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THE 24


The 24 Habits

The 24 Habits

"A positive mind finds a way it can be done; A

negative mind looks for all the ways it can't be
done." - Napoleon Hill

The 24 Habits

Table of Contents

Section 1: Introduction

Section 2: The 24 Habits

Section 3: Bonus Habits + Conclusion

The 24 Habits

Section 1: Introduction
Since the beginning of mankind, there have been consistent recurring
traits that have separated the top tier men from everyone else. From
ancient Indian texts such as The Vedas, to Niccolò Machiavelli’s The
Prince, great men have studied what it takes to reach their maximum
potential and live the life every man desires. However, times have
changed since the Monarch city states of Italy. Our society today has
failed us men, conditioning us to be weak, spineless creatures who do
what we're told without question. This leads us to a life of comfort, but
most certainly an unfulfilling life of things that prevent us from truly
living. In the text below, you will find the consistencies of these historic
books, translated in such a way that can be applied to the modern
world. By the end of this book, you will have all the perfect modern daily
routine that will allow you to have any life you dream of.

The first thing you must do is identify what it is that you want in life.
Grab a pencil and paper, sit down, and give yourself 15 minutes to write
out everything that would make your life “complete.” Be as specific as
you like, and know that nothing is out of your reach. Whether it’s living

The 24 Habits

off the land in a remote cabin in The Alps, relaxing outside of your
beachside mansion in the Caribbean, or partying with model girls
everyday in Ibiza. Before you can implement the habits that I am about
to reveal to you, you must identify an end goal. A man without goals is
thrown aimlessly throughout the universe, just as a ship without sails is
thrown throughout the seas to the ocean’s choosing. Once you identify
your goals, you have set a point for the universe to sail you to. Your goals
may change as time passes, and that is OK. Be sure to update your goal
list anytime they do.

I want you to get up right now and write your goals down. That means
right now. Stand up, grab a piece of paper, and write down everything
you want to have in life. DO NOT continue reading until you have done

Your daily habits 5 years ago are responsible for the life you have today,
just as your daily habits today will be responsible for your life 5 years
from now. In this book, I will teach you the exact daily habits that will
bring you the life you dream of in the future. Incorporate each one into
your daily routine, and it is only a matter of time until you have the life
you desire. You will learn every Habit, how it will change your life, and
how to incorporate it (since most men find some of the Habits
challenging). The first Habits I mention are quite obvious, things such

The 24 Habits

as working out, reading and meditation. But as you get further along,
the Habits become more obscure, and I guarantee that if you implement
them your life will change in ways you could not have foreseen. Let us

The 24 Habits

Section 2: The 24 Habits

Habit 1: No Fap

No fap is the practice of refraining from jerking off. It is ESSENTIAL

for any man wanting to better his life, and without it, it is IMPOSSIBLE
for a man to reach his true potential. When you jerk off, you are
harming your body both physically and psychologically. Almost all cases
of depression and anxiety in men can be traced back to the
psychological damage of porn and masturbation. Once you quit, your
anxiety levels will drop to almost zero. On top of this, there is
something quite mystical about a man who refrains from masturbation.
Some call it the glow, some say it puts you in line with the universe,
some say it manifests all your desires, but all who practice it agree on
the fact that it is the building block of any man wanting to become his
greatest version. Everyone knows the saying “Energy cannot be created
or destroyed, but only transmuted from one form to another.” This is
true for sexual energy as well. Sexual energy is the most powerful
energy in the world. Men have been known to sacrifice their entire
future, way of living, and personality just to get a girl they like. When
you release this energy through masturbation, you are quite literally
flushing this energy down the toilet. If you are refraining from
masturbation, this energy has to go somewhere. No Fap is the perfect
fuel to push you to all your desires. Again, the power cannot be

The 24 Habits

explained, you must try it to truly experience the benefits. On top of

this, there are a lot of other benefits of No Fap. Your skin will clear up
and glow, you will have increased happiness levels, people will start to
notice your energy, you will have the drive to make your life better,
women will show higher attraction to you, increased confidence, and
more. If you are not doing No Fap, you are sacrificing your true
potential as a man, and for that you cannot reach greatness.

How To: No Fap

This is likely the Habit that men struggle with the most. After years of a
porn and masturbation addiction, it is hard to shut off instantly. Luckily
for you, I have compiled a few strategies. The first thing you must know
is this: When you feel an urge to jerk off, you have built up sexual energy
inside of you. You must release this energy somehow, and if you jerk off
then you have failed. Therefore, you must release the energy into
something productive. The first thing you have to do is get up and do
something. It is hard to escape the urge when you are lying in bed on
your phone. Get up and do some pushups, go for a walk, meditate
outside, or my favorite urge killer: a freezing cold shower. It is common
to get urges, as you are a man filled with testosterone. To reduce the
frequency of urges, you must also transmute your energy through your
daily habits. If you are following the Habits below, this should not be an
issue for you. Again, the main purpose of No Fap is to provide you with
the fuel and drive to become the best version of yourself, day by day. If

The 24 Habits

you are retaining your life force, you cannot fail. Each night you should
be so tired from a hard day of work that you fall asleep within minutes.

Habit 2: Work Out

“No man has the right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. It is a
shame for a man to grow old without seeing the beauty and strength of which his
body is capable.”


One of the most important habits all men must pick up is consistent
daily exercise. Your body is a powerful machine, which you must strive
to make as strong and beautiful as possible. A man with muscle
automatically stands out and gains the respect of people everywhere he
goes. At the end of the day, deep down every man would choose to have
muscle over no muscle. Working out has so many benefits, such as
increased self worth, improved confidence, improved happiness, more
female attraction, and more. You can have all the money, fame, and
power in the world, but if you look in the mirror and do not like what
you see, you will not be happy. Like Socrates said, it truly is a shame for
a man to grow old without seeing the beauty and strength of which his
body is capable. Make sure you are transmuting your energy into
working out every day, resting if needed.

The 24 Habits

How To: Work Out

Some men may struggle with getting into a workout routine. The
reassuring thing to know is that if you are on No Fap, you will have the
energy and motivation to workout every single day. And once you make
it part of your routine, you will actually look forward to it every single
day. If you are struggling at first however, there are a few things you can
do. The first thing is to get a gym membership. It may be intimidating
at first, but I guarantee you 99.9% of the guys at your gym welcome
newcomers. If it is still intimidating, find a buddy to go with, and keep
each other accountable for going often. This makes going to the gym
much more fun, and you will get addicted to working out. Sometimes I
hear the excuse of “I cannot afford a gym membership.” If you are still
living with your parents, I’m sure most of them would be happy to pay
for your gym membership, as it is a good hobby to have. Another excuse
I hear is “I do not have access to a gym/My gym is closed.” No worries.
There are plenty of at home workouts you can do, and you can find great
muscle building videos on YouTube. There is absolutely no reason you
cannot workout every day, and it should be your priority. Ideally,
working out should be one of the first things you do every day. You
should also aim to workout 5-7 days a week, depending on how hard you
go, and if your body is asking for rest.

