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Q1. In a motor hollow vertical cylindrical structure rotates about its axis and a person rests against its inner well. At
a particular speed of the motor, the floor below the person is removed and the person hangs resting against the
wall without any floor. The radius of the motor is 2.0m and coefficient of static friction between the wall and man is
0.2. find the minimum speed at which the floor may be removed (g=10m/s 2).

Q2. A car starts from rest on a half kilometer long bridge. The coefficient friction between the tyre and the road is
1.0. show that one cant not drive through the bridge is less than 10 sec.

Q3. A mass of 200 kg is resting on rough inclined plane of 30 0 inclination. If the coefficient of friction is 1/√3, find the
least and greatest force acting parallel to the plane to keep the mass inequilibrium.

Q4. A machinegun of mass 10kg fires 20 gm bullets at the rate of 120 bullets per second with the spedd of 500m/s
what force is needed to hold the gun in position?

Q5. A rubber ball of mass 50g falls from a height of 1m and rebounds to 0.5m. find the impulse and the average
force between the ball and the ground is time of intersection between ball and ground is 0.1 sec.

Q6. A mass of 6kg is suspended by a rope of length 2m from the ceiling. A force of 50 N in the horizontal direction is
applied at the mid-point of the rope as shown in fig.

What is the angle, the rope makes with the vertical in equilibrium? Take g=10m/s 2 neglect the mass of the rope

Q7. A spring balance is attached to the ceiling of a stationary lift. A man suspends a block from the hook of the
spring balance and the balance reads 98N. What will be the reading of the spring balance, if the lift starts moving
downward with an acceleration of 2ms-2

Q8. A hammer weighting 1kg moving with the speed on 10m/s strikes the head of a nail driving it 10cm into a wall.
Neglecting the mass of the nail, calculate (i) the acceleration during the impact (ii) the time interval during the
impact and (iii) the impulse.

Q9. A block of mass m1=4kg on a smooth plane of angle 300 is connected by a cord over a small, frictionless pulley to
a second block of mass m2=5kg hanging vertically. Calculate the acceleration with which the block moves and also
tension in the cord .
Q10. A particle of mass m is suspended from a ceiling through a sting of length L. the particle moves in a horizontal
circle of radius r. find

(i) speed of particle and

(ii)tension in the string

Such a system is called critical pendulum.

Q11. In the terms of m1 m2 and g, find the acceleration of both the blocks as shown in the fig. neglect all friction and
the masses of the pulley.

Q12. A light string passing over a smooth light pulley connects two blocks of masses m 1 and m2 (vertically). If the
acceleration of the system is g/8, find the ratio of two masses.

Q13. Two identical billiard balls strikes a rigid wall with the same speed but at different angle and get reflected
without any loss of speed as shown in fig. given below.

What is (i) the direction of the force on the wall due to each ball and (ii) the ration of the magnitudes of the
impulses imparted on the two balls by the wall?

Q14. A horizontal force of 12kgf pushes a block weighting 5 kgf against a vertical wall. The coefficient of static
friction between the wall, and the block is 0.5 and the coefficient of kinetic friction is .04 .

(a) will the block side down against the wall? Assume that the block was not moving initially.

(b) will the answer change, if the block was initially sliding ?
Q15. A body of mass M rests on a horizontal floor with which it has a coefficient of static friction µ. It is desired to
make the body move by applying the minimum possible force F. find the magnitude of F and the direction in which
it has to be applied.

Q16. A chain of mass M and length L is placed on a table, such that only a part of it is on the table and the remaining
part hangs in the air. If coefficient of friction between the chain and the table is f1, find the maximum length of the
chain that can hang in the air without sliding of the part of the chain on the table.

Q17. A 20 kg cart, with a body of mass 600kg riding it, is moving with a speed of 2m/s. the boy jumps off the cart
what is the change in the speed of the cart, if (a) the boy on hitting the ground is moving with the same speed as the
cart? (b) mot moving relative to the ground? (c) moving with twice the initial speed of the cart in the same

Q18. Three blocks of masses m1 = 2kg, m2 = 3kg and m3 = 5kg are suspended with a string, which is passes over a
pulley as shown in figure.

Calculate the tension T1, T2 and T3, when the whole system

(a) Is moving upward with an acceleration of 2ms-2 and

(b) is held stationary

Q19. Two masses m1 and m2 are connected and string and two pulley as shown in fig. If the mass of the pulleys are
negligible, find the acceleration of both the masses
Q20. A block A of mass M rests on a table. The coefficient of static friction between the block and the table is u.
What maximum weight of the block B would keep the system in equilibrium?

Q21. In a hemispherical bowl of radius r, there is an insect at its bottom. Find the height up to which, the insect can
crawl. Give that the coefficient of friction between insect and the surface of the bowl is 1/√3.

