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d-f£ £- Block Elements ———— STUDY ~ mareRlar ere) NA Eee: Sy Prtroctucton x importen’ points '+ A= block Blom PUMRCMCEM eR cc, pertodic Fabee contcunt 1B< edict, ents Conch tubing the d- block 2 Which etectrons fisted “in outermost d-orbinis 7 The eleme treat tie fn & between s- block Ond p-block aye cCafled transit on element Acconci Old treory olure fo they show fercron PRPpertfPer between S- B p- brocl< > A- beock Gre Collecty Known as transitfon element. Tr moclern Chemisty Group -12. C2n, ed, Hg) OF Consicter ast transiton elements > Tronsihn element fs clefned as the one which has portray ( Irncompletety ) fitted > Group -12 Element ( Zn, cd, Hg) ta not Constder c% tronsitton metas clue to fal) Fiued di’ (4- orbits) GERTTRTE) conjures > = Cla ssh fica of a- block elemad Elements ZA seed. ati eae Series ad — Series Second TeS T-d Sertes or ee Mises) me Sel (Se) La (a=$3) +» Hy(2- 90) a= SOvPes g Four 4 ~ °. 4 Treats Finzi 89 Rais cy G33) to Usb @ = 12> 4% Serves @ e ag sores @ on Perst transi Hon Sekes -—— Fr Elemend ame cx | ml Fel col Ni] ce Pas Ae No(z| 2) |22 [2x |24 Jor | 26 J27 jap |249 | 30 Electronic \lavad \ia | G2) | CJ od ar) | (47 | Gad (ad ras : Con Figuechin| 4 ae el] ada? [ad°ast| ada af 42 aca? | af a2 | 34 48 |34 457 g rouP 3 [4 T 2 15 SMe ay 12. | a Pee 2) eo a Group | > 4 Se 6 a g q [to |n - Se Dremel |e |b | Mo | ie | tu es Yee age | cg Ate wie) | 34 aie a 4u |a3 |4e les [a6 [a7 1 e S ees clea eo eile fell = Ject ic & ¥ & g 51 = Silents om £\ | S| SVSLELELS Et Urcanm n. be alleen, loss alte tt 5 33 > See Series — ae Cu—d § vres oR Fourth Sevtes ie... oe oS es = K fourty Pron stim Serfe; SS 6d Serves 6 * = | ke) sy” te" fe (xe) cd © Gene ia oho Sq" ose Ke) di G51 (x29 Sd) ace ee ] sd® su (xe) 64" 6s &eJ q? fsb (xe) Sd 6s% &eJ Sd! 6 se At Wo(z) @ Ls Ee Genera Chayackeristics of Cl-blocm &leme @ 6 Genera €fectronic Con Figur ction :— F Genered grectronic Gn Figuration cf d- block -10 o-4 elemew wpresents as (n-DaS as Ex Pd» Cex) 4d’ Ss° © 'e ¢ 2? the except im Electnie Cn figurst™ atcording ty) (N44) rule Pro meer Like ey Coens, Mt, Mice Ku PR Pol rok Pt, Aue | due to wry dittte diftereste energy d’fference between (W-1)d andl ns orbitals. | © ATOMLC RavdiIf - LOonrc RAIL. pokes 2 anise Sida > he atomic radii f A-block elements Ax hie between S-bleck and p-bleck elemads P Mme Atmic Size tf 4d Series ts apprxi- marek seaua! 5 Sd Serves due to lantransid } Contra Hon | > Size of 2a-d Seer decreases tar care c | then about Gnstad from fe to NP and then increase tn Size treresses from | Cu to Bn. CRe ference hiagram NCERT Fig. 9.3 Page 274] s> size Frcreases fam Sc ty Fe dhe es | ere dominates over enter electronic. repulsion | > Size fs About Content Prom . * @ to Ni Zefe and enter efechonic TePUI Pon mento > ofze I Creases frm Cu to en epesiay olowinates over frais enter electric i oo Tats i aoe wv ©2 Jol 12021 C1- bloc, stucly~ material? Pees qT SR 4 -d Serves grestor than B- Sevres while 4-A Serves and Sd Series navies Lay ty Stmilay Size except 18? metar => Tonic vad radii follow the Same drend OAs atom< wad) = Arron _ENTHAPY LBA pape > fepends on shee as wee! olepen ( Ze te \s