Habit 3: Reading

The 24 Habits

Unfortunately, the school system was designed in a way that conditions

most young men to hate books, and absolutely despise reading. I was
the same way. However, once I started my journey, it became clear to me
that books are essential, and the knowledge you gain from them can
and will change your life. Picture it this way. Experts of any given
subject spend years and even decades studying and perfecting their
knowledge on their subject. They then sharpen it down to the most
important information, and publish it on some paper. This is years of
knowledge that will be available in the palm of your hand available to
you for just ten dollars. If this does not sound like a good deal to you,
then nothing will. You can virtually download an expert in any given
field’s knowledge onto your brain through books. There are books in any
category you can think of. How to make money in the stock market, how
to learn female nature and attract any girl you want, how to manipulate
people into giving you what you desire, how to create a business that
makes money while you sit back and watch. Anything you can think of,
a book has been written on it. Once you realize how many books are out
there, you will realize you do not have enough time to consume the
knowledge that all of them hold. And once you realize how powerful this
knowledge is, you will redevelop your love for reading and make it part
of your daily routine. Reading is also incredibly calming, and has
benefits such as increasing mental sharpness, vocabulary, and allows
you to talk in a more sophisticated manner.

How To: Reading

The 24 Habits

The easiest way to get back into the habit of reading is to find a book
that you will enjoy. It helps to gradually put yourself back into the habit
of reading, especially if you have not done so in a while. I prefer to read
before I go to sleep, as it calms the mind and slows your thoughts into a
gentle sleep. However, reading can be done at any time in the day. Try
reading outside, in the sun, or in nature for incredible calming effects.
If I had to recommend one book to you to start with, without knowing
anything about you, I would tell you to read The Wall Speaks by Jerr.
Some others include Psycho-Cybernetics, Rich Dad Poor Dad, How to
Win Friends and Influence People are a few to start with. If you want
more recommendations feel free to DM me on instagram.

Also, I have created the 1 Percent Book list. It has every single book that
is REQUIRED for all men to read. You are incomplete until you finish
this book list. This book list alone would literally change your life, the
books on it are absolutely essential. The 1 Percent Book list is available to
all members of the Discord, so make sure you join.

Habit 4: Mindfulness

Most people believe they do not have time for mindfulness. They could
not be further from the truth. There is a reason why mindfulness has
been practiced for thousands of years, and is practiced by the most
successful people today. Mindfulness is a way to connect your mind and

The 24 Habits

thoughts to the purest source. Whether you believe in God or the

Universe, mindfulness is the easiest way to put divine thoughts into
your brain. Overthinking? Mindfulness. Don’t know what to do next?
Mindfulness. Anxious or depressed? Mindfulness. Just have 15 minutes
of free time? Mindfulness. Most people wake up, do a bunch of things
with no mental rest, and go to sleep. If they have any free time, they are
distracting their minds on their phones. They have a damaging need to
be stimulated constantly. And their minds are hurting because of it.
Mindfulness slows you down, and will make you more present,
thoughtful, and aware throughout every second of the day. Think of
something you are good at, so good that it comes naturally. This is what
Mindfulness will bring to you all day. You will be in your flow state, and
make all the right decisions. Every day you have tens of thousands of
thoughts. Mindfulness is a way to clear out all the junk thoughts, and
replace them with only thoughts that matter. You will be so much more
productive with 1 tab open rather than 100. Mindfulness is the way to
close all the other tabs. I cannot praise the benefits you will gain
through mindfulness enough, you must incorporate it into your daily
routine. If you do not, you are missing out on an incredible practice and
will pay for it. I promise you can find a few minutes to sit in silence. The
universe will align to bring you far greater things if you meditate. You
are not in as great of a rush as you believe yourself to be. You have
enough time to sit and do nothing but observe your thoughts.

How to: Mindfulness

The 24 Habits

Mindfulness is incredibly simple to do. You do not need to sit in an

uncomfortable pose, play music, or make humming noises. I
recommend doing it twice a day, for 20 minutes a session. As you enjoy
the benefits more and more, feel free to increase this time and make
your own tweaks. You will always benefit more from more mindfulness.
Find a quiet place, preferably in sunlight or nature. Sit in the moment,
and observe your thoughts and surroundings. You can do it with closed
or open eyes. Your mind will have all sorts of thoughts. This is natural. If
this happens, bring your mind back to your breath. You should be
breathing in and out through your nose. You will notice that your
thoughts become more pure and relevant to your life the more you
meditate. It is also true that the benefits of mindfulness are
compounding. The 7th straight day of mindfulness will be much more
effective than the 1st. Also practice smaller forms of mindfulness
throughout the day. Just finished lunch and about to resume your day?
Do not go sit down and check your phone or computer. Sit down for a
minute, and allow the thought of “what should I do next?” come to you. I
guarantee it will be a good one. Out in public? Do not go on your phone.
Control your breathing and observe your thoughts and surroundings.
Mindfulness should be done throughout the day. Next time you have the
urge to go on your phone because you are bored, do not listen to it.
Simply sit in silence and enjoy the beauty of life that is all around you.
Implementing this habit is the easiest way to change your life. Do it.

The 24 Habits

Habit 5: Hydration

I do not care how much water you drink every day. You will see more
benefits if you drink more. Before my journey, I found myself
sometimes drinking no more than 4-5 cups of water everyday. Looking
back, it is no wonder I was so miserable. Water has an incredible
amount of benefits, including clear/glowing skin, more energy, builds
muscle, burns fat, increases digestion, clears waste from your body,
fights illness, boosts mood. The list could go on for pages. The bottom
line is this. You should be very aware of how much water you are
intaking daily. Chug as much as possible. This may be hard for some
men, as your school or work makes this difficult, so adjust accordingly.
The benefits from this Habit alone will transform all aspects of your life.
In fact, go chug 2 glasses of water right now.


Water should be one of the few liquids you consume. Stop drinking
beverages with processed sugar. No soda, gatorade, or artificial juices.
These sugars are so toxic to your body and you are so much better off
without them.

How to: Hydration

The 24 Habits

Not much needs to be said here. Chug 2 glasses of water when you wake
up, and through every hour of the day. You will be able to tell if you are
dehydrated, simply through hunger pangs and the amount of saliva in
your mouth once you become more intune with your body.