Q22. the radius of curvature of a railway track at a place where the train is moving at the speed of 72kmph, is 625m.
the distance between the rails is 1.5 m. find the angle and the elevation of the outer rail., so that there may be no
side pressure on the rails. Take g=-9.8ms-2

Q23. An empty plastic box of mass m is found to accelerate up at the rate of of g/9 when place inside water. How
much sand should be put inside the box so that it may accelerate down at the rate of g/6.

Q24. A simple pendulum is suspended from the ceiling of length 1m has a bob of mass 100g and speed of 1.4m/s at
the lowest point in its path. Find the tension in the string at this instant.

Q1. In a tug of war five people pull on a rope to the left and five on the right with force of equal magnitude. Now a
weight of 5 kg is hung vertically from the centre of the rope. Is it possible to get the rope straight? give reason .

Q2. Two blocks of masses m1 and m2 are connected by a light spring on a smooth horizontal surface, the two msses
are pulled apart & then released. What is the ratio of their acceleration?

Q3. Find the velocity of the particle at the time tn if initial velocity is zero.
Q4. Two identical frictionless tracks, one gradual and other steep meet at a point from where two stones are
allowed to slide down from rest, one on each track. What is the ratio of time taken by stones to reach the bottom ?

Q5. why are shockers used in cars, scooter etc.?

Q6. why sand is sometimes thrown on the railway track when they are covered with snow?

Q7. it is difficult to move a bicycle on road ahead with brakes on. why?

Q8. A light spring balance hangs from the hook of the other light spring. A block of mass M hangs from the former.
What is the scale reading of two balances?

Q9. A block is kept on a frictionless inclined surface with angle of inclination α. The surface is given an acceleration a
to keep the block at rest. Find a.

Q10. A particle moves under the action of force F in xy plane, so that its linear momentum at time t is given by

Px =2cos t , Py = 2sin t . what is the magnitude of force and momentum ?

Q11. Find the acceleration of a particle at t =3s. in a circle of radius 20 cm. moving with speed given by


Q12. Is a single isolated force possible nature? Explain.

Q1. A pulling force making an angle ϴ to the horizontal is applied on a block of weight w, placed on a table. If the
angle of friction is ɸ, the magnitude of the force required to move the body is equal to :

(a) w cos ɸ / cos (ϴ- ɸ) (b) w sin ɸ / cos (ϴ- ɸ)

(c) w tan ɸ / sin (ϴ- ɸ) (d) w sin ɸ / g tan (ϴ- ɸ)

Q2. Figure shows a mass M attached to the middle of a string, the two ends of which are passing over two pulley P 1
and P2 to the ends of strings are attached masses M1 and M2. If the two parts of the string attached to M are
inclined at an angle 2 ϴ and the instantaneous downward velocity of masses M 1 and M2 be v, what is the upward
velocity of M?
(a)v (b) v/2 (c) 2vcosϴ (d)v/cosϴ

Q3. Three masses M1, M2 and M3 are attached with springs passing over a fixed and frictionless pulley as shown in
figure. What is the common acceleration of the system if they are moving downwards with acceleration a?

(a) (M3+M2-M1) / (M3+M2+M1) (b) (M3-M2+M1)/ (M3+M2+M1)

(c) (M3-M2-M1)/ (M3+M2+M1) (d) (M1+M2-M1)g

Q4. A block of mass 0.1 kg is held against a wall by applying a horizontal force of 5 N on the block. If the coefficient
of friction between between the block the wall is 0.5, the magnitude of the frictional force acting on the block is :

(a)2.5N (b) 0.98N (c) 4.9N (d)0.49N

Q5. A uniform chain of length L has partly from the table and is held in equilibrium by friction. If the greatest length
of chain that hangs without it slipping is L. then the coefficient of friction between the chain and table is:

(a) 1/L (b) (L/L+1) (c) ( L/L-L) (d)L(L+1)

Q6. A string of negligible mass going over a clamped pulley of mass m support a block of mass M as shown in the fig.
the force on the pulley by the clamp is given by

(a)√2Mg (b) )√2mg (c) √ ( M + m ) 2+m 2¿ ¿ g (d)√ ( M + m ) 2+ M 2 ¿ ¿ g

Q7. A body of mass 60kg is dragged with just enough force to start moving on rough surface with coefficient of
static and kinetic frictions 0.5 and 0.4 respectively. On applying the same force what is the acceleration:

(a) 0.98m/s2 (b) 9.8m/s2 (c) 0.54m/s2 (d)5.292m/s2

Q8. The pulleys and strings shown in the figure are smooth and are of negligible mass. For the system to remain in
equilibrium. The angle ϴ should be
(a) 00 (b) 300 (c) 450 (d)600

Q9. a small block is shot into each of the four tracks as shown below. Each of the tracks rises to the same height.
The speed with which the block enters is same in all cases. At the highest point of the track, the normal reaction is
maximum in :

Q10. A simple pendulum is oscillating without damping. When the displacement of the bob is less than maximum,
its acceleration vector is correctly shown in :

*****************************************THE END**********************************************

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