conftyusation @ Ponsa > fonisation entretpy * fees ee ge bloc ies qd ole block Renee fn besween fy and esbieck ephemera = a-Blece is jess gjectro posit en San As °, fen p- block elemce and more clectypesihve Cc | > fonisation energy Prcyesses. AWN dee gh athe ° € fect 1 ur Che. due td Incresse 00 eam ean sas hen > Peers having higher Te. a8 Coa ee) and 4-d — Series ut Prveguay Hes Seen In 3-d or 4-4 Serfes ts of Tont 4d God ore Note 1) Nina enaG eno l-1 Order 25 dk grt hang more Xegp a 3Bd® ad! con Fyarcd on ti) SEA Sc> YD la . Ee order Ghee having 4 - electrore. di) Z2n> Cu; Dre WV) eS ede UD Cu Ag > RE. (size x VY Hgd2o ded > Me duet See and Seep At) viy d= block S S-blOcK € ovcley : ©) © Oxidation Steafes }- beeeaag amet > d- bledka Ss hows variety cd oxidotton Stete Aue te energy ci fference Kd iG eno Oroitel 15 vers Low jadas +2 43) Fé | aar4e sp eects) +y 1 Jap el abt ee storys | My [adlS 452 aD), 03 +4 , +s, Hee ae Fe [gd°4¢s +. Gs), +4 ae to |aq? 43 oe © Jaq8 45% Dies GRD; =o +3 leer, ih OMe cu fala |DEa « aes oa a Zn |3d as? @2) Note: Mes / | ay oxicletton Srete In ae ita > Heavy metal (Lower metal)? Shows br ghest Onlaatin TPE cf p-bleck) State ( nae Concept @ mot LiKe = Higher OStete Gesizes Leurvete ec £ pte: Sat 7 ates and onfgev) Other Weter Le be Stote_ > oe Sa exiblt varrable Ox tctoch’m > Aowest Of = NO. d Ms efelectons > Highest 0S. = Mie Sum df mo. fF electron in ne 80r? 6 N° + (n-Dd Cle et 20n5- > ctebiety Gf uf Pghee oxtctaborn, State fncresser edn Stemrerty ordler hence cot * mone ‘cence ten ae active can the go ae ae Mo ‘Siar Puneke nase tnssill rm > ee pit Re Nt My be < Wensitg vt 2-0 & Ves d ceor'n * « to” IN? then Consiadt Fam in Nig > “eas clen sity clug Lowgo» Stze ef Zn: ove FO , | > Sd>4d>2d) len sits order lv jncrecse tN electron and yarkaction > Os ang Ly having é Magnetic proper ties 2 cl- bITCK, Meters r a aa Paraneg netic» Elermnewts Pi megnetic ‘- Contes Unparred electns é Jemeuds Covdnin Pct rea] electron e> meg netic Chocacter mesure dh rag netic Memert we n(n4r) BM brhene U— nero moment n — No of Unpared electrons om Bonr's mag nate niam (Ontp ff ut) > Mk paremagneticm x 7° F Onguired ele trom > Etreame Form qf poremagnetism ix fer ms9rc tiem alt OO i lege © © hep ting poivd | Boiein por by High MPA Bp ond Lov volatiuty and herscler, > > Mme lap Increases AdWwn the group - > Ww wars hrghest M-p Om Cl- blocle Meta: > A Mee] Bop A metallic X ne cf onperined electing Srrengpn boning > M-P]B-p Glse depends Mm polanty, Symety Suc H-bond vander waal force f Surface ayes “ > 9p-r hav tng Lowes+ vetue of a : Among their perioc) due fe 10 unpetinee] © - gah > Fhe B16 G2 NGERT pye 212-213 QS BS Crim Cw mer. ovcler ameng proty group £ potod @ Metatefe charactor ra 67 Mo Te having “Highenmr BEA SEs iinet ak > Excert Ha au transitim ofements having Typ cat netelic ehFeeH SC tructume. Like hCP ecPp and BCC and Chev an PP perhes cf metal © metceure Character of Transition metal Lower th S : Hn L- block WH etoIly cleig 4 i) Smay Size ti) High Tee. GD e enters On Q@-Idl Sub chery. > no. ff unpaired CX metattic streyh, cf bending A Entratey of atem?satton si XH hardness of metas feneratuy €nthalpy cb Gh misaton tes down He ge 2/0112) Ev