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NAME: _____________

Multiple-choice questions
1 The capacity of the cut shown in the
digraph on the right is
A 4
B 11
C 14
D 21
E 29

2 The maximum flow from the source

to the sink in the network on the
right is
A 4
B 10
C 14
D 21
E 29

3 The capacity of the cut shown in the

diagram on the right is 30. The
value of b is
A 0
B 7
C 10
D 14
E 16

4 Five students, Anton, Bree, Cesare, Davina
and Elliot have joined one or more of the
sports teams Hockey, Baseball, Table
Tennis, Soccer and Bandminton at school.
The bipartite graph on the right shows the
students and the sports teams represented by
vertices and the edges show the sports team
each student has joined.

Which of the following statements is not true?

A Anton only joined one sports team.
B Twice as many students chose table-tennis as chose baseball.
C Baseball was only chosen by one student.
D Hockey was the most popular sport amongst the students.
E Cesare and Davina have chosen the same sports teams.

Use the following information to answer Questions 5 and 6.

A magazine requires four stories to be written about the topics of sports, gossip, politics and
travel. Four writers, Terry, Jacinta, Nancy and Boris are available to write the stories. Each
of the stories will be allocated to only one of the writers so that the overall time, in hours,
taken to write the stories is minimised.
The cost matrix below shows the time each writer would take to write each story.
Sports Gossip Politics Travel
Terry 6 8 3 5
Jacinta 2 10 5 4
Nancy 5 5 4 2
Boris 4 7 5 3

5 The table on the right is the cost Sports Gossip Politics Travel
matrix above after the lowest value Terry 3 5 0 2
in each row has been subtracted Jacinta 0 8 3 2
from every element in that row. Nancy 3 3 2 0
Which of the following steps should Boris 1 1 2 0
be competed next?

A Allocate the writers to the stories
B Cover the zeros with a line and subtract one from every uncovered element.
C Cover the zeros with a line and add one to every element that is covered by two lines.
D Subtract the smallest value in the table from every other element in the table.
E Subtract the smallest element in a column that does not have a zero from every element in
that column.

6 The minimum time required to write all of the stories, in hours, is

A 12
B 13
C 14
D 15
E 16

7 The activity diagram on the right shows

the activities required to complete a
particular project, and their durations in
weeks. The critical path for the project is
shown with solid lines in the diagram.
If the project takes 22 weeks to complete,
the duration of activity D, d weeks, is
A 6
B 7
C 8
D 9
E 10
Activity Immediate predecessors
8 The activity network that represents the A 
information in the precedence table on B 
the right is C A, B
E C, D



9 For the activity network shown on the

right, the earliest time, in days, that
activity F can begin is
A 5
B 12
C 14
D 24
E 29

10 The critical path for the activity
network shown on the right is

Extended-response questions
1 The Houndsworth Town Sports Association is planning a sports carnival. Traffic through
the town will be diverted around the sporting venues during the carnival.
The network below shows the roads that can be used during the carnival represented by
edges and the intersection of those roads shown as vertices.

The numbers on the edges are the maximum number of cars that can travel on the road
each hour. The roads will be restricted to allow one-way traffic only, as shown by the
a How many cars per hour can enter the diversion roads?

One cut (Cut 1) is shown on the diagram above.
b i If the capacity of Cut 1 is 150, what is the value of m?

ii Show that the smallest value of m that will ensure there will be no
build-up of cars at intersection B is 50.

The capacity of the road between intersection B and intersection E is 50 (m = 50).

The maximum flow through the network is currently 150 cars per hour.
c Mark in the cut that determines this maximum flow on the network above.
The Sport Association have noticed that there could be a built-up of traffic at intersections
E and F.

d If the road between intersections F and H was improved, what is the minimum extra
capacity it should take to solve the potential traffic built-up at F?

In order to solve the potential build-up of traffic at intersection E, the Sports Association
open another road from intersection E to intersection D.
e i What is the minimum capacity of this road that will avoid traffic build-up at
intersection E?

ii Explain why a road between intersection E and D cannot solve potential traffic
build-up in the network.

2 The swimming committee of the Sports Association need to allocate each of four
swimmers, Allan, Bruno, Chris and Dirk to one of the swimming events Freestyle,
Backstroke, Breaststroke and Butterfly.
A cost matrix showing the time, in seconds, that it would take each of the swimmers to
swim 100m in each of the events is shown below.

Freestyl Backstrok Breaststrok Butterfly

e e e
Allan 93 62 72 74
Bruno 106 85 71 78
Chris 93 91 72 79
Dirk 84 74 91 88

The Hungarian Algorithm will be used to minimise the overall time it takes to compete in
all of the four events.

a Complete the Hungarian Algorithm and write down the modified cost matrix that will
allow an allocation of each swimmer to an event.

b Write down two possible allocations of swimmer to event.

3 Planning for the opening ceremony of the sports carnival involves seven individual
processes, A, B, C, D, E, F and G. These processes and their immediate predecessors are
shown in the precedence table below. An incomplete activity network for the opening
ceremony project is also shown, with one edge missing and incomplete forward and
backward scanning.

Activity Immediate
A –
E B, D

a Which activity cannot start until E has been completed?

b The activity network requires the use of a dummy activity. Complete the activity
network above by adding the missing dummy edge.

Table 1 below shows the earliest start time (EST), latest start time (LST) and duration
(in days) for the events. Three of the values in the table are missing.
Table 1
Activity Duration EST LST
A 2 0 0
B 2 4
C 4 7
D 8 2 2
E 2 10 10
F 2 13
G 3 12 12

c Write the missing numbers into the shaded cells of Table 1.

d Write down the critical path for the project.

e What is the float time for activity B?

f If activity C was delayed by 3 days, what is the overall completion time of the project?


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