Axia College Material: 7 Question Final Project Plan

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Axia College Material

Appendix B 7 Question Final Project Plan

What religion would you like to consider for your final project? Describe the place of worship you will visit.
I have chosen Baptist as my religion and I will be visiting the Cornerstone Missionary Baptist Church.

What do you already know about this topic?

I know very little about this religion but two of my best friends are Southern Baptist and I would love to understand their beliefs so I found this to be an opportunity to do so.

What resource will you use to find a place of worship for this religion? What are some sources you could use to gain more knowledge about this religion?

The internet would be one of my resources and also take plenty of notes when doing my interview so I am able to resource that information as well. Our local libraries, visiting the Baptist Church to obtain accurate information on the Baptist religion. I plan to review the beliefs and thoughts that are related to the Baptists belief and try and understand and compare them to my own religion. I plan to look at the religion in a different light instead of being judgmental of someone elses religion.

What type of materials do you expect to review for this project?

How will you gain access to the materials you need? What difficulties do you anticipate in conducting an interview with someone of this faith?

I will use the Universitys library along with my local library and online research to scholarly websites. Religion can be an uncomfortable subject for some people. I hope to come off as polite as I interview my friends on their religion. I feel more comfortable because they are my friends instead of a stranger, but either way religion must be taken seriously.

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1. Do you believe in keeping the 10 commandments found in the Book of Exodus? 2. What day do followers of the Baptist faith consider to be the Sabbath? 3. What are Baptists beliefs about Jesus?

4. How often do Baptist people come to their place of worship? 5. Do you believe in heaven and hell?

Create a list of 10 questions you would like to ask during the interview.

6. Do you believe heaven is eternal, and is it a reward for good? 7. How do you feel about a non- Baptist like I am accepted into heaven? 8. Could you tell me how long you have been practicing Baptist? 9. Who do you think Gods greatest messenger/prophet was? 10. What event in their life had brought you to such a great faith in God and caused you to choose Baptist as your religion?

HUM 130

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