d-bloci< Study matenae __ Pege- 04 © Complex fay rm ator S> TronslHoy metal fon Compound because Ty) Smet fendlency ‘ for» Loxge No Gmplex they have_ aie i) VavPable Oxfdaron State i) tendenc tv) t v> Vaccavd feck o— (Co(ns) 4 J f [Pe - ex tres }- @ Catalyte preperie S Transitin ™m etal due fe i) Show varlable fT) Tendency to form iD) provide Lo BV toy ts center chew cataly h’c y ft form Fyder meotice_ epee High Te. Se 4 “chorge. ol; orbital £ lage Z eff =2 (WJ pr pertres Sree xd’ Sté 0 Pater ™ eoltare ge Star face ares imparts capelyT Gele Proce, manu factory Vi Os Coutact process Hz 804. ies Haber proces RS i Hydro ginuh ony Hyclrogenahion Ok coe fuss ATP > Zeigler nadts @ Alloy Pormechion i= D Mily -— -omogeneot's mixture of fwo . ae thaviny nergy Sere S1Se Or mone elemacg > B-bIMCK nets shia Se they Gin easity tke up POs ae CY Stey Buinee COUSES QUI OY nme > Common example f fransihn metals ey, Ailey Compost Neon Qvrass 60% Cy B 40-4 en SBxwn2e_ Jor. G S lon Ly Stee [ess S : z Stet let oe aN (ste Woimage S07 Siter 3 + Gi (40-307) yi CSeneE Nichw me Niaine Sac > Alloy Commeveg He WS Calteo} Vomat qu > Ferow CLlloy < having Gr Vay : used for vaviety f° Steel. ® me © Loteysttar | won- Stoichiometate Compeands '— ae F \~onsthon metals form large No. f ines- 5 Hes Compounds Pn tonne Smau %e non TMhetetu'c Arm Like H, nw, C,fare tepped inside the gatace ef metals - > They are non- Stoicuiometric OH Nature > Mtorsticee (Compounds ar neigtrer Ponic Mov Covatent having hign mr, Bp -+han | I One CEO 72) Se . | g Vio ce, Citi as laa, =, YbH ete Ra a Tee OL, mG tna > these Compound forme) clue to — 1) defects fry Soticl rmetats : fi) high me & BP and refi ay PrPerer s> Ernest Compound G¢ fe sc we tod © Cormation of Coloureo{ Compound (on ;— > then encegy 9N € leet7On Frm noe ene d- oreitey is excited tv a Afgney e d- orbttar and ware Lougtn [ fret rst fm then Ton Show = r @® Se +e electric Con fig gratin of mntn tranhnhn MOF POssiete— Bye > da fons are Co] Our 138 Colour x no df unpoureol Pape 222 and these > tn tensity cd electon ¢ Nicaea Ren” Pabte_8:8 © Trends in the N/M Stel. Electrode potential fg By CERT PAS 29 © A © behavouy haung re. eu hartig unique accounts "Ft Imavhe ty to Avbercte Hy From Aled, e: Out HNO, (her 4 Cone’) onfcti's acid react ith Cu and acids being wecluced + | 2 Cuts) —— cul (ayy nor batanceal ln tiga hydrahimn enthalpy ieee EB” Born Mn, Niagara Carns nego ne than expecteo| fm trend- | oO © Bio ee BS O28] ate S hows verte. Varying 4qre nck . > low value Ff Sc wlects + ae hey s a have noble gas ol tigre aa a 4 Vatee of en due td the removal qd e : ¢ Yon Frm Crble d” Configuration g, on s D> mt? che dS Onfigurat'a, D> fet® Shoo ext Srerdtty gS) | 2 6? Sc > Se bho pee Accorcting 10 &. Con AYorctin. > mn) Mn PSTD = geen > Sen ast Pod Ucn x e © Red uctory potenti? > Reductto, potentas ch Hans Hon mete Lier thorn = S-blocg WMeretlsAe to HFgh Dee: D> an 2d Series met shoving neg chive Rehuthin potentPaf excepk Cu (40934)u > lower wectuct potential Seo Less ren cig > 2n havi dow vate of Reduch?m potentier due to Pgh Tete value > @ Harider f Transition ameteds Tabs Bes NuGeRT Pte 218 6 ovides of 34 mack Ome sae Reference: Jabee 86 P feo. Fe, 0, xi +8), oe oe hp M404. — Mn0 2 Mn, 03 ay ee. +2 +3 i) Cog > Gar 0, OS CONFOUND of TRensraron ELEMENTS @ Oxfde and oxoanims f MOF eeP3 o> Re x gale tae aaa > These Ore formed ah hgh temperature by the -weaciion mebel and oxen > Except Sc AN ameter form fonfc MO (mete! oxietes ) © s , Ponte > Onidalt Ste F meat meet 1 Charvathry de cresses e =_* here xs Oxtdaton stake << Acictic Chars wer ire \ SAS a” Tonic Caractere 33 se V0, —> Basic 8 . . 