The Effects of Health Teaching To The Level of Knowledge . Small Group Discussion On The Level of Know

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experimental and quasi

The effects of health teaching to the level of knowledge….

Small group discussion on the level of know…….

Handouts, posters

Mass health teaching, SGD

Measurement: post-test and pre test

Recom. Strengthen the health teaching….

Teenage- pre-eclampsia, abortion, physically, post partial bleeding, complicated preg., fetal outcomes,
maternal adverse outcomes.

Psycho, socio, the baby, holistic


DOH for background of study…. Pills and condoms…


1. Effects of LARCS

TRUE OR FALSE questionnaire

BENEFITS of LARCS vs other methods

RISK associated wt LARCS vs other methods

Parity, socio economic status, income, locality, level of education, culture

Read more about LARCS

MOA, side effects, risk, factors

Title: Psychological Impact to teenage…..

Depression, self blame, anxiety

Psychological adaptation toward motherhood among teenage mothers.

Scaling.. sometimes, always

Counseling effective method….

Knowledge of non-medical students about aneurysms.…..

Risk factors

Anemic to ferrous

Assess physically, blood test

O2 Sat to smokers, non smokers and vapers

The level of depression and stress among elderly residing wt their family vs enrolled in elderly homes in

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