Habit 6: Diet Adjustment 1

Everyone knows the saying “You are what you eat.” But this saying could
not be more true. When you ingest food, your body breaks it down, and
turns the food into your cells. So if you are eating junk, your body will
quite literally be made of junk. Why does it matter if you’re made of
Doritos and hot dogs? Well, if your cells are made of junk like this, they
will be incredibly weak. You will be more likely to get injured, your
chances of getting sick go up exponentially, your mental state will be
poor, and overall you will feel like crap. Compare this to someone who
only eats quality foods from the Earth, and the difference is night and
day. You cannot reach your highest potential if you eat crap. That is
where Diet Adjustment 1 comes in. This is the first Diet Adjustment of 3.
Adjusting your diet can be very difficult, so it has been split into 3
sections. Diet Adjustment 1 has one main asking, and that is no more
junk food. Cut out the chips, the ice cream, the cookies, the things that
you KNOW are bad for your health. Sure, it is OK to have a cheat meal
once in a while, but you have to be super careful that you do not abuse
these treats. Otherwise it becomes too easy to fall back into a bad cycle.
Some of you may already have passed this Habit, and if you are, great

The 24 Habits

job. You can move on to Habit 7. But if your diet includes junk food,
then read the How To below.

How to: Diet Adjustment 1

Your cravings to eat crap have been conditioned in you from a young
age. The good news? It is just a craving. If you are able to do No Fap,
then blocking these junk food cravings should be more than easy. Just
remind yourself that eating junk today will harm you tomorrow. It ages
your body, makes you weak, and is overall a horrible tradeoff for
something that tastes “good”. Also, you will always eat whatever is in
your kitchen. If there are oreos in your kitchen, you will eat them. If
there are fruits, nuts, and quality meats in your kitchen, that is what
you will eat. The majority of the battle is making sure you do not have
easy access to junk food. It all starts at the grocery store. Pick the foods
that you know are better for you. If you still live with your parents, give
them a list of healthy foods you would like and politely ask for them to
buy it. Even more ideally, go grocery shopping with them, and pick out
all the healthy foods you would enjoy.

Habit 7: Financial Stage 1

When you are rich, money is nothing. When you are broke, money is
everything. You cannot live the life you dream if you are tied down to a
job you hate, and relying on a boss to keep you above water. This is why

The 24 Habits

it is so important to create passive income streams, so you can make

money while doing whatever, from wherever. I will teach you how to do
this in the 3 Financial Stages in this book. However, this is by no means
a short process, so that is why you must start Financial Stage 1 as soon
as possible. Financial Stage 1 consists of establishing 1 income stream. It
can be a job, a side hustle, flipping items, or anything that is a
consistent stream of revenue. No matter what it is, you need to be
increasing your bank account every single day. Money attracts money. If
you have 1 dollar in your bank, it will be near impossible to use this
dollar to make more money. If you have 100 dollars in your bank, you
have suddenly made it exponentially easier to increase this 100 dollars
into 200, 500, 1000, or whatever number you set your mind to. So I end
the description of Financial Stage 1 with a simple message. Create your
first steady stream of cash. Apply for jobs, create a landscaping
business, flip items from Walmart onto Ebay, I do not care. In Financial
Stage 2, you will learn how to multiply this money, and the more you
have saved, the more your returns will be. Get to stacking.

How To: Financial Stage 1

There are a few different routes you can take with this one. The first is to
find a job, which is the simplest way to earn a steady stream of income.
Just go to and apply to jobs that sound appealing to you.
Clock in, grind out the hours, and before you know it you will have a few
thousand in the bank. You can also follow a less traditional route if you

The 24 Habits

are willing to take a higher risk higher reward strategy. You can start a
local business, such as mowing lawns, power washing houses, or other
landscaping needs. These may require a startup fee, and you need to put
your business out there, but they can be much more rewarding. Go on and create an account in your neighborhood. Whether
you know it or not, a lot of your neighbors use this website daily, and
you can get an incredible amount of natural exposure from simply
posting once or twice a week. It is also a good idea to print out a few
hundred flyers and drop them off at houses across your neighborhood.
You will get business in no time if you do these things and market well.
Another important tip that I will leave you with, is to SAVE YOUR
MONEY. You should not be using this money to eat out, buy weed, or
other things that you do not need. A tip I learned is this. Give yourself a
starting number. Say you have 530 dollars in the bank. You would set
your number to 500. So, you cannot go below 500 dollars, and you are
restricted to only spending 30 dollars. Keep increasing your starting
number as you continue to stack your money. And remember, the more
money you have for Financial Habit 2, the greater the multiples of the
returns you will receive.

Habit 8: Mindset Adjustment 1:

Your mind is the most powerful tool in your reality. Program it correctly,
and you can have any future you desire. In the Mindset Adjustment 1, 2,
and 3, you will learn exactly how to do this to create the life you desire.

The 24 Habits

Mindset Adjustment 1 consists of one simple concept. Righteousness.

Always do the right thing. Karma is real, and whether you realize it or
not, the energy you put out will always come back to you. ALWAYS. Just
because you don’t see the repercussions after a week since you screwed
someone over does not mean they are not coming back to you. ALWAYS
DO THE RIGHT THING. The path to take should be obvious in almost
all situations. Help an older person carry their groceries. Give money to
the homeless guy. Encourage your friends, and never talk down on
ANYBODY. If tempted to do something that is morally wrong, DO NOT
DO IT. You will always benefit so much more in the long run if you are
sending out pure and positive energy into the universe. Stop doing
destructive things. Stop harming your body with things you know are
bad for you. Every single action you take has repercussions, and karma
will ALWAYS come back to you. Will it be good karma or bad karma?

How To: Mindset Adjustment 1:

At the end of the day, we are all human. We make mistakes, and do
things that we know are wrong. You too will undoubtedly encounter
moments like this on your journey. There is one thing you can do in
times like this, and that is forgive yourself. At the end of each day, you
should reflect on what you did well, and what you can improve on. If
you did anything that was not the right thing to do, acknowledge this
mistake and forgive yourself. What’s done is done, and the only thing
you can do now is learn from it. Without trying to get religious, the

The 24 Habits

character of Jesus Christ is one you should strive for. Jesus Christ was a
figure who was said to have lived a sin free life. Regardless what you
believe, or what religion you associate with, you too should strive to
always do the morally right thing. I am not religious. I do however,
strive to live a life free of sin.

You now know the 8 beginner habits to creating the life you dream. It is
recommended that you practice these before implementing the next
intermediate habits.