0, —— fers batic Radic Nature UNCER = Nats — > Awphetoic > CxO C 0, Cr, A ¥ ‘ cai es 3 cyt 6 Rage Niort CREO i ap FESS TE Sie Reeaic Chacdos > Sasa ct Mn fe Py orces = Mnd My, 0 M v vy Os My, Og m0, + = ye +83 td 47 Oss Ineresses, Rddic Notne Troresses we ae Awe . eS) | un Di- chwO meve > KOs, % }- — ee prepored by Cimtevibe ore chyeme 10 a Fevvockye mate dre oF res .Gyts Feo) ~pb> prep” A Seettum carom Soatuny or pomestem (arbonate 0, Se SING Cr 4 +28% < 2 Cyettow) «+ 8CO eZ Comergen A SOSRM Chomele M10 Tam a Caromate WIth Acctsc Hy SVq- Sel Fe OHM S Nace, 4 a So aun S Nope Og 4 HSER) —F waged WO a itep 3 Genrer 4 Sectium Ai chrome Potassium Arenmrnte by treet fn wrm Ka. NoGee ko Ky Cx, 0, 4 2 NOQ™ Req- orange fe) Bed Omri. 7, Eine Seine ee pie <0,” eae ae I Vs Cyl, eo) +6 J 3 airy 20 © E 5 7 Ni aCr Og wie) % a +6 +6 , a D Choomate ron Di chromate fon ea Zz > Crdy z a Ge On as a Par 8 4 ; a Cr v mt ONS; oe oe © 8 ee, Ae iellteabaele!) la a 30 > Yeurvo Glow Orange celouy P Terrrheadr) , S$ p3 7 Sp3 myn Connie twee 476 neolraf BD 4 Ce-0 bond equa)\> are equak eS Chemi cel prrperticg Ka Co, oF Bs aPN Oxi ce Cea pachure KaCr 04 +O oy Con Hysng Nedure Crs (tues Batter fy Sructing 4 ) Vise we Orichising ag ont 0) UST Ain apse determiac crn bunt Ff Metal. Pty rrr in havering Ge tebine ; r sec for Cleaning Ylosstware in lob. “) welumedae analy o% Vi) Usetiue ty eather incucpy fp dye fnctustry , > POTASSTOM PERMANGANATE | KMn04 2» Kmnd, prepared by foston of Mnd, Cevrptusiteon) © with QIKati mete hydroxide (KOH | NooH) by | Oridising agent Like 0, [Knits | eC105 Step 1 ——. Mno, + Kon + ®1 KN; —> k, wand, + ky - BIO, hycterice 4 (0°A te Reese) ore (gr mColeur ) Step2 > Ko Mnly + O12 15), kmn0, +kY rm (Pink purple. Colon Prepared by Abb tine oxidahive @ fuston Mn 6, followed oy the elechotytc Oxidah on d- mengancke wv) 3 Fraped ws) ps4 ') Mno = © ) mee pee Dll (merganahe fon ) air) KNO 4 Paeheet Commertof Preparchen $ © ; a Ti) mn04 > creopolnis Oxrecsin Mn 0s {Wm Pmt. Th alkesine Selsen Bscpale se on. purple arcery eo peas phystece propertes CE _KMnty a i) cr fs exist in purple - pink Gysteterr® Crystals whic mett at 250%c mm Bau as OA ty actdic mm eck , basic 6 News! Re aeeiocae ’ dita, , oluble 17 het water Spartrgly Srluble s YN 6s Cold Wwoter- ) Look pe Kpd but ds nybrseh on compound D Chemicet pipers 1— @ Pete manganate im Mn 04 es permanganate Zor Mn O47 ° " 0 u Mn on ul =: Purple Elects hte Oxidation > KyMn, = eR" a Mog “- Ee ire: K™Mn 04 purple So es. 114,804 | WEEP 19 $04 Ste oxidation agent agewd fry Cotten Cloth, texnle Industyaes yo as > ops Cusg and wood and tH Pn weolox pipe ation ivy) 3s 4 Ds fnfec tart and gormidale . Vv) Used fn anwyt cor Chemi ctr bicacht -

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