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The Merger of the Mind: Art and Science

How does Science influence the Arts, and vice versa?

 In line with Faith Park and Ethan Reichman, neuroaesthetics, an innovative but controversial new
area of neuroscience research, has the potential to help us understand the ways our brain responds
to art. Debatably, Scientists and artisans think, feel, speak, and work verbatim; thus, they
influenced one another by merging a mélange of a creative mind, systematic approach, and
conceptual stimulation which goes interchangeably. On that note, scientists and artists have
efforts to ripple changes in society by fisting a complex phenomenon to a simple understanding.
Moreover, they are inventors and innovators; however, some argue that scientists are artists but
merely artists aren’t.
What are the contributions of the artist/scientist assigned to you in both fields?

What is the relevance of STEAM education in the contemporary world?
 The world is now and gradually inhabited with technologies and advancements, this only
confirms that the world is dangerously becoming virtual, and humans are becoming robots.
Furthermore, science and art shape the world and affects its basic units such as society,
environment, and people.
What do you think holistic STEAM training will do to technological development?
 STEAM irrefutably teaches pupils how to become globally competitive by instilling excellent
proficiency and remarkable knowledge in the field of sciences to the students. By the prowess
instilled in the students, STEAM training will do an outstanding performance to technological

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