Habit 9: Semen Retention

Semen Retention is often deemed the hard mode of No Fap. The concept
is quite simple. No releasing of your semen. Not by yourself, not with a
girl, not at all. There is a reason why successful men, such as Nikola
Tesla, Albert Einstein, Steve Jobs, Kanye West, Muhammed Ali, Mike
Tyson, Nipsey Hussle, along with so many others practiced this in their
prime. When you release, your body goes into comfort mode. If you
retain your seed, you will have the burning desire to demolish your
goals every single day. It is as simple as that. Just because you can have
sex with a girl does not mean you should. Most girls are not deserving
of your energy. If you have great ambitions in life, which you should,
your seed is incredibly valuable. Your seed should not be given to
anyone and everyone. I do believe there are exceptions to this Habit,
which is this. If you are truly in love with a woman, and you trust her

The 24 Habits

with your energy, then I believe it is OK to release with her every once in
a while. You should only be releasing with a woman you are dating or
deeply in love with. Do not get addicted to it though, and learn to
control your urges. If your woman cannot understand that you are
saving your semen to better your life, then she is not the one for you. A
true woman understands that you put your purpose first and will be
happy with you regardless. There are also ways you can have sex and
orgasm without releasing, which you can research more. Do not go
around spreading your seed to any girl you can find. The benefits from
retaining your seed are like No Fap on steroids. However, we all live our
own lives, and if you feel the need to release with a hot girl in a one
night stand, that is your choice. I am here to tell you that you will
benefit from not releasing your sexual energy into casual sex which is
not making you a better person.

How to: Semen Retention

Many people often say holding your seed in increases your chance of
developing testicular cancer. This is not true, as old cells will be released
through Nocturnal emissions. There are no negatives to semen
retention. If you were able to complete No Fap, then this is a similar
process. It is all about controlling your urges. Realize your purpose is
more important than temporary pleasure with a girl. Again, you control
your own life, so it is your choice if and when you want to release with a

The 24 Habits

girl. Again, the more you retain, the more energy you will have to reach
your goals.

Habit 10: Intermittent fasting (OPTIONAL)

Intermittent fasting is simple. Set a period, traditionally 16-20 hours,

where you do not eat. In the time slot you eat, you still should be putting
the proper calories and nutrition into your body along with drinking
water. In the time slot you are not eating, you should be drinking a very
large amount of water. There are a few benefits to this, and a few
controversies. First off, when you are in a fasted state, and drinking
water, your body is burning fat and cleansing toxins out. This is why
intermittent fasting is useful if you are trying to lose weight. The second
benefit of intermittent fasting is this: You become incredibly more
productive. Think about it this way. Our ancestors were not eating
breakfast before they went out hunting. Their hunger drove them to
reach their goals, which was food. The same goes for you. When you are
in a fasted state, you will be like a hungry lion chasing down his goals.
Whatever goals you give yourself while fasted in the morning, you will
accomplish with ease. It can be something as simple as hitting the gym
fasted, which is what I do. When we eat food, our body goes into a food
coma. We feel tired so our body can rest and digest the food. Fasting
also increases discipline. Our bodies have been programmed to crave

The 24 Habits

food, and denying it will increase your discipline. This is why

intermittent fasting is practiced by many successful people today.

How to: Intermittent fasting

Choose the timeslot you want to eat during. The most common time slot
people choose is 12:00-20:00. I have seen more hardcore people eat only
during the hours of 16:00-20:00. When you are first starting
intermittent fasting, your body will not be used to waiting this long to
eat. You will feel hunger pangs, but simply suppress them by drinking
water. As your body gets used to fasting, you will still experience hunger
pangs. However, you have trained your body to request more water
through hunger pangs. If you ever feel hunger pangs while fasted, drink
more water. When I wake up, I go to the gym before eating. If I feel
hungry, I drink water. I experience better workouts while fasted, and
the water is clearing out any toxins that I could have intaken the day

Disclaimer* Intermittent fasting may not be for everyone. I recommend

you try it out for a week and see if you want to implement it into your
daily routine.

Habit 11: Shower Adjustment

The 24 Habits

Cold showers have an incredible amount of benefits. Like many of the

other Habits, it too follows the theme of replacing your comfort with
discomfort. When you take hot showers, you are sitting in comfort, and
when you get out you stay in this comfort zone. When you are standing
before the running cold water, you do not want to jump in. That is why
you must do it. If you can train your mind to put your emotions aside
and jump into the cold water, you will see the effects of this across your
entire life. Don’t feel like hitting the gym? You will just do it. Don’t want
to talk to that girl? You will just do it. Don’t want to start that business?
You will just do it. This discipline is just one of the benefits of cold
showers however. It will boost your energy, mood, testosterone,
immune system, and more. It is also a great way to clear your acne, and
give you vibrant glowing skin. After I told my friend to take a cold
shower, he said it was the most productive day he’s ever had. Your life
will benefit greatly from taking cold showers.

How to: Shower Adjustment

Unless you have incredible discipline, it will be very hard for you to just
jump right into the cold water and sit in it until your shower is done.
What I recommend is this: Start with your usual temperature of water.
Keep turning it colder and colder and then sit in the cold, really sit in it.
After you do this for a few days, try turning the water to cold and
getting right in. The colder the better. At first, I used to do all cold water
in my showers. However, I now go from cold water, to hot, and end with

The 24 Habits

cold. This way my pores can open up and I can clean myself better. This
should be an easy habit to master that will have a huge effect on your
life. Try it next time you shower.

Habit 12: Affirmations

Your outer reality is a reflection of your inner. What you think is what
you attract. This is why so many people today are starting to use
affirmations. When you constantly repeat a phrase in your mind, you
start to believe it. This phrase can be about virtually anything. I AM
healthy. I AM wealthy. I AM protected. Everything happens in my favor.
I AM attracting everything my heart desires These are just a few you can
use. Whatever you want in life, you can attract using affirmations. Your
mind and the universe work together. If you really believe something,
the universe will send you whatever thoughts you need to bring it to
you. This is why affirmations are so powerful. Make your mind believe
you are rich, and the universe will conspire to make you rich.

How to: Affirmations

It is quite a simple habit to implement into your daily routine. Pick up a

journal. Find affirmations of all sorts, on the subject of things you want
to attract. You can find them on Google or Youtube. Write them down.
Now the first thing every morning, before checking your phone, should
be reading these affirmations. The very last thing you do before you go

The 24 Habits

to sleep at night should also be reading these affirmations. If you read

at these times specifically, you will start to engrain these affirmations
into your subconscious mind. Once these beliefs are ingrained in your
subconscious mind, you will start to see a reflection of them in your
reality. When I first started using these affirmations, I saw this
reflection. I told myself I am rich, and a few weeks later I found a 100
dollar bill on the ground. Now the universe is setting me up for
incredible riches, and I see this every single day. If you believe, you will

P.S. We also have a HUGE list of the best affirmations in the Discord.
We have the best affirmations for health, wealth, love, prosperity, etc.
These affirmations are a cheat code, you need to see it for yourself. Make
sure to join.

