: electricity generation, air and water
heating/cooling, transportation, and rural (off-grid) energy services.

 Renewable sources of energy are very potential and sound

alternative of the present energy crisis and global warming…….

 Renewable energy resources; such as solar, wind, rain, tides, waves

etc. energy are constantly replenished and will never run out…

 Renewable energy technologies can produce heat and electricity

with a very low of carbon dioxide emissions for all in everywhere…

 Clean and will improve the quality of environment of our shared

HOME and save us to be survive & healthy stay with longer life …..

Mahmud, EEE, CUET 43
Alternative or Renewable ES (Cont.)

Mahmud, EEE, CUET 44

Mahmud, EEE, CUET 45
70% of net global power capacity additions
will attributed from renewables in 2018
According to the Global Status Report (GSR) by REN21:

A fifth of the world’s energy consumption is supplied by renewables.

The world’s renewable power capacity could supply an estimated 26%
of global electricity.
55% of new renewable power installations were solar photovoltaics (PV)
and these accounted for more than the combined additions of fossil fuel
and nuclear in 2017: With around 100 GW added, solar PV was once again
the frontrunner for installed renewable power capacity. Additions from
solar PV accounted for 55% of new renewable capacity, followed by wind
power (28%) and hydropower (11%). For the fourth year in a row,
additions of renewable power generation capacity outpaced net
installations of fossil fuel and nuclear power capacity combined.
The decentralization of energy makes energy affordable and
accessible to people that need it. At the core is the concept of
distributed energy resources (DER) made up of microgrids/mini grid.
Solar energy is the star of this trend, with wind also playing a part…….
Mahmud, EEE, CUET 46
Global RE & Total Final Energy 2006-2016

The coal industry and major oil and gas companies spend upwards of
USD 200 million each year lobbying to delay, control or block policies
aimed at addressing climate change and on advertisements to
influence public opinion…..
Mahmud, EEE, CUET 47
Global RE & Power Gen Capacity 2008-2018
Mahmud, EEE, CUET 48
The Sun Main Source of Energy
Sunlight or solar energy can be used for heating, lighting
electricity and variety of commercial and industrial uses…

Most renewable energy comes either directly or

indirectly from the sun:

The sun's heat: drives the wind-wind turbines

The winds and the sun's heat cause water to

evaporate: hydroelectric power

Rain & sunlight causes plants to grow: Biomass energy

Not all renewable energy resources come from the

sun-Geothermal energy,
EEE, CUETenergy etc…. 49
Solar PV Global Capacity 2011-21

Mahmud, EEE, CUET 51
Global Energy Potential

Mahmud, EEE, CUET 52

Present Status of RE Sources
The world uses about 1.25 TW out of the 3 TW of feasible
(economically) hydroelectric electric power ….

Biomass crops need to occupy 31% of the land on earth!!!

Wind power is irregular and relatively scarce, Now we are

using about 0.8 TW power, But reasonable estimates have
suggested this could be in the 25-70 TW range…

Geothermal power is short in supply: drilling technology- could

provide about 2 TW only (13.5 GW), like Tidal & Wave power…

The power of sunlight incident on the earth is about 125,000

TW. That is over 6,000 times more than the world current
demand; the sun will be available for a very long time for all of
us. The best is to converting into
Mahmud, EEE,electricity.
CUET Now about 2.25 GW
Main Renewable Energy Sources

Wind Energy Solar Photovoltaic Energy Solar Thermal Energy

Mahmud, EEE, CUET 54

Main Renewable Energy Sources
• Wind energy has high potential Globally specially in coastal area
where wind velocity is high but less potential for Bangladesh
perspective (845GW but in BD until only 3MW…..)
• Solar thermal energy has high potential Globally specially in
desert area where solar radiation is high but it less potential for
Bangladesh perspective can be used by hybridization with the
conventional power plants.

• Solar Photovoltaic Energy main two parts:

• (i) Solar Photovoltaic (PV) has high potential in Bangladesh and
Globally as well (677MW & 942GW)

• (ii) Concentrated Solar Photovoltaic (CSP) has high potential Globally

specially in desert area where solar radiation is high but less potential
for Bangladesh perspective (6GW but 00).

• Thus, Solar PV will beMahmud,

in details 55

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