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The First Amendment’s protection of free speech limits things such as obscenity, fighting

words, defamation, speech integral to illegal conduct, and genuine threats. Free speech is also

limited inside of schools; students can be penalized for using lewd or profane language, or

language that causes considerable disruption to the school day. I believe these limits are

reasonable. Although people may be able to say what they want, words amount to actions, and

certain actions do, and should, have consequences.

The First Amendment’s protection of free press has certain limits such as, defamation,

release of classified information, copyright violations, non disclosure agreement violations, or

any content that would incite immediate violence or illegal activity. I agree with these limits;

though journalistic freedom is extremely important to a well rounded society, this freedom

should be handled thoughtfully. The information we release to the public should be truthful and


The First Amendment’s freedom of religion has certain limits having to do with the

legality of practices that contextualize themselves religiously. If a religious group is practicing

something against federal law, the practice is not protected under the First Amendment. I agree

with this limitation; keeping people safe takes precedence over religious freedom.

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