Habit 13: Reconnect

Friedrich Nietzsche was a German man who is considered to be one of

the greatest philosophers of all time. He stated that he would “Never
trust a thought that occurred to him indoors.” He is certainly on to
something. When we are indoors, we are closed off from the world
which we come from. We are in a box with four walls around us, which
is a perfect way to kill all creativity, happiness, and pure thoughts. This
is why it is so important to reconnect with nature and the world. There
are a few methods you can use to reconnect. The first thing you can do is

The 24 Habits

simply walk outside, preferably surrounded by as much nature as

possible. When you go on these walks, you will benefit so much more if
you have nothing on you. No wallet, phone, or anything that will
distract your mind. Notice how incredible thoughts begin to come into
your head. Some of the most successful people I know all go for “bare”
walks outside, and they say this is where they get their million dollar
ideas from. I would say that it is even a form of meditation. If you can,
walk barefooted as well. This action has been labeled as grounding.
There is something quite unique about connecting your feet to the
Earth, almost like a tree connecting its roots back into the soil. Some
benefits of grounding include improved mood, improved sleep, reduced
pain, reduced stress, faster wound healing, improved immunity, and
more. Another way you can implement this habit of reconnecting to the
Earth is by exposing your skin to sunlight. There is a direct correlation
between the amount of sunlight one gets and the amount of happiness
they feel. I am sure most of you know this by now. DO NOT NEGLECT
DAY. It will make you happier, sexier, and more productive. There is
nothing in the world like the feeling of sunlight on the skin. A bonus tip
is this. For years we have covered up our privates with underwear and
shorts. If you are able to expose sunlight on these areas that have been
covered for so long, you will feel an incredible power within you. If
possible, sun your balls. It sounds funny, even crazy, but trust me on
this. This trend has recently taken over the self development
community, for a good reason. It will increase your testosterone,

The 24 Habits

energy, libido, and it feels f*cking incredible. Sun your body and your

How to: Reconnect

This one is pretty simple. Implement a daily walk into your routine. Do
not take your phone with you. If you can, ground yourself barefoot in
some grass, dirt, or other Earthly substance. Do it in the park if you
need. Just like meditation, simply observe your thoughts and write
them down if you have to. They will be million dollar thoughts. Also, get
as much sunlight as possible. Sunning your balls will be tricky for most
of you, unless you have a private area. I recommend wrapping yourself
up in a towel, grabbing a book, and sitting out in a chair in the sun.
Unwrap the towel so your front is exposed, and cover it with a book
while you read. This is a great method to sun your balls discreetly. You
must reconnect with nature everyday if you want to maximize your
potential as a man.


There is a practice called sun gazing which involves looking at the sun.
This should be approached with great caution, as it is possible for
damage to occur. People claim that this connects them to the universe,
allowing them to pick up pure frequencies and thoughts from the sun.

The 24 Habits

When starting out, you should only look at the sun for short intervals
during early sunrise and late sunset. Expert sungazers are able to look
at the sun throughout the day, and have developed techniques to do
this. I am not too well read on this, but there are plenty of videos on
YouTube which you should checkout if interested.

Habit 14: Diet Adjustment 2

The next adjustment to your diet is slightly more complicated than the
first. The first Habit told you to remove all junk food from your diet. In
this Habit, I am asking you to remove seed oils, high amounts of sugar,
and other low quality foods. When eating and grocery shopping, you
should be checking the nutrition label. ALWAYS. So many foods today
seem innocent, but have toxic seed oils and processed sugar in them.
This can be cut out by reading the nutrition label before you buy. If you
look at the ingredients and see soybean oil, corn oil, cottonseed oil,
sunflower oil, peanut oil, sesame oil, rice bran oil or other vegetable
oils, avoid buying it. If you check the nutrition label and see a large
amount of added sugar, DO NOT BUY IT. These two ingredients are
incredibly harmful to your health, and will damage your cells and your
body. I believe these two ingredients are the main cause of cancer today,
as weak, toxic cells are created from them, allowing cancerous cells to
form. You should also be cutting out low quality meats. Energy is never
destroyed, only transferred from one form to another. When you are
eating low quality meats, you are taking on the energy of these dead

The 24 Habits

animals. For example, a chicken could sit in a cage that is 1 foot by 1 foot
all its life. It is fed horrible corn mix, which goes and makes up the cells
in its meat. It is stacked upon thousands of other chickens, who poop
on each other all day. There is no positive emotion in it’s life. When the
farmer finally brings it out to be slaughtered, the chicken knows what is
coming and is scared. It lives and dies with this horrible energy. When
you eat this meat, you are taking on this negative fearful energy. This is
just one example of why you should only be consuming high quality
meats. Read the How To below.

How To: Diet Adjustment 2

Like diet adjustment 1, most of this Habit takes place in the grocery
store. It also requires a little bit of knowledge, which I will reveal to you
now. Like I previously explained, low quality meats will throw off your
energy levels. You can cut out meat completely, something I
experimented with in the past, but I found it was hard to feel satiated
and it was hard to get proper nutrients. Now, I only buy organic, free
ranged animal products. These animals live a much better life, and you
will not be taking on as much negative energy when you consume their
meat. Most companies label this on their packaging, as it is something
they are proud of. Also, make sure you check the nutrition label when
purchasing foods. No seed oils, and little to no added sugar. Implement
this Habit and watch how much your life changes. Diet is everything.

The 24 Habits

Habit 15: Financial Stage 2

There are a million ways to get rich. The best way to get rich is through
passive income. The goal is to make money while you sleep. To do this,
you must start somewhere. You cannot keep working a job waiting for
the day you retire to live life. This is the old way of doing this. You are
not here to be a slave to a corporation who virtually owns you. In
financial stage 1, I told you to find a job. You will now start to use this
money into creating multiple income streams. You have to create your
own businesses. You will not see returns for months, even years when
you start a business. This is expected. I also highly recommend you
learn how to trade in the stock market. The stock market is an incredible
way to 2x, 10x, 100x your money. You will certainly need experience
which cannot be learned overnight. That is why it is so important to
start today. Imagine where you will be in 5 years if you started a
business and invested $1000 today. It is a marathon, not a sprint. Plant
the seeds today, reap the benefits tomorrow.

How to: Financial Stage 2

You will gain more experience from 1 ounce of doing than 100 pounds of
learning. I had no idea what I was doing when I started my first online
business. I learned through trial and error. I had no idea what I was
doing when I invested my first 100 dollars into the stock market.
However, after less than a year of starting both, I have gained an

The 24 Habits

incredible amount of experience from JUST STARTING. That is all you

have to do. JUST START. You will learn as you go. If you do not know
what business to start, meditate on it. Go for a walk on it. Find
something you are passionate about, good at, and can provide value to
others. Then find ways you can monetize it. Follow accounts on money
twitter. Start a new social media account for your business. Buy a
course that shows you how to create an agency. There are so many
things you can do to just start. What you cannot do, however, is put it
off for tomorrow. Procrastination will kill you. The journey of a
thousand miles begins with a single Habit. Take that first Habit today.

We also have courses for starting an agency or e-commerce business to

make your first $10k month within the first year of starting. It’s SUPER
simple once you know how to do it, you literally can’t fail if you apply
what we teach. On top of the coaching and brothers, you need to join
the Discord.

Habit 16: Mindset Adjustment 2

Mindset adjustment 2 is simply swallowing the “red pill”. Chances are, if

you are reading this book right now, you have accepted or are currently
in the process of accepting the world for what it really is. We have been
conditioned from a young age to be “bluepilled” simps. Do what we are
told, put women before ourselves, and throw all of our ambitions out
the window. I am here to say f*ck all of that. The most high did not

The 24 Habits

make you a male so you could be a beta provider for others. He made
you a male so you could could grow into a f*cking king. You are here to
conquer your life, and become as great as you possibly can. You are here
to put yourself and your purpose before anyone or anything. Do not let
anyone convince you otherwise. You must wake up to this truth. Learn
female nature. We have been conditioned by movies, TV, songs, stories,
and society to be a beta simp. Break away from this conditioning. Read
the How To below to learn more if you are struggling with this Habit.

How To: Mindset Adjustment 2

Everything you see, hear, or experience programs your brain to think

and feel something, consciously or subconsciously. Everything.
Unfortunately, almost everything in society is programming you to be a
weak beta male who has no goals or ambition. The good news? It is a
rather simple fix. You just have to immerse yourself with more redpill
ideas. Read redpilled books such as The Unplugged Alpha by Richard
Cooper, The Rational Male by Rollo Tomassi, or my favorites, The Wall Speaks
and Love is A Hunt by JERR. If you are struggling to swallow or
understand the redpill, these books will be incredibly beneficial to you.
Watch movies with characters who display alpha traits, such as Ocean’s
11, Fight Club, The Godfather, or James Bond. You can learn a surprising
amount from watching movies with Alpha men playing the main
characters, and their traits will rub off on you. Listen to alpha male
YouTubers in the background while doing day to day tasks. Some of my

The 24 Habits

favorites are StephIsCold, AlphaMaleStrategies, Donta Young, or MJ

Get it Right. Find guys you resonate with, and listen to them while
doing things like washing the dishes, doing laundry, etc. Follow more
redpill accounts on social media. All these things are great, but the best
thing you can do is this: Surround yourself with more strong, masculine
men. I promise you your life will be infinitely better when you cut off
your old beta friends. The guys who are not giving you any value.
Whether you know it or not, these guys' habits are rubbing off on you
and affecting your energy. Start hanging out with masculine men who
you want to emulate, and I promise their masculine traits will rub off on
you. If you do not have any masculine friends, be alone and focus on
yourself until you inevitably attract some. When I am with masculine
friends, I see a huge change in my energy than when I am with my beta
friends. The difference is night and day. Implement these habits that I
have just described and your life will improve so much you will never go
back. Expose yourself to redpill ideas everyday, and soon you will accept
it as the truth.

Habit 17: Journal

Journaling is another incredibly underrated habit that the most

successful men do daily. You have so many thoughts everyday, it is
impossible to remember all of them. Journaling is like keeping a
summary of your most important thoughts. It is a way to keep your
goals in the front of your mind, and reminds you to strive for them

The 24 Habits

everyday. It has been estimated that those who write their goals down
are 42% more likely to achieve them. Every man should own a journal.
It is a simple but incredible tool to change his life.

How to: Journal

Journaling is a way to solidify your thoughts into the real world. Each
day you have million dollar ideas. However, you excuse yourself from
acting on them because once they are out of your mind, they are gone
forever. Napoleon Hill said that “More gold has been mined from the
thoughts of men than has been taken from the Earth.” If you have an
idea that makes you excited, write it down. Read it everyday. Expand on
it in your journal. Your writing also does not have to be your million
dollar ideas. If you are stressed about something, and your thoughts
keep nagging you, write them down. Your journal can also be a brain
dump for negative thoughts. Really, you can write whatever you please
in your journal. You will benefit greatly from this simple investment.
Get a journal.

Habit 18: All Natural

I guarantee the majority of your everyday products contain an

incredible amount of toxic chemicals that are harmful to your body and
wellbeing. Go see for yourself if you don’t believe me. Things you use
everyday like your deodorant, shampoo, bodywash, toothpaste,

The 24 Habits

sunscreen, all have man made chemical compounds that are not good
for your body. In fact, I would say 90% of the items you use daily are
causing you harm. Your phone is emitting radiation. The tap water is
likely full of harmful toxins. The atmosphere is overloaded with all types
of radio frequencies that we have not studied and are unsure of the long
term effects. The bottom line is this. Most of the cultural norms today
are not in the interest of your health, but in the interest of making a
profit. You can have all the money, fame, and power in the world, but if
your health is shit, your life will suck. Health is wealth. Take care of your
body, treat it as though it is a temple. It is no wonder that a large chunk
of the population look inbred today. These chemicals in our food,
products, and air are changing our DNA for the worse. If you want to
become as beautiful and healthy as possible, you have to read below to
learn how to implement this Habit into your life.

How To: All Natural

There is a simple rule of thumb to implement this Habit. If your

ancestors did not use it, you are probably better off without it.
Obviously times have changed, and you will need to adjust accordingly,
but I will explain to you what I do, and you can make your own
judgments. I replaced my fluoride toothpaste with non fluoride
toothpaste. Fluoride is known to calcify your pineal gland, AKA the part
of your brain that gives you access to your greater intuition. Some say
fluoride is in tap water as well. I try to always drink filtered or bottled

The 24 Habits

water. You can buy these for a cheap price. Also, the aluminum in your
deodorant is incredibly harmful to you. Your sweat glands actually
absorb this aluminum into your bloodstream, clog your pores, and
cause all sorts of issues. Pickup some aluminum free deodorant, or even
better all natural deodorant. Also, I do not use shampoo or body wash. I
have found them to mess up my hair, and make me smell like cheap
chemicals. Instead, I use all natural bar soap, and hair products, and
end up smelling even better and feeling far greater. I also have stopped
using sunscreen, as I believe it does more harm than good. I think if you
are following a clean diet, your cells will be able to handle the sunlight,
creating beautiful bronze skin and not creating skin cancer. I got
burned at first, but I found that eating animal fat (such as the fat on my
steak) prevented me from getting too burned. Also, my nose would get
the most burned, so I put zinc on it. When I go to sleep, I put my phone
in another room, or turn it on airplane mode to avoid the radio
frequencies transmitted all night long. Call me crazy, but I know all of
these habits have boosted my health and lifestyle an undeniable
amount. Try a few out.

Habit 19: Sober lifestyle

This should be obvious. Drugs and alcohol are doing more harm than
good to your life. I am not saying you should become a sober monk who
does nothing, as that is not fun. Make your own decision based on your
judgment though. If you are not where you want to be in life, you should

The 24 Habits

at least cut back on your drug usage. When I first started my journey, I
was addicted to weed. I was a loser, and cutting out weed changed my
life a great amount. I still do not smoke weed to this day. However, I
work very hard every day, and find it fun to get drunk with friends a few
times a week. Life is meant to be lived. If you want to go complete monk
mode, by all means do it. You will only progress further than if you are
using drugs. I do think it is good to have fun once in a while. As long as
you are not being controlled by a substance, it is OK every once in a
while. Be careful to not let it take control though. You should still be
improving every single day, and if you are working hard then it is not so

How to: Sober lifestyle

I have only struggled with one addiction in my life, which was weed, so
that is my reference point here. I also get lots of questions about
quitting weed, and I think it is that drug that causes the most struggle
for my audience overall. I was addicted to weed, smoking 5+ times a
day. I still smoked in the early stages of my self improvement journey. I
would grind while high. Hit the gym, make money, etc, all after I
smoked weed. I think this eased the transition for me to quit. I started
to get the same dopamine rushes from doing these productive things as
I did from weed. As time passed, I gradually started smoking less and
less. One day I got high, and realized it was serving me no purpose
anymore. I had outgrown it. I haven’t smoked since then. I recommend

The 24 Habits

trying the same strategy, put in the work while high, and maybe you will
have the same results. Also, my DMs are always open on instagram or
twitter @1percentmen so feel free to hit me up with any questions.

Habit 20: Audio Adjustment

Today, we constantly bombard our mind with music that has an effect
on the way our mind thinks and therefore how we behave. Music has
been normalized to the point where most people cannot sit in silence.
We have conditioned our brains to crave this cheap dopamine, which
can be good sometimes, but often is not. Audio adjustment asks you to
simply reconsider the audio you play in your atmosphere. There is so
much knowledge to be learned in this lifetime, and when you are
playing music, you are sacrificing audio waves that could be used to
make you smarter.

How to: Audio Adjustment

Implementing this audio adjustment into your life is very simple.

Instead of listening to music all the time, start listening to other things
like audiobooks or podcasts. You can double the amount of knowledge
you intake just by doing this. Next time you are in the car, pull up an
audiobook or informative podcast on YouTube. There is an incredible
amount of value to be discovered within these audio waves, which you
are missing out on when you play songs you have already heard 100
times. For example, say you want to learn more about making passive

The 24 Habits

income online. You can go on YouTube and pull up a video where a guy
making 7 figures passively reveals his tricks and techniques. After
listening to this, you have new insights and ideas brewing, and you have
upgraded your mind. You would not get this benefit from playing
music. Any topic you are interested in, you can find more insights from
on YouTube. You can also listen to these things while doing daily
activities like showering, doing the dishes, laundry, cleaning, etc. You
may also find it beneficial to occasionally cut out all audio together. A
great peace can be found within silence, and listening to the thoughts
that arise in this silence can be very rewarding. Try out these methods
for a month and you will see a huge shift in your mindset.

Habit 21: Diet Adjustment 3

I will keep this short and simple. Diet adjustment 3 asks you to convert
to the ideal diet. The ideal diet has a few key principles. No man made
food. Everything you put into your body should come from the Earth. It
should have little to no processing. This includes quality meats, eggs,
seafoods, nuts, fruits, vegetables, local dairy, honey, and other Earthly
foods. Everything you put into your body should come from the Earth.
The more man has processed it, the worse it is. If you implement this
diet, you will add years to your health and feel amazing when you are

How to: Diet Adjustment 3

The 24 Habits

This is rather simple as well. Only choose Earthly products while

shopping. Shop local when you can, at farmers markets and vendors
rather than big supermarkets. When purchasing items, check the
ingredients. You should know exactly what each ingredient is. If it is
some complex name like acesulfame potassium, saccharin, or the
thousands of other toxic ingredients, avoid it. My current diet is as
follows. Meal 1: Homemade yogurt, oats, fruit. Meal 2: Eggs, local
cheese, vegetables. Meal 3: Meat, vegetables. Meal 4: Fish/Shellfish,
vegetables. It is easy to eat high quality foods from the Earth, and the
rewards are amazing. Implement this diet adjustment as fast as you

Habit 22: Financial Stage 3

Financial stage 3 requires you to keep investing and building your

income streams. Everyday, you should dedicate 2-4 hours towards
building your presence online and creating things that others find value
from. This is how you create wealth. You can do ANYTHING you set
your mind to. Set your goals high, and work towards them everyday.
Create more and consume less. Everyday you should be creating
something in this world. If you do not know where to start, create a
social media account. Social media is the next real estate. If you start
building a large following today, you will have lots of influence and be
able to monetize your audience. There are so many things you can build,

The 24 Habits

like email lists, businesses, agencies, and more that will make you
money while you sleep. Create something today.

How to: Financial Stage 3

Surround yourself with people who inspire you to be better. Follow the
people on Twitter and other platforms who give you the knowledge and
motivation to be great. If you implement the other Habits, you will have
laid out the foundation for having the inspiration to create something
in this world. Smart work is always greater than hard work. Identify a
task that will bring you the greatest returns with time. Then do it.

Again, we also have courses for making money online, including a vast
stock market guide inside the Discord. If you want to make money and
level up your life, you have to be inside.

Habit 23: Floor Sleeping

Another Habit that follows the pattern of replacing comfort with

discipline. Our entire lives we have used mattresses that provide us with
too much comfort. We lay down and our entire body sinks into the
warm bed. Floor sleeping is simple. It asks you to start sleeping without
a mattress, on the floor with a mat, futon, or other material. When we
sleep on a bed, our spine and body are put in an unnatural position that
hurts our posture, muscles, and overall body. When sleeping on a more

The 24 Habits

firm surface such as the floor, our spine is put in the ideal position. I
know guys who claim sleeping on the floor has made them taller and
grown back muscles they have not seen before. It makes sense too once
you try it. On top of this, there are mental benefits to sleeping on the
floor. It boosts your discipline greatly. Also, often when waking, we feel
groggy and want to lay in bed for another hour. Floor sleeping kills these
bad habits. When you wake up on the floor, you get right up and start
your day. No time wasted. You wake up and instantly do what has to be
done to improve your life.

How to: Floor sleeping

Like many of the other Habits, gradually working it into your lifestyle is
the best way to implement it. Most people will not be able to sleep 9
hours on the floor from the start. In fact, you may not even be able to
fall asleep on your first night trying floor sleeping. This is what
happened to me. You will likely wake up in a few hours and crawl back
into your bed. This is fine. The next night, try again, and you will stay
longer. Keep going until you are able to get a full night's rest on the
floor. It happens over time, and if you stick with it you will be able to
implement this Habit and reap the benefits from it.

Habit 24: Fighting

The 24 Habits

All men must have the capacity to be dangerous if needed. If you know
how to fight, you can talk the talk and walk the walk. More than 99% of
people have zero experience fighting. If you take a year of training from
a master on how to fight, you will be able to beat more than 99% of
people's asses if needed. You will display more confidence and earn
respect when you speak. You will learn how to remain calm and stick to
the plan even after you get punched in the face. You will learn discipline,
awareness, reading your enemy, and skills that will translate to all areas
of your life. You will be able to protect yourself and others in the case
that you are threatened. Can you really call yourself a man if you cannot
do this? Every man must learn how to protect himself and hurt others if
needed. You are not a man if you do not have this capability.

How to: Fighting

This Habit will require spending money to reach an advanced level.

There are many forms of fighting you can learn, from boxing to
Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. The ideal route is to find a good teacher in a good
gym and receive training from them. If you do not have this money, get
a punching bag and other training equipment from amazon. Watch
YouTube videos that train you to fight. There is always something that
can be done. Make yourself dangerous and you will improve all areas of
your life.

The 24 Habits

Section 3: Bonus Habits + Conclusion

Bonus Habit 1: Mewing

The 24 Habits

Mewing is the act of closing your mouth and resting your tongue on the
roof of your mouth, breathing in and out through the nose. This practice
promotes better facial structure along with other things. You can
research it more, but all men should practice mewing every single day.

Another pro tip is this: At night, put a piece of scotch tape over your
mouth. This will ensure you are nose breathing all night. You will wake
up in the morning feeling much more alert, and less anxious. The first
time you do this, you will feel incredible. Try it out.

Bonus Habit 2: Stretching

All men should stretch daily. It is a great way to improve muscle

function, mobility, and relieve tension in the body. Yoga is a great way
to do this, or a simple stretching routine. I have attached SolBrahs
stretching guide below. Stretch in the morning and put extra focus on
the muscle parts you trained yesterday and today.

The 24 Habits

Bonus Habit 3: Reflection

Take a step back and look at all areas of your life. What do you struggle
with? What do you think about everyday? What do you really desire at
this moment? What would make you feel complete? Ask yourself these
questions. It could be things such as improving your appearance,
getting better with women, or learning to influence people and win
friends everywhere you go. Many times we get so caught up in our
habits that we neglect a few simple things. One day every week should
be dedicated to a reflection day. Look back at your successes, and your

The 24 Habits

failures. Complete the simple tasks around the house that you have been
putting off. Do the dishes, fold your laundry, clean your room, buy
yourself some items that improve your physical appearance. It is often
easy to neglect these simple tasks when we are so caught up in

You now know every Habit that will bring you the life you dream. Turn
these actions into habits. Turn these habits into a routine. Grind out the
routine, add things that help you, remove anything that is bringing you
down. You cannot fail if you follow the Habits above.

Remember to recite your goals and affirmations every single day.

Visualize them in your mind. See yourself living the life you dream of.
And take action every single day. You may not see results after a day, or a
week, but look back every few months and you will be a new man. If you
are reading this you are destined to be great. Most men have no idea
about this knowledge, let alone spending money to improve themselves.
Do not waste your potential. Get to work.

Below I have constructed my daily schedule. If you replicate it, you will
see incredible results. The longer you go in the day without looking at
your phone, the more successful you will be.

The 24 Habits

Time Action

7:30-8:00 Wake up naturally (No Alarm)

8:01 Affirmations

8:05 Stretching

8:10 Meditation

8:30 Quick Cold Shower (To clean and

wake up)

8:35 Read Book 1

9:15 Check Phone, Meal 1

9:30 Check/Adjust Stocks

10:00 Gym

12:00 Cold Shower

12:05 Meal 2

12:30 Job

18:00 Meal 3

18:30 Creation Time, Building


21:00 Meal 4

21:30 Read Book 2

22:00 Meditation

22:20 Affirmations

23:00 Asleep

The 24 Habits

Your time is the most valuable currency you have, even more valuable
than money. Every minute you waste doing something unproductive is
worse than burning money. Use every minute of the day doing things
that will bring great returns. The more work you put in today, the
sooner you will be able to live life to the fullest.

The schedule above is not my everyday schedule, but my ideal schedule.

I aim to follow it 5 or more times a week. Obviously things come up,
such as visiting family, dentist appointments, grocery shopping, and
going out with friends. Adapt and adjust accordingly. Follow your
perfect routine as often as possible and your success is only a matter of

I will leave you with one final message. Remember that you are here to
be great. You are 100% capable of putting your mind to anything you
dream of. Everything you see in the world was once an idea in a man’s
head. The only difference is that that man decided to take action and
persevered no matter what came in his way. You can do the same. I
promise if you follow these Habits above, you can have ANYTHING you
desire. ANYTHING. So dream big. Do not doubt yourself. Do not give
up. Get better every single day. It is only A MATTER OF TIME before
you have everything you dream of.

The 24 Habits

If you are truly ready to make a change, you need to join the Discord I
have been talking about. There are over 20 full courses inside, all the way
from game, to growing after puberty, to making money online. You are
seriously missing out if you are not inside. It also includes private 1 on 1
coaching and a group of brothers on the same path as you to get
motivation from. It’s already got a few hundred members and a 5.0 star
rating on Gumroad. It will literally change your life. If you’re interested,
here's a link to join.

Thank you for reading. Make sure to leave a 5 star review on gumroad.
DM me on Instagram or Twitter @1percentmen if you have any


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